r-M - c EVENING MDGEB-PHILADHSLPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY $, 1015, " ALSATIAN TOWN, EIGHT MILES FROM" MUELHAUSEN, jMg' BEFORE FRENCH ADVAKi IRENCH CAPTURE TOWN EIGHT MILES FROM MDLHAUSEN ll.Pl I II MM Alsace Offensive Continued With Important Gains in Altkirch Region Ger mans Blow Up Argonne Trenches. PAM8, Jan. S. Tlio capture by French troops of Burn-hnupt-lc-traut, only eight mltcs south- west of Muelhausen, Alsace. Is announced In an official statement Issued hero this Afternoon. The statement also said the French troops had resumed their often Ivo In Flanders and had sained some Broun a near Lombaertzydo. At other points on the long battlo front, extend ing from Switzerland to tho North Sea coast, the French troops have advanced their trenches. They aro now complete master of hill No. G. In tho Altkirch region, thoy having driven tho Ocrmnna from tho position they had held. The statotnont admits that the Ger mans had a Blight success In the Argonno region, blowing up somo trenches and forcing the French back 20 yards. The following dispatch from Belfort gives a good idea of the florceness of tho fighting around Stclnbach and Altkirch: "In taking the German trenches upon the heights near Stelnbach tho French had to ascend steep slope), which were Uppery with snow and Ice, at tho snmo ttme cutting their way through barbed wire entanglements. The German ma chine guns played upon tho advancing French with unmerciful ncouracy and soon the snow upon tho hillsides was dyed red. "German sharpshooters had ovldcntly been ordered to pick oft the French of ficers, for the list of killed among tho men of rank was unusually high. As soon as tho heights wero taken the dlfll cult task of hauling artillery to the sum mits was begun. The slippery condition of tho slopes made this exceedingly hard. Tho results, however, more than paid for the hardships, for when tho guns got In action tho Germans were soon compelled to fall back from their new positions Stelnbach was bombarded until the French entered the western part of the village; then tho French artillery had to cease. Stelnbach was completely de stroyed by the bombardment and result ant fire." RUSSIANS ROUT TURKS IN BATTLE NEAR VAN Block Foe'a Retreat Through OHI Valley. PETROGItAD, Jan. 5. Another defeat for Turkls.li arms Jn the campaign of tho near-cast 1b announced hero omclally. The battles have been fought 1n tho Van region, to the south o tho sections of Ardagan and Sari Kamysh, where tho Turks wero utterly routed. It U stated that tho lith Army Corps has urfered a disastrous defeat In Van. Tho reports say: "Tho Russian cavalry in tho Caucasus overtook and broke Into tho 10th Turkish" Army Corps fleeing from Sari Kamysh Jong the Oltl valley. The Turks Buf fered enormous losses. Many batteries wero taken and CO00 prisoners wero brought into Kars. The Russians have blocked tho retreat of the Turkish army by seizing the southern egress of the vul , ley. Its entire equipment has been de stroyed and Its staff has been captured." TEN RUSSIAN AIR CRAFT SMASHED BY GERMANS Zeppelins Reported Engaged In Po land Battles. BERLIN, Jan. 8. Russia's flying corps has been badly crippled by the effective work of tho German aerial guns In Po land, Co-operating with the artillery forces used to combat aerial raids, the German aeroplanes and Zeppelins have engaged In thrilling struggles with the avWtors of tho Czar, and In every In stance have como off victorious. Official announcement was made today that tn the recent fighting at Lodz and Xiowlcz 10 Russian airships were de stroyed by the Germans. Seven of these were smashed by the aerial guns and the other three were brought down by the German aviators. Only ono German ma chine was damaged. ' It was announced also that German air ships had dropped two bombs on Dunkirk, one of the French coast bases of the Al lies, These, however, did no damage, so far as the German aviators were able to learn. CZAR DRIVES AUSTRIANS BACK IN BUKOWINA PASSES Russian Van Pushes Foe South, Vienna, Officially Admits. VIENNA, Jan, 8. Austrian, forces In Bukowina have been compelled to fall back before the Rus sian sweep of Franz Jpsefa crawnland r province. This dlsastruos development of the campaign of defense of Austria's home territory Is admitted in an official : report from headquarters made cubllo viSJay, r The Russian advance has been pushed Into southern Bukpwjna, where (he Aus trian patroia were obliged to retreat be. h . fore the Czar's vanguard. The enemv la in superior numbers and his objective stems to be Transylvania, 'Austrian troops In their withdrawal have fallen back from the malrTnnss nr W .tfc JanathJans, the official report'sajs. TMs. la probably Borgo Pass, possession f which furnishes another gateway to Hungary. Quietaesa qh the GaUeten. frontier and jurtHUiry duels along both the Dunajeo I,,, , riu raicn arg reported in me 5s fi&clal &nnannuif)iinl. V ' IIIJIIIJ. ., J.' nf official war reports I trbnoh Tho enemy's artillery showed dur ing all the day of January 7 great activity In Belgium nnd In tho region of Arras. Tho French artlllucry re sponded sharply and effectually. Our Infantry realized somo progress near Lombaertzyde, where we captured EO yards tn front of our trenches a hill occupied by the enemy. To the east of St Georges we have gained some ground. We have seri ously damaged the enemy's trenches In tho neighborhood of Stcenntraate. In tho section of Arras, at tho forest of Rethonval, we without being at tacked, evacuated certain parts of the trenches where our men were up to their shoulders In mud. To tho loft of La Bolssollc our lino of trenches has been carried forward. Wo now occupy tho highway from La Ilolaselle to Avcluy. In tho valley of Alsno aro artillery duel has been very sharp, Our heavy nrtlllory has obtained good results. Near Blana gabion the mine thrown s of the enemy Indicted losses upon us, but In tho afternoon wo stopped tho Oormans' fire In tho section of Rhelms, to tho west of the Hols do Zouaves, wo blew up n blockhouse with a mine and occu pied a now trench 200 yards In front of our lines. The ' ortlllory combat between Bothenv and Prunay ihas been very hot. The Germans have left numerous dead upon tho Held. Our losses wero small. Bctwoen Jonchcry-sur-Sulppo nnu souain wo silenced In sovoial lights the enemy's artillery, wrecked somo trenches and destroyed some abattls. Tn the Argonne, to tho wort of tho heights of Chevaucliee, the enemy blow up with a mine a few of our trenches of tho first line, whloh wero completely wrecked A violent attack which the enemy mado Immediately thereafter was ro pulscd with tho bayonet. Wo took somo prisoners nnd maintained our front, txcopt on one lino extending for eight lards, where tho wrecking of tho trenches compelled us to establish our lines 20 yards in the rear. On tho heights of the Mcuso nnd be tween tho Meuso nnd tho Moselle thcro Is nothing to report. Tho wind blow a gale nil day. Our offensive has continued In tho region of Thann nnd of Altkirch and has obtained Important results. Wo have retaken the trenches on the cast sloop of Hill N'o 125. wliero the enemy had succeeded In reinstalling himself iwo uavs go We subsequently gained ground to the east of these trenches. Fuither to the south we havo captured Burn-haupt-le-Haupt. Wo havo, at tho snmei time, advanced In tho direction of Aspach bridge and of Kuhlbeig. Tho enemy's artillery, which had tried without success to rea.ch our bat teries, has ceased to flro upon them, bombarding only the hopltnl of Thann, whloh has been evacuated. AUSTRIAN Our advance patrols In southem put of Bukowina had to fall back on tho main pass before the superior numbers of the enemy. (The main pass In southern Buko wina Is Borgo Pass, leading through the Carpathians to Hungai v ) Kverj thing li calm on the Hungarian and Gallclan frontier. On tho Dunajec River (In Western Gallcla) and In Rus sian Poland artillery duels havo oc curred. TURKISH In flg'litlng near Urumlnti, Azerbaijan province, Persia, two detachments of Russian troops wero takon prisoner and 100 men wero killed. As a, result of the rovcrso of Urumiah, tho Rus sian morale lias beon broken. I Four thousand Russians havo been completely vanquished near Mlandoab, losing 200 men killed, while the Turks, who were aided by Persians, lost six men. Our troops advanced from Somol and BuJIrorvs and occupied Urza, nn Im portant Russian point of support. GERMAN Tn the western theatre of war tho continuous rain and swampy ground In Flanders aro hindering our opera tions grsatly. East of Rhelms, the French at tempted to tako one of our trenches In a night attack, but were driven i -Now York World "SISTER SUSIE'S SEWING SHIRTS FOR SOLDIERS" back on their own (positions, losing CO prleonors. In the eastern Argonne wo have mado further progress. A night attack by tho French on Buckenkopf, south of Dlcdolshauscn, In tho Vosges, was repulsed. Repeated I'lcnoh atUicks west of Sennhelm bioke down under our artll leiy flro Wo captured two officers and more tlmn 100 men Fighting con tinues for Obcr-Burnhaupt, south of Sennhelm. (Obor-Burnhnupt Is Burnhnupt-le-Haut, which the French announced to day they had cupturcd ) In tho eastern thcatro of war, the weather continues unfitvurablc. There Is no change In Kant Prussia or north ern Poland Our attacks are progressing east of tho Ilnwkn (west of Warsaw). Six teen hundred Russians and flvo ma chine guns hao been captured Only artillery battles havo occurred on the oust bank of tho Plllca GERMANS CROSS POLAND RIVERS BELGIAN PRIESTS MURDERED BY GERMANS, IS CHARGE Twenty-six Massacred at Mechlin Alone, Says Report. LONDON, Jan. S. The Belgian Legation today gave out a lengthy statement, In which thoy declared that the Catholic clergy of Belgium had suffered especially through tho German Invasion. Churches had been destroyed or profaned in every city and town through which tho Ger mans passed. Many had been utilized as stables, the statement says, and In somo cases tho snered vessels had been stolen, while priests had been shot, hung and "sub jected to abominable maltreatment," In tho Diocese of Mechlin alone, It Is said, 2d priests were massacred without cause, while specttlc instances of tho Hogging and torturing of others aro cited. Continued from I'nfte One cldcd effect on tho outcome of tho con flict. Beyond tho Uzsok Pass lie the great oil llelds of tho Austro-Hungarlan monarchy. The occupation of Transyl vania, It Is felt horo, would have a ten dency to Induce Rumania to enter the niena on tho side of tho Allies and bring the Balkan situation to a head. Tho re duction of Cracow would open the way for nn Invasion of Silesia. Tho Russians Invading Bukowina havo occupied Cypot and Kameral, south ot Snlctln, nnd also Illlschestlo on tho road to ricskatchlk. These towns are on the direct route from Bukowina to Transjl vnnln. Tho latest advices reccitcd hero Indi cate that the Austrian armleB, reinforced by GcimntiH, have succeeded In stopping the pi ogress of tho Russian armies In w extern Gallcla MERCIER IS CAPTIVE OP GERMANS, BRITISH CHURGHMEN CONTEND Denial of Arrest by Berlin Denounced as Untrue. Belgian Cardinal Not Seer Since Sunday. PAPAL OFFICIAL COMERS WITH PERM Ay ENVOY ROME, Jan. S.Cardlnal Plctro Caspar!, Papal Bccrclartl of State, and Prince von Dueloio, head of the German Embassy here, held a con ference this morning which lasted for three-quarters of an hour. It Is understood the an est or detain ment of Cardinal Desire Mcrcier, Arehoshop of Mechlin, was the sub ject of their discussion. No report of the meeting teas given out. DROWN PRINCE AT LIEGE Kaiser's Heir Reported In Belgian Town December 26. AMSTERDAM, Jan. 8 Tho German Crown Prince Frederick William wai at Liege on December 26 and left the follow ing day for Germany. The GermnnB nre utilizing the large automobllo factory of Nagant Freres at Liege for the manufacture of military automobiles Largo forces of German troops continue to traverse Tournal, Vor viers, garrisoned by elderly members of the lnndsturm. The weaving mills of Belgium are silent and Idle because of lack of materials. WARNED OF ZEPPELIN RAID Lord Rosebery Issues Orders for Towns' Safety. LONDOX, Jan S Further evidences that n German raid, probably by Zeppe lins With escorting aeroplanes, is expected wns shown today when It became known that Lord Rosetery, acting In his offi cial capacity as Lard Lieutenant of Mid lothian, had Issued Instructions to the population regarding their action In case of a German hostile movement. Civilians aro sternly urged to refrain from nny hOBtllo actions, but to remain quietly In their homes nnd let the regular soldiers do the fighting. Other orders. Including the mobilization of the home guard, aro also given. COTTON TO GERMANY SAFE Allies' Action on Contraband Met by Berlin. BERLIN, Jan. 8. Among the Items given out by the official German news bureau today was the following: "The American embassy in Berlin has been advised from Washington that Franco nnd England have agreed to elim inate cotton from tho list of contraband articles. Therefore cotton can be sent Into Germany without risk of seizure." Turk Minister Reported Slain CONSTANTINOPLE. Jan 8-ReportB that General Jomal Pasha, former Min ister of Marine, had been assassinated were In circulation here today. An of ficlnl denial of tho rumors wns Issued. LONDON, Jan. 8. Tho status of Car dinal Mercier was today the chief topic of discussion In England, overshadowing tho Immcdlato war news. Tho denial by Germany that tho Cardinal had been ar rested and confined In his palace Is de clared by high Catholic dignitaries, In cluding Cardinal Bourne, to be untrue. They point 6ut the fact that ho was unable to appear as had been arranged at Sunday's special scrvlco at tho Ant werp Cathedral proves conclusively that he was under restraint. Only force, It Is said, would havo pre vented his taking part In that servlco because of Its peculiar significance. Already stirring protests have been sent to tho Vatican by tho British clergy, who demand that tho Papo tako action to force Gcrmnny to respect In every way Cardinal Mcrclcr's authority In Belgium. THE CARDINAL'S LETTER. The much discussed paragraphs of tho pastoral lottcr of Cardinal Mcrcier which, the Netherlands newspaper TIJd said, had been responsible for his arrest by the German military authorities tn Belgium, nn arrest which tho Gorman authorities havo categorically denied, have been pub lished In pamphlet form In London. They are as follows: "I consider It nn obligation of my pns toral charge to define your duties of con science toward the power which has In vaded our soil, and which at this moment occupies a greater part of it. That power has no authority In law. In the sanctuary of lour soul you owe It neither esteem nor attachment nor obedience. The solo legal power in Belgium is that which Is derived from our King, our Government and tho representatives of tho nation. Thl3 alone for us represents authority; this alono has a right to tho affections of our hearts and to our submission. "Of themselves, tho acts of those In occupation aro without forco; but the legal authority ratifies tacitly those acts which are Justified in tho general Interest, and from this ratification alono they de rive all their judicial worth. BELGIUM NOT CONQUERED. "Tho occupied provinces or Belgium aro not conquered provinces. Belgium Is no more a German province than Ga llcla Is a Russian province. Neverthe less, tho occupied part of our country Is confronted by a situation to which it must submit. The greater number of our towns have been handed over to tho en emy, thoy must respect the conditions of their surrender. "From tho beginning of military oper ations tho civil authorities have Insist ently recommended that private persons abstain from acts of hostility against tho armed enemy. These recommenda tions are still In forco. Our army alone Is charged with the duty of our national defense, Let us know how to await at Its hands tho final dellverencej let us comfort ourselves an tho general interest demands. Let us respect tho regulations thoy (the Germans) Impose on us so long as thov do not attack our liberty of Chris tian conscience or tho dignity of ur patriotism." RUSSIA HAMMERS TRE'NCHES OF GERMANS AT MLAWA (Jain Slowly But Steadily in Advance to East Prussia. PETROORAD, Jan. 8. Russian troops are again attacking tho Germans nt Mlawn, which has changed hands five times slnco tho war began, Tho fighting extends oast and west from Mlawn over an 18-mllo front, nnd Is re sulting In heavy losses on both sides. Th Russians are slowly but steadily ad'-ano Ing, houetor. Resumption of tho Russian offensive In the Mlawa region, was permitted by the success of the Russians in holding back tho Go. ."inn drive upon Warsaw from the west. In their trenches running from tho Vistula west ot Kunpollska, through AVischlska and Mszcznow, tho Russians nre repelling tho attacks of the Germans who have crossed tho Bzura River. Tho slight tetlrcment of the Russians cast of the Bzura, which permitted the Gormani to cross that stream, was duo to tho heavy ortlllory Hre of tho Ger mans. The Russians withdrew to their second lino of trenches, out of range of tho German guns, which cannot ho brought across tho Bzura. Tho Germans are conducting regular siege operations In their attempts to tako tho Russians' sec ond lino trenches. MOSLEMS, IN PAl TwrrtTT luniT ... ', I .ttUSHMANDGt TO CONSTANTINO! TRI mSF6! elastic 1 1VUJJL.J STOCKINGS ABDOMINAL SUrrOltTKRS. ETO. Lady attendant. Purchase T7T A VT?r T 'C direct from the factory. r L,A " ia.ULi b 1011 Sl'ItlNO GARDEN ST. 190,000 TURKS MASSED FOR INVASION OF EGYPT Ex-khedlvo Predicts Egyptian Re volt Against Britain. COPENHAGEN, Jan. 8 -A dispatch from Cologno says that tho Turks havo concentrated their principal army, con sisting of 120,000 regulars and 70,000 Be doulns, at Jerusalem for art attack on Egypt. A Cairo dispatch says: "It Is a fair esMmato to say that tho Turks have In Syria 70,000 men, while there are In Lebanon 17,000 more belong ing to the command or tho late DJomal Pasha." A dispatch from Geneva gives an Inter view by tho ex-Khedlvo of Egvpt to tho representative of tho Vienna Neuo Frelo Proste Abbas Hlimt Pacha takes a very pessimistic vlow, and thcro Is nothing of German-Turkish bombast in his decima tion. Ho sajs: "It must be understood that Egypt is wise, and does not wish to revolt Just now, a revolution being in tho present circumstances foredoomed to fnlluro, but If a Turkish army enters Egjpt, It may bo regarded as certain that tho Egjp. tians, faithful to their feelings In favor of tho Turks, will Join with them and create foi England a situation full of dangers " i sn nnn t, n ,, Fo Vjnf. tratedfbr Defense of Oij man Capital Serioujl ternal Disorders c Concern. SALONIKA, Greece, jJi stnntlnople to tho end. All th .u tlllory at Adrlanonlo hn l.. ..A' tho capital and only 4000 troops h,t' left there, according to advices nj Ono hundred nnd fifty thoujwid havo boon concentrated In the nttaj hood of San Stofano, a euburli o(J stantlnople, for tho defonso of Ih.-fc tal, nnd fortifications nro being ttvii CONSTANTINOPLE, fctf uiiiciui announcement was JaiJiji that the Grand Vizier and omV hers of the Cablnot will leave tonS? crultcd since tho war hounn V tl m,... .. "TT 'I mis may explain mo report itn'V pioparlng to lleo to Adrlanople. Tho authorities fear not nnw from tho outside, but aro Iri eoSH alarm over Internal disorders, (ever which have been nipped within n.A. few days. These havo been kh,.J nous of tho Russian victory In tht'fl casus. Many of tho archives of BUU HnrlrltP Itnirn Iiaaii rent 1 - " i tuuj iiuiu mwuii ouiii, la a pUf safety and tho remainder nre rtadj liiaiuiii, uunai'Ut luuuii, j AUSTRIAN ROUT IN DAIM Hm'&t 0 ATM nnlffA T4tn J AftBM Tlu.. w . auiuo uuvo j.uvuucia iiom IS1UJ River. -1 NISII, Servla, jrf Attempts by Austrlans to ocenpf small Island of Adla Tslgoulla, In Danube opposlto Belgrade, have frustrated, it is officially announce "A fairly largo forco of Austrian! pled tho Island on Sunday." n statement, but tho next night our to routed tho enemy, capturing threecSs and 45 men. Our losses nere Is, niucant." ' LETTER'! iest Coal Egjr $7, Stove $7.25, ChcstnotlJjJ Large Rouna lJca uoal, $5.50 Larncst Coal Yard tn Phlladehte OWEN LETTER'S SONS Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland SJ $99.65 To Jacksonville, Fla. $pO (jj Wfa and Return Wwi First Class Excursion From Washington, D. C, JAN. 12 and FEB. 9 Return Limit 21 days ; Similar Reduced Round Trip Pares to other points In Florida; 'alit Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North and South Carolina on same datti Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South ; THROUGH STEEL PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, DINING CARS, HIGH-CLASS DAY COACHES, ALL CARS 4 ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED 3 For Information, tickets, Pullman' reservations, etc., apply to S i Burgess, u. f. a., tszs ynesmut ai i-nuaaeipnia, pa. m iMofWMIS Mtweral WKMIT'C? cWMOliilJC r MHSMfMa At V TPfoTPfeTT 9 O M. JL AM. 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