JJSTRAt FRIDAY January 8, 1915 timing p" ,-, , ClT A w - .r"wsl&krtskJtJ it L i CfWi ?flSF!v mf 3Mi JVTK'fw4 a,- Pa,. m& IMF'S iWBFPS i01f JZOJIfiB AND ABROAD AS SEEN. THROUGH THE CAMERA LENS r . , - s MagMffir-: HlHHHHI wmmmmmttthJl fBHtgttmWBOM immmmmmi M WBSBSSM hhbhv siiHV m&Mwma ... .- "w r-v'.2i.'ttsiB&niHMBBH? . k -r v&x-.v.vriWiAfiWW -'-fejnsK, ;n 5i ' -.. Msr.4f 'yuiBi - tivM-wi'atgffi!rf.2Jpft?- -s-!ik--jr..jr T.Y.-TWBKHaiKWWK'' f "to'-- Pa'M "Now, secondly" A STUDY OF "BILLY" "Listen to me" SUNDAY'S HANDS HE PREACHES WITH THEM NO LESS THAN WITH HIS VOCALCHORDS "You, I'm talking to" Don't be a fool" "You'll sweat in hell" "Get this through your nunE r -,. i ' , ' i mmmm'mm'mm"immmammmammiBimmmmmmaa4 FATHER KROHMALNEY LEADS GREEK CATHOLIC CHRISTMAS SERVICE In? ft0tiUili?Prifh0fc" y0 o the congregation 4of St. Michael's, Russian Ortho dox Catholic Church as he headed the procession in celebration of the nativity. A HirtTiTt A T Hfrtftf -mn.. ..- . "fa" Th- - - - -astfisrSSyS Ekm?.u - - -i . ...... ..... ....,... v uimm iamuu. "NJi I yiaSv'yyfc- HBcvbH rf?? 1 S 7 tii-AB VBb -ISS-i SVSftSTSSSft VS'y y ftw,Btf''y'cj,y' w f.-.'j .. . abm ft COUNTESS TOLSTOY A WAR NURSE wMow of the famous Russian writer, dispatches .say,-has ,v ... st?"Hbtb;' y 'jMr ouhic, xssiutya -otyana, into a nospitaj -; a r- QT BW ?3&s soWicrs. Three of h sons are Iaraarrny:M - -" .'"yfjHI INTERIOR OF ST. MICHART'R nuiivnit r.itrr, t,. tjaagmaasto BM"trW,.g',lwa t9 " the shrine fit VirgiS Tsoru 7 W" BLIND MEMBER OF CONGRESS SSSSii&lSata"' ,"0i!i be.i the' next Hpu of SfLr ,s , ' hen 2 ye old but kpt up ths practics of law, . a1 iSBKNlpri r s n- iBiiiiiB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers