EVENING LEDGEll PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANTJABY 8, 1015. 19 Ey'a GLOBg TROTTER jLckson, Elglil Months Old, !fl-n a Constant Traveler, fLa Erlckson, 8 months old, tho Wktt m "" Mrs- Fl0'd Er,ckJ "WS North 30lh street, has earned J&eL of "the traveling baby" by ffiSLt until tho present sho has !1Ll mote than ono week In any Kw 6 "10 0nl"d Stal"1 or Can" Hluier ghort lite tho child has Sju Vct, tho Northwest and "aS-Tn sections of Canada, Her hSfeoW ro contemplating a trip ffSL Alps, but this probably will afitfen untu ,ato ,n th year 8 Till have opportunity to get no- Wwth Philadelphia. Irrfoy was born May 9 at r,anslnR WW her mothor had nono In Tuof health. Her father had not aM tuA ""til Saturday, when the relumed to this city. fCLASSIFIED RATES afc DAtt-T AND SUNDAY irYLE I TITO (or Ilk. this) 'fti.ii8oni "n week... ljtUoperllna i1SSJuiIt Micrtlone.. 10a par Una P?..i ,.?.... 8o Prlln Kf 'ulnwa, three inscr- SSw' ,0a prIln fSTSIZE TYPE (or like this) i.i4 to all classifications except Help SftiUMi WI,J, Lost ana Found. Fer- &IS?..-.. ""'- 0o, wrlta. KH '" "-"" ffiS'are bd on ngttt rnfasurcment, & haute ,h8 '"chl HI KOTICEa-olther paper DM one tlm """ vfoa insert oni 'oo 2j daily only J ElT.e. IXntnt"' i, 1IU K- COMDINATION RATE iwllon In both th0 mornln and ovinias , a Mtne " ! PUBLIC LEDGER - MORNING) EVENING LEDGER L ' .EVENING) iLr cents Pir lino nat to rate given P -AND SITUATIONS WANTED TiaiNO IN THD PUBLIC LEDGER IBS INSERTED IN THE EVENING JK? WITHOUT ADDITIONAL 10E. r, ii a drug (tore near your homo that tcccpt Ledger want ads at otCIco rates. g' PERSONALS UE tax returns mode out by an expert. 41, Ledger Central. HELP WANTED FEMALE STUDENT wanted for little homo work. !t J 43, Ledger Central. STANT bookkeeper; muit bo thoroughly ;rtcnccd; steady position, otflco located In ittr. N 820, Ledger Office. KEEPER and typist Mfg. concern on (Mnnon ave.; SO-JS to start. Apply In handwriting. :. ii 845. Lodgor Central. .'FOB general housework, plain cooking, 1 laundress; white. Call CUT N. Broad. SEWOItK Woman, who Is good cook and tins; prhate family. lt07 Arch. rs MAID wanted ; Protestant, good halr ur, leamstreas, packer, willing and good Oiltlon, itato ago, height; rots. req. Add. i.'.il. Hotel Dennis. Atlantic City, N. J. i, experienced Germnn. tako caro two e jrlrU, 8 and 3 years old; good reference. titer flranch Office, 13th ond Dauphin. 3ERY GOVERNESS or nurso, lYotcstant, three children; one speaking French pre ed. M 030, Ledger Office. UNO In quartet choir, good reader only. ltyUagir Central. JPEIuV-Expericncod stampers on fine sta errfbronio and color work. Apply tho ley." Banks & Diddle Co.. 1221 Sanson) Ilk Boor. .a JTENOCIRAPHERS, bookkeepers and -ttit can obtain valuable Informa tion about securing positions by In Itrylewlng Miss Dean nt Ledger Cen :.iL See her at once for this free Uvlce. u the Commercial Depart ment Is constantly securlne good po Uttou for Ledger Advertisers. OOIUPHEn-Permanont position In good ancu wages $15 per week: Underwood truer; no application considered unless BWlI!Se .Qualifications and references S.-H Hi. Ledger Central. CHimo.N solicitors. .l dally Add. Uusl Woman's Magailne P. O. Box MlT.Phllq, iQWiSANj 5s caretaker for young InnlnProt. Inatitutlon. 1.852. Led. Cent. help wanted male WirACrURINO corporation wants dls .lijinagers who will bo given exclusive torjf In central and eastern Penhsylva liifl8!1''. De.larj New York and itSffiT,1"" 'errltory, for tho beat and HtTfr'lLi,?""1?.0'. ever P,aced on "" W. 1vl" el1. l0 every aut0 owner. !J,.'.,;ery ?'Ke of Iulness; goneral J?.11" "Jobber and sell to stores: sS.'ii'i? WlalTOulre2! Investigate this 7 !i,.V.lt '? Wsh-grade bustneas propo i;!?.1 ?,'"" m every Particular and a u JJ?KlnM" .W"J are nuIWIng up for rtrUTH',ft02S,JValnut 1078' r wrlto U. ''Co.. 1815 Filbert st Philadelphia, rf,Jrle.nced! "teady position; offlca lo 1 to fcheiter. M 825. Ii-tr Office. iR " SSfiJS.aa" ot l"Be manufacturing ""'..gOOd OPPortunltV for nilvnm-.. Si. rl.!. In .wn handwriting, stating lauo give reference, L, Uil, Ledger wire work In newspaper office. Apply MefteL m- C0 Cheatnut t. AsFfor SlI5w2ultedisal8r5r and commlsiion. aSgV f1"re1nstle,Sn?tUrday)l Til i?.an caPatlo of earning 5 and upi Jvf"it'M?n.talklnB machine. Apply 8 jq.Mr. Shamhelan. 113 Arch it. FIer',C.nrtr,i! C''" """" lQ"" iW'PE. white, as houseman' and EhAi. , iUnB..n. 'urnlturo trade In iS'iiiuk'5 vJe4?l' to carry 1d ffirl conmilMlon. J 650, Lodger Cen- siri . . . liM wani wiriiiJZXrSjr i f'i P powder, tAj.?E?,Jnd' ?t0" ln bu"t "n and nar sSjtiil?14!SIi ledger ornce. mr .V "S'!? rennsylTOnlaTvlsltlng iSdU? nvilr'Uura tore: well-adver-isHl''tlral com. J 45. Lad. Cent. 'rutSeffir'! ? I?001. hardware trade; eeJling stapl. for fdo jm,; eommls agiWjlr. J 810, Ledger Control. SSs7xkH1l"Nu. trelAT'AP: ApUvEIJANJ5n'j' ViraMCATIONi WBtSa ARVBY, 236 AND SSrt'S.10 represent firm manufao- iSf Penalties; exjwlenc not ITsjJa tSri n lund travallng expenses TK.wr.lu,?'l.e ' o avoid oTai ttI'0" Bale Co.. T Water t., te.. "ass. Et HHLtWM tnonwghly undereUnds Iilxnd t, .nd sluing photographlo SsriJnV U rrlencod In running tfuJCvS V "M-of-town poslUonj per- ao jvffixasjna 'tss? Rti rr; . -... -vta. j t-S, AjsTmtr VCnU AaENT8 " 1 . . 1 11 i a kiivJ8 varrtea la Phils, and nt JBWC,Vad'l make 100 J WANTED PEMALB IT - Ttrut.. -7ri,."i r 7: r - Itea- inrr. "'"'", Pt. wra U. irtSr,1 wsianeoi income tjUS!res Auditor, 0 South tY lt. iSrSu"jr?5X "Wrtmcsd.. capf- --., y unio on modern 1 meth JK. oettiis. H las. Tdi Cent Si- H lgjS .taking full cbarg, of aiT81-0 1 ye" i y 'iB -ro:ry buimesj Relishi. . ..-;r.--- - not if 031 T,i.r nm urrmart Protesuiot ;d competent - ' a xiat at Urmag American dttAlram Lftsro'i 1 dm ; BITATt0NS v-ANTEDPEMAI.B li "JiJJHi'LEaieJimliyM mp, Ledger Off. Cw?IhMF,Hi" "S."fn. rrotesfant woman """ Poaltlon.PO.1 Nectarine t. Srrtnnt,T,, 0rP CrS"n?i1iS,".!.0iV,"lV .ePable, xperleneod; jrjprlyafamnyj'hono Dickinson 3121 IE. VJt Phiii01 .?"' wiuld Mkeno"uPwoFiriii' west Phlla.. I5t;.r wct-k M 021, Lod. Off. KSMlJ!ri,'Enfrhnd"orTyeafTa in,!?, J.?'5!fi ftnd wl,h PMltlon as helper ..Insert? ?t t0 care "r lnT"d- 2"4 "SSffMAKEn; wilable and rcSSSnable"; Palethorp! by lho "lJ'- ''"21 N D?Jl8'iAn of New fwk desires onYago'Ta' evening : gmvnsip.cliilty. rhone Wal, 4WW W, fi?hUiT.t'ri0.nt aVilres posllIon"Ts"iTgu". ''J.1 am''"mald 'a Private amlly: good ref- 1 1 1 1 ' ''"M " 1'IIOHO UICK. itKI J. nir-i i a li...-r"-.rL -'-'" , ... .. , . 7 1 1 " ' ""m r pnono ijick. :tw a. ir-tiAi l....r.".rL '''-1.' ., ,,..- ESfh ?S1V ?8Lr !" Jn private family. - ""vf"a ui unone mcKinson . A. Sil.I.M (JVKNBR8 - Germnn, French; - -";:"""" " ,w, i; i.y , cm, ci tun, iy;u, wu, iLV': ealored. for chambcrwork or housoworkj . reference. 16HCfttharlnii t. .iih, TS?,ni?,"i!'9' Private orFcVinurent; id. .. .... .. i.nuie Bt. in 'wj!!S5"t,cnin1rwork or waiting; retor uuW, kVbNINQ CLOAKS Arlb TAILOIN ed sultij at home or out: short notice. O. fi'.ir,cf"c59.'!."lT Christian st. Phono .. .w,, "wti m., urn l'nna. ivmiiBon am a. ipTjSBWOlUC-Young dermnn girl, Protest tant, wishes position! rots. o!l Nectarine at, BTlttiOOIlAt'IliaK, expert, thorouKlily v perlenced In Becrctnrlal work! familiar with ndYertlilng, publishing and commercial busi ness; good correspondent; reliable on details, with best references from past employers: moderate salary at start. II HO, Ledger BTENOanAPHBIl and bookkeeper, 0 years' IXtlOrt Atl,.n ,.Mhl. tnl.lnM al..... ., ifAi,i. and correspondence: quick and accur. nt nit urea; S12 start: Al rets, U 340. Ledger Cent. STENOOHAPHRIt. & years' oxp., quick and accurate at figures, thorough on detain; but references. 11 im linger uentrni. BTBNOOItAil'linit 5 years' mfr. experience, quick and accurate at figures, billing, order- ing. costs: mod, salary, II 413, Loag. cent. BTENOtHlAl'HKtl. 5 vain' r,t. hnnklnir municipal and commercial: moderato salary; pest reterences. 11 7, imager contrni BTB.NOOItAPlir,ll Dxperlenced; thorough knowledge of bookkeeping; best references; sainry siu. j a.v, linger ucntrni. BTKKoonAPllRIt. conscientious and dependa blo, would consldor modorato salary; rofer- enres. tt z.u, iveoger uince. eTKNOOHAPHlill, recent srnd. ln aecrctarlal worK, ucsirrs pos, wun a lucuro; accuraio anu rellable. It 340, Ledger Central. , BTCNOORAPtmil. experienced In general of fice work, desires central position or In Cam tlen: excellent refs. II 140, ledger Central. 8TI?N0(IRAPJIKR 0 yearB' thorough experi ence, competent, quick and accurate, knowl- oogn or nxpg. ; mou. sai. 11 t. ica. uent. tJTDNQUIlAI'Him Hxperlcnced nnd compe- tcnt; moderato salary. II 853, Ledgor Cent, BTHNOan'AI'HDn-HIgh Schoo'rerad.: export 1M.,, ,. JMIO CAJt,,CIILCi A m , Lut ..Ifc, STIJNOOnAPHnn, English and German.' de slrcs position ln otflco; refs. C323, Led. Off. BTUNCORAPimn Wllllnm Pcnn High grnd.; competent, neat, accu. u ;, ...eflgor ueninu. STKNOOItAPHDU nnd bookkeeper, high school grau., exper.i renapie. 11 H3, meager c;ent. fiTDNOORAPHDR nnd office assistant: slight e.xp. ; will, to work. II '.mo, imager central. polent. rel.; refs.: mod, sal. C 3'I2. Led. Off. BTCNOaitAPlllJI., 4 years' cxp competent on details; accurate. II 48, Ledger Central. 6TDNOORAPHKR, exp., efflclont nnd refined, deslreB position, II 1)48, Ledger Central. aTUNOOR'APHKR About a year's exp.: neat, willing worker. II 1150, Ledger Central. STYLISH dressmaking Conts, furs remodeled, lined; day, M.SO. Maxwell, C48 N. 10th st. 'rCACHBH, visiting, wishes engagements; Kng llih branches. I-"rench, German, llternturo, history U. of Pa. and foreign study; refer ences: terms mod. M Iss Lynch, 1208 Spruce. TEAClinil Kindergarten; exp.; musical; ln private school. 11 0M, Ledger Central. TWO WOMEN, English and Irish, as child's nurse; rood reference. C 311, Ledger Office. TWOPolish girls speaking English -wish posl tlons at housework. H2-4 Olive Bt. IWANTBD Sltiratlom ns cook or cleaner In restaurant, institution or privato family; Bleep home. Call or wrlto 181-4 Dudley st. Telephone Bpruce 4330. iWANTDD Light houstwork position for young girl, 14 years old. Telephone Spruce 4330, or wrlto Room No 01, 1414 S. Pcnn Square. WllKN IN NEUD of an experienced office as sistant, bookkeeper, stenographer or clork, rail up Walnut 3000 nnd cousult with Miss Dean, of the Commercial Department, who has a Hut of hlgh-grndo, experienced girls eager for positions. Avail youwolf ot the Irce service to icuger aavyruBorB reiMv. WOMAN, mlddto-agod, good cook, desires position as cook or housekeeper; willing to go out of fho city; rererenco. A 3052, Led- ak TtH.nr.rt Vfrnn rl t nnrl rViltimhIn aVA. WC. ...,....., r.w .. - -. VOUNO IjADV, experienced In office work, oulck nnd accurate at figures; good penman; moderate salary at start. II 25.1, Ledger Cent. YOUNG LADY, experienced ln clerical work. with Knowieago oi sxeirUKmrmy. nnwi Blow ing position; careful and competent, (J 044, .eager icmrui. .YOUNG LADY COMPAJNION-'Accompllihed, exn. seamstress; unquestionable ref.: willing, obliging; would travel. C 81T. Ledger Otflco. YOUNG LADY, experienced ln clerical work. i""""". 0,"i,..22.,05r,rSP- fT,tvc.m.?,?-1 fUUl IXKMUr, U. "hutua. .m..w .... .. -.-- - YOU.NG WOMAN, experlcncod, with reference, wishes plain sowing, at home or out. Ad, dress J. L.. 100-1 Arch. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, credit, collection, office man ager experienced, desires position; hlghost credentials. C 20. Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT Credit, collodion, office man; oxp.: desires pos.; best ref. C 327, Ledgor Off. iinoKKBEPHii. ofMco manager: 14 yoars' exp. all branches ot office work; expert co-operation bookkeeper; ago 34; married; highest references. II 055. Ledger Central. BOOKKBEPUR will take work a few days or eyenlnga per week. A. L. M 3824 Hamilton. UOOKKEUPUR desires clerical work on books to keep at home evenings; experienced, O 331, Ledger Office RUTLDR, experienced, wants occasional walt- lUBt JUUVUCvtia. KOO, UtttllK.n, VA,r, . uil salads. Apply IT 8. 43d st. Phono Raring 407. bUTl.BH, Bwedlsh, neat, competent; several yrs. exp.: oesi rers. 11 ton, ueut went. UOOKICEEPBH-S rBNOORAPHER Ten years' exp ; peat rererencea. 11 in., x.eqger wenirai. CIIAU1TKUR, single, wishes position; 5 years with last employer; strictly sober. Box CO, Ovorbrook, I'a. CJIAtFrKUR Roliablo man; idleness due to death In employer's family; references, Thos. l Helllngs. 71 K. Hortter St.. Phlla. CHAUFFEUR would llko situation: 2 years' exp.; good mechanic. 113,10, Broad and Qlranl. ClIAUl'TKUft. coachman, white, single, exp,; private family: good refs, C325 Norwood, Otn. CHAUFFEUR, colored, oxp., caroful driver, gen, u tlllty man; best ref. H 851. Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, gardener, experienced ln both, wishes position; best refs. J 2M, Led. Cent. C1IAUFFBUR Al mech.; 8 yrs.' exp,; foreign ana aom.: moa. sai. n. w. g.. -:: wisnan. CHAUFFEUR would like situation; S years' exper.: good mech. u 330. liroad and Qirard. CaiAUFFEUIlT French 35 years, married wishes position, xi poj. .-.goger i-enirai, CLDItK Young man, 20, single, good educa tlon, 0 years' experience one concern, open for position; good refer-nces. II 044, Led- ger ucnirai COLIECTOR, salesman. 27 years; 8 years' tx. Tieriencc; nsv rBicnnw, "i rpv.r,p, .o,,,. (vmnrapnNDENT-Seasoned stenographls ex perlence sales, collections: highly Indorsed) perience saie. cviiwiiwiia. muni iuuu iv.r..A,,v,l ArTlnlAnf TT AIA Tdrar i7rntrfil DOCTOR wants position; SO years . "neral practice; moved and lost It. C 823. Led. Off. EFFICIENCY ENGINEER or salesman, man 83. technically educated, 11 years' mechanical experience, managerial superintendent and safes experience, now employed, desires bet. ter position: highest references. II 842, Led.. grr LGDuai, tCNGINBBR. llcenied. small Planti or watch. mant soft or hard coal. O 828, Ledger Off, VOUH YOUNa MKN desire work at home In ovpiilnii: can furnish best of references: luricSf work prefixed. O S28. Ledger Office. "GERMAN wishes engagement for German eyr- reVpoiidenf stenographer, bookkeeper. BT43 imeamm HAVE you room for a young universuy man 2i; with "' enpertence and executive ability n one of the lower rung og your laAli?. n B43f Ledger Central. JEWEftURT Jewelry clerk. W years of age. desire post; ound buyer In Jewelry department of urarniiNiaT all around, s.lx years xpert- MAm new nV repair work, wants position fcn.yrffrragg.rB;. lth A Dauphin. if aw is hustler edueatsd, good business MA". .8'. "".:;;. -hiiitv. desires Dosltlon ya, rgZ; W.-a--rf'l-tt Ledae-r Cent vTaN elderly wants position as -,iiiiuio, M4nistrgberanjJnduous. J 44. Led. Cent bit vj UANAOBJR or aislatant for bond BAlrta J"R; 1,.,1-r. nroduces the gjpds. S.rf,' oorirtunlty to deraonstrBte ab lltyi Hm-SiSfSSfiSL II DJJ. Ledger Central. fll4mw m- 1 jX Ledger ortc . , SITtTATIONB WANTED--MALB WANTKD A POSITION AS ABfltSTANT credit man or office assistant by a man of mature builness experience: employ ment more of nn object than a large fal ary, b't of references. U 863, Led. Off. roUNQ MAN, rt, good education, knowledge of bookkeeping, capable of handling a posi tion of trust. w6uld like to make an aavan. tageous change; best references. O 810, ireiiger ince . , VoUNtl MAff, 21, 2 years nt Drexcl Instl tute, wishes permanent poaltlan In civil en gineer's office) experienced! capable of taking full charge; any reliable firm wijhlng to make a good addition nddrres M 814, ledger Office. VollN "MAN. SSTstucJont oTarchltecturnl en glneerlng at night, doilros outside position, ireferably with contractor) moderato salary. llRJVTjLcdger Central , irciiger mnco EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COOKfl nnd chomberwork wanted In Jenklnj town. Miss Rdse Dougherty, 1818 W. Ulrard ave. . AUTOMOBILES Tor Bale CHALMERS Party leaving town wishes to sell foredoor Chalmers touring car, mechani cal condition, appear, and tires practically new. Com. equip. Will bo eold to quick pur chaser for 37. Will gladly demonstrate. W. W.Emely,2143 N. Front. Phone 10 n.m.to 4 p. m. Kens, 1003, After 7 p.tn.jrioga C351. OHALMT3R8 1014 mo3eTilmoueineelx cylin der! electrlo llghla and self-starter: In perfect condition; only Chalmers limousine of this model on the market, rhone Overhrook 4010 or call at office, 04th nnd City ave., Over brook. OUR PRICTS on used cars will surprise you, especially with our convenient payment plan) prices from S100 up. Phone. 0. & B. Auto Co., Locust 33.17, 1422 Vine st. IIAYNES Kill 5-passenger touring. Apply R. L. Ring, 3221 W. l'enn St., Oerninntown, AUTO LIVERY AND C.ARAQES CONTINENTAL OARAGE, 12T1I AND NOR rla bis., storage and repairing at moderate prices. BUSINESS NOTICES Wo can afford to remodel or repair your furs much cheaper than iha large de- FURS pnrtment stores. We give yon expert workmanship. Phono Belmont 2384 W. CHAB, J. BOQ3B, M3T Arch Bt. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY to placo $1000 In mechanical device: big, with enormous possibilities; wrlto for appointment. L 74S, Ledger Cen tral. BARBERS having their own establishment can Increase their Income by handling our free talking machine offer. Apply 1832 Arch t. CARPET CLEANING WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3c. PER YARD. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING- AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED, DYBD. MAIL1IOT, 1010 CHE3V NUT ST. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ADVANCE STYLES In dressmaking, $5 and upward. 2008 H. 10th st. Dickinson 3143 W. DRESSMAKING taught; short, proc. course. McDowell. 307 Denckla Bldg,, 11th & Market. Hemstitching done while you wait. A. Ilelch. ard, 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review patterns. FOR SALE ANTIQtir.a-Cnalrs, 100 rs. old, $4: mahog. bur.. tlO: brlo-a-brnc, 60c. to $3. 733 Walnut. BILLIARD, pool, comb., 2d hand, bought, sold, rented, ex'd, ICeafer. .120 Qirard ae. LOT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS ln fine condi tion. 1720 South Broad st. INSTRUCTION FRENCH In threo months by refined young Parisian lady: easy conversational method; tcrmB moderate. Mile. L. Berthln, 1503 Arch (10 a. m.-lO p m.). MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HARP for sale; good condition. E. K, Peall Conservatory; 8301 N. Broad st. WANTED PI JR1MITI IRP Antiques, pianos, etc, part 1 uivnu uivl or entlra houllo b0UBht. Kens, Furniture Co.. 3143 Kensington avo. ROOMSOR RENT BARINO, 3840 Rooms, furnished or untur- nisnea, zq noor. tor nouseKeeping; pnone. BROAD. N.. 837 2d-front suite with private bath: 2 rooms suitable for, housekeeping; also double rooms with running wator BROAD, N., 1018 Very desirable well-heated lurnianea nwma; reasonapie; ooarq optional. BROAD, B., 402 Neatly fur. 2d-story room; near bath: homellkw. Dickinson C848. RUCKINGHAM PL., 227 (5th & Walnut) Two fur, rooms, couple or gentlemen: board opt. CHESTNUT. 2007 Desirable single nnd double; running water: all conveniences. CHESTNUT, 2100 Butte of rooms with batlij single room with me of bath. CHESTNUT, 4217 Desirable rooms; private family; table board next door; Baring 7301 X. COLUMBIA AVE.. lUld Nicely furnished rooms lor nouseaeeping; conveniences, DIAMOND. 1737 Front room; running water, eouth. expos. also single rm. Diamond 3454 P. MONTGOMERY AVE.. W.; 1021-Two nicely turn, front rooms; suitable for gentlemen; t.nnv.t .. An. MMin.nll.n. ,n an,,-A .1... Wilt U ,,. , hub M...,-.,w..n m -.,,.q ji v.,. MT. VERNON, 10J1 Large parlor and 2 cor ner rooms, aouthern exposure. Poplar 3300. POWELTON, 3805 Desirable turn, vacancies for a few business people. Baring 1832 W. SPRING GARDEN, 1711 Largo, comfortably furnished front room adjoining bath; sepa rate beds: suitable for two gentlemen. SPRUCE. 1P27 Deslrablo rooms, with bath; breakfaat If desired. Phone Locust 1550. SPRUCE, 2022 Desirable suite, with prlsvte pain; open lire; pnune. uirunr. SPRUCE, 4020. Newly opened, very attractive furnished rooms; all conveniences: Pres. 2835. SPRUCE, 11.17 One or two comfortable rooms. rurntaned or uniurniinea; reaionapie. ISPRttCE. 1135 DESIRABLE VACANCIES; tl Ui HATJiH lltiVA. Sl'llUCH. 1126 One single room for a refined gentleman; rererence. WALNUT, 4321 Desirable furn. room: light, warm: convenient to bath: board optional. llTII, N 015 Furnlihed rooms: well-heated; nouaesesping; wummi iuhybhipu.,!; pnone. 12TH. B.. 114 .Private family will rent com fortably turn, rooms to ref. gentlemen; ph. 12T1I. B 317 2d floor front) private family; OUier vacancies; reaauiuvuiw. r nuert oeo.1. lilTJI, P.. 220 Furnished rooms for gentlemen: all conveniences, bath, phone. 13T1I, N., 1041 Large front rooms: well heat ed: suit gentlen en. Poplar 0704 W. 1TTH. N.. 3333-Srnall private family wilt rent beautifully furn. rooms: gentlemen: phone. 18TH. N.. 1600 Two nicely furnished front rooms ; a pains, wun picniy oi not water. 20TII. N.. TIB Nicely furn, single rooms; run ning hot and cold water; reasonable. 218T, N 137 Nurses can have nicely furnished rooms, private nouae; an cony.; pnone. 23D, S.. 123 Rooms, single or en suite; prl ate baths, running water; Bteam heat; newly iraM7f-;u ttuu ,rm...m ibuihu,,,, Jiw.wrt4 41BT. N 833 Pleasant, well-heated rooms; COnWlllVllt UClSlllI,IWrU. AJmiH IUU i. 45TII, B., 210-iAttractlve 2d.floor front room, path adjoining; IIS monthly. Pre ton 6635. MTH. B., 504 Comfortably furn. front rm , adjoin, bath: strlelly prl. family) phone. PRIVATE FAMILY, centrally located, will rent 2 sunny, reoma, single or en suite, next m u.,, mpqii u)uh. u ,fcrm. ajwm. win. JIAND30MULY furnished front room In large TriArlrn ntH Vfi tea hnma Ttttv. !. Iterhra ln to oatni meais optional, i to, iq. uent, mtnutea to City Hall. Telephone Baring ilB. H RGB. beautifully furn. front eamhlned alt, ngqnq peoroom. excius. sec, treston can u. I'rofeaalonal Office. LOC1IST, 150:1 First-floor of Acs: suitable for oculist or phyilclan; $2fijpr month. 1STH ST., S., 37-Physlclans, offleeTwItn run." ping water; all oonvenlencea. BOARDING ARCH. 20232025 Handsomely furnished, cludlnflr eunarlor tahle. Sdi tahla. Sa In- CHESTNUT, 43t3WeU-iurnlshed rooms. TiS excellent board; first-class accommodations for refined business people; 4 minutes from 40th t. "L" station. Preston 82SI W. SPRUCS, 1230-Larg 2d-atory front "anOtff wur tjunt, witq UMUU. SPRUCE. 1220 Rooms, single or suits) private bath: excellent table board; phone, WALNUT, 404 Desirable laconJ-atory front tww, J.ii-ipnWlaI uun cwry. ianng 111. WALNUT. 45J1-Furnlahed rooms with board; desirable location, near "L" refa exchanged. WALNUT. 8005 Exceptional table board, also beautifully furnished rooms: moderate prises. i prlc 10TH. N., 123 Desirable large front rooms; other vacancies; excellent table board. 81. N., 110 Vacancies with nrst-daM tibia JTII, N., 110 Vacancies with board. Phone Loeuat 8268 D. 8TH BT. a. MO-Large, attraeUvej rooras; single room, flrat-cUm table. Table Board 11WAB IOT 3.. 421-SsJe table board. Phane Walnut JUT W; CHSntiVT 8T , 4p45areint lable b5srT pl44uul sui-nuwiLiiuaa. PrectoB w V. COUNTRY BOARD WANTEL4 WANTBO Board In country, within 20 miles City Mall; modern conveniences: fo nervous fentleman, with attendant. Reply, giving uil particulars, L P23, Ledger . Of rice ATARTMENTS BPR1NO GARDEN, 1010 Excellent ants. In 8 different houses) some f urn'd ; kitchenettes; WALNUT ST., 14.11 Apartments of 1 to 4 rooms, with baths, furnished or unfurnished) first class; $25 up. Apply janllor. WALNUT. 1222-il (Kenwnodl-DeslraMs veca.t tingle or en suite; prlv. baths; will ehnnge to sun tenant; moaernieraie, wninut hioi WALNUT, 4303 txrvely 2d-floor apartment, prlv. pith; southern expos, rrcston 2720 D. 17TII AND CHEaTNUT Hkpg. apt , 2 rms , hath) low rent. Pt R. Co., 1.117 I'cnna. nidg. 20TH, N 710 New and handsomely furnished siory Buite oi ic rooms, wun oeauiuui uatni modern, gooil transportation) plenty heat and hot water. Poplar 1472 W. . CHILTON APARTMF.NTS 8218 BARINO BT. Two first-floor rooms) suit dentist or doctor or apartments. Mrs, Bella McClaln, manager. LANBDOWNE Apartments) nil convenlencea; near station) $23 to $.1.1 rf month, John Nacey, :i,1 N, Illshland ave , ttnadowne APARTMENTS WANTED Suburban WANTED, In suburbs, furnished nnnrtment having kitchenette nnd private, bath; open, attrnitlvo location, grounds: state terms ami full particulars, J 2r,7, lelger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 2012 WALNUT BTRnET-ONE VERY FINE lIOUSniCEKPTNO APARTMENT, SEVEN ROOMS. THREE DATH8, 1700 B. 18TI7, COR. MORRIS Four large rooms and bath, nowly fitted up) direct light in every room) gas and elrctrlo; $23, Includes heat, hot water, use ot laundry and yard. Apply on premises. THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises FOR VACANCIES and completo Information of nil apartments free, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts, Phone Walnut 080, or write for "Apartment Directory," January Edition. Free. HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND 39TII STS. One Housekeeping Apt,, 0 Rooms nnd Rath. One Housekeeping Apt,, C Rooms and Bath, R, It. TH.-TCHER, Manager. LION'S HEAD Handsomely furnished apts. 1213-15 Locum. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY MERCHANTS UNION TRUST COMPANY Capital $1,000,000 718-717-710 Chestnut at. All forms Trust Co. business transacted. SPECIAT.. FEATURES: Equipment ot Trust Department. Limited Checks. r Household checking accounts. Storage of articles of value. Steel and concrete vaults for Corporations and Business Firms, Municipal and State Bonds for legal Investment, Real Estate for sale. Instalment payments. Note sale ot 37 West Unsal Bt.. German town, 12 rooma and bath, Barnes & Lafland auction sale January 20th. Examine on Saturday p. m. Rents collected nnd credited or remitted. IirgK and email properties for rent. BUREAU OF INFORMATION SERVICE: Telephones: Market 2524 Main 1002 OERMANTOWN CHOICE properties In all sections of Gtn Mt. Alrv Chest. II.: all prices. Write for epooUl list. ' J. II. Chadwlck & Co.. B018 Oermantown. NEW JERSEY Atlantic City. N. J. BNAPB In choice cottages, hotels.Iots, etc. Sale, rent. oxc. Choicest cor. lot Ventnor, $1000 bel coat. Bruckmann. 310 Guarantee Bldg. Hnddonfleld. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL, ft.ll Fai'eral st.. Camden. Woodbury Heights. N. J. SEVEltAL desirable homes and Improved bldg. lots at reasonable prices. John Mayhew. MiNNBYLVANIA FARMB 100 ACRES, location, land, buildings, water and railroad facilities, all nm class; has everything that goes to make a good farm several stock forms cheap. 150. 200 and 250 acres, the very best of land and cheap; stats Jour "wants CCKNATHAN C. HaIIe, Wett Chester. Pa. 106 ACRES Good stock, dairy or fruit farm: $03 par acre: catalogue free. J. II, THOMPSON, 113 N. High St., West Chester. Pa, 107 ACRES, $8300. Main Line. A. D. Healdl West Chester. Pi Pennsylvania. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE NEW JERSEY Atlantic City. N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, etc., to ex. change for Philadelphia properties. CHAB. K. FELL. 83 B. Penna. ave., Atlantic City. REAL ESTATE WANTED PROPERTY ln and around Philadelphia for English Investors; only parties with good Income-producing properties of desirable loca. tlon need reply. Wire or write at once to American representative, W. J. MULLETT, Lockpott. N. Y REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY RODERT R. CREENSTBIN Real Estate Broker and General Imurance Office, 721 WALNUT Mortgages placed, properties bought and sold. We will rant JSurproperty. PHONE- WALNUT 203l KEYSTONE, WALNUT ST., 1508 Apply Penna. Co., 617 Chestnut tj Store and Dwellings DRUG STORE 23 years) corner store and dwelling; all the latest Improvements; facing two prominent streets. Apply 638 B. 17th at. Offices. Business Rooms. Etc DESIRABLE offices 11th floor Pennsylvania ia eat. JL ntiaitntlt lTi.I rul W I1 lita-a annlu lilUMaa alls nwmi "" wwif JT to Cashier, id floor, Wist End Trust Bldg. UNEXCELLED OPPORTUNITY for phyilclan or dentist to obtain a central office, two rooms, for $23. P. R. Co., 1317 Penna. Bldg. Factories, Warehouse. Mfg. Floors CHERRY. 62l-2-3 floor. 18.000 tq. ft.j light, en 3 side. Apply on premises. ,,r,f " rr-r r- i CErlTRAL-FLOOR BPACB-LOW RENT o n nmniiiv. 1317 Penna. Blr!-. Oermantown UNOX ST., 4903 (aermantown) 11-room fcouss. Hi COUVeiUftlVWrt WUWUWi VtliUWl all conveniences, containing bt with table. Apply on premises. Secane, Fat. 8ECANB. PA. ISO, modern 12-room dwelling, hot-watar beat, electrlo Hgbt, chicken houea and stable, lot 30x253 with plot adjoining la rear ioiho , large iruu trees ana snru&oery. Apply 2530 N 6th at. Phone Diamond 4292 P, MORTGAGES X LA.ROH fR-'M for 1st ana 2d mortgaaea or OB XrSte, r A. aryijjy, iim eta fUl.aia. fa00O FOR 1ST and 2a mortgagee. II CHEtrrRl' r " Chtatnut t SAM UBL T1IK arctlMAN ATTACKS. JOHN HULL. As tlm Kiigllsh papers would us bcllevo ho Is. hnvo I( ,1 JOHN HULL. As he really feels of course! about lho colossnl German nttaclc on his east const defenses. Mr. MoNab (to urchin) What's tho mntter, ltuldlc? Urchin I've lost my 'npcnnyl Mr. McNnb Aye, dlnna Brieve. Here's a match to And It. London Opinion. OH, HAVE HRVE R ClRRjl NO-T OLTJTOP? FsuOORE OFF NEW HE-UIHR'CHRTIOIN (IVENEBRCKTHRT ClRK-YOUSRITJYOU'Jl Sujornoff! QB WHEN YOU ARE EXCHANGING A GIFT AND THE PERSON WHO GAVE IT TO YOU HAPPENS AU0NG i .11V.V. itms ymj, rP HI-HOJO ) V C RA PPLE , YOU CAN'T BLUFF THE "Will you capltulnto nt oneo?" "Will you Burrcndor up tho Ooobcn and the Brcslau7" "Will you open tho Dardanelles?" "No. So put up your revolver." A HEART! OH-UERUlELbl'LL SnOKETmaELF THEN- oh-hbuerherrt! U1HRTU0V0UTHINK IRM?R5TRTUE?? ILJi HOW YOU FEEL r- r Sf .is ...Sis W JtTiar j TURK A GERMAN VIEW 'No." "No. Slmpllclsslmus. Tho darn thing Isn't loaded, "Gladly, anyway." HARD LUCK. "I'm sorry about trjls fighting In South Africa." "It doesn't affect you personally?" "Yes, It docs. Half a dozen sir) havo told me it was going- to make diamonds more expensive and every one of them seemed to have a 'now-Is-tho-tlmo-to-buy-one' look In her eye." A DIUNK OP SCOTCH RYE. He I am English, bur, I havo a UttU Scotch In me. She Yes, I noticed It when you en tered the room. r11W7 Vr ,,,1111 i lien,, i eSt. W LdjJhtLM'. t ."1 -1 W .-a
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