hmh-t idmDiKAWCBS &-- ItodKifcft. l?l nf ttHKt .."., nln tui. tfl8 rriT ntlndreil dollars. . . , , , fMammei., to ftt frrw) tth, eeeen ,joirnd t-t hundred dollar . , fl", 4 tit fflOO each, two thousand i,',er litmdred Bolls,- zfTgusmnnen, j at toog eacn, twelve; thousand ttolMrit ., Draughtsmen, l ai $1200 each, four- iten thousand roor hundred dollars. ., 12, at fUOO each, six- -Jen thmisnhd sight hundred dollar .. . 14,000 ,, . 14,400 . 16,800 wmugtusmpn, jv at siouu eacn, mteen bonnnd dollar ),...,... mn.htmen, 12 at iiboo each, nine- tn thousand two humlirn dollars. . Ih's.'igMamcn. 12 at $1M0 each. twenty-one thorisand nix hundred .dollars , ,..., BtHimtrnpher, ono thousand two hun- 15,000 19.200 Sl.000 1,200 1.000 8.300 S,T0() etermgrapher. on thousand dollar..! Clerks or Menejraphent. .1 at $1100 atit. three thousand thria hundred .itoflAhr . . Clerk or stenographers, 3 nt $1)00 rafh. ,two thousand seven hundred .dotal rhotqxrapher, one thousand four mm- , wren noimra , nren aourtrs Ail-t-,nt photog 1"' Photofnpher, ono tl orio 'thousand i"n? fler. ono thousand two hun- rtrert dollars ,. riling clerk, one thousand dollars.... Total, two hundred and ten thou -,, na ana thirty dollars ..$210,030 Stamps, telephone, telegraph, express mrreenger service ana miscei . laneous, ono thousand dollars..... Maintenance. Item s, ta) Mafhtenace of automobile, five hun -tklT' dollars. Oil Transportation, five hundred dollars Co) Hent of omen In Bourse, nine tiiou- $1,000 $.100 GOO Hiia ooiiara t 0,000 ten thousand dollars $10,000 Item 4. florlnya and securing data, two thou- , sand dollar , ... Item s Oansulttnc enxlneers. sixty thousand dollarn , , $2,000 $00,000 TJepnrtment of Cltr Transit be nu- Ihorlsed to enter Into a contract with fbrd. narnn & Davis for said amount ror a period of twelve months for jucn expert service as ho may deem . necessary, tlem O. Jlfport. maps, plans, specification. compiiin;. colorlnr. ono thousand n!Lv..,nim4r?'. dollars , $I.RO0 rrpvlded Tliat all emplove of this Depart ment, now or hereafter employed, shall ho rltlscn of the United States anft bona lido resident of tho City of Philadelphia nt least one year prior to their employment, and shall remain bona fldo residents during such employ ment, rJjY't?- Thst whenever poselhle conlrnct F2r 5KP'!.". or. materials shall bcrwardcd only to rhlladclphla firms whose plants are lo cated In the city, and that a schedule of C!c.?'"v,'r!?.. certified by tho Committee on Finance, shall be sent to the City Controll-r perpro he shall slun any warrants for such msterlak or supplies. And the WlV rnnl-nllaa aVnll Mumr.r.tan 2,wi,rran,s. "Salnst any Item In this ordinance Unless all conditions Imposed nro compiled with v.v'arXant shall bo drawn bv the Director of JJ.U,iEp,r,tJ'",.t ..nt c1lv Transit In con formity with existing ordinances. .... """nances or parts of ordinances lncon-J ill!; i herewith be, and the same oro hereby repealed, .Approved the 20th day of December, A. D. "" 850. Mayor of Philadelphia. AJL OHDINANCB TO MAKE AN APPnO Prtatlon to tho Department of Wharves. Pff" Rrrt Efirle. for tho venr 1D1B. -.r" The Select nnd Common Councils J52.? clt of Philadelphia do ordain: That iUSaJLT . one hundred and slxtv-thrro thou sand nlno hundred nnd slxtv (lm.PrtO) dollara ne. ana the same Is hereby appropriated to ?. Department of whan-e. Docks and Fer ries, for tho year 1013, ns follows: .-. . ., KXECUTIVE, Administration. ""J, 4- Personal services: (a) Salaries: Director, ten thousand dollars $10,000 Assistant .Director, four thousand dol lara 4.000 Secretary, two thousand flvo hundred dollars 2,500 Chief clerk, ono thousand flvo hun- B-.r:, """r 7-'. .. i.,i,. ciictmi iiRcnt. iwo inousann dollnrs.. a"!' !ilLslrxa nn- th"o thou sand six; hundred, dollars Clerk, ond- thousand dollars!.-. B at -$000 each, four thousand flvo hundred dollars Messenger and cleric, nlno hundred dollars .j ... . Telephone opcraton six hundred dol- , lam , fh) Fees of .auctioneer for rclllng wharf leases, two hundred and fifty dollar a.. ., , 2.000 3.000 1,000 4,500 000 600 230 Total, thirty thousand' eight hun dred and flftv dollars $30,850 Item 2. Services other than personal: ta) Carfare, transportation, freight, cx rressage. droyage. postage, com munication, advertising, printing, stationery, special and miscella neous service, nnd supplies, ono thousand nve hundred dollnrs $1,600 to) Care and maintenance of automo- tile, three hundred dollars 300 Total, ono thousand eight hundred Fixed Charges. Item 3. Bent of department offices In Bourse, four thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars $4,820 CARU AND CONSTIIUCTION. Operation. t Item 4. Personal services: (a) Sakvrtea: Harbor engineer, four thousand dol- .lars , .. $4,000 As-lstant engineers. 2 at $2,300 each. . flvo thourand dollar B.00O Assistant engineers. :i at $2,000 each. lx thousand dollars 6.000 Assistant engineer, ono thousand eight, hundred dollara 1.800 Structural designer, two thousand two hundred dollars 2.200 Chief drnughtiman. two thousand dol lars ,..'. . 2,000 Draughtsmen. 8 at 1.800 each, flvo thourand four hundred dollars 5,400 Draughtsman, ono thousand flvo hun dred dollars 1,500 Architect, one thousand eight ' hun- . dred 'dollars ...-.-.,.. 1.80O Inspector, ono thousand eight hundred .dolla- 2............ 1.800 Inspector, ono thousand flvo hundred dollars a............ 1,500 taiBucviur, vJiv inousufiu uvq nunarcu dollan 1,200 Inspectors. 2 ot $1000 each, two thou- . sand dollars , 2.000 inspectors, 0 at $1)00 each, eight thou- sand one hundrod dollar 8.100 Machinist, nine hund".! dollan. .... OCO Laborer, seven hundrej and flfty dol- Or) Wagens Jteimlrr. extension and alterations to Cltr wharves, bulkheads. landings and recreation 'piers for men. when employed, as follows: Inspector, at the rato of $87.30 per month; ship carpenters. .3 at $3.50 per day each: wharf builders. 2 at '1.50 per day each: tinsmith. $3 per day, laborer $2.50 per day. and laborers. 4 at $2.23 per day each, live thousand dollara 5.000 Total, fifty thousand nine hundred . ,ni flf.y dollars $50,050 Item 5. Services other than personal: Removing ashes and refuse from City piers, one hundred and flfty dollars $150 Item O. Supplies: Uniforms. -! at $10 each, eighty dol- lars ,., , $30 Maintenance. Xuro 7. Services other than personal: Bepalra and alterations to City wharves, bulkheads, landings and recreation piers, four thousand dol lara ... ... $4,000 INSPECTION AND PATBOU. Item 8. Personal services; (a) tjalartes: .uocKraasur, cith engmser. two thou- aUUlU DOUU1 ...........a,,,.,, Dockmasters. 2 at $1,200 each, two thousand four hundred dollara Chief wtiartlnger, one thousand eight hundred dollars , , .Wharfingers. 7 at $1,000 each, seven thousnd dollars Special officer, eevsn hundred and twenty dollan ,. Watehmin. 2 at $720 eaah. one thou sand four hundred and forty dollars 2.0001 2,400 3.800 T.OOO T20 1,440 Total, flrteen thousand three hun- ard "? lxt3r dollars ,.. $18,380 AtU. Va P.JWIIM, Twelve uniforms at $40 each, four hundred and eighty dollars.,.,,,., IIARBOH, CHANNELS. Operation. Item 10. Personal service: (a) Salaries; taKperlnUndent of boats and dredges, two thousand llva hundred dollars., Bydrographer. one thousand two hun dred dollan latAdsinin. one thousand dollars..... lUacrder, seven hundred end eighty doll-rs ,......, , , Tlds observer, six hundred dollan..,. Gasoline engineer, eight hundred and 4S0 $3,500 L20O 1.000 780 600 8(0 800 laM.J. .-allVrB a,,..-,--.....,. ..... a "erirlXal weLslimaUa. nine hundra,! collars b Tiru&arary employees to operate city tee boats, thirteen thousand two hundred dollan 13.2O0 v) Temporary employees, city dredg ing yieuE. c-.c.-.y''.. .aoussna three I quzaUi dred nd thirty dollars., 21,830 Total, forty-two thousand three nunarea ana any aoiuur. ...... stem M. tterrlces other than personal; sa.1 frautaKoortation. eoHamunleetlnn. $42,850 JfUaU-lg . IHWAIWllHlll. aVfTlCS .utat xaiurJltB. tire hundred dollars. $500 8,000 JM aswMiu.' Franxford crtta. three IHII WWSMH Hwu.. ........... Ttjl. three thousand Ave hundred . IrVtll Sf e-iear ., ere SiS'Bf'liatetlaUi 'for ropclrs: SaeUw and naattitals for repairs to My lee boat and elty dredxlns jUmt. Bins thousand our hundred aiaSf itfftati- dollara l. . $.420 $100 loo ffiafirm' rar rtiit fat Are purpose. House Ulaa, ft; Dtitw. Marltiaia Etc !, ea Sun fW 4eHn -T7.7 dtfttav...... -0 rrvtidvd. TVt ii11is; &&&& la-y &? fexlas .-f XlkMl 1,400 1,200 1.B0O 1.000 v kf fh CM" -it ordinances year prior to their employment, and shall re main bona fide resident during each employ ment: Provided furttitr That the Director shall be allowed. When !r I In his Judgment to tha beat Interests oC the city, to purrhsso nr rcntmet. without ndvertlslng. bills not ex- Ceedlnir lh. MM nf rt h.,t,A,1 t.VKll flntlAffl. 0,600 , T.200 2,400 . Provided, That whenever poiwlhle contracts for supplies or materlala shall be awarded only to Philadelphia, flraui whose plants are located In the city, and that a avhedulo f such awards, certified by the committee on Commerce and Navigation, , shall be sent l the city Controller before he shall slitn any warrants for such materials or supplies. 'And tho City Controller shall countersltn no WftrrflHf atrafnmt in Itflm In thl ordinance unlets nil conditions laid down are compiled with. Ahit wurmnt bil1 V.A rlrnwn hv the Director of the Department of Wharves, Docks and Ber ries in conformity with existing; ordinances. All ordinances or parts of ordinances Incon" (latent herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. , Approved the 20th day of December, A. u. M ' ItUDOLft! lltMNKRNDWnfj No. SS7. Mayor of l'hlladelphl. AN OtlDl.VANCE TO MAKE) AN APPnOimi atlon to the Department of 1'ubllc Wotks, for tho year inl.i. . ,. , Bed Ion J. fho Select and Common Councils of tne city of I'ltuaaeipnia ao oruam: av "" sum of six million three hundred, and. forty- seven thourand three hundred and slilynlno (U,3i7,UiiU) dollars. . ,.. DUtrcCTCMVB OFT'ICT.. . , ., Of the amount appropriated to this Depart ment tho sum of forty-four thousand four hun dred nnd sixty-five 14M(S) dollars Is, for tho expenses of the Director's office, as follows! Item l. Personal services: Director, ten thousand dollars.... ...... ,$10,000 Assistant Director, four thousand dollars 4,000 Uenernl Inspector, two thousand nve hundred dollars v" Special Intpcctor, two thousand flvo hun dred dnllnra ,.,......v........... Chief clerk, two thousand flvo hundred dollars ,.,.,... ,.1 : Paymaster, one thousand five hundrod 2,500 2,M0 2,reo i,r,oo 1,200 dollar ....., ......,..,,.. Assistant paymaster, ono thousand two hundred dollars , ,.,,,,.,... i... Paymaster1 clerks, 2 nt $1,100 cacn, two tnousonti two liumircii uouars .2,200 Clerks. 2 nt tBW each, one thousand Weill hundred dollar,. ..i. ........... Ii Clerk, ono thousand flvo hundred dollar 1,600 Assistant clerk, one thousand two hun deed dollars . V-'OO Chauffeurs. 2 nt $1,000 each, two thou ,inrt .tollara 2,000 StciiOErapher and clerk, one thousand ono hundred dollara...... ........ ...- Klenoitrnpher and typewriter, 2 nt $iw 1,100 each, ono thousand clslit nuntireu uoi- Messciiic'rl nliie ii'utidred dollars. . . . . . . . Mcssenirer, seven hundred and twenty dollars .", ,' Offlce boy, three hundred and sixty dol- Telcplidiic awltch'honrd operator, four hundred and clBhty dollars Janltreas, alx hundred dollars 1,800 000 720 3 CO 490 ;oo Total, thlrtyettiht thousand eight hundred nnd rlxty dollars ...?3S,S0O Item 'J. Services other than pcrronol: . (a) Transportation carriage, cab ana motor vehicle hlro, flfty dollars........ (b) v5torngo nnd enro of 2 automobiles, four hundred dollars. ,''.. : (o) Communication servlcoa, advertising and publication of notices, Ave hun dred dollara ,,; (d) Miscellaneous threo hundred dollnrs $50 400 600 ::oo Total ono thousand two hundred and and' fifty dollar Maintenance , Item 3. ncpalrs to 2 automobiles, flvo hundred dollara Fixed charges. (a) Licenses for 2 automobiles, thirty- (b) Annual membership fee In organiza tion of City official-, for ntandardlilnB paving specification, one hundred dol lars $1,250 $.'00 $33 100 Total, one hundred and thlrty-flvo dollars .. :; ;;: .i.-A $135 CCmfUIa-UaVO.V Hi a-a,..1.a.l Item ... Personal sorvices: (a) Salaries: . . Secretary, two thousand five hundred Stenographe'r'or'clVrk.'nlnis hundred dol- Janttrcsa,' oiio' hundred' and' twenty dol- lars 1-" Total, threo thousand flvo hundred and twenty dollars................. $3,Da.o Item 6. Services other than personal. Transportation nnd communication serv- Ice. ono hundred dollars .. $10 Item 7. Miscellaneous: Expenditures In connection with ex- hlblts, one hundred dolltrs io) UURBAU OF OAS. Sect 2. Of the amount appropriated to this Department the um of ten tho "". uf dollars is for tho expenses ot tho Bureau or Gas ns follows: Operation: . , item 1. Personal services.: InVp'ectora two at $2,500 each flvo thou- Assistant Inspector' of' meter, ono thou- sand two hundred dollar ; ' Assistant Inspector of meters, tjlne nun- $3,000 1.200 000 Clerk nnd a-sls't'ant Inspector, nlnu hun- dred dollars - .; : Photometer Insrcctor, seven hundred and 000 Messenger nnd ' 'n'snlVtanV ' inspector of meters, noven hundred and fifty dollars. .oo ih) Cleaning rooms, ono hundred and eighty dollars TB0 Total, nine thousand six hundred and eighty dollars ., t. ., attlinr Ihiin nersonal : $0,080 Carfare, postage, printing and miscel laneous, threo hundred and twenty dol lars $320 BUREAU OF LIOHTINO. Sect. 3. Of tho amount appropriated to this Department, tho sum of flvo hundred and ninety-three thousnnd and twenty-rour (503,024) dollars Is for the expenses of tho Bureau of Lighting, a follows: Item 1. Personal services: Chief of Bureau, two thousand dollara. . $1 '000 Chief clerk, one thousand two nunarea dollars Clerk, nlno hundred dollars Inspectors. 4 at $1,000 each, .four thou sand dollara (b) Cleaning offices, ninety dollars.... 1.200 MX) 4,000 DO Total, eight thousand ono hundred and ninety dollars $8,100 Item 2. Sorvices other than personal: (a) Trnnsportatlon. subslstanco and care of animals, storago and caro of vehi cles, communications servlca and ad vertising, two thousand dollars $2,000 (h) Incandescent- lighting (lamps now erected), five hundred and flfty thou sand dollars 550.000 Provided. That each lamp shall b flfty candle power: Provided further. No naphtha lamp shall be located on any stree where gas roiilns are laid, and no naphtha lamps shall be located or relocated without authority of Coun cils. (c) Incandescent lighting (lamps now erected), of not less than flfty (50) cnndlo power. In tho outlying parts of the City where gas lamps aro now or may hereafter bo laid, seventeen thou- rand four hundred dollars $17,400 (d) incandescent jigniing, aaamonai lights, flvo thousand dollars frl Incandescent lighting Northeast 5,000 Boulevard, flvo thousand dollars....... 5,000 (f) Lighting Northern Liberties district, one thousand three hundred an' J thirty four dollars 1,334 $580,734 Maintenance. Item 3. Repaln to vehicles and har ness, one hundred dollars 100 Capital Outlay. Item 4. (a). Additional Incandescent lamps, all new post to be furnlshod at ,th rate of seven (T) dollars and fifty (50) cents each, two thousand five hun dred dollars 2,500 Posts for lamps. Northeast Boulevard, one thousand five hundred dollan..,, 1,500 Total, four thousand dollan , $4,000 Provided. No new lamps shall be located without resolution of Councils. Provided fur ther: That any balanco remaining to the credit of anr Items providing for new or additional Incandescent lights for the year 1014, shall not merge December 31, 1914, BUREAU OF inairWATS. Sect. 4. Of the amount appropriated to this Department the sum of three million four hundred and fifty-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight (3.452.T78) dollars la for the expenses of U)e Bureau of Highways, as fpl. lows: v DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION. Operation. Hem I. Personal services: Salaries: Chief of Bureau, six thousand dollan.. $8,000 Assistant engineers. 2 at $1,000 each. I Assistant engineer, three 'thouiVnd'do'l- .i.iif mnmnnrt aii... 8,000 8,000 2,500 4.200 5,400 6,000 6.200 ,' -. .......,.. ......... Assistant engineer, two thousand five hundred dollan Assistant engineers. 2 st $2,100 each, four thousand two hundred dollars.,.. Assistant engineers, 8 at $1.80Q each, Ave thousand four hundred dollars.... Inspectors. 4 at $1,500 each, six thou sand dollan , Inspectors. 4 at $1,800 each, five thou, sand two hundred dollars Stenosranher or clerk, one thousand nm. hundred dollars . 1,100 one thousand eight hundred dollars.. Stenographer or clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars Telephone operator, six hundred dollars. Chauffeurs, 4 at $1,000 each, four thou sand dollan Messenger, nine hundred dollars Mseeengtr. eight hundred dollars suitress, four hundred and eighty dol lars Janltreas, three hundred dollars 1,800 T20 600 4.000 000 800 480 300 Total, fifty-one thousand dollara. .. .$31,000 It tit 2. Services other than personal: (a) Transportation, meals, communica tion service and advertising, one thou sand dollars , $1,000 (W Storage and cars of 8 automobiles, six hundred dollars 000 (c) MUcelUaeeiM 100 Total, one thousand seven hundred dollars $1,700 Book, pamphlets; magaxlnes, news papers and miscellaneous, three bun. onTdolLin UalBtesance. IU -i Itepatn to eutemobllea, three JHjndrsd. doiiaw . ,,.., USUI . pUWlMaCH. 800 Item. S, rf ,fte 14j6J. 3 " ftJS -tS BVBNXNQ LKDGBR-PHILADRLPnrA, FRIDAY, JANUARY ORllINAKCEd jinrnitNTiMrt anIi nfcprmrjtoft. Operatlonj. Item o. rersonal services Salarlos: . Chief clerk, two thousand elghl hundred dollar , . $4,800 AHnisianc cniei cierK, iwo inousana aoi lars J, Clerks. 2 at fl.soo each, threo thourand six hundred .dollars ., Clerks, n at $1,400 each, seven thou- 2,000 3, COO t.OOO 1,200 mm aoiinrn , i... Clerk, one thourand two hundred do) Clerks. 2 at tl.inn each, two thniinitnil two hundred dollar ,,. 2,200 IjMulslllon clerk, one thousand dollars,, 1,000 Clerks, 2 at $1,000 each, two thousand dollars. ,,, , 2,000 Clerks, 2 at $000 each, ono thousand elsht hundred dollars ,,...,, 1,800 complaint receiver, nlno hundred dol lars ......,....,,,,..,.,,.,,,,.,,,,.,. POO Stenographers or clerks. 2 at $720 each, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars ,..,.,....,.,..,. 1,449 Total twenty.flvo thousand nine hun dred nnd forty dollara $23,040 Operatlo'nf ,MITS AND "CNSKS. o...,cm,7, Tersonat services! supervisor, two thousand ono Hundred uonnrs ........,, $2,100 License clerk, one thousand two hundred .dollars ,.,. 1,200 Assistant llcenso clerk, nine hundred dollars ...,...., 000 Total four thousand two hundred dollar .....,,.,,,.,,.,,. $4,200 ItOAJlD OF HIOIIWAY SUPBIIVISOKB. Operation, i'em s. .personal services: (r-aiarloc! CW? . draughtsman, ono thousand Ave i,5".?i'Tll JS"" !,... . -....uniuni it'll, rf ni Sl.aVU CnCIl, IWO thousand four hundred dollars ...... Dinuahtsmen. j at $I).-iO each, six thou, eatid. alx hundred nnd fifty dollars. . . . 2,400 0,030 Jraugiiumen. 3 at $800 each, two thou- r,.,i, tinii nuniirrii unnars Clerk, nlno hundred dollars Jnnllress, ono hundred and eichtv dol 2,400 WW lar ,"..,. iso Total, fourteen thousand nnd thirty dollars $14,080 Item II. Services other than personal: Transportation and miscellaneous, fifty dollars , , sjo DIVISION OF 8TKKI.TB, 8I.WI.H8 AND aMKADOWIlCNKS. Operation. Item 10. Personal services: Salaries: Assistant engineers, 8 nt $2500 each. twenty thousand dollars $20,000 Assistant engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars 1,800 atiti'iur, ,-. at xiaiuu eacn, twelvo thousand dollara 12.000 Typewriter nnd clerks, 8 nt $720 each, five thousand seven hundred nnd sixty dollar , r700 Yard watchmen, 8 nt S720 each, flvo thousand seven hundred and sixty dol lars c,700 Total, forty-five thousand threo hun- dred and twenty dollnrs $43,320 . Item li. srvlces other than! tai Transportation, two hundred dollara (b) Siorngo nnd care of (I nutomoblles, or.o thousand dollars fcl Kln(fH. llihf n,A.,,.n..a. .laiu.. $200 1,000 (d) Sprinkling macadam ond dirt roado, twenty.flve thousand dollars .23,000 Total, twenty-six thousnnd two hun- dred and soventy-flve dollnrs $20,275 Maintenance Item yj. Hopalrs to automobiles, one tnOUsaml tvin hlinrimil nn.l fir,, ,ll. lar . ... . :: . . . ...... :. ........ v. . . Canltal Ontlni. $1,230 Item 13. Grading, curbing nnd raving In front of City and non-assesEable prop- Vi...i.'w .uuubuiiu uoiiars... Fixed rhartrns. $0,000 Item 14. (a) Itent of district offices, yard and meadowbank atorngo loca tions, four thousand threo hundred dol- (1.) Fee for'il'cVns'ea' 'd'RUtom'ouil'o'a'Wn'd 5 motorcycles, elghty-thrco dollars IrtlB $4,300 83 Total, four thousand three hundred and elghty-thrco dollars $1,383 DISTBICT OFFICES-INSPECTION. Operation. Item 13. Personal services: Salaries: (a) Inspectors, 08 nt $1300 each, seventy two thousand eight hundred dollars... $72,800 (b) Inspectors (when employed) nt $82.60 and $100 per month each, seventy thou sand dollars 70,000 Total, ono hundred nnd forty-two thousand eight hundred dollars... $142,800 , Item 10. Services other than personal: (a) Transportation and meals, threo thousand dollars $3,000 (b) Boarding, stabling, storage and care of animals and vehicles, flvo thousand dollars 5 000 (c) Horseshoeing, flvo hundred dollars.. 600 (d) Storage and caro of motorcycles (6), two hundred dollars 200 Total, eight thousand seven hundred dollara Maintenance. Item IT. Bcpalrs to motorcycles and bicycles, one hundred dollars Item 18. Sen Ices other than personal: $8,700 $100 iu, laiummiK anu sprinKiing or streets, one million two hundred and thirty two thousand eight hundred and fortv seven dollars $1,232 SIT (b) Removal of ashes and house waste, five hundrod and forty-thrco thousand six hundred and eighty-one dollars. . ,543,631 (c) Removal and disposal of garbage and dead ' animals, three hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and eighty-eight dollars 323.683 (d) Removal of snow and Ice, two thou sand Ave hundred dollars 2,600 Total, two million one hundred and two thousand six hundred and six teen dollars $2,102,610 FIELD FORCE MAINTENANCE OF ' , STREETS AND ROADS. . Maintenance, Item 10. Personal services: wages- For repairing, resurfacing and all kinds of malntenanco work on all classes of streets and roads, as follows (when employed): Foremen, nt $100 per month each; roller engineers, at $100 per month ench: asslstnnt fore men, at S3 per day each: leader-pavers, at $4.25 per day each; pavers, at $3.75 per day eacm stationary en gineers, at $3.T3 per day each; ram mers, at $3.23 per day each; rakers, at $2.50 per day each; Joiners, at $2.50 per day each: watchmen, at $2 por day eucii, muun-io, ul $.: per aay eacn, four hundred thousand dollars 400,000 Provided that not more than one-tenth of this appropriation shall be used In any ono mouth. Item 20. Services other than personal: (a) Hire of teams, flfty thousand dol lars $50,000 Provldod, That not more than one-tenth of this appropriation shall be used In any one month. (b) Hlro ot equijmont, with or without operatives, flvo thousand dollars 5,000 (c) For repairing, raving, repaying, sur facing, resurfacing and all kinds nt maintenance work on all classes of streets and roads by contract, four hundred thousand dollars. 400,000 (d) Repairs to equipment, tools, etc., Ave hundred dollars 600 (e) Repairing breaks made In footways for municipal purposes and around Are plugs; and repavlng footways and re setting curb In Iront ot City and non assessable properties, two thousand dollars 2,000 Total, four hupdred and flfty-seven thousand five hundrod dollara. . . S45T,500 FIELD FORCE-MAINTENANCE OF SEW ERS, Maintenance. Item 21, Personal services: Wages: For repairing sewers and Inlets (when employed) as follows: Foremen, at $1C0 per month each; sewer construct ors, at $3 per day each: assistant foremen, at $3 per day each; laborors, at $2.CO and $2 jer day each, forty thousand dollara $40,000 Item 22. Services other than personal; (a) Hire ot teams, five thousand doll ars $5,000 (b) Hire of equipment, with or without operatives, five hundred dollars 500 (ol Repairs to equipment, tools, etc, Ave hundred dollars 600 Total, alx thousand dollars Oneratlon. $8,000 Item 23. Services other thin personal: Transportation, seven hundred dollan.. $700 FIELD FORCE MAINTENANCE OF MKA DOWBANK3 AND WATERCOURSES. Maintenance. Item 24. Personal services: 'Wages for repairs to meadowbanks and watercourses, as follows; (when em ployed), foremen, at $4 per day each; carpenters, at $3.60 per day each; as. slatant foremen, at $3, per day each; laborers at $2 per day each, ten thou sand dollars , ,, $10,000 Item 25. Services other than personal; (a Repairs to equipment, tools, etc., flvo hundred dollara J50O (b) Repairs to meadowbanks and water courses ur ,-uiiit.v. Mr upvu .uarncfc cr dee. Nve thousand dollan , 6,000 (?) Hire ot teams, eight hundred and flfty dollars ., ,........,...,,.,, 850 Total, alx thousand three hundred and fifty dollars ., $6,850 Operation. Item 2a Services other than personal; Transportation, one hundred dollars..., $100 DIVISION OF BRIDOES. OFFICE OFsATAN5nEWOIN- Dpentlon. Item 27. Personal services; Salaries: Assistant engineer, two thousand five dred dolltrs $2,C00 Assistant engineer, iwu inousana one hundrsd dollars Assistant engineer, one thousand Are hundred dollars Inspectors, 3 at 11,300 each, three thou sand nine hundred dollars Draughtsman, one thousand dollars Clerks, S at $(00 each, two thousand seven hundred dollars . Stenographer or clsrk, seven hundred and twenty dollars ..! . J.,100 1,500 8.000 l.UOO 2,700 T20 Total, fourteen thousand four hun dred and twenty dollars .$14,420 Item 28. Services other than personal: Transportation, three hundred dollars. . . $300 Oi'BRATINO FORCK-OPBNIHO, CLOSING AND POLICINO URIDGfcs. Operation. Item -W. Personal service: iila i-Ia'. 1 rT' - a & vat t. (bui, 9 m- vvy cu mmz: !4 w luawwwtv wvw i iMtJ!..Mi"i5 mm 11 tt xymfisiyi3Jm9 a t&a&TtmOTUHSTro'BMIWf SipU?MMM ORDINANCES Ofttcmen, 10 at. $720 each, eeven thou- sahd trno hundred dollar Watchmen, 2 at $720- each, one thou- sand four hundred and forty dollars. u ,, T.200 . ,. 1.400 Total, twenty-three thousand four, nunarca nonars .,,,,... FIEIaD rOJlCB-ilAINTBNAN ,.,...23,400 fCB OK Maintenance. lfem so, Personal services! Wages: For repair to bridges, as follows (when employed)! Foremen, nt $1 per month each: bridge constructors', nt l.fJO per .day eachi iron workers, at $t.Paper day each: atone masons, nt $1 per day eachi painters, at $3.00 per day each, laborers, at S3. Art nt..! iO nr Anv eath, twenty-four thousand dollars ... $21,000 Item 31. Service other than personal! M Hire of teams, ono thousand dollars $1,000 (b) Hire of equipment, five hundred dol- inrs , .,., I,.,.,,,,...,,.,.. ow (c) Ilcpnlrs to cnulpmcnt, tools, etc, flvo bundled dollar ,, .,,,,... ., MO (d) llepalrs to and painting bridges by contract or open market order, thirty thousand dollars ,.,,.,.,.,.....,...... 30,000 Total, thirty-two thousand dollars... $32,000 DIVISION OF ENTO-MOlaOOV. Operation. Hem 32, Personal services! ta) Salary: nntomoioRlst, ono thousand five hundred itiMiurs ..,.,,,,.,... ..,... Sl.ltvu lb) Avage laflDorer borers, nt J!2 nei ,t,iw atqi, iwn thniia sand flvo hundred dollars ............. 2, WO Total, four thoustnd dollars -. $1,W)0 a . . llUlllaaVir OF StmVBYS. . ... sect. ... of tho amount appropriated to this Department, the sum of four hundred nnd J, ,!J" . '.'"'Co thousand eight hundred and thirty (4.13,830) dollars Is for the expenses ot tho Ilurenu of .Surveys, as follows! Operation. ."."I '. 1'ersonal services! (n) Salaries: Chief engineer nnd surveyor, eight thousand dollars $3,000 Principal nsalstnnt engineer, four thou- . sand mo hundred dollars 4..100 Chief nnd recording clerk, two thou- sand dollars 2,000 Ad.alstnnt recording clerk, one thousand , flvo hundred dollars 1,000 f .enogmnhera nnd typewrllers, 2 at $1,- r,.'0.''.ncn. two thousand dollars 2,000 Ofllclal phologrnpher.ono thousand eight IiXHiIm.I .,,, . DM i .,,.,,.,, vi, tlt'lllll-a , a.CTUl, Assistant phptogrnnhcr. one thousand threo hundred dollars 1,300 Assistant iihologrniihcr, nlno hundred nnd fifty dollnrs 1)50 Illuo printer, alx hundred dollars 000 Custodian of i-nconl, nlno hundred dol law H00 McsEcnger, ono thousand dollars LOW Chnuffcur, one thousnnd dollars 1,000 Janitor, seven hnnrlroii nn.l twenty dol lars 720 Jnnllress, four hundred and eighty dol lar 480 (h) Miscellaneous, ono hundred and twen ty dollars 120 Total, twcnty-slx thousand eight hun- drid nnd seventy dollars $20,870 Hem 2. Service other than rersonal: (a) Tmnsportntlon, cxprcHsage, communi cation service nnd advertising, one thousnnd dollars $1,000 (h) Storage nnd caro of automobiles, two hundred dollars 200 Total, ono thousand two hundred dot- . lars $1,200 Item a. BunDlles (a) Pamphlet, magazines and miscel laneous, two hundred dollars (b) Ptirchnso anr maintenance of one $200 automobile, $2,500. and threo at $500 each, four thousand dollara 4,000 Total, four thousand two hundred dot- ., lars $4,200 Maintenance. Item 4. Services other thnn personal: Ili'imlrs to nnd llcenso for automobile, threo hundrod dollars $300 RECORDING. AND iPIaOTTING. Operation. Hem 6. Personal services: Salaries: Registrar, two thousand dollar 2,000 Registry clerk, ono thousand four hun- dicd dollars 1,400 Assistant registry clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars 1,200 uruugntsman and road clerk, one thou sand llvo hundred dollars 1,500 4.800 Draughtsmen. 4 at $1,200 each, four tnousand oignt Hundred dollars Draughtsmen, 4 at $1,000 each, four thousand dollars Clerk, ono thousand dollars Clerks, at $no each, four thousand flvo hundred dollara 4,000 1,000 4,500 Total, twenty thousand four hundred dollars $20,400 Item U. Servlcca other than personal: Recording deeds and dedication of streets, two hundred dollars $200 SURVEVING AND ENGINEERING. Operation. Item 7. Personal services: Salaries: District surveyors and regulator, 13 at $4,000 each, flfty-twn thousand dollars 62,000 Principal assistants, 10 at 12,000 each, twenty thousnnd dollars 20,000 Principal assistants, 7 at $l,SO0 each, twelvo thousand six hundred dollars. . . 12,000 First Assistants, 21 nt $1,400 each, twenty-ninu thousand four hundred dol lars 20,400 First Assistants, 12 at $1,200 each, fourteen thousand four hundred dol- , lars , 14,400 Second i assistants, 10 at $1,000 each, nineteen thousand dollnrs 10,000 Draughtsman, 12 at $1,200 each, four teen thousand four hundred dollara... 14,400 Draughtsman, 0 at $1,000 each, six thou rand dollara 0,000 Tronsltmen, 31 at $000 each, twenty seven thousand nine hundred dollars. . 27,000 Rodmcn, 31 at $800 each, twenty-four thousand eight hundred dollars 21,800 Chalnmen, 15 at JfJOO each, seven thou ennd Ave hundred dollars 7,500 Apprentices, 3 at $30O each, ono thou sand and eighty dollar ." 1,080 Messengers, 2 nt $300 each, seven hun dred and twenty dollars .' 720 Stenographer, 4 at IS10 each, threo thousand threo hundred and sixty... 3,300 Total, two hundred and. thlrty-threo thousand one hundred and sixty.. $233, 180 Item 8. Service other than rersonal: (a) Transportation, seven Hundred dol lar (b) Hire, storago and caro of horses, vehicles and automobiles, flvo thou sand dollara (c) Cleaning offices, ono thousand two hundrod dollar (d) Postage, two hundred dollara (c) Light, two hundred dollara 700 5,000 1,200 200 200 Total, seven thousand three hundred dollars $T,800 Fixed Charge. , Item 0. Rent ot 13 illstrlct offices, eight thousand dollars $8,000 PREPARATION OF PLIANS. Operation. , Item 10. Personal Bervlces: Assistant engineer, three thouand dollars $3,000 Arslstant engineer, neio corps, two inou Band dollar Draughtsman, ono thousand flvo hun dred dollara r.rn,iirtiRmn. 3 at 81.200 each, three 2,000 1.C00 thousand six hundred dollars 3,000 Transltman, field corps, nine hundred dollars :,ii,i,";";,vv Rodman, field, corps, eight hundred dol- Chalnm'a'n, "field Vo'rp'', flvo hundred dol lars 000 EO0 600 Total, twelvo thousand threo hun dred dollars $12,300 Item ll. Services other than personal: Transportation, field corps, two hundred dollars 00 SEWERS AND INLETS. Operation, Item 12. Personal services; Assistant engineers. 2 at $3,000 each, six houiand dollars $8,000 6ewer registrar, one thousand five hun dred dollara 1,600 Draughtsman, one thousand four hun dred dollars 1,400 Draughtsman. 7 at $1,200 each, eight thousand four hundred dollars 8.400 6ewer clerk, one thousand four hundred dollnrs 1,400 Fermlt clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars 1,200 Inspectors ot drain connections, 3 at J I, WO each, three thousand six hun red dollars 8,000 Supervisors of Intercepting sewers. 2 at $1,000 each, two thousand dollars,,,. 2,000 Total, twenty-five thousand Ave hun- -" dred dollars ': $23,500 Item 13. Services other than personal; Transportation for examination of sew ers. one hundred dollars ,.,,.,,, J100 Maintenance. Item 14. Services other than personal: (a) Reconstruction of Inlets, one thou sand dollars !,::. i J-000 (b) Repairs to old sewers, flfty thousand dollars 50,000 Total, flfty-one thousand dollars,... SICOQ CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES. Operation. Item 15. Personal services; Oea $41 Assistant engineer, four thousand dollara $4,000 Draugnisman, iwg iqouwvnu uuiiars.,.. .7,1-ju Draughtsman, 2 at $1,200 each, two thousand four hundred dollars,..,,.,, 2,400 Total, eight thousand four hundred lar ip.00 TEOTINQ OF MATERIAIS, Operation. Item It). Personal services: Salaries: , I JIIIULH, .a..., ,a..v -.aa v,...- lars $3,000 First assistant, one thousand five hun. dred dollars Chemist, one thousand Ave hundred dol lars Assistant ohemltt, one thousand three hundred dollars . Laboratory assistants. 2 at $1,000 each, two thousand dollars ..... ...... Laboratory assistants. 3 at $000 each, two thousand seven hundred dollar.. 1.500 1,600 1.800 2,000 8.T0O Total, twelve thousand dollars $12,000 DISPOSAL OF S0WAC1E, ' Operation. Item 17. Personal service 1 ta) Salaries: Assistant engineer, two thousand four hundred dollan $2.40O Assistant engineer, one thousand Ave bimdrd delun ..... 1,509 Dmurhtsniva. 3 at $l.S0O each, three thousand six huodred dojlari 3,(300 giphsr&ta reeufdlng elftV, b1 . hu3rd 4oU - 808 lBs-itsr at u)klnK. Mter oMiutar, co tbuaBd three us4re4 JM fKMy ORDINANCES dollars .,.,;. J-38" Engineers, :i at $1.0CK each, threo thau- - snnd dollars ti--; 8' Watchman, seven hundred nnd twenty . dollnrs , - 7Z0 Assistant operator. 8 at $300 each, two M thousand seven hundred dollars Z7TO (h) Waxes for extra help, laborers, not cxcoedlng $2.M per day. flvo thousano flvo hundred dollnrs t-K0. Total, thousand soven hu".,. tft0 dred dollar jzi.iw Maintenance. . .,. Item 18, Itennlrs to plant and equip- trtfiri t... .l.v .- tUniiaanil iiOl . ... -f., VJIlllfUtf, UIIB s,I.Ym.- SI GOV rrovldcd". ' Thai" a "haw 'of ' fl'f'ly W) cent shall ho made for each search ' r'5!.MiJ? owners of property to pay for wear ana icar on books. aii-,-. Ami PrrtoM. rri,. ,.. tintance remaining t tho credit of Hem 28 (hrldges) " r?I2ptjJ. tlon for the year 1D14, should not mcrgo JJfl ccmbcr 31, 1014. nmiriAtt nu1 WATER . . .. .. Reet. fi. or ih, BMnnt.1 nnnronrlated to, tills Department the sum of ono million three nun ree.htin; Irml unit thlrtv.nnn Ihmi.nn.l two hundred ana sluty-two iloilars 1 for tho penscs of tho Dureau of Water, ft. iohows. I .lit.. I .d.ltJ-M IllIlirilE - -. .. ... KXHCUTIVB. Hem 1. Personal services: Chief of ilurenu, ten thousand, dnllnr.$10,000 Second assistant to chief, two thousand dollar fjl 2,(w Engineering clerk, ono thousand flvo M hundred dollars 'V I,w clerk, ono thousand two hundred dollar ., .,,: I'nno monographer, ono thousand dollars .... i." Clerk, nlno liunrirnl dollar . LVJ ChnuiTcurT ono thousand dollar.. .... ... """ SIcssengcr. ovcn hundred and twenty Jnnllor, seven hundred' nnd' twenty dol- -Isrs " Watchman, seven hundred and twenty dollara TV Total, nineteen' thourand seven hun- dreii nnd sixty dollars ..$10.. 00 Item 2. Services other than personal: (a) Transportation, communication serv ice, advertising nnd miscellaneous, ono thousand flvo hundred dollar M.BOT (M Kloragc, raro nnd. repair of automo biles, ono thousand dollar 1."" Totnl. two thousand five hundred do nn $2,C00 Item 3. Sunpllos: Pamphlets, magazine and newspaper clippings, fifty dollars (SO Fixed Charges: . .-,.. Itun I la) Uround rent. 01S Cherry ... street, twenty-acven dollars -' (b) Fees for automobllo licenses, eighty dollara 22 Totnl. one hundred nnd seven dollars $107 ACCOUNTING AND REPOIlTINfJ. Item r. Personal service: Salaries: , ,, .... . ruv. Chlel rlerk. two thousand dollar. 'i'JJS; A.tti.tnnt clerk, two thousand dollars.. ,uuu Ax.l-tant clerk, ono thousand flvo nun dred dollnrs. ...." J'PJS Asslt'ant cierK, ono inousana noun.. Clerks. 4 nt $1,000 each, four thousand Clerks. C ' n t ' $660' 'each.' ' flvo ' thousand four hundred dollara Clerks. 2 at $S00 ench. ono thousand six hundred dollar .,: General storekeeper, ono thourand dol lars ............,.... Stoickccpor at Tnrresdalo. nine hundred and flfty dollars ... Storekeeper. 1 at $100 ench, threo thou sand two hundred dollnrs Stenographer, nlnp hundrod dollars. ... 1,000 4.000 5.400 1,600 1.000 050 3,200 000 Tctal. twentsr-thrce thousand Ave hundred and flfty dollara $23,550 ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION. Operation. Item t). Personal services: !ilnrh.: Assistant engineer, two thousand flvo hundred dollars $2,500 Chief draftsman, ono thousand olght hundred dollars 1.800 Draftsman, ono thousand two hundred dollar 1.200 Draf tsmrn, 2 at $1,000 each, two thou- rand dollar , 2,000 Draftsmen. 2 n,t $UO0 each, ono thou sand eight hundred dollars 1,800 Drnftsmen, 2 nt $S00 each, ono thousand six hundred dollars 1.C0O Inspector, ono thousand eight hundrod dollars 1.800 Second assistant engineer, ono thousand five hundred dollar 1.500 Third assistant engineers. 3 at $1,500 caril, lour iiiousunu live nunarou uui- Inspectors! 8 at "$..'200 Va'c'li.' 'three' thou rnnd six hundred dollara Transltman. nlno hundred dollara Rodmcn. 3 nt $S0O each, two thousand four hundred dollara Clerk, nlno hundred dollar Clerk, eight hundred dollara 4,500 8.000 ooo 2,4(10 (100 800 Total, twenty-seven thousand threo hundred dollars 82T.300 Item 7. Services other thnn personal: Transportation, etc.. ono thousand dol lars $1,000 REPAIRS. Item 8. Personal services: (a) Salaries: Assistant to general superintendent, ono thousand five hundred dollnrs $1,500 foreman or niacninisis, iwo tnousana dollars Superintendent of shop, ono thousand flvo hundred dollars , Foreman of shop, one thousand four hundred dollars Foreman of bricklayers, one thousand six hundred dollars lTiirpmnn of camenters. ono thousand 2,000 1,500 1,400 1,000 two hundred dollars 1,200 Foreman of painters, one thousand dol lara 1,000 Foreman df riggers, ono thousand dol lars 1,000 Assisiant loreman ox riggers, nine nun drcd dollars Blacksmith, ono thousand two hundred dollars Blacksmith's helper, one thousand dol lars Lineman, ono thousand two hundred dol lars Foremen of laborers, 2 at SCO each, one thousand nlno hundred and twenty dol lars Clerk to superintendent of shop, nine hundred dollars Clerk, eight Hundred dollars 000 1,200 1,000 1,200 1,020 000 800 Total, nineteen thousand one hun dred and twenty dollars $10,120 (b) Wages: Engineer nt $3 per day; drivers, 8 at $2.23 per day; machinists. T at $4.2.. per day; machinists, 47 at $3.75 per day; machinists, 1 at $3,50 per day; ma chinists' helpers, 81 at $2.50 per day; bollermakers, 12 at $4 per day; boiler makers' helpers. 11 at $3 per day; patternmakers, 4 at $1 per day; black smiths, 4 at $3.70 per day; black smiths (-''pars. 5 at $2.50 per day; crane runners, 2 at $3 per day; paint ers, 7 at $3.00 per day; carpenters, 12 at$l per day: bricklayers, 7 at $3 per flay; tinsmiths, 3 at $3 per day: diver, 1 at $3.60 per day; plumbers, 2 at $3.60 per day; plumbers helpers. 2 nt $2.50 per day; laborer, 0 at $3 per day; laborers, 20 at $2.60 per day; la borers, 8S7 at $2 per day. two hundred and sixty thousand dollars $260,000 Total, two hundred and seventy-nine . thousand ono hundred and twenty dollars $270,120 Provided. That not more than one-tenth of this appropriation shall Be expended In any one month, a Item 0. Services other than personal; (a) Repairs nnd replacements, ten thou sand dollars $10,000 (b) Hire ot single, double and motor teams, with drivers, six thousand flvo - hundrod dollars 0,600 (c) Hauling machinery, one thousand dollars 1,000 Total, seventeen thousand Ave hun dred dollars .,,., $17,509 PUMPING. Item 10. Personal services; Salaries: General superintendent, three thousand Ave hundred dollara ,.,...,, $3,600 Third astlstant to chief, one thousand six hundred dollars 1,800 Stenographer, nine hundrod dollars 000 Clerks, 2 at $000 each, one thousand eight hundred dollars ,.,, 1,800 Clerk, eight hundred dollan 600 Telephone operators (night), 2 at $1,000 each, two thousand dollara 2,000 ADiciiuuiin upw.i ui.u vicin, visii. Hun dred dollars . , ,,;,. BOO Chtof engineer, laardner Point, two thousand four hundred dollara i. 2,400 Chief engineer, Torresdale, two thousand dollara , , 2,000 Chief engineer, Shawmont, Queen Lane and Belmont, 3 at $1,500 each, four thousand Ave hundred dollan , 4,500 Engineers, T at $1.0S0 each, seven thou sand flvo hundred ond atxly dollars..,. 7,600 Engineers. 41 at $1,000 each, forty-one thousand dollara ,..,, 41,000 Engineers (with houses), 2 at $810 each, one thousand six hundred and twenty dollars , , 1,620 Ollerr. 107 at $800 each, elghty-flva thou sand six hundred dollars fi.VfYin Engineers In charge of boiler, one thou sand Ave hundred dollars 1,500 Firemen. at $840 each, seven thousand Ave hundred and sixty dollara ........ 7,500 Firemen, llu at $SOO each, elghtjr-elght thousand dollars , 83,000 Coalpassers. 60 at $720 each, thlrty-slx thousand dollars ,..,.. 30,000 Special olfleers, B at $000 each, four thousanj Ave hundred dollars ,.'. 4,600 Watchmen, IF at $720 each, tea thou, sand elgh hundred dollars 10,800 Janitors, 0 at $000 each, Ave thousand four hundred dollars 5,400 Engineer Mingo Creek, nine hundred dol lars 000 Fireman Mingo Creek, seven hundred and twenty dollars, 72O Watchman Mingo Creek, six hundred dollars 600 Superintendent, High Pressure Stations. two thousand two hundred dollars.... 2,200 Assistant superintendent High Pressure Stations! one thousand Ore hundred dellars 1,500 Engineers. 2 st $1,400 each. II. P., two thousand eigh hundred dollan S.SOQ Engineers. 4 at $1,800 each, IL P., Ave thousand two hundred dollars 8.200 Oilers. IT al, $ tech. . p.. thirteen thousand six hundred dollars 18,000 Chauffeurs, II. V , 2 at $1,000 each, two thousand dollars . 2,000 Caulkers as llnewalkcrSaTH. P., 3 at $1.-. 000 each, three thousand dollan 8,000 Laborers as llnewalktrs, II. P., a at $720 caah, two thousand one . hundred and sixty dollars Jim Janitors, 2 at $720 each, H. P., one thou sand four hundred and forty dollars.. 1,449 Total threo hundred and forty-ava inuusaoo miae uuuurea sea etxiy dollar v--ii $8S,9 U) Hauling h.a. ten thjUjwnT liolUr $10,000 I do Swrtuce, can Ji4 repair ot automo- I Iklee, twe hoodred (WUani , 300 1 8, 1018' ORDINANCES (c) Kent of dlsintectoN and i Are oxtln- JW gulshers. one hundred l'ara;,;j'nfli: (di Electrle current, seven hundred doi WTo' efaoh,t"n,.neCtnured0nrn,'d' twenty dollars 020 Total, twelve hoUMndifn1,,t7,',.t$12,02O Item 12. Personal' 'services! Fl'rVt Sa sta'nt to chief, two ' thousand Bnglnccr In charge of nltof rocor d. on tm thousand flvo hundred dollar" ... wv Assistant engineer, ono tnousnim .- , B00 hundred dollars '.,''.,!, Wnd Chemists, 2 at $2,0Cp each, four thousano dollar. ..........i.j;'lVii,tl,'h"Vn Assistant chemists, ni ",u.. Aa. thousand nlno hundred and twenty doi lar .,.,..,,, . , . . . . i ... '.' J ' '.".'.ial 1,020 3.C03 Hacterlologlsts, 2 at $1,000 eacn, v.. .U.l-lnnl hnnlerlolorlsls. 2 t JJ'.'V tnousand nouars each, two thoufand four huvtorcaaoi libo'at'ory'assl' twenty dollar ..... . t'Viii" ii,!inVVnd Clerks. 4 at $SO0 each, three thousano two hundred dollars ,; A'V.'ti R0O Superintendents of filters. 2 J'J'jgR each, threo thousand six hundrod doi lars ...,,........' ,.-....... Superintendent of nlt!rT.,i,nrnugh. Iiolmont, Queen Lnno nnd Ttojbor ougn ;i at $1,300 each, four thousand nve hundred dollars '..''.'."iiV'thou- Foreman of Alter attendants, one tnou -"Pi.i0"?rniS;;,attVnVan't,'o'at $000 2,400 720 8,200 8.C0O 4,600 1,000 i- Wtlireii u. .."'; "V -.. orcmen ot (liter nucn oaj ""', ; "i V0 each, flvo thousand four nuin,(;e,,,,,,. 8.400 nr ... iV "."" Vw each. M3a?B&'Jw? .. 28,800 -..I at ......tun 1!:VX .i "Ana'SKW-t-'i a'nTtweniir "t'enn-en,- V nt th'.thr.e thou aind li hundred dollars ''''" "at W JgV&SZ ffifore ntl2npV,W,.,?nl dred and eighty inousana u,.. : Total, two hundred and Jotjy-nlno thousand seven hundred ""'"iflTfli) dollars :. ,r',,,aVrtM "than one-twelfth ofM. m a,l)r ono montn !nr than tewonal. 'S'dSSirf.. .ooo DISTRIBUTION. Item 14. Personal sorvices: (a) Salaries: . t tnou. "IWiAS.riiWinaay dollars. ,$10,800 Clerks, 'ut $W0 each flvo thousand lour 6,400 5, COO 000;riundye4do.lar......j General lorcmon, . at 1l.'B1?n, bib.ii acneral tore.iien, 7 at S1.-AA. j". --; m .thousand, four hundrod dollars....... . SSST hSt-tia -fi fiiflW and fifty dollars .- ! af - V..TJL T.05O I'lpo inspector, ono thousana nve i.u... LCO0 1,000 .?d dollars . '. V .Viara! '. '. '. inctoCrsUat$i:wOeach, three thou- g n."n.r 81!.' ono 'thousand dollars;::: lloOO I Vardkccpcr-4tli District, nine, hundred YSrdUcW" Hydrant 'l'nspetw'lb'''iit,'i5s65'''acii: eight thousand dollarB Watchmen. 8 at $720 each, five thousand soven hundred and sixty dollara Foreman of plro repairs. High Pressure, 2 at $1,201) each, two thousand four hundred dollars - l: 015 000 8,000 5,700 2,400 (b) Wages: Drivers, X4 at .,'aper day; caulkers, 60 at $3 per day: drlllors, 8 at $.1 por day; pltomctor operators, tl at $3.50 por day: laborers, 24 at $3 por day; laborers, 35 at $2.60 por day; laborers, 284 at $2 per day, two hun dred thousand dollars 200,000 Total, two hundred and sixty-two thousand seven hundred and eighty- flvo dollars $282,785, Provided! That not more than one-tenth of this appropriation shall bo spent In any ono month, Horn 15. Services other than personal: (a) Transportation, one thousand dol lars $1,000 (b) Hauling water plpo, ono thousand dollars 1,000 (c) Hotel espeneca of Inspectors, ono thousand two hundred and flfty dol- lars 1,250 (d) Caro of animals, clipping, cleaning, shooing nnd votorlnary services, two thousand dollars 2,000 (c) 'lepalra to wagons, cartB and har ness, ono thousand dollar 1,000 (f) Storage, caro und repairs to automo biles and motor trucks, ono thousand flvo hundred dollars 1,600 (g) Hlro of single, double nnd motor teams, with drivers, threo thousand dollars ,. . 8,000 Total, ten thousand soven hundred and flfty dollara $10,750 METER SERVICE. Item 10. Personal services: (a) Salaries: Superintendent of meters, ono thousand llvo hundred dollara $1500 Foreman of plumbers, ono thousand dol lars .1 1000 (b) Wages: Plumbers. 4 at $3.00 per day; Plumbers' telptrs, 7 nt $2.50 por day; laborers. 8 at $2.50 per day; laborers. 10 nt $2 per day. eight thousand dol lars 8,000 Total, ten thousand flvo hundred dol lars iq 50r) Provided. That no more than one-tenth of this appropriation shall bo spent In any ono month. REVENUES. Item. 17. rersonal services: (a) Salaries: Registrar, two thousand Ave hundred dollars ,, $''500 rormlt clerk, one thousand threo'hun- dred dollara 1300 search clerk, ono thousand three hun- ' ured dollars Assistant clerk, ono thousand two hun dred dollars Clerks, 3 at $1,000 each, threo thousand 1,300 1,200 ooiiars 3000 Clerks, 8 at $000 each, soven thousand two hundred dollars 7 200, u . ,OWJ tUHl, JOUr inOUSand eight hundred dollars ' ntenogrnphcr, nlno hundrod dollars.... Chief Inspector, one thousand two hun dred dollar Inspectors. 42 at $1,000 each, forty-two thousand dollars 4,800 000 1,200 42,00O Total, sixty-five thousand four hun- dred dollars $63,400 Horn 18. Services other than porsonalt (a) Expense of making water rent dupli cates, ono thousand flvo hundrod dol lars ,,,, , $1500 (b) Carfare for Inspectors, seven hundred ' dollars '. 700 Total, two thouand two hundred, dollan $2,200 BUREAU OF CITY PROPERTY. Sect. 7. Of tho nmount appropriated to this Department, tho sum of four hundred and eighty-two thousand and ten (482,010) dollan Is for the expenses ot tho Bureau of City Property, as follows: EXECUTIVE. Operation. Item 1. Personal services: (a) Salaries: Chief ot bureau, four thousand three hundred dollars $(.BO0 Chief clerk, one thousand seven hundred and flfty dollars, 1.760 Chauffeur, one thousand dollars 1,000 Total, seven thousand and fifty dot- Item Bnu'lpm.nti T'080 Repair, maintenance and license fee for automobiles, one thousand dollars. $1,000 Fixed Charges. Item 8. (a) Ground rents, four hundred and seventy-three dollars $478 (b) Interest on mortgage on Broad and Arch streets, twenty-six thousand dol lan , 20,000 (c) Light for military organizations, six thousand four hundred dollars.,,,,... 0,400 yare County, four hundred and flfty dollars ,.,,,,.. 450 Total, thirty-three thousand three hundred and twenty-three dollars,, $33,823 rroylded. That, the general allowance -for electrlo and ,ras light for military organ! ra tlons shall he at the rats ot one hundred (100) dollars for each company, and that tha First, Second and Third Regiments and State Fenclbles shall be allowed one hundred and flfty (150) dollara; Philadelphia Battalion, Sixth Regiment, First and Second Troops, P. C C, "Troop A," Cavalry, Naval Reserves (two companies), Company B, Engineer's Battalion, l.VUI, la. -a-...,,, avV!jT D(UBUrUH QeUH quarters, seventy-five (76) dollars each ad ditional for headquarters and armory: Pro. vlded also, Any bills In excess of the sum allowed to each organization shall be settled and paid In full by said organization before the last payment shall be made from this appropriation: Provided further. That no war. rant shall be drawn against this item In favor ot any of tha organizations named until all the bills due for lighting by said organiza tions shall be paid, the light to be used ex clusively by said organizations. Capital outlay. . . . Item 4. Payment ot Instalment of pur chase money daa on April 1, on prop erty on Broad and Arch streets, on hundred thousand dollara $100,000 AUDITS AND ACCOUNTS. Operation. It.m K P.r.annl Mrwl., Clerk, one thousand Ave hundred dollars. $1,500. Clerks, 2 a4$1.000 each, two thousand dollara 2,000 Stenographer or clerk, nine hundred dol- ,lars , 000 CKrk and messenger, one thousand dol- lflaTail. 1 faart CUrU of 'market!,' 8 at ' 1375 ek'cU,' one ' (uouetana ono uunarea ana twenty-nv dallAr Provided, ...... . 1.1Z3 That no stall be leaitvl to any n tins shall . .-... t"" .r'i' iKTft. "' person not . alMTQ aaiw.a .aaui. .... v auttu. Stsnograpber, nine hundred dollars 000 Typewriter, seven hundred and twenty dollars T0 Total, nine thousand two hundred and ferty-Ave dollara $0,245 Item 0. 6vvlc-M other than personal: TianniwlatLau. storage and care ot ve hldsa. comwunU',tIon servtee, print tag. engraving, binding, laohrflng ptttnaaartsbtsig sad duplteatls wwk. adyM-trjlu and nublicstloa of no. tlces, two thaussM four hundred del tiw ..,.11 ;,, l.4 ORDINANCES op.o15onLM wor iraiwV.'01 " Architectural draughtsman-, two n S D5ohrasm?.n:. ?n ,t!,o.u,v", w tatei til Draughtsman, one thousan'a't'wa'l.'-.'.'i-'i if nonar ..,,,,., ...,.,. """T -' Superintendent of real estate i on. VC'i i1 rand five hundred dollar ... on ,hMi. ;5j Superintendent of maintenance V'.'J::.Vi H ..... - "-urti '-n Sand ,,:.;l:r..I.,?,l lW S 3? cK?,j;'.,iai1 ci."eii.'tte mtA BSredn!arsnr.rFriHiUll'"'l t.iii ivB uuiiarra aoiiars .. - j C,dreddoll5r,eP.C.n.,.e.':??. ,nli". BttVed"'!?.?. '':'.fiM 1 ?eSodo'..ardr.n?.!. ; awtis: uunrdR. TnrtflniM-irf . tTii . tt .! dred and sixty dollar .,,,,., ""w- .1 Janltress, threo hundred and siity'a"0. Jftnltnr. i-ra,M mm.. .,. ..V41 A'i seven hundred and twenty 30152?"' Guides, City Hall, 7 at $1 per Ss5?:v, celvor, $3 per day; timekeeper, f. Hi nt $2p d'aynanTt?e,.e. "ffi. B per day; scrubbera and cleaners, in ji pendenco Hall. B at $1.60 per SSl. lavatory attendant, IT at $2 per nil' IV'SPS, r,.?Jf.ri..?.Pjr yT rlwefl.'a $3.00 'Ji her lier dav! fornman 1.1 n $2.25 per day; laborer, i 'at'i M day: nlpety-soven thousand tW lal i'r ''; mooror, SKiiied. lft day: ninety-seven thousand two hnn. 4 rt,'Jr?fli'ina ' y,-Mven dollars..?,, I ., J (h) Winding clooks in publlo bullainn four hundrod nnd seventy-flvo aollfts n iooiai, ono nunared and elht--i, S thousnnd eight hundred and t -l dollar ,, flu. J Item 8. service other than personal!' " (a) Removal of ashe and rubbish V 5 City Hall, five thousand dollar? '"? , (b) Removal of ashes and rubbish fiim' t Indepcndonco and Congress Halls, twa I hundred do Ian ., ..7. , J IW (aiauilllg ICO 1U1U SI10W tT0m BUM. " ments in front pf stats House now. 1 publlo hall and squares, and front ,..a.., "".v1 wi- ..J purposes, tritt 4 thousand dollar ;,. ..!.., ,2 (d) Cleaning of oesapool, two hunirid (5) Towel "Borv'lcV.'flv'e" hundred dolltn". H (f) Carfare, postage, printing and dunitt eating work, flvo hundred dollar.,,.,. -. (g) Caie ot .Laxarotto, ono hundred aai twenty dollar f.. is (h) Repairs to Independence Hall clock: v four hundrod dollars ..TTel li Total, elghl thouaand nine hunarS ann twenty dollars turn Item 0. SUDnfles! W Uniforms, 18 at. $40 each, evaa hunfired and twenty dollars V. Malntenanco. Item 10, Personal services: Salaries: Fresco painters, $3,83 ier day; painter, $3 per day: foreman brloklayon. $5 per day; bricklayers 13 per day; hodman, $3.50 per day; brick layers' helper, $2 per day; foreraaa plumber, $5 per day; plumbers, $4 per day: gasfltter, $3 per day; plumber and gas fitters' helper,$2.25 per day: steam. fltters, $3.60 per day, Including Edw. i inn, wno was injured wnue on duly; stenmfltters" helpers, $2.75 per day; foreman carpenter, $8 per day; carpen ters, $4 por day, sMxty thousand flra hundred and Blxty dollars inn Item 11. Service other than personal: - (a) Repairs and malntenanco, City Hall, ItTfl II1UUBUI1U UUUHIB. .... ,...,..,, ,,,, BW uj iiuimua cvitu uinuiiciiHiivU .uueucHU- ence Hall, one thousand dollara in (c) Repairs and other expenses to Town a Hall, Gormantown, one hundred dol- lars itg (d) Hopalrs to property owned by nl - used for City purposes, Including City burial grounds, one thousand dollars.. In (e) Cleaning and repairs ot publlo clocks, , two hundred and nity dollars U (f) Repairs to market houses, one thou- :' sand dollars 1,01 Total, eight thousand three hundred if ana nicy aouara us Operation, -1 Item 12. Personal services: fl (a) Salaries: ,1 Gupcrlntcndcnt of League Island Park, it ono thousand dollara .". tlM Superintendents of squares. 44 at $800 each; 8 at $600 each, forty thousand "i dollars 4OT Superintendent of Northeast Boulovard, , o one thousand dollars 1.0 Landscape gnrdenor, one thousand seven 9: nunarea aounrn ,.. ... ,119 Caretaker at Frankford burial ground, threo hundred dollars Attendants (malo) at publlo toilet rooms In squares, 2 at $180 each, nine hun dred and sixty dollars Attendants (male) at publlo toilet rooms In squares, 2 at, $100 each, eight hun dred dollars Attendants (female) at public toilet rooms In squnres. 0 at $300 each, one thousand eight hundred dollar Laborers In squares. 40 at $2 per' day north, (wnnlv.flv. t hntlnnnil Vnnd forty I J dollars 2W Laborers in squares at V- per aay eacn, and laborers, shoveling snow nnd Ice from pavement In front of State House Tlr,ra. flfv IiaIIh ntirl mutiUi. linilArfill. ten thousand dollars HW, (b) Municipal Bond and attendance ;1 (small parks and squares), Afteen thou- A nanl rl.llnro . 113X39 Provided, Any extra services rendered j no at tno contract price, anu a emus? w Inserted In the contract that In case of a rain there shall ho no charge. ' (c) Philadelphia Band and attendants (City Hall Plaza), Afteen thousand dol- lar H Provided, Any extra servlcca rendered a bo nt tho contract prlco, and that a clauso bo Inserted In the contract that JH In case of rain there shall be no charge. (d) Toward defraying expenses ui jjaua. in uorgas a'anc xnreo iiutiuicu uuii. a ooiisrs tji personal: S1 Total, ono hurdrod and twelve sand nine hundred nouars . nem li.. ocrvitwa u.iic. ,,.. ..w... a,. ... a a a...Ja. J.1I.H lltM (b) Removal of ashes and rubbish and W; TT.Lr.r.iirtnr.niifi haullntr. ten thousana.,.3 dollars ,....1V2 Totnl, ten thousand ono hundred dot- ' Item 14. 6upplles: . , . ., . , JB Uniforms, two tho;-and two hundred and forty dollara , 'S Maintenance. . .-... Item 15. Services other than personal. ... .. i . ,-.... -,.. ml, window shades and-awnings. Ave hundred dol- "I (b) Caro of Philadelphia Brigade Park on Autletam Battlefield., two hundred dol- fc)arcaro' ' and ' Vopairs ' ' iiif ke t" 'Square Monument, Qermantown, one hundred d)0aeneral VepalVs to Slbrgue.' 'five hun dred dollara .""ll. (e) Manuring and sodding in squares u tVg ' .alaa rt ..A thmlMII HOllSrS ....,. -'"TL, (f) Water rent. Tacony Park, one hundred dollars '. m JW, . . . .a m a . -a..n,a, ,.nl- '1 Total, six inousana ioui- nu. . ,, j- lars : vr sect. o. -ino jjiiecvor " XT1.T TniJeists ot; mo v;.j, V.J?"V'""a" ..l.i..7.mir.aas ertl9ing nius xor in. ....,- a---, aJ-ii eiceedlnp the sum ot Ave hundred (500) .! 'lars each. ..,T Beet. 0. When the ?Jrtor of the P-jj-g, Ot 1'UDllO UllOW UW...OV, . -Tl."-..-...! 1 ,mdnr ne.laoted or annulled conuj P..!'"".JSS5,i "Ct,YV: .. Tfrom item "" men payvmiM ... v" '""; hVrrad and tae which such eontraota an charged aa nmount so ra d charged against tnecouu oa the amount est aside for sucn ne.v. -w annulled contracts. sect. 10. That all bids aha be opened W all contracts awarded la ; P"7,"0n: Committee of Councils having aP"JJrSa ,,j St. 11. That the money W?lv uniforms In this Department ahall bo paa rM i. warrants shall be drawn aJ?S lowal For employes In the Dlatrlct ""Jw OfAce (Bureau of Surveys) one warrant, eTO able monthly. 3ti ieor Bureau of Highways! For employe" i. street and road, repair, . "we"'. .trn. meadow banks and water courses. onUilli for each class ot wofk. payable jeral-moiwu. For Bureau ot wavri rv t"""i ir.frMW pumping and miration statins, one wrra lor each station, payable nfonthly. , o(l The following employes In the iwrjaejj Water to ne iiaia Kiiu-nnjiiui;. - - i.'trini ployes In the '.Purveyor's district, one w'3 for each district; jar ino eniiiiujv; ;r:t: iXn.imrHon and reoalr shop, one warrsni, ' the employes upon the Improvement, row. warrant; tor tho employes upon th WW ers at nitration stations, ope warrant fO'K station. Warrants, lor tne ","V if SM shall be drawn by the Director, .8ndJJ' 3 warrants oy tna unitrs st i '.x.' f.irictoa reaus, and shall ba approved by th WJ5JJS irnvidrt f,.n her. That before any warrs;jl for contract work are countersigned W tnev i-nmroil.r tha contractor shall Hie an altw.'j with him that nonebut Amerlcat. clt Jens i been eraployed on the work, in & JnSf,' titled. "An Ordinance for the employaient of American citizens oy contractor. "jjv. i for the City of PhlTadvlrAla," approved Jr' uayor, veemur i-o, awgi ri"!1""...)! That In work In which the cost P.. or in pari rrum asaessiueu. v& v - affldavlt shall not be required. M Provided, That all emplojee of tM IMPS ment, now . or hereafter employed, sniwi citizens of the United States and bona ndjn yaar Dfloc to their employment, an4 aB,,, main bona &d9 rcaldenU diirln? vucq r pltint. ., ' tAlava4 mkat uihsneuas u, 1 tl 1 4011111 for bu&plUa or materials bAU awarded j t MitT i rial r,. .ft flrmi wnata nlAnla R.T& 10C4 la th City, and that a acbedul ot f at CoubcIIb. hall ba a?nt to iha uu . trollw U-Twu ho hal) lsn any uarao .iwh ttitttrtala nr .inr.ilska And the City CaatroUer shall counterslfj warrant SUHUi.t any nan in znis r'-i-" UttlttM alt oondlilouii imposed are laBflin "B Ait ortiauauiMts ttr parts or Qiainav.t; a,-' ww uriu a sa (s iwwi ri -r.littua. nllntuM BT.AsireNj.. K Ko, f 0. Iteyer t I'biiadc.i'W. i :fl I J w n ioM rt fl- w i ih" nU to it. j ,tM k tit Mill" is: fiaKt Situs 11 It I na f rip (tM ,ni lUt !U 1 lutri fiM M to rt. Peri Sr s" wu w 1 ICC( roaE HI, HI Trr Wr iBT. ttrlc ini libl 2J ttr i I'SE Mil ore tiU' ipos . 8. UIS , Lee USE ir th irred ami lose' alii Sad BT .CIl uc Ui te li t .sc It t oil t lUta Bac I'Xi m HI Met tm: fe 1 pen BOO er ttier .-V SB atsa fcoi . m riii FWi ti nr mi 11 te i .it u iwt; m 1 B TmssasimmmmKmm&aMBtfJxg. 7r li PP?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers