Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 08, 1915, Night Extra, Image 16

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. At
e'ser'rr"wssjpBrsesesssifejrTswisep,---Hwm''w(ipHf :
liraMeMtent heniiVltrl ri and Ih
P ar hereby repealed. '
jphiwl the S2i day oi December. A. t.
t. nuDowit aiJiNJtBMBuno,
Jfo aa. vror of Philadelphia.
i'S f bntirnXNTE icTjiAkK an-Tpfr
BgUn to the Department of Receiver of
Ts, for the year 161S..
action 1, Tbe Select and Common .Councils
5 tha, city of Philadelphia do ordain: That lh
!Bm two hundred and ninety-four thousand
eren hundred and thirty (Sl4,i30) dollars, be,
J-.,., tup umq in nereoy appropriates to me ue
arlmeni.ef Receiver of Taxes for the year
013. a folldwe:
iji. .... .. EXECUTIVE.
i1rI1ir,""",, erT".Mt
Reeelter of Tales, ten thousand dol- ,
-Chief trietic", Ihree thousn'rirV rfoYlsf; '.
Assistant chief clerk, one thousand
. .
fcix narawa collars .. , .
Vlenos-rapher and confidential clerk,
von thousand four hundred dollar.,
Janitor, 4 at IJ20 each, two thousand
.eight hundred nnd eighty dollars
mfehman. alt hundred dollar
custodian of recorda and supplies,
, - -.,---.--i .i--r"". ... ...w-.
'Ana thousand dollar.
Total, twenty thousand four hundred . .
and eighty dollars B0.4SO
Administration, "" 0mce'
Deputy receiver, two thousand dollars J2.000
nir, iwo inousana nva nunarea
dollars , ....... .
Blseount clerk, one thousand seren
.hundred dollars
Judicial sale clerk, one thousand
..four hundred dollars
Auditor and assistant cashier, one
thousand five hundred dollar., ....
Chief. bill clerk, one thousand two
hundred dollars. . . ,
vtu ruerjrs. at fi,iuu eacn, inir
teett thousand two hundred dollars.
uiiei re
yeaikterintf- Merlr. onn thousand
em 7.t.nrl,Aj4 A1tB .... . . ,. 1.200
iRerlsterlnr clerks, 11 at M.100 each, ...
twelre thousand one hundred dollar 12,100
Messenger, one thousand two hundred
.dollar ., , 1,200
Assistant messenger, seven hundred
.ia fifty dollars 750
MSxtra. helr.thltty-orte thousand Are
hundred and twenty dollars.. fll.620
no For prepannit duplicate copies, of
registered taxes for city Controller,
Are hundred dollars eoo
WWaf an tf.M.,llMX .MM Ylttn.
OTed and serantr dollar........... 470,770
Ttam ft nrvte ntha limn nerannal.
(A) transportation to visit and Inspect 8
pranoh tax offIcei and 87 deputy col-
lectors ornces, nve nunarea aouam.
TOWeals for regular employes on extra
and nlrht work, two thousand dollsrs
M Postage, five hundred dollars
W) .Printline poll tit receipt .books, ono
. thousand live hundred dollars
JM Advertising-, four hundred dollars....
TptaJ, fsur thoosand trine hundred dol-
. tare - i..-.. 4,000
jsjm 4. Birppiiea: ...
Miscellaneous and Incidentals, four
foindreddollars . , ... tu. . .. ., ., . . .
uiQxiticrr uiuvrtuu. ufiii.a.
fbi 0. jTeraonat eerrtces.
L ffalorteal .
istnet receivers, o at 2,ooo eacn, .
wsntv'4housat dotlara 20,000
t&aoiersv o ai sx.bw eaca. lourxron
1 fhousand four hundred dollars 14,400
' (Berks. 24 at $1,100 each, twenty-elx
1 Ttiouiana four hundred dollars 20,400
I stUmltors, 8 at $720. each, five thou-
1 sand seven hundred nnd sixty dollars It, 700
.-:.,T. - -i a. . -. m .
ttte. flHvtvMrfv efcmisand. flv hundred
and sixty dollars ....$00,000
Kem o.
nxw aoii . '
Rnrvtcea other than nersonaL
Telephone, six hundred dollars
fljrhtlnjr, Ave hundred dollars
Total, one thousand one hundred dol-
lars ,. $1,100
Item 7. Supplies!
iruei, inree nunoreq aoiiu-B. ew
Miscellaneous and Incidentals, two
hundred dollars 200
Total, flvo hundred dollars $500
f'lxed Charges,
tern 8. . -
Jlent of district offlees, seven thousand
threo hundred dollars ." . 7.C0O
Administration. .
Item 9. Personal services: J
) Salaries: . ,
Itecelvlng clerk, one thousand eight
hundred dollars 1.800
Receiving clerk and assistant auditor,
one thousand two hundred dollars.... 1,200
State' tax registering clerks, 2 at $1,000
each, two thousand dollars 2,000
Totsl. flvo thousand dollars $5,000
Item 10. Personal services:
(a) Salaries:
.Chief deputy, two thousand flvo hun-
dred dollars 2'5S5
S shier, two thousand dollars 2,000
en cterk. ono thousand eight hundred
dollars 1.S00
Assistant lien clerks. 1 at $1,100 each.
seven thousand seven hundred dollars 7.700
Auditors, Including carfaro and other
transportation, 4 at $1,500 each, six
thousand dollars 0,000
Locality clerk, one thousand three
hundred and twenty dollars 1,320
Jteclstennr cierK, one inousana ya
hundred dollars 1.200,
Assistant registering" clerk, one thou-
sand one hundred dollars 1,100
Bill clerk, one thousand two hundred
dollars 1,200
Deputy collectors of delinquent taxes.
. 87 at $1,200 each, forty-four thou- ..
sand four hundred dollars 44,400
Miscellaneous clerk, one thousand ono
hundred dollars 1.100
Total, seventy thousand three hun-
dred and twenty dollars ..$70,320
Item 11. Services other than personal:
(a) Expenses of deputy collectors, 37 nt
9ZUU eicn. seven inousunu iuut iiu.,-
dred dollars .7,400
h) Advertising delinquent taxpayers,
one thousand dollars 1,000
Total, eight thousand four hundred
dollars W.40O
Mem 12. Personal services: -.
(U) Salaries:
Chief cleric, two thousand dollars $2,000
Chief bill clerk, one thousand five hun
dred dollsrs 1,500
Cashier, one thousand seven hundred
dollars 1.700
Assistant cashier nnd Men clerk, one
thousand three hundred dollars.... 1,300
Permit receiving clerk, one thousand
tour hundred dollars 1,400
Permit registering clerk, ono thousand
two hundred dollars 1,200
f!nrti irir. ono thousand three hun
dred dollars.....-.-- -.- 1.300.
Chief registering- clerk, one inousana
two hundred dollars................. 1.200
Tleglsterlnir clerks. 5 nt $1,100 each.
five tiousand nva hundred dollars... 0,500
Entry clerks, 2 at $1,200 each, two
thousand four hundred dollars 2.400
General clerks. 7 at $1,000 each, aeven
thousand dollars 7,000
Messenger, nine hundred dollars COO
Total, twenty-seven thousand four
hundred dollars , $27,400
Miscellaneous. ,
Item 13, Services other than , personal:
(hi For refunding; to overseers of tho
poor of Itoxborough. poor tax col
looted In 1014. Ave thousand dollars $5,000
bFor refunding of twice paid, over-M.Z-..a
HM ,.M in rrnr water rents.
- water permits and pipe laying- bills,
, three hundred dollars .,
Total, five thousand three hundred
Item 1. rersura, .,......
fa) Salaries
Ihief search clerk, ono -thousand five
- nunarea aonot ... ;"- Vi w
Assistant search clerks. 4 1 at $1,200
Lch. four thousand eight hundred
- doliara
Total, six thousand three hundred
dollars $6,300
.Provided. That all employes of this Depart
mint, now or hereafter employed, shall be cltt-
of the United States and bona lido resl
Slnt of tho City of Philadelphia at least one
Slit- prior o thefr employment, and shall re
unUn bona, fide residents during; such employ.
D1nd provided, That whenever possible, bids
forsucWe or materials shall be Invited only
from Philadelphia, firms whose plants are lo.
caUd in the City, and that a schedule of such
WdVand awards. certified by the Committee
Sn Vlnance. shall, bo sent to City Controller
before ho shall sign any warrant for such
'tfeCltrntrollsr shall countersign no
warrants against .any Item-in this ordinance
uAeSa all conditions imposed ara compiled
' WAnd -warrants shall be drawn by the Receiver
esuwe conformity with existing ordl-
'S'ordlnancea or parts of ordinances Incon
sjstent herewith be, 'and the same are hereby
7 jfeproved the twenty-second day of Decem
ber, A D. VxDpotJ.H BLANUENBima.
w-o 858. Mayor of Philadelphia,
it! to the Inspectors of the County Priuns,
tor ina year 1815. ,
Section 1. The Select .and Common Comjclla
irt tfieelty of .Philadelphia dp ortaln. That the
tS hwtdred and seventy-nina ttM.279) flollars
, i -'.- zr-rrbzzz.z' zrz-zt- i"
, oc iu vwu v- tue year
mt the amount appropriated to the Inspectors
li Ovunly Prison, the sum of oae hun-
uMy-two (137.7831 dollars ta for the ex
usf tha B'Od Lttreet Prison, as follows:
an i. Personal sarvlsM:
4a)- Salarleai
?f5S"j.',..:m,,frs'" -
' tut, rjiouaand onf bvoirsd' do'l-
ant. on thousand live boa-
tro . .
iw thwaand flvo huodrsd
una iheiuaiid two
aaal aaochaimw. ano
I HjnaiilBSlt daBarm
aw thuusatiil ioiiitt
Assistant matron, eight hundred dol-
tinier eleftrlMan nrf engine, mi
thousand Ave hundred dollar
Assistant electrician, on, thousand
dollar i
ra assistant electrician, nine nun-
dfed dollar ,
Engineer, nlns hundred dollar!
foreman, nine hundred dollars
linker, ntno hrrdred dollar
rook, nine hundred dollatl ,
Keeper In charge of court calendar,
, ono thousand two hundred dollar. .
Keeper. Ki at woo nirh. tventv
thousand seven hundred dollars 10,
I'lumoer and keeper, one thousand dol-
ara ,.....,.
la'?"' '"", "j1""- ono thousand dol-
OnrpeMer and 'keep'erj ' one" ' thousand
dollar .t ..,..,
N'h'.';:!iVP'".. ? '. Q each,
t:.---li. V" V'" nunanu dollars.
fii.fl'l.r' nlni" hundred dollar
tviXhm-2 n.r' "Jndred dollar
sand dollai ,..,, . , ,, ,,,,
.B'c.hm.,,n cl as nurse, clitht hun-
...vii uouars ,..,.,,,
"A,,c,t'.w27n' i l 540 each, two
lars ? on" hun,Ird nnd sixty dol
'fe'driSV:! iY 'ii?i,' wf "week; ' VlVe
ikl itoEJ1"1. twenty-two dollar..,.
b anu'Tty" SSiKi?0'.;.
TdrVd 'MllV'. thousand one hun- .
drcd aTnd thlrtytwo dollar OT,132
rat TwV.ri-rJ ,c" olner """ personali
(bi Trv.Ui Ved " nd mZ dollars ,.,"..,
( ' lSh1.-0. I" "oners on wrlU of
fd) liJunnr'TS?' ntr'nva dollars...
' n'tyUldno7lar,h.Cf: . .'... .h"? "
Co) Communication service and incident
lar hundred and flttv dot
(t) ihi'iBr'""'n5 ""."' 'puhlishln 'of'no-
lr ivSflne "undred and fifty dollar. .
')hTmni,linJ"',1B,er,nar' eerlvces, one
nundred dollars
T5'J,.! Jtwo thousand and seventy-flvo
,. pilars , ,'..... 2075
f It iintenals!
2er4 "."'' h0 "ndlngs, four hun-
dred dollars ,, ,
?'?"!., Supplies;
m r."oncry,J two hundred dollars
' 'tSSS'Jli hospital supplies, six
..hundred dollars .;....
C) COal, ten thOUSnnd fiv h.indpn.l rlnl.
.lars ......,..,.,,,,.,.,, ,,, , i0 500
(SM" two hundred and twenly-flve '
' .i.?:1i5nlcs a'"1 engineers' supplies,
, i"0 thousand dollars
m Soap, ono thousand dollars
(s' .r!on1s comb nnd material for
rht r?.li1.,Lbru5hcsv four. hundred dollars
it 5lJL,!,0Ctanl' ,hreo hundred dollars.
(I) Clothing nnd bedding, etc., four thou-
sand eluht hundred dollars
0) ii,a.y'.cecl ?.nd straw, two hundred
00 llour, ten thousanddo'llara;.-;;!:;;;
"' Se-I' Jn,,!t,on ar,d Pork, fifteen thou
eand dollars
fm) Groceries nnd provisions, two thou
sand three hundred dollars ,
TO Vegetables, three thousand five hun
(o) Milk, two hundred nnd fifty dollars.. 230
p) Compressed yeast, four hundred dol
lars 400
W) 'co, four hundred dollars 400
(rj Newspapers, tobacco and tollot pa
per, ono hundrod dollars 100
Total, fifty-two thousand two hun-
MklntUSnS twentJr-flV0 d" 82'225
?t?nl,Bi Jtepalrs and replacements:
taj Materials for repairs and Improve-
.,ments. three thousand dollar $3,000
(h) Equipment, furniture and mtseella-
neous, pne thousand six hundred and
flftv dollnrw . . t nKA
e) Iteralrs and Improvements, five thou
sand dollars 8,000
Total, nine thousand six hundred nnd
. and fifty dollar $J,050
Fixed Charges and Contributions.
Item 0. Presents to discharged prls-
oners, ono hundrod and fifty dollurs $150
Capital outlay:
I,em.7- Library books, one hundred nnd
fifty dollars 150
Section 2. Of tho amount appropriated to tho
Inspectors of the County Prisons, tho sum of
one hundrod and twenty-five thousand four
hundred and ninety-seven (125,407) dollars Is
for tho expenses of tho Ilolmosburg Prison,
as follows:
Item 1. Personal services:
(a) Salaries:
Assistant superintendent, two thousand
flvo hundred dollars $2,500
Clerk, ono thousand five hundred dol
lars 1,500
Messenger, nine hundrod dollars (WO
Physician, one thousand threo hundred
dollars 1,800
Baker, nine hundred dollars 000
Cook, nine hundred doliara 000
jveepcr ana registrar, ono inousana
two hundrod dollars 1,200
Keepers, 10 at $000 each, fourteen
thousand four hundred dollars 14,400
Shoemaker and keeper, one thousand
dollars 1,000
Carpenter and keeper, one thousand
dollars 1,000
Painter and keeper, one thousand dol
lars 1,000
Plumber and keeper, one thousand dol
lars 1,000
Bricklayer and keeper, ono thousand
dollars 1.000
Tailor and keeper, rne thousand dol
lars 1,000
Printer and keeper, one thousand dol
lars 1,000
Electrician and keeper, nine hundred
dollar ...1 000
Night gate-keeper,-nlno hundred, dol
lars 000
Watchmen, 13 nt $800 each, ten thou
sand four hundred dollars 10,400
Chief electrician and engineer, one
tnousand two nundred dollars l.vw
Assistant electrician and engineer, one
thousand dollars 1,000
Second assistant electrician, nine hun
dred dollars 000
Firemen, two at $800 each, ono thou
sand six hundred dollars 1,000
Domestics, 2 at $5.00 per week, five
hundred and twenty-two dollars , 522
(b) Overwork of prisoners, ono hundred
and fifty dollars 160
Total, forty-eight thousand one hun-
area ana seventy-two aoiiars....i3,i,.
Item 2. Services other than personal:
(a) Communication service and Inciden
tals, four hundred dollars $100
(b) Printing- and binding, threo hundred
dollars 300
(c) Advertising and publication of
notices, one hundred and seventy
five dollars 175
(d) Dental and veterinary services, one
hundred dollars 100
Total, nine hundred and seventy
flvo dollars $075
Item 3. 'Materials.
Leather and manufacturing materials,
five thousand dollars , $5,000
Item 4. Supplies:
(a) Stationery, two hundred dollars.... $200
(b) Drugs and hospital supplies, eight
hundred dollars 800
(c) Fuel, thirteen thousand dollars 13,000
(d) Mechanics', engineers' and electri
cians- supplies, inree inousana nva
nunarea aoiiars
(e) Soap, one thousand dollars
(t) Brooms, combs and material for
making brushes, four hundred dollars
(g) Disinfectants, one hundred and fifty
(h). Clothing and bedding, five thousand
three hundred dollars
(1) Hay, feed and straw, two hundred
and flftv dollars
(J) Flour, eleven thousand dollars 11,000
(k) Beer, mutton ana pom, sixteen tnou
sand flvo hundred doliara 10,600
(1) Groceries and provisions, three thou
smd dollars 8,000
fm) Vegetables, four thousand dollars., 4,000
(n) Milk, six hundred dollars tSOO
(o) Compressed yeast, five hundred dol
lars . 600
(p) Ice, six hundred dollars 000
(q) Shoe findings, etc., three hundred
dollars 800
(r) Water rent, three thousand five hun
dred dollars 8,600
(s) Newspapers, tobacco, etc., one hun
dred and fifty dollars ,,,, 160
Total, sixty-four thousand seven
hundred and fifty dollars. ,.$81,760
Provided, The inspectors of the Ccunty
Prisons are hereby authorise to phrchaso and
contract for a supply of water from the
Holmesburg and Dlsston Water. Company, for
the Holmeshurg Prison, for the year 1013,
without advertUlng.
Hem B. Contributions:
Present for dlschargtd prisoners, four
hundred dollars .......... $400
Maintenance. . ,
Item O- For repairs and Improvements:
For materials, five thousand dollars,. $5,000
Item 7. Equipment. ...
(a) Furniture' furnishings and miscel
laneous live hundred dollars........ $500
(b) Machinery, etc., five hundred dollars 500
Total, one thousand dollars.,,,.,,,, $1,000
Capital. Outlay.
Item S. Equipment!
Library books, two hundred dollars... $200
Provided. That. the tald Inspectors of the
Ctounty Prisons shall e allowed, when it Is
In their Judgment to the best Interests of the
City to purchase or contract, without adver
tising, bills for each prison not exceeding the
sum of one hundred (100) dollars, and the City
Controller la hereby authorised and directed to
countersign warrants tor bills so rendered upon
the approval of the said bills by, the Inspectors
of the County PrUons: Provided also. That
all employes of this Lepartment. now or here
after employed, shall be cltiien of the United
States and bona nd residents of the City of
employment. aal shall .remain bona fide res,
dents during such employment.
And provided, Tbat whenever possible bids
for supplies .or materials shall be. Invited only
from Philadelphia firms whose .plants ara lo
rated in the City, and that a schedule of sucb
bids and awards, certified by. the Commit tea
on PrUons and Corrections, shall be sent to
the City Controller before he shall sign any
warrants for such materials or supplies.
And the City Controller shall countersign no
-warrants against any item in this ordinance
unites all conditions imposed aro complied
And warrant shall be drawn by the In
spector of tho County Prisons in conformity
with existing ordinances.
all ordinance or Darts of ordinance Incnn.
sjatent herewith be. and the same are hereby
Apiov(4 the. JSd day of December, A, IX
N.H- ifcrer of PHlUJilpbla.
atlon to the Department of supplies, for the
year 1815.
section 1. Tho select and Common Councils
of tho City of Philadelphia do ordain: Thtl
the sum of two million slxtylhreo thousand
four hundred and iHty-Hve tif.oB I5fl) dollar
lo, and the same is hercb appropriated to tho
Department of Supplies, tor the year 1015,
Of the amount appropriated -to this depart
ment the sum of alxty-tuo thousand two hun
Prt1""1. ?!,,V. 8.!I80) dollar is for tho ex
penses of the lilreetor's office, a follows!
iHmi-V.. lfrna' services:
a) Salaries:
director, ten thousand dollars $10,000
Alstant Director, four thousand doliara 4,000
Chief clerk, two thousand mo hundred
.&!" "-.vv--.--.-.-f..... '!! 2.B00
"3 .."" ono "lousana e gnt nunurcu
dollars V
tonndentlal. clerk, one thouaond two
Warrant clerk, one'thousa'nd' two'huii
dred dollars 1.200
warrant clerk, ono thousand one hun- . .
dred dollars ,...,,...,,..,,., 1,100
Asslstunt warrant clerk, one .thousand .
tne hundred. dollars vi... 1,100
Itenultltlon clerk, ono thousand fvo
hundrod dollars 1,500
Assistant requisition clerk, nlno hun
dred dollars min
Slenogrnpher, one thousand two hundred
dollars , 1,200
Assistant stenographer!!. 3 at $000 each,
one thousand clnht hundiod dollars.... 1,8W)
Kllrt Clork. ntiA tlmildftml rfnlthfa, 1.(100
Assistant nio clerk, nlno hundred dollars OCO
Doot-keepers, 4 at $1,000 each, four
thousand dollars J. or)
Chief Insfector, ono thousmd two hun
dred dollars 1200
Inspectors, 6 at $1,200 each, six thou
sand dollars , A,fOO
mil clerk, nine hundred dollars 00
Miscellaneous clerks. 2 at $000 each, ,
ono thousand eight hundred dolltrs.. 1.S0O
Meerenger. nlno hundred dollars POO
Weigher, eight hundred dollar 800
Janitor, four hundred and eighty dol
lars ISO
Total, forty-six thousand two hundred
nnd eighty dollars JI0.2M)
(b) Wages for extra clerks, six thou
sand ollars 0,000
Total, fifty-two thousand two hundred
. and eighty dollars $52,2S0
Item 2, For transportation, meals, post
age, advertising, printing, binding, len
and towel service, foven thousand
five hundred dollars 7,500
Item .1, For stationery nnd office sup
plies, one thousand dollars - 1,000
item 4. for rurniturc, rurnisnings ana
offlcn coulnment. flvn hundred dollars
Item 5. Miscellaneous, ono thousand dol-
lars 1,000
Sect. 2. Of tho amount npprnprlnled to this
Department the sum of slxtv-two thousand five
hundred (02,600) dollars I for tho expense of
tho Mayor, Civil Service Commission, Depart
ment of Law, Receiver of Taxes nnd Art Jury,
as follows:
Horn 1. For paper, printing, binding,
engraving, Including tho Mayor's an
nual message and accompanying doc
uments, ten thousand dollar $10,000
item -. ior siniioncry, ruei nna oincr
supplies, two thousand dollars
Item 3. For furniture, wearing npparcl,
automobile, nnd other equipment, ono
thousand dollars -.
Item 4, Miscellaneous, ono thousand
I'liKK J.lUHAlll.
Item 1. For printing, binding nnd towel
service, threo hundred dollars $300
Item 2. For stationery, printing, lco.
wearing apparel, clennlng nnd toilet
supplies, live tnousann Beven nunurea
Item 3. For fuel. Including lighting nnd
burning oils, four thousand eight hun
dred dollars
Item 4, For furniture and furnishing
neai, ngm nnu electrical equipment,
one thousand dollnrs 1.000
Item 3. Miscellaneous, one thousand
dollars 1,000
Provided, That no supplies aro pur
chased for Carnegie Branches out of
these Items.
Item 1. For stationery, printing sup
plies, Ice, forage, draugnt'ng, scien
tific, education, mechanics', engineers',
electrical and cleaning supplies, threo
thousand flvo hundred dollars $3,500
Item 2. For fuel, Including Illuminating
nnd burning oils, tnreo inousana dol
lars Item .1. For fuol. Including Illuminating
nnd burning ofls; on account of the
Department of Public Health nnd
Charities, four thousand dollars
Item 4. For lumber, paints, varnishes,
roofing and building materials, ceven
hundrod dollars
Item 5. For furniture nnd furnishings.
heat, light, power, electrical, scientific,
recreational and special equipment,
one thousand dollars 1,000
item a. Miscellaneous, ono thousand
dollars .. ;. 1.000
Item 1. For printing, binding, cngrnv
tntr. drafting materials and stationery.
two thousand five hundred dollars.... $2,500
Item 2. For towel service, cleaning nnd
toilet supplies ana ice, uvo nunarea
Item 3. For furniture, office furnish
ings, telephone and special equipment,
five hundred dollars
Itom 4, Miscellaneous, flvo hundred dol
lars ..."
UAW Ul'Alll'.-Ulii'l.
Item 1. For stationery, printing, paper
books, Ice and cleaning supplies, five
thousand flvo hundred dollars.. $5,000
Item 2, For furniture, office furnish
ings ana equipment, two nunarea ana
fifty dollars
Item 3. Miscellaneous, two hundrod and
fifty dollars
Item 1. For printing, binding nnd towel
service, two hundred and fifty dollars.
Ttem 2. F-or stntlonerv. nrlntlng. lco nnd
cleaning supplies, ten thousand dollars 10,000
Item 3. For furniture, furnishings nnd
equipment, two nunarea ana mty col
lars Item 4. Miscellaneous, flvo hundred dol
lars - ART JURY.
Item 1. For stationery, printing, Ice nnd
towel service, seven hundred and fifty
Item 2. For furniture, office furnish
ings ana equipment, nve hundred dol
lars Item 3. Miscellaneous, two hundred and
fifty dollars
1'UJIL.li; 1IK.M.T11 ND C11A1UT1EH.
Sect. 3. Of tho amount appropriated to this
Department tho sum of eight hundred thou
sand four hundred (800.400) dollnrs Is for tho
expenses of the Department of Public Health
and Charities, as follows:
Item 1. For printing, engraving nnd
towel service, one thousand dollars.. $1,000
"" - i-ur stationery ana ice, inree
hundred and fifty dollars
Item 3. For furniture and fumlshlnga
and equipment, ono hundred and fifty
dollars .....,.,,
Item 4. Miscellaneous, flvo hundred dol
lars 350
Ilf m. 5i-roJ..Bta"ncry- Printing books
t2St n,coie?f.tecf .thousand dollars $15,000
1 Sm,i A..SST Jui'i" lnc'ud'nK Illuminating
anil burning oils and gases, thtrtv.flva
thousand dollars ....?...".. SB 000
ItSm.ii SK mllk' CI;am. meats, vege- '
S.7v? ' SSST- groceries, marketing and
pVhnle.?,lbl?rhlrh0?.nd dollar... C0.00O
shall countersign warrants for marketing
upon the approval of bills of tho Super
intendent of the Hospital for Contiguous
RiiS?ielfbyv!S,t'iifct?" ot tho Depart
ments of Public Heait.i and Charities
i..mnd vUJpJles' without, advert" ng"
Item o. For drv irnrvi. tinin. ...."
ftjCTvM' vfruTanV offi 15'CW
oratory supplies and disinfectants
Mnred SSr s"h . !V ! "J
Bars fT . -en gjg& '
Item 12. .For feed' 'and "bedding' 'for 4,TO0
?2,rB?!!' I?8 thousand dollars .VV. . f?f a 000
Hem 13. For furniture, house furnish.
ISfnl ht.".PHlral J? laboratory eqilSl
ment. bedding, horse, cattle harn.;J
and stable supplies andqulpmenfor
vehicles and automobile ambulinces
. fifteen, thousand dollars ...... "' -..twv
"d'SlarV1 M""nu. five"th'ou,Vnd 15'000
"""a , 6.000
'S..Fj:???.l?in1lng. paper.
.live thousand dollars ..... gnty
Item 17. Fuel. ,iiofne"Vo'r"lh,dVge'rir' S3'000
Item 18 For , mllk"arid"cream"sfx't. B'S0
thousand dollars ' u,y.--.
IteralO Fcr meats 'ana tat one mini e0'000
dred thousand dollars ..... "Ull',mm.
"dSflaS'- fr c,raU'" fl"y"thi;'rhTMO'0w
ltm 21, For groceries, "vegetable" i -m
and tobacco, one hunjred and twentv
thousand five hundred dolIaS ?.. ? ..io ,m
,Mnnd:dollsr m"W- thirty" 'thou-W-500
Provided: Tha't ' the ', City Controller 80,000
shall countersign warrants upon iff.
proval of bills of Superintendent of tS
Bureau of charities by the Olrecton
?il,h8..Delr.meJlU ?f PuW'o Health and
Charities and Bupplles, without a" "r-
item St. For dry goods, notions, wear.
lng apparel, seventy-five thousand OoN
urn ft 1 , .. ik 1
Item 21, For furniture, crockery and '
uuuaeiuiuiiuiuiE KWNJ SOVen tOOUSInd
five hundred dollars ......... oa
Item 23. For vaccine virus, 'drugs'
liquors, laboratory, surgical, eve unA
dental SUDDIIM. AlifiilS?i.'Zf2&
hospital and other, supplies 'incident
thereto, thirty-five thousand dollars
item 0. ror tcea ana bedding- far
Corses ana otner live stock, eight thou-
sand dollars
Item 27. For hardware, tools and mil
terUla used in repairs of building.
roads and ground, plumbing, gas and
team fitting, farming implements and
, materials, twenty-five thousand doliara 25 000
Item 28. For vehicle and auto ambu- MW
Unco equipment, horses, cattle and
other, lire stock, harness, stable and
, veterinary supplies, four tnousand doj-
Item W.''Miacelian'ttus',''tfire'e' thousand ,M
dollar. "iHtfafc..aWiW. 3.000
Sect. I. Ot tbf ajuovuit o.propffa(3 to tUM
wrmuMvtjii " 1 ryf tay
aUjrhtv-tiirfia tnaufcaUft ftuu him
&" .& fetf?ra.-F !
tl?2Lu-?3L. Pr,nl'". . engrAvlne- nd
.,i'J5'll f!fi "" hnndrerf dollars
I'1".?' pr hardware, tools and ma-
tertals, mty dollars .?...
Item .1. For stationery, printing, -
ollno. wearing apparel and Ice, ono
thousand dollar .;
"S"? ?."",cllaneoiis, two hundred nnd
nrty dollars
Item (.For towel setvlco one hundred
..and nfly dollar
"f!" J- or stationery, printing,.. lee,
cleahlne nnd office supplies, four thou-
nu IKIIliirS ,
Hem 8. For fuel. Including Illuminating
and burning oils and gates, twenty
thousand dollars
Item 0. For feed and bedding for horses.
Item. 10. For.harness, stable nnd veter
inary supplies, drugs, picking, waste
and lubricating oils, two thousand five
hundred dollars .... 2,500
Item 11. For hardware, lumber, pain',
leather, oakum, Jute, plaster, . ma
terials nnd Paris for motor vehicles,
"""... c": "n materials, two tnou-
, Mnd five hundred dollar.
Item 12. For furniture, furnishings, bed
ding. Intons. badges and equipment,
..ono .thousand fire hundred dollars.....
Item 1:1. For lint-. nr,A.n llimifland
dollars ....i 15,000
Item 11. Miscellaneous, two thousand
dollars , 2,000
Item 15. For stationery, printing nnd
Ilem 10. For fuel. Inrlilrilnir llliimlnn
v iv 'I'nee. live nunare'i tiouam. i
Mm turning on and gases, niieen
thournnd dollars "..... 15,000
Item 17 For Hour, groceries, meats, pro
visions nnd other edibles, thirty-five.
thomnnd dollars 33,000
Ilem 1. For drv goods, notions nnd .
woarlng nppnrel. flvo thousand dollnrs 5,000
Ilem 10. For drugs, medicines, hospital,
surglenl, toilet nnd .cleaning supplies, .
two thousand dollnrs ,. 2,000
Hem 20. For forage, harness and stable
supplier!, mechanics', engineers', quarry
nnd farm supplies, lubricating oils,
nnd ens lime, flvo thousand dollars... 6,000
Hem 21. For hardware, tools, Iron and
steel, lumber, pnlnlB, glass, cement,
rntid, bucks, llmo, leather nnd shoo
nndtner, pipe nnd fittings and roofing
materials, al fhmimn,1 flvn hundred
dollars 0,600
Ilem 22. For furnllure, houso furnish
ngs. machinery, hoso nnd couplings,
horses nnd other 'llvo slock, farming
Implements nnd parts, stoves, sleam
bollera, harness nnd stable equipment,
one thousand llireo hundred dollnrs 1,300
Item 2.1. CMIsrcllsiicous, ono thousand
dollnrs 1,001
BOO I Item 21. For slntlnnrry, printing nnd of-
"co supplies, five hundred dollnrs.... $300
Item 23, For fuel. Including Illuminating
nnd burning nils nnd gases, twcnty-llvo
thousand doliara 23,000
Item 211. For feed nnd herlfllni? fnr hnrses.
forty thousand dollar 40,000
Item 2. For lco, drugs, veterinary sup-
nlleri. plirht Inin-n rlnllara RVt
Item 2S. rncklng M-aste, lubricating oil
nnd cleaning supplies, three thousand
two hundred dollars 3,200
Item 2!. For hardware, tools, lumber,
prints, mntorlnls Incident to repairs,
nnd other materials, two thousand flvo
hundred dollars 2,500
Item 30. For furniture, house furnish
ings nnd bedding, three thousand dol
lars 3,000
Item .11. Harness nnd ntnbla equipment,
two thousands dollars 2,000
Hem 32, For hone and couplings, fifteen
thousand dollnrs 15,000
Item 33. For horses, two thousand flvo
hundred dollars 2,500
Item 31. Miscellaneous, two thousand dol
lnrs 2,000
Item 35. For towel service, one hundred
dollars ico
Item 30. For stationery, printing, Ice,
cleaning nnd office supplies, five hun
dred dollars COO
Item 37. For fuel. Including Illuminating
and burning oil nnd gases, forty thou
sand dollars 40,000
Item 3S, For bntterles, register paper,
chemical solution, Incandescent lamps,
carbons and lubricators, seven thousand
flvo hundred dollars 7,500
Item 30. For lumber, telegraph poles,
paints and painters' materials, wires,
conduits, boxes, conductors, matcrlnis
for tho innlntenanco of lighting nnd
power plnnt, elevators, overhead and
unncrgrouna lines, teicgrnphic and
telephonic Instruments nnd materials,
neventeun thousand flvo hundred dol
lar 17,500
Item 40. For furniture, furnishings, trans
porting, conveying, telegraphic nnd tele
phonic equipment. Including overhead
lines, cnblo for underground, mast
arms, flro and police signal Instruments
nnd equipment, heat, light, power,
ventilation, refrigeration nnd electrtcnl
equipment (Including lighting of city
Hall corridors nnd rflccs. extension of
emergency sen-Ice. uynamo room, edu
cational, scientific, recreational equip
ment, recording nmmetcrs, voltmeters
nnd other special and miscellaneous
equipment, inciuaing mnnnoio cover
and frames, conduit nnd fitting, etc.),
thirty-five thousand dollars 35,000
Item 41. Miscellaneous, two thousand
dollars 2,000
Item 42. For towel service, fifty dollars $50
.uii. -.. x u. Di....vt.cijr, (.willing, ice,
cleaning, toilet nnd draughting sup
plies, nlno hundred dollars ;. noo
Item 44. For fumlturo, furnishings and
equipment, flftv doliara so
Item 45. For transportation, printing
nnd towel service, nlno hundred dol
lars $ooo
Item 40. For stationery, books, lco,
cleaning and toilet supplies, two hun
dred nnd fifty dollnrs nrjn
Item 47. For furniture, furnishings nnd
office equipment, fifty dollar B0
Item 43. For printing, binding nnd towel
sorvlce, threo hundred and fifty dol
lars nso
Item 40. For stationery, ice, cleaning,
educational and othor supplies, three
hundred nnd fifty dollars 350
Item 60. For furniture, furnishings and
equipment, fifty dollar m
Sect. 6. Of tho amount appropriated to this
Department tho sum of seven him.. ....
twelve thousand Blx hundred and seventy-flvo
(712.075) dollars Is for tho expenses of the
Department of Public Works, as follows:
lem 1. For printing, binding and towel
service, six hundred dollars jooo
Item 2. For stationery, printing, photo
graphic, draughting, cleaning and
toilet supplies, ice, fuol and lubricants
for nutomoblles. uniform nnd office
supplies, two thousand Ave hundred
dollars o.iw
Item 3. For furniture and furnlshlngB.
accessories nnd parts Incident to tho
maintenance of automobiles. one
thousand flvo hundred dollars j.boo
Item 4. Miscellaneous, llvo hundred dol
lars COO
Item 6. For paper, printing, engraving,
lithographing. binding and towel
service, two thousand dollars $2 000
Iten? k' For stationery, draughting.
maps, atlases' and office supplies, four
.'.....,. hi.u luuiaiiuiiiii Bunnnes.
1 nnu Minn iniir n nnraii riAiim su
Item 7. For fuol. Including llluminat: '
lng and burning oils and gases, two
thousand flvo hundred dollars..., "600
Item 8. For electricians', mechanics'
and engineers' supplies, wearing ap
parel, Ice. lubricants, packing, waste,
laboratory, toilet, cleaning supplies
two thousand dollars "000
Item 0. For furniture, furnishings, oN "
flco and electrical equipment, hose and
gum goods, -Juboratory and scientific
equipment, accessories and parts of
automobiles and motorcycles, and
special equipment, tools, eto.. ten
thousand dollars , . , , : .' 10 000
Item 111 ,, iu,uw
(a) Miscellaneous, two thousand dol.
lars .,,.....,. ,,,.., 000
(b) For materials, tools, etc. (repairs "'
to utreets and toads), J thirty-four
thousand dollars ...1.......... 34 000
(c) For materials, tools, etc. (meadow '
banks and water courses), one thou.
sand dollars 1000
(d) For materials, tools, eto. (repairs
to bridges), ten thousand dollars... 10.000
(e) For materials, tools, etc. (repairs ,v
to sewers and inlets), five thousand
dollars k mv
item it. .ror lowei service, stationery,
printing. Ice. scientific, educational ana
cleaning supplies, three hundred and
fifty dollars , jago
Item 12. For furniture and office sup.
piles, one hundred and fifty dollars,.., 150
o U Jl V I2YS,
Item 13. For printing, engraving, litho
graphing, binding and towel service.
two thousand five hundred dollars...., $2,500
Item It, . For stationery, photographic. ","uw
draughting, solentlflc. educational, me
chantcal, engineers' and electricians'
supplies, ice. wearing apparel, cleaning
and toilet supplies and lubricants, five
thousand dollars , , , . , , 5 00O
Item 15. For fuel. Including llluminat
lng and burning oils and gases, Ave
thousand Ave hundred dollars ....... 6 500
Item IB. For hardware tools, lumber,
paints and painters' materials, one
thousand five nundred dollars 1500
Item 17. For furniture and furnishings,
transportation, conveying, telegraphic
and telephonic equipment, parts and
accessories for automobiles, seven thou
sand dollars 7,000
Item 18. Miscellaneous, one thousand
d0llan' WATER.
Item 10. For towel service, four hun.
dred dollars una
Item 20. For stationery, printing. Ice,
arauxniiuff aiui cuaiuerriug supplies.
nine thousand dollars -...., 0,000
si. ror luei, inciuaing iiiuminat-
lnz and burning oils and gases, four
hundred thousand dollsrs 400,000
Item 32, . For rubber goods, packings '
, and lubrioants. twrty, thousand dollars ao.000
Iteut m. w. ".--;. rx'-l' uu
cleaning eupplles, fead and bedding for
lime, alum and other special articles,
thirty thousand dollar , 20.000
Item 24. For hardware, tools, lumbar,
cement, brick, sand, pipe, fitting.
Iron and steel, brass nttlnga. block tin,
iead. castings and building and special
materUla. seventy-five thousand dol
lars ...ii-v . !, 78.000
Item JO. iroi luroituro, (urnisauiga, bar-
... v.,.r(n,,U n,t at.Vila An,,lnn... '
accescorlts and parts of motors, wear
ing apparel, horses and equipment.
sixteen thousand dollars 13.000
Jtem 26 For .cast iron water pipe, etc.,
one thousand dollsrs 1 noo
Item 27. Miscellaneous, nine thousand
3o,,ar. ... 0,000
ihtla. mmia Adjtteuwal awl
fw, iwo inooa sjva tem
elw ,.. ,..540
Ilem 2I. For fuel. Including; Illuminating:
an,! 1,
sand seven hundred and fifty dollars..
Item 30. For supplying coalto military
ftfe-flnlvftllnn,, n- fallows: Flrtt Ilegl-
m.a. ... Oaamm.I ftotflmfinf. S.S.nll
Third liegfment. $175, . Philadelphia
mor.t, $.w:
ffUi.A V,...,.
PattMllon, Sixth Regiment, $200; Troop
a sjjuirirsi -iTt-op, 1-. JvAi"K,l
Feoonrt Troop, P. C. C, $IOpi "MM
Reserves, $200; State Fenclliles. $OI
Company P., Engineers' Iiattallon,
$100) .Troop (i. cnvalry. lff',c5''i
Squadron Headquarter, $t50. three
thousand and twentv-flvo dollars.....
Hem 31. For metals and metal prpauos.
non-metnuie mineral pra".,:i.
nnd wood products, pain' ."H P""".
er' materials, mechanics', elMtrlclans
nnd engineer' supplies, rjjantap J""
toilet supplies, wearing Pr;";1 ""j1
sewing Bupplles, woven fabrics nnd
flhro product, twelve thousand dollars n.vw
turn .12. Hardware, tools, trees, ever
greens, shrubs, seeds, flowers, pinm,
fertiliser, soil, benches and fencing,
flfieen thousand dollar. ',-: !''
Hem 33. Furniture ani lurnisn ...
production nnd nl"'lon,,nveylng
rneM, transportation and convcj ra
equipment, telephonic and tjlegnipnio
equipment, mPllJ.nA ?auWcnt,
equipment nnd scientific equipment,
four thousand dollat ';;"ji','''A
Hem 31. Miscellaneous, to tnousnnu
Beet. O. Of the amount H,.yK..-f-U(,
uiE. i-Mp Vtatlonpry, WRtiK noon.
IMiliH rui !'(. --- t
ii2EV For fuVn'liuieroftlVo'furnish
ini draughting; engineering equip
m?nt. two hundfetl nnd fifty .dollars. .
Item 4 For fuel, including '""""'"";
nnd burning oils nnd gases, tweltc
vMons. meats, market ng and other
!,llble. eight thousand dollars. ... .....
Provided: That tho City Controller
shall Vounerslgn warrant for market-
Directors of the Departments of
Wharves'. Docks and Ferries nnd Sup
plies, without advertising. ,
Item V For mechanics1, , engineers .
electricians' supplies, lee, cleaning and
toilet tiipplies. three thousand dollar.
Item 7. For lumber, paints, painters'
matorlals, metals and metallic prod
nets, two thousand four hundred dol-
IteniB.9. For fu'rrdVuYo' nnd' 'furnishings,
cooking utensils, fifty dollars. .. :
Item 0. Miscellaneous, ono thousand
dollars ;; .:i : ..,:
urn -i-itA.ai.
Sect. 7. Of the amount appropriated to tiiis
Department tho sum of ten thousand (10,000)
dollars Is for tho expenses of tho Department
of city Transit, as ionows:
Item 1. For printing, binding, engrav
ing, lithographing, text books, maps,
specifications and reports, two thou
sand flvo hundred dollars $4500
Item 2. For stationery, photographic,
draughting, engineering nnd office, sup
piles, wearing apparel, clennlng and
office supplies, gasoline and lubricants,
threo thousand dollars 3,000
Item 3. For rurnlttiro and rurnisnings,
scientific and engineering equipment,
nnt.mnhlln nnrfa nnrl nrrprsorlts. threo
thousand dollars , 3,000
Item 4. Miscellaneous, one thousand five
hundred dollnrs ..!::" 1'WM
Sect, 8. Of tho amount appropriated to this
Department tho sum of threo thousand (3,000)
dollars Is for tho expenses of tho Board of
Recreation, as follows:
Item 1. For towels, Kiap, Ice, cleaning
nnd toilet supplies, six hundred dol
lars $000
Item 2. For stationery, drawing materi
als, offlco furnishings, fixtures and
supplies, three hundred dollars 300
Item 3. For fuel, ono thousand nine
hundred dollarB 1,000
Item 4. Miscellaneous, two hundred dol
lars 200
Sect, 0. That tho Director of the Depart
ment of Supplies shall bo allowed, when It is
In his Judgment for tho best Interests of tho
City, to purchase or contract, without adver
tising, bills for tho various Bureaus not ex-
cccuing nve minareu touu) dollars each.
Provided: That all employes of this Depart
ment, now or hereafter employed, shall be
citizens of tho United States and bona fide
residents of thy City of Philadelphia at least
one year prior' to their employment, and shall
remain bona fldo residents during such em
ployment. Provided: That whenever possible, contracts
ior.uJ?pI.,e? ST materials shall bo awarded only
to Philadelphia firms whose plants are located
... .,,c i-iij, unit mm a scneauio or such
awards, certified by tho Committee on Supplies
Shall bo sent to the City Controller before he
shall sign any warrants for such materials or
And tho City Controller shall countersign no
warrant against any Item in this ordinance
unless all conditions Imposed nro cornpllod
tW9rrnn'F Bhau be drawn by tho Director of
exT.SnCronancVsSUPPllCS ln confo"' -''
slrncrew be.W MmTA' figg?
Approved the 20th day of December. A. D.
No. SOI.
'r ot i'luiadelnhlq.
LawTa?oV'the?ear Volt "an'd'
Department of Public Safety. Bureau nf
Police: From Item 4 (b). horseshoeing F threi
thousand seven hundred rind sixty c&Wn V.i
lars and flfty-three (53) centi. Bureau of' Fire"
From Item 14 fitting up flro houses ot'
two thousand five, hundred (2500) dollar's De"
partment of Public Works, Bureau of illihl
w,a!.kFrom item 10' salaries, five thlu:
sand threo hundred and forty (53401 rfniin.i .-1
fvcr.offer tetmednt,fi J?
From Item 21, fuel, nine thousand two hun:
dred and sixty-two (0202) dollar and 1 ei.hiS
four (84) cent. Mayor: m It2m i'nX'
j?s? d'afc.nss1 n'inSfy'-W,, Sr.-"
f.T'J8?"?8'. -'l?hty-five (83) dollars from
i"i?h7 'A'1 fu,el' StKhfy Vs0) dollars; from ItSS
lii,Ab- ,or "Ending twlco paid, overpaid and
sevJn ?.elehtr mHVrd?f,,ms' ?ur numlred and
of Taxes From i?."1!8' P0"..?1 "'vision
tatW-rfSrtfiSf 3riS:- Btor5err,emflV?
.' follow.-'"0 thourana ooF$a8S?&
T,.m a v.. BOARD OF POUCE? '
" snf;..obw,.:Too?Sr'g.bilasth0trr! "rtin6
wS, T'-JT,'1I1V1 and ten (?)' ?en,e"
Km.'i J' Bradley, sixty (00) dollars- A
7V&ul2!..P.na hundred and eeventy-two
illll ,dA',lar"i, Jol,n Corbet", seventy"
h'.?.':.s,f'!r S..llo'1r'' and fifty (sol
.,.. ,,ue?iHi uonneu. one hundred
and twenty-seven (127) dollars and flftv
(SO) cents: John Klleber. fifty (501 do
and five (3) cents; c. V. Btrick.
land. n,vratv.N,v.n itni j:..t.Plv1-
Held. 'Jr., "forty (40 dollars; William
itV".'!,..1'. &htl ? dollars arid flfty
thiftyrtlve(i5) dclftr.; HwrTlrwlri'
seventy-live (75) dollars: It 3 nWn!i'
thirty im dollars; Janws B. Robert'
twentv.three tn' h!ii?1. '.i9.Dr'",
WIestner. , thlrty-four 3i) do lafs
Charles 1 tolank, twenty-five (2s? 52:
.nty-elrht (7S)'dolKr and efghly.flv'o
(83) cents; Howard Hall, one bundrld
and twelve (112) dollars and tw2n.
(20) cents: William K Murphy, ntn.iK
1Z. '2K'fe.?'''l.lxtyri(&no,ntsT
S'.'.-nTv.eTf. WSJ iw.? Hundred
TsTai T m-,u'. "ra ana
IU0) cents; Hownrd JlaiT. wo BuridSii
five (63) cents. TotalT'tnrea tfi..,?.
and flfty-three (S3) cents
Kl.Rrrpliif.f liV.VJWii . 760. 63
5L"S,f i?1'. Telephone bompany r
Sna'VtaiSB'-.? thou-
.. BURE.U OF FIRE ,fl,00
'v?'5 .-.I'.'urcuase lot at 'Walnut
S52? WA ! wSgnw' ttStSSS
Item 10 To pay inspectoVi 1 (when em.
Sotfa' .c.n...!. u,an1 ,hr" "SldSS
Item 18 iii.' 'To" pay 'b'tils 'for' 'teams" '30
and hauling, during "Clean-ap WeIc?,
as follows: James A. Muflsn. one
!?Ha(J. ',?" hundred and fifty-three
(1.M3) dollars sod twenty-five (231
cenu; Timothy Gallagher, Vni thou
sand two hundred and fifty.thre
(1,24.1) doUars and twedty-flve (23)
cents; P. C. Klst-le. two thousand two
hundred and eight t2.203rdSuaT; ind
seventy-nine (711) cents: Edwin iT
Vare, nine hundred and thirteen (013)
dollars and seventy-five 7S) cents:
Gxf-Srea. (Mi ntj; tout thtftete
fl. 1015.
thousand six hundred and eighty-one t ,
In January and March. 1014, eight
thousand eight., hundrcil and ""
three (8,803) dollars and twenty-seten
(27) een s, and Interest thereon, three
hundred and nlnety-nhie (399) dol
lsrs and fifty-seven (37) ccntsi total,
nlno thousand two hundred and sixiy ,...
two dollars and e'a.Vf'g"' ccnt o(0,
Hem 2. (e). Advertls'lng. , To pay bill
for advert sing special election to hnvo
Jieen held .March 31. 1M4, as followai
Thlladelphla Inquirer, two hundred and
forty.four (241) dollnrs and twenty-flte
JIM), eentsi livening rciegrapii. .""
hundred and twenty-two (222) .lolia",
Oerman Dally Oasette, two hundred
and six (200) dollars and forty 40)
cents) and for general advertising,-as
follows: Pros, nine (0) dollars and
ninety (00) cents) Inquirer thirteen (IS)
dollnrs: North American. .Iwcntyseven
(in) dollars) Evening uunoiini, -s.i.
(12) dollars and twenty (20)' oentsj
Kvcnlng Times, six ( dollars and
fifty ((Ki) cents, and Philadelphia Tago"
blatt. six (fl) doliara nnd seventy (0)
cents. Total, seven hundred and forty
seven (747) dollars and ninety-five tB3)..,
cents .. .. ...i.uo
Item 3. Special and miscellaneous, to
pay IBI.l Dill Or Diamond iiuoorr v-uiu-
pany, forty-seven (47) dollars nnd
eight n.1vi.:r"dFTAxis.;';
Ilem 3 (b), Meals for regular employes
on extra and night work, eevon hun
dred. and fifty dollars . . ','.
Iteni 4. Miscellaneous nndlneldentnls.
ono nundred and tony uoimrs "
eighty cents . ..."s,''l""-'
Hem (I (c). For removal nnd fitting up
nmnch Tax Office No. 2, ono thou
sand dollars ., ,';,"
Provided: That any balance rernalnlmr to tho
to ino
creuu ot mis item uecemuer uu v-, d,...
Item 2 (d). Printing, engraving, etc., .
flvo hundred dollars .j. ....t. $oOO
Item 2. Advertising affidavits, eto., two
thousand dollars. J2.WJP
Approved the 21th day ot December, A. D.
(No. SOS)
layor of Philadelphia. .
ployees ot John II. Stetson Company to erect
a memorial to the lato John B. Stetson In cir
cle nt Broad nnd Cayuga streets.
Section 1. The Select nnd Common Councils
of tho City of Philadelphia do ordain. That
permission be and Is hereby granted to tho
employes of John II. Stetson Company to. erect
n memorial In memory of the Into John 11.
Stetson In tho circle nt Broad and Cayuga
streets, In accordance with plans and specifi
cations to bo approved by the Department of
Public -Works nnd Art Commission, without
expense to tho City of Philadelphia: Provided..
That tho sum of fifty (SO) dollars shall first bo
paid Into tho. city Treasury for tho publication
of this ordlnnnco. ..... .
'Approved tho twenty-eighth day of Decem
ber. A. D. lnRjD0L,pn 11LANKENBURG,
No. SIS. Mayor of Philadelphia.
recting tho City Solicitor to examine the title
to wharf property on the south side of Pino
street and the cnBt side of Delaware avenue,
nnd to tnke title thereto in tho namo of the
City of Philadelphia, and authorizing nnd di
recting the expenditure for. such purposes of
tho sum of twelve thousand (12,000) dollars,
nr n much thereof ns may bo necessary, out
of the moneys appropriated to tho Department
of Wharves, Docks and Ferries of tho City of
Philadelphia by Act of Assembly approved Jul
25, 1013.
WHEREAS, The Director of the Department
of Wharves, Docks and Ferries has entered
Into nn ngreement with William F. Fottcrall
and Louisa F. Ncllson, executors of the will
ot Stephen B. Fotterall, deceased, to purchase
all that certain wharf property situate on
tho south side of Pine street and the enst side
of Delaware avenue. In the Fifth Ward of the
City of Philadelphia, containing In front or
breadth on Delaware avenue sixty-two feet,
and extending eastwardly along the south lino
of Pino street Into the River Delaware to the
pierhead line, for the prlco or sum of twclvo
thousand (12,000) dollars; tho said premises
to be conveyed clear of all encumbrances; pos
session to be given nt the time of settlement,
title, to be gooil and marketable, and such an
will be Insured by nny title nnd trust com
pany of Philadelphia:
AND WHEREAS. Tho Act of Assembly, ap
proved July 23, 1013. provided that tho moneys
appropriated by said Act for tho Improvement
of the marltlmo port facilities of the State
of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia should only
be expended ns authorized nnd directed by tho
Councils of the City of Philadelphia: therefore.
SECTION 1. Thn Keif., nn.l r-nmrnnn ....'
clla of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, Thrit
tno v-ity solicitor is nereDy autnorized and di
rected to examlno tho tttlA tn tha nlrl ,vhB,,
property situate on the sOuth side of Pine
street nnd the east side of Delnware avenue
in the Fifth Ward of the Hllv nt Thltn.i..h,n
containing In front or breadth on Delaware
nyenuo. sixty-two feet and extending castwardlv
?,Ions IP? BOUtn ,lne of P'ne street Into the
River Delnware to the pierhead line: to have
an official survey made thereof, and If he
shall approve the title to the same, then to
cause a conveyance thereof to be made to the
cL&j!.i 'hiladelphla In fee simple.
SECTION 2. The Department of Wharves,
Docks and Ferries of tho City of Philadelphia.
Is hereby authorized and directed to expend the
turaK0f.utweU? thousand (12,000) dollars, or as
much thereof as may be necessary, and the
H!S,or,ot ..'i' Department Is authorized to
tdh?.V",u'?Jt'on Vpon.,no Auditor-General of
,Snnff.,0,nlenn"ylvanla for twelvo thousand
(12.000) dollars, or so much thereof as may
hi hie?I, SFrP1 "1 appropriation mode
SJl... ,S,,,?A? ' Pennsylvania to tho Depart
ment of Wharves, Docks nnd Ferries of the
City of Philadelphia by said Act of July S3.
UJ3'mWhlch 'und h0 "hall deposit with The
City Treasurer; and the said Director Is hereby
rw f.ed f-J"1 dlrfcte? to draw and tho City
Controller to countersign a warrant or war
rants In favor of the executors of the estato
Sf,Htcphen. D' fotterall. deceased, for the
purchase price of the property above mentioned;
10l'i!PrOV 0,h day o cmbe?, A. D.
N- s3. Mayor Of Philadelphia.
Pr'atlon to tho Clerks ot tho Courts of Oyer
and .Terminer and Quarter Sessions and
"unWpal Court,, for tSe yca 101B. 3 "d
of thi r-ih "iS'i '."S? Common, Councils
fh JiCiV of ?hlladelphla do ordain. That
i,i,?um i olw hundred and twelvo thousand
t!?mk AUHdred O12.800), dollars be, arid tho
tTmrnMrr,"?, appropriated to the Clerk of
.,urt" J Q?er.V"i Terminer and Quarter
iriV?ns. RPrt, 1unt'Pal Court, for the year
juit. ae xoiiows:
Iteml. Personal services:
(a) Salaries: .
nn,k,i70S"elfirh.tv.thousantl dollars 8,0(xJ
Deputy clerk, three thousand flvo hun
dred doliara 3500
C??T.clS,ric!! ,1 at 3'000 eacn' elKhteen
thousand dollars 18.000
Assistant court clerks.O at 31,000 each.
nlno thousand six- hundred dollars.. 0.000
Financial cleric, one thousand eight
hundred dollars j 800
cashier and clerk, ono thousand six
hundrod dollars 1 OOO
Assistant cashier or.d clerk, one thou
sand four hundred dollars 1.400
thousand eight hundred dollnrs
Assistnnt cJerk, Naturalization Court.
ono thousand five hundred dollars...
Record clerks. 2 at $1,500 each, three
thousand dollars ,
License clerk, one thousand four hun.
dred dollars 1400
Fee clerk, one thousand five hundred
dollars 1 500
Fee clerk, one thousand four hundred '
dollars ,.B 1400
dollars j 1,400
Stenographer, one thousand two hun-t
dred dollars 1200
j . j.v ,w.,ki mu Hun
dred dclfara
Subpoena Clerks. 4 at 11.200 each, four
thousand eight hundred dollars.!.....
Assistant license clerk, one thousand
two hundred dollars
Assistnnt road clerk, one thousand two
hundred dollars , ,
Assistant record clerks, 3 at 11.200
CU..-II. iiwcu tiiuusana six nunarea
dollars 3 600
Custodian of recorda. one thousand two '
hundrod dollars ., ,.., 1200
Custodian and clerk, one thousand two '
hundred dollars 1200
Miscellaneous clerks, 12 at 11,200 each.
fourteen thousand four hundred dot.
lars ....-...,..,,,,. 11 400
Miscellaneous clerk, one thousand dol' '
Stenographer, one thousand two hun?
dred dollars
Assistant custodian and clerk, one
thousand dollars ..,..,,,,
Assistant . custodian of records, one
thousand dollars ....,...,,
Messengers, 2 at 11,000 each, two tbout
sard dollars
(b) Extra clerk hire, one thousand dol
lars . , 1, ,....,,., .,..,. ,,,,,,,,..,
Total, nlnety-thfee thousand one
hundred dollars ..J9310O
Item 2. Services other than pereonslV ' W
(a) Advertising applications for liquor
,v ,Ken"W . ten thousand dollars....... U. 000
(t) Advertising applications for transfer
. ef llquoilteenss, one thousand elzht
nunarea dollars 1,800
Total, eleven thousand eight hun- '
dred dollars ., . m eyi
Item 3. Suonllea; ..fll.BOO
(a) Printing books, blanks and station.
pry. three thousand five hundred dol
lars , , . , ., ,
(b) Communication service, traveling ei:
pense equipment and incidentals,
tour thousand four hundred dollar. .
Total, one hundred and twelve
thousand eight hundred dollars Sit Km
Provided,-That all employes Sth Bemrt?
meat. nowTir hereafter employed, shall tw ritl.
ns of the United States'and boi n& rc,'s
dents of this city at least one year prior to
their emphiyment. snd shall remain bona fids
resident during such employment.
. And, provided. That whenever possible, bids
for supplies or materials shall banvlted only
from Philadelphia firms whose plants are
located In the city, and that a schedule of
such bids and awards, certified by the Com
mittee on Finance, shall be sent to the CRy
Controller before he shall sign any warranti
fir such materials or supplies. "arrants
And the City Controller shall countersign no
warrant .against any item m this ordinance
unless all conditions Imposed are complied
And warranu shall be drawn by th Cterks
of the Courts of Oyer ayd Terminer and Quar;
ter Sesstons and Municipal Court to coVform
ity with existing ordinances. "
All ordtaane or parts of ordinances. Inooa-
rpead?r"b "' t tb am
roe4, th 2M 4y of meesihtr. A, D.
Lm ,wpoMTWw,waiafc.
Pflatlon tit the civil s.VilM
tno yenr. 1013. "" '
aanlUn rml. n.e.
iS5fSa dollars h hereby WISSJSl
followsr""10 w"oa for theTtS
Item 1. Personal servlceai
Exectitlvo Division,
(a) Salaries: ' ' i
President, five thousand n -,1
1 rflmtnii. a.... .. -. .. .y.'MS.... j.
-tho-usand.do'llaY.. f.'T " j
"Silsry r nVtor. on, thm
C!ftili.r.r l"MPhef,' ' nine 'hnM
Messenger nnd" Janitor! 'seven 'L'lfl '
and twenty dollars..'... Q A
.fc ,.w mciitx uouars,.,.... r'!
Clcrlca Division! -til
cTii edo,i?ars,.,rf..l.h":!an, mi
C,"KS ' lenogrnphers,. i' ti'hzM
dollaV.1". nounna ' fceVB?
wierKs or stenogrnpliers, 2 at ii'ta
each, two thousand two nunVJ'lB
.. .:-- -....... ... . ...
Clerk, or stenographers, fVit'gi'nS
each, seven thousand dolUrs n,,W
ciforiVsr f!!?.f.?.:. :.. wfirf
Examining Division I ""'i
ndVer&.Vir.'1 anl H
Assistant examiners. 4 ht $1,800 iX
soven thousand two hunnred'csiiit
Exnml ners In . charge of later. 5J ?
inousann eigni nundred dollars,,.. ,,
Medical oxnm ner one thousand W J
VLy.P1""001 examiner, nlntiiuvi'
dred dollars f.
Investigator, ono thousand two knii'
dred dollars.! ....i..,. ?K
Clerks or stenographers, 2 at lis.
doflar. lW thou"an"1 rour" "MM
Keener nf records, nun lt.f.i,..iV".'i.'1h
hundred dollars. .. fA
; I
Clerk or stenographer, one thouutH
dollars .........., .,,.., ,'!.
Clerks or stennirranhprs. 9 nt toAn.u..L1
ono thousand eight hundred flelUriViJ
Clerus r.r tlrnnirranhers. 2 at two ..L
one thousand four hundred nnd lorn
dollars ......................... ..
(d) Special examiners, two hundrel Hit
twenty-fivo dollnrs . ....,.?)
(e) i-.xpcrt services, seventy-fire dollars
Total, flfty-lhreo thousand one hta-1
dred dollar, -t,.a
Item 2. Services other than personal: -
(a) Transportation of persons, one luvl
dred donors ,.. (i
iui euusisicnco ot persons, ono nunaru t
(c) C-orununlfntlon service, one thm.i
sand two hundred dollars ..,,..,.., ijj
in 1 Aiivcrtising, tnreo nunarea and fiftr,
uouars ..,.,.,,. i
Total, one thousand soven hundrsllT
nnd fifty dollars ,-&
item 3. supplies:
(0) Clennlng nnd tollot, fifty dollars A
(b) Uniforms, flftydollars....
(fi) Miscellaneous, fifty dollars
Total, ono hundred and fifty douin..M
Maintenance. J . ;
Item 4. Repairs ami alterations, auri
nunurea uouars..
Capital Outlay.
Tleni !i. Hnuloment!
(n) Furniture, threo hundred and Wtri
dollars .......,,
(b) Llbriry, four hundred nnd fifty dot.'V
lars .....i'ji
Tital, eight hundred dollars JTg
Provided, That all employes ot this Dtp,
ment, now or hereafter employed, shall Ue
zens or mo unuca atntes ana 0011 iw is
dents of this city at least one year p:to
their employment, nnu snnu remain km
no person shall be employed in thl'6
ment wnilo Holding any oiner oinco n v.
under tne Government 01 tno united cm
tho Commonwealth of PcnnwlvanlaorthiaM-trf
of Philadelphia. And provided. That -sfcaSjW '
nosslhle. bids for supplies or rr.altrliu
bo Invited only from Philadelphia HhmtH
nlants aro located In tho City, and lb:
schedule of such bids and awards. cerUM
ti.n rnmmllfpn nn Ktnanco. shall be sestu:
City Controller before ho shall sign inj n
rant tor sucn muiuriiua ur uuuunw. -r
And tho City Controller shall counUnta
vnOT.in,i ncninst nnv Item In tbls OTcbit!
unless all conditions Imposed are ecu
with. , !
And warrants shnll bo drawn by tha ta
dent of tho Civil Service Commission h n
formlty with existing ordinances.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances hs
slstcnt herewith be. and tho same are let
"Approved tho Twenty-second day 0! Us
ber. A. D. WMjdojh BLANKENBUBa
No. 823. Mayor of Phtlailelta
, -......,. TTnltrnnd PomnanV tfl fl
struct and malntnln a new bridge orM
street and Green lane. Jenst of and I laW
and substitution for the present brtdn irt
Main street. In tho Twcnty-firs IWW
Section 1. The Select nnd Common raw
cf the City of Philadelphia do ordain; TM
Pennsylvania Railroad Company bo Wi
hereby authorized to construct and I djksj
a new bridge over Main street and prenH
about ono hundred and five (103) tttt4
and In lieu and substltut on f or Its tesej
bridge over Main street, In the Twen?33
Want. Provided, That the said new tfSj
shall have n. clear headroom . ot not leu en.
thirty (30) feet above tho physical is
Main street and a clear headroom of
than thirty (30) feet above the physleUra
of Green Inne. and that the superstratum
the present bridge above Main street WW
removed when the new br dge Is "raP1""
nut In service, and that the plans of th 1 r
bridge shall be approved by the DlrectorKB
Department of Public Works before Mfrt,
Is don6 under authority ?f this ordlU
And provided further. That the sum cfL
(60) dollars be first paid Into tho City W
ury by the Pennsylvania .Railroad Coroowt
cover the cost of publication of this ortaisi
RBrecd that neither the purpose nor lntwteg
the obllpation of tha contract, if Mvjj
tSS Commowealth of Pennsylvan la. .
as to impair or in nnrwwn .i,. --
oy saia tjommisnioa t w"i' " tj
In it bv the Public Service Company unL
.Ulllliiisniuii. .1. .. ... ..,w ,.----- .
proved luly 20th, 1013. , .,J&im , J
Approved this twenty-fourth day ot V&Hmft
No. 830. Mayor ot PhuadtlpUl.
nance approved the 5th day of June, i.
1014. entitled An Ordinance to condrsa"
a public park a plot or piece of rrou?
the Improvements thereon, hounded M
tarlo street. Twentieth street. artM" '
delphla and Reading Railway, as ; sao
public place for the health and enjorns
BecUonPl?P The Select ad Common Ceffl
of the City of Philadelphia do ordjiui ib
ordinance approved the 3th day of June, A .1
1014. entitled "An Ordinance to eondecniW
mimic tiurn 1 u.uv u, isv.. . .;..-. -,..
I - .. .K..nn l.AKnriMl nV Utt-
impruYcmc.u., .i".. -"":-; r;;itidHte
Street, iwemicin atrcob nw ... ""(,- Jjj
election -'. rue tract 01 gruuuu ;-, a
scribed is hereby placed under the custody w
control of the Department of Public--""J
SfBureau nf City Property), and the Uirecw
th. said Department of fubllo Work, is l.g
autnorizea anu uirecicu i" """"":'";: .f u
upon said premises and take possession ,tg
'aApproved this twenty-ninth day ofc-Essejl
berX. D. 1014. r .,ynaJ
No. 831. Mayor ot PhlladslfU
rlnes' Monument in Market Square, 0m
town, from Ellla Poet. No. 8. 0. ...
AVhereas. Ellis Post No. 8. G. A. JU"
erected and for many years malnuuwi
monument to the memory, of the saW-w
sailors and marines who enlisted latMffi
Twenty-second Ward, or who may l""S
within said boundaries. , ,,M
And: Whereas. The said monument U ig.
only soldiers' monument In the city e.CE;
delphla. and as the membership of MlJfS
Is gradually diminishing, making t
of Its maintenance a hardship on ins "a
vivors; therefore. . ,,2
Section 1. The Select and Common OJJfEl
of the City of Philadelphia do ordaini TM'g:
care and custody of the monument la wi"i
Square, Germantuwn. be. , and the sskwi
hereby accepted by the City of PhUMffJI
from Ellis Post. No. 8. G, A. R-. and tt ffi
of the same turned over to the Bureau efjfl
Property. The said Ells Post to be permWJ
yearly to add such new names to tfis JJ-,
deceased eoldlers, sailors or rnarines u ra
may deem proper. . . its
Approved this 24th day of December, Aifi
ttULHJUl'll UUAPiKBHliyivM
Mayor of Phlladj2
paving of Crefeld street, from Wllle 3
nvtsnii tn Rnrlniflti AVnn and tM K
paveJ portion of I'aiayunk avenue,. (
Twemy-nnn o xweniy-;nira etreet.
Section 1. The Select and Common O
hst flttr" r T)htlavAinhlo An frArk.
the Director of tb Department of PuWto w
be authorlie4 and directed to enter
contract with comnetent Da vera for tnt? Si
of Crefeld etreet, tvovn WUlowr Qrove 3g
ppriasuviu wonua. vfi.a oiiuuiiiiou -"
witn vunnwi wtruc Kutiers. ana iuv -
hnrllAn at Paiavunl? tvamia) frnm TWCQI!
vtreet to Twenty-third street, with tb
nualltv of refined natural aanhalt TU '
svat rtt ttlii Wfirls In Ksa. ritran ?rirrt th
for InteTiectlona in the appropriation tt lW
u.-awa Tha (Onrlll Inn sif tnsa nAntrft Ka
that the contractor shall collect the costo'
paving from the owners of property p"
fronting on said Streets, and shall enttr
an ooiigaiion wun xne city (Q Keep saw r
in goea rvvtr ur nva years siier toe y.
nnisnea. froviuea, -issi saia streevs
first dedicated r pronsrly ooened. and
Director of the DeDartinent of Public
shall advertise for proposals for patls.
1 streets, snu swnra toe contract to xn
lrespopsible bidder and that .be vw
BiyWllf ,iVUIlU4pVU 4UA Mtlfhm cu?-
charged more than, the cosua l-i-
ordlnasises or partfof ordinance? I.
herewlth b and the aajne r n-.i-try '
Akw1 fbs atih Jay of Tjfcjfj,