BfittiwtiupiiLMiii ' ta VEiNCJ LMDUKE-PHILADULPHIA. PBIDAY, JANUABY 8, 1015. lf$ UDORA K GREAT MYST.C STORV BT HAROLD MacGRATH f'irfgj XilTr j Miter! M o oald mlM 8.W tfi!J iloh Vrop talker with ts . " vertigo. "". a" '"??, erewt (ob worth ttO.000.000. '". '1FtM guardianship of Frank f''."'. rfrciM man and ihet brother of r"?. SI rencnM. I noe 0 I. MM ft!1!' ?i. . (Rat Zudoro mtisf if"'! i mir Jnlo possession 0 '' "'.J JJ Wi "id n prevail upon leaveher money Ms hands F 'a "the fortune. 7ciMm AH P 1'J.imU ? oft?me 11.0 per. rfVfthn Storm, a lomp lawyer, tor ' tStra hat taken a fanev. and he W.ifitht Ctrl to put the man out of W"".? 'y.?;, conies td a 'nan. 25. r. hand of hit niece. At first the rf';, iudora Insists that v ne can- f'Vit sfand I'll compromise. Solve ",... "it edltt and you can marry mm. H M 1 ip " 0"d wl mU" " "SuMtatlon tolfh her uncle. n W.XiVk being a case in which John KJ. ttiiwd rom eonvtcHon 0 a mur Mc "imj Inadaaltd 01 All 'W"'i.Tttfer. an trpcrt enemlst. has .iJiiVVSdman from drink, though I"jZ.itd vstte, Httle daughter ana fa, MIM ,y;'c', (h, jfawinttr horn. I""". "..... if. jfolWnter uuarrel .fnim over Tier Ilklnff or Smith 'Ztem. ilcWnter orders Mm to leave il ." ,1. firninlno Eaturdav. J(lfii"" ... ,, .j -a lotnitatoi .,."?,"1',, '.nnV abnormaUi Wofc. " 1i to "the chemical workewhero he Mil imtHl are mpI01ca, JUOH-imer iire- B" . t orru or All misconduct, WSLuu to imitl telle Mm he may re WFiJm a boarder and aski Mm to go fetftfffi Buudau. itoWinter RKu ?(jTi" the shack in the woods, props mtgui " ' .,,. an tmplv bottle on Y-Mshitt near the celling and allows tuieor to Ham. The far toppica ine 1.1(1. from Us perch, It falls to the floor 111 ireaks. The next morntna a bottle f.irtltlnO one 0 me aramrai j ?mJ'u!0 men go hunting. Smith returns ' mZiii. tavtng he had separatra jrom iiic Wf1' rlv.- h. ihnt. Tint rfnus later SSmtiris "'' d""1 " "" 5h??k mll b temd of having mu.dcred Mm. Srit reW(nr enllsls Zudom's aid lo JJ mm. Ilassam induces Jtorm, Z11 wi tot'ir, lo po ioIIi Mm to the shack. Wletotfe the door slams. Bolh men Uami tinconicloujj EPISODE VI. "fflS CASE OP TUB M'WINTBU U, FAMILY. grtunatcly for both Storm and Haa .W111 Kiidora and Mrs. MoWlnter uii.. Wfl'. .. .l..llia A.. nH 41.A (.lin.! .1 KfverV moment tho door cloaed upon Sain All. Mrs. MoWlnter dreaded !"! ..- Anl oTnr1 np-nin. lint nrlnra Ssled She must seo tho shack and wrthlng In It, If sho was to aid Smith .i, iioMi.cif f1pi?r(o. After Klra. Mc- Ster hd fully explained tho conditions itaSra was auito confident that tho man imiih 'was Innocent, no matter how ileeply circumstantial ovldenco has In ifolTed him. She also felt Instinctively thilsthe widow was holding something lick." t"Thete It Is," announced Mrs. McWIn 'ar'ivlth a shudder. iTyhy, there are no windows In It!" 1 Mjknow It. My husband built It. For ithat 'purposo I cannot say, unless it asfi xperiment In." Mrs. MoWlnter ian to cry. iThere, there!" said Zudora. "From Out 'you have told mo I don't think that imbarui of yours was worm tears." fBut I have not told you all!" JWell," what more Is there to tell?" JTho raan accused of my husband's eithtwas never my lover. Ho was my rotter!" iGood- heavens! Why didn't you tell hit to; the Coroner?" fli dared not. I dared not tell even Whurtand that." fWhyf" ltjr brother Is an escaped convict. was clrcumstnntlnl evidence. Ho ajfered la another man's place. For two uf?;he has lived quietly hero and the tohave lost an track of him. Ho ;it!.ntenced for five years and es- tpMIurlng tho first year of his term. Uhad taken my husband Into my con ienceho would have enjoyed nothing twtef.than exposing George." Joit'can trust mo with tho secret. Ho fWU be totally lost If the people knew JuRWell. thero's the shack. What a Uckidoor!" Heachlng It she tried to open It. It ro isfflto budge. She called to Mrs. Mc- lntir and the two of them succeeded pressing It back. iHjjl'lt!" cried Zudora, reaching for a t Mar at hand. With this she was able 1 aold the door. TtS.'he saw Storm and Hassam All tejjneless on the floor. She sniffed flllw.a moment'fclt dlzssy. The fresh however, came in strongly, and after SSwnti the two men dazedly K'!h.eJr eyes- Zudora helped them tWoutalde; shaking them roughly. It HI; barter of an hour to bring them sum to anything like normality. Mtfver Storm thought of the affair ' himself. Wlh believing it wlso to close the Sttwn. was about to cast aside the Sk. " her eyo waa attracted by a rfo lPa"l har caught In a splinter. k&',id ,lave a ABt" she 'Vrf4 . r4lgi"enea wo'nn at her side. SP& m ha ,ran' aWav th6 y my ,id,ea and "o one has seen him . again studied the Iok thoucht- wwine earth about was soft, and t JL .n,or" a,va mo ono hour' n"l lnHfiP. l rcft.80nab'y Prove that Smith Is nm i .' .why enaco to Bland aside This declaration made tho ihoro sober men pause. ,'m.?ndi n" hp .you pult th0 rPl" ?h- .. ? lho. 8herlft aulok to recognlzo th, value of a respite. .oiT",00!0 slx. amns you lo follow me," .. ?0T,n,' or na mft"y yo wish." "We'll oil go; Smith, tool" TIlat .settle! " Th0 mou began to surge along the road at a dog trot. If this gin could provo vhat sho snla, why, Smith could go; If not, thero'd bo enough trees near tho Bhaok to Bcrvo their pur pose. When tho eager girl exhibited tho bot tles and explained what was In them, pointed to tho llttlo platform and then to tho door with Its spring, a, calm began "iS. v ' " lno Bloodthirsty men. To hold tho door open ngalnst Ihe pressuro of tho spring It was necessary to P"P, this log against it. MoWlnter and Smith had gono out hunting. Sud denly Smith missed MoWlnter. who was. in fact, arranging tho dotalls of tho trap. MoWlnter's dog evidently got In his way, and ho kicked it. Tho dog, In Its endeavor to oscapo a second kick, bumped against the log, shutting MoWln ter in tho shack and catislnir thn nnlnnn. oua fumes to bo liberated. My undo has already proved this fact to his satisfac tion," Ilassam All nodded gravely. Thoro was nothing clso for him to do. Storm stared at him Ironically for a moment. "But thero Is something elso to add," went on Zudora, now satisfied that sho had won tho Intorcst of tho mob. "Mo Wlnter had laid this trap for Smith hlm self. Ho was an Insano man, and nono of you over suspected this fact. Ho imagined all his troubles. Smith had ab solutely nothing to do with them. Now hang him if you can!" Tho mob quietly took itself off, vastly shamed and chastened; and Smith Boothcd his sobbing sister, his oyos full of grati tude. "You'ro a wonderful llttlo person, Zu dora," whispered Storm. "Am I? Tako mo back to town. I am tired. And thero's moro to do. I've got to free Smith again from prison." But the death of tlm rnt o.iim-it -ii.t I that, and Smith walked tho earth again, a (Continued Monday.) Copyright. 1015, by Harold MacOrath. DEMOCRATIC WINGS MAY FLAP TOGETHER TONIGHT Jackson Dinner Will Bring Elval Factions Faco to Face. Whether tho November chastening has brought around old guard and reorgan izes to a state of mind for making peace ovorturcs can bo told after tho Jackson Day dinner of Philadelphia Democrats to night at tho Hotel Adelphla. Memories of tho party's founder who defeated tho British at Now Orleans 100 years ago to day will be tho occasion of a reunion of forces, tho less truculent members of tho party believe. Both sides will bo thoro in force, anyway. Thero will be City Solicitor Michael J. Kyan, with State Chairman Roland S. Morris, who stuck closely to tho causo of Vanco C. McCormlck In the primary fight which defined tho split last May; A. Mitchell Palmer, who has been called un pleasant things by several who will sit at the table with him tonight, and Col lector of tho Port Berry, who fought under the Palmer-McCormlck banner when so many of the old guard shied. The hatchet may bo burled, and it may not. One reason why somo of tho Demo crats hope to accomplish a peaco to night is tho truco arranged lately In the torn lactions or tne democratic club at 15th and Walnut streets. Dr. W. Horace Hosktns. the president and leader of ono side, will be toastmaster tonight, and Roland S. Morris, like a great many others, will make a speech. Roland Mor ris and the doctor wnrred at the club for a long time. Thero 'will bo many at the dinner who went into exile In November. Robert S. Bright, who ran for Congressman-at-large; B. Cordon Bromley, of tho Demo cratic City Old Guard Committee; Post master John A. Thornton and nearly all the prominent Democrats In Philadelphia will be there. OBITUARIES DR. DUDLEY P. AliliElf Dr. Dudley Potcr Allen, formerly a. president of tho American Surgical As sociation, died last night In tils apart ments at the Rltz-Onrlton Hotel. Doctor Allen was graduated from Oberlln Col lego In 1876 and from tho medical school of Harvard In 1S80. Ho spent several years abroad in research work, and on his return became resident physician at tho Boston General Hospital. For many years he was president of tho Ohio Stata Medlcnl Society, and In 1004 ho waa madu president of tho American Surgical As sociation. He was also a director of tho First National Bank and Trust Company of Cleveland, and a trustee of Oberlln College, JACOB N. DONALDSON Jacob N, Donaldson, ono of tho found ers of tho Union League, and for many years secretary and troasurcr of the American District Telegraph Company, died yesterday at tho homo of his daugh ter, Mrs. James M. Reed, 2035 LooUBt Btreet. Ho was stricken with paralysis. Mr. Donaldson was born In Philadelphia on September 7, 1833. He was a mem ber of several clubs. On his retirement from tho American District Telegraph Company Mr. Donaldson became offi cially connected with tho Postal Tele graph Company. Tho funeral will bo held from tho homo of Mrs. Reed, his only survivor, Saturday aftornoon nt 2:30 o'clock. CAPTAIN JAMES E. DENO Captain James E. Dcno, a veteran of ficer of tho Civil War and for years conncctod with tho Cramp Ship and En gine Company, is dead at his home, 809 West Venango strcot. Ho was 71 yoaro old and was ono of tho few surviving members of tho 81st Regiment, Pennsyl vania Volunteers. Ho was also a member of tho Colonel William L,. Curry Post, No. 18, G. A. R.; Philadelphia Brigade Circle, No. 169, and tho E. D. Baker Circle, No, 89. He leaves a wldown Tho funeral will tako placo from his lato residence Sunday afternoon. BARTON SEWELIi NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-dJarton Sowell, vlco president and one of tho organisers of the American Smelting and Refining Company nnd a veteran of tho Civil War, died at his homo hero yesterday, after an Illness of several months. Mr. Sowcll was 67 years old, and had long been prominent In tho smelting business. He was first presldont of tho United Lead Company, was extensively interested In 'arlous mining and kindred enterprises In tho United States and South America. FORMAN J. REYNOLDS NEWARK, N. J., Jan. 8.-Forman J. Reynolds, department commander of tho Grand Army of tho Republic of Now Jer Bey, died Tuesday at his home, K Rector street. Ho wns 72 years of ago, and was elected department commander for New Jersey last May. Ho saw active servico during tho Civil War, and in 1S64 was mustered out, owing to severe Injuries re ceived in action. DrtATItS January 6, 191B, eatfts f Seo"" " 'points SH.W her thinking deeply. ?HbSuchInff her rehead, 23T,do you mean?" MiL.??sh.t..1'6 was just erratic" ' BRUMBAUGH UNHAMPERED BY CONTROL OF BOSSES tm.m,,A . or E00d luck," said fflSFSS S. ?'nted down th. BKeUii. "iJr.irvr"!Sn .was. VISo'r in auta l0 a want to sea the rve an idea how ij v'a. I want to" 'va ul nnoa ti.... g$ran(1 can to die." HtVaZ'' , doro haa JhM9 two ma?Sd'y.lVa them a Ww John Sen sald Zudora, ln-K-JgSfi? 88am All, "have met S&Wy, miss!" &"?, .m!"..we bundled Into Uh Mi "whin oucne his rl'.."1 "HIP. At the nntnkli-ta r.e forteiW" IS- ! M a nnll .. M " "ut t WIS E&w?!? " seurly bound. widoV;e,,a,r t0 ,ynch td that waw o 7..j - S" l one thing for hW 1 &, ?.h resolutely nn.h Jl S"l ":? m men tan.'S ...I""' " "-"- -9iub erum BE". J' -JSS. s?..r . raa . Cll i. i "q a PaCK or ki'L.'nnocent. I can tSi you "la ,!nterucame t0 hls death. : ft trap he had set hf 9 you would bang. Hia own dog J of hia deathl" B g; this la na nt,- faiM titag bim up, bj-, Imfcir tb bftcked assiiut n. tnw lysu thai yu wllj b, jp Governor-Elect Says He Will Sorve t Public Without Dictation of Poli ticians. Govornor-elect Martin G. Brumbaugh told his old associates of tho Philadelphia schools last night that thero Is no truth in the charge that ho will countenance the tnterferenco of political bosses with his administration of Pennsylvania's af fairs. Tho Governor-elect was guest of honor at a dinner In the Bellevue-Stratford, given by tho Philadelphia Schoolmen's Association. He paid a tribute to the ability of his successor, Dr. William C, Jacobs, in tho superintendency of public schools. "I am too old a dog, gentlemen, to learn new tricks," said Doctor Brumbaugh, "and you may safely look upon my eight years with you In Philadelphia as being Indicative of what to expect in tho four years to come, if my life is Bpared that long. When I go to Harrlsburg 10 days from now I shall adopt the same methods I have always applied to the tasks con fronting me. "I believe that the publlo Is my friend, and the publla shall enjoy my confidence regarding every question that may arise. During my term ns your superintendent of schools I Insisted upon justice and Im partiality; and I shall Insist upon justice and impartiality In the future." TO DISOTJSS NEGRO PROBLEM Unfavorable environment and not racial degeneracy as the cause of the excessive morbidity and mortality among Negroes will be the text of an address by Dr. George M. Kober, of Washington, at the annual meeting of the Whittler Centre, in the Bellevue-Stratford this afternoon. Doctor Kober, who Is professor of hy rlane in Georgetown University, and president of the National Association, fop the Study and Prevention of Tubercu losls, will open the diacuspn on the housing of tho city Negro. Dr. H. R. M. Landls, president of the Whittler Centre, Will preside at the meeting. 43 Years on Police Force Policeman Robert Graham, who has served 43 years on the police force, re tired last night and will go on the pen sion list. His home Is at 23i7 East Cum berland street. Graham was connected with the Eaat Glrard avenue ppllce sta tion. For a number of years he was a scecial policeman and broke up several pox car eWB-a that operated in the Uth district. Funeral of 0. T. P. Balrd The funeral of Charles T. Parry Balrd, a mlmber of an old Philadelphia family, who died Wednesday In the Hahnemann Hospital, will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock from Oliver H. Pair's apart ments, 1830 Chestnut street. Mr. Balrd. who was 85 ya old. had been a resi dent of Paris for wany years, and only nouUi- hadreturned to this unUy for a vbk He is .urvv4 by W? wWow. Mrs. MarMJU Slri R- Lopw gaWd, et the law fins et Balrd & Hopktson, was' his vtwle AIKEN. On January 0. 1015, SAftAir. daughter of tho late James and Fannlo Aiken. Funeral from !U2 Wellens ave., Olnoy. on Saturday, nt 8 30 n. m. Solemn High Mais ot itequUm at tho Church of the In carnation at 10 u. in. Interment New Cathe dral Cemetery, l!lti:NNAN. Suddenly, on January 8, 1015. MICHAEL, husband of Ann Ilrennan. Fu neral on Saturday, at 8:30 a. m., from 0140 Ilanetead at. Solemn High Mass of Itequlem at tho Cathedral, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy CrusR Cemetery. CAUUIOAN. On January 0, 101B, at her late residence, 2458 North Mole at. ANNA, widow 0! Patrick Carrlgan. Funeral on Sat urday, at 7:80 a. m. Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Church, at 0 a. m. Interment Holy v.tu.a .iucic(ii CASEY. On January 0. 1015, MARY RA I'llABU daughter of tha late John F, and Martha A. Casey. Funeral services on Sat , urday, at 2 p. m., at lb North 38th st. In terment prlvato. DIX At Moorestown, N. J., on January (1. 1015, ARNOLD M. DIX, son of Laura V. Tiger and tha late Howard A. Dlx. Funeral on eaturday, January 0, from Trinity Church. Moorestown, N. J. Interment at Church Grounds. DONALDSON. Suddenly, on January 7,1015, JACOU N. DONALDSON. In his 7uth year. Funeral services at his late residence, 2035 Locust St., on Saturday, tho 0th Inst,, at U:iO . m. Interment private. Please omit flowers. , DONOIIDE. JOS. DONOHUE, 0220 Sten ton ave. GKAISIIEIIY. At Blenheim. N. J., on Jan uary 5. 1015. LYDIA. widow of Samuel Oralsbery. Services on Saturday, at 2 p. m., ut her lata residence. Blenheim, N. J. In terment at Blackwood. HAMILTON. On January 7, 1018, SARAH, wlto of Andrew Hamilton. Funeral services on Sunday. January 10. at 2 d. m.. nt th. funeral parlors of V. A. Dunlap, northeast corner of 10th and Falrmount ave. Inter ment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. HICKS. On First Month 0th. 1015, HARRY H.. son of tho late "Wlllett and Margarut Hicks, aged 02 years. Relatives and friends, nlBo Master Plumbers' Association of Phila delphia and all other organization ot which he was a member, are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services on Saturday, First Moniu utn, iuio, at 2 ociock p. m., at his late residence. 051 North 8th st. Inter, ment prlvato. South Laursl Hill Cemetery. HOWARD. On January 7. 1015. at his resl donee, 0022 Master at., RANDOLPH, hus band ot Hannah M. Howard. Dua notice of the funeral will be given. IUWIN. SOFIA DALLAS, in Doston, on the ovenlns o( January 7. Dua notice of, funeral will bo given. JENNINGS, At SIcKlervllle, N. J on Jan uary 6, 1015. I.M0JA C, widow ot Jacob Jennings. Funeral on Saturday, January l, from her lata residence. Slcklervllle. N, J. Meet at thq house at 1 p. m. Interment at Slcklervllle Cemetery. KKKN. On January 8, 1018, BALT.IE F aaugmer or tne jaio Aaam i. anu unns tlana Keen. Funeral services on Saturday, at 1:30 P. m., at 5'IT-East Thompson st. In terment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. luVNK. On January 7, 1015. MARY LANE, widow of P. J. Lano. Funeral on Monday, at 8:30 a. m.. from 3114 North Palethorp st. High Requiem Mass at St. Veronica's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. USWIH On January 0, 1015, AMANDA P, LEWIS, wlfft ot James A, Lewis and daugh ter of the lata John and Angelina Powell (nes Allowaya), Funeral services on Satur day, at 1 P. m., at the funsral apartments ot John C. Klmmerle. 1001 South Broad at. Interment at Feruwood Cemetery. IJI'PINCOTT. On January 7. 1018. EFFIH M wife ot Samuel B. I.lpplncott. Interment Emllle, Buoka County, Pa. , I.ONO. On January B, 1015, MARTHA C., wire or irreaericK u. Long into crawcorai. Funeral on Saturday, at 1 p. m., from 1350 East Susquehanna ave. Services at the Union Tabernacle Church, York and Coral ats at 2 p. m. Interment private, at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. MAllKN. on January 7. 1018, ROBERT, husband of Nellie Q. Maben. Funeral on Monday, at 2 p. m.. from 04th and Webster sts., West Philadelphia. Interment Mt. Zlon Cemetery, McKAIN. On January 7. 1015. ELIZA BETH, widow ot Robert McKaln. Vuneml on Saturday, at 8:30 a. in., from 212S Co. lumbta, ave. High Mass at St. Elisabeth' Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Crosa Cemetery, MICHAEL On January 8. 1018. JOHN J. MICHAEL, husband of Annie Michael (nee Batdson), Funeral on Saturday, at 8:30 a. m., from 2007 Trenton ave, Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Ann's Church, at 10 a. m. In terment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, MOltlUS. On January 7, 1010. IDA A., wife of Oliver 11. Morris and daughter of Mar garet and the late Paul O. Loreni. Funeral on Sunday, at " P. m.. from 4410 Salmon st.. Brldesuurg, Interment at Mqgnolta Come tery. NlIhSIlAUM. NICHOLAS NUSSBAUM. 152 lUg ( l"iIRI.rH.-. -Hililrtanlv, on .Tantmrtf CL11T1S H., husband or HMtm Phelps, aged 48 years. Relatives and friends are invited to nttond tho funeral services on Saturday afternoon, nt 3 o'clock, at his lata residence, 1221 Necurlns t. Interment prlmto, rREyilKnOAST. January B, 1015,, DELTA, wifs of Hartley ITendergast (nee Murphy). Funeral on Saturday, at h a, m., from 1142 South 24th et. Solemn Hlcll Mans of Re quiem at St. Anthony's Church, at O:ft0 a. m. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cometery. IMllHNHOWOn January B, 1MB. ALUEnT ROfJlNSON. .Funeral services at his late residence, 523,1 Walnut at., on Saturday, at 1:30 p. m. precisely. Interment private, at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. ROTCIIFOUD. on January 7, 191S. MARY, widow of Mletmol J. llotchford. Funeral on Monday, at 7:80 a. m., from 820 North Capitol et. .Solemn Requiem Mass nt 8t. Francis Xnvler's Church, tt Viu m. Inter ment Holy Cross Cemetery. SKi:ilUIU)EII.On January 0, 3015, BALI.II3 Mi, wife of John Seeburger, Jr. Funeral services oh Monday, nt 2 p. m. precisely, at 101 Township line, Cheltenham, Montgomery County, Pa. Interment private, at Lawn View Cemetery. SINGLETON. On. Jnnuary 8, 1015, MAnt A., widow of Richard J, Singleton. Fu nornl on Saturday, nt 2 o. m., from her lato residence, 1010. South 3d st. Interment pri vate. Jit. Peaeo Cemetery, STACKY. On Jnnuary , Q. 1015, VIOLA ROWAN, wlfo of Edward V, Btncey, In her 44th year. Funeral sen-Ices on Saturday, nt 2 p. m nt her late residence, 4407 Balti more ave. Interment private. SyNnitKlM. OHRTHUDE HUNDIIK1M,30.",(J North 21at at. TANNER, On January 7, 1018. JOSEPH WILLIAM TANNER. Jr., son ot Josoph W. nnd Mary Smith Tanner. Funeral without further notlco, from hla parents' rcMdonce, Edcewood, Bucks County, Pa., on Sunday, January 10, nt 1 p. m. Interment New town Cemetery. THAETE. Oil January 0, 1015, EVELYN F., beloved rhtld of Harry A, nnd Stella I). Thaete. Relatives and friends o( the family iiro Invited to attend tho funeral services on late resldenco, 5812 Filbert St. Interment at Arlington Cemetery, THOMPSON. On January (1, 1015.OEOROE, husband of Annie Thompson (noo Leonard). Funeral services 011 Sunday, at 2:30 p. m at his Into residence, 18.13 Morris st. Inter ment at Kernwood Cemetery. VANDIVEIL On January 0,1015, REBECCA MARY VANDIVEII. mother ot John 1 Van dlver. Funeral services on Saturday, nt 2 p. m., at 100 Bush ave,, Bala, Montgomery County. Interment private, at Wostmlnstcr Cemetery. VOLLMER. On January 0. 1018, FRED ERICK, husband of Mary A. Vollmor. Fu neral services on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, Marsh and Hook roads, Ulen olden, Delawnro County, Pa. Interment prl vato. WARDER On January 8, 1014, DR. CHARLES BARCLAY WARDER, in his B2d year. Servico nt hi late residence, 50 West view avenue, Qormnntown, on Friday nftor noon, 2:15 o'clock. Train leaves Broad strcot station at 1:23 p. m, for Carpenter Station, or dtrmnntown avenue cars to Pel ham. Inter ment private. WELSH. On January 0. 1018, ftRIDOET, widow of Petor Welsh, lato of Munagolnnd, County Donegal, Ireland. Funeral on Mon day, nt 8:30 a. in., from 2824 Poplar st. Sol emn Requiem Mass at St. Francis Xavler's Church, at 10. a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. WILHON. On January 0, 1015, MARY L. WILSON. Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend funernl. without furthor notlco, from tho homo of hor brother. Honry R. Wil son, New Centrovlllo, on Saturday, Jnnuary O. Services at 2:16 p. m. CarrfaRCB will meet trains at Berwyn loavlng Broad St. Sta tion nt 12:45 nnd West Chester at 12:50 p, m. Interment private. WINTER. On January 0.1018.EMMA RUTH RAWLINd. widow of Joseph W. Winter, M. D. Funeral Borvlces at her late residence Church road, Oladwyne, Tn., on Saturday, at .1.30 p. m. Interment nt Odd Fellows' Cemetery. 6RDINAN0E8 8,000 2,400 3,000 2,000 2.BO0 Bjtectivsli a atttlOOO-iaeh, three thou fcwnd dollars ,,,. Stenographers and tjplsts, 2 at tl.ioo each, two thousand four hundred .dollars "V gttrn help, two thousand dollar.... (C) Experts for testimony, two thousand j w.'.'.r (d' 3:il.ner,.i,re, two thousand live hun dred dollars ,.,.. Total, ninety-one thousand throe hun'. . .. dred dollars ...i..i.,.....J0l,S00 Item 2. Supplies: ' ' ' ' Mi",cllaneoti aunplles and expenses, "vo thousand dollars,.. ......I M.000 m!2?liM T.hl the amounts appropriated for f"!arJ?r,hll bo taken from feof eamed by in".!?1.""" Al!5f.nor' I"rovlded. also. That an employes of this Department, now or here D;it...em,l.OJLc,, s,lal, bo Fitl'ens of the United filiv." an1 t,5n,l ."l,e residents of this city at It.'iS ono y."lr. Prior to their, employment, and shall remain bona fide residents during Ruch employment. And, provided, That whenever posslhle bids f?r"ur,ri,.sJr jnatenals shall be Invited only from Philadelphia Arms whose plants are At'AJ" "IP city, and that n schedulo of such Mil, nnd nwords. certified by tho Com mJJ.t.'.'i.on rinnneo shall be. sent lo the City Controller before ho shall sign any warrants for siieh materitts or supplies. And the City Controller shall countersign no warrants against any Item In this ordinance with conditions Imposed are compiled And warrants shall bo drawn by tho Dlatrlct attorney In conformity with existing ordi nances, Alt nnllnan... n n.,1. a .,.lt..,...- hak. slstmt herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed, , Approved the 22d day of December, A. D. RUDOLPH BLANK.ENBURO, t-Mnyor of Philadelphia. 1014 No. 818. ORDINANCES neeepylsts, to -tit tLoo each.-thirty -four thousand eight hundred dollars) 84,800 Rmi.I.I ImM. on . SI OCt M.h. thirty-six thousand dollnra. 80,000 itrgistraiion typists, a at ji.iw sacn, three thousand six hundred dollars. State elerk, one thousand two hundred riollAra ....i Chief . custodian, one thousand one hundred rfntlnl-a Custodian, of records, ono one hundred Collars .... Custodian of records, 0 nt 11.200 each, seven thousand two hundred dollars Assistant custodian of records.. 2 at $1,000 each, two thousand dollars., Assistant .custodian ot records, 3 at 1900 each, two thousand aoven hun dred dollars ....... .,i..,...i...ii. Mechanician, one thousand two hun dred dollars. 1 , 1 . , ,.......,. Assistant watchmen, 2 nt $800 each, one thousand six hundred dollars,.. Janitor, seven hundred and twenty dollars I,.,.,..,.,....,,.,,. ........ Assistant janitors, 2 at $720 each, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars , 1 (c) Extra, clerk hire, two thousand five hundred dollars Total, two hundred nnd fltty-slx .. thousand and ten dollars. ...... .$250,010 Provided, That tha amount appropriated In division (a) shall be taken from fees earned by the Recorder of Deeds. Item 2, Supplies: (n) Blank books, stationery, ete., two thousand flvo hundred dollars $2,500 (b) Printing, binding and miscellaneous, thrco thousand dollars 3,000 8,000 1,200 1,100 1,100 7,200 2,000 2,700 1,200 1.C00 720 1.440 2. COO ORDINANCES AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE DI rcctor ot tha department of Public Safety to have all uwnlnga and awning poles and fix tures connected therowlth on sidewalks on Market Btreet. between Thirty-eighth and Forty-second streets, and on Fortieth Btreet, between Market and FUbort stroets, removed. Section 1. Tho Select and Common Councils of the City ot PhUadelphui do ordain, That tho Director of the Department of Iubllo Satoty bo and he Is hereby directed to havo all awnings and awning poles and fixtures connected thero wlth on sidewalk on Market atreot, betweon Thirty-eighth and Forty-second streets, and on Fortieth street, between Market nnd Filbert atreeta, removed within ninety days after tho passage of this ordinance. All ordinances or parts ot ordinances Incon sistent herewith be, and tho samo are. hereby, repealed. Approved this 22d day of December, A. D. 1011. RUDOLPH BLANKENBimo, No. 800. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO, MAKE AN APPRO- prlntlon to tho Roglster ot Wills for the year 1015. Section 1. TheRolect and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain: That the sum of ninety-two thousand eight hundred nnd forty-nvo (02.848) dollars be, and the samo Is hereby appropriated to tho Register o Wills, for tho year 1015, ns follows: Administration. Item 1. Personal services: (n) Bnlnrles: Register of Wills nnd Clerk of Orphans' Court, ten thousand dollars.... f $10,000 Deputy Reglstor. two thousand five hundrod dollars 2,500 Chief clerk, ono thousand seven hun dred dollars , 1,700 Assistant chief clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars 1,000 Bookkeeper and cashier, one thousand nvo hundrod dollars 1,500 Interpreter, ono thousand flvo hundred dollars 1,500 Chlof compare, clerk, two thousand dol lars 2,000 Transcribing clerks, 3 nt $1,200 each, three thousand six hundred dollars.. 3,000 Miscellaneous clerks, 2 at $1,200 each, two thousand four hundred dollars.. 2,400 Chlof account clerk, ono thousand Ave hundrod dollars 1,800 Account dorks, 4 nt $1,200 each, four thousand eight hundred dollars 4,800 Recording clerks, 4 nt $1,200 each, four thousand eight hundred dollars 1,800 Inventory clerk, ono thousand two hun dred dollars 1,200 Intlox clerks, 3 at $1,200 each, threo thousand six hundrod dollars 3,000 Compare clerks, 3 nt $1,200 each, threo thousand six hundred dollars 3,000 Temporary clerks, 2 at $1,200 each, two thousand four hundred dollars 2,400 Senreh clerk, ono thousand two hun dred dollars 1,200 Stenogrnphor nnd typewriter, one thou sand two hundrod dollars 1,200 Custodian ot records, 2 nt $1,000 each, iwu mouBnnu uounrs 4,uuu Messenger, one thousand dollars juniior, six nunnrea dollars. 1,000 wu 3,500 2,500 AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE AN APPRO priatlon to the Department, of Law, for tho ear 1015, 1 Section 1. Tho Select and Common Councils ot tho City ot Philadelphia do ordain. That tho sum of one hundred and soventy-threo thousand four hundred and ninety (173,400) dollars be, and the samo Is hereby appropriated to tho De partment of Law for tho year 1015, na fol lows' ADMINISTRATION, la) Salaries: ltom 1. Personal services: Cltv Solicitor, ten thousand dollars.. $10,000 First assistant, six thousand dollars.. 0,000 Assistant, nve thousand dollars 8,000 Assistants at xj.uuu caon, twenty thousand dollars Assistants, 8 at $3,000 each, twenty- lour inQusar.a uonars Assistants, 2 at $2,500 each, flvo thou- buiiu uouurn 20,000 24,000 5.000 12,000 0,000 5,400 0,000 1,800 1,500 1,500 3,000 First nsslstant clerk of Orphans' Court, three thousand flvo hundred dollars.. Second assistant clerk of Ornhnns' Court, thrco thousand five hundred dollars 3,500 Second assistant clerk ot Orphans' court, two thousand five hundrod dollars , Third assistant clerk of Ornhnns' Court, ono thousand eight hundrod dollara 1,800 Assistant clerks of Orphans' Court, 12 at $15,000 each, eighteen thousand dollars 1.800 Assistant clerk of Orphans' Court, one thousand two hundred dollars 1,200 Assistant clerk of Orphans' Court, one thousand dollara 1,000 Mcssonset nnd custodian of records, one thousand dollara 1,000 Janitor, seven hundred and twenty dol- lars ...: 720 (b) Stenographic services, two thousand dollars 2,000 Total, five thnllfuind nvn tinnAri1 dollars $5,500 Item .1. Maintenance: Repairs to office furniture, painting, etc., seven hundred and fifty dollars $750 rrovldod, That all employes In this Depart ment now or hereafter employed, shall be eltlTcns et tho United Statca and bona fldo residents Tit tho City of Philadelphia nt least one yrr Prior to their employment, and shall remain bona fldo restdonta during sueh em ployment. And provided. That whenovor possible, bids for supplies or materials shall be Invited only from rhllndelphla firms whoso plants are lo cated in tho City, nnd that a schedulo of such bids nnd awards, certified by. the Committee on Jlnance. shall bo sent to tho City Controller before ho shall sign any warrants for such materials or supplies. And tho City Controller shall countersign no wnrarnta against any Item in this ordinance unless nil conditions Imposed nro complied with. And warrants shAli a itMm. t.v t,& n corder of Deeds in conformity with existing ordinances. All ordinances or parts of ordinances Incon sistent herewith be, and tho samo oro hereby repealed. Approved the 22d day of December, A. D. ORDINANCES (al salaries) Prothonotary, ten thousand dollars.,.. tlt,o Deputy prothonotaty, fiur thoueancr ' l"V'..-.-.'..'---li-'.'. t- .-;. 4,0N i.-j UCJ". prumvnoiary, two inOU- "mu uiio jiunarea aoiiars Bond fee clerk .and bookkeeper, one ,tnouana seven hundred dollars :,... 2,104 i.70d i.too Assistant bookkeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars ,,.,,,,. cashier, one thousand five hundred .dollars . ,,. ,. ,,..., Court eurka, p nt $3,000 eaeh. twsntr aeyen thousald dollars .37,000 CK! to deputy prothonotary, one thousand five hundred dollars,. itSOd I..i..i"'"lui """ ." ciern, one thousand flvo hundred dollars Miscellaneous .clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars ., .,1... Assistant clerk to deputy prothonotary and etate tax clerk, one thousand threo hundred dollars ..... ........ ... Assistant clerk to deputy prothonotary, one thousand two hundred dollars ,, AhnMr.n,. ImS. n a. m &Vt --.E. -tnree .thousand six hundred dollars., 8,000, . fc ?.,VV Cadi, mrSV thousand six hundred dollars ....... Judgment clerks,2 at $1,200 each, two thousand four hundred dollara . .,,. Exemplification clerks. S at $L200 each, three thousand six hundred dol- 1.6O0 1.800 1.000 1,300 1,200 8,000 3,400 Lien clerks. 2 nt $1,200 each, two thou sand four hundred dollars Judgment search clerks, 2 nt $1,200 each, two thousand four hundred dol- Locality search clerks. at $1,200 eaen, three. thousand six hundrod dollars., Chief clerk, one thousand two hundred 8,000 4.400 3,400 8,600 dollars 1 nrt Stenographers or miscellaneous clerks, 4 at, $1,200 each, four thousand eight hundred dollara .................4. 4,800 Chief custodian of records, ono thou sand two hundred dollara 1,200 Stenographer and elerk to prothono tary, one thousand ono hundred dol lars 1,100 Assistant clerks, 2 at $1,000 each, two .thousand dollars 3,000 Appearance cleric, one thousand dol lars ...a.. Exemplification clerk, one thousand dollara , . Miscellaneous clerks. 2 at $1,000 each, .two thousand dollara Mechanics' lien clerk, one thousand dollars Clerk nnd custodian ot records, one wiounanu aoiiars 1,000 1.000 3,000 1.000 1,000 1.000 990 101' No. 818. niTnOr.ntl nUMtnvnimin Mayor of Philadelphia. Total, olghty-slx thousand four hun dred and twenty dollara $86,420 Provided, That tho nmount appropriated to Item 1 (a) shall tin taken from the fees earned by the Register of Wills. Hem 2. Services othor than personal: (a) Communication service, two hundred and twenty-tlve dollars $225 (b) Advertising, fifty dollars CO (c) Miscellaneous services, six hundred dollars 600 Total, olght hundred and Boventy-flve dollar $875 Item 3. Supplies: (a) Wank books, ono thousand four hun- dred dollars .- $1,400 (b) niank forms and stationery, eight hundred and twenty-flve dollnrs..... 823 (c) Cleaning and supplies, ono hundred aoiiars (d) Towels, twenty-five dollara fe Miscellaneous, one hundred dollars., fa tl.n.lnnnm nnA allnnllna Omhflnn Court, ono thousand dollars 1,000 100 25 100 AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE AN APPROPRI atlon to th Sheriff, for the year 1018. Section 1. Tho Select nnd Common Councils of tho City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the sum of one hundred nnd ninety-one thou sand and forty (101,040) dollars be. and the fame Is hereby appropriated to the Sheriff, for tho vcar 1015. as followa: Administration. Item 1. Personal services: (a) Salaries: Sheriff, fifteen thousand dollars $15,000 Chief and real estate deputy, bIx thou sand dollars 6,000 Personal deputy, flvo thousand dollars 5,000 Special deputy, three thousand dollars 3,000 Execution clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars 1,800 , Auditor, one thousand eight hundred 1 dollars 1.800 Clerk to real estate deputy, one thou sand five hundred dollars 1,500 Clerk to neruonal deputy, ono thousand five hundred dollars 1,500 Appearance clerk, one thousand two hundrod dollara 1,200 Assistant appearance clerk, one thou- Band dollars 1,000 Fee clerk, ono thousand two hundred dollars 1,200 Return clerks, 4 nt $1,100 each, four thousand four hundred dollara 4,400 Miscellaneous clerk, one thousand dol lars 1,000 Deputy sheriffs, 7 at $1,500 each, ten thousand flvo hundred dollars 10,500 Clerks to deputy sheriffs, 7 at $1,100 each, seven thousand seven hundred dollars 7,700 sjuarier sessions deputy, nine nunarea dnllnra .... ... - dollars Court deputies, 5 at $100 each, five hundred dollara Deputy Sheriff Orphans' Court, one hundred dollars Provided, That tho amount appropri ated to Item 1 (a) shall be taken from tho fees earned by the Shorirf. (b) Active solicitor, five thousand dollars solicitor, threo thousand dollars Assistants. 8 at $2,400 each, twelvo thousand dollars Assistants. 3 at $2,000 each, six thou- . sand dollnrs Assistants, .'! at $1,800 each, flvo thou sand four hundred dollars Assistants. 0 at $1,500 each, nine thousand dollars Cashier, one thousand eight hundred dollars Confidential clerk, ono thousand flvo hundred dollars Clerk, ono thousand flvo hundred dol lars Stenographers, 2 nt $1,500 each, threo thousand dollars Clerks. 4 at St. 400 oach- nvo thousand six hundrod dollara 5, COO Stenographers or clerks, 5 nt $1,250 each, six thousand two hundrod nnd fifty dollars 0.250 Clerks, 7 nt $1,200 each, eight thou sand four hundred dollars 8,400 Clerks, 5 at $1,000 each, flvo thou sand dollars , 5,000 Writ servers, 2 at $1,000 each, two thousand dollara 2,000 Messengers, 2 at $1,000 each, two thousand dollars 2,000 Custodian, one thousand dollara 1,000 Clerks, 2 nt $000 each, ono thousand eight hundred dollars 1,800 Librarian, nine hundrod dollars 000 Special evidence ngent, ono thousand flvo hundred dollars 1,500 Cleaners, 2 nt $420 each, eight hun dred and forty dollars 810 (b) Witness fees, two thousand dollars 2,000 (c) Prothouotary's costs. Magistrates' costs and expenses of cltv cases, one thousand five hundred dollars., 1,500 (d) Expert service, fifteen thousand dol lars 15,000 (e) Hxpense for conveyancing, five hun dred dollars COO QUTinVAlTK On January 7. 1015, MARY J., wife o Robert P. Outbwalte. Funeral service on Baturday, at 3 p. m., at her late residence, 2002 East York st. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. PATTERSON. On January 7, 1015. BBR, NA11D X., son ot Bernard P, and Mary A. Patterson. Funeral on Saturday, at 2:30 p. ra., from the residence ot bis parents, (SOU Cedar ave., West Philadelphia, Interment at Holy Crosa Cemetery. PATTON. On. January 8. 1815. MICHAEL, husband of the late Ilonanoa Patton. Fu neral on SiturJay. at T30 a. m from 443 Olive at. HUh Mass ot Requiem at the Church of tha Immaculate Conception, at 0 a. m. precisely. Interment at et. Joseph's Cemetery. PAYUAN. In Trenton. N. X. 00 the 0th int.. JOHN D. PAYRAN. aged 78 years. Relatives nod friend ot the family art In vito! to attend the (eryloes on Saturday aft eneon. at 3 o'clock, at tha residence of his dauebier, Mrs. A. U. Anderson. 788 Stuyve- --.. .., .iwuni. luivroieai O.S JBrWinjE uth f . n4 K. 5'euwofj, lfwirl w4 la. terrnaat tJtWat. CumaUry at the ceoYestence of the family. PHTKItSdN. At Ut residence. 339 lul 4.ta st. tuj Jaaijarr 8, lli OBRTRtJp Total, ono hundred and sixty-four thnunuid four hundred and ninety dollara $101,400 Item 2 Services other than personal. Advertising, affidavits, postage, serving notices and blue prints, eight thou sand, dollars $8,000 Item .V Supplies! ' ' Miscellaneous, five hundred dollars, ... $500 Itm 4 Equipment: Law books. Ave hundred dollars.,.,,., J500 Provided, That no assistant or assistants, nor any member of a law Arm with which any as sistant or assistants may be associated In the practice of law, or otherwise, shall bo em ployed, engaged or render service or services as counsel or attorney against the city, in any court proceeding or proceedings. In which the City and County ot Philadelphia, or any De partment or Bureau thereof, directly or in. directly, may bo n party, either In a civil or criminal case, under penalty ot Immediate dis missal Provided, also, That all employes ot this Department, now or hereafter employed, shall be citizens ot the United States and bona flde residents of the City of Philadelphia at least one year prior to their employment, and shall remain bona-rldo residents during such employment. And. provided. That, whenever f'osslbie, bids for supplies of materials shall be nvlted only from Philadelphia firms whose plants are located In the city, and that a, schedule of such bids and awards, certified by the Commltteo on Finance, shall be sent to the City Controller before he shall elgn any -warrants for such materials or supplies. Ana the City Controller shall countersign no war rants against any Item In this ordinance unless all conditions imposed are cornpnea wun. Ana warrants shall be drawn by the City Solicitor In conformity with existing ordinance. All ordinance or parts of ordinances Incon sistent herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Appruvi.'.. mo .. or v. vuciiiuur, a. V. 1 ' TjerrwM' m-lvirt-Mnnnr. No. 815. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN.OJIDINANCB TO MAKE AN APPRO-' prlatlon to the District Attorney, for the year Section 1, The Select and Common Council of tna City of Phi adelphla do ordain. That the sura of .nlnety-slx thousand tbreq hundred (OOOO) dollars be. and the same Is hereby appropriated to the District Attorney, tor the year iOlB. as follows: Administration-. Item 1. Personal services: (a) Salaries: . . District Attorney, twelve thousand dol- Fir"? AMlVtanV ' DiVtVlot' ' Altofney.n!W) seven thousand flva hundred dollars. . 7,500 Assistant District Attorneys, 4 at f5, WX) each, twenty thousand dollar. 20,000 Aislfctaut District Attorneys, 3 at 11.000 each 12,000 Assistant A"vr.ers, a.i $3,000 each Indictment attorney, two thousand five hundred dollar Chief clerk, three thousand dollars... Clerks, 2 at $1,500 each, three thou sand dollars ... .-; Clerk, one thousand four hundred dol lars , dark, rtn hundred dollars Indictment clerk, two thousand 4sJlars Fe clerk, oa thousand ons twadrej. Total, threo thousand four hundred nnd fifty dollars $3,450 Item 4. Equipment: . ., (a) Law books, six hundred dollars $000 (b) Equipment, eeven hundred dollars.. 700 (c) Special Index books, three hundrod and fifty dollars 350 Total, ono thousand six hundred and fifty dollars $1,650 Item 5, Miscellaneous, four hundred and fifty dollars - $150 Provided, That all employees In this Depart ment, now or hereafter employed, Bhall be cltl xens of the United States nnd bona fldo resi dents of tho City ot Philadelphia at least ono year prior to their employment, and shall re main bona fldo residents during such employ ment. ,. . ... And provided. That whenever poslble, bids for supplies or materials shall bo invited only from Philadelphia firms whose plants are lo cated In tho City, nnd that a schedule of such bids and- awards, certified by the Com mltteo on Finance, shall bo sont to the City Controller before ho shall sign nny warrants fnw ,, li malarial. ni Simnlles. An.i ., r-iiv r-nntrniinr shall countersign no warrants against any Item In this ordinance unless ail conumons impuacu uro WAnd warrants shall be drawn by the Register of Wills in conformity with exlstlns ordl- , All ordinances or parts of ordinances Incon slstcrit herewith be, nnd tho same are hereby "Approved the twenty-socond day ot December, A. D. 1014. UDOTjPn BiNKENBURO, No. 817. Mayor ot Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE AN ArPROPRI ntloi. to tho Department ot Recorder ot Heeds for the year 1015. Section 1. Tho Select and Common Councils of tho City of Philadelphia dp ordain: That the sum of two hundred and sixty-two thousand tw? hundred and sixty (202.260) dollars be. and the same Is hereby appropriated to the Re corder of Deeds for the year 1015 as follows: Administration. Item 1. Personal services! aRccordero'f Deeds, ten thousand dol- lars siu.oou Deputy Recorder of Doeds, four thousand dollara ,... Chief clerk, two thousand dollars.... 2,000 Bookkeeper and nslstant cashier, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars -.,., 1J60 Cashier and assistant bookkeeper, one thousand two hundred dollar...... 1,200 Chlet aearon cierK, two u.uuwuiu uui- Mortgago' 'search' clerks,' -S n( $1,600 each, four thousand five hundred 2,000 101 8.000 2,600 3,000 3,000 1,400 000 2.000 ellars , 1.100 gal stenographer, one thousand eight :-j--. 7...-. nunux . 11 v. 1 1 t ...... ............ lerks. 2 at $1,300 acD. two thousand tour hundred dollars SiensiTraptsr and clerk, one ttuHnund dollara MuatDger, oa thousand oaa tundra i deftara , DJuoUy. oat tirtiuand vea nuodfed lars .-...o 1.800 3.400 1.00a 1.100 l,to A-V. 4.500 Conveyanco search clerks, 2 at $1,500 each, three thousand dollars 3,000 Chief deed index clerk, ono thousand eight hundred dollars... LbOO Chief mortgage Index clerk, one thou sand eight hundred dollars ........ 1,800 Assistant Index clerks, 3 at $1,500 encn, inree inoumuu uuuai .,,,.. u,vw Miscellaneous clerk, one thousand three hundred dollars ...ii- ,. 1.300 Miscellaneous clerks. 0 at $1,200 each, seven thousand two hundred dollars. 7,200 Chief compare clerk In charge, ot deeds, one thousand eight hundred dollars 1,800 Chlet compare clerk in charge of mortgages, one thousand three hun dred and fifty dollars 1,850 Clerk In charge ot deeds, one thousand two hundred dollar 1,200 Clerk In charge of mortgages, one thousand two hundred dollars,,.,,. 1,200 Compare clerks. 8 at $liS80 each, four thousand and fifty dollars 4.050 Compare clerks. 10 at $1,200 each, twelve thousand dollars 12,000 Auditor, one thousand two hundred dollars 1,200 Stenographer and . typewriter, one thousand two hundred dollars ...... 1,200 Receipt elerk, ons thousand five hun driddollars ,.,. v .- 1.600 Assistant receipt clerk, oca thousand one hundred dollars .............. 1,100 Delivery clerk, one thousand two hun dred dollars 1,200 Satisfaction entry clerk, ono thousand dollar i,uuo Notation clerk, ons thousand Ave hun. .duu 000 600 6,000 3.000 Billposter, ono thousand two hundred aoiiars -.,-" Confidential clerk and stenographer, ono thousand two hundred dollars... 1.200 Stenographer, one thousand dollars... 1,000 Writ servers. 10 at $000 each, seven- .., teen thousand one hundred dollars., 17,100 Clerk and messenger, 2 at $000 each, ono thousand eight hundred dollars.. 1,800 Custod'an of books and records, eight hundrod and forty dollara 840 Messenger, seven hundred and twenty dohara - 720 Jnnltor, seven hundred and twenty dol- lars 72? Cleaner, six hundred dollars COO Auctioneer, six hundred dollsrs 000 Superintendent of court servico, one thousand three hundred dollars 1,300 Prisoners' elevator guard, nine hun- dred dollara BOO Guard for van service, 4 ot $000 each, three thousand six hundred dollars.. Driver for van service, nine hundred dnl In ra . ............-.......... -..D.yylaH A. n.l.An.H !l nt SftOO CflCh. two thousand seven' hundred dollara 2,700 Matron cell room, nine hundred dollars 000 Janitor cell room, seven hundred and twenty dollars .:".""iV Dcputv In charge of criminal work, one thousand eight hundred dollars.. Assistant appearanco clerk, one thou sand dollars AA""!mJ Criminal process servers, 20. at $000 each, eighteen thousand dollars..... Writ servers. 0 at $000 . eacn. eigne thousand ono hundred dollars.... . 8,100 Matrons. Juvenile Court, 2 at $000 each, ono thousand eight hundred do'lars ,..,,....... ew Chauffeur. Juvenile Court automobile, ono thousand dollars................ 1.000 Jutcnllo Court attendant, one thou- .anrl dollars . liW Juvenllo van guard, nine hundred dol' Assistant custodian ot thousand dollars Mechanics' lien satisfaction dork, nine hundred dollara Assistant custodian of records, 3 at 5iju eacn, two tnousana stvtn nun rod dollars 2,700 Recording and certlflcato clerk, nine hundred dollars , POO Assistant custodian ot records, 3 at $800 each, one thousand six hundred . dollara .... 1,W0 Messenger, eight hundred dollars 800 Custodian of books, Ave hundred dol lars , 600 Janitor, sevon hundred and fifty dollar 100 Janitor, soven hundred and twenty dol lara .1 720' (b) Special and miscellaneous services, seven hundred nnd fifty dollars.... 760' 3.000 000 720 1,800 1,000 18,000 Total, ono hundred nnd threo thou sand and twenty dollars s.i$lO3l029 Item 2. Services other than personal: (a) Communication servico nnd advertls- lntr, three hundred and fifty dollars. $350 (b) Miscellaneous, ono hundred and twenty dollars 120 Total, four hundrod and seventy dot- lars $470 Item 3. Supplies: (a) Stationery, three thousand dollars.. $3,080 (b) Miscellaneous supplies, ono thousand ono hundred dollars I40 Total, four thousand one hundred . dollars $4,100 Maintenance. Item 4. Services other than personal: (a) Prlntlnff, blank tooka.communlci.Uon service, engraving and roblnding. ten ,. thousand dollars 10,009 b) R-blndlng old dockets, ono thousand . dollars , 1.000 Total, eleven thousand dollars $11,000 Equipment. Item n. Furniture nnd furnishings, flvo thousand thrco hundrod dollars....... 8,300 Total, Ave thousand three hundred dollars $5,300 Provided. That all employes' of this Depart ment, now or hereafter employed, shall bo eltl. rens of tho United States and bona tide rel yents of this City at least one year prior to their employment, and shall remain bona ,flde 'ealdenta during- such employment. Provided also. That the nmount appropriated for snl nrlej shall bo taken from fees corned by th Prothonotary. , And provided, That whonever possible, bids for supplies or materials shall be Invited only from Philadelphia firms whose plants are lo cated In tho City, and that a schedule et such olds nnd awards, certified by the Committee on Finance, shall bo sent to the City Controller Before he shall stgr. nny warrants for such ma terials or flurmllM- AnA thn rMtvrYtntrallt shall countersign no warrants against any Item In this ordinance unless all conditions Imposed are complied with. 'And warruits shall ho drawn by tho Pro thonotary of the Courts ot Common Pleas and Municipal Court In conformity with dialing ordinances. All ordinances or parts of ordinances Incon sistent herewith too, and tho samo are hereby repealed. 1 Approved the twenty-second day ot Decern her, A. D. 1I14. RUDOLPH BLANKENBTjnO. No. 870. Mayor ot Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DB- poslt of City money and fixing; the amount of interest to bo .paid thereon. SECTION 1. The select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That ninety (00) days after the approval of this ordinance the City Treaaurer and the Com missioners of the Sinking Fund are hereby authorised and directed to deposit tha funds of the City of Philadelphia only In such banks and trust companies as shall agree to pay the rate ot two and one-half (2H) per cent. In terest on money now on deposit or hereafter deposited and which have been designated by Councils ns depositories of Cltv money. Approved the 24th day of December, A- D". ' RUDOLPH RLANKENBURO. NaBOI. Mayor of Philadelphia. Attendant."Munlclpal Court cell room. HO CIl MUilunwu ---- - . ., a,,- 000 720 (c) Extra clerks, flvo thousand eight nunoreu uuaa.a '.:-'" i-j,i (d) Sheriff Juries, one mouiunu 1.000 Total, ono hundred and fifty thou sand and twenty dollars. ......... $l).O20 , .?"" ?ir SVttrThai Dcrsonal: w.??3V!a.A'JA'.,l- tW0..,.r $2,200 sanu i . ". Ve.VnieiuI 2,000 2,000 3,000 Conveyance of prisoners, auuniuna. Court, two thousand aoiiars ........ (b) For use and driver of van, two thou sand dollars (c) Expense of writ service, three thou- ""d ?".ar.W ' ' .VeV.e;.' ' ' MunVcinai Court, two thousand dollars........ 3.000 (d) Keep of norses, seven ou u fltty dollars ,., ... vr; Villi (s) Postage, four hundred dollars ...... i'rucuMiu.,uM. " - . "t .r AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE AN APPRO prlatlon to the Board ot Revision ot Taxes for the year 1016. Section 1. The Select ,nd Common Council of tho city of Philadelphia do hrdnln: Thai the sum of two hundred nnd ninetv-one thousand one hundred and thirty (201.1.10) dollsrs be. and the same la hereby appropriated to lbs Board of Revision of Taxes for the year 1016, as follows: Administration. Item 1. Personal services, (a) Salaries: Members of Board of Revision., threo at $0,000 each, eighteen thousand dollars $18,000 Assessors. 70 at 1.1.000 each, two hun dred and ten thousand dollars. ..... 310,000 Chief clerk, two thousand flvo hun dred dollars ., 3,500 Assistant chief clerk, two thousand dollar 3,000 ju-gistration cierK, two tnousana aoi- 750 400 8,000 . ,a.7Kri';.rViin ahTrirt's nrocla 'mat Ion, one thousand flvo hundred (h) aSn"frt ' ' costs.' 'advertising" of 'city scl, fas., tor thousand dollars Provided. Tho City Controller may countersign ""''""".Xri for bills for tho year 1014. fl) Cost Incident to City writs, two thousand dollars 3.000 1,600 10,000 .al ritllara Typist In charge of records, oaa thou sand three hundred and fifty dollars Assistant typist In charge ot records, ons thousand two hundred dollar.. Typist in charge . of charters, one thousand three hundred and, fifty Certificate ' dirks! 3 'it' '$1. 200 'each. two thousand tour hundred dollars. Proof typists. 4 at $1,200 each, four thousand eight hundred dollars Bupsrintendent of typists, one thou. sand six hundred doSars Assistant UMrlnt4tnt of typlau, one thousand fw hundred debars. Mes-MUCV la charge of Instruments, oa Thousand two hundred dollar.. R carder' e messenger, eight hundred dollar L 1: u. :-. : Typists, so at ,wj eaxo, suty-ix Covwau ""' tw.UA! 1,350 1.200 1.S50 2.400 -.800 1.600 1.400 1.200 800 ibl Salaries clerk cOvt'Ut, oca thousand fir twuars ... 1,603 undewd aal(ani enlaf dark, oua lhailsan,! four tuladttd doUaj a 1,100 Total, thirty thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars $30,850 (al'sta'tionery and books, three thousand 'flvo hundrod dollara ................ 8,600 stationery and books. Municipal Court, one thousand dollars ................ 1,000 (b) Uniforms for persons, five hundred ' and fifty dollars .................... 650 Uniforms for persons. Municipal Court, one hundred and twenty dollars .... 120 (c) Miscellaneous, one thousand five hun dred dollar .............. " 1.600 Miscellaneous. Municipal Court, seven hundred dollars , 700 Total, seven thousand threo hundred and seventy dollars $7,370 Maintenance, Item 4. Services other than personal: (a) Repairs to van service, six hundred dollars $600 (b) Cleaning- offloes, three hundred dol lars ....a........................... 300 Total, nine hundred dollars ,,, $000 Capital Outlay. -1 Item 5. Equipment: . . . , . (a) Refurnishing; offices, six hundrod dollar ............................... $600 (b) Horses, throe hundred dollar,.., 300 Total, nine hundred dollar..,,.,,,,, $900 Maintenance. Item 6: (a) Maintenance of automobile van for Juvenile prisoner, one thousand dol- Provided',' That all 'employes 'in ' t his ' Depart ment, now or hereafter employed, shall be cltl sens of the United Stats and bona fid resi dents or the City ot Philadelphia, at least one year prior to. their employment, and snail re main bona, fide resident during such employ, (nant. .And tha City Controller shall countersign no warrant against any Item In this ordinance unlet all conditions Imposed or compiled And warrants shall bo drawn by tho Sheriff In conformity with witting- ordinance. All ordinance or part of ordinances tncon sUtent herewith be, and tha sm ar hereby repealed. Approved too 22d day Of December, A. D, "?. ' . RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 810. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE AN APPRO prlattoa !,. lra&n9Ta, of tb Courts if K-mouwflta ssFSanlelBsl Courtrfor th gear 1616. p action 1. The Select and Common Council of ths City of Pfmaaelphls. do erdtln: That tha sum ot oss hundred and tweaty-tue thou sand ,ubt lwrdan3 ninety ll8i aJuir teTana the saja U hweby appropriate) to the wtwouru 01 juauaoa l'le, I Court, for th year lli.tL a) ssrrte) sad the ,dJlssaRa: fallaiei: J-"""1 lars 2,000 1,700 1,800 1,600 Division and locality clerk, one thou sand soven hundred dollars..,.,. ... Certificate clerk, ons thousand firs hundrod dollars. Allowance clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars ftneel&l clerk, ono thousand four hun- dred dollars..... i.. 1.400 Miscellaneous clerks. 23 at $1,200 each, twenty-six thousand four hun dred dollars..,...,. 20.40 Stenographer . and typewriter, nine hundred dollars , 009 Janitors, 2 at $720 each, one thousand tour hundred and forty dollars..... 1,449 Doorkeeper, eight hundred and forty dollara 840 Oeneral clerk, ono thousand five hun- dred dollars 1.600 (b) Extra clerks, at $75, ter month each, sight thousand dollsrs....... 8,000 (c) Fees tor furnishing abstract of re corded deeds, ono thousand twp hun- dred dollars,....,, 1.300. Total, two hundred and elrtty-ent thousand ono hundred and eighty . . dollar .f;t ,.,$281,150 Item 2. Services other than personal: (a) Carriage Mrs lor assessor, nvo hundred dollars......,.. ........... (b) Automobile and carriage hire for mrmners of Board, tour hundred and fifty dollars .....,..,..,.. ,0) Postage, telephone, etc, nine hun dred dotlars (d) Printing, engraving, lithographing and bind Wr. five, thousand dollars. , (e) Advertising and publication of no tlcea. five hundred dollar $500 430 000 6,000 boo $839 809 309 Total, seven thousand three hundred and' fifty dollar $W59 T. n Plunnlles: (a) Stationery, eight hundred dollars.. D) Cleaning and toilet supplies, tbre hundred dollar .................. (0) Incidental, three hundred dollars.. Total, on thousand four, fcunditd dol, lar ,...,,,.,,....-. $1,409 Capital outlay, (a)mAd'dltion to map, atlases, etc., on thousand dollar $1,009 (b) Fumlutre and furnishing, two hun, v dred dollar ..,,,...... 300 Total, one thousand two hundred doj. lar ' . Provided, That when binding shall he r oulred. payment for which U takeq (rent test 2 (d), tb said Board be authortted to Invite proposal from not less than fiv responsIUf nartles. known to be engaged in tb buaia, knd to award tb contract to tb lowest bid der wltb ths approval of tb Committee an Flrincs, and that tb schedule of bids received, and tb award of tb contract made, with a, copy of th request of ucb told, certified by th Commute on Finance, halt b nt to the City Controller before he shall sign any warrant for binding. Provided also, "that all moloy in this department now 0 hereafter imployed .hail b cftlnn of th United flat indbtna fids resident of tb city of PH. delpbla at lt on year prior to their em ploymant, and snail rem.ta bona fid realdeat during: sucb employment. And provided. That whenever possible, biit for supplies or materia ehsll bs lnrtted only from Philadelphia, flrmj who plant aia lo cated In th city, and that a cbdul et saeA Mdiaivl awards, certified by th Coauaittt a Finance, shalt b sent to tb City Co&tMrer betors b shall elrn any warrant- tor mmb materials or uppue. And. tb City Cm troller bU countersign no warrant tjain-t any Item in tbl ordinanc mUva U fnoil, lion iawosad are eenwUsd with. And warrants hsjl U draws, by tb Ss.-i 1 et Review ox w w cwnorwHy itn svut: I tag; All ordtMaaa or atut rf 1 m
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