:xl. ;IjDay, IS ; (J: STOCK MARKET STRQNAND ACTIW mm STROM IN WALL STREET ON SMALL OFFERINGS jroaaenuiy u .... B : Caused Advances Cop- tper Shares Up on Rise in 'Price of Metal. I . wintr. .Tnn. 8. The stock market BNbv , nn.i etive. and there" '7. a greater breadth ot trading than tSnrnmenthaaclec;aedto let the Sffl,tS"i.".Si! Pi.il In fore gn oxciiuii ....... ..-.,,,... ...... t&t considerably. There was a larger Rtinw"' , .),-, tvnrn moroMnaulrles. SUenaan i u increased scare- fu f offerings. After tho opening thero tr of onennt, but n3 (Jh day advanced strength developed on -d buying movement. Tho featuro In MgoodbuyinB n . .....,, Jn rtSroad ehares which sold ox-dlvldend. Kc these stocks wcro Now York Con 5 Great Northorn proforred. Northern Sciflo and Union raclflc. Tt the close soma railroad stocks were IF i-limr last night's final. Heading was IfcSffM 4. t U5V4! Missouri Pacific. 6. off !? Canadian Pacific. IBB, off J. Tho . wmalnder of tho list was strong. retnaiiiucr j b..j tn centra f i L loeclalUes, but later tho strength t these enveloped the wholo Hat, with tiw exceptions. American Con con- i,LeA Its advancing movoment and sold 'JnTtoMH. an advanco of . Tho favor !'"?. ...nmnn jriven for tho comipanv In t 6fh. Government suit and the earnings on i '" the common stock, whloh are said to be ! Slween 5 and 6 per cent, at present, wero . riven as tho cause of tho strength In tho thumc. .Unltod Staitca Stool regained Its i Sice above Bethlehem Steel at tho open- l ?l?wu farmer sold nt 61, up U, Whllo r DU ' . - ,. tn,ti. urn. n KltA fHhs first saie ui 'u .-." -- --. f n : Later Bethlehem Steel again roso 8 above United States Stool. Rumors con- IUnuo persist;""-. . "i"'-. . iW 'Anialt tliat Bethlehem Stool common !K trill receive dividends at tho rate of 4 Bf.Jtir cent, por annum. fP Beading roso from 146tf to 147. Tho buylng of this stock Is apparently accu- KmuYatlng for banking Interests that has ftwn In progress for over a week, and at BBS??1..- timn a considerable short Inter- K5.1UO 0" " ,, . n . ......,,, if.jt DUt OUt at tno umo uio ruiniajimiu Icommlsslon ordered a reduction of an-p;i:..-i mfpn to Philadelphia has been imit In a vulnerable position. Some ot ,.. .hnrts have made urgent offorta E' tb cover, but so far have been unsuccess 4$ful, as tho market has been steadily fri.v'en nwav from them. Kl --,i.nin nf n rnmtnor movement in llfi Third Avcnuo brought In many buying J herders, on which tho stock roso from 37, SHS'at tho close yesterday, to 40. B The advanco In tho price of copper jK,ntal In tho London market exerted a ifKtpeclal Influence on tho copper stocks. 'Hi Amalgamated made a gain of to EB; Bi8 American Smelting roso one point to 60, and Tennesseo Copper ndvnnced to 835. Theso wero two exceptions to tho reneral show of strength. Missouri Pa- clflo yielded ono point to G, and New HAven vieiucu Vrt 10 oiiii. twiiKiieus 111 SKeW Haven Is attributed to Institution gelling made Imperative by tho fact that 'a. fall vear has now passed without a 'Sj dividend payment, tho last disbursement ijp .!. ., n...v.nH eft in19 rji, ceioa muuo uu ouiJiuiiiuui ov, . Call money loaned at 214 per cent Demand sterling was quoted at i.szyi. ..k.nn.J wnm TiA !. v.atnrilfltf ;S MllVUUUbU ..will t.,u ivh .rushu.uuj. Thet vohani mnrlriaf rnntlnltpil llR lln- Ward movement In Chicago today, May going to fl.41 tho highest prlco In recent years. May wheat sold on tho consolidated Stock Exchange at $1.50 a bushel, com pared with a closing prlco last night of H.47H. The known movements of currency this week Indicate a gain by tho banks on operations with the Subtreasury of $8,162, WO. They received from tho Interior JI6.8I7.00O. and shipped to Interior 16.654.- W), Including $2,701,000 national banlc notes sent to Washington for redemption. Gain from Interior was $0,993,000. Loss on Subtreasury operations proper 'amounted to $1,831,000. What must bo re garded as gold exports was tho $2,000,000 gold bars withdrawn this woek and det posited here for account of tho Bank of Stance. SHORT TERM NOTES - rt WUD. J1U, ASK. Am Tel & Tel mb... C Apr. 1010 100lOOii Tfntn Ct ra. nt J i Ihrlrt. n T En A n nv uuij IViO VO'M UU Kctl & Wcet Ind. DO Kopt. lfUS m 1)7 I ni? iwi u u Erl R R 0ta Motor Co... MV4 BW-Apr, ,1017 U . Oct. IMS nnU n.i 1001-101 OOS-lOO OliTi 06U lOOli-lOOti ftn nhhap 4H July IMS 1015 jiocx Valley SUcHill Bo n R.. n May Nov. Sept. Doa. May Apr. Sept. Oct. Sept. Bept. Sopt. Xl.w 11)15 11113 inn inn: 1X0 & U BO It 11.. K liir Kitv. . 11)15 100 1001 iviT unu no: 1B15 1015 1015 1015 101(1 1017 1015 1015 1011) 10111 1MT 1017 UI18 OOHi-- 00', NYO&H R ..... INYC&HK 1ISK 00 lOlg-im 103 103 v n.v t City . .! 4 I Llty .,...,, IVHlf All icmt iw 0ff!i 01 Penn R n mnv. , 314 Oct. 6 liar. IStibd Air L, Ry (lOii 119 uinJ hr fcnnnTn irnrv n 0S OS', teeJ sas s May May May win- va anij-iooji WMtW tuii, U RATES TOR MONEY rn II mi delDhla aZk ASSir l&'i?s,"u0" ivi.i "ti vvwrva Reserve DonkB Discount Hates -Dayi 00 tphll..if. ti.....t .......... 4V 0 5 B J B 6 B OH B6S iBotoii tmm. i.t 4 Cl"luid ........ iT 5 6 liufSJ?111 4H G IKllaTrl,', ............ Jh, 0 MtauMBi ''" V . 6 ... a on 0 jga rranciaao ....,,,,,,....,, 4K bjs Foreign Discount Bates Buik IMtaoriaat rate, change. Kn,. t'lMMMMtl ....... a Aug-. , auii ... ,..,., O AUr. 20, 1011 Kiiut.'.", .... d ueo. . JUL .... 8 Au. 21, 1011 .... 5H Oct. 3i; 1011 it. ' .. .... Kir, ' ' ' ' pKserve Board's Annual Report RiffiS ,M;V",,r''n. 8.-Jrh annual report KnSSi v?tT1 Rerva Board, It wu an tvSt Moiay' y,u b aubmltted to Con- E? ""N lac lta belnnlns la Aupuit. DIVIDENDS DEOnARED BflffiS-r VnU,n . T8t Company, mular IMSfV V. . " cent., payaom January zo la KM M vcotd t doa of bualnuu on that S" National Bank, regular quarterly 24 January 'fa i """""T " ' c w rw W B.tS "hjlng Ctotnpany. regular quar- W Janui,'u5"u'g ","lry w ' "' h.i.. ... "1- ttww il n" company, or DUwar, uauai W 5aouaryai'lbl jBouat? & " -.vrn '!.. Tltl and Ra-vlnra Com "fuii a pr eint payable January io 'M Suit jiubbr Company, regular quar ,2i ."A- on common, 3 per cent on erred ani 1U per cent, on aeeond pre- -i paucis January DO to etocK or JaBuarv is M nir Uanufacturera vtuil quarterly Fj"'v' I7 j, a rilu - NEW 1 0RK STOCK SALES ., . LMtSatS J'MVnPflMMInei 2t, wnmtA Copper.. F-nj irrtlcanntet6utaf... -3H AtTfricanCan, ..,.,,. ni ffrrrlcancanprcf. . . P31f Amot can Car Found. 4M AWMlcan Cotton Oil , 4lu Awi'tijfttl g)j AflietlcanlAcomotlTe.. 24 ITInh Ww Close ?7h 'mi von 6W MM MM cm na'f n ?0M 2PM 2!)M P4 P3M l3M 4fiM 45M 4fiM 4.1M 42 43 8' RM RM '6H 24M SOU 00!f fiO 69 104M 10.1M lOM 113 112U H2H 110 118W 1I8 220 220 220 105 10JM 105 20M 20W 2fi! MM MK MM 00M 00 00M no r,8M nM TOM 00M TOM C2M 6IM 51M 07 '0 Mti 8'M BT.U 8h 10M 10M MM 1S0M 155M lSfii now nsu ?8' 101M 101 10Hf !t1Xt .13V S3M Am, Snsar..., ...103'f Atmlcan Bupar pref.. . .113' AlrrrlcanTcI. ftTcl,...11fiU Arrrrlcan Tobacco..,.., 220 American Tobacco ptcf.10.llj Anaconda Copper. JOK Airnuon p4tf AtCoastMno no' TtltrcreftOMo ro Dalllmoro&Ohlo prcf.. COX Drlhlehcm Steel 52 JWMthfm Bleel pref... po nrooVlrn Rapid Transit. 85 California Petroleum ... low Canadian 1'aclflc lsnu Crnlral Leather 39 Crntral r.ea prcf ..100f lb no Copper 33 Cblcapo Great Western . 10M Chlcaco, C3re.itW.prcf.. S8H CI lento, Mil. a si. 1-aul S7 CWc.Mll.&st.l'.prcf..l2S Col luel& Iron 23)f ColoradoBo 25 DIsttllcM Securities..... 22 Erie 1st pref..., 35 Ctrfoloas new CornProducta p)( Com Products pref 00 L'cnm and Itlo Grand. )( Central Flcctrlc 14m OencralMotor 84 Goodrich Co ... 2flH Great Northern prof. .. .115 Great North Ore. Cent. 27)1 Harvester N J MH Harvester N J prcf 118X Ji fen c 10-A ttuioiltan. 11H IntcrfcotoJIctpref fii international Paper 8 Inspiration is Kansas City Southern... 21 it Lcblch Valley 3W I.outsrlllq& Nashville. .112K Maxwell Motor 17J-1 MWRellMolor 1st prof. 48 Maxwell Motor 2d prcf. 10!f M tP&SSM lOOJf Mexican Pctrollum.... 62H MIssourl.Kansas&Toias bit Mo Kan & Tex prof. .. . 2B M laml Copper 17 Missouri Pacific 7H Nevada Consolidated. . . 12If N.Y..N.H.&H 63J New York Central .... 87H N.Y0.&West 22H Northern Pacific 101W PaclflcT&T. 22J4 10M I0M 1"M 2S 28 28 STM 87M 87M 125 125 125 2f. 24M 2GM 25 2ff 25M 10M 10M 10M 22U 22 22M 35 34M 34H 110M 115M llfiM 0M 0M 0M 07H 07M 07M 5 4M 4M 142M 141M 142M 86 F4M 85 20M 25M 2flM 114M H3K 113M 28M 27M 8 DIM 0IM 01M 110M 110M 11 M MM 11M HM iOM COM COM fi 8 8 18 17 17'f 22M 21M 22M 134M 133M 133M 115'! 113M 115 18M 1TM 18M 40M 4SU 40f 20i 10M 20M 100M 100M 109'f 52M 62 C2M 8M feM 8M 20M 2CM 20M 17M 17M 17M 7M CM CM 12M 12M 12M 54 52M 63M 87 S0M Wi 22M 22M 22M 101M 100 100M 27 27 27 106 104K 104M 118 117 118 17 17 17 35M 31 35M 24 21 24 lOtf 10M 10M 147M 14GM 1-1015 8J 83 S3 H H '( 1M 1M 1M 20M 20 20M 76M T5H 76M 2M 2M 2M 14 13M 13M 38M 38 3SM 84M 83M 84M 15M 15 16H 68M 68 C8 30M 30M 30M 33M 32M !i2i 135 135 135 40M 38 40M 07 07 07 CM CM CM 118M 118 UMi 80M 7l K 80M 27M 27M 27 0M 8 8) 25M 24M 26M 67M 65Ji 60M 103M 10J 103 61M 61M 61M lOOJi 100M 100M 71 71 71 60H 4BM 60 1 Hi i 00 60M COM 71M 71 71 14H 13M 13H S3 80 b3 Pennyhanla lVtt people's Gas 1 lttsburch Coal rtessedSteol Car.... Railway StcolSprlne. Hay Consolidated.... Iicadlnc Itcadlne 2d pref UnpL- Tclnnrt. 117W . 10H . 34 22H . 10f UGH 80H If Rock Island pref. UUU.JMUUUViW....,.ll X, IK Republic I. &S. pref... 75 RomelyCo. 2H Seaboard Air Lino 13 do pref 38 Southern Pacific k3H Southern Railway 14U Southern Ry pref G8 Mudebaker 3GH Icrrctnc Copper. 325 J Texas Company 135 IhlrdAyenuo . 38 TwInCItyRT 07 Union Bae & Paper .... 5H Union Pacific. 118 Un Pacific prcf 70H UnlonPaeWar 27H United Railways Iny... 8K United Ity Inv prcf. ... 24 h S Rubber 65 U. S. Rubber 1st prcf...!03K United States Steel S1H h itbteelpref. 100 U S Express .. ii.iiin.ui' CO Wabash pref 1H Ucstern Union 0 (sun th wso Liec 71U estcrn Maryland 14, WellsFarco 77H Ex-dlvldend. Total sales, 214,200 shares. NEW YORK BOND SALES High. Adams Express 4a.... T0!i Amcr Hide & Ii (J3..101 Amer Tol clt 4b 87V4 Amcr Tel cvt 4Ks.--. M Amer Tobac 4a 071 Atchison nUJ 4s stp.. $! Atchlaon 4a V2 Atehtnon cv 4s 11)00.. Ill Atlan Co Lino clt 4a.. Si! Halt & Ohio 4a hW Halt A. Oh cv 4Ks .... 81 licth Steol 1st 6s 00 Heth Steel rM 5s.... 87 Ilrookn Itap Tr Ba 1018 09 Brook Un Klv 1st 5.. 100 Cent Leather Sa VVA Cent l'aa 1st 4s 87ft Clics & Ohio cv ins... 71 Chi & Alton 3a 50 Low. Closo. 150O 2000 2000 273000 SO0U S0OO 2S000 3 4 000 KOCIO COUO 10000 18000 1(100 2000 4000 1100O 46000 4000 1000 100(1 10OU I1O0O 02000 4000 2001) 2000 CO0O 1000 2O00 20000O J00O SOoOOO WHlOU 2000 10000 1000 20.1 5000 10000 1000 MX) 3U000 1000 11000 1000 730O0 149CO 1000 2000 11000 WOO bOOO Chi Ut West 4a, CSV, Chi & Nwn sen 4s..,. 00 do 5s 101H Chi B & Q 4s uM do 4s bUh do rog 4a l5 Chi U & Q 111 SHs.... 8I( do 4a UJiJ, Chi M & St P 4a 8S Chi Mil Pug S 5a. Olii Chi Mil & St P cv 4Ws 1X5 Chi Mll&St P gen 4l4s.lt) Chi It I 4: P COl 4a. . . 21T1 co 4s ajj Chi ltya .'.a PO Col & tiouth 4a hW, Uol & South 4is K Con Dcvti W I Ill), Cumberland Tel 8a.... OJji Del A Hud 41 101U... Wti a uu hi) 80V4 82 V) 82 W i; liiu wS 10H 30 80 -'H 03i tM et(5 81 81 101 101 looy, loou ueu u io ur nu os.. ,, Urlo conv 4a Sr A... C21 do conv 1 Ser 11... OM do 4k 81 General Motor 6a ...j 101 Georgia. & Ala Ba ..lpOW Hud Man Ba 28 Hud Man rfd 6s .... 75 Hock Val 4a WS 111 Central rfd 4;..... 85 Insp Cop cv Ba lOlO ., 1M Insp Copper cv Cs .... UM Interb Met 4U 7Jla Interb It T rei 8a .... Mj, Alcohol 8a OOli K 0 Ft a AM fla ....10? Kansas City Co Ba .. 00 Lacka Steer 6a 1015 ., O'JJi LacUa Steel 4a. 1028 .. 01 Laclede Qaa 1st Ba .,lpO4 Laled Gas rfd Ba ,, 07 Vj I.k Sh deb 4a 1028 .... 01 Lk8hdeb4al031..,.&0 LIB & M T Ba .100? Lorlllsrd B ....... ...lopH Louis & Nash 4s ..,, 03 Lou A K O lit Ba mK Manhattan 4a ta gyb Nat Tube Ba Da N Y Air Urake cvt 6a. W K V Canal 4siuo0 .,.100 NYC & Il3Hs.,.,., 80 N Y City 4 1U50.,.., UM do 4fts May ...1?4 N Y da H A Pa,,.10l4, NYNlI&.HOa 105 N Y iBwy 4s ,,...-.. lift N Y State 4fe lOStt M V Tel gen 4ns. ..... IHv Sortv"."!;-"-,1 Nor & V cvt 4i. ..IW Nor Po prior 4s..., Wtt Nor Pao gen 3a gft Oat Stiver. 6.. WJ Ore Short Llnj BJ....lM!i Ora Ily & K 4a...... 89 feafiJpfcB PaKlflrt Tel Oa IU U00O 3000 8000 1000 2000 100O 4000 6000 1000 2000 22000 4000 10000 3U0O 1000 6000 6000 VXU 7000 1000 5000 2000 0O0O 10000 25000 34000 2000 1000 S0O0 1000 K0O0 6000 1000 1000 sooo lcoo 6000 1000 26000 2CCO looo iooo i88S 1000 100H looU i0(W ioo$ 103 J03 811 80M IK Hit ifigH JpBVi OV ?:ss4.ai348.:: :.:e ;,; m. u -v.r- ' V. . o naadlos sen U 54 Itspub Cuba. 6a "H Iloek IaUnd 4a. . .. 62 IK)k Island rfd 4a. . . JH Rack I and Ba . j H RySt Springa to ,1921 B St L I M 4 B aif 4a 67J, Bt L I W & Olf Sa 37 stand s!oUt1.. , ebord A J- adl Ba . Bft South B?ll Bj, : Mu South Po col 4 do cv 4 i---j. .,i. SJ 37 ST sit do e,rc ipw do rM 4 i y fioutb Swy ftt .... filtnC & Ir - -1! feaM S Paa 1st M Ssf 'kfa?::: .:: 8S2 m 0OU U5V1 f8 07 87M vS. ioo4i loo-S BJ 8T 0Ci 02 sa 86 wsfl 05 67 H ervl li: E m 7 ij i" gift it14 sh v Klr- '" to I 78 RAPID TRANSIT HEAVILY SOLD 1 PHILADELPHIA Internalional Smokeless Powder at Highest Point in Two Years Money Easy. neassurnnco from official sources thnt the Government would submit nil sugges tlons regarding changes In the United Un,a. Improvement organization td tho Imnnngomcnt beforo attempting any legal action, helped to hold tho Btock firm on tho local Exchange toilay. In fact, a. smalt fractional advance was scored dur ing the morning on odd-lot purchases. International Smokeless Powder shares rose to 23 on 'Chango, tho highest price at whloh thoy have sold In ovor two years. The company Is doing tho tlggost business In Its history, It Is said, work ing night and day and obtaining almost double ltB usual prices on foreign ship ments. The general local list rcneciou tho firm tono of tho Now York market, nnd small advances woro tho rule, A block of over 1C0O shnres of Ilapld Transit certificates changed hands at 11. An ac count was ruported to bo In liquidation. Director Taylor estimates that tho city transit plan will require 117,000,000, of wnicn $30,000,000 is sufficient fo rtho present. Tho special election wilt probably bo held In tho spring. Tho plan provides that tho city construct tho now lines and leaso thorn, giving tho Itapld Transit Company first option as lessco and operator. Tho llrst salo ot Heading stock which has been mado on tho local oxtthaligo slnco Monday occurred Just beforo tho close this afternoon, when u. slnglo aha.ro changed hands at 78. On Moilday seven slmrcs sold at 71 11-16. Tho Lake Superior groups failed to ro spbnd to reports of Increasing orders and general Improvements In trade conditions In Canada. It Is understood that de splto enforced economics by tho rail roads of the Dominion and restriction of orders and slow collections tho company's earnings held up to about parity with tho previous year. For tho first flvo months ot tho present fiscal period net earnings totaled approximately $1,000,000. Money was exceedingly easy, and call funds wero In good supply at -U4 per cent., although tho official rate Is still main tained at S per cent. Tlmo money Is offered as low as 4 por cent, but tho country banks have been withdrawing from tho commercial paper market of late, owing to tho narrow margin of profit now obtainable. LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES Yes. 2:40 close. High. Low, n. in. 10 Amnl copper . . ... , 14 Bald Loco pf. 102W 10 Hrooklyn It T. . . 35 Cam Stoel 15 B44 M' B4H 1034 80 45 B4 !&W 22 20 07 B3 & 80 23H 102U, 102t4 SO 45 M g 2!) 07 1 627, 80 23H 80 45 2 cata 1st pror. H 4SV4 12(1 Kleo Storace. 4Sii 20 Ins. Co N Am... 115 Int S P & Chom. 10 Leh Valley .... 10 Nov Cons Cop.. 75 North Central.. 2U 07 m COW S3 W I lli 11. DA 101 Penna n IV... 53 16-10 B34 1 T'h r!n eum nfd. 30 .10 10 Phlla Electric. 23 2035 P R Tr tr ctfa. 11 4 Phlla Traction. 70 1 neadlntc 723 Tonopah Helm. .4 7-18 23T4 11 11 11 78V4 78U 78J4 IW. 78 73 47-18 4 7-10 4 7-lfl 110 Tonopah Mining 7Ji Liu uiluuji ...i.iia , in 73 Union Traction. 38W 7T4 m 3.3 31) 81W B114 m 47 umtea uas imp. i 290 U S Stoel .... Bl4 81V B1H 81H 2:40 P.M. HI SI BOND3. Last previous sale. High, Lorn, 1000 A O & E OS.. H 1000 Baldwin 1st Ba. .102 31 Cam Stool'scrtp. 07(4 800 Ul & Peo Tr li 81 HOOO Loh N cons 4Ws. 07J4 HMi 102 07" 81 81 0211 vnna uo acrip.. m 4O00 Head Jer Con 4s OOU OOH 03 3000 Heaainir gen a. uj HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. MC. 100 rhlla P. T t c 1 7 Penna M 1-lfl 100 do It 3- do B3 1-10 0 'Penna W 20 Union Trac... 3V4 10 Phlla Eleo... 23J1 14 Bald Loco PfiW2 25 U S Steol.... 5li B5 Penna 63 1-18 COO Phlla H T t o U ,10 U S Steel.... Biu. 100 do 11 100 do 6J nctn do ti 5 do ol n do. 11 BOO Ton Helm... 4 7-18 00 do 11 10.30 to 11 A. M. 1 Eleo Storage. 48 20 Ina Co N A.. 22 5 earn Steel. .. 45 1 Phlla It T t o 11 CO Eleo Storage. 48W 100 do 11 10 Amnl Copper. Blji BO do1;....... 11 10 U S Steel.... 51V4 15 Intnl Powder. 23 100 Intnl Povtder. 20 80 11 S Steel.. . .Mi 1U CI I. .... . 81H t Cam Steel sop 07H 5 do. 8Ui 600 B & P Tr 4a hOy 35 Union Trac... 38t$ 800 do 81 B do....". 88 281 Phlla Co acp. 01 11 to 11.30 A. M. m Phlla It T t c 11 10 Nov Cona. .. 12W 40 do......... 11 10 Phlla II T I 0 11 8 U O S1J4200 do.. 11 15 Eleo Storage. 18W 10 Union Trac... :!4 so li fl Steel.... 51H 2 Cata 1st pfd. 54 bunion Trac'.:: M BO North Cent.. KjH "5 North Cent... KIH 1 U G I Stvi !io uaI,.T.. flS 2 Phil Co cm pf 80 10 Loh Valley.. . 07 15 Phlla n T t c 11 11.30 A. M. to IS M. jn II S Steel.... 51U 2 Tenna M ? Penna ... ... t,W ION Hav I & S. M 1 do ...... B3 8 Phlla Co acp. 01. jo'Cam Steel,... 45 1000 Head Jer Cen COS 13 to 1S.30 P. II. T p.nna B3H 7 II Q 1 8tU J, r"rto... .::.. M 20 Penna 6.1 SO Cam Stoel.... 45 80 do M 2Ienna W 80 do......... 63 10 N Y N & H B3 13.30 to 1 V. M. 100 Tonopah Mln. 7'i 100 Ton Belm...4 7J8 4 PhllaTrrao... 78H BONDS. tSOOO Heading gen 4a.. , ,, 03 000 Am Gas & Eleo Ba, 68 OOOO Ix)h Nav cona 4Wa 07J. 1000 Leh Nav cona -H .. B7j 1000 Ih Nav cona 4 OH, TO Phlla Co scrip ,..,..,..,.... pi 1 to 1.30 P. M. 15 Phlla Elec... 23't 10 Brook It T,,, BO 23 Ton Delm.,,4 7-18 1.30 to 3 P. M. 1 Penna B2Ti 25 Eleo Storage. 48U 23 Eloo Storage. 48W BO Phlla ItTtoll 1 fteSdlng . .... 7310UTon Helm.. ,4 7-18 10 Tonopah Mln. 7H BONDa 1000 Baldwin 1st Ba , .,103 3 to 8.30 P. M. 100 Phlla It T t c 11 8 Penna ....... 62 41enna ....... B2T4 60 II 8 Steel,... 61 6 Eleo Storage. 48 40 Penna .... .520.13 00 Untop Trac... 88 BON PS, 100O Spanlh-Amer Iron 8a... ..,,,,,., ,100ft 8,30 to 3 p. ar. T Penna B2M 18 U O 1 81 4 do of4I 25 Phlla Eleo.... 24 25 V B Steel.... JHi 10 Key Tel pfd. 81 a Union Trac... 80 2 U a I. ..!.., 81 10 Keystone Tel. 14 20 Cam Steel.... 45 HEAVY GRAIN EXPORTS 1 NEW YORK, Jan. B.-Bradstreet's ex port of wheat this weak, 10.36,000 bushels; last week, 7,100,000 bushels: last year. 6,401,000 bushels; alnce- July 1, 107.132,000 bushels; year ago, 153,99?,000 bushels. Com shipments; this week, 632,000 bush els; last week, 1,153,000; last year. 01,000. Corn shipments since July 1 amounted to 7.866.00O bushels, compared with 1,270,000 bushels during thai lamo period of 1913, Ocean Freight Rates Advanced WTON, .Jan. 8,-Ocean freight rates i sort have advanced 10 to is cents ria uuuU Tlw maximum lawcase eoiioa, new rataa on wbicq now art) tnbHaU li Kin& jm taw. a.M i Goofi. - TOEAT PRICES CONTINUE. UPWARD LEAVES ADJUSTMENT OF . BALANCES TO BANKERS Drop in Exchange Rates Ends Plans of England and TT. S. LONDONt Jan. 8. Tho Treasury of ficially announced today that, In view ot the fact that exchange between the United Stales and the United Kingdom has bo come practically normal, there is no longer any necessity for further con sideration by the two Governments of any plan for the adjustment of balances, and that the question has been left to tho respective bankers ot the two coun tries. It has already been felt In financial circles that any such artificial measures as tho establishment of a 1100,000,000 credit In London against which America could draw to pay her debts to England are now unnecessary. When Sir George I'alsh returned to London nlth H. P. Davidson and other Now York financiers to arrange some solution of tho ex change situation, It was predicted that this scheme would bo adopted, Kven now It Is admitted that aomo pro vision should be made agnlnst war emer gencies which may arise and again dis arrange credit machinery. Whothor this will take tho form of a modification of tho original scheme or of somo fresh measure Is not known. Mr. Davison and Wlllard Straight, who aro representing J. P. Morgan &. Co. and other New York financial Interests In theso negotiations, left yesterday for Paris on a short business trip. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-Ofllclat an nouncement was mado by tho Treasury Department of tho conclusion of iicro tlatlons looking to the adjustment of bal ances betwoon tho United States and Great Britain. The statement was Identi cal with that Issued In London, FINANCIAL BRIEFS Boston and Maine stock sank to a new record low mark Int Boston today. It dropped to 2GV4. a slump ot li from Its opening price for tho day. Several days ago the stock reached 27. A Pittsburgh man who dropped Into tho olllces of Pennington & Colket, In reply to a question as to how business was In his city, said: "Tho town Is looking great these days. It Is so dark at 2 o'clock that you need a searchlight to find your way about, and I am now carry ing four handkerchiefs to tho ofllco In stead of two a few weeks ago. Theso are my Infallible signs, better than all your figures, that there Is something doing In tho old town." Tho Erlo Railroad Is arranglnc for tho financing of Its maturing obligations. There aro H,550,000 notes falling duo this year and a new refunding mortgago Is understood to bo contemplated. Charles V. Thackara was elected vice n..i,ini .nri trpnmirpr of the First Mort gage Guarantee and Trust Company. At tho Southern Pacific's annual moct ir a ....n 7 atrw.tfinlrtnrfl will bo asked to voto on merging six companies Into o parent corporation. Deposits In 839 Kansas Stato banks on December 12, 1914, aggregated $118,692,455. ..nlnff nnv fnrmpr record of those banks, according to a report of tho Stato Bank Commissioner, uno report uccioi-tu that the gain was duo to tho record wheat crop. i !... A TTtiVin & Hnnn sold Kapld Transit at the minimum price. It was said an account was Dcins wiuiumeu. Thomas A. Blddlo & Co. were buyers. Henry M. Taylor has retired as presi dent of tho American Vulcanized Fibre Company, and has been succeeded by G. K. Parsons. "William N. Goodnow was elected a member of the Governing Committee of tho Boston Stock Exchange, to fill a vacancy caused by tho election of Charles Hayden to tho vice presidency. The Gov erning Committee has formally dissolved tho Special Committee of Five. Charles T. Mather, formerly with Glen dlnnlng & Co., has become associated with A. B. Leach & Co. The HO.000,000 New Tork Central six months and ono year 5 per cent, notes, dated October 1, 1914, which were pur chased by n syndicate headed by J. P. Morgan & Co., have all been sold. Emorgency currency to tho amount of $90,000 has been retired at the local Sub treasury; Ninth National Bank, 170.000; Southwark National Bank, J10.000, and Kensington National Bank. 310,000. The Federal Beserve Bank of Chicago, following tho lead of New York, has begun Investing Idle funds. About 3500,000 of Government bonds have already been purchased. BlHht.1 to subscribe to tho new 1,500,000 S per cent, debenturo bonds of the Alaska Uoid .Mines Company, when and as If Issued, aro quoted 23-325 cents. Sales were reported from 22 up to 25 and back to 24 cents. The bonds aro to bo convertible into stock at J30 per share. Tho Jump In cmtton prices was attrl buted to tho announcement that the Al lies had agreed to eliminate cotton from the list of contraband articles. The Pennsylvania Railroad loaded car movement for December Indicates un satisfactory traffic on all eastern lines, decreases ranging from 8.8 per cent, to 40.9 per cent. Tho Southern California Edison Com pany has sold to Harris, Forbes & Co., and E. H. Rollins & Sons, $318,000 gen eral mortgago 5 per cent. SO-year bonds, dated November 1. 1909. The bonds form part of an authorized Issue of $30,000,000, of which $13,360,000 are outstanding. They are being offered at 92. The reported movements of currency this week Indicate a gain In cash .by banks of over $6,000,000. The Canadian Paclflo Railway Com pany announces that It will pay oft at par and Interest at any time up to July next, when they mature, its $12,842,617 6 per cent, first mortgage sterling de benture. The offer la Blmply to antici pate by a few months the maturity of the bonds for such holders as prefer to have the money, The Board of Managers of the New York Cotton Exchange passed a resolu tion authorising Superintendent King to sell at open outcry to the highest bidder the seats in the exchange standing In the names of Charles A. Kittle, Stephen H, V. Pell W1 Charles Let! Homer. Local bankers are ottering Canadian Northern Railway Equipment 5, due serially from October, 1915. to 1924, at a price to yield 5H per cent HEAVY 6EU.INO IN COTTON NEW TORK. Jan. 8.rUeavy aelllna; of prao tleallr the whole list, auppoaedly tor ae count of leaalng spot intereats. a the prin cipal feature of. the cottoq market today. As a result pf tola pressure prices fallej to resDond fully to the advance of Liverpool. Th local eacaanie opened one to four points net blaber. The tons ot the market naa ateady S"d tEiri was a sllgat rally altar tie calf Liverpool cotton was steady and outer.. At the clow prima were 8 to 14 points ol her January . . . T.oO liweti 78 800 801 . . ., May ....... "MS &t "I &? July ! aSS 8.SQ 8.SQ ISO 8 4S BiiiSber ... 8.79 8.S0 8.79 -.- HEW HIGH RECORDS MADE BY WHEAT IN CHICAGO MARKET Offerings Small and Com mission Demand Large. Farmers Still Won't Sell. Talk $1.50 for May. CHICAGO, Jon. 8. In response to strength at Llvorpool, wheat hero scored now high recotds again this morning. May opening up 74 at I1.39V4 and July Tt higher at $1.26 to $1.234 Offerings wero small and tho commission demand was large. Some Important firms wcro sellers. Tho statistical position was declared to be unprccedentedly strong becauso of the competition between exporters and millers for cash wheat. Farmers continued to rcfuso to sell. Somo Intorcsts were talk ing $1.50 for May. Thero Is n largo In quiry for flour. Tho stocks of flour In warehouses hero aro S2.U00 barrels. Absorption by foreigners at tho ad vance and a belief ut Liverpool that Amorlcan reserves will bo Inadequate caused large holders of spot thero to withdraw offerings. Amorlcan winters wore up ls 3d. Shipments from Argen tina for tho week wcro light, only 40,000 bushels against 2SS.O0O bushels Inst year. The receipts at Minneapolis nnd Duluth today, wero 313 cars, against 30G cars a year ago; at Winnipeg, 71 cars, against 153 cars; at Chicago, 95 cars, ngalnst 50 cars. Tho visible supply In Argentina Is 420,000 bushels, against 2,240,000 bushels a year ngo. Tho weather thero Is generally favorable, but there aro complaints of disappointing harvesting returns from tho south and centre. The weather In Franco continues favor ablo for new seeding. Native offers thero aru light and tho demand from millers Is heavy. It Is uiulei stood that Italy Is again bidding for all offers. Flour at Liverpool was marked up Cd. Corn was firmer, but not active. Tho market at Liverpool was strong on lighter Plato offers. Leading futures ranged ns follows: Yes'day'a Wheat Open. HUh. I,ow. Close, close. Stay 1.3Di 1.41'y, l.:i$ tMvft tl.JH). July 1.2t. l.H7ft 1.23 tl.SuStl.24S Corn (new deliver)) May 75 7H14 7W1 7(V t7.". July 77 77V4 7U& t77U 70 Onta January .... M!4 r,2 B2!i JS2H B2 May (SOU M M ."Mil? Ml July 51 541 MS WU 'M iJird January ....10 52 in.87 10.52 10.fl7 MO 02 iMay 10.87 10.U7 10.82 lu.07 10.02 Klba January ....10.02 10.05 10 00 10 ft", 10.07 May 10.42 10.50 10.37 tl0.45 10.47 Pork Jani.nry 10.00 May.. IP 40 10.45 10.32 110.40 10.47 Bid. fAaked. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Jan. 8. HOOS Receipts, 45. 000; market 10315c. lower. Mixed and butch era, t0.707.15; Rood heavy, $nt)3itr7.1S; rough heavy, 18.70'JO 8.1; tight. $0 7037.15; pigs, $5.15 3tl.40i bulk, $8.0O7.1O. CATTLE. Itocolpts, 3000; market strong. TUcves, $(1.1030 : tows and heifers, $3 BOtfi 8.40: stockcrs and feeders, $4.5030.50; Texans, $0B7.3B- calves, $8310 25. SHEEP. Receipts, 10.000; market strong;. Native and Western, $J.5030.50; lambs, $5,750 8 85. LIVE STOCK BECEIPTS CHICAGO. Jan 8. Following- are the runs ot live stock at tho arloua centree: Hogs Cattle Sheep Chicago, U. a Yards 45,000 3,000 10.010 ICansaa City 7,500 m 5,000 Omaha 7,300 700 8,500 St, Loulo, N. St. Yds 10,500 1,500 1.1C0 St. Joseph 5,P0 fino 1,500 Oklahoma City 4,000 500 .... Fort Worth 1,800 3,500 .... Sioux City 7.000 300 1,500 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Jan. S-HUTTER-Market fairly steady. Receipts, 5170 packagea. Creamery, extra, 34c ; higher scoring, lUVVfJS.Io ; State, dairy, :i3rA3V4c.; Imitation creamery. 25320c. EGGS. Market excited. Receipts, 4004 cases. Fresh, extra firsts. 43c; fresh, firsts. 4t42c: nearby, whites, 474t)c.; nearby, mliod, 40J 45c; special marks, 28c NEW YORK COEEEE MARKET NEW YORK. Jan. 8. The cuftee market oponed firm. Futures advanced 2 to 4 points arovo last nlrht's finals. Opening futures: February. 0.35c. bid; March, tl.45S1.50c; April, 1155c. bid; May. O.C03O.68C.; June, 0 5530. 00c; July. 7.47tp 7 40c; Auguat, 7.5337.500.; September, 7.&Hn T.BSe.: Ootober, $7.707.74o.; November, 7.75 37.80c; December, 7.8207.84c. Sales. 4000 bags. RAILROAD EARNINGS WABASH. 1014. November gross $2,18,505 Nt (( JtV),oUii Five months- gross. ... 12.080.0M fet , u.oou.l HUDSON & .MANHATTAN. November gross Am'" sGrpius .'.'.'.' "":;;;: '. '. '. ": 7 F&mo.n.,h...-.".-.-. ?'.3o2; Surplus 244,111 Dec. $2RO,4S4 83,321 020,012 151.2U7 11.630 2,102 1,697 12,810 25 511) 201 CHICAGO QREAT WESTERN. Fourth week December. . 287.8M lO.SSO lonth l,lflllB52 W.814 Frorn July :i ........... BO.SU 212,476 Increase, GREAT NORTHERN. Doc groea $1,811,741 $1,084,531 0 mos. gross 40.1M.0.12 8,505,285 DANK OLEARINCJS Rank clearings today compared with oorra rpondlng day Wtwo year. m3 Philadelphia .$2H.R83.31 $28.2.1rt.S35 $28,810,182 Loiton . V. . . 22 850 478 24.fiO8.008 30.100.421 New York. 272,2Sa,022 314, 820,333 340,057,tlW BAR SILVER The New York quotation for commercial bar silver today waa 40. In London the price ruled at 22 13.16 pence. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Jan. a. ins loreian ciuimti market waa .quiet with aterllng cables. 4.84 NEW YORK. Jan. 8. The foreign exchange ........ ..--it- -, --Ma- NlSUlMlft chcti, B.lOTitSS.lOWa marks, cablei. uemana, jti, ... . . "!-'--r- oheckBa wJTKFHJfi in i tec iti.vj market waa stead l.83H4 f 11.16; 'cablea AMi francs. 6.1014 4.R3UIB4 K and 3.15n! mar owoi w,n,amr, ii 5.2H; cables, a.ts. ifuimer", inni , S.H5tt RESERVE BANK BUYS MORE N. Y. WARRANTS i Local Federal Institution Invests $500,000 Additional. An additional amount of New York city municipal warrants to the total of 1500,000 was purchased today by the Fed eral Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. This makes $750,000 so far Invested, and, as the bank will not make payment for any of the warrants until next week, their purchase will nqt be reflected In the weekly statement that wljl be made public tomorrow, showing condition at the close of business today. May Preserve Grouping; Points WASHINGTON. Jan. 8. Tb Interstate Cosi mtscs TBomnilaitoa today orded that the Rt. em raltroaira. latently granted a 0 per cant. locreal In freight rate, may preserve the grouping ot nd aectlsi arranged to simplify rat making, and wbtah tre fit ecTeet Ufoi the decision oen though tble may Lxteg about an Increase of more than a or oast ua some cases. Th caaunUslon presared a long tut ef elaa and coamoduy rates apvllcaM to, ts gen eral grouBlngs. show lag tlu chaogea la percent age of fltfitlAU tueugbt. tiout by tha S par cent, lacreaa. PHILADELPHIA MARICETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WltKAlV Reeelpta. 50,8011 buthele. The matket wen strong and fully 2c. higher, with a good export demand. Quotations! Car lota. In export elevators No, 2 red, spot and January, $1,8701 40; No. 2 Red Wealern, $1.41 t 44; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.4501.48. CORN. Receipts. 1P.B90 bushela. De mand va fair and prlcea were He. higher, (juotitlonai Car lota for local trade, as to location No. 2 yellow, new, 78S78HM ateamer yellow, new, 77(777',ic.( No. 3 yellow, new, 70S70;lc ramplo yellow, new, 71J73e.; new cob, per 70 lbs., 74S76C. OATS-Recelpta, 25,512 bushels. The market ndvantcd He with a fair local trade demand Quotations! No. 2 white, 57l58c! Standard white, 50tta57c; No. 3 while, 609 B0J4C HYK waa scarce and firm. We nuote at $1.1101,10 per bushel, ns to quality, In export elevator, and at 1101.10 for small lota of near-by grain In bags. ..FLOUK. Receipts, 850 bbls. nnd 2.0W.M7 ina. In sacks. The market ruled very firm In sympathy with tho continued upward more nwnt of wheat and mill limits wero further ndvnnced to to 75c. per barrel. Trade, how ever, waa quiet. Quotations per 100 lbs. In V-fOilWlntcr clear $3.50(!s do, atralght, lOSAflllSU: do., patent. $0 6oin ; Kansas, straight. Juto ancks. $0 600 75; do., patent, Jute socks, J(l.75yr.lOj spring, first cloar. $IKJ SSSU," straight, $0.4030 001, do, patent, $B 007.I5; do., favorite brnnda, $7.2MI7.50; rlty mills, choice nnd fancy patent, $7.23 V, city mills, regular cradei Winter, clear. J5 50JTO. do., straight, $5 2500.50; do., patent JC.007.15. PROVISIONS Tim market quiet arid without Important change Quotations: City beef, In eels, smok ed nnd alr-drled, 2Si32no.; Western beef. In sots, smoked, 2?a2c.; do,, clly beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked nnd nlr-drlod, 2!)'!f30c ; do., Wcslern beef, knucklei and tenders, smoked, 2HOTOc.j beef hams, $3334; pork, family, $ai.50fl2l, hams, 8. r. cured, looso, 11Hifl4e., do., tklnned, loose, 13571310.; do., do., nmokod, 13,B14c ; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to binnd and average, 14i715c.; hums, smoked, Western cured, 14H15c. , do., boiled, boneless, 20li'lc. ; plcnlo shoulders, S. I! cured, looso, llfifMlUe.; do., smoked, 12W Ol2Hc; bellies, In pickle, according to aver ngc. looie. 14Wffl6c : breakfast bacon, as to brand nnd average, city cured, lR-Ultto. ; do., Wcstorn cured, iRtniic, lard, Western, re fined, tierces, lKfll'ic. , do., do., tubs, 11 lHic ;do., pure city, kettle rendered, In tierces llllViC do, puro city, kettla rendered. In tubs, llOllMc REFINED SUGARS Tho market firm, but trade quiet. Ilcflnors' list prices: Standard granulated, 5c., flno gran ulatod, 4.05c, powdered, 5 03c; confectioners' A, 4.85c.; soft grades, 4.10H.70c. DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTEIt. Tho market quiet but steady nt the lato decline. Quotations: Western fresh, solid-packed, creamery, fancy, specials, 3Bc , extra, 34c; extra firsts, He, firsts, 32c sec onds. 28c: ladle-packed, 22ff24c, aa to quality; nearby prints, fancy, 37c; do., av erage extra, .'Itic. ; do, firsts. 33fKI4c; do., sec onds, 23If.!0c. Hrcclal fancy brands of prints Jobbing at 41M3c. KflfiH. Receipts light and demand read ily absorbed all fancy nenlald stock at t"p prlcea. Quotations, In free cases, nearby, extras. 4Uc per do ; nearby MrstB, 113.20 por standard cnao; nearby, good, current receipts, $12.00 per standard case, mixed held and fresh and ordi nary stock, $10 MW1 70 per case; Western, ex tra flrBto. $11 20 per case; do , firsts, $12 fid per case; Southern $12ffl2.l0 per case. Refriger ator eggs, arrlng packed, choice, 27(i28c. per dozen; do., ordinary to fair, 2.IS2c. per dozon. Fancy selected candled fresh egga wero Jobbcl out at 4')1i6lc per dozen. CIIKKSK Offerings moderate and values steadily held, but trade quiet. Quotations: New York, full-cream, earlier receipts, choice, 10c: do., do, current make, choice, 15c: do., do. fair to good, 14Vt01411c; do., part skims, SOlSc. AMERICANS FIRM IN LONDON Mining nnd Oil Shares Closed at High Levels. LONDON, Jan. 8. In the final dealings Bcntiment was cheerful. The Amorlcan group was the firmest. Reading, United States Steel and tho Harrlman Issuos par ticularly were In favor. Canadians woro Influenced favorably by reports that Interests In tho United States Intend to continue financing tho needs of tho Dominion In tho Immediate futuro and to assist in the restoration of the exchaace balance Thn remainder of tho departments pre sented a checkered appearance, with sup port slack In some Instances. Mining and oil shares ended at tho best level of tho session. The managers of tho Stock Lxchange have refused to reduce subscriptions to allow for tho protected suspension of business on tho exchange. This has caused much Irritation. nun tl.nl, nf TCneland did not discount any premoratorlum bills today. n. r. Closo Amnif.Rmi.ted Conner 5fl Atchleon SJ? unltlmoro & unio "n Canadian Paclflo 1 w Chesapeake & Ohio 4-Vi Chicago & Great Western.... 10V4 cnicago ai hi. ', Denver & Ulo oranao. Krle do 1st pref... Illinois Central Missouri IC & -i-exsj... New York Central .... Norfolk & Wes'er" ." . V nnlnrln A West .. i. u......... -. l'ennsylvania T,,.tn a fcouth hallway Srtli 83 (5 c i2uJ ii7I - j; i Steel M 51W -li South I'acino . lTninn Pacific United awes f- .......... --- Three months' bills, 2H per cent. Decrease. DIVIDENDS LX1IIGII VAIXEY ILllLltOAD COJIPANX Philadelphia, December 16. 1614. The Board of Dlrectora of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company have thla day de clared a quarterly dividend of two and one half per cent, (or $1.25 per ahare) on lta nreferred atock to stockholders of record December 20, 1014, and a quarterly dividend of two and one-half per cent, (or $1.23 per hare) on lta common stock to atockholder of record December 20, 10 Hi both payable January 0. 1016. Check will ba mailed. J. IT. BAXTER. Treasurer, Din-Kcronv or accountants Public Accountant llUltNS i 61'EAKMAN The Bourse. Audits. Invcitlgatlone. Financial Statemanta. Enuiv 54ii - W 03H -'6 OS, At, 153?i 4 40H lot, 871,1 H ... 22 21U U ... 35$ 33 1 ...HOW lOOtl, . ..Ktt imji ... 22'1 21 W ... B.1H lOltl -lfl K 11-Mf. 1U. New Loan $6,900,000 City of Montreal, Canada 3 Year 5 Gold Coupon Bonds DUE DEC. 1, 1917 Principal and Interest payable in gold at the City Treasurer's Office, Montreal, or at the Bank of Montreal in New York City. Redeemable as a whole at any time on 6o days' notice at too and interest. Having sold a large amount of these bonds, we offer the unsold balance, subject to prior sale and change in price. Price, 99 and Interest To Yield Over 5 Kountze Brothers A. B, Leach & Co, 141 Broadway, New York 115 S. 4th St, PhUaWpMa E. H, Rollina &iSons ?ona 1421 Chestnut St, PhllaJIJphJa MOVEMENT. POULTRX LtVK The market steady under meder&U offerings and a fair demand for desirable atoek Quotations! Fowls, 18915c. i eld rooster, 10J lOUe t spring chickens, according to nuaUtyv 12'J14i.i turkeys, 15O170.; ducks. 14O106 I gese, 184J150 , .guineas, yoopg, welghlnir 2 lbs. and over apiece, per pair. Wet weighing l',iOiy lbs. apiece, per pair, 40O45CJ ,otd, per pair, noflloe , pigeon, per pair. WVS'ISO'. nriESSKH Demand fair for ,dlrabl stock and the market firm under mod orate offerings. Quotation Turkey, dry" packed Fancy, large nearby, 2032ie.; d) Western, . 20c : average receipt, 10O18CI Inferior, 12fU5c,! No. 1 old. 18c Fowl, a- u, inix. uty-L-tcitau, neiocvru iirHvy, 18V4C! weighing 4H35 lb, apiece, 17Me ; do,, 4 tfiH lb, apiece, I7ci do , 4 lb apiece, WUd j do. au lb apiece, 14015c : do., ft In. it io dox, ury-pacxea, aeiectM neavy. nna unaer, rdxriaa. rowis. ddii.. nry-paoKec Western, dry-picked, 4flo lb, apiece, lejicf do., do., 4 lbs., IBWc.j do., do., SVi lbs., 14c t do., do.. 3 lbs, and under, 12013c. Old root. ters, dry- Rrollfna' ehlekans-N Nearby, l4f72 Iba. apfoce. aijroi( o., rair c good, Iob i IDS. I apiece, 200,1 QO. fair to rood. l4ffl1Ac Itrtasllnff ehlttAna. dry-racked. In boxea-Mlik-fed, IS to 21 lbs. to doj., 2223c; milk-fed, 23 to. 20 lb, to io;., ivvjip ; com-rea. is to i id, to no., 20efilc.! corn-fed. 23 to 00 lb, to do.. 18ff 10c, j mtlk-fed, 31 to 80 lbs. to do. 14 Vie., mllk.fed, 37 to 42 lbs. to do., 14Ue.i mllV-fed, 43 to 47 lbs. to do., 1314c; mtlk-fed, 48 lbs. to do., 17c; mllk.fed, CO lb. and over, lRe. f corn-fed, 31 id 30 lbs. to doz., MHtfUo. ! corn fed, 37 to 42 lbs. to doz.. tnUftUo.i corn-red, 4.1 to 47 lbs. to do., HJHUEci corn-fed, 48 lbe. and over to dor., 17c: corn-fed, CO .lbs. and over. 15c naaittnr chickens, dry-caeked. !n bbls Western, milk-fad. dry-picked, 5.1b. nn pver. 17C: Western, milK-fefl, 4 1 U. IU.,1 lb., 10c: western, milk-fed, ; m k-fed. drv.nlck. 14UC: Weitern. mixed weight, 14fl4Mcj Western. mhl-firt. 2XI.GTZ Ihs.. 14e ! Western. corn-fed, 5 lbs. and over, 18c; Western, corn fed, 4 lbs., 13c i Western, corn.fed, dry-picked, mixed weights. 14ct Western, eorn'fod. SH lbs.. 14c; Western, corn-fed, 2HS3 lbs.. IflWc Ppring ducks, 10CT17C Spring geese. lttoHc Bquabs, per do. White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs., per doz., $4,2.v?M.R5: white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs., per do., $101(74.15; white weighing a ids., per noz.. sz.ijyirf.in: no., oo t ips.. per doz., $2572.03; do., do., O0H4 tb per do,, Pfrcios., $2tf72.fl3: do.t do., Oflf-H lb.. pei fi.-JSl.OO; dark and No. Z, coc.(f$l.lo IV FRESH FRUITS Trade quiet nnd market showed little cnanpe. quotations: Apples, New lorx, ibbl Kin-, 2W: Qrccnlng. 21; York Derlnl. 3J 7.1: Den Davie. 2fr2.o0! Bdv. 1 rk, per irk fm y, $173 02..V); Baldwin, 1.7592.rfl! other eood eating varieties, Jl i.'.S.Wi: medium, IlQl.w; apples. AVcnicrn, per box. "3c$1.30; applea, Delawaro nnd I'cnnsyhanla, per hamper, BOOOc. : lemons, per box, IIISCAO; oranges, Florida, per box. l).S.,XT3: tangerlnea. Florida, per strapr ll.S0R2.60i crapcfrult, Florida, per box. flWii pineapples, per crate Porto HIco, $1.2M7.2Sl Plorldn, lff2: cranberries, fano late varieties, per bbl., $204; cranberries, capo Cod. .early blade, per bbl., f'.'KM; cranberries, early black, per crate, 7Scfll,C0: cranberries, Jersey, per ciatc, 75ef1.23 pears, N. Y., Kleffer. per libl.. ?12; strawberries, Florida, per qt, 83 VEGETABLES Demand fair for choice stock and valuea gen erally Hell sustained. Quotations; White pota toes, per hush. Pennsylvania, free from frost, OOOTtc.t Now York, free from frott, 4S$60c.f uhltn potatoes, Jersey, per basket, 830400,, snoot potatoes, Delaware, per hamper, large, f 1.1001.2.1; medium. COSflOc.; sweet potato. Pastern Shore, per bbl. No. 1. J202.7S! No. 2, $1.5011.7.1, accts, Jersey, per bbl. No. 1, tt (f'J,73, No. 2, I2S2.S0; aweeta, Jersey, per baa,, USflSOc. Onions, choice, per bush , TSeSOc.; do., ordinary, per bush., uj70c; do., choice, per 100-lb. bag. tl.RO; do., medium, per 100-lb, bag, (1.23: do., aeconda. per lOOHlb. bag, $1; Cabbage, Danish, per ton. $10018. Cauliflower, New York, per crate, 73c.fr$1.2S. Spinach, Norfolk, per bbl., UO1.50. Kale, Norfolk, per bbl , C0JJ75C. Lettuce. Florida, per basket, M33 ; do.. North Carolina, per basket. t.60 2. Deans. Florida, per baa'iet. fl.2SS2.23. rcaa, Florida, per hasket, J2.B(Wfi. Eggplant, Florida, per box. S2W.1. Cucumbers, Florida, per basket, 1 73cl 60. Sijuaah, Florida, per basket. $1..W!I2 Peppers, Florida, per car rier, J2.50S3.no. Tomatoca, Florida, per car rierFancy, 52IJ2.50: cholco. JlflLflO. Celery. New York, per hunch, 350DOC. Mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, Jl 01.50. DENY ENGLAND REQUESTED LARGE AMOUNTS OF GOLD Statement Explains Recent Visit of British Representatives. WASHINGTON, Jtin. S. Denial of the report that the British Chancellor of the Exchequer sent Sir George Palsh and Busll Blackatt to Washington to plead for the Immediate release of as mtieh cold aB could be spared, today was made In a Joint statement Issued by Acting Secretory of the Treasury Noivton and Governor Hamlin, of the Federal Kp serve Board. "Our attention has been called to the statement contained In a morning paper that the Chancellor of the Exchequer sent two representatives to Washington to plead for the Immediate release of na much gold as could be spared," says the statement. "This statement Is not true, In fact, nor was It ever authorized; or mado by any officer or member of the Treasury Department or of the Federal Reserve Board. The purpose of tho visit of the representatives above referred to was stated In a public announcement by tho Secretary of the Treasury on October 10, as follows; "It Is true tl-at Sir George Palsh and Basil Blacken, representing the British Treasury, tire coming to America for the purposa of discussing the Inter national exchange and cotton problems, rphelr visit Is the result of Informal sug gestions made by me through diplomatic channels to tho Chancellor of the Ex chequer in London, because it Is believed that a discussion of certain phases of theso problems on the erround here may he productive of results. This Is simply another one of those Instances where the Government Is using Its good offlcea In every possible way to help tho business altuatlon." ANNPAT, MEETINGS ,- THE CENTItAL NATIONAL JSANJU S3S OF FUlLADELl'UIA. The Annual Election for Director of this Dank and for the purpose ot action upon amendment to Article III of Articles at As sociation so that the sains aa amended will The Board of Dlrectora shall consist of not less than 7 nor more than 15 atockhold ers. as shall be determined by ths Board t Directors prior to any regular Annual Meat In of the Stockholders at this Aeiociatlon, the number so provided for being contlnuid from year to year until changed by rolu tlon of the ald Board." . .... will be held at the banklnr house. Lafayette Building. Chestnut and Fifth ata.. PhlladtU phla. on Turaday. January IS, 1(15, bstwsea Uls. and 1 p. m. ..,, W1U.IAU TOST, Cashier. as F1IANULIN NATIONAL BAKU. iUiS Broad & Cheatnut Street. Phlladslphla, December 80, 191. The annual election for Dlreotor; will be held at the banking house, on Tuesday. Jan uary It, 1015, between the hours of U nooa and 1 o'clock pm. pAB8M()na Graham & Co. 433 Chestnut St, PhtfadelpW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers