Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 08, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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imiTfn t-BT -
Detroit Writer Invents Story That Collins Was Glad to
o . Leave Mack's Team New York's Claim on Eddie
Not Supported by Club Owners. i
Introducing the Winter league
Th4 ovcrwordy winter league Is full at
deep duplicity
Itt members tire ft cunning crewj a
blatant lot, withal,
ytho never eeom to know fatigue, whoso
oat I bl(r oubllcltv.
Whose stock In trade Is merely talk and
Unremitting gall.
Get the Amy, Too
About the best thlnR cmnnatlng from
West Philadelphia tor many a day Is the
Men pf a Tenn-West Point football game.
Franklin Field (rot Its nrst real football
crowd Ia4f senson When the Nayv gamq
was played. A clash each year between
the Itcd and Blue and ono or the other
branches of "The Service" la sure to
Just ft Quory
Why this, of course, Is extremely
Ironic don't the Phillies nnd the Ath
letics trade, sell or otherwlso dtsposo of
some of their star players?
And a fence Around It
What a pleasurable fall 191&'s wll bo If
Connie Muck goes right out thero nnd
trlns the pennant and the world's cham
pionship. Now York will put forth enough
ellbl to provide reading of a sort for all
the winter. And the loan leader will be
hailed as:
Oh, the dreams that come unbidden,
'And the hope that gives them birth I
Could wo read the future, hidden
To us now, we'd own the earth.
Think It Ovor
Are you In favor of publicity of baseball
salaries? Wo will not commit ourselves,
but It might help to clarify the atmos
phere somewhat For Instanco, when a
so-called star Just out of tho bush, get
ting about a hundred a month, muffed a
fly, he wouldn't get nnythlng like tho
panning ho gets now when the estimates
of his salary range nnywhero from $1000
to $7000. A year, of course.
That's Over
Zjo, lnXtho news of yesterday.
We see at last they've sold tho Tanks;
And air we've power left to say,
1b thanks.
Coinlskcy says there Is no truth In tho
Hunert and Huston deny that Collins
will be a Tankee.
fld there you are.
Oh I Merry Days to Comol "
. Co'mlskey has signed a Chinese player,
as we all know. Cnn you Imagine this
Mr. Akana coming to the bat for tho drat
time and facing ono of those holllbte Um
pires? Ills net with a grimly dlsposltloncd
umpire might bo Imagined os follows:
"Stur-r-lkel" "Ow, woweel Wntteo
mnlla you? You all time glvco plnor Chi-
nco worst from lltcel Way outsldcc, way
"Keep your face closed, yuh yellow
peril, or I'll chose you. fltur-rlko tuhl"
"Blurglal Thllefl Ploch-cllmbeol How
muchee them fela payee you? One piece
cuop-ciiop, nnnneo nnireo dona? no can
dol Lobberl Lobberl"
"Cost yilh live fer them crool words,
yuh washeo-waehcol fltur-rlko throci
You're out I"
"llllg atcalum glamo nllec samo kcggeol
He catchco you topside ball plark, me
klcko Ivoly head nil qulckcel"
"Qlt outta th park! Move on, now!"
"Oh, blazcet Mo gooe. but me tcllco
you toptop chopchop sucy gong onethtng
co flrstl You dlam lottenl"
Why Not HoroP
noxtng In tho State of Now York earned
$32,000 last year. It was nil accumulated
under the commission Idea. What do I
hear you say?
Cupid Lands Knockout
Ealvotoro Sclmecn, puglllstlcally known
as AI Schumacher, who recently fought
Eddlo McAndrews nt the Olympla Ath
letic Association, has had a clean knock
out scored against him, the first In tils
career. Dan Cupid Is tho possessor of tho
wallop AI, who Is u student of medic no
at tho University of Mnrylnnd, mot,
wooed and won Miss Klslo D. Roof, of
Bremen, Germany, a fellow-student In
the dental branch at the samo Institution,
and thoy wore married jesterday In Balti
more, To say wo wish them a Ufa of
wedded bliss Is putting It mildly.
i - -i -' ' -j i - " ' , i
ii iLi'i i i i . i ii' in Ti ii i i i i '
Get a Lawyer
Wo feel tho need of legal assistance,
Havo or have not the fans of tho United
States a case agnlnst the French Repub
lic for refusing to permit Lll' Ahtha
Johnslng to Join, their army so he could
go out and get Bhot? Always providing,
of course, that the press agent or other
persons responsible for tho story that
Jack tried to enlist was not fabricating.
The Writer, Not Collins, Guilty
The efforts of some sporting writers to
construct "stories" from material gath
ered from the surrounding atmosphere In
dicate two things: First that tho writer
not only has a glaring disregard for the
truth but that ho Is even willing to In
jure the standing of a person In a com
munity for tho sako of putting over a
fake "story." The dispatch which came
from Detroit purporting to give a portion
of Eddie Collins' letter to Eddie Clcotto
was false from start to finish. Eddie Col
lins wrote to Eddlo Clcotto thanking the
White Sox pitcher for sending him (Col
lins) a message of congratulation when
he was sold to Comlskey. But he did not
say in that letter that ho was glad to
be away from Mack's team. He did not
Intimate that he wanted to leavo Phila
delphia because the tans were not appre
ciative. Clcotto no doubt, In an unguard
ed moment, dropped the Information In
the presence of a quack sporting writer
that he had received a letter from Col
lins. That writer took It upon himself
to write a quotation which contained not
one Iota of truth. It made the fans of
Philadelphia who have always boen loyal
to Collins angry and no matter what Is
stated later thero will always bo some
people here who believe that Collins
wrote that letter and who will bo his
enemies. And all because some one writing
a story In Detrplt has regard neither for
truth nor for the feelings of an individual.
Such a person. If his Identity were known,
should tie barred In the futuro from writ
ing anything whatever. Any man who
attempts to enter the field of sport writ
ing should at least stand on his merits
and not try to advance his personal cause
by unfair, underhand, despicable means.
The Same Old Story
On co again for the thousandth or mere
time New York has blazed the trail to
tbe goal of real Journalism, according to
Metropolitan Ideals. These Ideals consist
In giving tli? public a good yarn whether
it Is based on facts or fancy. It Is a
great system for space writers. It gives
them unlimited opportunities, and stimu
lates their Imagination beyond belief. The
latest, but unfortunately we fear not the
last, story of this character came out
yesterday, when It was stated. Eddie Col
lins would play with the New York Yan
kees, The reasons given were that Col
lins was needed as a drawing card; that
he Was bought by Comlskey In Chicago
for the Hole purpose of offsetting Walter
Johnson, who at that time was supposed
to be a member of the Chicago Federal
League Club. When Johnson Jumped
back to Washington, ea the story goes,
Comlskey wanted to get rid of Collins,
nnd after Rupert and Huston had bought
the Yankees they agreed to take him,
Connla Mack says the story Is absurd.
Eddie Collins says that he will play with
"Was Mr. Wright, All Bight!
This is a truo story of baseball and golf
that Interests tennis players because Its
hero Is George Wright, whom many lov
ers of tho game believe to bo the step
father, If not tho real fathor, of American
lawn tennis.
Wright was playing a round at golf with
tho veteran tennis player, J. Parmly
Parot, at the Columbia Country Club
links In Washington some years ngo. As
they came up to tho last hole they found
two strangers on a bench near the tee
watching tho play. Said one to his friend.
quite audibly, as he saw George step up
to drive:
"Why, that man's the perfect Image of
George Wright, tho old baseball player."
Just then Wright drove off a long truo
"And ho drives like Wright used to bat,
too," the Btrangcr added.
Amused., at the "mistake," George
winked, and Pnrct asked the speakor:
"Who was this George Wright you aro
speaking of?"
"Havo you never heard of George
Wright, tho greatest man who ever threw
n bnseball? Why, he was ono of the orig
inal Providence team, 'way back 20 years
ago. There's never been another ball
player In the country since as good as he
was. I can toll you. Why, he could pitch,
and bat and run bases better than any of
these players you see on the diamond to
day." "Did you know Wright?" asked the gen
uine George.
"Did I know him? Well, I guess I ought
to know him after playing three years on
tho same team with him," replied the
stranger. "Wright was our pitcher, Smith
was our catcher," and he went on to name
the whole team, ending, "and I played
right field."
"What's your name?" asked Wright.
"Ford," was tho reply.
Parot had driven oft by this time and
the two started on. Paret looked appeal,
ingly at the veteran ball player, but
George shook his head and modestly went
on without allowing tho. stronger to know
who he was.
"Why didn't you let mo tell him?" asked
Paret, after they were out of earshot.
"Because ho was lying," said George,
who was always a great lover of pure
truth. "I know every man well who over
played on the Providence team, and that
fellow was not one of them. Besides, that
wa3 all SO years ago, and ho didn't look a
day over 40. He must have been n little
boy when I was playing baseball.
"But the funniest part of It was that In
named every player right until he cam
to right field; but no man named Ford
ever played that position."
And to this day, unless he reads these
lines, that man does not know that he was
talking to the real George Wright all tho
Quaker City nnd Nonpareil Clubs
Havo Good Bouts.
Local fistic followers havo tho pick of
two well-balanced shows scheduled for to
night. In tho final set-to at the Nonpareil
A. C, Kensington avenue and Ontario
street, Howard Trucsdale and Harry Grcb
will meet In an Intercity match, while the
star ovenl at tho Quaker City A. A., Kth
und Dauphin streets, will present Tommy
Carey and Paddy Bedley
The Nonparoll program follows:
First bout WHIlo Kane. Newark, vs.
Young McGovorn, Port Richmond.
Second bout Frank McMnnus, Boston,
vs. Danny McCabo, Kensington.
Third bout Danny Murphy, 17th Ward,
s Danny Dougherty, Port Richmond.
Semlwlnd-up Young Billy Donovan,
Kensington, vb. Joe Welsh, Southwark.
WInd-up Harry Grob, Pittsburgh, vs.
Howard Truesdale, Kensington.
The Quaker City card follows:
First bout Tommy Crapston, Tioga, vs.
Joo Phclan, Kensington.
Second bout Leo Tracey, Tioga, vs. Ty
Cobb, Southwark.
Third bout Reddy Holt, Kensington, vs.
Terry Martin, Now England.
Bemlwlnd-up Johnny Krauso, Nice
town, vs. Jimmy Murphy, West Philadel
phia. WIndup Tommy Cnroy, NIcetown, b
Paddy Hedley, North Penn.
Stinger Earns Draw
Beioro a packed houso at the Broadway Ath
Utla Club last night Micky Gallagher and
Lew Stinger boxed six fast rounds to a draw
Cap Wilson, of New York, and Eddie
Hart boxed the best retniwlnd-up -witnessed
at tho club slnco the start of tho season
In tho other bouts 8ydney Burns defeated
Jimmy Ryan, Younsr O'Brien earned tho de
cision over Johnny Cooney, and Tommy Liv
ingstone won from Jo O Keofo.
"Hldiculous," Says Comlskey
CniCACIO, Jan. 8 Charles A. Comlskev
SJtj2n,r,",fnc.B !PhoiM in Excelsior
Springs, SIo , last night about tho reported
sal of Kddle Collins to the Yankees. ''You
rray say for roe," said Comlskay. "that this
"port Is absurd and ridiculous. I would not
think of letting Collins go for twlco what I
paid tor hlro. As a matter or fact, I am In
the market myself for a few more players of
Ilka ability."
Yankees' Owners Deny Humor
NHW YORK, Jan. 8.-Captaln Huston sjirt
Manager BUI Donovan last night denied the
rumor that Oldie Collins had been procured
to play second bass for th Yankees. Captain
Huston said that tha transfer of the stock of
th New York Club to Colonel Ruppert and
himself would probably b mad Saturday, and
that Collins In no way has been considered In
th deal for tho club.
O'Toole Outclasses Dennton
llAZLETTON', Pa, Jon 8. Tommy O'Toole,
of Plymouth, completely outclassed Ocne l)en
nlon, of New York, In a bantamweight fiuht
here laBt night, the bout being stopped by tho
chief of police In the eleventh session of what
was to havo been a 0-round battle, because
Dennton was showing signs of distress Don
nlon was substituted for Young O'Leary, of
New York, who was suffering from an injury.
Clarke nnd Kurtz Draw
ALLENTOWN. Pa. Jan. 8 Jackie Clarko,
of rail River, nnd Dave KurU, of Newark,
fought a hot ten-round draw before the Key
otone Athletic Club here Inst night, Clarko
shaded Kurtz, Young Itcllly beat Pa Moy and
Kid Bernhard knocked out Young Martin
Spike Sullivan stopped Tommy Howell,
Sheridnn to Fight Daniels
CHICAGO, Jan. 8. Mlckey Sheridan, former
lightweight, who Is now In tho welter class,
will light ten rounds with Dave Daniels, Jan
uary 22. at Flint, Mich Mickey may meet
Chick Marlowe In Toledo later.
Clonl Breaks Itink Itecord
NOnniSTOWN. Pa , Jan. 8 Roland Clonl.
roller-skating champion of tho world, broke
the track record hero last night when . ho
rknted two miles on a 52-lap track In 7:12 He
rte'ented Linn Prouthxmel by two feet Willie
Blackburn J of New York city, was third, and
Billy Yale? of New Haven, was fourth.
"Swarthmoro to Meet lehanon
The Bwarthmore basketball team opens the
season on Its home floor this eentng, with
1 cbanon Vnllw rnle as Its otionent Leh.
anon Valley Is stronger than usual this year,
as shown by the low score that they held the
strong Lhlgh team to recently. '
Adams Trial Next Week
NFW yonw Jsn 8,-Plstt Adams, the
Olympic athlete, will bo given an opportunity
next Wwlneuday n'ght to disprove the charges
of professionalism made against him last week.
Third Itecriment Will Hold Indoor
Games nt Armory.
Tno Third rtPHlmont Athletic Associa
tion will hold a set of Indoor games on
Saturday c enlng, January IB, and the fol
lowing events will bo on tho program:
First ovent 50-yard dash (handlcan).
Second ovent 300-yard dash (novice).
Third eent 110-yard d.ish (handicap).
Touith event SSO-yard run (handicap).
Fifth event Standing broad Jump
Slth ovcnt-ltunning high jump (handi
cap). Seventh ovent Tug of war (Intorcom
panj ).
Eighth ovent Wall scaling (Intercom
pany). Ninth ovent Ono-mllo run (handicap).
Tenth event One-mile relay (handicap).
Eleventh ovent Equipment raco (3 laps,
scratch (Intercompany).
Federals Preparing Plans
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Jan 8. Affidavits in
recent I;
support of contentions made In tho nntl-trust
tuit recently
at Ohlcnsn by thi
filed in tho United States Court
' rn, I pnprn i.pnirun nimin., ur
called "organized" baseball wero to bo made
iii'rt ui me i cuerni , imkuo ionertnce v t..cu
begnn jesterday According to U. i: Gutec,
counBcl for tho new league, tho Indlnnapolts
meeting was called in order to obtain added
ovldonco In substantiation of the general bill
of complaint prepared by tho Federals against
tho older organizations The conference Is ox
pected to continue for several days
Dooin Must Get Money.
Charlie Herzog, manager of tho Cincinnati
Tteds, Is on tho trail of "Ited" Dooln Herzog
wants tho Phillies' ex-manager to do some
hockstopplng for him Dooin said last night
thnt ho had not heard or seen tho Reds' man
ager, but If they do not mako a batter offer
than tho salary mentioned by President linker
when talking ot a trade, Dooln will not Journey
to Hedtown.
Baseball Men Outdoors
Tho University of Pennsylvania baseball can
didates had their first outdoor practice of the
sear yesterday afternoon. Taking advantage
of the balmy weather, Coacli Hoy Thomas
led his entire sqund of a dozen pitchers and
catchers out on tho field, and they worked out
thero for nearly an hour.
Claim "Hold TJp" Game
NEW YOIUC. Jan. 8 A man In closo touch
.with International League affairs declared
yesterday that Richmond and Syracuse are
trying to "hold up" tho big class A, A or
ganization before It will be allowed to estab
lish clubs In those cities. That Is the allcgod
cauto of all the delay In announcement of the
expected circuit charges.
Farewell Party for Collins
Several of Eddie Collins' former teammates
Journeyed to XJtnsdowna last night and gave
a farewell surprlso party to the dopartlng
second baeoman. Among thosa attending tha
affair last night at the Collins residence wero
Harry Davis, Jack Lapp. Chief Bonder, John
ny areen. Bob Bhawkey and Herb iPennock.
Burns Will Not Jump
LITTLB FALLS. N. Y. Jan. 8 -3eorge
Burns, the star outfielder of the (Hants, who
is spending the winter at his home In this
tlty, where he conducts a cigar store and
Millard parlor, has (urned down an offor
mtvda by Manager Joe Tinker, of the Chlfeds.
to become a member of that club,
Phillies Will Not Get Whltted
MACON, Ca Jan. 8 George Btalllngs
manager of the Boston Nationals, last night
denied reports that Oeorgo Whltted. the
rrave' fielder, would-be transferred to the
Philadelphia Nationals In exchange for Sher
wood Maces.
They Never Bleep
Any time New York falls to squeeze a llttlo
advertising out o( anything, from th arrival
or a 'Frisco drummer to the sals of Eddie
Collins Its a sure sign the big town's press
agents are napping. In which there la a hint
for other cities,
Leaders nnd Tail-enders Will Class in
Southwark Tonight.
Camden, tho leaders in tho Eastern Basket
ball League, will play Greystock, tho tall-end
team tonight at Cooper Battalion Hall, -lj
nnd Christian streets. Tho Camden Ave will
rei uln in tho lead If Greystock Is returned a
winner tonight.
Jasper edged up In the fight for the Eastern
I.eaguo basketball poi.nant by defeating Tren
ton last night in a most exciting game at
Nonpareil Hall by a ST to 20 score. The
M tory placed tho Jewels within a game and
a half of Reading for third place, two games
behind De Nerl for second nnd two games and
n half to the rear of Camden, the present
It was announced before tho gamo that
Trenton hart l cleared the veteran AI Cooper.
W. L, P C W L P C.
Camden .. .12 1 ,(H2 Jasper 10 I) .020
De Nerl . . .11 8 .010 Trenton .... S'13 .'181
Hooding ...12 8 .000 Greystock .. -114 .222
Lyndenhurst, 3T:
Eastern League Jasper, 27t Trenton, 21
First Regiment League Company A,
Company B, 11.
Pownlnpton, 31; Parkesburg, 30,
ttrotnernona .eniru'
1'rinen of Pence. 17.
Lutheran League St. Michael's, 41; Bethle
hem, 14; Advent, 30; Mt. Air", Gormantown,
Midget League St. Elizabeth, 10; Parkway,
17. Warwick, 2.1; Viola, 0.
Northeast League Stetson Mission, 32:
Trinity, 17.
Cross Continent Auto Raco
NEW YORK, Jan 8 A coast-to-coast au
tomobile raco for a J5000 wager was arranged
hero today between Raoul Lemat, well known
In New York sporting circles, and Stanley
James, a former Woshlngton newspaper man.
Both are nttendlng the auto Bhow. '
The men will start from New York next Sat
urday over the Lincoln highway route to Kan-
,uio v,uy uim iiivuce over ine oama. e route.
will be decided on actual running
Wider Investigating Powers Sought
CinCAGO. Jan. 8. A new bylaw 4o permit
investigation of any charge of professionalism
1 to be sought at tho annual meeting of the
United States Golf Association In New York,
according to Frank L. Woodward, of Denver,
president of the Western Golf Association and
nominee for president of the United States As
roclatlon. Mr. Woodward nnd Silas II Strawn
and W. A 'Alexander le.ft last night for New
York to attend tho meeting,
Blloy Wins by Two Points
BUFFALO, N. Y., Jan, 8, William Riley,
of Chicago, defeated W. B. Cullen. of thli
city, CO to 48, in 103 Innings, In an Intcrs'ate
Three-Cushion Billiard League match here last
Championship Tourney Here
.JiPW .T.?n,c' Jan- 8 The national class A
18 2 tnlkllno amateur billiard championship
tournament will be held at the Union Leaxue
Club, Philadelphia, beginning Monday, March 1.
Cochran OjulfplayB Sutton
FALL niVEB, Mass , Jan. 8. Welkcr
Cochran defeated George Sutton, 300 to 203, In
a Champion Billiard Players' League matcn
last night. Averages and high runs; Cochran.
2-1 M3, 68. Sutton, 15 8-13, 01.
Penn Trackmen Eeport
One hundred and fifty men answered Cap
late Donald llthlan Lipplncott's nrst, call for
track candidates yesterday aftornooa at the
university or ronnsyivsnia. vvu
will start work Immediately ot
track under the south stand.
of 'the men
the Indoor
Caldwell Confirms Report
KANR, Pa., Jan. 8 Th report from Nw
York that Pitcher Ray Caldwell, who had
signed a contract with the Buffalo Fiierali,
had decided to return to tha New York Amer
icans, has been confirmed by tha pitcher, who
stated that he had mailed his signed contract
to New York headquarters Jsst night
leader of Harvard Eleven Ia Suf
fering Prom Grip-
BOSTON, Mass., Jan. 8. Captain Edward II,
Muhan, of tho 1015 Harvard football team, Is
at his homo In Natlck on account of illness.
Mahun has the grip, and when ho hurriedly
left Harvard ho was threatened with pneu
monia, but ho Is now reported as being out ot
fcerlom danger.
Iha all-America halfback returned to Cam
bridge Monday morning after having spent the
Christmas recess visiting friends in New York.
He registered with tho other college students
nnd attended ono of his early morning classes,
after which ha was attacked by Illnces. The
college phvslclan, whom he visited, advised him
to go home, and he at onco departed for Natlck.
Toi Bnwrlght, captain of last fall's Harvard
frpshman football team, has onco agnln coma
back to Harvard Enwrlght was operated upon
fur appendicitis the latter part of December,
and after his releaso from the Dcs Brlsay Hos
rltal, went to his homo In rail River, -whore
ho rostcJ during the Christmas recess. He
cause of his operation, Knvvrlght will abstain
from spring sports this year and will not bo
a candidate for n place on tho freshman base
it all team Tho operation on Enwrlght was
nst successful, and he Ins tho nssuranco of
tho physicians that ho will bo ablo to play
football on the varsity eleven In tho falL
Travis Wins on Homo Green
PINIHIURST . N. C, Jan. 8 Opportunity
surely smiled on Chlsholm Beach, of l'ox Hills,
In jesternaj's second round of mntch play In
tho nnnval midwinter golf tournament, but tho
fair goddess passed unrecognized, and Walter
J Travis, of Garden City, added another bril
liant victory to his long Hat.
New York vs. Philadelphia
NEW YORK. Jan 8-AlthoUgh racquets
and court tennis will lack international tlavor
this year, the sports will bring out a high
quality of play. In addition, to the national
championships In singles and doubles there
iwlll bo a series of Intercity matches and prob
ably a professional court tennis match for the
championship ot the United States.
Date Set for Hace
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. 8 The triangular
varsity crew race between Yale, Cornwell and
PrlncetoB. at Princeton, will bo' rowed Mav
IB, according to an announcement at Yale
Plan Catholic Indoor Meet
Athletlo officials of the La Salle College
Villanova Prep,, Cathollo High School and St!
Jt soph's College met laat night at the former
P'ace of learning for tho purpose of arranging
nn Indoor track meet within tho near future.
Eddie Did Not Say ii
Glad to Get Away M
Macks Team Wiji
With White Sox.
Why pick on Eddlo rv.ni... 4
Everybody seems to be doln i,
In tho past two days Edda h, a?
cused ot denouncing Phllit.leini.i. W
lello baseball club and Connl t
top of which ho has been sunt..;
cording to a. story emanating (3
York, tho home of faleo reportj, tjn
Rupert's Yonkcos. Neither 'cTj
stories has nny foundation, coin;)
no statement, nor did he write id
lotter as tho ono which was 3?
coming from Eddlo Clcotto In gt1
Furthermore. Eddie toIH ni... ''
Chlcauo White Sos and not vstv1'
Polo Ground comedians In ute "'
When asked about tho Utter .i
to Eddie Clcotto. In whle.h ,--?
posed to havo shown excesslyo StiU
UUVJ1IB liuiu, uiiiiib rcmiou. 'T.J
did not write anything of the wll
Clcotto nor alii I ovor say any surtXI
T ilnn'f l.nllnvn nil tin ...... fi .. Ll
...... . ""' -1 W....U., uiub UUUln
over said that I wroto him L,
which was published. Jusi nfi ...
was put through for me to go to'ctt.
I got a wire from Clcotto con&nttk
mo on being a member of the Wlrti'
leillll, A nium null n leucr in'is
to his wlro and hero Is the letter ,.
Is tho only ono I have written to 1&
any ono piuu uuuui mo matter" 13
After making theso rcmarltjiij,
showed a copy of tho letter he senti,
Clcotto, ono of Rowland's torrla!i
rno letter louowa: $j
. "Philadelphia, Dee, H, mj
"Dear Eddlo: j
"i navo just recoiveu your wireaji
gratulatlon and say that I greatly ih
ciato it. l am emu mat ine memlrt
tho club feel os they do about the i
Wo ought to have a good club ntiti
son, and I am sure that we vrilifcl
In tho running for tho pennant id
thanking jou, I am, sincerely voon,V
The abovo letter Is rpilto tllfrerfit i
the one which Collins was erroiBi
su,pposod to have written to IISM
cotto. in xne uispaicn irran Jjeiromu
of Collins' alleged communtdatlca 3
published nnd said: "Here Is oneJtkBt
Havo been waiting to say, i am nil
bo away irom juacKs team, t raja
sincerely and of all the cities ! i
American Lcaguo I prefer Chlcajn m
fans nro loyal thero. A player's nte
of a day aro overlooked BccauBjH
known that a man U doing Hi la1
always wanted to play In Chicago!
that I am with tho team I am fc
to glvo my -best efforts." (4
Tho disparity between the reallr
nnd tho one which was sent outifr
Detroit Is evidence that Eddie au
mako n. remark -which might bo conn
as a knock against tho Athletics. ,&!
will ever havo a kindly feeling forM
delphla and Phllndelphlans no 'bmJ
where organized baseball may sendf!
a. tnr- th nlnvlnir with New Tiftl
concerned, Collins stated that lB
never heard of such a thing "lj
know anything about it until yra ,i
mo." Bald Eddie. Add to this thefel
of tho present owners of tho Ne
Vntiicniw nnd that of Comlskey to
find that again a story made oKrti
cloth has been manufactured nyl
York city. Collins win piny wiinwaus
and with no other ciud.
Nonpareil A.C. MSSjSSl
rcvi: wiNiiurst rive wroirq
Quaker City A.A. 2nSK
.National A. C. ffffJiSJga
Xff.XITV TCTnilT .TAW. tl iil
Adm. 23c. Hoi. Res. ouc. Arena . 'H
C r '
Society Day (Thursday) $1
At the Metropolitan Building. Broad and Wallace Streets
Direction of the Philadelphia Automobile Trade Association.
C 3I3IMEilCrDimi- rrjk w
-r . 11 s . "x. "'ii wvtv.i
tu j 4?4r5 Wyti. fJROWyaaV Xs ...... .. ' , .7r- .. ' 55Bk WHASC JDlSV"
v? " ' 'T EimHM " - . -, - w?&fcJfc I l -J V J AuSliilJt jMLtHfeT A ...,.,..-,.
v n
mk'T ?SJi ' ifs-A -- viHP W ,.
. iaft
SAjm, sti - tu'ws jvrn
WHHR'Tftu .
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