t S30AU DDINCS dna JSCN EVE2UNU LJiL. HTt PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1916 Hl A 1 Mill i if RS. WALTER- T, BA1IID, of Drooknoll, Mer i(l .. m n. theatre party yesterday after mix,"'1' i' IT i- hnnnr nf MIbb Katharine Zimmerman 1 . ijjkj quests, who numbered 10 from tho Mutante set. aiiwt" ".. ... ...- .Stratford. llif and s,r' IIownt,:, Lonsstrcth, of Haver 1,'fd'liivo Issued Invitations for a dnncoto bo Iftn on Thursday ovenlnc, January 21, nt their Iom. . Mix Clarissa Townley Chase, of 2032 Pino IrWt nil' b6 nt nomo on auua'B '" January, t,lM. 4 o'ClOCK. iNO carua. I.. -.ifro .Tnhn D. Landls, of Summit ave- ut Jenklntown, entertained at an Informal anoe ll nlBMt "l me um mm nrau v,uuiury hub t 8.30 o ClOCKi in nouur ui men uuukiiici-, hies Ituth Landls, Miss Kathleen Winston, of l. L i vn.. and Miss Katharine Weaning, If aoYland. O , who aro tho Kuestn of Miss landls during mo nuuu. " uai..uu,.. P. -t..i.i.o ns beautifully decorated with Ihrlstrnas greens and there were M quests pres- Int ... f. TjinrfU. who lias Deen spending- ine lotldays with her parents, will return to Bchool L waterbury. Conn., on Monday. n lift, and 5trs- Tll0mas E Dunn' of A1,cn " tit .ntnrtnln nt dinner at 1.0 Coin D'Or Jane, " .,.. lomorrow night before tho Navy Yard hop. Lw A-.r randerclla Cotillon wai given last Ight In tho Roso Gardens of the Bellovue- Itratford. Tho ballroom was Dcauwuuy uct ..i.M hh nnlm.q and smllax, and supper was raieu "... f - --- erved at midnight at smalt tables, also dee- ...1..1 ir. maimer es to carry out tno coior icheme. Mrs. Edgar B. Howard, Mrs. George iVharton Popper and Mrs. Charles wpicott Henry received for the committee. vr. Pone Teatman will entertain at dinner ind the thoatro tonight, In honor of Miss Anna Sells Shirk and Albert Cameron Burrage, Jr whose engagement was announced last weeK. Ir. mA Mrs. Albert Cameron Burrage, Sr., L.. nnii on from Boston to intend the small La, which Is to bo given for Miss Shirk this tttcrnoon. They will be guests at the dinner nd theatre, nlso. ' Tho authors' night meeting, of the Browning Boclety of Philadelphia, will ho held tonight In Wltnerspoon nan, uiuuu nu uui.ifw ttreets. The speaker of tho evening will bo Ptephen Leacoclc, of McGli; University S'lkolal Sokoloff, violinist, will play several elections, accompanied by Kdward Bechlln. Bamuel Scovlllo, Jr., is chairman of the com- nltteo In charge of tho very Interesting pro- . Tho president, Mrs. John Bk Roberts, 111 preside. Other officers, who will bo pres ent, are honorary vice presidents, Mrs. Ed- ard B. Coatcs, Dr. Matthew Woods, Miss mlly Sartaln, Mrs. Wilfred Lewis, Mrs, John Jlarenco Lee; vice presidents, Mrs. G. Oram lnj. Miss Anno Holllngsworth Wharton, Mrs. Ichard P. White, Francis Howard Williams: Secretary, Miss Maude Burt McCall; treasurer, Erancls J. MacBcath, Jr.; Executive Board, H. P&rclval Allen, Miss Anno M. Earle, Dr. J. Berg Esenweln, Rupert Sargent Holland, Dr. Daniel Mansfield Hoyt. Henry La Barre Jayne, Owen B. Jenkins, -Miss Elizabeth Bomers, Mrs John, Sparhawk, Jr., A. Guy H. Spiers, C. Wharton Stork and Mrs. Charles M. Whlt- ;Conib. Mrs. Roland S. Morris will preside at tho tea tMo at Keen House this afternoon for the Ksnsant ALONG THE MAIN LINE uVEnnnooK Mrs, William Myers Is entertain ing her card club at luncheon and bridge today. Her guests ( Include ilrs. John Moore, Mrs. Robert Foster, Mrs. Harry Palntor, Mrs. Fred erick Quittner, "Mrs. Alfred Bracher, 'Mrs. Will iam Stevenson, Mrs. George E. Kltson, Mrs. Thomas Patton, Mrs. Robert Seymour, Miss Blelm. Miss John Frey, Mrs. Edward Haehnlen and Mrs. Charles Moss. jMIjs Mario Hestl, of New York, Is the guest ef Mr, and Mrs. James E. Gorman for a fort night. ' CcvftWYD Mrs. S. deB. Kelm will return homo tfig end of this week from Bridgeport, Conn., 3bere she Is visiting- her father, Mr. Laugna. UrjiKelm Is spending this week In New York, itfne next subscription dance of the Cynwyd Club will be held at the clubhouse the night of January 30. The Friday mornlns bridge club will meet tomorrow nt tho homo of Mrs. F. Curtis Hub- ItjTj Brentwood and Penarth roads. ,'At the meeting of tho Woman's Club of Cj-nwya yesterday. Dr. Martha Schetky deliv ered an address on, "Health and Hygiene" be fore s. im-go gathering at the clubhouse. 'At a previous meeting Dr. Arthur Hobson Qulnn, dean of tho University of Pennsylvania, iddrealAl) t1 J.1..I. nn MAnnn.n T (.Mill., JtWKIQN-Mrs. George C, Blabon will glvo a reception, followed bv a dance, tonleht at Hit- J', her attractive homo on Highland avenue. fcMr. and Mrs. Eldrldgo R, Johnson, of Tho Ijajmneys, aro spending this month at New grttn Brier Hotel. Whlla Sulnhur Sorines. W. & Mr. and Mre. Johnson's son. B. Fenlmoro iluuon, and Mr. Halhv latMv lolned them at F Springs. GERMANTQWN Marlon C. Monteomerv. of 6320 Wayne (2JSSUei Oermantown, entertained her card club fS'fy. 'rne Huests were Miss Helen xoune. B Uanr Tavlnp Hfl. ir.lor. flnukv. Miss FU Spelce, Miss Marlon Datesmon, Miss Spwfle HUlsley, Miss Helen Fry, Miss Clara Mb. John J McDevItt, Jr., U Lincoln drive, t. brtdgo party yesterday afternoon. Htr Included Mrs. B. W. Elliott. Mrs. Q'lar- JB. Slega.1, 3jr. Edgar B. Cooper. Mr. ' Lank, Mrs, Charles Henckles, Mrs. Will- NichoUon. Mrs. Benjamin C. Elliott. feIt Charles Greene, Mrs. Allen Hender- .. vosopn BMelos and uiu iinnio - lad. Mrs Percy Burness, of Bryn Mawr. tuests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. W. W ureene street. IfrtUe Dolierty, IS Bast Chelten avenue. Bread, from a visit to her aunt, i'orertjf. orAtlantlc (3ty. '.Uav A Mii,ar!aif -wUl ifrtal ' i t'i'a ltnuwn at frer Som. ! tie color scr.ewe vt decorations wll!-u0 red and reen, in keeping with the holiday season. Mrs. Mnnworlng'M Rueals will bo Mrs. W. Perry E. Hlttner, Miss Roberts, Mies Dorothy Burns, Mrs. Rltner Wall ing, Mrs. Charles B. Cooke, Jr., Mrs. Herbert P. Rnppold and Mrs. Paul Fischer. Mrs. William Cleghorn, of 149 East Coulter street, will entertain at dinner this evening. Covers will be laid for 10. Table, decorations will be of ferns, and In the centro there will be a small Christmas tree. The guests will Includo Mr. and Mrs. William Cleghorn, Mrs. M. E. Jones and daughter, Miss Helen Jones! Miss Helen Daniels, Mr. and Mrs, Herman Wltllg, Mr. and Mrs. F. Jt. Leupold and Mrs. Harry Edwards. Mlis Marlon Murray, of 63 East Johnson ttreot, and Miss Lillian McKcown, of 6335 Greeno street, have been tho guests of Mrs. R. MUrphoy, of Waterford. N. Y. They are ex pected to return this week. Mrs. William C. Dutton, of 6237 Limekiln pike, Kavo tho first of a series of teas yesterday nftemoon at her new home, which wni beauti fully decorated with evergreens and white car nations. A novel feature of the entertainment was the prediction of future events In tho lives of the guests by an expert fortune-teller. Thcro was also an Interesting program of musical selections. Among tho guests were Mrs. Ben jamin Ferguson, Mrs. Warren Lees, Mrs. Joseph H. Swing, Miss Edna Swender, Miss Nan Lumly- Miss Morgarot Gallen, Miss Clare Drcxler and Miss Sara Falconor. ALONG THE READING Dr. Thomas A, GUI, U. S. N., and Mrs. Gilt, of Washington lane, Jenklntown, have been entertaining their daughter nnd son-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Loring T. Swains, and their little daughter, Miss Shirley Tiffany Swnlns, of Cllf- tcn Heights, N. Y., for over tho holidays. Mrs. Gill's mother, Mrs. Casper Soudcr, of Clifton Holghts, N. Y Is also tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. Gill. Dr. nnd Mrs. Swains and Mrs. Souder will remain for about 10 days longer. Mrs. Delaney nnd Stlss Florence Dclaney have returned to their home on Wyncote road, Jen klntown, after spending tho holidays visiting relatives In New York. Mrs. Harvey H. Braddock, of 1041 Rocklnnd street, Logan, ontcrtnlncd at luncheon, followed by sewing, yesterday afternoon. American Beauty roses, combined with Christmas greens, formed the decorations. Mrs. Braddock's guests were Mis. Alton Dull. Mrs. J. Baker. Miss Eliza beth Welkcr, Mrs. Ralph Helllg and Mrs. Emll Brown. This nfternoon Mrs. Braddock will entertain at cards, when her guests will Includo Mrs. William Rowbottom, Mrs. Frank Ashbrook, Mrs. L. Flnkblncr, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. Honry AVileand and Mraj, Bordman. Miss Madeline Asbury, of Oak Lane, has Issued cards for a dance tomorrow In hopor of Miss Helene Asbury. Mr. and Mrs. Lcfghton Kramer, prominent among the popular hosts and hostesses along tho Rending, will glvo a "house warming" to night at their new home on Shnrpless avenue, Jenklntown. Pink roses nnd carnations mingle with ferns nnd palms In the artistic decorations. The entertainment is given In honor of their house guest, Miss Jeanette Haaker, of New York. Other guests will bo Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Dlngee, Miss Marian Dayley, Richard Snyder, John Wilson, Miss Helen Radley, Miss Doris Weatherbee, William Warner, Jesse Radley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Welt- zel, Mr,1 and Mrs. Paul Wcltzel and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Aarons. Miss Olivia Cox. of Tho GablcB, 4623 York road, cntertulncd Informally on Monday after- noon, when her guests were anss aiuue xinugn, Miss Florence Nuttall, Miss Kathryn Parker, Miss Maude Baugh, Mrs. Carl Herschel and Miss Margaret Hilton. Mrs. Oscar Claw son, of North Warnock street, Olnoy, gavo an Informal muslcalo last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Gartllng, who have been spending tho week-end at Chelsea, have returned to their home In Olney. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar Plerson, of 1U3 South 62d street, will entertain tho members of their plnobhlo club on Saturday evening. Their Buests will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Plerson. Mr. and Mrs. William Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. George Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hlncken, Miss Janet Pile, Dr. and Mrs, James McG. Hlncken, Miss Parker, Mr. and Mrs. George W, Hlncken, Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Godshall, Charles Mohr, John Nicking and J. Gllllgan. Miss Florence Baer, of 4033 BarlnE street, entertained her sewing class yesterday. Tho members Includo Miss Edith Major, Miss Elsie Young, Miss Josephine Wise, Miss Alberta Bennls, Mrs. Robert Wilson. Mrs. J, Milton Hagy, Miss Margaret Morrison. Miss Mellta, Zehender, MIm Gladys Phillips and Miss Anna Brown. A surprUe party was given last night to Joseph Jacobson at his home, 21 Burd avenue. Mr. Jacobson has Just returned from a tour ot the Wt' Those who attended were Miss R, Swltt, Miss S. Switt, Miss E. Welsbrodt, Miss xr p.nnnnnrl. Miss E. EdeliQn, Mlns L. Fudenlch, Mlis N, Brookes, Maurice Peterxell, Max Kauffman. Benjamin Jacqbion. Harry Barlsch, Robert Rappoport, Louis Oolditeln, Harris Kauffman, Maurice Kauffman and Bn jamln Jacobson gave Interpretations ofmodern dancing. Miss Eva Cladd, of 40th and Walnut streets, Is entertaining at bridge this afternoon. Her guests, who are members of her card club, ar6 Mrs. Clayton Stll. Mrs. Robert Beatty, Miss Caroline Bruner, Mrs. Harry Lewis, Mrs David Archibald, Miss Gertrude Iflchens. Mrs. F. Benesel. Mrs- WUllam 8. Baker, Miss Char ,.. Timnneeke. Miss Elizabeth Clark. Mrs. Hugh Larrlck, Mrs, Leonard R. Weltsel, MUs May Campbell, Mrs. Oscar Schmidt, Mrs. Mary Evan, Mrs. C. Crombarger, lr. Lelghton Kramer, MIs Maria Cladd, Mrs. John 0"Con nell and Mr. Clay Dlnne. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Jean McK. Tlnney. of 1SS South th street, will ntertaii this evening at a. dinner-' daase, wljea covew will b UH Xot The JwHday grew and oolorlji will b malntmnsd. lo the dusoraUons. H utt will f Ur faii Mm, WilUiOJ B is U -, Ui itlJ Sir sESVaBBBsb .V CHlDlr Hf jiiaiaiaiaB VB I I MRS. WILLIAM WURTS IIARMAIt 1'1""' h ' "'" e"oi Airs. William Wurts Harmar and son, William Wurts Ifnrmar, Jr. John Hammer, Mr. nnd Mn. C. Walter Glas gow, Miss Luclllo Kclloy, R. Wnrner rtlchnrd son and J. Craig Shields. C. Walter Glasgow, of 1834 South 18th street, returned this morning from Harrlsburg, where ho has been tho guest of Hon. William It. Wilson, member of tho Legislature from tho 4Sth Ward, for tho last fow days. George F. Field, of 2528 South Cleveland ave nue, In the Qlrard Estate, will entertain tho members of the Sigma Epsllon Sigma of Southern High nt a dinner this ovenlng, fol lowed by dancing, at his home. The class col ors, red, gold nnd black, will bo combined In tho very artistic decorations, and tho faors will bo uniquo calendars In tho same colorings. The guests will be Miss Margaret Goddar, Miss Marguerite Slpe. Miss Sylvln Urcy, Miss Violet Walters, Miss Mary Lynch, Miss Amelia Home, Miss Helen Kaiser, Miss Hilda Claus. Gradon Forest, Raymond Hudson, Charles Patchcll, J. Walls, William Wood, Georgo Field, Allen Har bison, Edwin Schraishuhn, ,Lawronca Connoll, William Zarsaus and Joseph McGrath. Miss Alice McCaulley will entertain the mem bers of her sewlnt; circle this evening nt her home, 1523 McKenn streot. A 'buffet luncheon will be served. Her guests will be Miss Mny Gertrude Taylor, Miss Alice McDonnell, Miss May McDonnell, Miss Margaret McDonnell, Miss Elsio Blbby, Mrs. Morris Horan, Mrs. Saery, Mrs. 8. Shaw. Mrs Roily, Miss Anna C. McCaulley and Miss Catherine Clnre. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fostor will entertain this ovening nt cards, followed by supper at their homo. 1526 South Broad street. Their guests "will Include Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Stockley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kleffer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. David McCoach. Mr.' and Mrs. Georgo Shlssler and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simmons. Miss Helen Byrne will entertain at "500" this evening nt her home. 1600 Tolnt Breezo ave nue. Tho gamo will bo followed by luncheon. Her guests will bo Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Mc Kenna, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mehrlng, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGonlglo and Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Byrne. Miss Anna DJorup, of 2311 South Colorado terrace, In tho Glrard Estate, will entertain tho Omega Phi Sigma Sorority tomorrow evening at dinner at her home. Her guests will ba Miss Carolyn Hargrave, Miss Florence Got, Miss Elizabeth Lowellyn, Miss Cecil Laute, IIIss Marie James, Miss Helen Boggs and Miss Marguerite Lawson. $Sfe&3fsU&m yfcowtjrtuoxw JUSb MA PUINTON Miw Brintoi the dn$utM pi Bmney BrUiton, cf OverfcxooL &be i dcbuUuts of tho SUMO lBummmrml debutanteSm THE mercury of tho soclnl thormometcr Is Btlll qulto high. In splto of the terrific rush of debuts, chnritleB. Christmas and New Year's. The most Importnnt nffalr to bo given tonight will bo a Inrsre dance by Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Diddle, of 2104 Walnut street. In the Roso Garden of tho Bellovue-Stratford In honor of their daughter, Miss Cordelia Blddlo. This will bo one of tho largest affairs that has been given for Miss Blddlo, who has been much feted this season. Tho ballroom will bo simply but effectively decorated, and Miss Blddle, fol lowing her usual bent, will be gowned In whlto anil will carry rosebuds. Most of tho season's debutantes and younger dancing men will be among those present, as well as members of the older set. Mr nnd Mrs. William L. Savage, of 1211 Spruce .street, will entertain nt dinner at the Rltz Carlton In honor of Miss Marlon E. Savage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Savage, before tho ball. Covers will bo laid for 24, and tho floral decoration will be pink roses and whlto lilacs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Boalo will entertain nt a largo dinner In their home, 120 South 22d sticot, for their daughter. Miss Hope Truxton Beale. Among their guests will be Miss Frances Hunter, of Providence, R. I., Miss Cornelia C. Leldy, Miss Margot E. Scull, Miss Ruth Coxo. Miss Eugenia Kelso Cassatt, Miss Kntherlne Ashhurst Bowie, Miss Almee Hutchinson, An drew Wheeler, Jr., Harry Bayard, Saunders L. Meade, Robort Haro Davis, Oliver E. Crom well, Lawrence Saunders and William Piatt Pepper, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson, of 181G Do Lancey place, will entertain In honor of Miss Alice Chapman Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman Thompson. Thero wilt bo It guests present from the debutante and younger men set. ROXBOROUGH Mrs. Elmer Pflsterer, of 61D0 Ridge avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge yesterday afternoon. The guests who are members of the Wednesday bridge club Included Mrs Charles Nice, Mrs. Arthur Johnston, Mrs. Will iam Wilson, Mrs, WUllam Bush, Mrs. Horace Kenworthy, Mre. Alfred Johnston, Mrs. Fred erick Fowles, Mrs. Harry Thompson, Mrs. John O. Struse and Mrs. Benjamin Hendren. Miss Jessie Rawley, of 231 Lyceum avenue, will lead the Wanderlust on Saturday after noon on their walk to Potta' Quarries, Har monvllle, Plymouth Meeting and Barren Hill. The active members are Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Houston, George H. Berkhelser, B, W. Grif fiths, Walter Maxwell, Miss Nannie Key, MUs Mary L. Graham, Ernest Kumpf, Jr., Arthur L. Dless, Ernest F, Page, Miss Ruth B. V. Maxwell, Mlss Savllta Surgeon, Miss Ella Baker and Miss Alison Gilbert Cody. The motto of the club Is this quotation from Walt Whitman: "Afoot and light-hearted, I take to the open road, Healthy, free, the world before me. The long brown path before me, leading wher ever I choose." NORTH PHILADELPHIA The marriage of Miss Nana Potsdamer, daughter of Mr. and airs. Naphtalt Potsdamer, of 1610 Diamond street, and Amos E. Joel will take place on January 10, at 10 o'clock, Iq Mayer's Drawing Room," 1S20 North Broad treat. Miss Elinor Hunslcker, who has been spend ing the holidays with her mother, Mrs. F, M, Hunslcker, of 2331 North 13th street, has re turned to Smith College. Mrs. B. N. Faunce, of 1(23 East Montgomery avenue, entertained at luncheon yesterday. The living room, halls and dining room were artis tically decorated with cut flowers end ferns. The rueiU included Mrs. Richard Bldwell, Mrs. Harry Ylneland, Mrs. Harry Jtvlon, of pitman, N. J.; Mr. V a Martin, Mr J. P. Nteholwa. Mr Edward Mellor, Mrs. Arthur B. MHUr. Mrs. H 3 Bidwctl, Um Grace pdwelt mi MUs Jaat AU-iior A VERY pretty wedding wilt bo solemnised this afternoon In Grace Church, Providence, It. I., at 2 o'clock, when Miss Phylils Mather, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Penn Mather, of Providence, R. I., wilt bo married to Charles New bold Thorpe, of this city. Mrs. Budlong, of Providence, will be matron of honor and War ren Thorpe, brother of tho bridegroom, will be best man. After nn extensive wedding Journey Mr. and Mrs. Thorpo will reside In Bryn Mawr. Mr. Thorpe Is n well-known clubman of this city, and Is a member ot tho Merlon Cricket nnd Bryn Mawr Polo Clubs. , INOIITH SC1IELL A wedding of Interest will tako placo this ovenlng In tho First Presbyterian Church, when Miss Dorothea Scholl, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Oswald Hampton Schell, will become tho brldo ot Alfred Moorhoad North. Tho brldo will bo given In mnrrlago by hor father, and tho cere mony will bo performed by tho Rev. William Beatty Jennings, pastor af the church. Tho brldo will wear n gown of Ivory-whito satin, draped with tullo and lace, and made In Egypt Ian fashion, with a deep girdle of peails. Sho TIOGA Miss Ruth Groeneveld will entertain at a "600" card party Saturday ovenlng at her home, 3333 North 16th street, when her guests will bo Mr. and Mrs. George Relnhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Eber ley, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Lo Fort, Miss Lillian Stradley, Miss Eleanor Hoslom, George Hen derson, James Rlghter nnd J. Arch Glbb. Tin. W. L. Clayton, or 3209 Rldgo avenue, will cntortaln at cards tomorrow afternoon. Among her guests will be Mrs. Graham Barker, Miss Mario Smith, Mrs. C. Fox, Mrs. Harry Haug, Miss Mary Clark, Miss Dorothy Woir, Mrs. Charles Glanz, Mrs. Georgo N. Nicholson, Miss Mario Tanner, Miss Constanoo Glosklng. Miss Clayton, Mrs. William Bllletter and Mrs. Harry Cobb. At the danco given by Mr. and Mrs. William Carman, of 1220 West Allegheny avenue, for their daughtor. Miss Beatrlco Carman, In tho Drawing Rooms, 1710 North Broad streot, tho guests Included Miss Laura Firth, Miss Rebecca Smith. Miss Annlo Wllklo, Miss Edna Elliott, Miss Margaret MacCallum, Mlsa Eleanor Altop, Miss Mario Snyder, Miss Adaltno Froellch, Miss Emma Battersby, Mils Esther Eckels, Miss Mario Mecs, Miss Dorothy Morris, Miss Helen aicFnddcn, Miss Margaret Williams, Miss Edith Wilkinson, Miss Gertrude Hesselnnger, Miss Elizabeth Dickinson, Miss Alberta Goodwin, Miss Mnrgaret Hooven, Miss Margaret Sosna, Miss Francos Magulrc, Miss Anno Stenslo, Miss Anna Cree, Miss Frances Chattln, Miss Frances Bannan, Miss Marian Howe, Miss Marian Da Burlo, Miss Elsie Shoyer, Miss Emily Wells, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Datr, Jr., Hall Rentsch ler, Joseph Clausen, Georgo Gravenstlne. Charles Jones, William Froellch, Edwnrd Graham, W. Buchanan, M. Miller, Rex White, William Ham ilton, William Eborle, Jack Harrigan, W. Benn, Byron Wrlgley, M. Schell, anlllard Synder, William Stevenson, Ralph Mull, John McMas tcr, Loroy Worley, Leroy Pearl, Elwood Pip ping, Leslie Belts, W. HooVen, John Clark, Jack Osman, H. Frlcko and Percy Atkins. Mrs. Carman will give a "600" party, followed by a buffet luncheon, this afternoon at hor home. Her guests aro members of her card club. The marriage has been announced of Miss Elizabeth M. Kulzer, daughter of Mrs. W. K. Kulzer, to Alexander M. Klauder, of North Broad street, on Tuesday morning In St. Co lumba's Church, 24th street and Lehigh ave nue. The ceremony, which was performed by tho Rev. James J. Duffy, assistant rector, was a quiet one owing to the recent death of Mr. Klauder's mother. The brldo was attended by her sister, Miss Madeline Kulzer, as maid of honor. Dr. Joseph B. Klauder was his brother's best man. The brldo wore hor traveling BUlt of tan covert cloth, trimmed with sable. Mr. and Mrs. Klauder, ofter a short Btay In Atlantic City, will spend tho remainder of tho honey moon In eastern iNow York. They will be nt homo after January 20 at 3328 North Broad street. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Miss Florence Rosenblum, ot 2920 Frnnkford avenue, Is entertaining as her guest for some time Miss Bess Berman, of Milton, Pa. Miss Alma Nugent, of 3053 Kensington avenue, entertained a number of her friends at her home last evening. Dr. and Mrs. Louis Diamond, Jack Sidney and Miss Sofia Diamond, of 5023 Frankford ave nue, have returned from Cape May, N. J., where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. Tannenbaum. Miss Myrtle Summerlll, of Oxford, Pa., has returned to her home after spending a few days as the guest of Mrs. S. F. Baugher, 2973 Frank ford avenue. Mrs. Jack Hlbbs gave a luncheon yesterday afternoon. Her guests Included Mrs, S. F. Baugher, Mrs. E. H. Clark, Mrs, Harry Steven son, of Elklns Park, and Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey. A sourkrout supper was given by Charles Siege! to the members of the Kensington Social, 200J East Susquehanna avenue, this week. Those present were John J, Herd, Alfred Herd, II. Walter Genther, Herman Rosenau, Dr. B. Marlln, Arthur Jacobs, Samuel Jacobs, Albert Laugglnger, Charles Fischer, Harry Berger, Dr, Harry Goos, Robert Wiley, John Reuner, John Brooks, Jacob Fox, Elmer Strong, Lewis Rothkugel, Sol Schlff man, Samuel Sells, James McFarland, Frank Barrilo, Jacob Vogt, Harry Mlchaelson, Will iam Btruss, Louis Nowack, Louis Schaetleln, WUllam Costello, J. B. Dudley, George Mathers, Joseph Meyers. William Ernst, Walter Lilly, John !''. John Costello, James Black, Fred erick Lute, Frederick Sauer, Harry Bloom, Theo dore Green and Joseph Djcee. Mr. and Mrs. Mosler, of 2969 Frankford ave nue, held an annual family reunion with e dinner last evenlnr- Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kulp, Mr. and Mrs. William Mosler, Mr. Makes, Miss Taylor, of Camden, N. J.; Miss Mary Maiqn and Miss Fannie Mason, of Chester Mr, ja4 Mrs. Wuilaw Kuhn, Jr. of 138 North tth street, win 1 among: the guMta entertaiRtd Saturday eventag at "6W by Mr and Mrs. WUltajn Kamwrtr. at their howe, Sett H.il avesu. will carry n bouquet of gardenias and idles ot the valley. Tho matron of honor, Mrs. Will Curtis Nesbltt, of Wilmington, a cousin ot the bride, will wear pale btuo charmeuae, draped with gold lace ruffles over a foundation of bronze net. Sho wilt carry a bouquet of ounburst roses and whlto lilacs. Gold slippers and stockings will complete this dainty toltette. The maid, ot honor Wilt be Miss Margaret Emtlle Moffly, anil the bridesmaids will Include Mlis Gertrude Kllng, Mlis Gladys Edwards, ill Madeline Hensol, They will wear gowns alike, of rose pink satin, made In similar stylo to that of the matron of honor, and will carry arm bouauets of Klllnrnoy roses, pink snapdragon and white lllncs. Tho best man will bo Frederick JO. Swope, and tho ushers will Include Oswald Hampton Shell, Jr., a brother of the bride; Ed ward A. Waters. E, Stanley Richardson, Charles Alexander, Albert Maurice Hoyt, the Roy, Theron Lee, Harold B. Nason, Wheeler Lord, A small rccoptlon for tho two families will Immediately follow the ceremony at the home of the bride's pnrents, 432 "West Scboolhouss Inno. Mr. nnd Mrs. North wilt bo at home after. March 1, nt 117 West Chelten avenue. LANSDOWNE Mies Josephine McCully, of La Crosse avenue, will give a recital at tho Entre Nous Club this afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald, of West Baltimore avenue, nnd a party motored to New York yesterday to attend the opera. Guy Boner, of Bryn Mawr and Windermere avenue, entertained a bridge party last evenlnaf. Thoso present were Miss Winnie Endloott. Mlta Jesslo Dlttrlck, Miss Anna Brown, Miss Gladys Phillips, Mlsa Margaret Morrison, Mrs, Robert Wilson, Airs. J. Milton Hagy, Miss Elizabeth Jackson, Lawrence Shaffner, Louis Bayne, Al bert Hoover, Donald Irwin and Scott Btewart Tho reception given by the 20th Century Club last evening was a most delightful affair. The ladles who assisted in receiving were Mrs. William McEwen, Mrs. Isaoo H. Adler, Mrs.. Thomas Lovo, Mrs. Louis Myers, Mrs. Harlan Btatzell, Miss Cathrino Hays, Mrs. Charles Letmler, Mrs. Frank Thompson and Mrs. Robert W. Glck. Miss Marcelllno Myers, of 64 Linden avenue, gave a "600" yesterday nftemoon. Her guests wero Miss Mnrlo Kano, Miss Marian Flta gorald, Miss Martha Loughney, Miss Margaret O'Donell, Miss Helen Duckett, Miss Arina Duckctt nnd Miss Gertrude Sullivan. Tho PI Sigma held their nnnual dance last evening In tho 20th Century Club. Mrs. Harold Odgenj Miss Lulu Vnn Zant, Mrs. F. E. Sagen dorf, ftiss Cnthrlnq Hagy nnd Mrs. Frederick , Kelly acted ns hostes. AMUSEMENTS ACADEMl' or MUSIC NEWMAN 55gB WarPicturcs 5 DAT EVENIN08 Tnn, TV.., iritf SATURDAY MATS. Beg. Jail. 15-16 FRAKCn AND THE WAR n En LIN WAR CAPITALS-HoW LAND-EarFT COURSE SALE-J4. $3, 2 B0. Closes Friday, 5:89 At IIpp' Blnsla Tlchots Monday x,-.MiiI,n.OPOi',TAN,OPERA OUSB aietropoman Opera Company, New York. jJSSSfia AT'a. Cavalleria Rusticana re Td Pagliacci "Ertf-a-S CAW$S& Cttru,' Do'"' a 33. Beats Now en Sale, nop Chestnut St. ChGitnilf SI 0PEIA I Home of Woria's rii. i .; . J : ,. :."HflB L rt Photoplays Alts., 1 to R, 10c t ISc. Etsa. T to 11. lOe 1 Do 23a A KlLM DRAMATIZATION OP THE ' WORLD'S dREATEST LOVB STORY THE CHRISTIAN Twlca Dally Aftirnoona 2:S0. Evenlnrs 8:30. Preceded by Kayatena Comedy Pictures. E.ogp? BBN-HUR Last Mat. Bat. NEXT WEEK SEAT BALE TODAT A heir Mimical Comedy THE GIRL OF GIRLS Dy Oreato Veaaella and Edward t'aulton. GARRICK Last 3 Evgs. "K POTASH & PERLMUTTER NEXT WEEK SEATS TODAY GEO. M. COHAN'S . THE MIRACLE MAN A FIT?.! ,PTTT POP"'' Matinee Today IXUJlji-lcrii. Tonlaht at 8:lfl. I-ait Last 6 Times JOSE COLLINS H2TT7T wan 't uuul TOM McNAUGUTON NEXT WEEK SEATS TODAY SAM BERNARD ffiga'c THE BELLE OP DOND STREET" THE MARKET ST.. ABOVE HTH PICTURES II TO tt ALL THIS WEEK David Belasco'a Stanley "Tho GIRL of the GOLDEN WEST" nsil II et"-JP tW(v eta MV vah4U MM B, F. KEITH'S THEATRE UATCilLKSS PROQRAU Of VKATVREai Kitty Uordon A Co.; Plo Irwin t Co.; Maria Nerd, trom: Havemann'a Animals; Anselo Patrlcolo. other Star Acta. G' T r T T7 MARKET STREET 1j U J3 JCj oprosiTB wanamaker'a Vaud.illl. ll;SO Co lim "Tho Buyar from rittlur" Kaufman Bro.. Wily 4 Mack. Hobblaat Elephants, Cooper 1 Rlcardo. Oibere. CROSS KEYS Theatre WASr v.udjvm. i Pf ur 10c Evenings MI Picture 1 Program Chapgtd Monday and Thuradiy -- " " ' " " " ' " " " ' ' "I " ' NIXON'S GRAND Today 2 115. 7 D "Maklnr the Mortis Btravlu ft strainer ., , Tralaor MJa lUitu HarelMoran LawlNorts La Pranta Broi Plot urea ACADEMY, MONDAY EVENINd, JANUARY Jt. DAMROSCH I SKS?" TEYTJG XJXnj.XMjK'. Ticket. Tie to 1J, A jrfr. BTM. ORCHESTRA I At Hfpoa'K. Tn LITTLE THEATRE lTlh.PLancy Popular tl Matlnae TaJjy, Jijl CRITIC k& BROAD Lut 2 Weak. Krenloia. at S:1S Mailntca Wed and SL, at 3il4 Itf iss BILLIE BURKE 3AY LYRIC Tonla-Bt at t US Sham Maltha Sattudxy vnni is rati Viim cl gREKTINt TBABANT QtBL- CRA? DUMONT'S 'W?$i5?8g& n"fi"DfPTi, wKstu3 vkw Z7 Trocatkro B u vlqqera L'ft.CUjNV fsDON QAWTY Ul"i