Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 07, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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ETaBSmra ,!t;fepaEBrrtXlIiAX)BLHrA; EHTOSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1915.
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Sunday's sermon this afternoon fol
lewst "Ths test Is In the sospel of Mark,
xLtt: Tliorefore, I ny unto you, what
thing's eoftver ye desire, when ye pray.
uciiove miu ye receive them, ana ye
shall have them.'
'That Is, the tlilnss you desire when
you pray, It you believe, shall be slven
to: you. 'What things soever ye desire.'
That's personal. 'When yo pray.' not
when you tro gossiping about your neigh
bor. 'When o pray, believe, and they
Kll be given unto you.' Thoso words
Were not snld by tho President of tho
United Btdtes, tho Ktnjr of England or
the Emperor of China, but by God Hlm-elf.
"t bellove that no srra.es Is moro lilirhlv
ommended In nil Scriptures than faith.
JPolth In some respects rather seems to
ohango and assimilate us moro to tho
oharactcr of God. Faith Is tho parent of
loye. If there Is no faith, there Is no
love: if thero Is no fnlth, there Is no
service. From faith all other graces
pylng. Remember that without faith
there Is no Jove, Faith will crow If you
. elftrCise H,
"There are a Jot of people In tho church
today who havo not ns much faith as
when they joined tho church 25 years
so, and that Is because they didn't ox
erclso tholr faith, end they let It wither
aWay through disuse If you don't use
what you have you will loso It. God will
manifest His power more when lie sees
evidences of faith. Tho moro God sees
vldenco of faith the stronger Is His
"Faith Is llko the muscular system of
the body; If you exercise It, It will grow;
If you don't, It will not; If jou exercise
K, It will mako more muscles, more
blood, more nerves; It Is like reading a
physical culture book: If vou lust sit
sttjl and read It, It will not do you any
good. I don't see why so many people
aro begging for tho crumbs from God's
table when Ho would rather give them
a wholo bakeshop. I never could under
stand why you wouldn't rather be a
mllllonalro In grace than a hobo. God
wants you to bo o, millionaire) In grace.
ITath is above all other things. Faith
honors God and benefits tho soul.
"i'What things soever ye desire when
ye 'pray, believe and It shall "be given
you.'. "Why you can't turn around with
out? faith; you can't oat a meal of vic
tuals without faith. Tho marrlago sys
tem Is built on fnlth; you had faith that
that man yould bo true to you or you
woudn't have said yes. Ho had faith thai
yen wouia be true to him or you bet he
wcfcldn't have said job. "Without faith
In Jtho family the family goes to pieces.
"JTou take a letter to the postolJce nnd
wall It and jou believe that Unolo Sam
will carry It to Its destination, If you
licit a. stamp and stick It on. Why are
you here this afternoon? Because of
faith. I told jou I would come out and
rech, so It Is falth-fnlth.
ye pray wllh faith nrst. JxH of prayers
artr rlfrmafolo; you ea through tho mo
tion of pfaycA Toll liavo not God In
your mind when you pray.
"Wendell Thllllps, tho great Unitarian
preacher, was preaching In Boston once
and a JJoston newspaper wld of hi ser
mon that It wds one of the most eloquent
prayers ever offered to n Boston audience),
"That Is the trouble too much Is given
to tho audenco and not enough to tho
Lord, If you go to God without faith
you Insult Him Instead of honoring Him.
"Alston to mo. If you believe God Is
able and willing to accomplish His prom
ise, thero should bo no ground for doubt.
If I should ask you how many of you
believe that God can save you, alt would
lift up their hands: but If t should ask
you how many of you bellove that God
will save, not so many would bo willing
to ralso their hnnds. The nearer you get
to a matter of faith, tho less the re
sponse, That Is tho curse of the church
"You show mo a worldly church and
I will show you a church that docs not
believe In God Almighty. Ono of tho
curses of tho church today Is unbelief,
Moody said If ho could only get skepti
cism out of tho hearts of the people In
tho church ho would havo no trouble In
bringing the people to Christ, nnd tho
last six years of his life were devoted to
that end. Tho last sermon he ever
preached wan In Kansas City, when ho
prayed that tho church might do her
part and come back from backsliding.
"Ho Bpent tho last six years of his life
doing that. If you bcllevo In God's abil
ity to accomplish this promise there
should remain no ground for doubt Sup
posing you should Invite a person to
cdmo to your homo to receive from you
a gift of money or clothes and suppose
thoy should como and Immediately they
should begin to question your motlio In
extending tho Invitation or doubt your
willingness to glvo, would you feel like,
doing anything for such a pcrson7 Thon
I don't believe God Almighty feels like
doing anything for you If you como Into
me presonce and nsk If Ho will or can.
"I wonder that God Is willing to do
anything. I wonder that God Almighty
I doing ns well as he Is with tho bunch
He has to work with. God Interprets a
doubt as to His willingness as He calls
for high provocation yes, high provoca
tion. Let me glvo you an Illustration In
tho 78th Psalm- "He smoto the rock that
tho water gushed out, and tho streams
"For 0 years tho Jews had been In
bondage; ever since Josoph's brothers had
lied nbout him to Jacob. Thero had
boen a. famine and God had sent Moses
to lend them out of bondage and ho took
thorn to the promised land, but Instead
of entering tho promised land they came
to tho city of Kadesh Barnea.
Is n great privilege for mo to have my
name written In Aho book of lire. If I
could get the church to look at this from
the standpoint of privilege, you would
pray wllh 1000 times more zeal Suppose
I would go out to tho store and pick up
a pattern and b,rlng It up to the hotel nnd
say! 'Well, I have brought you a. pat
tern! I thought It was my duty.' 'Well,'
she would say, 'you keep your pattern. It
is a great privilege that I have to buy
Nell a dross or hat.' Suppose tho Presi
dent should como to your Slate, or your
friend, Bryan, who Is Secretary of State,
should come. It would be your privilege
to entertain him. Look nt religion In tho
sianapoint or a privilege.
"When you sit down and cat a meal
of Victuals you don't understand how the
rood Is going to assimilate through your
5ody; your understanding has nothing to
do with, It, so don't go to hell because
you can't understand all there Is In the
Bible. Don't be a fool. You do multi
tudes: of things every day and you don't
known why you do them. If you were
asked why you do some things you
coujdn't tell to save your life, Thero are
lots of things In the, Bible that if you
nsk me to explain I couldn't do It to save
ray life, but I bellove them. Don't over
swell up with pride and think that your
intellectual development Is such that you
can) understand everything thero Is In
the- Bible.
"God's blessing follows obedience. Stop
your praying. If you pray for a blessing
when you oro not willing to obey you
ner will be blessed; you never will be
blessed until you obey. You got the
thins wronff.
Tho prpmises of the Bible are of two
kinds. Now, you listen to me, and don't
raisa this. They are absolute and they
n conditional. The office of your faith
o apprehend the promises of tho
Bible as they are given, If they are
absolute promises, regard them as such;
if they are conditional promises, regard
them as such, and remember that your
faith is equally shown with the one as
with the other, with the absolute as with
the conditional, but you must not expect
the, fulfillment of a conditional promise
unless you fulflll the condition of the
promise. If you do, you deny that God
has His sovereign tights, and don't forget
nau uod nas ma sovereign rights.
"Out If you expect God to keep a
promise that la conditional, if you do
notf fulfill the condition, then with each
recurring- disappointment you will be led
to disbelieve in the veracity and promise
of God.
"Now, many of you do not know what
r mean by an absolute promise or a
conditional promise. Now, let me il
lustrate an absolute promise: 'I will put
enmity between Me and thee, between
they seed and My seed." 'I will bless
thsfn that bless thee and curse them that
curse thee,' That was the promise of
th establishment of the. ohurch, the
beginning of the Jewish. nation: it was
ajMolute, no conditional. Now, suppose
iHBwagr uacau c tuiuu in? promise,
"Wii, he -wilt so tq hell, If the prom
ise is conditional,
Ai ma illustrate: Whoever shall
-call on Me in the name of the Lord, he
nhsll be saved,' Supposing he doesn't
M. Well, ho won't be saved; he will go
, Ctwao unto Ms, all ya that labor and
pMfcMiw laden, and I wJU give you
Jf you want rest, you must come;
M mt don't come, don't expect rest. You
fjm&t set the accomplishment 0f the
HfgQoft promise only on the ground
yen fujaij, the condition, then you
Tigus to expect its ccompusn
"A revivl Is a fulfillment ot lh mn.
jgfitfit that Jo4 has laid down fpr His
wtnrtr. so ssjvauQR is conditional, condf
ttoasi on you? coming, , if you don't coma
j-w will be lost Thfc promises are in
IHJfc iMfaUHMy eettata to ths ladlvW
iMliUm WflU them as God has laid
iiMMfe ems, aust oly as fieA ha laid
. A mow tf tfey r faWtat :
tr jh tn tWs) in mm tsuft, flMf
"There they stopped and then they ap
pointed a committee appointed n com
mittee. Yes, and tho devil has been at
that Job In somo respects over since.
They appointed 12 nnd they brought a
majority nnd a minority report. They
agreed that it was flowing with rhlllt
and honey, but they said It was peopled
by tho sons of Analc and thoy were as
grasshoppers In their sight, but Caleb
and Joshua said, that cuts no Ice, they
stopped at ICndcsh Barnea and discussed
the wnys and means and methods and
chewed the rag Instead of going In.
"Every ago has got to recast Its vo
cabulary to preach the gospel to the
people. I am preaching for the age In
which I live. I am Just recasting by vo
cabulary to the people of my (tee Instead
of Joshua's age. Supposo Joshua had
used some of the phrases that I do 'Go
to it.' 'ho made good.' 'up against Itt'
You all know what r mean and I will
preach the gospel In tho language of
"Wo don't recast tho truth, so they
said, 'Let us go In,' and thoy wouldn't
do It. Thoy returned nnd wandered up
and down tho wllderncess for 33 years
and left their bones to perish and bleach
aa monuments of their folly, and nt last
aftor all that time only two got back
that were grown to bo men. Only two
came back, Caleb and Joshua. AVhy?
They believed In God, and that Is tho
reason. Tho best way to lose out Is to
bo Just a compromlsor.
"God despises a trimmer; that Is the
reason so many people fall today; thoy
aro trimming their satis to catch a pass
ing breeze of popularity; they are afraid
of that old money bags over thero In
the pew, afraid they will lose a few of
the pennies, afraid of that old devil out
thero. I am not. That Is the difference.
"Go to God In faith and the firm ex
pectation that God will grant you a
privilege, John 15;7, 'If ye abide In me
and my words abide in you, ye shall ask
what ye will, and It shall be done unto
you.' I think these are tho most remark
able verses In the Bible. 'If ye abide In
me.' No system. 'If ye abide In me.'
The words were cither the words of the
Son of God or an Insane man. I am not
the Son of God. I am not divine. I
wouldn't make that promise. A man said
to me, 'Don't you think that God took a
great risk when he made that prom
ise?' I said, 'No.' I believe that God
knew that a great many people would
not fulflll the conditions and He would
not be yery busy answering that prayer.
"You never keep God busy answering
His promises. You never miss a meal
of victuals to pray. You never miss any
social gatherings to pray. There are a
great many eiders, preachers and dea
cons here In the same condition. If I
were a pastor of a church and could
make a dial or an Indicator to register
109 for preaching and 60 for prayer; or
prayer 100 and preaching M, I would
rather be able to pray 100 and preach 60.
Doctor Stevens, of Now York city, said
in his late years, 'I don't wish that I had
preached more or more often, but I do
wish that I had prayed more.'
"The biggest farce of the average
church is the prayer meeting. Take the
average church member. The average
church member prays about three
minutes a. day and the preacher prays
about five minutes. A friend of mine
once met an elder and said to him. walk
ing down the aisle, stroking his whiskers,
'I'll bet the average elder doesn't pray
more than five minutes each day,' and
the elder replied, 'I think we pray mora
than that.' My friend said, 'I don't think
so. You look like a decent fellow, and
I'll tell you what I'll do with you. You
go home and when you get down to pray
look at your watch, and look araln when
you stop, and then come back and tell
me how far I was wrong.' The fellow
did not show up for three days. And
pay friend spoke tq him. He said, 'How
about that, elder?' The elder replied. I
looked at my watch when I started and
I looked at It when I was through, and,
by sosh, I thought she had stopped.'
"What Is faith 7 Faith Is the beginning
of something of which you can't see the
end, hut which you believe. It is lke
the headlight of a locomotive, looking
into the future that has not been cov
ered. JSsjwlenw, that is like the rear
light pf a, Uatn. It easts the light over
tha areus4 that fea already bW w
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"Unbelief builds n wall between you
nnd God. Unbelief stops jour communi
cating with God, nnd God communicating
with you. Unbelief ascribes some defect
in God when the Almighty foreordained
that you go to heaven if you repent. Ho
has foreordained that you go to hell If
you aon't; so do your own voting. God
knew you were alt going to hell, but He
gavo you a chance to go to heaven. Sup
poso I should hold my book open between
my face and your faces, so I would cry
out: 'God, I cannot seo their faces!
Help me to see tholr faces!' "Well, If I
remoo the obstruction, I can see your
'" mere is no use In praying If
you won't turn from your sins.
"You cannot go to God, nor God can
not communicate His message to you.
That Is what Is tho matter with tho
church today. If you wero sick and the
doetor comes along and' glvos you some
b ttor medicine that will counteract the
ulacuoc, you ao not growl nt him, no.
Ho Is a great doctor. Do the enmo with
the Lord. The base following were cast
u ,,f.tno Dromlsed land through theU
unbelief, notwithstanding that God had
given permission that they should enter
Into the promised Innd. They did not go
Becauso of what7 Unbelief. They came
to Kadesh If you will look Into tho
ii j.i.V.V1""1 ,,mt cndltIon: you
i fd.that tho Promises are not exact
ly suited to your condition.
"The Lord God is always with jou If
you stand four square for him. vou hnt.
Why did thoso of old whom I Jiavo told
you about the flery furnace,, why did not
they receive their nhsuor? Thoy died
without having received thovtromlso7
j u.io.uu uuo gave mem some
thing else, something belter, perhaps.
"We ore on this side of tho cross and
we look back, andiwe see the cross, but
It Is empty, the grave Is empty.
"The church of God today ought to
hang its head In shame nnd disgrace to
think that thero Is so llttlo faith In God.
Jesus Christ nnd the Bible. Those other
men on mo oiner Bide or the cross died
without having received tho promise, nnd
the promlso was Jesus, tho promise was
the seed of tho woman. God provided
somo better things for them.
"Put on thy Btrcngth, Oh Zlon. put out
some of your groaning nnd moanlngs In
prayor and put in somo acclamations of
triumph nnd belief. God Is tho snm vm.
terday, today nnd forever, nnd sits on tho
throne In His gory. It was Ho who Bald,
'What things soever ye desire when ye
pray, believe, and ye shall receive them.' "
v (Copyrlsht.)
Last Night's Sermon
There follows the text of the formal,
prepared sermon delivered last night by
Mr. Sunday. Tho evangelist did not ad
hero to his sermon. Deviations and they
aro many, picturesque nnd characteristi
cally forceful are to bo found In the gen
eral account of what took place yesterday
at the tabernacle.
"How many people pray In downright
sincerity? They seem to dress up for
the occasion. How many people pray
for humility when It Is pride they want7
Many a man gets down on his knees and
says, 'Our Father, who art In heaven,
hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom
come.' That Is not so; they doi. t want
God's kingdom to come. It is not so
with half tho people that pray. I say to
you when you pray In the church pew
and say that. It don't count a snap of
my finger If you don't live It. You pray,
'Thy kingdom came,' and then go out
and do something to prevent that king
dom from coming. No man can get
down and pray Thy kingdom come,'
and have a beer wagon back up to his
door and put beer In the Ice box. No
mon can get down on his knees and
pray 'Thy kingdom come' and then go
out and vote for the whisky sang. No
man can pray 'Thy kingdom come and
lpok at God through the bottom of a
beer glass. No man can pray 'Thy
kingdom come' and go to a card party
Wednesday evening Instead of prayer
meeting. No man can pray 'Thy king
dom come' and keep a woman on the
aide., God won't stand for It. If you
want God's will done you would do God's
will, even If it took every drop of blood
In your body to do It. Preachers, Btand
up and tell how some of your people
pray. God has more respect for an out-and-out
Infidel than tor a four-flusher.
"Too many men today say their prayers
In a way that reminds me of the tricks
tha,t tho boys used to play on Halloween.
They would run up and ring a door bell,
or tie a tick-tack to the window and
then get over in the next yard and pull
the string. And when some woman
would come to the door and say, 'What
Is It?" they would run away. People
pray, and If God answered their prayers
they would say, 'Why, Lord, are you
there? I didn't expect you " Some peo
ple pray as if they never expected any
thing, and they never get anything; they
are never disappointed. How would you
feel if your best friends treated you as
you treat God?
"Some people pray as though they ex
pected nothing! therefore, they are never
disappointed. A man came to mo and
said 'Won't you pray for the con
version of my friendt' I said: 'Yes, I
will. Won't he come to the meetings?
Hb said: 'Qh, yes, he comes quite reg
ularly.' Then he went and jiat down.
The ehlef usher brought a, man In and
gave mm pb igu hi wuv w ,iu,
so the fellow who asked me to pray
was sitting; back of him. He sat In front
with his head on his hands all through
the sermon said when the sermon was
finished and the invitation was given to
come forward he was the first on to
respond and come forward. When the
1 vices were over this fellow who made
the request to pray tor his friend rushed
up to me, with beaming face and said:
"I had no more than taken my seat
than the chief usher gave the seat to
the one I asked you to pray for, right
in front of I w praying far him
aad he .aa the first man to co front
I va Key? so surprised in my Ufa.
mm (r4PiWi mp i
ought to feel Himself complimented that
they were In a place like that. There
was ono little girl who had lost her
virtue and was tetllmr her womanhood
for gain. Shb said, 'Oh, God, save mo
for Jesus; I ask forgiveness for my sins,
and You havo said that though they
were crimson they would be made whiter
than snow." There was another hope
less, helpless drunkard who had stag
gered In ana reeled with misery ana
squalor and want, and he said, "Oh, God,
savo me; I am a hopeless drunkard; I
have broken my mother's heart, sent my
wlfo to her grave, but save mo for
Jesus." Out of those 11 God only saved
two people, becauso while they wore mis
erable sinner they were honest enough
to tell God thnt they wero sinners and
deserved hell; they didn't try to fix the
thing up nnd inako God bellove thnt Ho
ought to consider Himself complimented,
"Don't try to smooth things out wllh
Clod; como as you are.
"The year I was born my father went
to war. Ho nover came back, nnd I
never looked In my father's face, I fought
mv wnv through poverty ana squalor,
and onco mado an application for a Job
as Janitor of a schaolhouBe, and the
Board of Education gave me the Job. I
got 123 a month, but hobody called me
n grafter then.
"One day I went to tho bank with my
check for a month's pay. A man ahead
of me tossed n check through tho win
dow to the teller and I threw mine In.
I received my money and walked out to
the Btrect, whero I counted It. I found
I had tlO Instead of $25. I told a friend
about It, 'Bill,' he said, 'If I had your
luck I'd buy n lottery ticket ' I wanted
to return the extra money, but my friend
sntd no.
" 'Buy a suit of clothes, nnd you will
still havo tho $25.' So I did But years
lator I was convinced of sin, nnd when
I wns praying the Lord told me about
the money I owed tho bank.
" 'But, Lord, the bank doesn't know I
owe It,' I said.
" 'No,' replied tho Lord, "but jou know
you owe It.'
"Right there I began a struggle to be a
man or a fool. Every time I'd pray I'd
soo that JIG nnd Interest. So I sent tho
bnnk a check and explained, and ever
since I hnvo felt all right. You owe somo
merchant a bill. Pay up; don't be a
"I deslro tonight to nsk a few ques
tions and answer them, questions that
I think will lay tho foundation of suc
cess In your life for every Individual,
which will arouse you and mako you bet
ter mon or women; make a bettor com
munity and a better homo. What will
give us power with God? What will glvo
us power with man? God will not henr
you becauso you are wlso or simple. God
Is no respecter of persons; ho doesn't
caro whether you wear a tallor-mado or
a hand-me-down.
"One time a dirty laboring man went
Into a church und knelt besldo the Duke
of Wellington. Tho food kid ushcrotto
told tho man not to kneel there, as that
was tho Duke of Wellington, and the
duko replied by putting his arms around
tho man and saying: 'When we kneel be
fore God thero are no dukes, princes or
earls, but wo all take tho same level.'
"You will havo power with God when
jou reach an extremity. If I had my
choice of a tabernacle filled with pray
ing Christians and one of non-Christians
I would take tho -former, for if wo
get the Inside right wo can get tho out
side. The city doesn't stand that won't
move for God If tho church people do.
Philadelphia, Now York, Chicago and Lon
don will fall on their faoes In repen
tance If tho church people move.
"At one place whero I was preaching a
mother caine totmo asking me to help
save her son who was a drunkard, who
was breaking tho heart of his parents,
his sister and his wife. I searched for
hlrn, but could not find him. That night
In tho tabernacle I led a drunken man
from a post against which he was lean
ing down to the altar. There was a
scream, nnd the mother nnd sister came
running forward. They had sown In
tears, thoy reaped In Joy. They had
reached an extremity.
"I think the Church of God has been
eating too much, sleeping too much and
talcing things too easj. Man should be
an active force, not a Dead sea. On
ono day In the week you live like a
saint and tho other six like a devil.
"All sorts of crime are on tho increase.
Listen. I'll glvo you somo figures that
will startle you.
"There Is one murder for every hour
day nnd night, year In and year out in
this 'country. Eighty-six out of S7 mur
derers are never caught, .In Germany
there aro eight murders to every million
In population, in England nine, in Canada,
H; In France, 15; in Belgium, 17; in the
United States, 80. and it is a 10-to-l bet
that they never get caught, and 80-to-l
bet they will never be hanged.
"Graft has a strangie-hold on religion,
on everything. Investigation shows it
permeates everything. I know of a.n
undertaker that offered a preacher a
rake-off on all the funerals turned his
way. School superintendents are offered
graft by publishing house If they will
recommena ineir doom. .uaDor leaders
call strikes because contractors won't
come across. Look at your State 'capltol
graft. Senators are charged with buying
their seats In the Senate.
"Church members rent their property
to saloons. If you do you are Just aa
low as the saloon. If you rent property
for houses of 111 fame you are living
directly off the, product of graft. Graft
Is destroying religion. It has Pennsyl
vania by the throat. It won't let you
vote for local option, but It makes you
vote for some Judge wlfo Is to do the
deciding. The present political system is
one of graft and plunder.
"Doctor Busby tells me 2000 babies die
every year because of Impure food. Food
adulteration In our country Is amazing.
Mud is shaped like coffee beans, glazed
with egg, nnd sold for coffee. Thoy
grind peanut shells and sell them for
breakfast fo6d. Glucose Is edld for maple
sugar. There Is nothing so hard ort tho
kidneys as glucose. It causes many
cases of Blight's disease.
"Crlmo produces poverty, and If you do
away with that which produces crime,
three-fourths of the poverty will bo
abolished. The cause of crime Is tho
saloon) got rid of that. What's tho cause
of all this? Tho political economist says
it Is because the working man Is getting
a higher scale of wages than ever be
fore nnd ho Is not prepared to withstand
tho Increasing temptations,
"Bahl How much does butter and eggs
and meat cost today? With the high
prices It Is not hard io see whero tho
workingman's extra money goes. 'I toll
you I wonder how the average man
gets along and keeps his family out of
poverty nnd starvation.
"After tho country freed Itself from
England there wero four strong Stntes,
each Jealous of each other, and nine
weak States, all Jealous of tho strong
ones. When they wore Joined Into a
nation It was by prnjcr, suggested by
Benjamin Franklin, tho wisest of our
political forefathers. Our old ship of
state was launched In prayer. At Valley
Forgo, George Washington knelt among
tho leafless trees that looked llko skele
tons and prayed to God to glvo victory
to the Continental army. When North
nnd South uoro fighting nt Gettysburg,
Abraham Lincoln spent tho night In
prnjcr, asking for a victory for tho army
In blue.
"I heard William Jennings Brj'an, a
man as clean as a hound's tooth, say
that when he first started out ho was
afraid to mention roltglon for fear of
hurting his political chances, but that
he soon came to declare that religion of
Jsus Christ shnll bo first In his life. If
he never even hold tho office of con
stable. Such men as Theodoro Rooso
velt, tho lion of tho West, men who
are not afraid to tuck a Bible under
their arm nnd lead n prajcr meeting,
aro the right sort.
"God has nothing too good for the man
or woman that docs something for God.
God will stop making worlds to holp a
sinner If ho wants help, but He wilt shut
the windows of heaven to tho follow who
prays through his spirit of pride.
"God tins to take many a mapnnd yank
him on lilt back and shako a shroud
over him before ho will praj'. He has
lo toko a society woman and throw her
on her bnck nnd shako a shroud ocr her
to make her stop and think and pi ay,
and realize what she Is doing. It's a
noble thing to pray.
"I plend for a smiling, happy religion.
Ono reason jour old religion Is losing out
Is bccauie jou don't praj- Some big fel
low will jell out nt a political meeting,
but put him In a prajcr meeting and he
will mumble around, llko a rabbit munch
ing cabbuge.
"A llttlo boy and girl going to school
through a field and a rnm got after
them, and the llttlo boy wanted to kneel
and piaj. when tho little girl snld, 'No,
you fool, run and pray as you aro run
ning.' The only thing ho could think
of as what ho heard his father say, 'O
Lord, make us thankful for what we nro
about to recehe.'
rouge sale In ft second-hand store, I
like to see ft woman look neat. I hato
to see a Mother Hubbard; It looks llko
n feathor bed tied In the middle.
"Let me give you young men some
advice on .matrimony. Never propose to
your best girl when she la dressed up
in her best bib and tucker. Go call on
htr and stay until nbout 10 o'clock. Then
leave, but leave your glove, also. Call
tho next morning to get your glove. If
nhR rntnen to the door with an unlaced
shoe on one foot and a slipper on the
other, her hair down, and an old dress
on, tnko to tho woods as fast as you
can. Beat It. Never mind the glove.
Let the old man wear It If It fits him.
"But If sho comes to tno aoor ana greets
you with a smile, woarlng a neat dress,
her s'.ecvs rolled up ready for business,
grab her quick.
"It makes mo sick for a man to wait
until his wlfo dies and then pllo tho
flowers high on her coffin, and buy a
handsome plcco of marble marked, 'At
rest,' whon sho wns worked to death.
Any wife hero likes flowers now, when
she can admlro them, rather than after
sho Is dead. Many a tlmo the money
spent for 'Gales Ajar wreaths and
broken wheels ought to have been spent
for a hired girl.
"Give your flowers now; do not wait
until n person Is dend. I would rather
havo one rosebud today than 10,000,000
after I am dead.
"In conclusion let me say: 'Go home
and kiss her good night, and bo happy."
sM V 1
T llko to see n man look neat. That
doesn't mean jou must wear a Prince
Albert nil the time When you were
courting her jou kept nlco and clean,
but now you go around with a week's
beard on your face, looking llko a rum-
Evnngclist Regarded as a Power for
"Billy" Sunday has friends in Kensing
ton. They rango through all classes, from
manufacturers to labor leaders, nnd from
barbers to salesmen. Most of thorn agree
In yielding all points to his personality
and force. Labor leaders saw In his fight
ing quality Bometntng that would bo a
great benefit for their cause If he would
espouse It, and an Influential Lithuanian
was suro his countrymen would bo rid of
persecution If they had "Billy" Sunday
to fight for them.
A. C. Kelley, president of tho Kensing
ton Board of Trndo, approved unquali
fiedly. " 'Billy' Sunday," ho said, "Is nil
right. I am very enthusiastic about him.
We need him In Philadelphia. We are
all so smug und satisfied that we need
a man llko Sunday to stir us up. Ho'll
be n big benefit to this community."
That "Blllj-" Sunday would bo the sav
ing of Lithuania If some one with his
drlvo brought In Christianity was the be
lief of Max WInokur, prominent among
Lithuanians In Kensington. "If we had
a few men llko "Billy" Sunday carrying
me mctnous or unrist into my country,
liberty and Justice would soon come to
tho people of that unhappy land," he said.
Herman A. Belz, president of tho In
dependent Journeymen Barbers' Asso
ciation and prominent In Kensington la-
nor organizations, was tno mnn who
thought tho unions' work would bo ad
vanced If a man llko "BItly" Sunday
would undertake It. "Billy" Sunday's
Ideas aro very good," he said. "He
reaches people who can't be reached by
churches. It Is a benefit to mankind to
havo "Billy" Sunday In Philadelphia. We
have many ministers and evangelists but
not enough of tho "Billy" Sunday type.
It "Billy" Sunday would "Eht for labor
as cleverly as ho flghs for Christianity,
Justice would be close at hand."
"Billy" Sunday Aide Scoking ai'"
Near Contro of City.
Tho real actlvltlos of tho women rWj
crs In tho "Billy" Sunday organluiii
will not Blart up until the city Is t
oUghly Impregnated with tho splnt g
rovlval by tho evangelist This, aecorf
Ing to Miss Grnco Saxc, In cliargoetui
neighborhood prayor mootlngs, will tifi
at least two or three weeks.
By this tlmo It Is expected that ettn
tiuiouu inu tiiy m i niiaaeiptiia, u)
many outsldo will havo been brought Ml
direct contact with Mr. Sunday or ifr
This mornlns Miss Frances Miller ui
Mrs. William Aschor Bet forth In an su!?
mobile to find a suitable halt In tho heiiT
of tho city In which to hold noonMtotf
mootlngs of business women. -t
It has been decided that tho house u
1200 Arch street, which was first chejtii,
will not be large enough, and unlewi
place of larger proportions can be fousf
It will bo necessary to have two halls, h
this event Miss Miller will speak In 031
nnd Miss Florence Kinney, her a81u
of Springfield, O., In the other. j
If tho plans of Mrs. Ascher, who luff
chargo of tho extension work, materially
no factory or Inrge commercial tittl
llshment will bo loft unvlslted. '
This afternoon Miss Saxo will call tie'
inirn or nor series or lour conference
with the volunteers In the prayer meettat
work. The gathering will take place t
3 o'clock on tho platform of the tabr-.
naole. Districts 7, 8, 12, 17 and IS; of
South Philadelphia, Tioga, OIney, Lena'
und West Park aro asked to bo present
On Saturday afternoon all the HMj
School girls Interested In furthering M
studv of thn Blbln hum ftpon rm,.t.j'
to meet Miss Saxo in tho tabernacle ta
rccelvo Instructions for tho spreading etl
this phase of tho work. "1
flntlrf "RftfnttPH TTnVono flnrnna TOVU Ik'
TnHfinn "FlTinYiMot. .
RICHMOND, Vn., Jan. 7.-The Sunreni?
Court today refused n, writ of habeas!
corpus In tho case of C Jones Rlreri
late president of tho Virginia Trust anif;
Safe Deposit Company at Alexandria!
Rlxoy to the Hospital for'tho CrimlnaT
Insane at Marlon.
Rlxev was charired with irraml lAn.nA
.. ...t. . .. . V,i
ana was aajuugea insano before ho could
be tried.
xmi ncupruon-Uftcrstion
THH WINTBH .KN Buck Hill Falls,
jM" ?,. nsddtt UaS .....a jJjBli--
fcw wit wmmmm
UoiaJ fumUbtpssi Bauthtm ceeidsjr, yelit.
, Ins. self, Uanla. Mr. ana 11 r. J. It. lUnoltu.
' I ' ' ' ' '"- ui ) If
if two, uciuuy. Ju n.
tHBywpsgp , ,.j
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