?& EVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, tfANTJARY 7, 1016. nhmim.M IHA.R.R.HLL DEMAND ORIGINAL i RATE INCREASES ller to Thousands of Com- fmUfcrS U1VCS 10 vjnuer- litand Compromise Tariffs re Not Satisfactory. L unexpected developments In the "terr between tne rniiroaas ana '"""".r; into effect by the teW'H..a entering Philadelphia, to- erved to complicate matters still irlhT. t,.,utl Capvlrn Rom. Th reimsi'ivanm u-iv - - - & on in Harrl.burg wad. public an on written by Prof. Emory It. John- Tm. .. 1 4h decision of the com- iMiicd December M, which atlowa jylon Iuea " ., ..tnntl In. rflTPMBU VI .. - railroads io ih r ... i. vlororous opposition Suburban and business men's assocla- pWfc , -llnr1 Irt n rlrftli- WM ';: thousands of commuters ""AY. Mtv hv George W. Boyd, gen- Miienger traffic manager or tne l P""...;Lik. rved not co to tho nWanK. iW. railroad will mako a vlg- lBU iihi for establishment of tho rate rw orWnally sous"1 in place of "" . Increase granted by the K a -.!7-i!fie-.,.r ln,0 fBoth of !!.- :""." befa t? Amission In Harrlsburg tomorrow. M eo'm,I"r" . fhv will have unon . Jnt wimi .-.,,. of th8 commls- fca budbw". ---- commutrs en is w"1"- '" "" " WW' . ,... mtmffii i LETTER A "(iuuraiuui """''' Ijtfwln K. Abbott, one 01 v -- - bmws who will appear oh .. . be commuters, tins monmiB i...-i.- A tho letter sent out. Dy mo -chhm-... nllroad as a "colossal bluff" and U subterfuge of tho railroad to blind tho Upl9 tnd confuso mo mam iouo ... . Imaring tomorrow" IThe opinion prepared by Commissioner fehnton, however, m nui "'"".'".. Emlncance. ItJs generally agreed that Li -iinn pnmo ns dlroct result of the Widespread condemnation of tho com blMlon's action In granting the railroads &.,, infcrmatlon of tho rate ruling, Eld the subsequent flght of tho com puters fr tnB removui u. mo oi.w.o loard. I Whether or not wo v-ominmaiuuc.o -uu- Hder themselves jusiinea Dy iur. jumi- en's explanation ana nccoruingiy wm . j ..L.Klnniil tnmnrrnnf VkV innuencsa uiiwioi.iuinjr """"" - h action againsi uiem uj- u.o huters Ib one Question wnicn is puzzling he attorneys. In this regard tnoy ae- ilire It Is particularly signwcani mat he Pennsylvania Kaiirona jusi prior to ha hearing should malto it known that : Intends to right for tne estaDiisnmcni ! the Increases originally sougni. OUSTING FIGHT TO CONTINUE. I The fight to oust tho commission will continued, the commuters say, until full and satisfactory explanation has teen made and until the mntter has en Investigated by a committee of tho Itate Senate. With tho announcement hit Doctor Brumbaugh upon his In auguration tvlU take up tho charges Ijalnst the commissioners, the commuters acutely know what brand of Justice br are to expect in Harrlsburg to morrow. The opinion from Kir. Johnson Is ref&ced by an explanation that the order Ihsnglng the proposed new fares was nsde In such haste. In order to make It known before the new fares became ISeetlVB, that It was Impossible to formu late a written opinion as tcj the reasons Wh .V Ub l.llll illllD. The lour attorneys who will represent as unuea iiuslness Men s Association a commuters' Association before the Commission tomorrow will leave for Har- ninurg this afternoon, f Mr. Abbott, chief counsel for the com muters, today cXDlained that he will k for an extension of tha time limit on p-trip tickets from nix months to one rear, for the establishment of faro zones In order that the commuters will not be po naro hit by the VA cents per mile rate fcwls and that the 100-trlp ticket be made larany ticltet. Besides Mr. Abbott there will appear tho oiipwing attorneys: Edward B. Martin, SVllllam S. Ooorxsr and Matthmv nandall. tU commuters are confident that the Mmmlaslon will either jrrant their re- tesjts or else order an entire rehearing of Be case. BILLY SUNDAY," NEW DRINK; AND IT HAS "PEP" IN IT Uder Version of It Ib Sold In the Drup Stores. Tiertfs a new drink In town. It's the ;"8IHy Sunday," and can be taken either 'I? temperance or antl-Umperanoe form. The "Billy Sunday" Is on sale In the 4ir stores and Is announced on the "Mid menu aa "Blllle Sundae." while sune drink In more, violent form la J at the thirst places which do not t the approval of its namesake. " nt.Umperance "Billy Sunday" is 1 Hie- In a number of unlnnns neap th btmacle. It Is composed of a little randy, c dash of vermouth, a couple of " of benedlctlne, a small piece of I -B4. fllially. a dash of pd nanoer. iTTb Jrnpr." said tha bartender, with 1 '"Ink. "is in keeping with the idea. Biota of our customers say that "Billy" fKWng It too hot for there, We add assaoaictlne because H seems to glva r UDNltlH ... twnpranca "BIllls Bundad" U not tt&MVoui, tittle plain soda and oipt iMt lCA Orttftm n .1(m Amnr f of pineapple and. three red The cherrlea are to remind tha -!? that sin Iurkn Avitpvwh.rA and Tea; color Is to show that none of good that we can't be a llttla WWAY GIRL SURRENDERS i W t Hagerrtowu, Comes io City ftw d to Beunx Howe, lI Slier, 17 veara old. whrus home U t'5town Md., several days ago I ..?; tlrtil nf IV,. hnm.ihln of hM lt UUs sa,e" wa among the ahab- Efe... . r""""w. ..w t,w,w r -- w today befora Magistrate Cqw- Xiia tA Anil nhrldlUn alrutH t. aa SUIrnr4.rji ti.rtf.lr ffltA lAjlt a the pollca. uer, rather of the girl, was m tola Magistrate Coward, that o tamer ot ntna cnuaren uv ': oris of them was. porlocwy remain under JJ guardian- 2trl weut ami nromiaad to ra Hr!-t9wa SJio aJ4 that shf House committee moves to prepare njwy for war Favors Strategy Bureau and ? 1,000, 000 for Aeronautics. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-Tho creation of a bureau to be composed entirely of naval officers, whose duty will be to establish and maintain a fixed 'poller of stratcgr and preparedness for war for tho fleet virtually was assured .when the House Naval Affairs Committee In executive scs slon yesterday adopted lteprcscntatlvo Hobson's Ideas concerning this departure in American naval affairs. In addition tho committee agreed to an appropriation of Jl.OOO.OOO for naval nero naullcs and 11,000,000 for torpedoes. The aero appropriation Is mora than three times tho amount annually passed by Congress. Naval officers who have been watching tho progress of the bill In committee wore delighted with tho adoption of the pro posed legislation establishing the Bureau of Naval Operations. Hepresentattvo Hobson last night said It was n "great pleco of constructive legislation ami would put the United States navy further ahead In naval sclcnco than anything that could bo done by Congress at this time." GOVERNOR MILLER PERSONALLY URGES ECONOMY IN STATE Delaware's Executive in Message to General As sembly Deplores System of Appropriations. DOVER, Del., Jan. 7. Members of the Delaware Legislature assembled In Joint session today to receive the biennial mes sage of Governor Miller. Tho message wns ready for reading on Tuesday, when the Legislature convened, but a clash be tween the eight Democratic and nine no publican members of the Senate, result ing In two partisan Senate meetings simultaneously In one chamber, delayed (In tr.nnitmlKftlfm until 72 hours after tho til time ,n the history Ul UIO OIUIQ llltll 1 UUVUIllUl liCIDUMUl.jr appeared beforo legislators and delivered an executive renorL A rigid policy of economy, enforced by dwindling revenues, was advocated uv the nnwrnnr. Ha sucrcested an Innovation In tho appointment of a Joint committee to confer with him over matters of appro prlatlonn. riuuuiut. I nogardlng legislative expenditures, ho said: Under the practice now In force In this Stato thoro exists no check upon tho expenditure of each House for the running expenses of tho two branches, neither Is there any limit to the amount of money each House can ap propriate for Its own contingent ex penses. In this State thero being no bud get and no fixed appropriation made for iho contingent expenses of the General Assembly, there Is conse tures. Governor Miller emphasized he was not Kcnklnrr to tresuass upon legislative pre rogatlvos, but was prompt In making this suggestion In tho Interest of economy for the present session- and establish a precedent for following oneB. Much of the message was devoted to a dlsousslon of educational progress In the State. He favored consolidation of rural nrhnols. in order to bring these districts to maximum efficiency. The rural school evil, with its one-teacher system, ho pointed out, was the root of Delaware's tnrillnesa In education. tt. mivocated an aDProprlatlon for -,. of indigents, an appropriation of icnnn fnr Delaware oxhlblt at the ranama-Facino Exposition: erection of a tablet in Independence Hall in Phlladel- phlt In commemoration of Caesar Rodney; .. iinirn.m nintn lnivfl! amend- ment of primary laws under which all primaries would be held on the same day: a legislative drafting and referenca bureau for drafting bills: increasing mo strength of the mllltta to War Depart- inr. invM nrovidlnff for good roads and their maintenance: general in corporation Jaws ror towns, umw in surance and banking laws, and weights - . ........ low. ana ihcaou.v. . .... The Democratic Senators Indicated they still retained some or ine ouiernosa pi the bipartisan clash when they returned to their chamber after the reading of the message. Senator Furnlss charged that some on had tampered with Bergeant-at-arms Gregg, causing the latter to disobey orders of the Senate. Ho explained ,that Gregg failed to return tho ballot-boxes yesterday. The Democrats wished an explanation from Gregg, but tha Repub licans tabled the motion. The Democrats were successful In hav ing the Senate Journal corrected, Clerk Ball, Republican, admitting he had brred In conjecturing that eight Demo crats had voted when a viva voce voto had been taken. MAYOR WRITES TO SUNDAY ExpresaaB Regret Ho VTaB Not In When Evangelist Called. "Billy" Sunday received today the fol lowing letter from Mayor Blankenburs expressing regret that he was not In his office on Monday afternoon when Mr, and Mrs. Sunday called: My Dear Mr. Sunday-I regret ex. (eedinaly my absence from the office when you and Mm. Sunday did ma the honor of calling. My absence waa caused by Illness. I expect to leave for Aahevllle. N. C to stay a couple of weeks tomorrow afternoon, and shall havo to defer the p!eaeurj of re turning your call until my return. In tho meanwhile, accept roy best wiihea for yourself and Mrs. Sunday diirtmr yo5r aun the City of Broth- erwithVkindest regards from Mrs. Blankenbunr and myeelf to you and Mrs. Sunday, I am vary jhw f RUDOLPH BfcANKBNBURO, Mayor. BTOBH DAMAGE ON COAHX ATIiANTA, Ja' I. .-"-""- -- 1"- communication today after laat night's ??i?ira wind and rain etorm In aoutharn nJnria. Florida and along sections of Zt.1 Itiintlo coast brougni nwn- Hit Vhit at least thrw persona had bean tion (UK ,,,i,,rt:A and damaaa w !iimtin- SW.W bad been dona by BPproximana fc 1 ISaruTahaw that men dawagjoa ' j. alnnir tha oaura . w fcen f4"'rr, lh. hJht of Its 'I '.'' " .i,.j,.i,IJ.prl:iii!iii,i lin'iii' ' '' jqimnriimiuiijj.i""1 BlBBBBBBBBBBSBBVklflBBBBBBBVHs1RxM)BBBBB HlHPiHllilDilv'IHalHmiBIHiHlH iBarrcw.TQiBBaBiiiiiawsT .jfjgryafcwr. v .-MgyigaMaaBBB j.KC?'V5 aw5raB3saBRSss. s lllirMllill iilllPABl I ZZZZZ 1 wfmBmWKmmma billy" Sundays HhBHHHP's musical aidc had BMHHHiaH CURI0US GAREER Homer A. Rodeheaver, who hits paigns lur live ycaia, uucuucu iu ucvuuic i lunjrb,, wu. ..... a. vu ... the army at the time of the Spanish War. Then he became a min strel and showed such ability that he acquired much fame and in time joined forces with Sunday. ON THE SIDELINES IN RUSH OF THE TABERNACLE ARMY Scenes, Incidents and Chat That Make "Billy" Sunday's Meeting Inspiring to Multitude. " 'Billy' Sunday will bo here 10 weeks If I .... - , .. -..- i.a.i I - be Is slated for 9 and 11 weeks If Blatod for lft" This was the casual prediction made bv Jcnkin J. Thomas, of Scmnton who says he knows what ho Is talking about. "Just take It from me. tho people will not let 'Billy go when tho time's up," !. -olrl "TnMilnntnllv. the DCOIllO Of Scranton gave him the biggest parade over seen there "Well, I'll be d-darncd," said one man as he peeked in the tabernacle a fow min utes after 10 o'clock; "look at the people hro already. Wonder it they slept 7A nnao.r.rf nnntYiAr. "hut thev have hroucht alone their lunch. Just look at tho women knlttingi t.ihi '.vonr-old Catharine Nawn, of iaii wnn utr..t. nestled In her little fur iiHAri i.n.1 until nVin lnoknd like a tiny Eskimo. She swung her legs, examined the tip of one shoe and blushed when a man with a Journalist's temperament tipped his hat. patted her cheek and asked: "Tell me, little girl, do you like the revival?" ,tiri..,. that?" thn rnlm nala iinr.lt t.ll mn. Ilttl. One. dO VOU llKO the speaking, the crowd and all that you see here?" . .....,. "Yes. ma'am," Catharine said thought- mi.- ...ii.n.. .wnllnwAd his astonish ment and asked Catharine If she had any fault to find. "Well." she said, "they might Berve Ice cream. "Safe, sane and sensible" is the tribute -,.i .h. imiiv" flunrinv tabernacle by Charles J. OlcBrlde, a carpenter, of Sea Isle City. "Tne DUliqing is peneuuy cmo In case of fire." he said, "and It Is cer tainly well built. It meets the purpose, and I feel sure no money has been wasted In building It. I only wonaer now xiiuy Sunday's voice can be heard In every cor- nor. Yet they say it can. "I wonder why Sunday wants a trainer?" one man said. "I should think ih would get all the exercise he needs hitting the devil as he does. Well, he hits straight from the shoulder any way "'Billy' Sunday Is well remembered In my town," sAld the one from Scranton. ,t ..mnmiii n friend of mine who was in . hm-rnnm when he said he was going over to attend the revival, uoing to pive inniu nunri.v vnnr last nicKBi uia want homo?" questioned the bartender, who waa mmewhat of a K aaer. -oure. sma ray -..,.. (manv1 n dm. T have zlven VOU menu, - -'---...i-'.i .-w. .ri my last nicaei wnen wuun v nmn. nou.o if I tried.' " "A habit once formed sticks to a man even at a revival meeting," one woman said, aa she watcnea ine crowa in .me ,.... ..... T.nn1r a th ntimber'.of men that go to the candy stand to buy their afterdlnner smone just aa uiey ao In the cafes downtown!" Needless to ... .... nrniill.h. mlrrha Hr ATS rilMAD- pointed. No tobacco la sold In any of the building? associates wim mo great ro- vlval, a wrfMitt rniri alwava conirreratas around the side door to see "Billy" Sun day leave the tabernacle. 'To look at .I.,. .awJ am. mlrht thlnlf that jinmii. una li.wn w..w (..- -... - ..... body naa aroppea oraa, iwi w iuu. "You're wrong, brother," said one of his auditors. ''It takea a real live one to attract a crowd like this," s4.-.Im T .lr.4 nf thii HMia T)njirt m Hnt . la always on the alert for fear that soma tnougntiesa person immi miciuiii m njtui . .!.. n. a nln. nn hit. wav from th A . . trr - ---.. .-..- faeernacie. a oiuypeu mico jfovocuttjr. .nr. ...m. t. mm ' aalil nn. nfttlllant In. dtviaual who )ta4 difficulty getting- an ad wani'jffAAim Mai last- nlrht. "that alt th men and women," those In the home UUt W(V sawaaaY - 0 w wwv .a tbft ffjarnoon meetings, so u to te&ve ,V.nt itaii Idrtt Tata wjuld snow Hv " auif ouJ christian teachings had junk In," Tn, acousllce In tha big tabarnacla are remarkable, a ugnt anoca; on the DacK door can ba heart In any -part of tha Hulnim. Kven those that coma In lata nd hava to ocoupy ta rear asata can afatwoUy. una h .vimS mums n ub the iAteruaa wsyta to walk ixWnly 1 "BILLY" SUNDAY'S MUSIC PIASTER GETS BEST RESULTS WITH TROMBONE been active in Sunday's cam- haired woman the exact repllcn of the nlclllrn nf vnnr H.njl nml ironn craiul- mother calmly munching a "hot dog" sandwich and sipping coffee out of a cumbersome receptacle bearing nil tho car-marks of a shaving mug. The look of keen enjoyment on her fnco Is proof positive that sho has al wnys wanted to do this very thing, but never hnd a cause so Justifiable before Uttle Dcrthn Doyer, lffi South Harrls burg street, the 3-year-old daughter ot Mrs. I. Noyer, holds the long-dlstanco rec ord thus fnr for bnbles who havo boon brought to the nursery from far-away, but George Fink, of 'Hatldon Heights, N. J., thinks that he should at least be given the second prize. Since tho ?'hats-off" mandate has been laid down so strongly to tho fair sex a noticeable 'Improvement In their coif fure may be marked. "Hfc took me unawares on Sunday," said one woman, making a wry face; "I didn't take time to marcel, but never again!" After tho meeting last night half a dozen "newsies" were huddled together In the doorway of a vacant Btore In the "Tenderloin" trying to keep out of the storm. They were neither fighting over the receipts of the day nor "shoot ing craps." but discussing the sermon of the evangelist in all seriousness. T llnlr lha irilV la rlnht ." fUlld thfl biggest member ot the party. "It don't ao nu KUUU lu una nun nu.uo. j awb to come out and bang 'em hard If you want to reform 'em, Just like he done tonight." "Aw, g'wan," retorted another, "you'll h. ffAlnr to Siinrinv ftehool next. Mlokey. He ain't nothing more than a hot air artist. He may get by with It In Phila delphia, but wait till he gets to New York, dle'll get his there" f tnillu nln't -nn orr.iffM-V rWturned. the first, "and If you want to start any thing just keep on taixing ukb mat. What he said about taking religion home was all right." MAY PROSECUTE ROGERS . Man Whose Wife Took PoUon May Face Bigamy Charge. NEW YORK. Jan. 7, Assistant Dis trict Attorney Martin, It was said today, la searching for grounds on which to prosecute Walter Rogers as a bigamist. Mr. Martin announced today that, In spite of Mra.nogera' statement to the contrary, he was in the possession of a statement from her to the effect that at the time she took poison and adminis tered soma of It to her two children, both of whom have since died from Its ef fect, Itogera was about to leave her and that she knaw he waa "tired" of her. It waa rumored today that the much married Rogers would make a statement refuting that of - his unfortunate corn panlon In love. His friends said that ha had been "stung" by her words so much that ha would state hla position pub licly. Iater he gave up all Intent to place himself on record. Burgeons at the Lebanon Hospital, where Mrs. Rogers la confined, say that Mrs. Rogers will most probably recover, aa aha has passed through the moat dan. gerous period of her Illness, and It Is be lieved that the poison la gradually be coming Ineffective, I BLANKS Special Luncheons 50c Table d'Hote Dinner 5 to 8j $1.00 Suppers 50c and 7Sc 1024-26 CHESTNUT ST. Homer A. Rodeheaver, Farmer, Miner, Law As pirant and Musician in Succession. Tho Rev. "Dllly" A. Sunday may bo the "farmer" when It comes to planting the religious seed, but it Is Homer W. Rode heaver who docs tho preliminary tilling. Thero aro no two ways about Hint. Nd more potent Instruments to harrow tho ground of an unrcgencrato audience's emotions wero over user to greater effect than the Blldo trombnnn and tho dramatic, vibrant volco which this redoubtable "muslo mastqr" la bringing to bear upon tha multitudes of Plillmlclphlnns nnd out Blilvrs who day after day fill tho taber nacle. From the top ot his carefully brushed black vclour hat to tho tip of his black "patent leathers." little "Rodoy" Is an expert In humanity. He has reduced the psychology of crowds to a practical work ing basis, and by some subtlo intuition he senses what 20,000 people want wluit they need to liavo put Into them nnd ho gives It to them. He knows precisely -when an old hymn wltl "Kot across," Just ns he knows when his listeners need something navel to wake them up a familiar anthem glveh a different twist, n new song they have never heard before. Ho suits tho music to tho mood of tho majority, nnd boforo he Is half finished with them ho has tho pulses of the sinner, tha skeptic nnd tho God-fearing alike pounding with the ex pcctatlon of what Is to come. They are mnrlortettcs In his hands. Only ho works tne trombone instead or pulling strings. "To get tho people to conccntrato on the platform, to mako the thousands out thero forget tho million cares of. a busy day and busy world Is part ot my' Job" Tie will tell you, and when you note tho long (iwceplng curl of his eye-lashes and the mellow noto In his rich barytono voice, tho "mash letters" which he Is said to rccelvo over to often In his morning mall ore not difficult of explanation. "It Isn't hard to tell after the first few barn have beenaung Just what your audience ncds. Monte It Isn't a song at all, perhaps It lawk story a that they want. And then I tellhem.-ono. Some times humorous and sometimes pa thetic, .sometimes it's an old song with an extraordinary or on original twist that will prepare them for the Gospel messages that are to come. There is no telling Just what until you got up on tho platform and sound them. Then It's easy." He knows people. And he ought to, for In the course of k his 30 odd years thero Isn't much that ho hasn't done. Born on a farm near Union Furnace, Ohio, llttlo "Rody" started life as a son of the soil. When his father decided to move to the mountains of Tennessee, the exigencies of tin situation demanded that he look around for something else. He entered the coal mines and later forsook these for the sawmill. It was while he was busily engaged an a sawyer that he thought it would be a pretty fine thing to become a lawyer, and so he worked in the mill and studied law In a night class. "I didn't like that business of study ing and sawing at one and the same time," he said humorously, "and so I put all my savings Into what I took to be valuable timber lands. The yield from this was to pay my law expenses, but unfortunately the timber lands were not all that I had dreamed them to bo. and so I found myself without anything. "I abandoned law and became a trav eling salesman, driving a balky mule around the countryside In my efforts to namea u u HEINZ Spaghetti COOKED READY TO S6RVE In place of a vegetable with meat for dinner as an entree for an important dinner as a main dish for supper or luncheon as a cold dish for a picnic There are a dozen ways to use it, and it is good to eat in all the ways. ONE OF THE 57 sell hay. corn, feort and other agricul tural commodities. In addition to this, I used to get tlmo to prncllco on a fow muslc.it instruments, tho horn, the drum anil afterwards the trombone I usad to play In local bnuds for practice, and when tho Hpntilsh-Amcrtcnn War broke out I went to Cuba with tho 4th Tonnes bco Regimental Band, and when I re turned tt wns buck to tho sawmill. "And, oh," ho added, smiling, "I for got to say that at ono period of my ca reer, I forget Just when, I traveled throughout tho West with nn amateur theatrical show, the 'Bones' In a min strel performance being my favorite pnrt." It was at tho second sawmill period that the attention of Dr. W. B. Blcdcr wolt was attracted to this very versa tile person nnd the almost hypnotic In fluence ho seemed to wield over his as sociates. Ho wns engaged to tako charge of that evangelist's music and stayed with him for five years. That was four years ago, Since then ho has beon ono of "3llly" Sunday's mainstays a man who gets results. HERE'S A TIMELY WARMH& FROM CONTEST EDITOR Don't Hold Back Ledger . Subscriptions if YouWant to Be Among the Fifty Panama Tourists. A warning to some of trio workers In tho Evbnino LEDfiEn-ruHLic LEDOEn sub scription contest, tho 60 winners In which' will bo given- a frco trip to the Panama Pacific nnd San Diego expositions, was Issued today by tho Contest Editor. Sev eral of the, contestants who havo obtained subscriptions to both newspapers have not sent them to the Contest Editor. Tho result Is that tho subscribers have not received tho newspapers nnd several objections have been made. Unless sub scriptions arc sent into the office Imme diately upon being received thero Is dnn gcr ot tha contestnnt losing them'. It tho paper Is not delivered su&scrlbers are naturally Justified In making objections and In giving tho subscription to soma ono else. "' Nothing may bo gained, by the contest ant In holding up tho subscriptions, so do not delay Bonding them to the office and having tho points for them registered to your credit. There Is still time for those who wish to enter tho contest and earn n free trip to the coast to catch up with the early entrants, according tq tho Con ost Editor. Announcement also has been made by tho Contest Editor, ns the result of sev eral Inquiries on this point, that there Is no geographical limit on the contest, Any ono from anywhere can enter and' try to get Into tho lucky M. Residents of towns suburban to Philadelphia who .know. all their neighbors should find this a golden opportunity. P Don't Go Home to Supper BAT AT A Hanscom Restaurant 1J33 Market Nt. 020 Market St. list Chrttnut lit. 731 Market tit. uuil tliroushout the city T1IKN 00 KAIU.Y TO T1IK BILLY SUNDAY Sl MEETINGS This is why a Perry Reduction Sale is Different! An "N. B. T." Suit or Overcoat at its full reg ular price is unmatched for FIT, QUALITY, CHARACTER! The Best Dressers be lieve they are the Finest Clothes Made! We have aimed to malce them so, and we believe that wo have scored! . . Pay $35 or $38 for onej of these many handsome' "N. B. T." Overcoats that sold in numbers at $45! Or $28 for one that was $35! Pay $24 or $25 for an "N; B. T." Suit or Over coat that was $30! Pay, $16.50 or $15 for one" that was $20! Pay less for these $15. and $18 Suits and Over coats that have made clothing history! They have had imitators an trailers, but not one peer! Get the GOODNESS back of the Perry Label! Going fast! Buy NOW! Perry & Co. "N. B. TV 16th & Chestnut Sis. ? -"- s i: . ', $ .3M v i, M 5ha jjj er Cpuse iq l!r aaoo. fc.t 8 ,s"& tks sfta a4 ataoatas tUar ; JV . jsd Im.iutai ioiaeo i 2 f i ot w " M fashlote 8&"f, mt i." BSt!