wmmm . i - -w W-"SS FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA SleJrger NIGHT EXTRA. uetitttg 3 VOX. I NO. DO PttlLADiSLPIIIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1015. PRICE ONE OEtfT CorttroiiT, lots, it tbi Peiuo Lzcoix Commot. 20,000 BOW HEADS FORMER PRESIDENT TAFT ARRIVES FOR THREE SPEECHES IN ONE DAY TRANSIT FIGHT WON; FOES PROVIDE FOR $30,000,000 LOAN AS "BILLY" SUNDAY URGES REPENTANCE i fGod Has Foreordained iThat Sinners Shall Go to Hell," He Cries to Multitude. it i i. . i -i i Fiery bvangelist in 'ihar $ actcristic Sermon on f-Faith" Stirs Big After noon Audience. n kku-A l.ntf rnr,nrr!nll1fd that VOII Cn to IjC vrou I'10 ..-- - twii yu oon l )""" " - rdalned that you go to Heaven if you to" shouted "Billy" Sunday this nfter kcon (o more than ,000 men and women wjiq had crowded Into the tabernacle to liear Wm preach. He was preaching on 'Faith." and ho made It plain that In his itlfef there uere a- great many of the ehimSh members who did not have falt,h enough and did not pray enough to as sure them success In communication with the Almighty. t The wiry evangelist reached the taber Bade shortly before 2 o'clock. It was VltK difficulty that ho made his wny througji the great ctowd that had as sembled nround the ministers' entrance In the hope of catching a glimpse of lilin s he and "Ma" Sunday left their auto mobile and went Into the structure. Like a champion prize fighter, fit to go half a dozen rounds as Sunday says he always Is "Billy" Jumped up the steps Cf the platform whllo Prof. Homer Vi', Rodeheaer was leading the congre latlon In singing somo of the Inspiring revival selections. "A GREAT BUNCH," HE SAYS. , As ho stepped to the pulpit his face was radiant. Looking down upon the tea of upturned faces, he became almost Jubilant and spoke to himself: lrhi Is a great bunch." Ttieii, while ho stood and gazed around him, lie asked God's help during the after noon In one- of Mb characteristic silent jrfyer. - jtSIay;applaudeiI as Mr. Sunday stepped forward to make announcements, and Ih'rouchout his sermon tho audience an- fpjluded, laughed, cheeied and bowed .thtlf heads as hepoured hlB red-ho sentences imp n. ivs usual, mere were Bany out-of-town visitors present. The Majority of the audience was composed cf women. Throughout his sermon he lurnned 'around the platform, now Imitating some , solemn deacon, now mlmlcklng.some hlgh jalarled singer, and again acting the part ectho sin-covered peoplo he discussed. Concluded on I'nge File THE WEATHER W "W I 1555. ?St7. &cvyi,. v"$ssjs?w ' rv'yVA.inUVVS. 'V'N. i-W(fnnnwN x. FA T FV ----- rfi WH. how do you like this spring tern- Wratyre? By shutting one's eyes and Gulag a little Imagination It Is almost IJOJslble lo believe that summe'r is dodg U?t right around tho corner somewhere, jjjw birds certainly feel that way at least, jgjaays the unassuming commuter, who fwinea In five minutes late every morning find it am rot ihn .T..v miiFi .t V.I.. .iin.ii . pBjjihe weatherman la not worried at all. L-.'ETery winter has Its warm snots." ho Iff- W kav warm spots In our heart, if ue. KJiut not for this winter. ft i rUKUUAST t'Far Vhtln.llr,l.i ,..'., I ..-....., IfotV and colder tonight and Friday, 0hA Umptrainr war freezing Fn g2f morning; fresh to strong west Briy vtinds. For details, see page S. Observations at Philadelphia 8 A. If fi-..:..:..:::::::::::;.:::::8w Jj.. ............ ........Hquthwtit, 8 miles :K?& , i tf::::-:::!,S .- ,.,, .,,... u. Almanac of the Dav '?&, tomorrow TAILS' 1 " . i .11.210 m. Xamna to Be tlo-hted lamps na Other Vehicle.. fljoii,. m. The Tides TORT nrriiwrvwn ife , eaap.ni. tr tomorrow . " ia - r WHt tomorrAur a a . f CHESTNUT STREET WHARF. XrtonW., ?UE-- r tomorrow ,..., 8UT-m. HEBDY ISUHn. ,H . - -T -. $&' : :: S-Sftft tr temorit) , 3.sai. n. BlUUKWATER. .r fl.iac m. tomorrow l'Ji48. id. tomorrow , , 7 36 . rl HQ BKATWa TODAY. w mo tkaiitta today in anp tk city 3 ri " jMtir Sutulaygvams From Afternoon Sermon Ood has forcordatnetl that vou no to heaven If joit ropenl. Ue has foreordained that you go to hell if yon don't; so do your own voting. The church of Ood today ought to nana Its head in shame and disgrace to think that there is so little faith In Ood. The biggest farce of the average church is the piayer meeting. Every age has got to tccatt Its vocabulary to preach the Gospel to the people. t preach the Qospcl In the language of today. Lots of prayers arc rigmarole. You have not Ood In your mind when you pray. If you go to Ood icllhout faith you insult Him Instead of honoring Him. Don't ever swell tfp with pride and think that your intellectual de velopment is sucli that you can un derstand everything there Is in the Bible. Without faith there is no love. Without faith the family goes to pieces. TAFT IN CITY, GUEST OF OHIO MEN, SPEAKS AT HOTEL LUNCHEON Former President Will Wind Up Busy Day With Talk of "Old Times' Yale Alumni. With Foimeprresldont William Howard Tart becamo tho gucqt of tho Ohio Society In, this city ftoday. A delegation of wem' bem of the society, 'headed by JolfnB. Qensomer and C. L. Bundy, met Mr. Taft at Broad stiflet Station on his nrrlvnt at noon today. ' The party proceeded to the H(jtet Attclphla, where a reception was held.' E. O. Aloslcr, president of tho society, presided at a luncheon, at which Mr. Tsft spoke. Following tho luncheon Mr. Taft paid visits to the University Club and the Union League. There will be a dinner at. the Adelphla, after which Mr. Taft will deliver a leo turo In Horticultural Hall, under the auspices of tho University Extension So ciety. Tho title will be "Executive Powdr, Duty and Responsibility." After tho lecture Mr. Taft will meet tho members of the Vale Alumni Asso ciation and talk over "old times" with former classmates. The Yale Alumni Association of Phila delphia has an anged a smoker In honor of ex-President Tnft for this evening at tho University Club. .The smoker will commence at 8:13 o'clock, with a selection of lantern slides of various views around the university, Including pictures of dif ferent athletics events. Mr, Taft Is ex pected to arrive about 9 o'clock and will say a few words to his fellow alumnlsts, after which there will be an Informal sup per and singing by various members of ths association. It Is expected there will be narge attendance on hand, as this Is tho first opportunity the members of tho association have hail to meet Mr. Taft since he was present at the annual dinner of the association during his term as President. Then thero will bo a supper at. the Adelphla at 10 o'clock, when Mr.' Taft will make a third, address, $55,000 FOR NAVY YARD IN HOUSE APPROPRIATION For Railroad Extension, Distributing Systems and Dredging. WASHINGTON', Jan. 7.-Lbera appro priation for Improvements to various navy jards. Including fuel oil storage arrange ments, are contained in the naval appro priation bill, partly completed by the House Naval Affairs Committee today. Among the Items In the bill are: Extension of railroad and distributing systems and dredging, Philadelphia Navy Yard. J55.CQO. m , Krectlon of marine barracks. Mara Island, imooo. Krectlon of marine barracks, Norfolk, Va KM0.W0. Naval hospital. New York, three con inrlniM disease units. $15,000. B -tension of wharf, naval training sta tion, Ban Fropcuco, TW. $200,000 FIRE FOLLOWS THREAT OF BLACKHANDERS Police Search for foreign Criminals Hesented, pifTHmmGH. Jan. ' 7. JTollowIne threats by alleged "blackhanders" that they would burn aown in town tvn klnsburg unless the police ceased their war upon bands of foreign criminals, flra started In that suburb today, and when reported under control at 19 o'clock It had caused a loss of JWftvm Two per sons were overcome by smoke and sev. era! women on upper floors of one pf the office buildings destroyed were rescued with difficulty. mL The fire started shortly after Policeman Don Snyder was shot by three suppose yesgmen whom he attempted to arrest WII IJI'T WOOL EMBARGO But Australia Exports Must Bo Car riod Jn BriUfh Ships, WASHINGTON, Jan. f.-T& State. p- nwet w informed, today that tho KLj GWMWnwt w?uW IUt th w. tjSiLt States o ibat tt wee! JrtJupea in BUttsfc vis. William Howard Taft reached scheduled for one speech at a and a third before Yale Alumni. RUM INTERESTS SEEK TO HALT j. PENROSE PROBE Powerful Machinery at Work in Washington Pre vents Exposure of "Slush Fund." Representative Palmer Says Sa loon Men Contributed $300, 000 to Senators Campaign. trsou ode siAtr conncsro.NDENT 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. The most powerful machinery In the country the liquor party, with Its arms reaching Into both parties Is now being exerted to prevent an Investigation by the Senate into the campaign expenses for tho United States Senato from Pennsylvania and Illinois. Tho activity of the liqupr men Is becoming more apparent overy day, and It Is the belief of those who know Its power that It will throttle an Investigation Into tho money expendod by Senator Penrose and tha liquor men In the primary and subsequent campaigns. The reason for the opposition of the liquor element Is that If this Investiga tion Is started It will Involve the liquor Interests of the country In the greatest scandal and expose its operations In dif ferent States In the Union. Appreciating the strength of the liquor party, Representative A, Mitchell Palmer said today ho was not confident that the Investigation demanded by him would bo sanctioned by the Senate Committee of Elections and Privileges, of which Sen ator Kern, the majority leader of the Senate, Is the chairman. Ho said ho bad presented to the committee enough evl' dence to warrant the Inquiry and had done his duty. It now rests with the Democrats Senate to complete the ex pose for which Mr, Palmer has laid the, fpundatlon. IIVOE5 "SI.URI" FUND. "I have the affidavits of many liquor dealff u In Pennsylvania t-the effect that tha liquor men were heavily assessed In the last campaign." said Mr. Palmer. "Some of these men left the secret jneeU Ingi, refused to contribute to the 'slush' fund and are now willing to tell what was done by the liquor men o corrupt, tho primary and election last fall lq Pennsylvania, In Carbon County the saloonkeepers were assessed (30, while In West Fhlladel. phla. the assessment In some instances was -ISO, and In others It reached as hfgh as flOO. Tha evidence In the handaot the Democrats Involves many leading liquor men In Pennsylvania It Is pro posed to summon them before the commit tee and require them, uqder oath to testify to their contributions and the uses for which the money was. raised. Mr. Palmer furnished the committee with a long list of men who have knowl edge of the transactions of the liquor as sociation of Pennsylvania. "How much do you think -waa raised, Dy me iiquvr uTaiers oi cnnsYivanjar he waa asked. "If they rild in all counties what tbey did In those J have personal knowledge of, Use amount wouUI reach f300,000," he replied. HOST Or IT FOR PBNROSB, "Waa ,t sn f the Uo,iw money u( U ewt (aembwrs of the legislature, aii j ni . fi rinded m Xwh. the city today at noon as the cuest of the Ohio Society. He was luncheon, another before, the University Extension Society at night, ' BENCH GAIN ittffliil y- ITS' FALL IS IMMINENT General Pau's Columns Advance Close to Al satian Railway Centre, and Paris Momentarily Awaits News of Capture. The French advance into Alsace has reached a point only Z'i miles from Altkirch, and Paris believes that the capture, of that important rail way centre is now but a question of hours. Nevertheless, the forward movement, the official communique issued this afternoon admits, has slowed up because of the heavy rains that have turned the Alsatian roads into quagmires. The French claim progress at Lille and farther north in the region of Dixmude, but on the other hand, Berlin reports that French attacks at Courte Chausse, in the Argonne, have been repulsed with heavy loss. Jn Flanders and along the Aisne the fighting has been confined al most entirely to artillery conflicts.. Possession of Mlawa, on the East Prussian frontier, is the objective of a sudden Russian offensive in North Poland. Already Rozrowa, an en trenched German position PH the road from Przasnysr to Mlawa, has been captured by a brilliant bayonet charge and penetration into the enetny's country at Sojdau must fol low 'Russian victory in the great bat tle which is developing. German official repprts speak slightingly of the Russian forward movement west of Warsaw, calling' this a "feeling out" movement of minor significance. The same reports deny marked Russian su,'c:s9 in Ga licla and Hungary, where, Tqwever, Petrograd is emphatic In its state ments of progress, Turkish forces have occupied Uru miah, a Persian city on Lake Uru mtah. FRENCH CLOSE TO ALTKIRCH; ALSATIAN TOWN MENACED Pan's Troops Capture. Forest 2$ HHes From Imporjast Position. PARIS, Jan. 7 Dflving forwad In Altac. tU French troops, though operating unfler weather coBdltlsnj lilgfely unfAvoraWe. are sow TO Cqtteittdwt us fate lout FRENCH ACCUSE GERMAN TROOPS ?lfo1&XWJJ& Many Breaches of Interna tional Law Charged Against Invaders in Offi cial Report of Commission. I'AIUS. Jan. 7. "No wur between civilized nations tins over been characterized by such savagery and ferocity as our tmplncnble enemy has shown on our soil. Pillage, muuler, rapu anil fir are common practices of our enemy." This Is tho gist of a Ions otllclal report made to Premier Vlvlanl today by a commission nppolnted to Inquire Into breaches yf International law by the Ger mans. The report dwells nt considerable length upon the attitude of the Gcrmnn soldiers toward French vvomen, and It is charged that many women Ilvlns in French territory held by the Invaders have Buffered at the hands of the ICalsei's troop. "Tho outrages against young girls aie unbelievable," enva tho report, "and are of great frequency. Wo hava authenti cated a large number of such cases, but these are only a email fraction, ns most of the vlctlmu are preventod by modesty from coming forward nml exposing the Inhuman treatment to which they liavo been subjected. Few of such outrages would have occurred If (he German chiefs had taken the trouble to warn their troops against rapt. Although they may be considered Individual, spontaneous acts of unfettered brutes, the German high commanders must accept full re sponsibility before humanly for the de struction of villages by Are and for many cases of murder." BIG ORDER FOR STEEL RAILS Lackawanna Itoad Buying 20,000 Tons Prom Three Companies. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. The Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad are 'said to have divided orders for iO.0'0 tons of steel rals between the Pennsylvania, Lackawanna and Bethlehem steel com panies. Southern Hallway's New Terminal BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 7-Finlay Yard, the new gravity classification yard and engine terminal of the Southern Rail way, Just north of Birmingham, contain Jng 39 miles of track with a capasity of 2000 oars, has Just been placed In service Railroad Shops Beopened MURPHYSBORO, III., Jan. 7The Mo bile and Ohio shops here resumed opera tions today. They were closed November 6. The men wflt be put to work grad ually until the entire force Is at work. BOOM IN STEEL TRADE Specifications in Finished Products Increase 50 Per Cent. PITTSBURGH, Jan. 7 -According to several managers, specifications tor oon tracta for finished steel products during the last four weeks exceed those- re ceived in the previous period of similar length by at least, U per ceat Tbi UraaU uppeaie. to be emecJaUy trut with refereoLe to plate, shapes and iaJ bars, demand for which bas bun heavy fee last two wk Chronologic Review of Transit Situation October 37, 19t necessity of high-speed transit pointed out by .'vlwato Lfwanii. October 91. Dullness men In every section urge Director Taylor to addresi them on transit situation. November A People vote for ap propriation of SiOO.000 for relocation of sctccrs in transit loop, as part if Sit 00,000 loan. November J2 Event business or ganization In i'Mniiefphla Indorses WEXlNa LVDODIVS fight for rapid transit and urges mass meetings. November 10 Director Taylor, by request, begins tour of city and ad dresses meetings in every section. Xovetnbcr S3Itesolutton intro duced in Councils to appropriate fiOO.000 voted by people. December 3 Common Councilman CosieHo (ntrotftice.i ordinance rccom tnrndlna Franhford "L" alone. December S Every member of Councils, with the exception of three, indorse Taylor plan and con demn Costello plan. January 7, Hits Bill introduced in Councils providing for a special elec tion that the people may vote to In crease tha city's indebtedness to the amount of S30.000.000 fir the pur pose of establishing, purchasing, leasing, locating, constructing, equipping and Improvino transit fa cilities, wholly or in part. Tonight residents of the northeast will celebrate this victory tvith a tnnis-mceting, details of which ap pear elsewhere In the EVENING IjEDOER. U. S. REFUSES PROBE OF GERMAN PROTEST ON USB OF DUMDUMS Neutrality forbids Investiga tion of Charge Against Al lies, Bryan. Notifies Count von BernstorfF. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7r-Charges 1y the German Government that United States manufacturers were supplying" 'dumdum bullets to Qreat Britain will not be In'. vcstlgated by this Government, secre tary Bfyan today formally notified Count von Bernstorff, the German Ambassador, that the United States, adhering to Its policy of complete neutrality, could not uudortako an Investigation Into tho ques tion. Tho Ambassador, on behalf of tho Ber lin Government, twice submitted written protests ami alleged samples of tho bul lets picked up on the battlefields, of Eu rope. It waa charged the missiles wero tired from tho British trenches. President Wilson, Bryan stated In hla note, will ubo his Influence to prevent, as far as possible, the sato of dumdum bullets or othor objectionable ammuni tion to belligerent countries whenever evidence can be lirpught that American manufacturers Intend selling such am munition. In tho note to the German Govern ment was included the substance of "vol untary" replies from American arms and ammunition manufacturers denying em phatically tha charges brought by the German Government thnt they had sold dumdums to the British. "I can assure 'your excellency," said Bryan's note, "that I nm not unmindful of the spirit In which you bring to the at tention of this department the Improper practices which aro alleged to hava oc curred In the conduct of the present war. But while this Government may take these statements and charges under consideration, It is. In Its effort to main tain strict neutrality In the present con flict, obliged to refrain from investigat ing their truhtfulness or making any comment lit regard to them, The time will come, however, when the truth may be Impartially determined and when the Judgment of the world will be passed upon the charges of the various belliger ents of violations of civilized warfare, "Your Excellency also states that tha British Government has ordered from tho, Winchester Repeating Arms Company 20,000 riot guns and M,000,000 buckshot cartridges for Use In such guns. This department saw a published statement of the Winchester Company, the correctness of which the company has, confirmed to tha Department by telegraph. In this statement the company categorically de nies that It has received an order for such guns and cartridges from, or made any sales of such materials to, the Brit ish Government, or to any other Govern ment engaged In the present -war "Your Excellency further calls attention to 'Information, the accuracy of -which Is not to be doubted,' that 8,000.000 cartridges fitted with mushroom bullets have been delivered since October of this year by the Union Metalllo Cartridge Company for the armament of tha English army "In reply I have the honor to refer to the letter of December 10, 1914, of the Remington Anns-Union Metallic, Cart ridge Company, of New York. It states tl-nt Instead of the 8,000,000 cartridges having beep sold, only a little over ltf.OuQ soft-nosed bullets were manufactured and 100,000 were sold. These cartridges were made to supply a demand for ft better sporting; cartridge with a soft nose bul let, and the letter states that such cart ridges cannot be used In the military rifles of any Foreign Power Of th.eso only SCO cartridges went to British North Amrlca and 100 to British East Africa. "If. lipwever. you can furnish the de partment with evidence that this or any other company are manufacturing and selling for the use of the contending armies In Europe cartridges whose use would contravene The Hague conven tions, the Government would be glad to be furnished with the evidence, and the President direct; ma to Inform yo'j that n case any American company is Bhown to b engaged in thl Ufttftc, he wilt use !U Influence to prevent o far aa BGitW sale of such aniLUnRuH to the Pow4f gagd jB the MmnHmjr Wan without rgard of whetber It U the duty of 1W awwrameni upon legal or um vntiwml grovB&t to tke such anttetu" Connelly, Who Led in Opposing High Speed, Gives in, Introducing Bills in Councils. Submits to Vote of the Pco pie Plan to Increase Debt. Evening Ledger Hastened Victory. The peoplo have won their fight for real rapid transit. Two ordlances pro viding for a vote. of tho pcopl6 on an Increased Indebtedness of $30,000,000 or new transit facilities wero Introduced" In Councils by John 1. Connelly, chairman of the Flnanco Committee, this afternoon. Heretofore Connelly has been foremost In tho ranliB of tho forces opposing tho plans of Transit Director A. Merrltt Tay lor for reat rapid transit, aurfnee, sub way and elevated, In Philadelphia. Blnco tho Evenino LnDann was found ed, September 14, 1014. less than four months ago, It has fought Incessantly for the creation of n new rapid transit sys tem In this city. Through Its columns the vital Impor tance of the rapid transit Issuo has been put boforo the public with a. -wealth of detail for the llrst tlmo sltico tho plans wero conceived. Tho opposition capitu lated today. PUBLIC OPINION WINS, Thoso who fought against tho compre henslve plans of Director Taylor admitted today thnt their fruition was Inevitable, that It was utterly impossible for any man or body of men to deny tho citizens of Philadelphia the facilities for nettjuff from point to point swiftly that have been created by other cltios. -, "Tho estimated cost of the lines recom mended for Immediate construction Is ?IB,000,000," said Director Taylor this after noon, '-but it would be unwise to autiior Izo an Increase In tho city's Indebtedness to that amount for the purposes of Iran. sit development nt the present tlmd. "The remaining necessary Increase )n the city's Indebtedness wjilcli Hvlll.tio re quired to complete tho facilities can to rfodlly authorized at a general election In the futlrre n"6'ETg"-?o'wcmrRAfi,6.Va, Jubilation Instead of protest vlllileiltturt. ruling spirit at tho big mass-iitCetlrig; tt be hela In tho Academy of -Musjo the night of January 14. Plans for th('rn?tt, Ing are going on as though tha hardest part of the transit victory had not been won. Instead of organizing ctty-wlde action to force the bills through Councils, as had been planned, thoso behind the fight for rapid transit wilt utilize the meeting; to drive home the fact that the question now Is virtually up to the citizens A special election will be called at a date to be decided on. At this Phlladel phlans will be asked whether they Want adequate transit facilities or1 continuation Indefinitely of the present long, tiresome rides, trolley cars Jammed to the doors and long waits for cars. SPECIAL ELECTION PROVIDED. A special election Is provided lor In one oi the ordinances. The other sig nifies tho desire of the city authorities 'to Increase the debt of the municipality by flO.000,000 "for the purpose of estab lishing, purchasing, leasing, locating, con structing, equipping and Improving transit facilities, wholly or In part, oi for apy one or more of them, and tho jMe nnd operation of tho same within the corporate limits of tho city of Phila delphia arid within the limits of atV Jaccnt cities, boroughs or townships." Tho Mayor Is authorized In the othef ordinance to give notice of sucl election by publlo .advertising. By tho wprdlup of tho titles to tho ordinances as quoted above, it will be seen that there Is- (o Concluded on I'age Xtro REPORT ON U. G. 1. COMPLETE Suit Under Sherman iayr Believed. Probable. A completed report of the Investigation of the business affairs of the United Gas Improvement Company It waa learned to day ftom Washington had been made to Attorney General Gregory by the antN trust bureau of the Department of Jus tlce. The report covers a period at two years and shows the gradual Increase of tho corporation's Influence, as well as ita alleged absorption of various subsidiaries Assistant Attorney General Todd said the department was not prepared for court proceedings at this time. That some step will be taken shortly by the depart ment was evident. If prpcsedlnffl at. begun against the United Gas Improve ment Company they will be brought In the Philadelphia Federal Court, under the Sherman anti-trust law X.OST AND POUND avH"? 1" the Byenlng Leilter ot ireortet ta the "Loat and Found Bure.u ' t edgu CnU?l wlU be llttu) fur Q dart. TtwreTjks can ah t ua rtbe Mala 6ftlc. Jih w CbMinut sU. .Lest and Kouotf' Mll wtnts can. l lttt t ay of tr. drug tott receiving, Ltfr adt or can b tSSftamSt dlrrctly to L4fr Contra! Call VrMnut Main 30OO. wTCM-Lort. liaTT; maU cold omu 2tia waUl), thre Initial 14 on the bait to ward II rnurnea 1 jwi wtuuitw iSst A wallet, -oontalninr money auJ W trip Mlcltet BUBiUy, January 3. betMfM tlUi aim CbUa ve n.a Sth B4 mb art, jue UwBmrt John J Uood Co., 1BJI At-H LOST-5u 1 Utwun TU and SorfJMsaaJiS aw. ana wia wj it.umt, iqy a xoia weti t ana cptkmiiM vui wiii wt vraivq. M. B. ft." ivrwfru itt "mm m fjSr SEALSKIN NECKPlBcs; 'iSTi. IikVll vlonltr of WuU MjLOR ten lima. Qcrmantewn Kbw.nl. 101 B.-IUi 24k.,nil Hill. t!k fjOST -- A thaojola V coat thine Mmm4 uoocb and lUrw diamond riots teew JvVro to Lit Brothers' flyjt OlHce , TUmmM r.Wora JjtaW Uacalpt boo Tiuod Coantd Itt, t tnount , tM.ii J ,tti Stk a. turn, iiu at et aawaro. HBJS2 Naw taw' Day, cjtf&a. 5S. i. nvmP't. L! t C UL. vgjfjljtoc Otr i tjjvHoJiD e M&wtaf spurts??!!!!. .llf tef