u W EVflKING- LBtoUftR-xnibA'DtihPmA WliJDNliJSDAY. JANUARY C. lOlgy "'''?'''''i1''i''''""'"'"lw'','w"IM!'" '""'"' ' ' ii nil i i iiJurf.i --."i v m r i. - ' i in-- , , -uTi.i.im n.. i i i i 1 i n. ..u if ' ' i i i i - n ' J" 'J '" 1 - COMMUTERS PLACE HOPE OF FAIR PLAY IN GOVERNOR-ELECT Letter From Doctor Brum baugh Indicates Purpose to Consider Charges After He Takes Office. GovernoNelect Brumbaugh today travo the first lilnt ot his attitude toward tho commuters' controversy with the rail roads oyer tli Inoreaso In passenger rates, and In a letter to Edwin M. Abbott, onb' of the Attorneys for tho commute, he Intimated plainly that after his In auguration lie would tako an nctlvo In terest In the controversy, now Involving M It does tlio Pennsylvania Public Scr ' vice Commission. Ah a prlvato cltlzon Doctor Brumbaugh wrote that ho was Interested In tho cause, but was powerless to act. Ho added that he could give the matter no attention Until It wan brought before him officially at the proper time. Upon this clause of his letter tho commuters today are build Ing their hopes for a thorough Investi gation of the charges of "misconduct In office" preferred against the members of tho Public Service Commission and for subsequent reopening of tho ontlro ense. Tho lettor from Doctor Brumbaugh woa written In nnswer to a communication several weeks ago from tho commuters' attorneys, setting forth tho charges against tho commissioners, and asking tliatVtho members of the commission bo called upon Jo make a public explana tion. This request Wns made ot tho Opvornor-olcct after Governor Tenor had dismissed tho charges against tho board as not warranting1 an Investigation. The letter to Mr. Abbott follows In part: "I note your letter of December 16, with tho copy enclosed of tho address placed before the Governor of tho Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, "Ab a prlvato oltlzen I am Interested In your Cause, but as such a citizen I Imvo no power' to act and' I can glvo tho matter no attention until It shall como to mo In duo form at tho propor time." Iiu commenting' upon tho lettor Mr. Abbott said: "Tho letter from Doctor Brumbaugh Is particularly pleasing and gratifying when we know tho high standnrd of Integrity always required from subordinates of the new Governor when ho was Superintend ent of tho Schools of Philadelphia. Know ing this wo havo nil confldenco In leaving that matter In his hands. wo feel certain that a thorough In vestigation will bo mado when tho tlmo comes that ho has tho power to act. Our first step aftor his Inauguration will bo to present formally theso charges anew with the request that ho take them up." Fund .for Auto Fire Apparatus HADDONKIELD, N. J Jan, f. With r fund of about $75 to start, a campaign has been begun hero to raise $3000 for the, purchase of automobile flro apparatus. Tho fund was started Inst night by n benefit qlvon at the Haddon moving picture theatre on Main street. Tho en tire procqeds of two performances were contributed by tl)e management. 700 SUPPER IN PIRB PANIC IN N.Y. SUBWAY I'niillniifil front Tare One as an evidence of the magnitude of the disaster the hotpltals contained emer gency patients this afternoon as follows; Polyclinic Hospital 61 patients, of whom six are In a serious condition. Beltevue' Hospital five women nnd three .men, of whom two women aro In n seri ous condition. Itoosevelt Hbspltnl 25, of whom five nro In n serious condition. 23 FlltliMEN OVERCOME). Tho accident followed comptet paraly sis of. the subway system owing to tho burning out of tho cable at the main power plant. When first news of the magnitude of tho accident was received fears were express ed that It might ba a greater tragedy than the subway disaster In Parts, In the summer of 190J, when 100 persons were burned to dentin Denso clouds of black smoke rolled up, lllllng tho tunnel with choking, suffocating fumes. Twenty-five firemen Who were fighting tho flames woro ovcrcomo when they dashed Into tho smoke-filled tube to rescuo tho Imprisoned passengers. Tho train wns "Mailed" at Mth street nnd Broadway. T.ylng near It was on other ten-car train, each coach packed to suffocation. Following the rule of tho luterboruugh Rapid Transit Com pany, tho guards at tho various stations had allowed every avnllablo Inch of stand ing rojm upon tho trains to be filled, and both wero Jammed to complete capacity. When the fire started and the lights went out pandemonium nmong tho pas- ' sangers crowded In tho darkened coaches resulted. Men struggled to get to tho exits and tno nouna or railing glass, as tho windows wero smasher), mingled with tho screams of the women, of whom scores fainted. Glltti TELLS Of TIGHT IN DAHK. Miss Dorothy Walkor, of 612 Camden nvrnuc, Bronx, the first person brought out of the subway through the grating at 68th street nnd Broadway, told a graphic story of tho accident. "Wo woro on our way to Grand Cen trnl on tho express train about 10 o'clock, when suddenly thora was a flash and a glaro nnd tho lights went out ae the train came to a sudden stop. "Immediately our car filled with smoke and every ono rushed for tho doors, only to find the guards rofustng to let nny ono get out. For some time wo remained thero In tho dark until tho smoko began to get bad, "All the while tho mon were trying to make tho guards open tho door, Then tho men began to smash the windows. "Somo ono yelled that the women must get out first and then men backed away and carefully passed tho women out ot the windows to a. local train that wafc stalled alongside. "I was the first off nnd It felt good to come up to good air. A big fireman gavo mc a lift and I am most grateful to him for it." In other cars the women wero less fortunate In tho clutching nnd clamoring to escape. Evidence of tho fierceness of tho panic, which wns raging- In tho cars of tho train whllo tho firemen nnd pollco fought to got there, was shown by the fact that many of tho women had their clothing completely torn oft them. Some of tho women victims woro taken to tho Poly cllnlo Hospital unclothed except for the great coata or mackintoshes thrown about thorn by policemen and flromon. Hurry calls wore sent to all the hos pitals In central Manhattan and ambu lances and Burgeons wero rushed to tho scene. Long lines of ambulances were toon standing .along tho streets near the C9tn street station, nut many of tho In jured wore given first aid treatment as THE LAST OF THE EMDEN, GERMANY'S TERROR OF THE SEA ; l'l'i'i,l'ii',i'l'.iJ, ... ' . j,.... i teSsiraSKSSSESi :...- .3f2Alx-&iJ in8 picture lias just arrived from Australia. It was taken by an officer of the victorious cruiser, Sydney, which drove the Emden ashore on Cocos Island after a two-hour fight. The photograph shows how small was the miniature warship which for so long was a scourge to the Allies' shipping. Survivors were taken off by tho Sydney's boats. " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' - - " ' ' ' ' , , , ' .1 jycMju i i 1 1 This photograph, autographed by Billy Sunday and reproduced in beautiful photogravure, 10x15 inches, will be sent free on receipt of the attached coupon. No undertaking of Billy Sunday has matched in importance his Philadelphia campaign. Because of tho intense interest in it the Public Ledger and Evening Ledger have arranged to cover every detail of Sunday's activities. Mr. Sunday's sermons will be printed in full every day. All of the articles will be generously Ulus. trated. The Public Ledger and Evening Ledger will give the clearest and fullest conception of what the Billy Sunday campaign means. Pin a dollar bill to the coupon below and send it in. The paper will be served to you without delay wherever you reside and this beautiful photogravure, especially suitable for framing, will be mailed to you. BILLY SUNDAY Subscription Blank Public Ledger Company: ' Independence Square, Philadelphia, Enclosed find One Dollar for which send mo com blnation number-. 1 Public Ledger Daily only for 9 weeks Z Public Ledger Daily and Sunday for 6 week - , 3 Public Ledger Dally and Evening Ledger for 6, week 4 Evening Ledger Daily, for J6 weeks f '- 5 Evening Ledger and Sunday. Ledger for 9 weeks ' Name Address . -'r Mii(lMirMtiMtm , ,,, Send remittance fn the fords ok SWf & for mL ?yg they lay upon the sidewalks or In nearby buildings, Tho sceno of the disaster was right In tho heart of New York's auto mobile district, and soon tho rooms of the offices were filled with unconscious forms of men and women. PANIC IN STTIBET, TOO. Pnnlo wns not confined to the subway. Above, In tho Btreet, tho deneo smoko Issuing from tho entrances, started wild rumors. Shortly before 11 o'clock firemen de clared their belief that 200 bodies wore still In the subway. Superintendent Effan, of tho Bureau of Combustibles, sent for dynamlto to blow up tho street over tho subway In order to got at tho bodies; and It was half an hour before tho almost Incredible news that only one had perished was generally believed. IIAU1. UP VICTIMS WITH ROPES. Threo flro alarms were turned In. The firemen, assisted by the pollco and scores of reserves, began ripping away the grat ings nbove tho ventilators. Tho uncon scious victims wero lifted through theso openings with ropes. Among tho first persons rescued word nvo girls, all of whom wero unconscious rrom fumoB. Vast crowds gathered In tho streets near tho 69th street station, and more and more pollco reserves wero necessary to stem the tide of tho curious. Patrols of police searchers wero sent along tho tracks In both directions from tho flro. Ono of thorn camo upon two women lying unconscious across tho third rail near ssth street. They had escapod from tho train and wero blindly grop ing their way through tho tunnel when they roll unconscious. Tho Btnoko became so denno and so menacing wero the fumes from tho burn ing insulation that firemen had to work in nve-mlnuto shuts. There was moro danger from tho fumes' than from tho flames. At 11:05 Tire Commissioner Adamson called for voluntoers to roach two more tralne otallod between E6th and 69th streets. It was found that many pas ongers on the trains had been suffocated by smoke. Among the passengers on the burning train wero Captain Moran, of fire truck No. 14, and Policeman John Brogan, of the West 47th street station. Both helped In the work of rescue. TRAIN aUAUDS OVERPOWERED. Thero are four tracks In the subway at 69th street, two accommodating uptown trains, the other two downtown trains. Passengers In trains stalled on these tracks became panic-stricken when the smoko from tho burning train began to pour Into their cars. Tho guards of some of the trains were forcibly overpowered and the doors thrown open, the passengers scrambling out Into the narrow passageways. They risked their lives by crowding upon tho third rail (which supplies the electricity to fun the trains) and many of them were burned by live electric sparks. Passengers tried to climb to the street by a ladder at 65th street and Broadway. According to bystanders the police re fused to allow the people to flea In that quarter until permission had been given by tho subway guards and the guards re fused to aot until the firemen arrived. By U:1B o'clock the tunnel.ln the vicinity of E9th Btreet was smoking like a volcano. Tho nearest hospital waa the Poly clinic. Within 30 minutes 70 men and women, suffering from inhalation of smoko, burna and shock had been car ried there. WOMAN DRIVEN INSANE. One woman victim was Insane from pain and panic and tho surgeons ordered her to the Psychopathic Ward until she could be calmed. She will probably lose her reason permanently. Among the first policemen to reach the underground Inferno was Policeman Michael SO Grugto. Ho rushed Into the smoke and felt unconscious while help ing me passengers to saieiy. There were a number of children In the stalled trains and their cries of fright Added to the uproar. Bertha Oreenfleld, ot 1263 Longfellow avenue, the Bronx, who was riding with her brother, refused to be carried from tha burning train until her brother, Ben jamin Oreenfleld, was rescued first. AIX, PU&MOTOBB OF OITT BUST, mro lines were established so that the police, firemen and doctors could have room to work In, and -within theso lines all of the pulmotors in the city were put at work. Many of the victims aa soon aa they recovered from the effects of the smoke Insisted on going on to work. Meanwhile the tying up pf the subway had caused unprecedented congestion on the elevated and surface lines. These lines are cnly abla to care for a fraction of tha traffio of the city coming from upper New York, and soon every station and every platform waa so Jammed that many were In danger of being ahoved oyer me aiaea in iront or ine moving trains. Charlea If, tdndblora, of 740 German avenue, the Bronx, described the plight In which tha passengers on the Bronx ex press found themselves. He said be fell to tha floor where tha air woa somewhat totter, and this seemed to revive htm. The doors at the enda of the cars were fattened," h$ said. "I don't know what became of tie euardf- tfhere u no one to let ua out Bom oUmb4 Utrougb tb rled Into tho Clrole Theatre at Columbus Circle, nnd were stretched out on the stage. Doctors from tho crowds rendered first aid In this Improvised hospital. INVESTIGATION STARTED. That the disaster will result In a com plete Investigation of subway methods was declared by District Attorney Perk Ins. As soon an ho was notified of the accident he sent for Assistant District Attorney Brocklnrtdgc, In charge of the homlcldo bureau, and accompanied by photographers and detectives, trushed to tho Mth street subway station. Ho stated that ho Intended that 'tho re sponsibility for tho accident would bo placed at once. Ho began tho examina tion of witnesses forthwith while ho saw that all of tha responsible officials of the Intcrborough wero served with subpoenas so that ho could get them when he wanted them. A preliminary pollco report to Pollco Commissioner Woods says thnt It Is be lieved the cars of tho several trains stnlled near 59th street and Broadway did not actually catch flro. but that the conduits on both sldeB of tho tunnel did becomo ignttad, filling tho tube with flames and smoke. Officials of tho Intcrborough Insisted that nono ot tholr trains had burned. They said that tho flro was duo entirely to faulty Insulation ot cables, KNOX PLAN MAY BE ENGLAND'S REPLY SUNDAY DEPLORES LACK OP HARMONY i "' Continued from Te One . ( etmtttd and wrote on his sermons untif luncheon. , . "Ood sends rain s well as sunshine, Borne persons splosh the earth with rain nnd murk because they are pessimists, while the optimistic wreathe the earth wltli beauty and sunthtne. Turn to God nnd be optimistic." This waa the morning greeting of "Billy," who, with his usuol bright oyo and heart, pulled up the window curtains to a dull dark and drlszly day shortly after 8 o'clock. Mr, Sunday needs no alarm clock. From 7 o'clock the phono bolls and door bells keep tho houehold on the jump. A dosien visitors were on hand shortly nfter 8 o'clock and the steady stream con tinued nil forenoon. Most of the members of his party were out conducting prayer meetings In the M different districts, and tho house at 1914 Bprlng Garden street was quiet until nfter their return. Then Mr. Sunday held somo hurried conferences nnd gave out Instructions for some of the future work of tho campaign. REVIVAti MAYER MEETINGS. Tho prayer meetings and their leaders follow: Fiftieth rPtlt, Miss FYajKM Miller. Twenty-ninth fltrwt Methodist fcplscopnl, DR. HARTE RESIGNS AS HEALTH DIRECTOR Continued from l'ngo One Mayor Blnnkenburg, "I would like to havo your resignation." "Why?" asked the dlrootor. "On account of tho frlotion," replied tho Mayor. TOOK POST LAST YEAR. Doctor Harto has been In office as head of tho department since- May 5, 1914. .Doo tor Harto Is a widely known surgeon. He was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1878, und hns for many years been connected with the medical department of tho institution. Dr. Harto Is a native of Illinois, his birthplace being near Rock Island. He was born October 23. 1S5S. His father. Wllllnn H, Harte, U. S. N., wds killed In the Civil War. After his graduation from the Uni versity of Pennsylvania he studied In hospitals In Europe. On his return he was elected resident physician of tho Pennsylvania Hospital and assistant dem onstrator of BUrgery at the University or Pennsylvania. He Is surgeon to tho Pennsylvania and Episcopal Hospitals, and consulting physician of St. Mary's, St. Timothy's and Bryn Mawr Hospitals. He Is president of the Philadelphia Acad emy of Surgery and a member of the American Surgical Association. i DOCTOR HARTE'S STATEMENT. Tho following statement then was made by the ex-Director In his office to news paper men: "I don't think I have anything further to Bay than that Mayor Blankenburg' re quested me to hand In my resignation, whtoh I did Immediately, The Mayor told me during my Interview with him that he also Intended to aisk for the resigna tion of Assistant Director Wilson. "I. have never had any disagreement with any of the directors or municipal ofllclals, except one: tho assistant di rector ot the Department of Supplies, who told mo one dny that certain bids for paint could not be accepted, and Intimated that there was something be hind It. I want to say again that I do not work with any man who Is not satis factory. und whose Judgment Is poor and who la not only disloyal to me, but who was disloyal to my predecessor, Dr. Joseph S. Neff. Tho Mayor admitted to me that Wilson had 'been dlslovnl to i Continued from I'nito One Irreconcilable disagreement on anygl-en enso between tho law officers of tho State Department and tho British Admiralty." It Is suspected that thi? suggestion of probable action by Sir Edward Grey came to the department In tho nrellmlnnrv re. port made to tho State Department by jintmBBuuor i'ugo at L.onuon. If tho British Government formally should mako tho suggestion that It would bo wilting to accopt Secretary Knox's so lution of all serious difficulties thero would bo a high degrco of embarrass ment at Washington. Tho suggestion has gone so far In subterranean ways at Washington as to Indicate that the Brit ish Foreign Office would, with conslder ablo force, bo able to remind tho' United States that Tho Hague prlzo court as a solvent wns really tho proposition of tho United States Itself. Secretary Bryan hns declined to dis cuss tho expected proposition olthor as Informally made or to bo made formally. Other authorities, however. Bay that this state of affairs hns arisen: Tho Bryan noto has gone to Grent Britain, Russia nnd France. It Is said that all of Uieso nations lnfornicd Secretary Knox that thoy wore In accord with the prlnolple of his noto. The main question now to bo decided affects particularly tho regula tions as to contraband of those threo nations. Secretary Knox suggested to the Powers that they should havo their na tionals, or members of the International prlzo courts, Invostcd with the powers of an arbitral court, and, If tho United Statos should now agree to Its own propo sition, the arbitral court would bo com posed of the delegates of the United States, Great Britain, Franco and Russia. Tho decision of such a court would be final and In addition to that it could decide "for all nations" what Is now, and what ought to be In tho futuro, ab solute contraband. Such a court could also decldo finally any of tho pending crises of cargo detention such as the detention of the ICrooriland or tho John D. Rockefeller. NINE SHIPS TO TJ. S. HELD UP BY BRITISH PATBOIi wtHdew. ar.d la the U r tbra Neff. "There Is no frlotion. There Is no dis cordant note In the whole ramifications P.C mY department," said Director Harte. "I will give you my resignation, to take effect at once, and upon reaching my of fice I will write it out and send it to you. I will not ba dlotated to. Either I will run the edpartment or I'll get out" Tha Director then left the Mayor's of flee and started for the office of the De partment of Health and Charities, Aa he was aDoui ;o enter tnero he met Assist ant Director Wilson, who had been sent for by the Mayor. The two men passed eaoh other without the slightest sign of recognition. Director Harto wrote his resignation as follows and aent it to the Mayor by messenger: "Hon. Rudolph Blankenburg: My dear sir: Ab you requested. I herewith tender you my resignation aa Director of the Department of Health and Charities, to take place at once. I am very sincerely yours, .... "mCHARD H. HARTE." Assistant Director Wilson was eeen after h held his conference with the Mayor, which lasted but a few minutes. He positively declined to enter Into a discussion of the pasa from any angle. Ho would not deny or confirm the rumor that his resignation had been asked for. Thla rumor was circulated about Ctty Hall Immediately after announcement was made that Director Harte had re slsned. It preceded the statement by Director Harte that the Mayor told him ha would ask for Mr. Wilson' resignation. New Century Olub Beceptlon, Today Members of the New Century Club and their frtettd attended a reception in the club, Mi South 1Mb afreet, this aftei mm. May?? amd. Mr. Bltukwbarg w? Bravrsa&fai ?m i LONDON, Jan. 6. Among the steam ships "whose cargnM or cart of them have been detained" In British ports, according to an official announcement in tho London Gazette, are the following, which wero bound from the United States to Scandinavian ports: Arkansas (Danish), from New York for Copenhagen, December 11. Arrived at Shields January 2. Augusta (Swedish), from New York, December 9, for Gothenburg nnd Malmo. Arrived at Shields January 4. Kentucky (Danish), from Baltimore and Now York, late In November, bound for Copenhagen. Went ashore at Fraserburg, Scotland, December 22, and floated De cember 25. Arrived at Lelth December 29. Miriam (Norwegian), from Now York November 24, for Copenhagen. Arrived at Lelth December 24. Now Sweden (Swedish), from Now York. December 6, for Gothenburg. Arrived at Shields December 28. Romsdal (Norwegian), from Now York. November 28, for Chrlstlanla. Arrived at Lelth December 24. Borland (Norwegian), from New York, November 27, for Gothenburg, Arrived at Itth December 29. Virginia (Danish), from Philadelphia, December 3, for Copenhagen. Arrived at Shields December SO. Zamora (Swedish), from New York, De cember 8, for Copenhagen. Arrived at Kirkwall December 9, BRITAIN LOATHTO END SEARCH OF V, B. CARGOES LONDON, Jan. 6. Announcement of the Institution of a plan for official Inspection of cargoes before leaving the United States was received with pleasure here, and la sure to create a good Impression as showing America's Interest In preventing Illicit traffic. The plan, however, will not eliminate the detention and searehlno of American cargoes, although It will tend to minimize the riders thereof, It was made clear that even If Amer. lean customs officials guarantee the character of a ship's manifest, England won't give up Its right of' search or fall thoroughly to protect her Interest. It la declared that while slifjjs might be guiltless when leaving port there Is a great possibility of them taking aboard contraband cargoes after sailing. It la suggested, for Instance, that a ship might leave a gulf pgrt In perfect prder, then put In at Boms deserted West Indian bay where It could get from another ship a load of copper. The American Embassy Is sending a copy of the American announcement re garding certification of cargoes to the Foreign Office. No further Information is available concerning the date of the British response to President Wilson's note protesting against Interference with American shipping. The suggestion for the appointment of an arbitral tribunal to pass on -pending and futuro questions Is being discussed, but there Is now an Indication that the British Government will not make a proposal In that direc tion, on the ground that appeals from its own prize court would not bo beneficial to England, aa an appeal would only be taken when America had objections to a decision of the prize court. Thus Jut land could only oek for one of two dMiaUms,. by a new tribunal, either re iteration f the prise court's decision or a rVMwl, awl this dote not appeal to JBuirUnd. tfM William A. Christ United Evan, William Btover. nethncmane ltaptltt. Mrs., Btover. Firm ltoformed, Mr. , William Aflicr. Spring Oardeu Methodist Episcopal, ihe nev. Ii H, Kmett. Chamlmrs-Wylle Pre.bytorlnn, Ml Oeno 1a Monti. , . . Holy Trinity Proleitant Eplcop.iI, Dr. V. W. Tomklna. ,' , Bt, l.ukn's MolhodUt Bplooopal Churoli, I'rofeiror llodohenver. , . l'rcsbi'torlnn Church of nvnngel. Jack Car- Sl'loam Methodist Eplecopul, the Rev. J. W. Welch. . .. Ht. Paul's ltoformed Episcopal, MIm F. Kinney. Krlfl Avenue Methodist Episcopal, Silts M. Qnmll. Central Msthodlst Episcopal, rtoxboroUEb, Vr. (.). Pollock. North Krnnkfonl BoptUt, William Aalwr. Trinity Lutheran. Miss draco Saxe, Jtan liaptlit, the Hev. O. W. Uenaon. Khcncrcr .Methodist Episcopal, Miss Fct lorolf. TJmmanuel Reformed, Doctor Aspech. Tabernacle Presbyterian, Dr. O. II. Bidder. Wayland Baptist, Dr. CI, Holm. "You can sink any church In America 40 fathoms In hell by this ethical stuff," yelled Sunday last night, when ho was pleading with tho church people to como out for tho old-time religion and help to bring n great revival to this city. "I wouldn't Insult God," ho Bald, "by trying to provo tho Blblo through philos ophy, llko somo of thoso old highbrows do. I believe that old book from cover to cover Is the word of God. Bcllovo me. tho devil Is dead stuck on tho kind of nttttude some of tho church members of Philadelphia havo toward this campaign." Last night's meeting wns tho most en thusiastic since "Billy" opened his battle against Satan on Sunday last. Ho scorned to forget everything and overybody at times during his athletic talk. Time and again ho Jumped upon a chair, looked Into the rough rafters of tho vast auditorium and cried out to Qod to como down and 'save' tho miscrablo wretches In sin In Philadelphia." 20,000 at SERVICE. Thero were moro than 20,000 persons In the building before 7 o'clock, although tho services did not begin until 7:30; and, when tho tlmo arrived for Professor Homer WJ Rodehoavor to got tho muslo going, It was necessary for policemen nnd firemen to send several hundrdd persons from tho building to keep tho aisles open. More than fOOO mon and women wore un nblo to gain admlttanco last night. uniy" Kept tho audience with him throughout the sorvlce. Ho hammered tho churchgoers, the clergy and his critics. But, although his words seemed to have a burning effect a second after ho had uttered something that sounded unkind or haVsh, the evangelist would smllo and exnlaln ho was nnlv rinnnun,.- Ing tho sins and not tho Institutions, and that any man who said he had, was a liar. "No man can over truthfully say thnt I am against tho ministers,", he said. "I am for them nnd love them with my heart nnd soul. But I nm against a lot of tho tommy-rot they try to pull across on tho people. No man can say I am against the church. I lovo It and would give tho last drop of blood In my body for It. "But I nm against the Bhammlng church member, the hypocrite, the man or woman who wears a long face on Sun day and works for hell all week, it's when we have such people In tho church that sho needs a revival. DEFINES MINISTERS' "JOB," "Let tho ministers of the churches do their own work nnd stop their loafing. That's their Job. it's not their busl ness to go around nnd knock me. It's not my business to be pastor of a church. I'm an evangelist. If I ever should go somewhere to. take charge of a church I'd buy a round-trip ticket when I started. But I'd give It to that bunch whllo I was there, believe me. "No, it's not my place to do the work of n pastor. I am an evangelist, and I must do my work the way God tells me. we ncoa a revival because there hau been too much Indifference. Wo need a panlo in religion. You have had no re vival because you havo been cold and dignified and stiff. You can't scald a hog In Ice water." Mr. Sunday made 'an impassioned plea for a revival in Philadelphia that would shake the whole country. He said all eyes are on this city and tho church peo pie should get back of tho movement and see to It thnt the thousands, outside of the church are led to see God. He .onded It all with a prayer to Qod to bless every ono In the city, from the Mayor and the Governor-elect o h street cleaner s from the head of the Board of Education to the youngest child in the schools; from the daughter of the multi millionaire to the poor shopgirl; from the saloonkeeper to the man who reels home from the saloon he prayed for them, one and all. v (Sunday's sermons wilt lie found In full on page a of this paper.) SOCIAL CENTRES URGED Superintendent Jacobs Favors Open ing of Schools at Night. The first definite step toward the open ing of publlo school buildings through out the pity for use as evening social centres wilt bo taken this afternoon at the meeting of the Committee on, Ele mentary Schools of the Boatdof Edu cation. John Burt will Introduce a reaoi lutlon authorising the appointment of a subcommittee to confer with Ihe Deppart ment of Superintendence and plan for the social centre feature. Ono of the stanchest advocates of the new idea is Superintendent William C. Jacobs. He urges an, adequate audi torium In each elementary school build ing ereoted In the future. "I indorse the idea of utilising the school bulldlnges as social centres," he said today; "but I do not feel that we should go so far aa to aacriilco class room conveniences In planning our new schools in order to make them, more at tractive for purposes other than those of regular dally Instruptlon." U, S. WAS WRITER, WOUNDED PBTROQRAD, Jan. 8,-Jqhn Foster Bass, correspondent of the Chicago Dally Newe. is reported from Warsaw to have been wounded in tha face by a piece of shrapnel shell, Mr. Bay was brought to Warsaw by an HtaglUb Mwrepfldent. Mr. Bass U a war oorrespondaRt of many campaigns. Il u brother of former Governor Melrt p. Bww, of New Haws. tU. SMALLER L0A1 OF BREAD OR PRICpPBM Advance in Flour, Ey Wheat ohorlagc, ens an Increase in (jj I ll'll'nn Hi JL-Jl V 1IIK Smaller loaves of bread nu,'ij result of tho Increase In th JS flour. Bakers In various patU ej to . .... ... v,. oTinttlwj, "uuu "' jj- ""l Bl" 0l s-euiH iney woum increase tlio retail hf't .. ...wDOU ... . ,,nc, of flo,J j.w a. uiuei iu to.ou, nas caqiM. owners of small bakery eitablitw close their plants. Owners of m who can't afford to purchase, flonri rato of $6,60 a barrel, Insisted llui ....I,.- , .1., . . .. " uuuuuu iii iuu present nun q; jvci-iit iuuvcb wuh tno only thtar. could eavo them from being fBtt,! bankruptcy. j Bread which Ib sold In the j. qaurters of South Philadelphia i pound, today was sollfng at as 1, oi ii cents por pouno. xne Eurepuf, Western speculators and ftrmin operating wun miaaie-men In n,, cities wno navo loaded up thstr , nouses wmi a supply of whkill uiamcu uy tno nailers ncrefortli ent predicament. Bukors In Philadelphia -who L establishments In various parU'sl uuy annauncoa touay that tile ij pneo or nour naen't been rcathel ernl of the largo bakem frankly uu wouldn't be surprised at all If tlu' ot flour per barrel reached 110 jffl next raomn. Louis Kolb, head of the Until i Company, today announced thsttliiil cnt lnorcase wouldn't cause hli'fJ Increase tho retail price of brti4 ituuto tno bizo ot- loaves, 'jne Eq war, which has destroyed rnllKn acrcH ot wheat fields, Is respimiftiJ inu QAiauiit; uuoriuga ot nour, i to Mr. Kolb. "Fortunately wo nro eunelld flour for a while," he continued? therefore we shall not Increase Un ot bread or reduce tho size of tint, There la a chance that the Brio eta may run up to $10 a barrel. I tan! doubt that the prosent Increase j suit In groat hardship upon manjtjj sman uaKcrs or cms city and thttt of them will havo to closo upi places. Other bakers and millers said .1 was no relief In sight ns lonr ul European war lasted, since mi broico out largo shipments of i can wheat have been made to ill 'U1 lO Uk AJMIU'V. - n William Frelhofor, of tho Fr&l Baking Company, today eald: I "We nro running our buslnew ill present tlmo without profits, flral selling from somo sections of the ma at $1.70 a barrel more than It did it ngo. At the price wo aro paying! si continue to operate our plant w making any profits. Wo are satlitel go on In this manner for a whllt i-.i of increasing the burdens ot th' who already are suffering as a ; tho high cost of Hying. ARRESTED FOR THREAT East Indian Accused of Etz'i "Black Hand" Note. ALTOONA, Pa,, Jan. 8. Out Charles, an East Indian, recenurj ployed as a 11 reman at a eemlntrj'j girls In Holltdaysburg was arres'.d Hollldaysburg as n member of thtS Hand." 9 Moses Brown, a wealthy Negro, re a letter Monday, saying if he dUi placo (ISO In money In a can In thp In the rear of his dwelling his honm; be dynamited and himself killed. Ep turned the lettor over tb tho pollcf. planned a decoy. When Charles apje1 and picked up tho can the police ( upon mm. 4 , 95000 DAMAGE BY ITB1 Spontaneous combustion Is held rtffS Bible for a lire which did YJXQ damn: the curtain manufacturing plant off lltz,'Le Fort & ICeon. 3d and Hns! don streets, this morning. ThreH dred workers are employed by tbj' cern. but tho blaze started beforM begun tho day's work. The bulldfet equipped with automatic sprinkler' the entire plant was flooded by thtt the nrcmen arrived. I bu pu Vr bt tt m i nr 1 lu b tc sr I ;tl THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON. ItX For Eastern Pennsylvania aria'JM i jersey: iiuin tonignt ana iowk warmer tonight; moderate to fresh if winds. ? The western storm Is central tltttn lutli, Minn., this morning and e,ltl southward In a. lnnir trnuirh-llke ctfa ston. The area overspreads all tB great central valleys and the labs v ana has caused precipitation over -i or the country from the .now tains eastward. The temneraturS p risen ranldlv nt most nlanes in the &$A half of tho country, the change amount to,20 degrees or more in many 'n''sM A colder area has overspread the !? mitten Ht if" rear oi ine pium', yet the cold Is not Intense for tb" ? tlon of the country. ) U. S. Weather Bulletin j Observations made tt a a, in. EHittrn tj int nain. Vlae-. .; Station. S a.m, n't. fall. Wind, iir-SS, I J' (0 r b c t. ti it. 1 V e C b Abilene. Texas... 33 US .01 NV Aiuntlo uny m.iu ai .. ja Bismarck. N. D. 20 20 .01 NW HV ' B .01 SB .12 8 UJS NW .. a .18 w .01 w .. BH P.... 21 24 ,01 NW us., m ia ,a nix Boston. Mass. ,. as JM Buffalo. N. Y..43 US Chicago. Ill 0 84 Cleveland, 0 40 38 Denver, Col, ... 13 10 es Molnt.. la.. 33 1)3 Dttrolt, Mlth... 38 W Duluth. Minn. .. 28 28 Galveston, "re 5 ? nature. U, C 0 48 Helena Mont.... 14 H , ... a r HUiUMi M, Kan. City, !cbS I msH a rml so S3 1 !ri nm Ke Yorn ...... sa .. n N. Platte, Neb. 14 14 . W PtalUdelptua .... S ? .01 Nl Phoenix. Arts... 42 42 .. B i, I. will. Kv . 4d 44 .14 8E Memphis. Twin.. 48 40 .88 SB New Orleans ... 83 M :60 BW Kew York ...... 3 a .. w W B Ptttiburch. Pa. . 43 88 PortUnd, Me.... 38 38 Portland, Or.... 40 as Quebea. Can. ..24 10 St. luls. Mo.. 43 33 Bt. Paul. Minn. 28 2J Bait, lAke, Utah 20 18 Baa rranelsco . 48 48 Bcranton, Pa. .. SO 24 Tampa, 64 63 WaM niton 88 S3 Winnipeg J I on net BW .IS B BW 8 . .23 NW BB N T: NW ' sis S3 a n 4 8 13 e 13 t 4 4 10 FIAT rkm kuf Oar Thar sure no annual jaodsU '' cr. Tfcrouxn IS yra P o ."- s artlvea ai perjasiion. ., Tf -rZ MLiadl ..JiJ