Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 06, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Federal league suit
iMajor League Leaders Ridicule Efforts of Federals to Have
National Commission Declared Null and Void.
Suit Filed Before Judge Landis.
B. Johnson, Press Agent
N9W shy and unnssumtnK Ban,
That clever, entertaining man,
JE hurling at the Federals the shaft of
Because they call the majors "trust,"
And ask the V. B A. to bust
,Amt olhorwlso maltreat the leagues In
manner cold and cruel.
San says the? seek lo advertise;
llriw ttnnA f Tin 11 lo nllt US wlaol
To end the controversy and to spoil (ho
FedB sweet dream,
irow good but Isn't Ban nwarc
Or Is It that ho doesn't caro?
By telilns all about that suit he's help
Ins out their scheme7
If the Phillies keep on trading for an
other week or 30 days they may havo
enough money In the treasury to buy
back nil their stars.
A Point of Information
"Will some ono kindly stop forward and
xplaln why tho ercnt University of
Pennsylvania has to go to tho New York
Alumni to ralso $500 for I tit crew?
Begr Pardon, but
Were It not for our little rule
that puns and such llko bars,
We'd say that baseball's heavenly
Uocauso It's full of stars.
What "Will tho Year Bring PorthP
Tho now yoar's launched upon Its way,
Tho old has slipped boyond the veil;
TIs history now who won tho bay,
Tho records show who copped tho kalol
Forgotten Is tho roast, tho wall!
Tho bird of grouch Is on tho wing;
Tho vear Is nneedlntr under wall.
IWhat champ of champlonB will It brlng7
Tho year that stretches Just ahead
Given all a chanco for gold nnd fame;
Tho year behlnd's forever dead;
Got In tho rush and play tho game.
Now Is tho timo to push tho claim,
To climb from out tho lowor rows;
Tho year holds out its praise nnd blame,
JWho'll win or lose, nobody knows.
Don't Bo Angwy, Wojah
Twombly having boon named In a
jrtvoposed CIncInnall-Cub twnde, wo
twomblo to think what will happen If
Wc-Jah Bwcsnahan gets lwwltatcd
ovah somo'twlflo ow othah and twlca
to tako a wlso out of him. wojnn is
wepoahted to havo an lwosclblo tcm
powament, and if his tongue got
twisted llko ouhs has his woahs of
wago would sound excwuclatlngly
May Ho A'dd to Their Might
It appears tho Fcda had an cyo out
lor tho Main chanco. Thcy'vo Blgucd
Pitcher Miles Main, heretofore of De
troit. Or Handn't YouP
Of course, you havo noticed that tho
Englishman who doesn't know tho first
thins about baseball despises tho gamo
utterly. And, by tho samo token, that
the man who knows nothing of golf
doesn't llko it. and tennis nnd baseball
and soccer and so on ad infinitum, which
Is somo foreign lunguage for continuously.
Take it away, I hato tho game,"
Eo doth tho stranger roughly flout it;
ft will not hark to Its boostgrs" claim,
X do not caro to know about it."
Whether "Ted" Meredith Is eligible to
tun for Pennsylvania and the Meadow
brook Club on the samo night is the ques
tion which will now have to bo solved by
the Amateur Athletic Union officials.
Opinions on tho matter differ. President
Alfred J. 1.111. of the A. A. U.. has In
stigated tho point against Meredith and
will work to havo him disqualified at the
Boston Athletic Association games next
month if Meredith attempts to run for
Penru President Llll asserts Meredith
by virtue of having represented )tho
Sfeadowbrook Club In open Barnes of the
A. A. U. this winter Is not eligible to
run for the varsity In open competition.
60 far the A. A. U. rule on this point Is
clear. President LIU is right on this
point. However, when he says Meredith
will not be permitted to compete for the
local institution on tho samo night that
he represents the Meadowbrooks Is a dif
ferent matter. Tho strict Interpretation
of the rule, in the opinion of tho writer,
la that Meredith may compete for both
organizations on tho somo night If he
cares. That is, one of the raceB must bo
a closed one. For example, the two-mile
relay race at the B. A. A. games has
been advertised clearly ns one "closed"
to colleges. Therefore, Meredith is per
mitted by amateur law to go Into that
race a closed one represent his varsity,
nnd then later. If he cares to, wear the
colors of the Meadowbrooks. As a mat
ter of fact, "Ted" has said he does not
Intend to run two races that night, and
thus the matter, ends bo far as he Is
concerned. The A. A. U, has the point
to settle. The meaning of the rule la a
bit ambiguous, and It will be well if the
legislation Committee clarify It. It Is
just another of those pujiles which has
given the Officials' Club of Philadelphia
. chanco to display Its tatent. Let's hear
from some of the Officials' Club members
on this point.
"All About I"
There's a new series of articles being
attributed to "Jesa" WUIard, a cow
puncher, who Is scheduled to aot as a
punching bag for one "Jack" Johnson.
They aro entitled "All About I." He has
manufactured more alibis than any fighter
In the world, and the fight lias not taken
place yet. Hero's only one sample. "If I
ouffer defeat at the hands of Jack John,
eon, no ono ever will hear a chirp out of
ine. Then and there I will be through the
flshtine game." Evidently friend "WUIard
I looking for the worst. There Is one bet
U P? ... " feaafc:!adn; " aJH
m . -r ltmJ mi mki mm HrslflCi
KT vTVa? L L 3 y3 iSp s ' 4tr&?s3i
rvaK "sm m& ' :
i s --v sssssv "mm
ho overlooked! ho didn't name his fa
orlto undertaker.
Spntola Fights Back
"Johnny'' Spatola, who Is well known
In local ring circles ns manager of
"Tommy" Howell, sont In quite a lengthy
letter today emphatically denying that
ho had glvon up Howell, or that Hon ell
had thrown him "over." Spatola asserts
that ho nnd Howell aro Just ns thick as
over, nnd any ono wno attempts to ns
sumo chargo of Howell will find a tough
proposition on his hands. So there!
Connlo Makes a Hit
The acquisition of Larry Lnjolo by tho
Athletics looks to bo another stroke of
Mncklan genius. Nnturnlly, nfter dis
posing of Edillo Collins, Connlo Mack
needed another second baseman. It was
generally supposed by those supposed to
bo In close touch with tho Athletic af
fairs that Blllv Kopf wouldn't bo tho
man for tho place. But Maok, desplto
the repeated stories to tho effect that
thero would bo nothing to tho American
League pennant raco In 1318 but tho Red
Box, was on tho Job as Usual. Ho de
cided that tho Itcd Sox would not bo
tho only club In Ban Johnson's league
with a regular team, desplto all rumors
and prognostics to tho contrary There
fore, lcmemberlng thnt tho Naps had
asked waivers on Larry Lajolo last sum
mer, Connie betook himself to Cleveland
nnd. In conferenco secret with Somers,
completed quickly and quietly the no
gotlntlous for the purchaso of Lajoie.
As n technical export of tho sccond-basc-posltlon,
thero Is not a man In tho coun
try, not even tho brllllnnt Eddlo Collins,
who can show any more knowledge than
Lajolo. This fact not only insures the
Athletics a second baseman extraordinary
for 1915, but for tho years to come, bo-
pnliwn. lllf TTnri-v TVnvIn T.nt-i-v In nrlv
I and willing to teach his understudy all
1 ho knows about tho playing of his posi
tion and a Mtlo more on tho Bide. Thore
fore, when Larry has finished with his
playing careor with tho Athletics ho will
havo doveloped somo ono nblo to take
his plnco Just ns Harry Davis developed
Mclnuls, Stuffy Mclnnls. Lnrry's under
study Is sure to bo Billy Kopf, nnd when
that youngster has learned all of tho do
tails of tho game from a man of 'Lajolo's
experience, he will bo qualified to tako
IiIh place with the best of them.
Lajolo's return to Philadelphia after an
absence of 13 years Is a sourca of pleasure
to every ono Intoiestcd In tho Athletics,
In Lajolo himself and in baseball, nnd It
Is to bo hoped that Larry will measure
up to tho standards which tho fans aro
euro to set for him.
Athletes Get Starr Prizes Tonight
The prlro cups and trophies which were won
by tho successful Individual!) nnd athletic
cl s In tho New Year's Day marathon run
glvn under the Joint auiiplces of the Theodoro
fctarr Club and tho Athletic Association of
the Snellenburg store, at Stli nnd South streets,
will ho nvvnrded tonight at 8 o'clock, nt n
smoker, to bo followed by n dance, in tho
Starr Oarden Ilecreatlon Garden, 0th nnd
Lombard streets.
Scoro Double Victories
central Ilia:
School And Went PMlnrinlnMa
High School won double victories In the
bcnoiaptio League basketball games played
yesterday afternoon. The Crimson and Gold
varsity nnd second fives derentod Northeast's
teams, f0-20 and 22-1T. respectively, whllo
Southern High's two teams were beaten by
West rhilly's braco of quintets, 1S-L1 and
22 '0. respectively. ,
Collegiate Elves Under Way Saturday
Tho regular matches In tho Intercollegiate
Basketball Leaguo will commence on Bntlirdaj,
when Pennsylvania plays Cornell here and
Columbia plajs Dartmouth at Hanover. These
two matches will lead oft tho league, nnd will
glvo the first Indication of tho general strength
of tho various teams.
Ocean Haoe June 20
The Delaware Itlver Yachtimen's League
nd lt racing schedule for the season atlho
regular monthly meeting at tho Walton last
evening, with the posslblo exception of final
ueiuiia us 10 mo occaa race to ijiu
harleston and
Pavannah. This raco is to bo the
a uiue rlnoon
event nt the season and aa now fixed Is,
schedulnd for June 0. This date may bo.
Grnef Misses Chance
Anthony Oraef, of tho Kngls Parlor, last
n'cht missed a chance to take undisputed pos
session of the lead In the Keystone Fockst
Ullllard League by dropping a nnrd game to
Hoy Oumphert, of tho Amber Parlorfl. Tho
score was 75 to 09, and was played at tho
JTasle Parlors.
Kline and Burns Suspended
COLUM11U3. O , Jan.
Doling Commission last
Columbus. J
Young Patsy Kline, of
Franklo Burns, or Now, Orleans reatluff
welght boxers, for failure, to live up to wKn.
tracts. Other boxing commissions will bsjtbtl
fled of the local commission's action.
i i
Baumgardner With St. Ltyujs
HU'NTINCITON. W. Va.. Jan. 0-Rrbert E.
Hedges, president of the St. Loul$ American
League club, came here last night orrul signed
Tilaur rnrw. nmx
Oeoraa llaunurardner.
pitcher, lo play for
his team.
Leaders Tumble In National
The two leaders In the NUonal League
went tumbling down to defeat Jast night when
Strayera downed Corley 31 to ,V3 nnd Madonna,
defeated Western L'lectrlo by to to 227
Kappa Delta Bhl Girls Win
Kappa Delta Phi Olrls yiere victorious last
over inn b i-j o-r jm
tfn Guild basketball
20 to ii.
Delaware Tys Winners
Th Delaware Boys' club basketball team de
feated St. Peter's, 4h to 28,
Oermantwn I"lve Victors
JBNKINTOWI-V Pa.. Jan. 6-TB German
town Academy basketball team, of Philadel
phia, defeated the local high school nvo ben
lost evening, T(S to SO.
Iiafayetta Enters Wrestling Team
Ao:ordlnr to Manager McPhalr. or the Co
lumbia wry.tllni team. Lafayette will enter
the Interc-Auegtat Wrestling League.
7,fixed Fighting Abolished
MILVAUKEB. Wis. Jan 0 Negroea will
be pecf.iltted to engaga In boxing contests with
each other In Wlaoonsln, but no bouts between
MrhltM and negroes will bo allowed.
MiriJs x p-"r &4- tez& m XMim
33 A.
and signing
Is Considered Biggest Move
Yet Made in Great Base
ball War Now Being
Waged by Rich Magnates.
CHICAGO, Jan. 6.
Charging organized hasohnll with being
a combination, conspiracy nnd monopoly
In restraint of trndo, the Kcdernl League
filed suit In the United States Court be-
foro Judgo Kenesaw Lnndls jestcidny,
asking that tho National Commission be ,
dissolved. Tho suit was filed In tho nnmo
of tho "Federal Lcnguo ot Professional
Baseball Clubs" ngalnst tho "Nntlonnl
Lcaguo of Professional Uascbalt Chios,
the American Lcnguo of Professional
Unseball Clubs, August Herrmann, Uan-
croft 1). JohiiBon, John K, Tcner ct nl."
Tlio suit was filed through tho law 'firm of
Jtycrs & Gates, tho latter bolng llio attorney
of tho ailmoro circuit In tho petition for a
dissolution of tho organized Interests tho Fed
erals explain that "nt nil limes herctoforo
tho supply of oxpert baicball plajcra 1ms boon
equal to tho demand of t lie aiious major
leagues," and that such demand must bo sup
plied from minor lcnguo ranks Under tho na
tional agreement, tho plilnllrf asserts tila)crs
In tho minor leagues nro dominated by the
national Commission by alleged Illegal con
tracts which prevent tho Federal Lcaguo from
Having access to this supply ot young plajcrs
How It looks to President Bolter
,, "Simply n case to try, to get moro adver
tising "This Is tho way President Baker, of
tho i'hlllles, characterised the latest movo of
tllf lrnderniR tn Irvlnv trt ,1l..,1in n,Minl,il
baseball. "They hae not accomplished much
since Walter Johnson Jumped back to Wash
Ington. Tho player Is better treated today
than ever beforo, nnd baseball has been kept
clean nnd grown wondci fully under the guid
ance of the National Commlcslcn. I don't
think nny court will grant tho decree aakcl
. B. T Shlbo. president of tho Athletics was
In tho Phillies' offlco when ho hoard tho news,
but When pressed for nn opinion ho said' "I'm
not interested In anything the Federal Lcaguo
docs. Let them worrj "
Garry Herrmann Talks
CINCINNATI. Jan 0. August Herrmann,
chnlrmnn of tho Notional Commission. In a
statement In regard to tho suit filed by tho
Fedorul Lcaguo In Chicago, said "An In
estlgatlon or n suit of this character Is some
thing that has been Invited by organized base
ball either through the courts or n committee
representing Congress, for eomo years past,
nnd wo hne every renson to bellovo thnt when
the samo has been tried nnd finished thero will
be nn absolutely clean book for tho national
Ban Johnson's Opinion
President Johnson, of tho American league,
said' "I think this la another attempt to keep
tho Teds .before tho public The suit on tho
fnce rf It Is absurd Why, tho Feds hnve been
trjtng to get Into orgnnlied baseball, so-called!
Wc aro not opcmtlng a trust, for nnsbody with
money can bus Into our circuits Speaking off
hand, I hnvo no fear of tho result of this suit
VasebsJJ Is an nmusement. not n commodity,
hence the government of snort cannot bo ilo
clarea a violation of tho Sherman law, Tho
Fcda aro growing desperate. It would seem."
Governor Tener's Boint
HARrtrsmma, Pa, Jan O "Much good It
would do them," said Governor John K Toner,
president of tho National League and member
of tho Natlonnl Commission, nfter reading thi
dispatch announcing tho suit Med agnlnet the
National Commission by tho Federal League
ho coum gee aiong wunout tno isauonni
continued Tener
I'ho National
League ha pro-pcred for -.0 fears, whllo the
i, w,
comnu'aion uas neon operating
B,. B. Ward Not Surprised
llobert B Ward", president of tho Brooklyn
Club and vice president of the Federal League,
expressed no surprise. "I know It was com
ing." said Mr, Ward "Wo discussed tho move
during our recent conference In Chicago, ns o
felt It was tlma for real action ngalnst the
combination w hlch seems to regard b'iseball as
uomethlng with a fence built around It to keep
others out. We bolleve that the sport should
be open to anybody wishing to get In Just as
any other business Is The whole system Is
wrong nnd that Is tho reason for this suit "
Dave Fultz's Idea
President David L Fultz, of tho Baseball
Players' Fratornlt), said that It was Impossi
ble to forecast the effect this latest legal ac
tion would havo In Its relntlon to the players
Individually nnd colloctlv ely, Tho dissolution
of the National Commission, he Intimated,
yould leave the players free to dispose of tholr
tervlcea In the open market and to tho highest
bidder. Professional baseball without proper
organization and control, acordlng to the fra
ternity's executive would result In completo
disruption nt playing and bi slness standards
such conditions would bo the forerunner of
'baseball chaos.
Mystery .Surrounds Ynnkeo Sale
NEW YOB1C, Jan. 0 All parties to the sals
of the New York Americana continued to talk
yesterday, but when the sun set thero was
still no progress to report and Ban Johnson
was still In town Apparently matters of
CTeat moment must havo been discussed at a.
council of war or peace In the offices ot the
law Arm of Klkus, Oleason 4 Proakauer, but
no Inkling ot their nature was allowed to
leak through the doors. Finally, along late
In the afternoon Big Ban leaked through and
went to his rooms In tho Hotel Wolcatt, but
thoso who trailed him In search of enlighten
ment vvere left as much In the dark ns bo
fore. Boxing Commissioner James E. Price,,
who attended some of the confabs, was also n
man of mystory, affable, but uncommunicative
as a dead sphinx.
To Sign Yank Papers Today
NKW YORK, Jun 0 The long-heralded
signing the papers In tho sale of the New
Yorl, Yankees Is achedulod to take place to
ay, according to latest word from Ban John
son, who ha beon hare for several days
futtlnfr the deal through Johnson sold evory
hlng had txen arranged for closing the ileal
Athletics to Play Chicago Nationals
CHICAGO, Jan. 0. Contracts were closed
for a series of . games between the Chicago
Nationals and the Athletics, to be played In
Florida during the spring training season,
Ths Chicago Club will train at Tampa and
the Athletlo player will condition themselves
at Jacksonville, Three games will be played
In each city.
Hack Seeks Pitcher Park
LEXINGTON, ICr, Jam 6 -James Park,
champion college pitcher tn Kentucky, will
llksly wear an Athletlo uniform next season
Mack has written to Coach Alpha Brummage,
ox jv.sn
of Kentucky State University, asking all about
aualincatlons. statins' tr.4.t Parle n.1,1
n mtrniv racommsnoea to
hluhly recommended to him and that ho
wanted to send a scout out here to watch
Pork, at work.
COM i- I -
of lajoie by mack afford fans gossip-fea
Hf s jk i (HI SSvSngSst; T'lffisPr "&
The fiery-eyed young man who is pictured on the left is a nun whose
name is known In practically every country of the civilized world.
Maybe at first glance you do not recognize the great and mighty
miierrrnv" Mriiraw. now leaner oi
photograph was taken years ano,
inithe world.
It Is Bollevcd Veteran Will Work
Wonder With Crippled Machine
Willi the Federal Lcaguo driving In a new
Wodgo ngalnst orgnrJzod baseball by trying
to illfaolvo tho National Commission through
legal procedure, Connie Mack, nt tho Athletics.
Icgnlnod first place In tho "Publicity Lctguo
rice vctterdnv bv purchasing Napoleon Lnjole.
nt the Cleveland Naps Pnt Moran occuplod
tho position of honor for Just ono day, but
he was unnibto to keep tho Phillies In the
race, becnusn Manager Charley Hcrrog, of
Cincinnati, rnllcd to appear hero lo help put
through n deal for Charley Tooln.
Deal for Charlie Booln Now Indefi
nitely Postponed.
Manager Charley Ilorzofr, of tho Cincin
nati Hcds, did not make an appearance
at tho Philadelphia National Lcaguo of
fice this morning', and President Will
Baker, of tho local National Lenguo club,
could not wait longer nnd left town for
his homo In Brookln
IlerzoR was expected In Philadelphia
last night or thlsmornlng to confer with
President Baker relative to n deal for
Charley Dooln If any definite trade Is
mado today It Is likely It will bo com
pleted by wlro between this city and
Brooklyn It Is probablo that Herzog Is
ono his way north now.
letter Sent to Eddlo Clcotto Conveys
Such News.
0 -Eddlo Collins In a letter
tn Pitcher Eddie
uicotte or tno vv nito box,
inn he Is Bind to got away from rtillnrtelphrv
becauso the fann thero are not as loval to
the plavers as they ought to bo Aftor ex
pressing thn opinion that Chicago has tho
greatest pitching stnff. not excepting Boston,
he pays ' Hero is one thing I havo been
waiting lo cay, I nm glad to bo awnv from
Slack's team. I say this sincerely nnd of nil
the cities nf tho American League, I prefer
Chicago 1 ho fans nro loyal thero Aplnjcra
mistakes of n day fand we oil have them)
nro overlooked because It is known a man Is
dolna his bc3t. 1 have nlwavs wanted to play
In Chicago now that I'm with tho toam I am
going to glvb it my best efforts "
Wingo Slgn3 With Ked3
CINCINNATI, Jan 6 lAccordlng to a dls
patoh received last night from Atlanta, Ga.,
Manag-r Charles Herxog, of Cincinnati, signed
Catcher Ivy Wlngo, to a two-venr contract,
tho terms not toeing. given Tho catohcr has
bton reported n having signed with the Fed
rial Lcngue, Wlngn's contract, ns signed yes
terday Is with the St. Louis National League
team, with whom he played lait season.
It lo understood, however, that Wlngo will
be transferred to tho Cincinnati team In ex
change for money and players. Ono of these
plnyers fi the Cuban, Armando Mnrsans, who
lumped to tho Federal League last year, but
was prevented by court proceedings from play
Inr The Ht. Louis club will be given tho
right to negotiate with him,
Sloufeds to Train at Havana
ST, LOUIS, Jan. 0 Tho St Louis Federal
Teague baseball team will go Into training at
Havana, Cuba, late next month, according to
an announcement made last nlcht.
Wolvorton in Bole of Manager
CHICAGO, Jan. B Harry Wolverton, for
mer lender of the New York Americans, has
been appointed manager of ths San f ranclsco
Del iloward, former first baseman' of the Chi
cago cubi
Meadowbrooks to Bace January 14
The Meadowbrook A. A. of this city will
put a strong tean In the one-mllo c.lub relay
at the games of the MUlroae A. A on Jan
uary 14. Such stars as Meredith, Upplncott.
1 ockwood, Kaufman and Horter are eligible to
wnar the Meadowbrook emblem. The New
York A, C and Irish American A. C. and the
other local clubs will have teams to prevent
the Quaker contingent having a walkover.
There will be five relay races on the program.
Sport Writers to Dine
At a meeting held yesterday afternoon In the
Pen and Peni.ll Club of the officers of the
Sporting Wrlterav Association, vvlh President
Jamea C Isamlngcr In the chair. It was de
cided to hold the eleventh annual sporting
writers' banquet on Wednesday, February 10
Jack Dalton Takes a Jump
BUFFALO N Ym Jan e, Jack Dalton, of
the Brooklyn National League team, today
signed a contract to play with the Buffalo Fed
erals. Dalton was Just nosed out of leadlns
tatsman honors list season by Jake Daubcrt
Br, McCarthy Track Coach
MBDFOHD. (Mass , Jan
6 The appointment
oc ur vnniiain i Ajoiriiiy, u, Arlington,
as coach of the TUfta College track, team was
announced yesterday,
Postpone Havana Race Meet
HAVANA. Cuba, Jan. a The Havana race
meat, originally scheduled to open on Jan
uary T. has been postponed until January 1
his tuturc course unuetermtnea. un tne ngmwj nivc ci iiwy--graph
of Manager John McGraw, still plain "Muggsy" to many, the
seasoned veteran and one of the craftiest leaders of baseball teams
yfaf.j Vsa-'JL jtrvu."aj -LJU
tne imcw xuiit uimua. imtu
"Muggsy" was struggling along with
Will Mcot Camden High Flvo in
Now Gym.
fit. Joseph's College basketball team
will open Its 1315 cngo season this eve
ning In tho Institution's now gymnasium,
17th nnd Stiles streets. Camden High's
fast flvo will bo tho opposition.
Coach Donohuo has doveloped a crack
qulntot nt St. "Joo's." Tho Collegians
will bo given a good tryout tonight, as
tho bos from across tho Delaware havo
been displaying n stellar article, ot tho
Indoor sport.
The probablo line-up follows
M Joseph's Camden II S
I.avln .. .. forward . . .Schoelkopf
Alg . ... forward . . J Clancey
T Gnllnglier. . . centre T.Taylor
Martin . . T guard . . . Selby
Itetlly . ... guard Shirley
Jlcferco Lecky Time of halves !0 minutes.
Several football Btars are bidding for
positions on Chestnut Hill Academy's
basketball team, Including Ellison, Grif
fith, Hcbcrtson. AVrny, Biackledge, Itlch
nrd and Cabell Troll, tho star centre
who recently recovered from a sick spell,
Is out for practice.
Is Named Graduate Manager of Penn
Athlotics at A. A. Meeting.
Itobcson Leu Perot was rc-elocted to tho
position of grnduato manager of Penn ath
letics for a period of six months, and will
(ruldo tho destinies of tho Red and Blue nlh
!"&" 1!nt" .Julv 1 of ihl 3r. He will also
fulfil tho duties of treasurer of the awmcla
tlon for the same period This was decided at
i."""1!!? 8 Athletic Association meeting.
h.1 "a.V f'oven will play Penn. but
whether tl n Ited and Uluo will Journey to
Annapolis, ns was the agreement, or whether
the nllnrj can bo persuaded to play nt Frnnk
jirr I leld again his not jet been determined.
There 1 n rumor that West Point will be
round on I'enn'g schodulo noxt year, and that
tno pchemo of alternnto out-of-town contests
with either of the Government academies will
stlio tno ned nnd Uiue ono game with Undo
fcnm i proteges on anklln Field each season
The members of Penn's championship soccer
team were rewarded for their wonderful
Dr H K. TlnJl, chairman of the Track
committee, nnnouncod tho Indoor varsity
'Cl,rf1oU.fensWh'Ch " " bv &
February K. (hth Infantry games, nt Buffalo,
21 tL.1"10" Athletlo Association games
SJ Pi0".,.n.2!tn,n'? .N.11 Mllltla games
at Baltimore ' ' n5lment Jam;
VnlJrPiii0,B5i!.0,,r. A'.AA A' A- a"'"i "t New
X'n1 xPJinceion ,,n(!oor. ". nt Prince.
dclphla. 13, Pittsburgh A. A. games, at litis-
locals Matriculate at Allentown
ALLCNTOWN. Pa , Jan 7 -Samuel IMIko)
Wilson and Moylan Hajes. two of Philadel
phia's leading seholastlo athletes, who were
formerly nt Northeast High School enrolled
today at the Allentown Preparatory School.
,VI'13h'rP.w' Va n- H -The candidates
.S5t-M.!l,nb;tlel?sr Xtnm "."ted training
today In the r i. m. M. A gymnasium under the
v,'Hrf,ctir uPf WLln M'""' Three form"?
Philadelphia schoolbovs. Homer Parker, C I
Steele nnd William Fltxgerald. are In the
squad, Muhlenberg Is entered In the Meadow
brook, Johni Hopkins, Lafayette and Boston"
A. A. meets.
Clermonts After Scalps
The Clermont basketball team, formerly
champions ot ttouth Philadelphia, would like to
hear from (even and eight class teams. Calvary
.Reserves and Delta Bovs" Club preferred. An
dreas Manager Frank Lama, 1633 South street.
Penn Men Out for Swims
The Penn men who will compete for the re
lay team ate Captain Shymck and fasten, of
last J ear's team, nnd Harding, Ileraty, How
on, IIUKhes, I). Kelser, J Kelser, Maul I, New.
lln, Itucsell. Schrelber, Slmonton, Walsh and
Welsh Only nve men remain on the squad
of rlungera and divers. Places on the team
will be fought for from now on by Coons,
Uvan, Lehman, Msrnuseo and Shoemaker,
Penn Riflemen. Meet Today
The first preliminary match or the rifle team
ot & 1'nlverslty of Pennsylvania will be held
on the Franklin Field range this afternoon,
Bacon Basketball Star
In a National Hank and Trust League bas
ketball game last night the Union National
Bank five defeated the Fourth Street National
quintet, S3 to 12. The feature of the game
was the excellent shooting of Bacon, of the
Union Nationals
Ice Yacht Wins Two Cups
LONO BltANCH. N. J . Jan. 8. It Is not
often thvt an Ice beat la able to win two cups
In a single afternoon and from two yachts ot
two different clubs. Dual honors went to
Henry S, Terhune'n X I, N C yesterday.
Swarthmore Meet May 1
Swarthmore's InterschoUttlo. track and Held
meet will be held May 1.
6, 1915.
OLEVnLAXD, Jan. 6V-"
itf IS'IS p. w. vestcrdaif when
Mack told me M wanieA me em if
ciifb. At 1SHB I ta a member of
hl club I'm delighted over the deal.
1 hate to leave Cleveland. I have
thousands of friends here. 'I have
spent the happiest hours of mV life
In Cleveland. The people of Ofet'C
lanrJ hai-e 6e3 rcneroin ttnrl ffoort
to me, thouoh t feel that It is for the
Merest of everv one concerned for
me to go to Philadelphia, vet it
hurts a trifle to think of leaving
J to with onli good wishes for
those whom I am leaving. There are
no hard feelings between milsclf and
any one on the Cleveland Club, even
though there have been decided dl
fcrencs of opinion on many subjects
in late years. In all sincerity I wish
that She Cleveland Club Is as suc
cessful as I hope to be, and that If
our club, wcrwOif fftc Athletics,
doesn't win the pennant, that the
Cleveland team will.
The thought of returning to the
city where J secured my real start
In life gives me some satisfaction.
There's no place to which I would
lather go. In fact, Philadelphia,
liaston and JVcto l'orfc are tho only
cities tn f7ic pountry to which I
would have consented to go.
Officers Aro Disgruntled nt Treat--'
ment Will Bo Settled Today.
NEW YOllK, Jan. 0 Matthew P. llnlpln,
chairman of the Athletic Committee of the
New York Athletic Club, aatd last night that
he would call a meeting of the commltteo of
which he Is chairman for this afternoon and
would himself propose a resolution that tho
Now York A. C. withdrew from the Amateur
Athletlo Union. .
This decision was roached In Madison Squnre
Garden when Chairman ilalpln had rocclvod
deflnlto word from J. W. Stumpf, chairman
of the Registration Committee of the Metro
politan Association of the Amateur Athletlo
Union, that the half dozen swimmers who had
entered the swimming race of tho Sportsmen's
Show In the Oarden stood suspended for not
competing In Inst night's race, a 00-ard handi
cap When llnlpln heard from outsiders that the
suspension was In force, his words were:
"Then we quit, but I want lo know first If
our men really nre suspended." Chairman
stumpf was atandlng near by watching the
race that was in progress, lie responded to
the Invitation sont by Ilalpln nnd when the
pair met few words were wasted.
"Are our men suspended ?"niuerled Ilalpln.
DtUmnf began tn rantv with nn nl,n.,lnn
but had cut only as far as "according to the
ncrtftfnn " hmn llatnln , !.!. -h.... -...
said" ."All .1 want to know la aro our men
n "lion jiuipiu cut jum snore ana
"All 1 wnnt tn un,w 1 UM .11, .. man
SUSPeilded?" Thn nnnwrn- man (vm " nH
Ths answer was "yes." nnd
Hslpln turned nway saying,
want to know"
mat is all 1
The New York A. C. athletic leader Im
mediately announced his purpose and tn un
mistakable terms. "When It comes to a ques
tion between promoters and n club of the
Amateur Athletic Union anil the club gets tho
worst of It," he said, "there Is only one
thing to do, and that Is to quit right away.
I yIIl call a meeting of the Athlotlo Com
mlttee for tomorrow afternoon at 0 o'clock
nnd will myself propose thnt tho club resign
from the Amateur Athletic Union."
Injured Football Player, According
to Doctors, Cannot Live.
EALTIMOnB, Jan. 0. Bob Layfleld the
Johns Hopkins quarterback, whoso spinal
cord was broken In the football game with
Lehigh on the Inst day nf October Is, accord,
inr to doctors at tho Johns Hopkins Hospital
losing" ground dally and cannot live
All honr of operating in an effort to relieve
the total parallel, which extends from his
neck to his feet, has beer, abandoned. Layfleld
lies In a plaster capt. still showing the courage
that has enabled htm to live so long ngalnst
tho unfavorable opinions ot several specialists
who sxamlnod his case
Biff-Booth Bout Best
NOnniSTOWN. Pa.. Jan. 0. There was no
excitement during the wind-up at tho Palace
A. C here last night, Dddle McAndrows and
Charles Turner, both of Manayunk, fight
In? ten tamo rounds
Kid Beebe and Tommy Livingston, both
ot Philadelphia, furnished the somtwind-up,
neither doing any damage. Tho second pro
Umtnary waa the best bout of tho evening.
Kid Biff, of Norrlitown. knocking out
Kid Booth, of Phoenlxvlllc, before the first
round had gone SO seconds.
The cdrtaln raiser, between Eddlo Itoland.
of Conshohocken. and ICddle Rondon, ot
Philadelphia, was a slugfeat, with honors even.
Amateur Boxers Beady
Owing to the large number of entries In tho
103-pound class of amateur boxers at tho Oay
ety Theatre the boys In the 115-pound division
will not be able to start tonight as tho llttlo
fellows will have the call. The llt-poundern
will be given their chance next Wednesday
Jlm.Corbett Manager Now
TACOIIA, Wash , Jan. 6 James J. Cor
btt, former heavyweight champion and pres
ent vaudeville star, has branched out as a
fight manager. Ills protege Is Joo Bonds a
Itcal 'heavyweight, who, the ex-champlon be
lieves. will harvest the "White Hope" crop.
Nelson Talks Again
Battling Nelsori, who Is In New York pre
raring for a vaudeville act that opens January
1R at Hammersteln's, declares that he wants
to fight Just once more before quitting the
rlnr forever. And It la Ad Wolgast that the
Battler la anxious to meet.
Levlnaky To Meet Keating
iNHW YORK, Jan. 8. Battling Levlnaky and
Ja-k Keating meet at the Federal A. C. to
night, Jack Toland Winner
NBTW YORK, Jan, 6. Jack Toland shaded
Terry Mitchell In e. fast 10-round bout at the
Broadway Sporting Club, Brooklyn, last night.
McQoorty in Good Shape
(IHICAOO. Jan 8. Eddie McQoorty, who
will naht Hilly Murray Friday night fn Mil.
waukec, today tipped the scales at 10014
pounds. He has poeli
f too weight forfeit.
Elect Xucy Commodore
John A Lucy, formerly commodore of the
Island Ilelgnts Yacht Club, was elected coo.),
modore of the Yachtsmen's Club last night,
Offers Territorial Bights
, niOIIMOND, Vrt Jan. 6.-Trrltorm rights
In Richmond for the International League
were offered last night by directors ot the
MrBinla Baseball League for the sum'- of
Racquet Club Picked totyj
From Germanlown Tri
B Merion Also Lil
to Taste a Bitter DefS
It is not at nit likely that Ihm,
be any upsets in tho intcrctub jy
ruuqucia jimicncs loony, tis sh"
stronger cuius meet the weaker
In meeting Germantown, Team B i?l
rtacouet Club, tho Racquet Club l1
bo nble to retain the lead It obtalntlf.
wecK by dercntlnp; OvcrbrooVc U"A
mntrliitn tn tlnn. On 41,n ....... 1
-- -"" ...fc uui-asiop
it, -i. tiunn was missing from
Racquet Club team, but against 1
stronger uermnntown team today 'J
probablo that no chances will be tiJ
and that he will mako his first ipp
nnco ot tno season, with the Rt,
Club captain! Jennings, Hutchinson. 1
ten a nowcomer: "Wear and Stcven.?l
Archer playing, tho team wilt indeeavj
formidable ono. tiio teams wlllt
lected from
W. II, T. Huhn
C. II. Jennings
X. L. Hutchinson, 3d
I O. Wlstcr
J, W. Wear
w, Y. Stovenson
l'lerco Archer
M. L. Nowhall
K, S White
6. W, Pearson
o: It. White
V. 3. Pearson
W. K. Muller
31. M, Tllden
C. fl. Rogers
L. Leo
It. Lee
W. r. Johnson
J. B. Canhv
. g?:.B i
J' Bradley j
W. V. Newhall t
B r. Ileeves '
Sheldon Potter 4
H. M. Tllden ,
n. a vyiremaa tl
A. Dvans
IU 8. Francis t
K. V. Dougherty
.1 I. Bvans
H. W. Morris
A. I) Cilllls
C. Clay
w. f. iuuii&:XA
K. Mosler
I,, S. UeLons
A. r. Hording
C M. Jackson
I'. A, Hays
F. Banes
E. II. LeBoUtlllter
Cap Biley in Place of C. Morln, GirJ
Billlnrdlst Blttlo Practice.
Owing to tho sevcro Illness of his ft&J
Charlrn Morln, of Chicago, the leader UJ
iiuciniutu xiiico-.ubiuuu miimru x.eague,
unable, to meet Plcrro Maupomc, the local f
resentatlve. In a lcaguo match scheduled tl
held In this city at Alllncor's Academy 1
night. J J
"Cap" Itlley, another angla expert ot I
rago, who Is substituting for Morln in the cfcl
n.llllnn .inn MDlinnmk'u ntiMnml mrtA wvS
....r... .,- V.K, .... rV..w.. - p
might otnerwi&o nave Deen a cioseiy coau
TTinlch resulted In a walkover for the I
cuttst, who ran out In CO Innings, SO toSL,
Defiance Goes to Junk Heap
Defiance, tho jacht built by the UW
Byndliato ns en America Cup defender, to,
ten tho end of her fitful careor. Her rr
I Inr. Aiim rvmtnnrlnm TT W Olsi-V si
tho l'hlladclphla Corinthian Yacht Club, teHbece
ciisposel or ner an juiik, anu biio win ua pta
up, mainly for the 70 tons of load in tierbxi
una tno steel rms in ncr irn.m, buq
703.000 and wns sold for 0300
C. Y. M. N. XT. Out in Cold
Official notification waa sent to every a(
nation in tno Amateur Aimotio union 7'
lr.iHtn t,v Rp rplnrv.lrA,,Rlirpr l,,rdrlefc
Itublcn tnat the alliance between the gets
Inir Amateur hn.lv nml the Atl letlo Leame '
Cathollo Young Mon's Natlonnl Union hidlns!
ti rmlnated on December Ifl. as ordered tr Or
Ibonrd of governors at U10 annual coniebtwi
Ir November. 1
ThA war thriftt.- madn hv tho leaderi 6
the Cathollo League following the decliloerf
tho A. A. U. in keverlng their alliance, laM
fallel to matcrlalUe so far as New Tort W
concerned It wan the plan ot tne i;aiaos
orxarlzatlon to gain control of tho Amite
Athletic Union by having Its moro tins S
dubs become Individual members of the ri
ernlng body, and In that manner be abi 01
Ul-tato tho policies nf tho varleus assocbllal
with which they bocamo nfflllated. and tanf
the power of selecting their national deWtai
Sutton Hay Succeed Smith
NPWAHK N. J Jan. B Larry SuUBI
cout of thoil.rookbn Nntloral League ltl
is mentioned ns the probablo sutceisorjtsa
TlnrrA hmllH nn murine- nf thA NewartT tt9
uf tho International League next year. W;i
ton last sroson was the Business manacer?!
tho local club.
Travis Golf Leader
PINKIIlIItST, N. C, Jan fl Eighty l
jilayers surttd In thu qualirsing rouni
thn 1?lh nnnunl Tnltl.wlrlpr lynlf touraaSr1
xi.BtnrH.,i Tln. wn n mni- tlin KV H eMFflS
and In most cases the championship 1
were used. Walter J. Travis, formerly ,!
and American champion leii tho flelqvl
71), being closely followed liy Chlsholm Bll
Fox Hills, with on SO. Dr C. II. Gil?!
Asawam: llobert Hunter. Wee Durn. aMJl
W. Whlttemoro, Iirookllno. were close up-g
Brother of Amos Strunk Dies j
TI..M. a e,,nt I.H.II1A. nt Amns fttTllSl
the Athletic outficider. dloil Bunday nlM
ItiJlO at Ms homo 10.XI North Sid etreet. Cl
den, of a complication of diseases whim
kept him bedfast for the last ten months, fi
Strunk was 31 jears nf age and leaves a Wfl
and threo children Tne tunerai win u j
Tnursday and tno remains may uo ti
tins evening at nis tain nomr.
Sullivan Plehts Droulllard
CHICAOO, Jan. 0. Joe Sullivan, rn
nr 1l,nviv Anrlnrnnn. pYrjvtH to COln
money for tho rtrst llmo In his career towi
wnen Jimmy vuikcei hi a i-iv.,'ii: "-frtEll
1'atsv Droui laril. at Lansing. Mich, Drl
lard la the CanadUn champion The .openm
xlay of the 6tnte Legislature haa helped w"
seat earn.
Rorddeau May Surprise Whits'
CHICAOO, Jan 6,-tciiarley White, ChUM1
lightweight prine, looua lorwaru 10 uu, -
witn reunie vvemi. in flew or, wj; vj
as his next dimrult engagement "J 55
Mm jioumeA.u si ruuuue ,u .'.,M-7.rjrfs
January lu. but expects to win elty.fI
deciarea ne vriu inioeic out tno mm """i
Harry Grant Iiate Entry J
BAN DlEOO, Cl . Jan. B.-Only a, ttjt o
tite before the entry list for the "!&
position automobile raco closed at nUW'l"
Jlorr) Li ram enterea Ills Migll'n ov
wun ttimseis ar urivcr.
Operate On Orenda
NBVYAUK. N, J., Jan. 8.-Alfred Orer.d.i
apwndlcltU yesterday at the rresbrWgl
Hospital in thU city
5 A??F
.a SO
il Nfe I now oio i
mm mm eai m ' an- ,?ff-,,g- 'bm miam mm sm mmm w iaa , m& &&&n rrmm
a. , s v. .Y "vJhavc -rue .
" w tKi' r . .
Tcoal vt u --riBB1 ' ' BrUKl ' ' S-A ? P 'mi i - - 'P-w rv.
1 if ....I hi i . -. in - it" L ' ' ' ''" ' ' "
S iiSSSsTi ui i T" ' "" " ' '"""" "
tt rrr3 jrry rti 7 yr-Vi" ajc w i mm k
$jU, .u.n I. !.. lii u i Yz2--at- -Hi .t teg,Jt ft TT af 1 v.l , r iT - . -L.. p. .1 . aS7m?' . - - - J
ssb-S -f iu xtaojrs. J nwa.r htuiLv m-