Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 05, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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Mr vr. tfrTHYrtr.v - il- ..
MIBS iaaiiii"a uvriuii w jiiien inne, en
trtntned nt luncheon yesterday In honor of
Mfg Dorothy Schell, whoso marrlngo to Alfred
jioorhead North will take placo ThurBday. Tha
rttsts Included Mra. Vllllam Ntysblt, of Wll
jpjn8ton; Miss Gcrtrudo Kline, Miss Madellno
fftnsel, Miss Qladya Edwards. Tho tablo was
fttttitlcally nrfangrcd with WHilte toaes ana
aVfSra appropriate for Iho bride. Miss Made
line Hensel also entertained tho bridesmaids at
luncheon ono day last week. Pink was thu
color scheme.
Mrs. Ge&rco "Wharton Pepper, Mrs. A. H.
Wlntorsteln, Mrs. Benjamin Rush, Mrs. Dallas
Dixon and othor prominent Bocloty women arc
JnUrtsUd In tho recital to bo Etvon by a Uos
ton planfet, fthnrles Anthony, assisted by Mrs.
Wllllm Grccno. soprano, at tho home of Mrs.
"f Clifford Lewis, 30 sown sza street, Thursday
ftrnoon of UiIb week. The proceeds nro to
devoted to tho work of tho American Am
fcutanco Hospital In Paris.
Mr. and Mra. Charles A. Hook, of Baltimore,
liii-i announco tho enijagomeni or ineir tiaiigh.
I r Miss IjOuIso Warflold, and Lcroy Moody
! Lewis, of Phllaaeipnia, son or jmx. ana Mrs
Louis Lewis, formerly of Richmond, Va. Tho
1 ireddlns will talso placo in uio sprinp.
The Informal opening of Keen Houso look
I place yesterday afternoon, when Mrs. Keen
tnd Mrs. James T. Halsoy gravo a tea to tho
Wttronesscs of tho now (undertaking, which Is
to rimulato Castlo House In Now York. That
Keen Houso will bo a nucccss seems a cor-
i mnty at tho very beslnnlng1. Mrs. Keen woro
' the dearest llttlo gown of whlto pussy-willow
taffeta, which was finished with a thick cord
at tho odso of tho wldo hem. Tlio high waist
line was flirlshed with n 2-lnch ruffle, and tho
tiny bodlco was formed of silver thread Inco.
Mra. Keen and Mr. Campboll danced a. number
, of ipeclalty dances, and In the Intervals danced
with their cuests. Among tlioso who attended
yesterday woro Mrs. S. Naudaln Ducr, Mrs.
i Robert Emott Hare, Miss Kathcrlno H. Hare,
Miss Jean C. Bullitt, Miss Ruth Coxo, Miss
Mary Frances Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Jones Wls-
ter, EclUey Coxe, Alfred Barton, Joseph M.
Patterson, 2d, Mrs. Henry K, Dlllard, Jr., Mrs.
' W. Reynolds Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur Pad
i dock Klapp, Mrs. David Lewis, Miss Mary Vic
toria Green, Miss Maria Gilpin, Miss Qenevlevo
I 'GIbbs and Otto C. Mallory.
The Phltopatrlan Institute celebrated Its 64th
anniversary last night In tho clubhouse, 1411
; Arch street. Tho houso was gorgeously deco-
I; rated with palms, ferns, pink azaleas-and laurel
festoons, together with variegated electric
lights. A short muslcalo took up tho early
part of the evening, and was followed by danc
ing: A buffet suppor was served at midnight.
Mrs. Walter Langdon Eustls, of 2015 Pine
Itreet, will be at homo this afternoon after 4
o'clock. Those receiving with Mrs. Eustls
wW, be Sirs., William Montague Lycett, Mrs.
.Arthlnston Gilpin, Mrs. William Morritt, Miss
Gertrude G. Mcrrltt, Miss Loulso Eustls. Mrs.
Irancls Hazelhurst and Mrs. Charles Penrose
Keith will presldo at the tea table.
jC'.Mrs. Avery D. Andrews will bo at home
I Wednesdays In January, at 135 South 18th street.
!JTo cards have been sent out.
Mrs. Cordelia Terrell, who has been the guest
.of Mrs. Joseph M. Gazzam, of the Rtttenhouse,
iifor some tlmo, will shortly visit her daughter,
I. lira. Norman do R. Whltemarsh, of New York.
jiMr. and Mrs. John L. Craig, of Oak Lane
SfParlt, will give a dance for their, daugh
ter, Miss Sue B., Craig, nt tho Old York Road
Country Club tonight. Those who will attend
wPl be Miss Katharlno' Kenedy, MUa Louise
Deacon, Miss Elizabeth Asbury, Miss Jane
Dsemer, MIbs Margarfct Hughes, Miss Chris-
fWM Newman, Miss Dorothy Nolms, MIbs Kath
arine Lamb, MIbs Virginia Thomas, Miss Grace
Frlck, Miss Mildred Havens, Miss Ethel Mar
jgerlson, Ml&s Maude Gould, Miss AHco Perry,
&Us Alice Dlllenbeck. Miss Genevieve Dlllen
4ck, Miss Marjorle Boyer, Miss Gertrude Ly
jPn. Miss Josephine Stengle. Miss Ellnore
BjiTS, Miss Charlotte Cherry, Miss Harriet
B. Miss Margaret Kelsey, Miss Elslo Darby,
ma Prances Wood, MIbs Miriam Williams,
Mls Margaret Dlckley, Miss Allda Buehler,
myi Neva Parker, Miss Helen Rice, the Misses
rby, Ashton Work, Gordon Smith. Bromley
wnwi, Barclay Read, Harvey de Sanno,
;lSjries Carrlgan. Conrad Bchatte. J. Robert
;HJ3n. Jr., Clarence Miller, Edward Sanborn,
Mwt Dippy, Jr., David Klauder, Jr., Bland
gMifclrtelt, Alfred Holmes, Earl Shuroan.
lftttB. Holmes, Philip Darby, Lloyd Van
Wr, Oswald Race, Gilbert- Lane, Wlllard
fiWMttO. Carroll Jarden. Harvev Garrlcues.
flitter McAdoo, George Stevenson, 2d, Edward
gimns, J, Megargee Walsh, Edward Lamb,
BpiUm Wallace. Charles Borda, Jr., William
Bypath. Cecil firnwHinr T?nVi-t TinAiirtdce.
P?TC I?ba, John MaoBean, Roy McKee, Bd
mnl Bchellengar and jrudaon Ballard.
ilfa, William Montague Lycett will entertain
Brambers of her card club this afternoon at
home, nu j.jne Btrest
EMrs. Wllllnm t)nn tCX?u t will .nfHnln
ffl this afternoon ot tho Aldine Hotel.
Jweph A. Jannoy, Jr., and Samuel H. Matt-
1 Clv a small dinner-dancs tonight at
Whltemarsh Valley Hunt Club. . ,
tiu Amy Brooks, of Washington, Is the
s ot ner sister, Mrs. Edward O. B. Fletcher,
' oouth 18th street. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher
' the eek-end Jn Washington with the
?r" srandfather, Gen. John M. Wilson, re-
-- o this city, accompanied by Mi"
?, yesterday.
pAVJD-s-urB., KneUle-y, of Guthrie, OkU.,
the guest of her sister. Mrs. Theodore
pderselm, during the week, on her way t
. and Mra, Rlohard MacSherry. of Toronto,
n vislUng Mra, MaoBherrys parents,
6nd Mra. Robert H. Wilbur, of Old
! Hoaae, on Lancaster avenue.
'-Howard Frits, ot Cornell tlnlveralty.
"is th holiday with Wa. paxenta, Mr.
n. W. H, Frlta.
Mrs. William p. Benta are receiving
tuluons on the birth, of a daughter- Mra.
formerly Ml Beltn M. Macnanwe.
tl.ag aho wr utioii at th Phil
'U&c. ab dac wsti Jtr a Jtes.
Georcn n ti,-.. .
tokrr i . ' alr nna JIrs' John Whit.
WKer. Joseph Jennings, Fred Whlttaker. who
Jue7ta u0o",Mr ,MW'n LaU8hUn'fl "
ami Mr, t. ti " JIr8' Sa,nUcl Hawler' Jlr'
rtek , "Wrlh HUUS Mr nnd Mrs" Frc'
mtLu "I"' Mr- nlld MrB' Alfrcd BaU. E.
shiw r7e, M"1Cr' Mr ftnd Mr8' Bou,t Earn
aAnn V JmnlnB. Henry Bnltzoll. Gilbert
jactt MmM Ches,on Mr and Mn- Uwry
cuerlto Milne.
"r;, n"d Mr8' WllsoTpotter. of Montgomery
avenue, have returned from Cleveland, o.
Mrs. Daniel Donoghuc, of Mt. Airy avenue.
Will cntortaln Informally at brldgo today.
Tho Jenklntown Choral, under tho direction
of Mrs. Bessie Klllo Slnu?h, will hold tho Ilrst
private concert at tho Jenklntown Auditorium
on Thursday evening, January 7, at 8:15 o'clock.
An unusually attractive program lias been ar
ranged, Including W. W. Gilchrist's "Ring Out.
Wl d Bells," which will bo sung from mnnu
script, with Mary Nock Malpass and F. Avery
Jones at tho piano. Tho club will bo assisted
by Elslo Lyons Cook, soprano, nnd Anton
Horner, of tho Philadelphia Orchestra, who
will play the French horn.
Tho Reception Committee Includes tho follow
ing ladles: Mrs. Gcorgo W. Long, Mrs. John S.
Gaylcy, Mrs. Robert Cornwath, Mrs. Louis B.
Fortner and Mrs. Joseph K. Dixon. Coaches
will meet trains leaving Reading Terminal for
Jenklntown at 7 and 7:32 o'clock.
Tho following Is the synopsis of the program:
Q) Holy Christmas Night e. Lassen
(2) Thou'rt Llko Unto a Flower Rubinstein
(3) Long Ago a. Marschal-Loopko
) Gray Days Nocl Johnson
(6) Dawn Tschalkowskv
(0) Tho Willow A. Gorlng-Thomas
(7) Tho Sea and tho Moon John H. Brewer
(8) Cossack Cradlo Song.... Samuel R. Gaines
(0) Ring Out Wild Bells W. W. Gilchrist
Tho Paint nnd Powder Club, auxiliary to and
composed In lnrgo part of members of tho Jenk
lntown Choral, will present a musical comedy
entitled "Hotch Potch," on Wednesday and
Thursday ovcnlngs, January 27 and 23, at tho
Jenklntown Auditorium on York road. Under
tho direction of Mrs. M. Y. Smith and Fred W.
Sutor, tho younger set of tho York road sec
tion hnvo been busily engaged In preparation
for this production, which is expected to sur
pass anything yet given by tho club.
Mrs. Morris Herkncss and Miss Ellen He"r
ncss, of Wyncoto, who have been spending sev
eral months nt tho Bartram, 33d and Chestnut
streets, left on Sunday for St. Augustine, Fla,
Mrs. Herkness and Miss Horkness will spend
tho remnlnder of tho winter at the different
winter resorts of Florida.
Mls3 Mary Turner, of Betterton, Md., who has
been the guest of her aunt nnd uncle, Mr. nnd
Mrs. James R. Turner, of Florence avenue,
Jenklntown, for several months will return to
her homo early In February. Miss Helen Palmer,
of West avenue, Jenklntown, entertained at
nn informal "candy pull" on New Year's Eve
In honor of Miss Turner.
ft Tlea 174nn Pn.i..l JtAA VHH,I. Yl-t &
',a.s muiiu uuaM, ul ww Aiuim .uruou Direct,
returned yesterday to Cornell University, after
spending the holidays with her parents.
Miss Margaret S. Hunter, of 12S9 South 64th
street, will be hostess this evening to the mem
bers of the "Belles Esprltes," one of tho popu
lar "500" clubs of South Philadelphia. A buffet
luncheon will follow the game. Her guests will
bo Miss Clara Cooke, Miss Loretto Cooke, Miss
Florenco Beach. Miss Helen Hannlgan, Miss
Margaret Hannlgan, Miss Margaret Mooney,
Miss Sarah Mooney, Miss Viola Mlntzer and
Miss Ella McDonald.
Among the many attractive masqueraae aances
given last week was that of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles S. Wall, of 4133 Pine street. The dance
was followed by. a supper. Their guests were
Mr. and Mrs. William Tinker, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Schrleber, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MeKcown, Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Maynes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Bowers,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Halterman, Mr. nnd
Mrs. William Rltter and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Miss Mary Glelm, the young daughter of Mrs.
Edgar Glelm, of 6115 Regent place, has re
turned to her home after spending the holidays
with her Bister, Mrs. Walter C. Zimmerman, of
Miss Helen Yecker will leave on Thursday for
Lancaster, where she will spend some time.
l'toio by Hmm
.. . .ir, will bt tememUtti Um
r , T ofittkd. Mr- mi Ww. O'JIara
feSSLwi1: DER" " 'HnSEraiiv. H ' ?;, .YW,!Sa? I
ttE&Ss'; asMsKT . , i".-', WWT, YassK . .'-Li. -i;, jl?fSi:i I
Miss Wcthcrill is a popular member of the Main Line younger set.
Invitations havo boon issued by Miss Helen
Hannlgan and Miss Margaret Hannlgun for a
card party, to bo followed by suppor and danc
ing, on Thursday evening, at their home, 2I3D
Carpenter street. Tholr guests will Include Miss
Mabel McCoach, Miss Ella McDonald, Miss
Florence Besch, Miss Margaret Mooney, Donald
Cartland, Charles Nichols, James WalBh, Frank
Boyle, Murt Nichols and Miss Helen Rcagen.
Miss Mae Herman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Herman, Is spending tho first week ot tho
now year with her slater, Mrs. Charles Roab,
of Now York, where she will be extensively en
tertained. '
Mrs. W. F.. Cushtng, of 2311 South 20th slrcot,
in the Glrard Estate, will give a children's party
this afternoon, in honor of her llttlo daughter,
Laura. The IS little guests will bo Dorothy Wil
son, Berenice Gouget, Carol O'Loary, Violet Ju
venal, Elizabeth Gardiner, Jean Gardiner, Eve
lyn Harris, Helen Cushlng, Helen Duffy and
Russell Carson, John Hartman, Henry Rey.
nolds, Charles Harris, John Livingstons and
Knight Fryor.
Lieutenant Commander W. M. Hunt, U. S. N.,
and Sirs. Hunt entertained Mrs. Hunt's parents
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Packer, and Miss
Margaret Packor, of Burlington, over New
Year's, nt their home In the Navy Yard.
Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Werner, of Leipslc, O., an
nounce the marrlago of their daughter, Miss
Luctle Mabel Werner, to Frederick Charles
Smith, of 1031 Rltner street. After a brief
wedding Journey, Mh and Mrs. Smith will take
up their residence In Jersey City.
ALL tho roads In debutante land will sooner
.or later lead to the RItt-Carlton tonight,
where Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wharton Llppln
cott, ot 1834 Spruce street, will entertain at a
large dance in honor of Miss Edith H. Bally,
daughter of Frederick L. Bally, of Clovernook,
Ardmore. Miss Bally, who made her debut In
early October, has been an extremely popular
member of the gay throng this winter and has
been honor guest at a number of dinners,
dances and luncheopa thla season. Tonight ahe
will wear a lovely gown of chiffon and tulle
and will carry rosebuds.
There will bo 600 gueata present and a buffet
supper will be served at midnight. Mrs. Llppln
cott will be exqulaltoly gowned In blue bro
cade trimmed with silver lace. MIbs Eleanor
Mills, of New York, a alater of Mrs. Llpplncatt,
has come on for the dance and will receive
with Mrs. Llpplncott and Mlsa Bally,
Miss Bally will be guest of honor at an In
formal dinner to be given by Dr. and Mrs.
Strieker Coles, of 2103 Walnut Btreet, before the
As usual, there will be a large, number of
dinners for the debutantes, Mr, end Mrs, J.
Bertram Llpplncott, of 1713 Spruce atreet, wilt
entertain In honor of Miaa Gertrude Tower,
daughter of Mr, and Mra, Charlemagne Tower,
The guests wU Include Mlsa Edith H. Bally,
Mlsa Susan B. Ingeraoll, Mlsa Kate Furneaa
Jayne, Miaa Helen Tower, Miss Sarah Llppln
cott, Mla Ruth Cox, Miaa Almee Hutchinson,
Miaa Harriet C. Deaver, Miaa Sydney Ellis,
Miaa Halen Ellis, MUa Corlnne Weston, of
Maasachuaetta; Miaa ElUabeth W. Henry, Miaa
Louisa, G. Pay!, B. Lowber Stokes, Dr. John
B. Caraon, Charles J. BIddle, Joseph Thayer,
X Hamilton Oheaton. Lieut Ford Todd, Will
iam W. Bodlne. John I Welsh, Jr.. Philip
Knowlton, Boston; Frederick Woolley. New
York: Burgew Wwlley, New York; Nicholas
BIddle. Edward Hurt. New York; Fit-Eogn
Bt' BWM ura- Nw yort:
niti-i smith 1
oJw Wv I 1T TNI ITP A 1 ITT L m - T2- or
l'hoto by Manreau
Miss Marjorlo Thomas, of 235 Pelham road,
entertained a box party last night, followed by
supper at tho Bellevue-Stratford.
Miss Hilda Frost, of Summit, N. J., who
spent several days with her brother and sister-in-law
on School , lane, has returned to her
Miss Mario Zara, of Hansbury street, will en
tertain tho members ot her bridge club on Wed
nesday afternoon.
Miss Phoebe Satterfleld and Calvin Satterfleld,
ot 6322 Wayne avenue, have gone to Baltimore
to visit friends.
Dr. Walter B. Adams and Mrs. M. B. Adams,
of Maplewood avenue, have returned home from
Atlantic City, where they spent tho Christmas
Mrs. Dorothy Groves Smith, of 6929 Wayne
avenue, Is recovering from .an operation for
appendicitis. Mrs. Smith Is In the Germantown
Mrs. John Mackln, of 8820 Pulaski avenue,
will entertain her card club at luncheon and
"500" tomorrow afternoon. Her guests will be
Mrs. Philip Johnson, Mrs. Frederick S. Hocse,
Mrs. Frank Hanel, Mrs. Herbert Allen, Mrs.
Frank Lyons, Miss Rena Watts, Mrs. Jean
Belcher, Mrs. Robert White, Mrs. G. Morris
Golden, Mrs. J. H. Blair and Mrs. Charles
Miss Emma Bitting and Miss Helen Booth,
of Morris street, have returned from Atlantic
City, where they passed the holidays.
Jr., Jared
U. S. N.
Ingersoll, Ensign Schuyler Mills,
Mr. nnd Mra. G. Colesberry Purves, of 1813
Pine street, will entertain In honor of Mlsa
Charlotte Rush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin Rush, and Miaa Mary B. Clayton,
daughter ot Mr. and Mra. Paul Clayton, will be
guest of honor at a theatre party, to be fol
lowed by supper, to be given by John W. Brown,
her grandfather, prior to the Llpplncott dance.
The gueata will Include Miss Lucia Warden.
Miss Frances Btoughton. Miss Jean N, Thomp
son, Miss Virginia Roberta, Mlsa Elizabeth R.
Reath, Mlsa Alice C. Thompson, John W. Meara,
Snowden Samuel, Ludwlg' Lewis, Woodson Han
cock, Rowland F. Mellor, John F, G. Keen and
John Appleton, of New York, The party, which
will ba chaperoned by Mr and Mra. Paul Clay
ton, will afterward attend the Llpplncott dance.
Dr, and Mrs. George Falea Baker, of 1918
Spruco atreet, will entertain In honar of Miaa
Hapaell French Earte, daughter of Mr. and
Mra. George H. Earle, Jr.
Miaa Margaret Crozer Fox, daughter of Mr.
and Mra. Caleb F, Fox, of Buthellyn, OgonU,
will give a dinner for Mlsa Marie Louise Wana
maker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodman
Wanamaker, Covers will be laid for 24,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Creaawell, of ?l
Locust atreet. will entertain at dinner and a
theatre party In honor of Miaa Elizabeth
Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mra. James
Beaton Thompson, ot 2211 Walnut atreet, The
gueata will Include Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sturgla
Ingersoll. Miss Anna M. Heckscher. Miss Cor.
della piddle, Miaa Jean C. Bullitt. Msa Inea
Drayton, Miaa Mary Stuart Wurta. MUa Marga
ret il. Burton, Robert Fraxer, Robert H- PS.
J. FrancU R. Packard, FranoU Reed, Alden
Lee. B. Well and Robert Creaawell. Sd.
Mr. and M.s. Rdward B. Meara, of HIS D
Lancey atreet, will entertain at dinner In honor
of MUa BnuUe LaFarge Claxton. daughter of
Mr. William PebJ Ctetoa. Cove wia be
UM M 13, 1
To tht Eiito? o (A Bvtnlnp.Mgtr:
Sir Tho Highway Commlaalon and the as.
Blstnnts holding civil servlco certificates seem
to bo remlAs In their duty In not Insisting upon
Immediate repairs nnd In most caeea new side
w.ilks. Tills would give employment to Idle
men In that line of work. Tho tenants pay
large rents, but nro powerless to persuado the'
landlords to renew the mUch needed sidewalks.
The Highway Department can compel the
owners to do tho vork nt once.
Tills would net wjlllng hands to work. Tho
private charities nro doing nit they can with
limited means. Thero Is nlso much other prl
vnto work that could bo pointed out. as well
as other streets having bad nnd dangerous
footways that need repairs thnt I could clto,
which I hope omo other reader will point but.
Hon. John Skelton Williams has stated that
It Is necessary for tho public to purchnso lux
uries nnd Indulge In some extravagances to
provide tho vast majority of tho workers
Btondy employment. Actual necessaries would
require only two days por week to produce.
It has been pointed out that n large class
or pructlcal business and professional men, as
well asMnechanlcs, wcro given n civil service
oxnmlnutlon. and nono of them obtained nn
average sufficient to obtain employment In n
public occupation. So lot laymen nnd states
men take hold of these problems nnd help our
Idle brethren by tho tiso of ordinary common
"Phuadelphla. "EADK"'
To tho Udllor o the Evcnino Ltigtr!
Slr-I would llko to commend your paper on
cartoon on cdltorlnl pngo of Dccomber 30, enp-
nlindi .JIlnc,I Ths ls certainly a clean,
Sinn i plef. of F0Tk' from wlllcl n pey
political partlsaiiBlTlp Is eliminated, nnd will
do a world of good in tho right way.
. ..ij d. ,n?,t,so'no of your contemporaries
vvoud cut politics from their nowa Items nnd
confine their petty political bins to the cdlto
rlol pngp, where It belongs. W. F, D
To tht Editor of tho Evening Ltigtr:
Slr-Tho Idea of an olevnted railroad scorns to
me to bo most opportune What Is necessary
will ndmlt of no question. Personally, It has
taken me at various times CO minutes or qulto
tlint long from Frankford to Market street
.i, . ,rcop!e ot Philadelphia should not forget
mat they havo a problem which needs to bo
solved nnd a lino of olevatod road for 80 aquaros
north of Market street and CO squares south of
Market strcot, running on 2d street or 3d
i. t0 "cconmiodato tho half million or moro
of mill nnd other workers of Kensington and
Richmond, to say nothing of tho great popula
tion which ls bo denso nlong tho same lines of
residence to Porter street.
An elevated road on the lines proposed uhould
not nnd would not In uny way injuro or rctanl
tho other lines of "subway" transportation.
Philadelphia, llko London, is a world In Itself
nnd covers a great nrcn, bo much so that Its
Very development Is nn Injury unless It Is sup
plemented by adequato facilities of iipeedy
transit. JAMES H. BAUM.
Trenton, N. J.
Mrs. Russell Wilson, of 1924 North Park nvo
nuc, will entertain at "000" this afternoon. Tho
game will be followed by a buffet luncheon. The
guests are Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. John B.
Groff, Mrs. Frank Mlskey, Mrs. Rex Stack
house, Mra. Frederick Wagner, Mrs. Hornco T.
Wagner, Miss Ireno Fngloy, Mrs. Robert Bar
low and Mrs. Mertlll Shrlvcr. '
Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Relnhelmer, of 23:6
North Park avenue, have returned from Atlan
tic City, whero they passed tho holidays.
Mrs. T. W. Preston will give a luncheon to
day at her home, C31 Allegheny avenue, for Mrs.
William Savtll, Mrs. Louis Klumpp, Mrs. Rob
ert Kolp, Mrs. H. L. Lownsbury, Mrs. Clifford
Wright. Mrs. Oscar Thomson, Mra. William S.
Dufdeld. Mrs. Edward Smith. Mrs. Louis Bally,
Mrs. H. Glbb and Mrs. Edwurd Slthens.
Miss Elsie WIdmor, of 33 North 30th street,
entertained at tea yesterday In honor of Mrs.
C. Lewis Wldmer. The gueBts Included Mrs.
May E. Ebbels, Miss Anno M. Coleman, Miss
Elizabeth M. Owen, Miss Nana WlUon, Law
rence M. Connelly, John Dray Kcenan, Lewis
C. Wldmer, Howard M. Reynolds, Daniel R.
MacGregor and La Roy Gengler.
Miss Gertrude E. Kelly, of 2121 North 13tli
street, gave a children's party on Saturday aft
ernoon In honor of Rldway A. Cooke.
Miss Betty Llndlg, of 3101 Kensington avenue,
has returned to her homo utter spending the
holidays In Lowlsburg, Pa,
Miss Clara Young will entertain the members
of her sewing clrclo nt her home, 3127 Wey
mouth street, tomorrow. Her guests will In
clude Clara Selgel, Lillian Miller, Mabol Steefes,
Ella Stevenson, Alice Kordtns, Iris Brown,
Edith .Thomas and Helen Woodmler.
The La La Club will hold Its next meeting
Thursday at the homo of Miss Flo Schoppo,
3120 Weymouth street. Those present will be
Bertha Blelden, Frances Hackell, Rebecca Kor
man, Gertrude Wills, Martha Simon, Myrtle
Mertz nnd Flo Schoppe.
Mrs. B, N. Faunce, of H23 East Montgomery
avenue, will entertain nt luncheon tomorrow.
Dr. Nathaniel Wlnkelman Is spending his two
weeks' leave of absenco from the Allegheny
General Hospital, of Pittsburgh, at the home of
his parents, 6705 Rising Sun avenue. Doctor
Wlnkelman Is one of the honored graduates of
the Central High School, ot thla city,
Mr. and Mra. William Lunn, of 1613 Unity
atreet, have had as their gueata over the holi
days Mr. and Mrs, Fred J. Harding, of
Townsend's Inlet. N. J.
Morris P. Jonea of 1509 Foulkrod street, has
left for Weat Virginia, whero he will remain
the remainder of the winter.
Francis P. Coyne, of Union Furnace, Hunting-
don County, has returned after spending the
holidays with his father, Lawrence Coyne, on
Church atreet.
Mlsa Frances T, George, daughter of Mr. and
Mra. J. Rowland George, of 4623 Griacom street.
la convaleaclng from her recent Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Duey. of 4S33 Mitchell
atreet, gave a very enjoyable dance in celebra
tlon of the birthday anniversary of their daugh.
ter. Mla Olive Duey, Their gueata Included
Miss Virginia Hare, Miss Marie Cavanaugh,
MUs Mae H. Hunter, Mia Rose Darian, Mlsa
Haael Wallace, Miaa Margaret Severaon, Mlsa
Beasla Blankln, Mlas Katherine Forater, Mlsa
Ella, Miller, Miss Eulalle Greaves, Mlsa
Mary Mattla, Mia Miriam Wallace, Mlsa Myrtle
SUverwood, Miaa Margaret O'Brien. Miaa Ftor.
enc Priest, Mlsa Viola Jonea. Miss Stella. Rltter,
Miaa Anna. Jenkins, James Knlpe, John Holland,
William Perkins, Edward Burn. Chealelgh
Hallmaa. William Fetter. William Kelloy,
Herbert Yeabaley, Frank Holland, Paul OaUo.
gher, Frank MeMaster, Duane Pratt. Jama
Oliver, Bdwln Wlle, Harry Hanabury. Roy
JIoCIih4n. Lasts? HUakle, Lloyd ttadvUKe,
Mr- n4 lr- Harrv J Hare, H-. and Mra.
J ""
re m EMof , it,, livening ttdptrt
RlfwVI,ll tu. .. j . " ... ...
i.i.iii ,L i . 7nl" uoiwuneni la now -.
, ----- -; vmw w imuicui. mem irom iraajfr
Ing. subsequent bursting and flooding Mm
?Uai1 Tltii. wa.".d WftUr ould ll hot b waft
JS 'i1 l0. dlrcci attention the great waato o
currlng In such places ns 6th and Taskjsr atresia.
Tasker street, below 2d, nn In Femon street
between Front nnd 2d streets. Last winter there
u?nSi!l d.nnrttuJ,J "H of ,eft maintained Ml
winter nt 6th nnd Tasker streets. On Taiker
street below 2d the street wna covered with Ic
f row the curb to the car track, and on Feroo
street Ice covered almost the whole atreet ASs,
result, In each case waste water waa permitted
to run over sldewntks. In each locality thla win
tor the same conditions are apparent alnco the
fh.,lB5? I'in? lher? ls M doabt th'r ' con
tinue all winter unless mcaaurea aro taken to
stop them. ri i, P
Philadelphia. "" "' r
To tho Editor o tht Evtnino Ltdotri
t'S!EIOT ,lendIln on tho articles In th
l.vB.smo T.Enonn, "Year Marked by PolltlcA
Upset In. Pennsylvania," sayB "Republican res
toration enme with landslide that show6d con
domnatlon of Wilson tariff oct" It does not
appear so to the writer. Penrose stood foP
nothing excopt the tariff, nnd vet he Is
m norlty Senator by 20,000 votee, Congressman
Michael Donohue was literally "snowed un
dor' In tho Kensington district, which la prob
nbly tho ctrongest district In Pennsylvania
for the higher tariff. Mr. Donohue's course in
Congress when ho voted against hla party on
i1!Vlcrwo? bl" Bnd ln hl Phe for
ro-olectlon, when ho mado protection the
paramount Isnuo, was of no avail. His nelghi
bora voted against him for an unknown quality.
No. Mr. Editor, it was not the tariff. Whim
ly defeated tho Democratic party in Ponn
sylvanln. Congressman Palmer made local op.
t on his platform, Bpoke for It and labored for
It and went down to defeat for It, for 200,000
Domocrnts voted for Penroeo nnd rum. If there
was ever .an honorable defeat that was. and
today Palmer and his party ls Btrongcr In the
Hearts nnd minds of Mm nenni,. nt t.iw-.
nln. Minn Yi.ri.' I- 1.1. i .. ...
man i'enrose ls hla in hla debauchem
bought victory.
S r-l was grieved to see Sykes beautiful
cartoon on Now Year's Day marred by Ui
Inexcusably erroneous caption, "You're Fifteen
Today me 20th century Is not .yet J ;
old. It was only 14 on January 1. if BykeS
will only start at the beginning of the century
he will discover whero his error began. The
century did not start with the year WOO. That
year was tho last of the 19th century and the
now century began on January 1. 1801.-
Prlncoton, N. J Jnnuary 2. '
To the Editor of tho Evenina Ltdgtr:
. f0 haVo roatl '" your Paper about "Turk.
Ish Woman as Nurse." I would like to Bay that
n?,l,,Jiavo,m!it,0a mlstaho. Thero are not any
Turkish Rod Cross nurses they are all Ar
"pfcelphln. ' ATiaiAN.
Mrs. William B. Ulrich has returned to her
homo on East 4th street after spending several
weeks with relatives in Now York city.
Miss Gcorglanna Wamdcn, of Camden, N. J;,
Is the guest of. Mrs.' John Watterson, of Bast
6th atreet.
Miss Eleanor Dlckerson, of East 22d Street,
has returned from Norristown, where she waa
the guest of relatives for a week.
JlhnvA 17,h tltfau.
Scats lieaervtd b mono
Locuat 8T70 .v. ,
Funniest Show
or tbe Season
Kvra. at 8:30; Mats. Thursday and Saturday, 2 (SO.
Popular $1.00 Matinee Thursday
Evbi. and Saturday Mat, Prices, ?1.0O, 1.80, IJ.0O.
Ohpst.nnfc Rr opEnA I noma or world's
VJillBUlUU Ob. HOUSE I Greatest Photoplay
Afternoons, 1 to 5, 10c and 16c
Evenings, 7 to 11, 10c, 15c, 25c
THE Another Smashing Success
Hundreds Turned Away Yesterday
Course Tickets ftTOffl Now
Mata. Wed. 4 Bat. w
Neit Week "THE OIRL OP CmLa"
David Belasco'a
GARRICKLastBEvgs. xZm&
Popular Price Wednesday Mattnee. Beet Seats f I.S&
Next Week Oeo. M. Cohaa't The Wracl Man.
A. iKljruni jtniuMra jiiut
Mlsa Kitty Qordon & Co.) Mlsa Via Irwin h Co,t JIIm
Marie Nordstrom; Ilavemann's Wild Animals; file,
Antelo Patrlcolo. Other All-Star Features,
Vaudeville IX ISO to Jl;30
"The Buyer Uom PJUsburi"
Kaufman Bros.. Dolly , Mack,'1tolitni' Elephants,
Cooper t Rlcarda. Others.
Tj-nfiAn Last 3 Weeki. EygH BtXS.
OSWJixU Matinees Wednesday and Eaturdiy,
111 . II II III HI L l.f
A TV'n'T "DTJTT Popular IX Matloe Thursday
JXUlhljrITLl Tonlfbt at 8 US. Last T TbM
Next Week Sam Bernard ln The Belle ot Hsftd gj.
CROSS KEYS Theatre "tfer
Vaudeville I Day 1 (In Piratilnwo ?Bf
I at 2 J.UU wveuuiKR ia. ja,N
1'roiram Chaiured Moaday end TtafteeW
N.Y. BYM. ORCHESTRA. At Hepga'i.
Today SUB. T 8
Muklnjr tha UovIm"'
Btmvltj & fltratau
Tralnor & Ml Utlta
Ilaxel Moan Le-iU & Knut
..I.yf,W,B5a- ,flffBtU
Tcnlcbt at 8tl Sharo
TjTVfl"DTt?li clown AKP i-invc mil
tMM l'A.. Ba. M.NM 4AX:
fa M
,ii,uv vii.ifc; -
: mrnr J 4