Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 05, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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.. . im rrrrrdln Pnice
bnilTlutlonal, and It becamo tho duly of
?? .larimmt to meet those attacks.
r."ir.. :UCceS8fany.
tJL deoartmcnt argued with success In
Tl,i.m Court ot tho United States
RlB'-",riJ.i., M,a ronnHtuttnnnlltnr of
UJ.Ute prohibiting foreign-born aliens
rom. !!. ..V;f mictions oa to tho police
nS of the State and tho construction
Wv . . .ii...oi ihonUfa! mid. In the same
,t,i,tem-- --; . BU8talncd the
i.l. ..,i,- the State and Federal Con-
'! iimm of o, very Important provision
iUW ??i?L?.! mlnn rode, rcnulrlmr In
a interest and protection of tho miners
m-imeJ.L. -. ham-lnr tolllara between ad-
"i;in5 rnmes! also tho caso Involving tlir-
?SSUrhlch 1- the principal act under
'ff .he T Dairy and Food Department
"'2U : Tno constitutionality of the
periu . f vftri0UB nrovlslons
u.ll.f . ..vim? laws, have also been upheld
vl. ki.iiMit courts of tho State, and
In uio o i-ii- nflvnln Imnkors. and
Iho act i,finrif flf.nnrtmfttit InAVR.
oTCral OUie , . ,, lownr courts.
ve oeen sue ."-
i addition to this class of Important
in 1..1. j..ritrwit has been success-
Em m obtaining Judgment from tho
UirS concerning corporato taxes, which
Eted In interring tho Stato revenues
lfalonc. ter U " of litigation,
WS8 al"r. , mlwln frnm nun
early ilw """
ndification of Laws
w. r ioi,niv Rofcrenco Bureau, at
.":.i At 1913. was directed by tho
KLVral Assembly to mako examination
It 1 w iiroparo a list of obsoleto statutes
till W VrV'" , .tnllht ovinia
rtit statutes wiiu;w, ow...w uvu -u ..w.u
."..- thev havo been repealed by the
Ccncrai repealing clause In subsequent
Hrl'd reciting by tltlo and repealing up-
Erard of COO laws. Tho bureau wns also
iirpcted to prepare compilations nnd
9dC3. OX '""-"' ".i Y tT rt.nWnl AB.
atts, aim 10 ", ".;"-- ,""-, "
imtalV In 1' BUfii uuso no .nv.u ui.uii
called the. general laws of P.n.ylva.
.t. locnl. rclatfvo to business cor-
!oratlons (except railroads, canals, bank-
nc find Insurance, whicn win do coai-
ed separaxeiy; """ mw.-i.. .
S,.ii tho codes mentioned abovo
ihnuld not becomo laws, tho amount ex-
ifnded on mis worn m ju "j "
csults shown.
Thero were 43) DanKS, trusc companies
-.1 .nvinM-fund Institutions doing bus-
ness in Pennsylvania at tho closo of tho
ytar 1910. This number nas grown 10 tui;
Khe resources have Increased from J1.0G9,-
SO 356 3o to l,iiio,ii'""i "" """'"'"
mve grown from $717,515,534.36 to $923,231,-
i35S2. and the nunmer oc oepo3iiora iruiu
741 013 to 2,315,321.
nnin. nasoclatlons In this Stato at
he dose of 1910 numberod 1KX), nnd now
lumber 1793. The resources Havo ln-
ireased from $181,302,0SS.27 to aa,wi,ioa w
a January, 1914, mailing 1110 ioiui ro-
lourccs of all incorporated mmuuli.h m
itltutlons In the Stato for 1914 about $1,-
PAW' . .... .... T.,D,.
It 18 to oe regreiiuu umi "" t'
ure has not yet deemed It necessary to
!,. mnmirn3 similar to thoso In use by
tho National Government and many of
he Slates for a more expeamuua mm in
expensive method of winding up tho af
efalra of Insolvent llnnnclal corporations.
logislatlon shoula do enaciea requimis
UlllndHlduals engaged In private banking
to tako out a license, ana me provwioii
In the present law exempting certain
iprlvato bankers should bo repealed. They
ijhouli not bo permitted to receive de
Wita WPn tl'o credit of Individuals, un
less subject to tho examination nnd
scrutiny of tho Banking Department, in
order that such deposits may have tho
'greatest possible measure of security.
'Rcalftlng that thero were but two States
n the Union whero more capital was In-
Tested In Insurance enterprises, and but
kme State wherein tho volume of business
transacted was greater than in 1'ennsyi-
vsnla, the General Assembly of 1911
enacted comprehensive legislation reor
ganizing tho Insurance Department and
Mending Its jurisdiction, until today tho
Insurance laws of this State compare
favorably with thoso of any other State.
Policies of life Insurance and liealtn ana
accident contracts havo been so standard
ized that beneficiaries can readily under
stand what protection they or their fami
lies will recclvo In tho event of mis
fortune. The llnuldatlon of Insolvent institutions
bad been a sourco of dissatisfaction on
account of the delay and excessive cost
of administration. The act of 1911,
authorizing tho Commissioner to liquidate
lotolvent companies, has proved beneficial.
oome twenty-llvo companies ana associa
tions hae already been wound Up, or are
in process of liquidation, with a minimum
cost and no unusual delav.
it Utile additional legislation is required;
cot a standard fire policy should be
liopted; authority should be given the
wwmisaioner to examine and supervise
rats-making associations and provisions
tornado for tho licensing of tiro insur
es adjusters.
vfatinnnl Clun'A
JSli National Guard has maintained its
SSLWcy. It Is composed of about 11,000
w men of tho Stato and Is compe
IHy5,arncered. I visited tho several en
ftopinents and waa Impressed with the
jajy?t manifested by the olilcera and
52?-.The training and discipline of this
SfSjiplzatlon teaches respect for law and
Minority and rftnftr h vnnni men to
Meratand and accept responsibility. Tho
tanT80ldler Is the natlon'a reliance for
S (Miense of her Institutions, and Penn-
jtfM'anla should be prepared to do her
fmgy having a strolig forco of trained
ff4 awciDlJned men. Tho General Assem-
W should give thoughtful consideration
g- "w needs of tho National Guard.
iaforrrinMl!.0n ot th0 "I""' aw.
125 for receiving stolen goods.
could Vav,KPerccntaM of " "et
authorltlM been m,,de bV h local
tnbllshed JftM,lthre? mcn eaoh. " e
counties tw ,i"Car .,n M or different
that h;8n' K Pt'on to localities
the ilSSJ, ,ocal pollee! b"t. owing to
o? h,'?' approprllted
nniv " Z"l liICF0 uMtatlon;
j mw uiuuiininPM rnr .
We Armory Board
twork accomplished by t
a can
or three
months, til...... i....". .lr..
nent. so thnT.i,'." ' ?"0? .S?. M.K
linVn 1, ... i "ieu lOCailllCB COU U
have tho much-nceded protection all the
nurnhpi,eVeMUy ror an '"crease In the
nti .f m,fn and nn ndequato nppro
Llat',n to,d'aHbuto them to tho beet
by thnaBfi ' rus,hout t,,c 8tnt0 ! Provci
Lnh,e thousands of requests for as-
slst.n(.0 tmt nre rcccvcd yearly from
?iv rUihiC?U?.ty 0.mcla,B' w,tn lh0 or
comply department Is unable to
Fiftieth Anniversary of the
Battle of Gettysburg
The net of .May 13, 1909, provided for
the appointment of a commission of nlno
persons to arrange for tho proper ob
servance at Gettysburg of tho EOth an
nlvcireiry of tho battle at that place, and
to invite the co-operation of other States
and of tho United States, and made an
approprlalon of $500w. The net of Juno
t "H. Increased this appropriation to
The net of April 17, 1913, provided for
tho transportation to and from Gettys
burg of every surviving PennsWvunla
eoldler who participated In tho battle, and
set npnrt $165,000 for this object. Thu
Congress of tho United States directed
tho Secretary of War to create and main
tain a great camp of visiting veterans
during the celebration, on condition that
Pennsylvania should bear half tho ex
pense, and by act of April 17, 1913, the
oinie appropriated $195,000 for tho purpose,
ine ovent iproveil to bo a great success
and In every way worthy of tho Common
wealth. For tho -first time since tho closo
of the Civil War thoro was a general re
union of tho veterans of tho Union and
Confederato armies, both of which were
represented by large numbers, nnd tho
celebration did much to create good feel
ing all over tho country. Tho President
of the United States and the Secretary
of War made addresses. The Governors
of many of the States and other dis
tinguished guests participated.
The members of this commission are
entitled to tho thanks of all tho people
of, Pennsylvania.
Transfer of Flags
The commission created under tho pro
visions of a Joint resolution of tho Gen
eral Assembly approved June 5, 1913, au
thorized to arrange and supervlso the
transfer, from tho Library and Museum
Building to the cases in the rotunda of
tho Capitol, of tho flags of Pennsylvania
commands of the War for tho Suppres
sion of tho Rebellion and the Spanish
American War, and other flags of his
torical value, on June 15, 1914, transferred
these flags with patriotic and most im
pressive ceremonies, participated in by a
portion of the National Guard, Grand
Army of the Republic and patriotic so
cieties. These flags, the most precious
Jewels of the Commonwealth, representing
as they do tho valor of Pennsylvania's
sons, are now cared for In a better and
more appropriate manner than ever be
fore. Public Printing and Binding
Under legislation enacted at the last
Fcsslon of tho General Assembly tho dis
tribution of public documents is now per
formed In a businesslike way. Tho crea
tion of tho Division for tho Distribution
of Public Documents will result In a dis
continuance of tho wasteful method that
existed prior to its establishment. The
editions of certain reports can be greatly
reduced, and it is suggested that legisla
tion be enacted with that end In view,
In order that It may bo In force when tho
next contract for printing is awarded
In 1917.
Attention Is called to the expense of
printing pink bills used by tho Legisla
ture. The cost of printing these bills for
the session of 1913 was $12.813 33. Unless
this printing be essential to the proper
administration or me uubi.i "
General Assembly, they should be discon
tinued; at any event, the number of these
bills should be very much reduced, as
a largo portion of the wasto paper sold
by the Superintendent of Public Grounds
and Buildings represents a surplus of
tIActsblpfS' Assembly authorizing special
publications should contain an item ap
propriating tho money necessary to coyer
tho cost of printing, binding, etc., thus
enabling tho legislators to arrive at some
reasonable estimate of the cost of such
Capitol Park
Tho Capitol Park Commission, created
by the Act of June 16. 1911, has conducted
?. affairs In a thoroughly ft'nl"
way. and its members are entitled to the
highest praise. The number of Properties
of which 416 nave aireKuy ""'K,
Dy the commission, and negotiations are
now under way for the purchase of he
iw 'rim iraiiButuwi. w -
ffa, created to provide armories for the
""'" uuara, is commended. The ap
opriatlons made by the General Assem-
iit trOm tlfllA tA Htn a Vila hA.hl nl.
tElIa ll.S30.CCO Armnrl-a have been
JM or acquired throughout the State,
Wttentlngr a valn nf m ronnm nr itttt.ooa
Wjcess of the money appropriated by
We Policy
ti department 0f state Fpllce. created
gf. consisting of four troopsof two
w wi men each, with barracKa
.wuiea t Wyoming. Pottavllie,
wrg and Butler, haa rendered U
service to the Corranon'wenlth.
w tight yeara endlpy December 31,
w members of the force covered
& milea and moda ava.. 1 nm nrrntn
- T- . .... . ..VWW .... W (
1 ns lime tho department received
vw q requests for assistance from
04 tne state.
thousand one. hundred and fortv-
giMU were received last year from
' AttOrfieVB. RhaHITa Tildces.
Nf police, etc Less than 25 per cent
p"i ssuesis could bo compiled wtn,
'to the limited number of men on
the arrests milriA fmm .Tnminrv.
January, jsu, wcw
? murder
Mghway robbery. I
r burglary
( os ateajing
ton.Ujn of fe, aR(j 4awej js,w5
, .-.4 wuy,n,
raplu y Increasing business of the various
departments of the State Government
maPkes necessary the acquisition of this
Panama-Pacific Exposition
The Panama-Paclflo Exposition Com
missfonl appointed under the provisions
of a Jo nt resolution of the General As-
Secretary of Internal Affairs
of Internal Affairs Dg e CoromSSion
ren0lU.n?utlonofthf Commonwealth for
the Constitution 01 " . ". aSiA trans
hQ abolishment of WMMf ,
SllSf aSX CmrnUslon. the Depart
Publl 7 Sbor and Industry, and the
ment of ?'nt x recommend that
Forestry "Htuiional amendment,
this ProP08. you for action at this
Woman SuffrW
Tna l"t W8ln Uky proposing an
bly P!? oonitltgtioa of the
njenam?u ---...n, whether or
subject to bo submitted to the) voters
for their determination.
Senatorial and Representa
tive Apportionment
Attention Is called to Article It, Section
18, of tho Constitution ot tho Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, which provides
that tho State shall be apportioned Into
senatorial nnd representative districts Im
mediately nfter each United Stales de
cennial census.
The New Penitentiary
The vety beat thought has been given
to the erection nnd orcnnlzatton of Penn
sylvania's now Western Penitentiary, near
Dellefonte, which when completed will
house a great portion of the 8tate's con
vict population. An opportunity will bo
afforded Its prisoners to work in tho
open, nnd to live and sleep In sanitary
surroundings, to tho end that they may
bo reformed nnd their shattered physical
constitutions repaired, This Institution
Is attracting natlon-wldo attention.
Department Reports
The details of tho work of the several
departments nnd commissions of the State
Government to which no special reference
Is mnde, will bo found In the rcspcctlvo
reports. I recommend that tho sugges
tions found therein have your careful con
sideration. Reports of Commissions
The Uulldlng Codo Commission, created
under tho provisions o( Joint resolution
of June 11, 1911; tho Industrial Accidents
Commission, created under the provisions
of the act of June 27, 1913; tho commission
to Investigate laws relating to recording
of deeds and mortgages, created by con
current resolution of May 12, 1911; tho
Economy nnd Kfllclency Commission,
created under tho provisions of Joint reso
lution of July 25, 1913; tho Suburban Met
ropolitan Planning Commission, created
under tho provisions of tho act of May
23. 1913; the Lake Krlc nnd Ohio River
Canal Board of Pennsylvania, created un
der the provisions of tho act of June 27,
1913; tho engineers Commission, created
under the provisions of tho act of July
25, 1913; tho Commission to provide for Co
operation with the United States Bureau
of Mines In tho establishment In this
Stato of a mining experiment station,
created under tho provisions of tho act
of July 23, 1913; the Joint committee to
Investigate workings of civil service laws
In cities of tho first class, created under
tho provisions of concurrent resolution of
Juno 19, 1913; tho commission to Investi
gate all matters pertaining to cold stor
age, created under tho provisions of con
current resolution of June 19, 1913; the
Stato Dependents Commission, created
under the provisions of Joint resolution of
Juno 23, 1913; the commission to consider
revision and amendment of the penal
laws of the State, so as to provide for
the employment of all Inmates of all penat
Institutions, crented under the provisions
of tho act of July 25, 1913; the Joint legis
lative commission to Investigate objects,
methods and practices of the various
combinations of fire Insuranco companies,
created under tho provisions of Joint reso
lution of Juno 27, 1913; the Building Com
mission for a Stato Industrial Home for
Women, created under tho provisions of
the act of July 25, 1913; the commission to
provldo for selection of a slto and the
erection of a State Institution for in
ebriates, created under tho provisions of
the act of July 25, 1913; the board of
managers to provldo for establishment of
Stato Village for Feeble-minded Women,
created under tho provisions of tho act
of July 5, 1913; the commission to ex
amlno and to provide for transfer, under
certain conditions, to tho Commonwealth,
of tho Pennsylvania Oral School for the
Deaf, at Scranton, created under the pro
Visions of the act of May 8, 1913; the
commission to provide for Joint acquisi
tion and maintenance by tho Common
weath of Pennsylvania and the State of
Now Jersey of certain toll-bridges over
the Delawaro River, created under the
provisions of tho act of July 25, 1913; tho
Austin Dam Commission, created under
the provisions of tho act of July 23, 1913;
the commission to examine Into condi
tion of Susquehanna Canal, created under
the provisions of Joint resolution of July
23, 1913; the Chestnut Tree Blight Com
mission, created under tho provisions of
the act of June 14, 1911; tho commission to
investigate European system of rural
credits, created under tho provisions of
the act of July 25, 1913; the Pennsylvania
Historical Commission, created under the
provisions of the act of July 25, 1913; the
commission for the compilation nnd pub
lication of tho stautes-at-large of Penn
sylvania, created under tho provisions of
tho act of July 23, 1913; the commissioners
for tho promotion of uniformity of legis
lation In tho United States, created under
tho provisions of tho act of May 23, 1901;
tho commission to supervise tho transfer
from tho Library and Museum Building
to the cases In rotunda of the Capitol
Building of certain flags of Pennsylvania
commands, created under the provisions
of Joint resolution of June 5, 1913; tho
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
Commission, created under the provisions
of Joint resolution of June H, 1911; and
tho Capitol Park Extension Commission,
created under the provisions of the act
of June 16. 1911 will submit reports to
the General Assembly relative to the per
fotmance of certain duties and make rec
ommendations based upon Investigations
authorized by legislative enactment.
Theso reports and tho recommendations
made by the several commissions are
worthy of jour careful consideration.
We, In Pennsylvania, havo every right
to be proud of our Stato and of her
achievements. No State haa better laws,
and In no other State arp tho laws better
administered nnd more vigorously en
farced. In conclusion, permit me to say that the
people throughout the nation, generally
Bpeaktng, are suffering from a surfeit of
laws, rather than from too few. I, there
fore, bespeak for my successor your
earnest co-operation and assistance In
enacting only such laws as are necessary
and will prove for the benefit of all the
people of the Commonwealth.
I am, with great respect.
Very truly yours,
. -! i.nm ina rtfiub
not roenT,rnsVus.nla. recommend
IBM " -T7" at tSU &
Senators Also Summon Ex-Commls-sloner
for Islands to Testify.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 Hearings on
the Philippine bill, promising Independ
ence when a stable government has been
established in the islands, which, waa
dealt a blow last week by ex-President
Taft. who declared the Filipinos were ab.
solutely unfit for self-government, were
resumed today by the Senate Philippine
Committee. ....
when tha committee met today Martin
"Egan, former editor and part owner of
the (Manila Times, was me nrsi wmess.
Such broadside arguments given against
the bill by Mr, Taft and Dean C. Wor
cester, former Philippine Commissioner
and one time secretary" of the Interlpr for
the Islands, who also appeared before the
committee, are said to have thrown a
damper on sentiment favorinsr early Inde
pendence. Senator Hitchcock, one of the strongest
supporters of the )t(U, eald Mr. Taft'a tes
timony had created a profound Impression
and tho committee would leave nothlwr
undone la Its attempt to gather all pos
slble Information about the Islands.
- . 1
Youngest Grandmother, 33
t.tnn. Mass.. Jan. t By the birth of a
girl baby to her daughter, Mrs. George
J? Hanscon?. of this city, 33 yefcrs old,
bimw ! younseat grandmother In the
country, ao far as can b learned- Sae
was loarried at t and her 4ujfeur atw
we at tfce we
Store Opens 8:30 A ilf.
Store Closes S(S0 P, Jtf ,
The Great Fur Sale of the Winter
Opem Tomorrow Morning in the Fur Salon, Third Floor, Chestnut
All of our own finely chosen stocks come into it
novelty and staple amall furs, novelty and staple fur
coats, automobile coats and fur-lined coats, Every piece
reduced an exact third after Christmas.
And besides these we bring into this Sale more than
1000 pieces brand new from good furriers who are clear
ing their Btocks -all of these furs also being priced a'
third, and some even a half, less than regularly.
Many of these new furs are natural skunk and black
lynx at half. Also there are scarfs and muffs of kolin
sky, beaver, white, red and dyed blue fox, ermine,
Japanese mink, civet cat, fitch, monkey and chinchilla
Black fox neckpieces, $7.25 to $40; muffs, $10 to
Black lynx neckpieces, $13.25 to $66.50; muffs,
$16.50 to $66.50.
Natural skunk neckpieces, $9 to $75 ; muffs, $15 to
Pointed fox neckpieces, $13.25 to $60; muffs, $1G.50
to $56.50.
Hudson seal (sheared muskrat) neckpieces, $7.25
to $50; muffs, $15 to $80.
Natural mink neckpieces, $11 to $90; muffs, $20
to $90.
Natural raccoon neckpieces, $5 to $18 ; muffs, $7.25
to $2G.50. 4
Skunk dyed raccoon neckpieces, $9 to $23.25; muffs,
$7.25 to $26.50.
Fitch neckpieces, $8.25 to $36.50; muffs, $20 to $50.
Mole neckpieces, $7.25 to $40; muffs, $16.50 to
Hudson seal (sheared muskrat) coats, usually plain,
but some trimmed with skunk, fitch, kolinsky or chin
chilla squirrel, are $56.50, $76.50, $83.25, $110, $133.25
and up to $800.
Other coats in the sale are caracul, marmot and
pony-skin, besides automobile fur coats and fur-lined
(Third Floor, Chestnut)
The Winter Sale of White
Reinforcements Already Coming in to Keep it Bright and New
We are getting in more of those already famous
dollar petticoats with solid fine embroideries which wear
so well.
More of the high-necked nightgowns with substan
tial narrow embroideries.
More wonderfully good drawers at 50c.
More Empire nightgowns of the sheer and dainty
kind, with tucked waists, and priced $2.50.
Big as these shipments are, they are no more than
a drop in the bucket in a White Sale so large and so
carefully provided as this. Our aim all the way through
has been to meet the needs of all the women buying
underclothes for the next six months brides, business
women, home women, women with much money to spend
and women with little.
The Sale proper is held in the Underclothes Store on
the Third Floor, Central, and on the West, East and
Cross Aisles.
' 5000 New Shirtwaists .
All Specially Priced in Connection With the White Sale
1000 waists at $3.85 crepes de chine and pussy
willow silk, light and dark colors, besides white and
1600 waists at $1.50. All lingerie styles of voile
nnd batiste, with high and low necks and long sleeves.
2000 waists at 65c. Samples and overlots of voile
and batiste, trimmed with laces and embroideries.
Also a large lot of sample waists at half voiles
and batistes mostly. .
Brass Beds in a Sale'
All the Samples Halved in Price for the Annual Clearaway
The yearly renewal of the brass bed stock is taking
place at this moment. One part of the process is the
immediate dismissal of all the brass bedsteads in our
warehouses and on our floors at a price reduction of
exactly one-half in every case.
There are, in all, about 200 beds, mostly in full
sizes, but including all sizes, some in the polished, some
the dull finish.
There are about 75 different patterns to choose
from, one to six of a kind. Of course, very many of
these are patterns that will not be reproduced.
That this is by far the greatest half-price disposal
of brass bedsteads we have ever held, is ja patent, and
undeniable fact.
The prices go from $6.25 to $57.50 each. In be
tween there are beds at $8, $10, $11, $12, $12.50, $13,
$14, $15, $16, $18.50, $20, $21.50, $23, $29.75,
$82.50, $40, $42.50 and $57.50 each.
(Sixth Floor)
300 Men's Winter Suits in a Sale
All Very Fine Worsteds, Brand New,
Special at $22.50
Not a job lot, not a reduction, nor picked overs, nor
left-overs not a suit ever offered for sale before.
Every one of these fine suits is brand new this
Every one of them is a good, sound, Winter worsted
suit worth a good many dollars more than the special
price marked on it.
Made up to our special order from the bolt-end
goods remaining in the hands of one of our greatest
manufacturers and when these are gone they are all
Thousands of men havo bought suits just like these
not one bit better, for there are no better at prices
$7.50 to $12 more within the last few weeks and got
full value and big value for the money.
800 men who get these suits get as good pick as any
body has ever had at the Higher prices; just as good
fabrics, just as good hand-tailoring, just as good fit,
just as good value, inside and outside, and long wear.
And if possible a little better value in fashions, for
these carry the benefit of all the experience the tailors
have had in making Winter fashions.
(First Floor, Mnrket) '
Sale of Hand-Bags and Luggage
1200 of the Prettiest Things of the Season Mostly at Half Price
Hand bags, traveling case3, dressing cases, pocket
books, wallets, vanity cases," motor cases, stationery
accessories, card caseB and all such beautiful things by
hundreds in the prettiest and best-worked leathers that
come from American and foreign manufacturers.
They go all the way from 60c for hand-bag to $85
for a beautifully equipped gentleman's suit case. The
number and wealth of the fitted over-night cases for
women is amazing.
The finer articles in the sale will be found in the
Leather Goods. Store, Main Floor, Chestnut; the less
expensive things in the Leather Goods Store, Subway
Floor, Chestnut.
ii mill ii iiiiniiiiiiiiiHTMHii
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