I" 1"1 1 Tl III- 1M Jf )l" SUNDAY'S EYES RE FOR ONE WOMAN, flp SHE'S AN ANGEL ahgelist Finds Gentler Sex Repellent Except When Saving Souls A Word picture of Ma. fu A WOMAN REPORTER o nn onrth Hint "nillu" he one wui"" V haay rcs ni'" .,.... . o. L Sunday. She 1b at onco ills com- It, his Inspiration, hie guiding Blar. As I th rest, ll,e ""e1"- """ "" """ uu L,(.inl. as far afl lio Is concerned. Ient when ho Is saving their souls, men a repellent ;to him. Ho doesn't to talk to thorn; no uoesni care listen to them, in. iaci, no aoesn t 7 .4.i. ... nfl nlmut fhnm. And. te anyimnti v - - - after a particularly successiui revival, ny of the fair Bex, in an execos oi alien, confuse the man with his mis- ana try io "i - nlaced between himself una them, iWnulsos them. No matlneo Idol stuff him. bb .m , ". rj-u r.,r .... If VOU OOni UCI1UVU lino, oi llltj Bantly nappy "" """.""" l" m. wifo-tho one who travels from !. ik. nrpn lust to bo with him 'when, .... hr own eXDrcsslon she's "such a ...Muini? rouI" she who hus come to (Udetplila to listen to his lectures for . 'ijieavcnB knows how oftcnth" tlmo 1 doesn't expect to be the least bit cJ. "PA" HEPELS ADVANCES. We have been married for 27 years," -will tell jou, "and in all tnat tlmo ie never known him to talk privately h a woman, or call to bco one. If, the course of his work thoy make nd- ices to hlra, ho repels them, keeps r nt nn B.rm'B length. It Isn't that ho afraid, but ho Just Isn't going to give devil a chanco." & 'women In general aro synonymous b temptation ana me evu spirit, its In to see that "Ma," at least. Is rc AtH In tho llsht of an angel, but a y Industrious angel, at that. Injr Oaiden street overy thing revolves und "Ma." She Is tho buffer between lamorlng city ana tno evangelist who i come to save Us soul. Mrs. Sunday, the newspapers aro call t to know what Mr. Sunday's next turo. will be." Mrs. Sunday, tno trunK man is Here, ere do?s Mr. Sunday want his trunk?" rnL Sunday, a man wants to know if . Sunday wlU sit for his photograph?" nd with smiling countenance and tho rgetlc vivacious manner that Is never ent from her, "Ma" sees to everything. :' Is the medium through which all imunlcatloris go to "Billy" Sunday and ugh the members of the household oy him to be a man of lightning tcm- yet no lias never been Known to tfly" at her, no matter how often she errunts him, or how raw his tired ryes may be. ie smallest detail In tho dally round of life, from the orango Juice which he s at-nlght after an exhausting day, to i rjoiiea eggs mat aro a part of his mlng meal, are subject to her UtnlZlniT GVe. Kvon'.hlnr- mimt l. sbrlght "Ma" sees to that. MET AT PBAYI3U MEETING. I prayer meeting romance was theirs. had Its Inception back in SG in Chl o at the Jefferson Park Presbyterian 4rch. and though that Is almost 3d ira ago, the first blush armr,i.,i v inday his never been removed. u lunny how things happen," bald wleaninir her dlm-u-a fi, .i,i &Mff dining room of their temporary une'here. fapr hmwn n..Mn i. flUnlscent loot. "When I first ,n,t Mr inaay he hod come to Chicago to play UCthouih he was a Chrlstran then. CT 7?iJn cl,urc. not on tho ball OUnd. I dldn t tarn ii thlnr. oV.m t.lm it I used to Invlta him to ., ,n vamt i my chum was wild over him. My thought there was no bliss like penaing an evening with Mr. Sunday. m bo as not to be out In tho cold I used I'.i ... "" "c" lone aaiu iewords with a funny little smile) over si3ut semehow or other we got mixed, Hb' 5 'J. n knw how Ltbby liked '1119 it Drettv wbII lir . . IffiW' i.at Prayer meeting, and. KsSiii Ued dlrestly across the street S.iSS!!?' l0?t wy round aftwbf"",J!!. ewY.n. t -.iiivu in on ff.i,. . ''' years ago. 4to four children now. Oeonre and K 5 W,IWried' nnd B1"'' Jr" EsttB h?hy ea 7- ho Id in the tfttBM7 l ex.Pect 1 havo to leave BSL,br f UtUo wn,le e end JBti&k n ?v. l" "adelphla and iqdws t0 Wlnonn. T.nlrn in. . , sitiilUr. . uono m ueo jiotv Wen are doing, and incidentally ffljfn a taw buttpns. SJI.LV" HAnn nw tt, " lii? never oult ih. .u. SM said. Hmiu humorously. - we two growing boy3 or Mr. Sfe S th mt buttons, but ifbuly threa f them r iwr-everv m.ti i iL. . MTcomea .nr"6.1"' ,no Drnacie NeT,f ??,iumpa ,nt a warm bath, WW twt1 that l d0 ls ok i0 SKS J hem. too?'' PreUy "ear,y wtrfmaeVtatfnl1one oint oi vltw bMi 'lO'T attractive wnmnn ul,n lin. Jthout ini?"1 ll,e ,nto her husbanda felo i?,Mt, PTnlttins her own Mftto become swamped. BK & .hi6 -a!S..rLh5! " ?- HBlthft fle . ...w., ilium LM301UCS. If wom, p!a?' flh9 a smartly SS, woman. Billy hlmif iu riC f for this, lie lust hate, her L!l.Hd eMrtB- eho Bays, and i V r,e0 lroHs- Moreover, In im.. . - --.. rn.uuii.uGt4 ill a. sS? Isri oxpect ot a person fWO, -Alfa Stll-llinW Io nn ovlol A iun?i,5d' decIa. and the walls SruLUns8l0v ftt Winona Iako -.""' m paintings for whose - i responsible. 'nermore. aha u a .!. i,,,n,ur. no(f510ly Interested in 'the big :"i 'a doing, with hlra. soul in it and; ready to make 1 sacrlfle iff1"?1!;'.' aha wm ten v ' . Uods work, not ours, that war on. Our time la really &y Not Blunt Extradition P. N H Jan 5.-It Is reliably f inat arry Thaw will make E lesal flzht in i. iu ui.jfa inimt t KeW York T In ununlnn B' UyeJ advisers haya Informed w acuojtt mat could be brousht iuuaiiy prove, of no a, vail it puis in an unnecessary M"i Vmk state AooordSnK ta ' iruiltw It ia fbaifii hntiMll I ' in io Ntt Yolk without "MA" vNa? ' 'BBHF5 11 DINING ROOM AT SUNDAY'S INDIANA HOME WOMEN WORKERS TO MEET IN AID OF SUNDAY CAUSE Miss Saxo Will Organizes Clty-wldo Prayer Meetings. Plans for tho organization of the 10,000 women who have volunteered their Bet-vices nnd homes in the Interest of neigh borhood prayer meetings to be conducted throughout the Sunday campaign will bo discussed by Miss Grace Soxo, who Is In charge of the work, at a series of four conferences. Tho tlrst of these will tako place thli afternoon In tho tabcr naclo at 19th and Vino streets, immediate ly after "Billy" Sunday preaches. Tho city has been divided Into 20 re llglous'districts and members from B dis tricts will attend each conference. It is cNpccted that more than 2000 women will be present this afternoon. "When tho machinery of tho prayer meetings Is set in motion, it is hoped that no less than 20,000 homes will be turned into llttlo neighborhood taber nacles, which, after tho campaign Is con cluded, will becomo permanent Bible classes, At this afternoon's conference. Miss Saxe will explain how to overcome the difficulties of conducting these gather ings and will answer questions in regard to them from tho platform. PICKPOCKET SUSPECT HELD AFTER CHASE AT TERMINAL Beaten and Bleeding, Alleged Thief Is Caught by Policemen. ,An exciting chaso through tho train shed at the Heading Terminal and through a platcglass window of one of tho exit doors this morning ended in .the capture of Harry Burke. 28 years old, of 320 Marcy avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y who, the police say. Is one of the pickpockets who has been busy operating in Philadelphia for the last few days. During the chase IJurko threw away hls overcoat, and In one of the pockets of this were found two pocketbooks containing a total of JtrXJ and steamship tickets to Italy, Burke was first noticed nctlng suspi ciously among a group of Italians stand ing In the station, and the police believe the pocket books bolong to them. An gelo Tutelo, of 460 Collins street, German town, an employo of tho Beading Hall way, saw Burke standing near the Ital ians, and, convinced that he was trying to, rob them, he walked up to Burke and asked him what he was doing. Burke was too quick for him. He knocked him down, dashed through the crowd and, finding the exit door at the eastern end of the platform fastened, Jumped through the glass. Sergeant Cleaver and Reserve Police man John P. Ityan,. who were standing at the foot of the stairway, heard the crash of glass and ran up tho steps. Burke, In an effort to disconcert the policemen, ipulled off his overcoat and throw it in their faces as he ran down the stcpa toward them. The officers seized him, but were able to hold him only after a severe fight. When the pocket books were found In the pocket of the overcoat, Burke de clared that Uio coat did not belong to htm. He was badly cut from the glass In the exit door. He was treated by the police. surgeon at City Hall, He will be tdven a hearing In the Central Station this afternoon. CAB INJURES LITTLE GIRL TJnabla to Otve Address of Friends She Is Visiting. A little girl wDio says she is Sarah Reynolds, 8 years old. and lives h At lantic City, is seriously Injured In St. lake's Hospital. She was struck by n trolley car on dermantown avenue, be tweT TOngohocklng street avenue, this morning. She murmured something to the doctors about y" nlth friends In Philadelphia, but she could not tell their .address. Tho child was crossing the tracks, when ahe saw the car coming and becamo con fused? She fell undtr the fender and ww unconscious when picked up by F&eriek Fox, 19 Fontaln street, and taken to Ht. Luke's Hospital. Vehicle and Implement Dealers Meet More than 100 delegates to the annual " i. . u waBtern Retail Impie- S'nd Vehicle SValV .-octa"; attended the opening session today at the Hotel Walton. Sessions will be held this evenlnsandtomorrow morning ". after- ""vaudeville entertainment wjll ollow s Si aa.rarifflp will be held In the ballroom of the hotel. WITU EYBB TOWAltD QOD 'ivB'wm. BJ.ya kaiber timliN. Jan. 5. Emperor Wl mmhSW reply "CW vrfc$ S0.1 EVENtlTG LBDGEB-PHT.T.ADBLI'HIA: TUESDAY.' JANTJABY SUNDAY AND THE THINGS SHE LIKES TO TALIC ABOUT K7r? ;s. BSKspv iV ik ' iwr ar-PatfiS5aBgi 3 WOMEN WORKERS ACTIVE ALLIES OF "BILLY" SUNDAY Extra Corps of Blblo Teachers Picked by Evangelist and "Mn." Realizing tho big task before him lit Philadelphia, "Billy" Sunday, with the aid of "Ma" Sunday, picked nn able corps of extra workers for tho local cam paign. Every one of these workers Is In tho city nnd busy In preparation for the long siege against tho doll. AH of the new helpers nro men and women of long experience In church or evangelistic work, and every one of them Is a strong iBible teachor. Their work will largely be supplementary to that of tho Tegular workers, tho usual system of organization und concentration being ad hered to horc that (Mr. Sunday has fol lowed for years. Miss Marlon Oamlln, ho will havo charge of the work among tho children, was for a long time superintendent of primary work for tho New York State Sunday School Association. She will hold meetings among the children In the out skirts of the city and conduct tho Satur day afternoon meetings in tho tabernacle for tho young people. Miss Gene La Mont, another member of the party for tho Philadelphia campaign, has been in charge of tho Bible class work for I. E. Honeywell's evangelistic party. Mr. Honeywell was formerly nn assistant to Mr. Sunday. Miss La Mont will have charge of the Blblo class work in the outlying sections of Philadelphia. Miss Rose Federolf has been selected to have chargo of tho work among the High School girls. Formerly sho -was In chargo of drawing for the Pennsylvania State Department of Public Instruction. Miss Florence Kinney comes from Springfield, Ohio, where she has a wldo reputation ns a choir leader and Bible teacher. Sho will help Miss Miller In tho work among business girls and women. Mr. and Mrs. William Stover carao here from Lincoln McConnell's evangelistic party, which works In the South. Mr. Stover Is an exceptionally line choir di rector, while Mrs. Stoer Is a strong wom en's worker. She will help Mrs. William Asher In the work among the factory and mill girls nnd women, and (Mr. Stover will assist In the direction of the music. Both of these workers are cornetlsts of note. and will play solos from tlmo to tlmo dur ing the campaign. All the new workers will also assist In the district prayer meetings. TAGGED BRIDES REACH PORT Seventy Japanese Girls Await Hus- bands at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 5. Seventy picture brides from Japan have arrived here on the Jiner Shlnyo Moru to meet bridegrooms they have never seen. Fifty mora arrived within the last week on other steamships. Until the husbands claim them the brides are housed on Angel Island, the United States detention station. In the eyes of the Japanese law and for the purposes of the Immigration offl n.r,, th, hriiies have been married. There have been exchanges pf photographs, ap proval by the heada of the families and a formal declaration of intention. In writing, befoie a Japanese official. The brides come tagged and numbered, are correctly awarded to the right hus bands and then usually are taken In hand by the Japanese Association, wnicn es corts thorn to the marriage license bu reau, after which a religious service Is held, J THROWS E1VE FROM WINDOW Crazed Mother and Baby Fatally Crushed at Small Fire. NEW YORK. Jan. 6.-A half-crazed woman, who believed that a, small lira had cut Off escape and doomed her fam ily, yesterday afternoon threw her four small children, one after the other, from the third flopr of her home, W8 Hendrlx street, Eaat New York, and then flung herself to the pavement. The youngest child, aged 5. and be woman will die. Chauffeur Injured When Auto Bursa When Charles Clifford, a chauffeur, em ployed by Arthur Block, 2W1 North Broad street, cnnkd hU employer's limousine In the garage at 2210 North Park avenue tiiia morning, the engine backfired and the machine, quickly was ablaa Clifford a as huo4 aUsrapUag to asttnguUb tn tUrn- He wm tkn to tue Woman HuwwspAtbio KwpUiO. The car ww : ilS THIEF CAUGHT IN ACT - - - ' tSHmsrsT. - ' r "-' - ... i; iaa.' .' s? - w Above are Mrs. W. A. Sunday and her two boys. Just below is "Billy" Sunday, Jr., aged 13. The other is Paul, aged 7. The sofa is the "courting sofa" on which the evangelist won his wife in her Chicago home. BUXDAY'8 ACTIVITIES. He preaches In the tabernacle at S o'clock and 7:30 ji. m. Ills topic this afternoon Is to be: "O Lord, Revive Thy Work." Tonight tho subject 11.III be: "Scoring Itevti'al Opponents." At 3 o'clock this afternoon Miss Saxc meets the Bible workers on the platform in the tabernacle. At 5 o'clock this afternoon "1'a" and "Ma" Sunday give a reception to the clergymen of Philadelphia and their iclves in the Central Ilranch Y. SI. C. A. Tomorrow afternoon Mr. Sunday tolll preach an "Rlgmaiolc Prayers," and in the evening his topic is to bo "Jacob's Confession." GETS ANOTHER SILVER STAR William Mellon Already Has 13 for Perfect Sunday School Record. Fourteen years without having missed a single session or lesson In Sunday Bchool Is the unusual record of William Mellon. 21 years old, of 2127 South 07th street, a member of the St James Protestant Episcopal Church, 68th street and Woodland avenue. Shy und modest In uppearnncc. Mellon was commended at the afternoon session yesterday and presented with u Bllvcr star as a reward for his perfect attendance of laBt year. He Is the proud possessor of 13 other nllvAr Htnra. The Rev, H. Lord Gllbcrson, pastor of tho church, b.-ib that Mellon Is a model pupil and stands very high In his studies. Mellon, besides nttendlng Sunday school regularly, has not missed the morning services at the church for many jcars. He also Is seen frequently at tho even ing services. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS TODAY Examinations for Positions in Gov ernment Service Held Here. Civil service examinations for band leader, oook. gas engineer and toolmaker were held today In the Postofflca Building. Successful candidates will be assigned In Government Bervlce in different parts of the country. . J . , , The position of band leader and musical Instructor Is open to men only. One of the vaoanclea for band leader ls at the Pnrllsle Indian School. Carlisle, Pa. The position pays $SW a year. MME, GERVILLE-REAOHE DYING Little Hope for Recovery of Poisoned Singer. NEW YORK. Jan. 5. Mme. Gervllle Reache. formerly a leading contralto at the Metropolitan Opera House and wife of Dr. Qeqrge G. nambaudt of the Pas teur Institute, who has been seriously 111 in Roosevelt Hospital wljh blood, poison ing, la not expected to live. She had been unconscious most of yesterday, and her husband and members of her family were constantly at tho bedside. Although herola measures have been resorted to tq save Mme. Gervllla Reache's life, her husband having twice given of his blood by transfusion, she has steadily grown weaker. The poisoning from which Mme. Ger-ViHe-Reache Is suffering Is of a mysteri ous origin None of the physicians who have attended her has been able to dlag note U. Tftmserai TAlkTOC ASjpaiWiWXJ """" nrvgrtai B10 WfAntctStreet Youth Holds Mnn at Revolver's Point Until Police Anlvc. Caught ,wlth stolen valuables on him. James Kclch, who gavo his address as 1313 South Philip street, was held nt tho point of a revolver last night by Thomas Murphy, Jr., IS jcars old, 430O Westminster avenue, until tho police nr rl ed ICclch was seen breaking Into tho homo of Sirs. Francis B. Williams, 861 North 43d street, lie was held by Magistrate Boyle In tho 39th and Lancaster avenuo station after Jewels valued at $200 found on him had been Identified by Mrs. Wil liams. Sllvcrwnro and clothing also were found on ICclch. The pollco say ho admitted having entered the Williams residence nnd acknowledged he hud an accomplice, but lefused to disclose his whereabouts. Pollco now nio searching for the second man. Young Murphy was attracted by tho suspicious actions of Kelch. Ho followed the man until ho saw him breaking Into the Williams homo by way of a back window. Murphy ran to a nearby store, borrowed a rovolver and started back. On tho way he obtained tho assistance of James E. Ward, 835 North Taylor street. Thoy eaw Kelch leave the window and run across tho streot. Murphy llred two shots and Kelch surrendered. Police wero culled from tho 39th street and Lancaster avenue station. It Is believed Kolch Is the same man who has been robbing a number of homes In tho vicinity of tho Williams residence. Tho other articles found on him aro being kept nt the station house for identi fication. SUFFRAGE LUNCHEON JAN. 14 Equal Franchise Society Will Also Sell Articles at Booth. Tho unnual luncheon of tho Equal Franchise Society of this city will be held In the Clover Room of the Bellevue Htratford on Thursday, January 14, at 1 o'clock. It was announced today. Plans aro under way to make It an elaborate attalr. Tho runda raised will be used In promoting the equal suffrago campaign In this State. In order that a greater amount may be realized, a booth for the sale of various articles will bo conducted and young Iadle3 Interested In tho suf frago cause will act as vendors. Miss Harriet W. Dulles. Miss Martha Davis, Mrs. E. Lewis Buniham, Miss F. T. Cochran, Miss Florence Sanvllle, Miss Sarah G. Tomklns, Miss Eleanor Goepp, Miss Caroline Katzensteln, Mrs. Anna Lowenburg and Miss Marie Emst Ken nedy will bn among thoso who will act as sellers at tho booth. HURT IN GAS EXPLOSION An explosion of Illuminating gas, fol lowing a search for a leak with a lighted candle, hurled Harold Cross, of Rydal, against a cellar wall at the home of E. L. Broutlgan, of Clovorley lane, Rydal, last night. Firemen from the Jenklntown de partment extinguished the flames that followed. The fire was confined to the cellar. Cross escaped with slight bums and bruises. To prepare for entirely new stocks for our Easter business (Easter Sunday, April 4th) we will hold from January 4th to 12th, a Genuine Clearance Sale of all broken assortments of perfect gloves the incomplete lines in our Wholesale Department after filling Christmas orders. The range of colors and sizes is complete, with seasonable patterns of embroidery. Standard Qualities listed in our latest catalogue under such well established brands as Florine,Elsinore, Walton and here. In Kid, Cape, Mocha, Suede and Dpeskin. Qualities regularly selling at 1.50-,2.00 and 2.25, HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO 16. Button Length Kid GUce and Suede, la Lavender, Tip quoiie, Sky, ?" vonl aa tint. SoldreguUrfyovcrourcpun- -j AH tert4.t. REDUCED TQ lVO 1223 Chestnut Street eHiwXS. ii.i.Ti i lABir3" g; 101S. rrJ DANOIHQ DONT'B FOR EVtZABDTlT, Jf. J in ii - ELIZABETH, N. i Jan. 6.New rfrtnee rulej onttotinccft today by PubMo Dance Matl Inspector JD ite and Bchmttt ate gummed up in "five dont't." Here thev ore: Don't hop. Don't dip. Don't breathe (n the Jndj' face. Don't hold Indu too close. Don't ioave the arms up and down All forma of dlpplno and "rolling of the shonldcra" oro forbidden by the dance censors as vulgar. WOMEN-WILL GET $50,000 AVAILABLE FOR DESTITUTE Fund to Bo Distributed Among Thoso Who Work for Committee Announcement of the method of dis tributing tho JjO.OOO fund Appropriated by Councils to rellovo destitution In Philadel phia was mado today by Director Hartc, of the Department of Publlo Health and Charities. That the monoy would bo spent through the Emergency Aid Commltteo'a Homo Relief Division wns tho announcement Saturday after plans for employing desti tute men In city departments and paying I them from the fund had been discarded by Doctor Harte and members of the Relief Committee. No money from tho fund will go to tho Home Relief Division, however, until vouchers showing tho committee's expen ditures havo been presented. These bills will be paid from tho fund after they havo been passed upon by Director Harto, It was explained today. Thero will bo no money for unemployed or destltuto men. 1 The committee probably will render accountings weekly, receiving tho money for expenditures, nnd continuing from week to week until tho money Is ex hausted. This Is tho plan decided upon by Director Harte and members of tho Emergency Aid Committee According to the plans dovlsed by tho committee, tho purposes for which tho city fund can be used will be limited. The greater part of tho monoy will go to pay for unfinished material for clothing and work In completing tho garments done by nomen who apply for It at tho committee headquarters in tho Lincoln Building. An mueh as $M0 a day ls paid to women who bring In completed garments, It was snldnotlay. Four workrooms hove been opened, nnd in these neighborhood workers may finish tho incompleted garments. Luncheon Is served them nt cost prices and tho work is paid for nt a higher price, than tho prevailing rate for tailors' finishers, ac cording to a member of tho committee. Soino of tho monoy will go to relievo destitute families. Needy cases nro In vestigated by tho Society for Organizing Charity and othor charity organizations, nnd within a few houre aid ls given in tho average case, It was explained. LETITIA HARRISON'S WILL GIVES HOSPITALS FUNDS Estnte of M. G. Condon $97,000? Personal Property Appraised. Letltla H. Harrison, who died Decem ber 23 nt her homo on School laue, Gcr mantown, bequeathed $10,000 to the Home; of tho Merciful Saviour for Crippled Children, to maintain a bed In memory of Mrs. James Do Wolf Perry; $5000 to the Gcorgo ti. Harrison Houso at tho Episco pal Hospital, and $3000 to tho Harrison Dav Nursery, Tho value of the estate Is (30,000. Mrs. Harrison wns tho widow of George L. Harrison. Her will, admitted to pro bate today, bequeathed tho residue of tho property to n son, nephew, niece and other relatives. Morris O. Condon, president of tho Un derwood Machine Company, who died at tho Jefferson Hospital Dpcember 3, as a result of revolver wounds received during an encounter with a robber in tho Adel phla Hotel, left an estate of $37,000, of which $70,000 ls personal property, The will bequeaths the cstato to the widow, Kathcrlno L. Condon, who Is named with the Commonwealth Title Insurance and Trust Company as executor. Other wills probated aro those of Rosa Burs, late of 1109 South Sth streot, whoso estatQ amounts to $3900; August Hengst, G38 North Uh street, $3000; Mary Jagger, MS3 Robinson street, $2200. Personal property of Sarah M. Evans has been appraised at $10,130.25. Busch Robbed of $14,000 Gems ST. LOUIS, Jan. E Jen els valued at $14,000 havo been stolen from the country home of Adolphus Busch, 3d, Grand View Farm. Tho Jewels Include a diamond en gagement ring given to Mrs. Busch by her husband. ff tlt'mtfi frnii&irjri&tt4i.; PURE FRESH PAINT i Be J eve Me tyki,6&fjl 7&T A New Year! Brighten up your homes and offices with clean, pure, fresh paint I Talk it over today with o Fainting and Decorating at Our Edlmat First Both Phones 28 S. 16th St i 'l (I Clearance Sale of Men's High Grade Gloves. broken Iota, Cape and Mo$h lined and unlined Tan, Grey, White and Black. Formerly 1.7 iXt to 2.2S. REDUCED TO WO "-" i1-11--' W" (mWMVJG'ITTti? UUiUUU U flllJQ , i t HAS WATCHFUL ETC ON BUSINESS GIRLS Miss Miller Interested in thr Unregenerate Who Placid Money and Fashion AboVfcf Higher Ideals. If you Rre an unregenerate bualnczs woman, spending more time on thoughts Of tho almighty dollar and ways of earn ing It thnn on your soul, watch out for? Miss Frances Miller. Watch out for lief or she'll got you If you don't, ilut tho probabilities nro that she'll get you any way. Sho It is to whom "Billy" Sunday has. Intrusted the big work of looking after tho vast nrmy of women employed down town, nnd If her present plan of cam pulgn Is carried out no stone will be left unturned to stir their souls to the Tory depths, "Tho nudity that one sees on the main streets of largo cities," Bald the little woman who Is going to start hor cam paign in a few days, "is nothing short of shocking, and painted faces aro "bo coming overy day moro and more com mon. "Why do women do tills, I wonder. No man ever liked a palntod face, and no woman wns ever artist enough to Improve on nature. Understand, though, I do not think tho business woman Ii one xvhlt worse or even ns bad. for that mater than her sister, tho society woman, whom shn npes, vory often. "Tho society wpmon Is responsible for a great deali When sho comes downtown shopping in a half-undress attire, the little girl In tho shop naturally thinks It's. all right Her moral outlook becomes confused by tho example set her. and something Is needed to bring her arouhd to sco me UEnt. "Tho confined hours which the business girl must necessarily keep, her propin quity to mnny mon, the small sum of money, If any, which she has loft for pleasure after tho week's expenses aro paid, the pressuro under which she oftea works-all thcBo things might bo respon sible for her succumbing to many tempta-. tlons that nro offered. She's got to have some pleasure, nnd if she takes the first that presents Itself, who's to blame herT Perhaps Its because tho finer things of life have not bcon shown her. "Tho business woman of high standing wields a tremendous influence over her BlBter In a loss fortunate circumstance, and I always feel that If I reach her much has been done, bocauso sho Ie, by hor very example, able to do an Incalcula ble amount of good work." Miss Miller Is one of tho pioneer mem bers In Billy Bundny's Old Guard. Sho has been with tho revivalist for ten years. Born In Minnesota, sho grew up In North Dakota, went to school In Iowa and lived in California, and because of her brisk, nlcrt manner Is always mlstakon for a, Now Knglander. HIT i THE TRAIL j to - A Perry's ,v big -f Reduction r Sale! ' '4 The Best Dressers in the Best-dressed City in the World walk it with you I At the Head of it, you'll find "N. B. T." Superb and Superior Suits and Over- coats. at MoneysavingsI FIT, STYLE, QUALITY mean more to most men than Price! Is that YOUR speed? How about it, when they're all four knocking at your door? Perry & Co. "N.B.T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. ' ! i On si Special Table viIlbe:owo4 i Urge uawwmb of tt(aJ and aslewaen'a tm- glOTtflDUey TO 85c Bell Fhonp M V A-l V ;'TMrv ; 4ey4 najTHWlIHtiriirPfiiiTliiiii r-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers