PONT COMPANY TO BUILD VILLAGE INTHEBRMDYWINE Wilmington Council Asked to Extend Sewer to Drain Proposed Settlement for Workmen. rtAtlNGTON. Del., Jim. 6. Members iClty Council who linvo been nuked bn Lort the proposed extension of a newer I (He urnnayivinu nuvu uuch uuoriiiGti ki tho Du Pont Towdcr Company do les the Bfiwor bocnUso within n. Bhort n It is mo intention 01 mo company build an cntlro vlllago nloiiR tho tamlywlno. f has been tlio Intention of tlio com ny for somo time to bring; tin mnch no ops to tins ciiy. 11 nuw hub ii nuinuor i .mall shops In vnrloua plnccs. nhd fens could be consolidated with advon- e, Sorno 01 tno snops nave been ought nero ur ui uv uiuugui ncre lortlyi When this Is dono It ! tho In- htlott or mo CUIIipuuy lO construct n Blge for Its men. I.argo tracks of hi are owncu on mc nrnntiywino mid Us Isnd la now avnllablo for tho pur se. Pormorlv pott dor was manufactured In pjto nunnulles oIohb tho Hinmlyvvlne, ht tho lower jiaru ui nig cuinimuy, op- slto tlie city porn, uas not, ueeu imcu ! manufacture ptmdcr for u number of Lnni. but Is given over to tho oxporl- lentnl laboratories ot tno company Die nilndlo jara, once uno lanioui ting t jord, Is now bclnp; used for tho mami. etiiro of rccoptables for tho trnnsportu- wn of nowdcr. It la doubtful If powder HI ever again bo manufactuicd In laruo untitles In tho ardn hero foi the mplc reason that WIlnMnBtoti has for nr! PCPll RrowiiiR uui uinu.ru mu urUr ards. While tho comtruiy owns 1 the land about them, the clt Ii too dse to permit the mnnufactuio of iwdcr thero. uu ronis navo numer- is other Industries connected witn tno fcwder business, tnd tills hind rs avall M for them. FAccordlnc; to Information given tho ember of council, it is me intention ' tho company to erect u village of .per- hps 200 houses. They will bo modern j, every respect, and It Is desired to huvo hem properly drained. As Wilmington's Hnklne water comes from tho Brandi- fln6 the now vlllago cannot bo drained hto that stream, and It will bo necos Jirv to have a sewer, and It la this 3cwer hlch the city has been asked to build. Definite plans for tno worn will not bo sgun until tho company Is assured of iwer facilities and other Improvements hlch are desired. Tho company nl ady has a number of small settlements long- tho Brandy wl no. The new village, witn tno men brought ere from other places, would ndd con- derably to the population of Wllnilng- in and tho establishment of this large idustry would probably result In the nployment of a largo number of men time, oiUclals or tno company dcclaro their appeals to members of Council. CLASSIFIED ,RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY HIS STYLE TYrC (or like this) Ont Insertion 15o per line Three Insertions In a week... UUc cer lino Seven consecutive insertions . IOo per 11ns 1000-line contract (dally ad vertlilnrt Rn nAii. IBitMUonj wanted, thrco lnsor- tios in a weeK IOo perllne HIS SIZE TYPE (or like Ihio Permitted In nil claestflpnrlnnq nmAn .i- hi Situations Wanted Lost and round, I'er- Ops Insertion... 20o perllno Three Insertions In a week .. 17Wc per line lei en consecutive Insortlons... IOo perl no lOOO-lne contract (dally ad- "wiine VtrtlllnirV . ill, .. All rates are based on ngata motsurcment BATH NOTICES-elthor' . aft 1!rm Ana 11m. Three Insertions... V.V.V;;.V.V::::.?iaW fn Effect December 1, itt COMBINATION RATE r Insertion In both tho morning and ovenln (in of lame day: ' PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (nVENINQ) tM four -cents per lino not to ratea nlvea "vnT,SD tBSSRAP.H?. WANTHD Hat aa mMPn",' y.Vi .''CpQER rul".''?..1l!,B,.(,Jrue "ro. near your home that 7 "- "Er want ads at ottlco rates. iL WANTED-.MAI,B gVBHm LEUUKll 1-mLAflflLVBU, TTTBSDAY. JAtj,, BAi.wMKe,. . r-rr-r-- "tan furniture infiV ntM to lVnn. I. !.. r? trflOA ln tlftM..,--, f!w:ffi.rS!y? i."" lines call upon , caeicrn ety .on no p..ii "S.i1i ?se rri MinjanMit piibil1fion1M2.f..n81 PPeMIn. -,LJi5nlTiifelojun5inVmo- AW ": stock on lijr,'-B7rr. ttWblnM HWR Vir-cor,, Ljl"r tmriJ p"rllt" lnere.t spll pre- orporn un bo u reiulre8AenrucSeLrM;,nlUrCIirnKlt 1A KTTct . elRht. g, And wei.hf tpho ? IWet SITUATION WANTBfiljiMAM C"."uinKr'n,o",nOUrrk' ihnlr'nTk J317l!ar!iave ' lronl"R. auburbs, to. !w, lAilgor Oniin " "'"' """ .""oliKhjv ctnerlrtnod In mo, bookkeetilnic, etc ex- BITUATION8 WANTED-JKALE Of IV'rri &tUnn Ii K'-iiarai nirifn mniinn hUki..i. "i. ff-5, ffi!.S2M&: w rS& "' r "?" -mi- , v.".vq, ii o.ns;er vcntril SAMRT V" "el ,tnd In the ay of Ihl man, II tlio rljlit opportunliy prwnte itselj has SVi'yW ?d",r,"on "'! 10 years of good ii''i1'.. ilnld" j nn(1 uIle "PMlence "4"" Ivo nnd manawr, hlBhest rocoml moiidntlu-ij. II 142, Ledger Crntral Bin.i5S.,;iiT.0UnS I1"1 al S60,1 . education ??firPnSi",,.lJ,t,ii'w,lref "oro t'MlHonj beet rfer(!ncex u Sl I.cilKt,r OffK-c SF'iT'V7? oneiffor ponltRn. 25 jears5i -f" r,a. Lediier tnlrnl 8rniSil5rAjVPunR i'n"uoxporTenco n,I rnii -i , refrrehces r 220, lx-ilsjcr Office, S!H'i?TA,l.T'.",cnol5rnP1,f. accountant ofSce mannxer dnlrn ieltloni boat reference, o . I'1, ledger Office iRY 5, 1915, Dltfa.q'Atutfft, . 7 .".". . . amidMf,cinali!M;ttt !fuCiLpol,,0 -"' """"'"'Tl UIHI- 001 ll wants general housework. Cill"iaiTJ7. Dickinson Al7'xl "'"1 " 1'"01"J :'wnr?n-vr KIJUATION WANTIID roll 40O MEN who are wllllnt! to Uo nny kind o( worlt farnilf s wuiiicient to support lliclr PMII,. ', i: riTY MISSION m.t . ,S2 .""""h Thlrl trcet KUYSIONB-Maln 00.1 Ti3fP?,'iA.1,''-,'l ' o'Hce mSrir5nMp"l aiMIbl(i day or eicnlngi refs a 2n l.ed.OrT "TJr00"411"' "PeI. oirtf.peref: wll!iJnduji I, 1H71 l.cl Hr 71 Ii t Oxford BTIJVOOtl Pirnt and b"ooTkcpprr, 4 eiv .JZZPj! "J1!' Ic,i"'f H in, i;cdger Central "iNT.Pil,,r? '"ear woolen account, ili direct from mill c 211, Idrcr Office YOirNci MAN, nxe 22, ImMnn fovcrat jenrs' experience In general ofneo work and a little KnnnidK of liaikkeeplpir desires n change, ran furnish tho best of references, etc c .13, ldser Offlfe YptTNO" MAX SI, T"enrrSir Srexel Instl lute Avlshe, permanent position In run pii flncer'B nfflcos experlrnced, cnpnblo of taking full clmrge, nny reliable firm wlnhlng to make ii Botiu Tciuui n nnurcFs 'M si i , iiigcr urnce kOI'NO MAN 21. n.lUoof Hi Krencli clatslnal collexe A rooms ron nfiKx lruND- rnm .roomrrunnlnr 7aTcr jouth. expos , also slnnle rm DlamonS 11 "l D UaiSli,N7jJUf?Front and back parlofT"newly rumihedrr?noi ted . running witer. JurVlVbiS1? aX. ..TT.-'uOT-Two .nicely bogrl op .Jlnelconne" tioVii t'5 c.ntro of city i1.18! ' ,,s-,w f0m. J floor. J bthsi bot-ivnter henl ottner wr' lN.!?. IWu-vPuinuhe.f rooms ringic or Tn r--v- "..-i-.., muiiv LiicKiiieon . ii vt l-OWKLTON. n805 Desirable furnished" vn iSii w Iew Du,"c people. Uaflng furnished front room adjoining bath ifni. rate bods; suitable for tVc i SentiJrnVn. P "WffiWi. ...Hff.-riSffAJ'fl.. ..iruttNisiiED "v""" vmi wiwrwitini UWWEll j- --'- -Vv-'i'.'i "'': ' "V iSfi'Sii v:8 ,r.D"!r", It '?-!,.. sub. bath. --ii ..Ti "...u. ,-illlllC IJCUSt 10 .130. OI'NCl MAN .21, mtUo of Haiti, imuhmto of ririii-n uininifUl VOIICRP A 1 SIUIU niedlrlno heie, speaka Ireiuh, Hinnlsh student of nun i-n.r. llsli nnd . iJitln, etc desires position evening 11 .it.- i edqer ventral Vufllhl MAS 211, nt present cmplnTetT uTsncs tn mako a rhaino to potlon offering better champs of BcH.incemcnt wholesale groccrv huslneps preferred; IntcrMew BOllclted II (lit Lodger Central . . YOUNll MAS' 20. 2 cnfs coileg; educntlon, no prnctlcnl business cxperlenco desires po sition, Jtiiratesnlarll llldKer Centra YbU.S'o""MAS, fi rs' exii'ln resT esinte""nnt cenc g, knowl typeiylt C 2-".' Led On 5i3!H?iiv J8?"!?.?."11 Trini "roTTuTnlsnVdl ilium ii w uwni hHih a-Desirble suite, with prlsvti -. i,,-Mi .i,c, iniuiin, uwnrr. HI'Ill'i'M. anLnM,i ......i ,.T.. r-...r.... . tiimlslieil rooms! all conxenlencesi Pres 2An VALMJT. ,14Wrurnlsned''FoonT7nr gentlt- mcn, hot-wnter heati adjiailijjrlvfani JS'ril, S , lll-Comforrably furn sfncle or double rooms, prl, fam i gentlemen! rhnnn. Will. H , 200-Suites and tingle rooms foTkcn. tlcincn or business women. '"v"' '"' " 12TH, a., :U7-2J noor front. prlatefmll uh r vacancies! reasonable Gilbert rum "Til N ib01-2a"noor througn. wltfTjifTfato .... . iumi n uiiiuiii Liiamona uliu u 1SJ' . N,l j"24-Tno or three nicely "furn.. nell heated ronnm In n m nnn.- n 1..11... .. Sini?A JO'-'afon, convenient cars, breakfast, other meals optional. Phone Dlam, Moo vy uiii, r mil-Iirgo front rooms, well heat edl suit gentler' en Poplir 07(11 W., l',t11' N., .WlR-Bmall piTraTrTramlly will teTii beautifully furn rooms, gentlemen: phone mill N. tilotf-Two niccTj furnfiKQ 'front .iM.iiiH, uHins.wun pieniy or not water snTll, NT 7lft Nicely furn single rooms! run- - ni"f J'J.,J,I!rt.S2,'iwnlcri. rraionible 2.1b. S ,. IJ2 lTnoms. single "or en suite nrl nto baths running water, ateim bent newlv i-aiiriiiim pninicu gcnuemcn prercrreti riTTII, fi , ,-l-Comfortnbly furn froiit rm adjoin both, strictly prl fnmllyi phone lIAMi-nM!-LY furnlshod fiont roem In large .iiyi..n mi.vi.iq iiuiuu cipciric lianis ien vo 1 mlnulca my Hall Telephone Paring 4t1, NITKMI Tu...7rXT .. . . . - to take Var"?'rn.' ,cn..L" " '' iints wages reasunihli .: ?uuuw",".l,ron"'I Roxhorough 'I I, .MonasUrj uvc ,' KliytMP ..r ""'Panloii. oung girll7Ji " 'ULJL'i.l'hone Clamoiidiiiu. 1 yrC'i? exr? SITA18r2oodritc7; Tr,., -p-i-,-,M,-i5u JLr- 15,u Diuphln JN'Sr-IPerlenced Picture-Ida 1 e rlealrTs PosltlonJvvniBubs Itute Tioga. 7751! '?lrcs r2oo!i!IrB..niil,'J,.1!,1i00kln for""a "Position vvTth good ramllv , good cook, mmiiv un,i-. piy 4001! Dliilno st ' ,v" "" aTUNoaRAim:rt, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COOKS 1 linnibcrninldH cblldnursei livvk girls, German novernes sprnklng rrench uunt po oltlnn Wnnled, nil kinds of flrit.ilass iielp Miss Hon" Dnugherty, l.ltl dlriird nve AUTOMOBILES Ot'n rniCIW on usrd curs will surprise ou r esnei-lAllj with nui toiivinlcnt pnjmeut rlan, inccn ironi iw iw I'liOuc locust 11.17 ft 8. Vulo Co , 1422 Vine st. lir Snip 1IYM-S lull 3-paFpongcr touring. Apply It. 1,. mng i-i Pitin st (lermantnwn BUSINESS NOTICES ri'Il samples Ileautlful blurk fox sets lianil 8omel lnnlc, selected skins, largo muffs, ani mal neckpieces latest stjlcs brand new, ?.!.', value ?7.i Hatlsractlou gunrnnteeil or money refunded, sent on approval Residence. .'IP." J Olrard nve Phone, Ilnrlng 1B88 L Dealer. LAIKIl? bpnllltfllllv film frnnl inmliln..lH ting and bedroom, exclus sec. Preston 22(11 D rULYArK. l'AMII.T. rentrnllv lni-iilp,l mil rrnt 2 sunn rooms single or en suite next ,u niiui jiiirHis opuonai 1, ,i j.eu tent IinoM In npirtment. steam lii-ated hot nnl "' naierji-ii uoor. I'none iiflring 2011s y ProfrMlonal OITIpps. 11 I'll M. H nlng water 13"i:i LnNT"Watlon for doctor or dentist. N. vv. cor 1.1th and Allegheny ave Annlv on prcnilies, or to I. Ash, 111 Uulletln llulldlng. I SI .i H.LI.D OI'PfllfT!'lTVfor phvslclnn or dentist to obtain iilfontral office. 2 rooms for t2l P n. fompnnv, 1117 Penny Bldg 2.l7-PhstrtnliR' nlYlrp. villh rim. 1111 cQinenienccs. APARTMENTS LANSUOVV NT: Apartments, nil ronvonlenCe nea- station, J.'" to J.1.1 per month Johr Hrev m. iiiMMnrm avp iiusnovvno -l.xtcllent apts In We can afford lo remodel cir repilr your furs much cheaper than tho largo le. FL'Rb partment storcn 0 glvo uu expert vvorknnnshlp. Phono llelmont 25SI V qUAbJ. I30OS3 Id 17 ArLh st. Homstltchlnz dono whllo jou wait A Reich nrd. HIT Chestnut Pictorial Review patterns understanding Hpanlsh, A Suge'r-lco""1 " po"" SrENOGRAPfinil. Hnn;," nv .. ...' nlclpal and commercial, moderate salary frgrrenccs II 47 Ledger Central" bTENOQRAPJimt. conscientious and dependa ble, would consider modcrato salary: rcfer enopn Tl 9.1.1 rjniAM ni ..j, .b.ci STENOOItAPilUR and assistant bookkeenpr. 11m'i'p!nen7,l.abl0 .t0oPJ? " '' "" SOT Urnnch, 7th and Oxford. STCNOGRAPHUR, 4 years' experTencircSnT: Pgjcntjm dfctalli, accurate H 4S Led Cent. STUNOaRAPHUR-Good education, accurate. speedy. L UJ, Lodger Dr. 71h nnd Oxford STENOGRAPHER, expert, desires pcTm-inelit Pos . flrst-clasa refs!C214, Ledger' Oftii-o 1VAITjti;sa,oc, cliaraborwork first class." can do good, plain cooking. 20a Rcnozct st , WAITRESS, experienced with refs wishes pos , private family c 210, Ledger Office BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AMUSBMUNT COMPANY requires tho serv. Ices of a young man to manage moving pic ture theatro, must Invest $3V lo 3no. will bear 7 per cent Interest salary $21 per week, highest ercdentlals ns to honesty re qulrrd vvrlto for an uppolntment, giving full partlculirs Carmnn-Urascollto Ainusartient Co 2-U Jefferaon st I HAVE A MINING proposftion that will take but a nniill amount tn mako shlp morilH. all tools, steam and gasoline, hoist, inlno iurs. overj thing romplete If Inter ested nildrcsslt M Ledger Centrah TOR SALE A well paying woll-rentlng apart mont rouse, owner is selling because of HI health I'or further particulars apply James I Ilagan 1112 Christian st 1MII1N IN NUUD of an experienced offlco as sistant, bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk, call up Walnut 3000 nnd consult with Miss Dean, of tho Commercial Department, who has a Hat of high-grade, experienced girls eager for positions. Avail yourself of the freo servlco to Ledger advertisers NOW. WHITn Prot woman vvl'hes cookln. donn stalra work country, good baker 221(1 Itecd O.MAN wants place, day's work write 2011 Pomberton st. Call or LUNCH ROOM With or without four beautifully furnished rooms, weekly Incomo $200 for salo, a tar- gain for quick nuer 1' iu Leager Of nee. SI'ltINO OAllDLN. Kill different houses some furn'd kitchenette WALNUT 1222-21 Kenwood) Desirable vacs single or en suite, priv baths will chnnq to suit temnt moderate rnte Walnut 8111 410.1 Lovolj Sil-fioor apartment, Hiiuthern expoi Preston 2726 D. APARTMENTS WANTED rniN7si!E!V"AI'lIlTME.NY wniTted.west of llrimd, south of Market four or more bed room dining room living room and bath no children L 710. f,edgor Central Vv ANTED furnished apartment or rooms west 01 uu fi Aiiurcss 11 change llldg M II , .101 stock Lx HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street IIANObOMIl, UP-IO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON l'IR&T PLOOR Apply on Premises OPPORTUNITY to pHco J1000 in Inochanlcal device, big with enormous possibilities, vvrlto for appointment L 74S, Ledger Central I'OR SALE Garage and ropalr shop, In sub urbs or Philadelphia, on main street, no op position slrltness cause of selling. C 2-'l, Ledger OiTlce W anted IS OMAN wants washing Ironing or cleaning, very best reference ISOt N. 24th st WORKING IIOUSEKEEPER-Rcflned youn.f woman, Protestant, wishes position, small family, without liundry; best references 41, Lodger Branch lmh nnd Green YOUNG GIRL wants position as Improver with lellnblo millinery firm: excellent references. Address Ii 847. Ledger Central YOUNO LADY, speaks German, KVcnch and 1'ngllsh, good sewer, wishes position as maid or to girl about 10 yenrB old C 105 Led Off SITUATIONS WANTED MALE PERSONALS aeCn'trnd0 Ut by "" eperU k? WANTED FEMALE l?S?famiiI?K wanted for general bV.:xoodmL1i0,' iw: i minutes from w party with l 5v5in2.?omfo'"'abe home to Kllinf tT:? ""I gOOd refs.! Oerman PmrM.l- mgisU&m 'i?yft.Si?0 T.Ioclt f" Wednes. sssrtSBWOHi? ",,7L, bl' I,'' Uulldlng SwrJiOJiK-Whlto.girl for general i,m,.T. gHn family of "! Zor general house ipvUvToin ,t l,l,1:iJ0J-'2;Wednesday. SmnrtVeIoVallto "tantTMrl In" nea?: MUtoVr'niS!? t0 llyi food wages. M TOtSSavinir ., ' .. J.4 ttnii ASSrVH-0' ?S errnan Prot ACCOUNTANT l'RAf'l'ICAL CilIlI'ORATlON ACCOI'NPANT credit man and office mnnagor, vvlth 1,1 j ears' experience handling the wholesale grocery, confectionery, drug end department storo trado of tlio u H . with one of the largest concerns In the 12ast; highest cre dentials, a Oil, Ledger Central ACCOUNTANT Thoroughly tomnetent to num. ago offlca correspondence and credits, 1J jours' pxp. beat refs 11 21L Led Central WANIKIJ TO 13UY AND RENT MOVING picture theatre; price m 1st be right, no fnn-y prices paid for purchaeo or rental, brokers protected, seating capacity not less than JJ0, can ha located anywhere In city: write giving full particulars and when can bo seen Carman-llrascollte Amusemont Co , 2114 Jfafforson st. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATIILRS AND FANCIE1 CLEANED. DYED, CURLED AND MADE INTO I.ATI'ST HTYLrfl MAILHOT. 151(1 ClirSTNUT 2012 WALNUT STREET ONE VERY PINE HOUSEKnEPING APARTMENT, SEVEN ROOMb. THREE UATHb. 17 ni & CIIESiTNUT Ilkg. not, 3 rooms nnd bath; low rent P It Co . 1117 I'enna llldg FOR VACANL'ILS and romplete Information of all apartments tree, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts Thone Walnut 080. or write for ''Apartment Directory," December reniiion. free. HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND J8T1I STS. One Housekeeping Apt , (1 Rooms and Rath One Housekeeping Apt.. 0 Rooms and Bath R II. TH 'TCIIKR. Manager I IO N't; HP An Handsomely furnished liuin a nnu upU u.ja.1B Locullt DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DHHbHMAKINQ taught, short, prnc, course, M 1 Howell. :i"7 Denckla llldg . 1 lth Ii Market. ACCOUNTANT, credit, collection, offlco man ager, experienced, desires position, highest credentials C 20. Ledger Office. HI Mh'l ITCHING done whllo you wait. 8c. yd Pleating & buttons coy eted,.Nai hman.70U Arcl FOR SALE ACCOUNTANT, high-class office, thorough mercantile bus, experience H 74t. Led Cent. J". .-: "i!uir or .-: Herman Prot! --Iagood home. M 020. Ledger Off. "kf,exl5 '5?,le.aged HSriEt". JTTjri--4S2ISH. C 210LodBCr' Office. bi wiVatAVSPWJtll'A '? upstairs HZ, for uniS,,ii-i!,"?",K.. Arumore, iESEM AiSfi..n-ntirm'fTr' -SS refs. oJC"A'd. a- rellablo imm-",,; Is M,rL,T". family reslrtlnir a ia!?n:i lrs rooma in the f 'flerencM ; .hS" aee- must feUertaS"..". tfl .ct?ctori jrerlr WfirV ' """"'- hjHTTpTi' '" Irll houfA anil lstrfca ami t li&vn hoif Address Xr 823. Ledger a 2U5jfcM f,',yil?n work. ""Ad- mt hensewSriJ' Jr.".? " eoerlenced In P Ui sijKJi?.0!.. can secure permanent U AdJ?.. W Young counle with ona SLi7Kvri-i'l!L!ger Office. Jt;rnJlenta wKR'rl.e.nced, neat appearing. ADVERTISING rAN-STRONO, FORCE FUL COPY WRITER- EXPB-KT ON DIS PLAY AGE 11; MARniKD-'THORqUrjIILY DXPERirNCBll. IHOHFST RErUR- ENCLS II 7-1T, LEDGER CENTRAU AltCH ITECTURAI, drauglitsman. considerable exp, wlhes position: will accept mod. sal nrp, pracu, comp , con take charge of small office; exp. as estimator, ri u wmrr wn BAtJS.BARITONE. good, ivllh experience In ouartet. wlihes position In church quartet at not less than fl per Sunday, II HI, Ledger Central. . BOOKKEEPER, age 2:1. 4 jears' exDerlence high school ami business college cduoatlon; highest references! desires position of any kind In clerical line; modtrato salary. Uox 224, i-omoervv hip. j 11ILL1ARD, pool comb, 2d hand, bought, iold, rented ex'd, Keafer. 123 Olrard ave. ' BRICK for salerat5l Callovvhlll at. Mlt chell Rrothurs BOCIXlCKa LEI'T OVEK. All kinds. What Is your prlco for themT CALLAHAN, ' N. W. cor 23d and Houth sts REAL ESTATE EOR SALE BUUCHI1AN THIUOCiTO'RY suburban homo on lot 80x180 feet, slate roof; hot-water hent Colonial fireplace Photograph and description and floor plan on display at Ledger Central, or address uwner, i, u.n. linger mine GERMAN TOWN CHOICE properties In all sections of Gtn Ml Airy. Chest 11., all prices Write for special list. J. H Chadwlck & Co . .iota Oermanton-n Wesltovvn I'a B ACRES, ttSOO, 1 miles station, brick man sion, bath: stable, garage, fruits, bargain. A. D Hfttld. West Ch ester. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA FAHMB INSTRUCTION Fr.iSNCH In three months by reflneil young Parisian lady: easy conversational method; terms moderate. Mile. L. Herthln, 1505 Arch (10 a in -10 p m ) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I'lANO KNAIH; Ilaby Grand, 2p0j excellent condition, selling because of change of rest dence II, 117. Ledger Centra. WANTED Kl IDMIT1 1RP Antiques, pianos, etc., part rUKiNll UftC or enre no bought. Kens rurnlture Co . 8143 Kensington ave SbOK KEEPER, carahle, exnerlepceJ office ANTlQUll furn , broken (;flry, gold, silver, iruui ilcVires position with reliable firm! mod- platinum, false teeth. W Walnut. Eat. lM-O. erate salary' best refs. H 240 Id tent. . , ' , , BOOKKEEPER, office manager, tliprougni Xffiable P. Manager. MH Nortn 10th rm and nfoima- M L'&J Vr t v. . .. . sBc'rs c"an v...i"a- bookkeepe lion ahSi? ?P'Ln valuable Jni IHfyUwlaV iri;. n " oions by In w 6m hi';'Pe',n t,Ledger Cen I "eMnS,n,na tvpewriteri young lady Ifeui hiSif '".yprl In office of whole- PSX,,,iiir1(M,y V moving picture poa- rrahr0'' Tvi?.0.mn' xoerlenced ln filing ru-..'-.. giving Darlloulara. Avni-rtfiiiert. ung Woman, exn. com nhono. !'haziFWr0?& t5m&, LMB ,,Pm:al!?V.W?:',CrM herrv at. iTuqlNESS economy man waste-saying re iiSrebes made, practical slng methods sug. gestlS: senl" confidential II W0 Led Cent, TTT'TrEn-VALET, English, gentleman going "rJith deJlrcs tS'obtaln njace for his sen ant. Tlnhon Hryn ilwrVj7 , . iiUTLEII white first class capable, exp city reference N " Led"r of"ee CHAUFrKUR-Intelllgent mecjianlo A driver: n i viara" Dractltal shoo and driving exp : coiirtrofig. active good clean record, hon.sj and dependable" total abstainer, good rf C ?-) tsgustrr yy CHAHPrBUR RrlUbly man .f1"".,?"0,,,0 crraa BOARDING ARCH. 2023-202J Handsomely furnished, In cludlngsuperlor table, Id; table, tl. cilLSTNUT, 4UlftVell-furnlshed rooms, with excellent board; flrst-cluss accommodations for refined buslnoss people! -1 minutes from 40th t "L" Btatlon, Preston itta? W. OltEEN. 1"!27 Very deslrablo vacanclea: south ern exposure! reasonable; phone. ( 6PRUCE, 1230lJirge 2d-story front and 4th floor front, with board BI'RUCE 10-Rooms, single or suits; prl) ate bath, excellent table board) phone. ALNUT JWS Exceptlenal table board; also OcaUlHUIIS UllllC iwm.i ...mm-.w.w y..vfc. WALNUT, 40tt-Deslrable second-atory front room, exceptional wws i-uru. mums m. 100 ACR103 location, land, buildings, water and railroad facilities, all first class; has everything tliat goes to make a good farm aeveral stock farms cheap. ISO, 200 an' 2.10 acres, the very best of land nnd chuf. vtate JSK?'w.U TIUNIA 210 ACRES,, l'-s miles to Main Line P. R It. nation, adaptnbli to fruit and stock raising bargain. i-o psi acre J. Thompson. 113 N. lltgn St.. vvesi i-neeicr. i NEW JERSEY Atlantic City. N. J. bNAPS-Severul choice bargains In cottages and hotels, sale or rent, choicest corner lot In ail Ventnor: MOOO below rostj others Hruckinann, 310 Ouarantee Dldg, Atlantic City. Haddonfleld. N. J. HAVK SEVHRAL FINE PROPERTIES a( largatp prVes VM. CAREY MAR8HALI. Ml rreralstCaniden. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE NEW JERSirit AtUntle Cltr. N. J. 1IOTEI S. coltpges, apartments, etc, to ex. change for PhlladolphU properties OHAS E FELL. 33 3 Pen nil aye.. Atlantlo City REAL ESTATE FOR HENT Factories. Warehouses, Mfg. Floors 10TH, N.. 15 Desirable large front rooms) other vacancies, exielltnt table board. CHKF-I'lrst-cUss all-around cook wiwt po- sitien i -". fcfg-.- y-. . ., v-,, rnnn M grammar, and busij i: '"iirStuil loo. detlree. cosltien i gtwa EruBivefgRr rSartT cEX.P WANTED MALE OSlyrSIS. Q "rnlns 5 and up- m. r BhanjbeUn 13Ja ArcUip ' ( SitFik ofed, waiter and i2nwSU8S?S?i8i EStS Blag11 mek Bwlp 80V a,bon, i vut. ..., cniTT RAH raf ... r. 7 2. r.TTTl " -. :& fiuifxsr P'ii Ms. .tf. ,..-w ,rt a fctK - ay ytnyny mum u STb -ir "jJt, w&xl i . . - - . .. mn mm 0.AAI ? J?,4i la Ptasylva, airylu7 tor Siclusive sfl- - 4 irtuxi btr tot esrtaljiisltBd lartilM-r ' " ' "7 r---ir-- S exeeuttv your r nM"r WANT A "JOB. ' ww la .10, mmsp9 labia Board . ifROAD ST S . 4it-Slect table bpard. Phone Walnut 7137 W. . A 1 1 CHESTNUT ST , 4W5-celleut UWe board) uhMsant sutrouiidlngs, Pteeton tflT P. t Butiutban OERmXNTOVN. West DOOlUr t. lt-Offer desirable actflmruadatljws Phone Qtn 6006D. . ., i.. .i.. 3m ; 1 1 TV B i i 'ii''i.ns"iT- BOASD WAITED BatHD ANP TWO communicating rooms by lady wfth sou l W old anii daughter 7 year eld. pleasant surroundings desired i prirate family preferred, but not .necessary 1 wanted In Oernwntovvn If possible, but any other locality uonstdtted aive full pgrttviulsrs and prUe. H ISO Ledger Central. CHERRY, 024-2S-3 floors. 18.000 sq ft.j Ught en J siqes ylfrlirJ' .,-p THIRD "KLOOn, 18x03! gool light, steam hsat, all convs : very reasonable. 122d Filbert st, 'CENTRAL-FLObll BPACE LOW RENT F. It COMPANY. 1117 Penna llldg. Herman town KNOX ST . 49tfl (Qermantown)- ll-rooni houss all conveniences, containing billiard room rlf i" v' """ with table. Klktne Park. Fa. ItSNEAT -QPU STONH HOUSE, front T porch. 2a, E Cnilrch foa, key next dot: FhlUdelDhla train .trolley r0'3.R ALEXAriPgR. UP 3. 4th St. Secane. Fa. BECANB. FA i6. modern 12-room dwelling,' hot-vrater heat, eleatrlo light, chicken house and stable, lot 5ta55 with plot adjoining la rear 73x125, large fruit trees and shrubbery Apply 3630 N ath st,. Phone Diamond 1202 D at-ta S 'SiSL 8 iiim wffc v -- JT T it tt. " . . Tmrt chLtm tool tU.4 .'ti5i; fSc. coit mie c uv w Ul iiker reduce cost iwu OFFlf n V u llllox vrk . wifh" , iunr us. :1 QUoiiM tfK) twupaia- -& rUytw. "r.r 1.Z7 , h unscai nf pluyera de ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNISHED Bryn Uswr ARCH. SOCIO Beautifully furnUhid reorasi vary rtasooable. eonvenlint f h Loetut VMl UAHINO. 3718 - Two flrst-rleor rooojl' ablt dentlir or doctor or sMrtmsnu. The QolRoa, Mr. IVUe McCUln. Managjai- , iuitlNO M10 Bootue, fyvslabej Of -UBfurt altliecL id floor, for notnakjepmy Paaosy UROAD. N SaT Deahable W front suit with, uclviU bib other tftcaacks 8jy UROXp N WIS- Very Jtirallg"weU"hle3 fdroUiyJ tevtm, wnujllj board optional BLCKixaiiiM pl. a7 asWi wstji fWa tar SOASJ CJUi.I Ar Ke.,-lfiii L. bOdd SDt BBYN MAWR Furnished house to rent for winter, with garage stable, 3 minute from station . rent moueraie. s, ioi. i-eoger fc;so. HEAL, ESTATE WANTED PROPJClTY lu aluJ abMiBdFblIadelphU fur Bnglilb. tnviistws outy parties with good lo otune-vroducipg propertses of del ruble loci tfou ae4 reply Wire or write at ont-e (o Aaieri ii ireenutlve, W J MLLLk,PT. dikport, if V HOKSSAGEjit llff1 nA Ai4 loaii-si SB9SEBBBBBBBHKfisH wSmBm Jkl. SCRAPPLE I VWt tl Q t Tl I TI " "tafc ' ' " " . ' "- - --- iLstptssHeSBBBilBBBBBBBBBBSXBBBBBl nji.uijjii!j tArtCTTOQE iiA?t c3flJ s.t.?iV0 ' -stssssHsfsssssl CRLLEBUPoNTnciPcnu'-TQM f- iyfw "sss . MmmKm WHOLLY $ UNPRPPnnpn- &n fife JgffM, V. HstBiH H0WEJPR-x7r-rp: r- kVA a f e, sfifW Un ' SSKHm, . I ii , TtT77rV '&fc .?SSri if 9HIH ' , i i i vm i inin t'5Tj' ' IQP-'. The c-ptain-You- may Tavtr. JlBiH l7S.Vv " rGft.f-.l7lM i 4VVfiK)'- :'JlU 1 wlh Rrallfled liefore you ale. , ' ' il9HHs& SZtM litf $ifct, Th0 8P;-Mr I choose tho "laco tn 1HHH rtli? L" (PB yay,pct-) vhlch j 'gnan ,)o gllQt IHBH rz, .iVsfv I T.T.-y.-t Xl&S T," Cnptttln-Ccrtalnly. JssssbbBibbbsbs i ,-lrf$TM t Wsito, Th0 "M'-1 vMt-i wlsli-a Bhot in HBHHH ... 1 nr4 khV J 1 sibbbKsVbbbbbIbbs1 i lirt H MM islBslBBBBBBBBHssKjBrlllBH .so,' mm a D,.,praA nun 4w m mkjvLm,Qm$ r mxm M) k:: p-m, tfmwr , i:m mmm 1 ' M ' I I 'w 1 1 m i i i W mW$nA ." Wfflffl ii ail 'xvm mMammmm iBocormuy lOH-HWlERHEWCf! ili WM " flii J$L v ' J' x" mul"l. W 5 . iHn zs I I I'Mei'iF- - - " fllrK r zmMm -) i- isvm amjrA . - v fva minisi 1111 bisbbbbbbbsbsisisisb iMJ AT SHrr&BK.. -t 'J MBMMii lW , 'rHBH8IMt -Ek m .mmK- - mim . '' iiemn isrn if mm JU&J siBsr- dtfK. '0 hbhiIBH vv ' 'ssbbss1HHbssss1 i rr" slsssKy. -LJ ; ""'?! . ffsy MMBXttr "!: 'llHBBlsssHsaBSBal I I I i ill i l , , TWlsTlB Br ,S SssbbbbbbbbbbbbbIisbIbbI 1 i i i i - :ItvHira I ' ' ' 'II V ? 'JsIbbbsbssbbbbHisbbB f'ssasllssssssBHH BKj.&inllMlij i n'ssshi II I ir? WrSmji') HPHL. rsssi mit , SjS8sIbbsisb1BH -London Punch WSlaiiSff flrtflllNCY ' iJssBssHm Colonel of swaahbutklors-Nah, then, "tnr boarter-WIU you bo my wlfo7 T1 ,.... Iinillady's daughter No! Yon'vn . . " JaHMsSLssBBBSsinH avvaiiK' rno vvlininlii can look arter bonrdetl hero for four jenrs, never fif, TFm&if LRW -J HLssbHsH thclrrelvcs. You 'on It ami Jlno ycr srumbled at the food, olvvaa pay yTV, X vX " ssssssalssBaBBiflH promptly, and you aro too good a . sXFA tl L HaHHaBB rco'lintnt! boarder to bo put on the freo Hat. mwaA 1& L 'sssBsHisa ff", W-SW' mkl-jtl. jg&BSKiitiirk Stranser-Is the cashier In? "''''HIHiH iSM liXffl i"i;SMfiP K Clerk-No - HBHSffil ai75Mfil'KV"'!CS'cISlB. sQav b'tntnecr-aonc for a rest? ; HHmiBlsl hrlviWlrtlilj i mm--PrMixSBmwkwStmm -? Clerk No, tona to avoid arrest. ; 4HbsHHbbbGB9 mwMjmtwua2rwwjzm&Mmkvmximmim!rm .cssrs i ,mmaatmiEm $$' ffflfJmMLti l' JJmKwWBkmkMfJ VVj BbIssssssB sssBBI The Bystander, 17 S. WJ .Vf tb yMv a SEsssSBBBB BURIED ALIVE? If mlv MjHhffiKJb. 1 ' BBh rirat dear old soul (reading from newspaper Internment of all Enellah In I JMk &XflKniflrS1MV 1 iBsssilHBslllfl Second dear old soul How awful, dear; don't they even kill them first? VssbbbbbbbB useaBBsBinPsBs9V '.HHssIbbIHbH SBBBBBBBBBBI Jk Mr lili1lilCkMiiSBl iBSBBBBVBBSBSBBB iBBBBSl C$( )Kjfte-ri Urown I've just met a man who rstsassiiiiflHRiSB J yMWfiV&?2 Drape Maud has promised to be said 1 looke like you. j, :.wBmHBfh9 N. ( VwMM?lnf' c0,ne my w"e Jones What blltliering- Idiot was It? v 'jEfBMBA y 'WiSIIlCK Naur Weill don't worry too much I'll knock lilni dovvnt biH99sisebB BH jT rWxw over " Women often brxak their Drown You needn't trouble. X ssbsbBsHbbbbB bbH cKi!l promises. knocked him down myself! 'fpssHHHiflLIHB Jw yft3T A PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION ;HB V nmyl T '' '' '' H i HfBlf nssP "There's a foreign couple Uvlnt: ln 71Ul A'i v ',J Jl ' 'GWsffi'iBl IB the flat next to us, and they are a CfefeJSdL 'rSrS' Llilli ff '- SisBH torment to my wife." , "Q' TlV T't 'f$W I " IMIilJWfigM Ml "They quarrel Incessantly and she S?--5 aVP K" --- ""-"" .llsls(sBSBi9Bt Bsi can't understand ft word of It." - "" "" l ' :''3tssississiBssslC' HH rt - OF THE THEORY THAT THE SOLDIERS OUGHT-TO. ? flflll ft .., - JHBHHHH Ts Hllll PORCC THE ROYAL COMMANDERS OF THE ARMIES lIRPfli I K llHT THK T1n5 OUT HHiMtt ' B yoea your dog I K to sU-wige?' ycoi ptt b doe It took to w jterdfs7 a . we 64 rt 4l tn-ut4 tu jiis,e tli'l Ht o " F4 4M&fel er v,Ho n xrfeuaL-' CBsWf&lT "SorT55l4raJi "rtSf 3 dsBr ,ith itl fBlut- A 4)0U(! von 1HT .od JU iarie. SAM! iL .U&Bj'Ni.T, iW,? C4HMit . 'J 1-i.la S,4Ji3ft w t vunr? W ''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers