Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 05, 1915, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14
t1"" 14 MOTHER RAMPAHT BULL MARKET IN CHICAGO PIT TODAY I" Early Prices 1 3-8c. to 2c. g; Higher Than Yesterday's 'Close Considerable Profit Taking Again. CHICAGO, .tnn. C Another rampant tUll market tvns seen In tlio wheat pit todfty. iSntly prices were 16 to 2c. higher than yesterday's close. There wns Kenernl commission IioHbo buylAff, Trading wns on a heavy scnlo nntl, 'white there was considerable proflt taking, offerings were -absorbed easily. The market at Liverpool ioso In n sen- . rational manner, spot wheat moving up " i to fiJid. Millers thcro 'bought freely at the extreme rise. Some Amcricuu offers abroad wero 9d. higher. " The vlei6ie supply of wheat In Europe decreased 7,3fil,00o bushels for tho week to 78,918,000 bushels against 81,312,000 bushels, last week and 73,000,000 bushels last year. Argentine freight remained at COa. The rlso In whont has had Its effect on tho flour market, and If It continues the prtco. of bread will have to bo In creased, i Argentine wheat Is offered more freely, but at higher prices. It Is dlfllcult to see Jilbt where the vessels are to bo ob tained to get wheat out of 'AiRo'ntlria. Com ulso moved up sharply' In .sym pathy with wheat and on n Htrnnp or. cited market at Llvorpool. wheio thcro was heavy buying. All offerings were ub aorbed for a time, 'but the market eased. Plate corn at Liverpool was 2!:.d, Oat were higher on n general demand. There was a great deal of profit .taking and prices reacted. There was n large business In rats In Argentina. Trade In provisions was fairly active and tho market showed fair strength. Leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat. Open. High. iMy t.ri7 i..w; July i,t i.2i Yes. Lou. i:02'a Clone. CIOJM 1.37', tl.3l4 l.El?J fl.22 May -frn new aeiiveryj 7IIU 7.V, 70'i Mta 7i5H 7fl4 7.Vi, 7f,Ji July .,., Oata May .... July .... 12 774 n $& t55i tM4 t.1tV. January Way . . nibs January May .. Mav .. ...10.37 ...10.02 ...10.2O ...10.00 to.-,-. 11,05 10.S.1 10.02 10. .-,7 10.00 10.75 tiono ll.O.-. tlO.02 10.20 10.50 18.00 10.22 ' in.2.-i '10.00 lo.in 10. 53 ...1S.07 ....in..,u tAakcd. 10.1.-, 10.07 111, I.-. '10.CO m.22 Bid, LIVE STOCK QUOTATIOiNS bulk. 77.20. CATTL,E.-llccelpts, 751)0: mar UCt Weak, beeves. Sn.rVTf 11.75 : rnun nnrl hnlfnru JC1.5OR8.40: stockers nnd feeders. S4.50AH 40: Trani. BW7.25; calves, J700.60. SHCBP. Ilecelpts, 15,000: market steailv: nntlvS and Western, W.SO.B0.50; lambs, fS.75;8.e'). Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUR WlIteAT. Receipts. 140,358 bush. Thero was a good export demand and with stronger outside adWies. prices further advanced 2c. on both, spring and winter varieties. Quotations: Car lour. In export elevator No. 2 red, Hpot and January. 1.3IUl.:iU; No. 2 red. Western, Jl.S8ifIl.40; No. 1 Northern Duluth, il.42fl.4.1. CORN. Ricalnts. K?.D4.t hit, nrr-lntra ra tirtiu nnu mo marKet was c. Iilgner. JOth a fair demand. Quotations: Car lota for local trade, ns to location.' No. 2 yellow. nw, JltJ7Se.: steamer yellow, new, 7W377c: r -3no. 3 yellow, new, ?5'SB70c. sample ellow, rew, 70H872'5c; new cob, per 70 lbs., 72 76c. OATS. Itecelpts 1H.488 bush. The mar ket advanced Wc with a fair local trade de mand. Quotations: No 2 white, 5llU37c ; standard white, 53H!J50c; No. 3 white, 55W B0c. ItVB was scarce and firm. We quote at I1.11S1.10 per biuli.. as to quality, in export levator: and at tl&l,10 for small lots of nearby grain. In bags. FLOUK, Receipts. 1150 bbls. nnd 3,100, 120 lbs. In sacks. Mill limits ruled very Arm, but trade waa quiet. Quotations for 1110 lbs. In wood Winter clear. J3.233a.50; do., straight. J5.50Q5.73; do., patent. J3.85Sd.40; Kansas, straight. Jute acks, J5.75S5.00; do. patent, jute sacks, f 3. OOfjO. '.'.; spring, first clear. J5.503rj.83: dp., straight, J3.!)Ot0: do., patent, Jtt.25iS0.60; do.. faorlto brands. jn.75 0.90; city mills, cliolcn and fancy patent, jn.73 CO.OO; city mills, regular grades Winter, clear. .- ..-k.- . sc' "--. ""-".. '-.-- ,o.-.vr.-..Ki; an., siraigui, o..kj'((.'. (Oi do., pat ent, JS.85U8.40. KYq FWHJU. -Supplies were small the market wns llrm, but trade was quiet quote neojby and Aestern In nool at a.Bo. and . v ft PROVISIONS .' The market -waa quiet and without Important' enange. quotations:. City beef. In sets, smoked and air-dried, 2SSJ2VC; Western beef. In sets, fnwked, 2sJrM.; do, city beof, knuckles and tenders, smoked and. nlr-drled. 20fr;i0c: do., S5.5!lfn, b'efi knuckles and tenders, smoked, SMte A. beet hams. JWJ.'H; pork, family. JS3.30f(24; hams, 8. ft cured, loose. lWOUc; Qgi, skinned, loose. 13l3l4c; do., do., smoked. lifiWlK,; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average. J4Utfl5c.; liaroa, ftnoked. Western cured. H'iflioc.: do., boiled, boneless 2021e : plcnlo shoulders, 8. I', cured, loose, HKBlUjc;; -do., smoked, 12UffI24c: PJJlles. In pickle, according to average, loose, 14Wloc. j breakfast DHCon. as to brand and averace. citv cured. 18tinn. An u'atA,n eVfi. 18Plc; lard. Western, refined, tierces, llQUMr ; do, do., do., tuaj. listuvic.; do., pura city kettle rendered. In tierces. 11 "Mc j dp., pura city, kettle rendered, In tubs, nomtc. REFINED SUGARS Tho market ruled firm, b'ut trade -was quiet Keriners' list prices; Standard gran ulated, 5i , Una granulated, I.SSc.; towdered. 0.05c, canfectionere A. 4.63c; soft grades. U,031.70c. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUXTEIl. There was a fair demand for desirable ttock and the market ruled firm under llettt orfci-Jugx Quotations: Western, fresh, olid-packed, creamery, fancy, specials, 37c: exceptional lets higher; extra, ,'I5c,; extra firsts. U3.11c. , firsts. 3Hffi2c; seconds. 27 Oc. . ladle-packed 22i)24c. as to quality, nearby prints, fancy, aucj do., average extra. aTWi'.; do. nrats, 3')lc. ; do,, seconds, 2S 80e. ppeclal fancy brarda of prints Jobbing St 44l6o, EOtSS. Tho market ruled firm on fine new lsla eggs, demand for which really absorbed iliB limited retelpts. Quotations. In free eases, nearby, extras, 44c per dozen nearby firsts, $12.60 oer standard case; nearby god current recdlnts. 112 per standard ease, mixed held and fresh and ordinary stock. tlO.'.'OBlLlO per case: Western extra firsts! $13.60 1 Pjr cass. do., firsts, $12 per case; South. ro, $U.012 ryr eas. Helrlgerator eggs spring packed, choice M?27u. per dox.: do.: ordinary to fair. 23tt24. per dox. Fancy se iticted candled fresh eua were jobbed out at 474!c per dox. CHliKHK. The market .was quiet, but teiUi', under moderate offerings. Quotations: AVaJ- HAVE I . 'n.f JV I Fvrtlu'y JoaTl f WZJ r 6 0Mtt 1 I MA hah ) r- . I Vc"& - Vei r- ' BOUSHT ACAr- 1 fo MSSSfS. I II f IFSS v to Ti.e HoxAi r $ -i"!i- VjsS) r"y v y J Mm)HL & - H Jin i5s-H5!!- iH& iA flu yfk MM J-Sy SOMEBODY New York full-cream, earlier receipts, choice, inc. . rln., i!o.. current make, choice, 15c , do., do , fair to good, lit014'ie.: ilo., part sklmn, b ti lflc. POULTRY I, I VI.. The market ruled firm under mod erate olterlnea ami n fair denmnil for delrabl stick. Quotations. Fowls, litgiite.; old rooJt era, 10g 10'ic ; aprln? chlckcna. according to luallty, U'lyHc; turkeya, lSBlic: duckK. 146) 15c : RCCftC. IRHlriC. . cutnn.lR. nunir. welfflilnc 2 Ihs. and oer nplece, rer pair. 50c: neighing lMitfli lb apiece, per pair, 40fi4.K). ; gulneaB, old. per rlr. .iO?4oe.; plgtona, per pair, 15 lHIKSSKl). Oltcrlngs of desirable turkeys light and the market nrm and lc higher, with trade fair Other description quiet but Blfady. Quotations' Turkojs, dry-packed tancy. laige, nearby 20'rt21e . do. Western. 'Me ; ateraRe recclpln. 1113'lSc. ; InTcrlor l"it 15c; Xo 1 old. 18c. Konlj. 12 to box, dry-packed, neighing 4',jW, lbs apiece, 17'sc , do.. IfT 4li lbs. apiece, 17e.; do., I lbs. apiece. 10'ic.: do. IMA lba. apiece, HtriBc.: do., :i ftn. and under, 12Srl3c. Towls. bbls.. dry-packed Ueatcrn, ory-plcked, 4'ffB lbs. apiece, ltfHc.; do., do., 4 lbs., l.VJc; do., do., ;i'i lba., lie.; do., do., .1 lbs. and under, ISfil.lr. Old roos ters, dry-picked, 12iic. Broiling chickens Ncarbv, 1H1J2 lbs. apfece, 200220; do., fair tc ccd, liimfic; Western. l'JBl lbs. apiece, 20c.: do., fair to good, 14Jfl8c. nonstlnif chickens, dry-packcrt. In boxes-Mlllc-fed. 18 to 24 lbs. to dor., 22Jf23c: milk-fed, 2r to 21) lbs. to noz.. iu2l' : corn-fed. 18 to 24 lbs. to doi.. i0?21a: corn-fed. 2.1 to .VI lbs. to doit.. ISC H'c ; milk-fed, :it to n in. to doz. Hue., mllk-fcd, .17 to 42 lbs. to dcr., 144c. i milk-fed, 4:1 to 47 lbs, to doz., l.VJc; milk-fed, 4S Ibt. 10 um., nc: miiK-rca. t;o lbs. mm ocr. the.; eorn-fed, .11 to .10 lbs, to doz., inw14c; corn fed. :i7 to 42 lbs. to doz.. l.'UMJHc.'; corn-fed, 4.1 to 17 lbs. to doz., 14Hlfic: oorn-fed, 48 lbs. nnd over to doz., 17c: corn-fed, 00 lbs. and over, lc. Roasting chickens, dry-papked, 'n bbls Western, milk-fed. dry-Picked. .', lbs. and over, 17c; Western, mllk-Ied. 4 lbs., lflc; Western, milk-fed, 3tJ lbs., ll'jc: Western, miiK-rca, dry-picked, mixed nclghts, HnM'Je, Western miiK-ied, 21.W3 lbs.. Mo.: Western. corn-fed. n lb nnd ocr. Inc.; Western. corn- fed, 4 lbs., 15c: Western, corn-fed. lry-plcked. mixed weights. 14c; Western, enrn-fod, 3', lbs.. 14c; Western, corn-fed. 2'5Tj3 lbs.. 1.".'4c Spring ducks, lrt917c. Spring geese. 1,'IffHc 6qunbs. per doz. White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs., per doz.. J1.2.V!f4.R.'i white, weighing It to 10 lbs., per doz., J1.n31?.13; white, weighing 8 lbs., per doz.. J2.73W3.15- do.. '.! . 7 lbs., per doz., J2ff2.A3; do., do., Oflfl'i lbs., per doz., J1.25S1.90; dark nnd No. 2. f0c.ffjl.10. FRESH FRUITS Demand fair foe desirable stock and nines generally steady. Quolatlons. Apples, New York, per bbl. King. J2U3; Iialdnln, Jl. 7332.50; Crooning, J2fi3; Spy. $; other iro'"' e?tlng varieties. J1.75!f2.30; me dium. Jl)fl.30: apples, Western, per box, 75c HlJI.50: apples, Delawate nnd Pennsylvania, per hamper, .',0001c: lemons, per box, J2.n0fp 3.50; oranges, Florida, per box. J I. '-'.Mi 3; tan gerines. Florida, per strop J'.'II2.5ii; grape fruit, Florida, per box, J1ST2: plneapp'cs, per crnic. i-orto jiico. ji.ni...i: norinn, siitr 2.iKI; cmnberrles, fancy, lute varieties, per bbl., J2i4; do.. Capo Cod. i:ar)y HIack. per bbl., J23, do., do., do., per crate., 75ctf?1.50; d,-., Jersey, per rrate, 75c.WJl.25; pears. New Vnrk, Kleffer. per bbl., $t?2; strawberries, Florida, per qt., MSOOc. VEGETABLES Tlic market steady under -moderate offer ings and u fairly active demand for choice slock. Quotations: White potatoes, per bush. Pennsylvania. . 5.1?l,nt:-; New York. 40g4tic; white potatoes, Jersey, pel bskt., 33fj nt-r bush., ('iifJoVlc.; do., choloe, per lOH-lb. bag. 1; do., sfconds, per tOO-lb. bag, 00Jf7.'.c : cab bage, domestic, per tnn, XS1J0; do , Dnnlsli, per ton, J14W10, cauIIMouer, New York, per crite. 75c.f1.23: spinach, Norfolk, per bbl., $2fl2.50; kale, Norfolk, per l.bl., uf(75c- lettuce. Flori da, per PSKt., &:.iHri.i; uo . vortn warounu, per bskt., JI.50B2: bcntiB, Florida, per bskt.. 1.7582.50. peas, Florioa, per bskt.. J2.-iOH5: eggplant, KlorMii, per box. J25J3; cucumbers, riorlda. por bskt.. J1.75r.".50; Hquash, Florida, nep bxkt.. 1. 5042: neuners. Florida. Per ear lier, $2.50t:i.5U: celery. New Vork. per buni'h, 2Jfl45c. ; mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, $191.50. NEW YORK COFFEE MABKET NEW YOHK, Jan. 5. It a evident that tho strong tono In coffee futures on the New York nxchange naa continued today. At tho opening adtanccs of 6 to (I points were displayed. Opening futures January. n.O0H0.O5c; Feb ruary, .OTe. hid; vMkirch. 0.21c. bid; April, II. 10c. bid.; Jlay. B.40'fjll.45c; June, tuiomuuc.; July. 7.21k.-. bid.: August, 7.25tj 7.35c. ; Septem ber, 7.30r 7.4.1c; October. 7.45c. bid: Novem ber, 7.50c. bid; December, 7.55c, bid. Sales, 1000 bags. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS KWV YOrtK. Jan. . HUTTRrt. Market steady, receipts, 13.011 packages. Creamery extra, 3Hc: higher scoring, 30ifr.t7c : stato dairy, 34.l5c; imitation creamery. 2S'h'25Hc EGUS.-Market strong: receipts, 12,u7d cases. 3 rsh extra, tlrsls. 12c; fresh nrsts 40841c. nearby whites. 474Bc; nearby mixed, 38 41c; special marks, 23c. COTTON MARKET STEADY NEW YORK, Jan. 5. In the afternoon tho cotton market was notably steady, with sentiment considerably divided. Liverpool cables scarcely came up to ex pectations, but aotlvlty in that centre was, nevertheless, strong, spot sales running to about 10,000, bales, a duplicate of yesterday's figures. The demand In other foreign quarters Is developing, and all signs point to a steady call foi spots from abroad. Southern factors entered the market today In some strength, but the Bupply was by no means alarming and was consistently absorbed. Yesterday's II 1 2 so Close, upen. A.M J'.JI. J' Jl. January March . May ..... July October ... December I.UM I.Mi 8.13 H.31 S.50 8.74 8.87 8.10 8.31 8.48 8.72 8.63 8.07 8.2H 8.44 8.08 8.27 8.45 S.GS 8.21 8.41 B.C1 8.81 SNQODLES No. 1. $2(82.7.1; No. 2. 31.S0W1.iM: sweets. Jersey, per bbl. -No. 1, J.ni3.50: No. 2, 2 2.25; awcdts, Jersey, per bskt., UOUiSc; onions, choice, nt-r bush.. ,075c : do., ordinary, per & , WrPi-Z-, r-y IfJiw PiTcHeotf l 1A, ?7r I., VfrtTtTfrS. ..KVv7 .7i XT3 K 1 WM evening ldgeb-phitjAbblpsia': tttesday; JANUARY MxJ HEARD? I I lip CDDIC WAS v flRAUY Bur rtil (- IS ALWAYS TAKING THE JOY FINANCIAL BRIEFS At miction In this city today $1000 Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Be. sold nt 07W. At a meeting of the dlrectots of the Fidelity Trust Company tho usual an nual .distribution to Us employes wns authorized, the amount being. J18.6S0. The Tradcsmcn'fl Nntlonal Bank today retired the last of Its emergency cur rency, the amount bclnjr $119,000. Ocoi-ko A. Huhn ;s Sons will rcmovo from their present ofllcca In tho Land Title Building to their new offices on tho ground floor and basement of tho Uclle- vuo Court Building, Walnut street nbovo uiiwi, en .uoiKiay next, ueorgc a. titnin recently purchased tho new building. It Is undcrstooa that the Land Titlo Trust Company will, extend Its olllces Into those recently occupied ,by .Messrs. lluhn & Sons. Miami Copper Company again deferred action on the quurtcrly dividend. nmergency currency to the amount of $320,150 has been retired nt tho local Sub treasury; Tradesmen's National Bank, Jl.'O.OOO; Market Street National Bank, $100,000; Ninth National Bank, JM.ltfO, nnd First National Bank of Kansas City, Mo., $50,000. Tho January circular of the National City Bank says: "The business situation In the United Htntes, while showing no pronounced chungc. Is continuing to adjust Itself upon a surer basis. There Is a creeping confi dence abroad, which has grown notice ably stronger from week to week as progress toward normal conditions has been made, but It Is held In check by tho foreign situation. The decision upon rail way rates will help that Important Indus try and through It several others in which unemployment has been large. The New York Stock Exchange has -admitted to the list $349,5DO,4G0 Now York central stock. The greatest number of failures In his tory was recorded by Bradstrcet for tho past year, while the liabilities of falling traders have only been exceeded twice beforo since this compilation was estab lished. There were 10,753 failures, a total of 15 per cent. In excess of 1913 and S per cent. In excess of 1803. tho hitherto record year. Liabilities of fnlllng traders In 1914 aggregate $302,235,31;, a total of 22 per cent, larger than in 1913, but K.5 per cent, smaller than In 1907 ar 1883, the years of evil pie-eminence in rallure damage. A meeting of the creditor and stock holders of tho Standard Roller Bearing Company is to bo hold tomorrow after noon at tho Manufacturers' Club. The nnmes of Samuel T. Bodlnr. Oini-i S. W. Fnckard, George W. Norrls and Chllds Frlck aro mentioned as possible, successors to the late N. Parker Short rldgo for vacancy on the Pennsylvania Railroad Board, The minimum price on Baldwin Locomo tive common was reduced to 33. The annual report of tho American Brake Shoe and Foundry Company shows a decreaso of :56.834 In earnings and a surplus after dividends of $301,572, against $6057087 In 1913. A New York Produce Exchange mem bership sold for $6C0 against $323 the last previous sale. GOVERNMENT BONDS Bid, Asked. ::: 8? :: :::8S :: ... MV, ... nau .. 2of 10S0 registered 2a of ltKli) coupon Panama 2s registered Panamn 2s coupon. ,,..,.., Panama new :ia registered,, Panama new 3s coupon 3s of 1018 registered, ,..... 3s of ll18 coupon , 4s of 1021 registered 4s of 1023 coupon.,..,.,,,.. ...lflo'J ...loot! ...low ...loo J 102 Receiver for Cotton Press Co. NEW VORK. Jan. S. A petition In bank ruptcy has been filed In the Untied Stated DlitrlU Court by, faiierke. Canfleld ft stone against the American ItounJ Bale Press Com pany, a corporation with Ita principal plant In Texas. Judge Hand appointed Paul Jones as receiver under a bond of $50,000, The llabltt ties aro $!4,H07. The assets consist chlerly of 5 cotton ginning plants and presses in tho South, on which no aluatlon Is placed. Small Illinois Bank Closed WOODllULL. HI., Jan. 3. The Farmers' Hank, a private Institution with 300 depositors and $.vo,oco asssts, has closed Its doors. DIARY : IT LOOKS f MT"lR5f,' C -TiDGE A0DISON- S. IRTYj-'SoSf ' fS -v . f$ I f7 7 1 1"a?1 ,Mm,W .' &t"m I JT5rL.. '. ' . mm OUT OF LIFE N. Y. RESERVE BANK BUYS CITY BONDS Chairman Will Not Yet Iteveal Which Municipality. NEW VOftK, Jun. 5.-Thn Federal lie serve Bank of New York Iibh purchased $50,000 of tnunlclpu! bonds. Chairman Plerro Joy is quoted as saying that he hud not yet received from the Federal Re serve Board In Washington nny regula tions concerning Investments In bankers' acceptances. Thos covering the purchuJie of municipal revenue bonds or wariantB, ho snld, were tentative and confidential. AMERICAN SHARES STRONG Expect This Market Will Be Thrown Open in Jdondon. LONDON, Jan. .'..-Trading In securities on tho Stock Exchange was narrow to day. Buyers predominated. American Is sues were stronger In spots. Canadian Pacifies sagged because or the decrease In earnings. Irregularity marked tho dealings In home railways. Arcentlnn rails larked steadiness on less favorable crop news. Shell trading' nnd transport Issues were strong on an official statement that the dividend for the past half year will prob ably be maintained. There wns Invest ment buying of Egyptian securities, which were considered cheap. It Is ex pected that the American Stock Exchange will be reopened nevt week. Jtlo Tlntos were 5"?i. The closing prices wero as follows Ainal Copper Atchison Ilaltlninre & Ohio Canadian I'aclfle Chen & Ohio Chicago A (Ircut Wnstern .... Chlcigo. Mil & St Paul Ilu do 1st rref Denver & rtlo Grande Illinois f'cntral LotilsWlle & Nashville Mexican Petroleum , Missouri, Kansas nnd Texas.. N'oifolk & Western !.'.!"' New York. Ohio & Western, l'onniylvinla Heading Southern Railroad ',',.' So-.ithern I'nclflc Union raclllc United States Steel ! - j urn icmrai GOLD GOES TO PARIS Bars to the Amount of ?2,000,000 to Be Shipped. NEW VOrtK, .Inn. S. It Is understood that $2,000,000 In gold bars has been with drawn from the assay office for export to It will he recalled that frequently tho Bank of Franco has entered m "1 ments with bankers here for tho purchase of gold irrespective of tho position of exchange. At the present time exchange ... .... ,,. ,,; export or ,0 mctn. rather tho market favors gold Imports NEW YORK CURB lUadon Copper Poldflold Consolidated Riccne Cananea .... La Itoss NIpifBlng Otlk Elealor do preferred niUer.;icgenian sterling Oum Tobncco Proilucts pref. llnltKl Cigar Stores... do preferred !J!!.,C'' Prott-Sharlng Willys Oicrland do preferred ...v... ukon Gold "Id. Asked. I 7-fo i n.tn 2ft 23 ... Si, ... 71 ... 01U ::: 2 ... 8S ... til ..,107 ... lll'i ...81 ' ...W) -. 2!i JPT ivi'0 7S 4'4 no 04 lir, 17H M 05 Powder Stock Quotations Du Pont Int Prm.i.n,..r "ii- Asked. Int Smokeless rowder ft Cheni'n'f' do common F 13 I du Pont-Do Nemours!.'.'.'.'.'.'. do preferred , do 4Ji per cent, tonds '.'.'.'.'.'. Hercules powder Co ' do preferred ' do fl per cent, bonds ' M R8 20 54 155 8IU. 84 .151 .1.1 I11H 102UJ Alias i-OHOer Co , , (nn do 0 per cent, bonds ','.'. 05 " lull 102 08 Foreign "-"Discount Rates Hank rate. . . 5 ... 5 ::;8 Date of last cliangu. Aug, 8, mu Aug, 20, inn Dec. 23, 11)14 Aug, 21, 1014 Oct. 31, 1014 London .... Paris .... Berlin .... Amaterdam Menna ,., .!.. f.f n'j DIVIDENDS DECLARED .,r,r.IU(1 1'allwV an Electric Companv of Uultlmore, i r cent., (uyable January 15 as reglstsred January1 7. AtihlKon. Toncka and Santa Fe Itallnay regular, IV per cent, on common, payable March I to'slock of record January it). Hamilton Woolen Company semiannual 3 per cent., payable January 11 to stock of record January 4. National Security Bank, regular semiannual S per cent , payable on demand. Harbison-Walker Refractories Company, reg. ular quarterly HA .per cent, on preferred, pay. able January 20 to. stock of record January 0, LIKE A LONG REST .. .14 i- j: .. 70U-1 ..lnou-itj ..42 -yt .. io4 .. ni. lino ..115V4- .. mi- .. Hli . . S.SH 7i ..102 - 14 .. 22 -Hi 5i - . . 75 - M .. 1H u .. Rl- ..llliTi- TJ, .. 51I- OBITUARIES I II I I " HEItMAN J HAMM.ETON Herman S, Ifambleton, a veteran of the Civil War, ts dead at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Charlotte M. Arm strong, Faraday Park, Morton, Pa. Mr. llamblcion was a member of Company P. Uh Iteglment, Pennsylvania Volun teers, and wns taken prisoner at Sulphur Hprlngs, He spent J4 months In Llbby Prison, Andersonvllle and Camp Loudon. For moro than 30 years he lived at 10th and Federal streets. His death Sunday was unexpected, He Is survived by his two daughters, Mrs. Charlotte M. Arm strong and Mrs. Anna M. Morris. The funeral services will be held tomorrow evening at the Armstrong tcsldcnco at Morton, WILLIAM V. LYNCH William V. Lynch, an undertaker for nearly 25 years, died yesterday at his home, 270 South 20th street, of pneu monia. He was a brother of tho late Rev. John F. Lynch, who was rector of the Catholic Church of Our Lady of tho Hosnry, G3d and Callowhlll streets. He was 6T years old and was lohg a mem ber of the Knights of Columbus. His widow and two sons survive HOLAND Y. LUTHER Roland Y. Luther, vice "president and general manager of tho Peerless Coal nnd Coko Company, at Vivian, W. Va., died yesterday at the University Hospital from an attack of kidney trouble. Ilo had been 111 for many months, but not until last wcok wns he removed to tho hospital. Ho wns a member of a Schuylkill County family. Tho body will bo sent to his home In Vivian. MGR. P. F. CONNOLLY PHILL1PSBURG, N. J., .Ian. 5,-Mon-slgnor Patrick F. Connolly, rector of St. Philip and St. James Catholic Church, of this place, died yesterday of pneumonia. Ho was born In Ireland. 71 years ugo. Ho wns ordained Juno 2, 1871, and celebrated his llrst Mass at Bellvllle, N. J. Ho had been rector hero since 1S97 nnd two years ago . was made mouslgnor. IN .1IK3IOIIIA.il CIIOI'MK. Tn loving remembrance of my dear mother, SARAH A. CHOUSi;, who pansccl away January 5, 1P01. DAUUllTHIl. MUI.roni). In loving remembrance of my dear mother, ANNA 1SA1ILL,A MIILPonu, who departed this life on Jan, 5, 1U14. Lnicd by ono who knew her. UlUt BUN. JBeatljs Al.MAN. On January 1, 1015, WIMllifl A1MAN. Funeral strvlccs, on Tuesday, at 1 p. in., at ins late residence, U West Hartnell avc, Chestnut Hill. Interment strictly pri vate. M AI.I.UN. On January 4, 1015. CHAItLCS V husband of the lato Frances F. Allen, In Ills 75th car. Relatives and friends are Imltcd to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his lata residence. 203.S Diamond st. Interment private, at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. ARMSTRONG. At his residence, flraver's lane, Chestnut Hill, on January 5, 1015. THhODOHi: ARMSTRONG, aged 70 years! Further notice of the funeral mil bo given. H.UCNKTT. January 4, 1015. ANN IJLIZA, utdow of John Bnr.iott. Funeral services on Thursday, at 3:15 p. m.. at U2:l East Chel- ten uve., ucrmaniown. interment private. 11KNNIS. On Jnnuary 2, 1015, MARY ELISS AUKTH, widow of John J. Bennls and daugh ter of the late Michael and Margaret Mee lmn, uged 54 years. Relathes and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 2024 West Fletcher at. Solemn Requiem Mush at the Church of the Most PreUous lilood ot Our Lord, at 10 o'clock. MINNS. -On January 4, 1015, WALTER A., son of the late Charles H. and Janet Ulnns. Funeral servlcos on Wednesday, at 11 a. m.. at the chapel of Kirk ft Nice, l-IUl Main St., Uermantown, Interment private. I! LAW. Suddenly, In New York city, on January 1 11113, MORRIS BLAW, formerly of Philadelphia, aged 48 years. Relatives and friends urn Invited to nttend the funeral Ben Ices, on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the apartments of Oliver H. Balr, 182U Chestnut st. Interment private. BOHLKIt. On January 1, 1U15. JOHN II, BQiJLER, aged 00 years. Relatlvca are In vited to attend the funeral services, on Tues day, January' o, 1015, at 2 o'clock, at Ml 4 McKcan st., Philadelphia. Interment at Mt. Morlah, private. IIOYKR. in Denver, Col., on January 1, 1015. WILLIAM F. UOYKK. Relatives and friends uio invited to attend tho tuneral services on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at tho apartments of Oliver II. Balr. 1820 Chest nut street, Philadelphia. Interment private. I1RKNNKR. On January 2. 1015, HARRY UHBNNDIt. son of Uottleben and the lata Andrew Brenner. Funeral services on Tues day, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, Al- oany ave., uurringion, .-s. J. IlKOH'N. On January 4, 1015, EDWARD J, BROWN, son of James and the late Urldget Brown. Funeral on Saturday, at S-.30 a. m., from bis fathor's residence, 128 South lloiiball at. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Patrick's Church, at 10 u. m. Interment ... Tin... rr.m .-..... T ... HViJ i.tUOO .KtH C.C.J. IIL'KNHIDR. On January 2, 1015, JANI3 M., wife of James Ilurnslde, Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2:30 p. in., at tho chapel of Andrew J. Balr ft Son, Arch and 10th sts. Interment private, CAIMt. On January 3.1015.MARTHA CARR. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend Iho funeral, on Wednesday, at 7:30 a. m., from 718 North 22d at. High Mass at St. IVancls' Church, at 0 a. m. Interment Holy Ctobs Cemetery. CIIAIINI.KY.-On January 2. '1015. MARY JANU CHARNLEY. wife of ilugh Charnley. "w.i uh xiiursuar, hi o.ii a. m., rrom 7.11) Frankford ave,, Ilolmuburg, Pa., Mass and Interment at Bt. Dominic's Church, Holmesburg, I'a." CI-VYTON. On Jonuary 1, 1015, CATH ARINK A., widow of tho late Abraham Clayton. FuneraL without rurther notice, on Tuesday, Januury 3, ut 1:30 p, m from the residence of her son, Soymour Clayton, Huntingdon Valley, Pa, Interment WillUm Penn L'c4iieter, CLAYTON. On January 2: 1015. NELLIE, wife, of John A. Clayton, Due notice of tu neral win be given, from, the residence of her father, Frank Feaster, 2122 Manton st. COPPAUK Suddenly,, at Philadelphia, on January 1. 11)15. lilltAM K., husband of Ella, N. Coppaga and son of .Eugene and Ella Coppage, Funeral services on Tuesday aft ernoon, at 2 o'clock, at Malvern, Fa. in terment at Malvern Baptist Cemetery. CKAVKN Suddenly, on January I, 1018. WUAAM T beloved husband of Elizabeth Craven (nee Fllcmyr). Funeral services on Tuesday, at 2 p. m.f, at his late residence 2041 Last ork at. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. nyOMHIStjO. AR1IANDA DI TOMM03. KAMTVOOI).-CHARLE8 W. EASTWOOD 71112 U'ch ave., Ilrooklin. rsssed away Jan uary 2. 1015. after a long Illness. rihf'illHt. On January ! inin nuinrta K beloved son of Frederick and Catherlno4- a ttBHsi. uitctAi, u,i lunuuy atiernoon. lntennent at Oakland Cemetery. ""'"on, 0,Vrf-Ch?UKtia'n-rtl.lEDBIC,C OAHANTE1 UI.AZIKR. Suddenly, on January 2, 1016. HENRY ULAZIEH. Funeral on Wednesday! at 1:110 p. m., fiom his late residence, 2tni2 Rlutvvn st., Holmesburg. Interment at North, w oud Cemetery. (HIEKI.EY. On January 3. 1015. MARK, husband of Augvitua H. Qieeley (nee Bode). Jlue notice-of the funeral will be given, from his late residence. 3204 Diamond st, GltKKNWKI.U On January 8.1016, ET1II3L ORETCHEN. daughter of John, 'Jr.. and Lthel Oreemvcll. aged 7 months. Relative and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral serv Ices on Tuesday arternnou, at' a o'clock, ft her parents' residence, 5031 Irving street. Intrrment at Mount Mortah Cwneteiy. , . . FOR THE &63V1 'ifc AMONiSR 5? idie-v HEATHfl OREINKn On Jgnuary 4, "8','9"AA,f M1LNB anEINEn. Rf tlv; nn Att ln M the family re Invited to attend tho I"""",! services on Tuesday afternoon at a ofl precisely, st the chapel ef A. J. Blt & Son, Arch and lBlh sts. interment private. OltllTITHS. On January . , ''" 'lifl JUlMA II (IRtFFlTHB. lie I MUM and friends ar Invited In attend the funeral lerv ices on Tmirtday.aiteriioon. i ----.5--clsely, at the res dence of her brother, i lev. Kdnlii r. Griffiths, loi Larchwood ave. In terment at Woodlands Cemetery. CRIMES. On January 1. 101R. t?Bh, wife ot John utme (nee Nugent). unJ "' ,n. Thursday, st 8:30 n. m., from her ae resl drnce, 2110 Moore st IIIlthtMss of Requiem st St. Edmund's Church, nt 10 a. . Inler ment nt Holy Cross Cemeter-. S,!oTrVn;,.rWy?r.1?e.att?vefanDd friends are invited to nlfend the funeral ser vices, on Tuesday, January B, at lwO o'clock precisely, nt his lato residence, 20j N. Jlth it. Interment private. lIAOKNIltJClI. On January 2. loin. WILL IAM Il.i husband of Christiana Hagenbuch fneo Buker). Funeral services, on Tuesday, it 1 p. m.7 at U120 Rockland St.. Igan. Interment prlvato, at Ardsley Cemetery. 1IAMIH.KTON. Suddenly, at the residence nf his .daughter, Mrs. Armstrong. Mitchell and Un ly aves., Farraday Park, Morion. Pa., nn JantarV 3, 1015, HERMAN J husband of the late riarnh S. Hamblelon. Further nctlco of tho funeral will bo given. HAMILTON. On January 2.1D15. EDWARD F husband of the late, Annie Hamilton (nco fan-). Funeral on Wednesday, a t 8:30 a. m., from his lute residence, 255 Ann st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt Church of thn Na tivity, nt 10 a. m. interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. 1LVYKB. On January 1, 1015, CATHARINE, daughter or I'atriCK nnu unugci imj. r " neral on Thursday, nt 8:30 a, rn.. from her parents' residence, Oil South Orlanna st. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at the Church of St. Philip Nerl, nt in a. m. Interment nt the Holy Cross Cemetery. 1IK1TZ. On December 31, 1014; NICHOLAS 11E1TZ, Funeral services, nt the German Baptist Home, 7023 2d st, pike, Fon Chase, Philadelphia, on. Tuesday, at 2 n. in. pre cisely, interment private, at Hillside Cem etery. HOLMES. On January 4, 1010, at Bt, Clair, Penna., W. H. HOLMES. JAMIHON. .tnnuary 2, 1010, MAltY, widow or the iste inomas Jamison nnu uauiiucr o. tho lato John and Ellen Roach. Funeral on Thursday, at 8:30 a, m., from 0505 Llnmore st. (5.1th, below Woodland avc, West Phila delphia). High Requiem Mass at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. JOHNHTON. On Jnnuary . 11)15, DAVID, son of the late James and Mary A, Johnston. Funeral Thursday, at 2 p. m,, from lata residence, 2510 Christian st. Interment Mt. Morlah Cemetery. JOLI.Ii:. On January 3, 1015, JENNIM H, vvlfo of W. N. Jollla. Duo notice of fu neral will be given from her lato residence, 273 South Aldcn st. JUSTIN. On January 3, 1015. WILLIAM JUSTIN. Funeral services on Thursday, at 1:5(1 p. in., nt his lato residence, 0J21 Sic Callum st., Gcrmuntown. Interment South Laurel Hill Cemetery. KJSLLY. On January 3, 1015, FRANCIS, A., son oi KoDert ii. ana ucncvieve Jieuy tnce McGruddy). Puncrnl on Tuesday, from his parents' residence, 275(1 North 28th St., at 2 v. in. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. tKKNNUY On Junuary- 2, 1010, SOPHIA C, v vvlfo of James Kcnncy and daughter of Iho Kite John and Margaret McFadden. laincral on Wednesday, nt 0:,I0 a. in., from 1242 Kim ball st. (below Carpenter st.). High Requiem Mass at St. Theresa's Church, at 11 a. m. lntennent at New Cathodral Cemetery. KEYS. December 31, 1014, ELIZA KEYS. Requiem Mass at tho Church of tho Ucsu. Interment at Cathedral Ccmotcry. KING On.Tiinunry 2, 1015, FRANCIS E., husband otvMargarct E, Curtln, late ot Bel last, Ireland, funeral on Tuesday, at 7:.I0 a, m. from his late residence, 2113 Stewart st. Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church, at 0 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. KITE Suddenly,, on Jilnuary 8, 1013. VIR GINIA BRI8COE, daughter of tho lato Alox unucr J. and Josephine Huro Kite. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral fcoi vices on Wednesday .afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at. her late resldonce. .11(1 North 40th Bt, Interment prlvato nt Woodlands Ceme tery. KI'IT. On Jnnuary 4, 1910, at tho Tracy, 3Gth and Chestnut ( streets, Philadelphia, I-IZAUETH 1). KITT. wlfo of tho lato Thomas J. Kltt. formerly of Media. Pa. Funeral services nt Media Methodist Epis copal Church on Thursday, January 7, 10JJ, at 11 o'clock. Interment private. KLOOS On January 2, 1015, FREDERIC!!, beloved husband of Louise Klooa (neo Klotz hflrh). Fnnernl on Tuesdav. Rt l;n r n. from his Into residence, 1340 Poplar st. Serv ices in St. Johannls German Evangelical Lutheran Church. 15th below Poplar st., at 1:3(1 a. in. precisely. Interment private, at Northwod Cemetery. KItHEIt. On January 2, 1015, LOUIS, hus band of Maria Kiecr. Funeral services on Wednesday, nt 2:K0 p. m., at 0327 Lena st.. Germantown Interment at Chcltcn Hills Cemetery. LA HE. On January 4. JOIB. ISADORE. widow ot Henry Ii. Lare. Residence, 438 KraniH ave., Roxborough. Interment Rox borough Presbyterian churchyard. LAIJHLIt. On January 2, 1015, GEORGE G. LAL'BER. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. precisely, ut tho res'dence of his nephew, James W. W. Laubu 15(1 West Luray .it.. Cernmntow n. Interment private. Laurel Hill Cemetery. LAYRi:. On December 31. 1914, SARAH E., daughter of Albert nnd Hester Layre. Fu rcral services at 1821 Glnnodo st (18th and Ridge ave.). on Tuesday, at I p. m. Inter- ,,,L',ik .ti lA.tiiitKiun Lonicicry, I.EVINSON. BENJAMIN LEVINSON. 1011 Trco st ' LISTER. On Jnnuary 2, 101B, MARGARET, daughter of William II. H. and the late Rosannu Lister. Relatives and friends, also Ladles' Aux. of V. F. Assn., St. John Com., No. J, IC. T.i Ladles' Aux. L, B. T. I. T. 1. A., Pciin of I, O. O. F.. are Invited to attend the funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 o clock, at her father's residence, 2.15 North 5th st. Interment prlvato at Sit. Vornon. Ro malns may be viewed Tuesday evening, 7 to 0 o'clock. MeAIJAMS. On January 2. 1015. HUGH, husband ot Mary McAdams. Funeral on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m from his lato resi dence 2.143 W. Oxford st. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church at 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. MarDONALD. On January R, 1015. ANGUS MacDONALI), husband of Mury MacDonald (neo Brannlgnn). Funeral on Thursday, ut 8 a. m., irom 2508 Christian Bt. Requiem Mass at St Anthony'n Church at 0:30 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MANHEHZ. Suddenly, on Jnjxjury l, 1015. FRANK, husband or Eva Mnnherr. (neo Hotf mnn). Funeral on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. from 2007 V. York st. Interment at Green Mount Cemetery. MARGERUM, On January 2, 10IB, rIDA BLANCHE, widow of Flllmoro Marserum nnd daughter of the late Jacob und Parah Matson. Funeral services on Tuesday, at 2 P. m., nt her late residence, 010 W. Indiana uve. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. MARTIN. On, January 2, 1015, DANIEL, . yn January 2, 1015, DANIEL, d of Cutiu-ilno Martin. Funeral on ays 3' ; m.. from 750 N. ilth at. JUsh Requiem Masi at St. Francis s Church at 10 a. m. Intorment at lhA,4lol rAM4 AMae Y iiueuaim u, i.uu.1'1 1UO .lanin -lnuroaa Solemn Xavler's Old Cathedral Cer.ietoy, MAYER. On January 4, 1015, MAMIE, wife ' or Louis Mayer (neo Salinger), aged 25 years. I jtciutivesano menus, also H'Nath Jeshurun Lodge and Queen Esther Lodge, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock, precisely, at her lato residence, 2H!S Richmond at. Interment at Mount Cannel Cemetery. "wrinrni MrALLlHTER. On January 4, 1015. JOHN C. MCALLISTER. Due notice of the funeral will he given. M.'CORRY. On January I, 1015. JENNIE K., daughter pf the lato James and Eliza beth McCorry. Relatives and friends ura In. vlted to attend tho funeral, on Thursday morning, at 8;X0 o'clock, from her lata real, dence, 174 West Master it. Solonin Reaufera Mass at St. Michael's Church, at 10 o'clock? Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. " McKAY, On January s. 1015. William JACOBS, fcon of Annie and the lato Thomas James McKay. Funeral on Thursday, at R- SVl 'ton? ,.h re'l'Ienco of his mother, 1131 B. 2Jd st. Interment at Mount Morlah Ceme. tery. " JIEIKIL Suddenly, on January 2,1015,CARL EDWARD, son of the late Edward and U'll. belmlna ifeler, aged 44 years. Funeral it. vices on 'i-uesday, January 5. at p. ni.. at tho residence of hii brother-in-law; Samuel A. White. 3125 W. Cumberland si. Ii, J ment nt Northwood Cemetry er- JIOONKY. On January 2. 1013, THOMAS W . hu.band of Hilda, and son of the lata Henry ond Husanna Mooney. Funeral OI, Wednesday, at 10 a, ro from HIT W. Oaki nalo t. Interment Westminster Cemetery. .J'i'U'.l'J!1 services on Tuesday, at 8 p. m, MOOIti:. At the Pennsylvania Hasiiltal. on January :i. JII13. CYRUS MOORE, of Colum- ""en " 0t th0 tan'1 will & ,M()ltaEY, On .TaSuary 4. 1015.. REBECCA J:.Mlfvof -William if Morgey.'-' Due fio'tTce of tho funeral' win b given, from her lata resldencs, ,1030, Cambridge it. r m ntiATiis MORRISON. At her residence, 2010 viT36 en January 2. 1015, ELIZABETH rjni.l and Interment strictly private, " MO.SBLEY On January It, loin, Mm, ttf i.r,i, wmow vi tviiiinm Aiorrinn tk'v hi. iuvficjua. u.icrnt serv iceji 4,91 lato residence. 14 IT N l.ltli at., ori nKVI day. at 11 a. m. Interment private 2ffll MUNICILOn January 2, lolti, JohEprf son of Margaret and iho late Flotl.-, niit. niauva Atid rrin,i a. i--.:1 nttend the funeral, on Thursday mornivi' 8:30 o'clock, from his mother's i-SiSS" aires jn. jiroan si. ooicmn Jtequlem iiilfs tho Church of Our Lady of .Merey VA?' o'clock nreclselv. lntermnnt nl m. ".Ill dral Cemetery. ud PARTRIIH1K. On Jahimry I, lOlCTltnilH PARTRIDGE, 1n hl 07th yrir, . lii,?SI and rrienes arc invited to attend th Ti'Tj pervcr.-on Tuesday, nt 2 p. m Vlsl residence of liln, son, J. H. I'nrtrYaA1 PO Chester rosd., Ridley Park. Pa !SL'!J hrlfain CVi ftrt irM will -- a?.- i1 "11111 lialn from Broad Streot Station, "3 PKRKINPINK On January B.lOlB TtnJrl BETH W.i wife of the late David I ft iKhI pine. In her 78th year. The relative friends of the family are respectrullv ilJP to attend the funeral services, m W,.rtW afternoon at 2 o'clock precisely, at ti I,. dence of her son, -David R. rerkliipln, KL1 Baltimore ave. interment private. trP. wood IC. of P. ' 0 otm PFKIfPRIl Hn.Mnnl.. nn t . 'm WILLIAM.hiisband of the lato Anna r'.J'Sl Kur.ernl services on Tuesday, nt I n CSMI his lato residence, 003 n. C carflJir.itl prorce.i to Franklin Cemetery Vault J.'ll ment private. Groon Mount Ccmctcrr !al I'RICi:. On Jnnuary. 3, HUB, ANNAPnisil Relatives and friends nro Invited iril!cM IhA riinrrdl ufrVlrMt nn WArinnHj... Y, B"CBI4I S.' ," i!,'!;k4,nt.,h0 epartinents of oiTreVvl Balr, 1820 Chestnut st. "Ttr 3 W timnf rfi ttlll P.m..... ' vw WI" tma nlonu "vin rj 44111 ciuLHDIJt PY'KH. On Jnnuary 2. 1015, HENRY I of tha lnlo Dnvl.l Pvlin W..Zi, ' .&n.l"J.'wi3 Wednesday, at 2 p. m , nt tho anartmJi..fl SrW' Ea'r- 1& CilC8,nut Bl' S& HEILLY, On Jnnuary 2. 101B, PATIUptt n husband of Anna R, Rcllly (nco McDmi1 Funeral on Wednesday, at 8 : m . JiSL'W jn .iHiiuary- ., iuid, PATIUPtt fl : Anna n, Rcllly (nco MeDwi1 WodnesJay. at 8 S. mT. frS. vT late resldenco. ndelBhla, Solemn High Mnss nt at. hiitiiSi Church at 10 a. m. Interment Holy RSJ Cemetery. " "W. KICNNIE. At her residence, B03T Unln.iS on January 2, 1015. CAROLINM I "tS widow of Samuel Rennle. Funerat nt on Tuesday, at 2 p. ni nt tho anirimiSl of Oliver U. Jlnlr. 180 Chestnut st" 'S,!?. RIDOWAY. Entered Into rent, nn t .-1 4, 1018. SUSAN It. SHREYU niDQwiv7. widow of Richard C. RldRivnv. tsm.Ml Mary's Church. Locust nbovo 30th street 73i Thursday, January 7, at hnlf.paat 13 o'cLkV ItonERTS. At Trenton. N. J., on Fi3 Month, Flrst-dav 3d, CHARLES W. Si of the lato Hugh and Arm Roberts. BerviS! at the residence of his eon-ln-law, jjh 5? Claj pooh No. fl West, End ave., Trenton, xl J., on Pourth-dny. ;th Inet., at 2 p. n'u" trrment Itlvervlew Cemetery. ft SAAVYKK On January 1, 101B. KATD l wife ot Llewellyn A. Savvver, and dauzhtn,' of the lata Thomas A. nnd rillza H. Oric? Itelitlvpa and friends nro Invited to ttr5 the funeral services on Tuesday, the 5t itl rt m nml.nl,, n. I.av I.I. ..-I. r.-? t. VA.l' rVI .'. v lv iuv ..ucnce, 'IMS ri. i-in nt. intorment private -at 8C1I.MITT. On January 2, 101B. JOHV w" husband of Bertha Schmltt (nco Muhlhiucrfi l-Mneral services on Tuesdnr, nt 2 p. ra Vh f'?1 ,H.'v,5i 8l". Camden, N.-J. Intermt Harlelgh Cemetery. 3i SCHUSTEIL Suddenly, at MnDle Shrl. rl J., on January 4, 1013, EDWARD SCHt'J.i THR, Sr husband of tho lato Thtresf Schunter (nee Kammcr), In his 87th year. A otiHT. un jnnuary 4, mm, CHAIIHi IIBNRY SCOTT, very suddenly, at ht. r.H.. dofice. Radnor. Pj. Funeral services at Stt Martin's church, Radnor, Pa., on WedntM day, January 0, at 11 a, in. Interment n.s vnto. k Off t f mr .. t..ii. t . ai.i,i,.,i. m tiui iiiikluii. i. ,1,, on .iBnniri 2. 11)15, LEWIS K.. husband of Mary a Selllck (nco Buck). Funeral from the frM denco of his eun-ln-law, George l. il icarn. u vv. i-cnri st., xiurungron, on wtor ncsday, January 0, ut 2 p. m. Intermtn Odd Felloivs' Cemetery. - SHAW On January 2. 1915, CATIIAIHW.; wua ui rruiin o. onavv nice uarreit;. 111.' neral on Wednesday, at 7:30'n. in., from 13, York el., Camden, N. J. High Muss at U Holy Name Church ut 0 n, m. Interment! Calvnry Cemetery. . a SHORTitlDGE. On Jnnuary 3. 1015. $1 PARKER SHORTRIDGE. In the 80th year! his age. FUnernl services on Tucmlay, the ttil - Inst., nt 2:30 p. ni at tho Church ot tl) Redeemer, liryn Mawr, Pn, Klndlyv emltl flowers. Carriages villi meet the 1 :43 p. mi trnln frcm Broml.St. Stntlon nt IlaverfonLa SIIUFPLEnOTTOM. Suddenly, on Janoiffl 2. 11115. FREDERICK, ,on of the late aeor1 fihufflebottom. Fniicrnl on Tuesday. Jannanl u, nt 2 p. in., from J. 11. Stanser ,t Bro-J roulilAi.m J'Ull VfonlfAp.) a.n liVn nl,f.rJ 7 Interment East Ceoar Hill Cemetery. S.MKDLKY. On Flist Month 3d. EDITH,! daughter of the lata Edward G. and KIIu bcth S. Smcdley. Relatives and friends art, invited to attend tne funeral, on 1'Our.tn-oiK (th Inst., nt 1:45 o'clock, from tho FrlooK llMlln. II.M.n 'l....1 ... T..n 1l IfllkPf ment ut Mlddl'etown Friends' Cemetery, 'M SMITII.On Junuary 2, 1015, CHARLES W SMITH. Funeral on Wednesday, January V! at 2 p. m., from 4355 Orlscoin St., Frankforli Interment St. James' 51. E. Grounds, OlMrtt SNYDER On January 2, 1015. MARTHAS widow ot Casper II. Snvder. and dauchtui or tne taie junu mm Aiartna cnesterman. rij ncrul ecrviccH on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. priK, ciseiy, at oo.o vv niton uve. interment vnlr. STEHHE On .limlmrv " KIIK. WILLIAll. lAllJl n.i-ilfl nusuanii or tne late Anna steerc, runt, servieH. on TueadBV. nt 2:30 n. lil. at th. resldencM of his son, Joseph Steere, WWII, Wnkct'eld Bt., Germantown, Interment lf Chellen HIllH Cemetery. 41 STEINHAKT. On Jnnuary 3, 1915 EMMA ('., widow of Robert A. Stelnhart and daug ter ol lL-nry and Mary Housr.er. Funtnv on Thursday, nt 7:30 u. m., from 21)27 Nertj .'Id st. Requiem Mnss at St. Bonifacliu' Ui.l..i:ii, u. I' n. ill. i.i.ci iiicitb ub ,.c, v.m... dral Cemetery. 4 ! STOCKTON. At itnnrocah. N. .1.. on rim Month 2d, 11113, SUSAN K. 8TOCKT0.N,; daughter of the lute Abraham and Rachel A Stockton, In her Hist year. Relatives ol frlenda of tho family aro Invited to attrsa. tho funerul on Tuesday. First Montn nuij at 2 o'clock, from her lata resldenco, !Uj cocas, N. J. Train leaving Market stretU Phlladelitlila. nt 12:50 n. in. will bo mit it Masonvlllc. N, J. M STUARH. On January 2, 1015. MARTHAS daughter of thu lati- John and EllzatxU) Stuard. Funeral services, on Wednesday. t, 11 n. in. precisely, ut 214 Bridge St., llpti ton, Delawaie County, ra. Interment at Ar llngton Cemetery. . m r.r. A . f.. Tnn..n... n 1A1K TI.1T.T.T11 IllUUfllll. Jil OHIIUUI j , IU.1 ,,..."- TAGGART, husbard of the lute Maria Tl gart (nee Thompson), Funeral services Wednesday, nt 2 p. nt.. at 17211 North How; anl st. Interment at East Cedar Hill Ccm -..'.'S!?.'.., - ,.- o .. .nv n ll.ii.unn. un ijuiiuii. it. .uini i,. j daughter of the lute Jonathan und Ban Thomas. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Wednesday, the " insi - j'. in. precisely, jroui iicr uw a cleneo 1508 Green st. ' TIIOJIPSON. On January 2, lOiB. ROnEBT A., not) of the late David E. and Sopbi. Thompson. I'unerni services on Tuesday, l:::o p. in. precisely, at Schuyler's. Bret' and Diamond sts. Interment at Monumcc CmAlfrv. TOHVKYr On January 3, 1015, JOHN J; liubU.inu ot Jiargaiet m. torpey inee vvisiu and son of John J. and Margaret C TorMi (neo Soward), Funeral on Thursday, Bt a. m., from 31)14 Pulaski avc. Solemn R( iiulem Mass ut St, Stephen's Church, at l a. ni. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery UDEHMAN. ELIA UDERMAN. 319 SoutS American st. VALHH On January 2. 1015, JOHN b1; band of Mary Walsh. Funeral on Thursday. at 8:30 a in., from 11.115 North FMUP High Mass nt Ht. Veronica's Church, S und Tioga ttu., at 10 ,a in. Interment 81 Holy Svpulchre Cemetery. ,.,Yi AVAItD. On December 31, 1014. SALINA,' wife of Jamea Ward. Funeral services " Tuesday. Jnnuurv 5. at 2:30 ii. m.. at flu. late resuence, 4tnl Lesher at.. FrankWl Intr-rnieut nrlvntp WKlll. On December 81 1014. MARY ivMnW nf tVIIIUm M'slx V.'.,nanl nt, TUM ilu. itt 1 n. in,, frini he.- granddauglitert mmrin.B, d.iB. v.uru. riaig, (am iu Audubon. -N. J. ivrinff f w r,n Tnn..n-.. inin vnrtr ELL1COTT. widow of KIwln L. Woolley ssJ iiuugmer or tne late my and ItltU ruui Elllcott. Relatives und.frUnda are Invited t' attend 111a itinera! services, on wedacsui. afternoon at 2 o'clock, al hr Intn reatdend 40 North 32d st. Interment private, at Ws 2INNH. pn January 4. 1015. WAITER son of the late Charles Ii. und Janet Zli RcUtlve anu friends are Invited Jo utuM the. funerat service. Wednesday morning, ajl Mn? !.k' ai th,e. Chapel of Kirk and KnUbg . ,l s!.a,n ?t" Oermuntown. Interment prfJ vato. Itemaina may be v lowed Tuesday evJ 1 1 iiui vn- 1 IjlST NAiHERE j 1 want'cha( I YZ l ' r1 'bout uK"OS. Ljm r2 ', ..... r Amf'W xTxrkfll ill JP