- - , -.EVENING LED SWING UPWARD gjg-PqjgApBLPBlA; Tuesday: January s: IMS MARKET BECAME r STRONG ON SCANT SUPPLY OF STOCKS jjrhportant Issues Established IpHigher Levels Wheat C Sold at Highest Point for E Many Years. , NEW YOniC, Jnii. B. A broadening (commission house business prnctlcnlly determined tho market tone after the tearljr trading today. At tho start lowor iprices In London and somo selling Ifrom Europe Induced tho room traders Cfto again talco a position on tho bear aide. ilThCSO iruacm buiu uiiiuii lutiuu, oicei Kand Amalgamated In tho first fow min utes, but It was quickly demonstrated that the supply of stocks was too acant fto permit turns on tho short side, and covering like thnt of. yesterday was quickly In order. i Around nild-day nit the Important Is- I'gUcs wcro csmoiisiicu ai niKiicr iovois, lionie of them nt better prices than had iWn noted In tho last two weeks. Tho P'hlglier prices held In tho lato trading. Botlilcliom Steel again made a new high .r.ni nolllnir at 49?i. nd the nrefirrir1 Si advanced ono point to 93. f The decision of tho Siiprcmo Court In f ptbe Danbury hat case, In which tho do lt cltlon of tho lower court against tho hatters was affirmed, caused moro strength In stocks, particularly Indus trials, Tho decision was used no a bull argument for higher values. Intcrna- tlpnal Harvesters showed an advance of 851, at 82; American Can Wt. at 27'.4; Peo 'pU'B Gas 1, at ll"i. Among tho other 'stocks to show advances wcro Heading, Southern raclllc, American Smelting ana Lehigh Valley. Another bullish factor In tho lato trad ing was tho sharp advanco In Hay and July wheat. Tho advanco, which stnrtcd 'yesterday, carried tho prices to tho high est point thoy have reached In many years. Tno prlcos soared above thoso of tho famous Fatten corner in 1908. There was a belief that the United States, bv i exporting such largo amounts of wheat, I'would oversell Itself. American uotton OH moved ud 3'A points to 4M4. Tito tract ons continual theavy becauso of tho outlook for ad- Vcrao change in tho Public Service Com. jnisslan law In nccordanco with state ments made by Governor 'Whitman. Louisville and Nnshvlllo and Atlantic? Coast Line wcro dealt In for tho first tlm Sslnce July no. Both showed gains. The CODPer mOtnl situation la Htrnnrrn,. than appears on tho surface. Ono orHor for 1,000.000 pounds. at 13C w.ih tnrnorl idown by n, largo soiling agency, which is uuyr. iiuiuiui; ua meitu tor 14c. 4 Europe's sales wero fairly largo, cspe Jclally In United States Steel common, '.Southern Pacific and Northern Pacific. .'Abut tho supply was not largo enough to Oian?e the market tono exrent in n, Initial trading. .'Call' money loaned at Mi per cent, and itatre appeared to be a large supply. LIOOAL STOCK AND BOND SALES Yes. . 10 AW In . . Cl'nSC- "va Am Oa loo 10 Bald Loco pf. .10,1 'K!6Cam Steel -J 1? Klee Stor ,.47U w ira co N Am.. D2 1 L Nsv t c 77 JO L Valley (10.1-10 S3 2inrthtvn riinfrni ot J!! "" R '... Kl j-u t-enna salt Mfe.lKl 2 Ppnnn H. nM, 1W Phlla. Eleo . ..'.'.' ii " i-nua ii t tr cto. ll-?i 8 Phlla TratlAn ?n,7 JOO So Railway .. 1M Tonopah Uel.. l Ton Mlnlne .... 7K 1.12 Tl r. Tmn m" PiK! JLBX'el- ! SOH o . -rw tc Ol... 01 i v j t s a so Ei-aivldenaa. BONDS. ff ?M Am a & n ss ssti !'. lm BaIdwln t' PS..102 '4!l . D,.l ..- n4.. JE1 & Pro Tr?a. 77 Boo ni A-n -u - fvl it mZZ JiDt ucv US UIKi 5Sg L Val Tr ret 4: .. vSo V'v cona 44a nT,i K 67 f , ncadlne sen" Vs." 03 iiyvtu jja ill 70W -Tn . Illsrh. Uw, Close lu 1(1 10 ioo5 loo luoji i(i.j ioi'!4 loaij WW 44 45 4S 47U 43 W H n. 77 77 77 KVKi llflM (.011 Sl-S 83'A Sjfl .'.in Ki Mh no ik) no l B SI u nU ii TOTi 7HH 70tt 14 14 HJ? 454 4i 7tt 7 7-10 ;u snK son .".OH SI 4 81 8lU m n,i r.i 10 10 10 00 CO 60 High. Low. Close. 83 83 H 8U 102 102 102 101 101 101 0716 07 W 07 !i 7H 77i 78 BTft 1I7J 07i Kill 01 U Olii lOL- 102 102 88 88 88 II7H 07Ti 7Ti 07 07 07 01 01 01 SO 77K IVi law, 101 lot 031t 0.'! M 07 07 70 PAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN PACIFIC. riunt, ..,. -. . IP."-... P?.aft: IlintV "vc utctmmr. y.'.LSi.tKio Ji,im.'.i I25""a 7'ji ivwi 4 .itj (ion fiS?1 Juy ' 5B.5SO.S04 10.330.010 OltAND Tnmnf HTSTEit illrtfc u..i. w . - .. . . .- Mmiih craDer. ji.nu.tion $210,410 aS.?1 Ju'y 1 2U.B12.103 2.007.475 illRKniTlir Pininn gwrth -week December.. 1.415.odo J248.0CO SLOVIB, IRON MOUNTAIN AN1 BOUTJL J1R2.301 400.337 .IR.1,462 1,071.747 788,403 773,310 jjvmnoer sri ?2,B5S,014 fj monlha' gToaa,,.,., 1,311,410 i., HOCK ISLAND LINES, imlt'" ;:: 1.124.023 tyrMnojitha' grois,,,,,, 32,848.080 !L T.027,433 pcrw.e. FOREiaN EXCHANGE NKW -vrmtr t . . Sf.."? lower this mornlnr with demand I iiu.'mrv,' cablca. 4.83H: franca. B.10WW QM?.' "W'ks. S7 for check, and 88 for I'.tho '.wiiner. J160.811 43,010 1.614,777 102,327 " - ""' "XX AJNUAXtI o iuxb 3 LCESONTINU In I Jmijia afternoon exchanse ratea weakened 4S1U04-S3: franca. 3.17)4. linuWA' .r'fV' : cablea. sterling. 4.83i -" vtEi.uiir. jJiTarket Reports on Pago 14 ANNIMI. S1EKTIN08 TUB ANNOAL JI15KTINJ OP TUB Compaor of Philadelphia will ba btld aft Offlf a! it.. -...... triK.TH Tia n.HJ !'". on Monday, January HtU, 'V " ,' o'ciock noon. Seven directors elacted. Pol la will cloa t 2 p. m. JOBEPH O. BOZORTir. Secretary. ' JfltANKLIN NATIONAL II.U4H. BiSt i vntatnnt btreeta. K ,?S,?;aWHr home, on Tuesday, J3 5r i3 "? btwen the boura of 13 bmb p Q clock p. pa. K. P. PASSMORH. Caablar. 1 1gaWVESTIJRN N4TIOfI. BANK . uiiaueipaia. .. January 4io. - annual lMinn rn, -niAjM win ha 'Hih Bnklns Houaa an Tueaday, Jan. -. ueiween nam. end i p. in. UN1TOIID P. NIQB. Gablr. HKCtfl8 Of AfCOtNTANTS NEW YORK STOCK SALES Ai-..,- S.m ''""., 48 4R AB Amcricahcn B.Tr'" ?' '"?? American Cat & Found 48 Am. CarAFdy.prcf.,,111 Amniiii. . v U,"I,,J American Cotton oil'.'.'.! 30 AftwHIdjft licatherl! 4 12H 8 Am.do.r.eMh.prer American Smoltlni pref.ino 100 An"-S,ur 10 104 iZ" i." ,acco- 221 221 48 M 27U 20 SOH 45 45 45 1HW 114H 1H OWS 0UJ 50K 4U 8 4U lOJf ?1 21 rn 100 42 8 4 20!i ?1 21H rs 100 loajf io3 110?f 117 221 221 lmewJbaCro"I5ref:i03 103H iron 10 .8 254 MU P0 0!) C8K OBH 481 D2J 118 85 10 51 10 78 M now 09 (19 COW 49K 03)f 118 85 10 51 Am Woolen... ".r'"'1"0'4 lYi- Am Woolen pref 7a 7 Anaconda Copper. 20 20W A,c8n 04 P4Jf AtCoastLlne oojf 00W naHlmoM ft Ohio r.Ok r,0U Jlcthlchom 8lecl 48f 40!f Pelhehem Steel prcf... 02 mu Brooklyn Oas u8 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 85M 85 i romla Pctro eum ... 0j 1BU California ret. prcf. ... 52)1 51 v-anoQian raclllc 157 167M ISO 157 S rl Lea Prof 100H 1005X 1005 100U thno Copper. j. 34 33H 33 33J Chlcaro Great Western. lOJf 11 10K 10J Cn caco, Mil. & St. Paul K7H uuisnonnncat 122 Col Fuel ft Iron Distillers Securities lljf '' 22W Kllolstpref. 34J4 CornProducts 8Jf Com Products prcf Dtl&IIudjon 142 timers! Electric inu in' Ocneral Motor R3H 81 ien juoior prer.. OOM Goodrich Co 25 Great Northern pref. .. .114 Great North Oro. Cent. 27 narycstcrNJ 88Jj Istctboro-Metropolltan. 12 Interboro Met prcf 51 Inspiration Kansas City Southern.. Lcniqh valley.., Llecct & M prcf 29W 88 123 21 ii 12 22S 35i 05 28 88W 122! i 21! 12 22 35W 8H 65 28U 87H 122 2IU 12 22 34 i 8M 0311 142H 142H H2)a 140H 141 S3 81 01M om 01H 2515 25 114U 114 27H 20JJ 03 02 I2W 11K 62)4" fiOJf 17U W( 215i 21'j- .132H" 133 VWi 132! 113U 113f 113 113U 10!f 25K 114U J7H 93 125f 52 10W 21 U Louisville ANashTlllo.. .. 113JJ 12H 113JJ MbU'SbBJI IOOJi 107 10QM 107 Mcilcan Petrollum.... 5454 64H 54!5 64 MIssourl.Kansas &Toias 8 85i" 8)4" 8)f MoKan&Tej prof.... 20 20 20 20 Miami Copper 17H 17K 17H 17H Missouri Pacific 8 8'f SM 8!X Montana Power Co .... 42 42!i 42 42 National Lead prcf 104M 105 104 104 N. Y. Air Brake 57 57 57 N.Y..N.H. &1I 60 50M 55W 55M New York Central 8G!f 87M 80M 87 Norfolk & Western 911) i 101 100 101 Northern Taclflc 100X I01!f 100H 10IH Nat. Ry. Mexico 1 pref. .. 21 23 23 PaclfloMall 19W 18W 18M 18J5 Pennsylvania 100X 100)4" 100 10fl)t" Pcoplo'sGas 110 Picfscd Steel Car 34K Pullman Co 151 Itay Consolidated 10 Rcadlnc 140 Rock Island ( Rock Island pref. Hi RumelyCo 4 Rumely Co. prcf fc'eaboard Air Line 11! 118 117H 117M 35)4" 34W 34U 15') 153 153 10J4" 10H lOW 140JS 145)4" 145)4 ii ii ii IK IK IK 3K 3 3K 10 10 10 12M 12 12)ii Sears, Roebuck pref....21K 121K 121K 121K 84K 14K 58 4 IK aoji 32K 133 37K 97 S2Jf 14 58 44K 35K 32)1" 133 37 97 83K 14K 58 44J4" 3514 32)4" 133 37K 07 Southern Pacific 82K Southern Hallway .... 14 Southern Ry prcf ...... 58 Standard Milling ...... 43 Studebaker 30K Tcr.r.fEfce Copper. 32K Texas Company 132 a hlrd Avenue 30K Twin City RT 07 Union Pacific. 117K 11SK 110K 117K Un Pacific pref 70K 79K 7iJi 79K Union Pac War 27K 27J1" 27K 27K United Rallwayslnv... 8 8 8 8 United Ry In v pref.... 23 24 23 24 US Rubber 53 64 54 54 U. S. Rubber 1st pref.. .102K 103 102K 103 United States Steel 50K 51K 50K 50K USStcclpref. 105 Ltah Copper 50 Wabash prcf IK Western Union 68 S istinctiouse fc'lec fi9 West Maryland pref . . 31 Woolworth 00K NEW YORK BOND SALES 105K 105K 105K 49K 49K 49)4 IK IK IK 59 58K 59 ( 9 (.9 eg 25 25 25 91 91 01 Over 6 Income From a First Mortgage Bond Several opportunities to invest on these advantageous terms are explained in detail in our latest investment circulars, which we are glad to send to those Interested. William P. Bonbrlght & Co.Jnc. MORRIS W. STROUD, Jr. Manager CIIHST.VUT STHI3KT Philadelphia Uotton Detroit William P. Bonbrlght & Co. 437 New York London! lllh. . ni .. ni . 3MX Amr Tel- rll 4a 31SD0O do cvt -1!4... S00O Armour Co H',4s ...,,, niu loooo Atchison la ... .,;... nW OTOO do cv 4s 1P00 ...... 01 roo do fia ....100U ))no Halt ft Ohio fli .... snu KOO Unit A Ohio la ...... SOiJ 4100 do ev 4Us Mi 1000 IW10 I' t.K&WV la ... T.s2 1151!! "cth a,c"1 "l p n1"? Wl do rfd Ba so "u" urtiokn linn Tr fi Low, Cloe. ST IW'4 (II 0 M TB an loon mu .- '.vni, .... 1IIKK) iln ,-h. 11119 ... nn JJOO.rtrook Un El tat Pnitii imi4 1000 HuHi Trm llldrt Ot... RT iSilS . l 'PBthcr ll B.. OTH fioon che A Oh cv -t'fct ',SS rll ' H!l. JWO Chcs & Ohlofi.... KOOO Chi A Alton .IHs. . 2npn chl at wt ". . lprl ciu fc Nwn m. 0000 Chl & Nwn r.sf. . ,Ji5S SS w eon B.. isoon Chi 11 ft o 4... 1000 Hill n JC. rl vi,. Am n new Chl n q in .V!4.... SIH !JS SL1 m" li Mt n0" phi Mil ft St t cv 4U DO '1JW Tll 11 I ft ! cl 4.. .77 j S2SS TJ fit P M & O dob A. 24 wr'J2i cn ov o, 1.. ,.im loon Corn Trod B tmt.... 04i SH Dr" t'o O rf r.9... 41 2SS!l Hi? Sw:ur r"i' Mil noon IVlo urn 4j.. v 4Kt Rrle conv 4 Per A. . .02'. OOcm nrlc ennv In St 11 . nil.. 1000 Port W ft U lm On .10 mno lncral Motor Us lnoil 1100"! Ocn r.lte db .".s mi, ronil Him Mrn Sn Srvit IRnm Him Man rrd T.V1 :iooo nock vni i 4iAa.... mm 10OO In Alcohol 4r...V. imii moo inp con cv (li OS nmco Interh Met 4V4s T4i isono intorb n T rcf .".? ni, 2000 intrr Mcr .Mar 4i . . inv, 20ml K C Ft R ft t i 10711 "000 IjioIih ftrol 4 in'Sn.. ni WOi) Ilfltn SIPI-I 4m 1011b . flflU POOH Ticlrilo Onx rn mnu WO p.K ft m T Is inm? mini IiuIk ft Xnuli 4s .... 02 1IVO Mo Tup fii , so 120nf do rv Gs J!0 iUCdO dn 4s 42', 4000 Wor ft 1eox C lis ...101 awn Nat Tnho r. ns .0-10 N Y Chl ft Ft I. 1st Is n.1 won n v citv aii,9 ir.n... H4 2IKm) ,n 4a 10.1.1 n.-,i 4onn iio is 101s n.111 271K10 do 414s nni sinio do 4u mm mm 0000 do 44s, May T,7 10ti 2000 dn IUs Nov '.IT (hi lonn IN Y fins It ft p 4b.. R.1H soon v Y 7J H ft 11 Ra 101 Tnon N Y Itwy 4s TP4 ItHVin do fis ,1?li 200OO N Y Rtnto 4s lnsuf noon N Y Tcy cru 4'As. ... fl.1 noo Norf ft Wpi Is w: .isoon Nor IMc prior 4s Jni, 7,(xm Nor Pnc ki'O Ss ir inoiMi Xor 1'ac ror Is "i rnon nrp Short I.lno .1?. . mi moo nnt ll Vmn .is nn :thVi Pnoinc Trl Tm 01 2rlii iMnnmn Os loni', vcm Ptnn.i cv .Is Mil 22noo do ov :iv.s mu. loon do 4Hh ino, innn Pcnrdo's Gas fis 1tn inon Public Fcrv N J r.s... ST l.-flOO Unv Con Conner 6s. lot 4iwi TirndlnK kmi -Is mn inon Hep ir ft 3 .is 1010... not; 4no) nock Island 4s S2 4000 do rfd 4s CS mm do .i sail moo si r, I M ft So .is ... ni, jpon Ki r. a- s p cn r. . ni loonn fit Paul M ft M 1st 4s. 02W, 'mi ?Mnoirn A I. nai ..s. IrtiO South Pell ris inoon s ft N Ala .13 ituvis.. 1000 Poinli Pac .s :iooo smith Pnc cv 4s STOOO' do cv ret I p .Is. . I-0011 south Pnc rM 4s... iwwn Routh Tlwy 4s loooo Font h Ttwv .Is ?o(Vi Texas ft Pac 1st r.s. .. 4PO(YI Tpxas Cn cv Os .w Third Ave 4s loom Third Avo nil I M... "000 xr fl ncd ft II of Cs. tpoo ir R Ttuhber ds 4?0OO IT S SteM fls Total sales, fl,KSt,noo. ni molt WlVi lf? R.V4 mm, mi n 001. KKlM nou lOOi l4 0.1 ni'i Otu. fvv, cti.', , Ml UI. , ot; . (N; n.-, !) n 101, wo); nns OTU ftfll't 1$. w .in . " J (SKI 1 HI or, sni sn; mi, 2.11, 24 MU 1oni nin, 41 nMl OTV. 02t IKU 100 100 VA nnw .lli ,r, oiji onli 74 07". .101! 10T !l nou, 1001, 10011, 01 so as', 4tM 101 n! m R4 0.1U, mi. 1101 101 miH 101 W4 104V, Tl4 .12U 1WV 01 i-nu S'lU. IV'I, SSV 10.1 no II." inoi, n-.v, ti'1 10nVj lin RT 101 ! txiVj R? (1T1A KM on n2C, un; mu, pov. Ran MIK. R4H r.iv, nl.j 0.1 01 TO11 "ft I niii 10(J 8T m 0P4 04 100'i fljl 80)4 RlU 7H(i 0SJ4 10t on ooi.i 8T OTU R0(i 72 RSV, RS no os'. si: MW sin Rtii; i.".i n4 RO 110 o,n MV 11." 1 11114 100 lon't tuiii miij PS n7W .101 107 in 11 u, KiOii IOOIJ III RO 1ST, 42 101 01 01 SIS PM4 WW, imy, 104U min mi Rllj 101U 71'i r.214 10S14 0.1 n"u K1U, II2V em, 1111 no n.i inoi. 11.IU 11114 mou 110 S7 mi aiu PO't R2 os a.n; 0414 nn 0214 ni' J DOU, rsn; rw sni; no, ini, ivm IK.U, in Id "oj, 70 20 miv 100 STATEMENT Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia December 31st, I9U RESOURCES Loans & Investiiients,$17,600,762.44 Due from Hanks.,.. 3,559,235.43 Clearing House Ex changes 1.025,047.10 Cash and Reserve. 4,205,568.48 S20.300.G13.15 LIABILITIES Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits (earned).. 1,990,803.80 Circulation 289,600.00 Deposits 23,110,209.65 $26,300,013.45 NEWTON W. CORSON, Cashier. IL FRANKLIN NATIONAL BANK Broad and Chestnut Streets III " IT'"1 Philadelphia, December 31, 1914. RESOURCES Loans and Dhcourit SJIIS"!? DuefromBank 5,516,874.21 Cah and Reserve 6,304,472.46 Exchanges for Clearing House . . , 2,212,862.47 1 :i,:i:h Under Letters of Credit 317,207.15 $40,298,S'98.46 l(,H'Jlt t,. t t '1I!.(I LIABILITIES lanital .,....-.. t -Tv. H . Surplus, and Net Profits Ctrculauon . . . Letter of Credit Deposits . . ..,....... ? $1,000,000.00 3,492,876,51 445,000.00 317,207,15 35,043,814.80 $40,298,898.46 J. B, lflTTKTHK 1PAAli1nt. ,MMMNH .-. -" , .n,a i, Vtca lrJaot. l""1". '" . E. r. yA?SMOB h R biueijjS, Aut. ?Mhler. , , DIRECTORS KataxUaut VL MorrU EUwarilT. Stetatbiirr Vtrnr C. 41sll MUlt 'WJ ramrt a. Aa4fu KriU. 'r. 0.e, IV. Jakrd ATjarlUu i'rllu.U . en W. H. AJfc isuffar t j . .ft!ir? INACTIVE DAY IN LOCAL STOCKS; PRICES STEADY Call Loans Made in This City at 41 Per Cent. Rise in Keystone Tele phone Bonds. Tnullnp was quiet on tho locnl cxolmtiKo Uurlnff tho Rrcatcr nnrt fo tho day, with only nnrrow nrloo lltictuntlona except m rennsylvnnlii Suit, which sold cx-tlivldcnd nt K), ngnliist ft lust previous sale nt 93 tho iiay the quarterly payment wns cut rom 3 to 2 per cent. This momliiB's quota lion, therefore, represents an actual dc cllno of 3 points. Ilnpld Transit and 1'hllndelphln nice trie each scored a small decline, where. most of the remainder of tho list dls plnyed a Arm tone. SlornKo Battery, Northern Central. Pennsylvania, I,ehlBl t.onnT "Jni0n Trncl," nI1 " "" In tho closing denliiiKs on buylnri by c. a. Ilnscn nnd Ulorcn & Co. Cambria Steel made n new high prlco slnco July Jt Wi. City sold up to 101 for n email lot. Tho listing of J2.60S.250 Keystdtio Tolo Phono common stock votlnp trust certin cates on tho exchant'e, was an nttermatll of tho formntlon of tho H9w votlnjr trust In February, 19H. This Is n majority of tho common stock, there belnff 5,000,(0 In all. Tho preferred and old common ruled quiet, but tho bonds moved up over a point to 914 The Lehigh Valley Transit Issues failed o be stimulated by the decision rehdered In favor of n subsldfary, tho Kdlson Illu minating Company, In tho suit with tho Eastern Pennsylvania Power Company. The latter Is compelled to spend within six months 1100,000 on the Edison plant or forfeit Its lease. tt wim learned today that call loans have recently been made In this city aB tow ns 14 per cent. Ono brokeraRo house reported having obtained J2OO.00O nt tho low figure. Tho ruling rato tlll remains at S per cent., but Judging from last week's bank statement It rnnnot hold thcro long. Time money Is easy nt 44 per cent. nlso. Commercial paper Is also easier than It was nt tho end of 10H. Wlillo most transactions nro still on a i. per cent, basis, noto brokers have suc ceeded In placing pnpor ns low ns AM per cent. RATES FOR MONEY Coll. IliiirA VW ! Milladelphl Nw TorX , llmlon ..... Chipset Merwtntlto pnptr. .1 to 0 tnl, ijjo per nt. ..... (4f54 months! Time. tub t'nilatlci- Reservo Banks' Rates Bank Statements Called For WASHINGTON, Jnn. B. The condition of nntlonal banks at tho close of business December HI wns called for today by tho Comptroller of tho Currency. j THE Girard MatioiaS December 31, 1914 Bank .lUNKPH HAVNi:, ,lr., rrcvldrnt i:VAN IIANItni.l'IT. Vice I'rrslilrnt rilAS. M. akiitav ...i.t.. WIKUKItbllKm, Vlre l-,r9;let A. IV. IMCKrOKIl'. Assistant Cashier .M.1HL1) UAHKATT. Assistant Cashier T. K. Daniel Ilmisli Ileorce K. llnrtnl Hndman r. I.rl.rom T. .Inurnn KlimlrN IV. rrnlerlck bujdcr DIKKCTOHS lnncls II. neerrs. Clinlnnnn of the Hoard Itolif rt Tolnnil I'ninrl II. lteevM, Jr. Vqrrln 1.. Clothier (Irnrcr II. Iln..-nnri msrpii inne, ,Jr, I(dm (irllilirl Urorgo .'Mt'lndddi i;ni Itaiulolph RESOURCES Loans and Investments $31,277,365.18 Due from Banks 6,771,680.18 Exchange for Clearing House 1,735,576.10 Cash and Reserve 7,725,643.99 $47,5lb265!45 LIABILITIES Capital $2,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits 4,349,649.10 Circulation 1,084,000.00 Deposits 40,076,616.35 $47,510,265.45 N't IV Vnrie I'h.UiloIpMti fhlcigo ni, liuum ...... Cleveland ...,,.,.,,, lilehniond ... i tlnnrapolla alls Sn I'rnnclsco CO ! ! VA ' tk i t -Iff m Dajrs- W I)d n B n .-, a n "' nu i i $ $ fl a nJJ nt4 5 IS BANK OLEARINQS Dank clearings lojny compared with eorrb aponillnir day last two years' .tun ,,i , n,n I'lillsdelphU ..! iimi.i2 MJ.nai OS J.ii.mG.'ilR TlnslOII ..... S-,4Vll,7lll .11,42l,a1 ai.JM.aiB J jew lork..!!in).sj(i,4i:i n7H.lMt2.awi 4ihi,mki 8uu 1 -...nv .... .,vvtriv 4l,,-t(,10U ..l.llK.ill BAR SILVER Tho price of commercial bar silver In Now Tork wa 41; cents, and In Inilon 22S, un chanued Irom yesterday. MININQ STOCK UOTAtlON TONOPAU CTddftg v .llm M..II.. 3W- JlS MaoNatrtau ......,,.,,,., MHwsy ....,.,. o' Mltpali Kxtenalon .....,....,, .30 Montana .........,,.,,,..,,,,,, js North Star .,.,..,.,, M Tonopah Detmont ........,.,.,, .t' Tonopah Extension ,.....,,..,. j Tonopah Merirer M ? M M STOcta. jj ...,.......,.,.., JIH,., ,37t' .......... 10T (tt . -T Tnneih Mlnlnsr Meat Bud .. ClObUFISI.D At aula J. Illus Dull Ileoth ... IlulldOB . c. o. a. Comblnallon Fraction plamondlleld 11. a.. Mo,Vnc.-";::::::::::::::::: -a Clolrlllplil f-nnnnlliljili..! Colilrteid Merger ,.1 .tiimbu Extension ', , Kf.wnima ........t. Oro , , land Ken , Silver I'ick M:scui.iANt:ot'a Fairy Aitco .,,,, Klmberly , Nevada Hilt ...,,, .,.,.. . Nevada Wonder ,. , 1 ' .10 .10 .11 .S3 1..7) .1)79 '.Ml "c ,cal , V2S 10 ll.M;J . Uio It i.vwa The Baek of North America Resources t,onnn nnd DlHCOimts. .510,954,709.80 Due from HnnkH nnd Bnnkera 2.011,520.12 Clonrlnp Houso Ex- cliunRi'H 1.4G4.7C7.79 Tronmiror of United StntCH 113.85n.0f) Cash nnd Reserve 2.730,842.04 Total Philadelphia, Doccmbcr 31, 1914. Liabilities Cnnltnl burpluH and Undivided ProIltH .... Clrculntion Depoalts $1,000,000.00 2,463,504.1,9 500,000.00 13.S18.1S5.5G $17,781,690.25 S. D. Jordan, Total . Cashier $17,781,690.25 THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BAN! Philadelphia, December 31, 101-1. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts sa7.V79! mo sa Due from Banks 9,5S7!765i74 Jixcnanges tor Uieanng House ..., 3,729,901.24 XT Ulu , 12,130,080.75- vuu.wibxa jj.auii.,y UUUC1 iiULLUlH 01 Credit 3,554,335.67" $66,974,416.23- n . LIABILITIES . capital btoclc :.... $1,500,000.00 ' Surplus and Net Profits (Earned) 4,884,670.82 ircuiauon . 648;99.7.50,1 xjetteia 01 ureuit 3,657,475.44- Dpnn. Individual ....$37,278,045.89 , " ; y tfanK 19,005,226.58. $66,974,416.23 T.TtfT T. tlTTM crSSSIS13 -"-"t1' KAIUIY X ICE3BR. , , S jasajpssas" twf DflSntsT- DIRECTORS i41WVJLJ llULirUUX. I it-A.M tlli. TT TIT.!? A Tr TTlfc Tw- nnn T " JL'JT .-. . OlSOnOE WOOD. M wiTiNKiTA-iir ti Afni?,'Sf WftiiiVS. HyXSSJ'-j T .T- T aw . .. TT -' UAAiLh AI.KRKD C. HAimiSON. KANDAIj MOI1GAN, . JJV1U1J UCJHHUN .A.3A 8. WINi SAMUEL M. VAtJClAlN. & LEVI Ii. RUE. wi-touius oi mercantile jpirms, corporations, Banks and Bankers InyitedJ '""ii" .iiauuc buubui ana ooia, setters ot credit Issued fytikcd yidLsndL Plillailelplila, DIlir.CTORS December 31, 1014,' T. tVIlr Brown (iforge lliirnliaiu, Jr, William Wood John l'Ucalrn Clmrlra II. fimltli llrnrr IV. lllddlo Clinrfru Wlii-tlrr 'William T. lllott t'liarlm E. Incrrtoll j A. A. Jackson Bamucl M. Curivcn ItUHOUItCEM iAiana and InvrstmentB ?H,fi71.:flX.-Ii: Exchanges for Clearing House l,088,058.'ja Due from Banks and Hankers l.lOO.tlSR.SI Cash and Hescrre 4,231,122.02 21,093,700.81 WILLIAM T. ELLIOTT, President. WILLIAM POST, Cashier. MAHILITIES CaP'l' 11.000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided rrollts (earned) 3,810,05.84 Circulation ',,., S3.1,jk)0.00 Deposits. , 18.03T,A3T.OO SJl.0S3.700.81 WILLIAM Y. CONRAD, Asst.Csshler. ANTRIM II. JONES, 2d A&sl.Xgshler " iS $15,000,000 Governmeet'of .the Argeetine Nation Six Per Cent. Gold Notes $5,000,000 Dec. 15. 5,000,000 Dec. 15, 5,000,000 Dec. 15, 1915 1916 191? DATED DECEMBER 15, 1914 Duo Series "A" Inued nnd Series "B" Outstanding $15,000,000 Series "C" Coupon Notes in denomi ition of $1,000 Interejt payable Juno 15 and December 15 Principal and i. tereat payable in U. S. gold dollars at Tho National City Bank of New York EXEMPT FROM ALL ARGENTINE TAXES Redeemable at 101 and interest on any interest date on ninety days published notice These Notes are issued under authority of Law No. 9,468 of January 16, 1914, and are the direct general obligatiV of the Argentine Government, whose faith and credit are pledged for the prompt payment of the principal and semi-annual interest as they severally fall due. There will be embodied in, the text of each Note the following agreement: "The Government of the Argentine Nation covenants that during the life of this loan no more favorable conditions as to security will be given any other loan of the Government of the Argentine Nation without equally securing this loan both as to principal and interest." Only one issue of Argentine Government Bonds has a specific lien upon import duties. The total interest and sinking fund charges on this issue amounted to oqly $2,453,230 in 1913, or less than 3 per cent, of the total ($84,540,316) import duties. The total external and internal funded debt of the Argentine on December 31. 1913. was $525,493,137, The amortization payments for 1913 amounted to $9,793,171, and the interest to $24,640,515, a total of $34,433,686 for the service of the debt. As the national revenues in that year aggregated $148,266,329, the interest charges consumed, but 165-j per cent, and the total debt service only 23.3 per cent, of the total revenues. The nopulation of the Argentine on December 31, 191?. according to official estimate, amounted to ,VI.Mb, the preliminary indications trom the census taicen in junc, i v i -., arc mi "' "" ." " "' " 'V6iV; hm" of Argentine is over 9,000.000. Buenos Aires, the capital of the Repubhc, with a population, as shown by the 19 H Census. f i cn ci s .l- c .u low...)- !t in Nnrth and South America. The area of the Argentine comprises JH.UUU.UUU or i.ji r.' '. i .l. i i:,.J Cf... Ii- umiU rnvrr itin nh- TrMnn east of the Misaiasioni River plus the State acres, aupenraposco upon me uim um t )'- ...., .., .-0.., ..- , , . of Texas. ... 1 1... . i i i A circular giving additional aaia may dc ixaa upon request A,..r,'!t Subject to prior s!a and chaag in price, we offer Stim "A" Notes 100 and Interest to Yield 6 Series "B" Notes Series "C" Notes 99H and Interest to Yield 6W 99H and Interest to Yield 6V49& The Fourlli Street National Bank of Philadelphia The National City Banlc of New York Guaranty Trust Company of New York MeUon National Bank of Pittsburgh The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh ahau not have alt bun icttf. ThU aJusrlUtmt aftr a matter f rord t,nh Continental and Cajfeipercial IVusf and Savings BankrCUciiO Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, CMeap the First Natail Bank of Btcm i : Th I'ubilo AcMui-Uut Huuuiim raw Edwra r. Ikl Morria. ju vwibwi -?- ."-T? 4ri,3VotwCKSCtt4JHaKlH ALI. ITS BRAKCHS a auvl. ltsifa,.J bfflM5-
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