jf--- "ip Jsp a"NBKi'T-j rpw n VMlNa IiEDGKB-PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY JANUARY 5; 1915 LOBERT GOES TO NEW YORK GIANTS. WISHING PHILADELPHIA GREAT DEAL OF SUCCj TO RUN OR NOT TO RUN PUZZLE FOR MEREDITH ML A. V. Official Declares Red and Blue Athlete Is Ineligible for Boston Meet Lobert Deal May Help McGraw to Another Flag. BTOBY OF BET1REOTENT 13 DENIED BY GEOBOE BOtttNEB A Lobottlan Irfimrrt JW U (hit lima for the fun wb complains, "Kotf Vpr he tbs money, bitf we havo the pains. Kraft To wor u'l i new set of groueViM and iror roncr p M"lnri been copped by ono Muggsy And CoIHum 1 rone io tlA mica tienr West. In trnii'tuil delight at the long gioen's behcat) Oh. ' o will h next to depart rroiv our newt Ami nislt us the butt of the nation's guffaw? ftVbal tite are the brains that we brant' of In .. prldo. If tvo fii 'cm outright for some kale on tho Bide. And give tho whole sport world a chance to derldo .The clt that puts Its good pUvers In hock? And micro 1 the profit, slnco when wo sell ott And spend It again where the tiftn players knpmill JTr one star In ten, comes Nov York with tho thout, . t , a Phllly, dear Phllly, what hua ou In stock? ::: '. A Pertinent Qury, At Thit XellVc puns' Milter Meredith Is due fojja sum If A. A. IT &uUs do not do somo swift riertlng. , Tnm "hat W learned from here and there, we clln l tho surmise Bomo ono 111 say 'o Teddy soon, "who are jou reproMlngr" There's nothing wong with tho A. A. U. rule prohibiting collcgo athletes from rep resenting cluhr In tho collcgo year, it does avay ftrd this Is no stain on tho esoutohenn of Meredith with tho "piece of chnngo" Uspiolon that will blast tho best camp on earth If It Isn't tbrn up by tho rnotp. Barring tho Player-Authors Not that wo wish to prolong tho dis cussion, tbut havo you noticed tho sport ing writers novcr asked for a dividend out ef the world's series loot? And did you ever seo a sporCng writer In an automo bile except by permission of tho owner? Tou didn't, which is another chunk of proof that tho gamo Is on tho lovel. Help "Wanted! Wanted- Strong young man with a punch to net as bouncer In a soccer game. Only MJsoned veteran need apply. Must havo snarp oyes to detect pop bottlo heroes in the act. The., world of sport has sought In aln To And that fan of might and main. That fan who left the baseball stand wuon throning things at umps was banned, And rav his mone and support unto some much more gory sport. gut now, at last, the daring wight h hides up In thi stand to fight: who bnrla his bottles with a Kcreech, And keeps himself well out of reach Was corns to light, dispatches claim. Disgracing New York's soccer game. Jounnlistic Sabotage Christy Mathewson In a recent article ys other clubs always try to give Mc Oraw and tho Giants tho worst o a deal In players. Of course, nobody ever UI03 to hang anything on another team. Tho first principle of baseball, and a lot of other games, Is to give more than you receiie. Meaning, or course, more bunlc But how tho man who writes that stuff must hate deah old Matty! Herzoff. of Cincinnati, modestly sug gests ho'd like to land Lobert and Dooln una javenaer and Fierce. local owners will bo satisfied to start tho season with a team which has little opportunity to finish in the first division. That the Phillies are determined to havo n cheap lenm Is evident It is also Just as evident Hint they aro doing whnt Jack Dunn did with his Baltimore Interna- i tlonal Lcaguo team last summer sell out the cream of tho talent to the highest bidder. Tho snlo of Mageo netted the Phillies a neat lump of money plus Whit led and Young Tom Hughes. The price McOraw paid for Lobert Is not known, but It is safe to say that, despite the fact that Stock, Adams unci Dcmaree will como hore In the exchange, tho New York club did not get the world's fastest baso ru ti er for n song. Stock, who Is exclusively a third base- i"an will unquestionably tako Lobort's pinco at tho last turn. Whltted Is both an lufleldcr and an outfielder, and was used by Stalllngs as bucIi. Whether Hughes and Dcmarco will strengthen the locals or not Is problematical. Domareo may havo a good car and bo n valuable acquisition to tho team, but Hughes has yet to show that ho can stand the pace of a season In tho major leagues. Meredith's Case Interesting Will "Ted" Meredith bo ellglblo to rep resent the Meadowbrook Club and tho University of Pennsylvania on tho samo night? That Is tho puzzling question to day. President Alfred J. Llll, of tho Amateur Athletic Union, is of tho opinion that "Ted" will bo barred If ho attempts to represent tho university of Pennsyl vania at tho Boston A, A. games next montli. "Ted" has represented tho var sity In open competition as a member of tho Meadow brooll Club, and it Is President LIH's opinion that no athleto Is ellglblo to represent two organizations In ono pe riod of tho year. Doctor Orton, of Pcnn, believes tho rules of tho A. A. U. wilt pormlt Meredith to run In open competi tion for his club and In closed races for tho University, "flulcs Is rules," and President LIH's word will likely bo law. Howovcr, tho solution of tho problem Is clearly up to tho A. A. U. ofllcluls. After B years In the field of wres tling and still active at the ago of 49 years. Oeorgo Bothner, probably tho greatest exponent of this ancient stle of comeptttlon, denies ho Is about to retire. In all these years Bothner, ns oatch-as-catch-can champion, has been cnlled upon to defend his title more than 200 tlpies, and has been thrown only tour times. One of these falls was gained by Mlvnke, tho Jap ex pert, In tho handicap match which Hothncr won on lnsi Monday night. Bothner 1ms been wrestling as a professional for 18 jenis, and has beon In actual competition nt least 2500 times. Ho met nllcomcrs nt any old weight. When they didn't have nny 133-pourulcrs, nt which weight ho held the tltlo for ears. the promoters trot ted out middles eights, heavy n eights ntid sometimes men that weighed over 250 pounds, but tht wlr Bothner took enro of them all Ho was thrown onco by Eugene Trembly In a champion ship, and on two other occasions men wHghlng mote than 200 pounds havo managed to In his shoulder to the mat because of their great strength and weight. METHOD SHOWN IN FEW STOLEN BASES BY BRAVES Stallings Men Pilfered Sel dom Because They Played a Safe and a Sane Game, Yet Team Was a Wniner. wf I" ssBr7 MBIBPli IsB i A ipRsHHHI e m r AS3EBTS HE SAW HBST MITT DSED IN OAME "Dad" Phillips, who Is employed as binder by the Lelnnd Stanford Uni versity Press, near San Francisco, claims to have seen the first finger milt evor Used In a baseball game. More than 40 years ago, Phillips says, he played onthe same tenm-Wlth A. O, Spalding ift Bockford, Hl.i and tolls of tho origin of the mltt as follows! "Intone of tho games that our Itock ford squad plsycd we wcro nttracled by the sound of the ball ns It clapped Into the hands of the man on first base for our opponents. Of course, none of us wore mitts In thoso days, and wo never thought such a thing would be practical, nut this man on first base always caught tho ball with a loud pop, and several of us noticed It, though we could seo nothing un usual nbout his hands. "However, after ho caught the ball ench time, ho pressed something Into his left hand. After tho game Spald ing ami t went over to seo what he had In his hand. After somo protest he showed us. It waB nothing but a pteco of bent metal around which he had sowed some leather. It seemed lie had Injured his hand, and did not want to be kept out of tho gnmc, ittnhlch was for me cnampionsnip or i. mltt, State. So ho had made this LOBERT NOT SO LOATH TOf LEAVE THE LOCAL if ' m Hans Says He Hopes to Set Along Well With MJJ Wishes Philadelphia bucccss Doom May bcl Traded to Cincinnati Today. F. PEPPER He is one of the best soccer play ers in England and will play in side left on the Bethlehem eleven this year. Pepper only recently arrived here. v Now here's a man who makes a hit, . A modest, unassumlnic wit: A. man who does not want It all. who could not well be meeker: The otlior teams ho will not rob 9f banner. Johnson, Collins Cobb. wer does ho In unncemly brawl, attcmot to draff in Speaker, t 1.0BERT DEAIi IMPOBTANT ONE Tho completion of the Lobert-GIanta deal (means several things which are elghly Interesting to all baseball fans. In tho first place, McOnaw has what ho has been looking for for the last thrco years a. good third baseman. Lobert's presence in tho Ne-v York line-up may send tho metropolitin club to tho top of tho ladder again in J915. despite tho improvement of tho Boston Braves. That is looking at thojnattor, of course, from tho New Yorlc viewpoint. As far as tho Philadelphia end of tho deal Is concerned, tho selling f Lobert and Mageo indicates that tho Boxing Stood Well in New York According to tho report of tho State Athletic Commission, which controls box ing in New York, tho sport enjoyed a distinct boom in 13H. Thlrty-ono new clubs havo been licensed and there aro now 63 operating. Tho total receipts for tho year wero $6GO,000, of which the Stato received 5 per cent revenue, amounting to about $32,000. Tho commission has certainly performed a great work during tho year. Tho fact that tho sport is prospering under tho direction of the commission is proof sufficient that prop orly supervised sport will stand up well. j. no Binie is clearly paid for its trouble as $J2,000 Is a pretty nice little nest egg. Ono on Clabby "Jimmy Clabby," middleweight scrap per, drew a seat In a cafe ono day along side of a very talkative fellow. His talk was about tho ring game and prize fight ers. "This fellow, Jimmy Clabby." said the stranger, "is a pretty good fighter, but I don't llko him very much personally." mat so?" queried Clabby. "Do jou know Clabby very well?" "Know him? Why, I've known him slnco ho was a kid," responded tho stranger. Clabby didn't recall tho stranger's face Ho figured he was boasting about his acquaintanceship with fighters, as Is tho caso sometimes with fight fans. "Tell jou what I'll do," said Clabby. "I'll bet you a ten spot jou don't know Clabby when jou Beo him " "You're on," answered the stranger. Tho ten spots were placed side by side on the table. "How'll wo prove that you know Clabby?" asked Clabby. "Easy enough," answered the stranger. "I'll let you bo the Judge. I say that you are 'Jimmy' Clabbj-. Am I right?" Without waiting for an answer tho stranger picked up tho two "teners" and walked away, smiling at all-but-knocked-out Clabbj'. Once again It is nccessarj to revert to tho Braves', base-stealing record for tho season and Its significance. Because tho Braves stolo only 139 bases for tho sea son, and won tho pennant, tho fans aio figuring that baso stealing ns an aid to winning ball games has been greatly over estimated. Managers aro about ready to "can" tho base-running gamo aa a re sult of this revelation. But both fans and managers should go slowly in throw ing baso running Into tho discard, pen nant or no pennant Tho Braves plajed a different sort of gamo becauso they had different material than tho other clubs. Tho Srnvm wcro content to make a run at a time, using tho sacrltlco when necessary, and they could afford to do this becauso they possessed pitchers who wero nhln tn imi,? the opposition to low scores. The Braves wero ablo to win games with ono, two or mrco runs, anu didn't try to make them In clusters. McGraw, with his Giants, was up against a different proposition. His pitchers could not hold tho enemy to a fow runs, nnd, In order to win, he had to make runs in bunches. Ho had to havo four or five or ho wasn't In tho gamo at all. So tho base-running gamo was adopted, tho hit and run and tho steal. These, If successful, usually produco two or threo runs at a time. . ?'a'llnBs Is not a manager to bo trifled with. His players do not care to try for a stolen baso and fall. It means somo hard words for them, and Stalllngs had a different Kind of campaign mapped -.. D Ua wuiing 10 try ror ono run at a time, nnd, with his excellent pitch ing and fine defensive team, ho was ablo to get awav with it. Rn yin ,n, .base running. It is ono of tho linn nri. or the gnmc. N1CKALLS WINS FIGHT Bed and Blue Bowing Coach. Will Get Needed Assistance. Tho prolonged fight which Coach Vivian Wloialis has wared to obtain proper equipment for the Ihuterstty of Pennsylvania craws has t,Jast produced results. Following tho speech Biado oy th head of rowlntr affairs at tho Ited nd Ulbo Institution before 600 alumni of the VntTMStty In New York soma weeks ago tho Atumal flociety of that city has pledged tho uta uf JdOO to Coach Nlckalls for Improvement or tLb uTlpment. In aireUiUi; that tho rowing activity at p.vV"7,Vk'" "!,tl not receive lu due from the atUvtic hbxi.t;on. and that conditions which i.J,..fte? "'A Vlb oarsmen had to face were djplorulie, lv.el'a:i!, created a, sensation and at tn .un Uu, struck a Vespontlve chord mons !. kf.inm of tho University residing in ana iwui ,tw Kent. Btitmlo Sbc-day Bace On BtWPAlX). Jan. 5.-EIght teams were tied or nt puca In tho modified six-day rac-j njUtfi Duisiied Its Cc 31 hours at tho Broad "way AuOituilum midnight. They had cov rod T! iii.im und S lupa. Two teams. Kop. nr-HftiUir.t ai.d CoIuribaUo-Provoit, wore one lVob,V,P' 71 rs 'will resume the race t 3 o'llicli tnla afternoon and ride until U. l. m. Girls Create Furore at Auto Show NEW YOllIC, Jan. B.-There waa great ex. flrment at tho automobile show In Grand Cen inl Palace lati night. One thoond pretty oJiortio girls, all garbed in the vlT.it or tlfihv sab-taJ Illustrated how to mer anl leave limousines. Miles xdaiu it Federal CHICAGO. Jan. d. irlifci Main? Detroit twlrler, has uljuM u twour te.niuct with the IVnleru!, it fetcunio Juswn today 'Pin-j.. dent Ollinon m tt.0 outlaw organization, con tflnnecr the rxrvi &Jt ei4 he doa not knuvv (with lui:ti vaA afJiii wolud pf7. - ROPED ARENA NOTES "Eddlo" McAndrews, tho clever Mana yunk welterweight, will oppose "Charley" Turner, of tho Falls of Schuylkill, In the star bout of ten rounds at "Low" Bailey's Palaco A. C, Norrlstown, tonight. -ho card follows: First bout, "Eddlo" Bando, of Phila delphia, va. "Ed" Roland, of Consho hocken (six rounds). Second bout, "Kid" Biff, of Norrlstown, vs. "Kid" Booth, of Manayunk (eight rounds). Wind-up, "Eddie" McAndrews, of Manayunk, vs. "Charley" Turner, of tho Falls (ten rounds). Jack TVynn. matchmaker of the Falrmount A. C. announces that, owing to tho temporary failure of the heating apparatus, the bouts scheduled for tonight nave been postponed. Beading Again in Lead TRENTON-, Jan. 0 Trenton came to her self In tho Raatern League basketball match here laat night and by completely outplaying the Do Nerl league leaders won the contest vy t acure ot dl 10 1, This defeat put Do Nerl Into second place and Heading at tlio top. BA8TBRN LBAGUB STANDING. W. I P.C. w. L. P.C. Reading ... 13 t ,Wi Jasper O 0 .SOO Do Neri .. 13 8 .dlfl Trenton ... 8 12 AM Camden ... 11 7 ,011 Greyetock , i 11 ,222 eigna Braves' Contract BOSTON Jsn. 5, The signed contract of Eugene Cocreham. one of the ipltchera of the Bnvve last season, has been received at tho team'a headquarters. fe Protest Women Swimmers mSF JroShlcS? in,,,? Ataibffi fflSK mi?f.CtV0UId "'"P whwlne ruieUpcr mlttliu; women swimmers to reclster with th governing body was adopted at tho last an? n ,.con.rcntl?.n ' naterlaJUI?g now for the Registration Commlttoa of the JIctroDoIltan Association. Deaplto a ciroful lnvestKatlSu ?;,h? ?on""l tee beforo any womah waf per" mltted to register with tho A. A. V? It de. Jitrmlttcd to Join tho A A. U. ranks. Boxing Going nt Benn Manager Balfour, rtt thn tTmIi,.-..!.. .. . sylyanli Boxing Club, ii hard at work prS: ""f sji Intf rcolloglato bSxing cTmlvaT While boxing has never been an Intercollegiate sport, several dual meets with other colfegea 2i? nJld,Jn P"t years, and it la Man' aser Balfour's Idea to Increaie the number Sf i Jut" ". At pcf,'nt negotiations are pend '"rslty College and Columbia Unl- Cross and Shngrue Matched NEW YORK. Jan. 8 -Leach Cross and Joe Shurrue have been matched to boxat Madlwa SS"?"" , Garden In a ten-round bout on VVednesday. January 3. Watchmaker Jlmm? Johnston completed arrangements for the bout last nl?ht. the managers of tho boxers agreeing to sign articles tomorrow, tho men will we gR iSnat 3 pounds at s clecu on ,h dy of tfiS ATHLETIC DIRECTORS MEET rootbnll Committee to Be Heard, and Bonn News May Develop. When tho University of Pennsylvania Football Committee unites its report this afternoon to the board of directors of tho Athletic Association tho Bed and Blue football schedule for 1915 will havo been decided upon. Chairman Wharton Slnk- icr called a meeting of his committee shortly beforo tho board meeting to tako llnal action on tho host of applications which had been mado for the October games. Mr. Slnkler declined to say whether or not any new teams would appear on tho schedule, but ho did say that there would bo no changes mado In tho November list of opponents. This mcan3 that the Indians, Michigan, Lafay- "lo """ woi-iiBii win do met on tho cor responding dates of last joar. It Is understood that tho eommittoo ha r. Jcctcd tho applications of Rutgers Washing l1.1"1.J.P"e"0 nd tho University ol ? Pitts" .wbii. jiu uirco or ineso tcama wero anxlouj f set on the Quaker list But games w?h them would bo difficult enough Tor November datis, and Pennsjlvnnla has no November d Si!cn' That means that to play tlio teams thoy would have to be met in October, and tho commlttco Is unwilling to schedule such hird opponents for preliminary Balnea lliitgers wanted Pcnnsjlvanla to play In New jork on tho Polo Orounds, a proposition that Pennsylvania would not entertain It Is undcrs'ood that the committee ha worked out somo sort ot a coaching agreement for next season, but neither Mr. Slnkler no n1y.ot.,.'cr momif"; would glvo an inkling of what it was. Neither would Coach Gcorco Erooko moko any statement. Big Fights lor Cuba wmi?wiTorkv Jcn ,5 Au"' the rcturn ot Billy Gibson from Havana rnmnnHiiin ha. twten Cuba and Mexico to stago tho world's heavyweight championship light between Jack Johneon and Jess Willard will assume lively rroportlona Gibson reached New iork last night from Cuba, where ho obtained the per mission ot tho Cutan Government to conduct boxing bouts Only championship contestB will ba staged, and these will be for not less than 23 rounds, probably to a finish. A, A. U. OFFICIAL SAYS MEREDITH WILL BE BARRED Penn Runner Not Eligible to Compete in Big Boston Meet, Maintains A. J. Lill Orton Is Surprised. Blynn-Beich Fight OM NEW YORK, Jan. 0 Tho "Jim" Flynn "Al" Ro'cli right, schoduled for tho Broad way Sporting Club tonight, has been called off. riynn asked a postponement because of an Injured hand. Beach Beat Barber at Golf PINEirUTtST, ft. C, Jan. 8. The qualifica tion tie of last weeks holiday golf tourney was decided yesterday, Chlsholm Beach, of Fox Hills, winning SO to ST. for W. 'A. Bar ber, Jr., of Princeton. The tie score was 80. Mann for Chicago Feds CHICAGO. Jan. B Publicity attending th ""ng here ot Leslie i Mann, outsider Jf tho Boston Uravos put the local Federal Lcaguo officials on their guard and meeting with joo Tinker was held under cover. It -waL ra. Mrted that Mann would pribably .Lm with the North Side organliatlon in a fowday " Athletics Exhibition Games CHICAGO, Jan. B. Rober Bresnahan. man. r of the Cube, said today that the Cuba W(1..A,hJeU? wouId P'ay Mhlbluon games In inofhu In Ihe spring. Tho Cubs wllfgo over Fo to Thpi for th7e;"gamw. "" w,u lnen May legalize Bosing OPRINanEDD, 111., Jan. 8.-The first Siov.H.t, ibr""E,.abut 1rK?1 bin 1" the Bute of Illinois will be made today when a bill patterned after the measure which permits thu Vori la,i? St''. ot, WIsconsln'iBd New York will be introduced by Udiwrd eantrv who little, more than a dfcadeaio mSi ono of the best featherweight boxer, in thilJortd llm waa elected to thn TiriBiar irr.! veirtber. " w ""' "TED" MEREDITH World's chanrpiori 800-metre run ner whose competition as a mem ber of the Meadovybrook Club in open A. A. U. games is likely to be the cause ot a little rumpus between the University of Penn sylvania and the amateur body. Tho tiatk and field authorities at the University of Pennsylvania aro duo for a rudo awakening when they attempt to InclUdo "Ted" Meredith upon ono of the Penn relay teams at the Boston Athletic Association games In February, accord ing to no less authority than Alfred J. Llll, tho president of tho Amateur Ath letic Union. Meredith will not bo per mitted to wear the big "P" either In the B. A. A. or any open Amateur Athlotlc Union affair, although It will bo per fectly posslMo for Meredith to wear tho Pennsylvania Insignia In tho Intercolle giate championships or any of tho Pcnn rlnnl lnp.tn Meredith's offense,. If such It may bo termed, consists of having represented tho Mcadowibrook Club, of Philadelphia, rather than tho University of Pennsyl vania In his Indoor starts this winter In Boston, New York and Buffalo. "It is ono of the rules of tho Amateur Athletic Union that college athletes can not represent club organizations during the college season and still remain eligible to run under the varsity colors In open meets. This rule hits Meredith squarely on tho head, nnd It Is altogether surpris ing that cither Meredith himself or tho University of Pennsylvania authorities should have overlooked tho facts. Penn- ajlvanla and Meredith both may bo ex- 1 pected to put up a light, but to no avail. That Meredith has been entered and ad vertised as competing for tho Meadow brook Athletic Club leaves absolutely no room for argument, in tho days when, tho late lamonted "Mike" Murphy lookod out for track athletics at Pennsylvania the Quakers never found themselves In the position they now are. Meredith's absence Is going to prove a big blow to Ponnsy's chances lu the Indoor competi tions Penn has In sight for tho winter season." Dr. George Orton, athletic coach of the University of Pennsylvania, was very much surprised when called upon to give his opinion of the Meredith case, Doctor Orton stated. "I am under tho Impression that Meredith may represent the Meadow brook Club In open meets of tho Amateur Athletic Union, but Is unquestionably eligible to represent tho varsity In tho contests that are termed closed to col lego teams. Tho Boston relay raco In which Ted will run for Penn is ono that nas Deon caned a college relay. I be lieve this race to be ono closed to col lege teams, and am of the opinion that tho rules will pormlt him If he cares to oo so to run a race ror tho varsity and trten later compete for tho Meadowbrooks, both on the same night Mr. Llll may construe the meaning of tho rule differ ently from me, but It remains to be seen which Is right" Meredith takes the same view of the situation as Doctor Orton, Ho under stands that by electing' to represent Meadowbrook In open competition he Is barred from representing Pennsylvania In such meets. But, he maintains, that the event of the Boston meet in which he wishes to represent Pennsylvania, is closed to Pennsylvania, Cornell and Dart mouth, and that, therefore, the A. A. U. authorities have nothing to say on this point. What Gustavus T. Kirby Thinks Sporting Editor Evening Ledger: My Impression Is that the lntercol leglate events at the B. A, A. games are "closed" to members of tho com peting colleges and are run under In tercollegiate rules. If this Is so, I personally see no reason why Mere dith should not compete on the Bamo evening for his university In Its re lay race with Dartmouth and Cor nell and for the Meadowbrook Club In the open event. Personally, 1 am strongly opposed to such representa tion, ueiiovine mai a college student "I nm In no wise dlnsaltsnedwllli Phlta delphla or tho Philadelphia baseball club," said Hans Lobert whon asked whnt ho thought of tho deal whereby ho waa traded to tho New York Giants. "I havo been treated well hero by tho club, by tho public and by tho newspapers, hut jou know how It Is, It Is simply a caso of getting tho best offer you can and ac cepting It. "I signed a three-year contract with tho Giants and while, as I say, 1 didn't care to tcavo tho Philadelphia club, I think that I will get along all right with McOraw." When Lobert was asked for a complcto statement as to how the deal camo nbout that ho waa sent to Now York ho said: "Well, In tho first place, tho Federal Lcaguo mado mo a good offer nnd it seemed that tho Phillies wcro not willing to mcot It. Then McGraw camo along and mado mo a proposition which looked very good, but I told him that I would do nothing until I had talked tho matter over With President Baker. McGraw seemed to bo willing to meet my demand, which tho Phillies would not do, and that Is about all thero was to It I understand that the trado went through yesterday afternoon. They say that thero will bo a cash consideration and n couple of players In tho deal. I only got homo last night and I didn't know what had been given out. I suppose that I am to play third baso for tho Giants, at least that seems to bo tho plan at present. I had a number of talks with McGraw beforo tho deal was closed and ono after It was closed and that seemed to bo his idea. I only lmno tho deal may bo tho best that could havo been mndo for both clubs and again I want to thank tho club, tho fans of Philadelphia and tho nowspapcrs for tneir interest in me." It Is understood that the deal whereby Charlie Dooln will bo disposed of will tako place somo tlmo today, Tho latest dopo on this ovent Is that tho Cincinnati club will tako Dooln, at tho latter's own price, nnd will glvo a couplo of players In exchango besides a. monetary consider ation. The deal for Hans Lobert was said to have been consummated lato jesterday afternoon by telephone. President Baker of tho Phillies waB In his olllco at tho Stock Exchange Building late, but gnvo no intimation of tho fact that a deal was on, except by the secret side-door comings and goings which went on dur ing a greater part of tho time from noon uhtil after 4 o'clock. Late in tho after noon Mr. Baker gavo notlco to tho news paper contingent present that ho had nothing to glvo out, hence tho Lobert deal was not mado public until this morning. Lobert, according to the reports. Is to go to the Giants In exchango for Stock, Adams and Dcmaree. Stock Is a fair third baseman, and Dcmaree has been rated as a high grade pitcher, although his performance against tho Athletics In tho 1913 World's Series docs not stamp hlmi as such. Dcmaree, who Is a car toonist as well as a baseball plajer. mado his reputation on Mlko Finn's Mobilo club, of the Southern Association, In 112, and while he did good work In tho Na tional League In 1913, ho did not do well enough for McGraw to accept him as one of Ills most accomplished performers. Tho Mageo deal was also completed yesterday. Whltted and Tom Hughes will come to Philadelphia In exchange for Magee, plus tho well-known nnd much-sought-after money consideration. parents to I'lttsbunrli. it. enviable reputation playing rJSs! amateur teams ot Pittsburgh la? thereforo nojuiprlso whcn.MaS6 Olatkc of tho Pittsburgh Sf I tho closo of the season of im JP: a trial, placing him In three BinS championship season. Tho nfi. lntcs In those positions wcreS? Leach, at third, and Claude lusP second. Loueit's work eo imtri;ci! nger Clnrko that ho forthWHk! him, nnd In l'JOi ttansferrtd B Des .Moines team, of tho Western? for fuiUier development. S Half a dozen players, who latto? famous to a moro or less degiS their big lcnguo careers wlto ih.V In 19W along with Hans to wcro Atthur Ilofman. i.-w? Jack Pfelstcr.Fred Falkenbcrir nT Mvu.iiuu mm .uuw jiiurcn, m ilofman, a bank clerk from i? Jclned that team, waa i tir?m'.,Almi parts of two games, rellovtrig aiSiM wnw aiu8vi in ien4 ivruRcr wa v for Clarke Ilofman, in Soi.lP Lobert. to Dcs Moines. In SeWettk!?' car his services wcro boulS?5?".i cago National Lcaguo Club, with, iv.2 ho Cuba that lasted nine ySinf. SK iwij. in iiuj no went buck to PittiblT wade, by wnlch ho and Pitcher jiffi wcro exchanged for "Tommy'fi5S "Lefty" Lollleld. In Junn , iS ? leased to tho Kansas City Club but Mi olnt that team, was sent to NaVhrmT tho condition that ho ohould net S PfoLiter camo to Plttslmrnii f ..?.! Cisco of tho Pacine Coast 1-cagueTa f9 nhcad of Lobert Iro was released iSTitl In 1001. where ho also played In lMj-M Pitcher Moron, llko LobcrtTwas al tSM amateui. Ho was given a trial by SSM on beptembcr 21, 1003. tho same SfM beaten, 7 to d, by Brooklyn in Tilt SJ In 1W)I, relieving Deacon Phllllppo IniiTl uio ui mo luurin inning or a gam Cincinnati. IS to 4. tin m ThS-.!,.!'! Baltimore. In lOOtl ho wsb slgned.br wM Till In HMrl llirni rl aiiai. T.. .... m ' .H J007 ho was recalled, and began to coi work for the Phillies, being one of ii pitchers for four years. In 1011 he , a trado that took him to Cincinnati. never played ball for tho Hods, rcttW tho game. n Ihcro wcro a couple of players, baaTJ era, on mo i-iiisourgn lenm of lWn tVl -W-. ,..-rf." ...w. .uu huitiy ,ii V,iB j x.vukuc. i ucy -wero uncKyara "ft! Thev Avoro nedy and i:d Doheny. nriptTi Kennedy had tail In point of service John Lobert Is tho oldest third baseman In the National League, all tho third Backers being de cidedly 20th century products, somo of only a few years' growth. Nono of them has any advantage over Lobert, a grand all-around plajer. He combines all tho qualifications requisite for success on tho diamond. Ho can bat and field timely and skilfully, and thero is no baso runner more speedy. His minor league experience was very limited, on year with Des Moines nnd a hnlf year with Johnstown embracing tho whole of his preliminary trials. Lobert was born In Wilmington, Del , and when quite young moved with his jiora ot service on tho Biooklyn teial IMS to tool. Inclusive. Ho was tnhr J tho bright stars of tho 10th centurr. in J the uth century rolled along ho wM grow slow nnd weak. Ho played vfjB Ulants In lliu.' and with the Pirates ti mm men uruiipcu inio me minors Tors years. Dohenv also a stron? nitw tho gamo suddenly while with the Plni ii'iM. ins ininu uccamo acrangeu aadti piacea l. an asylum. Plttsbu-gh sent Lobert to Dee Mcfe tOOl with tho understanding that ba t be returned In 1005. However, ilotla senEon tho management of the minor it L-iuii i-jiangeu militia, ana mo new oincu pudlatcd tho agreement. They held Lobert, celling his services to the a Notional League club Lobert, dlsjtnW tho turn of affairs. Jumped to the Jot team of the outlaw Trlstnto League.! ho played until beptember, when hi tho Cubi under Frank Seolee. J In 100(1 tho Chicago American Lcajaji ,ru ujr , jciui-r ountrn. wmueu nun, w winciunaii ciuu reiusca to waive claim u fcp a deal was arranged by which Lebnti to Cincinnati' from Chfencn In fnfc Pitcher Charles W. (Jack) Harper, Toe cago White Sox, failing to get Lobert.' ui-uibu jiuuu uu miru uase, wno eecin, hero of tho world's series of IMS, nbbl White Sox won from tho Cubs Etki secured from tho Now Orleans team ti Uhlto Sox In thn fall of 1IM1.1. &E nd Hanlon was malinger of the Cluti team In 11)00. and found no regular plia Lobert, all tho holes being well Pluftt mo in anu oui neias. aooerc, inertnn, camo tlio general utility man and atf iiiiiidii Willi eieuii, in linji luimny roran, the shortstop, was released to til jurit umniH mis icii n note in me si nnil .Mike Mowrcv was nlacud at nhortin Lobert took iharge of third base. Latefl sniicnea positions, Lobert nnshlngtui at sho't J In inns. .Tnlm liar ypl hflnc IIia Tnlmpasi the Iteds, Jiudolph Hulswltt was iljitlfl nlaped at short. to tho sub list. In iniVI Olnrlr firifjlh I chargo of the Cincinnati club and esvi Ufa u uieutiy jou ai mira uasc. -nans pivl position right through until 1911. ce whs irauca 10 in) I'nuaaeipnia cius,.a I'reil Iteebe. Jack Itnwnn. nitchertfl pturgo Paskert, outfielder, for Georxe Mw ion x.cw Jioren, pitchers, Kd urant, Uu anin jonnny liaies outneiaer. loemi been with tho Phillies ever since. Of the eight players InvolveiKIn lUW ouiy iour wero aciiveiy engagea muii tlnnal League last season. They are ul anu Paskert, with the Phillies, UcQ4 with tho Plrutes, and Grant, with the wl During a Held meet at Cincinnati b 1 i.(it,nri thu mo Dases in 4K eacoaii rflf n. nlzeil rprnrd fni- titn fat. SB T.nnort nlflvprl fnur nn,nni lvlth th Ra ilolphU team under tho management otfja uooin. during the academic year should not be permitted to represent other than his university. aUSTAVTTft T wrnrrv Chairman Legislative Committee A,a'.U. Event. 100-yard dash .. mo-yard dash ., HO-yard dash .. SSO-yard run ... Mile run Two-mile run... Cross-country . . High hurdles ... Low hurdles ... Ilroad Jump .... High Jump Pole vault Hammer throw Shotput ., ALL-AMERICAN TRACK SELECTION J Athlete ...It. P. Trow .. ...II. P. Drew. ...J. H. Meredith ...I. 8. Caldwell . ..C. L. fpelden. ...J. b Holtmtro ...D. Potter .... ...t'Tcd Kelley . ...I'red Kelley . ...P. a I Nordoli.. ,..vy. Oler ...Borgstrom .... ,,.H, P. Jlalley.. ...It. L. Ucatty Colics . Southern California.., Southern California... . Pennsylvania . Cornell .Cornell ..Cornell , ..Cornell ..Southern California... . Southern California... ..Dartmouth ..Yalo ..., . Southern California. . . ..Whine . Columbia PertorroiK .. WW . .21 W 4-12H ., 0 23H '.'. El'tul! .. tttvm lest tt.'m IS Mfi One of the popular pastimes nt the close of the Intercollegiate football season is the selection of an "All-American" eleven, But the picking of tho best eleven players' In a given section Is pretty much a matter of personal opinion and, there fore, never entirely satisfactory. But there Is one sport In which It Is possible to pick an All-Amerlcan teum against which nothing can be said. That Is track and field athletics. In this sport tho best men can be selected for tho various events, and. since they can be picked aa the result of actual performances and vic tories over their rivals, the cry of favorlt lem, or lack of knowledge of tho situa tion, cannot be raised against them. The everU for which men are picked are the thirteen standard events of the In tercplleglate Athletlo Association program and the cross country run, Tho discus Is not included because It Is not a standard event and does not bring out the competi tion of the best men In the East. This team Is made up of the very best men from all sections of the country, the Pa clflo coast having the beat men In five events xne university of Southern Cali fornia has the best wen In five .events. only 23 seconds. Cornell tho best In four, and Penn?'B nla. Yale. Dartmouth, Malno anoi' lumbia tho best In one each. Q Thero waa no comnetltlon forp In uny ot tho events up to tho mllejC in tlio loo and ZZO yards dasnes yrj j Southern California, was unquejtlffi the best In tho country. Ho was cft?l with running the century In 9 3-5 and, with tho exception of Arthur TtoM Is the only man who .tho experts irijlrS cedo over actually mado such tlroe,W Kelley, of Portland, Ore., was gireo, same time several eara ago. butTtrW persons wno ever saw Kelley penorw Ileve he actuallv madn such fast" U-l Drew never did this time en an e track against sttong competitors, but, has beaten the best men In the eouu so many times that there la little Plsj Hon to question his record. In tbj yard dash Bond, ot Michigan, was & .u -a seconds in a local meet at Ai"& por, tiut the record waa not allowed! thO MIclllKan flvnr nmn nVM B.W duplicate the performance or wtgv proach It elsewhere. At the Intel glate ehamnlonHhina in Mnv he 6rJ Mm m mis event, the winner's tuns i m IJMj. a mubiual UUMKUY SING IT, WHISTLE IT, TRY IT ON YOUR PIANO ' 1