vTf ?' "" i' i'-f-,-u 1; K .. - .. . .. . J A- . , i EVENING LBDdU)B-PHILADELIHIA; MONDAY. JANUARY A. xmxd. .- . , j GERMANS LAUNCH NEW AND DARING MOVEMENT TO CAPTURE WARSAW STRONGHQLj ...,. ,., i , ,. , ,, ,. ,ii.,,. , ,.,, , , .,., i hi ,ii i.i i. imii hi ..nil. ii ' 'I ' ... t i T-rnnx r xm rt iikJli? Germans' ASSAULT CARRIES STRATEGIC P0S1TI0NINP0LAND OFFICIAL BULLETINS OF THE WAR THE ADVOCATE OP NATIONAL DEFENSE ar .vv .' y.. ft i -.3: $ . ;rci r -T.- . fepzar's Desperate Night At- f' tacks Fail to Retake Spe cially Strengthened Post at Borjlmow. . LONDON, Jrni. 1 ,, violent (Uisault oyer several days htve wxih Dttrjmbw, a heavily strength ened Huslan position In the Gorman drivd between Warsaw nnd Ivangorod, According to tho Berlin official bulletin. . 8o Important la this point deemed by tho Jluflslnna that they mode three night at tAcka to regain It, but these were beaten back. (Barjmpw doe not appear on tho most' recent maps or Poland, but. In some re ports lg located aa northeast of Bollmow, whloh Is west ot Warsaw at the Junction of tho Bnim and Hawka Hirers.) Elsewhere the Germans have beon un able to make hoadway against the Ru elans, who, aa defenders of well-fortMed positions, arc aided by tho wet weather and muddy roads, which hlndor the Ger man movements. The Austrlans claim to havo cheoked the Russian advance near Oorllce on tho Bouth GrUlclan Railway, west of .Tn.lr. but apparently the battle hero has not Yet been conoluded. The Russians, on the other hand, have taken the Austrian positions near Uzsok Pass, which should open anothor en trance for them through the Carpathians Jnto Hungary, whllo the Austrian retreat in Bukowlna Is described by the Rus sian as a rout ' The Germans agntn have been repulsed with great losses from the Bzura. and SUwka Hlrora. Tho War OCTlco nn- noundod lost night that In attempted sur prise attacks' tho Germans had foiled completely. Their Infantry charges wero for the first time accompanied by a shower of bombs, but the Russians stood their ground unshaken In the trenches. A strong Austro-German force had mado an 'oven more furious attack on the Rus sians, barring tho road to Kleloe. They succeeded In holding lomo Russian trenches for n few hours, but In the afternoon Russian Infantry rushed at them with the bayonet and drove them 'far back along tho southwest road. Russian armored boats, on the Vistula, have enfiladed the remaining German po sitions west of the Junction of the Bzura nnd Vistula, and Russian troops on tho leit Danic or tno JJzura have foroed tho Germans back from Bochaczew. The invaders have ceased to threatou Warsaw along any of the direct ap proaches. Whatever fighting Is still go ing on op tho Bzura and along tho Rawka has the charactor of reinforced reconnaissances, which tho Germans are trying to maintain until Marshall von "Hlndonburg launches a new general plan. 'AH those operations north of the Plllca must now bo governed by the changing scene In southern Poland. The repulse bt General Dankl's army on the road to Klelco represents the last effort to carry out von Hlndenburg's scheme for turn ing the Russian left flank In Poland and thereby compelling the Russians to withdraw a substantial portion of their Strength from their lines weBt of Warsaw. MlENOBt From the sea, to tho Alsne, the day (Sunday) was almost wholly calm. The weather was rainy, There was n, duel of artillery. Al some points on tho front our heavy artillery silenced the German batteries. On tho Alsno and In Champagne the cannonade was particularly violent. .Our batteries established , their superiority and shelled the reserve of the enemy. We captured several points of sup port held by tho Germans In the region of Perthes and of Mosnll-les-IIurlus; between the Argonne and the Mouse wo have dona the same. On die heights of the Meuse there was an In termittent cannonade. An attempt mado yesterday by our troops to capturo Boureullleo was not successful. Our progress continues In the forest of La Prelro, northwest of Pont-a-Moumion. In Uppor Alsace we captured an lm portan holght to tho west of Cer nay, A counter-attack by the onemy was repulsed. At Stelnbach wo havo taken pos session of tho church quarter and ot the camotcry. GERMAN In the western war theatro It Is quiet except for artillery combats more or less heavy. Only about Thann and Auberstrasse has the enemy showed great aotlvlty. After an overwhelming bombard ment of tho heights west of Sennhelm tho cnomy occupied our demolished trenches. The enemy also took the heights of Stelnbach, which wo had stubbornly defended. During tho night thrco of tho heights worn rofnkfin Fighting for the village of 8telnbaoh continues. In tho enstern theatro of war the situation Is unohanged. Our attacks In Poland, east of tho Hawka Rlvor. continue. BtTSSIAN A strong artillery combat has been fought nil along the front on the loft bank of tho Vistula. The attompt of the Germans to gain ground In certain places In tho roglon of tho Bzura River was without success. On tho night of January 2 we dis covered the passage of Germans across tho Bzura In the vicinity of Kozlort and Blskeupl. Having watched the concentration of the enemy's forces, one of our regiments surround ed the Germans. They attacked them with tho bayonet, without firing a shot, and In tho hand-to-hand struggle which followed killed sevoral hundred men. Tho survivors saved their lives by surrendering. About 8 p. m. on January 2 a bri gade of German Infantry attacked out position near Borjlmow, northeast of Bollmow, but tho German assault was repulsed with enormous losses by the Are from sevoral batteries and a coun ter attack made with tho bayonot. Desperate fighting occurred during the night of January 2, continuing until daybreak, northeast of Rawa, where wo succeeded In dislodging tho enemy from somo of tho trenches which they hod previously taken. South of the Plllca River fighting took place at Metnlre and Gaschek, west of Inowlodz, and alBO southeast of Malagoszek, near Volmlne, where wo repulsed all attacks of tho onemy. In Gnllola the fighting around Oor llce Artd Kakllcsyn continues. In the region of the Uzsok. Pass and Routokl (outh of Ltsko) wo have made progress. We drove back tho enemy, who fled In great disorder. We captured 2000 prisoners nnd somo mi trailleuses. Several companies of tho Austrian surrendered In a body, In their retreat to Uscok tho AUstrlans abandoned arms and ammunition. Our offensive In Bukowlna contin ues. AUSTRIAN Repeated attompts by tho enemy to break our front west nnd northwest of Gorllce, Gallcla, were unsuccess ful, Tho enemy lost heavily, During tho fighting, which lasted the whole of tho day, our troops stormed and captured a height south of Gorllce. whero an ehtlfo Russian battalion of SSO men, with two machine guns and an aoroplane were captured. TURKISH Our troops took Ardagan on January 1. Ardagan was defended by General SSachcn with 3000 Infantry, 1000 Cos sacks, six field guns and two machlno guns, The battlo for tho town, which began December 29, ending in the flight of the nusslnns, who lost heavily. Our troops, In conjunction with Per sian tribesmen, have completely de feated 4000 Russians, who had moro than ten cannon, ten miles northwest of Saonjbulak. Four hundrod Rus sians were kilted nnd they lost six cannon. Aocordlng to reports from Brzerum, Turkish Artnenln, great transports of Russian prisoners from the latest bat tles are on tho way there. ALLIES' NIGHT ATTACK GAINS flh fTH NATION MUST MAVfi ADEQUATS ttrtMESl V V A hATtON VOUCH WiE4 TO 8t RESIceHrD.MUT J iSCSIlv I " n I HE'S A CSANrf I I rATiot whim ) figgwSNjas J He oucmTm'tj J on ihhtI ( Mt" n n twoo i row n i 1 1 mmmwm m WHEN HIS COUNTRY IS AT PEACE f THAT rUL0w' "J I " .. cnc f n ( " , I , , si 1 th O"" n I P KtO YOU I DRAllT "tn IF THtYD Falsvitt C A I MAvr TAKCH YOUR 1WA& KlCHT AU.J III w1 rL YU8 AOCC,WS yZZ AOVICS N0WITl I tMC TtMS . ' tOVHM)P C wooibm't have lost) C-7'k I too iate r J ' --'lr tff- Thome toAJT, J 0 7-Yn. V - - S . ftsl 'u flREECE TO AID SERVlA IF BULGARIA ATTACKS Balkan States on Verge of Another War, LONDON, Jan. 4. Steps which havo been taken to bring about an understanding bfHMjn the Christian Balkan States, With the Idea of securing the neutrality of Duhjarla, apparently havo not met with comP success, accoramg 10 op1 . t in Isndon from the Near Eastern capi tals, and Greece, 8ervla and Rumania are preparing for eventualities. During a discussion of tho buds ln tho Greek Chamber of Deputies, M. Theo kotls Is reported to have declared that the speech recently delivered by the Bui garlnn Premier regarding Macedonia, WhICh Bulgaria consiaereu ""'" "'" been ceded to It after tho last Balkan war, constituted a menace! while the Greek Minister of Finance said that Greece was making urgent military preparations to maintain her liberated territory. Should Bulgaria, contrary to expecta tions, attack Servla, with tho object of recovering Macedonia, Greece, by its treaty obligations, would, It Is thought In political circles here, como to the assis tance of Sorvlo, and the Balkan Penin sula would bo ln tho throes of a third war. Turkey apparently expects trouble, as the Ottoman Government has expelled the subjects of all neutral countries from tho Dardanelles. RUSSIANS CAPTOR TURKISH REGIMKl IN CAUCASIA J Turks, However, pi Flight of Foes Fromft gan and- ouccess in Campaign. M WHEN HIS COUNTRY IS AT WAR Continued from Tnge One chief fighting of tho entire campaign In tho westorn theatre of war Is today ln tho "lost province." Fighting Is In progress all along the line from Ccrnay (Sennhelm), 10 miles west of Mulhauscn, to a point well to tho east of Stelnbach. The Gormans attempted to counter attack against tho French lines weBt of Cernay, but, according to today's official announcement, tho offensive was checked and tho enomy ropulscd. Tho church and oometery on tho heights at Stelnbach were taken ln a night attack by the French who havo also gained a slight advantago In the village Itself. Today s report emphasizes the fact that the elements are preventing any serious fighting ln the north. From the sea to the Olso it is stated calm prevails bo cause of the heavy rain. There has been heavy cannonading In the ChamDajrne and Alsne districts with the French secur ing the advantage, German reserves hav ing been shelled and forced to retire. The French are also reported to have made distinct gains at Perthcs-le-Chatlot, directly south of Rehel, nt Mesmllles Hurls and In tho woods of La Pretre. In general, however, the situation hangs fire, while both Bides wait for the weather to lmorove. BERLIN, Jan. i. French success In Alasce is admitted In an ofllalal report from German head quarter given out horo this aftornoon. It says that the greatest activity is now being displayed in Alasce, operations along the remainder of tho front being mainly confined to artillery conflicts Capture of tho heights west of Cernay by the Frenoh Is admitted, and tho report also Bays tho enemy last night took tho holghts of Stelnbach, but that three of tho capturod positions wero retaken after wards by the Germans. RUSSIANS IM BUKOWINA HOLD KEY TO HUNGARY Take Several Towns In Austrian Crownland nnd Control Passes. BUCHAREST, Jan. t. The Russians are advancing In Buko wlna and after occupying the towns ot Radautz, Sereth, Zelctln and Hatna today occupied Suclava, whlc htouches tho Rumanian frontier. Tha remnants of the Austrian army havo taken refuge nt Dorna Vatra, whither has beon transferred the capital of Bukowlna. AH along the Rumanian frontier refugees are seeking shelter. PETHOGRAD. Jan. 4. By tho occupation of Kromenz, Zeteten, Sereth and Radautz, In Bukowlna, on tho Rumanian frontier, Russia not only holds the strategical railway lino connecting Bukowlna with western Gallcla and Hungary, but is within a hundred miles of Hungary over easy passes of tho wooded Carpathians. Tho Bourse Gazette's Moscow corre spondent asserts the Austrlans are- evacu ating Bukowlna, and that moro than 30,000 panic-stricken Inhabitants of Buko wlna and Transylvania havo fled Into Russia. 0. PANIC-STRICKEN AUSTRIANS SURRENDER BY REGIMENTS Resistance in Gallcla Broken by Rus sian Sweep. PETROGRAD, Jan. 4. Tho Austrian armies In Gallcla are panic-stricken nnd whole regiments aro laying down their arms and surrendering to the Russians. Dispatches from Lem berg stato that the resistance of the Aus trian forces as an organization has been completely collapsed, that the troops are offering an effective defense only at Iso lated points. Tho garrison at Przemysl Is making dally attempts to smash tho Iron ring that Russia has made around the stronghold. From tho desperation of the attacks upon the forcos besieging Przemysl It Is be lieved that tho largor part of the garri son consists of Gorman troops. Tho gar rison has lost heavily in its latest sorties and it Is believed here that Przemysl will soon bo compelled to fall. POPE'S PLEA PREVAILS TO EXCHANGE PRISONERS Belligerents Agrco to Pontiff's Plan for Comfort of "Wounded. ROME, Jan. 4. Evidences of tho Influence the Vatican now has with all the belllgeront Powers was forthcoming todny, when It was an nounced that success has crowned the Pope's effort to have crippled soldiers, Incapacitated for further fighting, sent back to their homes. Tins material suc cess, It Is stated on high authority, has greatly cheered the Pope and led him to believe that eventually a way will be found to reconcile the nations nnd end the war. In tho official announcement mado In the Vatican today It was stated that Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Austria, servla ana Turkey had ngreed to ex change prlsonors in their hands for their own people wherever these prisoners nro so disabled as to be of no further uso as fighting units. While France and Monto ncgro have so far failed to answer, their consent to the plan Is expected momen tarily. Of the million and a half prisoners de tained ln tho various prison oamps of tho belligerent nations, It is believed by tho Pope and his advisers that between 1C0. 000 nnd 200,000 will be restored to their homes by this agreement. PETROGRAD, $5 Defoat of tho T.urks and the cijii 6000 prisoners by tho Russians ilj; nounced In an official renori S today from the headquarters altft Tho entire BOth regiment, wltnkj ofllcoru, Is roportcd captured In th(J Tranecaucnsian engagement, anal all along tha line Is claimed. On the other hand tho Turkii umce announces comnieia tnr.-- tho capture of Ardagan with the'jj This dispatch comes from Tlfll Throughout the day of'Jantf and part of tho night of Januin an engagement around Sarlkand conlnued with dxtromo forocltr'3 Turks suffering enormous loiial Thoro has been no Important tcij in uiu umer retfiuua. I RUSSIA SCOUTS PEACE IDEA ROME, Jan. 4.-The Russian Ambas sador to Italy, M. Kroupenskl, was authorized by tho Potrograd Government today categorically to deny reports at tributing to Russia an Intention to con clude peace. "Russia does not think of discussing peace," the Ambassador said, "until Its enemies aro obliged to accept conditions which Its allies consider the only guar antee of a lasting peace." RESERVISTS SLIP BY FOES Germans From U. S. Make Way Baok Home. CIVITA VECOHIA, Italy, Jan. 4. Thirty-one German sailors, rcsorvlsts from the German navy, were today fur nished transportation to their headquar ters by the German Consul here. All camo from Baltimore and eluded the British and French by means that they are keeping secret. They wero caught In Baltimore when their ships wore In terned there, and went to New Tork to report to tho German Consul General. He could not send them back home, so they got together and devised a plan which was successful. LONDON, Jon. 4. "The Turki! oicunled Ardagan. Denotratlntr bit. Into Russian Caucasia," says ihtw siununupio corresponucm or thi'l change Telegraph Company. jfjl Ardagan la a fortified town on twi 45 miles northwest of Kars. FlghKtJ vweuu uiu a urjta una Jiussians hgt i going on In that region for seven) i Tho Turks declaro the Russian! Iij city In lllght, losing heavily ,ifc A rout of a force of 4000 RussIimi Saoomjbulak Is also reported. Thdl killed 400 of tho enemy. Russian cruisers again have ftdw an attempt to land marines nearV They wero driven off by the flrst! land batteries and sovoral of thlrS acinousncu. VI AMSTERDAM, ju Tho prcsonco of a Russian ward tho Mediterranean is reported !nsJ ment issued from tho Russian ibjl at uonsiuminopie. According tL statement a Russian cruiser Askofe tempted to disembark troops at'Jafjj, tho const of Palestine. ' The tti coast guards fired on tho boats, te them to return to the cruiser, ondM a number of tho would-be landing 1 PRIESTS TAXED FOR WARM '4 Ghent Tries to Meet Demand) Germans. nuixanuAiii, ami. 1,-10 eGhjul enough to satisfy tho Gorman Qhn( compelled Its unmarried men to pi? J positions ranging from 5 francs lri:aL of bacholors of 27 years of agelti francs in tho enso of those ,of W,i of ago. Even celibates In thoButt navo not Deon exempt .irom this taxi Tho Germans take tho leading da as hostage, 15 being chosen eacW Unemployment In Ghent Is so great only 65 per 1000 of workers of the'Js Ing trnde have anything to' do. Trie ipnlFAiaa 1aa 1?A ham 1 AAA .l....1i nwAjvvio ii.o iiu per xvw einyioyew J JUL & few 3L oar n d for the P 'r. A rmmrnm m " " m a at JJiego Jixpos anama-Pacific itions V ' t&1.' .'tV '?., Fifty Free Trips Given by Public Ledger-Evening Ledger. You Can Win, One. 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