Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 04, 1915, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15
i A 41 3 .. iiM)iimnwiiiii OBITUARIES ? ft)-- M. SOHOONMAKEB rnfm M. Schoonmaker, 8. year old, a Vll T ,,-,. ..n.liwlAif nt l...l. I his eon, Dr. Irving It. Bchoonmakor, f r .'... In the 181th Regiment of New b cintirn oi nuaoM w oircu hh il lrif VOIUlB. .w wj ..... wv hfWU I Oswego, N. V., his native city, wherts yflli PO UU1ICU ivWVut : i.i.ii.h fnirinrmin TEiicnr h. illingwobth . -i.ni-iM'. Jan. 4. Percy Holder! Iltlnrr. KVJ chief Liberal whip In the Houbo 1 L TrnAdury. died yesterday of typhoid i,f H was born at Bradford, In 1859. TttM appointed leader of tho Liberal ..". ......aMInn- Lord Murrav. nf mil. !5t whose purchaso of Marconi shares ll"' . -, aFa,,laa, HlH Itla ..t.J 1 iih the pa" """ "' ouujoci ; conilaereuio u.w-w... BIB JOHN BABKEB hbtfVOM, Jnn. 4. Sir John Barker, town as WD y v.m. u.oeucr oi Ii nnls n Europo, died recent v al It. i.--. In Bishop's Htortford. England. m nv.- --- .-,, -,, , :.. ":rr itb was to yc'o " ""- pa in fcmmerclal pursuits for tho greater part if his life. PeatfjJS lAllltBn- On January 0, 1015. at her real. l?1" ivtwAfthln Line, mini. T.B..h KATYinlTJB. daughter of tho late Johri Barker, of Yorkshire. England, anil Baltl' more, Mn. jnnriiii i " niouni tome- mJnIbV On January 2, 1016, MARY ELIZ. ABETH.wldow of Jonn J. uennls and daugh. tir of ths lata Michael and Margaret Mee hiii. aged 84 years. Relatives and friends ore JnVtsd to attend the funeral, on Thursday, il Si30 o'clook, from her lato residence, 2024 West Fletcher Bt. Bolemn Requiem Mass at .,. m,.irrh nf the Most Precious Tilnn.1 n, Oar Lord, at 10 o'clock. ILAW. Suddenly, In New l"ork e ty, on jlj"w;i, 1W5. I1?1?18 BAW. formerly of Philadelphia, aged 48 years. Relatives and friend are lmltcd to attend the funeral tenlcee. on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, it the apartments of Oliver II. Balr, 1820 Cheitnut st. Irttermont private. inaiKIt-On January 1. 1015. JOItM tr B0SLEII, aged 60 years. Ilelatlves are In rlted to attend the funeral services, on Tues day, January S, 1010, at 2 o'clock, at nu McKesn St., Philadelphia. Interment at Mt. Mortah, private. I0ICK- On December 31, 1014. JOHN J Jon or jiatiion ann ine mm iam uoyco (nco larrlffan). Funoral on Tuesday, at 8:30 a. m, from 2781 Bast Huntingdon nt. (18th Ward). Solemn Requiem Mnivs at St. Ann's Church at 10 a. m. Intormont Now Cathe dral Cemetery inntrw. At Mt. Holly. N. J., on .TAmmrv 8, 1M3. BDIITHA Z. BROWN, daughter of Anna L and the late Qcorgo u Brown, ruiieral from the residence of her mother, 44 Blipham st., Mt. Holly, N. J on Wed nesday, January 0, at S p. m. Interment Brotherhood Cemetery. UGKI.KX. un January . iuio. uatii- JuiINn wife of Patrick Duckloy and daugh ter of Robert and tho late Johanna Cahlll, of County Waterford, Ireland. Funeral on Thuriilay, at 8:30 a. m., from 415 North COth t. Solemn Requiem Mans at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, at 10 a, m. Interment Bt Denis' Cometery. JlISMONDv On January S, 1015, MAT B., wife of Frank Crlsmond and daughter of thn late William una aiary anoagraH. jtesiaence. ZJ31 asr sergeant ninrral will be alvcn. st. Duo notice of lEVLW. On January 3. 1015. ANNA MAY. daughter of Michael and Anna Devlin. Funeral on inuraaay morning, at a.3U a. m., from 1123, Peol st, 10th Ward. Solemn Ilo eclem iMass at Church of the Immaculato conception. Due notice of Interment. J0LL. On January 3, 1016, CAROLINE B.. wife of Martin Doll. Funeral services on nedneeaay, at z p. in., at ner late residence, 8101 F st. Interment Qreenmount Cemetery. XANAOAN. On January 3, 1015. ELLEN, widow of Thaddeua Flanniran. and rl.iu?htn Of the late Michael and Mary McCllnnls. Bus notice of tho funeral will be given from Mr late reildenco, 21)17 North Gth st HICK. On January 8. 1015. FREDA FFUCK. wlfo ot Qeorce Frlck. Funeral on Wednesday, at 2 p. m from 2020 West York t Interment at Mt. Pcaco Cemetery. HEttt'EK. On January 2, 1015, RICHARD MILNE OREINER. Relatives and friends of mo ramuy are invitea to attend the funeral services on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock precliely, at the chapel of A. J. Balr & Son, Arch and 10th sts. Interment n rival. BBEENWELL. On January 3.1915, ETHEL u, auiuier oe jonn, jr., ana jtnci ureen wll, ared 7 months. Relatives and friends sro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday aftefnoon at 2 o'clock, at her par ents' residence, G031 Irving st. Intermeiit at Mount Morlah Cpmeterv. MAZLEIIUIIST. On January, tho 2d, at his os ot the late John and Elizabeth B. Hazle hurst, ascd HI years lncral services at Bt, Marks Church, Locust at., above 10th. on .Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Kindly ornlt flowers, OHSTONj On January . 1015, DAVID. f Atrai-OD "Thursday, at 2 p.'m "from hi, fefiSiVhBCft.SHl.&rirttaB Bt' interment UrTEUTY-On December 31. 1014. WILL- i. r Ji'5n ot Catherine and tho lato James SlaHl?.??. ftn?. Brandeon of tho late James and Cathprlna Mfntirb- inin.Mi AH n....jj.. ? a. m. .from 427 wV York" XTaSl sma Itequlem Mass at St. Edward's Church. &'. !?. Precisely. Interment nt New iii,mi f,cmiery. PS""-0 J.?,n.u.ary 2' 101B MARGARET, caushter of wminm it it nn ,t.. ,. ?f 5K2"a I'rtr., Relatlyesj and friends, also WA o' V. F. Assn.. St. John Com.. o. , K. T.: Ladles' Aux. L. U T. I. T. I , ., ui . u. y. ., aro invited to attend !., k".:a.VJ..'.'",ft "' - Kiirt'trf. """Yra rcsiaence, xao wortn 1?il'i2Ur?,ent. Private at Mt. Vernon. Ro- o tfeioek ' v'wea -nicsaay evening, 7 to rnC0?.,.l.YlTOn-Ja.nuary 1, 1015, JENNIE K,k j.Ji;1" o ne lato James and El za-Sf,2iM.?-or77 Relatives and friends aro in nSUi.'f PS" tho funeral, on Thursday tsr. ,Vr,V:,l".9 coon, from ner lato res -iifff.S'i.w!.,.t Ia?.tcrBt- Solomn Requiem tlntim.-, "."AvlTc'.n nuron. at ID o-ciock. ImSvf w" CalhJ,1 Cemetery. ilVEkBYrOn January 3. 1014. MRS. h,r.V,"- S8"n-..!,5 . '.i.. at ... r ti-oiuoiiLH, nil wnrin l.iin t.. 13th st. fn.srSSV-Janu"'r ft a' u - " nment private, inter BSMnlClI. On January 2. iniK .TnswrJiT n ill, T, , ai?are' nd the lata Florlan Mu auSLi7lfa.,lv.e" an.a 'rlends ore Invited to ai'Tal5e, '""oral, on Thursday morning Sisl cl0clf, 'rom his mother, residence. th.fc5!;oal Solemn Requiem Maes at fig! L?nsry7' "" "' "" """" 5sfi5XT-On Decemhar .11 inii nriTin. t.f t2aff,Jr.1."i;ha'Jl Murray and daugh Mn'ili?.t?.,lcl,Vl.,l.nd Ann Walsh. Fu Kr.VWi. t 8:30 a. m., from her 9au if irr-v,?l.i' ""n vimpn at. il gn aasiirefi . fn . "U " P': Jonn ,n lavangeusi ' 'Sir.1 10 " ru Interment at Holy Dross 'femni?r0n -Tanuary 1, lOlB.THOMAB 'SltttZSSJ? hOTth year. Relatives iiSCt'ft Invitea to attend the funeral fSdeais T,usday, at 2 p. m., at the CKiS.MJ'Ahte.''on. J. B. Taruidge. 118 inu. v' "laloy WH pa. Interment rpKivpivn n sbth w wiri Hua7y o,ti. tii,iA- lIsi in .'...? th9 late David n. Perkln. " Mtuia in! lm"y ." respectfully Invited nsnem iJ "'' services, on Tuesday SoM,!, 3 c'ook.preclsely, at the real ffiumor.ht'lJwn4 Da R. Psrklnplns, 0472 'K- c?p; int,rmea Private, to 6ren- <BTn,,Jl,nutr' 1. "IB. KATE A.. I urace. 8. 1015. nrlfw at ft WriV5J' ssrvicsa on Tuesday, the 0th S3? " 40 P, m.. at thn (-"hnrr-J, ot thn raTo.?,??4 ""Tr ? K'ndly emit Vlltll mt the mi p. ra. CK.At n, Tf ut station at lUverford. .WlLUAM"v?,uB'f.ai' W.iiSVVXA ?Burunrti?.U "sldenee. 115 East Broad 8 Er if? on Tuesday. January 6. at KJetsry. ""r"ai Pn-te, oaa ireliows- mtdLS?. Iblrd-day. First Month. Rarttid i eaKMV Relatives and friends lrth ii?.,t,n-th uisral. on Fourth. UTxuZii' "V.1'8 clock, from tne SsrnS?.MBf ,S0U"' Third , Media, utrmsat at Middltown JTrisnds' Cmi i'towr'Tf0nn?eSSa"f 8. .WtiBinM. V Of H.V".. ,?'"'?..."" ni (v- rri-. ' swu Aiatj aajuba4i. 'NonS Iui".d'4. t ,T 80 L m.. from iftsSr i&$l..: "squieni Mass at fat. lav wmm-j. t At RlnM.i. KT T .m SM- 3. 1315. RiTnTS V "L3SrSJiiy ' Of th. ikts IbriliimiTil n,.h,l a' ta tar wt ,.,. Rsutives and ' .'"w. Inily. are invited to attend ii. LS"!43!' .First, Mooth 5th, V '52?1 btr la'e resldsace, Ran . N S p" 'wlU be rat at Ato,H.iSOnylU. Waw OAiM 1 taar M.11 "" mtuuse, lormsriy fci'-Mi1- funeral sarvjtM wj Tuea- w of Anthony Btnusa. formerly ..l" - ... ., 'w- - .7,'fc at 11 o'ctoc . m at the Ws ISLoe"w. Jn. Kr!ng, BVJbi.Mij KATnft :r t.I'. ""'" . w iin i" ---. wurnn t-itv. J"4w. BssSaV a ; r sivbb nn ".vej.. - ,'he residence of uraaiey. uo5 vats, at woodiaBdi fSmii.lnJjr!P"1t rn TVATKIM r t. ""Meryi Philadelphia. Wj J of W?.?rf,att'K'lnB' WK- nmiH B, nesday, nt 4"ih , a'KIn;Funeral on Wed- at his late resid.WAltdritt P. m! ELLicow?d0n,UnEf,L ', 1B'"' EMMA daughter of the lake Ki .2 A .?Utl n,l Elllcott, Relatives inrtfJu.",'1 Le"l Pusey attend the funr,l s,rvlid,"rt4nXul i0 afternoon at S "cloeic f t W. w"'Play 408 North 82d at i.,L. r !at8 "sldence, vi-MlS ""' Cm;tenry!rment PtlVRte' al W" 1huXn,rr?fnsoflpniarfl V,' .AN!JBt. A.. Charles riiKL.1.Ma?.o1 Kequ sm at St. Holy1CCro?.hl'Sm,ete0 ' m' tatenaMtlS .""yt "i . UJimdAn It .-..mibuitj, CLASSIFIED RATES DATT.r ihk nmm.- rmo o. ; . "V ."""'"Ai "o;-0.""f: 'Hriiktthh) Three lnsertIone"ln"a"w'c'eic'." ion'0"?.ncon'!c?,'v """ni: I wrt!.nrI)of.,frft. miy ad- 8 tfiS0!!? riSh .f $'??'"' "So per line 10a per Una 8a Per line per line 10a THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this. Aa'.'' SSH?' nd ieSSS. and Found' l'' vuo inseriion , Threo Insertions In 20o Per line Per line per Una Seven consemitlv. fn,l;. J'W per (Ins 1000-nne contract vertlalnv) ..... lOOfl.Mno ini.V. !.."'"': o --::"- 'w.n..fc ululr aa .eri.ing, jju- . ... I4A.,gar.'ot?,n?.r8tobW,a .nV1' "'nt? All rates are UIS"' woncES-elther paper- 10 linos one time rjv, Three Insertion ' ' ti& DAILY ONLY In rject December f, jpfj COMBINATION RATS papeWSam. dy: th n,rnlne and "v.nlng PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) Add four cent, per lino not to rates given A WmsA&D INffiiw LFDoIR MAY HE INHPHTPn r 'Afiiii- -V.V.OOER T lTT-.ntT'T. srtfTmnT. T ' WITHOUT A DD TTffS'a"? ciunoE, w.itY-.ff.r.' PERSONALS HOnf l!o'dXgerrtcrenn!,,r,made Ut by an Prt. HELP WANTED FEMALE Han?1?!?!1.1111? n.nd "aItrees-Vhto Prated SSe-qy:"bS; GIRL wanted, white, for upstairs wnrit nrM 525,hp0,rneS shtf1PCri Eobd ""ma?: clt? r3SSenr LAUNDRESS wnntrt wht. .. . iSi!.3"rta" cw flIEA'Dr WOMAN, who vn b. cure permanent home In suburbs wl'th younir couplwlthono child. AddTeSL l04.yLed? eTENOrj-RAPHERS. bookkeepers and clerks can obtain valuable 'Informa tion about securing positions by In terviewing Miss Dean at Ledger Cen trnl. See her at once for this free adUco. as the Commercial Depart ment Is constantly eecurlng good po sitions for Lodgor Advertisers. WANTED loun; RANTED loung lady for moUng nlcturo pos- Ll?ik.Balary ?i5i ."e,ntI I"10'0 Possible: height, age and weight, no callers except by neinm. ace and welclit. nn nV.An- k nnnnlntm.n, rn. ... n.ui - H M- .-""...-..-. wn.,mu, .uo JctierBDn. HELP WANTED MALE BOY wanted by brokerage houBe. about 17 yfars old. with some ofneo experience, good vanccment. H 842, Ledger Central. .Muvaugit, duu(I Wlitry U BlUrt; gOOCl UO COTTON YARN salesman wanted as salesman uim manager 01 coiion yarn aepartment oy large yarn house: party must have big rec ord. of sales and . havo had big experience Willi UUUIIIMM1UI1 uuuae C 210. Lodger Offlce. replies conlldentlal. HUSTLE9RS, capable ot earning f3 and up ward dally, commission basis, to demon strate our tree talking machine. Apply 8 to 10:30. Mr. .Shairtelan, 1832 Arch st. OFFICE BOY, about 10 years; neat, bright, cnerectlc; exp. prof.. but not absolutely neces sary, -ref andpaitlculars. C 111, Ledger Oft. SALESMEN Salesmen" wanted to call upon retail fumlturo trade In Delaware, eastern Pennsylvania and southern -Vow Jersey on commission, applicants must state age, rofs, and give lines now carried. H 744. Led. Cent. SEVERAL young men wanted, reliable, single, married; solicit "Tho Trail Hitter,1' Hilly Sunday', publication. 23d Land Title Bldg. SOLICITOR, experienced in credits, collections and famlllsr with city; refs. C 12. Led. Oft. STENOGRAPHER, first class, one who can use Smith Premier or Underwood," with Home ability to sell goods, with an old-established house. Address, with roference and salary expected, O 212, Ledger Office. VARNISH MANUFACTURER , requires services of superintendent; applicants must give name of present employer, ago and salary expected. Address II li'J, Ledger i-enirai. WANTED Men to represent firm manufac turing Jilgh-clsss specialties: experience not necessary: salary nnd traveling expenses Said: send (2 for samples and case to avoid elay. The Moulton bales Co , 7 Water St., Room 51L Boston. Mass. WANTED Movlng'plcture operator, steady, sober and reliable, one that does not rush his work: references! salary. $18, . Writs for limmeni. unrroaa-uraBi-umv Amuioiusm 2334 Jefferson it. i k WTtMl Vnilnr IT ".5r.i.r , . , ..-J nt,n IP nABllMa posing, sai(jr au, asiiv vnvw 4-" .". height, age and weight; no callers except by appointment. Carman, 2334 Jefferson. General WRITE PHOTOPLAYS; experience unneces sary. Wo teach you how any one can write them; particulars free. H 740. Ledger Cen. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE A CAPABLE Oerman woman for cooking or ?en. nousowora, wm"i, "JVn ' uily exper" with flrst-clssa rsts. 208 Spruce. am EDUCATED young woman desires position as companion to an elderly lady, or In an Institution. II 840. Ledger central. BOOKKEEPER, 15 years' experience I compe tent! capable ot taking charge of office; best refsrupces. ix ,w, wm ,.... BOOKKEEPER, reliable, IWP'Jl'li9' beat refs.! salary $10. H 68. Laager len. -,, ,. Lir iml. arlihaa nnsial hOUSSWOrk. vrtii Monday or Tuesday. 1D33 Panama st. rV)MPAIHON or nursery governess with fsm By going f?outh or Westt Arnerlcssns Jjiesak- reads aSd writes a.rmani compensation not the most .ttPQrt'VffiaSffiagW. Calif Ornla 1 rsfersnes. M 006. Ledger Central. oook Scotch girl, flrst-class city rsjsrence I TJhnklNO and downstslrs work In priest hous. 1 p.. rr jg-a-- T, Txritncsd. nferenoe. 5 iai 8QklS8filS& will enaa by r. w'fjgir Otnce. MWototo e... yiHSWis-i -, 3-r- mmfhi M.fHW, 'fr Office. ssffSm English . best references. ssKSSWSSffi oTtailorbd suits. M. Wl-Mb1 ?l "chrUtiaa st- O. I M0NICHOL8, 11 .Osni-fr ir" Phona DKkIaSOttelis. mrmsm BUW"i V - -" sac 3 . 33itslitrieoESiBir. LI, .x SIltfAMONS WANIED-UBJIALB BI?S?.ftp"n R1 "( asslttanti slight ft"l'l'njrjowetK; H 245, ldT central. SIv:enmsIl.APi1nD,rM T0 'l" s " Ten!niH.?rnach1ne.Phons Market 4318. eTBNOORAPHETl-Wnill I'Hsnx Pcnn High grAd.; "lygicin, neataccu .. wiu, j.cuscr central lIlSr,onlere'nr'h. & STMMnnnittt,in - .. .. ""' r anirt 1. icil t j oa education, accurate, speedy, u 1SS4, ledger Hr , 7th and Oxford. TpePric1nrMnnknS.""k.i ? "' m'- ?( 5iiKnoT'.1y.9 ' stenography! necu- ratejapld reliable, O 842. LedgerCntral. W."lantlNtJKl?P.0' W.MPerlencVd office "as" rail ui ii?.kk'.e?.,,r,v stenographer or clrk. fins i Vn St l?.!Kmefc,Jl, department, who trES.JST Ppslllons. AVnll yourse f of the resylccjjdiferjdvertlsers NOW, !WM5tf feSfi'isf' ''"usekeeplns or day. "ithnouTi.',er.lnee,1 'D cI"Ii!' "otk. Irnr nKiiiRn.,,?S.2v 'cnorR,hp' .wants growi LedgCT cSSi'r rtful anif comltent. tf 04 1, SITUATIONS WANTED-MA17E A3goOUo8kiNTrIh,ro,A'th,' comwtsnt to maT. viar ..5 ,c?.Lt.e,"3'J"lce. and credits: 12 ., .y , ,t reI It a)1 IjW cent. Apf!nttkrnm rrr... .. .. aer itSSIl-S 'V ""eo"on. office man Rser. experienced, denim nrMiiiAn, i.i.hA., creaentlals. c go." Lodier OmeK. "' omco iin'.H,ar" oookkecplng and general -- '""Jvv.ua. .1 wt l;u. UEnt. man aZSJfli, i?awblefu Prlnced office S?i d.,Lr".p,J,1t'n with rcflabJo firm! mod- r..M. mn rers. n zn, Lei, cent. Sliv,Sn?PJ?R". y-oreuuWy practical, exp . ..fully competentl best refs. It 282, Lea. Cent, aiiiiFrSil.wl,h Position: prlvato family! gw Office rnodorate wages. C 120, Lod- c"AUfi2:tm-A1 m-i 8 yrs.1 sp ! foreign . and dom j mod sal. R. N. a . 2024 Wlshart. "i'lnfn "A'Sim"," al-around cook, wanta pa- . w, muntf mtlCB. ttV" .M T if. eJ'"r Ptlenco, deslros position .... ,.iui roncern. j si. lxKlger unico, CLERK, salesman, young man. si. (lra nn. Billon: referoncs. II 560. ledger Central. lS:. of ou..il0O,M tor a 'O""- university man, 21, with sales oxperlcnco end etecutlvo . JL,tyi ?? SnJ? ot 'he lower rungs of your ladder? H 048, Lodger Central. MAN 'AND W1FT1, neat, competent, first "class, positions aa butler and cook; city reference Poplar 3200. or 2140.Jefferson st MAN AND Him, flrst-class cook and butler and chauffeur; Germans -with best of refer ences 1210 North 0th st. PRIVATE SEORETAnY Capable, leiel-hended man, 20, over 10 yoars' mnnngorlil citperlence. good otlu cation, desires to connect with progreis dlo business house nggrcsslvo nnd en ergotlc: can shoulder res'ponslblllty, highest references. O 854, Ledger Cen tral. SALESMAN Young man, 21, good education and personality, desires store position; best references O 8 IB, Ledger Central. SECRETARY, stenographer, accountant, ortlco manager, desires position; best reforenco. C 10. ledger Offlce. SITUATIONS WANTED FOR 400 MEM who aro willing to do any kind of work pnylng wages sufficient to support their families PHILA. P. E. CITY MISSION 225 South Third Street. BELL Lombard 2223 KEYSTONE Main 003. STENOGRAPHER Oooil speed, good speller, wlll'g. Indus L 18T4, Led. Br.. 7th A Oxford YOUNQ MAN, age 22, having several years' experience In general office work nnd a Uttlo Knowiedgo or DooKKeeping, aesires a change; can furnish the best of reference, etc. C 33, Ledger Offlce. YOUNO MAN, 21, 2 years at Drexel Insti tute, wishes a permanent position In chtl en gineer's ofllco; experienced, capable of taking full charge. Any rellnble firm wishing to mnko a good addition address M 814, Ledger Office. YOUNQ MAN, 24. native of Haiti, graduate of French classical college, A. B , student ot medicine here, speaks Trench, Spanish, Eng lish and Latin, etc, desires position oenlng. H 542, Lodger Central. YOUNO MAN, 20, at present employed, wishes to make a change to position offering better chances ot advancement; wholesale grocery business preferred; Interview solicited. II 048, Ledger Central. ATJTpMOBILES For Sals OUR prices on used cars will surprlss you, especially with our convenient payment plan; prices from 10O up. Phone S. & S. AUTO CO.. Locust 3337. 1422 Vino rt. HAYNES 1IU3 5-pasaenger touring. Apply R. L. Ring, 8221 Penn St., Germantown. BUSINESS NOTICES Wo can afford to remodel or repair your furs much cheaper than tho large de- FUiRS partment stores. We give you expert workmanship. Phono Belmont 2384 W. C11A3. J. BOOS3. M37 Arch st. Hemstitching done whllo you wait. Aj Reich nrd. 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review patterns. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES WANTED A hlgh-grado man for . strictly man ca- high-grade business proposition; a 'in air pable or aeteioping una managing an exten ,.0"D- . -...I. -.' I" . 1 I elvo selling organization in a business whero S1VO seilll.K uiAHiu-l"vti 411 n Muniucna profits are limited only by his ability to Fronts aro nmiiea oniy oy nis aouuy 10 grow; m n:nd exclusive territory given: :2S0O to $301)0 rcqulrod; this la an opportunity of a lifetime that Is right In every particular, and ono you should investigate at once. Tele phone Walnut 1078, or address Room 720, llcod Building. 1215 Filbert street. Philadel phia. AMLHEMENT COMPANY requires the serv ices of a young man to manage moving plo ture theatre; must Invest $350 to $500: will bear 7 per cent. Interest, salary $23 per week: highest credentials as to honesty re oulred; write for an appointment, giving full particulars Carm&n-Urascollte Amusement ? Anfl S TA4S7ak.asAaa ufr I.-O . 1 JCItunv... -.. FOR BALE A well-paying, well-renting aavirt. ment house; owner Is selling because of 111 health. For further particulars apply Jamel J. Hagan. im unrmian m. I.TINCH ROOM With or without four beautifully furnlshod rooms: weekly Income $200. for sale, a bar gain for quick buyer. P 030. Ledger Office, YOUNO woman desires capable manager for her business; must be of good financial stand ing! age. 88-45. L 746. LedgerCentral. CIGAR and notion store doing a fine business for sale. 020 N. 20th. OPPORTUNITY to place $1000 in mechanical device; big. with enormous possibilities i write for appointment. L 749, Lodger Cen. tral. Wanted WANTED TO BUY AND RENT MOVINO picture theatre; price must be right: no fancy prices paid for purchsse or rental: brokers protected! seating capacity not less than 850: can be located anywhere In city! write, giving full particulars and when can be seen. Carman-Brsscollte Amusement Co., 2384 Jtffsrson st. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED. DYED, CURLED AND MADE "" ' "irJTO LATEST BTYtiBU MAILHOT, 1510 CHBgTNUT DBESSMAKING AND MILLINEBY IIEMSTITCHINO done while you wait. 8e. yd. Pleating at buttons covtrsd..Hachman.700 Arch D5oI1ow,.AlfIS7tD.,naci55,, :iNO taught) short, prao. course. Bldg., 11th A Market. POB SALE BILLIARD. pool. eomh.. 2d hsnd, bought. Keafer. 320 Olrard ave. sola, renifae FOR 8ALB-Mlracle washing tearing 1 fine condition: also sVlll sacrlflce. 8S5 N. UtR st. machine: ball new gas iron; STOBAGE WEST PHILA. Monarch Storage Co Auto snd pack ln and shipping 3870 Lancaster ava. WANTED RI WrMITI IRP Antiques, pianos, etc., part l-UKmi UC n,r, hQUi, bought. Kens. Furniture Co.. am Kensington ave. ANTIQUE turn , broken Jswelry, gold, sliver, ylitlnum. false testb, 735 Walnut. Est. 160. B0ABDING ARCH, 2023-2O25 Handsomely furnished, la- eluding superior table, $8, table. $4. ORKKN 1S27 Very desirable vacancies! south- arn exyoaurv, ,wy,a.w, yuwiiv. 6PRUCB, I29A-Large 2d-tory freot and 4th- floor front, with board. SPRUCE, 1220 Rooms, single or suits 1 private th: excellent table board; phone. WALNUT sioa Jsxosptlensl table" board! elso peautnuur iuraua nwnu, WMf!!' jsrats prices. ivsT.Mtrr. 464a Desirable second-story .front; .. -- -;r- -, i,,.. v.-,. Ti-f- wf room hhhiihwi vw waiu, wima m. iOTH N its Desirable large 7rom rooms; other mcaiulta xcelleot table board. Table Itoj-rd BBUAD .ti.ea-Seleet table board. Paoas Walnut tm W h& l-mLAOMMHIA. MUxSUAY, JAfflliutlc 4, lti-15. UIED-SEMA1B I unnm . . IK"' ' ' -'?""" '" '" ....',. .tmZ BOOMS TOR REOTB AttCIrJ 2010 Beautltntty furnlihM fonms -yyTTreatonablej ConvenjeVtTh' "" . "m' "PliFlll!PiF -h0'' 'rnrTieTofVnTu7: nlshed, 2d noor. tor houeekVepinil phone. BROAtJ, N , 837-DesiTable 5d front suits with prlvatbath other vacancies: $j Sp, 1,,0,Ky":rtJf'e-welT.hoaTea wf."i.vi.. 1 i '"'"ioji wniM optional. ISHJ.ki5iJ."A0!ri .?ff (MiTAirainutl-Two mr.cioV,,0Soaryopt: cedaii. ave,, 4ai4-itandso"SrirhMr.'irh r?rTrTfriii a-"olrtr" v?is- r- .-: - "UrWC'gut raiTgeTnil convTn": -n:L-'-ij5"'w ?.,,,.xii?JJiamondn4.4 D, furnished nnd tiAiAtrf Vii li1 ri?fl T WON' lONTtlOMERY AVE.. XV.', 1021-Two nleeiv fUrnlahrd front rnom. .i.n.l.,. V. i.V.."lcc' "-' suiiiiiiik IVHIpy. board on.! Ann rann.;,: "K i"r.fi!l.J' NOHHIS. W lM7-LnrarooTlrr-.i -n.-. A Ifminr-T,S-r..: i!in,oi ciiy. oatns: hot-water hrnt nwn Mvl' PAItlt AVE.. l47-Attractlveiy furnlehert' Jo"nitath. " ro0""! pltntr keatl a3: .:... itu-.'T'rnlshed, rooms, single nr rn -..., 0y...w. M wiiu iviRineon r,PK w l'OWELTON. 38011 ri.rmhr. 'f..?.,.cr3 rr canc.e-.for a few business pcr'SMHS eK1'rt!.RD.CJf T'riro. comfortably furnished front room adjoining bath: sena. ralo bls:sultabl for two gentlemen. .BPnucn. lion NBThY "" Fttntnnttcin Ja?oi!fli"oMETOMroiiM. owmt? Si'tyTTiai'-DeslraWo rooms7itTrbathi bXIakiatJ LdJd'hmoLoJustiMO. SlWas. 265pi)STrable siiitbT"7vmrp?uaT; Mtlil open tire: njionej owner. "" 'SJ'JH'Jf11 'ront'ronWuTnrshedi convenient to bath. VIHu 7018:20. (Uettlnal-Iiandaomo rooms and suites: prlvato bath, steam heati reason. WALNUT, 8400 Furnished room for gentle- ...i., .m,-w.nc- nuuij auj. uain; rnv ram "t, B" -ComfortaDly turn sIngToor . double rooms: prl. fnm.j gentlomen: rfions. 12TH, 8., 200-Sultes nnd single rooms for geiT tlcmcn orbuslness women. 12TH, ST. SIT 2J "floor front; private family; other yacanoles: reasonable. I'llbert 58S.1 "Til. N.. 10O'l-2d floor through, with prTat3 bath; turn, or unfurn. Diamond 7M D. 12TH. N., 2051-Two or throe nleelyFufntT well healed rooms In nice home; 2 baths; re. fined location; concnlent cars; breakfsst: other meals optional. Phono Dlam. bsiji w. InTtr XT "-n,. r' T- .. . '' .,,, AU14"-ljOrBD front roonvs; well neaieo, suit gentlomen, I'opiar 11701 w, 17TH, N.. 333V-Small prlvato family will rent OOaUtlfUltV fum. rMml (runllnman. nhm.. KRTT 3 T K . " ' """" S.. 12..-llnAm a. BlnirlA nr an bi.I,ai h.i ato oaths, runnlnc nitrr! tti.nm imi-auii. .papered and painted, gentlemen preferred HAINDSOMrLY rurnlshcd front room In large modern prUnte linmo Electric lights. Ten JmealnCIty Jl 1 1 1 Tolrphonn Harlng 415. I'RIVATD FAMILYr centrally located, will rent two sunny roon elnglo or en suite, next .y lwi; morns omionai. u ,rH. i.oagcr cent. KliciM In npartment: steam heated hot and cold water: 2d floor. Phone Baring 2003 w. 1jAK(,i; beaullfully furn front combined slt- iinganq ueqroom: taclus sec. Preston 2201 D, Professional Offices. EXCELLENT location for doctor or dentist, N, w. cor. 13th and Allegheny ave. Apply or premises, or to I. Ash. 314 Bulletin Building, UNEXCELLED OPPORTUNITY for physician wr uniiwst 10 nouun a central oince. . rooms, for 123 P, R. Company, 1317 Penna, Bldg. APARTMENTS PARK AND COLUMBIA AVES. S. E. cor.-3 rruimH ntdjim hntit Mf1.n"it fnini- V fwi SPRINO GARDEN. lOlO-ExcoIIent apts. In 8 different houses, some furn'd. kitchenettes WALNUT 1222-24 (Kenr,ood)-Deslrahlo ncs.i single or en suire; priv. uatns; win ennnge to 1 sun tenant: moaertiie rate, walnut Hlul WALNUT ST, 14 II Apartments of 1 to 4 rooms, with baths, furnished or unfurnished: first class. ?2T up Arplv Jnnltir. AVALNUT. 4303 Lovely 2d-floor apartmont. prlv. bath: southern oxpos. Proston 2720 D. 20T1I. N., 710 New and hnndsomely furnish ed I'd-story Bulte of 2 rooms, with beautiful bath; modern; good transportation; plenty heat and hot water. Toplar 1472 W. LUXURIOUS apartment Two largo rooms; high celling; open fireplace: beautifully fur nished; hot and cold running wntor: $25 a month. 2030 Arch Thono Locust 3247. APARTM I3NTS. all comcnlences, near sta tion, 123 to J"-) per month Jolin Nacey, 33 North Highland ave., Larsdowne. APABTMENTS WANTED FURNISHED arartment wanted west ot Broad, south ot Mnrket. four or more bedrooms,, din ing room, living roam and bath, no children. ii too, icogcr uentrai HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS 17T11 & CHESTNUT Hkg. apt , 2 rooms and bath: low rent. P R Co . 1317 renna. Bldg. FOR VACANCIES and complete Information of all apartments free consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th nnd Spruce sts Phone Walnut 080, or write for "Apartment Directory," December Edition, Free. THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND 39TH STS. One Housekeeping Apt, fl Rooms and Bath. One Housekeeping Apt., 5 Rooms and Bath. R. II. TH.VTCHBR. Manager. 1 mwic HP An Handsomely furnished liuin o nnnu aptfm 1213.15 Looust. EEAL ESTATE POB SALE BUllUnilAN THREE-STORY suburban home on lot 80x180 feet, slate roof: hot-water heat: Colonial fireplace. Photograph and description and floor Plan on display at Ledger Central, or address Owner. L 033, Ledger Office. ORItMANTOWN CHOICE properties In all sections of Gtn.. Ml. Airy. Chest H.t all prices. Writs for spoolal list. J. II. Chadwlek & Co.. B81S German bbunu- PENNHYLVANTA FAItilB 100 ACIU93. location, land, buildings, water and railroad facilities, all first class: has Seven itoci form, cheap. 150. 200 and 250 your wants. west cnesier. i'a NEW JERSEY Atlnntlo City, N J. SNAPS 8eeral choice bargains In cottages and hotels, sale pr rent: chotceat corner lot In all Ventnor: $1000 below rosti others. Bruckinann. 810 Quanntee Bldg, Atlantic city. IladdoaBeld. T. J. IVA.Tgn.lieVMfciuYSSI?AL MlFsderal st,. Camden. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE NEW JERSEY Atlantic Cltr. N. J. HOTELS, cottsfres, apartments, etc., to ex change for PlUIadelphla properties. CHAS. E. FELL. 83 B. Psnna. q., Atlantlo City. BEAL ESTATE WANTED PROPBRTV In and around Philadelphia for English Investors, only parties ltt good In. coroe-produolnr properties of desirable Ioca tlon need repf.' W ro or write at oneeta American repressotatlvs, W, J. MIJLW3TT, Lockport, N. V BEAL ESTATE POB BENT Vactorles. Warehouses. Mftj Floors rHERUY. 824-28 3 floors, IB 000 sq, ft.! light M ---,j .Anlif nn nrnni let. Qtt O Saa. svji . . third' FLOOR. 18x83 , good light steam heat, .11 nvfci very reasonable. 1226 Filbert st. ClSTHAlSffOO? fP.WvBS'T y. u y, ' ". . -..- Oerman town Sff OX ST.. '4.903 tuenaantown) 11-room bouse, all conveniences, containing blllUrd room, with table. Apply ett proles. Bee oe. Pa. BEGAN , PA, $30. modern 12-room dwelling, hot-water heat, electric light, Chicken houss and stable; tot (0x2$$ with plot adjoining in rear 75x120! large fruit trees and shrubbery. Apply 2530 N 61Q st. Phone Diamond 4192 P. FOB BENT PUBNISHED Bryn Mawr- BRYN MAWB Fun shed house to real fee Winter, nith, gra stable. 3 mloum fxesn station, rent Moderate L 787, Ledt Pea, TT11 1 "" - ' H- ! ' oa couen.oatnt rmathn ,,. .-. 4.: m." MOBTQAGSS 1 ( llffllLi L'lllustratlon (Parla). "Mamma, nre you irolnff to bed? You wear a nightgown." . "ot nt..n" d!ar'e- I am going- out to dinner." BIHD8 OP A ITBATHBU. "I had to sell my auto, because It brought so many tramps about tho houso." "nroucht tramps nbout the house? What wero thoy aftearT "They admired tho machine becauis It wouldn't work." RBviln I X 1 First Recruit (with hauteur) 'Ow d' yo suppose o sot Ib commission? Second Rocrult (who has Just been reprimanded) 'Ow? I supposo ' col lected a 'undred cigarette coupons. KBn CURB. She Sirs. Wise has cured her hus band ot Insomnia. HeHow? She She makes him walk the baby when it cries. THE REMARKABLE DISCOVERIES OF THOMAS I ' ' 11 1 - 'i-'-!' , 1am 'rn TIIMT ' III 1 'r ":?r ''IHlB Vt- s?"-M3 ' 1 ifSS a? . SHbs-H w5KiEr mMS ' mmm .V 11 si 1 i )i nir 1. 1 an 11 11 1 1 "1C t"" 4flR$:-iwf'; -r" . iSWo" D m B?S SCRAPPLE " ., " ' - 9, "rv F P TT-- I H I 1 jBv v J m - Mr i, 3 II I 1 , euvni I IS It'a always like this when you don't know whether to take your umbrella. London Opinion. Penn State Froth. FOOTBALL TERM. A fake kick It you do I shall b cream. M K?i.-ersararf5y -,VJW -" .'g' j-st-t - - 1 -n '' ,ii 1 -i I ,, 1 i-1 1 -sliB mil I ' rn in.., s .,,m.j i 1 ,is 1 'nrr ," ' ' ' ' ' ri & . I v 'Tr I Benrire (Parts). A, PARTICULAR DOO. "Eh, there Tour dog; Is snlfllna very doss to me." "Oh, he anlffg everybody, but he bites rarely." sj REALIZATION. Pat Do you believe In dreams? Mike I dot Last night I drea-aeel I was awake an in the momtn r dream came thrust -, EDISON, JR. ' ' ' rn -s 9 -., ' n e-t sff 1 s ! llfj&V- " Jimary 3, 181s, UABY O la i t xfWI 1 i( oaei I JfaVtou WW I7T ? "t rtwtsea.-sifi arsM4M,)iN v w 1 u irat.tf v i i 'ij .w I . , c. rt 1 .- oi