Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 04, 1915, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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""-31. w. f
K: ' . - bvehito- LaBOEB-FHttiAPBLPHTAr mokbay; January y. ioib irr r
gMH) Ill ,1111. Ml .ii.ii.iii. Ill, ...I.. J. o i ..... mini . m, i i ii. i .,. i, , i, ..in i ii i i m 1 " " ' lino.i.. hi , """' ,Tiiiiiiji '.'.'' " , , , ,, , , ,,. ,
WMic- , , , ,.,..,. ,,,, , s.. , , , ' ' ' - ' rt ' - " " .- .Am n& Yes, and described how ho had been J7H j
m WfWtKUVJn CT?T?MTi1Vr 1 "W hav w minute, left. So lt mles of the Church: come on. you bull head or John Iho Baptist on a charger.' In tlio h""h' ta,"m9 Don't hunt building Up ft Christian character
MtThe Boh Ghost"
Whf, an angel in heaven could
not eamti td Philadelphia and live
ifefc isicks end loaf with the people
Jfti loaf tiith and then return to
htbvgn without first being dlsln
jected and Jumlgated and given a
lath in lysol and carbollo acid."
"t toy if l man doesn't tettle hts
jHtyrc before thd undertake? pump
thu embalming fluid into Mm, then
he' goner."
fiJroshua said to (Jod: 'Just make
thf bun stand stilt a Utile while till
I whip that hunch to a frazzle.' And
Cfod reached up und grabbed the sun
and sdldt 'Btav there, and don't
wtofce Until thy servant gives you
the "highball."'"
"Wherever the Apostle Paul tccnt
ne haa cither a. revival or a riot.'
WZ believe in the fellowship of
Christ and the brotherhood of man."
"Satan can plume himself In the
guise of a dove, and in that disguise
he does Ms most effective work."
"Are you fighting for a prlnctplet
Dd you quake and quiver In your
boots every tlmd a braver blows Ms
noset. Let nla urge you to get out
and fight. Come on, you God's rep
resentatives I Come on"
And because you may wear a diamond as
big as ii hickory nut In your shirt front
doesn't make you nny better.
"When God built the unlverso He spoke
and the Holy Spirit had tho work done.
When God Wills tho Holy Spirit does.
When God wills tho Holy Spirit will glvo
Philadelphia a new life of sobriety nnd
"Tho 13th chapter of the Acts, and
the sqcond vorse: 'Have yo received the
Holy Ghost slnco ye believed?'
"Tho personality, tho divinity nnd
the attributes of tho Holy Ghost afford
. ono of tho most Inspiring-, one of the
most beneficial examples In our spirit
ual llfo. Wo are told that when tho
Holy Spirit came at Pentccoet, Ho
. camei as tho rushing of ft mighty wind,
, and iivcrsurglng expectancy. When Jesus
sTwn baptized In the River Jordan of
John, out from the expanse of heaven
was seen to float tho spirit of God like,
a snowflake, and they heard n sound
as of whirling wings, and tho Holy
Spirit in the form of a dovo hovored
over the dripping locks or Christ Neither
your eyes nor mine will over behold such
a scene; neither shall our ears ever hear
uuch a sound again. Tou cannot dissect
or weigh tho Holy Spirit, nor analyze
Him a'a ft chemist may analyze material
natter In his laboratory, but wo can all
feel tho pulsing- of tho breath of His
C; eternal spirit
-vvny un angei or ncaven oouia not
eome to Philadelphia and live two weeks
Ik ftnd loaf with tho people you loaf -with.
fr and then return to heaven without flrst
n Cemg uisirucctca and fumigated and
given a bath in lysol and carbolic acid.
"Tho Holy Spirit Is n personality, and
not merely an Influence, and the spirit
of God Is sensitive, hence thin injunc
tion, 'Grieve not tho spirit of God.' The
ordinances of the church never saved a
soul and never will, but It Is the Holy
Spirit, and this spirit Is a personality
and nnalogous to tho lovo of a mother
tor her child who has gone wrong and
brought shame upon hor fair name the
love of God for the "erring, sin-cursed
wbrld. It Is tho same as the grief of a
wire whoso Husband has broken his mar
riage Vows as If they were mado of
spider webs.
''As to the doctrine or future probation,
' I say if a man doesn't settle his future
totora tho undertaker pumps the em
balming fluid Into him, thon he's a
'It Is my desire to give you a brier
outllno or the Holy Spirit to bring God
Into spiritual touch with man. We
speak or Him as tho Father, but I want
to say to you that I do not believe in tho
universal Fatherhood or God, or the
universal brotherhod or man, either. Tou
are not a child or God unless you are a
Christian, and ir you are not a child ot
God, then you are a child or the devil.
Por unless you are a Christian, you are
not a child or God, you are a creature
of God: so is the saloonkeeper, the gam
bler, the madamo or tho red light
"Theret must be a link to connect the
infinite to the finite. The Holy Spirit is
me means ot tins communication.
"Joshua fighting a battle for God saw
that the sun would set, and it would
grow dark before he would be able to
finish this battlo,
" 'Just mako the sun stand still a little
While ana prolong this day till I whip
that bunch to a frazzle, and It will send
your name ringing down through the
ages,' he said to God, and God reached
Up and grabbed the sun and said: 'Stay
there, don't move until thy servant
JToahua, gives you tho "highball."
"Sampson with the Holy' Spirit upon
him could take the Jawbone or an ass
and lay dead a thousand Philistines.
Sampson without the Holy Spirit was as
weak as a new born babe, and they poked
his eyes out' and cut off his locks, and
so with the church and her members.
"AVherover the Apostle Paul went he
had either a revival or a riot. (Applause).
He had been on the firing Una tor Jesus
Christ for years, and never once dipped
his colors.
"He visited Corinth, and when be
stepped Into the Inn he noticed a gang
of men talking" on the corner. He went
to the hotelkeeper and said:
'"Who's that bunch over there?'
" "Why, they're the church people
here In Corinth,' answered the proprie-
. tor.-
" 'Not on your life.' answered Bt Paul.
. 'not that gang,'
"Then St Paul went over Into the
corner and said; 'Have ye received the
f'Woly Ghost?'
" Never hoard ol It,' said on of the
"Paul said -we are living In a new dis
pensation of grace, and salvation is offer-
-d free to all vbo will accept.
v are all made ol one blood and
one man and I believe In the universal
fellowship of Christ and the brotherhood
of man Because you rode here this
z&orninff In an automobile, instead of
If tooffinff it does not mako you any better.
"One or the greatest dangers, as I see
It. to the church Is tho egotistical, self-'
Ish contentment of men. That Is the
curse of tho world today. Because you.
think your hopo of heaven Is sure, you
don't care o. rap whether the other fel
low is saved; If you are happy, you don't
care whether the other man Buffers or
not j
"A man won't walk to a precipice and
fling himself over It with hts eyes open;
a man, unless ho Is a fool or crazy, will
nover stand on a railroad track and con
test his strength with steel and steam.
The hidden traps of Justice nro more
fatal than the seen traps. Satan can
plume himself In the guise of a dove of
light, nnd In that disguise he docs his
most effective work. If you knew the
devil ho would not be netting so mnnv
pcoplo to walk the paths of vice, and the
ijty to heaven would not bo so deserted.
"The danger to the tired traveler Is
not that ho will walk too far out on tho
beach and tho Incoming tide engulf him.
If a mr.n says to me, 'I have never been
n drunkard,' I say, 'God be praised that
your wife has never known what It was
to soo you stagger In. and vomit ami
puke, and, maunder and mutter, and bias
phemo In her presence: God bo praised
thnt your children havo nover known
what it Is to walk the streets and have
tho finger of scorn pointed at them: God
bo praised thnt they have never sat
around a stove and shivered because you
havo nothing to buy coal becauso you
must drink; that they havo nover gone
to bed hungry for something to cat that
you might drink; that you have nevor
known what It is to have tho wolf of
drink gnaw at your heart and pull at
our vitals like a hungry wolf."
"Ono man said to mo; 'Bill, I have
never been tompted to sidestep; I havo
nover been tempted to rorgo; I have al
ways been truo to my marriage vows.'
I know that, but are you willing that the
world shall seo you as God sees you?
God sees everything. Aro you willing
that tho world shall see you ns God does?
God Is going to roach this old world by
and through tho pcoplo who believe and
llvo nnd preach the truth.
"There aro three classes In tho
church, as I have looked at from my
standpoint The flrst are thoso In the
church personally who want to bo
saved, but they are not concorned about
other people. They do not glvo any help
to other people; they don't He awake at
night praying for other people that they
might be brought to the Lord.
"Tho second class are going to de
pend upon human wisdom there Is no
such thing as latent power, express or
Implied power is Just as distinctive,
in an Individual as the electricity In
these lights. If theso globes are with
out a current they would be nothing but
glass bulbs fitted for nothing but the
scrap heap. Without tho Holy Spirit you
aro as sounding brass and tinkling cym
bals, and a third rate amusement parlor,
with religion left out. Tho church of to
day needs a flood of tho Holy Ghost. The
third class are church members not from
might and honor nnd power, but from the
"I am not a pessimist; no. I am an
optimist or optimists and I believe thnt
a brighter day never dawned upon the
church of Jesus, and that there was never
n time when men nnd women were so
hungry for the true religion ns they are
today. I believe that the church of God
never had brighter prosnecta, nnd I 1
llove that down by the door of the
church today there aro rolling such
chances ns It never had before. There
are more people ready nnd willing to hear
the gospel than ever before. I believe
that no church door should ever swing
open; no sermon should ever be precahed:
no aong should ever be sung; no i oof "
should ever bo held that Is not for tho
only object of tho bringing of men and
women to n saving knowledge of Jesus
Christ, the Son or God.
"We've got .churches; lots or them,
we've got preachers, seminaries, and they
aro turning out preachers and putting
them into little theological molds ami
keeping them there until they get cold
enough to practice preaching.
"Why, at Pentecost one sermon saved
3000 people, now It takes 3000 to get one
old buttermllk-eyed, red-nosed, whisky
soaked blasphemer.
"No people on God's earth are better
clothed nnd better fed than In America,
so this Is not what is wrong.
"A fellow came to me ancr said, 'Billy,
the trouble Is that we need organization
In the church.' God help us! We're or
ganized too much today. There Is so
much organization in the church that
you can hear the machinery squeak, but
wo haven't got oIKenough of the Holy
Ghost to grease one axle or God's char
lot Listen to me. We've gotthe T. M.
C. A., the T. W. C. A the T. P. S. C. E.,
the C. T. U., the I. P. 3C, the J. E. L.
and the J. e. 1. I. y.
"Drop Into a young people's meeting.
The leader wll say, In a weak, effeminate,
apologetic, negative sort or voice, that
there was a splendid toplo this evening,
but he had not had much time for prepa
ration. It Is superfluous for him to say
that; you could have told that He goes
along and tells how happy he Is to have
you there to take part this evening, mak
ing this meeting interesting. Some one
gets up nnd reads a poem from the
Christian Endeavor Herald, and then
they sing No. 3S. They get up and sing,
'Oh, To Be Nothing, Nothing: Only to Sit
at His Feet" We used to sing that song,
but I found out that they took It so liter
ally that I cut It out, tlie same as I have
cut slang out of my preaching, (Laugh
ter.) "Then a long pause, and some one
says, 'Let us sing No. 62.' So they get
up and then some one starts 'Throw
Out tho Ltro Line.' They haven't got
strength enough to put up a clothesline.
Another long pause, and then you hear,
'Have all taken part that reel free to do
us sing No 23,' Then another long rtaUse.
'I hear the organ' I cah never think of
that little thlng-what Is It? prelude) 'It
Is tlmo for us to close, now let us all re
peat together our Jtlzpnh benediction:
"The Lord keep watch between thee and
mo, when we are absent from one an
other." I tell you God hM got ft hard
Joli oh His hands, Ever hear anything
like that? Yes, I guess you have, nnd
you don't have to go outside to hear It,
cither. A
"The Church of Goil doesn't need or-
ganlrntlon, but the Holy Ghost upon what
she has already got. Life will give or
ganization, but organisation will never
give spiritual life. God Is needed to bring
man to feel that ho needs Jesua Christ
The divine philosophy of people today
breeds moro ngnostlcs and Infidels than
all the Bob Ingcrsolls put together.
"God is looking today for men to go
down Into tho marshes of sin to resmin.
tho perishing nnd care for tho dying.
"Did you ever rend or hear about tho
blowing up of Hell ante nt Now York.
Only ships of certain draught could go
through It, nnd tho Government gavo
tho contrnot to General Newton to re
move the obstacle. So he started with his
tunnels under tho banks of the river,
placed his tons of powder and giant
powdor, nnd, on tho day appointed, the
Government ships came nnd put every
thing bnck that nttempted to pass
through tho river, nnd General Nowton
sat In his homo on Brooklyn Heights,
two miles away, his little child on his
kneo, and ho said, 'When I tell you,
press that little black button nnd push.'
And when tho signal came to him over
the telephone, he said: 'Press that but
ton,' and sho pressed tho button, nnd two
miles away theio was a mufflod roar nnd
tho water shot Into the nlr 150 feet nnd
tho river was cleared. Helpless Itself was
.hat little child, but bneked by the genius
and power of her Illustrious father, sho
fas all powerful. Helpless aro we without
tho Holy Ghost, but with It we aro all
powcnui ana nocning in all hell enn
stop us.
"Believe thnt God Almighty can do
something; don't whlno around ns though
God was a corpse, ready for the under
taker. God Is still on tho Job. The Holy
Spirit Is needed to bring man In spiritual
touch with God; to make man realize
that ho Is a representative of God on
earth today.
"Did you over reallzo that you were
God's representative? Did you know whnt
that means? Suppose wo Insulted or
killed Ambassador Sprlng-Rlce, or Eng
land, and that wo refused to apologize or
pay an Indemnity or make any effort to
appenso England, whnt would It moan? It
would mean mat isnglnnd would come
across to this country with her soldlors
and we would dye the soil of Canada with
tho blood of brave men, and thoy would
dye tho soil of the United States with tho
blood of bravo intn, nnd for what? You
today, ob representatives of the Lord, can
stop out and in tho namo of tho Holy
Spl.'lt say to tho forces or sin to come on.
I Ally every ono or the dirty bunch or
"Come on, you forces or Iniquity In
Philadelphia, that havo mado tho Church
a cuspidor, and a doormat to wipe your
dirty rcet on; como on. you trnduccrs:
come on, you triplo extract ot lnramv:
como on. you assassins or character;
como on, you sponsors or harlotry;
come on, you "defamora of God and ene-
necked. beetle-browed. hog-Jowied, pea'
nut-brained, weasel-eyed four-flushers,
false alarms and excess baggage. In tho
name of God I challenge and defy you,
It Is mighty easy to lie about n man
when he Isn't on tho job, I'm here now
for eight weeks. Como on, and I'll de
liver the goods, express prepaid,
"A man said to mo: 'It was a mighty
little thing to drive Adam and Evo out
ot the Uarden of Eden bccnUso they ate
an apple.' God didn't give n rap about
tho apple. It was the principle whether
man should bow to God or God bow to
man. That act was an act or disobedience.
You may say It was a mighty llttlo thing
ror England to go to war with Us be
causo wo threw some tea Into Boston
harbor. We didn't go to war over the
Ua. Wo said! 'You can't brew tea In tho
East India Company and pour It down
our throats.' It wan the prlnclplo we
went to war about, not tho price or tea,
and wo fought It out. Are you ready to
surrender? You, who are In rebellion
against God? You, who are In rebellion
ngnlnst the authority of God's govern
ment? Aro you ready to do His will?
"You recall tho Atrenuous times In
China during the famous Boxer upris
ing and how the various legations or
foreign nations were In great danger
ot assasslnntlon by the boxers. How,
on one critical occasion, when tho hour
looked the darkost and the cooped-up
rerugocfl were looking anxiously ror Te
ller, when tho Germans were cheered
by hearing the bands or their soldiers
marching In and playing 'Do Wacht Am
Rhine.' Then the French heard tho
'Marseillaise,' and how tho English woro
cheered by the music or 'God Save the
King. And how the Amorleans watted
and wondered If their soldiers wero com
ing to their relief nnd when through tho
night pealed tho strains of 'Tho Star
Spangled Banner,' 'Dixie,' 'Columbia, the
Gom of the Ocean,' and thoso Btlrrlng
patriotic nlrs as tho field representatives
of our Government cama to tho rescue,
tho feeling It brought to those people.
What did It all mean? It meant that
Minister Conger, his wife nnd daughter
and other loyal Amorleans wero in dan
ger and for their protection thla Government-Would
stop at nothing.
"If necessary the treasury would havo
been emptied in their defense; every sol
dier would have been sent to their relief
and every battleship and other fighting
apparatus of tho navy would havo been
nt their disposal. And for what? Tho
preservation of a principle.
"Aro you fighting for a principle? Do
you quako and quiver in your boots every
time .a brewer blows his nose? Lot me
urgo'you to get out and fight. Come on,
you God's representatives I Come onl
"A monk once dlsoboyed tho rules of
the monastery. Ho was condemned to
bo burled nllvo. He was stood up Irn
hole nnd dirt thrown In around him until
It covered his chest, and ho was asked If
ho would submit to their demands, and
he replied, 'I will not' Tho dirt was thon
filled In up to his mouth, and again he
was asked, and again ho replied, 'I will
not,' and tho dirt was then filled In until
It reached up to hts faco and only his
eyes and nose were left uncovered, nnd
again he was asked, and this time ho re
plied, 'I will, I will.' While this might
bo termed Inhuman treatment, yet It was
for n principle, and If we all would stand
ror n prlnclplo ror the Lord's sake great
would be tho results."
. Copylltrht
When the dancer mado this demand of
Herod, he was sorely porplexed, He re
spected John the Baptist hut he had tto
keep his oath So at the next course In
the banquet tho nln was served with tho
drjpplng, gory, bleeding head of John tho
"When President Wilson took the oath
of ofllco 80,000,000 pairs of eyes watched,
90,000,000 pairs of ears listened to hear
him repeat his orHi to uphold the Con-stltulloft-and
defend It with hts life.
"I never thought a President, Governor
or a Mayor was entlttod to credit becauso
they enforced the law. That's what they
take the- oath to do.
"Nothing Is too high for faith to scaloj
no circumference too great to pass
around. If wo are Under tho Inspiration
of ordinary human leaders, U men can
be Inspired to fight until tho ship sinks
beneath their feet to tho waler" edge,
and their bodies become food for tho
sharks! lr thoy will fill tho trcnohes ot
Shlloh, Cold Harbor, Chanccllorvtllo with
their blood, nnd leave their bones to
bleach on the sandhills of Georgia nnd
fimonc the cane brokers of Louisiana: ir,
Under the Inspiration of human leaders,
they will cross tho Alps nnd dye the snow
red with their blood, and will wado
breast detp In the snows of Valley Forge,
what do you supposo we ought to be able
to do with Jesus Chrfet as our leader?
"Down lure tho battering rams of vice
pound at your homes. Down hero the
dovll has forced the Issue. For 100
years tho church has been on tho de
fensive. It Is time for tho church to
assert Itself and como Into Its own.
Too many peoplo Just play at religion.
You nro afraid you will Btlr the dovll
up; I'm afrnld I won't
God's nrmy Is not mado up of con
scripts. God doesn't want nny man that
hns to be forced. God's army Is made
up of volunteers. Ho will Judge your
ability bv the way you work.
"Tho Holy Spirit army will never bo
what It ought to be. 'Thcro nro hypocrites
in tll lOOgr, nnuk. --,, Qo
through the cnurcn ior "'""oertcg
homo nnd look 1.1 the glass. "fP0""
lh tho church? Yes, and seo that you
mako the number ono less. .
'The Lord had and had ft roug time
with sU of them, I suppose you can
fTnd thi same proportion In the church
"When Nelson went Into battle ni
Trafalgar he run up to tho masthead
tho message, uiingmnu bv ..- -
t0"A?exanddeUrltho Great had a soldier who
had broken every military u'a0"'
the patience of tho officers was exhausted
and he had been punished with every
punishment they knew how to Inflict. Ho
violated the rules ngaln, and Alexander
had Mm brought to his presence. Ihcanw
like n belabored, cringing, whipped hdund,
and his plea for leniency wns made on
tho grounds that his name, too, was Alex
ander. When ho heard this, Alexander
tho Conqueror, leaped to his feot In lilgn
Indignation, and said: What7 Your
namo Is Alexander? Then honor that,
namo or forever disown It. Bo what you
profess or profess what you are, InGfda
name, Instead or trying to play battledoor
and shuttlecock with tho Lord Josub
"Fnllh Is a giant thnt never files tho
signal of distress. Faith nover gota cold
feet when tho lions roar.
"I want you to understand that Chris
tianity Is suffering as well as pleasure,
hardship ns well as delights. Don't for
get that ror a minute.
"A little drummer boy In tho Nnpo-'
leonlo army who, during a battle, when
ordered to beat a retreat said, 'Sir, I
don't know how to beat a retreat, but I
can beat a charge.'
"And tho llttlo boy beat a charge, and
over tho bodies or their fallen comrades
nnd tho ramparts formed by the bodies
of d'jnd horses, the army charged nnd
turned defeat to victory.
"Wo don't know how to beat a retreat;
but wo can beat n charge that will put
all hell out of business and the dovll In
tho hospital."
reputation since his conversion, and m
lereu 10 mi " vu iuuof mm atoiiM
tho country and try td find n flaw In S
of his personal namta. k
"Our virtues are best discerned ytM
subjected to the severest trials," he dS
tlared In telling how ho was. BOmetlnSl
"Christianity Is ft cross as well oi,f
rown." he said. en
fltimlnv wan rmtfiiln fn ttla rli(.i.u
...Ui,aln jj
the .present laxity in laws regartiw
marriage, He said ho would have y3
man who wished to marry show a pig
feet fitness for nmrrlago. Ho declutl
that "muitituucs or cnuaren nro dannii
Into llfo" and that tho three printlpS I
curses woro tuberculosis, alcoholism anj
vonorenl dl&oascs. "Like produces Ilk,?
ho asserted vehemently, "inhuman belnt
na well na In horses, dogs, sheep d
hogs, niid told how breeders of eholti
stock paid fabulous sums for the fcijf
Mock they could obtain to improve thei
'hrriii:. vrt (Mirnrottn nucltertt
Excerpts From
Afternoon Sermon
"Ood hates the mutt, the molly
coddle, the four-flusher. Lots of
people spar well, they have the
"I am often asked why I do not
preach against the Catholics. I al
ways reply, 'I find too much dirt,
filth and rubbish In our own Prot
estant back yards. It keeps me
busy with a muck rake and I
haven't time to stop to find fault
with my neighbor across the
"Down here the battering rams of
vice pound at your homes. Down
here the devil has forced the Issue,
ror 100 years the church has been
on the defensive."
"Hypocrites in the churchT Yes.
and see that -you make the number
one less. The Lord had 12 and had
a rough time with six of them.''
"The devil will have cold feet and
pneumonia in 48 hours if you wade
in for Qop.1"
"Jesus Christ had IS Apostles, and
one of them teas a devil. We've got
that proportion skinned todayl"
"In Luke, xxiv, 49i 'Peter, I send
the promise of tho Father upon you, but
tarry yo at Jerusalem, and thero you
wm do enaowea witn power from on
"Every nation has Its army and navy
for defense; there are the State mtlltla
or natlonnl guards, the State police, the
police department for the protection ot
the lives nnd property or tho people with
in the city. God, for the purpose of ad
vancing His cause against the contend
ing forces of evil, has organized Hts
forces Into grenadiers.
"In the ancient days the grenadiers
were the bravest and best soldiers In an
army. In these days, when hell is ar
rayed against heaven, the devil against
God, God has to have His forces stand
(fast Ood hates the mutt, the molly
coddle, tho four-flusher. Lots or people
spar well, they have the wind, but they
lock the punoh that brings the sleeper.
"I hate a traitor I like to ih a man
who can stand up and give battle to the
"I despise a traitor. No man ever lost
anything by being decent or by standing
far decency. No man on God's earth
ever lost by standing up for God and
"Jesus worked His miracles, and they
were His divine credentials. He had to
do something more than merely say, 'I
am the Son of God,' And you have got
to do something moro than mere wind-
Jamming. I can tell more about you by
trading horses with you on Thursday
than by hearing you yell 'Amen!' at
prayer meeting Wednesday night
"I am often asked why I do not preach
ngalnst the Catholics. I always reply,
'I find too much dirt, filth and rubbish In
our own Protestant back yards. It keeps
me busy with a muck rake and I haven't
time to stop to find fault with my neigh
bor across tho street' Thero aro Just as
good Christians among the Catholics as
among the Protestants, and Just as big
hypocrites. I do not bellevo-tho Catholics
have a better friend among Protestant
ministers than 1. I have fought for and
championed their cause. Nobody has
ever heard me utter a word against
them. The Roman Catholic Church has
said high mass over tho rotting, stench
ful remains of unltarlanlsm in all ages or
the world'B history, and the reason is be
causo it believes In Jesus Christ as the
Son of God, conceived by tho Holy
Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary. I am
not hore to; try to make a poor Protestant
out or a good Catholic or a poor Catholic
out or n good Protestant. So If you be
long to the Catholla Church and have
not been living up to your vows, go to
tho prlcBt go to mass, go to confession.
Tell him you are a four-flusher. Some
of you fellows haven't been to confession
for bo long that you have forgotten how
the priest's voice sounds.
"In ancient days the oath or promise
or allegiance was binding. The truo
church member should be true to his
oath, but today many or you are liars and
perjurers. All the politician can see In
tho publlo good Is how much he can get
out ot the publlo crib. Wherever you
go, because of your loyalty to God, the
Lord will be with you.
"A gang or crooked politicians conspired
to get Danlol. They went to King
Darius and got him to sign a law that
for 30 days no man ohould worship any
one but the King. When Daniel heard
that, he did not stop praying three times
a day to his God from his window fac
ing Jersusalem. The crooks forced the
King to enforce the law on Daniel, The
King did not want to dq that, but his
order could not be revoked for 30 days.
So Daniel was cast Into the den of lions.
But God clamped tight the mouths or
the lions.
"King Herod was having a blowout In
the palace, and the Bang was ' soused.
They had a load that would sink a bat
tleship. Then In came that gum-chewing,
tudge-eatlng, slsslfled little daughter or
Herodlaa, a lewd, partially nude dancer,
and she danced and wriggled, and stuck
one foot up to a quarter or 13. Then ota
Herod In hts drunkenness told her she
could havo anything she wanted. Then
she went to her mother and said, 'Ma,
Herod says I can have anything I want
what shall I take?' And this old hag
or a mother, whom John the Baptist had
once dared to reproach, said, 'Take the
Excerpts From
the Night Sefmon
"And ivhy call yc me Lord?"
"Love is tho mightiest thing in
tho world. The world is starving
for a practical demonstration of
"I am not saying you can't bo a
good Christian andu3e tobacco, but
'I do say. if you use it you're a
mighty dirty ono."
"If anything makes me sick it
is to see a fool woman hugging and
kissing a brindle-noscd pup. And
let mo suggest that perhaps that
is why her husband is not moro
affectionate, for no real-blooded
man wants to play second fiddle to
a bow-legged bulldog."
"We spend moro for chewing
gum than was given for missions
by all the churches, Protestant and
Catholic, combined."
"Christianity is a cross as well
as a crown."
"You can't raise the standard of
morals by raising wages, and it's
an insult to womanhood to say it.
You have got to look- higher,"
"There is no reason why the
politics of today should not become
the communion of tomorrow."
"We stamp 'In God we Trust,' on
our dollars. It's all hot air. It's
a bluff. There is no God in it."
Text "And why call ye Me Lord, Lord,
and do not tho things which I say?"
Luke, vl, VS.
"Do you believe Jesus meant what Ho
said?" asked "Billy" Sunday last evening
as he opened his sermon.
He referred to , a certain bishop or
tho Church or England who said that
tho teachings ot Jesus Christ werA
merely Ideal and not to be carried Into
effect in this day, and to a certain Judge
who made a similar statement "And
yet both had the audacity to call them
selves Christians," he explained. "Thero
Is as much difference between Christians
and Christianity as between heaven and
It was his regret, he said, that Chris
tianity as generally accepted had retro
graded from the early form when love
was the dominant principle. "Lovo may
be thwarted and baffled, but it can
never be defeatod," he declared.
He told of a hobo who went to the
back door of a certain house and begged
for a handout Instead of something to
eat. he was given a tract, which he im
Tnedlately tore up nmtd curses and de
parted for some more generous locality.
It was practical Christianity that tho
hobo wanted, said Mr, Sunday, and the
way to tha man's heart was through his
stomach, not through his brain. "Lovo
Is the mightiest thing In the world. The
world Is starving for a practical demon
stration of Christianity," ho exclaimed.
Turning to the labor question, Sunday
declared there was no difference between
capital and labor which could not be set
tled by the principles laid down by the
Son of God and that If these principles
were followed strikes and lockouts would
aDOiisnea. If these principles were
not followed, he said, efforts at settle
ment would fall Just as others had failed
In all ages or the world's history,
Hi related a story or a skeptic, a pro
cessor who believed that all Christians
were alike and that the only reason why
some were better than others was be
cause all had not been equally tempted
Intentionally and to test his theory, he
wronged his brother-in-law, a professed
Christian, nnd after he had aroused the
man's anger and been called a liar and
lind been thrown out of the house, tho
brother-ln-lnw came to tho proressor nnd
asked his rorglvoness ror becoming angry
over the skeptic's deception, "ir that Is
Christianity, that is the kind I'm looking
ror," exclaimed tho skeptic.
"Thcro Is no dispute that cannot bo
driven rrom tho world by tho practical
manifestation or Chrlstlantlty," the evan
gelist continued.
Sunday then contrasted the different
viewpoints of the world nnd of Christ
"Jesus Christ says, 'Forglvo your debt
ors.' The world says, 'Sue them for their
due-).' Jesus Christ says that It Is moro
blessed to glvo than to receive. The
world says to get nil vou can nnd pnn
all you get. Christ said, 'Let him that is
without sin cast the flrst stone.' The world
says, 'Elect tho right kind br Judges and
let them know who electsthem and they
will render decisions favornblo to our
side Christ said, 'Freely yo have re
ceived, freely give.' The world says, as
sociated charities.' "
Branching off suddenly on to the divorce
question, tho preacher pointed out that
tho only Scriptural ground for divorces
wns adultery, and told how ho had turned
down a smooth stranger at ono tlmo who
wished to be married by the baseball
evangelist because tho man had been
"On tho divorce question I'm a Roman
Catholic from the top or my head to the
soles or my shoes," he exclaimed.
"Thero are somo peoplo so mean that
they never give away 10 cents without
singing 'God. Bo With You Till Wo Meet
Again.' Thero aro somo peoplo so stingy
they sing through their nose to savo the
wear nnd tear on their falso teeth. Them
nro somo peoplo who, when you nsk them
to Bing uia Hundred,' will sing 'Tho
Ninety and Nine.' to save the I ner rnL
There nro somo peoplo so mean they
would steal flics from a blind spider."
Sunday then gavo some startling figures
to show what tho American people spend
for luxuries nnd In dissipation in a year.
For liquor, he said, enough grain had to
bo wasted to pave a road 1500 miles long
nnd 200 feet wide with loaves each weigh
ing two pounds. This grain cost $2,200,
00o;ooo. Tho Amorlcnn peoplo used $900,
000,000 worth of tobacco, ho said.
Ho told how tho American people spend
nnnunlly about $800,000,000 for amuse
ments nnd $200,000,000 ror dogs.
"ir anything makes me Blck It is to see
a fool woman hugging and kissing a
brindle-nosed pup," shouted Sunday.
"And let me suggest that perhnps that
Is why her husband Is not moro affection
ate, for no real blooded man wants to
play second fiddle to a bow-legged bull
dog." Among other items which Sunday
quoted among the expenditures ot the
American people wero $78,000,000 ror
candy, $36,000,000 for soda water and $28,
000,000 for chewing gum.
Sunday advised his hearer tn irv nmn.
tlclng the principles laid down In these
verses if they thought them easy. Jlelstantly stilled
were vX
mlttcd to marry "frizzle-headed sls!3
liu wnufc win men- uuiiuiui uui nuarui
J9..-.. II.. ,..!. . ,i.t. ... ....'"
Sunday quotod extensively from hti
tory'to show how great mon accurately
MllnAl.,! 4t, 4Alfa nf 41lM( mnlhKta .
.u..u...i.. ,..v ....v . ....... ,V,G,0 mjg
pointed out thnt tho religious training
of a child would ho mainly what It r,1
celved at Its mother's knee, i
Then ho snowed now a largo narf
tho population, particularly In tho clUei!
was composed ot pcoplo not affiliate
Willi any cnurcn, una now most Of thl
criminals camo rrom this part or tyi
Tho next object or attack was the fnt.
lies or society. He had nothing agalnit
society in uaen, ne muu, uui no aid ruttl
the sinful usages or society. He declared!
the most useless being on earth was thif
society woman, no ueiiovea in partltjl
and receptions, ho said, but Insisted that!
uvauB V.IU.O, B"u hiiuu.v. iuiu IIIUI1 Mai
oi society ior entertaining, ana tnat waj
to call In the lamo, tho halt and the
blind. "Apply the gospel or Jesus Chrtrt'
to society and you'll drlvo out sin," hf
exclaimed. i
Ho asserted that society was loud in IU
outcry against the sins or tho under-'
world, but that sin In high places wm
conuoncu nnu ovenooitea, ana declared
that America could not escape the nh.
lfVIon or Pompeii and Herculanoum un5
less It changed Its ways. Tho danjHj
lay, ho said, not In tho "bunch of towaf
loafers In tho beer Joint," but In tbef
glided wlno room, where the downward!
course was Btarted that ended In tiufj
beer Joint, tho "last step before hell." J
Tho society woman, he said, hod nt
occasion to uso brains. Tho socltl;'?
young man was devoted to fast horserf
fast women and drinking. The socletrf
But nun tiivuii lu iiiuaii;, einuruiuery acaj
nnlntlntr. "nnd if vou kissed inr vnuMf
dlo of painter's colic." Ho denounced thi '
"fool mother who allows her 16-year-old,
slsslo to run around Joy riding until U
or 1 o'clock every night with young men
of weak Jaws and weak morals," and
said sho was "opening her front door for
sin and shame to enter." j
T.AfW I'VE MnlAT. TJUTXTnnr fn -1
. ...wruw j
Taking up the business Ufa of tho n
tlon, the preacher declared that the
"trouble that confronts America. 1 a lack"1
of moral principles." "You can't ralsi"
tho standard of morals by raising wagei;
and It's an Insult to womanhood to sari
It You have got to look higher." He
declared that a moral principle was th
result ot Christianity being lived out, and
that Christianity would settle every one
ot the problems besetting tho business If
given a chance. "If ovll In tn bn nfnnn,
si rM
It must be by an old-time revival ot-the'
old-time religion," ho shouted.
In politics, Sundny declared that he
was n politician, but not a partisan, and
that he voted ror tho man "and the partyi
can go to wherever it wants to.'v
TTn nactAttnri tlinf (tin Ama.lnnn naltnn
was suffering from a serious degeneracy
In statesmen since Lincoln, Clay andl
slmllnr leaders had passed. "JosuiB
Christ will abolish saloons, put tho 'forS
rent' sign on the browery, close up theg
reJ light district, regulata every ques-J
tlon of tariff and free trade, municipals
ownersnip, capital and labor, ho ex
claimed. j
"There Is no reason why tho politicly
or today should not become the com
munion of tomorrow," ho said.
"Wo stamp 'In God wo trust.' on our
dollars. It's all hot air. It's a bluff.
There Is no God in it." j
Wth considerable vehemenco tho evan-a
goust maun it clear mat ho was for no
union of Church nnd State, and aahTU
any one was, in this country, he had
"better bent it back across the Dond'J
But he thought that any political partya
which would havo tho spunk to come
out with a plattorm declaring a belief ln
a Creator would prove a winner. Then
ho illustrated with tho caso of a lecture
In which every view thrown on the screen
had been met with hisses and Jibes, until
the picture ot Christ crowned with thorns
had nppeared, when tho tumult was In
"A Unique Book About a Unique Man"
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