Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 04, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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    4V --
JMiim 11 iiii. li
World ol? sports reviewed
Ann i ...i.i win n in , i j
tf;v Englandcrs Try to Arouse Interest in Athletic Events
J; By Free Admission Inside Dope on Why Ball
GlUbs Pass Up Players and Then Regret It.
Tit.,.. M1M.lAW
Blue Monday in the sanctum of the men
S. . who write of sports,
Who make the grand old dope a thing of
JBlue Monday, harked by lack of news and
leas bt sharp retorts
For those who risk destruction for their
For managers of fighting men with queer,
V outlandish tales,
Wllhlcks or boosts or any kind of space
consuming walls.
fba sporting editor will knqw why Mon
day's nlnays blue.
And when In fight some caller he en
Me has a valid, good excuse for aught
that Tie may do: ,
aS lie has good cause to. hurdle Into ragos.
Press agents know ttta,t Monday nevor
has news enough,
And sit they try Jo put across their ad
vertising slug!.
She grouch is nearly eevry where and
fiendish frlnnma Ahmmri
"U'htn Monday comes Into the sporting
The exports rack their bulging brains and
jump at evory sound
And who would Intorrupt Is courting
This day the gentlo scribe Is forced to
'Stop and think,
At ho one knows what effort and what
waste of printers' Ink.
How wondrous, then, the grand old dope,
that It can stand the stralii
Of what Is done with It on Mondays blue,
now expert, tnon the expert scribo over
works his brain
To figure out a pago of somothlng new.
Though Sunday yields up naught because
that day athletes disperse.
Still Monday's columns must be filled and
that explains thlt' verse.
About .000 Per Cent.
' The light of ovcry famous star
Would be aa murky darkness Stygian,
Had "Billy" Sunday hit as for
Upon tho field us In religion.
Kthlcs. rather than rules, according
to a rumor with a good reputation for
Yoraolty, are to bo considered by the In
. tercollegfato Football Rules Commlttco
In the big powwow soon to bo called.
Harvard footballers stopped drinking out
of a common tin bucket last season while
og. tho field and blossomed forth with In
dividual drinking cups. No loss a pei1
.aonago than old Doc Wiley suggested the
players should chew sugar lumps while
tho game waa on. Perhaps next year
each player will have to carry a volumn
on the ethics to be observed in every
With his sugar and his book,
Tolling how to act and look.
And Ijls canteen filled with water, milk
or tea.
Oh, tho merrie football play'r
Will be, so to murmur, there.
And what a scramble grand the gamo
will be I
to dlo there. Tho examination of Bhanka
was made at tyio solicitation of tho Pitts'
burgh Club, which thought a lot of
Shanks skill, but was skeptical about his
general health. When tho doctor's re
port waa submitted, the Pirates, of
eotirso, gavo up all thoughts of snaring
Well, Shanka Went over to that Penn
sylvania town prepared to die. Early In
the spring "Bill" PhllllpsViriaiiaser of the
East Liverpool team, nearly collapsed
when he got a letter from Shanks asking
iwlien and whero ho should report for
spring training When Phillips had re
covered his equilibrium he wrote Shanks
to report at once. Shanks! MA. looklfur
huskier and stronger than over.
"Either that Moo' didn't know his busi
ness or Monaca Is some health resort,"
said Shanks. Shanks had n good season
In 1011 Willi East Liverpool: went to
Voungslown. O . In 1013. and irrnduatcd
from the mlnois next season, going to
Washington, where he has since been.
The othor star the rirates passed up
waa Trls Speaker, nnd probably Barnoy
juroyiuss is kicking himself, figuratively,
of course, over elnce, Tho wonderful Bed
Sox outfielder, who then was In tho
minors, smoked cigarettes, terrible, horrl
blo cigarettes, and that Is why ho Was
not signed by tho Sox. Dreyfuss learned
that Sncakor Bmokcd. and la rnnortml in
having said: "Bight now; I'm pfE that
fellow. I won't have a clgaretto smoker
qn my team. Thoso fellows never amount
to a darn no wind, no endurance, no
nothing." And. as It usually ends, as re
lated In fairy tales, the Bed Sox secured
tho Speaker, who became tho sensation
of tho American League. Even today
Trls smokes cigarettes, nnd thoro Is not a
well-posted man In tho country who will
not say that Trls Is one of the best of
them alt.
I i ' ' i i, ' " 1 1 - . i. i . . i .
0 C:
v Wliat a wonderful traffic cop waa lost
when Jeffries became a prize fighter.
And suppose tho former champ were
in. his prime and now in his second year
at Penn. Think of that hulk In a mass
play consider the record of the season
Just ended, and weep.
All by way of loading up to the big
Idea, which Is that If Honus Lobert had
teen with the Athletic machine in the
last few yeara hla name would rank with
that of Eddie Collins. When tho fans
spoke of him it would bo, as "tho peerless
thlrd-sacker." The Giants are better ad
Tertlsero than the Phillies, and perhaps
If they get him he will come into his
own. Just ot present It's all a matter
f dopo.
Tiie closing of the Hans Lobert deal,
whatever that may mean or bring to pass,
la rapidly approaching the time limit of
tho. epoch-making Yankee Bale, For the
last three weeks Lobert haa been sched
uled to meet President W. F. Baker In
the offices of tho Phillies, Stock Exchange
Building. But they haven't met yet. To
day, -we ore reliably Informed, the affair
Will he closed. Baker, who has been In
disposed for 10 days is better and will
arrive here from his homo In Brooklyn
today. John McGraw is also likely to
he a party to tho proposed conference.
John wishes to odd Hans to his "57 va
rieties" who will be taken south for the
pring training session. The Phillies do
not want to part with Lobert, but the
financial demand of tho premier third
baseman la so great that the Phllly man
agement will hesitate long and loud be
fore "coming across." McOraw is willing
to pay Lobert what he demands, but
Manager Moron Is not willing to make a
deal for his disposal at the terms offered
by McOraw. However, the Giant helms-
man hopes to offer something sufficiently
attractive to Moran this afternoon. The
Boston Braves who have just gotten our
greatest all-round player. "Sherry" Ma
tree, would also like to get Lobert. and It
fs'-not beyond the bounds of possibility
that Hans will be turned over to Boston.
lrntes Overlooked Talent
The Pirates passed up two brilliant per
formers and so have other clubs In the
history of the gam. Shanks, the Wash
ington outfielder, wtas pronounced on the
edge of the grave, but he performed a
"come-back." In 1810 Shanks went to a
medical gentleman, who hammered his
chest, shook his bead sorrowfully and
said. "My boy, prepare for the finish,
Tqu have no more than a. couple of weeks
o llvo." The baseball season had Just
ended. Shanks at that time was playing
on the East Liverpool. O., team. Shanks
b4t t from East Liverpool over to
Monaco, Pa, For soma reason, ha chose
There Is much talk recently nbout the
Inadequacy of tho Army. It must bo true
as tho Tonn basketball team easily de
feated the "mule" on Saturday after
noon. ::: ::t
Discussing tho other day the names
"Wilson" and "Bllson " Eastern League
basketball players, some one suggested
that the latter was a corruption of the
former. If that Is true lot's hope there
wilt be other "corruptions" In Mr. Shof
fer's cage circuit.
If Leo Magee's real name wero publish
ed ho would havo to go back to his native
land and fight under the "reservist" ruling.
Free Admission to Games Good Idea
Tho Now England Amateur Athletic
Association Is going to try and create
greater interest In track and field sports,
and In an effort to do this tho officers
havo decided to permit tho public to at
tend the Indoor championships free of
charge It Is firmly believed If the other
associations of tho country would do this
Interest would Increase at a great rato.
It Is a fact that some people In the big
cities have never seen an athletic com
petition, ns runners training on the street
know. All sorts of remarks are made
that clearly Indicate the lack of knowl
edge on the pnrt of tho spectator. Nu
merous promoters, of track and field
sports have found it very hard to put up
prizes and then break oven. It Is believed
If the National Amateur Athletic Union
officials would take official action and or
der the championships opened frco to the
publlo the result would be all that Is de
sired In later games from the attondanco
point of view. As It Is now, tho contests
are usually poorly attended.
Is Kilbane flipping: '
"Johnnlo" Kllbano Is slipping, don't you
think, said a fight fan today. There may
bo somo fans whp think so, but to be hon
est in our opinion wo do not believe h
Is yet roady for the scrap heap. The moro
fact that "Killy" has been a little off
color in his recent matches does not posi
tively Indicate that ho is losing his powor.
Any man who trains constantly as "John
nie" docs is bound to go stalo once in a
while. Another thing, "Johnnie'" knows
there is little money In sight for him, as
ho has clearly demonstrated that ho Is
heads and shouldors above the best In his
class, and ho might bo as foxy as the fa
mous "Abo" Attoll, who would take a
little lacing once in a while to help him
self and the other fellow nlong. Inar
iably, the ulttmato result was the same.
"Abe" simply "killed" his man In a re
turn engagement. We are not hinting at
a point; we mean it
Betlres I"rom Baseball
CLEVELAND, Jan. 4. "I am through
with baseball for life." This was the
statement made by Jim McAleer, former
big league manager and recently presi
dent ot the Boston Bed Sox. "When I
sold out at Boston a year ago it was
forever; I guess, though at the time 1
did not think so. For from what I hear
now ot the big league teams, none ex
cept the Braves had a very successful
season. But, of course, I base my opin
ion upon what I have read in the papers."
Big Billiard Match Here Tomorrow
After overol week ot inactivity, due to the
absenco ot tho local representative, Plerro
Maupomo, who waa trmltlnr an extended tour
ot the West, play hoi again been resumed In
tlila city by tho IntoraUUo Three-Cushion Bil
liard League.
The local fans are In for some excitement
nhen Maupomo meets Charles Morln. of Chi
cago, nt Alllnger 'Academy tomorrow eve
ning, In tho flrat game he has played alnco Ills
t.?.'.0ln wno ha" 'ba ploying sensational
billiards elnce tho start of tho season, Is now
leading In the leoguo, having won eight games
and lost only two
The local expert, who holds sixth place In
the league, has at times shown wonderful
form, but his playing haa not been consistent.
Ho reports, howovor, that nhlle away he par
ticipated In several competitions and that In
each match his stroke beta mo steadier.
Maupomo has a host of followers In this city,
and many wagara have been made that he will
triumph over Morln.
Not in several years havo competitive billiard
matches attracted so much attention In local
billiard circles, and a Urge crowd la expected
to turn out to see the two cueists in action on
Tuesday evening.
Brooklyn High School Boy Captures
Modified Marathon.
NETVV YOItK, Jan. 4 -Hugh Itoden, a red
haired barrier of tho Brooklyn Evening High
school, won a 414-mllo road run for novices,
jvlileh way held under tho auspices of the Ixing
IMarid Athletic Club, In the Bushwlck section
ot llrpoltljn. yetterday afternoon. Me stepped
ii.d,Atan".0 '5 20'nlnutea 14 1-1 seconds Wll
liS!?i. H"rk,lar2t of th Bronx Church House,
5iJ,iI2f.a. ccnd. and V. Do Clemte. tho victor's
eluiimate, waa third
,.'"! "ronx cnurch House, which haa ben
Eastern league Lenders JPIny Potters
in Trenton Cage.
Should the Do Nerl five lose to Trenton
tonight) ll will drop to second place
In the Eastern Basketball League The
Musical Funders appear to havo1- beert
greatly strengthened by the addition of
Bllson, who jumped dentre against Bead
ing on Saturday night Therefore the
Trenton team, wh(eh has been playing
Indifferently all season, will have a hard
time defeating the local cagemen, al
though the game Is to be staged In the
Jersey capital.
Beading took the lead from Do Nerl
on Friday by winning a double-header
while De Nerl was breaking even In two
contests with Qroystock. Beading did not
long hold on to first plaqo, ns the De
Nerl men got together and overpowered
the upstnters on Saturday night.
uuson, wno nas recently become a
member of tho De Nerl quintet, was with
Qreystock. Ho did not seem to get Into
his stride with tho SoUthwark five, but
after J6Inlng Dudley's squad ho suddenly
came to his own, and looks to be tho best
man In the centre position In the league,
with the exception of Dolln, of Camden.
W. I P.O.
1.1 T .050
12 7 ,aw
De Nerl
Tronton , . .
Jreystock. .
W. I P.O.
. 9 n .coo
, 7 11 .sm
4 14 .223
Electrics Will Try to Eegaln lead
Tomorrow Night.
lWfhi,r&.iV0TWin ltK ,0 'X" the- lead
riAA.il iJ2mM J0"0 tomorrow night at
?.m H?,!Jl.wll.en my meot ,lw Madonna
2yt42?.t.i5ttecl.f0,r ovral weeks, and Wost
gnm? ta beat ,,n-uP for 'ls
ij5in'i".i,,oc:J?n5 same the Corley team, now
nMf.inw'5.J2";-Bmc- J""5 " Strayer-s aro
Sf?.tinf-hJ!f?r ?"J place,. they are pre
tlon, utmost to land In that posl-
The standing:
9?A.y ja-- 1 1 T1 Junior ... a 4 JV,
!V .EIe- V 1 .R57 Madonna
mrayers .. (I 2 .714 St. Monica
Mt. Oarmel a .a .MO fit. Anthony:
0 T
JVi. Lns mo,t f tho team prlios In road rnces
:."! ""aeon, made the lowest score nnd can-
..'-" fMivumr iroDny. rrno lnoa from
.???."" Bronx turned In a scoro of 48 points,
Ansclm'o A,
and; tho Presentation Chili -ivim nim,i thini
. .
score of 03,
trophy. Tho lads from
O. followed with
Ith f)7 nnlnta
iim . Ma It'1 h0 ttod only soen of
sa?5 'jftSXiS .hat theJ: dl1 not havo the 'noces
sary stamina to go the complete route.
Pop Bottles Ely nt Match 'Which
Ended in Tie.
NEW YORK, Jan. 4 Pop bottle ftxlnga wero
Inserted Into tho soccer football game between
the Columbia Oval r. C. and the Clan Oils
holm Rangors, which was ataged at Hamburg
Oval, Brooklyn, yesterday afternoon. Tho
gamo ended In a tie ot one g-onl each, and the
much-mootod supremacy of tho two cluba has
not as yet bcen decided.
Tho trouble started some weeks back, when
tho to teama played a tie gamo and tho ref
eree decided that to Columbia should go tho
credit of tho victory. There has been a bitter
feeling on tho part of the Rangers slnco that
. i s "astea warm as tho game progressed,
a i
but the refcroe and
attention to tho gamo an
the players
d thi
TMlld strict
,V Inn. 'maAm
eyes" at ono another. At half timo the
na,nKer" W8re tl,d with their opponents with
a o-o ucore.
Eed-Cub Trade Off
CHICAGO, Jan. 4. Attempts by Chicago
and Cincinnati to trade players have
fallen through, Roger Bresnahan, man
ager of the Cubs, said. He added that
he would have to do the best he could
with the material now on hand,
Old-timer Dies
FEKTII AMBOY, N J Jan. t.-Jaok
Farrow, former catcher of the Brooklyn
Nationals and manager of the Newark
Club in 1SS5, Is dead at the home of his
son In this city.
Signs Braves Contract
BOSTON, Jan. 4. The signed contract
of Eugene Cocrehan, one of the pitch,
era qf the Braves last season, has been
received at the team's headquarters.
E-u Boia Wins Cross-Country
NEW TORK. Jan. .-Cy rju- Bogi ot Sl
Anaelm's A. C carried on? nrst prize In the
Jour-mllo road race- under his club's auspicoi
i.i!"1". . JIe wa hard pressod In the early
JiS?." ,f..,h.t ra,c bv Tim O'Connor, a club
J'8., .blii...,h0, la;i?L 'aJ near the end
and finished only third
J. Gerhard, of Bronx Church House, took
second place from O'Connor, and finished cloie
Behind tho winner. Frank? Foran, tho home
club's atar cross-country runner, competed for
tho first time this season and almost beat the
fast-tiring O'Connor for third place. The run
waa held over a new course.
lilt Arranging Eates
Lit Brothers' basketball schedule Is fast
filling, and Manager A, M. Frledenberg
would like to hear from a taw first-class
teams before closing his dates. The team
Is praotlclng every night and the players
are displaying fine team work, passing
and shooting. Manager Frledenberg, who
starred with the De Nerl Eastern
Leaguers a few years ago, has also do
elded to play in the Lit Brothers' line-up,
Trenton Signs Iiloyd
TRENTON, N. J Jan. 4 -William
Moyes, or tne Trenton Interstate League
Club, has been slRned bv th Trtnwt
Eastern League Club, He will play his
first contest tonight against the De Nerl
basketball team.
Befeata Brother in Hard-fought
Tennis Match.
NEW YORK, Jan. d.-Fulton Cutting Jr
?t8d,.h'L brthor' Charles Suydan cStttns"
VMtSrdav' ffi!rt " "".match , IS the finals
Kd lifXiffi '?..0lI..rt" ?,f thB Tuxedo Tennis
the TiWrfiS"!, 'or tho amateur title, In
tS9.?1ttai2-fih,a,.'5. 5HS .'?h. . three sets
TiJr& J'f rot the'Vsle,? sK8"!&
ivht.waJLcl.t.hr one'" cut un, the fifth set.
lames ' tCOrA. w..s , et all and thrS
iVmta..a11' ....At. thl Point Fulton Cutting
ran away with the three following mtnea and
ihJ?ijy,at?11.w,nnlnS thB la"t set at 5. Many
society folk saw the match. "
r.i"ls victory yesterday Fulton Cutting
v.on tho second leg on the cup. '
C. H. Rowland Popular
i,-EVi XP.RK' Jan- --Wtien Owner Comls
key. of Chicago White Box. decided to seloct
S'SSSSS IV"JianiJi fr minoT leagile player, as
he nnf .Si S!!..c'ul vartu baseball "critic!
S,h?J2ut ,S0ml,i,.',own.",' one of Comlskey's
fH.'ni ?".. nwl.a?'1 has always been n bosom
CU,hll.2fCoralakoJU.T,hetd friendly relations
with ex-Manager Callahan and Ban Johnson.
Cpmlskey also figured the falling of ieveral
J?i',fhIoaSSei? weF5 "-pointed to lead hla
1fU5l,.a,n.a.i?na,V depWM to-uke the chance
pr giving the minor leaguer tho position. Ilow
!aSJ amo"" ho roost favored m nor league
players in the country, and If he can carry
this popularity with him Into the maloK
poin tomisKoy ana uan Johnson are certain
thai Tnnlana . .-!, ... ,. -vl "T41
nlng personality will effect lack of major
league eperlencs.
Mann for Chicago Feds
fHICAQO. Jon. -J.-Publldty attending the
coming here ot Leslie Mann, outfielder of the
Boston Braves, put the looal Federal League
officlala on their guard, and meeting with Joe
Tinker was stated under cover, ft was re-ported-today
that Mann would probably sign
wUh tho North Bide orsanlratlon In a few
Herzog Wants Iiobert
CINCINNATI. Jan. 4.-Manager Herxor, of
the fteds. haa gone to Virginia, where he hopes
to sign a star plaer. Before leaving, he said
ht? ,gLu,,?, llk 'olsnd Lobert and lioeln, ot
the Phillies, and Lavender and Pierce, ot the
Cubs. '
Wolgast Must Take Best
the ring by that time
Wlngo May He-Jump
ST. LOUIS, Jan. -t According to re
ports In circulation here Catcher Ivy
Vtngo, -who recently Jumped to the Fed
eral League, Is preparing to mako a re
turn jump to the Cardinals,
Show Bog Blea
Pater's Midget, sire of Champion Peter
King, the Boston terrier'' recently sold
for J3600. Is dead at the home of its
owner, Treasurer James F, Mitchell, of
the Lynn Kennel Club. The doer nan tn
be benched at the Lynn (Mass.) Kennel I
viuv Bituw, uuiiuury u ana 2,
.hiA tn .nl
.. 1. - --
iua riiia a? nuvi umo ins pnysictsna Jiave
advised him to rest until at least January 23
to allow hla bands to get well. -
St. Nicholas Hockey Team Wins
FFt T011. Jan' 4st' N'cholaa Skating
Club hockey playera, comprising tho second
team of the organization, Journeyed to Vonk
ers yesterday and defeated the fiaegktll Oolf
Club seven by T goals to 4 The vtsltori
scored B goals In the flrat period to tbelr op.
R?P.eiVu ! .J' wa." ta WU period, however,
that Lamb, tho goal man for 6t. Nick, had hla
work cut out keeping aome well-dlreclod shots
from scoring.
In the conclodlnr, period fiaegktll did more
effective work, scoring 8 goals,
Boston Terrier Show Tonight
Promising .young stock of the Boston Tor.
TiVi.thr,2wlLv,s,,w!t l P nother for hoSora
oaSht at the Hotel Continental, Oth and
Chestnut streets, where the Phlladelplila Bos.
ton Terrier Club will bold a puwyiSatcnln
connection with Its jnonthly meeting. "":n ln
Lally Lands Ten-mile Bun
NEW YORK. Jan .-P. Lally. of Union
Mo'rn'ln'rMd'.T0 tPZSSSX.'VS. W" W.6f
i....T iT-s-iT J" -"" " ut ,
orgiWt,nTa?i; a d,f2' .bforo ""other eoccer
niSnlifS .h.B1'iu wlth ,h success that has
attended tho eleven now representlmr Mer.
chantville Field Club, in the rink.? ffi
tK 'i'0 ' the sixth successive year the
11 E.nM?h02 e-httmplonshlp. Tho iame
Li"e.k thn,t !fateil Moorcstown on Saturday
w.,n, 'ho .championship for Merchantvllle last
iSfni 5.n1 itno .four yoar Previous they won
SP'.I 'Jf, ma. como ar"! other.tenma may
' "jV-'h'? combination Murphey, Fales, It.
w,rtti?ml0.'. Callagian. 6rton. Conklo.
W?"1. Blamphln, Gordon. Bottomley. Melville
and Harlan-slx times Cricket League cham
pions, will long be rememterod as the best
combination In Philadelphia. 'We congratulate
th'm and wleh them success ln the coming
Interlcague game with the Crescent A. C.
The Victor A C. lost their first game of the
season j estorday, when they were beaten by
Scottish-Americans, of Newark, In the third
round of the American Cup competition. Beth
lehem Is now the sole local team rcmnlnlng In
this comoetttlon nnd both Victor nM TutM,.-
hem remain In tho National Cup competition.
The second division Cricket Club League has
two more weeks to run, and Belfleld and
Hmorford College second, tho two contenders,
will play each othor at home and away. Del
flUd needs but one game to bo assured of
chamnlonshlp, but should Haverford win both
the tlllo will be theirs, and a win and n. draw
for the Main Liners will deadlock the leaders.
Jloorestown and Philadelphia, each with one
gamo yet to be played In the first division
Crlrket Club League, are fighting now to de
cide second, place. At present the Jeraeymen
have a one-point advantage.
The only Important .change In the standings
of the various leagues o-er last Saturday is n
the third division of the Allied League. Ed ire
moor and Veteran A. A. are now tlod for first
Dlace, anil tho Dlsston Reserves have dropped
back t third place. '
Shamrock jumped from seventh to fourth
place tn the United League, while Foltomllle
and Cardlngton are still running neck and
nerkjn the lead.
Textile slipped Into flrat place In the Phila
delphia League while Keystone and West End
were Idle, and these two teama are now tied
for second place.
Southern, -West Phllly, Northeast nnd
Central Start VOaee Tomorrow. ,
Final practice In' preparation
opening games ot the Scholastic BAMball
League will be held this afternoon by the
teams representing the schools entered In
the race for the 1916 championship. The
lid wilt be pried oft the schedule tomor-
Southern High School, last year 8 win
ner of the "Dutch" trophy, is scheduled
to oppose the West Philadelphia High
five In the latter school's gym, wh ie
Northeast High's quintet will meet the
team wearing Central High's colors In the
Crimson and Gold cage, The second team
of the sohools will also clash.
Although the basketballers enjoyed a
10-day vacation, soholastleally, they re
ported to their respective coaches dally
rot praotice. Coaches Smith, Lewis, usll
ton and Keating have been working dili
gently with their squads, nnd It Is pre
dicted that the seasoh will bo Inaugurated
by a brace of stiff scrimmages.
81. Joseph's College lBlo basketball jchedule
iwlll bo started Wednesday nignt.wnen tne
Crimson and Gray flvo will be the host or
Camden High's quintet In Its new gym, at
17th and utiles streets
Indoor track work will .start In earnest at
Central High School this week. Doctor
O Btlen and Capuln Smalley wlll call put
candidates for the team on Wednesday. Many
stars nlll be missed thli year.
The final games of the shuftloboard tourna
ment at De Lanoey School will be decided
this week, Irving, Hoblnson. the Martin boys
Bob and VanLittle snd Longford ore the
stars. A bowling tourney will also bo held.
Manager Imdort Is working on West Phlla-'
delphla High's bistbalt schedule and he will
probably make tho dates publlo In about, two
weeks Coach Alker will call out the battery
candidates ln a few days for practice In tho
With SuIIUan, formerly of West Philadel
phia High, as a nucleus for a mile rolfiy team,
prospects for a tost qusitet aro good at Csth
olio High. Doris Is also a good quarter-mller.
Coach Frost lias shitted Brown to the posi
tion nt forward held down by Sargent on St.
Luko's five. JJrown has been playing In grand
form with the second team.
Frlenda' Central's star Indoor baseball team
will meet Central High's Indoor nine the third
eek In January. Friends' has been victori
ous tho last two yeara.
Frcel, Itamsdel nnd F. Cllffe are on tho
sick list at Oermnntown Academy., Frcel Is
convalescing following an operation for appendicitis
of Do Lanccy
Manager Hamilton, of Do Lancev
baseball team, has almost completed
schedule. Games havo been arranged with
fit. luko's. Chestnut Hill, Ilaveriora onu
George School. Ike Johnson Is captain of this
year's nine.
Watman, Southern High's itar forward, has
been suffering with bolls tor about two weeks.
He has boen excused from practice, but he
will get Into the line-up as soon as he la well.
Paniullo, the football star, and Douglas are
displaying flno fettle on tho door wlth.Cuth
ollc High School's second team. V
Tho St. JosepVs football team will be cap
tained by Albert Donnolly, a three-year vet
eran, ln 101S. Ho Is a fast linesman.
Several stars will report to Coaoh McGurk.
of Catholic High, for Indoor track practlco this
week. 'ri,oy are uaiy, cross-country captain
itiascoit, ouuivan, aicLaugnun,
Plan to Allow All ?i
to Get .a Share Hifj
Aricnrvt nnrl 3t,M 1Hj
h, lm
Tho suggestion that the world' S.
rules beso, amonded that ait playiS
both leagues get a shnro of the hrS?
la entirely out of order. The sugjM
Is absurd. The only players who d'8!r
a right to shnro in tho receipt) fiiTy
players wno Have assisted In lh;TJ
nlng ot tho pennants. To give tlit Si
players rt sharo would bo Just abouTfi
tjame as sharing a raise ln pay irtl
you got with alt the other fellows in?!!
shop. mt
The players who win tho pennanSiJ
the renown who aro out on the dUaJJ
hustling nil tho tlmo. They do not
.ilicy two liguuutf miu Playing trJi
minute. They deserve all they $gJ
there Isn't a reason why they ffl3
split tho extra money with a lot ofjiij
. ..u Uw ..ww .. ,T,.ull.i;i ineywuj
una &uM!v ui iiuu
''Jfihnny" Dundoe. tho Now York ,
weight, lays claim to tho distinction
naving oeen tno dusicsi. noxer during
1914 season. Dundee took part ln H I
tics during tho year an average of b
scraps a muntu. jjven 'uaitiing" I&
any, me neavyweignt war Horse, all
fight as often as that. i
Four of Dundee's battles wero JO-rS
auairs. Another stretched along
the 17th round, while the others
10 and 12 round mills.
Dietrich and
McNnmee, who did not return to Southern
HIkC School this )ear, and Jeffords, graduate
star basketballer of Northeast, are starring
with the Vlncome Club five.
The St. Luke's baeketball team will be
somewhat handlupped by the losi of Hal
lowell He Is wit of the line-up because of hla
While the CatholIoTlIgh baseball battery
candidates, will bo called out for gymnasium
practice within the next tno weeks by Coach
be called March 17.
Two nw IcejnjM are now affiliated with the
1111a.. Ih..iIm. nubln M.r. tn all In.l.i.
tng the three divisions of the Allied League
One of the new organizations la composed ot
junior teams.- formerly known as tne Kensing
ton Junior Church League. Their schedule
starts on January S3, and games will be
played nn following Saturdays until March 20.
Wants mtchle to Fight
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jan. 1. Frank
Mulkern, matchmaker for the National A.
C , has applied to the State Boxing Com
mission for permission to hold a. show
here January 1L
"I haven't decided on tho principals
yet," said Mulkern. "I am negotiating
with Billy Murray, Willie Itltchle and Joe
III vers, and may match some good boy
with one of them. I am after ICewple
Erlet, of St Paul, and Frankle Iszo, of
Chicago, ras a feature for one ot my fu
ture shows."
Polo Matches on Coast
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Jan. 4. Polo
ponies of Eastern pololsts left this week'j
ror me tournaments on tne faclnc coast.
Commencing on January 23, tho first of
tho polo tournaments will be held at the
Mldwlck Country Club of California, and
hero the opening matches will be held,
with players coming from almost every
polo centre In this country, as well as
South America, Canada and far-off Ha
minutes being a record fof ' tbT cwSaTr Z. k.. UP ? l20 tlme th t"ms
I Harris, Jf Salem Cratcent A. C . waa aeoond. nver have been headed by men from
1 snd C. Miller, unattached, finished third, ' I Allentown.
VT. and J. to Play Cornell
LEXINGTON. Va., Jan. -Sweeping
changes aro planned in Washington and
Lee's football schedule for 191B. TRo gen
erals, wearied by being accorded a repu
tation In only their own South Atlantlo
bailiwick, havo decided to seek pew fields
In which to gain prestige and will Invade
the North for the first time next fall. A
game has been arranged with Cornell In
Ithaca, for Saturday. November , and
It Is possible that other games will bo
Bitter Muhlenburg Leader
ALLENTOWN, Pa., Jan. 4 -Reward .for
persistent and conscientious work In ath
letlcs Is indicated ln the distinction at
tained by William S. Hitter, of this city,
who has been elected captain of both the
football and the baseball teams of Muhlen
berg College. Up to this time the team.
Tuthlll Gets Ring
WEST POINT, N. T., Jnn. 4.-Harry
Tuthlll, Detroit, baseball and Army foot
ball trainer, will wear a 1916 West Point
class ring ln tho f jturo. The cadets of
that class who were on tho football
squad during TuthlU's four years hero
recently forwarded to Detroit as a New
Year's gift a valuable ring for Tuthlll,
engraved with tho West Point '15 insignia.
Dickinson Captain Sleeted
CARLISLE, Pa., Jan. i. Tackle Frank
Puderbaugh, of the Dickinson College
football team, has boen elected as Dick
inson's gridiron leader for 1015 bythe
men who had won their D's.
Ono of tho athletic marvels ot
present day ls( Jesse Carey, who, (d
ago or ii, ran us as ono or me very
rnllor nkfitnrn In thA wnrlrl rfi
been skating for more than SO yean,i
he scorns to be Just about as good tot
as ho was when ln . the prime of jj
formances was that In PariB in W10, nb
no coverca zsv mncs during -n hours.!
ftknter rontlnlloilHlv. nnv,r lAnvlno'i
track for a mlnuto during the entlrl
hours. Other contestants, much you
than Caroy, wero forced to take freji
rests, and the result was that Carey
isncu many mues aneaa or nis n
In Brussels Carey defeated nearly
contestants in an unlimited race, i
SKaiea u mues witnout a stop, i&l
that ttono every other man In the,
had been forced off the track. ( $
uaroy noias ovory European rpjli
sKating record from ono mile up to
Carey skated In tho recent 21-hour
contest in New York, and at the ft
was fresher than any of the youth",
were able to Btand the grind. Carif
partner lost a lap during the last. Ill
of the race.
Morgan and Xewls Shape Tp-TO
in xung. gs
Minister ln Canoe Meet
OMAHA, Neb., Jan. t. The Rev.
GeorgQ MaaDougall and G. N, Auda
bough, two Omaha conoeUts, aro plan
ning to compete next spring In the Amer
ican Canoe Association races in Chicago.
Both have had experience In Canada.
, Boxing Case in Court
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. i.-Geori-n T.w-
ronce. Australian sportsman, manager of
onm mavay, negro neavy weight, has de
clared that he will contest the ruling of
the Wisconsin Boxing Commission bar
ring Negroes from boxing In that State
?? '?. arro?nd tnat "to" violation of
tho Fifteenth Amendment of the United
States Constitution. He said that the
case would be fought In the Federal
i.u"i uui wourn noi say just where It
would be died.
A brace Of flstlnllfflntr Imnnptnllm, fnJ
England demonstrated In a pair of rblB
encounters hero that hlt-and-get-aiiM
artists developed in Johnny Bull's ioniM
are no slouohes In the least. The padM
flat -.... ... j. -, - .. . nvJI
...... cavuiis wno uispiayeu tneir compi
tence at boxing are "Eddie" MnrtrarMi
"Ted" Lewis, Great Britain- products uM
awuioumies unuer tno management,
"Jimmy" Johnston, nf TJw Vn.v I
Both hoys boxed here Christmas l
New 1 ear's Day. In his first bout t&
Morgan mauler Droved hla nhilltvuotorii
as a clover exponent, but also as a hi
hitter, when he dropped "Pal" Moore l
the count of nine In the flrsj round I
'" e '"in a lew regular boxing poinf
orsv The same day Lewis had little trf-a
r... " "'ulun6 ms superiority Off
"Young Jack" O'Brien.
New Year's Day afternoon Morgan g
the most Interesting hntlni. rimnnr!J
tlon seen here ln many moons, w&ta1!!
clearly outnolntpri Prc.i n..- ikss
I Negro flash, one of the cleverest b'oiSB
uiieurmca in tnis city. Lewis alsd4l
lurnea a winner, surprising the local fml
oy giving "Willie" Moore a nifty IWbJ
w.rfw tUUllUO. I .J
.N? ppxlnr ihow Is schedulftd for tha OfviSl
..no tonight. :g.
rir"i?irsass a-wsh-. "'.v.'ki
jsssjf & jsPJw vtaTara
.t. "a ttirmouni A. c It win 1
a eet-to between a boxer and a flihter. Hi
y TavloF
-a T . r
tii ine uroaawi
Louisiana Beds' Camp .
C.?X?ri?T0.Ni La" Jan- --Tha Cincin
nati National League baseball club will
train. Jn Covington next spring, It haa
been announced here. The stadium of
St. Paul's College will be used as a paly.
Ing field. '
Moy May light IiAtao
HAZLETON, Pa., Jan. 4-Effjits are
being made here to arrange a 10-round
flght between JjEddU Mqy, of Allentown.
and "Steve"-Latxo. the iT.i.n n,'
weight. - K ' ,
? T
Will MSlimH Brmrtn bfilrtM
whv ninK rtiu...4... T-i.X.1. xrJm
5ta'in,i!S' I,0I"SBC " WIS he la WrtjS
- acvllum varu, -ma
nlT?hIiilfi,al A- C-'will hold Ita flrat toll
of the season next Saturday night, ,4
iF?di? 1iAnlr?w'. of Manayunk. will 1
liik. ffl'B 1" ,ne ,u' but of w rouw
the rails. i-nanoy turn",
Ti.yLi.A",hJ,,,vy Jank Qilbert.
after four rounds of
He slopped two oppontat.
T,hl n.t,r i1' 'or th amateur tournoin!
whtch will start at the Qayety Thesue.sg.te
JVednesday night U open Bouts In the 106 sal.
B pound classes will, be staged this weeWfj
i.S'V d"?1'8 arrangements for a J" VM
lard-Jack Johnson fight March 8 In Mnl&M
' Vc ,ach ,hi 'wnl'D h111 wi'l net 'l,lmliSm
tllr . T .' "ii. tvmsra win t"
moving pictures and appear jn boxing exM"
tlona on tho ata prior to the charnploMhUW
m .Uc,cr,yv.tn b' Western heavy. "
back ntpiv in vF vi- k.. umaaL-. Aiit fitaaa
foeJNew Year's tiy. it la probable tii W
will be matched with Battling Levlnsty iM
gooa aguln" when he knocked out Jm AUlu
?5J?r. t0.uiT "V1"' .?f vicious flghtlnt. lw
Logan, the big sailor heavywelsht.T ali
last week.
--" " ' !. i.i, ,i'iia
m l. ... -. a mi fi-i i ' i a
JTaWT- s I HP I WKj " ' ' k"i )' ' ' ' ft' Jg-&f -AW POCS3tSIOW Bt
MW ram, m'smm m fan om wfe o makb imBM tssm amo h.oi!- 'mmj-X .nuamf