EVENING LEDtiER-PinLAPflliPHIA; THtTBflDAY; DECEMBER 317 101 Iff WMeHl W tl t OTHER OF SLAIN CHILD COLLAPSES WHILE TESTIFYING I.H-.-l - ' rs. Laura Bailey Is Car- f ricd From Millville Court room as George Hawn Is Arraigned. IMttiLVlLLE, N, J Dec. 31.-Thrj lothcr of slx-yoar-otd Beatrice Bailey, hot and kilted on Tuesday by Goorge klawn, a Jealous suitor of her 17-year-old unt, collnpacd in the hearing room ot luatlco Oliver lioro today when Hawn mi arraigned on the charge of murder. Xlawn was held without bolt by the tuttlco for the action of tho Grand Jury. id hearing -was dramatic. When tho Ivdrgo wna road to tho man and he was sked If he had a lawyer he declared fo knew nothing about the law, that ho Ver meant to kill any ono ,and had never beforo been tn trouble. Mrs. Laura Bailey, ot Millville, mothor ibf tho slain child, was called to testify shortly after the hearing started. Slip told of being summoned to Buckshutum, the liomb of Mrs. Alice PotUt, her mother, where Beatrice was visiting, and of find ing the child dead. ! Sho then rolatcd how Hawn had re turned to tho house while she was there. 'confessed to the shooting nnd, offering her his hand, begged her forgiveness. (Bhc declared sho had forgiven him, and Sthen collapsed and had to be taken from the courtroom. . Tho grandmother nnd other members 'of the family called to tho .stand testi fied that Hawn had asked for forgive- jness, and In each Instance it had been .ernntod. They said tho man declared tho r bullet never was meant lor ucaince. ; Alios Pettlt, the 17-year-old girl he Is 'believed to have been shooting at, tostl 'fied he was In love with her and ex tremely jealous. Sho said ho flow Into a ferage If oha merely spoko to another man. 13. I. Sharp, a mcrcnant nero, tesuuea ho sold a revolver, n ring and a bracelet to Hawn two weeks ago. Tho Jewelry i- was presented to Miss Pettlt. Tho Balloy 'child was shot while sno anu ner gronu rnother and Miss Pettlt wero at dinner, the bullet being fired through a window. TWO SAVED FROM FLAMES Smother and Daughter Rescued When Partington, N, J., Home Burns. BARRINGTON, N. J., Dec. Sl.-Two persons were rescued from a fire In tho home of John Anderson shortly after 10 o'clock this morning. Several hundred men and women formed a bucket brigade and by heroic work, kept the fire from spreading to the Harrington railroad sta tion and other adjoining buildings. The damage was $600. Anderson, on employo of the Reading Railway, was In Camden at the time. Mrs. Anderson and her D-ycar-old daughter wore rapped on the second floor and cap-Jed down tho ladders by tho volunteer firemen. ' CLASSIFIED RATES DAIIT AND SUNDAY h THI3 STTLD TY.PB (or Ilka this) ky -One Insertion , lc per line ?J .Three Insertions In a week..., 120 per 11ns JSeTren consecutive' Insertions.. "10o "per line JUUU-lins contract taauy aa vertlslns) So per lino Situations wantsd, three Inser tions In a week lOo per lino THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all classification! exoept Help and Situations Wanted. Loet and Found, Per sonals, Boarding and Rooms. .One Insertion SOo per line Three Insertions in a week,.. lTMo per line Seven consecutive insertions... 15c per Una 1000-line contract (dally ad vertising) ..if. ustto per una All rates are tased on agate measurement, It agate lines to the Inch. DEATH NOTICBS either paper 10 lines one time, COc Tnreo Insertions 11.00 DAILY ONLT ' ' In Effect December 1, ltl COMBINATION P.ATB for Insertion In both tba morning and evening papers st same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (BVENINQ) ;r. xaa four cents per line net to rates given ahov. IIEW AND SITUATIONfl "v7ANTEa ADVERT1SINO IN TUB PUBLIC LEDOBn MAY BE JN8KIITED IN THE BVENINO EDOBH WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHAItaB. ' There Is a drug store near your homo that will accept ledger want ads at office rates. PEKSONAXS TOBTZ REALTY COMPANY The following bonds, Nos. Tl, lfll. 168, 111, '07, have been drawn and are called for pay ment and accrued Intereat, Payment will be i made on the first day ot January, 1815. at tho offlco of the Real Estate Title Ineuranco and Trust Co.. ot Philadelphia. Pa.. 623 Chestnut at., after which data all interest en these bonds wU cease. II. H. CAMPBELI Treasurer. I WILL not be responilbla for any debts un- Iess contracted by myself. J. R, Richard, iiat Parrlah st SCEIiP WANTED ffEMAMl AFA1IILY ofl three In Jersey town, ten miles from Philadelphia, want experienced . general housekeeper, white: German prof.; good homo and wages. H 244. Led. Central. i COOK Wanted, good ccok; must be white, Protestant! one who understands pastry. lmi uimnuiipwii by., wount AirT COOK and chaznlbenttald for fraternity house; settled woman: city. 1 830. Ledger Office. JjRESSJIAKKRa Expert , waist drapers on elegant ball goims; only those from the moil fashionable establishment dealred. As. ply French DreesmaJdnjr Shop, 8d floor. Mor ket st.. BTUAWUHIDok A CLaTlllERi I10US1VXU EaperienceJ white sir! for gen. erul hCJepTvorht family of B. 1212 B. fsd. SAX UEspAur wantea oy guaranteed hosiery amitacturer; direct from mills to consumer; hole or part time. ST33 N. 12th et. , i ' . i i i I tf- mtnii whol BAlSWOMEN two), from neighborhood of njin ana aiaaicr . ; nuary ana commission. Fhonc today for- Interview, .Lombard 1853. STENOCmAFHERS, hooUceepers and clerks. can obtain valuable Inform. (Ion about wearing positions by In terrlsntflg Miss Dean at Ledger Cen tral, gee her at once for this free advice, aa the Commercial Depart ment Is constantly Muring good po sition for Ledger Advertisers, . JfifiBD-toupp lady for moving dure taC , L'"rlv.aUrr i5: ."ni1 Photo If possibjsi V htlgbt. eg andwetght; no callers except by ppolptmtnt. Carman, laia Thompeori. 1 WlNTHO-Nurse and upstair girl. English: Of German preferred: location Dnaintnwn aa it T4B, ledger Central. KIVjCoolj and chamtwrmalii; expert- HELP WANTED MALE SAAUUHTSUAN. familiar vrlih steam engine epneituctlun, must be Wgh-clas man. Ion B, Iee-w t, 9e-nar t Uwt BVM a44( H 4LMw MlWlIli 1V jaailon .tem Pennsylvants;- give refer rtrtityn. experience, age and salary exceaied tAddreap L B02. Ledger OfflceT " ,'FTCW1 m men. io give refer- Position. SI ts. Xadstt Office. xw-zrzzr ..t. .jsaTr. e-j - &! .- . jija8MAN M estuoatpr Wr-tW HEM? WANTED MAIE SALESMAN WANTBTV A Urge TTfiJTiT mill would like to engnge a good ve falfs rran to sell to the weaving trade of PM"''.1" phla arid vicinity; in exceptional 0PPp'JuViJ for the right man,l can command tno business, li 810, Ledger Office. manufacturer; direct from .mills to consumer, whole or part time. 273-1 NiL.,t!. BALlMAtfPrferblystock and bond sales- man: commission bast; real salesmen only. , Addrtea.Q 048. Ledger Central. 6IIIPPINO Ci.niiK: state age, Mtierlcnco and i wage wanted, r in, ledger office. a6LICITOR. experienced tn credit;, collections and familiar with city t refs. C li. LwI.JJfL STONri MASONS and "laborers. Apply ISIS N. Blt St. r TOFfTRU-roung man for moving picture nosing; salary, $1B; send photo If Possible; IieUht, ago and weight! no callers etcept by appointment. Carman. iMa Thompson . WANTED Young man who understand;! re palrlng talking machines, espeelatlv letro Iss: stato age. former experience and salary expected. P. O. Pox 34a2, . WantKD A gardener, single or married, without .-hlldrcm must be fully capable nnd tinder "ind farmings give reference, u wi Lrr cnlral. , SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CAPAliLn business woman with knowledge oj typowrlting desire position In mercantile psiapiisiimeni; gooq ret. j . jcue, vi.n.. CUAMUBRMAID, exp.. obliging: Catholic; refs. 210 a. Melville st.. between 4!i and 4lth. COLOltED WOMAN wains general housework plain cooking, In tho country; a child 3 years old; from thocountry. Apply108. Deulah. COSK Woman, colcred"7KOod cootTanfi wash- er; reference, ma r. ii,in. tupim .w. . COOK or liousekeeper Thoroughly competent reliable! 12 vrs.' tef. 101 Brandywlno at. DliR8SMAKJSIt frut-class ntter. excellent reference, wishes engagements by day. Jl toi, Ledger arnce. UnnaBMAKKBl wants engagements, homo or out; good filler, innn Montrose; Dick. 211 w WitBMHMAKBlt of New York dcsTres eneai' ta,: evening gorspoelaUy.j'honoJWa 4n OOWNP, TJVDNINO'rLOAKS.A.VD TAILOK- ed suits; at horns or out: short notice. O. M. McNIchols, 1T1T (Christian st. Phono Dickinson .hit x. HOUBUWonK-Oeneral Ar working housekeen er, settled, German-American, Protestant: West Phlla. preferred: best references. Call ain-8. Melvllfo st. (between 45th and 40th). INFANr8NUnap wishes entire chargj of In fant, from birth", good roference. M am, Ledger Ofnco. 5TrNOflttAPlli')n, conscientious and depend able, would consider moderate salary; refer ences, is :.'., ienncr mmT. STnNOOnAPHISR, comp., mod. sal. till nbll- lty la qcmonstratca. .n-f, a.cukii..'j"-. WlfDN IN NEED ot an experienced offlcp ns slstant, bookkeeper, stenographer or cleric, call up Walnut SlOOO and consult with Miss Dean, of the Commercial Dopartment, who has a list of high-grade, experienced girls eager for positions. Avail yourself of tho free service to Lecger aavertisora nun, WHITB woman wishes position, cooking or housework: country prof. O 37. Ledger Off SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE BOOICKEEU'ER Young man, 20, at present employed, desires to secure position as head bookkeeper, flvo years experience. O SIT, Ledger central BOOKKEEPER Competent, experienced middle-aged man, familiar with general office work: expert bookkeeper i open for position. G 8.13. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, office manager: thorough: vat. W4JLUIW cici.cuvo. .........r..- . -.. ....... , - UHIOHT young colored man wishes slluatlnn. houseman or butler; 17 years' exr. R., 0,28 liable experience. .Manager, nun ncrui mm. Cherry st BUILDING MATERIAL SALE8MAN, a hus tler; several yeara" experience, largo follow ing among archltoctn and builders of Phila delphia and other cities, desires connection; best of references. O WK), Ledger Central. CIGAR SALESMAN: can furnish , references i, .wishes position. Address W. A.. 22B B. 3d st. CHAUFKEUR, single, ago 25, desires position with private family: flvo years' oxperlence; will, and cbllg.: refs. Q 043, Ledger Cent. CHAUFFEUR French. English, Belgium, re fined: willing to do touring In France; good oppor. Albert Goorls, 3021 North American. CHAUFFEUR Five jears with prhate fam ily; A-l references; strictly temperate. Box no, uverorooK, ra. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes position : 8 yrs.' axp. with high-class cars. 1B48 Opal st. CHEF, colored, wishes position; hotel or res taurant : IP years' experience. ioa upai ai CLERK or salesman Young man, 21, 3 years high, 2 years prep, school, H4 yrs." business exp., desires now connection: now employed; Dest reicrencea. 11 i.i, jukl-i v.eimm. COLLECTOR Young man, 30, single, desires position: collector, Investigator or salesman; good references. G 840. Ledger Central. COOK,"whlto 'man. wishes restaurant or pri vate work. C 28. Ledger Office. GENERAL MECHANIC and carpenter, for hotel, mfg. bldg. or lob. II 157. Led. Cent. JAPANESE wants position, cook or general housework. In prlvnte; has reference; exper ienced, write A., ivi J'ine at, MAN AND WIFE, neat, competent, first class, positions as butler and. cook: city reference. Poplar 320O. or 2140 Jefferson st. ilAN AND WIFE, colored; butler and general housework, mo b. lain at. POSITION wanted on a successful truck or fruit farm by experienced young farmer anx ious to learn mis Drnncn. j. tiowuru i.imt;, 40 JB. Walnut lane. Philadelphia. TRINTER Youngman, 21, three years' print ing experience, two years In this country, wants noaltlon with moderate waxes to atart. yjfri atowart et. , . --. -- . -- - SALESMAN, high grade, will consider prono sltlon for eastern Penna., N. J. and Del.; has considerable ability aa organizer and sales manager. II 242, Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED POTt 400 MEN who are willing to do any kind of -work paying wages sufficient to support their families. PH1LA. P. TX CITY MISSION 225 South Third atreet. BELL Lombard 2223. KEYSTONE Main DOS. YOUNG MAN, 25, several years In woolen business, wishes to connect with reputable woolen house, either as Inside or outside salesman: thoroughly experienced and can furnish best references. (J 32, Ledger Office. YOUrJG ililAN. age 22, having several yearn' experience in general offlco work and a little knowledge of bookkeeping, desires a change; can furnish the best of reference, etc. a 33, ieager yince YOUNG MAN, 24 years, single, good edura tlon and buslnesa training, at present cm- ployed, would like to make connection with reliable ! firm, D 410, Ledger Office. W jH mT? 2lT oalnter bv tradA. hanriv with tAAlH. dealrea noaltlon with concern. building or gentlxmarfa estate. 0 S30; Led- ger central, YOUNG MAN. 18 years old. desires position for 3 or 8 nights a week: high school educa tloni good reference. B 400. Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN desires position as bookkeeper Or snipping cicrn; uiiucisiuhuo rttiiiiK, lom- Ing and classification. C 10. Ledger Office. YOUNQ WAN, 21, desires position ae clerk; 4 yeara experience. ooa. Aquger central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES CARLISLE RUBEATJ. the dependable office for all kinds of help, has moved to 406 S. J1,. ranra lnvA,lvH,r1 and vn.ranf W1LLBT. 18)0 Manton at., 0. Phlla. Southern help: city or coun. ; ref. Phone Dickinson BOffi). GOOD, reliable help, cooks, chamber1 ds, wait resses, nurses, couple. Dennett's. 253 B, 12th. AUTOMOBILES For Bale LET me sail your autos for you on commla Ion; no charge until sold) clients waiting, Ralph Oarage. 10th and NorrI. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES FIRST-CLASS touring car, tl par hour: newly u Intsd, with weather protection. Call Main 2294 or Park 870. Harry Goodman. f BUSINESS NOTICES We can afford to remodel or repair your furs much cheaper than the large ds- FURSpartmsnt stores. We give you expert workmanship. Phone Belmont 2584 W. C1IAS J. BOOaa aw Arch St. Usmctltchlng done while you wait. A. Rslch ard. 1118 Chestnut. Pictorial Rcvlsw pattsrn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED A. Wsh-grade man for a strictly high-grade business proposition; a man ca pable of developing- and managing an exten sive selling organization In a business where ?avnta are limited only by b! ability to growi ante and exclusive territory given; 12600 to KiOOO required j this Is an opportunity of a llfetttiw that to, right In every particular, and one you s'jould Investigate at once. Tele phone Walnut 1978, w a24re Room 720, Head Building, 121 B Filbert street, phUadel! prua. ACTIVE, brainy buslnesa partner, rnaxT; woman, to maket In-tatment of 500; big prgpositlen: no chance to Ioe; lnvsstmsat will do f 100,000 buslntss first year. Investor nandlss own money. Hare no money, but 10 years' expirlenc and soma material for da vslosment. This la roovlng-plcture theatre and (nanutacturc of aim proposition. Can be seen before 12 dally. Carman. 1522 Thompson. LUNCH ROOM With or without four beautifully furnished, rooms, weekly Income (200: for sal, a bar ala for quU-k buyer P 088. Ledger Office. AWffi-Worklng Partner wnh'HOOO foTan estabjlshsd business; 1111 bear closest ln vsitiiratbin. no agent-, itfereata exchanged, jWk,, wi uv .- .- M-J(sJ !l 4s!fe vMM (Mliager ft'r i I 0. '! '4B.1 rr,l BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES r-ioR8Ai.K"A weTKtt'Inff,w-reMingapatt- ttient hnttftft tsei owner Is selling Decnufe m in health. For ft-rther particulars, apply JAMES J IIAOAN. 012 CIIMST1 1IA1. BT. TW0 young men of good reput. and thor. exp. need IWOO for a gen. contract, bus. O 744 ledger Central. . CARPET CLEANING: WKST PH1LA. MONARCH BTOrrAriE CO. 8C. PER TARD. n8T072 LANCASTER AVE.. CLEANINO AND DYEINO OSTRICH PEATHnns AND KANCIE3 CLEANED, DYED, ;U1U.K1 AND MADE MAILIIOT. 1B10 CHE8TNUT DIAMONDS AND JEWELBT DIAMONDS BOWGltT DRESSMAKINO AND MILLINERY DtmsaMAKtNCI taught; short., prae. course. McDowc07 DenckJjydgJlthjft ilarket. BitESBMAKERrpfrfect fitter: au its remodeled ; swift, accurate. 0S2 N. 47th st. Malm. HOT U FOR SALE The odmliscments In the-, column marked with a star () aro from reliable people con nected with the various departments of the Punf.tr LxiKiin nnd Hvesiiu Lbikikii and ore 1xna fide offers inserted at the suggestion or. tho Licuoien to Illustrate wider uses of classi fied advertising. Yon can buy theso Itcmie with tho fullest conndenco. Also see othor bargains ner the "Ftar Exchange" hooding. . U1LL1AHD, pool, comb., 2d hand, bought, soldTVentedj ex'd. KeaVcr. 32t Qlrard. avSl CAMERA Absolulely'newt extension box, 5x7: cneo, trlpovl and four now P ate holders go with It: cost about JW; will sell for halt. Addrois F. R. L., Apartment No. S, u.3 Walnut st. . - CAMERAS IxB Reflex Hall Mirror. 11x7 Con tury Grand, with Gocrz Kns which fits cither camera, together with outnt for jomlhrofcs elonnl phologrnpher, for palo at the price of lens. I0S.80. Anderson. S15 N. IWth st. CAKPEra. sold, storage. Wilton, Axminsiers suitable boarding ft apt, houses. 1.110 Poplar. CARRIAGE Fntllng-top buggy; good condi tion. fi.113 Vino st. . COPY of ex-tln enior HunVs s'pecches for calp; excellont condition; bound In whllj and Bold leather coor. What Is offered? 1050 North .sotn st. CYCLECAII-Almost completed; Jvio InveJteii; will sacrlflcc for J225; disagreement in part nership, friction drlvp, steel framo; r Cam rron wlro wheels, S-cyllnder waler-cooled motor; perfect condition. Albert aoets, 121U Ulranl ave. , " 5)ES"K", dat top, C0x3O ln dull mission nnlh, four drawers on right side and one long flat drawer at tho top; excellent condition; desire to sell, as finish does not match other furniture. Address first floor, 0210 Haver- ford ave, DRESS SUIT, worn but a few times: cost 00; will fit young man about 8 f t. 0 In. ttlli trousors length. B2. Address F. R. L., 5032 Walnut st., Apartmont No. 8. aiLLETTE raror set; linvo two: will sell reasonable; In good condition; with blades. vppiy u.1 .n. nun su MOUNTAIN SC11NEIIY (now), rinding house, etc., prlco ft. 5213 Ilnsel ave. 22x10x24, In S. J. Kerr, Ol.n moilel Wheeler & Wilton sewing machine, all attachments comploto; excellent condition; will sell cheap. Address P 818, Ledger Of flco. OPERA GLASSES, Lomnlro lens, Mack leather cotercd.ln leather rnso; good as new; original vnluo $8; mako offer. A. J. Mctzel, 3737 Spruce Bt. PIANO Will saorinco Guild, Boston. Upright Grand, black ebony framo, fine tono, excel lent rondlllon; good as now: cost J0O0; must ho sold on account of death; great bargain. ,T. F. Spenlmnn, 1C2Q North 10th st. PIANO-rLAYBR, CVnotc, Including $50 norlli of music; plnnr In good condition; will soli ohenp. Call H2t4 North 17th st. REMINGTON No. 10 typewriter: practically now; worth $125; will soil for ?0O; no deal ers 3838 Germontown avo. RECLINING oak desk chair, perfect condition; cost 6.ri0 For full particulars write E. S. Miller, Norrlstown, Pa. ROCHESTER Optical Company camora, 8x10. with case and plate holders; excellent slngle vlow lens. A'ldrcss T. C. St., 134 North Cen tre St., Merchantvtlle, N. J. ' SAFES, fireproof; cloelng out; 00 sllghtl) usod, bargains: special ternui. 1131 Frankford ave. SAILOR'S overcoat, size 38; good as now; $4. 303 Orange ave, Olnoy. SEWING MACHINE-Ncw drop-head Monitor sowing machine: all attaclunents; noiseless; has been used very little; will eacrlflco for a small amount owing to death; worth your while to see. J. Bpoalman. 1020 N. 10th st. SILVER mehbag, 0x0 Inches square Apply Mlssjt.. 2010 N. 18th st. SOLID mahogany wardrobe, 8 feet high, s feet wldo, two uoora, three drawers; mako offer. A. E. Beatty. Beverly, N.J. SOLID gold bracelet, li-kt:gootl value. Ad dress Miss S., 201H N. 18th St. SUIT of clothes, In good condition; cost new J2.1; shepherd plaid: size 30; owner tired of color: will sell for first reasonable offer. 1042 Marvine st. SWEATER, heavy roll neeJc, navy blue, Spalding's extra special; will soil reasonable. Addrcei F. R. L., Apartment No. S, 5052 Walnut st. TWENTY-FIVE 88 Pianola rolls; all the latest selections; prico ?5. Charles Lange, 1015 S. 23th at. TWIN baby sulky; rocont model, almost new; will sell for X3; exceptional value. Addreaa II. L. Leatherburg, Perkins lone, Beverly, N. J. TYPEWRITER. Romlngton. Jr., ona month old. only slightly used; offer price. Address Holden, Proxel Hill, Pa. UPRIGHT PIANO, in first-class condition';' . ,ll..l ,,l.,I.Oi HR.. VA,X iK. uu tl. VIOLIN, with bow and case: In excellent con dition; little used; -will sell for J5; sacrifice. fits South 51st st. WATER HEATER, Ruud. In perfect condl tlon: will sell for reasonable amount. C, E. Adams. 54.10 Chancellor st. YOUNG safety razor nnd Arlsto safety razor, Including 25 bladea; good as new: will aeli both for 2. Address W. IC. 6320 Poplar stret. SPORTSMEN, take notice-Will aeli a 22." calibre Favaro automatic ilfle; modal 1012; In fine condition; 18 cash, or will trade for camera, 2300 North Pratt st. FOR SALE DOMESTIC. GAS HEATTWIL SON BOSOM 1RONER, WITH SPECIAL AMKR. BOARD FOR 8l!lRTS; IRONED IN linACE0-'' "Enu'L A8 wi ONE Prairie State brooder. No. 1; only used this spring; one Buckeye incubator (II): one flock of country chickens (not thoroughbred, but god layers): no reasonable offer re- iuatq. u iwa, meager unice. FOR SALE A wooden bod, In uso a short time; also a bicycle; wilt sell cheap, or ex change both for a first-class guitar. Address i a. ijoin. t42 .-v. i-raugias at. HAVE BO reama of official court atonographei-U panor: cost wholesale 72c; retails for II. 50; will sell the whole lot for 60c ream. Ad dress I,. II. Cox. 5340 Greenway ave. 8-QUAHT Norwich automatlo chicken feeder: cost $2.TS: used but few weeks: will sell for l,CO. 5017 Pulaski ave., Oermantown. FOR SALE, chonp, gaa range, four burners, double oven. W. G. Forster, 6S0O Belfield E0R EXCHANGE TJ1E FUN (and profit) of "trading" or "awan ping" Is Inherent universal. The "other person" haa It the same aa yourself. David Harum didn't have much on the Indiana or gipsies ot olden time. Use a Ledger Want Ad to exchange what you have and don't want for what you want and don't have. EXPERIENCED ATJVBRTISlNa MAN College graduate, connected with the Publlo Ledger, will write copy one or two evenings a week or map out an advertising campaign in exch. for a typewriter. 1 014; Lea; off. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tor Bale PIANO Gentleman baa 1015 model Oakland piano for sale; this Is a sacrifice; answer at once. 450 N. 2d TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES TYPEWUtlTERB. all make. $3 and upward.' office furniture, .desks, etc. Penn House Wrecking Co., 715-17 James at., pear 8th and ?v s inut WANTED ANTIQUE furn., broken Jewelry, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. 735 Walnut. Est. 1888. FURNITURE rteeors.ifSna! Furniture Co., 8148 Kensington ave. BOARDING AROH. 8023-2035-HAndaomaly furnU eluding superior table, 16; table, tl. Uhed, lo- CHESTNUT, 4013-WeIl furnished rooms, with excellent board; first-class accommodation for refined buslnesa people; 4 mlnutsa from eutn nt. li" ntation. i-reion bzt w. DIAMOND, 2102-t2d-floor front room and others: eomfortaole.good location; reasonable. PINE BT., 023Uootn and board for couple or gentlemen; dialog room; up to date; 1 up: table d'hots. hoc. Phone Walout 64J7. SPRUCE, U24-I22S (BrUmond) Furn, roomsT single, en suite, private baths; table hoard. 8PRVCE, 1280- Large 2d-awry front and. t floor front. wlth board. vSAIJfUT. SSOSExcepUonal table toiroT aSo beautifully furnlahed rooms: moderate prices WAryXlSed-Iely"r5oM41ke roomajTuroT Y tmm'i iw tw rnwuw g aa WALNUT. 44-Btoable aeooad-story front loam eaceotlonal (able hoard. Brlog 747. sit lualraoia fim. rooou SUuil uf 'in tW; W wstn-n BOARDING Suburban aBRMANTOtVN, The Colonial, 113 Vf. Coul ter; . higher class, choice location; . -earns, single or en suits. Phone Oermantown 6102. OBRMANTOWN, West Coulter at.. 100-Cjrfers desirable accommodations.. Phone Otn..BO00D. Table llontil , DRtlAD HT B.. 431-Select table board. Phohe, Walnut 71.17 W BOARD WANTED UKNTLB5tAr7"wants comforiabl room wltii board; within 0 blocks of 10th and Chestnut st. Address, giving location and price asked. . H 151, Ledger Central. . ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH, 2030-aieautl fully furnished rooms! very reason. convenient. I'll. Locust 8217. BARING, "3218 -Twcn flrst-floorrooms!""1"" dentist or doctor or aoartmenU. The Chilton, Mrs. Belle McClaln. Manager. , IIARINU, IISIO Rooms,furnlsTied on unfur nlshed, 2d floor, for housekeeping; phone. DROAD, N 1018 Very desTfabfe. weuhea'ted, furnished rooms; reasonable; telephone. BROAD, N., 837 Desirable 2d front suite with private bath; other vacancies: $3 up. BUTLER ST., 1403 (corner Carlisle) Neatly furn front room; electric light, steam heat. CEDAR AVE.. 4014 Handsome library' with bed couch.bath: reason.: gentle, Wood 8784 V. CHESTNUT, 2007 Desirable single and double; running water; an conveniences. CHESTNUT. 2043-BeautTfuiTy" furnished front , room; private bath; other vacancies; phone. GREEN, 1321 Front nnd back parlor, newly furnished and renovated ; running water. MONTGOMERY AVE.. W., 102t Two nlcelv xurmsreq ironi rooms.suitaDie ior gentlemen, board op.i fine connections to centre of city. MT. VERNON, 1031 Lnrgo parlor and second front; southern exposure: phone. PARK AVE., 1747-Attractlvely furnished, single nnd doublo rooms; plenty heat) ad Jolng liatli. PINE, 5100 Newly rurnlshcd room; Iiot-water heut: gentlemon piefcrrcd; phone llel.0007 W. PINE, 1020 Furnished rooms, single nr i-n suite; housekeeping. Phono Dickinson 5833 W. roWELTON, 3805 Desirable furnished vo canclen. tor a few business people. Paring 1832W SPIUNG GARDEN," ""lTlt-Large, comfortably furnished front room ndjolnlng hath: sepa rate beds: HUltnble for two gentlemen. UPIIUCK, 20-ii -Desirable suite, with private hath: open fire, phone: owner. SPRUCE, lilt anril2I-Roomsr"slnglo or en suite: lrst-clnss tnblo board: reasonable. WALNUT, 3700 Private family will rent I'ov'e ly 2d floor, furnished, to gentlemen; open fireplace; 4 windows; southern exposure. &TH, S., 202-NTcoly furnished parlor; other vacancies. Walnut 0408. 12TH, 8.. ltt Comfortably fum. single or double rooms; prl. fam.: gentlemen; phone. 12TII, S., 317-ad floor front; private family! other vacancies; rcaaonnblo. Filbert BSfiS. 12TH. N.. fBfiO 2d floor through, wlthprlvato bath; furn. or unfum. Diamond 07TCI D. 13TH, N. lOtl Large front rooma; well-heat- co: Buuaoie gentlemen, poplar B7P4 w. "ii ,i., At-, rum. a iioor trpni. bibo un- furn. sitting room with kitchenette; hnt-wn- ..ler heat; rent moderate: phono Top. 5823 W. MTU. N., 2523-2 furnished 2d-atory rooms! 11,1.1, m ..r.T . ir: m . . iirnr intn: amer. rroirwmnt tarn. . owners. 17T11 ST.. N.. 3333 Small nrlvntn famllv will rent beautifully futnlshod rooms, slnglo or t-ii nunc; gentlemen prorerroo; pnone. ill), H , 122 Rooms, single or en suite: pri vate baths, running water: steam heat: newly papered ami painted: gentlemen preferred. CIST. S 1220 Jlodemly furn. 2-room eulfeT ulct'tilclty, h.-w. heat; pleasant neighbor.; m-ruaa irom pnnc. cars conv. : private ramiiy HANDSOMELY furnished front room In largo modern private home. Electric lights. Ten minutes to City Hall Telephone Baring 415. Professional Offices. OFFICE FOR RENT, well furnished, for morning hour, to n regutar physician. Ad . dress L 514. Ledger Central. APARTMENTS LUXURIOUS apartment Two large rooms; high celling; open nreplace: beautifully fur nished; hot and cold running water: lili n month, 2030 Arch Phono Locust 3247. PARK AND COLUMBIA AVES.. S. E. c0r.-3 rooms, steam heat. 2d-floor front. 22.00. SPRING OARDEN, 111 10-Excellent acts. In 8 umrrciu iiuubcb: pome mm a; Kitcnenettes. WALNUT, 1222-24 (Kenwood) Desirable va cancies; single or en suite: prlv. baths; will tiwnno 10 buh tenant.; moq. rate, wal. 8181. WALNUT AT., 1431 Apartmonta of 1 to 4 ivums. wiiii imiug, lurnienea or untumisnea; mm uiusa; up. ..piy jranuor. 1BTII AND GREEN, l"he Boronsfbrd Deslr ,abla apartments, bachelor or housekeeping. aij iicftt. rimin i'uinar cipa. 20TH. N., 710 New and handsomely furnish ed 2d-story suits of 2 rooms, with beautiful bath; modern; good transportation; plenty hftaf mri hnf tvtp Prtnlo IH" W FOR VACANCIES and complete Information of all apartmenta free, conault APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts. Prono Walnut 080, or write for "Apartment Directory." December Edition. Free. BEAUTIFUL ground floor aulte, handsomely luriiisueu, iwu njom, oatn ana ititcnenette, In soloct. quiet, central locality. M 812, Led- Ker vitico. LION'S HEAD Handsomely furnished apts. 1218-15 Locust. APARTMENTS WANTED Furnished WANTED, fur. apt. for 8 or 4 mo.; German town preferred. II 158. Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises 15TH ST., N 1615 Housekeeping apartments, fine rooma and all modem conveniences: flrtt floor 132.50: second floor 835; janitor. HAMILTON COURT , CHESTNUT AND 80TH CTREETO Ore Housekeeping Apt., 0 Rooms and Bath, On Housekeeping Apt.. 0 Rooms and Bath, R. II. THATCHER. Manager. FURNIBHDD 5-room housekeep. apart., 2d floor, good heater, $22.50. Phone Wood. 750. REAL ESTATE POR SALE OEnMANTOtVN CHOICE properties In all sections of Gtn.. Mt, Airy. Chest. II.; all prices. Writ for special list. J. H. Chadwlck & Co.. 5618 Oermantown. NEW JERSEY Attantlo City. N. J. SNAPS Several choice bargains In cottages and hotels, sals or rent; cholceat corner lot In all Ventnor: 81000 below cost; others. Bruckmann, 310 Guarantee Bldg., Atlantis city. , National rarer. N. J. YOUR opportunity; lots 20x100; near trolley; overlooking Del.; adjoin. Campbell Soup Ox, oavelopmeht. greater N. J. Co.. 83 S. 18th. PENNSxXVANTA PARMB 175-ACRE3 near Main Line P. R. R.; steel- -V - I ... mh a frill, anil lulllllHT ,.. catalogue free. J.B.Thompson, lent layuufc w AC 1,1 "'m ' Chester. BARGAINS In fanns; free farm catalogues; prices 1500 upwards; term most reasonable, 5 B. Thompson, West Chester, Pa. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City. N. J. ilOTELS. cottages, apartments, etc., to sx 1 chang? for Philadelphia, propertlea chas. ltTlVeTl. 83 B. Penna. ave.. Atlantic- city. REAL ESTATE WANTED WILL RENT or buy factory, 50x123 feet, 3 to 4 stories; good light; or ground, same sts within half mile ot Delaware ave. and Mar ket .2 Address M 818. Ledger Office. PROPERT In and around Philadelphia, for English Investors! only parties with good In. coma-producing properties ot desirable loca. Han. mm reply. Wire or wrl'e at once to Xnerlcan representative, W, J. MULLBTT, Lockport. N. x. REAL ESTATE POR RENT OBlces. Business Roomj. Etc. ilh-m trrONn.B-IjOOn ItOOH. MrH .ni,. able for smalT organlaatlon club, private dancing school, doctor or dentist, 1418 Locual yuctoile. Warehoostii, Mfg. floor THcS!7BPNAnRn?gT AtlanUo City, N. J. XPARTMEHTti AH wrnuH for rent. iornlahaa or unxurcunto. Ly month, uwa er year, all location; price 825 par taooUi up II. Q. HarrU Co.. Bartlftt Bldg." MQRTaAQES I50.000.eq 15! j . HKSTXlSf, 1 1 1 1 1 , 1, 1 . in 1 11 11 . 1 1 1 ,).iiii 1 , ,. 11 , 1, 1 u.i, . 1 ,1, SCRAPPING $ I, . ... .... , ..- . . - 1 1 -i ni f -t m 1 1 si fi - - ' SOME ICY It nil depends on your ago whether you In any cnBo you don't Ilka It tills way. These forms of Ice usually go to together. .. Div.- .. , Vi Bystander. GOOD SUBSTITUTES FOR SWEAR WORDS. The Kaiser gives peremptory or ders to his army In Poland. GO WHILE THE (JOING IS GOOD A Philadelphia motorist relates that he was speeding down a Jersey road the other dny, when he had to turn out to pass a farmer's wagon stalled In the mud. A decrepit horse was straining at a heavy load. "Dern It!" exclaimed the farmer In ex asperation. "I wlsh't I was goln' to h 11 right now," "What for?" asked the amused motorist. "Bekaze," said tho farmer, aa he spat disgustedly, "I never would Bit tharl" Punch (London.) UNCONQUERABLE. The Kaiser So, you see you've lost everything. The King of Belgians Not my souU -Peon Stat Troth. First Frtshr-You. Oughta, wear over-. show over those classy Patent Leath era. Second Frwh Why? First JYel-To keep the Patent from rnJnr Ant. -7 f ' .-II r ' f3 Zalft ' gCUVA& VMlUlAMS I alililBHellBBEKiES til li!UhfcJiiff-5BgB5'ili,h,iii WI"BgBa;ySa THOUGHTS (f o v) HP BB ( V' llko Ico or not. Tho ley Blanco Is a kind o lce wo all have met. dome people take to Ice llko a duck to water. ESSS ISH ?rhliff! wi W '-tt$m "Taxi, mural" "NOI" "Then let me grind Copyright by Meggendorftr Blaette, "You must leave your cane In tho coatroom." "What's that? Then what am I going to point nt the pictures wltht" rmmr. c sWv mss&gssssgssst s . iei&fiii Fvmrw-r"" 4Pawli vffvr-'' Rw) I!- A WKinSNiIltML. i-yfWae. ' , MhiioatU' NOT SUCH A SAD PARTING THIS YEAR -Q f ,0' f7sN-tt, iJ 1- 1? &y- Tij j hf- j cjsssra J JMKA. . YT l Vfi. tvLwwLicM'& KWtH 1 '"il v 1 1 s- m Mym& iMucha Warw,) Ho aoonar doe Uie Knlscir pump air Into tho (Iguro of. 0rmany than th All leo let It out again. Bydney Bulletin. THE STRONG DEFENSE OF AUSTRIA nncslan General Damskll va'li hn.ve to pans this place, boyn. I 'would get no credit by trJdng It I couldn't, npcll tho namo in my dispatches. I L'lllustratlon (Paris.) "I substituted two bottles of excel lent Burgundy for tho Indigestible candy." "Well, that's nlco of yout" "Yes. Tho wines at your house art usually so bad!" your coffee," AND HE LOST HIS JOB. Merchant Jlmmle, we have forgot ten to get a fresh supply of stamps, Jlmmle So we have! It we ain't ." couple of Idiots! J55:-n A, jT't; o . fife fill oK 11 B5l.IB.Vft v t J , I MP X'M GLAD ) 1 1 i'i Ks&r 'i