Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 30, 1914, Sports Final, Page 3, Image 3

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Economic Expert Pohits Out
Its Advantages in Provid
ing for Government Ex
penditures. PRINCETON. N. J.. Dei. 30.-A budget
Eystem as a substitute for the appropria
tions and "pork barrel" system in vogue
tin thn United States was advocated today
f by Harvey S. Clioso In an address before
Itho American Economic Association and
itho American Blatlstlcal Association, How
f meeting Rt Princeton University.
Doctor Chase, who has maae a stuuy
' of Questions relating to standard sched-
' ules for uniform nnanclal statements by
all nations, advocated that a commltteo
be appointed by tho two associations for
the purposo or devising a uuugci ior me
United States on the basis of the present
averaso Governmental expenditures. This,
ho maintained, would not only work for
econbmy In tho end, but would eliminate
the Vicious evils of the "pork barrel"
Doctor Chase outlined his plan bb
"What are the fundamental functions
common to all, or nearly all, the nations?
nt.li4lf lnu 41ia nrnnf tinfnrn 119
1 'War' or 'National Dofcnse' Is one of
f ..... -. t 1 . ,..,- ......, In.,
mem; me mosi imporiuni bhihiu i"
of them apparently. What Is another?
Evidently national 'Indebtedness Is
another. To wit: Debts, sinking funds,
U(..n, nil iitnH.M fAlntlnff to national
debts, funded or floating. Again, national
administration' Is universal In some
form. Tho functions of legislation, ex
ecution (administrative), and Judicature
are everywhere present .They can be
classified without serious difficulty; by
this I mean tho higher administration,
tho overhead' costs of national govern
ment. "So far we havo mentioned three large,
fundamental functions, each capable of
simple subdivisions of uniform and stand
ard character. "With these three we shall
have covered much more than half, prob
ably three-quarters, or oven more, of tho
total costs of each national government.
Wo may well be satisfied with these three
if It should prove Impracticable to ad
vance further this year J am convinced,
however, that wp Bhall find that we can
ndvancc quito a little further almost Im
mediately. For Instance, there are tho
public service' or 'public utility' func
4tn.tf aftii an ntlrnnHfL telecrranhs. tele
phones, mall service, and express service.
AUo theiy is 'forest service" and 'agri
culture.' as -well aB 'commerce,' and
various other functions which can be
classified. In big subdivisions at least, and
which will bo fairly comparable among
the nations."
Doctor Chaso submitted, as an Illustra
tion of what the national budget 'of the
United States might be If drawn up on
tho now' plan, separate tables of expendi
tures under tho following Items:
Expenditures for war or national de
fense functions, including the nrmy, navy,
w"ar pensions and war debts: expendi
tures for peace, social, civil and economic
functions; expenditures for general gov
ernmental functions, and a general sum
mary of total estimates for tho various
governmental functions., According to
the estimates the grand total for the
fiscal year 1015-1911! would be J1.C90.775.131.
For the fiscal year 1914-1915 the budget
would bo 1,108,681.777.
Influence of Evangelist Causes Coun-i-
cil to Take Action.
DES MOINES, la., Dec. 30, As a re
ult of the recent "Billy" Sunday evan
gelistic campaign hore the City Council
has given the saloons of ties Moines
until February 15 In which to prepare
to close their doors.
A resolution was passed granting a le
newal of the licenses, all of which ex
pire "January 3, until February 15. Then
the saloons will bo closed unless tn the
meantime a case pending in the District
Court Is decided In their favor.
The meeting of the Council yesterday
Was the scene of a spirited fight be
tween the anti-saloon forces and the
"wets." Tho former wore led by the
Ilev. C. C. Medbury, a prominent worker
In the? recent Sunday campaign.
They presented a petition nsklng that
the licenses be refused signed by more
than 10,000 Voters of the city. This peti
tion was secured on the last day of the
meetings In the tabernacle.
The case now before tho District Court
Is one- started years ago attacking tho
Bufllclency of a petition of consent filed
at that time by the saloonlsts. Several
of the most prominent saloonlsts of the
city tonight said they would make pre
paratlona to close February 15.
"Unloaded" Kevolver in Hands of
Young Man Causes Wound.
Whlle preparing for a noisy welcome to
the. new year, Mrs. Bertram V. Showalter,
Sll Station avenue, was shot and danger
ously wounded lost night by her brother-in-law.
The shooting occurred In the dining
iopm of the Showalter home while Show
niter, her brother-in-law, 19 years' oA,
was cleaning a revolver for use on New
Year's Eve. Believing the weapon un
loaded, h pointed It at his sister-in-law
and pulled the trigger. Twice the weapon
fatted to explode, but on the third pull
ll,rs, Showalter fell with a bullet through
her nose and mouth.
Mrs, Showalter was unconscious for
more than two hours. Her'brother-ln.
law, who -was vlsltng the family for the
holidays, 1ms not been arrested, but is
under surveillance pending the outcome of
her Injuries.
Theatrical Producer's liabilities
$94,108 His Assets $78,704.
NEW TORK. Dec. 30. Harrison, Grey
Flake, the theatrical producer, husband
of Minnie Maddern Flake, the actress,
filed today a voluntary petition in bank
ruptcy, showing liabilities of 191,133.41
and assets of t78.794.T7.
Among the principal creditors are Klaw
Erlanger, JTSQ0; Edward Knoblauch,
56p0; Margaret Anellu, JSS1, and Edward
Sheldon, J43J5.
Fifty Married Couples Reconciled
Judge Brown, of the Domestic Rela
tions branch of the Municipal Court, has
received a report showing that CO married
couples, to whom separations had been
granted In the last few years, and in
Whose cases support orders had been Is
sued, had become reconciled. These were
antong a. total of SO coses on which, re
port were made by the court's proba
tloa officer. Mrs, Jane D. Rlppln-
' 1 ,i .
. Steamship lima Sinks in Sale
AMSTERDAM. Dec. 30,-Tho Swedish
cargo steamship. Jrma. asnk during jlie
sale thai swept the North Sea Monday
Foui teen men were drowuect Two qi her
crew who ww rescued wah4 HpUand
Father Theodore George Succumbs to
Heart Disease,
The Bet". Theodore George, a prominent
member of the Roman Catholic clergy In
Baltimore, died suddenly at 7 o'clock this
morning In St. Agnes Hospital, while
seated In a choir nwnlllng the chaplain
who was to administer to him Holy Com
munion. He was found with his head
bent slightly forward reclining In penceful
composure by tha chaplain who carried
the Blcjsed Sacrament.
Father George went to communion every
morning at the hospital, where he had
been a patient for more Minn a month
suffering from heart dlsense and a com
plication of other troubles. Ho had Just
been reading his breviary and the book
was found beside him. He had arisen
early, ns wns his custom,
Father Georgo was rector of St. Al
phonsus Roman Catholic Church In Balti
more, and funeral services will be con
ducted there next Saturday morning. Ho
was formerly assistant nt the Tlomnti
Catholic Church oCSt. Boniface, Diamond
street nnd Norrls square, Philadelphia.
Father Georgo wbb born In Now York
In 1S62. After several years spent in
classical study at tho Itedemptorlst Col
lege nt Northeast, Pa., ho entered tho
Itedemptorlst' Fathers' House of studies
In llchcster, Maryland. He was ordained
by Cardinal Gibbons In 1SSY. Ho wns
then appointed professor of church his
tory and moral theology In the seminary
In llchcster, and some years later taught
Father Georgo was very well known,
especially among the Gcrmnn Catholics
In this city. Ho wns a man of largo
physical proportions, being more than six
feet tall and weighing close to 300 pounds.
Whlto stationed at St. Bonlface'B Church
hero prior to May, 1B0I, Father George
was especially Interested In the young
men of the parish, nnd ho never tired
giving them good, sound ativicc. in uai
tlmoro he was ono of the diocesan con
suiters of Cardinal Gibbons nnd was held
in high esteem. Uccauso of his Illness
ho spent several months In Atlantic City
last summer.
Recognition of Belgium as Teuton
Territory to Bo Avoided.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. The State De
partment was feeling Its way cautiously
today In preparing a icply to the Gor
man note concerning American Consuls In
Belgium. It was pointed out that the
position takon by this Government will
sot a precedent to be followed throughout
the war In determining tho status of con
sular representatives of neutral countries
In conquered territory.
It was clear tlint tho question of
recognition of Belgium as German terri
tory would be completely avoided in the
reply. -
Th. sltnta n.nol-tmpTlt will fiUlTITCRt to
Germnny that our Consuls be permitted
to remain until tho territorial differences
are adjusted after the war. ,
Oniclnls rppeattd today that the Ger
man note did not In any way affect the
present status of Minister Brand Whit
lock, nt Brussels, whose diplomatic duties
iliave been Inrgely suspended since tho
Germans took tho Bc'glan capital. Whlt
lock Is remaining In Brussels because he
finds he can make himself very useful In
relief work.
Youth's Mother Makes Vnln Appeal
to License Cleric.
If Adam McConnell. .Tr , mnrrles Miss
Gertrude Fltzpatrlck he'll run Into trou
ble. Mrs. Annie McConnell, his mother,
says she will have him nrrestcd the
minute he says "I will." McConnell says
he'll say it tonight even if he's tarred
and feathered Immediately afterwards.
He is 18 and lives at 3116 Bancroft street.
His fiancee is 20. She lives at 1317 Clem
entine street.
Tho couple hurried Into the Marriage
License Bureau this nfternoon Mrs. Mc
Connell hurried In a moment later.
"Don't issue that license!" she cried to
Clerk Ferguson. "I Yinrn you. They're
under age. and I have not given my con
sent and I nover will."
The would-be bridegroom exhibited his
father's written consent to the union.
Miss Fitzpatrick nlBO showed a signed
paternal permit. That Is all the law re
quires, so the license was Issued nnd
tho couple ran out, boarded a car and
disappeared, while Mrs. McConnell, out
distanced, talked rapidly and vehemently
to Mr. Ferguson.
Trustees of National Utilities Board
Will Devise Campaign.
Tho board of trustees of the National
Utilities Bureau met today at tho Uni
versity Club to plan a working bureau
and to consider representing cities In
lights for tho reduction of rates and
prices by public utility corporations.
The members of the board, which wan
formed at the suggestion of Director
Cooke, of tho Department of Publlo
Works, are Louis D. Brnndels, tho law
yer, of Boston: Frederick A. Cleveland,'
director of the New York Bureau of Mu
nicipal Research; Charles It. Van Hlse,
president of the University of Wisconsin;
Samuel S. Fels, Charles F. Jenkins and
Frederick W. Taylor, of Philadelphia.
One member. Prof. Leo S. Rowe, Is In
Soulh America,
The bureau has accepted commissions
to conduct cases against gas and electric
companies tdmtlar to the tuxpajers' com
plaint against the Philadelphia Electrlo
Company before the Pennsylvania Public
Service Commission,
Ship Iioading for New Orleans Re
vet ses Usual Order.
Like carrying coal to Newcastle Is the
shipment of refined sugar to New Or
leans from this port. The American
steamship El Rio, of the Southern Pa
cific fleet, Isyiow loading a cargo of tho
product at the Spreckles Sugar Refinery,
foot of Reed Btreet, The cargo will com
slat of about 5600 tons. This s the first
time In the memory of veteran rlvermen
that Buch. a shipment has been made.
Representatives of, the refinery ex.
plained the shipment by saying tha clos
ing oj American Sugar Refinery at New
Orleans has made the refined product
scarce in the South. Men in. close touch
with the sugar situation, however, de
clare the Sugar Trust may be bent on
entering In Bharp competition with the
Independent refiners of Louisiana.
Seeks Damages for Accidents in
Which AutQ Suffered.
Suit was started In the Municipal Court
today by Dr. S SollCohen against the
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company to
recover $160 damages. In his .statement
of claim, he says that on May $, 1913.
his automobile was standing In front of
his fflce, at 1S26 Walnut street, when a
trolley struck a passing wagon, hurlln
It apalnst his machine and causing 35
In a second accident. May 33. 1914, the
physician says he was driving east or
Chestnut street directly behind a trolley
car, when it stopped and, after' discharg
ing passengers, suddenly and without
warning, started to run backward- Tne
doctor's car was struck sad be says re
pairs cost IU6.
1)1 lj
C ft L L
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Vslh ir1 1
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to -
" &' $
2 1 I
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The Police Department today announced that 200 policemen will be
on guard around the Billy Sunday tabernacle next week. Vehicles
will not be permitted to pass through or stand in any of the streets
south of Callowhill street, north of Race street, west of 18th street
or east of 20th street during the meetings in the tabernacle. Traffic
may move north through 20th street, may go north or northwest by
turning into Vine, west of 20th or the Parkway, west of the same
street. Traffic going north on 18th street must continue in a northerly
direction as far as Callowhill street. It can then move west on Cal
lowhill, if desired, and go south on streets west of 20th street. No
automobiles or other vehicles may be parked during the meetings in
18th, 19th, 20th, Vine and Wood streets, West Logan Square, North
Logan Square or the Parkway between Race and Callowhill streets
and 18th and 20th streets.
100,000 TO HIT TRAIL
Leaders in Great Campaign
Predict Wonderful Awak
ening as Result of Evan
gelist's Visit.
Billy Sunday will lead more than 100,000
persons down tho sawdUBt trails in the
Philadelphia evangelistic campaign.
This Is tho opinion of many of tho lead
era in the work of preparation nnd of
some of Mr. Sunday's personal friends In
this city. Suoh men as Joseph SI. Steele,
chairman of tho Executive Committee,
George C. Rhano, the executive secretary:
Dr. Russell II. Conwell, Bishop Joseph F.
Berry and tho Rev. Dr. William H. Rob
erts nio confident that the Philadelphia
campalsn Is going to ccllpso anything
Sunday has tver done.
Discussing the possibilities when several
of the leading workers were assembled a
few days ago. one of the men suggested
that atleast 60,000 men and women would
"hit the trail" at the service in the taber
nacle at lDth and Vino streets,
100,000 TO "HIT TRAIL."
Theroupon another called the suggestion
ridiculous, saying:
"Why. man, jou don't have any con
ception of the magnitude of this thing.
Sunday Is going to havo at least 300,000
men arid women come up and tell him
they aro through with the old life and
will hereafter be followers of the Ohrlat
he preaches. It's ridiculous to suggest
that he'll have 60,000. Why, map, this Is
the greatest thing Philadelphia has ever
had. Sunday has never preached In a
city onr-tihlrd as large, nnd there has
never been so many enthusiastic workers.
Look at the thousands of men in the
Bible classes alone! Almost 60.000 of them
lined up ready for the battle. Look at the
work of the Prayer Meeting Committee!
There are olmoBt 6000 of them twice each
"All tho men who are familiar with Uy
Sunday campaign? say there haa never
gcen anything like It before. I shan't be
surprised If 100,000 Is away below the total
number of converts."
Safety for the great crowds that will at
tend the meetings In the tabernacle Is as
sured by the extensive plans being made
by the Committee on Snfety, of which
Alba B. Johnson, president of the Bald
win Locqmotlvo Works, Is chairman, and
the co-operation of Dlreotor Porter, of
the Department of Publlo Safety, and Su
perintendent of Police Robinson.
Police Superintendent Robinson an
nounced today that there would be .al
together ahout !00 men of the department
on active duty In and around the taber
nacle during the campaign.
There will be about 100 patrolmen sta
tioned insldend outside the structure.
In order to keep the traffic moving In the
streets surrounding the tabernacle, 25
motorcycle officers and 23 mounted police
men will be on duty, and there will be
between 25 and 60 plain clothes detectives
from the Central force on the constant
watch, .
Captain Tempest will be In general
charge of the details at the tabernacle
and he will be assisted by three lieuten
ants and about 10 sergeants. Lieutenant
DInlocker, of tho 20th and Buttonwood
streets station, will have charge of the
detail of patrolmen Inside the building,
and Lieutenant Mills will be In charge of
the tiafllc bituad.
Lieutenant Mills announced today that
the t radio regulations during the cam
paign will not permit any vehicles from
passing through or standing In any of
the streetB south of Callowhill street,
north of Race street, west of 18th street
or east of 20th street during the meetings
In the tabernacle. Traffic may move
north through 20th Btreet, may go north
or northwest by turning into Vine, west
of 20th or the Parkway, west of the same
Traffic going north on 18th street must
continue In a northerly direction as far
as Callowhill street. It can then move
west on Callowhill, if desired, and go
Our Jt ry flock or Mlecltd bird are hU
exUiulvcly for mill trade. Nvr more d
lklou and ttndtr loan now Bquah Uuln
tor Individual Mvlos Evory thins In poultry,
butter and 1st ImmadlaU amotion to mall
and pbona orders We d liver anywhere.
stalls ees.feg-aio
. OGS1 A
south on Blreots west of 30th street. No
automobiles or other vehicles may be
parked during the mettings In 18th, 19th,
20th. Vine and Wood streets, West Logan
Square, North Logan Sciunro or the Park
way between Race and Callowhill streets
nnd 18th and 20th streets.
Thrco hundred nnd fifty thousatid Invi
tations to the tabernacle meetings, 100,000
prajcr lists, COOO window signs advertising
tho evangelistic cnmpalnn and 7000 Indl
ldunl letters sent from the "Billy" .Sun
da headquarters In tho Stock Exchange
Building give some Idea as to the scope
of the work accomplished by the local
committee slnco the opening of the offices
ln'.p In August.
The total expenses of this bmnc.ii of tho
work havo now reached approximately
The houhe rented for the use of Sunday
and his party at 1914 Spring aarden street
has been found Inadequate for the
housing of the complete party nnd ar
rangements are now being completed
whereby eight of this delegation will be
accommodated In apartment houses In the
neighborhood of 19th and Spring Garden
The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com
pai.y announced today that all cars which
coer routes passing near tho tabernacle
will bear signs rending "Tabernacle Car."
B, D. Ackley, private secretary and
pianist for Mr. Sunday will leave for
Pittsburgh tonight, where he Is to clve a
concert with Prof. Homer Rodehcaver,
the choir director of tho Sunday party.
Mr. Ackley expects to return to this
city on Friday to make final preparations
for the beginning of the evangelistic cam
paign on Sunday.
Tho big tabernacle rang with music last
night for tho first time. Ono of the two
choirs of 1800 voices held Its first rehear
sal. The first hymn that was sung In
Billy Sunday's great citadel was "Nearer,
Sly God, to Thee." Many persons inter
ested In tho campaign were present to
hoar It, The scene was impressive. It
thrilled thoso who anticipate so much
good from the revival.
As they looked out from the choir loft
over the rows and rows of vacant scats In
tho brightly illuminated tabernacle, they
thought of tho scene that would be pre
sented when thousands of men and
women surged Inside and filled every
bench and occupied nil the standing room,
They thought of the volume of muslo
that would rise among the rough beams
and pillars when the same hymns they
heard last night would ring forth from
tens of thousands of throats.
II. C. Lincoln led the singing, which
was accompanied by Mrs. Richard Mad
dock, organist of the Eleventh Baptist
Church, who presided at the piano, and
by P. Nevln Wlest. tho cornetlst of the
Lemon Hill Association. Tonight the
other choir, also composed of 1S00 per
sons, will have Its first rehearsal.
Foils to Appear at Hearing on Ha
, beas Corpus Application.
Mrs. Evelyn Donaldson failed to appear
in the Domestic Relations Court this
morning for the hearing on an applica
tion for a writ of habeas corpus for the
possession of her 7-year-old daughter
Dorothy, now In the custody of her
grandmother, Mrs. W. F. Donaldson, of
2003 Chestnut street.
On petition of John R. K. Scott, at
torney for Mrs. Donaldson, the hearing
was postponed until 10 o'clock tomorrow
morning. Counsel for Mrs. W. F. Donald
son opposed the continuance, Mr. Scott
said his client was depending- upon wit
nesses "who would have to come from out
of town. They -would not arrive until to
morrow, he said.
Mra. W, P. Donaldson, mother of Keith
Donaldson, whom Mrs. Evelyn Donaldson
divorced several years ago, was held yes
terday under 000 ball for court on a
charge of assault and battery, brought
by Mrs. Evelyn Donaldson.
LAN ft (W . SM?
ev j opeed the departing year fafSf
$ sk f( Welcome in the New Tw
Pjwtjreial 1 y Alfi'd Wholesome Merriment at V jp
! O1 m THE NEW
Luncheon 50c ; fiSv
Hot Turkey Sandwich M vV
Cranberry Sauce J
Mathtd Potatoes Pa R K-tSZ""- ijSL
Ice Cream Coffee 7(V ) StfSr"v pigfoa.
1024-26 Chestnut St. --5V
j'UOie rtviore uiatisrs. f la s p.m s(M JK7.tfS-vIvv cC.-"M SfcE'V'
i 7c and tU9 :?&?gQ72&&iK9&JS&L,
Judge Dougherty Denounces
Police Department for
Frequent Disregard of
Charges by Director of Publlo Safety
Porter against tho courts for leniency In
disposing of prisoners were answered to
day by denunciations of the police de
partment from the Judges referred to In
tho director's criticism.
An hour after Director Porter had Is
sued a statement giving tho history of
tho case of Olga Miller, who was sen
tenced to the 'House of Correction and
released on a writ of habeas corpus be
fore she had tlmo to enter prison, Judge
Dougherty, who had signed the writ, re
piled by declaring that "the nctlons of
somo policemen In making arrests Is an
outrage nnd an entlro disregard of law.
Olga Miller wns sentenced yesterday to
nlno months in tho House of Correction
by Magistrate Ronshaw. Bcrorc the po
lice boat cnrrylng her had reached the
prison n writ for her release was served
on tho superintendent of the House of
Correction. When she appeared In court
mis morning ror a hearing of the writ
.ludgo Dougherty reduced her sentence to
three months.
To Director Porter's criticism of him
for reducing the Miller girl's sentence.
Judge Dougherty replied this afternoon:
"I disposed of a number of police cases
today, nnd whllo I have no detailed recol
lection of this particular case, I will say
that In numerous cases of this class
which have come before me I havr found
that tho action of some of the policemen
in making nrrrsts ns they do Is an out
rage and an entlro disregard of the law.
There have been occasions when some
of tho policemen should bo held them
selves for the manner In which they glvo
In ninny Instances they try to provoke
crime instead of making an effort to
prevent it: they make the first ndvanccs
and then If the woman makes the slight
est reply she Is nrrestcd as a disorderly
street walker.
"In tho cases of women who have been
discharged by nio on writs of habeas
corpiiB, or whose sentences have been
reduced, such action. In my opinion, was
In strict conformity with tho lnw, and
demanded by the fulr administration of
Director Porter's statement, which pro
voked the reply from Judge Dougherty,
was as follows:
"Ampllrjliig my statement of a few
days ago before the Ministerial Associa
tion concerning the action of tho Judges
of tho court In releasing prisoners who
havo been arrested for keeping dis
orderly resorts or for nctlng disorderly
on the street tho following case is In
teresting: "Olga Miller wnB tried beforo Magis
trate Ronshaw jesterday, charged with
being disorderly on the street nnd sen
tenced to nine months In the House of
"Before the police boat with this
prisoner in the custody of its officers ar
rived at the House of Correction wharf,
where she was to be delivered to the
warden, a writ of habeas corpus was
Issued by Judge Dougherty nnd present
ed to the superintendent of the House of
Correction and this morning In the Court
of Quarter Sessions, Judge Dougherty re
duced the sentence to six months.
"This woman'H record Is as follows:
"July 8. lOlO-Charscd with keeping disor-
jiHRistrate Uelcher.
"March 2. 1011-Chargod with keeping dis
orderly resort. Comlcted bforo Judge Ormo
lod and arntence mitpcndcd.
J."v;Ne.n,b!r ll- 1012-CharKCd with keepInK
disorderly resort. Convicted before Judu-j
Scnrlea and sentence sunpended
"lomber 31, llilS-Charged with keeping
disorderly resort. Tried and .sentenced to UO
days In the county prison and flnud 0O.
"February 7, 1013 Charged with koeplnjr dis
orderly resort. Tried, sentenced to IiO days In
tho County Prison and fined 30O
"Octobor 10, 1013 Charged with being disor
derly on street. Sentenced to three months In
tho House of Correction.
"April 3, 1014 Charged with belns disorderly
on street. Sentonccd lo three months In the
Rouso of Correction
"December 20. 1014 Charged with being dls
orderly on street. Sentenced to nine month
In tha House of Correction. Sentence reduced
to six months by Judge Dougherty.
"I think 1 need add nothing further to my
"OEonGH d. roriTBn."
$15,000 Loss When Barn Burns nt
Five horses were burned to death and
a large quantity of hay nnd feed de
stroyed today when a large barn on the
Davllla Dairy Farm, owned by Cresson
R. Davis, nt Llanerch, bunted.
Five volunteer fire companies fought
the flnmcs for two hours, but were unable
to save tho structure, only the stone
walls of which were left standing. The
Dwls home and other structures near
the burning building were threatened by
the Jlnmes. Damage to the extent of
$15,000 was done by the flames, the origin
of which Is unknown.
Fire fighters came from Oakmont,
Highland Park, Ardmore and Lansdowne.
Many children In the children's ward of
the Mt. Slnal Hospital were thrown Into
a panic when tire was discovered in the
home of Mrs. Fanny Rosenblum, HIS
South Lawrence street, near the Institu
tion. The children became hysterical,
but were quieted by Doctor Wachs, of
tho accident ward.
Lusitanla Sails, Heavily Insured
NEW YORK.jDcc. SO. Protected by
$1,000,000 additional Insurance, the Lusl
tanla sailed today, the last of the big
liners off to Europe this year. The addi
tional Insurance cost the Cunard Line
150,000 ln premiums and was taken out
because of fear engendered by the recent
German raid on the Yorkshire coast.
' ' lissiHsiiiisiiiiiiiiiiH
ubH Am, v HiiiifliiiiiiiHssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH
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Photo by Hvans Studio.
Clubman and treasurer of the
McCahan Sugar Refining Com
pany, who died today.
Treasurer of McCnhnn Sugar Com
pany Wb Prominent Clubman.
Hlchard S. Pomeroy, member of tho
Union League and Manufacturers' Club,
nnd treasurer of the V,'. .1. McCahan
Sugar Refining Company, died suddenly
In his Rldlej Park homo early today,
after nn attack of acute Indigestion. Ho
wns CI years old.
A tiotlcn of his death was posted this
morning at the Union League, and caused
profound sorrow among tho members of
tllo .club, with which he had been Identi
fied for many years.
x Mr. Pomeroy was bftrn In Philadelphia
nnd lind been connected with tho AV. J.
McCahan Sugar Refining Company for
more than 45 yenrs. He Is survived by
a widow and eight children, Richard S.
Pomeroy, Jr., John Pomeroy. Charles
Pomeroy, Mrs H. Griffin, William Pom
rroy, Mrs. H. Stclwagon, Mrs. Charles
Herman and Miss Martha Pomeroy.
Mr. Pomeroy was a former Park Com
missioner and burgess of Ridley Park.
He was trustee of the Ridley Park Trcs
byterlau Church, and was prominent In
Masonic circles. The funeral will be held
on Saturday In Ridley Park. Tho Rev. S.
T. Linton, pastor of the Ridley Park
Presbyterian Church, will conduct the
Tailor Kobbed ln His Shop at Point
of Revolver.
Five robberies and a hold-up were re
ported to police headquarters today. D.
Krlkor, a tailor, of 317 Soutli 13th street,
said a man about SO years old entered
his store last night and said ho wanted
some buttons put on his coat. When Krl
kor turned his back the stranger drew
a revoher. Ho then searched tho tailor's
pockets, got J3 nnd mnde his escape.
Tho home of Leon Dodson, 530S Wood
bine avenue, was robbed of JS00 worth
of Bllver: Mrs. Mary Gruddlng. 37 North
Paxon street, lost $75, and Mrs. Elizabeth
Hall, 131 North 60th street, $107 in Jew
elry. Thieves who entered the homo of Mar
tin Forbes, 3312 Arcadia street, got $49
worth of Jewelry and $32 In cash. Georgo
Condon, a tlsh dealer at 19th and Market
streets, wus robbed of $30 by a sneak
thief while ho was using the telephone.
Justice Hughes at Bedside When
Aged Parent Succumbs.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. Mrs. Mary C.
Hughes, mother of Associate Justice.
Hughes, of tho United States Supreme
Court, died at her residence hero early
today. Justice Hughes was at her bed
side. Mra. Hughes was E5 jcars old, and old
ago Is given ns the cause of her death.
Funeral services will be private nnd
burial will be at Woodlawn, N. Y.
Big Appropriation Bill Reported
WASHINGTON. Dec. SO The agri
cultural appropriation bill carrying a total
of $22.07.712, today was reported to the
House. The amount Is nearly $2,000,000
In excess of the estimates, but this Is
accounted for by tho emergency ap
propriation of $2,600,000 1o eradicate the
foot and mouth disease in cattle and nn
appropriation of $235,000 for pievcntlon of
hog cholera.
WINSTED. Conn., Dec. 30. The mnln
building of the George Junior Republic
at Litchfield today was destroyed by lire,
with all of its contents. The loss Is es
timated at $10,000.
Mrs. Glfford, the matron, and about SO
boys were rescued by means, of ladders.
They were scantily attired and suffered
greatly from exposure. t
Send a
&Z$U 22lSoikBroajSt.
Best American Beauty Roses,
stemt 4 feel hno, $10 per doz,
Violets, $1.00 per bunch.
Orchids, 50c and $1,00 each.
Arch and Twelfth Streets
r-i Special $t Dinner From
rf 12 Noon to Midnight
M( Delicious cooking, exceptional
r muslc and perfect service.
Tables reserved by 'phone.
New Entrants Seek Oppor
tunity to Visit Beauty
Spots of West Through
Ledger Offer.
Flvo new entrants yesterday applied for
permission to enter the Pont,:o Ledger
nnd lr,?ttNO LriDacn contest for free
trips to the Panama Exposition at San
Francisco and tho San Diego Exposition
nt Sun Diego. With the Christmas sea
son over, publlo interest ln tho remark-'
nble contest had been nroused lo the
highest pitch. Although the contest will
not end until June .10, 1915, exactly six
montliH, from tomorrow, thejtimo Is never
theless short for thoso who wish to enter
the contest.
By tho arrangements of the Public:
Ledokr nnd the IIvkniko Ledobr. E0 per
sons Hill be taken absolutely free of
chargo to the expositions. The Unusual
opportunity to sea many of tho beauty
spots In America Is almost unprecedented
and from the number of Inquiries pouring
in hourly the public Is not slow to rec
ognize this.
n view of the rewards offered, the
work required by the contests Is small
Indeed. Everything can be done In spare
hours or at odd times. No one will re
ceive tiny advantage over other contest
ants, nnd thero wilt be no discrimination
or favoritism under the rules. For this
reason employes of ooth newspapers aro
prohibited from entering the contests.
In the course of the trip stops will be
made nt numerous points of Interest 'n
thn West. This will not mean any extra
cost to tho guests of tho newspapers.
From the tlmo the 60 persons lcavo Phila
delphia until they return again every Hoc--essaxy
expense will be borne by the Pub
lic LKDCEn and tho Gvenino LEDOsn.
Although already mora than 1E0 have
entcrco. the contest, there Is still ample
tlmo for those who can work hard and
fast to ovcrtako those who have had tha
advantage of an early start. Full ln- ,
formation us to the terms of the contest
may be obtained from the Contest Editor
by personal application, by mall or by
Tho free tour will Btart early ln June,
when tho picturesque mountain scenery
In the great West Is most beautiful. Re
turning, tho tourists will bo able to see
the samo country In the mlddto of the
summer. 1
Ne,w York Supremo Court Justice
Hands Sown Decision.
All persons who lino manased to relax,
Perhaps to break the bonds or matrimony.
Aro glad to learn there'll bo no Income tax
On alimony.
A New York Supreme Court Justice
has handed down a decision of consider
able Importance to all recipients of ali
mony, and Phlladelphlans ln that class
today aro jubilant. There will be no In
come tax on alimony.
Suit was brought by Howard Gould to
set aside a Judgment for 300 obtained
against him by Mrs. Kathrlno Clcmmons
Gould for that amount, which he with
held from her alimony allowance of $3000
a month to pay Income tax.
The Court upheld tho judgment, decid
ing that Income tax laws do not apply
to alimony payments.
"Safety Tlrst"1 Drawing Will Bs l
Hung ln Sunday Taoernacle.
So much attention had been attracted
by C. Ii Sykes' cartoon. "Safety First."
published In the edition of the Evbnino
Ludoeb. of December 22, containing tho
special Billy Sunday page, that the origi
nal drawing has been framed and will be
hung In a prominent position ln the big
revival tabernacle at 19th and Vine
"Safety First" depicts Satan, with
hatred and scorn upon his features, flee
ing from the city after reading a poster
announcing Billy Sunday campaign
plans. Tho framed picture was presented
to tho "Billy" Sunday commltteo by this
Garibaldi's Grandson Killed
PAIUS, Dec. 30. Colonel Popplno Gari
baldi, grandson of the great Italian patri
ot, who came back from Mexico at the
beginning of tho war to enlist In tbo
French army, was killed In a battle ln
the Argonnes. His body was not found.
Sale of
Suits and
These are Perry Suits,
Perry Overcoats, and there
are thousands of them at
Ileal Reductions!
Many of them just newjy
in from our. own . work
rooms! $15 Suits & Overcoats
NOW $10.50 & 11.50
$18 Suits & Overcoats
JWW $13.50 & 15,00
$20 Suits & Overcoats
NOW $15.00 & $10.50
$25 Suits & Overcoats
NOW $19 and 20
And so on up to our fln?st
Fur-lined Overcoats!
Perry &Co.bx"
16th & Chestnut Sts.