rt mmw BY WAR, WOMAN TRIES TO DIE l AND POISONS BABES 4?.l Coding Over Thousands Slain in Europe Drives Mother to Insane Act. Two Children Dying EVENING- tiBBBRPHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY; DECEMB RUINS LEFT BY FIRE m CENTRE OF PAYNE'S BUSINESS SEGTION DEATH OF IMBECILE CAUSES REFORMS IN 'CITY INSTITUTION SKBX&VOnKi Mee. 30.-Mrs. Ida HoRcrs, TW'Sf Loyal nosers; a lawyer, frenzied by constant fcroodlne dvef the thousands killed In the European war, dissolved sevcrM tlehlorld of mercury tablets- In a Stag of water last nlRht. and, after elv Ins h. part of tho solution to her little hoy, Johtv 2 years old, and her S-hiontha-old babj Loreltn, drank the remainder, TrJo" Jiours later Mrs. Catherine Burns, who waa on the first floor of the cot tage In Which tho couple lived, 221 V. lS7th street, heard groans and on Investi gation found tho two children wrlthliitf In neony nnd .Mrs. Uogers lying on the. bod In n sVihl-conscIous condition. "Tho babies aro poisoned," moaned tho mother. "I havo given thorn bichloride. It 1a awful 'to see them suffer so. I thought It would work mdre quickly." Mrs. Burns rushed to the street and found two llttlo boys, whom sho sent for medical, aid. Dr. W. O. Hague Immediate ly sent the mother and children to a hospital, whero they nro In a critical state. Tho mother may recover, but It Is said that the children will dlo. It Is believed that after administering tho poison Mrs, Rogers tried to Have li9k little girl. Doctor Hague found u book on the table entitled "The Eugenic Mother and Her Children,' which was opened at tho "chapter headed "Cleansing Hnby's Stomach.'1 After reaching tho hospital, the un fortunate woman mado a statement to Coroner Hrnly, In which she said: "My head' has ached 'and I hnve had a. cough. I thought mnybr I w otlltl dlo and 1 fllcl m?t want to leave my babies behind mo If I had to go. It was n crazy thing to do, I know, but t havo been morbid, and melancholy thinking-about tho .thousands killed In tho war." Mr. Itogcrs confirmed this ami Bald that his wife, hnd wprrlcd a great deal over the loss of some of hlo practice) due to tho war. But he said he una not financially cmbarasscd nnd hud no' Idoa that his wife contemplated sutcldo. Harje Puts End to Loose Practiced in Philadelphia Hospital Fallowing Scald ing of Girl. EE S0.JJ!il ua . an ' ' A, .X Director Martc Issued orders today to the offlcTsIs and attendants at the Philadelphia-dcnornl Hospital that henceforth np Irresponsible person nt tho Institution bo permitted to take charge of any 'pit -tlents lit the hospital, old or young. In tho absence of nurses or regular attaches. The Director also Issued orders which will roouit In reforms at the Institution, Dlrertor Hnrte's order followed nn In vestigation made by him Into the case of 10-s ear-old Clara Baltxberg, ah Im becile, who died nt the hospital on De cember 2i! nfter having been' scalded Christmas Day while being given a bath by Ileatrlco Qullberti an Imbecile negro woman. The child, the hospital authorities main tain, died aB a result of pneumonia, which, she contracted Immediately after the bath. A post card notice of tho death waR re ceived Tuesday morning by Mrs. F, L Snltaburg,. of 329 South 6th street, ihothcr of tho little girl It read as follows: "Dear sir or madam: t beg to In form you that Clara Snltzlnirg died nt 10:20 a. m., December 26, at the Phila delphia General Hospital." IIP' MKBBBBSKSKMSmm 'imaSmWmlmWSH ammsmmm fill mm mBmMM wmtmrjmJ. a.' " ii ii 'ii Wi I'll I B&7 ' mmSmWRmWmmMlm maII-8iK .llfiffill limiii i ii ii ii . j ii in "ii r --- r - JJMM - i The photograph shows the Wayne Opera House, in which the pistoffice and a hardware store were situated, after being gutted by the $100,000 blaze in the business centre today. SENATOR HALL NEAR DEATH Oblivious to Surroundings and End Seems Close nt Hand. TAMrA, Flo., Dec. SO. State Senator J. K. P. Hall, of Itldgway, Pa., Is critically 111 In this city. He has been oblivious to surroundings since Christmas Kvo With brief Interval of consciousness Inst Saturday, lie has been nourished entirely by absorption. Physicians gvo no hope, and bcllevo to day that"hl3 end Is but matter of hours. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey Fair nnd colder tonight and Thursday; strong west winds. The disturbance that wns centrarover Illinois yesterday morning has. moved rapidly northeastward1 to the lower St." Lawrence Vulley. It cnuscd general pre cipitation from the Mississippi Illver eastward and has been followed by clearing ant' much colder throughout the great central valleys and tho Upper Lake regions. Conditions aro clearing over tho vAttutitlu Slntcc this morning nnd tho colder area will spread eastward to tho coanc this afternoon and tonl.rht. probably causing uiodurntc fieczlng tcmpcintuirH along the const line, while more severe conditions will prevail In the muuntulns and along their western slope. U. S. Weather Bureatt Bulletin Obaervatlnna mado at H u, ni. Kaateni thru- Station. Abllone. Tux ... :io Its Atlantic I'lty.... :m :tu Slatnurclr. N. U.'ll "III Luw last Itatn- Vcloo S "?,!: ".Ii1 f"ll-Wlnd. Uj.Wratlinr A'i XlOhton. Mass Butlaln, .N. V,. Chitato, III.... Cleieland. O.... Denver. Col.... Den Maine. Is, Detroit. Mich.. Dutuiiir Minn;. Ualvnston, Tx. llatterss, N. C. Jtcltna. Mont.. Huron. 8, D... .Inqkinnvlllo. Kla, IS Ml II H . 82 : III 14 . 28 28 , -' K , m so , . :il 2Z .ioia v. I 1. hi: NV .2S XV ,u ew v sw .01 NV .12 W .111 HV .N .f l.CllUllv Cloudy Clear Clovdv Cloudy Brnnmii CUy; Mo, n it I.oulavlMe, Ky... 2s 2s Imphl. Tenn.. :) : New Orleans, Iji. 12 42 Naw York....... 32 32 n riutto, .nvii., 4 t Oklahoma. Okln. 22 22 PhllaiktpS'Ia .... :il J2 Phoenix, Aria... 42 I" .pltuburnli. Pa.. :u .11 Portlanil. Mo. ,, :i4 :) roiiland. Urr..t -12 M Quebe, Can ... aj "4 kit. Ijjula, Mo.., 14 11 Ht. J'aul. Mlnri..12 12 n.tt )Jke. Vlah 1'n V'l fiir. Francisco.. 41 42 Kcrunton, fn.. Itimpn. WushlliBtoa ., Wnn(tR Jlelow xro. .02 .(11 ..'II .41 W hV hi: NW V NW w NW V hW .:ki w .10 KW .01 X, .'IS KW NW .. W .. NW .. N'K 40 ,1 .22 HW ll IVI 1,'Jll W 32 .12 ,S2 W U Ml ., W II Clear 30 Cloudy I Clear II Clear 2H .Snow 4 Clear Clear Cloudy Clouuy Clear llaln Clear Cloildy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear l'.elaimy Cloudy Clmr Clnudy Cloudy Cloudy Hnow Clear Clear I'.rloudy P.cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear A Christmas entertainment for Imnntes of the hospital was under way while tho child wns being scnldcd, according to her mother. The latter says Clara hnd been In the hospital four months and had gained perceptibly In wolght nnd strength. BODY TAKHN HOMO. Mrs. S.iltjsburg wns not permitted to see her daughter Christmas Day, Thurs day being the day for visitors nt the hos pital. The body of, tho child was token home yesterday, and tho Coroner's In quest was hold today. No one was pres ent when tho child died, It Is snld, but the wntil nurse. Ttoforrlng to the result of his Investiga tion of the case, Director Harto said to day: "The facts In tho case nre that these two patients became attached and devoted to each other, ond the negro girl had been In the habit of feeding Clara and taking care of her for some time past. "On the occasion In question, tho negro sill nicked Clura up nnd carried her Into the bathroom nnd placed her In the tub, while the nurse waH engaged at tho other end of the ward. "Beatrlco evidently then turned on tho water with a key, which has always been kept In tho nurse's desk, hut on the day In question hnd dlsnppenrcd nnd was only found after the n,ccldcnt. The key N never kept In tho bathtub, but on this occasion apparently hnd been mislaid, so that Bentrlcp could turn on tho water, which sho did In n bathtub with an Inlet from tho bottom. "Evidently there was a Btidden gush of hot wnter. which caused tho child to scream, whereupon Bentrlce apparently hnd a convulsion, nnd when the nurse rushed to the bathroom to find out tho cause of tho child's creams, she found Clura sitting In a dry bathtub nnd Beatrice recovering from nn epileptic scUtir'o. I CONTItACTED PNEUMONIA. "Tho child wns tnken Into the ward and the burns dressed, which were of tho second degree of Dupuytren's classln-ti-tlon. In 21 hours sho developed pneu monia, and succumbed to tho dlcsasc In about six hours. "Atf effort was made to notify tho friends! but It was found that tills being, a Juvenile Court .case, the records were in the hands of the Social Service Divi sion, nnd consequently there was con siderable delay In obtaining tho child's address. "I havo given orders that all cases, no matter of what character, must have the names, address nnd history, entered ns soon as admitted, so that the relatives can bo notified Immediately In ease of Impending dissolution or sudden death. "After a careful personal Investigation, I tee no r'iiHou to cepmiit' um body lor this unfortunate accident, other than the ability to carefully gunid the koy, so that It shall not fall Into the hands uf Inospunslblo persons, which It evl dently did on this occasion." POLICEMAN STBUCK BY CAB Patrick Loftus, a reserve pollcemnn was Htruck by a westbound Market street car nt 6th and Market streets today and knocked to tho pavement. He Is In the Jefferson .Hospital In a serious condition. The Injured man is 34 years old and lives at 2610 North Chadwlck street. Pneumonia Fatal to One of Five WEST UHKSTBn. Pa., Dec. S0.-Mrs. Klslo Longshore Garrett, wife of Hon-ard Mntlack Garrett, or West Coshen, died today from pnciirngnla. She was 33 years old. Special Interest centred In the case for the reason that live membora of the household were ill nt tho same time and all from the same trouble. MOTHER'S DRESS IGNITED BY GIRL'S IN EMBRACE OF FEAR Woman nnd Child in Hospital With Terrible Burns. A "--.''nr-old girl and her mother are at Mt. Slnnl Hospital todny In a critical condition with terrlblo burns. Physlclnns fear the child will die. She Is 8lvln Ne metz, of (V1 Jackson street. Mrs. Nemetz wns shopping and Sylvia tried to prepare her own luncheon. She hnd to stand on a chnlr to light tho gas stove. As sho wns getting down her dress beenme Ignited and she ran scream ing to the front door Just us her mother entered. The child threw her arms about her mother's neck and In n moment the cloth ing of both was nblnsic. Joseph Nemrtz, the girl's 18-year-old brother, threw a rug about his mother, but the child ran up the street, her clothing nbliize. Klnally he caught her and rolled her In n blanket. All her clothing hnd been burned away. NURSE ACCUSES HOTEL MAN Says Ho "Fixed" Things to Get Share in Estate. .Martha I.owe, ft trained nurse, wns one of the chief witnesses at tho resumption of the contest over the, will or the Into Franr-ls Way Smith .beforo Judgo Dallptt In the OrnhiiiiH' Conn toilnv. Tim hnV.. testltied that Sahiucl W. W. Brlggs, man nger of the Colonnade Hotel at Atlantic City, who receives J100.O0O by the will, told her he wns "working" Mr. Smith, nnd that nil was "fixed" so that ho nlioulil Inherit part of tha estate. Brlggs told her, the nureo said, Smith did. not possess nil tho attributes. of a normal man. Upon cross-examination the nurse dented s(le And been" arrested In T'lorlria, but admitted thn. proprietress of a house. In which she lived hud been taken Into custody. She said Brlggs ro fuscd n request to send her 30O. The nev. Charles Martin Nlles, pastor of the Ascension Episcopal Church, At lantic City, testified Smith was ono of the most faithful and devoted members of tho congregation. No mental Intlrmltlcs In Smith were visible to tho clergyman. Several doctors testified Unit Smith, tho last two years of his life, was suffering frbm senile dementia. WOMAN'S BRAVERY AT BIG WAYNE FIRE MAY COST HER LIFE Dashes Into Burning Post office to Save Stamps-and Is Struck by Part of Fall ing Cornice. MISS SCOTT TO WED Will R. Follow the Billy Sunday Campaign Every Day in the Special reporters will coVer every pH&se of the campaign, Men who hve been with Sunday in his previous cam pajgns will contribute special articles almost daily. Yoju'H ' .jet complete news of Sunday's entire campaign in the Evening Ledger, Fill-out this coupon and mail it to the Evening Ledger, v Independence Square, Philadelphia TODAY. BILLY SUNDAY v 'Subscription BJank EVENING LEDGER, Independence Square, Philadelphia TODAY, tl.ttHtft.MMt.,,,t tl91. Enclosed find .., for which mail mo the dally Evenfng Ledger for ...,.,,.. weeks. , . , 'MOItMIIIHMl'liK TEltMS tT SUUSOtlHTIO.N Ur carIer. So vr 4,'itnlng Lf4Kr, fk. Br wiotiftuuidi s FWiijJtipW-- ttfjwtechWbfUV 3Si ur 8 y; Name No,,.... , Street City and State U money by shtefc, k ny orJr Become Bride of William Inwood, of Canada. A marriage license was Issued this aft ernoon to William It. Inwood, 21 cata old. n hulcsmiin, Toronto, Cnnndn, to wed lreno M. ejeott, ;i yenrn old,1 621S JelTerson street, daughter of David 8. Scott. They will be married tonlsht. The couple will bo married by the rtcv. William It, Turner, rector of St. Paul's Memorial Episcopal Church, Ovcrbrook, at 7:50 o'clock. The bride, who met Mr. Jnwood whllo on a visit to Toronto, will oe attended by Miss Ida Robertson as matron of honor, while Florence Trlcker And Edith Gehrlnsr will be tho brides maids. Alma Walls will bu the flower girl. ' Gordon Muhaffy, of Toronto, will be the best man and Everett und Harold II Id die will be the ushers. A reception will be held nt the home of the bride following me wuiuins. Alter a Honeymoon through the Western States, Mr. Inwood and his bride have planned to live In Toronto. TODAY'S MABRIAGE LICENSES Ku.i'itiV.ar.. " nj A.uhrU,i;isAh:hi;.t.?415?-.,3'n "" OeorgB H. IJetMl, tj.- IUrVcy at., and Helen Harry II. Vormund, J(tW Juniata st and Murlo O. Wolfe, ltti8 Juniata U '"; nothOlenslde, p ani Lorelu jjurns, Francli McCurthy. WIS lUnock t and An, tolnotte K. Vnlgts. K HanrSck it. Vinetnto Arnonj, Iloiner City, Pu., and Maria t'otonnno, xul.l 8. Caroao at. ' Kjbertn. Jden, 1UM Duntunnon St., and Sara . Hamlin, 1108 Duneannon it, LchU C. Oldham. 801 fiilth a(e Oak Lane, and Mary B. Mors, wn twth a.. Oak I.ane Talman. -Ifm PpntrldEo St. . Le nor nicim-. 8M N. nambrey t and Mary II. llurk, .1124 N. 23th at, 't? S flurkfrt. inoT Rlranl av and Huaanna M. Hamptnor. iw w. wyominW avi. U'l'.R- folwsll, 4l A t.. and I ElVanor J. JiacJiiuan. mm n. KlrMHit. Itohcrj H KUlier, Mneoln Unliertlty. Pa., and Myrtle Verkri, Irfila,ll,, ra. "' " "na iimiti it Melro" " nn,l Amelia Jab. William B. aiifjn. 1,111 Catharine at., and Ilhrln, M. McO, W11 Catharine rt. wTt, iirS m ,t " ' "r"1 "" aibel0' M.'tT'SSh.teiS, S""1- anJ Jew Bijjll, in.1 Annln t.. and Sallls Blm, mona. 1SW Annln at. rtindftlph n. M win. Wood nnt. Pa and Ma ria IJ. Bu. r)I tf. Falrhlll at. Jacob Il,rbrtan, MM Uinrattfr a,ve. and Clara Hralln. N4 N. ISth at. ' Pr. Chirk W HkJ"an. tK K. Thoniiwon t . and ;anntt W. Oarrlrr i.iu jt, htfi Knalmrr Itordi'nkl Ttfntnn. N. J., and Sofia HiMwk JT.M Plum t. " Poiaanlm Oppuwl. 10T Annln it., and Giro l,m npaetmt. UM 1'a.isnink ar K'rhralni Ilclln. Mlddktown. Dl., nJ Mary J. Upninrott. Mlddleiown. Del. ' Frank Fcldyian, Jiwlih HoiplUI. and Sziran Vlthtr, MJ N Kill at . WJUlara 8 Krtaiatr. CUd. K. T.. and TJI U .Veal 1T1T 8. Hkk it. w"" tVIIUim If. RoblDHn 1421 Ralubrldr , ...I i Mary pownay, prbv. 1". I William' HehmWt. 1031 Vim it., and Anna uenry iii vins at. M Z' .. ' "yi ' " ,. at. A woman clerk In the Wnyno postotHco may lose her life us the result of n cour ageous attempt to save stamps and pa pers early this mornliiK when fire de strojed thieo buildings of a business block at Wayne nnd threatened tho Pres byterian Church building. Six firemen of tho AVnyne company, trapped tjn the roof of the burning opera house, were In danger for 15 minutes until members of the Radnor company risked their lives to get ladders to their fellow workers. The llromcn, under tho lender ship of Captain Supplce, got to the roof tluough tho Interior, which becamo Ignited a moment later. None of the several companies fighting the blaze had laddeis long conugh to reach the roof. Members of tho Hndnor company finally dragged ladders up a fire escape and held them in-posltlon at the top of It until the Wayne fire fighters could get down. The woman Is Mrs. Ada Datcrline. She wns aroused by the noise of engine com panies arriving from Bryn Mawr, Aril moro and Narberth shortly after 2 o'clock this morning and Joined tha crowd that went to watch the (ire. Mrs. Daterllne ran Into tho, postofllce, In the Opera Houso Uulldlng, and wan coming out with her arms filled with stamps and papers when part of the cor nlco fell and struck her. She was ex tricated by Policemen Rnhlll and Haley and Captain Mulhall, of tho Wayne flro company, nnd taken to a house nearby. Her condition Is so serious that physi cians attending her fear to movo her to u hospital. The buildings destroyed were those of the County Oas und Electric Light Com pany, tho Wayne Plumbing and Heating Company arid the Wuyno Opera House; Kirunifii Irom Hryn M.iwr, Ardmorcnnd .Varberth, with a bucket brigade of citizens, ajded tho Wayne firemen, mid battled with the flames for houru beforo the fire was under control. A strong wind from the eas.t swept tho flames beyond the control of tho llromcn und sparks endangered 'nearby residences, Despite valiant work by tho firemen Uin (lames swept on to the building of tho plumbing and heating company," and at the samo time spread to tho opera houso on thn corner. In the opera house building were the posfolUce and a hard ware store conducted by the Welsh & rnrlt Company. Tho gas and electric and plumbing buildings burned quickly. The ' opera house, being of stone construction, saved the entire business block known as Wayne avenue from destruction. WOMAN AND CHILD BURNED BY OIL LAMP AND GAS Explosion Sets Flro to Room and Xncc Curtains Aro Ignited. A woman nnd n child were Mlghtly burned In two llres In the northwestern part of tho city todny, but neither was taken to a hospital. The -explosion of an oil lamp In tho thlrd-stoiy back room of the home of Mrs. II. !,. Uomicr, 1S61 Wllllngton Btrcet, set lire to the room, damaging It tq, the extent of t'SK). and Miss Hannah Pcarcc, an aunt uf Mrs. IJouucr, was slightly burned when sho tried to smother the flumes. Following the explosion both women picked up rugs and tried to extinguish the blaze, and when Mrs. Bonner ran to the door to cull for help her mint was slightly burned. Firemen responded to an alarm sent In by Policeman Onbrlcl, of tho 19th and Oxford streets station, Thlrtcen-yenr-old Reglna Delone, of Front street and Wyoming avenue, Olnoy, was slightly burned about tho face this morning H'nllo visiting at the home of her aunt, .Miss Catherine Vlertholer, S0I8 Clifford street.' When shO' nrose this morning the girl pushed a lighted gas Jet against re laco curtain nnd her hair was singed and sho was slightly burned on tho shoulders. Her screams attracted the at tention of Miss Vlertholer, who ran Into the room and threw the blazing curtains out of the window. Charlrt Ktllv inm Thnmpipo it , and Miry r. DvU, 1T10 Mt Varnon t rinur ,1, ,wa(r w.,.,-,nu"l,,1o Mlrturi Connor 1 H llnr HAsm M ll4t jnitjPtmfs jMRfilaw Utlif, .nenaiui. Jftl K. lath m c pi . ma and Anal PAINTER'S SIGNATURE LEADS TO HIS ARREST Wife Accuses Bums-Good of Having a Second Family. The habit of advertising Ills art on everything he painted lid to tha arrest of James Burns, sign painter, today on the charge of bigamy. According to tho police, Burns la known under the alias of Good. Tho woman wljo says she is the second Mrs, Burns gave her maiden name as Margaret Irene Moreford, of 53U North 6th street, when she appeared before Burns-Good at the Central Police Court, She said they were married b.y Magla, trate CJlerin. According to her, Burns Wis another wife and . four children somewhere In this city, She foiind him through a ilgn which he painted for the proprietor of a cafe. Burns placet) his name n email letters At the bottom of fhe sign. The proprietor thought the painter's name Was flood, and he spoke to Burns. Then the cafe proprietor remembered a man named Burns, who was also x sign painter end had deserted his wife and children, Burn arrest soon fallowed. He, was held In W0 ball for a further hearing by Magistrate Itenthaw TWENTY ENGLISH CHILDREN ARRIVE AS FUGITIVES Sent from East Coast In Fear of Ger man Raids. More than 20 children from the east coast of England sent to this country by their parents In the fear of more German raids urrlved today on the Amer ican line steamship Hnverford. The pas sengers had an exciting -voyage, twice meeting vessels in distress, nnd on Christ mas day witnessing a rescue on the high sens of the crew of the French barge Amei)c, Tho Haverford was 13 days making the voyage from Liverpool. On Christmas day the Amede was sighted In distress and the big liner Was swung around pre paratory to taking off the crow. Tho Weather at tho time wns bad nnd the sea wus rough. Beforo tho Haverford could get Into position another liner came along una rescuea tin- crow or tlie barge. The other vessel In distress was tho liner Koesdyk, of the Holland-Amerlca Line. The Haverford stood by this ship, which had three blades of her Drooeller missing, until the officers said they could get to Boston unaided. This wa8 on De cember 21. Among the English children sent to this country to escape the possible effects of German raids is Miss Teresa Bruce, 16 years old. She Is going to' the home of hor aunt. Mrs. Margaret Tookcroft, 21 Oakland street, Frankford, Her father Is an English soldier and she has heard nothing of him since tho start of tho war. ADVISES SUFFRAGISTS Woman Cartoonist Urges Co-operation in "Cause." Women who vote or who desire to vote should be "all for one, one for all" ac cording to a statement made this after noon by Mrs. Nina E. Allender, r,t Wash ington, who was in this city for a few hours, Mrs. Allender Is an ardent suffragist worker and cartoonist of the Suffragist, ' Speaking of tho suffrage movement, Mrs. Allender said: "Women should be for each other and light hard not only for their own benoflt, but also to help others of their sex. This applies to the question of equa) suffrage. Women In the West who hnv nhiii.i i. tho vpte should not be satisfied with this. j ney niouu, ana win, rise up and help those of Us who, live In the East and who have not yet been enfranchised. They will help us force It on the Btates In this part of the country. anA tn ., this they will fight with us In Washing. lun uuiini wo nest icw weens wiien tho question of equal suffrage comes before Congress," BRITISH GUNBOAT SEIZES 5 ANOTHER U. S, VESSEL IIS JUC It. A4api MeConnell. alia. Bancroft at taj Oct- aoa Carolyn, Carrying- $1,000,000 Cot t$i Cargo, Convoyed to Falmouth, Tf J3W YORK, Dec. 80.-Niw of another seiiure by a British war vessel of an American merchant liner waj reported here today. The Gaiu Una. got a. cab, from Captain Mitchell, of trie steamship '"rutin iwmcn iuea irom tsosion tor Bremen on December n. wlUi a cargo jOf potion end wool valued, at ti.vjaooo), to the effect that the voel Ivi-d bain taken juy.r Wanda 1 Tn BngHih guaboat and was being MRS, THAW CONSULTS KNOX Hother of Slayer Here to Aid Son In ' Controversy. Wr. William Thaw, mother of Harry IC Thaw whose escapades have made him notorious, had a conference today In the Bellevue-Stratford with Philander O. Knos regarding the legal steps to be taken In her sqn's controversy with the New York authorities. Mrs, Thaw would not discuss the eub Jept and said she knew nothing about a petition Which lajieln circulated to pass a lay. which would enable Harry' to re turn to this StatS r Mr. Knox wai equally reticent, -if there la anything to be jiaid," he der dared, "it must come from Mr Thaw" " ' 'i - CABBOMi WITH BB00K-FED8 . Rite "W. Ward, fOM- wuaat a. . ?. en am sm u !'.'&-Htt. S? , F" 1U WILD CAT FI MENACES NATION, SCIENTISTS HEAR Professor Conway Says Enormous Losses Are Suf fered Through Sale of Worthless Paper. Wildcat mid worthies securities wl" be,P riant factors In future bank ng Proems in tj.. United States declared Thomas Conway. Jr.. rrofMsor of ... Tttv.rltv of rennsylvanla, to- ; "speaking before the convention of ,ho American Association for tho Ad vancement of Science. Financial esperls who aro ai..i. " banking Institutions In various parts the country attended tho first of the third day's sessions. Professor Conway snld no person could tell tho enormous aggregate of capital which Is lost yea.ly by the public through the sale of securities which never return the promised profits. The problem of tho security market. I'rofcssur Conway said, consists largely ill the weeding out of undeslrablo securi ties and men who foist them upon tho Ignorant investor. In regard to futuro banking problems of the United States, with reference to the war, Professor Conway Bald. In part. "Tho United States should net over Its fear of disastrous nnd uncontrollable liquidation of foreign-held American securities. Tho liquidation in the last few dos of July, preceding the closing of trio Stock Kxchange, was tho result of a frantic but belated attempt to make every possible provision for the prosecution of the war. . . "The clicumsUncas have so changer! that a repetition of this movement Is un likely. The Stock Uxchango could not be opened until our current Indebtedness had been cleured up. When' this was ad justed, the exchango was opened. In tlio meantime, the balance of trade was run ning stiongly In our favor, and if present conditions continue, I am conlldent that our normal trade operations will enable us to pay Interest and dividends on foielgn security holdings of from 200. 000,000 to J30O.00O.0O0i the expenditures of our tourists abroad, estimated at 1160,000, 000 to J20O,000,0OO; the remittances by Americans to friends nnd relatives In Kuropean countries, estimated at JIOO.OOO, 000 to 150,000,000; and payments to foreign ship owners for freight, estimated at 20, 010,000 to W,000.000. "With our merchandise exports running above normal and our Imports running considerably below normal; with a like lihood that tourists' expenditures during the coming year will practically disap pear, and with the encouraging nowB mat remittances In tho past few months by persons In this country to friends and relatives abroad have materially de creased, It seems altogether probable that wo will have a real excess balance In tho neighborhood of $300,000,000 a year which can be used for tho repurchase of Ameri can securities." HOW CITY HALL IS KEPT CLEAN. Keeping the City Hnll of Philadelphia clean and in a sanitary condition Is a diplomatic task, according to William II. Ball, chief of the Bureau of City Prop erty. Mr. Ball told the- out-of-town vis itors how the municipal bulldlng3 were kept clean. For every squaro foot of the offices of the Board of Viewers, Mr. Ball said, tho city spent E3 cents yearly on cleaning. Tho nverage cost for keeping the whole City Hall clean Is 16 cents per square foot. Under existing conditions, Mr. Ball ex plained, it coBt Philadelphia three times as much to' keep that place spotless as an ofnee building of. equal sue. "It Is from a diplomatic point of view that we must Btudy the real problem of cleaning public buildings," said Mr. Ball. "By an ordinance wo pay cleaners 12 u day and wo must bo generous in the matter of holidays." Greater efficiency on tho part of em ployes In the Bureau of Water of Phila delphia has been obtained through a sys tem of keeping records, according to Carlton E. Davis, chief of that bureau. "The head of each branch," said Mr. Davis, "has been mado to feel that every report he submits Ib carefully scrutinized and gone over. Various records have been established nnd nt n minute's notice a contrast can be secured relating to water conditions In Philadelphia for years way back." The meeting of the scientists today was the biggest since the opening of the con vention here on Monday. The scientists held meetings In nearly every part of the University and at the Academy of Nat ural Science for tha discussion of their findings In the world of research during the last year. A publlo lecture will bo given tonight in the Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, S3d and Chestnut streets, by Dr. William IT X7II.1- - M. -.... , .., ... ,,.i.iiwio, ul .low iorit, on "The War and tho Cliomtca! Industry." VILLA MARIA CONVENT ACCEPTS 28 NOVICES Twenty-nine Others Receive Black Habit at Services. WEST CHBBTEIV. Pa.. Dec. SO.-At the Villa Maria Convent of the Immaculate Heart today 28 young women were ac cepted as novices and 23 received the black habit of the order. Services were conducted by Bishop John J. McCort. assisted by the Rev. 8. B. Spalding, rector of St. Agnes' Church, and the" Rev. James u. Brett. Mbb was celebrated by the Bev. George T. Montogue. The Rev. John Flood, as slstant superintendent of the parochial schools of Philadelphia, preached the ser mon. The novices who received the white habit were mostly residents of Philadel phia, and their worldly names and those they have adopted In the order are as uiiuvyr; Miss Mary Qrlfnn. Sister M. Gertrude Aloyse; Miss Teresa Meagher. Sister Joseph Merle! Miss, Florence McDermott. Sister M. deorglne; Mils Roberta Wunder. Sister M. St. -Ferdinand; j,lss Bessie Carroll. Sister M. Anna Bernard; Angela; Miss Catherine McLaughlin. Bis! l?Sl-u Artnu',s Ml" Florence Grant Sister M Anna Charles; Miss Margare Casper. Bister M. Hortenie; Miss Cathrlne Moore. Bister M. Reginald; Miss Maw Slavin Sister M. at. Clair; Mi Marcel O'Rourke. Sister Miriam Te'e.,, Us" Grace Dunn enter M. Greta, Miss Ann" Hasoo, Sister M. Agnes Lorelto- mi.. Margaret O'Neill. Sliter nowta Marie' Miss Catherine Lavln, Slater " ?Ine Miss Clara Keiln. SUter M. Oair Im?' Must Miss ifelen Duff. Slater M jiiTah Aloyse; Mlsa Helen McCarthy Bister? Baptlstlne; Miss FraWnughelu, Alma Frances; Miss Catharine Bvr. Sister M. SL Kevin; ML TjoVephlne Cur' ran. Slater M. Anna TereaV; MU HWm" Bowden. Sitter M St. Magdalene- iti Margaret Bjnlth, 8l,t,r AnemV M.r Miss Mary Sheridan, sister M Itiu ' ward: Mlsa-Wear Bhihj,. si"tr M WOLFS BATH WINS ON MUDDY TRACK AT OHARLESTOHI Long bhot Captures Secoiirjj Race Northerner Land! Opening Even t BarJ irnrlr I allcnc Qt.l i 1 iu.n vuw J-lUlCnfJ CHARLESTON, H. C Deo. !0.-.vorjj UJlit, ai o to i, waaca nomo tbroueh 11, tnud In the second race hero today, btat Ing.out JJatwa nnd Francis, who nntshta second aim mini, respectively. Scratch" were numerous iraaji owing io the vendition of tho track. Northerner, with Chappel up, won first race, showlnjr his heels to HeaMJi stone, who iiiiinnvu eccunu. Yeneti BirDinq wan num. S Slops yf m Hhll Intr. 4 to la S lO 0. 7 ..,......., - - . . - , -...lu um HID l-o. uisewnero, am a wan, rrth i. unirnr. or i;npnn man onn i & I f.nt td.XO. third' tiH m im Water lAdi Knlitht of Uncas also ran. Second race, soiling. O.ycar-old.i nnri ... Mrlonss-AVolfs llath, lOil, Hlillllnir. a Vl'. 2 to 1. 4 to 3, won; Ilatna, III, Peak, 5 ft 1. 0 to B. 3 to B, cond! Francis, ion rwl." 8 to C, .1 to 0, 1 to .1, third, Time, UuisV&fl lnd Levlna, So Manager, Opcral WarnnVl UfWIM., -..-., -...w..-. .. .. l.ll, ,. Tlilrd race, selling, ror soear-Mda. S fn,.l lonia-Rlver King, im, Dryer, n to i (," ,-n n, il to S, on; Kopje, 103 rtnblnson, B ti id 4 to S, 2 to R, eecoml; Harlequin, 101. PmI-.TI to 1, a to l, oven, third. Time, HOn-B-s. ijlj May, Endurance, Jack Harlow, TYancIa CIsJriLS Tho Lark, Electrician, Etelus, Pago 'tytjSij also ran. .' g Fourth race, aelllnir, for all rages, 0 lurloui! -ntty-flve. 110. Connor, 0 to 1, 8 to 1, ml non; Ilrandywlne. 10,, Bhllllng, 8 to 8. d t?S 1 m 4. aeonnd! Hilda's Itrother. DO. ltril ,U in r, 0 to l, 1 to 2, third. Time. l!lT. Catta Iiock, ivjipa iniwuvi, vjautiv, jiru lariAAUJ alio ran. Fifth raco. selllnir. .l-year-olds and im. furlongs-Joe Knight, 114, Dfyer. 9lI, yti 1, even, won. Amoral. 114, Trexlor, 3 toj.-S even, i a , pcvuuu, i.mu.mvi ..v, innQvir, 11 to S. 7 ! 10, 7 to 20, third. Tlmo, HU'l-sM fiurcrme, Toddllnr, Blue Mouse, Sackcloth, alHJ run, . jj Sixth race, eelling, .l-ytr-olls and' Up, onju ir.llc lioiion, uu, Dmyuir u lull, i. io 1101 . ilHn.,.n.. Ill U'nt.lanltAlm t . u 7 to C, 7 to io! second; Pont, 113, TtMler.'S iniru. lime, l:(Vd 10 to 1. 4 to 1. 2 to 1, lrllrhen.t. YA Iltod. Frea Milton B., The Monk, Itulsieau, also ran? PLATT ADAMS SOLD AMATEUR TROPHIESl SAYS newspaper! Presents Give Noted .Olyrri pic Athlete by ring of Sweden Have BeerC Pawned, Is Big Charge NKV YOItK, Dec. U0.-A Now York'ieve? ning newspaper todny printed several am davits with Intent t show that flatt; Adams, of New York, one of the fjreate4t! all-around amatour athletes In America and winner of the broad jump In theUUI Olympic games. Is u professional becauiej ho has pawned some of his trophies hej won in the contests. Adams, according! to the affidavits, pawned two trophies th&tfjTj were grlven to him by the KinK at SwedenS UltC 1113 Ul lll.'li: JICl AUI IIIUIIVl'. It 13 further charged that Adams sold a dl mono rinc tnat ne boi tor winmnff an;i amateur contest. Pawnlnp or selllnj-i prizes won In amateur contests constitute . professionalism, accordins to the rules. of the amateur union. , TOY POODLES IN SHOW ; AT MAJESTIC TONIGHT Society Matrons nnd Misses Will Ex hlbit Curly Pets. The autocrats of the dofj world, the i llttlo curly white toy poodles, will -vlel with one another for hlch honors this1 eveiilner in tho bin- sni'clnltv show to bel-l held In the Hotol Mnjestlc by the Inter-7J national Toy i'oodle Club of tills city. These little mites will huvc n show of their own. and, lookliiK oqt fiom uuderj ineir mistress- arm,' will bark deilanco to nny and even body, other docs Included. For the white toy Is a saucy little chaprj; nucu nu leeis tuny protectee. Local folk Interested in docH have slE-' nlflcd their Intention of nttondlne tlila "', aB nave also many society ma,-, trons. The exhibit promises to be a ban ner one in local "tov" docrdom. unions ! the many features listed for this ovenlnfl Deine mo JudglnB ring of purple plusn, somethlnB that has never before been" seen in this locality, DanclnB will also be On the nrnsmm nffnr tiA lntrfitir is flnl.h.rf 'I It Is announced by Secretary that be- tween CO and 60 entries have been re ceived and about thata many specials are on the prlie list. This Indicates a nuo ceesful show In every way. Mrs. William Heed, well known around this city as n. .uuiiiiciii iqncier oi ine toy pooaie, nus the honor of passing out the awards. This exhibit belnp under A, K. C. Juris diction, the winners in the respective sexes will receive four points toward their championship. At least one dog could complete Its championship by galnlnS winner's ribbon tonight, this being Mrs. TV. "Ward MacLeod's "Poodle," who IS but one point shy of tho needed 15. CORNELL AND PENN SCORE ' M in Each Gets Three Points In Triangular Chess Tourney. NEW YORK, Dec 30,-Cprnell and Pennsylvania each scored three points to day in the first f the four days' play (n the triangular cheu iniirimm.ni in which Cornell, Pennsylvania and Brown are en- tat mi. urawn aid not, score a point. The results of today's matches: i-ermns, .uorneii, teat Kline, Pennyi vanla; Jokel, Cornell, lost to Levlne. Brown: qraemann. Cornell, won from Lucas, Brown, by forfeit; Bart, Pennsyl vania, beat Cohen, Brown; Wlnkelmsn, Pennsylvania, beat Chalmer, Brown; Davis, Pennsylvania, beat Grossman, Cornell, LOCAL FIRE RECORD p. m. rs Hiiv-fJS South 16th ,t,eti store auJ dwelling ownKt hy tnt Ouardlan A M '""' Cempany .. Trlflln 12.-S1J fjrtm trti Wflennld'i Jt 3 31-8312 Eaafwtck avtnun twi.tory , brtds dw.illm "t Abraham ieu- aln ...,..,.' .... unkaowo S.J7-82J OlrajJ atnuti habardanhery of .- Jyl Ward .. .Trlflli'r 6 19-3W0 Clifford atreat, 4wllhur r Itatturlni BaathUr .. TrtUlo FIAT TAe Matter Car n B5 If . F. I.JMOUSI.V: SMt Construated by espart jtrtlftoers Ktth wonderful mechantcal resources, la cifvc(, -.- h. ..ArflW, !,Z)JL,JMia r .Ji mAi "'ms 'cmm,