WWSW!PlplPPWWppjppIW' po(u.. iiumi wjii JWJP5S9 EVENING LEDGER-.pniLADEI.PnTA: TUESDAY; DECEMBER 29; 1014. 0 Socta UancGty and , and 'SFfJWfffflPW fflmyr3s$$i? v&) t ikm n Jf - e T t.lLWnl. Hft. Hay: '"" Mna. A. SIDNCr CAnrENTEIl will enter tain at dinner at tlio nltz-Carlton In honor of her niece, Jtlss Paulino Dlsston, daughter of Mr and Mrs. William Dlsston, tomorrow night The uuesls will Incliido Mlsa nuth Coxc, Mlas Cordelia Hlddlc, MIbs Susan IJrlmner lngersol, Miss Ilosn.Uo Dolan, Miss Clmrlotto Hush, Miss Gertrude Tower, MIbi Charlotte Hardlnff Brown, Miss Margaret Dennett, of Boston; Lewis Par Bons, Philip S. P. Randolph, Jr., Hadcllffe Che ton, Hamilton Dlsston, Carpenter, II. Penn Smith, Jr John Potter, A, J. Drcxel Diddle, Jr., nnd Frederick Stlllmnn, of New York. Tha guests wilt afterward attend the Berwlnd ball. Dr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Davis will bo at home on New Year's afternoon, from 4 until 6 o'clock, nt 135 South 18th street. No cards have been sent out. Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodoro XV. Heath, of 1S3S Pins street, will entertain nt dinner on January 7 In honor of Miss Mary Crozcr Pago and J. Mare chal Brown, Jr., whose wedding will tako placo January 21. Miss KUicl At. Huhli, daughter of Georgo A. Huhn, who Is a student at a boardlngchool In New York State, Is spending the holidays with her father at tlio Illtz-Carlton. Miss Huhn has as her guest Miss Dolly Kimble, of Now York. Mr. Huhn will entertain at a theatre party and eUpper nftcrwnrd at the Illtz-Carlton on New Year's Evo In honor of his daughter. Thcro will bo a niasqucrado subscription dance and supper at tlio Philadelphia Cricket Club on New Year's Vvo nt 0 o'clock. This danco wilt not bo a recular club dance, but n prlvato subscription affair. Tho committee In chargo Includes Mrs. Georgo C. Thomas, Mrs. Clement Reeves AVainwrlght and Mrs. John H. Whit taker. Lieutenant Commander Henry C. Mustln nr rlved In New York yesterday on tho Finland. Mr. Mustln has been nboard the U. S. S. North Carolina at Naplos for the past few months. Mrs. Mustln, who lias been tho guest 6f her sister. Mrs. Georgo Harnett, at tho marine bar racks In "Washington, left Beveral days ago for New York to meet her husband. Lieutenant William Woods Smyth has arrived In this city on board tho U. S. S. Minnesota from Vera Cruz nnd with Mrs. Smyth has taken an apartment at tho Lincoln. Mrs. Morris J. Lewlt,, Mrs. Henry E. Drayton and Mrs. Horace II. Franclno will bo at homo Thursdays In January after i o'clock nt 1315 Locust street. ALONG THE 1MAIN LINE WAYNE Mrs. Benjamin Franklin James will entortoln at luncheon on Wednesday. December SO, In honor of Mrs. William B. Ashton. Recent nrrivals at tho Waynewood Include Mrs. Charles Francis, Miss Hannnh Francis and Miss Jane Francis, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Balnbridge and daughter, Mary, of Chicago: Harry Jones, of Philadelphia, nnd Miss Frances Holder and Miss Harriet Holder, of Eden Hall, Torrcsdalc, Pa. Miss' Mlfdred Post left last week 'to attend a houso party at Montreal, Can., over tho holl dajs. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tlllotson, of the Bould ers, gave a dlnner-danco at their home on Saturday night. OAKMONT Miss Anita H. Hlbbcrd will en tertain at her homo tomorrow evening, Decem ber 30. Somo of tho guests will Include Miss Margaret Price, Miss Helen Jennls. Miss Mil dred Hbbcrd, Miss Clara Pfnff, Miss Margaret Pfaff. Miss Ethel Gravatt, Ralph Sharp, James Duffy, Francis Toner, Louden Raper, Francis Nelrlng and Edward Gallagher, Jr., tho well known athlete and sprinter of tho Meadow brook Club. There will bo a danco this evening at tho Wynnefleld Country Club for tho members of tho Phi Phi Alpha Sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jam Kuhn, Jr of iOS North 6th street, will bo among those present. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lloyd, of 233 Harvey street, have returned to their homo from Dover, Del., where they spent Christmas Day and tho week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lloyd. They will entertain a 'party of youns 'people on New Year's Eve at tho Gerraantown Cricket Club. Miss Audrey Kane, of 715 Lincoln drive, en tertained at dinner last night before tha Wharton-Dodge dancing class at Manhelm, The guests numbered IS, and Christmas greens formed tho table decoration. A house party mads up of young- people in Germantown will leavo within tho next few days for Buck Hill Falls Inn. The party will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Butler Reeves nnd will Include Miss Isabel Jenkins, Miss Josephine Reeves, Mlsa Mary Primrose Reeves, Francis Reeves, Lloyd Reeves and John Reeves. Mrs. Joshua Ash Pearson, of 433 West Pries street, will entertain at bridge on Saturday afternoon, January 2. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Frlcke. of 134 West Upsal street, will be at noma Informally on New Year's Day from 3 until 5 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bupplee, Jr., of New York, spent tha week-end as tha guest of Mr. Supplee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David B. Sup ples, of IBS East Washington lane. Mr. and Mrs. Bupplee, Jr., have returned to their home. Hits Anna Scott, of SK West School Houso lane, is at present In Pittsburgh visiting friends. (She will return to her home next week. Norman T. Moore, of Nw York, baa returned home, having spent several days with his par T eats, the Rev- and Mrs. George Moore, of 1ST Janberry street. IJlea Blether Cherry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. &wt Cherry. Jr., of Carpenjer atree wlH-aflf ttitsl" at n Informal party oa New Year's Bjfkt at o'cloak. CIJESTNUT JIJLL X. and Mrs. Qiutavua Resafc wlK triv a jpgtt fWW party at their borne, Prospect Bvsrgrsaa avtauas, on ThJr4y aviates 'raw until odeck, if baser of tbeir sat 4u?htr, Miss CsjtoUm V, Hsmalt. Mr and Mrs. CbariM B Sartea, at Wast ('kwtuat veau, a rtU4 tt luvttaiis w tii Uuc. to e fla tfttteww sjgfe at Us FbtLutelplDa Cricket CM, tS &9AOT Of ncss of tho tatter's grandfather, Theodore Armstrong. Miss Moyn Is the fiancee of Albert Bnrtonf son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Barton. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarenco IC. Kllnk, of 7418 Sten ton nvenuc, will bo nt homo to their friends on New Tcnr's Day. A musical program has been arranged. Miss Itoso Ellas, of 367 Gowcn avchue, will entertain nt luncheon, followed by bridge, In honor of Miss Constance Gummey and Miss Gertrude Gummey, on Wednesday, January 6. Tho luncheon tables wilt hnvo pink roses nnd ferns ns centrepieces, and tho guests will Includo Miss Frances Omcrly, Miss Lnulso Mc Dowell, Miss Eleanor Edmonds, Miss Helen McKlnlcy, Miss Junlta Sauvcnur, Miss Natalia SnuvMiur, Mrs. Theobald Clark, Miss Amelia Douglas, Miss Dorothy Cooke, Miss Elizabeth Ash, Miss Eleanor Moycr, Miss Marlon Moycr, Miss Nelllo Taj lor, Miss Grace Malcolm. Miss Ellas and Miss Loulso McDowell, chap eroned by Mrs. Joseph Ellas, will attend tho New Year's hop at the Naval Academy In Annapolis, Md. ALONG THE READING Tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club will hold the usual "open houso" on New Year's Day. Luncheon will bo corvetl nnd members and their guests pro Invited to attend. Thero will bo music and dancing during tho nftcrnoon, which will probably bo continued through the evening. Miss Dorothy Steffnn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stcffan, of lltli street, nbovo Oak Lnno avenue, Oak Lane, will entertain the members of tho class of 191S of tho Stevens School at luncheon today at 1:30 o'clock. Among those invited are Miss Carolyn Osborne, Miss Jenn Knox, Miss Caroline Croutcr, Miss Dorothy McBrlde, Miss Molly Jones, Miss Margaret Zim merman, Miss Dorothy Jenkins, Miss Alice Dil lenbeck, Miss Elizabeth Huston, Miss Graco Balllngcr and Miss Clarice Moycr. Miss Anltn lllrrlsnll. il.imrlitfir nf Mr. ami Mrs. Amos Blrdsall, Jr., of Sharplcss avenuo, Milroso Park, Is spending the holidays with her parents. Miss Ulrdsnll attends college in Florida and will return January 2. Ml 83 Jean Spccco, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Specce. of 1210 6Sth avenue. Oak Lnne, will entertain nt a "600" iinrty on Saturday, January 2, nt 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Harry Walton, of 015 Elklns avenuo, Tnbor, will give n luncheon, followed by cards, this nftornoon for the members of her "500 club. Her guests will be Miss Loulso Maurer, Mrs. Arthur Custer, Mrs. Walter Whitman, Miss Helen Lclghmnn, Miss Sophlo Spencer, Miss Margaret McCurdy, Mrs. Dickinson Shaw, Mrs. Georgo Estcs, Mrs. Edsar Hobson and Miss Eleanor Hobson. Miss McFnrland. of 4319 North 20th street. Logan, will cntortaln at cards this afternoon. Plnochlo will be played and iwlll be followed by a buffet luncheon. Miss Lillian Hcergclst, of CC0S North Cth street, will bo hostess at a luncheon tomorrow. Thoso Invited aro Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Norman Gosltn, Mrs. Warren Heller, Miss Martha Barber and Miss Marlon Colo Tyro. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Frank D. Evans, of 760 North 43d street, will entertain the members of her card club this afternoon. MIbs Eleanor Iicne Evnns will entertain to morrow at luncheon and cards. Her guests will include Miss Helen Carson, Miss Esther Taylor, Miss Gertrude Purdy, Miss Helen Jones, Miss Kathryn Fltzpatrick, Miss Edith Skltton and Miss Marlon Brown. Miss Jennie Reauey, of 1540 South 53d street, will entertain this evening at cards, followed by supper. Her guests will be Miss Margaret O'Connor, Miss Jane O'Connor, Miss Isabel O'Connor, Miss Jean Cavannaugh, Mrs. Charles McElwee, Miss Gertrude Barklow, Miss Mary Wilson, Lamar Hltton, Michael McNally, Fred erick Jackson, Georgo Barr, Doctor Gordana, John O'Connor, Oscar Fowler and J. Wilson. Miss Alice O. Bally, of S917 Baltimore avenue, left last week for Atlantic City, where she will spend the holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Bally, at their home, 1S09 Pacific avenue. - Miss Hilda M. Gallagher, of the Salmar Apartments, 3913 Spruce street, will give a luncheon on Wednesday, December 30, In honor of Mrs. Charles Edward Waters. Mrs. Waters was formerly Miss Mary Elizabeth Ryan, of Lansdowne. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Margaret Farrell, of 1733 McKean street, entertained last evening at "500." Her guests Included Miss Marie Mohan, Miss Isabel Drum mond. Miss Agnes Mohan, Frank Schmucke, Lawrence Carlln, Thomas Robinson and Wal ter Jackson. "Miss Helen Brooks and her father, J. F. Brooks, U. S. N.. who are at present In Atlan tic City, will return to their home, 1713 Porter street, today. Mr. Brooks Is stationed at the Boston Navy Yard, and, la hero for a short time on leave of absence. After an extensive tour of the West, Mr and Mrs. Mason have returned to Philadelphia, and are now occupying their new home, which has just been completed, at 20)3 South 10th street. On New Year's Bva they will gtve a "600" paity, at which thero will be many prominent Fhlladalphlans present. Mr. and Mrs, William Sturglss. who have been aetlnsr as host ayi bests at a series of suppers in their home this year for the younger set in South Philadelphia, will entertain at their Anal affair of the season New Year's Eve, with Miss Louise FoUa Francois and Q. Edward Besker as the guests of honor. Among the other suets will ba Miss Nellie Francois, Miss Edith Robtefl, Mss Edna Fasy. Miss Cath erine Hf arn, George H. Moo. Jr , John Dun San, dafga Morris aad Hdward Nown. Mr. Attaa Brown, of tm South Win street, will satertala at a ttMatre party on New Year's Bvs, taUswsd by fupjtar at tha Con tlnanUl Hotel. H guast will btctada Miss BUmI lew. Ml BiUaUtfc Brawn, MU FatM? KUeka. iiln Gartrude Brows, Alfred Aarpasaw. F. Splvav, JB. Qraaabuxg, Philip HUaasr and sir ana lira Ummon4 HUi. vt Kansas Ctty. Mrs. Brown, wJh bar datigau a4 soo-la-1- ww tba ClutstM aeliajs-ys at aUaatto ati MRS. CHARLES A. TOPPING t h t stM Mrs. Topping is om ol the most popular members of West Philadelphia's younger married scl. She will be remembered as Miss May Slroineycr. THE prlncipul event todny will bo tho dnnco given by Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Leldy, of 1310 Locust street, at tho Ritz-Carlton In honor of their daughter, Mls3 Cornelia Lcldy, one of tho season's most popular debutantes. Tho nflnir will be quite an elaborate one and the guests will Include, besides tho debutantes nnd the younger dancing men, a number of the younger married Bot. Many dinners and thea tre parties have been planned for tho debutnntes before the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Ingcrsoll will entertain at dinner for Miss Wurron, of Now York, who will be their guest for the dance. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pcmbcrton Hutchinson will also give a dinner for their daughter, Miss Aimee Hutchinson. Dr. nnd Mrs. Edwin Eldon Graham will give a dinner of eight covers, to be followed by n, theatre party. In honor of Miss Margaret Handy Burton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Bur ton. Miss Charlotto Harding Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Houston, will bo guest of honor at n dinner to bo given by Mr. and Mrs. Theodore XV. Heath prior to the Leldy dance. Mrs. Herbert XV. Warden, of 19:q,rino street, will give a theatro party In honor of her daugh ter, Miss Lucia A. Warden. The guests will Inter attend the dance to be given by Dr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Leldy In honor of their daughter, MIbs Cornelia Lcldy. Those present will be Miss Mary E. Clayton, Miss Hansell I Earle. Mlsa Edith II. Bally, Miss Louisa G. Davis, Joseph MPtterson, 2d, William L. Bally, Jr., Ashton Souder, Herbert W, Warden, Jn, J. Somers Smith, Jr AVilllam XV. Bodine. I-'RANKFORD A surprise birthday party was given last week, In honor of Miss Anna Gllckman, of 2626 Bridge Btreet. Musical selections were given by Miss G. Smith, Miss E. Cherdock nnd Miss M. Dlvac. Among those present were Miss S. Rlcklln, Miss F. Rablnovltz, Miss E. Cher dock, Miss S. Smith, Miss M. Savoy, Miss E. Schlacter, Miss J. Schlacter, Mlsa B. Brenner, Miss M. Drucker, Miss M. Cohen, Miss S, Free man, Miss II. Volln, Miss D. Volln, Miss D, Goldberg. B, Zeemsn, H. Barrlsh, M. Fried, S. Cherdock, Paul Green, Albert Flneberg, M. Levy, A. Freeman, J Drucker, C, J. Simons, S. Yudelsohn. S. L. Gllckman, Daniel Gllckman, Mrs. Welnburger. Mrs. Bunkln, Mr. and Mrs, Savoy and Mr. and Mrs. L. Gllckman. Phtinyh a IfiMua MISS MARGARET LATTA Mim Laita aad liar sister, Miu Eluabeib. Lau, njTMtc tkaur 4Wt tlu tail. Tbev at msjw? ta mo! fuaJ4Fmcmbw of lit youajac 4Ua We itiiMsJpaw, BLaaaaaaaaaaflBEftaailifiHBRIltP'BBaaallS SsssW 'W-' ; JH By'f .' JsHMBBaaaaaaaaaH Sr'1--' ' jltslsaaiaaMiW-. 1 fiNr- . HssaaHsKi iiBXtKjii i HMm SisisHssBiBiBBnisiBHK v bb REGAL CLUB Promenade and Danco Will Ho Held Under Club's Auspices New Year's Afternoon. New Yem-a Day is becoming more popular cvory ear as a day for entertaining, both formnlly nnd Informally, and for having open houso In tho clubs. Tho Regal Club will bo' one of thoso to celebrate, nnd will do so by giving a the dnnsant ut Moscbach's. Robert Keown is chairman of the committee nnd has chaigo of tho affali. Ho has secured a very good orchestra, and promises a groat deal of pleasure to all thoso who attend. Tho com mittee In chargo includes John Christie, Charles Gllllnghnm, Edward Dougherty, Joseph Dough erty, Francis Carney. William Burns, James Conaty, AVilllam Kecgan. , The ballroom will be attractively decorated with Christmas greens and holly. Theso club dances nnd entertainments are looked forward to with great pleasure by tho members of tho club and their friends, who come In for n share of tho good times which aro so frequently furnished by the Jolly organisation. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. A. Adclo Gnrman. of 2222 North 15th street, entertained at cards yesterday nfternoon for Mrs. Alfred Miller, Mrs. L. E. Adams, Mrs. Alexander M. Patton, Miss Elizabeth Hard w ick, Mrs. Charles J. Thompson and Mrs. How ard Baugher. Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Abbott have re turned from their wedding Journey through tho South and will be nt home after January 1 at 2305 North 19th street. Mrs. Abbott will be remembered as Miss Mary B. Culbertson. sister of Thomas H. Culbertson, of 018 North 16th street. Tho members of tlio Signa Beta Phi Club will glvo a largo luncheon nt the Rltteuhouse Hotel Saturday afternoon, January 2, and Include Miss Helen Brown, Miss Emllle MncBurney, Miss Martha Lupton, Miss Edna Muench, Miss Helen Huff. Miss Kathryn Ennls. Miss Eleanor Hunslcker. Miss Helen Millard, Miss Gertrude Lee, Miss Edith Larzalere. Miss Louise Ruck 'deschel and Mrs. Anthony Calllnan. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA " Mr. and Mrs. L. Taj lor. of William Penn, Pa., will bo the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dopp, of 600 East Wensley street, over the holidays. Miss Kathryn McAnany, of 1826 North Front street, Is spending the holidays at Atlantic City, as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Camburn. The Catlyn Club is now making arrangements for its annual banquet. CAMDEN AND VICINITi' John T. Boltomley, of 611 Cooper street, will leave early next month for Southern California, to remain until next spring. The Reading Section of the Haddonfleld Club will give a Christmas party Tuesday afternoon. Tha Study Section will give a luncheon In the Indian King January 11. Mies Dorothy Develln, of 31S Penn street, who Is at home from Swarthmore College for the holidays, will entertain at bridge on .Tuesday night. Miss Ella Molan Is visiting in Ithaea, N, Y aB the guest of Mrs. Walter Talley, formerly Miss Osmond, of this oity. Mrs. A H. Moses, or Merehantvllle, will en tertain with a tea on the afternoon or January 4. Mr and Mrs. M anion Ivlns, of Merchantvllle, are entertaining thelrrelatlves, Mr, and Mrs. Harry I Stlla, of Cleveland, O. WILMINGTON There will ba two dances this evening. Ona will bo given by Mr. and Mrs. John Ban croft in tha New Caatury Club parlors for their daughter, Miss Kstber Bancroft, and Mrs, Fred Bach will give a danae for her two daugh ters. Miss Winifred and Miss Barbara Baab, , who are home from college. The dance wtfl ba given at toe noma of Mrs. Caartaj Warner, alatar af the Misses Baa. Ulss EUsabath Sautherlaad wtt) Klv a luacbaon tomorrow far Miss Ssjawto, of CW eage, and la tha evealag tha Friday night aeUlloo ol MIm MoCUMnty isjaeal of an Ibk wUl dva tastr hoUdajr dM, to wUota a larga aumaar of guests have baan isvttad. alias KUuor Bimtr. of England, is visitla her uituais. airs J Horace Uudway Mr Lind say aatartautaa at tea far Ml weak at wr tam vm etey auras. SEVERAL persons from this city will at tend tho wedding of Miss Ethel Maude Post, daughter of Mrs. Alfred Scton Post, of Flush ing, L. I, nnd Charles S Fnrnum, of this city, which will take place toady In New York nt tho homo of Miss Post's sister, Mrs. Georgo G. McMurtry, Jr., nt 23 East 70th street. Mr. Fnrnum, who lives nt tho St. James, this city, comes of a well-known nnd fnshlonabto family. Ho Is n member of the Rlttcnhouse, Racquet, Radnor Hunt, Merlon nnd Philadel phia Country Clubs, nnd was graduated from tho University of Pennsjlvnnln In 18U Onlng to mourning the wedding will bo nn extremely quiet one. Only tho Immediate families and a few very Intlmnto friends will attend. Mr. Farnum nnd his bride will live In this city after a wedding trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry K DuKus, of 133 Pclham rontl, will glvo a danco tonight nt tho Philadel phia Cricket Club at St. Martin's for their daughter, Miss Margaret Klrtland Duftus. Tlio decorations will bo appropriate to tho Christmas season. Receiving with tho host nnd hostess nnd their daughter will bo Miss Mario Mllls,s of Chicago, nnd Miss Mngnonclto Dick, of Wllkcs-Barre, who nro their house guests over the holidays. PLANS FOR SCHOOL SET' Many Affairs Will Bo Given Today for tbo Younger Set. School days scohi such borcsomo times to Young America that, now tho holiday season Is here tho youngor set Is having tho lllng It looks forward to from September nnd looks back upon after tho beginning of the now year. Many nfrnlrs aro In order In honor of theso boys nnd girls, nmong which will be a party to bo given by Mrs. Charles Topping, of 1S00 Pino street, who will entcrtuin this after noon at her home In honor of her niece. Miss LANSDOWNE Miss Mnry Moore, of South Wj combe ave nue, ontrrtnlncd at bridge followed by n. buffet supper at her homo last night. Those present were Miss Marlon Peterson, Miss Margaret Gllllghau, Miss Florence Durang, Miss Helen Moore, Cecil Wilson, William Wofcr, James Dougherty, John Shcrrj, Harry Magce, Harry Hackett. Miss Elizabeth Crjcr, of South Lansdovtno nvenuc, will glvo a tea this nftcrnoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock, to meet -Mrs. Dudley Guilford, of New York. Doctor nnd Mrs Edwin T. Darby aie spend ing tho holldnvs with their daughter, Mrs. H. C. Davis, of Mystic, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter, of 211 Mnplo avenue, aro receiving congratulations on tho birth of a son. Mrs. Ida D. Marshall, of 2030 Chestnut street, nnd her niece, Miss Cornelia Downen, will spend the New Year holidays In New York.Lwhero Miss Downes will be grcntly entertained, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Irivln nnd family, of North Lnnsdowno nvenue, nrc spending the holidays nt Atlantic City. Among the Lansdowno foil; who havo re turned from various places to their homes for tho holidays are Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifford Ware, Miss Jean Nichols, Mr. E. C. Harper, from Nova Scotia: Miss Olive Mason, from Connec ticut; Lawrence Shaffner, from Indianapolis; Waldo Phillips, from Boston; Carlisle Martin, from New York; Franklin BuU, fioin State Co'lege, and Stewart Landcs, from East Or nnge. Tho Alumni Clasa of 1913 of the High Pchool, will give a subscription danco nt the Twentieth Century Club this evening. Tho proceeds will be dnvoted to tho fund for tho new school building now In the course of erection. Mrs. Frank L. Molloy, of 3728 North 17th streot, will entertain her "COO" club on Thurs day afternoon. January 7. Thero will bo 20 guests. After tho game, Bupper will be served. TIOGA Miss Ida Burns. Miss Edith and Miss Hannah Burns, of 35U North 18th street, entertained at "300" yesterday afternoon. Holly, poln Bettias, ferns and Christmas greens were com bined in the very attractive decorations. Their guests were Miss ElUabeth Grunhouse, Mlas Besslo Jennings, Miss Cora Reirsnider. Miss Blanche Relfsnyder. Miss Elsie Spencer. Miss Coonahan, Miss Jane Green. Miss Marian Ber tolet, Miss Margaret Berger, Miss Audrey Roche, Miss Helen Schantz. Miss Lucy Bark, Mlsa Mildred Haag and Miss Frances Bar low. Mrs. Samuel Goforth. of South Carolina. Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Annie Bowen, of Uth street, below Tioga. Mrs. Goforth will be remembered as Miss Bthel Bowen. Under the direction of Edward Pole, of West Ontario street, a vtry Interesting silhouette entertainment will ba given tonight In tha Temple Baptist Church, Md and Ttoa streets, for tha teachers and scholars of the Bible school. Mr. and Mrs. L. Danastadter, of 387 North lth street, have as thalr guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DannensarB and Ml. Dannanbarg, of New York. Mlas Ann WheaU. of t Watt Hria avaaue. will ba the hostess at a tt at bar ttataa, Wad nasday afteraoaa. Pa4atUas aftd bally wUl ba used In tha JawwaUets,, Mlas Wheal's BUMts will ba Ml Mw Wiwslli, MIm Maria Wiadlw. Mta Hats Budlay, Mtss May Budley, MUa May D L4gk. Hsts Idaway Ve Fadde. of QUasiae. Miss May Oa, Mis Mma. Bayer. Miss Maria QagaaAalsaar. MIm Airs WhsaUs. Miss ROith Wtttt aaa Miss JuUa WWatta Tha bars' branch ut ta Library Lmsu Ly eausa juarta,tna4 Ut ris' bsmtwb last; avaaing in tbs tome C tt UWarlaa. Mim Nellie E Laaiaia. 3Q North Jtr4 atraat Thaae tvratwt wara Miss Clara V. allace Mi& OaUy Laasalajf, Visa Henriatu t.en.in uta Laura Laanoa. Mum Charlotte Byar. Mlsa Sdlta Tway. Mlas Ray Uscwstc Miss Leah Horwiu. Mia BHaia OaltaaThar, Mlsa Eva BaiButs, Mlas Marrat M JuiU, JoP Ybssaas. Austin Hosoer. Cbariaa , sTTmnb Oouob,o, U. siasaU and Jeaapb aalsaiiai. Blanche Gnrdener. The guests will Include Miss Mnrgnret A. Datlett, Miss Elizabeth Rcss. Miss Frances Jennings Ross, Miss Evelyn B. Page, Miss Lois L. Jackson, Miss Katharltta Coinn, Mls Gertrude Graham, Miss Frances Hnmmond, Miss Mildred Longstroth, Miss Jane Hepburn, Miss Rosalia Butterworth and Miss Loulso Butterworth. Miss Mary Norrls Cerbonl will be the guest of honor nt a luncheon to bo given by her aunt, Mrs. C. Wendell Woodward. There will be SO guests present, among whom will bo Miss Cor- ' lnne 1J. Freeman, Miss Marjorlo Taylor, the Misses Fnrlcs, tho Misses Brlnton, Miss Eleanor J. Bean, Miss Mary Halt Laird, Miss Edith Enrlc, Miss Eleanor Btspham, Miss Hope Mc- ' Michael, Miss Alice H. Nowlln, Miss Anna Mary -Wnlthour. Miss Marlon Brlnton, Miss Barbara Benson, Miss Frances Scott, Miss Jean Van N. , Da Costn, Miss Kato Furncss Jnyne, Miss Fran cc". Tyson. Though many of these guests are debutantes, MIbs Cerbonl will not mnko her debut until next season. Miss Florence Bell will give a dansant at her home, 26S South 16th street, In honor of hex niece, Miss I'aullno I Bell, nnd lier nephew, Bamuel Boll, Jr., daughter nnd son of Mr. and . Mrs. Samuel Bell. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Drayton Grange will entertain nt dinner Jn honor of their eon, Herman Kremcr Grange, who Is homo from St. Luko's School for tho holidays. There will bo It guests present, and tho party will attend the meeting of Mrs. Hutchinson's dancing class. , A small dnnco will be given by Mr. nnd Mrs. John K. Strublng nt their home. In St. Mar tin's, in honor, of their son, John IC. Strublng, Jr. Tho guests will Includo tho young members of tho school sot. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brlnton Roberts, or Llanen- . gan, Bala, will nlso give a dance In honor of , their two sons, George B. Roberts and Brlnton j, P. Huberts. AMUSEMENTS B. P. Keith's Theatre TWICE DAILY 3 AND 8 P. M. A JOYOUS New Year Festival MIRTH MERRIMENT MELODY I tickcts now on 8Ai.n roit ENTinn WEEK. in order, to avoid disappointment get yours today. New Year's Day Three Big Shows At 1. 4:15 and 8:13 p. jl All ned Tlclt.U for . HptcUl aintlnee at 4 :13. ACADEilY OF MUSIC WED. EVQ.. DEC. SO. TPIE CHORAL SOCIETY ) WILL SINO THE MESSIAH MAE EDUET HOTZ Boprsna CHUISTINn MILLEH .Contralto EVAN WILLIAMS .... .T.?Tlor KltANK CONLY ..:.:. ...".aS iiT-v'ov'j.AA,tv'sr.,r.,:t'cne" ..U....& JJtUKIFt AlIUf.UUlt Cond. MAtll ft ft- icrpe's. 1110 Cheitnut St. 00. 75c. Ainphlthtatre. SOc. il.LV, 115, 11 ACADES1Y Seats t Heppe's, 1110 Chestnut. PHILADELPHIA I SAT AT ("TffiJ? ORCHESTRA ?out7 tA 3iW w" I 8EAOI.E. Birltona Thursday Aft, Dec. 31, at 3:00 YOUNO TEOPLE'S CONCERT Soloist: KITTY CHEATHAM- rnL9I?3! BOc- TBc. Jl. Box Seat., I1.CO, TlcHets at Heppa's' 1118 CHo.tmit It. Chestnut. St- opeka i noma or wona- lUtfttllUb Ot. HOUSE I Ort.t PhotepIaVs A(ternoon 1. 2:S0 mn 4 lOo and 15c Evening 7. 8:30 and 10 10c, 15c. 25c. Tha First and Only Genulna MOTION PICTURES OF THE EUROPEAN WAR Taken by Chicago Tribune. Permlsnion Belrlan Gov. Coming cSSfra THE CHRISTIAN Palace Theatre'2" SS?M t0 Vaudeville and Paramount Pictures PHOTOPIAY FEATURE JEBSE.U lUSKr Presents II. D. WAJlNEIt In "THE GHOST BREAKER" NEW YEAU'3 EVE. 3UDX1UIIT PEKFORMANCM WITHERSPOON HALL w $u Apuyy Real Hans Christian Andersen or!19 Alfhjld Sandby ffiaiSSiSS. Mbuysl HERMAN SANDBY TICKETS AT RYAN'S, Il.BO 1J.00 CHILDREN. HALF PRICE L" DDA"n This i Next Week. Evst.stSrtB. vyxi.i- nee. Mat. Wed i Sat at 3:15. HOLIDAY MATINEE NEW YEAR'S DAY viiAituca rituiiHAN Preeents Miss BH.LIE BURKE In Her Greatest T TH "D T "V Comedy Succem J Ml XV) AV X iIETROIOUTAN OPERA HOUSE METROPOLITAN OPERA CO . NEW YORK TOi?UT Madama Butterfly Jlraja. JVrar, Tornla. Estner. MM. Martlnelll. Tasanl. Bads. JBesue, Audlilo, ReechlslUn, CerrU Conductor. Mr. Toneaulnl . -, w.1H Sal 110U Cbentnnt Si Walnut 7083. Race ST FORRESTLast 2 Weeks YS5- Mat.. Wednaaday & Saturday. Extra Mat NewYear'a Klaw&Erlanger's -DTn-KT TTTTr Stupendous iJlliiN -XI U JK. PftftaefifV S1 R1 KO N "Ishtr Seat Sal. j. vwu wuv., T-, v."v. -jnura jor for Next Wei(. GLOBE" MARKET STREET OPPOSITE WANAMAKER'p VaudtvUla 11:30 to 11. &a MAYO 4 TULIAr I1BRT LEW I UcCarmlek IrvlEr I Trtst'a Seal, ptbara KXTRA MIDNIGHT PBKFORMANCB NBW YKAll'S BVE. VjAIVlVlV-lV ReaularMata Wed ft Sat HOLIDAY MATINEE NTfW YEAR'S DAY POTASH & PERLMUTTER Popular Prlca Wadiwaday Mailnaw Baat Beau (1 30. THE SSKjrrjSTRKET ABOViH -.m a -ktt nv PICTURES 11 TO 11 STANLEY "fefgjr Xtr Mtttoigat Pertoroww New Year a a CROSS KEYS Theatre gfe VAUDSVILLK AND MOTION PJCTUHKS DaUy iu X. 1991 MUbUjr. 7 aui 8. Iw.. u, . PHOOKAM CHAfttoBO MQstPAY AND JHt'gjgUT worn GRAND ADELPHI " SMEgt fH Jl MAT TL'4J nmrt isuuib MAT mUMi.f joaeoLU "QTT7T" . w F IHhU-TRS caJMUa'a aUt ti;Dl Pfk o:oi pfM l,it4UeLiTli til X Tfc tt fj T VIJIP " MAT MilUAY EBCPIBE IATlf fc.W lot h GINGER CIRI.& CAjSUJQ m8"kdn Wm- "ESS. VASBHi