Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1914, Sports Final, Page 2, Image 2

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Governor-elect Expected to
Name Several Members of
His Official Family in
Iew Days.
Garmarct Hrumbatich will an
ttounea several appointments to his cabl
net within a few usys. according to po
litical observers who hare been keeping
tn clone tduch with the situation. In the
discussion, of the make-up ot tho cabinet
interest continues to centra about the At
)ttrnr Generalship, with former Judge
Dlmner Beeber tho leading candidate.
Francis Sliunk Brown, whom the Vares
wanted Governor Tener to appoint At
torney General and who has been con
aldcred a strong- possibility, seems to be
out of the race. With tho Continental
Equitable. Title and Trust Company he
Is trustee of tho Durham estate, which
lit heavily Interested In Union Traction
tf Hwhiim I AnnMsit tn t. . , ..
a plans of Director Taylor, With a con
i stltutlonaf amendment to Increase the
bprrowlnc capacity of Philadelphia for
transit Improvements, and other transit
legislation coming- before the next Legis
lature, It la jiot likely that Governor
Brumbaugh would want to be In the posi
tion of having; a trustee of the Durham
estate, which is heavily Interested In
Union Traction, as Attorney General.
Tit, lnvrnnp1pf linft f ra,11 ,miii ...
pressed himself as strongly In favor of
general Improvement for Philadelphia, In-eluding-
rapid transit.
Alexander Simpson. Jr.. a, law partner
ot Francis Shunk Brown, has recently
been mentioned for the place. The fact
that ho Is Mr. Brown's partner, however,
has thrown cold water on his chances.
Others who hare been mentioned Include
james scarlet, or Danville: E. B. Cun
nlngham, of Grcensburs. at present Dep
Uty Attorney General: William If. Shoe
maker, of Philadelphia, and John 3. mil
lng-, of Erie.
Contlnnei) from Tare One
ailae-iitfnri a1lr1 linhti ihm in tnetfA ft
thorough examination and readjustment
of the rates nn each anertAi. Mmmodltv.
with a view to making; the rate on each
independently remunerative. This, they
say, had been done In part when it la was
learned the 5 per cent. Increase might be
reconsidered and granted In part
Ail revision made between thottlme of
tho original suggestion of the Commis
sion and Its order, on December it, which
were not suspended by the final order
will be allowed to stand. But all Urlfla
which have not been revived with a view
to specific Increases on rales at prerent
on suaubnormal basis wilt be readjusted
tn accordance with the second suggeatlen
of the Commission and Irrespective of
the S per cent. Increase granted, tn the
case of many articles, however, the R per
cent. Increase will be found sufficient to
meet tha ,1MBhrfi i thl maw ha la nf
tariff estimates.
On other articles on which the existing
rates aro very low, particularly live stock,
dressed meats, packing house products,
hay, grain, (lour, copper, corn syrup and
foodstuffs generally, a readjustment nnd
Increase, where deemed necessary, will be
sought. The rates for these articles. It Is
pointed out, had their origin In fierce
nnmnalltlAn At ee,elfl'.e Ms lin,tiiB !& -
ace of the blir traffic of powerful shippers,
nail road official's also Indicate that the
An? fit fl itl rrt t o I lnaaa a mm .siniltwt ! tv.
the granting of the 5 per cent. Increase,
no mat irom now on wnenever advances
are sought they will be worked out on a
basis of having each article be Inde
pendently remunerative on a standard
basis of return.
Women Thrown Out of
Work by Hundreds Every
Time "Craze" Changes,
Miss Poyntz Declares.
No Favoritism Will Bo Shown at
Evangelist's Meetings.
Following the meeting of the Billy Sun
day Executive Committee today, it was
announced there would be no tickets Is
sued fof the admission of any person to
the auditorium of the tabernacle for any
?.LLr' Sundar', meetings. Tho rulo
First come, first seated," win be strictly
Tickets -issued tomorrow to pastors and
members- of the general committee will
Blve admission to tho platform. Seats
will be provided In the auditorium for
their wives. Clergymen besides those co
operating with the committee, who deslro
tickets Of admlialnn. will l,,r ,. ...
to the main office In tho Stock Exchange
Buhdlnc nnd furnish evidence of Identl
flcation. .Reports to the executive committee by
the women chairmen at this afternoon's
meeting showed that the committees and
subcommittees have .reached more than
"jjOOO women and gifts, employed in the
offices, restaurants, mills, laundries and
other places In the city.
Of these 15.S0O girls ore In 98 factories,
are in 15 business colleges, JK2 are In
omces, 259 are office cleaners, ew are In
restaurants. 1500 are Jn laundries and
n,ra.I?y re ,n w hospitals that have been
, Announcement also was made that busi
ness men are holding noonday prayer
nieeUnS in their offlceo In anticipation
ot the coming- or Mr. Sunday. One of
'il?'. wl" be "' '" ai offlce of one of
.PHlIadelnhln'. flnan,t,M i ,. .
Title Building tomorrow. Business men
also have been meeting In the Inasmuch
Mission for prayer during- the luncheon
iiour and another of these meetings will
be held tomorrow.
Man Struck by New York Express
Near Front Street.
A, man about 60 years old. believed to
have been Samuel Strange. 213 East
Cambria, street, was struck and lulled
by an express train on the Pennsylvania
Railroad, east of Front street, today. The
train waa stopped and the body carried
to North Philadelphia Station,
A letter found In the man's pocket ad
dressed tor Samuel Strange led the police
to Relieve the victim lived at the East
Cambria street address. It Is the theory
s ) w" "- mo man was Killed
fc-.wna returning to Ills home after search-
Man. Hit by Train. Dies
E "J James Kane, 458 Klpka street, Boxbor-
r Ane-H At In P. ro.-.,..t...-. tt .. . .. .
afternoon from Injuries received when he
waa struotc fcy a Pennsylvania. Itallroad
i luanwinK station ttils moraine.
.-J1W .is '
He was 27 ytSfS old.
Residents and Manufacturers Will
Present Objections to Court.
Protests will be made against the pro
posed, transfers of a number of liquor
licenses before Judges Carr and Davis on
Thursday. Residents and manufacturing
concerns in the neighborhood to which
the transfers are sought are associated In
nnnnslMnn Tt rtnaifa fUhKn-isw A trSat
Wfl'VBI.IUtli - VlUtVllbV UIUUUIIII VII. kill
iir ami uruor oociciy ycamraay uica oo-
jcciion to n petitions xor removal.
The Mldvalo Steel Company and more
than 200 residents of Wayne avenue and
Yrnt-l !.. uiiiit -tVtkt tt 4Vi raMnnnl
the license of Michael Oonegan from 921
Master street to this neighborhood. The
Mldvalo Company also objects to the
lemoval of Harry Morris' license from
3100 Euclid avenue to 2061 Hunting Park
Residents of West Philadelphia and the
West Branch Y. M, C. A. will fight the
removal of James F. Goodwin from H32
Market street to 52d and Ludlow streets.
Other transfers opposed are those ot
John J. Kraney, from 11$ North 21st street
to 236-3S North 21st street; Camilla Peter
man, 33 South 3d street, to southwest
comer of 64th and Carlton streets;
.nomas xiraay, 30& jsortn zist street, to
northeast corner 25th and Somerset
street to southwest corner Cth nnd Fish
er's avenue; Harry M. Haslett, 2006 Vine
street to northwest corner Tork road and
Erie avenue; Thomas 'J. Lynch, 3S17
Market street to northwest corner 52d nnd
Larchwood avenue; Joseph F. Corrlgan,
S32-3I Walnut street to 501 South 16th
street; George W. Nlchets, 1437-39 East
Passyunk avenue to 2001 South 23d street.
Emergency Aid Committee Receives
Many Applications for Assistance.
Hope burned afresh in the breasts of
homeless men who applied for work to
day at the offices of the Emergency Aid
Committee. H29 Walnut street. They
were not given the opportunity to labor
today, but they were assured of some
sort of assistance In the near future.
Their names, their trades and their
references were noted and they were ad
vised that ' they will be notified when
there Is work for them.
It was the first day tho Emergency
Aid had been able to give a genuinely
hopeful and fairly definite answer to the
mittee's arrangements with Director
Harte. ot the Department of Public
Health and Charities, had so far pro
gressed that the committee felt Itself In
a position to promise the men good news
before many days.
Applicants today were well recom
mended. For the most part they were
sea-raring men or others whose work
waa gone when the war paralysed shlp-
As soon as the plans now forming ore
completed these men will be given city
work and will be paid from the 350,000
special appropriation made by Councils
at the behest of the Emergency Aid for
the relief of suffering In Philadelphia.
Women applicants for work continue to
be provided with sewing at the Home
Belief division headquarters In the
Lincoln Building. Here more than f300
a day is paid to women that in these
pinching times are almost the sole sup
port ot their families.
Poison Draught Not Fatal
Physicians at Jefferson Hospital today
said that Mrs. Minnie Neelson. 35 years
, " .-. -,-.. w wiitiiii, OUIC1U9
last night by swallowing poison In a
theatrical boarding house on Franklin
street near Race, would recover. The
woman and her husband, who is a stage
electrician. Quarreled, the police say.
Follow the Billy Sunday
campaign Jivery Day
in the
iEtnming efjfc, iCeuger
Special reporter! will cover every phut of the campaign.
Men who have been with Sunday In his previous cam
paigns will contribute special articles sltnost daily. Youll
get complete news of Sunday's entire campaign in the
Evening Ledger,
Fill out this coupon and mail it to the Evening Ledger.
Independence Square, PhlladelphiaTODAY.
The "fashion crate" in America, as a
disturbing and highly aggravating factor
In Industry, was condemned by Juliet
Stuart PoynU, special Investigator for the
America.) Association on Unemployment,
at the second session of the association,
at the Hotel Walton today.
AtlNn Pnvnli 1,1 fhaf Airinrltt rvtn
"simply In tho grip of ah awful fashion
cmo which makes our women the butt
of ridicule on the part of the women ot
other countries."
Tho speaker maintained that "every
whim and caprice of fashion was directly
responsible for throwing one group ot
workers or another out of employment."
Rha malA fhal Mia fAeililm iir--iA
directly responsible In aggravating chaos
and disorder in Industry,
''If every woman In the grip of the fash
ion erase,- nam miss i-oynu, 'Knew that
ever' change In tho style of her shoes or
dress causes untold Buffering to hundreds,
and perhaps thousands of workers, she
would be less enthusiastic in her adher
ence to style."
The enormous amount ot shifting from
workers driven by the lash of necessity
was described by Mrs. Irene Osgood An-
Thrt cnnfllra, nnlnfntl aii I1.b .n.lt. m
ttin nrnhlnm ,, liti.mnlnvm.nt In ,1. nn.
that, although great masses of men' and
women, (nrougn no rami ot their own,
may be out of work, their laok of em
ployment does not eradicate their right
'' rrurn ana ior ioou, doming ana snei
ter. The entire session was devoted to
the consideration of reports of special In
vestigators and the discussion of publto
employment bureaus.
"In the course of my Investigation,"
said Mrs. Andrews, "the head of a great
metropolitan establishment told me that
he employed 12,000 persons during a year
to keep up a force that was never larger
than 6743. In ten confectionery estab
lishments 3138 persons were employed to
maintain an average force of 9o3. The
net result of thin IrnAcnlnr-ll.. I. n .iil
further reduction In earnings that are
low enoush nt best.
"Out of over 1000 women workers in the
better candy factories of New York two
thirds lost more than 10 per cent, of their
rate, while nearlv n fifth int ,n-A ,,...
one-quarter of their supposed earnings
on account of unemployment."
Juliet Stuart Poynts. a collaborator
i... mo mmous cngusii economists Syd
ney and lieatrlco Webb, also spoke.
Her subject was "Seasonal Trades."
The speaker said she recently completed
a study of this problem through the co
operation of the B(.ton Chamber of Com
merce and the Association on Unemploy
ment, and that her Investigation had re
vealed widespread Irregularity of employ
ment among workers In the building, boot
and shoe, printing, cigar making and
other trades.
Ttin nurrAiilnp. nnlnn .......i.... t u.
building trad-j i unemployed In Boston has
mi .aiicn neiow iv per cent, in any
winter since 1507, according to this In
vestigator, and has usually reached or
Passed 20 car int. T"n nnt,lll- T-Vak
the conditions are much worse, said the
''Employers." she added, "can do much
to lncreaso the regularity or employment.
Several are making this a special object
mm iinvo orEanizea employment buieaus,
with a specially trained employment man
ager at their head. One Is even con
templating unemployment Insurance for
his workers."
Frank O'Harra, of the Catholic Unl
versttv nf Amrlfi wlm .it........, ,u. t
r. .. ---"-- " uur-iiu nit) in
vestigations In 1914 of the Oregon Com-
miiico qi me Association on Unemploy
ment, spoke on public works.
is tne duty of those charged with
the expenditure ot publlo money for la
bor," he said, "to study the conditions
of the labor market. Even whero the
cost of executing public work Is slightly
higher In Industry's dull season, It will
be found that In the lonr run It Is true
economy to furnish the workers of the
nation with a steady opportunity to earn
a living rather than to furnish them with
Intermittent rtnlfl nt .t.a,.lt., i
Charles B. Barnes and Walter I Sears
directors of the New York State and New
York Cty Public Employment Bureaus,
respectively, spoke on the opportunities
for constructive work and accompllih-
,..., fc l,uuutl IIICBB VIlUmiGlB.
"The times are out of Joint through no
fault of theirs," doclared T. S. McMahon
of Seattle. In speaking of She number ot
willing and able workers now out of em
ployment on the Paclfla coast. "They
argue that the workers have produced
plenty for all and are willing to continue
to produce, but are not given the oppor
tunity, "They refuse to beg. They demand
work, and, falling to obtain it at a fair
""'i y qmeuy wsik into the res
taurants, order a meal and walk out with
the suggestion that society pay the bills "
, BBSsM-i'SBSsHlsA
r""nBSBr :3bssssssSI
ssssssS i.i SSBST
Bt i gWv
sssL, ,,-isV ssVssV
illateiaflBv jsbsssssbssbW
Millville Police Say John
Horn Confessed Murder,
Declaring Bullet Was
Meant for Girl of 17.
Secretary to Governor Tener, ap"
pointed by him today to the Pub
lic Service Commission.
Governor Places His Private Secre
tary in Vacnnt Scat.
HAnniSBtma, Dec. 29. Governor
Tener today appointed Walter H, Oalther,
his private secretary, to be a member
of the Publlo Service Commission to flit
the Vacancy caused by the death of
Judge Nathaniel Kwlng, Ex-Governor
Samuel W. Ponnypacker was designated
an chairman of the Commission. Judge
Ewlng had been chairman.
The aDDolntment of Mr. PtnnvnaMter
as chairman adds two yeats to his term
and the other five Commissioners are
advanced one year. Mr. Galther Is ap
pointed for a term ot approximately
two and a half years.
Mr. Galther resigned Immediately as
private secretary, to take effect Janu
ary 1, and also as secretary to the Ex
ecutive Committee of the Pennsylvania
Ponama-Paclflc Exposition. He will as
sume his new duties January 10 and will
continue to live here, devoting all his
time to the work of the Commission,
although he will retain a legal residence
In Pittsburgh.
Mr. GnJtlier wan hnm In TTAvkn.
Clarion County, 45 years ago. and was
a newspaper man In Pittsburgh prior to
uvuuiiiijih accrciRiy io vtovcrnor xener,
when the latter was In Congress.
Committee's Treasurer Acknowledges
Receipt of Contributions.
The financial report of the Emergency
Aid Committee has been Issued by Mrs.
J. Norman Jackson, treasurer, at the
committee headquarters, 142S Walnut
street, and shpws contributions have
been received ns follows:
nKD cnosd division
Prior to December 20 in 1 fill J 1
Dec-mbor 28. W.UHM3
Dorothy D. Smith in no
Mr. and Mrs J. M. Frailer rux
Mrs. C. Knaurr ., Xj,
Sale, postcards So.00
Total '. ;
Prior to December SO ..
IW.mk.. 'Ml t
Paah .
Mr. w. M.N.Diuton '.;.'.'.';.' .';.".'.';
Oeorso It, Durgls '''
J. M.. Jr
Samupl Rea
Memorial Church of St. I'aul '. .
Society st. Vlnctnt do Poul
Valnut Street lrabytrfan Church
nellef CommItU ,
M. 1 Scott
Miss I. M. nalcer
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Frailtr
Proceeds of danca
Procds Schununn-Helnk concert...
The Dreka Company
Mrs. Henry Dlsiton
HH.T.V1LI.&, N. J., De. . - John
ttAi 9S v.a nM ( In Ih. tall tlftr to-
day charged with the murder of fleatrlce
flailey, years old, ot Millville. The child
was Instantly killed at 'the hpme of her
grandmother; Mrs. Alice Pettlt, In Bucks
chutum, when a bullet, fred through a
window at Miss Alice Pettlt, IT years old,
daughter of Mrs. Pettlt, penetrated her
According to the police, ITorn confessed
the shooting at the Psttlt home some
hours after he learned that the child was
his victim.
Detentlves T.nre Anrl nrailr. whn mnitA
the arrest, said that Horn declared he
was Jealous of Miss Pettlt. nnd when he
found his attentions were rejected de
cided to avenge his wounded feelings.
Horn will be nrralgned today.
The Pettlt family was seated at the din
ner table, little Beatrice chatting and
laur.hlng- with the others. She was seated
next to Miss Pettlt. Suddenly there was
the report of a revolver, accompanied by
the crash of a window.
Little Beatrice fell from her seat at the
dinner table and the family rushed to her
Id. Thnl fnltml ih, u'iib ,to,l
nm hmir. afl.f tho .hnnHnir ., tUm
news reached the house whero Horn was
hiding that little Beatrice was dead, he
ran to the Pettlt home. As Horn strode
into the room the detectives were telling
of their efforts to find the slayer.
With tears streaming down his face,
Horn walked up to Mrs. Pettlt and said,
according to the detectives:
"I did the shooting; It was all a mis
take." According to the police, he then told of
being crored by the fact that Miss Pettlt
had refused him.
tells Manufacturers Nation Holds
Its Own In Business World.
WASHINGTON, Dec 29.-Preldent Wil
son indicated today that ne Deueveu in
dustrial conditions In the United States
were Improving. He said, In answer to a
letter sent to him by the Manufacturers'
Association of Montgomery County, Ta.,
that there was no truth In the assertion
that the Industrial position of the United
nit.a irrnnrlnar worse. Further than
this he would not comment on the matter.
The President scoffed at reports that
the Government would face a deficit of
$100,000,000 nt the close ot the fiscal year,
as stated by Representative Mann, of
Illinois. If there were nny danger of
this he would have been Informed of It,
he said, and no Administration official
had brought It to his attention.
Stealaway Lands Second
Money and Crisco Third.
Billy Collins and A.' N.
Akin Win Second and
Third Events.
Ten Thousand Youngsters
South Philadelphia JH
Entertained by the Col
. 0,M8.4.1
10 01)
60 00
To'sJ II2.H7.4I)
BELGIAN HEL.IE1" mvistrwr
Prior to December M la
December Si and 28. '
I Remhardt
In ills Name
A D. fl
E. T.
J. VI". Mason ...
Herman!, Morton
Mothara' rnretlnr, Chapel ot Trine
of Tmc
Mrs. Omenitatt-r
Mrs. D. n. Douirherty
Charles It. Moore ...'
Ileee C. Roborts
n. S, Taylor '
B. n. McCarthy "
Mlaa M. E. Fourier
IS 00
Subscription Blanjc
IndepeaiJeaee Squarf, hlladdphJaa'ODAY.
"' m....
ncloit& find for which nail mc the
daily Kvcfliiig Vdgr far week..
tmitfft " uvmamrnoH
KiatC t Ugtir. cam, c ur
r wwMh irwuii;iits
TITn nifITt artrrit- i Mlfciisia
Shows Improvement After Night or
Anxiety to Watchers at Bedside.
Judge John h. Klmey, ot Common
Plea Court No. 1, who is seriously IH at
his home. 1622 Spruce street, wn rnn-t.
ed as improved today, haa been
in at rua nome ior threa weeks, but ten
daya a so he showed some signs of recov
ery. Last night his condition became so seri
ous that member of the Jurist's famllv
were summoned to his bedside and his
physicians. Drs. Arthur Newlln, 1S0 pin.
atreet, and Walter Chrystle. of Bryn
JIawr, ald he was . very sick man.
Deposit ot 91200 in Effects of Wo
man Who Had Asked Charity,
A tiaviV YinnL- altniDln. .a. . a. m
I300 with th Bncflell eavlnw Fund
wm found In ton trunk of a. dead woman
ralua. aLmnr.si1iv nnnx t n.. ..,..
ontr Shields this afternoon.
The woman, known aa Margaret Mor
rison, waa found dead In her bed at MH
Pin atreet this morning-. She was SO
year old. The account is iu the name
of Margaret Croesne, who, neighbor
were also found showing- that so bad
applied to charity otganliaHen for re
lief. An effort to locate relative la belna
Italy's King; Cosgratylates Wilson
WASHtWOTOAT, Dee. 3.-KHg Viator
i& ms5$ pm
th WWMtfe'vA s3l 'teai
aHsssst bJBtX $Kt fbsUJsL astpflnAjt ekHfatssC i
TJc X4lMMt far 3Cdit
it V.r.l iimUab. -I a Uul.k... .
look let r,dlin 4 iJi'taniiinj agaeaa
srt 8My, o Mth ej IKS
deua at lUgtrtsjuf anjt Mth sto-.u a4
taiisa t the Meusoaa Mn.rlr.l at
Tota, IO.0flT.31
The following contributions were made
to the funds and accounts named up to
and including December :t.
HrltUh relief J3M 10
King Albert iloepltal lCOOOO
Mrs. Qeorga W, Pepper's Dcldan
account 1.14218
French tun: ses.M
Oerman account . , M SO
Overhead expenses . 1,jOTon
Oeneral fund , 3. too 00
Saving of Ten Seconds Over Tele
phone Calculated,
Clayton W. Tike. Chief of the Electrical
Bureau, this afternoon announced a
change In the method of handling alarms
of flra received by telephone which will
start engines to nree ten second sooner
than heretofore.
A new telephone switchboard ha bien
Installed at the Bureau ot Fire head
Quarters, to which all (Via i.i.nhn.. -i-
culta to the engine houses are connected.
In the future, when an alarm comes In
by telephone from Bpruce S on the Bell
ystem or from the Keystone exchange,
the operators at the City Hall switch
boards Instantly will connect the person
giving the alarm with the Kir Bureau
operator, who will obtain the location of
the Ire and dispatch the proper engines,
Wants Death of Child at Philadelphia
Hospital Investigated.
Coroner Knight has asked Doctor Hart
Director of Publlo Health and Charities!
to investigate the death of Mya"-old
Clara Saltsberg, of MB Bouth 6th street,
last Sunday in the women' nervous ward
of the Philadelphia Hospital as the reault
of a scalding in a hot bath. The ohiid
infested ad blood poisoning set in
, ""'""' "werxn, tn cor
oner's physlolan. mad a pwt mortew ex
amlnatlea thl afternoon. Deteoiiva Shrank
Paul say toe child was In th.br-e
of Beatrte Qttbert. is years old a
!s,r&uil 5l'-' patlt at the 'ho.
tnw. 5iiy assert that the wo
man place the MM la a tub of hot
Fellotfrship Solicitors Walt In Vnln
for loring B. Fulmer.
Again Lorlnp It Fulmcr Is trying to
evohc a plnn by which he can carry out
his Christian fellowship luncheon idea.
Jlr. Fiilmer Is the man who presided nt
tables with 100 covers nnd walled In vain
for his ffiiMt to arrive some weeks ago
In a Market street restaurant.
Since (hut tlmo he has been persistent
In his endeavor to make his dream of
"soul feeding" with stomach feeding a
reality. Time and again he had the
tables nrrnnged and waiting. But nevor
would the men he Invited attend. A few
did drift In and out ngaln.
After trying this mthod without suc
cess, the "Christian Engineer." as ho
styles himself. trleH a n, ..,.- ,,.
advertised for solicitors, explaining that
l-hrlstlnn men of gentlemanly nddress"
were wanted to "solicit contributions In
order to supply poor families with things
to -at nnd wear, on a commission basis."
" w. a reaay response to this ad
vertising, and Mr. Fulmer found there
were plenty of men willing to take up the
work but only a handful were willing to
spend their own money for the price of
a fellowship, luncheon" each day, which
was a requirement. However, the hand
nV" t0haV4 met t0,ay t0 fther the
n S" Z lr- ,Fulmer ha'1 confidence that
the flock would soon be enlarged nnd the
ITZ0 ,p'oposed would be' so fruit-
provai. e wl,h ap"
Now his hopes He shattered, and he Is
tiniiin. hi. i """"'"" ft mean of con
tinuing his luncheons, for, he Insists
"they cannot he . r.ii.,.. ' ,!, '.""
are gone because of the refuse o? the
Mr0PFulm.r,.t,." r"u " p'erm.t
Mr. Fulmer to have lila sollcitora meet
In the restaurant with him. l
Mai. "solicitor." and men ambitious to
be solicitor waited in vain In front it
the restaurant at 1 o'clock "oday to meef
arrive.""""' ,he,r I,Rder' b h. did 'n
CHAltLESTON, Dec. . Trovalo, IDS,
with Jockey Troxler In the saddle, out
gamed a good Held In the opening ovent
here today. Steal away and Crisco fur
nished tho contention to the stretch, when
Trovnto responded to the whip nnd came
under the wire a winner. Odds of S to 1
were offered on this one. The distance
waa three-quarters of a mile.
In tho yecond race nt five-eighths ot a
mile Billy Collins, n 3 to 1 shot, cntna
across with first money. A. C. Haley
In this event finished poorly and was sec
ond, while Chaser ins third.
In the selling rnce, the third event on
the program nt six furlongs, a real good
thrill was enjoyed. A. Jf. Akin took
command and won out In a driving finish
with Jim Savage. Carlton was third
Tho summary follows:
First race, eelllni', -1-year-old- anil up, 0
Iurlong-mnalor, IDS, Troxler, 3 to 1, even.
won, Bicniaway, iiaj. nmuina, o to A. l 10 o.
7 to 10, crond: l.'rlsco, IDS, Nathan, l to 2. 2
to 1, oen, third. Time, 1:181-6. Ochre
Court, Duet, Mlmrils, I'laln Ann and Idle
welBa alio ran.
Hccond rare, "riling, 3-year-oMa "1 up, 5
rurlnncallltlv Collin, life, Connors. 3 tn 1,
U to 2, .1 tn C, won, A, C, Haley, 10I, Hall
oer. S to o, 7 to lu, 1 to 3, necond; Clioser,
100. Obcrt. U to 1, A lo 2. 0 tn (t, third, time,
1:01 Otrsnto, No -Manager, Holland, Madeline
11.. Calcthumplan, Mlg.tuoo, Maater Joe also
Third race, eelllng:. S-year-olda, 0 turlonra
M Alrln IfMI (Ih.rt X tn K 1 in I nut
Happy children nt lenat lfl.OOO of thJ
from all sections of South Phlladelp
were royally entertained this aftem'
at the riaxa Theatre as the guests
Congressman William' 8. Vare Th
was a Vaudeville show nnd moving p
tures, too. Good movies with lots
nrflnn. hlentv nf fun nnd rimiinlnfr .l,n
tlons brought the youngster to the
Hut that was not all. Thorn m.
big box of candy for each little gu?
as ho or sha went In the door and
was accompanied by a Happy New T
greeting from the Congressman hlmte!
And the children knew .he' meant it. n
cause he did the same thins: lnat v
and tho year beforo that And 6h, heT
given these llttlo entertainments to
AVAf nn loric. Vmlncr'nR then? nrt ,.,.'
of the little ones today remembered thafl
It U'3S Ihn r,itrrialint -attil Vila Vkv1.3
Henator Yure, who put coal In their celo
..- l.l -.. - -.t i.a i.. . ,'-l
ii hi is wjuiur turn biiw uiuL mere was
food went to the liouse when tho corn??
rrnrr Vioil rlrnwn ttirv tlrin nt Araullt l
gy eaM ubii-isi avi aaiiu uil VI tun
urihuw m.v ..... ,
rourin race. aeuuiEr on juriong. twuteicj,
108 (Shilling), It to B. 3 to 0. out, won;
Encore, IK) (Urol), 10 to 1, a to 2, 7 to 10.
oecondi YorkMlle, 111 (Mlly), 18 to 0, 4 to
fi, 1 to 3, third. Time, 1:(X. J. B. Han-ell
finit lTnriaiintnd alan ran.
1, tt to 0, 1 to 2. third. Time, 1:03.
jfougherty. Arphlery, American, Tronaport
Sixth race, arllina-, n-ycar-oldi and up, 1 mile
Earl of Savoy, 110, Otiert. even, 0 to 20, 1
to S, won i Hllllv Baker. Ill, Troxler, u to '.',
b to 8. i to B, eecond; Mr. btiuK 10.1, Smyth,
to 1. 8 tn 8, 4 to $. third. Time. 1:43 .1-5.
lleaupbre, Stentor, Bob It, Mookler, Frank
Hudaon, Votthorpc alio ran.
grntltiide, a bystander remarked thsf 1
"In tho way the Vnrcs perpetuato thsff
rule In South Philadelphia ono can
now why residents In the southern sec-
rinn nf thn rltv d,a nn tnfs tn thJU
Varcs." K'
The children seemed lo know nl about
tho lack of work this winter, nnd thejj
mllsatl 1l fl t-irtll no ilint tnl.l linn- nM
uxiaiu assttsiyii.r j JIIVJ I.V114 I1WH fcUJUj
plecca were given to their bt'othors $11
iiiRir i n n a nv t no tints r rir run n ri ai-nnnn i
They were Just ns thankful aa those ot
tho 10th Word are to -Senator.. McNIchnl.
who looks after thn sunshine In, the
gloomy homes of that district when a
porlod of want sets In.
The show this afternoon lasted from
2 until 6 o'clock.
The show waa continuous. 'When th"
first 3000 youngsters saw all the way from
the movies to the "team" who cloafed
the show, they tucked their candy tinder
their arms closely and went out, satis
fied and happy. A
Three thousand more took their places
with a rush nnd did tho same thing until
they were succeeded by the last batch.
, Many of thpse present had not seen a
show this senson and it felt like "old
times." And the show was full of "pep
and glngc," as one kid put It. Nothing
else In town had "anythjng on It," acr
rnrrllnir tn nnndian 1ltl f.llHn. T,.....
thing In vaudeville was there. Including
thn funny comedian with tho whiskers
and red nose, the slap stick expert and
the "long guy with the funiy songs."
I. Edward Mar-din 1T1R n .
Che.nr?e.f"'Ki1.?S n". . ri0r'
.!.1.'.'' irU, Cheater: pa .. .......
int.nlrt ""Udonfleld. N. j.' "" wn T.
Pr .ffe!4" ' i .U and ciarl
John E, i-'rlekaon'. s5a3 Mltflhfn.,'1",'n sve
. U Sch.ai. 112a' fSttJfJSiV."''! St.. and iSit
Hrt race, purse JSOO, 3-year-olds and up,
selling, U furlongs 'Flatbuah, 101: Eleowherc.
100; Northerner. 100: Nlsadoo. 100: 'Veneti.
ftromo. lODj N'adajnaa. 10Uj FerPi Hock, 11U;
Water Lad. lis: KnUM of Uncas. US,
Itrarthatonc, 111.
Second race, purae 1300. R-star-olda and up,
oiling. 0 rurlonfta Ida lavlnta. 101; No
Klanaser. l("j; Oeneral Warren, 100; Ulloha.
.iwi.V. vu, ....lb.., .vu, WUI.B1, W
lelburg- II, 100; natwa, 11T; Flammarion
Jojeph F,
David Sirauaa
William 8m
H?Jf.U. ilfi Vina si : "
WcCuilouskW f..VnS .''".
y Jttt, eaa NKith'.i' ..
?.N iSifhJnwn t,""
and Ifary b.
a McIH-DU-
911 N Hutchl
urg. ii iv TtH -
2Rffal? MolRJrtyten.N 10,, ... a
Binlamln.starn. 6li tP 'u.S.t?..lt. .
."ff" . at., an
i.i- Ti"l"aon at, - "
PreTbr-V. W"5.1.V. nd Beat,!,.
,! fiK -w-75-i.,-tl'rina at. ---..
hers. Mli'N th,. T,tt ' nd Mule m
wifiES, y-?,.s,
!;-.:" '..-nr
v., . aionr,
?.(''. r, Ben
. Kiita.Dcm
L-iula v Uorp
Uavli lTiwi
kta. WB, Vinton at? It'' aJ fi Lea-
w.r.-7- I- ., uambriH,. --' .
I.H.TH J Hv.Iab k.. --'. mi
-.,. rif "..!
Abnar Slmuon i
fiv.lv.. ilniin ,,.
Oor VUby, Mi
. ao-
lr!Sj sf feW
lr ftl
iKS.i,VI..?itf tl-
lebaatiaaa tvalUro, i
Van- (Xaatat Tof
GiSuxirff" " " Mbl
fer.ksttr at. "" " - Va
-;-.." ,i..vi
A noMhower.
th t , and l(-(.rct
laao OtvalUro, 70T B tut. ..
." -ii'fmii HIM a. M.IT11 at " 1
-.Tr,wa'. -Th "S"
ad Ce-
M Bfcakje
ad Fru
and Assie
M4 Caro)yn
lffiif&i? iVS !
JEsWM.I?f Mtt
W&? nMM - w
Mf PTHftJaA K "f tj n afm ffni
ft4 hm
spm mm
mi ,
Third race, purse, 1300. 2-year-olda, aelllns,
6 furlonsa-Ldy May M: Enduriince, lf;
Jack Marlow, 1UJ; rrlll, loi; Colambla. llady.
11?J 7ancea rialre. 102; Golden Uaisle. 1W;
JJur,rU'"i rl,uln, 10J; Klectriclan
ytiJliir Kln- ,0T: Fse White, lpf; Iluatlc
Maid. 110: Uterus, 113; 'Kopje. 103. "u"u
Fourth race, purae I3O0. alt asei. aelllna-,
J furlcn-CannocJ( DO; "Iludas tirother, !5;
I-rlwar, lOSt 'Joe Finn, 103; Mlaa liarn
,bor.' lKirio,'n"iv- ,,5i 'Brandy wine.
103; Martre. WT: Joe DIebola, 16T; Oabrio. 101
ah" 110 ' ' l'",y"nve' lli tord Mar-
Klfth nice, purae $300, .1-year-olds and up,
?ri"nf' ,8 (Uf'ni? Supi.reme. 107; txxtdlln;
3flBIKj.,i."a"5.,.',.,-..,l Sackcloth. ,,, Jo2
BUth race. pura. 3oo S-year-olda and up.
?f'".n-,J r5"rTom..,,nc. 0U; 'Heart
lleat, 1M; Bordello, 10S; Holtln. 105 ElblonJ
IW; stetesta. 103 Free Trad;, loi; 'KiHi
woaly. 111; 'Tork Lad. Ill; Milton B lis
Quick Start. 113: The Monk. U3, IknedV-.tlna.'
ivj,,uh,"i,f fe. rj'".455. : rSria
ApPrnttc allow line clalmd.
Percy P. Haughton, Harvard's Eoot
ball Coach, Says So.
OHICAaO. Dec. 29.-U' brain and not
brawn tht count on the gridiron, perey
D. JIaUEhton sava an. lr- 1. ,k. u.V.
of the football coaches at Harvard, and
... man wno naa tutored the win,
nlng Crimson elevens.
Mr. HauflThton LrtAa t. j.,
attending the National Collegiate A,,o-
71 v ..'" "i. tneiuaes the great
est coaches on the Eastern and Western
colleges and universities. rn
"Football.-' said Mr. ir-,,. ...
,a game of brawn. It la wrong to attempt
to make a atnH.ni- . . "rf. npt
who know, nothing save foaWif W"n
student, tmb,LX t9 tk
?Tt football player ha a wonderful
advantage oer his fejtow graduatrwhen
they lfaV. allege. , know, what du.
- . 5
Company Must.dPoK. SlBl.agJtor
' Overcharges In Bates.
Klghteon disputes between Philadelphia
department stores and two express com
panies on the rates for carrying parcels
oulslde Philadelphia were settled today
In the United States nistrlrt rM,rt h
fore Judge Dickinson, with a decision' in
ravor of Olmbel Brothers against the
Atlnms Express Company. Tho suits
grew out of charges mndo by tho ex
press companies for light packages, The
department stores contended that they
were discriminated against wjien. the
companies charged them 40 cents a pound
for packages weli-hlnp n ,,,n.i. 1--.
and only Jl.60 for bundles weighing 100
''"" i niupments Detween New York
and Philadelphia. r
The exnreuM rnmnsni,. ni.n ....-., .
class five M-pound packages for the same
Moow.muuii m mo rate ror a single ICO
pound package and this the stores pb
Jcted to. Judge Dickinson sustained
"" -uiiwnuun inai me small packages
ShOUld ho i!onslrir,1 In h. . ..
The verdict awarded Glmbel Brothers -hi
..? Ul J a" tno Ponolng suit are
settled on the same basis, UBlng today'
case as a precedent, the total arriourit
i.w iBiuiiucu win reacn it,uw.
jawragM puAew of ManohIa2;
WOtW of ti, , DuKMtaiJS?
Xtj fM to Atlatle City
h, wt ,, te cts
t. A, gPWAXPs)
WJiSMIia, fla. Daw. m-i r
Official Forecast
ror eastern Pennsylvania and new
") 4iu aim wanner tonight; Wed
nesday .cloudy and colder, fresh soujiit
'"i oii4t,ui6 m norinweat weune1
The eastern area of high barometer Is
., uuv uver me uuit or nt Lawrencti
this morning. The temperatures have, i
r,"', " f,BO .nrougnout the eastern
half .of the rnnntrv. ,.! ... Zl..
i ,hj ai.;- d..: 7.1 ?.". io
h 1 1 ' ,1 """" "" morning, while
there Is a slight excess in most of the
great central valleys, A disturbance' has
moved Into the central valleys, from th?
""""""" uuium me last 21 hours, caus-
" uenerai rains which have spread
northeastward over the Lake region,
Pennsylvania and the southern portions
.. -- '". "'a""m- a colder
" over Manitoba will probably
move into the central valleyo and spread
......, ,. ,a ,r ul lIJB (orm.
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Oaertions mad atS a. tn. Eastern Urn
Iat Rain- Vtiue-
Slisma rnlr
SOBLOjI. uin
Julfiul. n. y
ruso. III....
llevalaod. O.
envr, Col. .
ni Afolnea. 1
)JroIt, Mich.
law, uino
,, ., .,- value-
Btalioo i -.m. n't fall.wtad. Hy Weaiha-
bUaB, Tax.,.. 40 40 .08 NW 11 riU.
tlantR City.... Si 84 ,lg n a Hil
iiaroarok. NfR.. d '6 ., Jw 12 cfaar
n.ln. M.ea -a a 1." ? ilr
. li &
. 31 34
. ii so
. ac so
Ualeu, Ueal 3 t
fTurAn. Kt Tk n n
JackaeavUla, Hi It 1)
K" J X".?'
01 B 23 luin
a. 8 Clear
-12 8S ,i ?
" " Mi
ift J SSSfr
sw is saT-
us, ,-. -?w
.". WW
K&naaacK.. mo. ao si ia u
uuvui. Kjr . 40 S3 .at
ManagUa, Tsan . U U 8$
KaarUrlMsa Ij M jfi lit
BStftSir- ' i i m h i wfc
it lMtU. Mo .. M & Ms a ygSfi
Bail arajKtaco . Jk S il ? V !
WmB. ' I '2 a, 2f3a
"rTssyst esseaj,
I Hmf ' ""jj
a 1 . Mutter u
MTfce tatsiii.i loia, jju-jt, r ,j- i!
aaaMiaUMaej t &. wii -- . '
u, sitMM
-t) St MM4 UtMzteim
.-. 4-vii "
'tfr"na)ttQat",u" fc J
alBMgiasteii inn 't n i nj
W 4 tH "i i-evi'i.
fefe rm3k WF m
AfS - SSrfm-iSMi A
iJfc.!aaialaL ---. . .... ...-. ..