IICSIijMi IMMlHHMIAIHHMMMa syf ujflBiJigiUiMWWPIUiittJtlBWM J TUESDAY -December 29, 1914 ':iyi aSvlMTT" HfPrc? ' g JWSTffg ff&mf9WS3 " j T-F"''" "ffi'yfeT -T H lr- 5 ( , -w - y ' jp..- ---; ; ' r - ;- . - . I - .j..-"- -Jeer. . . : 3s, vam; 37? mur - ffijr fP tSSk ,- ,; ;; jSy ":, " jj "m0W f MW' L. r-r- - SB JLAi6 OF 'COMTRMT.lM.SNOW', SCENES, SNAPPED HERE AND THERE AT HOME AND ABROAD I r aaaaaHRH B bHB HHBHi k iiuAUA . -IBBBfcftHlBBwBJByiBiaH' aaaaST ' i t a 'A flHF x3 j iLLLLLLLLLLLn fLLLLLLLLHiHP sliLLLLiLLLLLb akLiLLLLLDHifcLHL tLR l ''HBiHBSilPlHSBBiHfsFwV JtLLLLLLK v1 l 'nHRrvs" jSK 1 EHL aLLI iHk LbbbbbbbbbbL 'LtLY 'jLLiH $rv "fc35&j H. i WBBjBBBBgWBBEBjk 'ftfllHliSHarafflHiBi bLLesk siS-. vLbbbLbbbbLbb V ,. ts9koi K- ir JrtifflBr7. HBEFzWritrA Mr. ' i ! VmlTW IwTTjT ' ITT A VET TTR WT.TMrt WHRM THIC TPK TR HABD This quartet startSi out gaily and confidently! enough. ,The air ia bump. However, accidents will happen even among the best, regulated crisp,, the. ice is hard and their skates are-ijmily fastened. They go skaters, and a little brushing off and tightening of straps soon skimming alonjr until one member strikes a crack, when, she comes rectifies matters. This merry picture is in strong contrast to the down with a j J grim scenes depicted below. I ' - . : i ii , , i I 7' f$ att cuniDMiFTV -DT.-C A STMrl RT.TnT?. TintWM A HTT.T. JW No sooner were the flakes of the present snowfall upon the ground before the small boy and his intimates were out with their Christmas. .' gut sieas to try me Slopes inai bdquiiu in every suuuiu. ,;, m ' f : -", LLkw' , -1 ri-'- as. raa f v-ji 3 SI ' '. ' . -lif-!"- --' s - . .. '-' " i'-i' sS' .-'V.,-, ',' '' -; SKIS PROIE TO BECOME TiJe RAGE ON WISSAHICKON m Several vnunu wnm.n n. ..J .1.-. i... i. .i .1..1. 1-. .... i and found that the Sclndlnavian sport could be easily developed on the numerous hills and runways around Philadelphia. CAPTURE OF BELGIAN FORT IN BLINDING SNOWSTORM The Germans have just stormed and taken this position on one of the highland points In Flanders. They have brought up their artillery and are now turning their guns on the fleeingjsnemy. niipti SiWS.fcK-.'-..5 .Ste" .--,.. - " t - ,,w "r-.?-"v -'i R , " t. f ' 'H 'r --.-- ' I- 'Ttf t-TSt't;vi ? A. ' rFi iS- feEila?'r: E'-Rv rzmm mm" ? rW& , " &, 3r teT'J..fltoiifiitefc . KtiB&HnBpiVP'Iri . Tilli fTffitiMTlllHWIiiliili I i if 1111 IW'I Mnll ' IH . lBBVKtWEr f 4; " 'B ,& 3 . a! J" 1Wkau..U ,lJftEUi. .' I THB POMP OF W4 FHOBN TO DEA?H HXIH& Uae Mte i ua uom tm otttwe wu( the saJdiw in th mmwb jwo now ha to mmwt- Wuh itaow faili- invewmUy ud a fit virtually wutU, tby asyst kMp The winter that wttiovt prop I.PBUlb iTi.iLfililu Yn.n .. l haa wttwt W spwa Wi ru..r, 14por4 to T, A SNOWSTORM AC Itliiii C. ' BMV C(JJI, id t o o-de! ' grfsU-ajSSg tES