!Wflf FST jBU tn&fT.Yn n ' STERLING MARKET REED DULL OH ABSENCE f B OFMDEMMD Roclc Island Bonds Dropped Sharply on Belief That Stock Would Be Assessed on ' Reorganization. NEW TOMC. Dec. .-There was tin Kbsence of demand for stocks In the trading today, this having constituted the unlet feature In the price movements yes terday. The opening was quiet and Ir regulat, and In general the closing Quo tations of yesterday -were maintained. Sentiment, on the whole, was bullish, and Wany commission houses advised their customers to buy on reactions. Kor tho xaoll part daUngs were In specialties. The market was not active at any time. Today's business was tho smallest of any day since tho exchange reopened, total sales of stock being 60.000 shares !nd bonds Jl.703.000. Reading was the only stock In which the transactions amounted to 10,000 shares. Prices at the end of the day were below last night's finals, but not to any great eixtent. Reading was off 74 at 143. Penn sylvania i at 104K. Lehigh Valley IU at ISBt, United States Steel H at 49. Bethle hem Steel U nt 44TJ and Amalgamated Copper TS at !,. fne President's note to Great Britain recanting Interference with our com Jtierco was regarded as a bearish Influence by tho trading element on the floor, who offered the standard stocks down about one point on an idea that tho reaction itfould cam u new speculative liquidation There was no outside speculation In evi dence, howovcr, on this downturn, and when this became apparent the traders changed their position and hurriedly fcought back the stocks sold by them at the beginning 'of business and an upturn followed. Marked weakness In Rock Island bonds caused considerable interest. The Rock Island Ea declined to 62. off 5 from tho ening. The collateral 4s of th Chi cago. Rock Island and raclfle were down s4 from the opening at 22VJ. The street was of the opinion that If the foreclosure sale of the road Is con firmed there will be a stiff assessment on tAm holders of the stock. This fright ened timid holders of the bonds, causing them to drop their holdings on the mar ket. For some time past the manlpuia- "vii ui mi rows securities have been E0.. 5 fj1 ,n Ul wet. anl It was the belief that when the property is reorgan ised It will be In strong hands. On the downward swing sterling ex change touched a new low level. Jt was rUWected to pressure from offerings of bankers bills. Demand declined to 4.84K. S ? i5w?t Xor J-"1-- '" shipment on Saturdays steamer. For the next steamer was quoted and 4.83 for cables, rnero was a general absence of bids. This low level for sterling must soon force the question of gold imports Into consideration, and there Is now a general disposition to look for a return flow of the metal from Ottawa. There was a general opinion In the f,..et hat "'""ns exchango .rates are likely to work still further In our favor. Washington advices suggest that the final lorvign trade figures for this month will show excess of exports over Imports of about J125.O0O.0O0. In. the meanwhile money ratea are o comfortable that there Is no reat incentive to import gold. Call" manoy loaned at z per cent today, and the supply was large. Many banks and trust companies are offering consider able amounts on time at 4 per cent. The Canadian Pacific, in its November earnings statement, showed a heavy de crease In gross and net both for the month and the five months of tho fiscal ?EeTha .P088 for th8 """" w 4i3,63 smaller and the net J2.244.174 be low last year. The five months' gross .?,UlLecJS?" of tu-m and the &Srt SjH.8tCk W" "" tTom -United States Steel succeeded In keep ing above the minimum price of 43. The night, but on succeeding sales It regained to "" Iater trad,n& u dropped Following the announcement of the November earnings of the Union Pacific, jwulch showed quite heavy losses in . !, T?," and,.net' the B,ock declined. In the latertradlng some of the loss was regained. The price was 116H, oft H- WEST JERSEY TO ISSUE NEW STOCK AND BONDS Special Meeting of Stockholders Will v Jtieja for Authorisation. IttsT of the stockholaers of the Weet Jer !r nd Seashore Railroad, a subsidiary of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the latter eompany owning about per cent, of the i-wwt, nlM m ,,, Ior ,RB nnrn-., . Min.MaHni. ,h. ...... . .. ....... ... --.,.. a Huinonzai nn nr i rase of the authorised u.n r ..-..J. I-22S?, f -"". !' ?. the' ,....., . -t.ii.im ia reiunatng raort- 1? tt,' &,?. m?.Un1 Only 13,000.000 of the 13.000.000 new stock Will be Issued Sit once and it will b offered to the stockholder rJ " .! jwr. The proceeds will be used to retire -'2 HtndJntT certlflcate of Indebtedness 1 ftr Uff4.0O0 and to nay off Ao.Ti-r'Sf!! : jmtin to abom 600.op0 Incurred for SmmKx J Z. "" ""' -ennsyivanU Rail- ? 1S tm fummooi new tek will be issued In, the near future Of the pew general and refunding mart. Ijwe. K.500.MO wUI be reserved to provide rer th present first consolldatsd mort twse bonds at maturity The balance of ,...v..-. UUinKg may Do sold In jtha-utur the board of jL.V?!L. tjisne. to Um may consider It necessarv fw provide funds for the completion of ...-..wrW,4,t Mgd casual pur QTINO STOCK QUOTATIONS iur.i sroKa AaKtJ. .T8 fti . ....:: si OOUMTIBLP BTOQK8. .ta BBBB ' m ':"-'-- MSB? iBi.-r Wtub ----,. . t Bg Swuwi'g'H ..v.'..'.".'.'.' ..;;.; M aKffj'"''": rMUKS-"-'- "-'- EXCHANGE DECLINES TO NEW YORK STOCK SALES Yes. CI. High AIka Geld Mines S7H 27H Amalramited Copper . . 62lf 62! American ITee t Sojir. , 33H 33K Am HrakeShos 01 AmetitanCan . 20 2SH American Car A Found. .. 44 Am.lt 21H Jilt" Ijow 24 SI 32H or 25' 44 21 American LocotnotlTe.. 23)f 22H 22H Airenran fiotsr pref. . , 112!f 112W 1I2JJ AmfticsnTrt. &Tel....I17V 118 118 118 AmetlcnTobopref. 103)1 WIU 1WK imH Am Woolen nref 77 77 77 77 Anaconda Copper. 25) Atthlron... ............ 03 A (chiton prrf. Baldwin Loco pref millmore A Ohio. C9 Ililtlmore AOhlo pref.. nethlfbem 8II 45 nroollrn Rapid Transit MM Canadian Pacific... -..ISA Cen(ral Leather. ....... X!H CWco Copper. XSH CtrrftOhto 40 Chlcaro. Mil. A St. Paul R7.',' 25! 2SX f2J P2 09 00 1025f 102)f ORX 08 09H ran 45 441i c4Jf Mi IMM lo'H 2oH 02M 09 102( 68W C9 44! MM IMH 37H 30J 30Jf ai 33 3.1 40K 40J 40H 83 122 88 cni&Koniiirest 122 DtntinertecCTirltln IKf rUrato Gt rat Western. 10M Chlcaro, Great W. pref.. . . Erie. 22lf Frlelitpref 1 MM Con Can rref KS 122 122 1W 10M 28 22 34t lll 10H 28 2114 ZH S3 11U 10M 28 2lt( 33li 88 88 rrnrolf)a....... ... 113H 114 Cuban Am Sugar prtf.. .. 00 HAJf 114 00 00 DflA IIudon 1.10 138K 139 Of ntral Motor. SOW 80 80 GtnMotorpref 00 E0! 00 Cccrirlrh Co: 24. lf 2414 24t 24W Great Norttitrn prtf.... im 113U 112M 113K Irlrihcro-MetropoIItao. 12 !2!f 12 12 Interboro Met pref 60H HO'i ROM HOH Inspiration J OH 10! 16U 10! Lehljli Valley 130Jf 130M l20f l?0)f Mrxlran retrolluro.... 52 54 53 5.1 Mlisourl.Kanjas&Texaj 8J RH !H RM Miami CoDDer. 17 17 lG'f 17 Missouri Pacific. . . . Mo Kan Tex pref. . National Biscuit pref. N'eiada Consolidated. N. Y..N. H. AH..... New York Central.... 10 '0,'f 0)( OH 28H 20 26 120M 120H 120H 1114 1IH lift lHf 54f 54!f S3!f 83M S3! 99H OSK 09) 00 00 00 6SiC 83H Northern Pacific 093 i I'aost nrewmc prer Pennsrl ranis icmr 104 101k 104H 150H 150H 160! 15014 Pullman Co. Ralhny8ttel8prlnf.... 23 22H 22 W 22i Ray Consolidated. 161 15! 16) 15H Reading 143K 143H 14254 143H Rock Island H 'I H M Rock Island pref. 1)4 IX IK Hi RumelrCo 6 AH AH 4! Bears, Roebuck prtf 121 121 121 St,L.S.Fran 2 2 2 Southern Padfic 82Jf 82M S2H S2H foutbem Railway 14 14 14 14 Etudebakrr .tt. 3.1U 3V- 33Jf 3.1H Tcrnrtsee Copper. 31K 31f 31!f 31Jf ThlrdArenuo 35H 38 30 3G Twin City RT DOM OOlf B0!f Union Bag A Paper .... 4U' 5K 6K HH Union Padfic. UGH 110M 116H HOW UnPadflcprtf TDK 80 7VH 79H United RallwayalnT... 7H 7H 7H 7H USRubber 63W 53K 52W 533i U.S. Rubber 1st pref... lOOJf 102 101 102 United States Steel 4 0W 4934 48W 40 US Steel pref. 104W 1043 104H 104X Uteh Copper 4SH 40 48W 49 Western Union 58J 58K 67W 57J4 WcsUngbouserflec 67H 8H 8W 68W Western Marjland 14) 14W 145i Wool orth pref 114JJ 114ii 114W Total tales, 60,000 ihares. NEW YORK BOND SALES 1000 Amir lllJa k T. SCOO Arr.er Tel clt -ts 81W 4W0 do cvt -4i , 03( SuOO Armour Co 4Us Ut 8.VKI AtchLion 4 B2 rvoo do cv 4s W -to 2njo Atlan Co Lln 4s SJ 60O0 do clt 4 S5U SOUO nalt & Ohio 3is (sSfl .luuo Halt i Ohio cv 4H... 84J llooci JJeth Steel rfd S 83v 2000 Urooklyn IUp Tr Ba. .101 1UO0O do 5 1UJ8 08 1UM Brook Vn Elv 1st 5s. . Wl 1000 Iirook Un 0 lt 83.102!, 100O Huh Term Bldr Si... 8T MOO Canada South 5m 101 IUOO Crnt Leather lat 5.. 97 1WU Cnt 1'ac lit 4 S84 J00O Cent It 11 N J is 112H 1U2V4 87 101 my 8Jj 83 101 1, 07 iiuni cnes & onto M lozu .VmU CM & Nwn sen 4a. tJ Chi It 4 Q etn 4a. St 1SCOO Chi Ii Si a 4a tn 1000 Cht Mil & St P cp 5J..10U4 2MXX1 Chi Jill A 8t PcvJVj. vtk 70( Cht Mil & 8t P gtn IHa in, 7000 Cht Mil i P S rfd -Mia. W 4000 Cht n I P col 4b. . 23 370UO Cht It I & P cot 4a 24li WOO Col .t South 4a 8.1U 10OO Col & South 4U SO 10.1000 Con Gas cr A w I...110VJ COliO Del & Hud 4a 1010... CO 4000 Del & Hud rfd M.... Mil MOO ran & IUo Gr 4s M 10CO Erto Ken 4a B8 17ioo Erie ecnv 4a str A... (C'H 1000 Er1 conv,4s ser B.... OIU fiimn nenernl Motor Oa loivij 10OO Gen Elao 5s 102H SOOO Oulf & BhlD S t0 tnoo Hock Val 4Ua 04 Iiion Iowa Central 4 .... 38 7000 Inap Copper cr 8a DoK 3000 into Copper cv 0a 1019 OtW SOOO Ir.tarb Met 4Ua 74 11000 Interb R T reTEa.... en! 140OH Inter Mer Mar 4Vi. . toil 1000 lntarnl Itxr 0a .... Kli? 1000 Int U at .Nor lat a. .. 00K no0 Int Alcohol O0U BOOT) Jtff ft Clearflil 2d .. SO 1000 K C Ft 8 it M 4i,.... MU 1000 Uh Val of N Y 4Hs. 98 10. HJ Us A M T Sa ...100 1000 LorllUrd S I. .100 fO so 10i 00 cs 2Vi ni'i loty iocs oo in 30 00H sou 811? oiti; 00 RSU 06H 100 100 ioo 05H lot ims 100H 103 J m SOOO Nat Tuba 5 07H 2000 N Y Canal 4a 1001....10O BOOH N T Chto Jfc St I. 4. , 02U 1000 X Y City 3Vis 10U.,.. 8S II") do 4a l0.1T OSU SOOO N T Cttr 4a 1068 03 0000 N Y atv Mt 1WB...10I 1000 NYC 4Ua May 1917.103i 20O0 NYC 44a Nov 101T.100K :ta n y ; iu it.M.im: )M". I W OY lU3f.ll" 11MI N T (Ml II ft V 4S. , loro ny nwy 4s , SOOO NY nwy a 2ix Norf & Weal 4a.... loon do cvt 4 llf0 Nor Pao prior 4s.,... 7000 do As sooo Nor Pao nt :,.,,. 11000 Or. Short I. 4a.,..;.. KOOO pnna ev 3H....... SOOO do 4a 104S rtc ..... lilt 2fi) Raj Con Coi?tr oa'.Ihoa 000 Hock IiUnd -4a ...... Sl2 wno do rid 4a fls 70000 do Sa ., 62U luOO Rr Stel Spr Ka 1013 90 2i0 Seaboard A L, ad &a. . A4U 6000 South Pac r 4a BOH oiif no cv n-i ( p us.... VT 12000 South Pas rfd a,. it yum xouin itwy si 2000 South ltwy 6a. 0000 Third At 4a.. SOU) Third 'Are adj 08H WM Tns: mir 7SAJ 7B .100 100 lioon u H. uteei oe KGO It a Bteil r.ir Si... flfloo Union Pan cv 4a. . 17O0O do rfd 4a 8000 Va Car Chem lat Sa. . 1VO Va Rwy Sa 5000 fVabaah 4i SO60 do 2d Sa 20011 W Chea A Boil 4lil. . 88H BI 03 80(4 81 a es 2O00 AVt Blietris Sa 10 1000 -Waft N Y Pa. Sa. . . rtli 2000 West Md Ss BUi Bono TVist E M cv 6a 00 1000 Wast MJ 4- SHi Tout sails. it.078.00a fJKICOaO BANKS PEOTEST TAX CHICAGO. Dc. 2-8vral Ur banks hue. Including- tha Contmiatal sad Cwn mrUl stoup. have Clad protiaU"ssi4ait tho paylss of part of tha Fadiral II tax per ItOtW on capital, surplus and undivided treat. BANK OITEAbInQS Bank c'fpff today coupar (& com poBdtntt daj ftat .two ": . ?T-!ii m?&5.!M tgm.Ko tt'ss .T-es.w fH JU MfflHHf .... 2BrS ' 1 . w- a-"-'T "rsv.s.a t.eivaT $r Wk . M.nT a,iiiM Tttxiil .g BA.XBS POB MONEY M 'rhii-.nip-'- b91' iUS' "p Jlwerve Basks' Biseouat Kates vTTv J Ea. .'':. ""' r 5 -i esswsteaS s it EJMING IiEDGER-PHIEADELPHIA; TUESDAY: DE0I3MBEB EASIER MONEY RATES EXPECTED IN PHILADELPHIA Clow 20! l!i 32 01 2Mt 44 22! ? t W JT 1 Holiday Dealers otoclc market in Mood Bond Hope for Better Business After January 1. The Philadelphia stock market contin ued to wear a holiday aspect today and brokers do not look for much revival of activity durlns; the rest of the week. Price changes were confined to narrow fractions for the most part, and much of the trading was In odd lots only, Penn sylvania. Lehlsli Valley and Cambria 8lccl ruled Orm, whereas United Gas Improvement reacted. Opening recessions wete pretty much canceled by tho end of tho first hour, and thereafter stae nation reigned. Only 34 shares of United States Steel appeared on the tape be tween 10 and 3 o'clock. During the sec ond hour not a single hundred aliare lot changed hands, the total belnc Just 37 shares of stock and two bonds. Philadel phia Electric made little response to the awnrdlnc of the Talrmount Park lighting contract for 1915. The amount Involved Is H5.70O. In tho afternoon bulne orders appo.ired In Northern Central, which lifted It ncross S3, whereas Philadelphia Traction eased off. In tho bond division Interstate 4s developed activity at G7. I-e-l high Navigation IHs and New Jersey Traction Es were In fair demand. The flattening out of the bond market of late has been a distinct disappointment to local dealers, who, during November and the early part of December, did a brisk business. It Is hoped, however, that with the turn of the year, when the January dividend and Interest disburse ments become available, that the Invest ment demand will pick up. It Is hoped, too, that the cotton situation will loosen up soon, and the large amounts of funds tied up In carrying that commodity will be turned Into the Investment market. Money continues to work easier In this section. The manager of a big brokerage house remarked this morning that scarce ly a day passes that he Is not called up and offered considerable sums of time money as low as 414 per cent. He added that he looked to see the call rate re duced to that figure very shortly after the turn of the year. For the first time today tho local Federal Ileserve Bank redlscounted Its first commercial paper of longer maturity than 90 days. It was on agricultural products and tho rate was 6 per cent. The amount was small and was offered by a country member. LOCAIi STOCK AND BOND SALES Tea. Cloie. Utah. Iow. 10 Am Gas 100 lou ion Close. JUU T Bald loco pref.lOTIK 103U 103 12 Cam EtttI 42 4.1 U 42i 10 Eleo Storasa .. 47'i 47V 47Vt 103 0)1 4; ,o ins j Jim... !-. 113 Kcratone Tele.. 131i 20 do pref B1U RO Ih Vatley 03W 44 North Cent..... Kiu 37S Pinna R R 62U 2 Penna Salt Mfe. P in Ph Co cm pfd.. 40 107 Phlla Electric. . 23J 110 Phlla tR T tr cts 12 or. Phlla Trac 8o 5 Readlnr 71 5 South Pc 833 Tonopah Del ... 4Vi 13 Tonopah Mln... 7"., 1'IR United Oaa Imp MS 34 IJ S Steel ....; 4ftif loo Wfrtraort Coal. 684 Total aalea, 2171 ahares. BONDS. 21 ; 13S n 83ti 32V 05 1 3t IS 1 4 4S 63 13 Vi nt m 65U no n5 Al 62 3.19 Mi; 0.1 1V1 so'i an', 23H 24 12 12 Till Till .": . i. i;i 4i 4 Jn M S8 Ias pror. bbio. Jinn, ijoxr. doct. 2oo .Un a & El 3a. 834 83U. 1000 Reth Steel Bi. .114 llsti "OoO Con Tr N J 3I..101S 101 4.V) Cam Steel acrtp. 074 fi7U 8.V .Vi 85V4 11; 101J, int, 07(T 07ti BO 80 37 r.7 jw intent llwy 4i. 37 1000 L. V Tr lat Sa.. .. 37 102 8,S4 07S 7lH 101 01 07 loo,; 102 102 2000 lh Val sen 4i 8914 IW' l4 Mli d'l oivi 13000 i.h. Nav con 4!4a 07W 1000 Market St. El 4a 03 lnmi phlla Eleo 4a.. 78 1100 Phlla Elec SS..101 (VI Phlla. Co icrlp.. 01 lOOO Phtla Co lat fia 07 1000 Roan Am In Ri.101 1000 York B 1 Si 91 Total sales. 131,433. 07 02 78 -8 10l)i lot ni pi 07 07 ltWi loo?; 01 01 HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. 21. lOO Phils Eleo... 23K b nainwin pia.Ku 7 Cam Steel..., nji 2i Key Tel pra. 61 10 Ph Co cm of. SO'i ... p.11,., Uj 100 Keystone iiT zl senna ..... 32 5-10 & Penna S2H BONDS. 1000 Con Trac N J Sa S73 Cam Steel scrip..... 300 Am Oaa & Eleo Sa..., 6000 l.eh Nav cone 4Ua 16 Phtla Co scrip..? 10.30 to 11 A. M. 12 Ina Co N A. 214. 10 U O I.. SO Tonopah Bel. 4W 100 do.... 2 teh Valley... ui ISO Tonopah 1 Ins Co N A, 2IK SO do.... BONDS. 1000 York Rtoti 1st Sa.. TS Cam stiel scrip.... 11 to 11.30 A. If. .101 14 . 071T , Ki 07J . Ot Hi' 1 Del, 01 T SO Tonopah Bet, 454 B Pinna 323-16 3 Pinna ,,,,.,. S2H 3 South Pacific. 821 BONDS. Bel, 4K s Pmn 1000 Beth etel 6a , fisw 1000 Phlla Co lat Be. ............. 07 11.30 A. sr. to 12 ar. IB Keystone Taj, USi 10 Elia Storssi, -47i4 DOND6. ?P? latareute nwr 4a B7 1000 Phlla Elae Sa. 10044 13 to 12.30 P. K. T Phlla Blae. TO V O 1 10 North Cent, Vtu Ionot,aJ Bel. 4 82H 3 Peana ,. 82U SS IS North Cant.!! S3 BONpa. 10i Market St EIr 4a IGOa Spanish Am Iron Sa 4000 Interatata Rwj-i 4s SOOO Interattta Bwya 4a 12,30 to 1 P. it .021! , BT ST 4 Pinna, . 14DQ1. :lvi BOTTtonocaTi Bel, 10 North Cnt.. 83 BONDS. SOOO ten Nav eons 4Hs oru SOOO Inwrstata Rwya 4a.. '. ..."..H. .. st " 10OO Am Gu A B4ee B.,., si, 1 to 1.30 P. M. W U B Steel.... 4 a Phiu. Trae,.. TOU SOPeoaa BMl do ;.. t8 di TP vi... boi am 00.. ana ....... 8J S y 4j'i:"".:: 8S3 do M 14 IVesUa fel. I H- jrasna, oj?. w 10 Howna. imaiaftS'ffi 4a..Ji), 5T sH S to 3.30 P, K, ISToaopah. M..nj lOOFaBU. .....SBS-H S North Cut'.,. 8U 2,30 to 3 p; MT, w rs, -a-.v t ev. 13. I 1411 . SO do... 10 Am flu ibu 10 TJ a i.., B tH ... 4V BOems., BOO An QA ItTOUa ft uas at ms Two N J J M r":::::::::::::. Bstajki ..... w &n:;:.'.";.'::;. j, .mi iKamiisui XBW YOSK BWETEK AK aaB tsttW TpiiK, Dec J8.-se3TJW.-Mrt " .. f" 1 nnilnarT a 1 Pinna B2i! 4 Baldwin Dfd.ln.ilJ 4 U 8 steel 4 10 U S Steel.... 40'- SO lh .Valley.. . 034 200 Tonopah Bel. 4U 3 neadlnr 714 23 do... 48 8 Cam Still.... 42Ji A teh Valley... fail 23 Penna S2 1 Penna ....... 62J 20 do Ki 10 Tonopah Bel! 4 1 rtA . 3ZTi .ft.. A. ..1 U-, wu... ...... iii jzm tMSaW. yarrraksSMaSSfe A NEW LOW RECORD-GOLD MPORTMAYFIiWv tlaSBBBBBBBBBBBaCW. PSR jtti -4. ftJMiSrteja(VSlV?i. . 3bbb MSJttar '' ' TIBbE BBBBBBBBllt'V Mrafei'- - -?- lPi J. P. MORGAN Member of the Federal Advisory Council of the Federal reserve banks, representing the New York bank. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the coun cil, and the head of J. P. Morgan & Co. LONDON TRADING NARROW War Scrip Bought nt Discount. Bank Shares Supported. LONDON", Dec. 23. There was a (rood attendance of brokers In the Street today. The weather was fine and sentiment was cheerful. Trading on the securities was narrow. The settlement continued to progress smoothly. Bulls complained about the Imposition of contango charges by brokers beyond the fixed official rates on the remaining end of July commit ments. It is probable that tho Stock Ex change committee will take action on this matter. There was buying of the new war scrip nt 3-16 per cent discount. Americans and Canadian Pacific were stronger on advices from your side. Bank shares received Inside support In antici pation of semiannual declarations, nio Tlntos wero sold by Tarls. Do Beers were heavy on the passing of the half-yearly dividends on tho deferred and preference shares. There was fresh Investment buy ing of shipping securities. Lobltos Oil shares moved upward on re ports of the purchase of the company by the Standard Oil Company. Shell Trans port nnd Trading Company Ibsucs were not affected. An Interim dividend of 15 per cent has been declared by tho Hoyal Dutch Company. The Bank of Kngland was a light dis counter of pre-moratorlum bills. FINANCIAL BRIEFS The proposed lease of the Mlzpah Ex tension Company's property to the Tono pah Mining Company, Including a two year option, has been ratified. During that time net profits will be equally di vided, and If the option Is exercised a new 15,000,000 company will bo formed to take over the Mlzpah, ot which Tonopah will own JJ.000,000. Through sinking fund cnpr.-itlnn. mnvm Welsbaeh Ss have been struck off tho list of the Philadelphia Kxchange, leav ing the amount Hated $3,519,900. The Special Committee of Five Gov ernors of tho Federal reserve banks will hold a meeting on January 11, probably In New York, to discuss a plan of free collection of checks. The report of the committee will be presented to the gen eral body of governors at Its meeting In Washington on January 22. New Tork Banks lost 52.iW.COO to the Subtreasury yesterday and since lest Trlday have lost 16,606,000. The Baldwin Locomotive Works has received orders for the following locomo tives: One 10-wheeled type for Tuscarora Valley Ilallroad, one Mikado type for Cambria end Indiana Ilallroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad l . charging S per cent for all funds ad vanced to Its subsidiaries Instead of t per cent, as heretofore. Ownership of a large majority of the stock of the Westlnghouse Machine Com pany will be vested In the Westlnghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company be fore the close of the current fiscal year The executors of George Westlnghouse have made an agreement for exchange of their stock In the Machine Company for common stock of Weatlnghouje Elec tric on the basis of one share of the latter for three shares of the former This agreement will give the Electric Company a controlling Interest In the Machine Company, Issue stocks and bonds. Is to place the company In a, position to pay off Its un funded and floating debt, and to make available stock and bonds that may be issued for future expenditures. The Osborn Mills have reduced the dlvl dend rate frorn 6 per cent to 4 per cent by a. quarterly declaration of 1 per cent Subscriptions to tha xlKMaUnn -.. '" uuu received up 10 the close business Monday totaled 136,603,600. of The clay's total sales' of United States Steel, usually the most active Issue on the Philadelphia exchange, -were Just 31 shares. Philadelphia Company cumulative pre. ferred made a new low point at s pn the local exchange. v X0OS.L BID AND ASKED Today's Baldwin Cambria praf fetiel Asked. tojH Diirriti marasa - Gineral Aaphaft -. J Pf Kjrtba Tiliphene do pri( Vki Sap Corp . t e , t-hlth VeHeV T' " tn-W ....(. BTBONfl TJNDERTONK IN CrOJRFON K8W YCiilK. Dm, .- miiof of'ttt eHl iuarkt was UHtDg at tkc clos. altsKtawto tr.s u&y wis nOw KOtaat la ItM UM aiU honi. " ffc? abm auoattw abJw4 tuxo adianca in th, U444U of t day. Utaiiak fcuera war tn tbe osftrltet with demand for July Tssterdays "" Aaani. IMH. ... it4 a ii 3? .. '" H Ji l?4 " ..-a at sa" ii I i ?sft s? --UJ,."r. k Sii w si J2b lg as 24 51 3?t.::::::::::::ffi s IS & 5 I jUai;;.v.".v.'.v.v:'S V& if sS TSt Bwjrs ..., ?J M? 8 felt WHEAT SHAKES OFF HEAVINESS, RALLIES AND CLOSES FIRM Shorts fnduccd to Cover Be cause of Export Business on Break Sentiment Greatly Divided. CHICAGO, Dec . After showing heaviness throughout the forendon, the wheat market rallied and ctosedflrm to day. Shorts were Induced to cover be cause of export business on the break. Both Armour nnd Patten were credited with buying. Leading -cash Interests also purchased. Sentiment was more divided than for some time. A report that the British government Intended to release a large number of vessels used as transports to relieve the Argentine freight situation, was looked upon as bearish. Freight rates In Argen tina were 6j 6d ngalnst 43s last Friday. Fears wero entertained there for ship ping, causing depression In values. Some authorities raised their estimates on the exportable surplus of Argentina to 130, 000,000 bushels, but Broomliall said there was no change In tho outlook for a sur plus of from 110.000,000 to 110,000,000 bush els. The late strength was due to a cable to Armour estimating the surplus of Argen tina for shipment abroad at 104,000,000 bushels, and on a message from Liver pool that Argentina wheat actually costs moro than American. Sales for export were 1,000,000 bushels. Futures closed H 81 cent higher. Corn opened a little firmer because of unsettled weather and liberal receipts, but turned easier on lower cables, good crop news and the break In wheat. Later the market shared In tho rally with wheat and finished firm. The new Argentine crop promises well both as to size and quality. Shipments of tho old crop from that country continue at the rate of about 6,000,000 bushels a week. Futures closed 4J1 cent higher. Oats Improved after showing easiness. Export sale) the past 21 hours were said tn be fully 3,000,000 bushels. The exporta ble surplus of Argentina Is now plnced nt 49,CO0.CK bushels. Futures closed USH cent higher. After a brief return at tho outset, pro visions declined on prospects for larger receipts of hogs tomorrow and pressuro from packers. The Initial upturn was due to buying by speculators Leading futures ranged 03 follows: ...... ... . . Teaterday'a Il,Ht On n Hint, T.MW r-l..... ... ;- iV -.o" fc". .ivmv. v.u.v, Low. .m.rini,er .. x.i. l.2. May 1.2SS 1.30V, July l.iau. 1.204 1.24U 1.2Ti 1.2BVS 1.27 1.204 fl SSil l.isfi 1.20ii tl.10'4 December .... niqn tcuverj-j 08 72S 731, 67S IK 18ft 74 iley .... July .... Oats December May Lard January , JUy .... niba- Januarr Slay .... Pork- 74 73 14014 53?J 494 54!, 404 4SH 40jt ...10.40 ..10.67 10.42 10.37 1ia40 tlO.42 10.00 '10.00 10 63 1O.07 10.22 10.00 IS. CO 10.30 . .10.22 ..10.00 10.12 10. SO 110.15 10.22 iaso tl0.6O 18.33 18.62 10.12 ltl.SO January ..18.52 1R.B2 10.07 Ma) MUM Ida. TAsked. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Dec. 20. HOGS.-Itecelpts 42.. 000: market slow. 10 to 13c. lower: mixed and butchers', d.73J7: sood heavy, S7f7.2.i: roush heavy. JO.75no.UO: light, $a73tl7.20 piss. 13.23ttd.33-, bulk. I7B7.1S. CATTLE ;iST ecelDti. 7 SCO: mirbut 1A tn i.. iA... bMrca, WM6 10.13: cowi and helferi, 3.)B J0tf7.?3; calvet, $789.50. SHEEPsRectlpti, .w.uvu, lit,..,, lintUTj I1B11TO S3.S0aa30; Iambs. ts.kSfjO. and Western, NEW YORK COFFEE KAHKET NEW TORK. Dec, 20 At the openlne the New York Corfu mirkit waa weak. Futures -,. v iu uu,ia uc.ww jaar nisnr a nnan. Openlnj tuturea: January, 64J6 10c.: Feb. ruiry. fl.10afl.20c.; March. 60flt).2lc: April. .30e. bid; May. e.308.40c.: June' aLsot, 6.40c; July, 7.1Jl7.2Sc.: Ausust, 7.23c. bid; Beplember, 7.33tf7.40c.: October. 7.407.4Sc: Novimber, 7.4c. bid. galea. 10OT baxsT Clostnr futurea: Januarj-. S.07BO.OSC.: Feb. ruary. doC6.0Sc; March. 0.1S4JO.17C: April. 0.2300.26c; May. a.3tao.35c; June. nta 8 20c.; July, 7J4r7.13c.; Ausust, 7.20r7.21c.: September, 7;27)T7.28c.; October, I.33S7.84C : November, 7.3i(iT.40o. ToUl sales, 4300 bags. J DIVIDENDS DECLARED United States Industrial Alcohol Company, ----- i ,... .7 v i.i.u un priierrea. .. uwwij . 15, to stock of record January o. Jloanoka Oai Llsht Company, quarterly Hi per cent., parable llacetnbir 31. suar",r"r l . '- ppiee-uwaia jiardwara Company. -uoiic sefvica (.vrporatlon of Northern II. preferred, and 14 per cn """", rfsuiar quaneny 44 or 1 nee r.nr on on common, both atock of record myaDia Ketruary 1 to III. .nu.rr r.k ...;!.. . ........ """", ijprinim uiiiiuea company, rtrular Ols ii.T-.ltonrco"rnP7n?n,JfnK5;.M-.lnIl resTiiar quartirlr 1J4 per cent., payarii, j.1!' uanr IS to atock of rvrord JanuarV sl J,n Mohawk Mtnlns Company. 1, JJaylble Feb ary J. book, do., January i'lttpS jSiSV Maaoninr Katlroad. Company, rcsular aamt. annual 10" per cent, on eomnSn. pa1?bl. February 1 to atock of record January lnrf usual asj per cmt. on preferred. piyitS, j.nul ary I (0 atock of record Decembcrg). nu NEW YORK CTJB3 Bradin , ,. OoMrlild Csnaolldatad Bid. Asked sw (tn ........... ,.17-iaio-rf 23.. 23 uneni-cananear . . . . Nlslsalna Otfs Blmator ....... ,........, .......... ...... ...... a -H .......... "T J to nnf :.":.:::"!""" t,,t. ti ..f. W.t. ... U .v.n.... Zf -?. . -.. -..-. ................. .s Btirl Qum grj Tobacco Producti praf... , 84 United Clsar Storaa ...J V. gj o nrf ---. . . . tri 11 4 SI 120 11 S3 OS 25. vii,4 x.m ".... ISU WHY ord .. Yukoa 0ol4 54 RAILROAD EARNINGS) BT. JJOUtn BOtJTHWBOTERK. Third Wl&k pacambar. . . 2 11,000 FrB July 1. M70 eOUTlIsTRN RAIltWAT. Tbtfd wiilt Dacambir.. jl.SlfUlS From July 1 .... 3I.0o4.Sti7 WSSTBIWf PACIFIC. Third wetlc DocuaUr . . 3T.(Xp rrom Jul i 2.JM.4S5 TSXA3 ANP PACiyie. Isttrd weak Dacaatbar .. 100,01 1-rom July 1 8.KU.32B Norimbar sroas 8.037,330 Net 2, (M 1,071 Fit. jaoatha btsm .... 4S.4S4.iea Kt v 17.474.042 UIOH PACfriC. November ria I7.sd3.is3 Kt -V777. 3,7TT.tfH Fl noattfS siojs .... 4t.sMT8 Nit ..,:.. . ;.:.-. l.7i,l UJJN0I3 CBf,TAU 1TTV1 1.214.4U l3g.M3 ,T83,)d .0M O03.71S 4,W6M 2,244.174 1,1,077.77 8Sia93 CS.V27 t7n MWTMWar IrMS t1 MK Pt amejlga ro . TAJfeCO A MiSiUSWl'fH YALUtr. Kairimtir ffas. Xh eit . . . . fWUttt glt4 WtXiWn AiA Live. "Hit rJ.a aK 4m tUXMM ratAU 3 14. Mi lsaLt 1H7SH 29; PHILADELPHIA MAKKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR Tha wnEAT-neeiiP". ..- -v..ntlr market opened 2c lower, ou, "." ,. the recoyered under hoiiun si.-.----- - loaed He. Mslicr for ltlen: Car lota. In TfWlr3ii: No. S nDeV..T' yi 1R1. Dulutb. tiMUQi.nm. d. fi.-iHit- .., v.ji. Demand ?Nneeelpts.lWslbMM' g?JfM. COn?. neeeipf, 41.1 fair and prlew weir ."' yiB to wuntation location 0744c.; mple jtttQW, nevr, 6!r?7lc.. new roATRecV.. Wit, bushel..(l Oft!- ..eaVtW,!9 Q"S3 "d satMSev.: itandard white, S4'40So.. k white. 34034'4C. , . . Vm ItVE aa In smalt supply Sf.iitw In quote at It.lOfll.ia pr bvA.. sa to qusiu r. n eiport elerator. and at Htfl.lO for imall w.s of near-by train In baas. n ., ftn I'Mt'Jl4-Ree(lpta. 4.1 bbl;. and 2..IO.on3 lh. In sacks. Trada alow, but mill limits well maintained. Quotation., per IM,1!'-1, yoo.1: winter clear, $4.txiaj.l0: Ho-. inS, f?:J,ro:i da. .patent IVMOOl Kan' i,.i rk. nmo.Mri, .nrlnr first f tear, fow wi ji.'? r.rr:.',.7;ijjM, j, n,h sorinx. iu,.-, t- .- 7.1 4 Ci i.lm.. nn . ,,m,ni. ... n.,,u.t ...r.. .-..-- -A.:"!- -..--. V brands. liMktoiCUr M..t. .k..i .... rMM ui... ffl.n.ifln.H.)i 'rii..i; no., rnvnm f4tr mllli. rerulir snides-winter clear, J4.W o.f.ln: do., atralsht, f.V2.1i?S.S0i do., patent lane. , tlVK n.OI'II tn small aupply. and firm. Ijut quiet We quote nearby and Western in Trod at I1G6.M. PROVISIONS Trade quiet and the market Without Im portant chanire. Quotations: City beef. In t. smoked and air dried. 2S0c., Western Jef, In seta, amoked. 28(fMct do., cltr beif, knucklea and tenders, emokcu and air drle.1. 2P0.'c.: do . Western beef, knucklea !rS.JnJars. amoked. 2tflfl0c.-, beet bam;. tBfta4: pork, fsmllr. 23Ma24! hams. S. P, cured. loose. llVifUlc.i do., skinned, loose. 1.1(T13'4c: do., do.7 amoked. W;?14C. other hamn. smoked, rltv cured, as to brand and nreraao. 14UMSc.i hams, amoked. WestejTi cured, 14i013e.; do., boiled, boneless, 20W 21c,: ol-r.fc hou!drs. B. P. cured, looae. ll'lnllc.: lo smoked. l2U12Wc: belles. In clckle. according to aerare. loose. 14'MJ inc.: breakfast biron ss to brand and aver ar. tlty cured. ISfllRe.: do. Western cured. l31fc: lard. Western, refined, tierces. HO llltc: do, do., do., tube. lietlUc.: do. pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces. HRll'ic: do., cure city, kittle rendered. In tubs. HO llUc. REFINED SUGARS Values firmly held, but trade qutet. lie flnera' Hat nrlcea: Standard granulated, So.: fine sranulated. 4.03c.: tsowdered. SOSc.; con fectloners" A, 4.S3C.: soft trades. 4.10O4.70C DAIRY PRODUCTS BU'l'I'JlIt Hecelpta wera Hcht and the market ruled firm, with demand fairly actHe. Prints wero lc. higher. Quotations: western, fresh, solid-packed, creamery, fancy apeclals. 37c exceptional lota hlsher: extra, 35c.: extra null. 3.1I34C.: firsts !IC32c.; aeconds, 270 23c: ladle-packed, 22fl24c. as to quality; nearby prima, fancy, 39c; do.. a erase extra, .i;i3Sc; do., firsts. .'l3fr34c; do., seconds. 2Sft 3Cc. Speclsl fancy branda ot prlnta Jobbing at 44tt48e. KflUS. There was a good outlet for tha limited receipts of fine frrsh efjs, values ot which were firmly maintained. Quotations: Jn free cares, nearbr. extras, 44c, per dca. : nearby firsts, 112.00 per standard case' nearby road current recelpta. 112 per standard rase: mixed held and fresh and ordinary stock, 310.?tifill.lo nr case: Western extra firsts. J12.C0 per case; do., firsts, S12 per case: South ern, S11.40Q12 per case. Ken Rerruerator crca. nrine packed. 0 to Quality. 21H20C per dor. Fa :ancv selected candied iresn essa were Jobbed out at 4?ft40c. rer doz. CIIKE8E. Tha market quiet, with mod erate but ample offerings at former, ratea. Quotations: New Vork full-cream, earlier re ceipts, choice, lCc; do., ,do.r cut rent make, choice, l.tc: do., do., fair to gcod, 14!tei4ic.; do., part skims, ef?13c. LACK OF AMERICAN SHIPS SENDS FREIGHT RATES UP Department of Commerce Reports Huge Advance Since War Began. "WASHINGTON, Dec 29. Ocean freight rates on shipments to Europe, from the United States have gone up since the out break of the war "to a point affordlna enormous speculative profits." This situ ation Is due to the fact that the United States has no merchant marine. These were the features of a report to day made to. the Senate by the Depart ment of Commerce In response fo a reso lution of Senator Fletcher adopted by the Senato on December 18. Cotton shipped from Ner Tork to Liv erpool had a freight rate on July It of 20 cents per hundred pounds. On September 12 the rate was 40 cents, and on Decem ber 19 It was 75 cents. Cotton was shipped to Bremen, Germany, nt a 20-cent rnte on July 11; on December 23 the rate was 3 per hundred pounds. Sacked flour from New Tork to Eng lish ports had a rate of 12 to 13 cents per hundred pounds at the outbreak of the war. Now similar shipments cost 26 to 3. cents. Similar Increase was shown In rates to other European points. ALLOWS RATE INCREASE TO SOUTHWEST ROADS Advances B&nge From One-half of 1 Per Cent, to Nearly 3 Per Cent. WASHINGTON, Dec. Il.-The Inter state Commerce Commission today pub lished an Important addition to the 5 Der cent, rate case by authorizing certain rate advances In the Southwest. The commission's order declared the through class rates applying In both di rections between the Central Freleht Aa. soclatlon territory and the Southwest mav be advanced subject to the Western clas sincatlon in certain specific amounts ranging from ft of 1 per cent, to nearly 3 per cent The rate groups Involved are Louisville, Cincinnati, Dayton, South Bend, Detroit, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. The commission further ordered that "wherein territorial Jplnt through rates have been published on the combination of Intermediate rates to and from thn Ohio and Mississippi River crossings, the amount of the increase In the Joint through rate will not be greater than the amount of tho Increase In the rate of the Central Freight Association's lines to and from the gateway," This Is not to be understood as permit ting the increases on commodities, the commission stated, which were not grant ed Increases ln-the original E per cent, cases. The commission ordered also that the carriers may preserve the grouping of points of origin and destination In Cen. tral Freight Association territory which have been heretofore observed In making Joint rates between that territory and the Southwest. COTTON FUND SUBSCRIBED All of Class A Certificates Have N.ow Been Taken. WASHINGTON. Dec .-The entire cotton, pool fund of Class "A" certificates amounting to J10o,uCO,000, haa been sub scribed, according: to a statement by offl dais of the Federal Reserve Board. Sub- pupu uvi wieveiapa and Pitts burgh reefV4 today completed the amount Only tK.000.ooo jat the entire pool remains yet to be subscribed, and It U asserted, this will be easily orJtalri able from Bouthem comtasrolal concerns from the Class "B" certificates, wblah have been absorbed by Southern flrras but wnloei have not yetHbein eturoed to the New York Central CroItUe. Loans from the pool wfll be made by January 1. one month .earlier than wsi xpeoted. member of the reserve board said today. It to p,eted, however thai no great amount wlJJ b Issued ' wiUt alter February If. v " wml BaaV of S"raaea Dividend e'jusKww1 i MtUMrTORy Oar AC3V.VAWT POULTRV DllESSKO Supplies fairly liberal and tk.sl market quiet and hsrely steady Qu0i2J tlona: Turkey dry-packed - Fancy, HrsaSi nearbr. ltS20c.; do., Weatern, 19c. a,.!3 ass recelpta. 10?18c-1 i ""'"lor. 12015 J InraaY. NO. 1. Old, IPC. . f'OWII, . 13 to IW.' dry-racked, aelecled ..nAVjr. ltScj trtlts.ii.v inw ". ''-'. l-v -. uw-ri im Sfi.1 lce, j.o;scef uu,'.li,'ul" rW w I fl' ID piccr itiinc.i uu.i 3'' . an J tinder, 1XUJ49. t IdWII, PDIB.t '.' western. urj-y.u, .j73i . turn. an lOd.l CO., 4 lbs., 150.1 do., 3U il. t An. 3 the. nnd under. UtiMiA . roetrs. dr-pU;ked. 12140,1 broiling eh ck,, Xearbr. mai lbs. aPJeea. 2O022c.t j' I fair to rood. ieai8e.t Western. TmjJ i&M r piece, auo.1 on., lair .y awu .usiocr roast. rA rt chickens, dry-packed. In boxes tlllc.f3.!a 18 to 21 lbs. to.dox , 22Q23c. t mllk-f id, 4 ,: ! 19 lbs. to dos., lenaie.! rorn.fed, IS to 24 L ' tn dot.. 204J21C J corn-fed. 23 to 80 Ibt. t4 oo., 1S4J10C.! mllk.fed. 31 to SS lbs to W!0 144c.t milk-fed, 8T, to 42 lbs. to, ties., liy.K nllt.fed. 43 10 47 IbS. tO dOX.. lSUe. 1 rfiti! " !.t mil. lbs. M' fed, 4S lb. to dox., I7e, milk-fed. 60 lbs. ,; erer, 18c! torn-fed. 31 o .18 lbs, to dor. OHC! eorn-rea. .ii 10 ids. io nox., .,& Mra.fMl IX M IT lh. tn rfA. lSc- corn-fed,. 4 lbs. and ever. to dos, cotn-fed, 00 Ibi. and oyer, iscj rosmf.' chickens, dry-packed. In bbli. Wesiern. mirty fed, dry-picked, B lbs. and over. 17e. : Went. mllk-feJ. ids.. ioc. : ivesiyrn, miiK-rea, lu Its., Jl c. : tye'iern. ninn-ieu, atr-picirt, mi1 n-eleMi. 140!l4Uo.! Western, mllv.fa' 2M4J3 lbs.. 14c: Western, enrn-fed. 5 its. icj eeer. IOC Western, corn-fed. IDS., IPcf IM,, vvevem, corn-icy, u' r"l"Jut. u , Weatern. corn-fed. HU Ibi 14o. J Wirtll rrn. corn-fed. 2(73 lba 131.5c Rnrt. ducks. liiBiic pnns Keeee, lSftlSi. Souabi. P'r doien White, welshl lbs. T.er doion. I4.!5t4.83: white. hint: 11 fo II elshlnr I to 10 lbr. per dole n. n.n4 in; white, wi i.i Ina 8 lbs. rer dnsen. 2.7r;B'3,lII: do., T 111. LU inr. Fer inzen, em.tki: no., .itii id. per qoii 1 4tf1 nn Aarlt en Vn O flO I7S1 in l.IVR. Desirable stock In small eurjlr 12014c: old roosters. ItMMOUcs iprull chickens. accordllTs to quality, llftl.lc: ttnva KeiS. liriifltci nucKn. lo.mc, ireese, .1, sulneas, youns-wfisiiins; a ins. and ortfj? apiece, per pair, rwc; weixninir in"irt b. apiece, per pair. SOa.: riilnena. old, per r&t$, lAOil. !.. & hala ITlttlSl Eat UTJlUtsi piUI-I'Pr 1- '"ll. sir. loin FRESH FRUITS rh- eeneral market nulet nnrl nffn.r. ( pineapples a shade raster. Quotatlonai Arplnl New Vork. per bbl. Klnsr. $2fJ3: Haldwln, Jl.tll z..: tireeninir. iua:. ny, si.iMiz.no: otturj rood aatlns varieties. $l,732.SOf medium, llfil anoles. Delaware and Pennsylvania, ner him twtf- Mil vine. nra: i "L-Jw -n..-.j- nrrrv, riorian-. a. per box. 11.2.MM: taneerliwiJ lemons. wfr ox. e.oues.i.EVlr3 norHa, ner stran. t24f2.SO.',EraRefrutt. FInri.i per box, sisjz; pineapples, pnr crate Portia Jilco. Jl.534t2.f0:. Florida. 1102.80: cranberiltv? ata...M taitat uft.alaitaia nap TiVl t rtan. mt. . '.''i be-Tlt, Capi Cod, early black, per bbl., SS04ftf eranbirrlPB, Cap Cod, early black, ner cmtj.i 7ffe.rxi.C0; cranberries, Jersey, per orat. 7iV! VTl.ai JIP, ',""l l'f U1, OfCKH. 1 M TLfisrr, Tiuehtnm. at2A.l! UnwoTI. t5-T- Knl ollur varieties, J2$3j strawberries, Florida, pcfS qt. ivuwc. VEGETABLES Demand fair for choice stock at reiliMj R rites. Quotations: wnito potatoes, ush. Pennsylvania. 5S(J7ROc.: New Tork 5 et. at 47S0c; white potatoes. Jersey, per basket. IMOa: awcet notntoes, Uastem Shore, pera bbl. No. 1. J2W2.7H: Nn. 2 8t.msi.7a; aweitrj Jersey, per bbl. No. 1. 8303 60: No. 2 tfl Z.2.T: anreta. jeraev. per rmsKet. oojjisc.-.i onions, choice, per bush.. 70vs73c.; da. orriH nary, per bush.. fuifro.VM do., choice, per i0o- lh. hair. ll.2.-,trl.M! rlo.. medium. bnr. HJc.flM: do., seconds, per 100-lb. bar.' Rnft73r.; rahbsee. domestic ner ton. SMtS: : do.. Danish, per ton. S12fT13; caullflovrcr. New? Vork. per crate. 7Se.RS1.23: aptnach. Norfolk-.J per bbl.. 82S2.30: kale. Norfolk, per bhL. t 775c: lettuce. Florida, per basket, 8283: do.." North Carolina, per basket, $I2: beans. Flor- Ida, rer raaket. 82473: peas. Florida, per bis. , kit. 82.30flS: easnlnnt. Florida, per box. 82..VI B4: cucumbers. Florida, per bnaket. t 7M a r.n; aouaeh. Florida, ner baaket. Sl.nona: nenners. Florida. Dpr carrier. 83124: celerr. New Tork, per bunch. 23&45C.: mushrooms.''. per 4-lb. basket. JltU.H). RISE IN STEEL PRICES Xeadins; Companies Look for Ad- vance After January 1. It was learned oil. good authority today' that structural Bteel prices are to i), advanced after Janunry 1. This Is tha,l first sign of actual stiffening of prices n' that branch, of the trade, but for somsj time tle big companies have been only I taking orders for very close delivery all the existing low quotations. Rail makers expect that there will b at lua'st 100,000 tons Involved In the inltlaO rail orders to be placed by tho Tennsyl-J vanla und Baltimore and Ohio roads. Tho New York Central has placed or-i dere for J7.000 tons and Is making In quiries for 44.BOO tons additional. An official In one of the largest of th, ""J country's steel companies remarked to. day that he believed the Increase in in the trade than the much-exploited roreign orders for war materials. He said that these had been somewhat ex aggerated, whereas already considerable orders aro being received from BUch Im- j portant concerns aa the Illinois Central Railroad, the Union Tank Line, the West- ' moreland Coal Company, the Reading and others. An Indication of the relatively low levels to which steel and Iron prices J nave lauen, as compared with the same period a year ago, may be had from the following table ot Pittsburgh quotations: Today Dec, U Biasemar pig Baalo No. 3 foundry ..,, Ullleia '....., Steel bam Tank plate For 100 pounda, .,. JU.7U 'llWJO 1.1.43 U.IL 14.30 20.00 13.70 10.00 1.03 1.0.1 1.05 is- Harrison Bros.' Annual Beport The annual report of Harrison Bros. A Co. shows profits of ,154,136, against MS. 321 in 1913. The surplus Is I124.4SS, which, after Interest and preferred dividends, showed 6,1 per cent, earned on the com mon. The president says: "We have been developing qur domestic sources of necessary raw materials. We were, there fore, partly fortified against the situation which has arisen, but It had not been expected that -we would so soon have been lorced to rely on American sources of supply, fills, together with the unset tled financial conditions recently prevail ing In this country, made It necessary to reserve the cash resources of the com pany, and your directors accordingly took no uctlon In respect to the quarterly divi dend of 1 per cent on the preferred stock, which customarily would have been paid November 1, nnd which was . more than earned." GOVEBNMENT BONDS ?J " ,"g? retiatred . 2a ot iwo eoupon ...,, Fanani2 rtslitarad ! anaraa 2a coupon . . . vJiK? J?tw .? wslslerad of wis reslJtirVjr, ' ,552 Uoi mis coupon . tiSfJ --.. iiw 4 ( 7 " Ss o is ot ww coupon .,.".v.v...v.::::::::::::iS3 SECTJBITIES AT AUCTION byAsiSuii0T,iiJ!S-,?,i aicurlttas ware soil ?.SlBSfhA't. jA MM Ul .IHBn. riDltlaraJ --.- --;.. T AJ4?.;i, snSBTlXGS tttr lldira of th IVUwar Insur SfcfthfSrS!?' f1. ?hlladlihii"wttloa"eM fSestanrf?-.?' h Cwapanr. 715-T17-7W iTltJ at ii-.S ? Monday. Jauu.rr sstb, "ill b? .ilL.01.. BSOS- dfractors JOSB?H & MOZOKTH Bicraiajry.' " iThJLaldAlnhls naab.h.. A tthlA ThM Ar,.i VfT-.T-" ": ? .A.Hr'rl?.?f..Sk, w JSfw.flt. ba taM at tC'iKk.S"fflS2 V4M1XT. Jannaea t s. ZZI -" "".s. M 0. BAKsm Citlr ?u Dlfacti Tl.faft , . UIViaBK liR.af 'IUU a. u. uw.m. a wftufiiiai sBisJssrsr" et KiSrJjai Uatat Cosa- 01 v. IW. K- ?Mfi trfe ,li IV iMl r mibrfr tadjr i!i:'-lllTiiTI 'SW - S.48 12 J SHI. Sl.llf tWJ e 4vvlarad a Quaj'taii t,a u, l..le ,. , .. u. nsWIsV-ai! Ill I ii CJKtlA b . ......J-.-.,.. & tlSu rlMrSSft lKl Of r tsfiasaav smv m IM M.r...3:,, -s" w.r r" "" &dB tlikat. afat - - -.,-',.., XiZizr'? "ivt r saia f )sKa4 tuAk, mmtLMAM M ," :j U. .i., It 14. Mj. A IiHiistatafti y.Jf fir..d 1! tli . I ... ,S ivial "-4 Cflva ai 5.0 u 'tt4 ii.0' . spiiaar&ap iiLsjMssV '.: ....."; a I