Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 29, 1914, Sports Final, Page 10, Image 10

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.K& Kf yyugmtti y-fgflgm
wp!eFi unj&w "wwf!fLut5y
The Frenchwoman certainty does know
Jiovr to dress to the beat advantage, there
I no doubt of that. There la such an
air of immaculate neatness about her
frocks and, moreover, auch a charm In
her way of putting them on. Tea, she
la chic!
My friend Celestlne who lias como to
America from franco "becauso she feels
o safe In Philadelphia" shrugged her
shoulders when she heard me deploring
tho fact that I could set no more now
clothes for an Indefinite time, owing to
tho war having token so much money out
of father's pocket. Then Celcstlne's eyes
twinkled In a way that told me sho was
going to make an Interesting remark.
"It will do you good to learn how to
take care of your clothes," she said calm
ly. 'So often you speak of my chto
appearance yet I spend on clothes not
half what you spend. No," she added,
nx Z mado soma remark about the art
of looking nice being tho birthright of a
Frenchwoman. "It Is not magic! It Is
only that w Frenchwomen pay more
careful attention to our clothes, and that
can bo done by any woman of common
cense Is It hot so?"
I agreed that logically Celestlne was
right; then, as sho declared sho had no
"secrets," I asked her to tell'mo how It
was that she always looked so attractive
how her appearance atwnys had that
Indefinite cachet that marked her out
for being a Parlslcnne.
"It may be partly that a Frenchwoman
always buys things of good quality," she
said thoughtfully. "Particularly It Is so
with the things that do not show. Onco
' Z heard you remark that you could not
f alord to hava your corsets made to
measure "
"I can't!" I Interposed, but she si
lenced me with a look of reproach.
"I would rather give up a new gown
than not visit a corsetlero to have stays
made to fit mo exactly," she said. "You
talk of the flguro of the Frenchwoman
of the exquisite fit of her gowns but you
' do not realize that It is greatly due to the
fact that every Frenchwoman even the
M poorest workgirl Is well corseted I"
t "Then my underclothes as you say aro
of the best I can get I wasto no ma
terial in the making of them, for, what
ever the decree of Dame Fashion, the
line cannot bo correct unless you have
smoothness and. sllmness underneath. My
underclothes I make myself mostly, and
I am careful that they are always fresh
and properly fastened and threaded with
dainty ribbons. And in the drawer where
such things are kept there is always a
little bag1 of my favorite violet perfume.
"X think that gloves and footwear
come next in Importance to me," went
on Celestlne after a moment "You have
t. proverb, have you no, that a lady is
always to be told by the clothing of her
hands and her feet? Then nearly all
Frenchwomen must be 'ladles,' for these
aro matters of first Importance with
them. For myself, I try always to have
my shoes made to my own measurements
which Is an economy rather than an
?-j, extravagance It makes such a difference
' In your comfort and appearance. When
' not in use my shoes are always upon
.. trees another economical extravagance!
Besides all which, anoes should be kept
", to occasion a point which you, my dear
" American friend, frequently fall In!"
"For instance?" I asked, anxious for
duller details.
Wni Inatnnjvi" stilt rnAti1 arlanrtne?
Fw at my feet, "walking shoes should not
bo worn about indoors they should he
4 kept for wearing out of doors otherwise
;' their shape and fit are spoiled for the
"With Frenchwomen, too, gloves are
always 'bought good Even well-worn
good, ones aro preferable to flimsy cheap
ones. I keep a glove box for mending
purposes, and I always do necessary re
pairs directly they are needed, and I
never wear light gloves unless they are
quits clean. Moreover, with new gloves,
they should never be put on in a hurry
there should always be time made to put
them on leisurely, if you desire them to
look well and to have a long and useful
"It seems to me that Frenchwomen
have lots of 'secrets' for their chlo ap
'.'. pesrance!" I exclaimed. "You are giving
me splendid hints. Tell me some more,
Bst please."
Celestlne laughed
" ' "What Is leftT Ah. hats. I am Yery.
at veqr careful of mr hats. You do not
ff know-how much trouble I have to buy a
new hat, for I will not havo anything
,351 less than the one that Is lust what I
want It must suit me all round not
,?2 'Y t0 fuW ac,,, I always keep my
bata in boxes, and brush them and
atraignien pows ana so on, before put
ting them away My veils, too. are al.
tniys removed and folded smoothly round
a. roll when net in use not thrown care
lessly on a tablet" she added meaningly,
"I made my own veil rolls from card
board rolls, which are slightly padded
with eottaa-wool, sprinkled with perfume
.powder and covered with thin silk or
. iffcreoado of ray pet oolor.
Yo see, froeks are by no means first
asMsraUen ta a Frenchwoman, but
thir get proper attention nevertheless."
CUilne daeUred. "Wo FreBohwome of
Average decree da not have a great num
ber of gown, and I think we are more
particular concerning lit' than anything
. I saertfloe trttajnlasr a nva In
twier to pay for a spasssBy good aull" aha
M3d with a laugh. "Moreover, wbea a
jaayv dsa cents to me. I do not put H on
Ttfwtgbt M and near It ta puhtta, I
watt UK ! Is WUur ( nub) nut oa
8sy far my owa edsflctUlo ia sit
Sfem 1MBB aast want m tio
eif to bt tftwtingtity
sup jshvr basaeaaaaai"
'at feaoM' wttfe
"f$ txvas whan rmt appear it la pubi.o
yxMt net a ktt U osr ioos but tujt
j 4aa$4r 1 salst, and ana nofirtert
"ISaaeilyr a aaid, "A)mo I kas say
mmmt and mmmumn all upon props
bqnM etf uc-.si man tv put thaw
j yroiawy ' in 1 rtiirv hevy
- a ? ist? i ' a & U$4&
.m.a,. ftiaSW'SsiSc'
gowns suited to what Is happening for
Instance, I should not wear a fine dress
for street walking In the morning, as
some of your American women appear to
dol And I never, never adopt 'tho latest
fashion' of any sortl" sho added quickly
and emphatically.
"Yet you always look itl" I avowed.
Celestlne lauahed.
"Thcreln-ns you say lies the differ
ence rn&he said.
"You see, wo French girls do so love
to bo a very little different from tho
rest of tho world. Wo find It what wo
call distingue distinguished. Is It not,
you say?
"And to bo chlo and dlstinguo Is the
height of our ambition. Oh, much moro
than to be expensively dressed, jou
know. For that ono need but to hao
money and put onsolf Into tho hands of
a big modiste, but to be chlo one must
havo tasto nnd originality. I would much.
much rather be that
"Bo even my vlolot perfume I choose
n s6rt that Is not quite of the ordinary.
and I uso It with discretion. Just tho
suspicion, no more. But soma of you
make a blg mistake and uso what nil
aro using and perhaps too much of It
and bo It Is n failure You becomo llko
every one clso.
"No, It Is necessary to suggest, not to
proclaim. In pcrfumo, and In colors also,
nil depends upon the way In which one
serves oneself of a thing. Too much"
sho waved her pretty hands dramatically
"and nil Is spoilt; enough, nnd ono Is a
And Isn't all she says absolutely true?
I'm going to be both "chlo" and "dis
tinguished" now I know tho way.
At the Women's Clubs
Club activities are being resumed
again, now mat Christmas has gone
by with all Us attendant festivities.
Tbo College Club had Its regular Mon-
day tea jesterday afternoon, and tho
hostesses wero Miss Idella Louise Crib
be!, of Smith College; Mrs. F. I Bacon,
Vassar. Another Interesting affair will
take place on New Year's Day, when
a largo tea and reception for college un
dergraduates will take place at the Col
lege Club. The hostesses will Includo
Miss Lucy Davis, of Vassar; Miss Abi
gail C. Dlmon, of Bryn Mawr, and Mrs.
Frank II. Griffin, of Swarthmore. All
the members of the club who are recent
graduates aro requested to bring their
undergraduate friends.
Tomorrow the Reception Committee of
the Plastic Club, 217 South Camao street,
will hold a meeting. Miss Fulton is
chairman of this committee. Miss Vir
ginia Wright Garber will give an Illus
trated lecture on "Our Trip from Cairo
to AssUan," and a tea will follow. The
hostess at the tea tables will be Miss
Janet Wheeler.
lhe New Century Club, of Chester,
will celebrate Children's Day today at
3 o'clock. A little playlet, called the
"Miniature Wedding," will be presented
by the youngsters. Mrs. John L. Mac
Waters has charge of the entertainment
A new innovation, known as President's
Day. will be given by the Pennsylvania
Congress of Mothers hereafter on tho
fourth Monday of every month. These
ore a series of "at homes" and began
yesterday. Mrs. George IC. Johnson pre
sided at the board meeting.
The government classes will be held at
the New Century Drawing Rooms on
Tuesday, February 23, when some very
prominent speakers will lecture on "The
Dependence of Philadelphia on Harris
burg." "What next November's Election
Will Mean to Philadelphia" will be the
subject for April 23.
Members of the Fhllomuslan Club will
hold a children's party today at 2 o'clock.
"The Toy Shop" will be presented by
the children of members . On Thursday
the midwinter dance wilt be held at the
club. On New Year's Day a reception
will be held from t to 6.
tki lolly.
tsstKiWWB- SfeStS
vMa8s!lssssssF M .' " - aKvi
tost: $J? M f4V ' "Wfal3S)
lsmLwM "it&sH HsssH "'. S&fr t LsssssssBILasssssssssssBSt
tBswSiiHlS'lrPli.Hf LssssfTcSaf3a.fcr ? jSHaB
J" 3LLatn MmW iem 3SBKl X3 "V fe SnssiislssKlMlflilliHriBsnBl
RHssf JsB sssssf?E sBK", t . ''IWsHssifffiia
liKsBi' flf ' i. BBrofeagB'
mMw9sssKAsf tM,' ''nHilisisHPiw
M!t&zM& ilJk.S g ? AsBL-sssaSsssssssBWS
tnilin y n ., ii ., Tjj"M1Ssg -'Ki i nriliwiinxn,,.
MfcjBarsflAwffaswSasBMBSSSBsaB-sM'lffi mbwbii ImsMrsaiMSBBBaaagaBBBgaiBaBBEaaHrBBBaBeBB
Record to be used when the bride
Modes of the Hour
The nbsenco of the train and of the
sleeves Is the rulo this season where eve
ning frocks aro concerned, nnd when
they do appear they may bo noted as
tho exception by which all rules are
To lay down the law, however, this
season would bo to attempt the Impossi
ble. Thore Is tho long waist, for In
stance, much favored by ono well-known
rrench house, tho short waist given the
preference by another, and the Indeter
minate waist Is an every-day affair.
The circular skirt has been taken up
and elaborated upon, the shirred skirt Is
seen In silks and velvets and chiffons,
but tho tunlo skirt Is still with us, and
tho skirt of soveral tiers as well, while
the draped skirt has not yet been elimi
nated. There are some very lovely creations
that are made possible by the combina
tion of colors and by using different fab
rics, with fur to fall bock on, of every
width and every kind. If Invention falls.
The dance frock pictured today follows
tho rule In being both Bleeveless and
tralnless. It also shows the latent possi
bilities In the circular skirt Tho one
that develops here Is the making of an
upper circular skirt, like a very deep
yoke, and attaching another circular
skirt to It.
The result, as n matter of course, Is a
skirt tremendously wldo at the bottom,
et perfectly plain and smooth fitting at
the hips. The billowy fullness of the
skirt makes an effective setting for the
pink rosea that are placed at Intervals
around It
Glittering rhlnestones outline the little
Jacket fronts of the bodice and make
straps for the shoulder and tho upper
arm. A big, fluffy bow of tulle Is placed
at the back Just below the depth of the
Shoulder straps of beads or brilliants
are used on soma of the loveliest of the
Imported evening gowns, while on
others the uso of tulle Is noticeable. A
strip of filmy tulle has much to com
mend It. It Is always a lovely thing of
Itself, but It has a wonderfully softening
effect that makes It very desirable.
Whether or not we owe the lack of
any fixed principles in fashions to the
fact that the French ladles of quality
did not buy and wear new gowns this
jear. thereby guiding the rest of the
world, the lack Is certainly apparent
The main idea, at present seems to be
to produce the picturesque. This Is evi
dent In evening gowns, house gowns and
street costumes. It Is sometimes for
gotten that It takes a great artist to
make a beautiful picture. Occasionally,
there is seen the same relation of the
daub to the masterpiece In the effects
produced and those that were planned.
UtM - y,& JtV'vi.
meets his folks. "The family will
Author of "John nrtdon. Solicitor."
(Anne). She has been a widow or teven
years. The preient
aatd IS, who is about to go to a puMlo
LORD ARTI1VR UERtET, hit tiitele, it tit-
eujjfno the important matter with La&v
Wimlerlev. lie it the younger Brother of
the lata peer and heir-prctumptivo to the
Lain Wtmlerltv it most anxious (or Ouv
to go ta Uarptree. which is a smaller and
vounaer school gulf cfoa to the tvimoer-
JOHN BRLEIQII. is a great friend of hert.
Erteigh has practicality made Uarptree.
Lord Arthur iteriet visits Erlitgh and. in
tpite of Ms preludtee agalntt ilarpte. it
?reatlv impressed with Erteigh's character,
te tells the headmaster that it It necessary
that Ouy saouW Do yeru carefullv 'ooked
after as he suspects that schemes ? .Zi!?l
for kldnapplna he boa. "It would bj worth
om one's while to get rid of him.' he saps.
One attempt has alreadu been made untue
cettfullv at fit. Poncros Slolton. The head
footman at Honktllver it a detective who
ha teen engaged to watch Ouy. though
Ladv Wimberlev it ignorant of this fact.
Erteigh promises to footo after Ovsi, "at
if he were his own ton."
A vear after Ouv hat been at Harptret.
Erleigh. on a visit to Lady Wimberlev. con
fesses that lie tones ner.
it frightened after he hastpoken, be
i of the tocial difference between them:
4nn interrupts htm. and declares that
but Anne
she. too.
oo, Iovm Aim aeepiu. ... . .v,
Mng at the school he is informed that
RTlOAlf it woAting to tee Mm. The
p.". .- ." . IT . T ..-- tr-..... 1.
J0 Of Cnemisiru mosier oi jiurpi,e
vacant, and Verttgan has como In answer
to advertisements, Erteigh having found M
..(AM(ir- ntlttM MtttMtnjitow.
.. . ... ,. .. .- L.J t... ......
tt mitm-m tttnf
Erleiph tome to yeart aao, and witneeeed
the latter ttrike and kill a man named
Rochford. Talbot, an innocent man, was
arrested for the crime, tent to prison, and
died there. . , . .
Verllffon has never given Erleigh autau.
but the schoolmaster ears Mm. Erteigh
cannot, however, urce that Vertloon Is not
fit to be a matter at Uarptree, for he Mm
selis no estter.
tie promisee to thlnle ever the matter of
Vertlgan't appointment, but he knawt in hit
heart that he must accept the man.v
URS, TRAVERB, Erleigh't titter, visitt Lady
tvimberlcv. Lord jtrthur also mts her.
Denham, the footman-detective at Monk
silver, telle Lord Arthur that he hat
recognised Mrt. Travert at a friend of
XHcfc Jfertet's, the man who It tuspeeted
of attempting to kidnap young Wimberlev.
rcruroi "w ..''--';
lora Jkrinur wires jar jaarn-er, u in-tvuc
detective hs is rmplovlno,
stiver lie can narai
u believe that Mrs.
, r V'iv aw savn1
Travert it concerned In the slots agalntt
ICImberlfU, but the boy ttrengthene sue
oicion bv tavino that he remember e meeting
the woman at St. Pancrat when the hid.
napping attempt was maa.
Lord Arthur returns ta town and con
sults Barker, a detective. Though the de.
leettve Is convinced that lire. Travert is
mired up tn Vlcle Jierleft schemes, ord
Arthur it not,
Urt. Travert visitt Lord Arthur ana asks
Mm ta slop Ihs marriage between John
Erleigh, her brother, and Lady Anne. Lord
Arthur is convinced of her Innocence, but re
fuses to interfere.
' m
John Erleigh tells Anne that there It
something about his sittert life whloh he
thlnkt the ought ta know, lie tavt that
htt titter was never married, and that
the man who loved and left her was killed
he doet not toy by whom.
.inns listens, and then declares that It
makes na difference to her love, and the
expresses svmpaihy for Urt. Travere.
Erleigh it to moved at her generout
understanding that he taytt "I really be.
lleve that if t came ta ioti with some
shameful story of my own you would or
alis me. Anne, would you forgive msf"
DICK ilERIET. bankrupt, receivet a note
from Yertigan, who te in London, thai
jtferiet it being watched. They arrange an
They discuss plans and find that'tnertU
another plot aoalnst Ouy. A lady, ireteni.
ing to be lire. Travert, interrupts them.
She it a spy, and frightens the mm,
They decide to act quickly,
JIU TRAVERB, lire Travert" son. it a born
fianltt, but hat to work at a clerk,
CHAPTER X-Continued)
QHB looked at him, with tears In her
O eyes. He was so clever, this handsome
son of hers en artist to the finger tips.
If she had been allowed to have her own
way, she would hava encouraged him to
take up musia a a profession. But John
Erleigh, who supplied her with her In
come, had been quite firm on this point
He had said that the hoy wanted disci
pline, that he had been spoilt, and was in
danger of growing up Into a selfish, way
ward man. Ho 4sa4 spoken somewhat
scornfully about the "artUtli' tempera
ment and talked a good deal about ''be
formation of character." Then an open
ing had come In a hs Joint stock bank.
The salary was small, but the position
safe, with, a pension to look forward to
at the end of it The opportunity, Erteigh
had insisted, was not ono to be lost
And James Travera become a bank cleric,
with 10 a year of bis own the first
mone ho had ever earned tn his Ufa.
For nearly a minute taaro was allcnca in
tho tKtU room. Thsa Mrs. Trarwn leant
taek i bar efaatr aad slghad.
"Pgur to me, jib, dew." ifea said, la a
"lOV ba aaU MlUaiy. "I tn e$ 1
saa sHvcia MSaai
i'Ua, AtatBta, my bay." sse aald
penUy "Yea know haw I lova yu to
play to ana."
sV ajMaf lo tn fa, ktaHd aar, ami
feanl t Uu ssumI piaAO. which octie4
nnsKir l3 wkul uf o.; nida tis iwm
be crsuy about you, you ought to have
struck a single chord, played n few rip
pling notes, and then paused with his
fingers on the koys, and his head raised,
and his eyes fixed on tho celling. For one
minute he sat thero quite motionless, with
a rapt expression on his face. It was no
pone for mero effect His mother was
sitting with her back t6 him and no one
could seo htm. Music was forming Itself
In his brain springing to hlrth at tho
touch of his genius, formless' as yet, but
surging through all his being like, a flood.
Then he began to play, and the music
welled out from his finger-tips, as water
gushed from the rock that was struck by
tho rod of Moses. At first thereNscarcely
seemed to be a melody only a flow and
ripple and sparkle of harmonious sound.
Then the air began to rise above the
crashing of chords, like the thin, clear
piping of a flute. It rang out, n sweet
voice, trying to free Itself from a tumult
of discordant sounds. It died away again,
as though It had not tho strength to ltvo.
Tho crashing chords closed oveh lt
harsh music that sounded like mocking
laughter then the steady tramp of hun
dreds of feet and the noise of the world's
great machine, ever reolvlng and grind
ing human souls Into dust. Then a pause,
and then a single deep chord and then
For nearly a minute neither mother nor
son moved. Then tho young man passed
his hand Impatiently across his eyes, and,
rose to his feet, and came to his mother's
"I couldn't go on," he said, with a
nervous laugh. "Mother, dear, you are
not crylngr-you must not cry "
There was a knock at the door, and
the servant entored the room. She gave
Mrs. Travers a note on a small wooden
"Excuse me, Jlmmle," she said, and
she tore open the envelope and read
the few words that were scribbled on
half a sheet of paper.
"Is the gentleman downstairs?" she
asked. In a hard, quiet voice.
"Yes, ma'am. Shall I show him upf
"Yes," she replied and then turned to
her son.
"Jim, boy," she said, "I want to see
some one on Important business. Do you
mind going upstairs to change nowT"
"Of course I'll go," lie said gently, and
he made his way upstairs. A few seconds
later Mr. Vertlgan was shown into tho
room a gray-bearded old man in a thick
overcoat and a woolen scarf wrapped
round his mouth. Mrs. Travers glanced
at him, shuddered and threw the note and
envelope into the fire.
"8orry to trouble you," said Vertlgan,
removing his scarf, "but things are pretty
serious. They're on our track at last"
Mrs. Travers did not speak. Her lips
were tightly pressed together and the
tears wero still in her eyes.
Vertlgan glanced at her sharply, seated
himself In a chair and told her about the
visit of Mss Newbolt She listened In
"In Lord Arthur's pay, of course," said
Vertlgan, in conclusion. "Well, I thought
It best to warn you. Wo shall have to be
very careful very careful, indeed. Now I
want you to arrange to stay with your
Dromer aunng mo nrsi ionnigni of next
Still Mrs. Travera did not speak.
"What's the matter with your he said
angrily, "Are you dumbr Can you ar
range to stay with your brother at that
"Why notr he queried.
"Why not?" sho echoed. "Well, be
cause you and Dick Mertet w!l have to
play your miserable game by yourselves.
J am going to have nothing mora to da
with It nothing more to do with you
ItVi... nr vnlt
Vertlgan looked at Mrs. Travers for a
few seconds without speaking. Then he
laughed. "You will havo nothing more to
do with ust" he said slowly. "You are
talking nonsense, Mrs. Travera. You can
not go back now. You have gone too far."
"I may not ba able to go back; but I
shall go no further,"
Vertlgan shrugged his shoulders. "Then
I'm afraid," ho said slowly, "that you
will not get ytrr much out pf tho trans
action." -I do not wish to get anything," she
said fiercely, "I I am sick and ashamed
of the whole business."
"But you want money? J think you
told ma that you wanted money for your
son that ha was going to give up his of
fice work and study muslo abroad. You
hava ambitions for your soar'
She turned axay from him and, resting
her arms on the mantelpiece, (tared down
at the fire.
"It ln'i a If we were going to harm
young Wlmberiey," Vertlgan continued.
"We're only going to keep him until a
ransom U pakL Ws shan't hurt the boy
Hell look upon it as a Wto ruber fanov
blsMsl, I axpt In the bsjU of toe
brigands and all that sort of Udng. And
tfcaft it isn't as U ou wa4 the masey
for yeuraalf Yon vat K lor your-san."
a) turned oa Mm, bar faaa white, hat
"You think you can tempt tm." aba said
aareaiy 'But you saonoi. I hs,e tuum
uia--l ha resjaiMta ny sensee a for
i ta tmmmtt, is i j.v it. i e jt4 lt ti- ;
hr I
great times with mother and the girls."
"You would sell us, eh?" he whispered
"betray us-to Lady Wlmberley?"
"No," she nnswered quietly.
"Oh, jes, jou would. How else are you
going to get your money?"
Sho did not answer him. Sho hnd formed
no plans as yet. She only knew that some
chango had come over her and that lt
had come while 'her son had sat at tho
piano playing to her the music that was
in his soul. She had seen then and seen
lt very clearly that Bhe could no longer
tread the path she had been- forced to
take. But as yet she saw no other path
nt all. She only had a vague Idea that
Lady Wlmberley would help her, and that,
somehow or other, tho young bank clerk
must be taken from his present surround
ings and given a fresh start In life.
"You would sell us, eh?" sneered Ver
tlgan. "Well, you'd better not try. You
think you can shake us off? It's not bo
easy, my dear lady, to shako off your
friends. Wo know a thing or two about
you, don't we?"
"You know that I have never been mar
irldd." "Oh, yes we know that Ifow would
your son llko to know It?"
She did not answer. Her face was cold
and contemptuous, but there was fear In
her eyes.
"I wonder what he would think of his
mother?" Vertlgan continued. "It's a
pretty sight to see you two together
mother nnd son. The one clean thing in
jour life, eh your devotion to that boy.
Upon my word, I bolleve he worships
j ou."
"You have said all this before," she
nnswered slowly. "You and Dick Merlet
threatened me with this when you wanted
to drag mo Into j-our schemes. Welin am
going to tell my son myself ono of these
"One of these days?" answered Vertl
gan. "Oh, yes-'thls year, next year,
some day, neier.' Well, perhaps Lady
Wlmberley ought to know."
"She knows already."
"Who told her?"
"My brother."
"Ah, there's a kind brother for youl"
Mrs. Travers smiled. ''I asked my
brother to tell Lady Wlmberley." she
said quietly.
Vertlgan laughed to hide his discomfi
ture. You expect me to believe that?"
ho said. "Well. It doesn't matter; What
youvo got to understand Is that if you
been Thorn." ' W'Bn 5U never
II1 htV f,en w,shed lhat "r- Vert!
garu And I'm not afraid of death."
He laughed, caught her by the arm.
B"th.rU,U.hls facn cI" o hs. '
grimly. "" We" for you'" ho bM
Then he let go of her arm and, lighting
a cigarette, seated himself In a chair and
looked up at her with a smile.
v , ar8 ,alk,nR' nonsense." he said
oJmck VM2,hwto fear A mEl
or uicK Merlet We are Just a com.
merclal organization. There were three
toabe two KZaWWnUy- th a're onty
to De two. That means more money when
It comes to a division of the prom?. ySS
can please yourself, if you refuse tS
come down to Harptree at the beginning
of next term we can't make you. But if
you are thinking of glvlng-the game away
r,chtaoursea,v,. """ Wa '
"BvWt.nC!ny0U Pr0poM t0 d0 that?"
.i.BJ r lln yo.u "tly how matters
stand. I can quite see what has caused
this change In your plans." caud
"Ye? y Th i.,h8 qu,erkd wlth a ""He.
.t,f Thls. ""'"'so-ensagement I
Wrn&JnT?' yUr brother and Lady
Wlmberley has upset everything Ynil
are fond of your brother, are you not?"
"I havo every reason to ba so. IlehL
been very good to mo all my life." M
Precisely. And now you have semni..
-about getting money out of thVwman
he la going to marry?" woman
"I have," she replied.
tndKyou toId Ld' Wlmberley the
V b0t yourself in or(jer tobtit
off the engagement?" "rea
She nodded She had cernini .. ,.
that it would be imposslbU to at,.t in fhe1
kidnapping of her brother's stenaan 1 .2
bad hoped to mako SlS ear ,or her
gagemVn? by ' t0 SS e"
w'lih Ml ry'ourTofflf 2
very fine fllow-he holds a hlijwf.m fc
I admlro hlm-very much. W fhoS? douhl
he has made Harptree one of th v. $
schools in England, and he mus,b?1
numbered among the great haadrS'..
of this country. It Is a nl ,7, tm"ter
under a man Ilk. that"P Ur" t0 work
She looked at him Inquiring ....
rheVsfer6 'SMSKfc
V'contK WiKJlfr"
will help him onHn hll Tcareir arti
Lady Wimherl.v ," 'nl'.':. Thy ay
JS?JK-if 55 Vaa
poeltion. Tremendous. T U , '."I0.1?1
J3S; "tber U not in tbT ChUrah:
might, be an. archbishop JTt!;
"I really mast go and ....
clothe for dl965 esid uS y
impatient y. - yw, t: ',
rtaaca to rV$ft
"Ha woader yo M ton of bin - v.
ss "??? y MroauJr
Jftndeat oa ?&. J J
It wotOd ba a tenioli
.. uw ass iot sjod iki.
tsT U. i . . . I "-
nr amum clt .. vlTTTT . r1
Marriage vs. Work
If I ver get married," eald th Sa
ncss oin in ner quioic, decided way.
snail suok io my jod. i q (,jn
gomo men aro most impertinent lr
Ing that ft girl who is earning a
salary will be willing and ready to law
Up everything lor me sake of cooi?
their dinners and living in some fclg
drum little Apartment with about s
quarter of tho luxuries she's been
tomed tol No, Indeed, when I mi
stick to my Job."
"But won't you find it rather
work, running two separata Joitl
once?" asked her quiet girt frtemj.
.mM... k...bS T ... Saw.. ....- . e
was the query. "You don't mean to jS
gest that I regard matrimony as j
do you?" i
"Isn't that tha usual viow?" Mljjf
friend. jg
"It certainly isn't mine," km 3
ri-nlv. as tho Business Girl remrmUV'
expensive coat and plumed hat and toil
gracefully into the nearest chair. "Wis!
I marry I don't Intend to work
My husband can, but I shall keep oa
present Job nnd save nit the raenVf
make. You know. I nm making T
week Just now, nnd not for all the-lS
In tho States would I gtvo it upl" j5:
"How will you martage about ooo!
and that sort of thing?" asked tht'etfji
llttlo friend. rau
"Bother tho cooklngl" cried th BaS
ness Girl quickly. "Of course, I iliiaiti
a maid to attend to the liouswor!c.'"i
guess a young married couple can Urt
a small apartment and, If they wsntif
do without a mold. Thero are lotict
apartments whero a restaurant below wn
send up meals when you phone dowu'lt
them. That's lust what I shall da.""J
"Won't your husband object to tHj
sort of thing?" ,$g
Let him!" cried tho Business Ctrl
"Before I marry him I'll have thafsj
arranged, so he'll know Just what to"iS
pect Don't you honestly think thttji
girl who is making a good salary wtal
bo n fool to glvo It all up Just lefxu
sake of becoming tho unpaid cook, ul
household drudge of some fool rnan tU
hasn't got one-half tho brains ar capidlj
sho has? No. thanksl" ,-
"Your arguments sound good," sail til
quiet girl friend, "but I wonder If ftj
would work out happily? Suppose. i
wero making more money than your hi?
band, don't you think ho would naturally
resent lt?" ffl
"Naturally, he would, Blnce Jealootyc!
women's work la deeD rooted In the SS
ture of all men," said the BuslnswQTH?
"That's at the root of all this troaW
you know. Men don't want womtn"U
navo ineir ngnis, uecausa taey srt
Jealous of women's ability and sin!)
they will surpass themselves."
"I guess that you will havo dlfflnltr
In finding tho right sort of man that 7
could ltvo with happily," said tho ctis
"Mv flnncn alw.iva tells me that wamis'l
placo Is in the home." 4
"In the kitchen, slaving nnd scraWlif
for him, he means 1" said tho BusIsSj
Girt. "My dear, think twice before yoi
marry a man of that sort. When inenRt
talking about beauty nnd sacredneisfM
4I.A .iifAf aliAltAri1 hnmA llfft fnr xenmKV
lt genernlly means that they're havlngy
good tlmo outside1, and they don't wait
their wives t- hriow about it Ob. pri
heard that sort of talk over and o?J
ngalu All tho men who've asked ro3;
marry them aro of that sort I told thea
pretty straight Just what I thought (
thrm. tnol Thev went off angrier tol
wiser men." S
"I wish I hnd your strenth of mlnW
snld the other girl, "and I also wlshll
had your salary. I guess I'd remalau
bachelor girl then!
A Famous Woman PionelJ
One of the pioneers of tho wometfi
club movement passed away on Chrlttj
mas Day. Mrs. Charlotlo B. WUbowvgj
10 West 69th street, New York, dtedjs
tho age of 81. She was known all oM
tho United States as one of the fomjJ
dresses of the Scrosls, the first womni
club, and later of the General Fetaffl
tlon. 9
Mrs. Wllbnur was a wett-known wrUtJ
on many subjects, and was lnternatlra;
ally'promlnent as a pioneer" in the fe
nlst movement She also was nssocIm
with Miss finsan Ti. Anthony in otULi
Ing the petition for tho freedom of slavrt
during tho Civil War-
When Charles Dickens came to vug
America he was entertained at a dlnn
given by the New York Press Cluo w
1868. When women wero denied the prig
liege of attending this dinner. Mrs Wi;
baur, together with Jennie Croly &
three others, founded the Sorosls Club.,
Trm first nrontrienr nf (lio SorOSlS W3
Alice Cnrey, and Mrs. Wllbaur held thJ
offlco for five years. After sho had ipp
25 years abroad with her husband, a
noted Egyptologist, she was again electw
president of tho Sorosls. She was W
president of the Phalo for many yc'f'v
The Now Year's" reception at tna e
rosls has been canceled because of Ml
LWllbaur'a death. Only ono charter menv
her of the club survives Mrs. wmw:
Qlynes, of London.
Tiresome Engaged Coupl
Thv nr v,ra H.aAm, antnntlmeL Tot
Instance, when they appear to think tha
wnoio world exists for tnem ana u--every
one except themselves hi blind sM
aear. Then, again, they aro a "3
Ing one nnothera virtues to disenga
persons, who don't in tho least care !
elthar nf itim
Kngaged people do not love one 1"2
any the less because they aro not coRtUPs
Uallv loeklnir thumxlvia lln In on an!
other's arms before spectators, or becuy
they find life possible, and even P,efi2i
wjhi more than one topio of con""--".
at their rnmmnml Mllhr do the? n"
Joy the happier courting days ltaltiVba
aey are more socianie man i"" :",,
cessors wera. anil m nut evenaiungii
making their respective families uncom
fortable by sighing and star-g1" ""
aDart. mil. nhin tnailiar. looking OS
gera at every one who enters their PJ
iicuiar garden arbor or the drawing iv-
ing. but even now there aro a few 'J1
(openly) loving pairs who consider m
100 uiuel
Lpve And Understanding
To know all Is to pardon ad,"
French friends tell us. Yet lo
trust will supply the lack of knowb
and produee the same haoDV end.
In spite of the faot that the Biuri'
men and women are different) it
slble for a man and a woman to
haDDllv tcurather. altboush not U
standing eaeh other. This tack of
StandiBK ts for their aood If
knew everv thoueht. feeling ana
of a woman, what would ht Iot
worth? Lov Is faith. True urn
no iaatotuv. no doubt lt U bed
Btaa daas sat kaew a woman, but
faith in her purity aiuthaay ,h' '
Is so daar to hr. ska knows that .
viKtag aar iwaa Wit. as cna taasa
and t U Uair fatta la est aaotaar
VwimiA m tfk ve,a 1a . .art dlO
Uua love, for wua tev is p (-- '""J'i
ao tha duua taat u riJj ea. u !IJ '
hafta of duubt ara j-jiv j m"
susslOtt tit tit hii- vtz
I Hi xr th.v.uu A..4 u i, i