Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 28, 1914, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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    ejvbkikg ledger-Philadelphia; Monday, December 28, ioi4,
liss orace oaxe wjeets
Workers Here and Ex
plains Plan for Bible Class
After Sermons.
TliO deep Interest of Philadelphia worn
n In the Evangelistic campaign of the
ev. Dr. "William A. Sunday was shown
day when Miss Grace Saxo, n member
f the Sunday party, met with the lend-
ra of tho thousands of home prayer
eetlnga In the Arch Btrcet Methodist
plscopal Church.
Many women were present when Miss
axe, tho first woman member or tho
unday party to arrive hero from Dcs
ifolnes, explained tho work she proposes
o do through the prayer meetings ana
he Bible class sho will have charge of
,ch afternoon following Doctor Bun
ny's sermon. All ngrced to aid her plans.
Flans havo been completed by the Sun-
ay Campaign Commltteo for tho closing
of churches on tho opening day of the
campaign. Dccauso of tho slzo of tho
city It was decided to close the churches
In certain districts each Sunday Instead
of closing all tho city churches on Sun
days, as Is usually tho custom In cltlea
whoro tho evangelist labors.
The plan nnnounccd for the opening
day of the campaign Is to havo tho
churches In two districts, comprising alt
of West Philadelphia, north of Market
street, closed. All pastors and members,
particularly the men's organizations, nro
urged to attcrid tho meetings on this
day. By -this plan it Is hoped that oppor
tunity may be given all the church peo
ple to hear Mr, Sunday.
Joseph M. Steele, chairman of the exe:U
tlve committee of the campaign, has sent
to Mr. Sunday tho following greeting
for tho staff:
"Tho Philadelphia executive staff, which
la conducting preliminaries for our great
est campaign, begs loavo to tako n few
minutes' leisure to send n messago of
pcaco and good wltl to Its chief. May
your Christmas and New Year, with your
aged, beloved mother, be ono of the hap
piest Inspirations of your career and may
you come to us with renewed flip nnd zeal
for the causo of tho Master In tho City
of Brotherly Loc. Please accept our
heartiest greetings for a Merry Christ
mas and JIappy New Year."
Following closoly the news from Des
Moines that there seems every possibility
that the saloons In hat city will bo put
out of business as the result of Sunday's
campaign, came this statement from the
Rev, Dr. Russell H. Conwell, president
of Templo University, yesterday:
"The saloons are doomed for this city
hen 'Billy' Sunday comes."
Doctor Conwell declared that In eery
city he has lectured In which Mr. Sunday
ad conducted a campaign he has found
luch evidence of the good that the
Ivangellst accomplished.
As a result of the interest in the cam-
algn In Manayunk there wero 690 men
attendance at the Elple class meeting
f the Ebenezer Methodist Church yes-
onlay, and It was necessary for the class
o adjourn to the Dixie Theatre In order
to accommodate tno crowa or men. xnis
growth was due to the advance work of
tho Rev. George G. Dowey, who Is or
ganizing 60,000 men In Bible classes In
anticipation of tho campaign.
Final Bteps In making tho "Billy" Sun
day tabernacle, 19th and Vine streets, free
from the dangers of fire and panla are
being token by Fire Marshal George W.
Elliott. A flrehouse tai been erected
opposite the Nrreat frame structure, on
20th street, which will house a chemical
engine and ten firemen throughout the
eight weeks to be devoted to the revival
In addition to the protection offered by
the fliemen and a large detail of police
provided by Director of Public Safety
George D. Porter, every effort has been
made to render the building free from
possible, causes of fire. The slovea used
to warm the structure have been built
upon brick, hearths and are guarded by
b. railing to keep people from disturbing
m them Great sheet motal covers have
been built about the stovepipe and ex
tend from a few feet above the stoves
up through the roof of the building. To
lender "safety doubly safe" the fires will
he lighted several hours before the great
mass-meetings take place and will be al
lowed to die out before the crowds enter
the building.
Another phase of the. "safety move
ment," as shown in the construction of
tho tabernacle, Is the great number of
exit doors, more than 30 being available,
and the arrangements of the aisles lead
ing tq these doors, there being no poets
to impede the progress of the people when
they throne from the building.
The- people will be forced to leave the
tabernacle by the. exit Intended for the
uae of the section they may be In," said
Fire Marshal Elliott, today "We want
to get every one In the habit as soon as
possible, so that If an emergency should
arise there would be no such confusion
as would occur If every one should seek
to leave by the exits on, one side of the
There will be a, great 'number of
ushers present at each meeting to direct
and control the people, and, in my opin
ion, there Is very little danger of any
serious trouble occurring, at any time,
particularly as there is no gallery at the
Mr Elliott then commented on the crit
icism that has been pouring in from every
hand complaining that the structure is
nre trap and would collapse if the
lerowds should become frightened and
surge, toward the doors, thus breaking
down the wooden pillars which support
e roof.
'The very fact that the building is made
ti wood makes it safer In case of panic."
rh continued "A surging, mad crowd
vnuld bring down the roof of any build-
ana were it or brick or atone the
lit would be infinitely worse than 1
' possible. These protests are agitated
m maui oy owners or tneatres, who
. m Dunging laws loo strict in their
and too lenient In the oase of
al hnudlnir Lawn rumirlnr brisk o
f construction.
"A"4 jgthr thing One t the great
tjsniroacaa of safety at the eonta
fWBm is lbs fast that they wHl
geminated by one sua. Mr. Sunday
fcavs the crowds iuwtr bis control,
W in case of a flx soar I do not be
f thai U slightest panto would
V There is a great deal of 'wob-psy--
tar' fc a thto- like tola, and on ma
Mm me jmkhu have faith can d
1 1 Beify a .rsw4 than whole dirt
. f . wm to a wee."
Miss Puncheon and Doctor Baker to
DIscubb Selection of Courses.
Two Philadelphia educators will ad
dress the Pennsylvania Educational As
soclatlon nt Jlarrlaburg on the relative
met Its of the constant and selective
courses of high school study They are
Miss Katherlne Puncheon, principal of the
Girls' High School, I7lh nnd Spring
Garden streets, nnd Dr. J Eugene Baker,
principal of the Philadelphia Normal
School, 13th ami Spring. Garden streets.
Miss Puncheon said today, before start
ing for Harrlaburg, that she believed the
prescribed courses of study were best for
pupils of the high schools, most of whom
had not yet reached the ago at which
they could be trusted to select what was
systematic nnd leglcnj In their studies,
but were Inclined to take "the easiest
At least five studies always should bo
prescribed, Miss Puncheon said. They
are English, history, mathematics, science
BUD lUIClgu I1UIMUUBOS. DCICtllvc ntuuivo
if.n.H In ffrant nnft. alia flnlit. nn lnAlltv. 1
A discussion will follow tho address by
Miss Puncheon. It will bo led by Doctor
Baker, who will be followed by A. M.
Weaver, of Wlltlamsport.
Proceedings in Delaware County
Court Not Likn Irfist Tear's.
MEDIA, Pa., Dec 8 Tho Delaware
County Llcenso Court, Judges Johnson
and Broomall presiding, was In session
here today. All the old retail licenses,
with tho single exception of tho applica
tion of Andrew J. McCture for the old
Buttonwood Hotel, Dnrby, against which
there Is a remonstrance, were granted.
Action by the court was In markij
contrast with the proceedings of last
j ear, when no license wns granted, re
fused or passed until evidence was taken
as to the fitness of the proprietor. There
wns a general remonstrance filed last
year against tho granting of liquor li
censes by tho No License League, which
fought each nppllcant
Whole Block Threatened in Blozo nt
Hob ok en.
HOBOKEN, N. J., Dec 2S.-The Amer
ican Hotel nnd restaurant on River street,
owned by ex-Mnyor George Gonzales,
was ruined by fire which started shortly
nfter 10 o'clock this morning. The flro
started In a socond-fioor bedroom, occu
pied last night by a stranger, who left
before tho flro wns discovered. Tho po
lice believe ho throw a lighted cigarette
Into some rubbish. The flames spread so
quickly to the different floors that for a
time the entire block was threatened.
Tho hotel only recently had been re
modeled at a cost of 1100,000.
Twenty persona sleeping In the upper
rooms when the lire started tcro gotten
out safely. "
The 1038 la estimated at about J125.C0O,
partially covered by insurance. Tho Hotel
Venice nlso wns damaged 110,000 by smoko
and water.
Flames in Commission Eow, Chester,
Cause $10,000 Loasf"
CHESTER. P.i., Dec. 28. Four build
ings along Commission Row wero badly
damaged by flfo this morning. They were
occupied by Joseph II. Pnrrls, T. L. Faw
ley & Co., Snmucl Bloom and Harry L.
Bnttln, tho total loss being estimated nt
$10,000, covered by Insurance.
Parrls' place, where tho flro started In
the second story, was destroyed. "Fifty
live turkeys were burned. Large quanti
ties of farm preduco in the other stores
were damaged by water. Firemen kept
the flames confined to Parrls' place.
The origin of the Are la unknown. The
buildings are two-story brick structures.
Boxhorough Folk May Purchase
House Carroll Bought.
Joseph Carroll, a Negro, who bought a
hquse at 774 Monastery avenue, Roxbor
ougli, moved In today.
Resident, of the blook said they would
cause tilm to lose his Job In the Pencoyd
Iron Works unless he moved out. Carroll
sold he would comply If some one would
buy his house for 5000, He paid 2S50 for
it Negotiations are said to be under
When Carroll reached the house this
morning with his family nnd his furniture
toe found the door nailed. .Furniture
movers broke In the door. Two special
policemen were detailed at the house to
prevent dleonler.
Educators Consider TJses of Gymna
siums and Auditoriums.
The proposition to place gymnasiums
and auditoriums in elementary schools
was discussed this afternoon by the board
of directors of the Public Education As
soclatlon nt a meeting In the Wltherspoon
While two of the schools erected the
last year have gymnasiums and audito
riums, a number of others are being
planned without them.
Edward Petersen, Chlcaro, ill , and Martha T.
Ilay, 12HS a fith at.
Elmer Fatttrton. B024 Baltimore ava., and
Irene Miller. 181 Taxon at
Thoraaj J Cooney. 23(0 E. Allesbany ava., and
Bars A liurni, S0O1 N 10th at.
C. Vernon Dliney, 1831 Dyra at , and Mariarat
Walah. 1040 Bridge it.
'William Kluxen. 1321 rarrUh at, and May
Comer, 1224 Farrlih at
Frank U MerrMald, 2015 N. Uarvlne at , and
Katherlne A. Uradr. -44C3 N, 17th at
Bolomon Kallmky. 1423 N. 0th at, and Helen
Pomaranc. 1428 N etb at
WlllUm II eteela. Fnlllpaburs. N. J., and
Carolina NeWulh, ST30 Btenton ava
LouU Thompaon, 241 Queen at, and Sarah
llaaa, Bt4 Uudler at
Robert Ciaxton 1S3S Iaceraoll at. and llaial
Patrick, Bt) N. Darlen it.
TVIlwn ltlchardaon. 122T Poplar at. and Nannie
Jackaon 122T Poplar at.
WllUam II Uarnee, 1213 E. Ozford at. and
MalUOa Hni.l 1332 B. Hewwm etk
llenry Hller. 1620 Rodman at. and Bella Snaed.
iHi Ludlow et.
Leonard. Wllkle, M25 N Water at, and Joan
Booth, 3314 N Water at
John Byrne ion JUtner at , and Helen Ruaalck,
Weat Jcnea' lanjt
Walter rhotnaa. 1441 Balnbrldge at , and Onl-
nah V Olimort, 1441 Balnbridge at.
Jobn Mccormick. 1U18 N. 2d at. and Mary J.
Bmitb, 1U18 N. 2d at
Jobn J Brown, 303 Karlham terrace, and EUa
M. OalUsher. 44SV N Grata at.
Don A McfYaeken. IS40 N. Mtb at, and
Kmiue C MeSwax. -S34U N. 8Uh at
Bvart Stringtellon 5C0C Cawac at, and Eltla
P Klelnknecbt. 6SI2 N Uarvlne aL
Edward Nowach, 4W Tork mad, and Mar-
Karat Straten. SS4S N Cimu at.
; n ctjBM at
Domlalak Caputo. 61 T Cattuuln at,
Stefaao CsoiBoaot SIT Catharine at
Bald rnrmaa, Ni Tork city, and
oirauaa, -goo jveuawsiea ava.
WlUlfm W Sjfc&w. Diby, and Emm QeUroro.
Use Porter at
Aaron Boblrt Woodbine, N. J, and lUee
KaUbr, Cleaieston. N. J
Jaoeb WeiiiH'. 024 N Mb at, and Berths Pott,
Oeoree M
O-ase. Manahawkbi. M T
nla J Peckwortb. fidlft GrdVn ae
Harry PadallkT. 403 8. BJ er.. and Y.lt aak.
lots, SJS Mearoa at I
Jb J Ofltnuia. S408 Q at , an UUIaa P.
nelaea. OBIT N Ut at
tiufano p Emttto. US 8 12th at. and As-
tKTi&4ste '
It fTurifar k j
-"T-f1 w MUtt
Sad Malta
K.. and
a4 am
EfflHHWl a A CKHiV I -;l
wUKKSB ptv-kl ft c ij H i '"i
sssHH ikHSV Bl'O I ft siiiHi 1 ' 'fm
sHIIIHraHD f w&sHIHF ifis. 9 Mil u dbHHH - 1
isslH s1K ERahcb H "Hm
MnnBj 9 D - Hl jibe. a!.... jA Bu $1 is ?V
BssssHnHH 5 sMK ?ssxa7ms"iu- '-w BsWsslHil " IPfi
HHDPQcl to alsiiiiiiiWsW'Wl8nT- "" 1 " tsHsHBsaBBiliEiKfcD' "" y
KSfl i lm'IEmMBMA'di
isisisrsiifL.""i" irn ii mjfi..i.n WKc m xv3P(frf??r sKssBslllllllllllKrwVfssH MPjibIIIIIIIIIIIIW JbiIIIIIIIIbIIIhA i i : jt
M'iisMrTslirnrT'ifri " iMr ""n n w, WeMBSm&Ms&X & M
llismfaWfcTssllilalMtsM-.Wi rff'LJtiTlfr&i .4Pk X m 2 m tk mb m n. HPn&t
t. rjasfcBP?SBFtsftSwi!satJfe VssilllllllK' JWBmBp. lriliiuT ftSCWH ffl v OCll IsH fcSjIoHttsX I
Economy and
mendations Follow In
vestigation of Needs Here.
Tho dawn of a now era for this port
Is at hand, according to shipping men
todny, If the recommendations of tho
Pennsylvania Economy nnd Efllclency
Commission nro carried out
Tho report of tho commission made
public at Harrlsburg yesterday did not
surprlBO maritime circles here, ns It
was known members of tho committee
had been Investigating tho needs of tho
port. Tho advantages to the whole Stato
of developing this port wero pointed out
to tho commission.
Tho recommendations of tho commltteo
are In lino with the plans announced
recently by tho Republican organization
leaders for the appropriation of sufficient
funds to Improve tho ,port With the
appropriation of 11,000,000 for tho start
of the 35-foot channel from Allegheny
avenuo to the sea tho port faces a bright
All of the Improvements suggested by
the Efllclency Commission, It is under
stood, villi be carried out by the Depart
ment of Wharves, Docks and Ferries.
The expense villi bo met by tho ap
propriation provided for In a constitu
tional amendment Introduced In the last
Legislature. There are two such amend
ments, one providing for a joint sum of
about 163,000,000 for transit and harbor
Improvements, and the other for 125,000,000
for port betterment alone. The latter
amendment. In the opinion of Bhlpplng
men, should be defeated In order to avoid
complications, which probably will defeat
the purpose of both.
The recommendations ns Incorporated
In the report follow:
"We recommend that the State build
wharves and warehouses provided with
the best'mechanlcal transshipping equip
ment; that she take steps for the com
pletion and Improvement of the belt lino
railway and Its connection with wharves,
warehouses and railroads; that she main
tain wharves for transient or independent
vessels; that she build a drjdock to ac
commodate ocean steamers of the largest
tjpo; that she keep the docks dredged,
and that she provide deeper channels In
the Delaware and Schuylkill Illvera. It
the Initial steps for elaborate Improve
ments are taken at this time, Philadelphia
with Its natural advantages will be re
stored to the position of commercial su
premacy that she once occupied."
At the present time. Director Noma, of
the Department of Wharves, Docks and
Ferries, Is endeavoring to do most of the
things recommended, but he has been
handicapped by lack of appropriations.
Last year the State appropriated only
1250,000 for the work of the department
118,000 of which had to be paid as salary
to an engineer, a position created by tho.
The suggestion that the State build a
drydock was a surprise. The drydock
question has long been troublesome in
shipping circles. It was hoped the Fed
eral Government would construct a dock
at the Philadelphia Navy Tard. which
could be used by merchant vessels. This
hope has not been dispelled.
The drydock, maritime men believe,
should be built by the Government at the
navy yard, because Government ships
hove frequent need for It. Only oc.
cailonally does the port get merchant
vessels too large for the present docks.
On these occasions the Government could
charge the owners of the vessels for
the use of Its dock.
Abolition of the office of health officer
of the port of Philadelphia, now held by
Charles II. Heuatls. will not meet with
opposition among shipping men, as the
State Quarantine Bqard always has done
the work tho occupant of this position
Wus supposed to do.
He Leads Kieetown Children to
Theatre and Is Part of Show,
The boys and girls of Kicetown were
the guests or "Uncle Joe" Zlegler, 1M7
Cayuga street, at their third annual holi
day entertainment, today. Twelve hun
dred children assembled to front of
"Uncle Joe's" harbsr shop at t o'clock
this afternoon add marched to the theatre
at Gsrtnaatown avenue and Dounton
street They were headed by tho St
StsebM'i Boy Cadet Sugle Band
There were moving pictures In abun
diiHN. furnUitad free by the oronrutnr nt
tbe theatre. Fwisk SehtlHng; Mlas Flor-
4ee a. ateerier. a eaugbter at "Uncle
J" stg. and a sketen was fur
Wished to the Cavaaaush Slaters, of
LawAdale, Pa, the UUeae Bllzabeth.
Jeiwle and Marie, nteees of 'Uncle Joe",
K, 3 Davis, fonasrly of tfe U & 8
lMko, jilayxd the cornat, Qeors Har
tiuuj jal&jrwl Uw vlolto. and abev u.
' Oacla Joe" iilmnelf gtaycdt oa Ms famous
8ovatiH star dttrtkHtu4 toy the ami.
vaexUaj f HiceUwsj.
Efficiency !PiTT' J
R e c o m - Mm&T . Ii
lilt JIPA.JliS
Rami Wm's JMlMim
lliliili Ma 'WM
Photos by I N. S
Hans Helle recently was arrested
in New Orleans, charged with
plotting to plant the bomb, whose
mechanism is shown here, on the
steamship so as to have it ex
plode in midocean. The revolver
and ammunition are alleged to
have '"been found on Helle.
Evening Ledger and Public
Ledger Offers to See
Panama and San Diego
Fetes Rouse Interest.
Scores of early entrants In the contest
of tho Evenino Ledger and Punuc
Ledoer that Is to decide what 50 Phlla
delphlans will go to the Panama-Pacific
Exposition at San Francisco and to tho
San Diego Exposition next May and June
are now hard at work piling up credits.
Every day the list of contestants Is grow
ing, and those who were quick to grasp
at the opportunity are wasting no time.
A free trip In trains, the 'luxury of
which Is unsurpassed by any In tho world,
through natural wonders that no ono ever
has fittingly described, Into the natural
and artificial fairyland of the great twin
expositions Is an offer few can afford to
overlook. If paid for by the traveler this
trip would cost hundreds of dollars. It
would require making all arrangements
for accommodations, keeping tab on train
time at every stop and other Inconveni
ences of traveling.
Under the Evenino Ledoeb-Pubuo
Ledoer plan the traveler Is relieved of
all this worry and trouble. What Is more
important, he or she is to be relieved of
the expense. Everything on this trip will
be absolutely free to the SO successful men
or women In the unique contest now under
No expense Is to be spared to make this
trip one that will never be forgotten.
Many of the really beautiful spots of the
great West that the casual tourist never
thinks of visiting will form stops for
the successful contestants.
Every one knows that the San Francisco
Exposition will be the greatest thing of
its kind the world has ever known. The
hustling little city of San Diego is now
spending money freely to advertise the
distinctive and separate exposition it will
hold all next year This will not conflict
with the big event at San Francisco,
which is to mark the opening of the Pana
ma CanaL It will rather serve to round
it out.
I III I hi II .
Among: Subjeota Will Be Exclusion of
"Prep" and High School Boys.
The 13th annual convention of the Delta
Sigma Phi Fraternity was formally
opened this afternoon la the fraternity
house at SOS South Kth street Twenty
twp delegates representing tan universi
ties attended. This morning they were
pUeted through the city on a sightseeing
trip under the direction of Bart J.
MiteheU, chairman of the Cosaoiluee of
The oeavestesa wul senUftWe until De
cember & Ttat prinoipal lawtnsss, out
side of routine asTalrs, so far as the Uni
versity of PennsarWaats, Cfeaj4ar is con
eern4. will bo toe Introduction and dts
miaaten of A resoluiiea by tbc chapter
pjosoelny that sign achotri and ' prep '
school fraternity men he barred fxvw the
Delta 8ietn Phi. The saembera htM that
(he uyottaMtawir fail to ppn.L&u the
tie tend yumesMW of irternei sjieeetiee.
Rob Ten Homes in Adjoin
ing Blocks at Oak Lane in
Absence of Families.
Police Mystified.
Ten robberies of homes in adjoining rows
In Oak Lano perpetrated within one hour
while tho householders were away were
reported to tho police of tho Oak Lane
station, at York road and Champlost
niiuui, immy ou iut uui ti nau ui uur
glars has been found.
Cash, jewelry, cut glass and watches
wero obtained by tho thieves at each of
the houses visited. Tho Intruders worked
sjstcmatlcally and special policemen who
Investigated today said tho burglars ap
parently wero experts.
A piano was played at one house while
the burglars looted a bureau drawer to
get at valuables. Tho music drowned the
noise of the Jimmies being used on the
bureau and neighbors In tho adjoining
house1 heard nothing to arouso their sus
picions. At another home, evidently tho first vis
ited, the burglars raided tho pantry, ate
a 'good meal, winding Up with coke and
eggnog, and then opened several boxes
of candy and cigars and took samples
from each.
The victims of the burglars and the
extent of their losses follow: Mrs. Joseph
B, Pollack, 451S North Camac street, $173;
Hupert Mills, 4517 North Camac street,
150, William Smith, 4519 North Camac
street, $70, Mrs Thomas Qormley, 4531
North Camac street, $75; Henry Cramp,
4515 North 13th street, $15, and Dr. F. AV.
raltenmayer, 433 York road, whero they
got nothing.
got nothing; Mrs Joseph Levy, 1137 "Wy
oming avenue, $15, A. Schanbacher, 1133
Wyoming avenue, $100; William S. Moore,
1201 Wyoming avenue, $30; II. Klelnman,
kOS Northeast Boulevard, nothing.
Tho thieves got Into the Levy home by
stepping through a second-story window
of the Schanbacher home to a porch roof.
They wero seen by Miss Anna Clark, 1209
Wyoming avenue. She telephoned for the
police, but the burglars worked with such
dispatch that when bluecoats arrived the
houses had been ransacked.
The police worked all night on the case,
seeking to round up some of the burglars,
but In vain. Kfforts to got details of the
robberies from the police today were fu
tile. Evory effort was made by tho police
to keep the crimes a secret.
At the Klelnman home the thieves wero
frightened off, Mr. and Mrs. Klelnman re
turning while they were at work In on
upper floor. They escaped by a rear win
dow, One policeman covers most of the
district In which tho robberies occurred.
his beat embracing an area of one and a
half square miles.
Residents of the section today are plan
ning to prepare a petition for more po
lice. Those whose homes escaped last
night are laying in firearms and strength
ening doors and windows with extra bolts.
Some are Installing burglar alarms. Mrs.
Levy Is under the care of a physician as
a result of the shock of finding that her
home had been robbed.
The houses on North Camao and 13th
streets are new, the section having been
opened up since October. There are no
street lights of any kind and occupants
of the new homes have been objecting
because of this lack of light Concerted
action will now be taken to have street
lights put in.
The police believe the robberies were
perpetrated by an organized gang. Heat
dents of each bouse visited were away at
tho time, most of them attending church
services. It Is thought the burglars kept
a cloae watch all day until dark, mark
ing the house vacated. Entrance to most
of the homes was gained by Jimmying
rear windows, but after robbing the Mills
home the burglars stepped over the porch
rail and forced a front window to get
Into the Smith home at 4U9 North Camao
Estate Exceeding ell 18,000 Left to
His Family.
Aaron B. Carpenter, of the arm of H.
F. Houghton & Co , who died December
19 at Mtt Spring Garden street, left an
estate comprising IW0.060 of personal prop
erty and $13.W of realty. His will, ad
mitted to probate today, devised the bulk
of the estate to the widow and children.
Letters testamentary were granted to
Charles X. Carpenter and the Philadel
phia Trust, Safe Deposit and Insurance
Other will probated today Include those
of Aisaeda Conrad, tale of MM Cnestwt
street, whose estate Is ejtimated at M
m, Wl stastwoed. mm TuMi street. $efea:
Adelaide Watson, 34U ttUatoo street, IBM.
Transcontinental Trains Marooned
PHOSNIX. Arts.. Dm 18. -Bight trans
continental trains, carrying wore than
lis) passengers front New York, end other
astern pofatu. r marooned in southern
ArtsosA today by washout from the
heavies reins to the Mwy eX thin
Social Body Hears System
in New Jersey for Aiding
Disabled Workers De
clared Lacking.
Vital problems In connection with work
men's compensation were discussed T5y
tho American Association for Labor Leg
islation nt Its second annual session, in
tho Hotel Walton, this afternoon. Prof.
Henry II. Scger, of Columbia University,
president of the association, presided.
Tho 'report of a careful Investigation
of the first three years' operation of New
Jersey's compensation law was made by
the National Committee on Social Insur
nnco through Its secretary. Dr. John B.
Androws, of New York. The conclusions
of the reports, based upon careful study
and investigation, were that compensa
tion was Immeasurably superior to the
old employers' liability system, but that
under the New Jersey compensation law
the payments on nccount of accidents
are Inadequate, nnd that administration
through tho courts Instead of by a com
mission should be condemned.
Tho report pointed out that court
records disclosed many irregular settle
ments whore tho Injured workman was
Induced to accept less than what he was
entitled to under tho law.
In other cases, the report stated, tho
widows of killed workman havo been un
able to collect compensation because tho
New Jersey law foils to provide proper
security for payments by tho employer.
New Jersoy needs a now compensation
law basod on up-to-dato experience, nnd
other States should refrain from copying
tho New Jersey compensation law is
pointedly suggested In the report
"What bcalo of Compensation Should
Be Paid," was the subject dhosen by
Joseph A. Parks, of the Massachusetts
Industrial Accident Board, which ad
ministers the law In that State. Referring
to the low scales In force In some of tho
21 States, Mr. Parks cold:
"With an average wage of less than
$500 prevailing throughout the United
States, a 60 per cent scale of compensa
tion Is absolutely Inadequate, unjust and
Intolerable. Tho New York State Con-
ference of Charities and Corrections de
cided that $325 was tho necessary Income
to allow a family of five to maintain a
fairly proper standnrd of living in New
York city and vicinity.
"Surely tho 50 per cent standard can
not bo sufficient If the nverage wage Is
too low to permit wage-earners to live
properly under normal conditions.'
As a result of two years' experience,
Mr. Parks continued, Massachusetts
raised its scale from DO per cent to 60 2-3
per cent, and compensates occupational
disease as well as accidental injuries with
tho unanlmtus consent of both employers
and employes.
L. P. Scott, an attorney of this city,
declared strongly In favor of creating
a State fund to Insure compensation risks.
Otherwise, he feared, tho small employers
would bo at the mercy of casualty com
panies. Btate Insurance was also encour
aged by Miles M Dawson, consulting ac
tuary, of New York.
Tho proposed compensation law for
Pennsylvania was opposed on the score
of Inadequacy of scale and Insecurity of
payment by a number of speakers. Fran
cis Feehan, a member of tho commission
which drafted the bill, spoke In Its de
fense. Mrs, Franklin P. lams, of Pitts
burgh, criticised th.e measure because do
mestic servants and agricultural laborers
are Included.
The meeting was opened by the reading
of a message from Governor-elect Brum
baugh, "On Pennsylvania's Opportunity
in 1915."
Following the reading of the Governor's
message. Congressman Daniel J, McQll
llcuddy, of Maine, spoke on "Workmen's
Companoatlon for Federal Employes," a
bill for which he has Introduced In the
House of Representatives.
"In a 300-pago report." said Congress
man McQIIUcuddy, "(he Federal Bureau
of Labor Statistics recently described the
five years' operations under the present
out of date and Inadequate compen
sation law for Federal employes. The
report showed that fractures of an arm
or leg have led 'to payments of amounts
less than $26; the loss of an eye of
amounts varying between $26 and $50, and
In the case of a loss of a right arm the
Injured workman was entitled to a pay
ment of less than $50, while In three cases
of the loss of both legs the average com
pensation was $337.40.
John Mitchell, of the New York State
Workmen's Compensation Commission,
described the operation of the New York
law, considered the most liberal as well
as one of the newest in the country.
"The State Workmen's Compensation
Commission In New York," said Mr
Mitchell, "Is handling oompensatabla
claims under the new law of that Btate
at the rata of 70.000 per annum, and first
notices of Injury at the rate of 2CO.0C0 pe
annum. The commission is now able to
keep up with Its business, which is cred
itable In view of the fact the compulsory
law became effective on a given day in
July, and the full onslaught of the
State s bualness was felt by the commis
sion. Naturally there still remain some
crudities to be worked out and a few
exasperating delays, but the progress of
organization indicates that within a few
weeks everything will be running
"It can be said for the New York
statute that it is a practicable one, and
that the end of the first year of admin
istration will amply Justify its enaetr
ment Employers will be mere and more
satisfied as tha rates are adjusted to
actual coat. Employes will be more and
more satisfied as speed is developed in
the handling of claims. Bath of these
requirements will easily be made by the
development of experience and the lapse
of a few months."
Among those who partletpated in the
ensuing diseusslen was Edwin W. De
Leon, president of the Casualty Company
of America, who spoke on the deairabli
tty of a physical examination clause in
workmen's compensation law. He said.
"The Federal Government and leading
railroad corporations have had In foree
for years a system of physical exanlna
tlon of appUeants from a selective point
of view, but da facta are not remedied,
and, if severe, they bar the awMcant
from esaptoyment If slight, they are
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