sJfeisAf-;i?s 'e ,r ," ffcA- ri&. ' fek Wrt,wuiLWnfci ELECTRIC LIGHTING FIRMS EXPECT WAR OVER NEW SYSTEM ft w tahis Method Promises Cheaper Supply by Saving in Cost of Insulation and Installation. The possibility of the general adoption f inw1 method of Interior wiring for ' Tctrlc lighting, known as the Btanli concentrle single-wire system, Is causing widespread concern among smaller elec trio supply and Installation companies In this city. Should the Slants system receive the approval of the national electric bodies by means of Its authorisation In the wiring code, what Is now tho highest fac tor' of expense In electric lighting, that Is, the Cost of Insulation and Installation of wiring, will bo so greatly reduced that tho dream of electric-lighted tenements and even the smallest and humblest of houses may become a reality. The keynote of the new system Is sim plicity. The current Is transmitted through an ordinary Insulated wire, en cased in a thin coating of copper, making two wires In one It may with perfect safety be set up along a wall or celling with no .more elaborate equipment than a hammer and ordinary Iron staples. It la because of this simplicity of Installa tion that those whose business Is the manufacture of tho expensive Insulation fixtures now In voguo are concerned. CALLS SYSTEM UNSAI-D. "I do not believe," said Gilbert Smith, of tho J, F. Buchanan Company, "that the system Is practicable. I attended a meeting In Now York a few days agu called for the discussion of tho Slants system. Two hundred electrical men at tended, some of them tho most prominent In tho country. Committees were ap pointed to Investigate the proposed In novation thoroughly and If they report favorably It may bo Installed In the wir ing code, but not without a tremendous fight. In this country we have devel oped electric wiring to a very high de gree of safety arid I do not think we Should Jeopardise that standard now." P. H. Bartlett, pt tho Philadelphia Elec Irlo Company, spoke favorably of tho now method. "It has been In use In Ger many for years," he sold. "Over thero some sUteh system was made necossary by the substantial way the majority of the houses are built. Many of thorn nro built of stone. Interior walls as well as exterior. Moreover they antedate tho Introduction of electricity. It waa not possible to flsh through stone walls to install the wires, with the result that the system in question has been univer sally adopted. "It Is not adapted to any but a very limited class of work. I do not think that in the wiring of buildings under course of construction there would be any appreciable difference In the ex pense, but for buildings standing where to insulate under the system now In vogue would require the tearing out of wails, etc., there is no question but that there can be a great saving." "OBJECTIONS ARE SHORT-SIGHTED." Howard IC Mohr, also of the Philadel phia Electric Company, explained that the same objections wore raised when tho Tungsten lamps were first talked bout. "Less current consumed," he said, "and brighter lights, which would obtain If the new bulbs became adopted, It was believed at that time, would ruin tho business. Look at it now. More elec tricity than ever Is being used and more money being made all around. Those who are objecting to the new system are. proving themselves shortsighted, it will mean, if it la generally adopted and ap proved by the Fire Underwriters, more lectrtclty will be used, and although it may affect some few adversely at first, it cannot but benefit the trade as a whole. 'Wiring Is now tho most expensive, factor in the use of electricity. The underwriters have been catered to to such an extent that the present Insula tions required are far above a fair aver age; that is, we could take fewer pre cautions and be safe enough. The Stanls ystcm Is not as safe as the present one, but that does not mean that It Is not safe enough by a fair margin, and the cheapness of It more than offsets that difference." "WAR HITS WOO XUOCK TOPERS Devotees of JToo Knap, Etc, Also t Hust Pay Tax. Sam young, sam bean, bark nolr et aL are to bo taxed at the rate of ti cents a gallon. What the Sam Hill does this mean? These are Chlrieso compounds classed as liquors and cordials by the Internal Rev enue Department and therefore coming under the emergency war tax. Notice to this effect was received by Internal Rev enue Collector lderer today from Com missioner Osborne, of Washington." Besides these drinks, Chinatown also ' will pay a tax on such mixtures as woo knock, bok suty. foo knap, kop kal, dom quar and hook noyr. 2 Follow the Billy Sunday Campaign Every Day in the Eweiring &$ Hanger Special reporters will cover every phase of the campaign. Men who have been with Sunday in his previous cam paigns will contribute special articles almost dally. You'll get complete news of Sunday's entire campaign In the Evening Ledger. Fill out this coupon and mail It to the Evening Ledger, Independence Square, Philadelphia TODAY. BILLY SUNDAY Subscription Blank Imfepeadsftce Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Mail hs thedally Evening Enclosed find ,.,.,,,....,. TWHtlH Bf SHWQBirTION tMettf l?t of owit. Jfe- -uftt a PssssttiaissBsAlsUfe feasSM A "S ssssssa AsssssssssssssL. wii'iftilipiuiiimBaiiiiiiii.i m 'yawrg MAYOR WILL AUTHORIZE FLOATING OF $2,500,000 - - Executive Will Blgn Loan Measure as Soon as Passed. Mayor Blankenburg wilt take action Within the next few dava to authorise the floating of about 12,600,000 of the $11,300,000 municipal loan passed at the last election The loan ordinance has been advertised the required SO days. It has been passed by Common Council nnd will bo passed by the Select branch January 7. The Mayor will sign the measura as soon as It Is placed before him, and he then may authorise the negotiation of any part of the total loan. Sale of the bonds will be made over the counter for the benefit of the small Investor. Immediate action toward floating a part of tho loan was decided on At a confer ence today between tho Mayor nnd City Controller Walton. The Imperative need for paying accumulated mandamuses, which are costing the city 8 per cent, per year In interest charges, Is ono of tho reasons for the Mayor's early action In tho matter. It Is also his purpose to have funds available to start the relocation of sewers, preliminary to work on the cen tral city transit loop, and for other big projects In the loan as soon aa the weath er conditions permit. There Is an Item of $800,000 In the loan for payment of mandamuses. Councils have made no provision for their pay ment In tho ISIS budget. The Finance Commltteo obviously has taken the atti tude that the loan Item will meet all mandamuses, for tho first half of 1915 at least. Early last May the IBM mandamus fund was exhausted. Then $325,000 of loon moneys was made available from the $7,000,000 loan, but since last June the writs of mandamus have reached $395,000, nnd aro likely to total $UO,O0O before the close of January. Tho Finance Committee of Councils has appropriated to tho various city and coun ty departments nil but about $1000 of the total estimated revenue. COMMISSION URGES SWEEPING REFORMS IN STATE BUREAUS Economy and Efficiency Board Recommends Changes in Administration of Many Departments. HARRIHUURQ, Dec. 28. Reorganiza tion In tho administration of many de partments of iho State Government will result If recommendations of the Penn sylvania Eionomy and Efficiency Com mission are adopted. The report of tho commission advocates the merging of several branches of gov ernment and tho abolition of others. The committee uld also radically change tho fiscal system and enhance tho power and service of the legal do partment A striking recommendation, which Is likely to cause much debate, Is that which would relieve the Governor of the responsibility far approving the bills and accounts of various State departments. Tho vouchers In these cases may aggre gato millions annually. It has been thought It was best for the Governor to bo the responsible Indorser of these bills, so that, whether necessary or not, there would be a check upon possibly undue expenditures. In this way, It has been argued. It would be harder for unlawful sums to be expended by any depart ments. For tho Governor has to approve the bills. The Importance of tho port of Phila delphia is referred to and suggestions for Its development are made in the re port, which also makes the following recommendatlonsr Civil service for departments of the State government, with a pension system for employes in the service of tho Com monwealth for 25 years. Creation of a board of public property to handle all building projects and to purchase supplies for the State. Rerouting of the State's main highway system. Consolidation or reorganization of cer tain departments of tho Stato govern ments. Creation of all positions by legislation Instead of by appropriation. Uniform hours and bookkeeping for alt departments. An office building to care for State de partments Instead of an addition to the State Capitol. Systematic Improvement of waterways. Important changes In the duties of the Governor and Auditor General, relieving one of fiscal details and confining the other to auditing. ALLIES SEEK AMMUNITION 65,000 Tons of Steel Asked From Pittsburgh Mills. PITTSBURGH. Dec. 28,-With thou sands of tons of barbed and plain wire orders, a new demand has been made on the steel works of the Pittsburgh dis trict the last few days for 65,000 tons of high carbonized steel rounds for tho manufacture of small ammunition, and especially shrapnel. France is seeking for early delivery 69,000 tons of steel rounds 3V1 inches In diameter, and Russia Is Inquiring for 13, 000 tons of thq same. 1 .191. Ledger for weeks. to cover same. Name He,. Street Cy sji State. 2a&jRz3s JlESlr ffl?s EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA; MONPAT, DTEEMBEB DAUGHTER OF SPEAKER OF HOUSE TO WED By ejWL JBhiIssssssP The engagement of Miss Genevieve Clark to James M. Thomson, a newspaper publisher of New Orleans, has been announced. The wedding is to take place in the summer at Bowling Green, Mo. "TOO BAD I'M NOT A BELGIAN," WROTE WOULD-BE SUICIDE Cuts "Wrist In Waiting' Boom of Broad Street' Station. Too bad I am not a Belgian so that tho Emercgncy Aid Commltteo would not turn me down. I would llko to havo tho fountain pen put In my suit case. Give my body to tho University of Pennsylvania if thoy want It. HARRY PORTER. This note was found In tho pockat of a man who attomptod suicide In Broad street station this morning. Ho cut the artery In his loft wrist and sank to a bench In tho waiting room to await death. Several persons noticed blood on the floor, which Porter was at tempting to hide with his handkerchief At the Hahnemann Hospital physlciano said ho would recover. The man said ho waB Harry Porter, 33 years old, of 1(05 Summer street. JERSEY SWAIN'S FANCY TURNS TO THOUGHTS OF WOOING It Hob to, With tho Threat of a 850 rino Confronting Bachelors. The Jersey swain Is sad today, lie trembles In his shoes. His heart is soft and soggy 'neath a woeful weight of dread: lie rears he may be Jilted cold, and so he has the blues. It may cost fifty dollars If the girl declines lO WN, Camden bachelors suddenly stopped boasting of the Joys of slnglo blessedness today. Wooing became the established order. Old lovers' quarrels are being patched up at a remarkably rapid rato and the girls nro making all the terms, Chnrles W. Ostron, of Jersey City, Is responsible. Mr. Ostron Is a recently elected member of tho State Assembly. Formerly ho was a bachelor. Ho believes Jerscymen should not be bachelors, and accordingly ho has Issued fair warning he Intends to Introduce a bill Into the Legislature Imposing a tax of about ?50 on all men who do not marry. "Matrimony means responsibility," says Mr. Ostron, "and I think It very often means prosperity also. I haven't a bit of use for those vacillating Individuals who dodge responsibility, and I mean to Im press this fact upon them If the Legis lature will consider my bill favorably." DYNAMITERS WRECK SALOON Meat Market Also Demolished at Hymera, Indiana, HYMERA. Ind , Dec. IS. Dynamiters wrecked three buildings and damaged a fourth early today. The police at once began hunting enemies of Walter Wilson, a saloonkeeper, who owned one of the wreckl buildings. Annthnr saloon and a meat market wero demolished and -windows were blown from a store across the street. The damage ex ceeds r,000. P0ST0FFICE SAFE ROBBED Thieves Get $75 in Cash and $250 in Stamps. EMAUS, Pa., Deo. . TeBgmen blew the safe In the postoffice at this place last night and secured (T5 In cash and (360 In stamps. The clock had stopped at 1:45 a. ra., probably time of tho ex plosion. Tha tools used by the robbers wero stolen from tho Philadelphia and Read Ins tool house. FBENCH BRIO IN DISTHESS Amedee Helpless and Steamship Maine Goes to Rescue. HALIFAX, N. 8,, Dec 88,-In a hln. less condition and sending- up distress slg-. nals, the French brie Amedee, bound from St, Malo. France, with a cargo pt wine for St Pierre, Mlquelon, Is reported wallowing In the trough of a heavy sea about (00 miles east of Capo A wireless message was received at the Cape Race station early today from the British stoamfhlp Haverford. stating; that sh was lu communication with the steamship Maine, from Philadelphia to London, and that the latteA vessel had hm to the assistance of the Frenoh brig. Tha Maine, was reported to be standing; hy. BTgCTBAQISTS AyTEB A BEOOED They Mean to Have Their EnemiM in Congress Make It, WABIUNOTOH. Dss, 38. - ' Wa shall make tur n4i3 U record" is tte stegan of tfea wejMm bumjm Uadsr ar- rtvwif nk to rayy for ooututio4 amsi4ntnt gtv&s -wM a right to vats, TfceM reMfg fc Uiy wr only Um aAreuaee guard of thaw to corns, and wtu dtU tlu eat tt ssfcttc U, the hams ibs gllrtsj wtll be erowiUd. fka KiKraatsw ar mahtajr so dsiuw of viBtotY. sut Uny hslfsjini Um will flat SMf oMris to UMtf sjMW. w&bsh Oajur 1 iSk Lava ii nn rnwosf sS I sssssi Is ft Mi aaasl I is II fc laeti f ls? S'lfaTO " JSjr4lsls"Sf'ja J"BjajssagsBS(HSjsS4 FSisWPSqpBaw IM (!! WUfhMC Mt. COMMUTERS WILL MARCH ON "CAPITOL AT HARRISBURG Demonstration Intended to Show State Board Public Sentiment. Edward B. Martin, chairman of tho Joint Suburban and Transportation Com mittee of tho United Business Men's As sociation, today announced plans for a great public demonstration by commuters nt Harrlsburg on January 8, when tho Pennsylvania Public Service Commission will conduct a rehearing of tho railroad passenger rato Increase case. Instead of merely having tho attorneys for the commuters prosent their arguments be fore tho Commission, It Is tho plan of tho United Business Men to havo dele gations from Philadelphia and all nearby suburban towns march on tho Capitol In n body to urge that tho railroad bo forced to discontinue tho Increases which bo camo effective December 15. Pledges of co-operation in tho plan, Mr. Mnrtln said, already havo been received from a number of civic, Improvement and business associations along tho Main Lines of both the Pennsylvania and tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com panies. It is the Intention of tho commuters to charter a special train, provided a suf ficient number of porsons can be prevailed upon to go to Harrlsburg In person. Tho train will leave Philadelphia tho morn ing of January 8, arriving In Harrlsburg boforo the commission convenes. The commuters then will march In a body from the station to tho Capitol, where the hearing will bo conducted. The attorneys for the commuters will leave January 7 In order to have op portunity to review their lines of argu ment the morning of the hearing. Al though Edwin M. Abbott, one of the at torneys 'for the commuters, last week petitioned the Commission to hold the hearing In Philadelphia Instead of Har rlsburg, as announced, it has been reason ably assured tho Commission will not consider the change. WILMINGTON FORESEES BOOM Business Men Believe New Year Will Bring- Improved Conditions. WILMINGTON, Del., Dec. 23 -With tho advent of the now year a considerable Improvement In business Is expected In Wilmington and Immedtato vicinity. Tho Harlan & Holllngaworth Corporation will start work on the largest ship ever built In Wilmington, and this Is expected to bo followed by other contracts. Tho yards of the plant have boen remodeled. Improved machinery put In and are splen didly equipped for the construction of CuHStwtse vessels. The Pennsylvania Railroad shops are now on full time and employing the usual force. Numerous laborers have also been taken on and It Is expected that more will be taken on as the weather moderates. Announcement that England was to lift the embargo on Australian and other hides may result In the morocco manufac turers In this city getting a supply, and If this Is possible it will not be long be fore the morocco Industry, one of tho principal ones of the city, will bo active and a largo number of men will bo em ployed. Work on the new projectile plant of the Dethlehem Steel Company at New Castle probably will begin this week. Tha city will start considerable grading and street work aa soon as the weather per mits. That the situation In Wilmington Is Im proving was shown by the volume of Christmas trade. The merchants found trade practically as good, in roost lines, as It was In the previous year, and in some respeota was considerably better, PRISONER AS PROSECUTOR Woman Sentenced for Arson Sues yjre Insurance Company, TRENTON, Deo. 21 Tho Supreme Court today granted permission to Sophia Sks.Ha, of Washington Borough, Warren County, a convict In tho New Jersey State Prison, serving from two to soven years, to appear In person to prosecute her suit for flOdO against tho Williamsburg City Firs Insurance Company at Belvl dero tomorrow. She was sentenced on tho charge of burning an amusement place owned by her and valued at fnj.10. " ' ' , ii', , " . MARRIED IN ELKTON Fhlladelphfans Have Knot Tied in Maryland's Gretna Green. HLKTON, Mi. Deo. IBThe following Phllsdelphlans wer married (n Elbton today: George W. Btarr and Sadie O. Brown, Bdward Kckert and Brama Etrunk. George B. Oergtly sad FlortEoa II. Greene. Joseph W. Anell and Dorothy C. gnartK, William A Qulgley and Mad eline V. FohrlDKer, Joseph A Hart and SHsto JUsVey. Wilfcert A. Cole and Uyrtl Park, Thowas F. O'Xoefe and Sidney V, CawpbU, Gsns&ntown. '" , ' , Reeds? Receives Saving; Bids 8W4 wt rivd today by AsUtajit DUMnAof dC at tlM DHarUBt f PuUlo Works, grcaiag HW..W for grading ad pavlns Uts, bvudiag briuu-kt hhm a4 galntLgg amww bridg- Xfc ?Unau Puk Camads tan rMMttvial bid tor cuL lumbar, haid- . rat eUwr mtvOim ttw s w w SM4. is) Wrt.'ti GUTIERREZ RESIGNS TOMNCARRAMA, WASHINGTON HEARS ii - - - Advices From Constitutional Agent at Galveston Tell of Accessions to "First Chief's" Cause. WASHINGTON, Dec SS.-Provlslonnl President Gutierrez has resigned and has pledged his support to Carranza, accord ing to advices to tho Carranza agency hero today from the Constitutionalist representative at Galveston. Tho agency had no confirmation of this report from other sources. Tho whereabouts of Gu tierrez is not known to the agency, but tho last advices stated that ho was mak ing his way toward San Luis Potest. Tim nironxv nlun hurt renorts from the War Department In Vera Cruz that half or tho Torreon garrison or viiusioo nau revolted and Joined tho Carranzlatas, who are said to bo surrounding that city. The mysterious disappearance of Gen- oral Eduardo Iturblde, nuerta Governor of Mexico City, gave tho Administra tion considerable concern today. Mes sages to the Stato Department re ported that Iturbldo's life was de manded by Zapata. It was also re ported that Villa was temporizing In his professions to this Government that Itur bide would be released nnd given safo conduct to tho United States. Villa was said to have gono no further than to promise Iturbido a fair trial If captured. Since Iturbido left Mexico City, osten sibly for El Paso, following demands by the Stato Department for his release, no traco of the missing Huerta general has been found. A sensational report was received by tho Constitutionalist agency from tho Carronzi agent at Galveston. The lat ter said that "unofficial and unconfirmed" reports there wero to the effect that Provisional Prcsldont Gutierrez had re signed and enlisted under Carranza. An other similar report transmitted was that Villa and his army havo evacuated Mex ico City. All Administration officials wero satis fied today that General Scott, chief of staff, had Insured permanent cessation of firing upon American soil at Naco. Neutralization of a zono on the Arizona border from Nogales to Agua Prleta Is understood to bo Scott's plan. Villa Force AttaekB Tuxpam WASHINGTON, Dec. 2S.-A heavy force of Villa troops has begun an attack on Tuxpam, an Important seaport between Vera Cruz and Tamplco, the State Depart ment today was advised officially. It Is believed hero that after Villa takes Tux pam his northorn army will begin a southward movement and Join other divi sions of his forces now advancing from Pueblo toward Vera Cruz. PRESIDENT WILSON 58 TODAY Messages of Congratulation From All Farts of the World. WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 Messages of congratulation from all parts of tha world were received today by President Wilson on tho 58th anniversary of his birth. He was born at Staunton, Va., December 23, 1853. Miss 'Margaret Wilson and Mrs. Francis B. Sayre, his daughters, spent the day with him, and several other relatives visited the White House, but the anniversary was in no other way ob served. The President spent the morning hours In his office transacting routine business. The members of the cabinet will go to the White House in a body at 6 o'clock tonight, pay their respects and felicitate tho president on the event ON TRAIL OF BURGLAR BAND Now York Police Arrest Two Men for Wholesale Robberies, NEW yOIUC, Dec. 2S.-By tho arrest today of two men giving tho names of Isldor Jacobs and David Brothers, the police bellove they havo captured mem bers of a band of burglars who have stolen between $30,000 and $60,000 worth of goods tha last two months from small stores and lofts, "When arrested the men were loading an express wagon with shoes stolen from an East Side store. It was the practice of the gang to break Into a storo by cutting through the wall and then boldly haul their loot away from tho front door in daylight before the clerks appeared. Members of the league at this term are confining their activity to fighting new applications and bottling establishments. The sessions of the court are not ex pected to contlnuo more than three days. Applications for licenses which were passed today were those of James T, Noden, hotel, 3d Ward, Chester; Charles Hobsrger, hotel, 8th Ward, Chester: Wil liam Warren Webb. Bert Lee, Edward S. Fry, James P. Nicholson, Francis M. Sheridan, Simon Bruner, Emory F. Wright, Howard T. Chandler, hotels, 9th Ward. Chester; Francis D, Sharkey, hotel, Clifton Heights; Andrew J, Mc Clure, hotel, party; Clement J, Sharkey, Charles A. Borgdoll, hotels. Upper Darby; Albert L. Tweltridgo, bottler, 5th Ward, Chester; Frank K. Williams, bottler, 10th Ward, Chester; Joseph J, McLaughlin, store, Bldley township; John F, Maher, store, Upper Darby township. WOULD Jg NEUTRALITY LAW Venezuela Proposes Conference of Non-belllgerents to Clarify Rules. WASHINGTON, Dee. JS Venezuela for mally has proposed to all tha neutral Governments of Europe, Asia and the two Americas that a conference bo held In Washington to revise or supplement tha rulss of International law respecting tha rights of neutrals in the present war. The plan provides that tha governing board of the Pan-American Union, con sisting of the dlDlomatio reoresentativea of all the Amerioan republics, should aran m program tor me conference and that tho rules finally agreed upon by all the neutrals should In turn be submitted to the belligerents. WILL PROBE JOHN D.'S PLAN 100,OOQ,000 Endowment of Rocke feller Foundation to Be Investigated WASHiaTON. Deo. 8s-IuvUgaUoa of the Rockefeller Foundation will begin in Now York city January J. it wan. nounced at the federal industrial Bala, ttoea Cenunissloa today The Commls slon will sk the. raota concerning the U00.p00,00a sadowmeut The Investigation is to be undertaken, n U said, because some labor tjidera ooc. tend th FeuadaUoa 4 one of tfay cauaea for strain4 relations utweoo mkeyer and employe, , i i i in i Taft Will Testify as to PWllpoJaea WASHINGTON, S. W.-Jte-PnuUMit Ts via uuy I th suiMWup Om ?iwIUm mu twdy to Ur fac b im PaUijaHB Indanoamsaaa Wtt Dm C. Wf cwsjtt. ou-Ust member lh PttMtWijft &MM8MStta. vll Wiataeeiey to v Us rUw es Uw - ?-- 28, 101f; A niF WHEN WOMAN'S DRY OF FIRE IS CALLED "CRAZY" Time lost In Cambridge Home lAughlnff at Inmato, "False Alarm CAMBRIDGE!, Mass., Dee. .-Fouir aged women wero burned to death, mora than half a dozen other persons wero in jured, and three policemen were overcome by smoke, when flames, ''" ft mid night, swept the Cambridge City Home In Tannery Bireet, now ,"""',"" w. All tho reserve police of Cambridge responded to tho first alarm and worked desperately to rescue the women, ine building lacked adequate flro escapes and lives wero saved only by tho prompt and herolo action of tho firemen and police, who took the aged people, many of them Infirm and crippled, and others feeble-minded, out into tho bitter cold. Ono of the women ran madly through tho halls, knocking on doors and crying that tho place was on flro. Inmates said sho was Insane and sent for an at tendant to care for her. Then some one looked Into the assembly room and found smoke and flames pouring up from be low. Ten precious minutes had boen wasted In laughing at the "orasy woman." CAROLS ADMIRABLY SUNG Christmas Treat Enjoyed by Em ployes of Curtis Publishing Company. The choir of tho Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Luko and tho Epiphany and members' of tho Philadelphia Orches tra rendered a concert of famous old Christmas carols in the auditorium of n. Curtis Bulldrmr. before the employes of tho Curtis Publishing Company at noon today. The choir excelled Itself In all of tho pieces. The rendition of "Silent Nlgnt Holy Night." a bass solo by Mr. Wizla, and tho old carol, "Nool, Nool," by tho choir and the orchestra, wero truly beau tiful. Mrs. Helen Yarnall sang a soprano solo of Franck'a "Panls Angellcus," ac companied by Louis Angeloty, of the Philadelphia Orchestra, on tho violin. Harp obllgatos were played by Dorothy Johnstono Bascior. The program follows: 1 Selections from "Parsifal" Wagner The orchestra S-(a) "Silent Night, Holy Night," Old German Bass solo, Mr. Wlsla (b) "Good Neighbors, All" iTrench Carol (1T00) Tho choir of tha Church of St, Luke and the Epiphany 8 Ave Maria Bach-aounod Tenor solo. Dr. Charles Zullck Violin Obllgato, Louis Angeloty 4 (aj "uome Anxnony, uinn u"v Noels of Eabolr (1870) "Noel, Noel" man caroi (c) "Oh, Holy Night" Adolph Adam Haas eoto, Air. tizm The choir of the Church of St. Luko and the 6-"Ponls Angellcus1''' Cesar Franck Soprano solo, Mrs. Helen Yarnall Violin Obllgato. louts Angeloty 6 (a) "Noel Savdlslen" ...French Carol (ISM) (b) Ave Maria Brahms The choir of the Church of St. Luke and tho Epiphany T Selections from "Dlo Melaterslnger," wagner , The orchestra. Tho Hep Obllgatos played by Dorothy John stono uasolcr EX-G0V. STUART 61 TODAY Celebrates Anniversary fcy Working and Being Optimistic. Ex-Governor Edwin S. Stuart is cele brating the 61st anniversary of his birth today by doing hard work and being op timistic. Ho was besieged all morning with congratulations from friends. Mr. Stuart says he is In tho best of health and spirits, haB plenty of work to keep him busy and is exceedingly thankful. A family reception will bo held in hfs honor at his homo tonight BRAIN WORK KILLS, SAYS SAVANT - . Continued from Pago One adjourned to the University gymnasium for luncheon. Among the scientists attending the meetlni? aro two who have traveled more than COCO miles to bo present. They are Prof. J, C. Boso, of Presidency College, Calcutta, India, and his assistant, Prof. B. Ben. Professor Boso is a student of floriculture. Ho -will deliver a address on this topic. The establishment of a "People's Col lege" for the purpose of formulating means for safeguarding workers against accidents, Impressing upon them tho necessity of conforming to the laws of hygiene In their dally work and life, to warn against the deadly effect of drugs on the human system and to in fuse a wider knowledge of the methods and processes by which nature's products can best bo prepared for use was advo cated today by Judson G. Wall, vice president of the American Association for tho Advancement of Bclence. "Prof. Irving Fisher, the eminent politi cal economist," said Mr. Wall, "has esti mated the, value of the human or vital resources of the United States at the co lossal sum of 1250,000,000,000. This esti mate would place the question of the con servation of our human resources para mount to that of our natural resources, and it would appear to be the duty of the Government to Jealously guard, conserve and enhance, if possible, these vital as sets." A "People's Museum." Mr. Wall said, would offer an opening Into a wider and happier field of usefulness to those who find themselves in narrow, constricted surroundings. "More than SS years ago General Fran els A, Walker, then president of the Mas sachusetts Institute of Techonology, de clared that the need of vocational train ing at that time was so urgent and this country was so far behind other coun tries', that we ought to go ahead, even if mistakes were made, as no mistake could possibly be so costly as delay. "Since that time publlo sentiment has grown so rapidly that tho country Is to day almost unanimous as to the desira bility, or, aa many of us oonsider it, tho actual necessity, of conserving our vital resources by providing vocational schools iur uw woraera oi tomorrow." That the European war might have been prevented by an adequate system of education for workers, was the statement of Dr. George F, Kuns, president of the Now York Academy of Bclence, Desperate efforts on the part of Eng land to provide work tor the unemployed was tho Indirect cause of the war. ac cording to Dr. Kuns. "It is tho discontent of the hungry and homeless that spur rulers and statesmen to efforts to provide for them," continued Pr. Kunr, ' "In this Instance it wae one of the principal causes of the war. If, during the last years. England had Pat the Income of the vast sum sha U now squandering for purposes of destruction m furnishing higher technical education. Germany would not have been la the pr 1wp unduly prosperous condition she is in today. "BngUnd would have a greater share of the world's commerce, the present fearful eenfitat having ita deepest roots In u.,mh mmojcfuH rivalry, would not have been necessary, and all this without depriving Germany of 'her place in the sun. The success achieved by Germany ta the production of a sreat numh. JT etally manufaotured preparations has been brought home to the rest of tha world by the meonvealeoce sauted il other lands whp. thrwirt the warVtht wiTtotlnUS i&&2: rum waaufaetorew, fes tbWta iy"f"S WMHrt prosit, wueh is jK to nave exceeded 39 pWlent wow js. sutMatuHM. of New York w. etet4 Vice projMeat rf tT,toM IIS Eoouomlc Scianes $Bean. """"" " Fr4ri W vina WB tb4 i4e L TTErSS ? IjMriat&jgi, """ TSSsssMsssHBgfJ $60,000,000 FOR ABOLITION OF TOLL ROADS PROPOSED; Amendment to Constitutionl Authorizing Loan Will Be Introduced at Coming Session of Legislature. A constitutional amendment authorising "J a $50,000,000 loan for the abolition of toll roads and for the completion of the. State highway system will be introduced 4 in the next session of the Legislature. Tho Republican leaders behind tha plan Jf want to have the amendment come be-' fore tho two Legislatures during Gov- ernor Brumbaugh's administration, so' that It could bo .submitted to the voters' in 113. Tho amendment will bo framed on en ( riirrrant lines from the one ! feated at the polls In 1913. It will be drafted with a view to entirely 611m-. Inntlng tho opposition that was advanced ! nrninnt the 1812 bond amendment. . The "Weeks plan," for regulating the J expenditure or all etaio uignway us nartment funds, will bo Incorporated In tho new amendment so as to do away 'I wltn ODjecuons 10 a -porn, carroi ap,M nnrtlanment that were raised when the A first 50,000,000 roaas- loan carno oeiors tho voters. Tho Weeks plan provides for" an equitable distribution of tho money on tho oasis or tho Btate nignways in cacn county, of county and township roads ' In each county and of population, omitting4! cities ot tho first nnd second class. J The mcasuro that is botng drafted wllij also provide n maximum limit or ins" bonds which any session of the Legisla ture con Issue. Engineers who havo been conferred with by tho authors of the - new amendment havo asserted that It would require at least Z,000.000 a year" to keop tho State highways in Fenhsyl- ft; vanla In good repair and that little ln,j the way of building new roods could be j done for less than $3,000,000 a year. Tho tentative plans that have been dls.'ifa cussed by tho authors of the amend.vj; ment nrovlde that tho first session of the ,-1 Legislature to bo held after the ratldca-'li tlon of the bond Issuo by tno voters snail j Issue 16,000,000 of the bonds each year for$ three years and tnat the succeeding Leg Islaturo shall Issuo a similar amount each year for two years. Ono million of the1 amount Issued each year would be suf ficient for the Stato gradually to purchase 4 all of tho toll roads that form parts et the State highway system, while the; rcmnlnder would keep all the State roads' In good repair and provide suniclent funds, for tho irradual construction of per-'1 manent roads on the entire State highway1 system, said the authors or the amend ment today. Under the dan of having tho first Leg-' Islaturo thnt meets after tho bond Issue! hns been ratified nrovlde for floating" HI stated amount for three years Instead oW for two, thoy said tho State would save enough monoy to pay tho Interest on the ' loan. . ' Thev nolnted out that the Stato High-'. way Department is now virtually at a standstill for six months out of every4 two years. State appropriations now pro-j vide most of tho funds for tho State , highways and each Legislature can make 2 appropriations for only two years. The appropriations run out at tho end of the " year preceding the convening of each Legislature and new appropriations aro not available until about six months'" later. During these months the organ- 1 ration of tho department has to be kept , intact, nlthomrh no funds aro available, for road building. Tho amendment will be Introduced In the Sonnte probably by Senator William -A Sproul, of Delaware County, who prob- 4 ably will sponsor the measure in the Leg- -islature. It Is belnjr drafted by the Au. tomoblle Club, of Delaware County, In-fin dependently of the Pennsylvania motor Federation. PELLAGRA HAS VICTIM HERE Railroad 'Watchman, 55 Years Old, Hies of Hare Disease. Pellagra, the rare and mysterious dis ease which has puzzled the medical world since Its discovery, claimed one victim In Philadelphia last week. David Curtain, 55 years old, a railroad ? crossing watchman, was the victim. Its'! died In the Philadelphia General Hos pital last Monday, He had been In the hospital since July, when he was taken' from his home at Ann and Welkel streets. Ho was burled the day before Christmas. 1 Curtain, who was big and strong. 1 wasted away until his weight at the times of his death was tittle more than that. of a skeleton. QIEIi TERRIBLY BCAIiDED Falls Into Tub of Bjot "Water While Plavlnsr "With Ball. A' rubber ball which Santa Claus brought her caused $.year-o!d Bessie Into a tub of scalding water today. The M ball bounced Into the tub and the girl M followed It She Is In a serious condition 2J In the Children's Homeopathla Hospital, The girl's mother, Mrs, Rachel Goldi baum, who pulled her out of the tub, was scalded about the hands. THE WEATHER Officlsl Forecast m WASHINGTON, Dec. Si. M For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jeri "W seyj Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday: 1 somewhat -warmer tonight; moderate q variable winds. ,l The eastern area of high barometer Is 1 1 central over Chesapeake Bay this mora M ins unu leavers au districts as iar wb" as the MIsslssiDDl River. It has appar ently lost energy to some extent during 1 the last ;i hours and the temperatures have risen arenerally within Ita ar. '-s inougn tney are still below the norma at most places. At Philadelphia tha tem perature has risen it degrees during tha last It hours and is still alrtit deirrees batow the normal. This fairly represents the conditions throughout the northeast ern portion of the country. Llsrht rains are general along the southern border anJ me miaaie Auanua slope. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Obssrvatlens mJ. t Ss.hl pattern tho T eLiOW $ Afifftel. "-frUWV.rwMth.r 7i Abilene. Tm 41 M .SB 8 Rato 4. iuiuh un , w u .. nw dear 30 IS eu Hit aa 21 nn -34 30 BMt,.M U, B'll .. H 4 dear .tttatsa. Hai Bftt, N, Tf . encase. Ill ralana, O, ,, var. Col,... B Heists, la. Dutalh! Mtoh'. W B Claw ,03 BW a Cloudr ., B S ClUtAY , a ti vieaaw. ew s p i 8 aw w Otiveslea, Tax a ctr 56 83 nun cvtusy s:&..a8s 40 SO .03 NB Uiuyo, B 0..,, i 6 BW 5" Yi $Ct5 Clrtr 9brm MatSTU), -K, SS SB 4 RM MWMU, TMS. H S4 8S S .;" ;""' ii Nt is ywax aii.'T'El' M U .U if II Raja ' h Vi 1 4 1