FINANCIAL EDITION NiGHt EXTRA NIOHT EXTRA naaaapnw sanaai iavp am ePo "paHle fM ... .- ... , VOL. I NO. 90 rniLADEiLPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1014. PRICE ONE CENT Cofimonr, 10H,t rni Pobuo LtMra ColiriKi. WORK FOR ALL, AT 1000 BOY SCOUTS MARCH INTO CURTIS BUILDING TO EXPLORE BIG PUBLISHING PLANT CZAR BACK IN i I ALLTIME5, PLANNED ' BY BIG MEN OF CITY Conference in Mayor's Of fice, Participated in by Leaders in Business and . Industry, Discusses Legis lation. A permanent nolullon of the problem of the unemployed In Philadelphia through special legislative enactment, the nature of which wilt be determined after an ex. haustlvo Investigation of tho nature and causes of the city's unemployed problems, Was 6utllned this afternoon at an execu tive session, of Mayor Blankcnburg'a Cabi net to "which a number of men promjnont In financial and Industrial circles were In vited to glvo an exchango of views. Tho session continued for more than two hours In tho private ofnee of the Mayor. rphniB wlir ftf.ntirinfl flftHlnnri to state I what took place, referring all questioners t' to tho Mayor hlmsolf, who gavo out the J following statoment: , "It was tho general sentiment that the & present unemployment In this city Is to a great extent due to defects Inherent ', In our Industrial situation, the fact that ' employment Is largely seasonal and Is also largely casual nnd Interrupted. There was " a strong sentiment that tho present sit uation Is only temporary and that the amount of unemployment Is not so largey but that It could bo. reasonably taken care of so far as permanent residents of Philadelphia are concerned, by a general effort to dlvldo existing employment among the greatest possible number of workers and to findnew employment for as many workers as possible. "It was thought that this effort should be mado not only by the municipality lt elt and by large employers of labor, but also by householders of ample or moder ate means. It waa unanimously agreed that Director Cooke should appoint to an existing vacnnoy In the Department of Public "Works, a man competent to gather all obtainable facts as to tho resent situa tion, and to devlso means for bringing men and Jobs together and to collect moh data, aa might be mado the basis of future 1 'legislative action looking to tho perma nent solution of tho problem of unom v. ployed and a largo and comprehensive plan." Tboeq wh,o attended the conference In addition to the Mayor and tho six Dl. rectors -were Samuel Ilea, president of tho Pennsylvania, Ilollroad qompany; William Steele, builder; Franklin N. Brewer, man ager or the TVanamaker store: Louis 13 Dloch, local manager of the Ford Motor Company: J. W. Van Dyke, president of xno Auanuc .iieiimuK v.uujiiiiij i.amw Xolb, preildent of the Kolb Bakery Com pany.'and Howell Curamlngs, president or, the Jchn B. Stetson Company. The position referred to tn tho state-, ment gtvep out by tho Mayor is that of npeclal Inspector In the Deportment of Publlo Works. The post was made vacant recently by the resignation of Arthur E. Pott, who accepted the place of statistical clerk In the nerw Federal Jleserve. Bank. THE WEATHER fbiiiwi FA I R r , After all. It's largely a matter of com parison. Isn't It? For Instance, -when you got up this morning and gazed at the thermometer outside the kitchen door you breathed n sigh of relief. "liar you re marked, "It's up to 83. Quito warm to day. Wo don't seem to have those good old-fashioned winters any more, somehow or other," And then you went upstair and put on tho light-weight, summer va riety which you had discarded a short time ago because the thermometer drop , red ''away down to ffl and we had our first touch of real winter weather," You .-jjaund out your mistake, perhaps, when ' you became aware of the frigid condition of your lower extremities as you waited lor the car at the corner this morning, nyplch all goes to prove one thing In par ticular among several in general. It's still cold, if It Isn't colder! I FORECAST , - For Philadelphia and vicinity partly cloudy tonight and Tuetday; '' 'elightly warmer tonight; gentle vari- fible winds. ', ' For details, tee pago S, f Observations' at Philadelphia - 'I - ii.ii, , Baimoater ..., " 8- Twaptrariue ......,.., nio4 .... ,..K. w., U miles tunr ..dear ?.e,.?,.UUoa Ja' 'oun, ........None 'liamliHy . ........... T8 pr cnt. '.- Vlslmutn temperature ..,..,..,.,.. VI '.illuhnun Mmparatur 23 ffiK Almanac of the Day ban mis ..,.... tM.,.,, ?' P w. - Xmps tq Ba lighted Ant and other VUcIm SiOOp. m. Tha Sides FORT lUClIMOND, 4tr .-..,....,,....., 6.18 p. m. ww . ,..,Up.iii. miw Uxumvir pJIBST.NlW 6TRSBT WlUpy. HltV lulim LfUr twjawraw . , ,Ml8.Bi. i?Sr JtBBOr 1SLJLND. Jm. water ,.. p.m. watwr toawrrevf.. !? . lVSff MW9Wff ... gwi. . u. 8RBAXWATBR. WW ojtfu. in. n. .. 4M Seating Today ' Tho U kiUs0 today ajt tM MykiH Riu, rn (alrwut dam to Mraril vnue krWai WtewMsk 1 eK, freoi FMf mm u HtrH duun Ceaube ana C)uUi iMm l rairoiowBt Pj-k, HwMittfl Pmrk LjUw ami C r.Hta Vatt Utk t HthMt Alrr- 1 Ttt Mlh ""iU, "Kir ll-9 nOff tMunew ... 3 jmim j. hlm.1- "",i - -. .' '. 4.1' ir.i. m MIIIMIIIHmiMMWHIIIIIIilH IIHMniMHIPIIIt llllllllliailMIIMIIIIIi n !!! mmwil mi illw MHIiWIMWiii I iii.hiiwm II Mil ill I Members of Philadelphia Troop how three POLICE RISK LIVES TO SAVE MEN FROM SCALDING STEAM Tight Their Way Blindly to Victims of Explosion. Two men wore scalded, one so seriously that ho mny die, at 8 o'clock this morn ing, whon the cylinder head of a boiler blew out at the plpo-maklng plant of .Henry B. Fancoast & Co., 010 North Front street Two policemen risked their lives to rescue the injured men. Tho injured men are Harry H. Hoag land, of S7U North ltth street, engineer, and John Markev a Negro, his fireman, of $23 Falrmount avenue, Both jiro In the Booseel-IIospltal, ' Uoagland is scalded so badly from the waist down that .physicians do not believe ha will re cover. The fireman will live, but he li terribly, scalded about tho .shoulders and. ..m i Il.1 io' Z7 -:. " -,,, .--- "., Policemen Taylor and, Caspar, oft the Front and Master streets station,, heard the. sound of the explosion, -which smashed several windows In the front of the sfourratory pipe plant and partly wrecked a front wall. They entered W the front dpor and plunged Into tho base ment, which was filled with steam. Blindly righting their way, the blue coats stnmbled over the the uncon scious bodies of the engineer nnd fire men and managed to carry them to the Street. Engine Company No. 31, New market and Poplar streets, responded to a local alarm turned in by one of the pollcomen, but there was no fire. The damage to the plant Is estimated at about 2P0. Hoagtand and Marks bad Just started tho, fire beneath the boiler when the ex plosion occurred. Hoagland narrowly missed being struck by tho heavy cylinder head. Ills hands wero badly lacerated by flying pieces of Iron. Marks' hands also were cut. An Investigation failed to de termine the cause of tho explosion. i UNLUCKIEST DAY IN YEAR Childermas Commemorates Slaughter of the Innocents. This Is Innocents' Day, It also is vari ously known as Holy Innocents' Day and Childermas, in commemoration of the laughter of the innocents ordered by King Herod, according to the Gospel of Bt. Matthew, in the hope of destroying among them the Infant Saviour. It Is still considered by many, as by every one in ancient times, the most un lucky day in the entire year. No one ever married on Childermas or (started any other undertaking, and some house wives would not even do housework in medieval times. Old-tlma parents considered it their duty to whip their children on Innocents' Day, thua to drive home tha lesson of the slaughter of. tho innocents. Iter this pract'ee developed Into something of a frolic, and only those who failed to get up before their elders were subjected to a, real caning. Two great men were born on Childermas Day Thomas Henderson, astronomer, im, at Dundee, and Alexander Keith Johnstone, geographer, 1801. Many noted persons have died on December. S3, notably Thomas Bablngton Macaulay, the his torian, !n.lS$3. TWO BURNED IN EXPLOSION Coal Qas 'Wrecks Stove and Scatters Burning Coals. Two persons were injured at noon today by an explosion of ooal gas In A s(jve at the home of Mrs. Samuel Steace. gist street and'' Madison avenue. Tha stove waa wrecked and burning' coals thrown about the kltehen. Mrs. Steaoe. and her 17-months-old son, Jaeob, are at the University Hospital. The woman, is, so badly .burned she may not live. Tha child Is In a serious con dition A defective flue that allowed coal gas to sausuilat in the stavo, U thought to have bee fespoiurible for the actdipt. Mrs. Stease. was preparing dtoner at Jhe time, Her clotting waa. -ignited by the redhot coals that were thrown abu$ the room. She managed to twtiqguUlj the flanas and ran tq the street with her twby Neighbors put out th Are In the kHshwi. Julia Ip. Street, Ws in Hwgltal 4ba R. MOuek. yw M, ot mi Bfewra eUt dtrf at Um asM saa HJHWJ hjtly affe be wjia tosi )MuwaKio4t on na,vmjt al 3u ad CaKawlUil rpnUtAay. IjU 4aatt xaa aua to nwmta w OK widow, Mn. siUurt MeOiiykmi. aurvtVM. S-uatii 4wm4 of Xluft AlRf) Dme W Aoii UUsdI til. d POM4 Ktsdlva. ) ftccwud vJ iasUjux U)i assembled in Independence Square today and in columns of four proceeded to national magazines are gotten out at ones. They began at the top and went BRAIN WORK KILLS, SAYS SAVANT, WITH INSIDIOUS MALADY Disease Not Diagnosed, De clares Dr. Bishop But Saps Vitality dfhinkers Without Pain's Warning. i Brain workers do not llvo a3long as muscle workers, and scientists, research workors, deep thinkers and men of affairs generally are subject to an Insidious, un dlftgmrtable disease which does not men ace those who do physical toll. This is the theory, backed by years of observation and study, of Prof. Louis P Bishop, of tho Medical School of Ford ham University of New York. It was' advanced at this afternoon's session of the Mth, annual convention of the Ameri can Association for th Advancement of Solonce before the social. and economic science section. "Tho man who concentrates his mind ou deep study and abstract thought loses his taste for vacations, light literature and amusements of all Tdnds after a. while. When this happens he Is In danger of the most Insidious of dfseasea." said Doctor Blehop. "He may foel perfectly (well; fcp doctor, Hfslng ordinary method of examination, could And anything wrong' iwlth him, but he is slowly dying. "In consequence of this, many leaders in the wold of thought and research are found wearing out In the fifties, and near ly all the rnt of them In the sixties." "The degeneration process Is a, disease without symptoms," he said, ''except when some organ has been so far dam aged as to be unable to do its work prop erly. Indeed, an insidious rise of blood pressure and the poisoning of the body by proteins may be accompanied by a sense of well-being. "A man of active affairs Is In danger when he loses the fatigue sense so that his capacity for work seems to be In creased at CO, when it ought to be the same as, or less than In youth; when the color becomes higher and the capacity la lost for relaxation, light literature, vaca tions, society and sane amusements. NO WARNINO BELL OF PAIN. "That man has a sclerotic tendency 'hardening of the arteries' and it Is high time lor him to look to himself He feels fine, has no symptoms of Illness of any sort and would laugh to scorn the sug gestion that ha Is in danger This is tha worst feature of degeneration Its earliest stages; it rings po warning bell of pain; it creeps' on a man so subtly, so insidiously that he dpea not know he la Jll and would ridicule, a physician who warned him. ,"I3ut the disease. Is all oyer his body snd very often tle Very cause of; hU superabundant hgh spirits and Immunity to atigu. It has progressed so far that Ills blood presauM iias increased. This gives hint a, false sense of welt-beJng an4 deeejraa. him )d bis friends, but tells iU own story when his blood pressure if measured-" Figures showing the Increase lu cancer and stomach, disease were gtvea in a papr by Frederick L- iHoftman, statla tlofan of the Prudential Insirartoe Gotqr pany IjivwUgtltm in Philadelphia. Bos ton, New YfcrU and New Ortaans thawed that many of the elUeaseti which caused; a high mortality la the beginning the hut seAiury ha4 been wiped out Tube evtqsls bad proved suaeeptlble to trait awl. Cancer, according to Mr. Hoffman, hau InereaMd lq tha four cltlM from 4 per cMt to vm to 7 per cent, in MK. DOCTOR BLIOT ATTBNPeJ ME8TINO. ProvWewi ff autntaiota research workers at American lualmaittea were dfacmiad by Um Wmiullve CoaimUUe ol Ctot yifad, wblah mt thl aflwmxxt U IKMMtw Hail. Or CfcarifM W SiUK. Mrtatdant euwrttu of Mrmr4. prli4 It was plannoA to prvrteV aalaries ft wu I funos In tlte IuumU ttia of the titikummi ma dvlnjf rarcb .-fi 1000 BOY SCOUTS TOUR CURTIS COMPANY'S PLANT See How 175 Tons of Publications s Are Turned Out Sally. For more than an hour today the cor ridors of tho Curtis Publishing Company's building, oppostto Independence Square, echoed with the footsteps of 1000 Boy Scouts who, as the guests of tho company, explored various departments of the plant under tho direction of 2I guides. Marshaled by J, 'ybodbrldgo, Patton, Deputy Scout Commissioner, and Alfred Loeb, Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 95, the scouts' marched In columns of four from Boy Scout headquarters,- Cth and Chestnut street?, across Independence Square to the building. mani?gft?M-tfloVfmtVcfdr tne company, ana taken to tne lotn floor. Here they "wero divided Into companies nnu inae incir way sjuwiy uown uiruugn the building. From the tpp floor, where the audi torium, rest rooms, library, kitchen and recreation room are provided for the com fort of the 3S00 employes, to the base ment, the Journey was all too swift for the eager eyes of tne scouts. The routo of inspection Included tho dining rooms, the editorial and art de partments, (he bindery, the press rooms nnd tho shipping department, where more than 17S tons of publications are sent out dolly. MORE THAN A DOZEN OVERCOME BY GAS One Woman in a Hospital- and Others Made 111 When Main Bursts. One woman Is in the hospital and more than a dozen were overcome as the re sult of the bursting of a gas main at Kensington avenue and Wlshart street, tarly this morning. While many of the residents of 1833. 1810, 1812 and other houses on Wlshart street were preparing, for breakfast the fumes were discovered. Several families were still Jn bed. Mrs, Clara AVIIlets, yeara old, of 1841 Wlshart street, fell In a. fainting condi tion, but was finally, carried in safety to the street. She was taken to the Episco pal Hospital, where It Is said that she probably will recover. Others who were overcorne were; Jennie Fisher, 71 years old; Thomas Kramer, 33 years; May Kramer, 11 years; John Kramer, 8 years; Raymond Kramer. S years, and Robeet Kramer, 3 years, all of 1833. Wlshart street, Andrew Macll vain. 13 years old, and Minnie Macllvaln, n years, both of 18(2 Wlshart street; Marie Tlckly, 11 years old, of 1SW Wlshart street They were treated by Doctor Deemer, of 18S1 East Allegheny avenue, in their homes and will all recover. Several rescues were made. Mrs. Fisher and several of the smaller children were carried from their homes 'and many feared an explosion. The escaping fumes only entered houses on Wlshart street- WILSON WILL VETO TEST OF IMMIGRANTS' LITERACY President's- Adherents Pight This , Peature of B11L WASHINGTON. Dec. J8.-A, determined effort will be made by President Wilson and his adherents In Congress to prevent tho passage of. the Immigration bill thla week. The President will veto the measure If It cornea to him with the llteraoy test In cluded In- it, aa now seems Inevitable. SOLDIERS KILL DUCK HUNTER f.ntM in i Two Hen Shot by Canadians Petroling-Frontier. BUFFALO, N. Y.. Deo 36.-Canadlan soldier patfollag tha frontier near Fort Iflla today fired upon boats containing duck, hunter. Wtt)tr 8tah. a lake fire! Buffalo, wajir Inatantjy killed, and CharV Dorwb prdbably fatally wounded. MAN DEAD PBOH OAS Body Pound In Booming- House 24 Hbum Atr. Alfred fcbwHer, a years old. a waiter apLyd p Uj PeJUnttoStraUori Hotel, was found dead ou tk ftoer of W roam rt M. North Htd street tbie momta Be bad bM tspht'xUttd by HlumlaAtki lu anjl had bei dead lor mora than H bnr, pfcyakrfana at the Hahneatajut liojillttAi l& jkjg Jantaoh, a rgeoutr la the ltfc MilWNou. found tbf eudy A lari aa i had haui Item tabs hi 4 m and 2 w4 Mta w Mvm hurMtm. the great building at 6th and Walnut streets, where they were shown to the bottom, inspecting all departments. CODRTS A HANDICAP TO POLICE, PORTER TELLS MINISTERS Magistrates Also Obstruct Department's Work by Wholesale Releasing of T" T T O prisoners, oeoay, &: ftfeu-TA Director of publlq Safety Porter made an attack on the courts, City Councils and Magistrates today In an address be fore the Philadelphia Ministerial Asso ciation In Wesley nail. The address. Went further than hla talk of. a week ago before the Reformed Min isters' Association, when he declared the Police Department was haridlcapped In Its efforts to carry out the desires of the public because of the frequent pardons on parole by the courts and the leniency shown men and women arrested when they come before the Judges. Iteferring to Judgo Sulzberger's attack on him following his address to tho Re formed clergymen. In which the Jurist called the Djrector "a mere child, a mere baby and utterly Incompetent." Mr. Por ter said: 'I come before you not to refute a state ment I mado before the Reformed min isters, hut to add to it. I want to thank Judge Sulzberger for his 'dignified state ment, it is not my intention to quarrel wtlh him . The police have been trying to end complaints, hut the prisoners are released so often without any sentence, or so soon after they have been sentenced, that It has been Impossible." PORTER'S AROUMENT. Director Porter bad a bundle of of ficial papers with him to uphold his statements, and pointed out case after case to show that the men and women sentenced to the House of Correction were not compelled to serve tho sentences imposed' on them. He particularly mentioned tho com plaints about "women of thi streets." In many cases they are released on writs Issued by the courts almost before they have begun to serve their sentences, he said. In one week, he said, there were 15 women released on writs from the House of Correction, not to mention the number given their freedom from the county prison. Director Porter aso severely criticised the methods of many magistrates In re leasing; prisoners becauae of political pressure brought upon them by ward leaders. Frequently, he asserted, men are discharged without the magistrates even hearing the evidence the policemen have to submit. One of the worst offenders, the Director said, waa Magistrate Brlgsa. He told the ministers, If they had visited IJrlgga' court, they would have seen men given their liberty Immediately after the magistrate was mrormea oy some person that the prisoner was the tatter's friend COUNCILS' PART, BUme for the failure to more thor oughly enforce the Sunday closing r law Mr. Porter placed upon the Councils. He said that. In order to get evldenee that would assure conviction of prison ers, it would be necessary for the poUee, men to outlay many dollars pf their own mqnejr. as It was necessary tor them to buy articles thnialy9, oiy ro, contly. he said. Councils voted aa ap. propriatton for money advanced for a Ions; time by the polUeaaan, anj h lo tailed atUflttefl to the fat that there had be m money si aside tor aucb work. In U4& One of tSe elargymea said at the cjee of Director Porter's address that there would be no trouble about theie thing alter "Billy Sunday got through hare. Tha association unanimously vettd to send eonlt of resolutions of ectnrmada tlon to Cengrejsman Hotoujn and the other member of the National Bouse of Rep resentative who hfcd voted for tha Hoh sn prohibition resolution UH week. To Kaise Aphthous. Pe-ver qwajanttlM LAMCA8TJSK. ffe., p& n -lMfractOW ftfftating anfartaiH fr in lAJMantar County annwiniti today that th ur anttse reaulUoo would be Baodiftod nonttt January 1 th duteous having run tin enura. ToOy )l veterinarian bo gs a ayaunatu tuapvcMon of the fan. Hmo free bf tnUiOvn -mil ho njloind t OFFICIAL WAll REPORTS GERMAN Toothing of lmporUr.'-o happened yes terday In Flanders. English Alps ap peared off the coast this morning. The enemy made an unsuccessful ad vance movement yesterday at Albert, In tho direction of Bolscllo, which was followed by a successful counter-attack, by our troops eafly this morning. Tho French attacks In MeurissonS, In the Argonne and southeast of Verdun, broke down under our fire. In upper Alsace the French attacked our posi tions enst of the Thann-Dammcrklrch , llnibut--alUthct)Oi assaults- were, w netted. During the first hours of the night yesterday the French gained posses sion of an Important height east of Thann, but were thrown back after a vigorous counter-attack, and the height remained In our possession to day. In Poland our attacks on branches of The Bzura and Itawka Rivera (west of Warsaw) resulted In slight progress. Southeast of Tomaszow (on the Plllca) our offensive continued successfully. In the western theatre of war the enemy unsuccessfully renewed hla at tacks at Nleuport. Ha was supported by firing from ships at sea. This did not damage us, but killed and wound ed a few Inhabitants of Westende. An attack on the hamlet of St. Georges also failed. We took some dozens of prisoners In this attack. Several violent attacks by the en emy northwest of Arras were repulsed. The enemy unsuccessfully repeated his attacks southeast of Verdun. He similarly failed In an attempt to re capture tho heights west of Sennhelm (In Alsace), for which we fought yes terday. There Is no news from Hast Prus sia or Poland north of the-YIstula. Our attacks are developing on the left bank, notwithstanding unfavor able weather, -rRENCH (, In Belgium we continue to- advance. A little west of Lombaertzyde we have gained a foothold on the dunes upon which the enemy had established lines of resistance, and to the south of Tpres we have, lost part of a trench. Near Ilollebeke, In the region of Lens and near Claency, the enemy has yielded SCO yards of trenches of the first line before our attack. In the valley of the Alsne and in Champagne there have been Inter mittent cannonades, particularly In tense in the region of Ilheims and In that of Fortese, where the enemy has paid particular attention to the posi tions which we captured west of that locality. On the heights of the Meuse there has been a slight- progress -by our troops along the entire front. In the Vosge the enemy has bombarded the fortB of St- Die. In Upper Alsace, to the northeast of Stelnbaeh, a German counter at tack has been repulsed. ATJSTBIAN The situation In the Carparthlans is unchanged. . Our fpreea were forced to withdraw a tittle before the Rus sian attacks between tiymanow and Tuchow tn the Galician Carpathians. The enemy's atUoka on the lower Quaajec and lower Nlda failed. Bat lea In the neighborhood of Tomazow continue Balkan territory belonging to tha dual mnnarehy. with the xceotlon of altogether 'uninportant frontier re gions of Bosnia. Harsosovina and Southern Daimatia, is clear of tha en emy A narrow strip of land called BpUza Budua ban been occupied by tho Montenegrins since the bnginntng ef the war Their attack at Calaro railed eoaanlttely Aa th bontkjnnl mwH by the French toot of the onast fortroMoa also failed tho naval harbor ' is therefore wcurely Id our band There are nee Montenegrin di vision on nrzgeYialan territory and there arc snow Servian force on the out Una of tha Drina, from Poena. to ViahcdWd that have' not retreated oven, during onr qjfttnsive TURKISH Tha Turkish tleet alod ibroufh th Blank Sea W"d returuod uudmu aged. On at out viw&iim. tutt a RuafJan Scot of 11 uniu ii Mimked thauv It bombarded the Hue tly nartMnv ant cash two natne iayora, caniuring two uAccra nnd 38 martnaa. Other of our flcot nuocaacfu.y hoaahnrdnd Bmimu o ueeeoiMf 2. Tn6 tit nor biK tried w iw-4 tn If igaiit r fWt bkio kAftia. tuu tn ah TARNOW; FO RETREATS ON GALICIA LINE i, Retakes Strategic Centre West of Cracow in Drive Toward Galician Stronghold Vienna Admits Withdrawal Along Forty-Mile Front Russian Offensive on Bzura River Halts German At tempts at passage Kaiser Rushing Heavy Siege, Guns to Poland Front to Batter Warsaw Outposts. The Russian army in northern Ga licia has'seized Tnrnpw and advance, to the Cracow' objective s made easier, along the Galician fror- ' art Aus trian retirement, adi d in tlie Vienna official reports, lloth speedy attainment of the Cracow goal and a new invasion of, Hungary are forecast by Petrograd as the result of the new Galician offensive, though Vienna re ports repulses of the foe in the Car pathians. Germans have ceased aggression along the Bzura and are awaiting; the arrival of heavy siege guns to renew the contest for control of strategic streams west of Warsaw. The German counter attacks upon the Allies' lines south of Ypres winning some ground. The Berlin of utmi cuiciuciiL tuuay ciainu-auiv-'Ulc, ( communique of the French War Of- fice admits the capture of a section of trenches by the Kaiser's forces near v Hollebeke. Both aides, however, claim the advantage in the fighting along the coast, in which the Aljie'd fleet is again participating, and irtile? battle that is raging at the other ex tremity of the battle line in Alsace. Turkish warships routed 17 units of the Russian naval forces in the Black Sea, according to a Constantinople official statement. The battleship Rostislav was attacked and the Rus sians fled. , Datum -was successfully bombarded, according to the Turkish statement. CZAR BACK IN TARNOW IN NEW GALICIAN DRIVE Forward Movement on Cracow Se slatlesa, Petrograd Asserts. PETItOaitAD, Dec. t$, Under the eye of Emperor Nicholas, the Russian armies In Poland are taking the offensive all along the line. The hard est fighting la along the Plllca Illver. where both Germans and Russians are Concluded on Tag JTonr BODY OF MAN SIX DAYS IN RUINS; PROBE BEGUN Employe of Klllen Company Suffo cated in Fire. Investigation to fix: responsibility for the death of John Loftua, whoso bojly was found this morning In the burned wallpaper establishment of C M. N. Kll len, 1S3S Filbert street, was started early this afternoon by Coroner Knight. The Coroner mado a. personal investi gation of the burned building after tHe body had been found by Albert H aiming, a fireman, of truck No. He learned Loftua Mas fpund beneath a Bhetvlng The Coroner says he had to stoop to reach the spot. "It Is almoat Impossible to be.lle.VS." said Coroner Knight, "that the body of a man burned or suffocated to death hi a building could Ue undiscovered freaa, Tueadav until the foi'o-vt ' Some one la at fault. Who it Is I shall not know until alter the uujuei imo tha death la held, but I intend to make an Investigation to Us the recponsiblliy " The Coroner and hla detective, Frctnti Paul, upited In declaring the building , "death-trap." Coroner Knight ays there was no Oro-cooapa front the saeaad to the third door on th Filbert at aid of the building, which waa burned hut Tuesday night. A man on the tnird floor would ba,ve had to drop about W feet, according to the Coroner, to reach the JJre-eaape. QUITE SUMMERY TODAY Mercury Beaches 88 Dcgcow t O'clock. A tcmocrature of X dn lilBdWprrta team uattny and i mnrppsns wUh the rctaM - PraoncAte arc l cant tcccjscrdliMW, wWi arUrtnly aiendy uou toniaTiur MH utnvotvow. Iftay yinfcihnno of the coM wv if bnkcn, accoadtna! to Vftbw VDrwMppPf yus. and Wiai tmt n.-jii av HUJ a) no mure yiv axui tuot lum In Pfcftar dciiit Tut ; 'i tuL twuiiir, t7 Uljtli bilt,ft WHIi 4 I 4 f was ainiMW by I dagret inn ir trti ittlnt. It tt nnn U umwww tjsu end of th cttattua uo U- u, "Firm-j it PUJ-i i mime u . ' r u t (i - i S i i aanat lits vf -. - j iii.4 ,j.i I lM$ W. Ci'- 5s,t.i '11 i-imi i futuLhun, I iiiy pi eierc cd ta ttCA, t XT"-' U-.Vagftt,.BP-nwaL. i WI r ji I i l(TlBIHHl'liUi ' "&$