5wwW3KWwp EVENING LEDGEE-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DEQEMBEE 26, 1914. 15 OBITUARIES DIB THOMAS gEEEY-KENNY Irish Soldier Commanded Division In. South African Wftr. IjONDON, Dec 26. General Blr Thomas Kelly-Kenny died at hli h6mo t Hots, Sussex, today, Ho was 74 years old nnd was retired from servlco In 1907. General Kelly-Kenny, an Irish soldier of County Clare, was born Fobrunry 27, HiO, and entered the army In 18S8. He served In Chirm and Abyssinia and sained a. reputation as a divisional com mander In the South African war, Do pplta Ma rollltar duties. General Kelly Kenny took a, deep Interest In Irish af fairs nnd was a Justlco of tho Peace of County Clare. MBS. OUABIOTTE B. WILBOUB. Rounder of BoroBts and Woman Suf frage "Worker. NEW TOnK. Dec at. Mrs, Charlotte Beebe Wllbour, a, co-worker with Susan B. Anthony for woman suftrago and a founder of Sorosls, tho first women's club In this country, died Thursday In her B2d year. She was tho widow of Charles E. Wllbour, tbo eminent Egyptologist. Mrs. "Wllbour waa associated with Susan V. Anthony In getting up the monster petition for freeing the slaves before the Civil War. She was president of Pholo, tho woman's literary society, and vice president of tho Mozart Musical Society, UICHAEIi TELLER Vcjcrnn Batelman Entertained Thou sands of Stage Polk. Michael Teller, 75 years old, proprietor of the Teller Theatrical Hotel, 701 Vino street, and a veteran of tho Civil War, died last night In his apartments at tho hotel. His autographed pictures of old-time stage favorites la considered a rare col lection; of which ho had often boasted. Ho Is survived by his widow and daugh ter. Miss Esther Teller. Dr. William H. Teller, of this city. Is a cousin. JOHN BLACK John Black, 63 years old, a well-known photographlo artist, died at his home, on Old York road. In Ablngton, on Christmas Eve, from on attack of heart disease. He was a resident of this city for many years and had recently made his homo In Ablng ton. His widow survives. The funeral services will be held Monday afternoon, at I o'clock, at the rooms of Tltlow Brothers, undertakers, 3(27 North Broad street MAJOR GENERAL JOHN LANE LEWISTON, Idaho, Dec. 28. John Lane, major general of nrtlllery under Oenerat Robert E. Leo In the Civil War, died at his homo hero Thursday. He was a son of General Joseph Lane, former United States Senator and first Governor of Oregon. CHARLES HENRY RH0AJJ3 Charles Henry Rhoads, E5 years old, - who for many "years was connected with the Philadelphia police force as a guard In the Central Station cellroom. City Hall, Is dead at his home, 2001 North Woodstock street. Ho succumbed to an attack of pneumonia late. Christmas eve JOHN F. JOHNSON John F. Johnson, 70 years old, founder of tho firm of John F. Johnson & Son, an outdcr advertisement" concert!,' died yesterday at his home, 2510 North Bth street; from an attack of heart disease. IN MEMORIAM BtTLZER In fond rsmembrancs of O. W. F. BULZJBR, who died December 28, 1009. TUB FAMILY. eatftf f CIIESTERMAN. On December 23, 1014. HARRIETT, widow of lidwtn Chesterman, aged 70 years. Relatives and friends of ths family are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Monday morning, at 11 o'clock pre cisely, at ths residence ot her son, D. L. Chestsrman, 648 North 85th st Interment private. Tleasa omit flowers. CIIUICE. On December 23. 1014, TETER I CRUICE, at his late residence, 870 North 23d St. Due notice ot the funeral will be given. VOX-Oa December 26, 1014, ANNA H., wdoy of George W. Fox. Relative and friend ara invited to attend funeral serv ices, on Tuesday morning, at Iltia o'clock, at her late residence, 4628 Wayne ave.. aerroan town. Interment private. , HURST. On December 24, 1914. FANNY REAL ESTATE TO It SAI.E City WISHING YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR Is equivalent to uggestlnr that you purchase en of these attractive home Ontario and Emerald Sis. Price $3200 WM. MACDONALD 3511 KensinBton Ave. Orthodox; and Thompson Sts. A HAPPY NEW YEAR MHAN8 TIME SPENT IN A gyT,UL, NKW.UP-TO-DATB See JAMES W. ORR BUILDER . "3532 Kensington Ave. FOR PARTICULARS WEST I'lIILADELPHlA JOHNSON'S Magnificent Hornet IN tub ukatttibttt. OVERBROOic seninM Hava Central Plant Heat a a.uxury m eva VYtaxaer Ssmt Suburban Hnou la the city Limits Nassau Rd. bet dlst & 34 Sts. m SOUTH OF OX1 OKD ST. .OreArto? - w wvvroroQjc OLauOB. W. Percivsl JobBSOtt, Builder UN fKKAIIBES OR 46f Lansatte? Ave, ANNTJAX, MHKTINGS tna aual MKmiNa oy tub rtateLkKs-fl- tt flfaa nklt.a ." 05 yiudiita win bihSZ W slecti sa. u win close at a p, u. JOBK 7 i't vms a wt acrtary mmmmamx op accoi;.tant -WJ5ilB!jgiL UTf a"1 " w M V DEATHS BROWN, widow f John O. Hurst, aged 05 1Mf, Relatives ana inenas are invueo 10 attend the funeral services, en Bunday ft- ernoon, 27th Inst, at 2 o'clock, lit the reel; denes of her ton, Samuel B . Hunt, 40W Darlnfc it. Interment at Woodlands ceme tery. JACKSON, On 24th Inst, MARdARKT.wlfe of Samuel Jacmoa Relatives and friends art Invited to attend the funeral on. Tuesday atteraoon, at 1 o'clock, from her husband s residence. 103 West Logan st,, Oermentown. In'erment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. JOHNRON. On December 2S, 1014. JOtlM K , hosbami of Martha Johnson, aired 70 rears. The relative and friends ot the family. Lodge NO.JB. F. and A, M., and employes of John AP. Johnson . Bon, nre respectfully Invited to attend his funeral services, at. his late residence, S3 10 N. Sth st.. on Tuesday afternoon, at i . oeiocs: precisely, interment as ureenwooa terns tsry. I,AK0FP-8A&tUKl a iced 48 years Reta tlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from hli late residence. B3S North 40th st., on Sunday, December 27, at 10 a. m. MARIKTV- Suddenly, en December 24, 1914, IIENRT VOODI33 MAFSBY 8r., of Merlon, ra., egad M years Funeral services at ,1 Sm. on Monday, December 23, at the real ance ef hts brother, Frank If, Mtssey, eflOl Wayne ave, Oermsntown Interment prl vate, at the Oreat Valley Baptist Cemetery, New Centreline, ra, ltcCRYSTAI On December 23, 1914. T1LLA, beloved wife of JiniM MeCryetal and daugti ter of John and the late Sarah Starrs. Rela tives and friends ot the family, also the n, V. M. Sodality of the Church of Bt PBlllo Nert, are Invited to tttend the fu neral, on Monday morning, at HOO o'clock, from her father's residence, 620. Fltswater st. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at ths Church of Bt. rhlllp Nerl. at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. MTJItnir. On December S4, IBM. JAME3 J Br., husband ot Mary C. Murphy, aired 78 years. Relatives and friends of the fam ily, also th! Den. John M. Behofleld Com mandery A. N. Veterans, survivors of Olh U. B Cavalry, St. Michael's T. A R. Society, No. 001 Natl. Cathollo Ben. Society, are In vited to attend the funeral, on Monday morn Inir. at 8:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 1B00 Poplar st. 8olemn Requiem Mass at ths Church of the Oeau, at 10 o'clock precisely. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Please omit flowers. rATTKRSON. On . Dscembsr 84. 1914. PHILIP DOERR. only son of John w. and Katharine D. Patterson and grandson of I'hlllp and CathaHne W. Dosrr, In his 8d fear. Ths relatives and friends ot the fam ly are respectfully Invito to attend the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at his parents' resi dence, 1310 W. Hunting Park ave. Inter ment private at Westminster Cemetery. SIIOEU AKI5B. On December '24. ,1914. at Bwarthmore. Pa. WALTER RODMAN, Jr.. Infant son of Walter Rodman Shoemaker and Emma Juno Wilson Shoemaker, aged months. Funeral service at rninm mm Meeting House, Chester Valley, Chester County, ra., on Sunday, December 27, at 3 p m. WIEOAND. At Beverlv.N X, on December 2S, 1914, SAMUEL, WIEOAND. agsd S3 years. The relatives and friends. Beverly Lodge No. OS. I. O . O. F., are Invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, alt Cooper St., Beverly, on Sunday, December 27, at 1 o'clock. Interment Monument Cemetery. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THIS STYLE TYPS (or like this) On Insertion lEo per line Thro Insertions In a wek... 12ttc per line Seven consecutive Insertions.. 100 per line . lrMW.IInA contract fdallv ad- I vertlslng) So per lino Situation wanted, thrco lnser- tlona In a week 10o per line rl,. nfnp, n,,rir 1 . lt-!. 1 ttl& ijle 1 I re or hkc tins; Permitted in all classifications except Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Per sonals, Boarding and Rooms. One insertion 20a, perl ne Thrco Insertion in a week... lTiia per line Secn consocuttve Insertions... 13o per line 1000-line contract (dally ad- vertlslng) liViopcrllna All rates are based on agate measurement, 14 agate lines to the Inch. DEATH NOTICES-elthcr paper 10 lines ono time 50c. Tore Insertions .11.00 DAILY ONLY , In BOtot Deetmber i, ttH " COMBINATION RATB for Insertion In both the 'morning and evening papers ot same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (BVENINQ) Add four cents per line net to rates given above. HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISINO IN THH PUBLIC LEDOBR MAY BE INSERTED Iff THE BVENINQ IEDOBR WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHAROE. There Is a drug store near your horn that will accept Ledger want ad at office rate. PERS0NAL8 FRETZ REALTY COMPANY The following bonds. No. 71, 1A1, lea. 111, 67, have been drawn and are called for pay man, and accrued Interest. Payment will ha. made on the Brat day of January, 1918, at the ornco ot ma jteai caiaur i in insuranc and Trust Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., 323 Chestnut st . after which data all Interest on these bonds will cease. II. 13, OAMPRBLL, Treasurer. HELP WANTED FEMALE DOOKKBBI'En. young lady, competent, famil iar with voucher system, for position In manufacturing slant 40 miles from l'hlla.: good opportunity: reference required: reply in on liandwrltlng. 14 ma, insar .anirx. COOK for hotel In Delaware, M4, Ledger 1,-enirai. HOUSEKEEPER. Call 402U lUdgo av., Bat- urqay ancmuui, ur nm. H0U6RWORK RoOned Qerman Protutant girl tn a good home, family of 3: everything comfortable, permanent. Address Ocorg li. B , Lock Box 283. Waynesboro. Pa. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and clerks can obtain valuable Informa tion about securing" positions by In terviewing Mis Dean at Ledger Cen tral. So bar at once for this free advtc. as the Commercial Depart ment is constantly securing good po sition for Ledger Advertiser. HELP WANTED MALE ' CLOTHINO SALEHUAN covering the Mlddl fltataa and the West to handle a a aid Ins the peat popular-priced line of sweater coat far men and boys, commission basis; answer with full particulars and references. II 414, Ledger Office. tv reaulrad with an1ln..lnn 1St tWv Oa JUIsntQWn, Pa. NICTHT 0LBRK Must have hotel experience and able- to operate switchboard. Hotel Mar- u. 40tb and Walnut. SAXIiSMAX. traveler, to, carry hJU-raJa coys waan uua a . ia ini coanc lor man with good trad only Junior Clothln" Company, aa Btrawctrry it. SOLICITORS vented by Mr. Lorlng It. ITui: mer, chairman ot the Oood-Iallawhlp Lunshson Aasoclatlen, to call on and solicit contribution from pasule In order to supply needy families wun tilings to eat and wear; commission LasLt! must ba Chrlatlan and Ate gentlemanly address Call at 93 Markat t. (2d Boor), I o'clock Monday, sharp. ,NTKD Man wbo ba thorwiab. knowlsdg of automoUl supplies to man yS wbole- AQENTS JLQDKTS for "Billy" Stfaday Beak having wonderful suece, on agent write. ' Work ed about S hours ant toli 41 tMoks " Book authorUe4 by Mr Sunday, tugalnceatly 11 tuLratd and tells by woM aad picture now ho 11 j hts sin an4 taa devU. jtveiy CerUtUn home want this book. Write tor tasma and tree oulOt- AOdUM The Corsnlei Supply Co. -. iasa w Lshirb. av., Pa. SITUATIONS WANTBD-JB'EMALE iBduatliOUS. OOUn. . hualnea an oharaoter rf furn. a SSO. Led. Central DRIe3MAKWt wants ugagenieBtg, noma or out good Utter is Montrose. MaV. tHlw! SR19s)tMAKE. Frsnch,, for ladles 4 csiUras, vUbtm day's work- jUa aaJnertaaa t. P OOWNS, STVENINO CLOAKS AMD TJ gJlferircStaSUllS; STENQORAPHHIt. ootuwianttoau tsUi b wauid coBfBar rodsrai aalajry. depend- - R 3JZ T.Aaw fjagua mt isS3)J!gBg!z . JRAFHER oomp . saod, j ttj r a-" i , , wmoa t aaa aiSBoORAFHER oomp . sand, j tUl abfl- STtaKlOORAPUBR bockkaeoer. asc "iudy" bu 5a ri a,bj sBMeuT as fan hi. s'nsin WHiN IN SSD f iu wrlSn,ake" call ua W awt to aj.l osiaGSF ri,y.. afaaii v "w vu,c Iwaa Hat uj mn dL2af tur rattiJSA. -! WM. t. JUuli- iitii4iu "j, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER, typist, ret as to character, accuracy, ability. O 649, Ledger Central. BUILD1NO N1ATBRIAL BAIJaSMAN. a hus tler, several rears' experience, large following among architects and builders of Philadel phia and other cities, desires connection! best ot references. O 297, ledger Central. CIIAUFFKUR A-l mechanics 8 years' foreign and domestlo ex. mod. sal. It, N. &, 2W24 Wlshart st. CHAUFmUR, coachman, flrst-clas mechanic, 12 years' experience. FRANK, 226S N 2d. civl,i knuinebu wishes position, perma- m. Be 318 Ha nrm or xe rorary. exp, Aim BNulNBSIt Chief engineer wants position where economy and results are considered) team, electrical, refrigerating and Ice plants! nave had 30 years' practical experience and . know the business. U W. Ledger Central, SNCUNBKR to.supentso erecting new or old plants, can give, part of time and show re sults to owner) Investigate; charges reason able. Knglnser, 1'. O. llox SI. Philadelphia, FpHESTBrj-Collms graduate wants work In forestry, lumbering, surveying, mapping, eta, H. U Roth. Chestnut Hill. Pa. HAVE TOtJ room, for a young University man. .21, with sales experience and exeeu- lll&U, 1,1, tlve ablllt; five ability, on one of ths lower rungs of your ladder! d BBO. Ledger Central. REPRE8BNTATIVJJ ?Toung man, age 28, aggressive, hustler, would Ike to represent a rtrst-clsss nrm either In the Southern or Western States; best refer- fnces as to character and ability, D SIS, .edgsr Office. SUPERINTENDENT of construction wishes l-y. win, Kunuum nrm. AO. W., HJ4H MarKSt UNIVDnnsnT aRADUATH experienced teacher, desires. position as tutor In refined family. Q BB4. Ledger Centnal. TOUNO MAN. 18 yearsold. desires position for 2 or 8. nights a week; high school cduca tlon; good reference D 400. Lodger Offlco. 7P.0N...?.,AN technical training and exeeu tlve ability, wishes position with real estate nrm; reference. Addrses W, B.UH Market. YOUNG MAN wlshea position as salesman In retail storsjbest reterence, B 401. Lea. Off. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WILLBrr. 1809 Uanton st , 8. Phlla-Boulhern help; city orcoun.; ret. Phone Dickinson 0003. AUTOMOBILES ForBale. OUR Prices on used cars will surprise you, z-r ' ' "yl2."r wdiiiuBni payment plan; prices from tloo up. " Phnna a A S. AUTO CO.. Locust .1MT. 122 Vlns St. FORD touring oar. In tpetally fine condition: seat covers, loctr!o lights, clcctrlo horn, roaster vibrator, etc. Telsphon Belmont 1303 D. 8730 Walnut at. LOT mo sell your auto for you on commis sion; no charges until sold; clients waiting. Ralph Oarage. 19th and Norris. ATJTO LIVERY AND OARAGES TO HIRE Packard Limousine and Touring Car. By hour, day, week or month. at reasonable rates. PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY 1411-13 Locust st fPhonea Spruce 8140. Race 243. FIRST-CLASS touring car. Jl m lnted. with weather nrotee with weather protectsin. Call Main 2284 or Park 870. Harry Ooojlman, 3BJ EOOS, EIRBS AND GOLD FISH FIRST CANARIES SINCE THE WAIl have Just arrived on steamer Sloterdyk from Rotterdam, This shipment comprises ths as- lection of Harts Mountain canaries Your X3 each; Roller canaries, 13X0 each. Cages ot overy description. E. C. VAHLE. Importer, 310 MARKET ST. BUSINESS NOTICES Appear at your beat this Xmaal Have your furs carefully repaired for ths hot- FURS May season. Expert workmanship and reasonable prices Phons Belmont 2384 W. CIIAB. J. BOOBS. 3137 Arch St. nemrtltchtng done while you wait. A. Reich, ard. 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Ilsvlrw patterns. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ACTIVE, brainy business partner, man or woman, to make Invtstment ot 1900; big proposition; no chance to loss: investment will do 4100,000 tjualnes flrnt year. Investor handles own money. Have no money, but 10 7rarr expeiienc aud some material for de velopment. This Is a movlng-plctur theatr and manufacture ot film proposition. Can be sen before 12 dally. Carman, 1622 Thompson. 14-ROOMEX APARTMENT nOU&E. prlvat meters to each room, bringing X50 over ax pens; must b sold this month, as ownsr Is leaving city: no reasonable offer refused: neighborhood 10th and ML. Vsrnon. Writ 1321 Green st, or phons Poplar 6373. WANTED TO BORROW, S45O0 on moving- pictur ineatx tar aix montns. win giv Si irwl saeurltv and will cay liberal fa. 3, Ledger Otttc. DO TOUR books tall ths truth and at the right timet It I our business to arrange account so that the true stats of your affair will ba quickly apparent. II. C. Mage, 1200 Stephen Qlrard Blag. Bell phono, Wei 1143. APARTMENT BUSINESS for sal; will sell out completely furnished 10-room anartment business at a very reasonable price; at present completely filled; vicinity of 20th and Chestnut: good Jvln proposition. Apoly L 44S, Ldger Central. COAL and lumber yard, with feed torj railroad siding, established 40 years; 1913 business, 2l,o00; agent selling for heirs. Ad dress 11 But, Led Ledger Otfloe. I 3IAVB plot ot ground and building I desire party to rent or purchase; I wilt Invest fSOOO upward; must b estab. business and bear closest Invea.; don't answer unlaes you have establtahtd business. O 41, Ledgsr Central. FOR SALE Th oldstabllshsd automcbU accessories business of Charles Smith 4c Co.. SOS N, Broad st. Call or address a above CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED. D1TBD, CURLED AND MADE INTO LATEST STYLES MAILHOT. 1810 CHESTNUT DIAMONDS AND JEWELHT . DIAMONDS BOUOHT Bank Reference Apprlsment, 1, HARRY W. SMITH. TIT SANSOM ST. DBESSMAKING AND MILLTNEBT rDRESSMAKER; perfect Bttsr; solu reraodelsdi swlit, accurat. 033 N. 4Tth st. Balm. SOOT L. iRESSMAKINO taught; short, prae. course. McDowell'. SOT Denckla Bldg.7llth A Market. POB SALE BILLIARD, pool, comb. 24 hand, bought. sold, ranted, xd. It eater. S39 Olrard ave. ABPET8. sold, storage. Wilton, Axmlnsterl suitable boarding A apt, house. 1810 Poplar. BTQBAQH WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack PHILA. tag and shipping, 38T0 Lancaatsr ave. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, broVo'i Jewelry, sold H. ver. lalae teeth. T35 Walnut. Est liod. FURNITURE Antlau. pianos. tot, par. nnftra kniiu. Furnltor Co. 814S Kanalagton av. BOOMS POB BENS BATNG. PW Ilooms, furnished er unfur Bteaed. Id floor, for houaakeeptag. phone. BROAD. N . 8S7 Two eosamuBleatlaa. mar. running water. houekeplug, or suliahle two to four .persons, front suit, with prtvau bath, other vaaaaelas; wsll haataj """" BROAD, a, iOS-Eiclualre home-Ilk n4 reaaoaaiu. BROAD. N., ISIS Vry deslrabla, wall.haatad. furnlaned rown. reasonable tetaphon. BItOAD a. lTStt-F private I iROAp, 8, 4pa-Dlrable elnale room, com jwi" 'wntobed, wl naatla reaQnVnlar OlISsrWUT a&4BaUfuUjr funiin fn SJ aissspa gf . I am sva wBMaI vacanalea; paces. vahfg'a- suites. WT VlsRNON. liUf-AUjaoUvelr furs, ware 4- vt. aaaara oairwBii, grfrtKaten. Et&BkBSQaS&e .aoelatooavjs wL&U'LI,i.i'tf,tS 'SJnlly win rent love Jy ta ftW Jhwulatwd, to gedtUiuen oJi SrUde 4 rtcdaws eualheiu eajusur. i iibh .a u aitiii !.. , . I i ,315. kmiksrsssmksssjsst ROOMS EOR BENT 18TH, ft, 249 Newly furnished rooms cheerful! also physician's office iTH AUOVK SUSQUffltArfNA-ComfortirSIy fur. front room, hot-water heat) board opl'l! rst ; all convs., owner, L 4B3, Ledger Cent. 17TII ST., U 5SS6 Small private family wltl rent beau tl fully furnished rooms, single or en suite: gentlemen prcrcrrca. pnone. 1BTI1, N , 1800 Two communicating rooms) run, water) good transportation) phone 83D, B , 122 Rooms, single or en suite) pri vate baths, running water, steam heat, newly . pspered and painted, gentlemen preferred MD AND SANSOM Fur' ntehed rooms) men only; meals, shower baths; near L. Air the comforts ot West Branch r. X, . u nomc. pnone neimont osi PRIVATB family will rant 3 lun fnmlahtd rooms to refined gentlemen or couple; near nq nu locust, u sio, Ajgoger uenirai. CIIEUnrot. ROOMS for InvalMa axrlnslva. private residence, nursing servlco If desired; . ninmi. a utv, imager centra). FRIVATn FAMILY hnve hleely furn. room. well heated, convenient to twth: gentle, busl- ni'uni ureniuass ornionsj, vooo. 0Ua. nANDSOMKLT fumlihed front room In large mwura priraio nome. Kiectna iignia, -ien minute to city Hall Telephone Bating 41S. Professional Offices. WALLACE, M, ft COR. 21ST ST. Suit ot """ or pnysician; partly turn.; run, water. BOARDING ARCH. 2023.2fttS-Handsomety rurnlshsd, ln- .M...B .MyciMi u,q, y; taoig, fS, BROAD, 8., 100O-W1I1 rent rooms to refined "" r aenuemen: excellent table. PARK AVE., N lMl-Furn room, single or en suite; running water; board optional. yERKIOMnN, 877 (19th and Poplar)-Lorg, furn. ealoon psrtor; prlvat family; phone. PINE ST.. 023 Room and board for couplo or ciiiicingai uining room; op to oats: S3 ud: tabl d'hote, too, rhone Walnut 0H7. SPRUCE. 122I-123J (Hrlsmondel-Furn. rooms. slnKle, en suite: nrlvate baths; tablo bosrd. WALNUT. 4300-Lorelr homelUe romn! fum. . or unforn.j good tablo. Preston 4822 D !rrH, 8 , 814 Dealrabla furn. room; etngl or double; eTcellent tahl; all convenience CAN accommodate two sentlemani convenient p cm- iing. u !, linger central. Suburban OERMA-NTOWN. The Colonial. 148 W. Coul ter; higher claaa, onolcs location; rooms, slngl or co suite. Phone Oennantown 3182. APARTMENTS CHESTKR AVE., 4207 Lovely 2d-floor 6-room apartment. 3 baths, open fireplace; house keeping apartment, 3 rooms and bath, fur- iimigu or umuruiBiivu. uaii iTCfllon ImmU WALNUT.1223-24 (Kenwood) beslrabla vacan cles. single or suite, prtv. baths: will furnish to suit tenant; moderate rate, walnut 8184. BPRINO OARDEN, 1010 Excellent apt. ln8 Qiugrent nouses; pom rum'o; KUonenettes. FOR VACANCIES and complete Information ot au apartment ire consult APARTAENT BUREAU 18th and Spruo at. Prone 'Walnut BS0. or Edition. Free. wiiw or jiparinienb Directory," December LION'S HEAD Handsomsly furnished apt. 1218-18 Locust. OKS or tan rant'n elerant furn, room; run. water, bath, hot-water hast, aoi . istn st. FTJRNISHED APARTMENTS FURNISIIEO Two rooms and bath; near "L" station; X23 per month. John A. Thomas, 6083 Markat st.: Belmont 4740. APARTMENT HOTELS THE PARKSIDE Olrard ave. and 40th at. Suites 1 to 8 rooms and bath. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME. UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND 3STH STREETS Ore Housekeeping Apt., 6 Rooms and Bath. On Housekeeping ApL, 6 Room and Bath. H. II. THATC1TER. Manager. POVLAR APTS.. 1620 Pooler Beautiful furn. hfcpg, suites; private baths' hot-water heat. 110CSEKEEPINO FLAT of S, room and bath. near lotn ana smui. t ppy u rom. WALLACE, N. a COR. 21 ST ST. Flat of 4r, and bath; hskpg.; furnished or unturnlahed. HEAL ESTATE EOB BALE OERSIANTOWN MOUNT AIHY AND CHESTNUT TIILL ITIOPBRTIES PELIIAM TRUST CO 6T40 OERMANTOWN AVE. Tioga SirVERAL larg tract ot Improved land on high ground, wldo street and with unexcelled trclley nd train aervlc for al on ground rent. Address M eiS. Ledger Office. lamsdale, Pm. ISO BUILDINO LOTS on Broad St. and Inter secting street, between 8th and 10th sts.) high ground, wide streets and desirable sur roundings; suitable for a building operation. Addra M 618, Ldger Office. MAIN IDtE. PA. B. B. lit ACRES, S2SO aore: cheap; spring water, A. D Heald. West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY nsddonfisld. N. J. XIAVX SEVERAL fine properties at bargain prices. WM. CARET MARSHALL. SSI Fed eral st.. Camdsn. National Parh. N. a. TOUR opportunity; lots SBxloO, near tro overlooking Del.; adjoin, Campbell Soup development, Greater N. J. Co., SS B. 1 trolley; Hth. I'ENNSYXVANIA FARMS 100 ACRES Location land, butldmt-s, water and railroad facilities alt first class; has venrthlng that goes to make a good farm; several stock fsrms cheap ISO, 200 and 250 acres: wo vsrr wit w lxua ana cneao; stats your want, uonaiuai our wants. Jonathan C. Hare. West Chea ler. Pa FARMS. ISOO and .upward, all sizes, price and locations. Tell us your want. Ask for catalog. J. B. Thompson, Weet Chestar. Pa. EEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT NO MONET required If around I Improved! will take mortgage on N. W. oor, Hancock- qhubdi av. c;narie uaus. zm a lain t. CHBSTNUT fiT.eouth lde, abov ISlh t Sal or rent. John Dredger. Jr.. Bailey Bldg. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City. 24. J. HOTELS., cottage, apartments, eta, to e ehang for Philadelphia, properties. Chaa gyelt. M S. Penna. aye.. Atlaatla qtyT BEAL ESTATE WANTED FROPERTT la and around PhUadelpnlaTior English Investors: only part! with good In-come-produolag proptrtla of dtslrabl loca tion neea reply, wire or writ at one to American representative, W, 3. UULLETT. Lookport. N. T. ' BEAL ESTATE POB BENT Rental IJjU EH-U NORTH BROAD, store and upper floor: TOT-TOO Arch st., .tor and baaamanL m Chestnut at-, ator and basemanL, S6 Chestnut St., a tons and basement 4S3 Walnut St.. ground-floor ocn. 244 N Delaware av.. store. Apply to OEOROla H. LEA. TOO Bansom at, Vactorles, lYarehoases, Mfg. Floor COMPLETE PLANT ot S3 mactlnej tor manu taeturlar of ready-to-wear jrarmaats for sale ?. .". T?r aaau' nera A Stela, 1SIT Market at, eighth floor TWO FLOORS. flrt and second story with steady pa-asr. Il 000 square feet well Jlaht d. tow Insurance, Bradbury Brotksra, Siu- Nt W RiSjip BUJLDjNO' O&Loes, Bustnets Koenu. Bto. n able . tit ssaill 81 "Wti AUanUo CHr. N J. IE m.?j? o. sJC. BP- W K0BTQAGB8 CONSERVATIVE SM and S per gent i v hbwwto .iie.nu lly j mm waul., usigi punwt, at guara-nteefl m?uau SI K. ta "riiAti)sL H 1000 to CUjr AM urn. PaVtl a ,... .,,.MI , .,, in s. ,..- -,. ,. . ., .aaa, ,v , Jln .. a. . ... . f ' ' 1 t ' SCRA P P U E afH I I 111 111 III Sill II...1 ,l. 11 IS I I , ,.,, , , .. . L f-aW bV"0 K'l ' - - v .1 la Js& - 3H I ''V l$li l CU.ii u J0" (Sji ) jfy J "T 'i IT" ( 0E THE MlSTttTOEj1 ) "ll HJa rL, uJ!r I fc? C-Ij I'VE GOT THAT J.ICHT ) M 17 r stsBMbTsTbwS: 942i E. iiai.st rn.i en .i.ii J 'jQsL w t- ; XsTsnT'Ba.KaV- v rtf0Z6zm r "s" v " '-"" " f,,shm rw,if.i awkkjymBt ffiz? I n A ivl 4xMh ' " "' ' -"" "."-"" "' !5 I "' - at-THm ltuth (cosslrlriK') Oh. ves. sha tzflMfi2 I " l I I m I IT " "W& .t.....a ..-. ... .... . YWvlRiKi. ." I I . I j sm brown asaln. rztffiffiy, jSrasTJ I I ' I m. i i M rA-tn At, t.M itwi.i t. eit-4 fXMCnvtZ evTbi o. s- mt a mS I II ,affl I it5 M:&(si'' 1 Mfe, (yji au-: - u w; i jm wm&, LKs r -- it! WfflWmm, El.lsaMj A TIP TO THE FELLOW WHOSE GIRL HAS THOSE TJHDI M ItiMMmftm&VSffll RECT lights in her home. w EsaSffigJj x Sfesft2iBH2 m&& Man Lacht (Berlin). Boss Incredible lmpudencol I've Just three words to say to you: Qo nnflget nnothorjob foryourseitl Tho Tounsr "Wife I can't understa when their husbands ffo to the front QUITE DANGEROUS. "Do yon think kissing- dangerous as tho doctors soy?" "Well, It has certainly put & end to a good many confirmed bachelors." Canterbury (Bug) Tiroes. "Der Tag" ("The Day") postponed on account of tho bottla stopper. UNXKCOfUEl SCSJUSS HOJsl rw. tt4 , esjuH Star f?aaaaalBTTBaSBaaaSTafBaTTBBBaBSB X -f "'imi mmmmmlmm 1B1.1I l I l i -mnch Bowl. '2244fZ?(y II If I i - j it ' JC-'MM "O coarse "Wellington wo a great encrnl. Didn't ho lick Napoleonr "Te but Napoleon was only half his size." Scrlbnor's. "Tfnnt to leave me, jraryT I thoueht you were quite comfortable. 'What la It for aomothlng; private'" "No, mum, It's a sergeant." Exchange. London Opinion. nd why all my friends ur so upset UNCLE HENRY SENDS SOME CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. n m i " ' ii O sj c 9 'v atm.Y uvea hiq -A3 TUX HISTOKY OF THS WAIL Ws gsiniau it lmHij I Tho Bplea of Xdfa Jinks Hoarding; In ha country sow. ehT WTiat do you do with youTsetf - J nines? "Wmks Somo nlctits t elt outdoors to keep cool, and other nights Into od b to keep tvann. Exchange. wTaraMon. "Do anythmsr much this week-end?" "Oh, nothing; to speak or." "Anything not to speak oft" "Bare you been staying; hers long;?" "Well, about throe cooks and four housemaids lone;," Man Laoht UV8 LABOa LOUT Uuwa4 VVLjil bsui at MUssrsaJmisi iuir1 WUw-i4. y ar. ft mm n. usu sMaalty AgMtA, m I .. u a. . at fT IsHt ettkuutt, ia4 i u jt u,uw i-.i- -t . 1 -t - w-m i. Vf s 4C JW Wal t VsTWM -W toAM Mt t.et Ul fwsj WW, ,. (