ar' nWiw'RVfl'W' EVftNlNO LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THIXRSDAY, DECEMBER Mt 1014 iiie.n.'niii i T in .. . i i-r-T- ' ' - ' iniiminfc.1 i in i U iip i -fa" .unieeiwH I "'" TT"" " 9 rr-r DISPENSING CHRISTMAS CHEER TO TIJE KIDMES OF PHILADELPHIA HOSPITALS WILL BE HAVENS OF JOY ON CHRISTMAS DAY ALLIES ABYAMCE BY MINING DUKE ON BELGIAN LINE Patients, Young and Old, Will Have Gifts and En tertainments Doctors to Act Santa Claus. Hospitals throughout tho city nnJ tlio ntillvlnir districts have tnken on an air ' of gnlety and Christmas festivity which O k . Istntemcnt that these h U' i """ 1ro dreary abodes or doom and sau nas. Wards are be ijh Vi'liSS InR decorated with "i A.IriilrTBk cheerful holly and mistletoe, trees 'arc I belli? erected, and many of tho nurses and doctors will clmtiKo their white hospital garb for tho jolly red of a Santa Clautf suit In order to malic happy tlioso juvenile patients who will bo confined to their beds on Clir'stmas Day. At tho Pennsylvania Hospital elaborato preparations are under way. Dr. Thomas V. Harris will Impersonate Santa Claus nd will distribute sifts to the "kiddles" from a larpe hospital truck. Turkey din ners will be served tomorrow to all who are not too 111 to partnko of them and a number of Christmas trees have been put up. Dr. Oscar Abrahamsohn, who Is known as Professor Santa Claus, will bo the chief figure In the Christmas celebration at the University Hospital. Several days dro Dr. Abrahamsohn made the rounds of all of the beds, asking each occupant what plans he had made for Christmas. If the answer showed that they had no prospect of enjoying; a Christmas dinner Doctor Abrahamsohn quietly placed some money In tho patient's hand with a "Don't worry, there's enough to buy a Christmas dinner for those at homo." In addition to this ceneroslty Doctor Abrahamsohn will distribute GOO Rifts to the grownup patients and 200 to tho chil dren. Twenty trees ara to bo placed In the various wards, two In each of the two children's wards by tho Christmas and Easter committee of the hospital. A turkey dinner will nlso bo served. At tho Presbyterian Hospital, 39th street and Powclton nvenUc, Miss Caroline llllnc, director of tho nurses, has been drilling alt the, white and blue linen ladles under her supervision In tho Blne lne of Christmas carols. At 5 In the morning they will -visit each wnrd and Bint? beautiful hymns'. Other Christmas festivities will follow later in tho day. The children's, women's nnd men's wards of the AVost Philadelphia Homeo pathic Hospital wilt each bo decorated with twe Christmas trees. Gifts wIlKbe distributed and a sumptuous dlnnor served. For all tho "kiddles' at tho Samaritan Hospital, Broad and Ontario streets, a Btoukiug will be filled, containing candles of the good and pure kind, oranges and toys. A beautiful trco is being set up In their ward, and If all of the plans mature1, tomorrow will bo a day of unal loyed Joy for the Uttlo patients. Extensive arrangement? have been made at Ft, Timothy's, Ilbxborough. The young ladies of tho Junior Aid have not only provided the trees that are to bo erected In the five wards and the nurses' home, but they are also doing the decorating. Tho Ladlss' Aid Society will furnish Ice cream tn give each patient a largo por tion. In addition, each child will receive a gift and the employes will also be re membered. The 300 children at the Philadelphia General Hospital oro to be given the time of their lives. Everything from a Santa Claus to a vaudeville entertain ment In the amphitheatre of the operat ing room Is theirs. There will be seven large trees and 12 small ones placed throughout tho hospital and no atone Is being left unturned to make ChrlBtmas of 1914 a day not to be fort gotten. The hanging of the stockings Is a cus tom which obtains In the children's ward of the Mt. Slnal Hospital. From the white crib of each and every "kiddle" who lies down tonight a little sock will descend and when everything Is as still as a mouse, Superintendent Joseph Jesse will creep In and All them up to the very top. Tomorrow Jacob D. Lit, president of the hospital, will pay his annual visit. He will come laden' with toys enouali for rll, A turkey dinner will also be a i oaturo of the celebrations at tho hos- i. T- A brilliantly decorated tree will bo placed in each ward of the Germantown Hospital and there Is tc be a Santa Claus for each ward, too, No patient, from the oldest to the. youngest, will be forgotten In the distribution of gifts. St Peter's Protestant Church choir will sing Christmas carols InUhe early morn ing. Youngsters at the Wtdener Memorial for Crippled Children are eagerly look ing forward to tha annual visit of P. A. B. Wldener and his family, who come every Christmas, bringing bundles of toys, dolls and candy. Thla year a brass band will furnish music for the children. For weeks the children at St. Chris. ; topher'a Hospital, Kensington, have been : swamping Banta's mall bag with re ; quests. Miss Anna T. Jeffries, general i superintendent of the hospital, has seen to it that no youngster's appeal goen un answered. Trees have been placed In all the wards and there will be a Kris Krlogle. Tha Episcopal Hospital has left nothing undone to make Christmas a big day there. Beginning at 5 In the morning the nurses will sing the Christmas carols ; and this will be followed by all sorts of I Christmas celebrations, not the least of them being a big turkey dinner. EMERGENCY AID TO CLOTHE A THOUSAND POOR CHILDREN Part of Councils' $50,000 Belief Ap propriation May Be Used. Ono thousand poor children, who have been unable to attend school because they have no shoes or warps slothing, will be property clothed by the Kmergency AU Committee. The task will be under taker, by the Home Relief Department. Mrs. J. Will Is Martin, vUa president of , the committee1, said that should the pre-' eat funds laid aside for the purpose run hiwt It would be necessary ta use part dt Uu tSQ.o appropriated by Council. The committee will seek tie aid of the Board of Btfucuu In tie work. Mrs. John O. Qraome, head wf tot Howe R. lint Department, has advteed Besry J. tMv8, kuii iutjwl&t of the Beard at Compulsory education, of ta plana of Iter deportment. lu uuy casas tb children have no hue huvisr and uifeois bate only nltri anus MWbd or tied ti caat-uBf Dti U,e .it, hAc bce kd to vlul in r-.jun i tirittr mm- uigfit CM44 iuJu-t- , "rt-Siff hc Wmr Vfff i VfT'4. 7B WV)& mmmtmummmXJmmiUMmnmmmmftmwimwmimimummmmmBmmimmmammmmmmmmmminia iiiiees n i .. , i...... .i , i i m i. -. mi J The Volunteers of America made many a heart glad today when its officers and regulars in the ranks gave Christmas gifts to thousands of those force of circumstances without holiday joy. Colonel Alice V. Herron is shown as Lady Bountiful an'dSanta Claus combined in one. WONDERFUL SPECTACLE IN SANTA CLAUS STORE 12,000 Gifts for Poor, Christmas Contribution of ledger Ilcnder. "What have we got that Is suitable for n llttlo girl fi months old? "X)o you think a boy of 10'would lllco a sled or a pair of roller skates tho best? "Is a child of 3 too young for a box of candy?" "Watch out and don't Bend duplicates to children In the same family." If you think distributing a heterogene ous collection of some 10,000. or 12.000 toys, books, dolls and games amung E000 chil dren Is a sinecure, particularly when the aim of the distributors Is to give the maximum amount of pleasure to each nnd every one of the SOOO, then you ought to drop In at the Santn, Clau? Storehouse, at 60S Chestnut street, and watch the Santa Clnus Lndy anil her two dozen ns slatnnta at work wrapping and assorting nil of tho .contf Ibuflons which have been jent In during the last tew weeks by gen erous children of Philadelphia. With hands Hying with kaleidoscopic rapidity, the workers at tho Storehouse are so busy tying up the packages that they scarcely havo the tlmo to take In the gifts belated contributors are bring ing In at the last minute, nnd no moro does a table become cleared of Its con tents than presto) It la filled acaln. The Santa Clnus Lady counted 10 000 donations yesterday, nnd then sho stopped from sheer weariness. It Is estimated that nt least 12.003 have been sent In. Each and every poor child nnd tho names of thousaiidn have been submitted by tho churches will receive q toy, n stocking and a box of candy. Tn the case of prac tically every one of these'-chlldren this gift will be tha only reminder that Js given them of Christmas. Generous, sympathetic,' big-hearted Phil adelphia and Pennsylvania children, who responded so" overwhelmingly to the ap peal sent out by the Public I.Eponn Santa Claus Club, are responsible for-thls splendid charily, the like of which has, perhaps, never been equaled before. Early tomorrow morning. t8 Public IiGnacR nnd Evening: Ledcikh automo biles will carry tho toys to their destina tion, and tbus complete the good work. AUSTRIAN SINK ALLIES' SUBMARINE, IS REPORT Encounter .of Foea Probable In Adriatic Sea. AMSTERDAM. Pec, 21. The newspa pers of Germany aro making much capi tal of Hie fact that one of the enemy's submarines has been sunk. The 'Deutsches Tagezeltung says that the sinking of a submarine by the Aus trian coogt batteries Is without a prece dent. Despite the fact that part of this mes sage has been struck out by tha Kngllsh censors. It Is evident that It refers to an action between the allied fleet In the Adriatic and tha Austrian fortifications, either at Pola, at the southern tip of the Istrlan ' peninsula, or In the region of Trieste. PUNISH HIGH SCHOOL BOYS Seat Back ta Class for Disorder at Entertainment, Students of the Central High 8hol, Broad aqd O rein streets, became so boisterous at tha annual ChrUtmas nT tertalnment held in the auditorium of thu eohool today that, three numbers on. thq program. Including an address by Doctor Thompson, president of the school, wera emitted. As a punishment for the disorder Doc tor Thompson sent all tha boys bask to their clauses. They wera compelled to remain in el ass Uta remainder of tha school day. Qrdiattrilr m the day be fore ChrUtmas thy ara peftBtttad to go bme immediately after the estwtaiu mast. Mas, fels zsr gmq&ao CHICAGO, Dee. Hw. "Mk Pels, Mw of the Pfallaenfohlw phUantUropUt. sold In an addles te mawhare of th Woman's Party of Cook Couat that "alt suffracUU sbould be Uit taJtere " 8h aaiii aiugle mart were growing rapuUy in uumbwe, miA wimiii auau Uul i protat ajfaUijtt U tireaeiit wwuuiit aateln Si. t ui or huaur tit i'U 1 ufu oiiisiv UVJ AUMift? 1m'. i. i'.'- YULE SPIRIT BRINGS A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MEN IN TRENCHES Traditional Mood of Joyous Season Prevails at Front, Even if Substance Is Lack ing. By WILLIAM MAXWELL CENTRAL. FItANCB, Deo. 21. Wo tiro not going to spend Christmas in Ilerlln, nnd the Germans certainly are not going to spend Christmas In Paris and London, as they Imagined four months ago. Yet we shall spend It to getherwo In cur trenches, -they In theirs. It has been my fortune to spend two Chrtstmnses under conditions of, war. The first was In the siege of Lndytmlth; the second In the Japanese trenches out side Port Arthur Ladysmlth had been Invested for nearly two months, and wo wero beginning to feel the effect of short rations; yet Sir Edward Ward or "Moses," as Sir Oeorge White afterward christened him managed somehow to Issue the ingredients for plum puddings. And there was Joy In the garrison when It was made known that Queen Vic toria had sent to every soldier and civilian a Christmas present In the shape of a box of chocolate. The only trouble was that It could not reach us till the siege was over, Dut we enjoyed It in anticipation. Walk ing up to Caesar's 'Camp 1 overheard two hungry and weather-beatensoldiers talking over the gtft: "I wonder 'ah milch therUl be. Dost tha' think therMI be a pand o' choo'let?" "Shet up!" shouted his comrade. "It ain't blooming appetite she's a-thlnkin' on. It's the blooming 'over o' th" thing!" KOBBEIl CUTS WOMAN'S WAIST She Screams, But He Steals Her ?27, A highwayman out the waist of Mrs. Amelia Bauer, 21 North 21th street, shortly after 7 o'clock last night and stole $27 which she had hidden In her corsets. The hold.up occurred at Croskey and Cambria streets. The woman fWtamed. but the thief disappeared be fore help came. She reported the rob bevy to the pollee today. After breaking a plate glass window with a brick a thief stole ISO undressed chickens from the store of Samuel Hels man, 2311 South street, shortly after 10 o'clock last night The house of Thomas Sykes, 2415 Kip street, was entered'last night aad 9 worth of Jewelry stolen. TU Cadillac automobile of Qeorge Ilosengarten. ISth and Walnut street, was stolen early last night from in front of the Westminster Apartments, list street and Westminster avenue. A Ford automobile belonging to Dr. A. Koenlg, 1!1 Fine street, was stolen last night In front of 1T10 Green street TODAY'S MARBIAOE LICENSES Andrew S&ii 1M6 H& . aad Atuu. il. Sari Jtrfeo, SB L. UUM. 1813 K. ,-ui k.. aoa mannen ker t. caM neaMTi a. His ., mj uvatct . Win, aad Mar- 0MU V Han ue a qputiaa it., u4 Ar iSif'- istr. eraee, PMtlUL lVHtm A- UUUM; tJtni North 117 M ilMf!tn m, , aT t- Uii ubu SJil . tb a: i,l fctaar Cooper, Sift N lt! v JO&21 J MvUerbaot tj3 fetum Ux4au si . A4 UlLlan M 1 iitenil. k N tuft mt. a;,. mii f J'Jium, nil tit flt at , !$ M rtu ri. 'MSS drtfk t kjff. .. iL'li '.r Hi.M Hdk'sd "SSL wmLui UMU ' W&unr. IMS H. iut t KAISER ROUTS HIS ENEMIES Continued from 1'ose One ficld is chronicled by Pctrograd at Tuchow, south of Tarnow, a strategic point less than 40 miles from Cra cow. Westward movement of an im portant section of the Russian battle front nnd renewal of vicor against tile Austro-German defenders of.Craco.w.w chronicled in recent Pctrograd dis patches arc substantiated in an inter view with Field Marshal on Hinden burg, who lias admitted that recent German operations against Warsaw have not yet attained the proportions of a general victory. Private advices from Ikrlin contain the admission that the Czar's recent retirement was strategic and not in the nature of .a reverse. Meanwhile, Petrograd claims repulse of the- German efforts to control the Bzura 5nd Pilica Rivers. The Allies' offensive in Belgium and northern France is apparently slowing up as it meets stiffcr re sistance and fierce counter attacks by the Germans. The French War Of fice reports further gains, especially between the sea and the Lys, where the lines have been advanced by min ing the dunes, but these gains are" apparently of small importance and are offset by German progress at sev eral other points. Although the French official state ments studiously avoid special refer ence to the fighting near the eastern end of the Franco-Belgian lines, un official reports show that a new of fensive has started on the Meuse north of Verdun, as a preliminary to a far more important drive in Alsace, by which the French hope to drive the Kaiser's forces back across the Rhine and to invade Germany in force. Turco-Russtan operations in Ar menia continue in numerous skir mishes. Russia claims repulse of the foe in the Van region, toward the Persian border and, in an official statement, reports rout of vigorous at tacks west of Kars. Reports iir- Berlin say tile Austrians have sunk one of the Allies' subma rines, presumably in the Adriatic. A German aviator dropped a bomb upon Dover, on the British coast, but np damage was done, Recording to the British official statement. The flight was made from Ostend, the journey being 140 miles. POPE PLEADS FOR PEACE Not Discouraged by Failure c For mer Efforts to' End War. ROME, Dec. ZL Pope Benedict 3CV today )uei a new plea for peace in Burope, In retftnte to an address New Year's greeting from the College of Cardinals, the Pope said: "As representative on earth of the Prince of Peaee, I hope that peace will soon be established ta Uurepe. I am not discouraged by the failure of mr previous efforts to assure the mothers- of Knr- land. France, Germany and Austria that their sqns would not be killed on CJuistt. niu Day. I have heard the vortw of the Holy Ghost saying, 'Keep on with your efforts.' ' DIWNES AT SETTLEMENT 3?orty-five Kiddies and Their Mothers Quest Today. Forty-Ave ofeHdrea awl their sothera ware given a, dlaw by the Joy Settle uiefU sja4 Pay Nujfaery. SU Bwwa street, today. The ymitntm bad lota of turkey I and other geed. thjngs to eat, but Karga- rei TVMioii. airecioresa or tne ineututios. perhaps wa the happiest u there. Th tmraets for the dinner were eon trlbuud by Tau&ut 45. Coal, prea.dat of th OeUleiutitf, which wm oajuHd lit Ifep4,eaihr GSurt r tela- made to 8t i -lutrUr for the ae letUejneut CZAR DRIVING BACK OVER WAY BLOCKED BYJ3ERMAN ADVANCE Forward Movements Carry Defenders West of War saw and Nearer Cracow Goal. i PETllOanAD, Dec. SI. Tho Czar's forces aro driving' back along tha lines blocked at the beginning of the present Poland campaign by tho Germans fr(om Silesia and tho Austro German forces moving through Gallcla, Progress already has been made In the westward movement from tho' Warsaw front, and large bodies of troops again are advancing against Cracow from the cast and north. Most recent reports' place the advance guard of the Russian wing In aallclrf" at Tuchow, south of Tarnow, which is less than two score miles from Cracow. Great forces of Russians are moving in Poland between Klelce and Radom today, as well as ta tha south, in an effort to check tho German advance, which has forced a retirement from Cracow, The success of tho Austro-German move ment from tho region of Pletrkow, It Is now admitted, resulted In threatening the communication's of the army about Cracow. This was followed by a retire ment of the Russians In the south, 25 miles to the east of Cracow. The ad vance of the Germans was directed toward the main railroad line from Ivan gorod, running southwestward-'to Mle chow along which the Russian movement upon Cracow was conducted. HINDENBURG DRIVES TO CUT OFF CZAR'S CENTRE Menaces Klght Wing at Sochaczew, While Austrians Threaten Left. RBRLIN, Dec 21. Strong forces concentrated at Sochac zew threaten the Russian right wing be fore Warsaw, Marshal von Ilindenburg Is making a -vigorous drive at this posi tion, which is essentially the key to the Czar's right German success In break ing through the Warsaw lines of defense at this point will cut off the right from the centre. The centre will be Isolated If another strategic move of von Ilinden burg Is consummated, the advance of the AustrotGerman contingent tn southern Poland, which already has made great progress In the Plotrkow region. Today's War Office statement, contain ing the foregoing details. Indicates that Marshal von fitndenburg refuses to be diverted from his major objective, the capture of Warsaw, by the Russian re sistance along the Inside of the East Prussian frontier or by the revived Rus sian advance In Qallcla. Military experts point out that Soohac zew is a roost difficult point for the Ger mans to attack, as the Russians are pro tected by rivers and their positions are defended b? previously built fortifica tions. It Is pointed out that a deoislve result In this region cannot be expected soon. Soehaoxew Is near the Vistula, be tween Lowlca and Wysiogrod. Why Experiment When Buying Candy It you buy Adanu' Candles, yon oan rest assured you. are right. 40a to 2.00 the pound. Imported boxes, and basks ta. ate to as-ea. Delieiotta hot and cold sods, A delightful treat after the theatre. ADAMS 219 S. Broad Sweat M0tU fMOMMM unfortunates whose homes are by VON HINDENBURG SAYS LINE HOLDS FAST J. Continued from Face One my armies against the numerical superi ority of tho Russians aro tho railways, which make posBlblo such quick move ments of the Germans. Dut my troops have shown tho utmost courage and en durance in battle and during tho long marches which have been made. With such troops I must succeed. 'I'fho Russians have great numbers of men. Considering their defective railways they have often mado very quick move ments of troops." Field Marshal von Illndenburg Is an extraordinary typo of man, Rugged and vigorous, ha has so manipulated his nu merically weaker forces over the rail roads as to check the Russian advance upon German territory through Poland, and finally to hcrl them back upon their own dofenacs. Tile Germans arc constantly shifting their forces to deliver new blows. They forced tho SIsvb to alvo way for 33 mites on a. line running from Lowicz and Lodz to Cracow. Tho new Russian position is but 10 miles from Warsaw. Field Marshal von Hindenburg said there were between 3) nnd 40 Russian army corps (approximately l.MO.COO or 1,000,000 men) opposed to tho German and Austrian line, which ' stretches over ' a front of ISO miles. Since November 13 the Germans have captured 110,000 Russians,, It h said. "The Russians have suffered enormous losses In killed, wounded nnd men taken prisoners," the Field Marshal said. "The heavy casualties which they suffered In three battles during the last four weeks resulted In the breaking of the Russian offensive and rcslstanco along the en tire line." H. B. Claflln Company Reorganized NEW TORK, Dec. 21. The Mercantile Btores Corporation, successors to the H. U. Clafiln Company, has been organized under New York State laws, nnd Alex ander New, of Kansas City, elected presi dent. The company will supervise the business of S3 retail storeu,. formerly con trolled by the Claflln organization. ORIGINAL GENUINE pawjjHSjSrj Cjur "CMm Jmiiaticnl' A Food-Drink for AU Ages Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For Infants, Invalids and grow ing children. Pure nutrition, upbuild ing the whole body, Invigorates nurs ing mothers and the aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. Take B substitute. Ask (or IIORLICK'9 sfc i: STOHH CX.OBB9 HATS TRIMMED MARKET FILBERT To One This Store Closed HPO adjust any arrets. I Eighth Street, Main to 11 o'clock tomorrow neV- W v lilKBMKMrNB UtBftoflfaers Saturday Morning's Pmfwm Will Anmnmcit Great Bargain News of Our Pre-Inventory Clearance Saks Sappers' Operations Suc cessful in Winning Ground Between the Lys and the Sea German Resistance Stiffens. PARIS, T)te.U. Advances are being made In Belgium near the coast by the mining of sand dunes. This Is reported today in the official communique, which announced the ropulso of an German attacks along the battle front In the region of Arrae and Verdun fog has caused a lull In the fighting. Bast and southeast of Amlong, In tho region of Leslgny, there Is a fierce artillery duel In progress, the report indicating tbaS the OermanB are trying to resume the offensive in that district. The Belgian army has evidently been shifted from the North Sea coast, ns tho report says the Reigiansrhave advanced south of Dlx mude. Hitherto they wero reported to be operating near NleuporL The ofllclal statement today does not report extensive advances along the wo front such as previous communiques of the week havo announced. The number of German counter-attacks reported ap peara. to indicate that the Allies are tioxf meetlngswlth moro stubborn rcslstAnco nnd thut tho enemy Is mnklng strenuous efforts to regain ground lost In the gen eral advance of the French nnd nrltlah. -" Jn the region of the Alsne brilliant r- slstanco by the zouaves repulsed attacks by the enemy, A German attack in the region of Vlllo Surtourbe, In the Cham pagno district, failed owing to the effeo tlveness.of the French artillery. n. new ouensivo movement has been ue gun by tho Allies east of Rhelms, ac cording to tho late reports from the front, with tlte apparent Intention of cut- v .?? Way to tnu German line of suppilea , at ilets and Luxemburg. The heavy fighting In Flanders has resulted in .the strengthening of the German lines In the north, and it Is believed that, relying on thtf' strength of tho nntural defenses they occupy jjortB of tho AJsne, the Ger mans have withdrawn large numbers. from thelatter point. DARING GERMAN7 AIRMAN DROPS BOMB ON DOVER Makes 140-mile night "Eton Ostend, But Inflicts Ho Damage. -LONDON, Doc 24'. A German' aeraplaile made, a raid over Dover today and dropped a .bomb. Ouiclol announcement of tho aerial attack was made by e Government Press Bureau. This was tl first time that the British Government has ofllclallj- admitted a German aerial raid over English territory, but It had ; been reported some time ago that a Ger- j man taube machine had flown over Dover. It Is presumed here that the Germar , aeroplane came from Belgium, having ' flown over part of the North Sea and theH straits .of Dover. Dover Is 70 miles from Ostend, the point from which the daring aviator prob ably started. Tho round trip would en tall a no-stop Journey of 140 miles. Lon don Is CO miles from Dqver. ThlsV Is the second German attacX- -nsolnat England within a fortnight, the bombardment of Scarborough and Hartle pool having been made on the KSUu Has Dad been Overlooked for Xmas? There still is time today, right up to six o'clock P. M! Accurate fitting in Suit or . Overcoat that he can wear away thirty minutes after you've picked it out that's our speed at Perry's! But, if it must be, then Saturday is Xmas - time enough for Santa's very practical assistant! Meantime, the laurel an.d pine, the holly and mistletoe, the laughter awl good Chejr of a Merry Christmas! May youra be the Bmt , ever, the forerunner of many more to come, each biggr, better, brighter than tttfy gone before! Perry & Co., "n.b.t. 16th & Chestnut Sts, .1 M$rf!fi&1 DAILY 0.30 P. U. FREE OF CHARGE EIGHTH SEVENTH and AU All Day Totmnow rwMrswaUtive ta t Areeto Eatr&Bee w&VBhHg. &em ."- Wi-mKm w. .-;,tMMi(S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers