Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 24, 1914, Sports Final, Page 11, Image 11
EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 10U. . . '1X INSANITARY HOMES BREEDING PLACES OF DISEASE-LADEN RATS Filthy' Cellar Rooms of the .Tenement District Respon- fusible for Unwholesome - .Conditions. r SfttM ami Insanitary conditions In rhlla- iydlphla's "cellar rooms," It Is tlio belief oP'Mhitnry exports, Is primarily re , sponsible for thq largo mi nib or of rats n1 Infesting certain localities of tlio tenement district. px Recent Incvsllgatlon by prominent mr j cljants,; who formed n permanent com- mlttoo to .co-opornto with the Department of. Health to drive out the rodents, showed that JC50.000 worth of merchandise is destroyed yearly by rats lit this city. Dr, Ij, E, Cpfcr, Assistant Burgeon Gen- rJ,nt Washington, believes that filth Is . one jf tlio chief causes of the existence of rats in tenement dwellings. Tito poor of tho different downtown wArda whoso homes nro In dark, small amltWlndowless baeeijiont rooms aro coin plqliiliigf these days of rnls, Many of tho tenement dwellers havo Installed rat fop.'.. qinca rats began to Infest certain tenements tho rat station nt tho foot of It&co street has been kept busy receiv ing doad nnd living; rata from residents ett tno congested quarters. Tho city pays two cents for every dead rat de livered to tho station and nvo cents for every livo ono. nits, In tho opinion of leading phy albiatig or" this city, nro tho carriers of the' -bubonic plague, which In known to tho medical world ns "black death." Sev eral" Weeks ngo a movement to olltnluate rats wan launched by prominent men. Thomas Martlndalo presided nt the meot lng, nnd at tho suggestion of Director Georgo W. Norrls, of the Dopartmont of Wharves. Docks nnd Ferries, It was de cided that tho organization should be come a permanent one. Of 1000 rats roccntly brought to the rat' section, a careful examination by medical authorities chowed thut about riliib wero found to bo Infected with lep rosy. Tho rata wero caught in traps which Wero set In lofts and warehouses, arf-well as in tho tenement district. Several guinea pigs wero Inoculated with parts of tho infected rats to ascer tain whether it was posslblo for n human being to catch leprosy from the pests. Ilr-search ncUvlty of infected rats, which Were captured In New York several years ago, disclosed that It wan possible for persons to become Infected with leprosy from rats whoso system is stricken with that malady. Indignation against Select Councilman Charles Seger, of tho 7th Ward and chairman of tho subcommittee on finance of Councils, who has declared himself as being opposed to the now housing laws, is- growing. Many insanitary "cellar roerns" nro located In the heart of Seger'a ward. It la also in this ward that the headquarters of ,the International Tene ment OWn'ors' Association Is located. This association has gone on record as being opposed to tho new Division of ' Homing and Sanitation which was cre ated by tho last Legislature. Tho act wrs signed by Governor Toner. livery effort to got Council's finance committee, of which John I". Connelly is chairman, to grant appropriations for the new department has failed. Con nelly, who Is anxious to become tho can didate for City Solicitor on tho. ttopubll can Organization ticket, is another CoUn . oilman who doesn't favor tho now hous ing lawB. $96,000 FOR PENNILESS MAN Ex-convict, Inmate of Mission, to ;. Beceive Aunt'a Estate. After a year of aimless wandering, iBtophe Blair, on ex-convict who, for ' several weeks has been employed at the "Whosoever Mission, Qermantown, will iciuru io ins noinq in Aunneapolia soon a ricn man. Ha was notified at tho mission yesterday that an aunt had died and left him 136.000. , Sixteen years ago, when Blair was a, youth living in luxury in Minneapolis, he quarreled with his brother and killed Win. lie was sentenced to 10 years In prison, but was released after serving in years of the term. When he left prison no one would employ him and he began to wander. Threje weeks ago he was advised to go to the Whosoever Mission. lie begged to be. permitted to earn his board by wash ing windows. The rnoney was left him by Miss Caro line Blair, or Montreal. Ho will not re ceive his inheritance until enough money can be raised at the mission to send him Wjet to be identified by lost friends. Bunday'B Next Campaign Paterson. Billy Sunday's next campaign after the tig one to open here January 3 will be in freon. Joe II. Spelce, the tabernacle sh aitd architect, has received word Mr. Sunday to. go to the Now Jersey and select a alto for the "glory building-." ' Spelce will go to Paterson within a few days, but will be her for tjlf opening- of tho Philadelphia cam- poke , ' Funeral of V, A. Vola TJia funeral of Ferdinand A. Vola. who W elfifat years managed tha Cafs IAlg IP,Bv.wlil be held this afternoon from aji'laU residence, 5UJ Christian street, fta O'clock. The pallbearers wilt be jKlene Fellon, Patrick Conway. William fgllpEi J, O. Patten and A. Fisher. Mr. W& died Tuesday after an Illness of avrl months.' duration. He is survived by hU widow and one son. sj M OBITUARIES Si JSA?H0i QQBDON OTjaTIS to '"ip i i am i ffer;rtl"t Magazine Wsltsr pad Wifa of Sditor. HIAWTOK, N. V.. D. tWsabel uux, rwvsxwt uta iuttM and wuta of Trtmala Ourtlal. auHtdr j-le Pa-X Reaorrter. 4isd here to- Um a sarattal oEturUo8. m u Uftia was tha flrat aditnr at thai Hotitekwplng Waguln. AMD! r -TIM woman tram WJr- s 4Wpn or tsnooa waMtwir CSoBjnMauMaaja Wtaum." ?Wcr and br hiubaAd survive rtU The lustrol 1U be MA GBOROB Wlt&QX fl$tf$t ot Coal ejid lm Oonmaay ud a WW YataMMt, r U. wii, m yw W. fotmtsv ' H Wli4i Ci,ii $ ! OtMUiaW. of ITsisiBTaiaj mmA a. aaAi,A aaf ik jattrtiaw Pm "au !aPnKJl Benjamin "Wilson, M4 Woodlawn avenue, Colllnriwood. Urlef over the demise of ills other Bon, Georgo Wilson, a few weeks ago, is believed to have hastened his end. Mr, Wilson was a member of T. M. It Left Post, a A. It., Ionic Lodge of Masons, SHoam Chapter, It. V.JI and Cyreno Commamlery, Knights Templars, nnd wag grand commander of Knights Templara in New Jersey In 1SS0 and 1881. Me leaves A widow, fine flon Bind two daughters. M1W. EMMA L. 'SIMPSON Mrs. Emma Lathers Simpson, wife of M. Verntr Simpson, a lawyer, and sister of Itlchard Lathers, Jr., a director of several banks in New York, died yester day at her home, 3720 Walnut street, after a brief Illness?. Mrs. Simpson wan n, daughter of Colonel Illohard Lathers, who commanded a regiment of State mili tia from South Carolina, during the Civil War. Her husband Is the son of the late Bishop Mftlhew Blmpson, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She is also survived by three sisters, llvinir In New York State. A!JAWe7fA,nD.cT.SnSM Mineral sen Ices on Saturday. December ah. . ", P- "J., at her late re sldence, 8317 North 8,!rT Itnfrmnt private, at OMenwood tiliWiWr-J.'. .!"'" Cemetery. m.(JUE,",1.iU $Vn. .cfnbr !IJ. 1H. JANB, wife of the late William niggers art, Funeral ttnUrt. t her late residence, MOl ItnwHnt at., en fmuinfay, at 2:0 ji. m. )r. C (. r .., uu (tiutviiir, hi ;m, n, in. pre OANNINn.' iiiwii viii hi nnrmwooq i amaicrr, I. -. WTr.t.TAflf nAVUtun aim llni'illFW0.11 Vnn,,,iy'.D?r,m'r. II I. 1914. i, ili tf ., J,n..wl ,llllaln " .arill' i mn noutn nan at,, mi view and Inttrmani rrlvi in Deeaniber S3, 1014, Uibani) of tha inle Mary uniral, on patunlay, nt l,Svl Lhlh av. 80 Phlladtt. oS A?E3',CPft .December 8, tni4, MICltAHL CABKlf husband of tha mfe Mary rn'ty fnee Kn). Kuniral. on patunlay, at :io a. m,, Wi'il i''i"S, ""Wn. ". Boieinn mgii Man at SI. Coltiinbe, Churoli, at 10 . m. Interment at Ttnlv r'rn I'-mI,... yrnM t Holy Croai Cemtterv, CHON81tKV-On December 88. 1014, ttOtJ- UUT. huaband of nnrah rrnnaii,. phii.hI aan'lers on Salurtay. nt Hiao p. in,, at Dim Onrrrantown ava.. Uarmanlown. inlernwnt . JCftviit;. l Northwboil r;mstpry. IE,ltnON-JOHN DEJAltDON, 4163 Tar- IMMIOllkltrV, Oh Dcembr 22, 1D14.. WIMP .DeuOHBnTV. huabnna of "hi lute Ilrldsft Dougherty, Punaral. on Mnn flay, at s a, m.. lrom fila lata rtalilnc, 2.110 Fdral at. t8olmn llrtjulem Mata at St. An,iily ?..(TtuJrch; ,' 0!? " m- interment -.B.l.K?3! Calhedrnl Ccinttpry. ESCHI,K-On Dcambr. 21, 1014. 0U8TAV, nil Friday, at 2 p. in., nt Mi late realdraes, Srit.,,'.0 ,t ,n,,,m,nt 0r"n ,li";rr-9n . December 22, 1014, JOHN HAflM, hiiaband of the lata Hoae Itahn (nil pinck. Imeral on Monday, at smii a. m from 1WS OBmiantonn avo. solemn llequlom Man at 8t. Peter's Church, at 10 a. m. prt' ..$ill- Interment at St. reter'a Cam.lery. "JfiKfrr0!!. Boceinbar 31, 1014, CltAItLCS HICKS. Funeral on Baturday, at 1 p, m rrom the Odd Fellows Home, 8. K. cOr. 17th "J".?. T,0a. ,t"- Interment In North Cedar Hill Cemetery. ,,J.ILCTIt PsMinb'r 5.1. IBM, CUAnLHS P., hueband or Mary W. IIlll, Dua notice of tho funeral will Ij 'ven from hla, late realdencs, 8124 8. nroa,f at. JAMES. On December 22, 1914, HAltnnriT on or Jacob IVand th late Annla I.. Jamea. Funeral service, on naturday, at a p. in,, nt th residence of hla brother, . Charlea Jamre. Ill N. 2d at., Vlneland, N.J. t.KK. HUBAN l.Kn, 2017 I'oiter at LiyolITON-MAny LBIallTON. IBS West waihlnjton lane. I,I!NNp,X. On December 2H, 1914, Mlas fJAltAIt C. liENNOX. tlelatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Satur day morning, at 8:30 o'clock, from her resi dence, 1MO North lawronca at. nenulem Mnrs ut St. Michael's Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment private, nt Holy Sepulchre Ceme tery. IVnoNAnil. Suddenly, on December 20, TIIKODOHE C, ann of tha Into Albert and Mary Jano Leonard. Funeral eervlcea on naturday, nt 1:80 p. til., nt 4S0 Milliter at., piauccater, N. J. Interment private, nt Northwood Cemetery. ril'HCUUTZ. MAUY t,ITCHOT5!, 20i0 I'aae at I.OItDr-On December 38, 1014. JUAHY M. .UHDi Funornl aenlcea, nt the realdenca of tier daushter. Mra. T. A. Itlcharda, 712 West Montgomery ave., Saturday, at 2 p. m. In terment private IA'ONH CIIARliGS LYONS, 1898 South 4(!tli at. McKKNNA, HELEN McKBNNA. 4424 I'nr rleli at OHIIOIlNi:. On December 28, 1014, HCNnY r. OSUOnNE, aged 70 years. Funeral Berr leer, on Saturday, at I d. m.. at hi-lata rail denca, 0012 Banaom at. , Jntaruiant-at- Uount- vernnn cemotery. IMIONKV. Suddenly, on December 21. 1014. (JATHAniNB. widow .of Thomas Kooney. Funeral on Saturday, at 8:30 a. in., from 2tdg North Fatrhllt at. Solemn Ttequlem Alsaa at St. ndtvard'a Church, at 10 a, m. preclialy. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery, BIMTHON Puddenly, on December 28, 1914, KM1IA LATIIUiiS, wife of M. Verner Slmp aon. Ilelatlvea nnd frlenda ara Invited in attend tha funeral services, on Saturday morning, at It o'clock precisely, at her hus band'a residence, 3720 walnut at. Interment private. WAl.THHH. On December 31, 1914, I.AU1IA 11, WAI.TEnS. daughter of Anna M. and tha (nt- John Walters, Funeral, on Saturday, December 2i, nt 2 p. m from her molhcra residence, 022S North Front at., Olney, In terment at Oakland Cemetery. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THI8 STYLE TYPE (or Ilka thla) Ono Insertion ,.. t5o par Una Three inaertlona In a week.., 12Ho per line Revait consecutive Inaertlona, . 10o per Una 10OO-fln contract (dally ad vertising) So per Una Situations wanted, three inser tions In a week ....... 10a perllne THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all clatslllcatlons except Help and Situations Wanted, Loat and Found, Per sonals, Hoarding and Itooms. One Insertion 20o pet" line Three insertions In a week... HHoperllna 8evan conaecutlvs lnaertloas,., ISO per line 1000-ljna contract (dally, ad. ' vartlslnn) 12o per line All rates are basad on agate tneaaurament, 14 agate lines to the Inch. DEATH NOTICES-elther paper 10 line on tlroe. ....,,. G0c. Three Insertions , , ,...,...,.,.11.00 DAILY ONLY In Sffitt DtcmUr t, 1H OOUniNATIOX HATE for Insertion In both the moraine and evening papers of same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MOrtNINO) EVENING LEDGER (BVENINO) Add. four cents per line net to rates given above. H8LF AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVBKTWNO IN TUB PUBLIC tEIXJER MAY BE INSERTED JN THE EVENINO LEoaan without additional CHABQE. There is a drug store near your home that will aooept Ledger wast ada at office rates, PERSONAM yRSTZ nBALTr compant The fellewlsa nd, Noa. 71, 11. lee. m. 6t, have beaa drawn and are calleU far pay oteat sad afcruad laterest. Payment will U Mil Oft tA flrat day o January. 1815, at tfi o'M 'AJ eI fctate Tliu'nsuranii and Wit A., of Philadelphia pfc tm thMtnut at. after which date all ialertat on thete bonds vUl . on IL A. CAMPBELL. Trttrar. HELP WANTED PEMAI.E COOK f t41 f DeWwata. Q M. Ledjar ceetral IlftOBXWORK-Re. ProteiUBt Alii. las. JHw I, ta do ttaad O4ouin i oonu, uur o4 a: yaajyiryTT ptStfx UaWBRbSV, aapaH,.rWl Saiyii. ig7y- i i i i SllhWs V ?4t v3iail?3sMla SaA pir" u&u&L !3iJ?0ni- HELP WANTED MALE ADVErtTI8INO anenry has , Vcfiy tor stenographer: must take rapid dictation, ba "wi in ungiisn an :ltlng;. Smith Premier mscjujil , operator. toger Mince. mjTl.nlt. whlta. rtr.t Mas. at Marlon. L Ml. . mxiaer.yenirai. , ..-.. . HUSTLKItS, eapablaef tafnln W and up- -nni, aany commission Dasis. io aemon- itrata.bur free talklnr machine. 'Apply 8 te 10-90. Mr. flhsmbelan, 182 Arch at. iAiian LodAti citEMiCAt. lNDUstrtr if qulrea a few workmen of the Ktlcr claaafof responsible positions In the factnry, not office, no special mechanical or chemical experience necessary: work li neither unhealthy nor dan rerouai as we operate some verv valuable f ecrt processes (knowledge of which mult not be disclosed), these poaitlona ere only open to, men,er proven integrity nd ftooa MMts, who will invest S1000 in the business, which la both for our protection and to make the opportunity to prontable to them that they willhave the highest Incentlvo to fidelity! rpsjltlona are permanent and wages and profits should exreed linoo per yeart tt and . enperlence, rt 640. Ledger Onttai. NIOHT rLBttK-Must hava hotel experience and ahto to operate switchboard. Hotel Mar lyn, 40th and Walnut pipe covBrtnns wanted. Apply, with teals. Khret Magnesia. Manufacturing Co., fark ava. ana Cumberland at. Young- Man, about 10, for general efflce work: one with ome nravldua payroll Kg. Preferred glva full particulars. Address 100, . Ledger Branch Office, ai28 Frankford it. 20 tlOYS. past 14, wanted, atoll "Hilly" Sunday Trsll Illtter Weeklv on streets. Apply, to 11, Bis Land Title nulldlng. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE A.OOOD plnlrt aewcr: would help with chll . dran. O BT, Ledger Central. DOOKKMCJPBrt-lnduttrloui, eornn.l bmlneaa ann cnaracier rer. rum, u odu. iu 1,-enirn., Dn.FJSM'AKIUt wants ngagmenl, home i or out: good fitter. UVTO Monirosat.DlfK. 22-41W. OOtVNn7l3VENlNO CI-0AK8 AND TAILOIJ. ed aiiliat at homa or outi short notice, O, M. McNIchola, 1117 Christian at. rhone Dickinson 8411 X. POSITION with an invalid, or companion to, an elderly lady) city references. L 818, Led gel1 Otnce. o-rfMrldti Atiltttn. .. AUnllr.it and denenda' bio, would consider moderate aafaryi refer- encea. II 23.1, LMger vine. BThiNOartAPHEtt, comp. mod. al. till abll- ly Is demonstrated, n .114, 1oJner OfAee. 3TENOOrtAPHEn, bcflkketrl pe a bus, ref.i mod salary. J. M 728 tllfli iBeedyl icktnaon, TyPEVItITnn, in, wllllngt good knowUdga aienograpny: hto ainri. n n.,r v. m.. WHEN IN NEED of nil experienced office as ala'ant. bookkeaper, stenographer or clerk. can up iviiiiiui ow ,.,u. !.. -" "'r Daan, of the fommerclal Dapartment, Who has list of high-grade, axperlenced girls eager for positions. Avail youraelf pf tha free service to Ledger advertleera NOW . SITUATIONS WANTED MAM BOOKKEEPER . , Ymmg man, 21. wall educated, fine business tralnlnar. .1 ycara" experience. bnt reference from renl employer, desires a changr. P 02.1, ledger Offlfo. nooKltniaPKn.ofnco manager! thorougiiiva.l- tiablo experience. Mnnager, MIO North lntn. BOOKKERPEn. typist! ref, as to cliamctor, accuracy, nblllty. a IHO, Ledger Central. BtHLDINO MATERIAL flALESMAN.ri liusller. reveral jpars' experience, large following nmouB architect" and, builders of Philadel phia nnd other rttl. desires connection) best or references, a 257, Ledger Central. CHAOTFEUn, conehmiui, flrst-claea mecrraiilc, 12 rr tn' experience. FRANK. 22VI N. 2d, CHAirFFEflR, rrac, all-around mam doea ra palra tinderatanda gardening1. 810:1 rtmnoko. CLEIIK YOUNn MAN. 22. TAin EDUCA TION, DESIRES POSITION HITHER IN OFFICE OR KACTOIIY. MECHANICAL LINE: OOOD REFfl. O BIS, LED. CENT. . ENOINEER Chief engineer wants position where economy and remits aro considered: eteom, electrical. rarrlgemtlni; and Ice plants; have Md 80 years' practical experience and know the buslncrs. L 40. ledger Central. ENOINEER to aupcrvlac croctlnir new or old plauta:cn'i give part of tlmo and show ro aulta to owner: Inveatlgate: charge, reason able. Engineer, P O. Box 03, Ititladelphla, Penmi, HAVE you rom for young University man. 21, with sales Experience and executive abll lly.cn ono of life lower rungs of your ladder? OS3I1, Ledger Central. , LET1 ME PtIT POME OINOER IN YOUR BUSINESS Experienced manager, anerat stora, liruj furnllhlng, hardware, rnlnts; good executive! rtrst-class references. 0. 140. Ledger Central. OYSTER OPENECt, colored exnd , dea. poa. or aa waltsri good refs. A. It, 707 g. Rancroft. PRACTICAL MAN. 2T. formerly conducted own business, patternmaker by trade, ex- Sartenced In both Iron and brass foundry, eslrra position in shop or office, or aa aaleaman) best references) experienced estimator from blue prlnla. O 612, Ledger Centtal. REPRESENTATIVE Younr man..age21. aggressive, hustler, would like to represent a rirst-clasa nrm either In the Southern or Western States; beat refer ences as to character and ability. B 313, l.edgerOfflce. STENOORArHER-Spaedy. accurate, satisfac tory servlc aaaured. BenJ, Silverman, 1414 outhat., Philadelphia, Ypf'NO c6fXRED" riiiAN and wlfr want Imuaewcrlc and cooking) best referancea, JI Sin, ledger Of Ilea. YtiUNd .MAN, 18. wUhea to learn carpenter trarjai handy with tools. Phono Market .HI22. VoilNd' MAN wlihea position aa .ultinun In relall alorei best reference. II 401, Led. Off. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES' WILLET, 1800 Mantan at . 8. Phlla.-Bouthern help I city or coun. I ref. Phona Dickinson SOM. VVANTED Cooko and tin'itework girls, Mlsa Roaa Dougherty. 1313 W. Olrard ava. AUTOMOBILES Tor Bale OIIR prices on usrd cars will surprise you. especially with our convenient payment plan; prlcea from J1QQ up, rhooa 8. ft B. AUTO CO,. Iicuit 8137. 1423 Vina at. LET me sell your autoa for you' on commie? elan l no charges until sold; ellenti waitlnr, Ralph Oarage. 10th and NorrU; WINTON 1011 touring car chaesla, sultRblt for truck; goaj 'endltlpni only t-tro. 810 N. 10th. ATJTO MVEIIY AND aABAQES JT1RST.CLAB9 tourlnr car. -l per hour; newy Pi lnted, with weather protection. Call Main 2J84 or Park 878 Harry Ooodman, DOOS, DTODS A1D GOLD PISK FIRST UANAHIBfl since; THE WAR hvi lava lust arrived on ateamar sloterdrk-from lotterdam. Thla shipment comprlaea tha aa- I leetlsn of Harts Mountain oanarlea. Your choice of tha impertatfbn. Iiarti Mountain. na importation, iiarti uountajn. tiler canartea, UM each. Cages of H eaeni nailer canaries. every description, E. O. VA glffi&rtaiSg i'ter, 318 BUSINESS NOTICES Appear at your beat thla Xmaat Have ytrur furs carefully repaired tot tha hoi. FURS tday saaaon. expert workmanship and reasonable prices, Phona Belmont SMI Sv. CHAB. J. B0OS8. am Arch st. lUmttltchlng dooa while you ' wait. A. Reich.' td. 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review patteres. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rTTAO5,ArRlN""oerportloa wanl." trtat managera who will be ln axelualva tTttory in. Philadelphia,, centra! and easienl ti..lu.n Wew Jersey. York and other Important n.-ritory. fbr the wHvin, nasr bst and tnest aaUBls product titr plaoad on tha market. exarr bonae. araet. u win u io every aula owner, bene, every place of byeWMa. general Fra5" TlrJx ,r . J"iJ awirea. Uli (hla at .. as A Is hlgh-gi iavaa4Isata grade busltiiij vroposltMn tut Ii right la every Mrttoular eaa a. - vvmm yiu -.re di em tmn piet. SU rh- West flfcasl.r. T "IflffiSOrOJaffl KSjt-atAX . Va Dit aatahttahed euuuiotua e nuoma &sstseo 3g so asaa anuH. is mu. itnt k Hit 22S SMgaj amNtfn m CARPET GMSANlNCr WEST rillLA, MONAnCirSTOrtAOH.CO. c. l'8n YArtD. 8870-72 LANCASTfm AVE. OXiEANXNO AND DVEINO .OSTftlCIl FSATIIBno' t3Il FSATHBnB AND FANC id. Wed, ogntEU aMu INTO LATEST STTLnrf AH.llOT. 1510 CllnSTNUT CIK3 . . I CLEAN B ilAUE MA1I DTAMONDa AND JEWE&1TC nfAHInNna tirtttrtttT Sank Iteferencea. Appraliement. !, al, w, BSIiril, 717 hamsum r, sW DIlESQKAKINQ AND MIlUNEHY DIIKSPMAKINO taughti ehott,, btad. eeurie. McDowell's, 307 Denrkln Xldg., ilth h MarkeL DHESSMAKINQ at home: best of . reference. jiKn, inn st, rnone uiamona k. tfOIt BALE UlLLIAItD, .pool, comb., 2d hand, bought, sola, . rented, tx'i. Keafer, 320 dlrird ave, CArtPETB, sold, storag. jilted,. Axmlntlef . eultablarboardlng A apt, houses, lillo repiar. ItEVOLVlND malionany rate, suitable (or fold era, stationery I ettecially adapted for Inuur- ' ancs ofrtcej must be seen to be sfprerjated. i-iioi on nia at i.auger central, rio, ow.. TYPBWIWTEIIS AND BUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS, all makea. J and upwardl office furnllure, dcaks, elo. 1'enn House Wrecking Co., T1D-17 Jamea it., near Bth end wajniit. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, broka't Jewelry, geld sll ver, false teeth. 118 Walnut. "Eat, 1800. kURNlTUHF Ahllquea, pianos, eto part runillUKL nt ,nlre house. Kena. . Furniture Co.. 1)148 Kensington ava. H00MS FOR. KENT DARINO, BSIO-Rooms, furnlshid or, unfuf nlalied, 2d floor, fo' liousekeeplngl. phone, . BROAD. H., 402 Exclusive lioma-tlke and reasonaDie. BROAD, P., 4pn-Deslrable slnala room. om fonnbly (urnferedi well heatedi reaaonabla.,. MABTEH, 1D2J - FURNISHED. ROOMS, SIN gle or en suite, hotwaterlieat Poplar 2120. HP RUCK, 2032-Dealrable aulte with private , bntni et'nflra, tingle rooms jTpwnsri . 18TH N 02.1-Reflned gentlemen I alnxle or t oouriia roomsr every. noma, comiori),pnonc; 2,-lD, S., 122-Rooms. alngts or enaulte) prl vata bntha, running wateri ateam heats newly papered and painted) gentlemen preferred. (Hi) AND RANSOM Eur- Weel Branch nlshed roomai men onlyl Y. it. C. A. meals, shower baths! near r. Alt ih rnmtnrta nt home. . rhona Belmont 4W, PlttVATM family will rant 2 large furnished Jnuma 111 rrtiiivti aniiliriiiri, ir v.utv, iitr. 7th and locust. JU 418, Lodger Central. CHBEHFUL ROOMS for Invalid, excltislva, private realdenca; nursing service It dealrad) central. L S4Q, Ledger Central. HANDSOMELY furnished front room In large modern private home. Electrlo lights. Ten minutes to City Hall. Telephone Raring 413, Professional Offices. WALLACE, N. E, COR. .21ST 8T.-8Ulte of looms for physician) partly turn. i mn. water. BOAHDING ARt'H. 2(l-202o-Handsomely furnlahed, In- ciuiung auperior lame, Oi table, l COLUMBIA AVI1. 24.13-Comforlably fnrn Ished roomai private family) board optional) hot-water heat. Phone. SPRUCE. 1224.122 (RrtsmondM-Eurn. room'. einKio. en eiuiei nrivaio oatnataoie poanii CA accommodata two gentlemen) convenient to car llnea. L 481, Ladger Central. APARTMENTS WALNUT.1222-24 (Kenwoodl-Deslrahle vacan cies, atngle or milte. prlv. batha: will furnish to ault tenant) moderate rate. Walnut 8191. EOR VACANCIES ahd complete information M all apartments free, cnnatilt APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce ata, Prone Walnut 980, or write for "Apartnient Directory." Decemher fviiiinn, rrPB, MotmiCKKHPINO APARTMENT, 2 rooms and bath) centrnli low rent. P. R, Compnny, LION'S HEAD 'yJaS. i.,4, i viiiiaj'iriuiv iiiuk, OKll'or two fnt'm elfaant urh. roomi run. waur, pain, iint-waiyr ngt. no n lain it. APAHTMENT HOTELS THE PARKSIDE Olrard ava. and 40th at. Bullea 1 to 8 rooms -and bath. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME. UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON nitST FLOOR Apply on Premises HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND'SDTH STREETS Ore Housekeeping Apt., 6 Rooms and Hath, One Housekeeping Apt., S Rooms and Hath. R, It. THATCHER, Manager. Wallace, n, a cor. 2ist sr.-Kiat of 4r. and bath) hskpg.; furnished or unfurnished. JtOUBEItEHl'INO PLAT of 8 rooms and bath, near lojh and Walnuf, AppIv 11 a Slt 16th. HEAL ESTATE POU SALE CTTY CALL "TABa" OEIISIANTOIVK MOUNT AIRY AND CHESTNUT HILL PROPERTIES Telham Trust Co., 6740 Otrroantown eve. MAIN LINE. I'A. It. It. 114 ACRES. 200 acre: cheap: spring water. A. P. Heald. Wet Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY HaddonllelJ. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL flna propartlea at bargain prlcea. WH. CAREY M Alt Sir ALL, Ml fid. era! at., Camden. National Park. N. J. YOUR oppoTtunlty) Iota SdxlSOi near tro Svariooking Del.) adjoin, Carnpball Seup evalopment. greater N. J. Qo., M B. 1 trolley) lath. PENNSYLVANIA FAIUIS ' idoi.i..u.r!:i, water t has farmt nd tBi acres: tha. very best of land and chMDi state your waats, Jonathan O. Hare, West Chea- rARMS. 1500 and upward, all alias, prleeo ter. r nrt lneatlona. Tell catalog J B. Thom I we fvm vuie, ASH IOT on, west Chester, Fa. 4 BBAI ESTATE SALE OB BENT BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE AtlaaUg2ly( N. J. BEAL ESTATE WANTED fiagllah 1? veal eama-DrOHUVio iduotn ttan naaei lap! nMr. wire or writ at reiueteaUUte. W. J llin.i K-rr :tll :. BBAL ESTATE TOR KENT Factories, Wa.rUoB., Mfg. Moors F. K. va- -""- Wf"f- ii6 lilMEY required if ground la Improvsd) wlirtake mortgage da N. V.or. fisneoek Columbia ave. Charlea tlauj, 2111 8. Iflh at. CHftSwUT ST... south side, aboVa 15th at, Hale or rent. J aw-S,4lt( J-i Bailey Blig. aai afeaad'-FhiUd.lrAU M ors: eaty partlu with aood in. a sroairtlaa el dxlr.ble Luu. aaaji Le Omeca. Baalaeaa Hoaaa. Sie. IWVK.,W, ldtetSt f-as tt&SZ luxolaSauFor ituiBlaaSiv ty month aeLeaa w year, all kKetluoa, prtae tM bar miuS UPH -3 rrujOa. 8jlU """" HWTGA93M '' ' " ' ii i l mn iij jiii JJ' J"""J l iiiiiiiiim.lJ ii ii ii iiji imj p1" si- i iws.si.i. . i a i. iim.i, ismsaa- m-mmlimmmmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm--ii i I iTniiiJiiir i KSHD A DDT JRliM lPi A 1 T S A. U. JaVJL -ft. JkmiJLd 7 FYH.T ii' i i i i i i . i i ii i 1 1 ,1 i 1 1, i i i , in mny 7b tt c Will f,t Nr, r"t' gnwa, -i.'Jvi noMViX rJ't vJPmlfei eT-fi Wl'TI bbbbbbbbKI9A rlaaaWl J. -KaTsaBBBBBBaK . Hliorter llousli. ain't It, putting up the jirlco of beer? Lonstey Yes; 'nutlier two bob oft tlio old woman's moncyl Jugend. Our enemies flee beaten away. "Glorious victory," the papers say. ("Stra" la Oerman for victory.) Lampoon. First Simple Slmon-Blio lias a new hbuse In the country and now she does nothing but dwelt an tha sub ject. Becond Subject? I thought It was on the Hudson. . THE FATALIST "No, darling, you mustn't have' any mare Christmas pudding yom would bo ill." Little dertle (alter due thought) Well, give me anusief pieea and send for the doeter. 5: ' . a '.' ' ' ' WireWhat vtoaii ou Jo, George. U ou weia ten s, .j-,i ' MueaMtad -Oh 1 ui.oe the mate M yvM wul4 U ou y,ei , nadwl WtO-XaMi Iwrrld wreuUal 44 y body eMi , frajijeajrl jfe-e-ryr- Itidon Opinion. OH, HAVE idoKtfeelujellso THE BOSS 3RID I COULTJ STRYHOMETHISAFTflH NOON RND REST, tz U A RNBUJHENOU FINISH THRT.I UJI5IJ V0U UJ0ULD CLERN THE CELLAR- 7T ANB RFTERTHI5,I W15H YOU WOULD OIL THE LIBRRRY FLOOR ANB- roAij Loadoa Oklnloa. ILLUSTRATED NO dHANGE ON OUR LEFT OR RIGHT ' i:S y.j -vzssa- v bih w. & V tw; I L I' laJrHlb F -aaa3 l"r t S3tV I f H HfW WMM if I G k 1K7V An Z'-WV F tqJuJ mig- Waller Chrlslffliu pudding of Jelly, mint Olrl-Jelly, plea, "WalUr (conndiillally)-rjettef air puadlnr, mint tho widairtK ririt'i la this Dlecel "The edilOM havtn't the ailfhUli Appreciation of humor. NoW they'v tent me back Mark Twain' fartioul Joke, toot" -Jutand (M.itlofJ, A HEARTl RSL0NiA$YQUflRE OlNQ-TOBEHOME-f WISH YOU UJOULU BEAT THE DINING ROOM RUfi -NOLU WHEN YOU FINISH HERE-lWANTYOUTd rAnnvAMP TRUNKS UP To THE ATTIC-A 1 .....-. i i ,0HrlftIE R HEART! aeotosUt-'WIiy, the groiiM we. ylM on was once under water. KUdsnt-AVell, that only goes td proV that you esJi't kp th UnlU4. Btates down. WAR PHRASES V- -" "I mm Amttmtmi , tt kMM. W gjH. a wi IFmiffi" -BS,! naajJiBwii'iinwiea"