Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 23, 1914, Sports Final, Page 10, Image 10

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s.1 The "last-moment" slinnner w III
Hthe following suggestions useful In buy
lrsns the Christmas gift. The stores
r.r :. .
, I iHand-embroldered handkerchiefs, from
15 cents up apiece; fruit baskets, SO cents
Up'! China casseroles, 93 cents; ma
hogany candlesticks and silk shades, U
pair; sterling sliver picture frames, U
up; corsago bouquets, 20 cents to $3.D0;
manicure sets, tl up, handbags, $1 up,
tea pots, copper, nickel and brass $2 60
.tip; nickel and ebony chaflng-dlsli noccs
ories, apiece; nickel chnnns-dlah, J3
!-upr percolator, 1J75, mahogany trais.
fcJUSQ up, grapo-Julca sets, up; dally
menu Book, II; sewing; baskets, tl up;
party cases, J1.60 up.
Linen handkerchiefs, IS cents up apiece;
The Bachelor on
Christmds Presents
"Girls have no Idea what It costs the
average man to glo what they con
alder a decent gift," tho bachelor was
inylriR the othor evening.
"Tho high cost of lovlnB la no Joke, It's
VFad reality those days. I'vo been sit
ting hero for a halt hour Just figuring
out wnat I've spent on Dolly alone. Sho's
only one, and I couldn't begin to name
all the others. And they all expoct a
Christmas present If that was all they
expected, I wouldn't mind, but It Isn't
I'm no cheap John, by any means, but I
certainly object to sending a girl a.JS
bunch of violets for Christmas Eve, an
expensive present on Christmas Day, and
another $3 box of candy In tho evonlng."
"Well, why do yoil do It, then?" In
quired tho Spinster. "Hfobody makes you
do It A girl will think Just as much
of a pair of lone kid cloves."
"Don't you believe It," said the Bach
elor, decidedly. "When 1 first began to
take glrla out thoy wcro tickled to death
with a pair of nice gloves or a. bottle of
extract for Christmas. But now! Why,
If I gave Dolly a common gift like that
she'd dcsplso mo for tho rest of hor
lire. She Just Isn't used to It, that's
all. "Why, tho poorest man sho goes with
forks out for a silver purso or some
think like It on Christmas. Sho cheer
fully Informs you that sho expects It
In o many words. Tou can't get off with
books, either .for the othor night she
carelessly told mo that nobody collected
hooka any more, thoro wero so many pub
llo libraries. Can you beat that?"
"I wouldn't bother with a girl of that
sort She's plainly a worker, and you aro
tho willing victim. Why don't you drop
her, it you can't afford to cater to her
"Then I'd lose one of tho Jolllest llttto
girls I know. Dolly's all right; it's tho
men themselves who are really to blame.
They have simply spoiled her by giving
her everything- sho wants. I don't mind
taking a fair share of oxpense, but I
draw the line at tho Jewelry. I can't I
M5&&J& X 'Vk JMbbbbbH
$mF&? .fyi VjBBBBBBBsiBBBBBi
iisBVA ' b'h ?&?&fMwysP TkIbbbbbbbbbbbMbbbbbb!
sHbBbP f1 jF it 7 T (h wff-m'"PW'PS,r lY VrrflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBft
$' ' ' Ls
?' TW topuence of tn cape is isan in the
at, pa jnajwiiy IK ilia lur coaia oi
: tjj season. A pronounoed feature, of furs
Wos nea to be a rjualat aim-
teavc BWteHaa the tightly drawn.
gfehaff b4 tho llttla etose-flttlaii bats
EwtRg piquant faee
ahooldars of the present day are
jtotJUftly Fronab, that is to say, they are
isLrtjw, tn 9POltlou to tbe o-alUd
Jtoarleh shoulders that were battt out
ktavHi4 tit natural width of the AsWe.
La fur coat vay be BlnMWt Any lesgtb,
&u tie -wftlit Unrth to the hip or the
teeoi. Tit full-letwth ocat appeare to
osi frvd Car eveniag iftcr,
.AtJBtii, it May fata ts the tcmoat
-rttb a atefe, ittrajtu eBr, or It nay
Ju wtUs VfM rovwes.
Xfca oarcienl mm sketched U4ay fi-
rl U ittttar tyK l i cut away In
Jyont fOmwst t ih 4r4U, ajnd from
tJisrje it teH is Haeke ca a doymtlBg
iiaii ttsill tf rm&m ,ttt to tha knees
auf fgk naajfrat sst slua lhaslc.
This oastt tn t very ytyad etxaaasse of
tfc IM1imk ttf Ujm effat, SMSfttisK
tm s'y. t ameMfWM tt to much
iMf hk a, etv MJ Ukfto
"t;fc ffi lkl.u n,at tilutr,tsxl atop
fcte aawiroiK uoulr 4ea mt out
fttttMiwia em. It Mi i4d M tli
tm mna (Ciii f tf. vnm at
ia am. i tfws fiasl u,t ytu mum wo
ist- ii MM at fc-UWi
- -1 MSr , -A m afc.
, 4 u,
wttm jmt
reading lamps for the bedside, tl SO; writ
ing paper and correspondence cards, SO
cents up; shaving: mirrors, SO cents up to
SO; ehalng mug and brush, Gorman sil
ver, )1; collapsible coat hanger, In leather
case, (1; match and ash trays, Jl! en
gagement pad and clock attached, II;
tie holder, (1; cuff link and collar button
boxes, SO cents up, telcphono pads, Si
cents up; tobacco Jars, II up; pads for
chauffeurs' motor orders, 11 up; naslo
baskots, 75 cents un; mahogany tobacco
stands, 31.50 up; address books, Jl 23;
photograph albums, SO cents Up; port
folios, Ji.75 up; traveling bags, S up;
suitcases, JI.60 up; fitted traveling bags.
J15 up; military brushes In case, J2S0 up,
men's traveling cases, J5 up; cano um
brellas, J150 up; umbrellas, 12 up
do It. If I bought all the things that
Dolly hinted for, I'd bo shivering for
want of an overcoat all the rest of the
"Bellevo me, I'm cured, frpm now on.
I'm going to show the girls a good time,
beginning January 1st Including flowers
at Hasten and a few copies of fiction In
tho summer. But when tho fall comes
I'm going to gently but firmly disappear.
I'm wlso now."
"Oh, aro you"? was the Spinster's an
swer. I
The Invalid's Xmas Tray
The Christmas tray for tho Invalid
should look Its very best. It is rather
discouraging to be an invalid pn Christ
mas, or any other time, for that matter,
so that If ou happen to have one in
tho houso you can make all the differ
ence in the world to her it you only
know how.
Thq menu of the Invalid depends, of
courso, upon the doctor's orders. If,
however, tho diet Is not a strict one, you
can make any number of pretty concoc
tions for her tray. The first thing to do
Is to decorato the tray Itself. Holly
leaves' may be placed around tho edge,
or. If you want td nvold all chance of
scratches, mistletoe Is beautiful. This
may bo tied with a soft bow of cherry
red ribbon. A clean tray-cloth should bo
put In the centre, and a small compote
full of different kinds of fruit makes a
nice first course. The fruit can be deco
rated uy a couple of mint leaves and a
maraschino cherry.
A plump squab, placed on a miniature
platter, looks like a tiny turkey, and will
please the Invalid Immensely. The bird
can bo surrounded by mashed potatoes.
w .v ycij uuiuiy wiiy is j pmco mo po
tatoes lu a small mound, with a star of
tho crabapple Jelly on tho top. Tho per
son who has to carry the tray will ap
preciate tho lack of extra dishes. A
sprig of holly placed In the centre of
each dish looks charming.
sees an occaslppal coat pf beaer and
wonders why ono doesn't see more; It Is
so fUky In appearance and capable of
beautiful tones.
As a trimming it is widely uaed- The
fox of the eoat pletured might be replaced
with beaver and the coat lose nothing by
the exchange.
There are new furs springing up con
stantly Tbj two said to be the most
rsww -i juefc jiuht aro wpivertBe
ssd pebaa. Perhaps their popularity is
due te the rag for the color know as
tet da nagre, for both furs are a beau
tiful shade of brown.
The shoulder oapa of fur oa of the
quatat fancies of the jjear. They are
very rauoh tike those worn aeveral dec
ades 'ugo. and give a demure appearaaee
oven to the typo that prevails now. They
have long: stole eade, in seau instasee.
and are draws plainly aaress tbe shoal,,
dors la front
The muffs and toque much 1a vogue
have the romantic air that wo aasoaiats
with he fasWesa of tb past, ad titer,
la mush that tsjrajnlnUMBt. to frsk and
wr and UMoi.
Patbly hejuM. there is o aah Wud
an4 thvsdar t tbe ate: ay thiMr that w4sJ
tars the) thouerhta ta tru ram awe t vy
freshing Uks coiatBat to U epffaast to
Hit m Iujbss nh fraah au ansr 4riav
aur.s" u;.iinr wter
Hit itoubt the oreai.il gejuua at tin
y 4 H i uiwi tmt ta ci.itu ot tft
t f tswitou. a ao it rij)tbtfi JNMal
u ttua 4j- 4w
With what maglo have you wrought this
But yesterday I had not seen j-our face:
And yet today my shy heart sings for
Tou kiss me and the -world's a iove-llt
nut jeslerday
Nor dreinied my eyes wohfd ejr droop
beneath jour own. ,
And jet today I know that all rriy life
My lamp has ken kept trimmed for you
Jose G)lHns
A Musical Comedy Star
Jose Collins has always been a tre
mendous favorlto with the theatre-going
public, and, after you have met her, the
reason Is not hard to fathom. For, be
sides being exceedingly handsome, this
verBtttllo actress has a certain magnetism
all her own which will Insure her popu
larity wherever she goes.
Her voice is a pure soprano, with a
truly remarkable range, and sho takes the
greatest earn of It "I am rather sub
ject to colds," said she, "and last Christ
mas, when I was playing In Chicago, I
had a very bad cold In fact, a series of
colds. I have to look after myself quite
a lot because of this. Do I like Christ
mas time? Tee, I should say I do. You
want to know how I am going to spend
this Christmas? Well, I am going to buy
a whole crowd of tojs to entertain the
company. We are having a party and a
Christmas tree, of course; and then I am
going to see a little crippled girl. I do feel
so dreadfully sorry for her. Bhe has al
ways taken the greatest Interest In my
work, and every time I come to Phila
delphia she writes me such delightful let
ters, I have always sent her tickets for
the performances, and she has come In
her Invalid chair, poor little thing, But
this time she cannot come, so I'm going
to see hor at her her own home."
Miss Collins' dressing room was deco
rated with dozens and dozens of dolls,
mascots, Teddy bearsy kewples and tro
phies from all parts of her victorious
"I saw Hairy Lauder lately In New
Tort," she continued brightly. "You know
t was his original 'Scotch Bluebell,' and
so I always Ilk to meet my old friend
again. X do so Ilka the Scotch, and always
remember mr Edinburgh visits with
"Ivstrongly advise girls with ambition
and talent to go on th stage, because
they have a fine chance to work! up to
real success.
"In muiloal comedy there Is always
room for real talent, at-the top. A clever
girl can jnake anything up to about tSOQ
a week."
"Does America, in your opinion, offer a
better field (or the actress, financially
"Undoubtedly," replied Miss Collin
quickly. "Although naturally I loe my
native country, J" mvit say that it pajs
to come over here. Americans are very
appreciative, and then there la a larger
theatre-going olsss In America than at
home in aagland " ,
"Do you receive many letters from the
"Vary often I get oraay letters with nu
signatures," answered the setfess, laugh
lag. "but. of course, I don't let that
worry in at all! I live a pretty quiet
life, and, as a matter of fast go out very
lltUe. I love my work, and wh I am
not working: I take good safe) of myielf so
that x stay always pe ntfor the week
Bessie Clayton
The World-famed parser
'gas. l ay a yadelphte. gtt a io
tmAoi awr uttM sto," said Smi Clay
toa. the wrMfutl dtfcr who fea de
hghted Me mm 0f! nu4iocea tu
Lsstdsc, Faris, JsWHta Ja4 V!bs. I
hara tour 44 nsday4 for
tuite a wail with TMatphareU io JPas and
i in ii me, tt.rt.Hi eniew ner and atu-uaJ
T-e tit -,t c dMreesr meai?. , a
I etsaJ V-t ittUiivl,U0n and Mtf-eWU! -
cat ww. tiM)ii t i
jhMlj te-i tws
Jwt fef jM S.J,
yj tit tms,itii3 i fe-, ji ..
Af ' M-'-mid Us trw.
i i
... . fgh - ifffEf-r1
BBBBBBHOTBMSBHSx.&s.&B'jfeTr'WSi J? MjWWBr jl& ? "S &9bBBBM
BBB?1BHBBMBlS9&3:&8&K v MSRgaaaBKS.t;T ' ?JjfinBJflBK
we two were worlds Hmmimm'M'st ym!$$8MMiMm&FWf'i Wfl&MS
IsHiPlllPSf J' lMiP !9in
WfimfflM'1M$m$$mr j?; '" wmkM9m- JJsmcsbbbbbbBi
'SbBbW ,; jp"lEflI S i-3WxVl Wrl 9RjHbbbbbbI JBt 9bbbbbbbbbbW '' Jt3 jjtefjWBIBijwl
that ono does not really need to work
very hard at all to get there. They can't
comprehend tho years of hard work,
training and constant solf-dcniaf that lie
behind tho actresB worlc
"I prefer dancing in England to danc
ing in America, because I think that Eng
lish audiences understand dancing so
thoroughly," continued Miss Claton
thoughtfully. "The Russians aro wonder
ful dancers! If It had not been for the
outbreak of this war, I should hno been
dancing with Mordkln, who used to dance
so exquisitely with Anna Tavlowa.
"I get a good many very Interesting let
ters. For Instance, Just recently I had
a letter from a poor fellow who is serving
a llfo sentence In prison away out in
Texas. He begged me to send him a banjo
to cheer him up.
"When I was last In England, the
King's doctor X-rayed my feet He was
much interested In their particular forma
tion, and they ore Insuied very highly.
I have two policies for them, each worth
"The life of the dancer Is by no means
a bed of roeesl I have to deprive myself
at every turn In every sort of way. For
Instance, I can enjoy very little social
life, must eat very little and keep very
regular hours.
"So many girls seem crazy to go on tho
stage. They all write me asking me to I
tell them who my ballet-master is. Then'
they rush off to take lessons, but few
have sufficient grit and perseverance to
stick long at the hard work end of It."
"Do you suffer from stage fright?"
"Indeed, I do," said the dancer quickly
"Evety time that I go on the boards I
feel very nervous, and It Is always the
same. Nervousness is part of tempera
ment, and the dancer must, have lota of
temperament if she is to impress the
audience. Yes, I love my work, and I
work very hard Indeed. Do you want to
see my diamond necklace? Here It s."
and she produced a superb string of
large .diamonds set In platinum.
"Theap are real and not the imitations
that so many actresses wear. They gen
erally lock their Jewels up in some, bank,
but I don't believe In that' My diamonds
are the result of hard work, for I bought
them myself she concluded
Wrra.ii 1-
-Ki jBHSir IbsbsbsbsbsbI
BdsE? aif
sbbbbbPbs7 :!sKrlja
I ayH mSomM
SSBSBSBSaf:..,.;-! ,,BBBSBBf H
9BHH -Tin, . u.i J if " K- "" j
JS! I -tsIbbbbbbbbMJA Uy
Blanche Bates
Emotional Actress
Blanche Bates has frequently been
called "Tho Idol ot tho MatlneoXSlrl," and
her popularity only seems to increase
each season. She Is a leading light of
the drama, and a finished artiste. Her
grip on the emotions ot her audience Is
really wonderful, and she always receives
a most enthusiastic; reception when she
comes to Philadelphia.
In private Ilfe.IIss Bates is very do
mesticated and a-devoted mother. Wher
ever ehe goes, her baby goes, too.
Dancing la a great hobby of hers, and
She confesses to a particular weakness
or the fox trot "Yes, I do love tho
modern dances," she said, smiling bright
ly, "and I consider that dancing Is a
splendid form of exercise. It relaxes the
mind, too, and builds up health."
This charming actress Is attracting
largo audiences at present. "I do think;
that tho stage offers a grand chance
to tho girl of talent and push," con
tinued she; "of course. If you want to
amount to anything at all, you must
work tery hard. Hut that la the de
lightful part of It. Without hard work
one cannot achieve."
Connie Ediss
The English, Comedienne
"So, ludeedl" said Connie Edlae, In her
quick, decisive way, "I wouldn't encour
age any girl to go on the stage unless
ahe has quite remarkable talent. The
nork Is exceedingly hard, not necessarily
physically hard, ?ut nerve-stralnlng'-and
then, unless one has real ability, one wl!
never get anywhere at all, There are
lots of disappointments connected with
the work, and plenty of hard times."
"Your great success was achieved very
quickly, was t not?"
"No, indeed," was the answer, "for five
long years I worked away at a very smalt
salary. Why. lots of girls on the stage
are glad to get $? M a week--! know tha
I was at one time. George Edwards saw
me act and gave me my chance, Yes,
I worked bard I used to throw George
Qroeumlth In one act
My one ambition was to play In drama
a comedy part mingled with tragedy.
This ambition- was about tp be realized,
when everything was altered by the out
break of the war in Burope. I was so
disappointed, far I'd always wished for
a, part Jtist like the one which t was about
to play In Drury I-ane, London.
What do you think of America '
I like it Immensely," was the ewiwer,
I Just would love to Hv In the eeuntry.
I have a farm here, you know a mapja
and syruR fann In t Berkshire Hills,
and that Is tho life far me! isn't It odd
how people havo hankerings after a llf
qulto differ from that in-wliah their
lot is cast? I live la big it and la an
atmosphere o tmaUe.'H the time, and
yet I tore a quut life o amen'."
'This wr U sua awful busjoe! I aja
I so worrid about It add ahaut Pafjattl
just new- Thr te such dWrew at howe
psjIE a)) iais. tt I bay Jt of
trlMMta ifbthag Tfc theatrical yinHf u
vttlf had la iMcAoo ftut bow, fer snast
Um MM a Ue4 I hear, tso.i
,ut thv i ft light b th I-waousi
,.-- is tw flight. ud th tiuildinss sue
&-), wtseL flair oes mi cue o
.f.jh aau s mM sid With rush
I wi . MimM .4ia tm. nhu .,(
' t! -elis(i 1 1 m nna tupp-fl imi fiy
KiMtr la lift art orshsn at an early
llr tsther I killed In a goldmine he
has dlverM. Halt m1 hour i",r '"?;
Inr of tho death of her huiband, Ztidoras
mother a tlslit-rop walker with a circus
! malwttA with ver
wun Teni
tiro, falls and is hilled,
i rnrtunA from the mine.
zuaom na tne
H1.I.W !.(.,
Inter irrmt to be worth 110,000,000,
r ! to the ruardlanihlo of Frank
Hr l(b Itl II, W Bg-ui.,K cJt.ii;-
Keene, a circui man anu mo. uioi,o, ,
Zudora'e mother, Zudorm rlvlnt promise
of great beau.y, reechei.tne ogre of 18.
The uncle, who hae set Iitmeelf up as a
iiinrf,, Mivatirt nfi fa kAown &a Haasain
All, deoldee In tile treed that Zudora mjit
die' before ah cornea Into ponttslon of her
rrat fortune,
a that It may b left to
Im. the next of kin. and he prevails, upon
the ltl to leave her mone In his hande
three yeare lonr and to ay nothing to
any one about the fortune.
Haam All tees an obstacle to hla
scheme In the pcreon of John Storm, a
younr lawyer, for whom Zudpra has taken
a fancy, and he commands the girl to put
the man out of her mind. Storm cornea
to aik Itassam All for, the hand of hi;
niece. At prat the crystal araier mil not
listen to thNo proposal, but Zudora. Insist;
that If sho cannot marry Storm sin will
marry no one . .......
"Well, well," said Ilaesam All, "If you
take such a atand, I'll compromise Solve
ny next !0 casea and you can marry him,
fall In a single case and you must re
nounce lilm."
Zudora, using the knowledge rtalned from
association wflh her uncle, unravels two
bafTllnr esses, both at the risk ot her life.
inunr esses, coin at me risx or ner mo.
Storm receives a letter from his mother.
piorm receives a letter irom nis moinjr,
rho mt In the South, Informing: him
that her colored help was fleeing from her
esistes because on a hill back of her house,
on . n
nignt alter nu
eht. thar
ht, there appeared the herolo
form of a skslston hand with a black spot
n oixck spot
an enormous
In the nalm as If mnde b'
bullat. Storm rose home to unravel the
mystery and writes to Zudora to come to
hla aid, Hassan) endeavors to dtssuado her
from going.
THE Storm family had heard about Zu
dora ou may be assured. But until
sho appeared In tho flesh they had enter
tained some doubts about this nleco of a
man whose business they held In supreme
contempt They fell In lovoi with her at
onco rather shamefacedly, when up to that
moment they had been qulto positlvo that
sho had laid a siren's trap for, their boy.
Old man Storm pondered a good deal.
It did not seem possible that this slen
der, handsome, dark-eyed girl was n, de
tective; It did not match up with the tales
ho had read in books. Sho was Just like
any othor girl, nothing mysterious what
ever, "It's really serious, Zudora," said John.
"I've tried my hand at detectlvo work,
but I haven't gained an Inch. I admit
that I am totally at sea. I'vo seen tho
thing once at a great distance, and I
don't wonder that the natives aro hiking
for other parts."
"Havo you any old-time enemies?" she
asked. f.
"I come back once or twice a, year for
a day or two. I seldom go into tho vil
lage. I've been In Now York for nearly
II years and have quite forgotten how the
neighbors look. How tho deuco could I
have uny enemies?"
"I mean your father. He may havo
discharged some ono who alms at havinrr
revenge," she suggested.
"There hasn't ben any one discharged
from this placo slnco I was a kid; nnu you
can tako it from me that the chap who Is
Playing this game lias a brain batter edu
cated than the run of help hereabouts."
"I nm going to make some Investiga
tions, and you must let mo go my own
way. No tagging after me when I want
to go Into tho village. Some one jn the
village will know what Is going on. No
one would come from the .outside to play
a game like this."
"All right If any ono can get to the
bottom of this muddle It will be your
lovely self. Good luck, sweetheart!"
Three or four days passed. Zudora went
about her work systematically. One day
she cams upon a bit of news that startled
her profoundly. It was of such a char
acter that Bhe dared not Impart this news
to John. He must be kept In total ignor
norance. The brain that had instigated
the really criminal Joke was In New
York. It was tho tool of this cunning
brain she must bring to light and confu
sion. Her uncle) How the man hated
John, to play so despicable a' Jest upon
his people! The old suspicions returned,
stronger.than ever. She was growing a
bit afraid of this uncle of hers; she
was beginning to understand that flesh
and blood did not always count. But
why? Why should he wish to harm John
Storm? It was an unanswerable ques
tion. Sho realized that from now on pho
,must be on her guard. Her uncle must
never learn that she entertained tho least
That night they all received a shock.
What the Christmas Fairies Heard
TWAH the night before "the night
before Christmas" and everybody
was so tired, and so full of plans fpr the
next day's work, that everybody slept
ytry epund. So sound. In fact, that no
ono heard the talk of two little dolls up
lit the nursery.
These two dollies felt very mournful and
sad f
"Mournful and sad when Christmas was
coming?" you ask, Yes, indeed' Just
listen I
"Oh, dear," sighed on doll, "I'll be
eo glad when Christmas Is over!"
"Glad?" exclaimed the other. )! can
hardly wait till it Is passed! My little
mistress pays no attention to me at all
any more, she throws me around any
way that she happens to, and has no
thought or talk but for the fine new doll
ehe hopes Santa Claus will bring herF
"That's Just the way with my mistress,"
replied the first doll, sadly "Here I am,
faee down in the fartheTorner of the
nursery. And her I have been for three
whole days I J can hardly breathe, and tt
seems to me that I can't stand It another
minute. But she never thinks of me' She
has no thought for old friends only for
the new things she thinks she will get"'
"I'll bo glad when Christmas is over."
said the other. "I wish there was noL
auuu nuns i a hyb uiy nine jsusiress, out
she cares nothing for me any roqre""
FotB, while everything was quiet in the
nurry, then tho biggest doll sighed a
great sigh, and said "Remember what
tun we hid last Christmas? How we
were wrapped up In soft white paper and
laid In a- drawer? And how Dorothy s
mother hid us so carefully so Dorothy
could -not find pi and see us before; the
fOf course, I remember!" replied the
littlest doll. "I sauldn't fargt that it
I tried! What fun tt all was!" Ad then
she added sadly, "But nobody want a
sow. Nobody I hiding ua away, w
won't be a surprise to, anybody oh. dear'"
"Don't fee so badly about anything,"
said a chewy vol otose by the dolls.
"TeH u your UubJ-nayb) we can
hh yioal" -- -
"Who ar ywr" asked th dajl
"W ur ChriatwMui fatrles, soke up a
dessp vle, "a4 we waujjt to mak
wrwtmmz awu
t etoitt mfy tm tj their troubi.
-srpn sasety
. a
SaiH, TmM tt saw-
Wffe girt
&&$ hd
er s W fPjesvrSBrV
The hand suddenly appeared on tb.i
of tho house, and even as they tuV
out to iook at u it siowiy faded ZuaSSI
uirow a ituiun cnuiiiiB stance, out IKhI
was no spot of light In the dietetic
lantern" was being focused agairnHi
side of tho house Tho result of this?!
tatlon was the final exodus of th. i.
with tho exception of tho housemalirSfl
the boy who did ohores about the hoSI
The matter had been fully expUirJojrfjl
Misters fl-MSl MnMa 41ia. 1mk . lUiU
Us.4t. trle.KAA ' ' EM
UttUlj alifililVIICUi
Copyright, lOtf. by Harold MAoarstSj
(Continued Tomorrow)
A CHRISTllAS gift!
-:.. n : l;ril
i native t;t;it&iun lviagej
Merry by Mozart Opjlj
Goritz Is Santa Claus.
lrfiBt night's oporn at the liotropftlhS
was a Christmas gift, with Otto Gof'i!
playing aautn Chins. Nothing mtfrlrrT
nothing moio thorouchly delfchtfuWctfiM
havo been planned for the season thaa
tho performancd of "Die ZauberfloeteM
And, as has become the oustom of the
afotropolltan company, the produrtloa
was supcro.
n nas pussioio, ns ono listened to;
Alozart last night, to think of the opefal
In many ways. For example, ono couldf
wonder ot what stuff tho Germans areS
made that they should bring their chlSi
dren up on this music, us they most'etr-j
tainiy uo. ana tnen mnko tlicm Into- seij!
dlers, philosophers and World-polltlclanM
Again, tho opera, brought all other opera!
into question. Was not Wozart mores
right than Wagner, In refusing to treats
tho opera us music diama, In frankly
dividing his work between a real stage ,
and tho apron of n sta&e, on which solo
ists sang great arias, before stepping
back Into tho play again? But the besti
way of all was to tako It thoughtlessly',"
to sit back and let tho oar bo rejoiced,
with tho pulsing' flow of golden music,''
and tho mind with frivolity and charm.
Because It Is tho property of tho magic
(lute and of tho BUver bells that their
hearers cannot but do as tho player''
wishes. And the real magic flute Is In'
tho hands of Mozart; when It Is played
wo cannot but rejoice. f
Mr. Hertz, whose accomplishments In
Wagner seemed n doubtful warrant of
his fitness for Mozart, conducted with a
swift Intuition of the music's wanton
ness, Its delicacy and Its melodious fer
vor. To him the singers responded nobly.
Frieda Hempel, singing the sweet colora
tura of the Queen of tho Night, was in
her best voice, high and clear and fine.
She mada tho flowers of her nrja, "Du
wirst slo gefrelen," fall so softly and fair
that even the musical purist must have
become reconciled to coloratura and thji
crimes which aro committed In Its name.
Mme. Qadskl, again In a helpless role,
seemed more beautiful and In voice more
tender and more delightful than In her
excellent Elsa of two weeks before.
Otto Goritz In his festive characteriza
tion of Papageno was, as has been said,
tho Santa Claus of tho evening. His sing
ing was good; his "flatting" for comlo
effect was excellent and certainly not In
judicious, and his acting was delicious.
Ho could take the audience Into a world
where heroes and Mr. Urlus was a capi
tal hero In spite of some difficulty with
his head tones said "Stand back,
woman!" and women stood back, whero
mountains were rent and wine cups sprang
from the earth, -where conversation was
naturally In lines of purest melody, and
where even canvas drops and trees that
swayed 'neath tho stage manager's hands
seemed more sturdy and desirable than
anything tfie real world could offer.
Fairyland, If one ever reaches it, iji a
Joyous land Indeed.
throughout this city who would he glad
to welcome jou, who'would loe and car
for you." $
"Are there?" exclaimed the dolls, hap-I
plly, "But how will they find us? JYr
belong to Dorothy!"
"Trust us." answered the Christmas
fairies, "we'll fix that!" -y
They went slipping Into Dorothy's room!
and in a dream told her all about im
lonpaame dolls and the little girls who had
no dollies.
And In the morning Dorothy ran tt her
mother and Bald, "Mother, I'm going to
"Awt hen I ftaie eec for iftnse wtiaU
?. ,niJ0l(l n ome fresb clean
clothes and send them to i.ttle girl, wto
ih? n?V0,u ' t'hrtstmM"
he did And when Christmas cam
ws doll and all th little girls!
Tomorrow The OhrUtma Star.
aHfrl0At, ttttl oioru Imgnrn, 4494,
fur ladfvidl , t .". J"hb iuio
bun.r a .7.- . '""" 1
a.a4 ytuj. un!.,., w. d...,
' .v. i 1 iajil
W. A. Bender
m..,, mister fei
KADlf,o ifcKIIIhAL UelVkti
i.J. ..fi- -d ,
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