Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 23, 1914, Sports Final, Image 1

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VOL, I NO. 87
CorTitonT.ldM.Br Titt rcnuo Ltwits CouriKt.
f H
Board of Underwriters to
Press for Examination of
Equipment in Use in
City's Fire Department.
Tests of the durability of every plcco
Cf hone belonging to tlio Fire Department
of Philadelphia -will bo mnde as a rcHUll
et the flro which destroyed tho wall paper
etoro Wf Charles M. N. Klllen, 1231-33 Fil
bert streot, last night, and Bwept on be
yond control of tho nromen to tho annex
of tho Hotel Windsor and threatened
tho entire block with destruction, largely
because of tho bursting of rotten hoso
fander tho pressure of normal eorvlco.
This statement was mado at ndon today
by Charles A. Hexamor, socrotary of tho
Jhlladlp1ila Board of Flro Underwriters,
after ho had visited tho sceno of tho fire.
Action will also bo taken by the Na
tional Board of Underwriters, which tnIH
conduct a rlRld Investigation Into the
cause of the rapid spread of the fire
against the efforts of noarly halt the
city's fire flghtlne force.
"I understand the high prcssuro hose
feeld up well and did most efficient work."
paid Mr. Hexamor: "but as regards the
other hoso, all I can say Is that a thor
ough Investigation will be mado and a
lest of every piece of fire hoso In Phil
adelphia. It will bo tested under high
afid normal pressure, and any hoso that
Breaks or shows signs of weakness will
be discarded. Action will bo taken by
tho National Board of Flro Underwriters,
'but Just what they will do cannot be
told at this tlmo.
"Heretofore it has been the custom to
test hoso lines at fires. This has proved
to be a risky custom. There will be no
more of that. "VVo shall take no chance,
and In tho near future a test will be
Tho bursting of rotten hoso Is held
partly responsible for the spread of last
night's tire. Hardly had the second
stream of water been directed upon the
blazing Klllen Building when It burst,
drenching every one standing near It
Time and again the samo thing happened
and the only good that It did was to
keep the crowds at a distance, which
wsb more than tho police could do.
Zlany ot the lines burst In the first hnlf
hour of the fire, at a tlmo when every
pound of pressure wns necessary. Great
billows of flames shot from windows and
tho roof, threatening surrounding build
ings with destruction. Just aB a stream
m ... nfm.lfl hMn tn nhrnmn1lfih nnme
thing therejipuutji&.o, pon.AU.djn9the.r
hose went out of commission, while tho
flro raged on. By the tlmo another line
wna In range tne names nan uoncieu.
On Cuthbert stroet, whore several com
panies of firemen were fighting the flames
from the rear, two rotten hoao lines, Bide
by aide, burst almost at the earn
None of the high-pressure lines burst,
but the breaking of so many smaller,
yet effective lines gavo tho fire the start
that nearly brought destruction to the en
, tiro block. It was said that at least
seven or eight lines burst. Others leaked
so badly that It was necessary to place
large garbage cans over tho leak to keep
Concluded on 1'nse Three
i j --
z. .sks-j sy . k v
, ,vv$W-v
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Well, old Jupiter Pluvius and Boreas
nnd the rest of the celestial company are
showing enough grace, it would seem, to
give up their seats to that attractive at
this time of the yearlady. Miss Falr&nd
cold. Maybe It's the Influences of the
Xmas spirit, At any rate, the fact re
mains And, by-the-by, why worry over
the White Christmas prospectT Whether
It rains or whether It snows or whether
It's Just plain green. It matters little In
this cllmatlo corner.
Whether or not it's weather,,
For Philadelphia and . vicinity
Fair tonight and Thursday; not much
change in temperature: moderate
west winds.
For details, tee page 8,
Observations at Philadelphia
8 A, M.
SaKumU ,.,f.. .,., stfcS
gio4 -..X.SoutbwMt, 'a JnljS
WwlPlUtlou " iiit' a 'hou'raV.,'.'.'.". ".'.' '. ', '. '. ' Wo
irumldlty nWcl
frtsjUiaiun fmptraturs ..., ,1,7?. 3J
Almanac of the Day
es ru.u. witi-; '::::::::;:::: ass-a
fivy ., ... .. .jj..... 0.38 p. px,
Xamna toTBe Jjight.ed
liunp and Tehlclts ......'),.,jMt
She Tides
Mtsb wuw 6-6fp. m.
iMrf tun aomonaw) ....,,... SOS Lin
Jttsh w.Ur (tomorrow). ........... TjaEJS.
Illxta water 6.Sb.pl
With trettr itowerrow) 7X1 stint
ia wit" (toasrra '""...'.'.'. .liMt at
w watw (tecwrow) iQOH.
w wiur . . T It a, ra.
SB wl (tomorrow) 1 U m
w vi.fr ueaurruw) llt,a
Skating Tuday
Th U tkatlag today an Co
wr M auMia UMm
mount fartt and m Huatlsfl Park
i ' f
Cotton Hills of Clegg & Co. Badly
A stubborn fire late this afternoon In
tho heart of the Kensington textile dis
trict enveloped that section In a blanket
of dense smoke, and for a whlto threat
ened several buildings.
The blazo was centred In the waist and
cotton mills of Alfred Cle'gg A Co , at
2406 North Mascher street, which Is a
two-Btory brlok structure.
Employees In the mill, Including seven
girls were working on tho first floor,
when tho flro was discovered. Several
girls fainted.
A local alarm v. as sent In. When the
flfemen arrived Bmoke and flames were
Issuing from tho windows.
Tho fire did nlout 200 damage.
'No Tinge of Criticism,"
Says Report Detention
House and Moyamensing
ror tho first tlmo In many years a
Philadelphia Grand Jury today praised
tho Philadelphia Hospital, commonly
known as Blockley, winding up a re
markable report with the statcnient that
"Our suggestion bears not tho slightest
tinge of criticism." Daniel W. Seltzer,
superintendent of the hospital, Is highly
praised for tho condition In which tho
grand Jurors found the Institution.
Tho suggestion that tho Home for the
Indigent nt Byberry should be nearer tho
city, on the ground that patients fre
quently leave there before they aro well,
owing to Inability of relatives, to visit
them, Is contained In tho report.
The management of the House of De
tention also is praised, but the report
condemns the location of tho Institution,
suggesting that It should bo In the out
skirts of the city, whero children may
play In the fresh air of woodland nnd
fields. Moyamensing prison Is commend
ed tor Its splendid condition and the
superintendent for his "nolo and humane
administration." '
The report In part follows:
"Tho establishment" (Blockley) "has
been a target for vicious attacks In past
years. It Is our opinion that visitors as
a rule entirely lack perspective and that
attacks havo come from those who havo
looked upon the surface rather thfrn at
ithe root of tho problem. The rehabilita
tion plans to erect a general hospital
are destined to accomplish desired re
sults, generally,
"As for the physical aspect, the In-
terlorof - the lrtrrdIng3Vcmii(rTtot 'Intvo'
been kept cleaner, "Visitors should" keep
In mind that Superintendent Selzer and
his assistants are caring for a popula
tion of several thousands of persona
dally most of whom know llttlo or
nothing of moral codes, who are slovenly,
homeless, without ambition or zeal, or
entirely Imbecile. These people are not
only useless In many Instances; they are
sneaks and tricksters, often dangerous
Referring to the. House of Detention,
the report says:
"Superintendent Richardson conducted
us, and the jury were much Interested in
the system and in tho youngsters on pro
bation. Ventilation Is noticeably bad, as
the building has tocen cut up into small
rooms. Metre space Is necessary. The
movement Is growing rapidly. It is pro
posed to erect a larger building. In con
nection with tho JuvenUo Court, 20th
and Rseo streets, on the plot suggested
for the Municipal Court and other build
"Ve see no reason why the Juvenile
Court cannot be held in the City Hall,
absolutely separato from the House of
Detention, We see no reason why the
House of Detention should bo kept In
the heart of the city. We see all reason
why It should be erected on the outskirts
of the city, where the yqungsters can
have outdoor recreation in woods and In
fields, rather than on a house roof. Many
of these youngsters, raised In the slums
and raised by vicious or Incompetent par
ents, are incorrigible (usually temporarily
so) because they have not been able to
satisfy the element of play In clean and
natural eur-oundlngs. The sound of trol
ley cars and wagons, tho sight of crowds
of people, the unattractive dally life of
a tnisy city are not for youngsters if
quiet and clean surroundings can be of
fered them. The Grand Jury (commends
the entire management of the Institution
within the walla,"
Overjoyed to Bj Homo From Vera
Crua and Haytl.
Tho 900 marines who arrived at League
Island late this afternoon on board the
United States transport Hancock were
overjoyed by the thought of spending
Christmas at home. The men, who dis
embarked; Immediately, will ba given a
SO-day furlough.
W9J9 "S.iisji phi
2000 Lately Idle Receive Wages' In
Time for Christmas,
PITTSBURGH. PaM Da H.-Two thou
sand persons, to whom employment has
been given as a result of the municipal
ity's plan of furnishing work, to men
thrown out of work by resent industrial
suspension, today reserved about 16 eaoh
for their first week's work.
3aoh applicant under this pjan is ex
am4n4 a& to tUa number of persons de.
nendtat unen him. and It was found that
the average was. five dtpsngeou to eaeji
epoMcant. Tbe eneot is moat beaedslal
Bjui will Ugbten the. gloom of a jobless
enrutwas H many homes.
t) . i , ...... ...
Treasury Denartjajmt Mado A
nouncemwat to This Bffeot,
LONDON. Dee. M Tho London Skwk
Exefeaarw vyl rea on January i Vh
sutoment was mado todny by tte Treas
ury. nan cxosb o?r pos tqsht
AM8T8BDAX. 0m, .A dUwu,
trosa Bwlia oUUs tfcnt a ""-" Rd
I Crows x04!Uua, tuntmimm tve owgeons
aMUs and AttGfti vUSSUwi. U lJt
Granddaughter of Rear Ad
miral and Member of
, Drexel Family Will Enter
Convent at Cornwells.
The whirl nnd gaiety of Social llfo are
about to be cast asldo by Miss Lucy
Dnhlgrcn, 21 years old, social favorite
of this city and New York, for the hard
work nnd discipline of tho Blossed Sac
rament Sisterhood, an order whose mem
bers dovoto their lives to work among
the Negroes and Indians. Miss Dnhlgrcn
mado her debut In Now York In 1012.
The young woman Is a daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Erlo Dahlgren, of Now York,
who wore divorced nearly two j ears ago.
At present sho Is Btudylng In tho con
vent of St. Leo's Church, in East 29th
street. Now York, according to one of
her sisters, and sho will enter tho con
vent at Cornwells, Pn., founded by
Mother Kathnrino Drexel, January "8.
News that tho young social favorite was
planning Ut follow In the footsteps of
other Philadelphia society girls and do
voto her llfo to religious work came as a
Burprlso to society In this city outsldo her
own circle of most Intlmntc friends.
Tho report was confirmed today by Mis
Dahlgren's mother, whtf Is staying at tho
home of Mrs. Wharton Drexel, at Corn
wells. Miss Dahlgren's sisters, Madeline,
Catharine, Ulrlcn, Olga nnd Eva. also are
staying nt Cornwells.
Miss Dahlgren Is a granddaughter of
the lato Rear Admiral Dahlgren, who
mado a fortuno out of his Invention cf tho
Dahlgren gun, used In the Civil War.
Sho Is a niece of Mrs Harry Leho of
Baltimore and Newport, and of Mrs.
Charles B. Penrose, of 1720 Spruce street,
this city. Her maternal grandfather was
the latu Josenh Droxel, who was tho
brother of Francis Drexel and Anthony J.
Mlsa Dahlgren Is tho oldest of the
Dahgrcn Bisters. She was cducatod
abroad and In a Sacred Heart convent
nt home, and always has .been seriously
Mrs. Dahlgren sued hor husband for
dlvorco In March, 1912, charging Improper
conduct but not naming a coiespondent
She won the suit. Mr. Dahlgren Is a
graduate- of Harvard University and a
member of the New York Yacht. Univer
sity. Riding and Loyal Legion Clubs, and
of tho Metropolitan Club of Washington.
Mrs Dahlgren Inherited large fortunes
from her father and mother.
The Dahlgrens wero mnrrlcd by the late
Arohblshop Corrlgan, nnd the wedding
was attended by society people of New
York nnd this city Formerly they had
a country seat at Lawrence, L. I.
The convent at Cornwells is operated
by tho Sisters of tho Blessed Sacrament
for Tnrilnna and Necroes. Mother Drexel
-took-tln-velf In'ISOT. -She has contributed
moro than a million dollars to ner uce
work. Tho sisterhood operates several
schools In the Wcet. Mnny of tho teach
ers are former Philadelphia girls.
According to her friends, MUs Dahl
gren formerly had planned to become a
Carmelite nun. Sho studied with this
object In view for some time, but when
she sought to enter learned that she was
not considered strong enough for the rig
orous life of that order. Members of
the family will not discuss her decision
to become a nun. They are said to have
known for years that she had such In
Qermantown Gets It In a Slight
Slurry In Noon Hour.
A light snow storm first noticed in Qer
mantown nnd other northern sections of
tho city early this afternoon gave prom
ise to Philadelphia of a white Christmas.
The snow began to fall before 1 o'clock,
and a half hour later was coming dpvvn
steadily. Earlier a few scattered flurries
were noticed In the central and other
sections of the city, but they did not con
tinue. ,
Snow Is the one thing needed to make
Christmas as picturesque outdoors as It
Is In the home. Should the fall make
possible sleighing and coasting the merry
jingle of sleigh bells and the shouts of
children trying out their now sleds will
add considerably to tho celebration of
the day,
Governor-elect Sends Christmas
Wishes to 7000 Assistants.
"May the spirit of the Christmas tide
possess you and abide with you always.
This Inscription was engraved on more
than 7000 Christmas cards which were
sent to every school principal and teacher
in Philadelphia and to many personal
friends by, Gcjveruor-elect Brumbaugh
from his ofttee In the Stock Exchange
Building today.
12,000 Persons Homeless and Appeal
Made for American Aid.
WASHINqT,0N Dtc. M.-Twelve thou
sand residents 'of Bagdad are homeless
and without ood as the result of the
havoo wrought by the overflow of the
River BJlle. Ambassador Morgenthau, at
Constantlnoule, cabled o the State De
partment today.
Mr Morganthau said that the authori
ties of Bagdad have appealed to him for
Man Accused by Woman Held Under
Amos Holt, qf HH Rush street, was
held In WO ball to, ktep the peaee on a
ohargo of assault made by Ml Margaret'
Woodingto. of lis North Slat strt a
stenographer in hi employ, 'by Magis
trate Renshaw today Miss WoodlngtsA
alleged (hat Holt tiled to kiss her while
she was working overtime in his offlee,
m North 7t street.
Enflvy Slide Bloek Trains
BAM FRANC18O0. Dec ll-teleu
eaw U4 in tha Stona. Nevada Moun
tains nave 4t?4 all trains lion Ave
to ftfUon tmn. At tb summit of UU
rang A WM ta rsrt4 4tt fet dp,
at Blue (Smsm i Utt, and at Gold Rim
I foot.
Miss Claire Droughman is one of the five young women in German
town who have persuaded their friends that especially at Christmas
time it is more blessed to give than to receive. She has collected
many gifts for the children of the city's less fortunate.
Lads Crowd About Circulation Offices
for the Papers,
The EvBNiNa Ledger is fur'nlsheil free
today to newsboys and dealers through
out the city.
Newsboys, when they heard the an
nouncement this morning, crowded Into
the circulation department of tho
Eveniko Ledoeu, at Chestnut and Cth
streets, eager to depart with arms full of
papers. The various district circulation
offices throughout the city were crowded
In like manner.
More than BflOO newsboys and 3000 deal
ers are affected by the offer of free
papera today. Tho first edition had nqt
yet gone to press before hundreds of
joungsters In the centre of the city were
on hand to be supplied. Many sold their
usual complement of papers before they
had progressed three blocks from the
office of tho Eveniho LEDOEn and came
back for more.
The newsboys and dealers In the city
to whom the offer Is made do business
at all advantageous centres froro League
Island to Germantown. to Manayunk and
Bridesburg.t and from the Delaware
River to 87th street and to Darby. Cam
den and Tacony distributers also profit
by the offer,
Pour Barrels of Powls Carried Prom
Wngon on Curb.
Four barrelB of fine western turkeys,
valued nt JIM. were stolen from the
wagon of A. Friedman, dealer, 313 New
Market street, while the vehicle was
standing outside the Reading Terminal
Market early this morning.
Isaao B. Keller, 26H North. Broad street,
reports a thief entered his home and
stole JIM in cash. The Packard automo
bile of Theodore J. Lewis, 212 North 31th
street, valued at $3600. was stolen from
the front of his home last evening.
Sacred Treasures of the Mongols De
stroyed in Pire.
PBTROQRAD. Dec 2S. A dispatch
from Urga, Mongolia says that the Ku
tuktu Palace was burned today with alt
its treasures. It was the seat of the deified
Lama of the Mongols.
Russia a Democracy
Some striking things about the
land of the Ciar are told in a no
table article to be published on the
editorial pageof tomorrow's
Evening Ledger
This article Is from the pen of
Vance Thompson, whose travels in
Russia enable him to speak with
authority. With the skill of the
trained observer, he points out that
Russia, far from being the cruel,
oppressive nation it is usually
represented to be, is on the con
trary democratic, with centuries of
democratic traditions and demo
cratic habits. Bven the nobility, he
declares, is democratic At.
Thompson tells of the Urge meas
ure of home rule enjoyed by the
jwasants and diacvt the effect of
the war on the natteo.
Place your ordws for the Even
ing Ledge? with yew awdalr
Have Two Rooms Packed With Gifts
Ready ,f or. Distribution.
Playing Santa Claus lady has become
an exceedingly popular form of Chi 1st
mas philanthropy ever since Miss Olive
May Wilson, of Jenklntown, and Mrs. M.
W. ICetchum, of Kensington, made such
noteworthy success of It, but It Is not
every community that can boast five
Santa Claus ladles all of Its very own.
Oermantawn has five. And they nre
nil young nnd enthusiastic and get re
sultsso much so. In fact, that several
hundreds of needy poor will receive
Christmas baskets and gifts this year.
The Santa Claus ladles of Qermantown
are Miss Anna. Miss Claire and Miss
Florence Droughman, 870 East Chelten
avenue, and Miss Clare and Miss Angela
Cano, til East Chelten avenue. Soon
after Thanksgiving they started an ani
mated canvass among their friends, pre
senting to them in their best manner the
case of the poor of Qermantown who
werp- not likely to have any festivities at
all unless there were some concerted
Now they have two rooms packed with
toys, clothing and goodies awaiting dis
tribution. Frank Droughman and James
Cane, brothers of the young women, have
been pressed Into service and will carry
the heavy baskets. Automobiles laden
with gifts will carry the five feminine
Kris Krtngles to the houses they have
planned to visit. '
Man Declares He Paid S25 for "Wo
man's Discharge.
A test case Involving what many mem
bers of the bench and bar regard as
abuse of the Magistrate system will be
brought before Judge 8 tank e in January
by District Attorney Rotan. Mr. Rotan
declared today the decision In the case
.will determine whether or not the cus
tom which permits one Magistrate to
sign a copy of discharge for a prisoner
committed by another Magistrate is to
Magistrate Renshaw, of the Central Po
lice Court, was bitter in his criticism of
tbe custom. He particularly was dls.
turbed over a case Involving this prac
tice which came before him yesterday.
Maud Williams had been fined 110 and
costs and committed A short time later
William J Williams, who said he was
the woman's husband, arrived with an
order, signed by Magistrate Maxwell
Stevenson, for her discharge.
Police Sergeant Abbott at City Hall
refused to honor the discharge paper be
cause it did not bear Magistrate Ren
shaw's signature. Williams said a man
had approached htn In, a sorrfdor ntar
the courtroom and Induced him to go to
a law office at Broad and Chestnut
streets, There, he eaia, he paid an at
tfrney 1M to obtain tbe woman's dis
charge. "Here is a lear case of tbe workings
of this oustom of one Magistrate un
doing the work of saothw,' said Magis
trate Renshaw today. "I cannot se how
a Magistrate who did not hear a ease
and therefore knows nothing ''about it
an possibly dlsanargs the defendant In
we case."
Baaing Indictments Dismissed
NEW YORK. Deo. K-IndtotiatBU
against 88 persons found by the King
County Grand Jury during the antl-reee
traoK raigB 01 tne nrst adsuiusUa
tlan of QOraor Hugh were ti-Trlifw)
today by Ja4ge Dike in Hn County Court
of Brooklyn. All the tagdletuwMBU wore
U( uh or evtaenee gatliefed by Dis
trict Attorney Clark, of Kisvga County.
Bejaate Tab- Reeosa Until Doc, 86
WASH1NQTOK. Dec 3. -Toe 8nt at
1 e'efceUt today took a recae ttuul noon
Due inter A msium (raw tbe Presi
dent infionnBipnntna an uritluu at
, for Ux vurosuuM of sm cm
hwlVstNt now rMWDptod by the Aiperkaji
Consul Sit Havaii. CwW, wa swat xA
In Belgium wo made Alight progress
between tho sea nnd the road from
Nleuport to Wcstenda yestetdny, as
well ns In the region of Blcenstrante
nnd Blxschoote, where we captured a
woods, soma houses nnd a redoubt
To the cast of Bethune we recap
tured, co-operating with the British
army, the village of OIvenchy-los-La
Bnssee, which had been lost
In tho region of Arras a thick fog
lessens activity, both on our part and
on that of the enemy. To the east
of Amiens, on tho Alsne and on Cham
pagne thero were artillery combats.
In tho region of Porthes-les-nurlus we
captured, after a brisk cannonade and
two assaults, the last main line of the
trenches partially taken on December
21, Wo gained moro than 800 yards.
In the last ticnch captured we took a
section tff rapid fire guns, both the
weapons and men manning them. A
violent counter attack wba repulsed.
Wo mado equat progress to tho
northeast of Bcausejour, where the
enemy launched new counter attacks
without success. Our troops have
maflo appreciable advance In tho for
est of Qrurio on n lino of trenches 400
ynrds long nnd 2M yards deep.
' Wo blew up with a mine two lines
of acrman trenches and occupied tho
Fighting continues around Bou
reutlles. It seems that-it has been Im
possible to maintain tho decided ad
vantngen which we gained yester
day morning.
Nothing has happened from the
heights of tho Mcuse to upper Alsace.
Attacks In tho region of Lombnert
syde, also BOlith of Blxichoote, were
easily repulsed by us. At Rlchebourg
nnd L'Avouo the Bngllsh wero again
driven from their positions yesterday.
Notwithstanding desperate counter
nttneks we retained all tho positions
captured from tho English between
Rlchebourg and tho canal of La Bas-
Since December 23 we have captured
"M British nnd colored soldiers, flvo
machine guns nno four mine throwers.
In tho neighborhood of Camp Cha
lons tho enemy Is showing greater ac
tivity. Tour attacks north of Sllterle. '
southeast of Rhelms .at Soualn and
at Perthes we- partly repelled by
us with heavy losses to the French.
Ihe situation Is unchanged in Bast
and West Prussia.
In Poland the battlo for Brura and
Ralwuka continues. The situation on
tho right bank of tho Plllca Is un
changed. RUSSIAN
In East Prussia the Germans havo
been repulsed on tho line of Nelden-burg-Soldau-Lautembergi
In Poland
the Germans havo succeeded In gain
ing u foothold on the lower Bzura,
north of Sochaczew. Further to the
sduth they havo reached the Ravvkn
River and havo advanced beyond
Sklernlonlce. toward the east.
The AuBtro-Qerman forces are de
scending In Poland on a front which
runs frpm southeast of Plotrkow to
the west of the Nlda. In Qallcla they
have reached tho Dunajeo and oc
cupied the line Grybow-Smlgrod-Sfinck.
An attempted sortlo by the
garrison of Prztmysl has been coin- .
"plclely repulsed '
On December 21, on the left bank of
the Vistula River between Its lower
course and tho Plllca River, a number
of fierce encounters took place. Among
these the fighting on the left bank of
tho Plllca developed particularly.
In general we repulsed the attacks,
inflicting heavy losses upon the enemy.
In the Carpathians we nre fighting
south of tho mountain rldgo In the
district embraced by the Rivers Nag
yag, Lalorza and Ung.
In Qallcla on Monday the Russians
renewed the offensive without succeed
ing In breaking through. On the lower
Dunajeo River particularly they suf
fered -severe losses.
Along the -Nlda River and the dis
trict south of Tomaszow there has
been slight fighting. The engagements
in front of Frzcmval continue.
Governor Indorses Rats Decision and
Lauds Body.
HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec O. After
reading the charges made by Edwin M,
Abbott, counsel for the Philadelphia com
muters, against the Pennsylvania Public
Service Commission, Governor Tener said:
"I have read the charges and petition
received today, and find nothing contained
therein to convince me that the personnel
of the Commission should be changed.
The Pennsylvania public service law la
admittedly the best In the Un.ted States,
and I have every confidence in those who
have been appointed by me to carry out
Its provisions honestly and fearlessly.'
Negro Bentenced for Robbing Two
A sentence of seven years In the county
prison was Imposed today by Judge Davis
on George Jones, a Negro, who peaded.
guilty to having robbed the homes of M,
Merrlman, UOS Callowhtll street, and Mrs.
Emma Williams, 3C08 Turner street
Jones has served four previous sentences
for robbery, aggregating seven years.
Joseph McLaughlin, who pleaded guilty
to shoplifting, was sentenced to the Hunt
ingdon Reformatory. Thomas E. Burk
hart, of Hazleton, pleaded guilty to the
larceny of three watehes from the lew.
elry store of John Huzby, lilS Columbia
avenue, and was also sentenced to the
Novelist and Newspaper Han Vic
tim, of Bronchitis and Asthma.
NBW YORK. Deo. K.-Alfred Hewy
IwU, novelist, and one of tbe most able
newspaper writers la America, died to
day in bis BTtn year
He had been IH for three months with
bronchitis and asthma, but was thought
to bo recovering unlit a few nays ago.
whn intestinal coropUoattona developed.
A relapse followed and from that time
Mr. LwU began to stok.
Viator Talking Maohine Ceaapaay'a
Qfartstmaa Ojft.
SfcOy-tve tumANd turkeys and IN,M
quarts of craalMrriM will be 4luttwtad
this vouig by the Victor TalkJs ibn
onto Company to U esutloyea a Carli
8MU gifts Tfcorky, wotgfctef tpm ts
ta pMAda each, m bought apt cost
ejl &,&. by K T MMMMker, pwotasjmjt
ueni or " mmfmr
Baost Ctowve m
ike Area wOl recline
tuara ol '-4Uiim
Heavy Reinforcements
Hurried to Belgium
and Northern France
as Invaders Push Fierce
Counter Attacks Upori
Allies' Lines.
French War Office Claims
Further Progress, But Ber
Hn Declares Enemy's Of
fensive Has Broken Down;
Big Krupp Guns Rushed
to West Flanders,
The Kaiser Is sending heavy reJff- 0
forcements of men and big guns Co.
his menaced western front, according
to reports from Dutch sources. JJie
French believe that the reinforcing o
the German lines is the natural se
quel of the pressure exerted by the
Allies' offensive, but they admit thai
fierce counter attacks, especially along
the coast toward Dunkirk, ate to be
The French War Office reports
further gains for the Allies in the
north and to the east of Bethune, in
France. Berlin, on the contrary, de
clares that the Allies' offensive has
broken down before the Germans
counter, attacks and that French,
British and Belgians are once more
on the defensive at most points along
the linef particularly in the Argonne
- Westward movement of tho Russian
army has carried one column to Skier
niewice, more than 40 miles toward
the Silesian frontier, according to an
official statement of the Poland situ
ation issued by the Paris War Oifice
This bears out Petrograd assertions
made yesterday that Grand Duke
Nicholas already had begun an ag
gressive offense, directed to roll back
Von Hindenburg's army over its
path of invasion.
Mastery of the rivers, tributary to
the Vistula west of Warsaw, Is the
gage of a great battle raging Jess
than 40 miles from the Polish capi
tal. Passage of the Bzura, Rawka
and Pilica must be effected by the
main German army before the Ger
mans can drive at th?ir objective from
Ve cast, their only way of approach
now that the movement from Mlawa.
has failed.. The, Russian centre vigor
ously is opposing General von Hin
denburg's attempted advance, and in
flicting heavy losses, Petrograd says.
The Russians in north Poland arid
East Prussia are following the advan
tages gained over the Germans at
Mlawa and Przasnysr by a fresh of
fensive toward Allenstein and Inster
burg, in the Mazurian Lake country,
and further cast are menacing Thorn.
Berlin reports a favorable situation
on the Pilica River, where the (fight
ing has been heavy, and claims pos
session of a number of fords and
branches of the Bzura and Rawka,
The War Office is silent concerning
the, Russian operations In East Prus
sia against Thorn.
Turkish forces on Monday began
their march on the Sues Canal "ta de
Concluded oo l'age Vf
Xlees to Becond Vloor of Home and
Shoots One.
IiANCABTBR, Pa.. Dec . Two r
grots today entered the residence of Mrs.
Albert Herts and attempted to- attaeK
her. Mrs. Mertx ran upstairs, where sin
obtained her husband's revolver.
As one of the Negroes aeea44 tty
stairway, she fired two shots, and th
onr that followed made It appear on of
the intruders bad been hit.
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advurMtM bj Pf A"' ..
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-ttn..j& .2L
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