: . tz i --a f -...... -...-. it ..-.,. ,. . ... . . ! I , I, , i ii 1 1 , i i Ti i 1 11 i I i i ii K Iiii n i r 1 i ii EfltlHiffiiiL ffilBBS&kiM ntb HqlBBaniK MlMMp f jttgf jMf HhhS' STger PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY cvnus in K ci'ims, rsir.Nr. uittD. W. Ooh. Beeretarr, John C. Martlh, Treararef CJ-aifn II. Ladiaitoti, r-hllip S celllna, John n. Wl Wama, plrettott. i ' EDITORIAL BOAItDi CtacS it. K. Coins, Chairman, WHAI.ET Bbtfcutlre Bitter & l jJllTlliKlWll"" I .11 ' "' Ml '!'! ' 3HUK,fe MAHT1W Central Bualntia Manaatr V.', fublahed deity at PCDtiti Ltrau Dulldlns, independence square, j'nuaaeipnia. tXvota CxsinlL Dxii1 end Cheitnut Stmt AtUKrio Citt Prttt-Unlo Building Jftw Tans 1TO-A, Metropolitan Tower OlilOlOrt 01T Home Insurance Dnlldlnr LoXPd.v S Waterloo rial., Pali Mali, S. W. NEWBUUItEAtiSl lllvn finiein Th ralrlol nufldln lyuantxarox llcniuc The roll nulldlna Naif ytnuc tlnug Tha Tlmri Hulldina Icsujr JJunr-iD Co Prledrichitrari ijoxims ijebfau z ran Juan Earn, b w. .J I HII itIHIl U.am, O V, . .33 Ilu Louie te Orand KARIS utmun... 5 8UBscmrTio:TEnM3 Ulf carrier, D.tr.t OLt, alt centa Ily mall,poslaM en I Mi n of Philadelphia, except whera foreign poajace la rKiulre.1. DAII.T Oni.t, one month, Iwenly-flve cental lljll.r OitT, one year, three dollars. All man auo acrjption pa)aois in aarance. BpU, 3000 WALNUT KEVSTO.NE, MAIN 3000 ', Bar Addrrtt oil romiiiunfcalfona to Evening a e&0tr, Independence Square, rhttadetphta. jrr -amifi it1 ' Ji" , ! , . r "."J ' aNitstD jiTTitHrmt.ioLiHH rosTorricn in arcoNO- ' f cuss Halt, mattct. UlllAUKLTIIlA, TUK3DAV. DtCMtnEU 22, 1914. ' " ' 27i! BcjJ drcjjfrf man or woman is tho one whose clothes arc paid for. t Muddle, Moro Muddle and Discrimination THE discrimination ot tho conl-cnrrying roads against Philadelphia has been na ", toHotis for years. Tho Public Service Com , mission's decision on this point Is conclusive. Not only has this discrimination existed, but It has been energetically persisted In, despite publicity, nnd ovory user of coal In tho city a And tho metropolitan district has in effect ' been paying1 an extra-legal tax. It amounts In tho aggregate to millions. Moro than that, the decision puts tha roads on tho defensive in other particulars, tor Just us notorious as tho discrimination in coal - rates has been tho discrimination In other tariffs. It would appear that an effort has been mado to bottle up Philadelphia and f divert tho trade that rightly belongs to It to other cities. Tliero is no other plausible ex planation of export traffic passing through Philadelphia and on to another port. Tho situation Is unfortunate for many rea sons. Tho roads havo been hounded by tricksters and demagogues for years, who . have fastened on them all sorts of parasitic growths. They need money, rovenuc, and , they need It sorely. It Is a bad timo to de prive them of intake The country has been . rejoicing that at last th.cy wore to havo a ' lighting chance. But It is Just as Important c that tho roads play fair as it is that they bo b treatod fairly. Their last state will bo worso .' than their first if they do otherwise. r The answer Is rato equalization In both freight and passenger business. "When this is accomplished a horizontal increase of 5 per cent., or even moro will bo accepted by tho - country. So, too, public opinion will compel the Governmont to pay adequately for tho transportation of tho malls. Also, wo sur- ' misc. it will second tho motion of the rail roads' that tho oxtra-crow law and other un necessary statutes bo repealed. But It Is not going to stand for discrimination. The entire situation is muddled and unsat isfactory. Perhaps a new commission will havo to bo formed to Invcstlgato the Inter atate Commerco Commission, and all tho other commissions, big and little, in an effort , to bring order out of tho increasing chaos. It Is a case of tho sort that requires a Phlla- l dclphia lawyer to do tho untangling. Law Greater Than Thaw HAKRY It THAW has been one of tho most pernicious parasites with which the country has been encumbered in decades. Ho has been able to back his wild Imaginings Wjth murder and money. He cheated tho hangman, and then undertook to cheat tho Insane asylum. Ho has played with courts and Justice, and hold up to mockery our j tribunals and institutions. His career has . been an excellent example of how the safe guards of freedom can be taken advantage ot by a derelict able to pay his way. j The country has not been particularly In terested in tho quibbles centring about the rights of a State in the extradition of tho In tan e or in sombre arguments devised to pro- vent the enforcement of Justice. It baa been Interested in seeing that Harry Thaw" is put 1 fytck in safekeeping, where he ought to bs K 'i tji security of other citizens is to bo assured. This la the view the Supremo Court haa taken la a decision which Is characterized by abun- ' dant common sense. It will be applauded by thQ country in general, although there will be, of course, a coterie of persons, neu rotically Inclined, who will continue to look , xjpon this paranoiac as a victim and martyr. ' Clear the Way for Brumbaugh's Policies "tjtTHEN the people of Pennsylvania elected VV Doctor Brumbaugh Governor they did it Yrlth tho full approval of his platform, and with the expectation that this platform would be enacted as legislation. In order to fulfil that mandate the Governor must have as Sptalter of the House of Representatives a , p?n who is in genuine sympathy with the policies indorsed by the voters. Standing in tyio, very forefront of bia pledges is local ptlan. As a temperance measure It is fair, , m 4?h and effective. 'Representative Richard J. Baldwin, of Delaware, is a candidate for Speaker, and he 13 openly hostile to looal option. Representa tive Charles A- Ambler, of Montgomery, Is a , candidate- for Speaker, and he U frankly in favor ot local option. If the next eesolon of the legislature la not to be controlled and jjminattd by tho liquor interests Ambler - sfcaylfl be selected. To have a man like 3k$jgb&ugn s Governor but to tie hla hands jafeUfmf tryuut uo uratjiuuo iiix$ rtrausyiva- St not to do cauea upon to dear. Tne must be in harmony with the Gov- aiid those who ar trying to nullify Brumbaugh's power should be re- Vukeri at Ute vry begmmng or tM admlnls- tvwMCB- tui iMis.iiap Lei the Cftmnnwion Purge Itself mJ PM1 &rH C4m(sJioa bgan J,WrtfiV tW ejty m Dswwibir 18 In Jiflir w thf smimt eommutmm $mlm ; c t(vpoI ld-ur of ti&m by te nUlrvnd fm JDcrabr tli PnnrlvuUa RUrw4 y tarn m wawiwu tmm t tm iA iwrWwter o4y 4Mtfed trom wMntU awetl hv tfe liaWhi CNMMHNMtoa- sMdhwMy in the efawivl M uett ttet ifc mtw t b sti fcie svideB of an hiWSft rtiii totu bleji ttM Pyl- oa um ro4 m bhb hmfixm te Mm Qlty vw kMl mn4 th Ltattmg it Was seerolly In confcrenc6 with railroad oftlclnta and gavo to them in advance its de cision. In tho circumstances a. rehearing Is Impera. tlve. There must be no delay about It. More than that, tho inquiry must bo exhaustive, I with particular reference to comparative f commutation rates, and tho chargft that Phil adelphia In being called dn to pay for mag nificent facilities nnd service furnished else where. Let It bo a fight to the finish. This question of discrimination has been whis pered on tho streets too long. It must bo answered now. Tho city wnntsto know defi nitely whero It stands. But beforfe tho present commission is com petent to net it must prove beyond question Us purity heretofore. Unless It does this, there can bo no proper hearing of the Issue Until a new and less gullible body has been appointed. The Coming of "Billy" Sunday T)!t.rjY" SUNDAY, known formally ns the & Itov, William A. Sunday, D. D., Is com ing to Philadelphia to deliver his message. Ho Is not coming of his own accord, but In rcsponso to nit Invitation from several hun dred clergymen, laymen and churches. His message will startle Philadelphia, for some times It ts llko the thunder nnd lightning of a mountain storm, although at others It is as sweet and refreshing as a gcntlo spring rain upon tho lowland fields. But It Is the mes sage of a strong man, a fearless man, an utterly earnest man. Howover much people may differ from Sunday, they Invariably come to respect him, bccaUso he is transparently slnccio and elementally simple. Ho preaches tho Gospel with all tho vim and vigor with which he used to play baseball. "Billy" Sunday must be judged by results. Ho Is not a theologian, and doe3 not profess to be a polished scholar. His words, and tho manner In which he delivers them, rivet tho attention and grip tho conscience. If a court of law could be constituted and evidence submitted from tho various cUIcb in which ho has conducted revivals, tens of thousands ot witnesses would bo willing to testify that under his preaching tho wholo courso and character of their lives have been changed; tho chains of evil habit wero broken, tho fires of passion quenched, the craving for liquor removed. Employers of labor testify that the "Billy" Sunday movement is worth supporting for Its economic Influence alone. Workmen be come sober, Industrious and ambitious. They hit tho trail, and then without shamo live a religious life, as If it were the natural and only life to live. Men and women of every kind, from tho wealthiest, most exclusive and highly educated down to the outcast and tho neglected, participate in tho movement and proclaim their gratitude for benefits received. None Is compelled against his will to partic ipate. As Philadelphia Is a city of generous and broad-minded tradition, those who cannot sharo the enthusiasm of tho meetings will ungrudgingly give the right of way to those who do. One of tho most noticeable results of the Sunday meetings elsewhere has been a stu pendous Interest in tho study of the Bible. Within tho churches and in outside and often unlikely places a large numbor of classes for biblical research arc started, and in conso quence tens of thousands of men and women become mora intimately acquainted with the sacred Book. And multitudes vow their Uvea to fighting booze. If the results In Philadel phia are commensurate with thoso obtained In other places, this city will be stirred ns it has not been since tho days when George Whltcfleld preached In lt3 streets. And alt good men and women will give "Billy" Sun day a hearty welcome, whether they agree with all of his views and methods or not, and will wish that his work may bring a great moral stimulus to the city. Sporadic Crime Wave DEPREDATIONS by what would appear to bo a well-organized band of safe-crackers, operating in the heart ot tho business section sinco tho holiday season opened, need not of necessity be taken as an indication of laxity or unfaithfulness on the part of the police and detective departments. As com pared to other largo centres of population, particularly New York, Philadelphia's record from a police point of view has been excel lent the past two years. To Judge correctly such criminal outbreaks time must be reck oned a factor and an average struck. That the busy shopping seasons afford best oppor tunity for such feats of nocturnal dexterity has been demonstrated, and that, too, despite the most vigilant exertions of the guardians of public safety. Diverse Fate of Twin Demons THE Czar suppresses vodka. The French outlaw absinthe, Kitchener warns tha British soldier against drink. The Kaiser tells the German brewers that If the war lasts six months, they must cease using up tha grain. Is It any wonder that ministers speak of the European war as the greatest enemy of the liquor traffic in the worldJi tory? But what about that twin-demon otiSMh. day sohool excoriation the cigarette T'The BnsWsh army welcomes It as a, comfort and a nerve quieter In the field. An American com pany prwenU iba Rid Cross Society with 10,080,000 cigarettes to send to the front. And the gn!al head af that relief organization blesses the gifts by arranging for l) delivery. WJiat a, blowl I.I.. . i-. It will wt be a. white Christmas far Mr. Tha,w. i in l I i i l i i JUW I PAflwjcs sme of the Counailmen think that twt dwlera should be atUfled with imiuualty batjjs. HP I i I MSI 1IP"I1 HI Tfce Italtefut art the. best siratsiaU-they ar holding th,ir Mp intact without firing a A e-od rute fer a Puerile Sarvlca Commis sion te fallow t net tm If the railroads Knew wfct it U going to d. Kloanc CommiUse of Cmytails bas not kUM Ut bw Uom1s iw yC. The court wUi bav sMMtbing to sy afcout that la tba The sr4tu diateulty hout tie JtftlM ajuttaA if U wet lfct b wsliqf & vromm i tfcMv in &tmmrinm, M tta THE SCHOOL VIRTUES AND VOCATIONAL LIFE Education for Earning n Livelihood. Patriotism Vcrsua Taxes Extension of Vocational Training a Question for the Next Legislature. - By NATHAN C. SCIIAEFFEK Stita Superintendent of tSiblle Tnitructltra , THERE nro certain rudiments of nn Eng lish education which tho pupils must ac quire In order to become adjustod to our American civilization Theso must be mas tered, It matters not what vocation tho ln dividual may enter in order to earn a live lihood. In every occupation the individual should know how to read print and script, how to write a correct letter, how to reckon In matters which coins up in his line of work or business, how to consult a map nnd grasp v a routo or travel, and how to interpret tno drawings which He at tho foundation ot our industrial life. Moreover, every good school inculcates cer tain habits, without which tho Individual cannot hold a Job or fill a position In any industrial establishment. Habits of punctu ality and regularity, of accuracy, voracity and obedience, of politeness, self-control and solf-restratnt nro acquired from tho very ac tivities and atmosphcro of a good school. When tho will cntcra Into these and makes them tho law of life they beco.mo tho school virtues, which He at tho foundation of all success In vocational life. It ts well known that employers prefer boys who havo been faithful at school to those who have played truant nnd given all sorts of troublo to tho teacher and tho attendanco ofllcer. In tho effort to teach tho rudiments and to provide sanitary school buildings many boards of school directors havo gono to tho limit of their power to tax. And as soon as a school board goes Into specialized forms of vocational education tho cost of running tho schools Is greatly Increased. That tho schools will need moro money to establish departments of agriculture, domestic sclonco, the household arts and manual training Is well known to every student of education. Whence the Money? Many rual districts find It dlfllcult to keep their schools In operation seven months, oven whon nothing Is attempted beyond the com mon branches. Municipalities llko Harris burg, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have dif ficulty In raising enough money to pay pres ent salaries and to givo pupils an all-day session In the high schools and in the rap Idly growing sections of tho city. How to get moro money for an extension of the fa cilities for vocational training will be one ot the perplexing questions during the coming session of tho Legslaturc. Tho war tax which we oro to collect in time ot pcaco will tako $13,000,000 out of Pennsylvania and lessen to that extent the sources of revenue which can bo tapped for educational purposes. Tho corporations are at present paying $12,000,000 Stnto tax, or almost one-third of tho amount which now goes Into tho Stato Treasury. With the rail roads struggling to cover their running ex penses and with a marked depression in most lines of corporate activity, it 13 a dlfllcult task to see how moro money can bo mado available from our present sources of rovenuo. In a, few places private benefactors have como to the rescue and given ot their wealth to aid In working out new phases of edu cation. C. SI. Schwab gavo to Homestead a fine building with a splendid equipment for manual training. M. S. Hershey donated a building for a consolidated school in Dorry township, In Dauphin County. It is sup plied with filtered air and the latest Im provements, and Is easily tho finest rural school building in Pennsylvania. Charles Lytic Lamborton, Esq., a native of Carlisle, but a resident ot New York at tho tlmo of his death, bequeathed over $200,000 to es tablish and maintain a school in his native town for tho teaching of industrial, mechan ical, technical and scientific arts. William Harris Boyer, of New York, has done great things for the borough of Halifax, whero a new school building, erected at his expense, was recently dedicated. Let It bo hoped that tho day Is not far distant when a rich man cannot die in pcaco unless ho has done the handsome thing for tho schools of the community In which ho spent his boyhood. A Sign of Patriotism But the major portion of tho revenue for school purposes is dorlved from local taxa tion. People are enthusiastic over vocational education so long as they can make the other fellow pay the taxes. It Is an unmistakable sign of patriotism If the citizen cherishes a willlngnes to pay a Just Bhare of tax for the support of the government and tho edu cation of the people. jAn effort wilt, without doubt, be made to make certain forms of vocational education obligatory, but it Is a question how far such legislation can be carried into effect unless new sources of revenue for school purposes can be pro vided. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that a pupil at the age of 12, 13 or 14 has neither tho time nor the strength for many of the forms of work In the smithy, tho foundrV and the various other forms of work In Iron and steel. The same is true of many forma ot work on the farm, The most discouraging feature is that the average advocate of vo cational education considers a trade school a good school for his neighbor's son, but for his own son he desires a different type of education. With the small appropriation made by the last legislature agricultural departments have been established In high schopls ot 11 counties. Evening schools for miners have been established and conducted in a number of places. Cooking and sewing have been, taught with most beneficent results In sec tions where the foreign population Is In the ascendant. And a most encouraging Inter est haa been shown In the evening classes for farmers which have ben organized in eon nsotlon with the agricultural high schools. The least expensive and most effective form of vocational training is found in the com munities where boys spend part of the, tips bi U9 shop and part of tltc time at sohpq. As vaeaaoies ooour in the shops the trained boy Alls tbe place; and tle taxpayer U ml bfffdv to feot tlie Mil for iSU maehlSM and raw matwlai. Tb pta pf tlr)ul!g tbe instruction ip a contiauatlen school haa been tried in Suropean schools with marked tilOTf" Many advocate Um ajtepUen of the ptajk by our Awvicaji sweats; but few WfiHfft tM wils)? te tMf(tat that Ute boy HMt Wi a part U Mm Stwday in sueh taMntetlsB, m it ttt msteat a.nA tn soma BMW w in couutrtotr s ths other aid of the AttamtJc. i Jg Ji achool lajfiliio it 4Mubt b brse tn Mted. oit the 0Ae ajft4 (Jjt ta lw cu, " SAFETY FIRST!" ' f J . flHLLY" SUNDAY'S H jT r S4s4-ii CAMPAIGN PLANS M ' U , W HK "lr fflffi'Jl '7iir'lT' 'S" "Lrf.ww. "" tammmv nMV J 5IHtI ' ' iff a.rsssssBrJ' ijJRv- iXW'-ftSi Wl,l1",W T,,'''vJtt 'MiyJ aJhSHK Ilm '-' "" .fMM!4Hs3lHHiaRi S,HMJir- schools cannot be kept far In advanco ot tho demands of public opinion. Public senti ment must bo created to back up the school legislation which Is put upon our Btatuto books; othcrwlso tho wisest laws will be and continue to bo a dead iottcr in tho school code. AS THE SOLDIERS SEE IT Christmas at the Front Friendly Interchanges Among "Enemies." From the Kamas City Star. THE soldier moles of tho two armies In tho trenches becomo moro friendly with each other ns Christmas comes nearer. Dis patches from tho war front In tho last few days havo told how, in the Intervals between killing times, tho mon In tho trenches, only 30 yards apart, swap tobacco, shoot at marks, sing for each other, exchango newspapers, and In other ways let tho humanity in them leak out. Ono story told how tho British soldiers shouted across to tho Germans: "Givo us a song," and tho Germans sang: "It's a Long Way to Tipperary," and, after finishing It, called on the British for a song nnd they, not to bo outdono in courtesy, sang: "Die Wacht am nhcln." Another story wns of a well between tho trenches, tho only water within reach of both armies, and by mutual agreement, tho British first went nnd filled their canteens; then the Germans filled theirs, and when all wero supplied they remembered their business and resumed their shooting match. Does any one suppose that thoso men, kill ing each other all day, would not stop it quickly and go back to their families, or their sweethearts, and their work If they had their way about It? Imagine blue-eyed, blond Hans nnd a Ca nadian Tommy meeting each other between the trenches. After shaking hands a con versation something llko this takes place: "Can you lend mo a plpo of tobacco?' asks Tommy. "Sure." Hans fumbles in his blouse, gets It, hands it over and while Tommy fills his pipe Hans asks: "Where are you from?" "Western Canada." "Oh! Whore they grow so much wheat. I've read of tho big farms out there, ten times as big as my father' farm, and wo think In our country tlint his Is a large farm." "Where are you from?" "From near Danzig.-", That's over near where the Russians are fighting you folks." "1s. Say, why do you come away qver here, across tho ocean to fight ub?" "Well, we aro a part of the British Empire, you know, and yoi Germans are trying to wipe us out of existence. Now why do you want to do that?" "Wo don't want to do that' "Then why are you fighting us?" "Because ypur British Empire is trying to push Germany oft the earth." "Oh shucks! Say, Hans, Jo be honest with you, I don't know why we're fighting." "Neither do I." "I do know, "though, that I'd llko to be back ill Calgary for the Christmas holidays." He fumbles In the Inside of his khaki blouse, brlngn forth the picture of a pretty, rosy cheeked Canadian girl, hands It to Hans and says; "That's her." w Hans looks at it in admiration and brings out from within his blouse a photograph fcf a charming German girl, hands "It to Tommy with the remark: "There's mine." "We were to have been married th,ls Christ mas," says Tommy. "We are to be married next May," says Stans. "Providing you don't leave your bones in one of these trenches. Maybe a bullet from my own gun will kilt you." 'GretQhen would never forgive you If she knew It." f "I wouldn't want her to Hpow It-1 wouldn't want my own girl away off Jn Wetum Can ada to Iraow it." "Well, there's the bugle, gall. So lane, Tommy. !temem,ber me to that 8'rl In Can ada whan WW write next.1 "Qsedrby, Hans; thanks fgr tile tobacco, and 8lv my regards to (Jrelahen in your next letter " . ( Tha Chriitnus Spirit The wwld ni tatfcsr isere 9f th 14-fajh ywei th ebwr aafe that are the Very WMWe ef the lat that b Massed )i surety ttawsh H animii, ..,,, It U atrUtd, uM, mMelt aWL wW ttatlwrJw fcMwstli tn&r sUeal 1st ibobwvawM UuU twul U erffe i reUjrtw, but embraca all ads w4r Its HUrff M aKXt will. Jut Wc tt,r i tt vr a a ail Uie Lob sud uoarapkiyuiaat ca t Miar tk ltloc la ttr tba afar . in wr wm rw mqb m w i mm mn i" alack, ef ChrUtnwa m s&'mmMi.mnwvm8m& rrrrirsr' ' ISA, i i CHRISTMAS STORIES FOR YOUNG AND OLD An Excursion in the Literature of Yuletidc Talcs, Some of Them Famous and Some Little Known, "Which Breathe the Spirit of the Season. By FREDERIC A. CHILD rftiid.nl of the rhlladelphla storr TtUen' WHAT would tho Christmas-tldo be with out Christmas stories! Surely It is tho timo of all tho year when every one, young and old, welcomes stories breathing the Christmas spirit. And to meet this demand what a host of stories havo boon wrlttenl It would, indeed, be almost hopeless to attempt to make a list ot all the Christmas tales over written. Since our own Washington living told of "Old Christmas" in England In hla "Sketch Book" or Charles Dickens produced his "Christmas Stories," their numbor has been legion. Yet, lest wo bo confused by this great mass of Christmas stories, it may be worth whllo to attempt to cull out somo of tho most successful. Itecently several well-known story-tellers wero asked what they considered to bo tho best Christmas story for children. Surpris ing as It may seem, the answer was tho same in each case. But whon tho story they rec ommended Is compared with other Christmas stories, much of the surprtso disappears. Said ono: "The most popular Christmas story for many years tn this country has been 'Why the Chimes Rang,' by Raymond MacDonald Alden. This story Is told everywhere In schools and churches, Sunday schools and other groups, told to young and old, rich and poor. In fact, It has becomo a Christmas classic." And when tho same question was put to thoso in chargo of the Children's De partment of the Philadelphia Library, which Is doing tuch a splendid educational work for tho children or Philadelphia, the answer was the same. Mystery and Miracles This story by Alden is printed In sevoral editions of Christmas stories. It tells of a little boy who through a great sacrifice was unable to attend the Christmas Berylce in tha brilliantly lighted church, but how his gift to tho Christ Child was moro acceptable than tho nlfts of kings and nobles, nnd how con sequently the chimes In the tall tower wero heard to ring in testimony of the gift's ac ceptability. This brief story employs the supernatural in the mysterious ringing of the bells. It emphasizes most vividly the Im portance of cheerful sacriflco and charity In the Christian life as contrasted with the glitter and show of the false conception of the Christian spirit so common among man kind. Fol'owlng closely "Why the Chimes Rang" in popularity are van Dyke's "Tho First Chilstmas Tree," to be found In that author's "The Blue Flower"-; Ruth Sawyer Durand'a "The Voyage of the VVee Red Cap," to be found in a volume, entitled "Children's Book of Christmas Stories," edited by Dickinson and Skinner, in which will also be found "The Fir Tree," by Hans Christian Andersen; "The Golden Cobwebs," by R. II. Scliaufllcr, and "Tolnette and. tha Elves." by Susan Coolldge. All oPthese are appropriate for young children, for in all, except van Dyke's, tho supernatural plays an Important part, either through the medium of elves and fairies or through some other manifestation ot the miraculous. For children to whom fairies and goblins are no longer acceptable, stories dealing with the origin of 'the Christmas tree, wjfh the origin of Santa Caua and with stories ot the Christ Child will be appropriate, Ejtor!es concerning: the first Christmas tree, or centring about tha tree, are numerous. Besides van Dyke's "Tb First Christmas Tree." there are "The First Christmas Tree," by Lucy Wbeejoek, to be found in ''Children's Book of Christmas Btprles," and "The Balsam Fir," by Mary E. Wllklns Freeman la her "Six Trees." , Illitorieal Background of Stuta Many articles, liaye been written on the htarlw.i bAgkffrpuad of Santa. Claus, Bbaw. ing how He evolved from the good Saint Jjfaholas, a,ndrQW the celebration of his birthday, $s December e. got mixed with the BalabraUejt of the Nativity. One ot tbe latest oj tUaae was a well written artlele In thfi OutIoR of December SO. 1913. It wHi!d ssra the act ofwl9dom to ezpialn to those children Whe bftve heoome skeptical oacnnir Santa Die trua' significance of the aalbrat!W of (3feri4s ajM the giving of gifts. .tatftft ha.vMa founded ura M KfaHntai w wum tiesa M ptilW BjRMf turn Twq In the aj)k of OhrlaUsM StPHta" are JM, naraaly, Franco) Copne "Uttte WeMt' Wooden Shoes," m) a Oar ma ieal. "a tur t tin) uirtit Cniw." Tbia UUU iu bsu su.uaf utty presented to children mmm of tableau mtwantHMtad by riMNr f tit te, A ivm known r- tjpH Lccgue. by Maximo Du Camp, to bo found in a vol wmo entitled "Christmas Stories From the French nnd Spanish," edited by A. Ogden. Another class of children's stories worthy of noto Is tho purely historical, telling how Christmas was celebrated In the past. Anno Holllngsworth Wharton's "Christmas in 1776," to bo found in "Tho Last Century Maid nnd Other Stories for Children," nnd "Tho First Now England Christmas,!' in Stano and Flckett's "Kv'ery Day Llfo in tho Colonics," aro good examples of such stories. Dickens and After Without a doubt tho most popular Christ mas story among grown-ups Is Dickons' "A Christmas Carol," Dickens himself tells us that "ho wept and laughed and wopt again" over it, "and excited himself in a most ex traordinary manner in tho composition." A close second to tho carol In popularity is "The Chimes," concerning which Dickens said "ho had written a tremendous work and knocked the Carol out of .the field." Tho reading pub lic howoypr, has not rendered Its verdict ac cordingly. Both of these, stories breathe a spirit of kindliness and good-Will and a con sideration, for tho less fortunate. Who can read of Scrooge's different visitations and not feel convinced at his sudden conversion, and who, reading this story, ts not affected much in tho same manner as the author, and Is not inclined to weep and laugh and weep again T Mrs, Kczziwlg and Tiny Tim nro household words, I and will remain such ns long as the language Is read. The fashion set by Dickons has been fol lowed by many writers, spmo of whom have been able to produce little moro than a. weak, imitation of the machinery of "The iChrist mas "Carol." Tho Christmas story takes it's Inspiration from the spirit of the time, a spirit glowing with an Interest in Llfo, Lovo and Reconciliation. The celebration of tb birthday of tho patron saint of children, St. Nicholas, long associated with the celebration of tho birth ofr- Christ, affords Inspiration found nt no other season of tho year. , Entertainiug, But Unfair It would, however, bo too much .to expect that tho wonderful happenings and sudden conversions and reconciliations ot the usual Christmas story shoujd not meet; with a cer tain amount of ridicule and satire. One of tho most successful of theso, carried out with a close ndhcrejido to the dream machinery of "Tho Chrisdmas Carol," Js Frank Stock ton's "Stephen frkarrldgo's Christmas," found In his "Story Teller? Pack." Stephen Skar rldge is a second Scrooge whose cynicism takes the form of collecting his tenants' rent on Christmas Eve. Where money is not forthcoming he confiscates personal property. A dream Is closely followed by his conver sion In the form of most generous bounty. The story ends with the question. "Have you ever read a sfory like this before?' And, of course, the answer Is, "Yes." Another such story Is George Ade'a "Mr. Payson's Satiri cal Christmas," to be found in hla "In Babel." Entertaining as these are, perhaps they ara unfair, for the Christmas story la essentially a story of miraculous happenings for chil dren and grown-ups; for chlldrenMn their more mature, grown-up moods and for ther -elders in their moods of childishness. WHERE? Wherea the Christmas Spirit all the other timea of yearT Wonder where It goes geems to sleep or doze. Wonder where It hides its little sparkly smile of aittar. When it "twaw K "ttle wnga and flies away WqndK where it hibernate, and what lta causa foi frT Where's (ha Christmas Spirit all the other tlmts of yaarf Pleasant 1UU splrlt-Uut It, never im to grow. " SUs a little whllc-r Wanner grows' ife salt" We m grasp lta coattaila, twtJT alwav msi. murs: "No, ' w "Vom haveit't learned to held roe. s9 I wHy have to go. LtaUoj; you tu common tbltiga. Ilka taara sad pain and woe " ' Pleasant little apirlt-but it never sterna in giow. r Wberaa the curiuji rlma et vawt Spirit all tha tbe Cools' we tuk it aiay If we Uaraed th? Would It grow auiatu 4 'mid it aiwwn 4 1 A - Wtey?'tw har uaf -m Tefcsaaar. to u M ,M Jbtm nm vw, p m m mm am t& SihVuS1 ijtal taakMw f I CI -5 f ft? , swaj, iPVM KHKiSiiifEte i3a. J ''Htmut
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