m T HAMMOND'S HAT IN RING BY GRACE OF HIS WESTERN ADMIRERS HERE'S THE STORY OF TOFI ISAAC, TYPE OF HOUSING EVIL EVENING LEDGER-PHIEADEIPIr TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 11. I, iii . ... i M i ii ii ' i i '....'...:. "in ii i..n.f ,'' ' .ii. i , l i . . i , .- ,... i. , ril i .ii . .i.. ,.,. .. ,, , , rn, , ,.r .,. j Sioro Opens 8:30 A. M. WANAMAKER'S Store Closes 6 P. M l - Minnesota's Democratic Governor-elect Boomed for President by Reptbli car?Cpngressmen of That State. tritou a STArr coaisaroxDKNT. WASHINGTON, Deo. a Will Wlnfleld Scott llum'moml, of Minnesota, over, bo President of tlio United States? Nbbody can tell; strnnper things liave happened. MlnricBcrta lacks less than half k million of havlnsr as largo a population as How Jersey, anil only about 95,000 fewer voters than New Jersey. Minnesota la 330 mites wide, i& milts long and coVers nn area, of 83,365 Bquaro miles! New Jersey Is' only 70 nlles wltfe, 160 miles lone and covers an area of only 7315 square miles. Besides, Minnesota, belcmga to tho grout North west, and Mr, Bryan used to think that westward the star of political promise was In the ascendant. That Is what the Minnesota people- betleva today; at least that Is what James Manahan, Republican; Oeorgo It. Smith, Republican, and Clar ence Benjamin Miller, Republican, three representative men of that State, mem bers of the present Congress, think nnd paid at the coming-out party of Wlnfleld Bcott Hammdnd at the University Club hero last Saturday night. Mr. Hammond, who' has been a member of' Congress from Minnesota for eight years, was elected Governor of that Stata at tho election last month. Ho Is a Democrat. Tho rest of tho -Democratic tlckot was defeated by something llko S3.000 votes; he was elected by 12,000 ma jority. If John A. Johnson had lived he would havo been tho Democratic candi date for President at the last election; Mr. Hammond'a Republican friends at the symposium Saturday night bellevo he Is a worthy successor of Johnson, that he Is built dt sound presidential timber and that he could carry his State. Tho meeting was designed to bring out If possible- a reasonable explanation of how It happened that Mr, Hammond was elected Governor when all of his ticket was defeated by 83,000 majority. The manager of tho affair, Claude Bennett, cloverly nranged It bo that the cxplana- Hon should be made by Republican mem bers of Congress from that State. Boiled down, they all agreed that ho was elected bocause he wua the best man for tho place, and one of their" number declared that Minnesota can no longer be regarded as committed to nny political party, and that tho voters of that State will cast their ballots for tho best man whatever his political label character, capacity,, fitness being In their' opinion tho truo' testa of what the people want In tho pub lic service. Mr. Hammohd was born In Massachu setts, educated at Dartmouth and, like Martin 3. Brumbaugh, of Pennsylvania, has devoted years of tho best service to the cause of education In his State., Al though a practising attorney for many "years ho lias been associated with every ; movement looking to the Improvement of the education facilities of his State. Mr. Hammond has Just passed his 51st birthday; His term of ofllce will expire in January, 191T, which would glye him a. month nnd a halt to organize his Cabi net and write his Inaugural address If he should bo elected President In 191S. There apparently Is no doubt now that his hat has been thrown Into the ring by his, appreciative political oppo nents on the ground that It is, the man himself and not the party label he wears that should count, Hammond will make many of the "leaders" alt up and think. Mr. Hammond did not say Saturday . night that he "would not think of such ,a thing," and, at least, he may be re garded as among the possibilities. If the race should Anally be between Hammond, and Borah, It Is safe to speculate that the West would cast the largest vote ever ' .polled )n that part of the country. J. C. H. IRVIN COBB GIVES VIVID RECITAL OF WAR'S HORROR '' Curtla Club Sears Description ty "Writer Who "Was With Troops. Irvln 8. Cobb, war correspondent and humorist, drew) a grim picture of the ., European war, devoid of Its glamour and glory, in an address before 3)0 members of the Curtis Club last evening. ' Mr, Cobb, who Is one of the Ave Ajnerl- . can correspondents, the onU noncom batanta who were permitted to view the scenes at the front, described the horror of the conflict perhaps more vividly than in his published articles In the Saturday Evening Post and the Pubuo Lb do En. It was one of the most dramatic recitals ever heard In this city. Tho great conical holes, 20 by 70 feet, blasted Into the earth by the tt-centl-metre shells; the pulverized forts and the Idiocy and dellrlousneis nf the French garrisons who survived were described by Mr. Cobb. "I have never seen men so Indescribably dirty and exhausted as those in a trench at Laone. The men could not sea the enemy, nor wero they seen. But they kilted and were killed, hour by hour. At Slaubeuge we could smell a hospital train J50 yards away, although the stench of dead human flesh was ever in our nos trils. The wounded, packed like sardines In the cars, lay on blood-soaked straw." The speaker said that his Interview with Xjord Kitchener wbb correct aa flrat pub llshed, but that it had been garbled on transmission by cable back to England, where It was repudiated for that reason, "Belgium's plight is the greatest atroc ity of history," ba sajd. "But I aaw no cases of mutilation of noncombatanti, audi aa have been rumored so generally." Mr. Cobb said that the consensus of military opinion I that tho w,ar cannot last more than a year, although the Ger man believe Implicitly that they will win. WOMEN CAPTURE MAN 1 j m mi yeaiale Detectives of pepartmen Store Subdue, Elm After fight. A truled prisoner, much the worse for "War, Jascd Magistrate Benshaw'la the Cmtral Police Court today. 8lde him stood Mrs. Peart Pancoast and Miss Mary Clark. dtv4 Ir tfee Wajwaiajser nturo. When the prisojaar look4 t (htr drmlned f&eea he sigbad oiTOKfuliy. Tae women epur3 tfee num at Markut And Junipw trts altar an xcHteff and a baad-to-hand ofttet yes. Urdiur Afternoon, in wWcb U SaaUy was tm&m& sy m hatpJa wieUed by Mrs. FaAdatat, The wcuqm tuxasd Ms uyr to ReMrv PoUsauuLB r .... The iwiMUMT, who tiW uau & I 4SO. .ist, Ny HVsrit;- w4 teat. ;" t$n.eamm rw touiuev iii kuu tsI S.W '3U V--V ij-.'lp -Sir M m ftaLt 4feHBfe m JOHN H. BAIZLEY Councilman who urged and ob tained an increase from $5000 to $6000 for mummer prize money; MDMMERS TO GUARD AGAINST THE LDRE OF "FAKE" PRIZES Representatives " of Clubs Will Meet Tonight to De mand Cash Guarantees From Business Men.' The New Year shooters, who delight thousands of people 'every year, do not propose to be hoodwinked on January 1 by fake prizes. Last year many clubs-were lured to dif ferent sections of tho city by tho offer of special prizes,- pnly to And In many cn'aea that tho prizes were cut 60 per cent, in valuo after tho sectional sightseers had their fun. To prevent such an Imposition on New Year's Day, representatives of tho New Year clubs will meet representatives of various organizations wlilcli offer prizes tonight In room 436, City Hall, and In form them that nil prize money will have to be deposited with responsible persons before New Year's Day by organizations who desire the mummers to parade out side of the official route named by the Councils committee. Judging from tho enthusiasm shown by the clubs nil over tho city, H. Bart Mc- Hugh, special agent of the New Year Committee, believes the parade on Now Yenrs Day will eclipse all tormer pa geants. It would tako many volumes to tell ade quately of tho novelties and costumes which will be In the line of 15,000 march ers. Then, too. It would be a breach of confidence to tell all, but a reporter for tho Eve.vino LEDtiER was "lot In" on some of the novelties In store on tho promise that ho would not tell the publlo too much In advance. Tho Mexican war will . receive, serious attention, and some of the clubs will carry wireless stations' in order to learn who"wlll have been elected President by January 1. The war in Kuropo will be touched upon In a neutral manner, be cause, as ono mummer expressed It, "wo want the public to remain neutral." The pathetic Incident regarding the controversy over ships for the Panama Canal Zone will, of course, find expres sion In very graphic illustrations. Many of the shooters believe the Secretary ol tho Navy and the Secretary of War will have ultimately Interpreted Goethal's message by that time. "Rancid Transit" lines, the high cost of riding and the price of eggs will be some of the timely subjects dealt with by the progressive mummers. While the shooters are as enthusiastic as ever, many expressed regret yester day that some business men of the city and organizations, which are supposedly interested in advertising rhlladelphla, did not take more interest In the mummers' turnout, They say there, la great expense attached to being a mummer, and the prizes given by tho city fall far short of meeting the financial outlay, Some of the captains who parade with the fancy clubs expend from WW to JIM for the hire of their Individual costumes and the club pays the rest. Even though they do win a $300 prize, they lose by their enterprise. Hundreds of costumes cost between 1100 and $200 to hire for the day, and the mummers In this class cannot expect to win an Individual prize of more than $100. The shooters realize that Councils have done all that was possible at this time In view of conditions. They give especial credit to Councilman John Balzley, chair man of the New Years Committee, who urged and obtained an increase of 11000 in the mummer prize money. This year there will ba 16000 Instead of (5000 to dis tribute among the paraders. MULE TOOK COLD PLUNGE y Rescued Trom Delaware by Donkey Engine. Joe JUbovlti olJ blind mvl went swimming In ih DtUwtr Willi Joe, stood wplng on the bsak. bis hem of fur wu lull: The mule truck out for Jersey's shore, but now th mult is well awtra The nortlnc donkar engine has a vtry lively pull. K donkey engine took all the conceit out of a mule and all the mule out of the Delaware River after tne Datlent animal slid down' Walnut street across Delaware avenue and Into the river. A harness of heavy hawsers was passed under the mule, which was mak ing progress toward New Jersey, the donkey engine snorted several times, gasped, coughed and shook itself, and the old blind mule was on deck. Joseph Rabovlts owns the anlmaL He was driving It down Walnut street at tached to a. heavily l4n wagon when Its feet "let go." Rabovlts, not wishing to swim. Jumped. Tho mule continued until it hit the bulkhead and then stepped over Into the water, the wagon follow ing. Both went under water, but the mule managed to kick loose and started for New Jersey. The wagon la 'resting on th bottom. A. railroad tug overtook Maud. LATE SHOPPMS-IAST MINUTE GIFTS rr t IXBKsfbp s -lu. a. .. .a.. .. -,. J .asftVab-. .. . . ' 'aMlfcj -a - . Jii&&)tefe- . - iffi .Tina aTCM : -Jjnrtl . UE? WmiCVr -Mr s J-V.l. . Jt.i ,- ihhu' je- !iJi .1IKV.!SS..I . - . . i nil Itin , i3E . . . . fc-fejBfcHE TnrslilriiiM- - IJI '" - 5P-- J. - Uu ..HOZ,. - tHSHH i. SET VjaT."t Ml Ml ISM I WMiai JSMMFVd. - . - J MHMfi SI mi JSMI. Wm ff-f Ki,lM Hill i III llli II ilHii i I ill llill IMillMWMIIBMIl T Kl Sent to House of Detention, He Tells of His Wish for Fresh Air and Cleanliness. Bathtub' His Ambition. Toft Itarte, 13, years old, of list Soillh ioth itreei, a fjplcal' product o the present tenement houia eviU Recently he ell Mo tho handi of the truant officer. Judge Oortndn, of the Jniienlle Courtt tent Mm to the Haute of Deten tion, A special diet and medical treat' ment hat bcelt- ordered for htm. Tofl ha heard of sanitary houses, with targe uHndoics, 1 bathtub and a court llard. However, he has never lived, in houses containing such improvements. lie satis bad air made Mm thin, which caused Ms school companions to call htm "skinny." lie oecame a intant became he was athantcd to be called "skinny." crt is Toft's own stor), told In Ms own words: By TOFI ISAAC "I wish I had n home where there. Is a lot of windows, a, b'lg yard nnil h, place where I can tako n bath.. When I becomo n, big man and make lots of Inonoy I will buy a house where there la n, ynrd nnd windows. My brother Mike wilt do tho same. "My right name Is Ton Isaac, but all tho fellers down around Catharine street call mo Skinny and also tho son of a Turk.N I am skinny, all right; but I ain't tho son of a Turk. I got sklnfly because I don't eat much, because papa, who work's In" the Woodlawn Cemetery, lost his Job and ho ain't got no money to buy bread. "I live with papa and my mamma In n room nn the second floor at 1152 South 10th street. My brother Mlko, who la nine years old; my sister Nettle, five years old! baby Lucy, who Is four months, old, and Johnnie, who Is three years old, also live there. Johnnie and Mike always holler because they can't sleep In the night nnd they say that tho ar Is so bum. "L am not a .bad boy and not a hookey player. I want to go to school and learn how to read and wrlto. because I want to bo a. stenographer or a clerk. When, I mnke lots of money as a clerk. I want to buy a houso where thero Is a. yard for Lucy and tho other kids. "I hopo tho Judge won't send mo to prison. I want to go home nnd bo a good boy. But I want to go to another school. Tho .school I went .to all the fellers called me skinny. I am skinny, but It ain't my fault. My papa Is not working now In the cemetery nnd wo havo nothing to eat Papa Is a grave digger. Gee, I wish wc had a homo like tho other kids who are rich. I mean the kids who have a bathtub and a big yard. Mlko, mo brother, always cries for more room nnd air when he sleeps. "We all llvo In one room and the air Is bad when wo get up in tho morning. I guess I got skinny by Bleeping In a room with a lot of people. I guess that Is right because the teacher told us ono day that we should get' lots of air In the room, nnd havo a bath every day. "I havo no bathtub where I live bo cause papa Is a poor man nnd can't rent tho house's which the rich peoplo rent. Please tell the detectlvo that I am not a bad boy, and tell him not to send me to -prison. Please, Mister, tell the de tective not .to send me to prison. "Maybe It our houso was nice nnd the air was good I wouldn't bo so skinny as I artr, The Judge who sent mo hero Is a nice man and Mrs, Richardson tho matron is nice to me. I want to go homo nnd to another school. I want to bo a clerk and mnko money and buy papa a house with a bathtub." Judge Gorman, In reviewing the Isaac case said today that thero are other sim ilar cases In South Philadelphia. Judgo Gorman believes that .little Toil's case Is directly due to the present tenement houso evil. SENT TO JAU. POE, THEFT Mother and Sister of Prnnklln Justice Testify Against Him. With his mother nnd sister as witnesses against him, Franklin Justice, who has been In the hands of tho police several tlmeu during the last five years, was con victed of larceny and sentenced to one year In the county prison by Judge Mc Michael In the Quarter Sessions Court to day. Ills mother, Mrs. Ada Justice, and his sister, Mtssi Margaret Justice, 1911 Co lumbia avenue, testified that on Decem ber. 10 ho opened a trunk belonging to his brother Berahard and took a suit clothes, a razor arid several other articles. ItESORTS VOCONO MOUNTAINS, PA. TOBOGGANING at BUCK HILL Xlet necupsratlonRecTeatlon THE WINTER INN Buck Hill Falls, Pa. CirAHI.ESTON. 8. C. CALHOUN MANSION opn for rxciuilv patronace: original Co lonial furnlihlnfsi Southern cooklnr, yacat Int. aolf. UnnU. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. -Brtoltt. ST. ACOP8TINE. FIA THE BARCELONA ?'",,? "fiXj PrlvaU baths; exdiulw. X. N. B LA lit. JACKBONVK.1.E. HA, ROOM, WITH BATH. II.BO HOTEL BURBRIDGE KEW MODEHN nEPBOOP eCHOOLa AND COIXEQES rillXAPEI.l'IIIA ' Both Sexes Private I PSSnn"; Civil Service. Shorthand, rnVaiC UCSiUlll Bp.,,,,, English. Ulu Uaaoa. 023 Lafayette Bids., fith b Cheat. sires position where ability will count) com- SUPPLEE'S Christmas Tree Lieht Outfits SUPPLEE, 1538 Market St. $1.50 Set 4 , Books, Sards, endars DAYLXCttTT book mom If Ql CSiestaut nmi i i' " i " if v "iii ii wwiiiMM siwMii ! iWi'i mi i n 1 1 i . . , m H I Still Goina Ahead Grand Organ Christmas Concerts Tomorrow at 8:30 and 5:45 It's a Nice Picks Out Fur Coat There may be a woman somewhere in this latitude who has no use for a fur coat, but we never heard of one. Where fore we set down some of the reliable kinds to be had in this Fur Salon. Black ponyskin coats, pliable and smooth, some with self collars, some with collars of fitch or fox or chinchilla squirrel, $25 to 80. Black Caracul Coats are very soft and fine and made with self collars or collars of skunk,. black fox, raccoon, kolinsky, fitch or ermine." They cost from 60 for a perfectly plain style to $450 for a beautiful full-skirted model with trimming of jet and kolinsky. Nearseal or Sheared Coney Coats, both self and other collars, $50 to $150. Hudson Seal (sheared muskrat) Goats are the most beau tiful of all, and $85 to $450. ' People desiring muffs to match these coats will find a good variety here to look over. (Third Floor, Chestnut) 2500 Pairs Warm Wooland Lined Gloves, 38c and 50c 38c pair (2 pair for 75c) for Scotch wool gloves for men, also boys and girls ; leather-bound top3 ; warm and practical. 50c pair for boys and girls' lined gloves. (Subnar Floor, Market) You Have a Thousand Alternatives in Furniture Come to this furniture display expecting to find it look like a place from which nothing has been taken away. It takes last days like these to prove what we have been telling you all along, namely, that there has never been a display of gift furniture in Philadelphia equal to this. "Undoubtedly there are plenty of things you won't find in it, but they are either unworthy kinds or discarded styles. Today in furniture you still have a thousand alternatives. If there is any single thing you cannot find in this exhibition, wo should very much like to know what it is, because expert investigation shows that it comprises every article of stand ard quality, every novel and uncommon type known in Amer ica (and many from, Europe) everything in furniture that is fine in character, pleasing in design and of practical utility all at fair prices. (Fitth Floor) Colored Handkerchiels Are So you'll not make a mistake in sending them. Little glove handkerchiefs with designs in effective and pretty hues are 25c and 60c though you may have them in plain white at the same price, too, if you wish. Regular size handkerchiefs for women these, too, with" colored designs and borders or stripes, 25c and 50c each. All f reah and a wonderfully wide assortment. (Mala Floor, Central) Last Minute Gifts in the White Goods Store Band-embroidered waist patterns from Japan and the Philfppinw, $2.75 to B. Cotton scarfs and squares, embroidered, 18c to $1 each. Sorcslrftd Japanese nainsook for underwear, 10-yard pieces, $2.85 tiw piece; in holly boxes, (Ftnt Floor, Oa.tnut) mmm0'f'mm - mmmmmmimmwi - oing Santa Who ' a Woman's Popular JOHNWANAMAKER 'mrimmti - ' u . Christmas Sale of Women's Silk Stockings Plenty &t.65c and $1 a pair, so good that while, they are oh sale our own $1, $1.35 and $1.50 stockings ' are practically shoved into the background. A dozen make a nice gift box. Mnln Floor, 150 of the Finest Suits Made for Men at $21.50 This selling price is below the average wholesale cost of these fine suits. They- are the last of some 900 suits brought in a few days ago, and they must be cleared away before Christmas. This new low price should send them flying. They are fine fancy worsteds, very solid fabrics and in patterns most fashionable among men who know. (First Floor, Market) Lower Price Suits Special $8.50 ' 100 men's good cheviot and cassimere suits freshly reduced today to $8.50 their final low price. Good-sound suits to buy for yourself or to buy for gifts. Also an unusually good lo$ of Bnlmacaan overcoats, fancy mixtures, blue chinchillas, special at $10 and $12. (Subway Floor, Market) Among the Finer Umbrellas there are still scores of unusual, rare and fine handles, suit able for giving and, in sizes for men and women. There are examples of qther beautiful Toledo work; exquisite French enamels, gleaming crystals, rare woods and silver, gold and gun-metal handles. They are very handsome, very acceptable, and range in price from $5 to $50. (Main Floor, Chestnut) Brownie Cameras They are among the very best to choose for a beginner- being so simple that one can hardly make a mstakp in using them. Prices are $1 to $12. Our collection of memory books and of albums for photo graphs, postcards and posters is a remarkably good one, 25)s to.$3.50. (Main Floor, Central) About 1000 Quilts Heaped on More Than .. Thirty Tables And some vqry fine ones shown specially in the mode bedrooms, which are a feature of this bed elothing store, A rather notable fact, in view of the greatest salUwj of quilts there has ever been in Philadelphia. A qOf display that cannot "peter out" is the p&se to cof ta tor the gift that never yet disappointed ft hoow, ttmatt prices f er fresh, new goods of recognised mt xxtim $2.60 tQ $300. (Filth Floor. Mask) 9immim-&m9mm mmmm'lmmmmtmmmmimm With the Market) msmmimWi immmtm WHaWCMMnWaMassMMNawiwa Special m I m 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers