BHBHT afctBsirfBitesiiffcjMs, f ft' . U 4 ra I m Ht V ILLY" SUNDAY-THE MAN. HIS WORK AND THE a IK g. , - gMta j 1 . 1 ' " 1 m i jHHHHHHBilrailfflillHK.. lMJillilSBKP' r v m " - ' JSr'' yHlHl , I bishop berry expects 'll .K TUT UC17 TT" XT "CTlJeT 17T11 saaaaaa MM IsaaHMHMBasaaaaaeM Wl I saaaMI ill HUM IIW 1 1 1 IWHaaassW THaaBBHOHUIBH PA J" .eTsF JBKtixt- jtJ 1 . MM X-i. JAHHHHHHnW' v-3,1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1,sbbbbbbbbbbbbb& - I - .- , THT REV. E. H. EMETT Assistant to Mr. Sunday, who has been here organizing work for campaign. RISE FROM LOG CABIN TO GREAT PREACHER BY "BILLY" SUNDAY 'A Soldier's Orphan, He Be came Baseball Hero but Deserted Diamond to Be Evangelist. The Rev. Dr. William Ashley Sunday, better known to the world as just plain "Billy" Sunday, like most of the men who have achieved fame In the history of tliu United States, was barn in the country and did not And a "silver spoon In hli mouth" when ho first saw tho light ot day. Whatever Bucceia ho has had came to him through tho usual courso ot "bumps" nnd "knocks' such as Lincoln had to fight through. He never saw his father, William Sun day, for the elder Sunday had been n private In Company n of tho 23d Iowa Infantry Volunteers, four months and was at the front with the Union troops In the Civil War when, on November 19, 1S62, a bounclnR baby boy arrived In tho old log cabin near Ames, Iowa, that Mrs. Sun day was trying to mako comfortable for her little family; and about a month later, on December 22, 1862, the father died of disease In an army hospital nt Pat terson. Mo. Mother Sunday had a difficult time pro viding for her three sons, Roy, Kdward nd William. But she had tho spirit ot "never give up," which Billy has Inherited from her. and for soma jears sho man aged to keep tho children together. When Billy was 12 yearn old it be came necessary for him and his older brother to go to tho Soldiers' Orphan age at Glenwood, la., and In that In stitution, and In tho Davenport Orphan age. Into which he was later transferred, they spent two years. After that experience Billy Sunday did all kinds of work on farms, almost every kind of manual labor that falls to the. lot of a country boy; and for somo time worked on a railroad, reaching the position of fireman. Ha was an athletic youth, and took "much interest in games. As a baseball player he was one of the best in the small towns In Iowa when little more than to child. Later he became a player on an amateur club at Murshalltown, la., and there he was found by the Chicago White Sox, From that time, 1SS3, until 1890, he played professional ball. From Chi cago he went to Pittsburgh, and from Pittsburgh he came to Philadelphia. It was with the Phillies that he last ap peared on tho professional diamond. Ha -was the fastest base runner of hla day. Billy Sunday was converted In the Pa clila Garden Rescue Mission. Chicago, In the autumn of 1SS7 With some ball players he was seated on a curbstono along Van Buren street. Some men and women, who were singing and play ing flutes, horns and other musical In struments, attracted his attention. He listened to their testimonies of what God had done for them and what he would do for all who believed, and then he ac cepted an Invitation to go to services at the Mission. None of the other players would go with him, so he went alone. Several times be returned to hear the service, and, one evening he went to the front of the ball with Mrs. Clark, wife ot Colonel Clark, founder of the Mission, Who had been urging him to accept Christ as h"a Saviour, and publicly acknowledged hie conversion He later became a member ot the Jef fersoq Park Presbyterian Church In Chi cago. It was there be met Helen A. Thompson, who became his wife In Sep tember, 1SS8. In Mareb, 1881, Sunday decided to give H hi time to Christian work. He had a contract with the "Phillies." and was afraid that he could not get hla release. jBWl on St. Patrick's Day ha received word Xfom Colon) Rj-dgers, the manager of the Jscal elub, thai be could have It. Imme- .awtuy jim jptrt, manager or the cm mbmU Club, effered him MW a season. mkmt waa Wt money ror a player in tfceae days, and threw down 1409 in ad vw fer the first maoth's salary. But gttaday had learned to say "no." He Tlud the offer and began working as ait wmUnl aeoretary in the Chisago y M C A, at a salary of 1 a month. The evanffauet, the Rev Dr J Wilbur CiutpMan, aafced "BUiy" to Jolc hla trav t)n$ earapatgaera, and Sunday aoaepted. K did aS kinds of work, from helping' I drive test HHiea to aelllns books for tft Wk meetiasa. uatu Wi when be re tiv(t word from Doctor Chapman, say tajC tjiat he was going to give up his MMgeiwie wtk aa oecoeie Baaior or fwifcaoy preaoytetlaii Cfcurefc, tbU dty. .o. aale PhtladeKpMK estaa Ma the vtnMiotauce that letf Suaday to Eaeuld 'ifown cut ut his tiMUlan, the youag did out. kuojw wMcfa way to titra, SU. was, ktref, eMnaeat ta hia datre to jUii in HJfilitt ork. and, ua-is--UJl iliora slim to eUn in Invtta Uvh io - "iidwit ajfateae u Qmiutt. Iowa Mm j-ic4( Hkktriaud auite at "9z WSSBiff -'. wmmtNfmsMm h I illUHnHllHmw 'W VS? S great tabernacle ready THE REV. DR. WILLIAM A. SUNDAY Mr. Speice, whose picture appears on the right oE Mr. Sunday, is the member of the Sunday party who designs the tabernacles and superintends their construction. Mrs. Sunday assists the Evangelist in much of his work. Members of the Executive Committee, from left to right, are top row Ben T. Welclv'the Rev. IT. A. Musser, Walter M. Wood, E. H. Bonsall, C. E. Beury, F. S. Edmonds, John B. Tuttle and the Rev. E. H. Emett. Below are William R. Nicholson, Joseph M. Steele, Mrs. Clarence L. Harper, E. J. Cattell, George C, Shane and John C. Winston. Several members were not present when this photograph was taken. plete collcglato education While work ing on tho farms back In Iowa, he man aged to attend high Bchool for a time, but never was able to finish the work.and ob tain a diploma. He has always been an earnest student, however, since he decided to become a preacher: and while coaching at Northwestern University, during his baseball days, he attended classes there for a while. Ho has had the honorary degree ot Doctor ot Divinity conferred upon him, and on April 15, 1903, he was ordained as a minister In the Presbytery of Chicago. Mr. Sunday and his happy family, com posed of Mrs. Sunday and four children, live In a cozy bungalow at Winona Lake, Ind. But the evangelist Is so busy "ham mering the old-time religion Into men throughout the United States," that he can only And a month or sis weeks each year in which he -can rest and enjoy the home life.. His children are Helen, George, William and Paul. CAMPAIGN TO OPEN HERE ON JANUARY 3 TO LAST TEN WEEKS Many Meetings Will Be Held Daily to Boost Billy Sunday's Revival. Billy Sunday's campaign,' In Philadelphia Is scheduled to begin, on Sunday, Jan uary 3. In the big Tabernacle' facing Logan Square, at 19th and Vina streets. According to present plans, there will be three services In the Tabernacle that day and two every weekday, excepting Mon days, during the 19 Weeks ensuing. Although Mr Sunday haa always made It a rule to take Monday oft" as his Test day, and never preaches In the taberna cles on that day. it more often happens that he is busy addressing meetings in nearby towns and cities, or meetings of different organizations ot men. The present plan l to hold thb local meetings at 10 a. m. and S and 74 p, m, on Sundays, and at 2 and 7:30 p. m. on all weekdays, excepting Mondays. The song services that will be held previous to well evening sermon will be features of the (services. For the local meetings tbe singers will be divided into two choirs, eaeh having 1640 voices. These will sing on alternate evenings during the cam paign, under the leadership of Prof. Homer Rodeheaver, whom Mr. Sunday calls "Rodey." Rodeheaver is a great choir leader. II "jollls" tbe audience and get everybody BlllgWff, BO Wl UJO pwpiQ 4D IU WQ U of spirits when tbe time come for Mr. Sunday to preach Besides tbe meetings in. tbe Tabernacle, there will be many luncheons apd. meet Inge every day, under the leaders; of the WMtot phases of the work; Mrs, Sun day le one of the active workers in nwiy of tfcte outside services. Besides looking rJter much of Mr. .Sunday's penoaal buainaee piap and bolptetf fchq In, maar ways, she attends aa awv er the ieetal meetings aa she can, at dees Hiuefe to create widw iaurest. Oa some day there wW be aa waagr as & separate meettage is aegfteatje f0 tbe campaign m . WHk Hta-trtH, act ftfee w Psr jmmm dns MP' gVBNlN'q LEBGER PHILAPBIiPHlA TUESDAY, DECEMBIOB MTJSIC FEATURE OF MEETINGS Never In the many jears that Billy Sunday has been conducting evangelistic services has he had such a big choir as will be awaiting" him In Philadelphia. More than 3600 persons will sing during THE CALL TO ARMS! i "Billy" Sunday's First Words lor Philadelphia Battle Against Sin Dear Philadelphia: I have watched with increasing satisfaction and interest the thorough and business like preparations that your various committees have been making for the coming cam paign, which we hope and pray will be, under the blessing of Almighty God, the high water mark in the religious history of the City of Brotherly, Love, long ago dedicated by William Penn to the worship of the only true God. J, - " The way to get what you want is to want it. ,' , Does Philadelphia want (Jtc presence of Chris in her offices, shops, stores, factories, schools and homes? ,'-' -'' Does Philadelphia want to see a "For Rent" sign hanging in tffe-wJiidoiy of every brewery, saloon and house of Dqes Philadelphia want Does Philadelphia want Does Philadelphia want -. -.. Does Philadelphia want to see homes of squalor and want tttjttied into abodes of peace and plenty? J" - " Does Philadelphia want to see her churches become throbbing .centres of spiritual life, instead of gorgeous religious clubhouses? , If she does, and if you and I are to realise our vision of a redeemed city, and to receive an answer to the unnumbered thousands of petitions thdl are bombarding the Throne of Grace on behalf of the surging', seething thousands of sin-curied lives that are staggering under their load of guilt, some one will have to sweat blood, and the faith and heroism and martyr spirit that made possible a Valley Forge, with its crimson snows, will have to be reproduced and repeated in fens of thousandsi of lives of those u)Jio claim allegiance tp Jesus Ghrls. Men and women of Philadelphia, the fight is ant Sin iijwtrenehed in places high and low. The saloon and brothel, the gambling hmh politiwtJp&fh extortion, trickery and deceit will not submit to extermination without a mighty struggle to maintain their hold upon the individual and body politic. The gxeed of man wilj yield to tt&tMflg less than the grace oj God. I appeal to all who believe that Elijah's Gpd still lives, and who are anxious to see a tidal wave of the old-time religion that iax waited the cold world's heart for 2QQQ years, to get nighpvsith God anj be tepefy, in the najne of Qhjist,U go to the last diUh, and plant -the bhsdstained banner ofthe S tfjGd upon the ramparts of sin, 9itt nana? una reiiy ttrsuna me "All hail the power of i liM iIOE SPEICE MRS. WILLIAM A. SUNDAY the services in the Tabernacle While these "singers will all be classed as the Sunday choir, they will in reality be two choirs, for 1S0O of them will sing at each evening and Sunday service. Professor Homer Rodeheaver, of the Sunday party, will lead the singing. til-fame 7 to see thieves made to steal no to hear the blasphemer pray instead of'txrse? re to see drunkards made sobeff jrasr, ana stng i ti Jesus' name" COMING CAMPAIGN IN PHILADELPHI MRS. Building: Will Accommodate 20,000 Parsons at Each Service. As though by magic, the monster, turtle-shaped tabernacle was thrown to gether on the vacant plot along the Park way, at 18th nnd Vine streets, during the last few weeks. Joe Spclce, who has planned and directed tho construction of the Billy Sunday tabernacles for years, was in charge of the work, and Bcveral score of men put It together. The structuro will nccommodate about 20.000 persons, and, with the exception of the Pittsburgh tabernacle, Is the larg est In which the evangelist has preached. It cost about 118.000. The auditorium will be furnished only with pine board seats, and big stoves will heat It. Between the seats will be wide aisles. They will be covered with Baw dust to prevent noise and to reduce the danger from fire. Each of them leads to a door opening Into the street. , . mote? -' i . - t .1 -rfJ M 22, 1014. WILLIAM A. SUNDAY ORGANIZATION FOR WORK FOLLOWS OUT A WELL-LAID PLAN Tjie Rev. E. H. Emett, Sun - day's Assistant, -Tells" of Methods and Praises Lo cal Preparations. Organlratlon Is one of tlve things that has mtfch to do with the sucecss of the revivals conducted in the Sunday taber nacles. Billy Sunday can convert thou sands when ho gets them to his meetings. The Rev. 33. H. Emett, assistant to Billy Sunday, who has been hero for several weeks, helping with the lodal committees and plans, in nn Interview, gives some iaea ot me macninery or the great organ ization. "Organization of the forces for n cam paign conducted by Mr. Sunday has passed tho experimental stage. In com ing to a city I know what Mr. Sunday requires, and suggest or outline to the committees the various phases of the or ganization," he said, "The one exception In this city is the matter of planning for neighborhood prayer meetings. These have been ad mirably cared for by Doctor George H, Blckley. In no city where Mr. Sunday nas conducted a meeting have broader or better plans for the prayer meetings been laid. "Another valuable and Important phase of the preparatory work l that of the Rev. George G, Dowey, who, under the joint auspices of the Central Committee and the Philadelphia County Sunday School Association, Is Increasing- the mem berships of the men's Bible classes In the Sunday schools. Similar work to this Is being done In Des Moines, and we have found ample opportunity to relate this special work to the scheme of organiza tion. We are planning to relate Mr, Dow ey'g efforts to the work of the Men's League In Philadelphia. 'In every city that Is organized for a. Sunday campaign the position of the pas tor Is recognized. The whole scheme of organization begins with an appeal to the pastor for men and women to help In the details. The church la the goal of tviry activity In connection with Mr. Sunday's campaign. There Is nothing that Mr. Sunday Is mort Insistent upon than that the ministers shall be In the forefront from tbe beginning. "Mr. Bunday'a campaign la. complete In that It doss pot leave lot of new con verts outside of the church. But. through the various lines of organlratlon, be teka to immediately relate the new mn. J verts to the churches. "yftu ask what churches they desire td go ling ana in repiy i must say all Churches. They go to the Protsstant episcopal, me iumran, tna Baptist and the churches of all the other denomina tions." . Asked whether many go to the Roman Catholic ehurches, Mr. Emett entfmaias. tlcally replied; "Yes, X handled scores of cards slaved by converts who said they wanted to go to Cathelte ohurehea. We always lend tbcae card to tbe priest or chuiuh mea. turned By the convert. J"? Htriaj eburch People attend Mr, Bunday'a meetings and brought under the powerful preaoUteg of tbe Gos pel In iwt s largo proportion as mem bers of other denominations. Mr. Sun day's campaigns are always clty-wlde. Therefore, the organization must be fJS? f.uand flexible enough to adapt itself to the requirements of the large o? ewaU city, an dto rnset the MuSrejdeata of every evangelical deaoMluUM. "The orgapiaatioos. or groups to oiv seals M tbe choir, tba (ward a( u,bw "l eeretertes, ttw pemonaj wwk Uadee the wr league wUcli has itfrteUMw-a elder weu'fT i yMMMr atea'e and a oofs'), the JuJ? met mm,M laeit&Uea "ttnJKiTsL tttdsh emlH-ag two kind, of work-n ai aejatoM women who work to Ih cU of the eity and U ter & 2Z suasion work among weoMn emploiid i Pliwea-ta pteue uTirf.'S! MANY CONVERTS HERE I first knew Mr. Sunday when 'he; was a star on the old Chlcano "White Stockings" baseball club. I remem ber his conversion at Pacific Garden Mission, and used to hear Harry Mon-i roe tell how marvelously the gracaj of God has changed "Billy Sunday,", I heard one of his earliest public ad-i dresses. To tell the truth. It was not a great success. His vocabulary was" rather limited and his style hesltat- l.n nn,f l-l nttt. In Ihna- rtnta IStin!1' (IIU l,w Jir,t UU. ,,, IIIU.U MMO vul- day used to say to those who crltN' died: , "Stop knocking, boys' I'll show you some day how to preach"' Well, he has shown vast multitudes In all parts of the Republlo how to preach. Through all the years since, Mr, Sunday and I have been friends. As an editor I helped to Introduce him to the public and to give him a start. I ihave watched his steady advance In efficiency and popularity with real pleasure. I have every confidence In his personal npd ministerial charac ter. Mr. Sunday Is a man of liberal edu cation, of real culture and of tre mendous moral earnestness. As a preacher he Is unique, winsome and tremendously effective. He says some thlpgs I would not say' and does some inings i womo not ao. uut ir ne saia things as I say them and did things as I do them, he would not be Dtlly Sunday and the multitudes would 'not flack to hear him and bo uplifted, by his preaching. My confident expectation Is that Mr, Sunday will be used In Philadelphia for the rescue and uplift of a multi tude of men and women. "BILLY" SUNDAY HAS LED OYER QUARTER MILLION FROM SIN One-time Famous Baseball Player Has Great Record as Whirlwind Evangelist. DurW tho 19 years that "Billy" Sun day has been In evangelistic work.' ha has spoken before more peophj than any living man. Even in 'the smaller cities and towns where tabernacles are built large enough to accommodate 10,Q0Q per sono.'thcre have been 'overflow meetings practically levery time Mr. Sunday has spoken. In thousands of cases immense crowds were unable to gain admittance. Estimates of the number of converts Sunday has htfd place It from n quarter of a million to 400,000. It seems aafe to say that at least 300,000 persona have "hit the sawdust trail" through "BidyV preaching. There is no mora (spectacular preacher, actor or public speaker Uvlpu today than Sunday. By his acrobatic preaching and his unique use of the everyday vernacular he proves so enter taining that many thousands of persojis, who" dislike hi? methods, are drawn ia the tabernacles. ' Many of the skeptics and many of Sunday's" wort assailants previous to the meetlpgs become Ids best friends tfnd are among those 'wh.o "hit the trail" and afterward become active Christian work- ers. An evidence of thU was brought to Philadelphia In. the autumn when al- most 1000 "frall.hlttera" were brought here from Soranton and Wllkes-Barre by the Rev. George G Dowey. who has peen organizing w.MO men In Bible classes Throughout his services, BUiy nttaeka tho salcon. and there l usually a wide expanse of "dry" territory around .tba towns In which be has a campaign (Men after he leave In the mmln-T- etfoiTof Pennsylvania there were- bot 0 lew t1f?S,?"Bi; 1,U WW1-" "' ScrautS; and Wilkes-Barre within a yea afterWs departure. ' w .lB. OhUrict superintendents of the Methodtet KpbKJopal Chuach in tut wrne Oouuty a a abort ttpie ago ,tat there had never been as gret icuVlcy ofJS! tb urch peo,U' the gwft of tbe raembewhlp m the -hurchw of aa denooUnatto-a had beea largir the ""' H'tfr Sunday was ia,ro than Si'L.tWd-J' " tnmuU toTfa, oooverta aweng tN 9uulda of thi b to their Uty. A reside theTiS- aetivo iu tbe intereatiof the ruu tti' '' oontiJuiea toug atimr WtU. II . BUkl ILJ-x. . . " '' . vVO.U..l , i ma JMitjft re it te reel M. f m Ml Do VUUl. , M Wm itaUMi, f of tbe a4a LUlli . 5tii,- . lUni , t-z, 4vftnij - -v-. -'- rrw.... ? ijts mBMjSBmM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers