EYJEffilNQ LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1014. J KENSINGTON PLANS HAPPY CHRISTMAS FOR UNFORTUNATES Keepers of the "Lighthouse" and Hospital Managers Prepare to Provide Joy for Their Wards. Kensington Is making wholesale prep arations for Christmas. The varied nc tlvltlcB and organizations which radiate from the "Lighthouse." 152 West Lehigh axenue, have declared against a policy of delay, nnd already Christmas greens and goodies and toys are being carted In against the coming of the big day. These are Indeed busy times for Mr. and Mrs Tl. Porter Bradford, keepers of the Light Four hundred children look to the Lighthouse for their Yulelldo fes tivities and they are not to bo disap pointed. Each youngster Under 12 years of age will receive. In addition to a gift, a half-pound box of candy ,ond on Christ mas afternoon an old-fashioned Punch and Judy show will bo given. Nor havo tile, babes who are regular : Nlaltora been overlooked. A tree has been provided for them and each and every kiddle will receive a stocking cramful of Christmas wonders. Around at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children plans arc being rnado to have trees In eight wards, so that no patient wilt bo without his glimpso of Christmas. IJvcry llttlo lacker who Is able to hold a pencil In his hand has al ready advised Santa nf his wishes In tho matter of gifts. Mls Anna T. Jeffries, general superin tendent of tho hospital. Is the medium through which these Juvenile communica tions have passed, and alio In turn has passed them along to the charitably In clined patrons of tho hospital, and It wo'uld be a hard-hearted person Indeed vtho could resist the appeals In these missives. There Is little Teddy Roosevelt Wick, for Instance, who has tuberculosis of tho eplne and who believes firmly In Santa ever slnco the old gentleman permitted him to pull his whiskers last jear to mako sure that they didn't come off. The xvhlaker episode was. In Teddy's estima tion tho final test. Here Is what ho writes: "Dear Santa Claus "Xl does not poem possible that I saw jpu last year, but It really Is a year since. Well, Santa, I would like to have a nice game, a pair of gloves, a hat, and a big black horse, that will suit me very much. Threo great cheers and a Merry Xmas. "Sincerely ypur friend, "Teddy Roosevelt Wick." Just what Teddy Is going to do with the hat and pair of gloves when, he gets them Is more than the nurses can figure out. Tho Lptscopal Hospital, too. Is making elaborate preparations. A custom thoro Is tile singing of Christmas carols by the nurses up and down the corridors at G o'clock In the morning. In tho opinion of tho patients no more thrilling awaken ing on Christmas morning could possibly be devised. Hero, also, there will bo sev eral trees, together with a sumptuous Christmas dinner to be served to all who are not too 111 to partake of It. KENSINGTON'S XMAS OHEEB Baskets for 1300 Poor Families of ,. That Section. Kensington's poor will participate In a Christmas dinner which will be given aivay In baskets by Mrs M. W. Ketchum. who- has been christened tho "Santa Claus Lady of Kensington." Mrs. Ketch um, who lives at Frankford and Stella avenues, said today she expects to glvo away about 1200 baskets. The bankets, which will contain cab bage, potatoes, BUgar, chicken fruit, flour and other eatables, will be distributed on Christmas Eve at Stella and Frankford avenues. Tickets entitling persons to baskets are being distributed today by exper ienced Investigators who for the last week have been investigating destitute cases III the Kensington section. SOCIAL WORKERS FAVOR MUNICIPAL PAWNSHOP Great Good Accomplished In Other ,' Cities Needed Here. Philadelphia social workers are greatly Interested in the study of municipal loan shops. Tho report from Kansas City, JIq , where the city operates a. loan shop, tells of the vast; amount of good the In stftutionMiaa done the last year. lit the opinion of Roy S, Wallace, head ofv the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and president of the Social Workers Club, the municipal loan shop Is worth a trial here as a means of protecting the people from excessive pe.wn, shop rates and the "preying of loan at eiiarKs. "i am greatly in favor of tne Here the city of Philadelphia could do a great; amount of good by establishing a municipal pawnshop. It would do a great deal In helping the poor and 'amelio rating conditions, particularly In the pres ent time of unemployment. It Is a well known fact that the p6or, who are com lielled to pawn whatever goods of value they may possess, often are subjected to srjat injustice by unscrupulous pawn brokers. The city should step (In and do away with this." BOOM TRANSIT PROGRAM Business Men Prepare for Big Dem onstration in Academy, tilfihtly meetings are being held by busi ness men's, organizations In all parts of tliAclty In preparation fcr the high-speed transit demonstration in the Academy of WBrilo on January 14, Indorsement of Director Taylor's tran-i It program was given today by the Chamber of Commerce through Secretary N ft. Kelly A. eommlttee vylli be, appointed in a few &&J to co-operate with other organixa. tlSW In plans for the big central mass- meeting ana parfqe. 1 nMtH.n.. nM,.lln i -. -I-......., "from Front and Arab, streets to Frank foa, introduced before Councils two wks ago by Common. Cpunettman Peter K. Uostello, was condemned by Uje Board ofi$Tade The- board contended it would interfere with the general plans already Wtfovea and, therefore, should be de- JWjie. I! ; mvjna. junvxiu xuuts fMciv i nunc, oi me department oi iim, is planning is tkft aarvtajm af li& 1ft vittltfnc of the pivUloA'of Child Ity&Heae the unemployed of the city. The 2Jtt CanAl&tltlv at uiulr fxi tba Itbl UiiftO!. tit ttlA ultu li4 .hAl It tteTwltidlCA of lAfulltlAJU In bA nnw!.! dlgWpta, tb Director . will be 1 vatwtiiU tn tbe ma naerseno Wrtttof Hrte U arrmutfBg r the 4U tjjjfeWioa of the m. municipal roUof ajairfi.ii braa- tB Biaeraeney Aid t stajhlus, ass will loale that tte mtm jtte muim tuM ryonilwyy for to '.L1 M W eci.ffu4 f (Wteuttug ast tjr tn. itj ti.mi wltt insure iiii ji unu imTILI uinm BIG DAY FOR CADDIES Three Country Clubs Will Din Irftds nnd Give Them Presents. Caddies In three of tho most prominent country clubs In the suburban part of the city wilt bo entertained at the annual Christmas dinner given by the club mem bers this afternoon. At bne of the clubs widely known' society women wilt serve turkey and cranberry sauce to the bojs who carry tho bags during Ihe Rolling reason. Tho boys wilt not only bo fed to the limit, but will receive many Christ mas gifts In the form of money, warm sweaters ond candy. About 400 caddies r'III enjoy the entertainment The clulri are the rhllmont, at Tlill monti tho Huntingdon Valley, at Noble, and the Old York noad, at Jenkcntown. About in boys will be entertained nt tho Phllmont Club. hcA by Caddy Captain Inam. the tads will march Into the din ing hall of the clubhouse Ellin A. GHm bcl, president of the club, will address the beys The Greens Committee and Mr. Clmbcl will make the presentations. At the Huntingdon Volley Club the din ner and presentation of gifts will be fol lowed by an exhibition by the boya of the styles or ploying of prominent Phila delphia golfers. FAIR DRINK MIXERS WILL NOT DISPENSE BELLEVUE 'BRACERS' George C. Boldt to Continue Men as "Cocktail Artists," He Tells Grill - room Patrons Patrons of the .Bollevuo-Stratford grill need havo no fear that dainty blue-oyed maidens will be assigned to the artistic task of mixing their favorite cocktails, highballs, rlckeys or frappes. For several dnys the sole topic In Clover aley. tho grill, cafe and dining halls has been a report that George C. Boldt contemplated placing women, appro priately gowned, at the various drlnk mlxlng posts. Mr. Boldt Issued passports to all male employes, with the exception of bartenders. In the etIU of the Waldorf In Now York recently and It was re ported tho plan would also be carried out in tho Bellevue-Stratford. Then followed tho reports that even tho bardtenders In Mr. Boldt's hotel here would be replaced by women. "Horrors!" exclaimed cafe patrons. "A manicurist near tho grill may bo all right, but a woman bartender? Never!" ' As frequent imbibers were mobilizing to protest what they termed a "Bertha the Bartender" plan, Mr. Boldt came oer from New York In time to hear such remarks as: SHAVE BDFOIU3 A DRINK? "Huh! I suppose wo will have to re move our hate when we buy a elgar nnd ask permission to smoke. "I suppose we will have to get shaved before breakfast or do without an eye opener." J'It won't bo long before they advcrtlso a manicure with each pitcher Of brew." These weio only a few and mild ones at that. "Tho innovation at thi Walddrf." said Mr. Boldt "Is only an experiment, al though I expect It will be permanent. There were many contributing reasons for the change; reasons which, for thel most part, do not hold In Philadelphia. I do not have in mind any change hero. "The class 'of men, one gets for cashiers and Btand tenders In New York are not particularly desirable. They are almost Invariable transients, and stay nowhere a long time. For the same money I can get a woman as a permanent employe, who, Is more accurate, prompt, careful and trustworthy In every way. "The men who apply and hold similar positions In Philadelphia are a different class of men entirely. For the most part they own their homes, have families, and are thoroughly substantial. "Another very Important reason for tho change in New York. Is the fact that the class of -patrons of the bar Is different from that here. Many are extremely un desirable, and the presence of women In the bar may act as some means of re straint. PRBDICT8 BUSINESS RHVIVAIi. "How Is the hotol business at present7" Mr. Boldt was asked. "Conditions have been Indescribably bad." he replied, "but the Indications at present are for a re sumption of prosperity. The opening of the Stock Exchange Is a tremendous factor In reviving business conditions In all lines, but It will take some time for It to have Its full effect. "The hotel business reflects the general tone of commercial conditions better than anything I know. When people are pros perous they patronise hotels, My favorite means of sizing up the situation Is found In the porter's room. If I find It full of suitcases and traveling bags, business Is not good. That means that persons uru staying only a night or two and plan to get out as soon as possible. No hotel can exist on transients. A few months ago suitcases were the only form of baggage in the porter's room. There are more trunks now." t WILL MOVE CHURCH A MILE Pull-slred Edifice Will Journey From Olney to Logan, A full-sized church will travel a mile cross country and over a bridge from Olney to Logan. It Is the buUJlnff of the Olivet Reformed CongregatlonKfth and Rockland streets. Olney. Sktdways are ready today to roll the edifice to It now home. Following the recent call to the pastor ate of the Rev. Maurice Samson, of Spring City, Pa., a member of the congregation donated e plot of ground at 10th and Itus comb streets, Logan, for a new church The trustees decided to move the old frame church to the new site and to use It as a chape) for the new building which will be erected The church will cross the Reading' Rail road on it trip, going over the bridge near 6th and noekland streets. Gift Coal to a needy family. The best Xmas Gift; Surely nothing is more acceptable and useful. Hancock's jOal IS BEST! Just telephone us, -giving ieMrecs. Main Office. 9th k Matr Prompt pavf y E vry wfcr. Boy Scouts Stand For High Code of Honor With this issue Ihe Evening Ledger inaugurates the Boy Seoul Column. . .... . ,, n The Evening Ledger takes thts step becauec-t believes tn the Boy Scout, with his clean, healthy body and his code of honor. The Boyn Seoul represents the inanly and the good element of our young eitttenship. He is honorable, loyal and trustworthy: "the honor of a Boy Stout" is rapidly becoming a household phrase. Daily he does his "good turn" unknown, Unnoticed, , Permanency is stamped on every feature of the organization which binds the Scouts together; it has become a vttalijaitor in the training of the Americamboy of today, the American citizen of tomorrow The move ment has grown, is growing and will continue to prow, but it should be fostered and its precepts furthered'in every possible way. Anything that is good should bet kept constantly before the public's eye. The Boy Scout movement is distinctly good. A! Badgo of ScrVlCj) for every Philadel phia Boy Scout Who participated In the recent JJO.000 campaign will be ready for presentation this week. It was. announced today at Boy Scout headquarters, In In dependence Hall. Seven hundred Boy Scouts' who collected the money will re ceive the tokens. Tho badge, which w'as designed at head quarters ond which Is purely a local In signia, Is circular and one Inch In diam eter. It Is of oxidised silver, with a transverse bar of green enamel bearing the words; BOY SCOUT CAMPAIGN. ' 1014. It will be worn on the sleeve. "The Boy Scouts who took part In the campaign made an Impression on Phila delphia that will not be forgotten for years," said Walter S. Cowing, Scout executive. "Nearly everywhere they were received with open arms and the moro In accessible places were caslty entered with the aid of American (lags. "A remarkable fact Is that, In sptte of GOAT GETS COPS' GOAT AND LAW CAN'T STOP IT Polico Havo "Billy" in Captivity, But What Can They BoP Enlightenment Is needed Immediately on the law pertaining V goats. Tho polico of the 10th and BUttomvood streets station have a mutinous Billy on their hands, and don't know what to do with It. Ho was arrested today by Po liceman Ambrose, assisted by Policemen Weckcsscr nnd Haltics and Sergeant Cavanaugh, on tho chaige of vagrancy and malicious mischief, "Billy" was wandering down Ninth street eating peanuts, oUl pants In front nt Rinnrl.lmnt ntnrAfl. And Christmas wreaths for dissert. When the"oat' Was' arrested, he was arguing with a Ninth street trolley car, much to the disgust of tho motormon. The four policemen got him Into the station house after a zigzag chase which covered fullv half a mile. , When "Billy" waB placed In a cell, the turnkey forgot to lock tlio door, so the goat went up stairs and stnrted to cat tho bed covers on the sleeping cops, for breakfast. He was then token before Magistrate Belchor. The Maglstrate,.an'd the police decided to send tho prisoner to City Hall. But when the City Hall police were called up they refused to receive "BlUy." Then the societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals werp communicated with and the police were emphatically told that they could not turn tho goat loose, especially In view of the high cost of living. Tho Magistrate Is In a-quandary. "Wo can't keep him here," ho said, "we can't send him to City Hall and we certainly cannot let him run wild on the street." "Billy" was glyen a normjil goatee break; fast while a further conference was" held. It Is 'probable that the City Solicitor will havo to be sought regarding the' dis posal of the peculiar prisoner. C. O. PRATT WINS LIBEL SUIT The charge of criminal libel made b C. O. Tratt against Thomas C. Kelly, aa the result of a dispute In Local No. 477 of the Trolleymen's Union, was brought to a Conclusion In Quarter Sessions Court today with the recording of Kelly's plea of nolle contendre- Judge Llttlo suspended sentence on Kelly, Kelly, It is alleged, was the author of a reply made to an article appearing In The Plain Dealer, the organ of the Pratt faction. Kelly's alleged libel consisted of broad Intimations that Pratt had re ceived 000 from Chicago street railway Interests to use his Influence against the union and that after obtaining the "money he "double-crossed" the railway Interest. Xmas Watches Al Knowing; tbe stupendous saving; offered (o you by I. Press A Honir, how could you buy your natch anywhere rlef We say tills uiiacllliihly wr ilo not want to muuopollse the Jewelry business at Philadelphia, Hut In Justice to yourself, and In Justice to our creditable policy come to us and sate nearly one-half on your Christmas match. Stall orders filled promptly. 29 JEWEL O Vnnrjunrd 9 Solid 14 Ut. Gold Watcbea. 860 Value.1 23 Jewel $ Vanaanrd Waltbam, i7-iwtrrYt!iki Holla 14-Karst v Gold Watches. $ZU Vtloe, at 17 -Jewel Elgin. 14 Jtt.. Gold- niufiUuViiufii 16-Size Elnln, $ Gold-Filled, Watches Value 311 a A fa HZ Slihr- I llvtlue yfT" iifv. "v WiA Jis 'm. J. If Ml- I HAMlSrow AM I H Ml Jt " TH1 m.v&7s?n -vw:tnW . m?' $8.80 CF SasS Ladles' Elgin or Waltham Watches at Proportionately Low Prices wioiESAiB &mf$L jmmxss. PIAMONDCU1 m NoTimetoL Wi ljpE1wi Jl k oiiiitainPeii is an especially good gift to buy for late purchW. You have both deal en' and tnaHufecturcf i guarantee and the exchange futygef. You know it wd. (lease everyone wko wntea. Made in perfectly plsia aa gold ? silver mouMted hjU f Stf-Flig, Safety and Regular Tyjm, Wrtm fim m L S. WiBKMi CbcaMnW. BOY SCOUTS the thousanUs of dollars which passed through the hands of the boys and the opportunity for losing money, not a penny was lost, Thts waB determined by a checking- system. The Impression that the team captains received 'rake ofts' on the mftney collected la an error. Every cent of the 150,000 and more collected goes direct to Scout work and not Into the pockets of the men who collected the money. All tho expenses of the cam paign were paid by a fund previously pro .vldod for so that the campaign collection Is mtact." Mr. Cowing said that additional local service! badges will bo presented to Scouts doing work, for tho relief of the Belgians and the city's poor. The badges will be similar to the campaign badges, with tho exception of the lettering on tho crossbar-All unregistered troops which Inlend to take part In the New Year Boy Scout rally are required to register at head quarters before Saturday, December K. AMBLER'S FRIENDS PREDICT EASY VICTORY FOR SPEAKER Believe He Will Havo a Walkover in House Caucus Baldwin Hopeful. Charles A. Ambler, of Montgomery County, will havo a walkover In the con test for Speaker of the next House, ac cording to his friends In Philadelphia who launched his candidacy and Who are now busy lining up tho local option vote for him. They asserted today that. In addition to the united strength of the members of the next House who are pledged to local option, Ambler would 'have tho solid voto of many county dele gations, which havo switched their alle giance from Richard J. Baldwin, tho Re publican "whip" of the House at tho last session, since the word was passed that Ambler Is the'Brumbaugh candidate. Word has reached Philadelphia that Allegheny County's Representatives, who met last Saturday to Indorse Bald win, but adjourned without doing so, are now in fa,vor of Ambler. The Dauphin County delegation has also been heard from, and Is also said to be solidly In favor of the local option candidate. Representative Baldwin today lelter ated his assertion that ho would not with draw as a candidate. He added that he would support the nominee of tho caucus. "I am still confident, however," ho added, "that I will be named. I have received many assurances of support I bellovo I will attract addltlonnl strength nnd that I will beat out Mr. Ambler. I do not be hove the,aovernor-elect wllL,back Ambler to tho exclusion of nny one'etai.-1 have also had a-talk with Doctor Brumbaugh and I am satisfied with what ho had to say." NO MORE EVICTIONS THIS YEAR Landlords of tenements were notified today by Sheriff A. Lincoln Acker that dispossess proceedings against poor fami lies will nbt be entertained until after New Year's. Sheriff Acker told owners of houses In the tenement belt that he did not believe In evicting the pdor before Christinas. For years It has been nothing unusual in New York to see poverty-stricken fami lies evicted on Christmas morning for falling to pay their rent. George Russell, who) Is solicitor to Sheriff Acker, said: 'Tor years It has been an unwritten law not to evict tho poor on Christmas. The same rule will be enforced this ear in Philadelphia." Nearly Half -Price 17 JEWEL q &4 Hamilton P Solid 14 HI. Gold Walchca.Vslae 40. V 17-Jewtl Hamilton Sffl t 16 Slit. 10 Year 18 Gold-Filled H . $20 Value J&-1 17-Jewel Hamilton t Gold-Filled v Watches, . vaiae sib i 15-JtwtIElolnor i l aiiBBiu FUled Wi Valae JIO 16-Slxe Elfjln $j VW ft V 44 3 O Complete, , Value B3JJ0 " Latl Store. ITS Brau;dwi.v N, VA- There are several troops nhlch liae not reregistered. Boy Scouts lit uniform tvill assemble in Independence Square at 9:45 a. tn. Mon day, December 28, to Inspect the ilant oC tho Curtis Publishing Company In full operation. "Do a Rood turn dally," one of ihe prln clpnl mottoes of the l3oy Scputs, Is Inter preted by 8c6u(s in various Jlghts, some of them highly humorous, Recording- to J. Woodbrldse ration, deputy Scout com missioner. "I lent a fellow a. penny," was the "Rood turn" a Boy Scout reported at a meeting last week of Troop 123, when tho members of the Iroop were the sueHte of Mr. and Mrs T. Walton Montairue, 6121 Locust street ,t, B, Smith, Mr. Patton and Sc6Utmnsters Stanley Armttftftc, War Ins and Deacon made addresses. Mr. Montague told the troop What benefits his son, Horace Montague, of Troop 123, had derived from his amilatlon with the Boy Scouts. The third number of the Philadelphia Boy Scout News was delivered to sub scribe yesterday. Several thousand copies were Issued. The paper, nn elfiht pnee bl-wecUly, wan founded last fait ns the Pickle, the ofllclal orsnn of Troop 87. It wss u j-etkly and survived only five Issues. Troop 67 nett published the West Philadelphia Boy Scout News, which was almost Immediately supplanted by the present piper, when other troops were In vited to' share Jn tho publication. No profit 1 made in the venture. The officers are P.' F, Lnngley, president; O. Dallas, secretary, and V. L. Duhrlns', treasurer. The staff consists of 11. W. Zimmerman, editor; B. Wharton, assistant; J. W. HIII lof, Jr., business manager; Robert Barr, Vccivlnc editor, and II. Franklin, comic editor. In an Impromptu flrst-ald contest brought about by a discussion among sev eral members of Troop C4, Patrol Leader Joseph Pelkln won the prlte, a hunting Knife, from Scout Scribe II y man Rich. Tho troop will celebrata'Clirlstmas with a acoutcraft contest tonight at the 38th District police station. Girl Scout News Orders have been Issued to all captains to completo the monthly reports by De cember 29 so as to be ready to begin the New Tear with a clean slate. The names of all girls to be registered In the Qh-l Scouts of America miist be pn the loll prior to .that date. Yellow trading Stamps are the very beit, be cauie they secure & hlrher grade of mer chandise tn a better aa aortment than you can ret with any other atampi. Doable eta raps In the morning". HATS Here's the OUR- $600 C oncerton t ayerPiano P the Gift A SMALL SUM SENDS TO -YOUR 1 ' If you have a piano we will take it in exchange, allowing you full value for it as first payment on a "Concertone." With Each Concertone We Give A icarf or rubber cover, a player bench and twelve Colls of music of your own selection. And we keep the instrument tuned and polished free for a year, piano Salon, Third Floor Victrola These outfit have famous Pootey and are conceded to oe tne nnc?t We Have All Styles VICTROLA IV OUTFIT OQ 4g ThU rive you Vletrola IV at ftS, a -well-matched JU genuine Poolay cMnet (er 4t,M W4 six douUfr-ftsul 10. lneh reeorda of your own ideation at li.$B. which lv$ you a. down of the itet 6ne entlro outfit, tsa.48. 50c A WEEK PAYS FOR IT A NEW VICTROLA OUT FIT FOR Ttr. fc.v Munfetuad tha sseular Victrola a hxjulaowe gtaufete reoloy eaMcxt la tale otrtftt at is.t aa4 a macea iAMda t 19 il ut. a $1.2S A WEEK OR $5 A MONTH PAYS FOR IT V TV Sitifu With VMtmlMi Scne rifles GILLESPIE IN LEAD FOR POST TO GIVE STATE GOOD ROADS Politicians Believe Alle gheny County Man Will Succeed Bigelow as High way Commissioner. dooree W. aillcsple, noad Commis sioner of Allegheny County, Is the strong est candidate for the orflce of State High way Commissioner under the adminis tration of Governor Brumbaugh, to suc ceed IS. M. Bigelow, politicians saldo day. Mr. Gillespie believes, as does the Governor-elect, that toll roads should be abolished In Pennsylvania ns soon as pos sible. He has expressed tho opinion that tho State should start Immediately to put dirt roads In repair nnd keep them In repair. Governor-elect Brumbaugh. In his campaign, frequently urged the 1m provement of dirt ronds as one of the most important reaturcs of a compre hensive plan for better roads. Political leaders emphasized tho fact that Mr. Gtllcsplo Is a closo personal friend of the Governor-elect, who has frequently told his friends that ho con elders the Pittsburgh man a good en CulT Buttons.. $2.50 to (Sift I e&uggeflitioitf in SftWvy $35 Stone Rings . . $2.50 to Scarf Pins . . .$1.50 to C. R. SMITH & SON Market Street at 18th opisx nvKNiNns until asias STonE ornxs 8iso a. m. and closes at b TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Idtmtfthten MARKET, FILBERT, EIGHTH, SEVENTH MAIL AND 'PHONB OHDEnS FILLED Gift That Lasts That Everyone A "CONCERTONE" HOME CONVENIENT MONTHLY OR WEEKLY SUMS WILL SOON PAY FOR IT We Are Doing Our Best to Supply Every This Christmas from the Vjctrola IV at $15, up to the wonderful Viclrola XYI at 200 and We Can Deliver Whichever One You Want Deliver it immediately or just before Christtuasr-aa you desire We also hae Special Outfits for Christmas Gifts which we sell o our Club Plan at the cash price just m the same way we sell Vtctrolas and records. Cabinet which are made right here at ineir Kina in com material and workmanship VICTROLA IX OUTFIT An exceptionally ftn Viotrol IX at S0, a. Rcauln Pooler cabinet fully worth m for 111. and U 10-ifceb. double-faA.d 1004 of your own aeltottoa at M. awUnc ' taiue wumi $1.25 a Wek $58 u VIII t pn 8 UT BROTHERS: m wit MitUas that ire aje aouMrfaee i-u Mate gineer and rt good etecutlve. The Oev-erndr-clec'l conferred with Mr niUespfs several times duilng tho campaign ahd slnco Ihe election. The nppolntment or Mr Gillespie is generally considered to depend Upon thi reappointment of Bobert McAfee h (Sec retary of the Commonwealth Both of these appointments. It Is said, wilt not go to Allegheny. If McAfee Is reappointed, which Is unlikely, Blgelow'e euccessof will come from the eastern or central section of the State. Mr Gillespie is virtually elated for the highway comthls slonershlp If Governor Brumbaugh turns down the Penrosc-Ollvcr wing of the Re publican party and appoints a successor to McAfee, said political leaders today. Mr. Gillespie has been a member of the llftad Commission of Allegheny County for seven yearn. For three years of that time ho has been Koad Commissioner, supervising tho construction of alt of the roads built In Allegheny County. He has frequently been called In by tho State as nn'wpert In proceedings Instituted by the Slnte Highway Department to purchase toll roads. "I believe that we cannot abolish toll roads too soon," Bald Mr. Gillespie, when he was In Philadelphia. "The people who travel over them pay nn enormous sum every icar In tolls. If this money were turned Into the Stato Treasury, the ronds of Pennsylvania could be put In good condition In a short time. "Tho abolition of toll roads and Im provement of dirt roads are tho principal things that need to be dono at once. Kvery year the Stato puts oft buying the toll roads that now form parts of State highways, they become moro valuable, and within a few ears It would cost much mure than It would cost to purchase them now. They could not all be bought at once, Of course, as that would Involve too largo a sum." :44tKfi Here's an index to our splendid offerings. A large variety of each to choose from Itfcn's Watches $5.00 to $100 Women's Watches ..56.00 to $75 Diamond Rings ...$15.00 to $350 Bracelets $1.50 to $90 $25 Pendants .$1.50 to $75 $45 Men's Belts .$4.00 to $5 1 Send i for jj Catalog v. m. LET OS BEND OV A Victrola ON SO DAYS' TOEE TRIAL Any ttylt. any prlrd Victrola. you dctlrt Lot ua know which one YOU want. No utampn nlth Mctrolaa l a lifetime Can Enjoy THE music of the world is at your command when you have a "Concertone." Anyone can play it everyone will enjoy it, not only for an evening but for years and years to come. The young folks can have their dances at home. The music of the latest soiyjs the correct tempo of the newest dances the sweet familiar airs of years ago the favorite hymns or the enthrall' ing masterpieces of the world's great est artists all can be played on the "Concertone" with wonderful ex pressiveness. And the outlay in money will be so conveniently distributed that you'll scarcely feel the expense. JL Jl JlL. JCj Home With a ut Philadelphia $75 uuiy vre. or $5 a Msatb Pay For It, Kladly wad w gr dtfeuU taforiMt tln tMiX your club agar o a Concartone or Vlctrel Ottfeafe lllVfiatt w aa.:(( Street ..., . . j"" 1 . f H 4 ii 1 ri mVMiM m gfiS sS wgmm S! , i n MuyHijuis sbbSbss.. i Rglfajgagi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers