IPSP EV1SMNU L15DER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1913. 15 If, Wi ll iTHt,.. ,"L.j- M'H. 'm.-ff - WWM . a 1914 BANNER YEAR FOR UNION LABOR, LEADERS DECLARE 70,000 Members Have Been Added to Ranks and Movement Has Won Sev eral Notable Victories. The J car 1914, labor lenders say, will go down n one ir the most fruitful In the history of the Anteilcan labor movement Store than 70,000 members have been odded to the ranks of, organised labor, accorulng to 'the report of Secretary Frank Morrison, of tho American Federa tion of Lal'or. Tho year has not been without many bitter struggles ami much BUfforing, as down In tlio strikes In West Virginia, Michigan and Colorado. Through the work qf tho United States Commission on Indusltlal Delations employers and employes have been brought where both ides were given full opportunity to stato their case before the people. Perhaps the most significant victory for organized labor was the adoption of tho labor clause In tho Clajton anil-trust law, declaring that labor honcoforward was lmmu.no from prosecution indor tho law. Samuel Gomptis, president of the Amer ican Federation of Ixibor. termed the new provision "the clinrtir of Industrial freedom-" From tho piacttcnl point of view tho greatest accomplishment of the labor movoment has been the organization of the unskilled workers of the country, n. course which the 1911 convention of tho American. Federation of Labor, held In this city, determined to nursuo with stilt creator vigor durlng'the cqmlng year. It Is believed by many the year 1911 has also beon chaiactcilzcd by tho eclipse of the 1, W. Vf. movement as a factor In the American labor movement. Many adherents of the I. WI W. aro aid to have returned to tho fold of tho American Federation of Labor, A significant phenomenon of tho labor movement during tho year liar been the growth of political acumen and political Action .among tho rank and flic. In this progress Philadelphia has played a. prominent part. Tho labor forward movement, under tho direction of the American Federation of Labor and tho local unions, has added many members to tho ranks of organized labor hero, Tho convention hero was the third In the history of the Federation to bo held In this city. The unions woro glvon official recognition by tho city by tho np ptoprlatlon bf (35,000 by Councils to de fray the expenses of the convention and tho entertainment at the delegates. In the words of Samuel Gompors: "Tho year 1914 will go down as a banner year In tho history of tho labor movement in America. Despite the many struggles, desplto tho tremendous amount of work that Is still to bo dono, wo aro moving forward and will contlnuo to do so until our goal Is reached, when there shall bo no more strikes and no mora strife and when economic Justice and Industrial de mocracy shall complete tho purpose for (which the American Republic has been' formed liberty." APPEAL FOR 960 CHILDREN WHO NEED WARM CLOTHING Chief of Compulsory Education Bu reau Asks Donations From Charitable. An effort to provide Christmas cheer for the 060 children of this city who are un able to attend school because they lack adequate clothing Is being made by Henry J, Gideon, chief of 'the Bureau of Com pulsory Education, who has appointed the Union Benevolent Association, 716 Spruco street, distributing agent for contributions to be devoted to these cases. Mr. Gideon points out that no time could be more opportune for such donations. Reports from, the attendance ofllcera how that children hitherto regular in at tendance are forced to remain huddled In cold rooms, having neither shoes, aoats nor hats to enable them to face the win ter weather. In many cases all furniture and bedding has been disposed of In or der that food might be purchased. Mr Gideon emphasizes the fact that the clothing donated need not be new to be useful, the essential point being w" th which Will not only relieve the Actual physical suffering, but do much to check the rapid Inroads being made by disease among these families. JIBE IN "WAIST FACTORY Blaze in Spring Garden Street Building: Causes 96000 loss. Fire In the four-story brick building at sol Soring Garden street, occupied by Max Hanson & Sons, manufacturers of wuluta and blankets, caused fSOOO loss this morning. The nre, which burned for mora than an hour, started In the basement and raced up the elevator shaft. A large stook of goods was destroyed. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THIS STVLB.TYPE or Ilk tbU) On Insertion 13a perllns Three Insertion la. a wk..,.-jjHo psr fi Bet en consecutlv lnitrtlenj. . . 10a perlln ltiuo Una contract (dally ad. vertlslng) ,, So, Bltuatlone wanted, three Inser tions la a wk lOo per Una par Ha THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Fermlttad In all claeslflcattaDs excipt lids and situation, Wanted, Lost and VbaSi. Vis ona! it, uoaraing ana ifoomi, , One ln-sriibn Three Insert! Stilt liana week, ... lIHOPCf nctt iceo Benin consecutive tbeefttna ,. ---.iz. ra'iTT. ... $- uite comraer. luatiy ad' 1344s nr Una All rates si based at) iflti IBeiiUremeat, 14 note IIbh to th Lain' All rati si based" DEATH NOTlCES-alUia,. paper 10 Una sot tin Me. DAILY OKfcY In Bffttt Dtumttr t. l$lt COMBINATION RATE rUon la both tha marolajr aid tor tnjtrtfcji papaTK Of SI ersolat PUBLIC LEDGER (iipitmNa.) EVENJN0 ledger CBVJttUNO,)' afco few - pr Ha ae$ to rates givea iMLP AD SITUATIOHS WANTKU 4&maxiama m the -?gju- usxxjjea hay s ih9m.rm in th jbv.jninu WMM WITHOMT AUOITlOHiJ, OKAROK. .afjj.ff" " K r heat 'Ms tUtMf wujli t ogle amT HELP WANTED FEMALE IOOK -Olrl for cokolng And downstairs work In private family bf :V adults 117 Arch it. COOK-airl for cooking and downstairs work Central HorstSW rirU'Jerrnan alrl for ganeral house work permanent position: family of 2, 45 minutes from Phlla.. aplMidld home and Rood Mages for alrl with nilsfArtory references. Meet rmplojer Room Mo. Public Ledger VIIICC, qurnfiwy. ilo m. llOUSraWtirtK- Small family. Mooreatown. N. J., good home, mod wages; Trot, pref. An. Turada), 0.10 a. m.. Pub, Ledier, I loom ZIO, l.At'NDnCSS. rnpaMe. with nice yard, to do family waeli I, W, ledger Central. OVVtCfi AfWIRTANT With knowledae of bookkceplns;, typewriting;, flllnt;, operatlna prhate telephone exchange: must ba aeeiir ate; slid ret. and axper. ll 312, Led. Cent. STKNOOnAPHKng, bookkeenera and clerks can obtain nluabl Infbrmar tlon about eeetirlna; position by In ter lewlnar Ms n.nn at LedgS'- Ten tral See her at once for this free advice, as the Commercial Depart ment Is constantly securing good po sitions for Ledger AAiertleer. HELP. WANTED MALE A MANUPACTUIUNO corporation wants dis trict managers who will be given exclusive territory In Philadelphia central and eastern I'ennavlvjinla, New Jersey. Delaware, New York and other Important territory, for the tost and most salable .product eicr placed on the marketi It will al to eery auto owner, ever home, eeo- nlac of business! general 'f 'o act as lobber and ell to atoresl $100 In $30O capital required! Investigate thla at once, as It la a high-grade business proposition that Is right In overy particular and a permanent business von are building tin for voumelf. Telepbene. Walnut 10T8. or XtJ'Af . Y' Co- iai Filbert t.. Room 7?0 Philadelphia CAIU'ENTEim wanted, Wi with hatcheta and saw Apply 7 a. m. Tues , Pier S, No. Wn, COMPOSITOHS Must lo first class; dav and night work. Dunlao rrlntlng Co, Juniper and Pherrv. CO.MPOStTOltS 287 S. BTH BT. ImrsRWOItlv-FlllDlno boy who can cook: family nf three. 1 I0. ledger Offlce. HUSTLUHS. capable of earning $3 and up vard. dally commission basis, to demon strate our free talking machine. Apply 8 to tii'SU. Mr. Bliambelan, 1M2 Arch at. i.Anan ijcal chcmical imdhstry r. nulrea n few workmon of tho better class for resiuiislblo poaltlotis In the factory, not offlce: m rpcclnl mechanical or chemical experience neceasaryi work la neither unhealthy nor dan gerous' ne wr operate aome very valuable secret proccsco (knowledge of which must not bo disclosed), these positions are only open to men of uroen Integrity and good habits, who will invest tluuo In the business, which la both for our protection and to make th opportunity so profltablo to them that they will have the highest Incentive to fidelity: positions are permanent ar.d wagea and pronte should exceed $1B00 per year: stato ago and experience. G 540. ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE, while: man a general utll lty nn country place; woman, good cook; no washing. Hox 121, Paoll, ra. SOLICITORS for dally goodfcllowhlp lunch cons at lUnscom's, 021) Market at. Must be only Christians and lune gentlemanly ad dress. Ho Mr. Fulmar, at 12-110 above address. STEEL ENGFlAVEIt for social and commercial work and designing; permanent position for right man. Address, with samples. Th Trnub Manufacturing Co.. 870 Woodward ave.. D trolt. Mich. STOCK SALESMAN Commission. IS per cont ; un advances: extraordinary proposition that will sell under present condition 1118 N.12th. STONE JJANDS 237 8. CTil ST. TOUNO MAN with some knowledge of art needlework manufacturing. M 750, Ledier Central. SITUATIONS WANTEDtfEMALE BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST, occur., exper., salary to start. O 341. Ledger Central. mod. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, comp.. re liable; mod. start If adiancem't. n 214.Led.Off. CirAMDEIlMAID and waitress, young woman; Main Line preferred; ref. P 81a. Ledger Oft. COOK Competent colored cook, with best of references from present employer, wishes a position In city. Apply 1317 Federal at. DRESBMAKER wants engagements, horn or out; gooa ntter. iu.tu wontrose; uick. -u w. DnESSMAKERof New York deslrea engago'ti; evening1 gowna specialty. Phono Wat. 40O2 W. DRESSMAKER. French, for ladle & children, wlshca day's work. 2118 Balnbrldg at. Ph.- GOWNS, EVENING CLOAKS AND TAILOR ed suits, at home or out; short notice. O. M. MoNlchols. 1717 Christian at. Fhon Dickinson .1117 X. HOUSEWORK Competent colored woman wishes position In private family; good cook; best of references. Apply 20111 Lombard st. INFANT or chitdnurse, xperlencd; English Protestant. P 803. Ledger Office, NURSE, undergraduate, or any case; light du ties; wagea reaaonaoie. f au, imager tjincc. POSITION! with an Invalid, or companion to an elderly lady; city references. I 81S, Led ger Office. STENOailAP'IBR, conscientious and dependa ble, would consider moderate salary; refer ences. B 233. Ledger Office, WHEN IN NEED of an experienced oftlc as sistant, bookkeeper, attnographer or clerk, call up Walnut KOOO and consult with Mis Dean, of tho Commercial Department, who has a list or high-grade, experienced girls eager for positions. Avail yourself of th frea service to Ledger advertisers NOW. SITUATIONS WANTED KALE ACCOUNTANT, -CiPAIlt.E AND EF FICIENT. 0 YEARSr EXPERIENCE. AT PRESENT HEAD bSoKKEBPER OF LAROE SEMI-SUBURBAN DE PARTM'T. STORE DESIRES CHANOB TO MORE 1-nOMISINQ FIELD: HIGH EST REFERENCES, O iP-VLEDGEU CENTRAL, ACCOUNTANT. COST ACCOUNTANT Traveling auditor, vstemattserj 17 years experience with largest Arm of their !int highest reference; bond If recjuird. Q 48. LEDOER CENTRA). BOOKKEEPER Toung man, 21. welt educated: tine business training! 3 year' xnr)enci best reference from present employer; dslrea a chana. 1' 823. Ledger Offlc BOOKKEEPER Young .man. M. high and huslnea college education: 4 yeara' Ltactical xperlencs bookkeeping and clerteat works DaT. -eterencaa. la wi, MWWr ,,g.i refei BOOKKEEPER Married man. comselent and reiiapiv pir., "-ivv"j",'"au' .'""-r- tc . high rets. Q 245. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER and accountant, thor. comp., desires pasUlon of trust 1 can taks .ntfre chars, mod ealary. Q 880. Ledger Ctntral. BOqKKUEPER.0ffic managtr, thorough: val- uaol axpefispce. Managar, Bill' N. 10th BUILDING MATERIAL SALESMAN. huatler. sevtral earaT expsrlence. large following among architect and builder of Philadel phia and other Jltlts, deilraa cetxnscltoa. beat uf reference. G 2ST. Ledxtr Cantral. CARFBNTBR seek permanent position or gn eral utll tr caretaker! -anttor v bio, ua.un, CIIAUFFBlKt. eoachmsn. flrit-elsja mf.chs.nlei la year xpenence. gtva.-. javo n. m CHAUFFEUft-Practlcal all-round man.slngl,; uacWre'ds gardening, good nf BIOS Roanok CLBRK YOUNG M!AN. 23. FAIR BDUCA Arr'.M ntaamt-fl ' rvnt-ntnc titMan tu L-"TI'," HANICAL, UffiWI t-UNWDBNTIAL QR PRIVATE BECRWARY t-M(ioa auirso uy yuunx nun, ww iniloyad, 27. 4oglo, hlgb,mnd tnul- nK coUg Miieaueu). s years' tar lad axnffiCfii. and Koad aAimd noBl' man mu; hyrptft -,. bona If .-eqijgea. a.-niNKSBR Chlaf aaxts want a position &W&1l&t8Sf . ar.eattadned. a te ptuiu: twittemftmi 'ertsoa ana KNOIKBBK td suirysa ffi unu eiealk itas uw er old can alv naat at ttfeiLa aeui ihaw -- kSSSS: WS?&JPfB6JS&i 3jSsav SITUATIONS WANTED MAIE lrnitE'S A SALESMAN who knows his lines few of them Ho. 5 year' experience In the woolen lre roots bulne: now employed, but desires wider field to demonstrate hl ability; not looklns; for a job, but the rlht ronncctlon, nominal salary and "ommliwlon If representing flrat elaea llnel highest Recommendations. O 411, t.BDOBn CBNTHAt, lttt rE rtrr some oiNOBit in roim ncsiNBss Bxpeflencert manager, general store Tmtiaff r,,mlalitna liAiltpa.M alnta. SI. .. ..............n, ,.,......, k.n....v. nod executive: lusi-ciaes reierencce i 149, Ledger Central, MAN, neal, honest, respectable) butler or util ity man: can do anything! good reference, I'nrUr .1200. 2140 Jcrfereon et. MANAOEIt Man of 10 years' experience In alt branch of movlng-plcture work Is open for position as house manager, a 459, Ledger Central. OFriCE MANAOEn AND ACCOUNTANT Thoroughly capable business man; 20 ysara' experience bookkeeping, cor respondence, etc.i highest references. F 041. LEDGER CENTnAll OIIDnn CLEnit. 22. thoroughly experienced In office details, desires position with contrac tnr: best refsrence 7B04 N, Bwaneon st. OY8TEP. OPENEIt, colored, expd., dea pos, or as waller: good tefs A ft, 707 8. llancroft. 1'liratCIAN Chlropractlo phislclan wishes connection wmi instittuion or privately, prer with Insane or so.cslied Incurables. 6 217, ienger t;entrai. PRACTICAL MAN. 27, formerly conducted nwn business, ratternmaker by trade, ex perienced In both Iron and brass foundry, desires position Is shop or orflre or a salesman! best references; experienced estimator from blue prints. Q M2, Led ger Central, PnoFESKlONAl, MAN of large exp., ex-asst. secretary of a manufacturers' assn. and with newspaper abllltr, wants a position as repre sentative of a firm, corporation, association or nenspapor: salary moderate. For inter lew nddress 1, 8I.'I. ledger Office. SALESMAN, experienced, age SO' years, hu- lier, gooa apprqr. i reis. it jti. i.eog. yn SECRETAnY Pcaltlon desired by collage man, thorough knonlec'ge of bookkeeping and ac countlng, mod salary. O 31. Ledger Cent, TOL'.N'O MAN wishes position aa drlter or por ter: five years' experience; best nf references from last emploj-r. Chat, Napp, 2010 Lom bard st, ' TOUNO university man, 21, with executive ability and sales experience, deslrsa connsc tlon with reput. conCPrn Q 857, Led Cent. TOUNO MAN, 18. wishes to team carpenter trade! randy with tools. Phone Market .11:. EMPLOTMENT AGENCIES COOKS, chambermaids, chlldnurses, housework girls, Clerman and rollah glrla want poslttonfl. Miss nos Dougherty, 1H13 Olrard ave. WILLET, 18i)0 Manton at,, 8. Phlla. Southern help; city or coun.; ref. Phone Dickinson 0B2. ATJTOMOBILES For Sale OUR prices on used cara will surprise ou, especially with our convenient payment plan; prices from $100 up. Phone S. S. AUTO CO . Locust a.13T. 1422 Vine at. "VINTON lOtt touring car chassis, suitable for truck; good -ondltlon: only $30. 810 N 10th. ATJTO LIVERY AND OARAGES FinST-CLASl touring car, $1 per hour; newly painted, with weather protection. Call Main 2204 or Park 378. Harry Goodman. D0OS, BIRDS AND GOLD EISH FIRST CANARIES .SINCE THE WA31 have just arrived on steamer Sloterdyk from Rotterdam. This shipment comprises the se lection of Harts Mountain canaries. Tour choice or the importation! Hartz Mountain. $3 each: Roller canaries. $3.50 oach. Cages ot every description. E. C. VAIILE. Importer, 310 MARKET ST. B'LDING MATERIALSREPAIRS CANVAS COVERS, any else, for building con. tractors. YOST. 715 N. Delaware avo. BUSINESS NOTICES Appear st jour best this Xraai! Hae your fura carefully repaired for the hoi- FURS Iday seaaon. Expert workmanship and reasonable price Phone Belmont 2584 W. CIIAS J. BOQS3. 37 Arch st. EIZEN'S I Formerly with Bonwlt-Teller. Spe FUR I clallst on remodelhiR high-grade SHOP I fura; workmanship guaranteed 1713 Columbia ave. Open evenings. Dla SMS. Hemstitching dona whlla you Malt. A. Reich ard. 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review patterns. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FINEST SMALL CAR IN AMERICA Designed by experts. 5000 sold cars assured for first year. Large -.ortton of cap ital already negotiated. In--.eatment of $1500 to $2O0U Insures handsome returns. Address L 440, Ledger Central. 14-TtOOMED APARTMENT HOUSE, private meter to each room, bilnglnc $50 aver ex- fienses; roust be sold this month, as owner a leaving cltyt no reasonable offer refused; neighborhood 10th and Mt. Vernon. Address replies to U 203, Ledger Central. Company for making a atapla product with greater demand than production. largo profit and Interest In company to in vestor of $3000. Advertiser can furnish best of references. Addrew L 858, Led, Cent. COAL and lumber yard, with feed store; Tallroad elding; established 40 years; business, m.ooO: agent selling for heirs. dress M 601, Ledger Office. 1018 Ad- I HAVE plot of ground and building; I deal; party to rent or purchase; I will Invest $3000. upward; must be established buslnss and bear closest Investigation; don't answer un- isaa you nav cta,o, qui, u ei, 10. uent. AN EXPKJHENCED oftlc man will Invest $3000 or mora In an established -profitable business wher ssrvlces can be ujd to ad vantage: atata what tin of buslnss- offered. a Ml. todtsr Central. fiTEAM LAUNDRY plant; excellent running condition; must be sold ratardless ot price within the next few days. Qraw, 1"08 N. 3.1. LADY with $2000 deslrea position for self and sister; Stat full particulars, a 250, Ledger Cantral. PICTURE theatre, all prices, slt.es location; good Investments. Bsrrlsf A Co., 214 N. 8th, 0ARFET CLEANING WIST PHllaA. MONARCH STORAaB CO, 80. PER YARD. 8870-73 laANCABTBR AVhI CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANBD, DVEb, CURLED AND MADE INTO LAfBSr STYLES - UAILHOT. JSIO CHESTNUT DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank Ref -rsnees. Appraisement. 1S, JfTS! HARRY Mirw.' 1. in tunaou st. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY OR laKirVitfggft fflBKi afflgS jg. iSSat Mc DNuw?tPtyDiidgjgtCT"M- - ilHl.i-.il.l.l 1 ,- afOR SALE BILLIAKtt P-wV.eoWh,. 24 hand, ba aold. reated, agd. Kafr, Sis) Guard taught. are. CAJU'Erre. add. storage. Wilton, AxmlBstsri suitable hMifB'sr A apt. on-. 1310 PopUr' retjart FOR $S68 CASH will saaelflce roihogaBy 88- TOaTUaB) BMM.VTaHHJ IftSSs-tl-nlnaantl- t1lrD ata. -1 ' atarV. Bg-wninnt otlnak. coat $fl0. 1511 SfasJga HANDSOME RUSSIAN SABLES Muff aeek-alec. Uk aaw. at salt vUi. prl- E&ssnasp WANTED ANTIQUB fum., brokenlewelry, gold, sliver, platinum, JlseJlii73l5WaInutJEaLJ WW, PT tPMITI tl?P Antiques, pianos, etc, part Furniture Co . 8143 Kensington ate. W.NTH1 An Underwood typewriter! beat cosh price. L 4RT. Iyeer Centr-j , ROOMS FOR RENT BARING, 3110-llooms. furnished or untur- plslieu, -a lioor, tpr iipuw-;-cgt)itir,, tiuvMc. BROAD. B , tW-Desirable single room, com- fortapiy turnisreu lwei 1 newtettt irmtwwmr. CBDAR, 460V-Large, newly furnished roomj Phone, Woodland 47-87 W, C1IB6TNUT, 182.7 t-arge. comforUbly fur, room, 2d floor! rets.; board optional. CHESTNUT, ltno-tl Desirable furn or unfurn. auiieai pnvaxo oatnt pTOiraoiuiMMuiuw; LOCUST, 8710 Prlvato tamfiy Will rent 1 or a well-furnished rooma to gentlemen) warm and comtortaDie. l'rrston otm w. MAtll'Blt. HOI --.FURNISHED ROOMS, SIN- gle or en suite, hot-water heat; Poplar 2120. PI Nil ST., 1431 Desirable rooms; alngl or en suite. . SPRUCE, 402l)-Newlr opened, very attractive rurnisneQ rooms; bii con-a.t i, hwii.i SPRUCE. 2022-Dealrable aulte with prlate bath: open Orel single rooms) owner. TIOGA, Westmoreland, iol7-2d and 3d story front: suitable for two people; moderate; hreakfaat optional Phone Tioga ,110 W, WALNUT, :iTlv-I'rlvnte family wilt rent well furnished room to gentlemen. . iSTlI N., P2rf-Rennd gentiemen: single or douple rooms; every homamforttPhonj, 201), Sr122 Rooms, single or en. ault; prl ate baths, running water: steam heat! newly pnpered ami painted; gentlemen preferred; 44TH ST., S 218 Oentleman can hae attract, turn, room; jirlnte fjmlWLbfeak.lphonjj 40T11, 8 , ll27 DmibTe and" alngl rooms; ref erences excnHngtu. tiowi oiw . B2D AND'SANSOM Fur- West Branch nlahed rooms; men only! Y. M. C. A, meals, shower baths; near L. All the comforts ot home, Phons Belmont 4oai CHEERFUL rooms lor Invalids: exclusive. privait; rcnicrncDi iiurssinaiBi ; it. Mois a a. ' S a ..-I ai(ilaa, IP a-l a S oak rl cent mi. arnoiifj Lan,ut iat. PRIVATH tmijr will rent S lrr furnished ,-(. , ... , J,K Ti Am -antral IIANDHOMKLV furnlsned Tfont, room In large Hill aim ia,cum. i -.tu, mib.. v.......... )Ml'LY furnlsfied front room In largo prlvato homo. Elcotrlo lights. Ten i to City Hall. Telephone Daring 41u. minutes Professional Offices. i DOOTOini OFFICE UUILD1NU. 2011 Walnut at. Offices for rent, with heat. light end ser- vice. For particulars phone locust 24(13. WALLACE, N. E. COR. 2IST ST. Suite of rooms for physician; partly turn.; run, aater. BOARDING GREEN, 1827 2d-story front, bath, conv,, run- nlng water, southern xpoure. Pop. 4788 A. SPrUJCK, 1220 Rooms, single or suite; private tmin; excellent laoi poarti; pnone. QPtlUCE, 1221.1220 (Ilrlsmonds) Furn. rooms, single, en suite; private baths: table board. WALNUT, 410a Dealrablo vacancies, furnished or unfurnished; good table. Preston 4822 D. WALNUT. 4044 2d floor front for couple or gentlemen: table unexcelled. Belmont 3258 A. MTI1, N., 15 Prlvato family has few acan-. cles for gentlemen; conven. Bel. 1803 W. 3318 N. l'TIl ST. Exceptional chance tor ae lect people; good table and horn comfort. ROOMS and boarding for two gcntltmsn con venlent to car lines L 484, Ledger Central. APARTMENT HOTELS THE PARKSIDE Olrard ave. nnd 40th at. Suites 1 to 3 rooms and bath, APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN, 1010 Excellent apta. In 8 different houses; aome furnished: kltcnenette. Ciiii3TNUiTlwTn-2 bright rms.. bath, prl: vate hatUmod.; $30. Apply Janltor,43 8. loth. WA LN UT ST.', 1431 Apartments of 1 to 4 rooms, with baths, furnished or unfurnished; first class: $21 up. Apply janitor. WALNUT.1223-21 (Kenwood) Desirable vacan cles, slnglo or suite, prlv. baths: will furnish to suit tenant; moderate rate. Walnut 8181. 61ST, S., 1220-One very moderately furnlshsd U-room apartment, private bath, electricity, hot-water heat; pleasant neighborhood; across from para: cara con anient: private family. FOR VACANCIES and complete Information ot all apartments free, consult APARTMENT BUREAU lSlh and Spruce ats. Prone Walnut 080, er wrlto for ''Apartment Directory," December miuon. r rcc. BEAUTIFUL ground-floor suit: handomly furnished; two rooms, bath and kitchenette; In select, quiet central locality. TJ 230, Led- Kcrunitr. HOUSEKEEPING APARTitENT, S room and bath, central; low rent. P. It. Company, 1317 Pennsylvania Bldg. LION'S HEAD Handsomely furnished apta. 1213-15 Locust. ONE or two gent'n; elegant furn, room: run. water, bath, hot-water heat. 55l N, 18th St. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME. UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FI.OOR Apply on Premises HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND 33TII BTREETS Or Housekeeping Apt., A Rooms end Bath. One Housekeeping Apt.. B Rooms and Bath. R. H. THATCHER. Manager. WALLACE. N El COR, "1ST ST. Flat of 4r, and bath: hakpg.: furnished or unfurnished. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OERMANTOWN CHOICE properties in all section ot Otn Mt, Airy. Chest. II.: sil prices. Writ for special list. J. 11. Cnadwlck & Co.. E618 Garmanlown. " MOUNT AIRY AND CHESTNUT HILL PROPERTIES l'elham Trust Co.. 8740 Ocrmantown in HaddonBsld. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL fine propartlsa at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARBKALL. S31 Fed eral at,, Camden. National Park. N. at. YOUR opportunity; lot 23x180; ntar trollsy; overlooking Del.; adjoin. Campbell Soup Co. development. Greater N. J. Co.. 83 B. 18th. rENN8YLVANIA FAKMB 100 ACRE) Location, land, buildings, water and ralTroan facilities all first class: ha mi.u ",'--" ----- -- .--- "-:-i. - everytnina: int swi tu '"e?.--r;y-i terni, several stock farm cheap. ISO. 200 and 230 acresi tha very beat of land and cheap; state .8 OUT flttMfce. ,uuimu w. ,, ,, a wjjwa- ra 22 ACRia-$700; xajje of Main Lin Hald. Wsit Cheater. Pa. XT5T REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT NO MONETT required If, ground 1 Improved; will uk mortgage on N. W. cor. Hancock. toliljupia ave. wcarte uaua an, o. lain si. CliaSTNUT ST.. eouth side, above 1Mb at. BaU or rent. John Dredger. Jr.. Bailey Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City. N. J. HOTELS, cottaats. apartmsnts. tq., to ax cbiogf for PElUdslphU pr-partiss. Chas. H. Fell, 88 B. f en..a" ave.. Atlantic City. REAL ESTATE WANTED pROPatRTY in and araoni d PhlUdelphU. ftr ihles with -Ml in. of dsslrable loca- English IbvimWm! only wi rana. nroduatiig oroturtlea tuj5 niea reply- Wire or writ at one to Ans-taan reprsseotaUv. W, J. MULLETT, Lftakport, NY. REAL ESTATE E0R BENT -SJ XT DUUO BTO-. years oo-nae star& ,, dwelling, ail w lateat ImMoveraeuts; fatagg tae pa-amln'Nit streets. Apply mt SS llth at 1 ---.-.----! a Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor lsf-608?V.(3L..-15i. ewtral; tvlb BiV gas ana irvu-u-.i, t-n uoj ouwa OT Hgat Oalces. Mitslnaai Haunts, Kit p&. ssse. Tm " IrTRAl mmom sa-atr. one er iwa rtBTaBS far C-amv "' -ayf euswiae Qr P B ComwiBy llVt Penaaylvajal If AIUSW-rDAaH ltrt; "r.":"r-aT-; lex, t- f5 ACRES-fltock. dairy or jfrult farm. Main Lira P. R. R,; Quick aale; $to per aeji make offer; terms reasonable, j, Kr Thompson, ejr Vsw. sit UKatliuia. IfeSjgS C RAP P LEM M . 5MO TrieY'4 - M . y Xt pi! santA CLAUS'I", & . THE SNORING HOST ", "Come, Edgar. I think our auto has arrived."-Fllegende Dlaetter (Mu nich WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND OH, HAVE RlOFULLYLRDYOU CRLLED,BILL,I WRNT Y0UT05EETHRTKIU OFMlNEaSHE'sA wwwnxicn: r 0H-0H-0H-5-5 -5EE-0HSEE-0H SEETH-TH- nN&GREivfTNQ ntHJi 50METHINQ- CLDChDT.hOR- They Shared the Honor A private, anxious to secure leave of absence, sought tits captain i-lth a most convincing tale, about a sick wife break Ins her heart for his presence. The offi cer, familiar with the soldiers' ways, re siled: "I am afraid you are not telling the truth. I have Just received a letter from your wife urging- me not to let you come W S sAslfl 1 ' 1 i. -WUluuns Purpl Cow, Conductor How many; i Scotchman Twa. Conductor What 7 Scotchman Twa, twa. Conductor Twa twa yourself. lAna tr-s ngnt was on.) Queer, Iaa't.Itr Mamma My dear, don't you tbhtfc you are getting tea old to plj.y with W'sJ Mllly why, no, mammal The elder X get the better I like them! afsVMfl-aaHHsvlLH A HEART! HERE3HEI3-U1HRT HIHITELLYOUHUK'.! RNDBRI&HT-5RY-1 WRNTY0UT0HERRHEI. RERW CANT BflBY REflB FOR THE NICE MAN?. TH-TH-THE-OH-OH 5EETHE-C-C-0H 5EET-THEC-C-C- CATF0H5EE THE CAT! OH-HF0E R 7HEBRT!! I' Tl- home because you get drunk, break tho furniture and maltreat her shamefully." Tha private saluted and started to leave the room. lie paused at the door, asking: "Sor, may I speak to you, not aa an offi cer, but as mon to monT" "Yea; what Is Itr' "Well, sor, what I'm sayin" is this," approaching the captain and lowering hU voice: "You and I are two of the most llllgant liars tha Lord ever made. I'm not married at all," Exchange. sAJ I AW VtvT? -A 1 - X. .- I sail ssi 1 1 ail 1 .. , .,- - -a, London Ponrh. PISH IN THE SEA She No. I won't have It. I Uon"t like the look ot It ' , Hawker No, and ycr wouldn't Uka the look of yerself, missus, If you'd been chivvied about try submarines ever slnco the war started." ,.., Converted J- The wife of a university professor was recently converted from utter JtulUt-r-enco to suffrage to ardent support' ot th cause. As the cultured woman vit. 1 m Ing downtown she heard the conversa tion ot two laborers engaged In digging up thb street, "What do you think abour tho question ot Women yotln'T" asked one. "Oh, everybody knows that wirmnln ain't got sense enough to Vote," answered the other. It was enough for the lady. She Is now a sumragtst. Exchange, ,fcjfkaM&&, A GERMAN HOPE! Good night! The Eiffel Tower nuns Paris for Bordeaux. Za Entitled to a Reward "You say jou saw a burglar climbing out of a window In the house next door to ou and tie had a phonograph under Ms armT" asked the Tall Man." ' "I did," asserted the Short Man. "Did you call the pollcoJ" asked the Tall Man. "Police, nothing," replied the Short Man. "I called the burglar over and handed him a dollar," CtnClqnatt Enquirer kr ax -ji. -rria ura. TYVmWKmjSM AND 8Ul?poi" MOJRWAOBB iSH-BajT. ii Ui A QESMAN JOJUE af TOT.: aM -f; v 'V x fVMkOI - Well I CMM J"Oa(. VI T3R..4?.D 3&Lim19 A. , Jsui t ti it Ma n J ut ay rwi. fo,- th lat .j; 1 a: ;htra. i iviatrM"TT sjr. -aargov WAXTQ?mAm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers