wfm EVENING LEPGBK-FHIIADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1914, 4 Xo PRICES CLOSED AT LOW LEVELS FOR DAY; MONEY DROPS Slocks Liost Earlier Strength in Late Trading Foreign , eign Exchange Down. ' Steel' Week. . BT i NBW YORK, Dec. 22.-TKc dismissal of the Government suit ngalnst the I.elilKh Valley Hallro&d caused a moro bullish sentiment In speculative circles and was effective In checking lho( selling movement In the "coal stocks, which wits the fea ture of yesterday's trading. The esti mates as to tho limited effect of the Pennsylvania rate decision received moro consideration, and In placo of the pres aure against ths coal stocks, which- fol lowed the news of that decision, there jras an urgent demand, which was re sponded to with- advances over 1 point In Heading and Lehigh Valley, In the lata afternoon a reaction set In In some- of tho specialties and declines were made all, nlojig tho. l(no In, sympathy. V. 8. Steel made' a new low "selling for the present movement 'by selling at 48. Raiding dropped to Ui. American tee went to 10, down. 2i from t,ho opening; .Pennsylvania, 106, off i, Bethlehem, Steel, on the other hand, was strong, ad vancing to 45T4, compared with 42"4 at the opening. More Interest was also devoted to the effect of tho advances In freight rates which wllj go Into effect early In the new year, and there was evidence of Increased investment buying, especially of the trunk line shares, Now Haven rose t aooui i point uetore noon to os, out una advance was preceded by vigorous up 3 turns In the three classes of short-term $ note Issues by tho New Haven system I early In the ,year. For a, long these F: notes were neglected In the Investment buying which had been noted In the j short-term market, and they could have been bought at a substantial discount. ? Today the Now Haven 5 per ceht. notes range above 97 and only a few small lots can be bought around this higher level. Bethlehem Steel made a further gain of more than 2 points, with the bulk of t the buying coming through Philadelphia I houses. A good part of the local demand ' for Bethlehem Steel represents switching of holdings of United States Steej, which ' f can be effected to advantage by thoio who regard Bethlehem Steel stock us thu bettor of the two Issues. s Selling on thli account has had much to do with tho recent decline In tho price. of'Unlted States Steel, but support camo to, the leading industrial when Its prlco fell below 49 today. It was thought tlwt . this was Induced by a desire to keep tho price Of United States Steel from ap proaching the Stock Exchange minimum of 48 ns long as possible. The general list showed a strong tone after tho opening. This can be attributed to a good extent to tho excessive supply of both call and time money, which Is forcing a readjustment of market values of Investment Issues, and has a. conse quential effect on tho speculative Issues. Wall street awaited with some anxiety the debiting of the Lusltanla tonight. This Is, the first ship to arrive which sailed from Buropeslnce the resumption of busi ness on the New- York Stock Exchange, and rumor had It that there were ap proximately $3,000,000 worth of securities Aboard. Whether these had atrcndjrbeenj f uiantu, ui imuuKii nu(i selling was n x matter of opinion. So far very Uttlo for elgrj selling, of .American stocks and bonds has been reported, but today there were said to be considerable offerings of United States Steel 'rom foreign sources. The stock, however, waa readily ubsorbed. The fell in foreign exchange ta a new low level today rather accentuated the belief that holdings of our securities ".broad might bo o)(J by the warring na- tloris Instead or patting .with 'heir big. holdings of gold at this time. Central Leather did not respond. to the annbiincement of an Increase bt 1 per, cent. In tho dividend, tho company today declaring 3 per cent., against 2 -pet cent a year ago. The atook was quoted at 37fl. off H. Pennsylvania, held at 107, last night's olosing. This Issue Is held In . 'friendly regard by Investment Interests r and there Is n. disposition In these In- " Uresis to consider Its dividend maln- ., tenance as certain, no matter what the H -changes In freight rates' on anthracite w coal. S& m,Hty "'ruok-a new ow level In the late afternoon by going to :, per cent. BATES TOR, MOEY Pill, Time. 4'141 New. York n (id Tort ..., .. 2JJ0 3'Jotjf g? S 6i & SsK eailtll UUt. tliraa In .1. ZjLTv... nMil V -Eaion r chicagi anityi, lufrp jar cent. "' "" Reserve Banks' Discount Bates atari ( DayeV 306O V Mi -6 30 or - 5to!l . i ft MUiUtlphla. ....;..,".." ft 5feflh)vland ...... 5 S5T Jilehmoiul ., ........... r r Atlanta ,. ....... ...... & Chicago A . rit, 1-oujs ,ii..,jai iMlnneaJoli ..S Kna city , ... n& Ctllu ,...'. flU Bn Francisco .. .-.;.. ..... a - ,, ilANK CLEABINQS ' lUrlk: clearings otdey oerapare iwlth oorr. ponding day last two yeara- r 1014. 1UIS .. 1m. PhllldelphU. ISS.i3-t.0l8 83,10S,SJ l29.717.flH Boston ,,.. iitojiia Mii iMi isTsTf.'ttta i? - r LOCAL BID Aim. ASKED Bid. Aaked. BhTAidi iLv 5fMwIU Wit-..,.- Tle Sloraja. CT..'.. - ".Er''" v .tOSU t(M 10S li l'i MS i3H H i k lL a A 1H r ' --' . -T" J Kay t o ...; sval vai 'rr ah rtrat .... iuia jKphlTi Elae Phlt Co . . ItP Trail R T t c am BABJ8ILVBa xsK eommirc(l (nr 41r U ouSad t u4r 3 "" V w iW'wtjt M ftesr&)Rj&ity sauitiEa to AtjfWi4 NVW Y&itK DtL ii Ul. ITCM -Mrkt grU SUy. J3Se ..n.U, .iwniery .4 fciiilaj. ilun-i ,eii ad uuasiikd. . .. t i 'fa.i'. ti3. htzaat fij . is Vv S..I. sH sfc ah n. Plg -4 W SH vm W J?.; & ".:I t I I -.f & f ft. ( m fiHawi ' QiOW frto .-'. , gT?tt . ,- i J Six KM. r NEW YORK STOCK SALES ftleh Low Clow 23 8K r,m m 24JI 40 AH 2031 23. .:) S7J4 09f Ali.vrftMM'nes... AIlij Chlmers tr. . . Amai Coppet Am. H.Kutar....... Am. Cn..... 21U 25M SO 8M 8K C2)( 31 24W 39)f 4( 20 23 30t fi7) 1?4I Vo Am. Cotton Oil ....... 3SW 40 Am. nide A Leather... . -iji Mi Am. Ice 23 7235 Amlco 23K 23M American Atalt pref- . 10W Am.Smelllnp rili ffli American Smeltlne preMOO -10O i c.... inn 100 iuu Am.Tel.Tel....:...117H 118, 117 117M AmcriMn Tobacco pref. .. I03 VOW 103f Anaconda Copper .. 23H 2S'( 2."!i lll. DU..I.. ...... . .vu .wi. . --" AjsdIi Realltatlon , . . , f a AtcMson '.. C8K P2 02H nitohio., on 70 onu nalllmore $ Ohio prtf . CO C9$ 09)4 tiflbPleel..... 42ii lfi A2M llethlchem Sleel ptcf 88 S8 nrnnllcn H.nM Tnlt. fUI U!( Rt! ro COM 4SU 88Ji Rl? Canadian Pac KM lfiWt 135JS 153Jf rnlrall.ratheri...... 37K 37!( 30!( 37 ChesftOhlo 42f 42) 42!f Chlno Copper 33U 331i 32W ChlcaBoOreat Western. .. 10i 10U Chlcapo.Mll. SI. Paul.. SSJlf SSW 875 42f 324 103X 87f voioranoKo ........ do 2d pref ...'.,. . 29 . .20 20 29 Cor., Can , do pref .....'.-. k 8S)i Frio.... .ntiH 2a 22W SSH 21W 88H 22M Krlc 1st pref .:t .'. 3S!i 35 aH 34!f Conol (I.U.... .w.i. . T)lstllleraSeC....rv,. Del. LaeJt. &AVeJt4rjw. Drnrcrsnd'nio Grand. 1141J 114U 114!f 124"'12U 12 12H - -300. 390 390 0 0 GM 0 iHf o . n Den&Itlo.Otandjitor Clcneral Chemical. ,' iU'r. Iw "fiw 10? .139k 131f 130 130 02 02 92 Denersl F.lectrle... Gen Motbr pref... O cod tie!!' Co....'. j Great Korthein.... . 24!i 24H 24Mi 24 M .113 113!f 112 '113W Great North Ore. .Cent. . . . HarmtcrN J ...i...w 00H 111 Central l.!..;.l- Jnlciboro-Mclroriolltari. 12U 20 25H 00 '90. 261.' 90 110 12H 60 .fl. 10 110 '110 12H 12K Intcrboro Met pref. .... " CO 50, r 10 International Papor.. . --8 5 Insclratlon 10 10!f oVi.' Kansas City Southern dopref ........... w 57 88 67 83 13 1 if 9J 18 10K 122' 122 l.acledoClas - ' Lehigh Valley. 133! i Mercantile Marine, j. . " L ' Mlssourl,Kans'asTdzaf .. Miami Copper -. Missouri I'adflo.. -.'.... 'lOi National Bbcult.. .'..-.. .. do pref ., 88 134K .134 : H ib- Mi 18! i 18 . 10 OK 122M 122 122 122 National Lead...... do rtcf.i;...-.. Nat. Enameling Nevada Con., ... . . N. Y.. N. II. & a.. New York Cen... N.Y..O. &Vest. Norfolk & West. . . Northern Pacific... Tenna. 107 107H 107H 10 12 10 10 13 07 83 21 lUi 67 82H 20 100 09 nx 67 83X 20W 100 58 83H 20!' .. 100 00) 100 09H io; 107H 106U 107 110 110 110 rcoplo's Oas. ........ .110 Pittsburgh Coal.... Pressed Stcol Car 30U do pref I6 lolf 36J 100 m I6H 30X 100 3fi) 100 Hi Quicksilver Kay Cons Itcadlne... llcpubllc Iron & Steel.. Dock Island do 1st pref . do 2d pref EoPaclOc Southern Hallway.... Standard Milling Studebaker Studcbaker pref 'J ecnessee Copper. Texas & Pacific. Teias Company Third Atenue Union Taclflc dopref Union Tac War . US Rubber 1st pref LbStcel US8teelpfef . Unlttd .Cigar Mfe m mt 15M 144 10 IX 2X 145H 144X 144)i 10 19 19 IX 1 1, 2 IX IX SO 80 80 83X 82 82) i 16X 15 16 45 45 45 31X 31X 31X 80 80 SO aix ::nx ix 13 13 13 12S 128 128 ' 35 35 35 117X H0U H6!i 78X 78X 7HX 27X 27X 27X 102X 102 102X 40X IS'.' 48X 83K 10X 31,', S6X 31X 12X 35X U0X 70 27X 102 49X 105X 104,X 10-IX 104)f 4IX 4H1 41H 4 United Cigar Mfc'prer . man Copper, 47U Western Union 67,lf Western Maryland JO 99 to 48 67 . 10X t7 47X iOX 10X t)7 OOJi 47X oOl.' 10), 07 eox nVestinghouse t'lec. -.. . 07 Woolworth CO 90X Total salea, 120,400 tiharcs. NEW YORK BOND SALES Itleh. low. Close. SU0O Adams Rxpreaa 4s.... Ml. Kit MX) Adnnu h.xpreas en 4i, 0074 mW DO 0. Ul UO"i a H8S, 40OO Amar Cot Oil 4Hs UU wJ0 Ann Arbor it 1(100 Armour Co -IVis... . llOmi Atctilaon -Is 310O Atctilaon adj 4a ntp. 0OUO Atchlaon cv 4a 1O00O Atchlaon 0 5s l'.'OK) Uuit & Ohio au . ut . in . si ; . WJ .iti . "ia iuuj iuiil k Lnm rru in.. MH Iflm Halt Ohio ov 4'l.. 84 30OD il&O V I.KdWV 4a. . . 70J4 fiuou Ualt o tlwn 3U.. Hh WW Beth 8tl 6 09-S I7O0O VHtb Htoel rfd 5i... Stji MOCtt Ilrook Itep TV it 1018. OS. aw) Brook Hap Tr 5s luuj jouo urooK lin vaa im d..juo iOOO Burt llooh & P 44a... 08T, K tin uaa lt d..hij llooh & P 4'Ja... O8T1 la. Soillli Sa. .. 101 ti 1-ac lut la ,. . MU llll Oeorgl K)0 & )h cv 4W 71ii 70UU i.'anaua. 1 ilHX) cant i'i UXKt Cent -11 lift! Ph.. & lUOU ITllfJ s. unio f .. 1300O 0" A Ohio 5s 1Kil, IfHiO l?hl & Erie lat 3..102 5i) fhl Ot Wat 4. . . . K (.000 Ohl Nwn !n 4a. . SO. 4001) Phi II Q joint 4. . t4tt 1C00 Clll il & Q 111 4.. 04., flOOO Chi Mil ft 8t PDtv4 88S 3'.'0 Chi 'Sill t St Pep ,oatplf 2000 Chi Mil 'i Bt P CV 4VJ Ultf 18000 Chi MII& Bt.P n - OJft jsooocht n 1 p.coi. i2f 8000 Chi BlrP. ".A p deb OatOOH 1M5W) Con a C V W A 6J..10M 40ort iv.l & 8outh lit 4a.... SO lonu Detroit Kdlton' lat Ss.lOOU uot- ;iooo Detroit unuen -fjw... 1000 IV. Pont Powd 4M... (4 iooo Erie ireii ntu .. . ow 24()& do conv 4i!ir4. .. Mtf 8000 do Br B I4K SO01I do 4a 80 - 2000 (lult A fehlB (alands 5a 01 4000,111 Central 3Ha MU UOOii'lnterh Mat 4& .... 74 .V1M1 Inl.rb II T ret OS. . VOU - 3000 Inter .Mor !Jr 4Wa.. 7000 In , Alcohol B. 4000-Japana pew 4. 6tiO0 KCWStSI ii.. . 1000 Laclede Oa rrd 6 . 56M LIB & It T 8. . . lflflrt I-pny IilandKen 4a . 7000 NY Ca,nal Imp 4' 2O0O N Y O II 3Wa. 4OO1I N Y City 4 iaJ7. 1O0O N Y CUv 4W I ,$oSvfcYuy:sT 8 MM Nor fao prior a Nor r"ac M.. 1 Ore Sbort 1. Ut 6 .JO 1 Paelfle TI..d . . .. 0 or r'&u M- . .. .. Paqna 4a IMS. . S ni. Con Coppar pa 19 Itepub Cuba t 0 Koak Inland 4a . Vt) Wbik lalaod rid -ia 'j 0 IlMIc laixna oa . . a OffeaS&aM A U adl Ba 63 l.finnth Ball U...t 0 i South. Pau ev 4a s6t, sou v ret f 0 fis 1681 IM4i X) &B11& .. 4Vi HiO e. atona Saathf SOOn Texas Co ev St ilWIX 9M . ..WM Co ev. 10O0O Tblrd A d to HI) D A. OL )Y B 1 Hv.l DIVXPENDaxbEOLABED W4ttb,?l.?.tttetr;,1484. m. m1i aiamaajwi eyaj-lgfy riL f.7F nmr w .aJtSh W KxUrsad Oo. P. 1 par c4U oa vreiMjeJ, aayttU D aSrMSSmS VMah i 111 MlQt WRww A'r. i . wcWi iHmtu Ql uurur ajg. Jaawry aa w awea: r taoxA DtcaBtr 31 toj4 tca.u Poerex aud iugat CoMaiasiy, rfxiiiBir SlsUSeuiy In pe oaai. ou prirM. sjwaiM fijuiry 2 to elotk of reora D.cetuoexH ' ' Fttuburyh i'wtioiiiJ WareJiouse snd Tt&a let wroitu aouwf imoi mi) 4i',c e4i ea ;j,u!la Ji. . COCk af 'orJ I uiMd Smk' j. u k awl HeaUa Com- tuv umll&i otlM.Itertv BTV. lUU un nrtiiMMtl 111 y ual tsu&t tarty M.(-. Ja.uj.iry 13 t. Hioca; ut tevocd vaceui- Itr ai f,aa uuiX I j. 1 J- 1.A H !.uiuiy 2 ' him, fit .i.i vi.l. tics Ed tAiyu la. aejji rj i 4, ai vn 9ti ai vn on EHttiGrrfti tierrR-l t to eia j? .t .ii r , ifc 'fill' 4UUU loin v s itaBM ev .lose SlSuiK,:fr.'ta:':L 1500 V Kwy te . . . m miM&t&it. .. I. 1-t Tl S..ljua.s.. ! COAL SHARES SHOW STRENGTH IN PHILADELPHIA Westmoreland Advances a PtDint4-General Satisfac tion Expressed Over JudgQ 'Hough's' Decision in ;L&- . high Valley .Suit. ' '; - . it . . . . There wajs little to dlacuss In the deal ings on the Philadelphia Stotk Exchange today. It wrts -typical holiday, market, and prlco changes wero for the most part confined, to inslgniricant fractions. A rlso of a point In Westmoreland Coal, attracted somo attention In view of' the recent activity in all the coal shares re sulting from the "various-egal 'develop ment affecting- them 'one way M another. Westmoreland Is a bituminous property .and .enjoys nn exceptional market !? caustf of tho unusually htglfgrado quality of 'Hsj product. I.llte -the Lehigh .Naviga tion Company,, It Is not nffectcd by the rate reduction Into this city, beng a producer and not a carrier, f.elilgh Na'v Igatloh ruled steady today. The point was mado that the anthracite roads may endeavor to relmblirso tliemsclvcs for tho reduction In rntos pnst ana possibly .pondlner by raUInK tho- price of coat nt Hie mines. This naturally would greatly benefit those concerns -which wcro merely prodticers. . Jhl(rh Valley, Rending, I'emisjlvanlii and U. 8. Steel wore none of them par ticularly active on thn local exchange, contenting themselves with following; the trend of prices made for them In Wnll street The traders' attention was chiefly concentrated upon Tonoplh Helmont, which sold down to 4(4 on relatively large offerings. Tonopah Mining, on tho con trary, moved up slightly, nnd Cambria Steel was also In moderate demand. Tho trading In bonds on tho exchange was negligible throughout the morning. In tho early afternoon quite n little activity developed In the Asphalt group. Electric Storage eased off, but United' das ruled firm, advancing to 83. Business gradually contracted until the close. In the last hour Pennsylvania turned heavy and so did Tonopah Mining, but offerings were not large. Cnmbrla Steel dropped to tthi on a "seller two-days" order. Everywhere In the financial district sat isfaction was expressed over Judge Hough's decision In tho Government's suit against tho Lehigh Valley, charging violation of tho Sherman antitrust law and tho commodities clause of the Hep burn net. The Judge enunclntcs tho principle that tho stockholders of a rail road may own nil the stock of a coal company which ships Us product over the lines of that railroad, provided the rail road does not direct the business or policy of the coal company. LOCAL STOC3C AND BOND SALES Yea. close. ItlEtl 4 43 4.1 4X :i2 IjOW. Close 1 Amerlrnti Mill 4 4 1 lam iron SI Cam Sieol TO Kleo Btor . ... nno (Jen Aanlmlt . MS ,in uref 10 Ins Co K Am . 15 Koyat Tnle Co in Lehigh Nav... 18 Uo t B ....... tn l-ohlKh Valley. ! ii .(, . as 43 43 4H :i3 IM 42 42S 4H 2 (IS l2 (1-1. Zia.z 7R', mm 151? mi 7HI 7S(; ATI 111 It. lov uons cop 11'. 11'. 171 Henna, . M'. M 11-10 .'..Vj 0.1 I) 11 Pa aafKMfir .- 0: u. 13 10 Phlla Co ... 100 I'hlla Kleo . 3 l'hlla It T t o B Phlla Trac . . 10 lle&dlne; lflrtl Tono Hoi .... TM Tnno Jllnlnc 10 Tenn Copper. ir Union Trao .. (9 U (las Imp. . Oin 1) B Steel ta Weatm Coal n.i 12. 7!) tV in 83; 401, 8T .11'. 12H jni 73 V JJ? .11 u SI 4!li :m. f-'Vi, 7Dt -b .iiii noil 4Sli 12'i 1 xm. m 4S1i Mi SSi Ex-dlvldcnd. Total galea. 4,040 share. no.NDS. t.aat PrevEoua snlo. HlRh. IP. Cam Steel rrrlp. 1i II7'4 am i:teo fc I' Tr 4a. 7f 7K 2D0A 1, V sen con 4Ua n7 nil'i nooo 1. jCav cona 4!i n7Ji tm 40OO l'hlla Kl 1 7S(.5 7Si II) Phlla Co aerlp. . Ul in 4000 l'lillii Co 1t s. .. U7 Total salea, Sl4,16f. hnw. Oloe, 11711 H7U on47 7lJ ni ut 78i 07 HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. IT. 50 an Ap pM. s 4 Penna sin SCO II H Steal. . 4H's n rnna W 11-115 1 Cam Iron. .43 1 do .. . ..V) 11-in ID U H fjteel... 4'k J3 Will Coal... M KO do 4S' 10 Nev Con Cop. 11, as Tenna ..,.53 11-10 10) Tonopah Mln. 7 SO dm Steel. . . 41, SO lh S'Jll.y. . Bjjl to Tonopah Mln. 7'. VO do......... 07H 10 "Phlla Co S4I M U S Stael... 40 IS IT O I MVi 10 do 4! IPO U 8 Bteel... t 21 Wat Coal... S&J4 TOO do......... 40 25 Union Trac.. 30?J 10.30 to 11 A. M. IW Otn Aap pfd. M SUB hteal. . . 4 10 Loh Valley.. JJJJ a dn M'Z 2.1 Union Trae. . SI I K l.h Nav I c. 78 l union 'LTac. . 30 87 BONDS, S0 Cam Steel scrip 0I 11 to 11.30 A. II. 10 TT 8 Etetl.... 40jf ,7S Phlla Blae... 53V BOB Tonopah Bel, 4ji 100 Tonopah Bel. 4i S Penna, 5511 10 Tenn Copper. 3l BONPS, 3 Cam Steel scrip Mh IS Cam Steel aorlp... 07K 11.30 A. M. to 12 M. 10O Tonopah Bel. J J-h ' '?! 300 do 4H 10 Ina Co N A. 21 1 Am Mllllni. .4 S Penoa .... NIC 40 BleVtoraae. 48 10 V If T t e.. 12 3 Penna .,. U-16 13 to 13.30 P, JT. 10O Clan Aap. .. SS W Qea Aap prd. 10 Kloc atorase. 48 Oo... .... JJ. to Union. Trac 36T. ffl 3en Aa. ., ..n .. .an .1? 1 lUl llfl ........ . X? 100 0n AW.. 1UU .,, -...-. - - l .... 4ott , M AQ ,.M .1.1 ID) BONDS. 2000 00 Phlla Eloo 4a 78W IS Cam Steel atrip ,..IJi IS Cam Steel aarlji , HIS 12.30 to X P. M. 6 In Valley. iu a i... 7U 20 y a i. .. 8. 32 in Aip. jo ao m 1 to 1.30 P. M, 8PWU Waa. . . 24JK , 20 Leo Valley., (7J, 0 Tmopaa Bel- H B0MR8. alec & Peep Tr 4a. 7fJ- iTilla jsiee s, 1.30 to 3 P. M. 10 U 3 Steal : 44 Jg V 8 SU1 . U K 10 Lh VoUey ii lil Vtr e. WMfoe. l4SUNi'1V,.:::-1:::::;:::.::St 2 to 2.30 P. M . I regw do ia 1K-Bf,::P H9tP. 3.0 tg 3 P. M U rtuiM. mtm... an jh u s bo Ua4)p swlai ito i etOWO. Uab Mv ooal 4ila. Lajk VeJ gee esAS a Nav oasts TSU SHS41 S1, m wu 'laapu Utl. iu : ST 8S Immab MU. 'IB m New Low for ?orlga Hihange atfLH!PtV ommtmt atarUog was auate4 4.10$ TUt uolUoo ta M low le.ot tor tlu er ('e.bie aoeaaa 1 ats' ujika, H', (renoe 5.UI', I tu tk uriwravor, it tortlfu t.U4i,se mtt 4i a.:.4 tre.4th. a at u.i. wu imj 4iev J4 sail 't''ltf M u wu tue4 b 4e n,nd ueri, . ai 4 s riile -e,iil avfi4 u 4 8ev4 rs nmnttti 4. rrui rAvesi a-w, f. u 1 i rfi ', a sjr . ,14 (1 iUlfii1 . & fO 1 ONLY 20 PER CENT. OF EMERGENCY CURRENCY OUT Philadelphia Banks Have Made Very large Retirements. Only about 40 per cent, of the total amount of emergency currency taken put by the Philadelphia banks Is still out standing, and' It Is expected that- this will be retried by .the early part of, next year, prpbably before the" end of January, as the banks rloVaTe In nn exceptionally good position. The" rjiaxlhium 1sie; of Hie money to local Institution?, leached about the lat ter part of Septeniber, -was approximately tll,E00.O00. The first was takerf out about August 1, when the hostilities abroad be gan, .resulting lit a partial Upset of the local financial equilibrium, as -well as dis arranging markets all over tha world. The total amount of emergency currency Issued frofn this city, through the Nation al Currency Association of Philadelphia, to the banks Ih Federal Reserve District k a - .L. -A & 111 AA PAK ffrlM !. lam r0. , Yas auoyi ll,OW,VW. liiv uaiinn 111 the: district .outside the city still have OjKtt.OOO out. At present the majority banks which have any of the money are paying 4. per .cent. Interest, and, Inasmuch as thlsiwltt be increased a half of 1 per cent, on January 1. the banks which have no n'oed of the funds will want to retire as rrtuSh bjb possible. If, not. all. The'banka tyere, helped largely In malting reductions by. tho fact that, when the Federal reserve act went Intoeffcct on, November 18, re-. ,ervea ' were ,reiu"ced, ..thus releasing a.' large amount of money which had'been dying, Idle In the vaults. . PAYMENTS NEXT MONTH . . . BELOW'.LAST JANUARY rsisburaamentn "Will Be $8,U0,D!7 iessj Adverse uiviaenu Acuon by 138 Companies. While 1SS corporations1 have tnken un favorable action on dividends since the Kuropcan war began, soma passing til em entirely and others making reductions, It is a matter of surprlao that tho pay ments .of dividends ' and. interest which wlU i6 made next month will be tonly JS,110,927 below the disbursements of last January In addition, to this, a. number of defaultB of bonds have 'occurred dur ing the yoar. The total payments of dividends and Interest next month by. railroads. Indus trial and trust companies, the National Government and Greater NdW York will reach a total of j:,33iStB, compared with J2l3,4l4,"S) last January. Stockhold ers wilt receive of this amount 133.483,803 In the way of dividends, or 915,133,004 less than last January. Interest payments will be (7.024,977 larger at 153,3oO,0OO. This Is due to new note and bond Issues. The following table, compiled by the Journal of Commerce, glvos a summary of the next month's dividend and Interest payments, with comparisons: DIVIDEND PATMKNTS. lnin inn. tM,?iit (111 rtallroids Iiiduatrlaln .... Ptreet rallnava . ... Banks and trust coa. IS.7ik.iU1 44.nnn.27i) r,i,x,n,(Kii 11.8.?.S7.1 tl0.44n,fl23 8,100,000 Total rtAllrnartn I8.S.4M.WV) Jlo.l.Oin.707 INTLIIEST PAYMENTS. aillO.;iOO.IH)U SIlHl.lKlO.i'lMI luuuatrui & mlae. coi. -J4.,qgii xx.doo.wcxi Htrret ralluava aovrrnment Orenter New York Tolala Grand total .... .1.27A.OHI a.o.'" . .MM.RrAOOO 14.-,.83.1,021 ..l24l.aM,8OT 124P.444.730 FINANCIAL BRIEFS Tho city of Waltham, Mass., has award ed a temporary loan ot 175.000 to X. W. Ilnrrls & Co. at 3.C0 per cent, discount. The Philadelphia nnd 'Western Rail way's November report shows an In ciense of 12217 In gross and a net sain of J22W. The surplus for the month was $414J, an Increase of Kill flver 1913. Benjamin E. Bryan, of Chicago, has bought a seat on the Philadelphia Com mercial Exchange. Morris V. Stroud, Jr.. of William X. Bonbright & Co.. Inc., 'has been elected a member of the Philadelphia Stock Ex change. Chicago City and Connecting Railways Company has declared a semiannual div idend of 11.25 a share on the collateral trust preferred participation shares. This Is a reduction of Jl from the dividend paid for the first six months of the year. Tho Central Leather Company, In de claring a S per cent, dividend, made an Increase vt 1 per cent, over the payment mado at this time last year. One stiuin of American Milling sold at l in the local market. The previous high for 1911 waa 11. The minimum price of Illinois Central was made 110. The City Treasurer, today made settle-' ment with the Farmers and Mechanics' National Uauk. fiscal agents for six months' Interest due on city bonds, also for loans maturing January 1. 1915. The total amount paid was 13.931.S33. of, which the sinking funds paid 13,122,760 and the city paid direct l$K,092. Of the total J2, 18S.052 was for Interest and (1,793,E00 for maturing loans. Short Covering Sent Cotton TJp NEW YORK, .Dec M.-In the afternoon the trend of the market continued strong ly upward, aa a result of further aotlre covering- ami demand from Wall street wlra houses. Report had It that several lame speculative ihort lines had been' covered during- the seaalon, and In one or two cases was understood that the former bears has swung over to the bull side. A feature largely responsible for this change of front Is the continued absence of hedge selling of any descrip tion. Despite predictions made on eaoh successive advance that the South would begin to sell almost no offerings have reached the ring, and this was rendered th ecoverlng of shorts In competition with foreign buying very difficult, In mid afternoon prices showed a net advance of 15 to' S3 points, Southern spot mar kets were Arm on large sales. Port re ceipts of the day, 113,767 bales, were the largest. Prices follow: Tee. close. Open, lilt b. Low. Close. December . . . 7,18 , 7.20 T.34 7.30 7.34 January . J.iJ 7.44 7.JD 7.40 7.60 itarsb 7. 7,jn T.fS 7 7.7B ainy . Of tobalr 7.74 7.04 8.19 7 94 7.7 7.oa 7.S1 7.7B 8.00 8.3 m s.w NEW YORK CtTRB QUOTATIONS Bid. Ask ii ,11 lJ-18 4s ..,. fit BtMea areferrea ...,.... ..:. itrf Prflt-tlUc .... jfyl tjvertftud WT'w ' Autrig WlU Not Redeem Note NW TORK. De. Jt-AnJWunce4t tbat tfte -.'r4d4c44a. J( nsH Mid by ctllaens of eouutriwr nw at war wHfc Au,trta.-IIungay will tu ttitatMUrarily w ad4" ws uigd by XKetiWi tvuaib, Uu Ai4rtaM Ambassador Kg to4y. TtOs wtU prevent fjarneont w Austrian 4t pr cent, notes due Jtmuajy l I!HsOTOHV 4r ACCOUNTANTS SUeUe CJoliiat4 .i, M-fJtferrsd iWikt.r..-..':.K:r.v uav.tri.uaj m . . ... . . i fi STeaiVTiiSr . 4W S n 04 m ST, yS .IS y JSaaaMsaai) 4gs46sMSBaSSatal "lii-'iM ara.stJiAii j)t4stj AFTER FIRM START, WHEAT UNDERGOES A REACTION TODAY Market Affected by Strong Clblesv Light Receipts in Northwest . and Small Offers of Gash Wheat. CHICAGO, Uec. 22.-Wlieal opened linn this morning, affected by strong cables, light receipts lit the Northwest and con tinued small" Offfcra' of cash wheat from the Interior. There xyn ome. selling by export houses. Afler the start, prices leaded. It developed after the close yesterday that additional sales of 1,500. CM bushels had beep, madp for shipment abroad. The Idniriicrclal ' situation '. wna dwlared by bulls to be tho strongest In years. Atnorl- can .winters at Liverpool were up 4',id and'flohr there rose fid, wltli millers buy ing freely. 'The Continent was a heavy bldde'r.and took 'freely ot all export of fers everywhere, Freights In, Argentina ure 43s. against 37s. 6d. last Friday. The situation there Is very, bullish and actual tonnage is scarce. It la bclfevcd" that tho lack of st call) era will militate, ngnlnst slhpments. The visible supply of wheat In Europe la Sl.021,0001 bushels, against "7.061,000 bushels last woek and 77,40,000 bushels last year. Unsettled weather was reported In Argen tina, with rain In parts, causing a further advance In prices there. , Farmers In tho United States Hre be coming moro Insistent for higher prices. It Is asserted here that If exports con tinue at the same rato an they Imvo for thp last two or three months there will be little surplus In the United States by next May. Corn started firmer, with trade mod erate and local, but reacted after the oponlng. There was talk of export de mand, but receipts continue liberal, amounting to 1131 earn hero today. The market at Liverpool was strong, with offers light and arrlvnls smaller. Par cels there were up 3 to 6d. Arrivals In Argentina also are liberal. Oats was firmer at the outset, Willi tho Other grains, but business was mostly local. I'rlces reacted aftei the start. There Is a good export Inquiry for oats In Argentina, but prices thero are firm. Piovlslons was Irregular, with trade small. Leading tuturra ranged ns follona Sea. Wheat Open. IIIrIi. !.otv. Close, cloee. December .. 1.24i 1.20 1.83 M.SilS L'Jltt May 1.27U tl- 11.271 July 1.184 1.20 LIS l.S0'4 1.18V, torn mew uenicry?- December May .... Jtil .... Oats Dtcember .May .. . Lard Januarv May nibs January May . I'ork Jnnuary . H.-i r,i. 70, 70' T.5 t7l's 72 t; I. ".I fil. 17(1-1. 71 7 IS tIS', 02'. 41 .10 27 . 10.00 Ill III W.IW 10 27 10.47 10.40 110.32 10. 07 110.BO 10.t2 .10.47 H 211 10. .17 10 i: 10. tl io sn tio.u 110 .-7 T10 47 ....11.17 10.IC tAaked. 18.0.-. 10 20 118.02 1IR.17 18.0:, 10.12 118.97 jiav tlld. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHlCAflO, Dec. 22. HOGS. Receipts. 35, I1CU. Jtarkeu. atrcnK. Mixed and butchers, 1 707 2r, cood hcnvy, sn.lKKi.33. rough ".avv.iel70fln.Mi 'I'". u.757.20. pits. J3.2SC0 41; bulk. S7to7.1.-. OATTI.B. z lte celnta. :H0. JIarkcta, atrotiB. Heevea. f..J!i off); co oi.ti belters .I..VM18 40; alockers nrt feeders. 4.5(Jfi M: Tuiians. SU7.23; falvta. 0.0ciS8.St. tillKi:!' -Itetelpla. 2J,110(I. Markets, strong Natlxo iiml Wcotern, f-i.-OtP tt, Iambi. 45.0oG8.J5. NEW YOBK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOrtK. Dec 22. Tho New Yoik , offee market opened firm. Some utures ure un- ilianiicd, while others are 2 points above last "'jMuary"'?.! bid: Februarv. r.30o. bid. March. Il.a.1ln44c: Mn. ,53iil OOc; June, .. bid; July. 7SMf..40e.; Auguat. i,.iOc UU; September, (.4767.r.0c; October. . 5S 7.00c. November.,7.70c. 11 u m.-March offered 0 41c., May offered OI'Oc. . OTTO EISENLOHIt'S FUKERAL Services Attended by Lenders in the Tobacco Trade. The funeral nf Otto Klsenlohi. head ot the second largest Independent cigar manufacturing company In the oountrj. who died at his home, M12 Walnut Htreet, on Saturday mornlnc of ncute dilation of the lieatt, following a orlef Illness, was he'd from his late home nt 11 o'clock this morning. Interment waa made at West Iviurel UUI Cemetery. The nev. Dr. J. Ilamsay Swain, pastor of the Woodland Presbyterian Church, 42d and Pine streets, conducted the serv tees, which were attended by many men well known In the tobacco trade In this tlty and New Tork. Despite the fact that the family asked that flowers be omitted, many beautiful floral tributes were sent to the Walnut street home, many of them coming from employes of the 18 cigar factories owned by tho firm of Otto Elsenlohr & Co. The pallbearers were Harry Q. Prlzer. George F. Qraham, Joseph Cullman, Her man Q. Vetterleln, J. Warner Hutchlns, George K. Walton, Harry Elmerbrlnk, Edward C. Dixon. Fred Hlrachorn and James W. Burk, FTJNEKAL OF JACOB POX Jaoob Fox, SO years old, founder of the Philadelphia S4shwlght Company and Us president since 10. will be burled from his residence, i&Si West Ontario street, Thursday afternoon. The funeral services will be conducted by the Itev John Love. Interment will be made at West I-aurel Hill Cemetery. Mr. Fos died late Sunday evening. He Is sur vived by a widow, two sons and two daughters. FTJNEB-A.Ii OF OAPT, MAQTJIQAN The funeral services of Captain Joseph B. Magulgan, for many years retired from the United Slates army and who Jed Time for Action The opportunities to in vest t unusually low prices are passing with the abnormal conditions that have made them pos sible. FirH .ort0us eoads vw'd- t4J oi' 04M' ami p Mrred HMki Ma7 b4l4T rate) r ear 0tmir ofrif. riliiawPJeHbrigkt&CH.Iic. MORRIS W. $TROUD. Jr. Manager 4f tHKOTMl' vntUKT fliiUa.lnua igct. 44& l'rjt La' ti.i , vV , ., the Mth neglment. Pennsylvania Volun teers, during the Civil War, will be held tomorrow morning at the Church of the Assumption, lath and Spring Garden streets. He died yesterday after a lin gering Illness. Mr. Magulgan waa a member of the Pennsylvania Veterans" Association and Post No. 2, n. A n until the services the body will rest at the parlors of Oliver it. Balr, 1810 Chest nut street. Funeral of Abraham Foerlng The funeral services of Abraham P. TAering, of this city, assistant grain In spector for the Commercial Exchange, wilt be conducted this evening by the Pa triotic Order of the Sons of America, at his home, 2433 North Heeso street. Burial will take place tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Foerlng died late Saturday at the Penn sylvania Hospital, following nn attack ot paralysis. He was C7 years old. OBITUARIES ISAAC W. KENDEHDINE laaac Wright Kenderdlne. active In poli tical reform movements and Philadelphia representative of several granite con cerns, died yesterday at his home, 614 Carpenter street, Clermantown, following nn Illness of several months. .He was 69 years old. Mr. Kenderdlne was born In this elty, and was nn active member Of the Society of Friends, He was the son of Joseph 17. Kenderdlne, founder of the Urm of Kenderdlne & Justice, hardwnre merchants, and grandson of Isaac K. Wright, pioneer cool merchant of Phila delphia. He was secretary of the Quarry men's Association. He leaves a widow, tlrce roiis nnd one daughter. Tho funer al services will be held at his late resi dence tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock. BRIGADIER GENERAL BEATTT C07.UMIHTS, O., Dec. 22.-Brlgadlcr Ocnernl John Heatty, United States nrmy, retired, died nt his homo hero yes terday from heart failure, aggravated by Injuries Buffered In a fall n week ago. He had celebrated lila S6th birthday last Wcdncsdaj-. Ho served In Congress from 1S6S to 1873 as rtepresentatlve from tho Sth Ohio district, and then came to this city, where he entered the banking busi ness. General Boatty was the author of eeeral books, among them the "Citizen Soldier" and the "Belle of Brocket's I-ane." JOHN OWEN Death came to John Owen, 77 years old, a Veteran of the Civil War, who saw four j cai a of active service. He suffered tin attack of heart disease last night In his room, at 1709 South 2d street. Ife vas a member of Qrtble Post, O. A, It. AFI.KC'K. On December 19. 1014, nOBErtT, butt and of Mary Afteck (neo Maclnnla). I'niternl services on Wednesday, at 2 n. m.. nt 701H Il4irerman at., Tacony. Interment Magnolia Cemetery. AI.I.IllONK. On December 20, 1014. SUSAN CONHTANCE ALUIJONB. daushter of the late Thomaa and Kmma Louisa Alllbone. Ilelatlves and frlenda aro Invited to attend the funeral eorvlces, on Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock, at liar late residence, 40S2 Chestnut st. interment private, l'leaee omit flowers. AMIII.r.K. -ItOnCUT AMBLER, 4117 Mnn uvtlnk ave AYKHS-Oii December 21, 1014, ALPHKUS II. AVCnc. Funeral on Thursday, at 1 0. in., from Dlenhelm. N. J. Servlcea at the home. Interment Blackwood, I1A8CONK. On December 21, 1014, OKOrtOK K. HA3CONE, Sr. huaband of Mary M. Ilascone Funeral aervtcea on Thursday, at 2 p m., at his late residence. 1411 Knrt Wilt t Interment private, at Oakland Cemetery. IIOL'CHAIll). On December 21. 1014. DMOOBNK. wife of Peter Houchard. Funeral nn Wednesday, a 11 a. m., from H12 South Hnmbrcy st. Bolemn Hlah Mass of Requiem, ai Bt Anthiny's Church, nt 10:.10 a. m. In terment at Holy Cross Cemetery. CAUTIIKW. -At the residence of her brother-in-law, Qeoree llanna. 461H Market at., 01. December 1. 1014. II. FUKDA CAn TllEW. Due notice of the funeral will be Chen. CANNAnY. Suddenly, on December.20. 1914, LAWIinXCIi A., son of the late Lanrence nnd I.ucy Cneaady (nea CoRey). Ttesldrnce. li.10 IS. Stonttomery ave. Due notice of the funeral will be given. CAVANAnil, At the Rectory of Our I.ajty of Mt. Carmel, Loylestown. ra., lira. MAR UAnKT CAVANAOII, widow of Michael Caanaeh and mother of tha Ttev. J. E. Caianash. Solemn Itoqulem Mass st Bt. John's Dvangellst Churchy lllth above Chest nut St., Philadelphia, Wednesday, at 10 a. m. sharp. Interment at Bt. Charles' Cemetery. Kcllylllo, Pa. Kindly omit flowers. Cl.n.VVKII. -- On December 21. 1014. I.KTKTIA C. wife of Charles A. Cleat er Funeral on Wednesday, precisely at 1 p. in., from Han-en Hill, Montgomery County, Vt. Itrtermfnt Hillside cemetery. CKOMIlin. On December 20, 1014, MAHV, nlfo of Alexander Cromble. Funeral aer lctu on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. nt her late residence, 20.18 Federal et. Interment at Mount Mortah Cemetery. CUI.IIF.HTHON. December 18, 1014, JOHN 11.. Husband of Margaret Culbertson (nee Dolanl and crandson uf Mary Jane and the late John Culbertaon. Funeral on Mednee day, at S a. m from 1835 McClellan at. (be lrrw Moors St.). Illsh Requiem Maas at the Church of St. Thomas Aqulnaa nt 0'30 u ni. precisely. Interment private. DACF.Y. JANK DACF.Y. I0B N. Hill at He WITT. FRANCIS De WITT. 204 Uer- EI.I'IIKY. On December 19. 1914, W. .lOHN", son of Walter and the late Jennie Elfrey nnd huabsjid of Emma E. Kltrey (nee Bchmldt). Funeral on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.i from 2730 W. Fletcher at. Interment at Mount Vernon Cemetery. . ........ rOKHINfl. Suddenly, on December 19,1914. AfmAHAM P.. husband of Jeanetta Welrman Foerlng. aged 60 yeara. The relatives and (riende of the family, also Waahtniton Camp, No. 483. P. O. S. of A., are reapectfulty In vited to attend tho funeral aervlcea, on Wed nesday afternoon, at 2-30 o'clock precisely, at hla late residence. 24M North fteeae et. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Tuesday avenlng, from 7 to 0. Auto funeral. rpilEMANs-On December SO '.1914. FAN- Uoors W. Foreman. Funeral on Thursday, at 8 5. ri. from 21M N, Newktrk at. (28th and Cumberland aU.). Interment private, at American Mechantca' Cemetery nnnyitKY On December 51, 1014, JUq TINA aODFJlBT. wife of William fc. Ood fray. Funeral on Thursday at 2 p. m.. from auVlIrlan at. Interment privat. tlreenmount GomON-On December 10.1014. IIODERT W husband of Bmroa A. Gordon. Funeral mi'Thursday. DKember 24. at S p. tn.. from Ws WTaUenc."lW ,Sou h 2d at., Camden, N j: Interment at Harleigb. . GKKKN. Suddenly, on December jn. jn. llSNIlY C buebind of the late Amanda Oreen Funeral on Wednesday, at 2 p, gi.. from 2d t . Darby. Delaware County. Pa. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery, IIA1IVKV On December SO. 9U. B-ANNT MeCUTCUBON, wife of Samuel K. Harvey. Relattvea and friends are lmlted to attend tka tiiHial aervlcea. on Wednesday, at 3 o m stSir late realdencer 8344 North 18th Jt "ntennsttt at Laurel H&l at th conv.n- oSeimber 19. 1914.CUARI.B8 B husband of Emma Heaton. Fiweral iirvlcVs on Wdneay, et Up. m , at hts Ut raaUtesc, S4 Dauphla at. later- iiuTtnFllT. Suddenly, at Columbui. V. .T., "o Derabex 19. 1914 HBNRY HsIRBBRT n I on Tburaday, December 24, at 11 a. m ;: nrhuMj.v at 10 a m. 1IOWK. At lr late residence. 410 Chejt nut it., M iSwaabar 90,1914, KATSHOWET, dai.ater at tb Uu Matthew sad Mrsri n fiV. nJatlaa and frlenda ut lb fam ily at lav lied ta attend th seeetoes, an wYlB.eday maralag. weoljejy at JOrtU. Tt St aasasaft P- K&t'lb, " Ouarry I 111 Wf IIITOsT ( aneiei" wj)v KfiLft" t&S" fiaii St ft rSierai wtB b givaa. KrWDHBIlJJiS- Oa Dcmbr 21. ,14 ISAAC WIOHT KBNDBRDINK. ta' bU ;Tt. . Salatlvaa and frleaia are lavtted amr sv&&?t$& axoAt flibwcra. UlXHw OS iMcamaer io.. wife iter ot tfia rrtWisKr. K.LJ J t.2LiS!rr j V1T?Caeaa' iSrjr TJjK.mkar J, 1914 4WANUA. Ui at UStsyaU La. Fuoaial aat.ica oji .u.aau a. . v " "- .. ,ua,,i..i syaiuiu v imawwu. ,..., aai oi Mt ii4 Tsl;n nea Laafi w .ti ueuieier:. . .mi nt 7turada. . a.t & a m fauoi seal deaCe of her t-epha Pater P Duslr X24 auMth at toiamn Hls al et RaaiUem ax St Antbjiij'a Ctluri.ti at 8 1 a tn lutar lurot at Catbeiral awl. 1 1FV. On Iieuxbei 19. 1914 IIAlll Kb f t? of Fuitiai .i. rt.h sut t 7 .Q a rt.j EBW lit i auWi, , K..- .. .JS t..., ,t t f- IriteVsneat at CoWmbus Cemetery lIOHto2-On Deoember 21. 1914. JOSEPH ll630N. formerly of Cheater Couaty wi Puoeral aervUe on Wednesday, at 8 i m at ht late resldeoc. 14 Narth 5th ii BiktJrnreBt at New London M. Ceme- Mart) 1 - . a. ail H ' iiriti.oH i . u u.i. DEATHS II MTllOCrty, wife ef William WH'l.m r Ufrafe. at a rfu B. nv, rPrfn Mass of TUoiiletn Sf Victors t 10 . r. i unerni on 'inureosy, R4I0 Sarlne at Irian Ohurvh of Our Lal of Victor Intermnt at Caihenml Cemetery tiNHV. On December 10, 1914. PATltlCK " T.UNDV, huiban.l of Rose Lundy (nee Jh-- noni mineral on Wednesday at S3!0 a. it., from ?J4 N 6th at Solemn JWqulem MA at St. Veronica cntireti, at 10 a m. In- icrment Rt new uaiheami cemetery. MAOUIOAN. On December 21, 1614. Cap tain JOSEPH H. MAOI'IOAN Tha rftKe a d friends, also the 28th nertment Penii. Volunteers' Association and roet 3. J. A It., sre Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday mornlny. at a 30 oTIecfc, at til apartments ot Oliver If. Hair, 1820 Chestnut at. Solemn Requiem Mace at the Ctitireh ot the Aaaumptlon, 12th and (Spring Garden els . at 10 o'clock. Interment at Old Cathedra.) Cemetery Friends may view tha remain Tuesday evening. MATIIKWB. On December 31 10t4.rjBOn6tf W son of Oeorre W, and the late llarbata Mathews. Vnneral a-rvlcea nn Wedne.dar at 3 p, m., at hie father's residence, 20S0 N nandolph st. Interment at Ureenwood Ceme- MeCAitTNEr On December 21 1014. MAItT B.. wife of Henry McCartney, aged 83 Jeara. Itelattres and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at th realdeitee of her son. Harry 8. McCartney. 18S8 North Marvin at. Interment private, at West Iu rl Hill Cemetery MeCONIXKlUE. On December 31. J014, MAI.Y. dauehter of the lata Edward am! Mary McConlogue. Funeral on Wednesday at 8:30 a. m . from 4910 l'arrlsb at. Bolemn rtequlem Mass at Our Mother of Borrow.' Church, at 10 a. m. interment at Holy Cross femetery. Mr.l'ADDEN On the 18th Inst.'. ANN I P. HcKAUDBN. widow ot Cornelius MeFaddan. Itelatlves and friends ot ttie family are re epectrully Invited to attend the funeral, en Wednesday morning, at 8:30 o'clock, front her late residence., 2822 Mercy et. t2Mh Ward). Bolemn Hlfli Mass of Itaroiem at St Ann'a Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment at St Ann'e Cetneterx, MeOBnilIN.--On December 19. 1014. MAItT. wife of Connell Mctleehln (nee Coyle), late of Klrkneedy, County Donetal. Ireland. Fu neral on Wedneaday, nt 8 a. m , from 014 Oraya rerry road. Bolemn Itlsh Maaa ot rtequ em at fit. Anthony Church, at 0:30 a. .m. Interment at Holy Croaa Cemetery. Nim-roN-rtEV. mciiAnD itKUBn. d. , at Bcnrtoroutb. N. D., December lStb. O-NKIM-On December 18. 1914. ANNIR O'NBIIU runeral on Wednetdar. stjSiSO a. m., from 1804 N, Mutter at. Bolemn nigh Itequlem Mass at St, Michael's Church- at ..!?. '. m' Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery OIIIOI..-On December 20. 1014. STEPHI3N T.. husband of Mary Orlot. natlvn of JYanc. city of Lyons. Itelatlves and friends. J,. the employee of It. O. Wilbur A Son am invited to, attend the funentt on Thunday mornlnir at 8U10 o'cloelt. from his late resi dence. S4.1T B. 13th st. Solemn requiem njaaa at Church of the Epiphany at 10 a. m, In- itnSt.l'1.1 .IIo,5' Croes Cemetery. rFE,.u,E,?'' n December IB, 1014, BAR 1IARA. widow of Benedict J. Ottermeln (nee Poet). Funeral Wednedayy at 70 a. m.. from her, lat residence. 2122 N. Palethorp at. Itaaulem Maa at St. Uonltaclua" Church at Si. m. Interment at Moat Holy Redeem er Cemetery. roiNSKTT. -At BwedeahoroH K. J., on De- vcinoer. .1. 11,14, linviL,t,A II. fOINBETT jrujeral aerxlcea at her husband'a rceldanoe, ., iinnm ji. roinaeic on xnuradar. UHember on Thursday, -ea t th t.. 14, at 2 p. m. Services at the house. Inrer- ment at Lake Tark Cemetery. l'ltlTCIIAItl). On December 19. 1914. at th oStSSP.V.'SU Mnpltal. MAROAnET 1. PRITCHArtD. fate ot fcbenei.r Welsh Pres byterian Church. 21st below Falrmount sve.. on Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Interment at Delta. I'm., on Wednend&y, rnYOIb Suddenly, on December JO. 1914. MICHAKI. P. PltTOn. son of the late Mi chael Rnd Jano Pryor. Funeral Thursday, at. R-.30 a, m.. frrm 4210 Aapen at. Bolemn High Mass of tUqulem at the Church of Our Motner of Sorrows, at 10 a. m. Inter ment at Cathedral Cemetory. RAMAOK. On December 21. 1014. SARAH IC. ItAHAOE. widow of K. 'Augustlna Ram are. Funeral services at her lata residence. 416 8. 4Bth St.. on Wednesday, the 2Jd Inst If." P in. Interment private. nilADING. On December 20, 1914. HAItni SON READ1NC, son of tha late Henry M and Henrietta Harrison Reading. Relative and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning, st 8:30 o'clock, from the residence ot Mr. Charles D. Shipper. 8121 Christian, st Solemn Requiem Maaa at TransOsuratlon of Our Ird Church, BtUh and Cedar ave., at 10 o'clock. Interment pri vate.. Friends may call Wednesday evening. ItEII.I.Y.- On December 20. 1014, JOSEPH, son of the late James Ilelllr and Ann Iieilty (nee Murphy) Tuneral on Saturday, at 8' .. m.. from 2B0O Memphis at. Solemn Requiem Mass at. St. Ann'a Church, at 10 a. m Interment at St. Ann'a Cemetery ItOIIURriH. At Weet Cheater. December 19, 1914. THOMAS a IIODOKR3. Funeral, from residence of P. J. MaeConnlcV, MS W. Mar ket st. West Chester. Pa., Wednesday . meet at bouse at U a. m. High Maes st Si Agi.ea' Church, West Chester. 10 a. m. In terment at Bt. Agnes' Cemetery HOGI'.ltH. On December 20, 1914, HAftRT T huaband of i:ila V Hoaers. Funeral icrvlcea on Thursday, at 3 p m.. at th resi dence of her son-in-law. Oenrgu n. lAne. 1UT Homestead ave,, Colllnaswood. N J. Interment private at Dversrreen Cemetery. , SAUKIt On December 21. 1914, W1I.1.1AM HAUKR. Funeral on Thursday, at 1 p. ni.. from hla Into residence, 3312 (Jermantcnn ave. Servlcea to b held In Second German Daptist Church, at 2 u ra. Interment oi Oakland Cemetery, Pleaeo omit nowera. SCIIltAM.1l. CHARLES SCHRAMM, 0t B. Westmoreland st. SCHHKIIII'.lt December 19. 1914, LOUIS, husband of Magdalene Bcnrelber (lice tichrel n.rl nnd hnn nf the lsto Joseph nnd Gene vieve Bchrslber. Funeral on Wednesday, at 8 JO a. ra., from 2011 Ijiwrenre at. Requiem Mass at tit. Bonlfaclua' Church at 10 a m. Intrmnt At New Cathedral Mrai Cemetery tovnshm S1IA1II'I.K88. In Hlrmlngham township, an gh Sii Second Lay. 12th Month. 2lst. 1914. THOMAS BHAltrUESS. aged 0 yei (1 vai ears. Jteialivee. ana fi lends are Invited ta attend the funeral tie funeral, on .1th Day. 21th Inst, at 1I0 p m. from, hla late residence. Interment at Iitrmingnam 1'rlenda' Durial Grounds Carriages will meet tralna at est Cheater, leaving Uroad Street Btatlon at 11:04. SHF.WKI.T On December 10, 1014. MAn UAHr M.. wife ot Ueorge A. Shewell and daushter uf John J. and the lat Ellen I' Hill. Funeral uu Wednesday, a.t 8:30 a. m , from the realdsne of her father. John J. Hill, S100 N. aih st- Solemn Requiem Ms nt St. ' Veronlca'a Church at 10 s. In. In terment at New Cathedral Cemetery SIMJIONBv Suddenly, on December 19,1914. PITTtsn A . husband of Mary blmmona toe Ilaketa). Funeral on Thursdai at ha. m-. from his late reslJenee, 118 Rlgel at. tol.ron Mjss of Requiem at Sacred Heart Church at 0.30 a. m. lnierment at Itol' Croes Cem- St'li'hON.-On December 20, 1914 JOHN II.. husband of the lata Mary II. S Riimi (nee Wllletl). Funeral services on JKedjiea ,tiv at 2:30 p. in. sharp, at the reildepe o?yhla son-ln-raw, Charle. SchraJer. li S. nth si.. Datby, Pa. Interment prlvme. at Mount Morlnh Cemetery , SMITH. On December 19. 1914, KLIZA UhTril .. widow of charlea C. gmltli and daughtar of lb lat John and Mary Mulre on Saturday, at 8:30 a m.. from 1T2S UHner itSolVmn liVoulem Mesa at S Mon l"' Cl,uf cb. at 10 a m. Interment at Cathe- SMITIl!OnrDcember 19. 1914. OWEN J NUiiif. .iia ui ,,, .. .. .--,. Services on Wedneada jr. at 5 p. lata realdenee, 2011 Itrlaso st at Cedar Hill Nrnet. at her Frahkford materv. SJIITII.Suddenly, on anrillBAbD F SMI December 10. 1914. SMITH, husband of Btla it S T m. precisely. t hla UU re.l4.nefc 10U MoKean at. Interment Prtvst. STANWOOIl. On December 31, 1914. WIU L.1AM B "WaNWOOD, Sr. runeral fro) S tiC: ave.. Pitman, N. J-, on Wednesday. n.wi. bitrtsir-ai inrvicea uu iieninitusi. TwImLer 3H. at 10 a. m. interment H!Wr;' r.r...;v Camdan. N J. 914. "".E'iv ' X: 7umw in. 1SU. UiRT -- ---. . i:r L.V.EKS ;? sfcd5atoJ dtrtttos. ay, at 1 p. in., st Herbert atrattou. l?J vAfthaJth ai Interment private, at 'd! James' M. K Cemetery. Oln.y TAVI.OU.-Vn Deeember 21. 1B14. JOHN JiiUUB TATLOK, ased 78 J.ara. Ths fu im MnieaJan Interment will be strtotly URKVITT. husband ot Eaillls It. Towciead (nee KWtch). . iriiiitVKHlV- Io Maliorn. Pa . on December Ti"l914. AMOS C TBOWKRV FuMjat wuhout turlhar U. on W edneaday. Sa camber SS, rom Bt."?ul - 5 .E WI Malvern, Pa. at S p m lnteraeal si Uattern BaptUt Ceanlery. vai ilOHN.O December 21 1914. MATtT. 'wife ot Alexgnder Van Horn nmerat nit o.a . 'iUK .."'.L "mtSST residence. nrivate at Mouttt uonan ceneicry S'HN WAtmWR"ir tha bS al Ids daughter. Mra-SiMHsr BoVe'M HlTOend a,,., NoHtportrETl W-afD",'t' ... 1AMES. h ffL8H,o1nl.h cW." atTo"a K stnau, t.t nOi ViliM w-w 7 uViia On December gl, 1914 m aSugSVTo? 0e. Taad MatIM mart th fi rain iha neUraie of her WM PbJttadeiviua vTtunK-, .. 19.1914, WUbvt b 5S2M.o?70 at Dus Bolieai .-rrr-.-in v tvn larat ww "x a.- froui tils lata n .0 aunasn a PttS luuak her 19. 114. aTWUcos runaal i m&mww at t7l,"...,S. .a B. TP2-Sf2a 4-TCTBMM UU H"1"?JF ?L Emilia .la4rl 8 Wa.jjjjfcU at i a-ofi mtrv arx, i s St. o-. . - . m TaV t af ' I- - -1" eJJTral fj.. iJSeSw '" '"- "Ml WM wT iBtertU"'1' f" "- I'K' . , I BiTfc U. - . . aSl!K KAkba 1 ltWlL Water. Fuuaral m 3T ;.VtBV5.tre. at S a a. fto SSuulo Maw at . ! Ciurvh. T -. -- .... .n. ti. iiacniuti. a . unaan la-rviRS, BJV ; nut 97!r2WmLi e. gTawraf- SSJjsp ' ' .neat gi WSmr J m $ . i 0 OB. I V. -'-. A4iJ SKSSSZ tT, m N ijaW VSaAaafatttsSP1 k' ji. -. m-F-Ss
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers