- , ' 'H t v fcs s? -m8 Hi u " ' ' ;' - 9& f "$ -spsu-j'Ii.;' iffliB " -- sw.-?- -1 arw"tt,f,'""'t - i Ml $- wr I '-- C 3 12 :jE BASEBALL "DEALS IN THE" kM bHNNY" DUNDEE HAS GREAT jginning the First Monday i Worthy Opponents in Six States, on Six Consecutive E'' tvT! I. ... xr: I tf er Til -1.J --. xxigius vvmus up 'i,tf "Johnny" Dundee, llio clover-New York lightweight, completes the pro-tram Tib 1Mb outlined for himself during the first week of the year, we nro almost certain tflat,- hi will be a world's record for strenuous enterprise. Beginning on the first Hominy night In JanuAry, Dundee plans to box In six different States on six con ccUMva nights. 'lifa 1rnt Imlif ivlll tin In Nnwjifh nn Xfnmlnv tileht. His nntxinent Is et to be u- ttm. Tuesday night he will make the Jump Bttlflwln. This light will be ono that will tax the stamina of the nmblllous New SSsfker to the limit. Wednesday tho sceno shifts to ProvWonce, n. t where "Joe" Phillips, another Tigcd fighter, will bo met. j Thursday night we will hear of him In New York city, where ho lights some frint tin- Vat in lit ctotArtnlnnfl Tttnvlin KhutrrllA. nmss or "Whltn wilt bo meL - '.Friday ho boards tho train for Baltimore, nnd In tho Monumental City will trtcklo tne Hardest proposition or ins tour, ueorgo unaney, mo cicvoianu iwiiwr, wuu mu. ile such a. sensational record. (We say Cleveland lighter, advisedly, for Man hgti Henry Bletscr nnd Chaney have packed bag and baggaga and established fj'.-'tlffimsclves In Kllbano's home town permanently). Dundee's promising triumphal tour K laaiablo to receive a severe Jolt In Baltimore, as Chaney Is unquestionably tho most formidable opponent ho will have met ' Saturday night It Will bo tho pleasure of a Philadelphia audience to greet the traveler. He Is billed to appear hero with "Sam" llobldcau, and It begins to appear s If Dundee has contracted too much In ono week. If, by any chance, he should Como through with flying colors over Baldwin, Chaney nnd Robldeau, wo will bo ready to acclaim him the most wonderful lighter of tho decade, barring none. After a recital of his plans, wo wonder why his manager did not nrrango a Sun rf niYht fiirhf. uiv In Hrfipneo.ihdv. nnd thnn let him rest a day or two beforo 'r..t.lH .?...' Ytrtl1n.l n. "Of,! TmA,i1 lt U&;Ull( ft4B ,,.. u Mum u.ift.v.u. ljiMEia xj xjluc '; Oil, Lee IMagee was a dickering man, a dickering man was he. He dickered with Fed and ho dickered with Card Ho dickered with Brltton, ho dlckerod with Ward, Ho dickered with Jones nnd ho dickered with Ball, Ho dickered with one and ho dickered with all. Ho dickered so much and ha dickered so long That ho finally dickered himself In wrong. ir-.,A,:&,' B:PH?'; '- ,'. ' nh. T.rn Mnirea was a dickering ius& Ho dickered Sky Brit for a raise each week . C't' ;"'.' W dlcknred whenever ho went to eat. He dickered In Clncy, he dickered In Chi, He dickered for carfare, ho dickered for pie. Ho dickered so much and ho, dickered so bold . That he dickered himself out Into the cold. So, If you want to bo a dickering man, a dickering man you can be. Dicker with every good thing you get, - - Dicker 'bout rain because It Is wet. -V . ' Dicker and bicker as much as you please. Keep up tho work of Leo Magees. But some dav you'll go where tho dlckercrs go. And you'll not dicker there, BELIEVE ME. BO 1 1 , D. K. D., in St. Louis Republic. ' Phlladelphlans might bo Interested to know that three great sets of Indoor track and field games will bo promoted In tho South Alantic Association this .winter. Two re to be held In Washington, and ono In Baltimore. George Washl gton University nnd qeorgotown, of the District of Columbia, will stage their annual contests i unci tho .Johns Hopkins University thither. All t''m,XiMn,da ft Is very hkcly As there Is only ; one set of openVmes "rjl. 0r,I"?f ' sou hn dUes & A numuer 01 our atnieics win mrivu iui If vou were asked to glvo your opinion ns to how fights Between uwmnoii and "Kid" AVIIIInms. tho king of the bantams, would result, what would joii saj , . Kllbane has, u you know. Isshed a challenge to both of the champions .and hero is every likelihood of a meeting within tho next few months. It Is said Manager Ha MSI of the Olympia Athletic Association, has ottered the men nnc Induco rnonte. A Wlbano-Wllllams light would undoubtedly attract a reat cro i "Js helioved In a six round bout, the two would put up a tiptop exhibition, as com aro 'rhe Kllbano-Welsh proposition is aulteaH s?5a ta3d,m'e piSkJ SSSSS iKrhWnior.;1 We will have our little say now. when it 'comes to AlUVmcrlcan selections, since thJeal dopeste have stopped. Here's what we have to oer "Uenny" iiauinian "Sam" Robldeau "Kid" Williams . "jack" Johnson "Packy" WcKarland 'Johnny" Kllbane "Sam" Langford "Mike"' QlbbonB "Jlnuny" Clabby "Jess" Wlllard .. George Chip ... HE DESERVED A PENSION. ".Much ado was made over "Johnny" Kllbane's leaving tho featherweight class 10 flS"jVhnnyv'Ebld for fame and money Is tamo compared, to what Ned Hunt cromolishcd June 11. 1746. On that date Hunt, weighing 118 pounds, defeated 5j!5r ' Hawkesley! a 2S-pound giant. In 10 minutes. The light took place In Jine,5w, vears later Hunt met "Dick" JIllls, a heavyweight. Hunt hit Mills bo hard the big man was out foe half a minute, but his backers threatened Hunt's iif .,1,1ms he renewed the tight. He did. and after an hour of battling was "dreed U "quit became a foul Vw fractured several of his ribs and rendered Wm-Tho Prince of Wales recognized Hunt's gamenesa by pensioning him. Hickory, dlckory, dock. The mouse ran up the clock; : Ilutithe mouse couldn't tell whether It was itceved, even as you nnd me. RADIO. '?' !! "' trnrrv Davis. Athletics' baseball high light, was seen eariy mis inominu -im7FHmt street and Huiquohanna avenue all dressed up In one of those "speak-for-passing vnt street ana ousquu "look-outs" In the Kensington S caUed w M the teephont and told" what a flurry Davis had caused In tfUt"25Ji,hS- Zi tJi-lirhborhood. Joseph's coat, according to the telephone authority, "htasr IUOT Dwrttf. One little newsboy called It a "scream." Another wtarri -mTde So?" .utolen T evidence of Its startling qualities "The Battle 5? Waterloo" Bang -must have been slumbering, or Davis might not now be ntw in tMI of hto morning's experience. Mocklnaws of brighter hue have never K g 51. SeKiof district, and a riot was only averted because few . were: there tp devlop It a?KxaJioxnAB chess toueney urn; TOHK. Dec. 32. Cornll. 1'enMTl vioJA nt Bwn reached sn retroente SSy with iara tu the Wta annual tourna. SoflS 'JStaniuUr College Cc. " tt tai lOaySl at the rooms ot toe Manhattan 33aS UuS), December SO and 3t an4 January SarfawS thero "Ul be in InUrmtHlon at ia "T. .;i .. ar not or iheo. The riw wtifha vi mAvM An hour. There bo (our players trem eaefc coUege. SUugrue Insures Hands JfOJlK. Daa. -"yottOB Joe" 8hu- ui "ajtUUf," Ilk thoe on WWob carxU a heavy peUer, but l- HUaS IBBf Mill MM SWIM nt- uetsiium HoesTJT tbey ore 1T oa precious Is their owner. Toronto on ?ed" Circuit nvkSrkfcrm Tw. 32--i.PrsMMit Jama Gil ibwa, vt tho Felrat Leasue. pild a tuurlM JS5P-4Jrirnto renaitr aftawiSll. Before Kit Tiato would ba a member of the fed ?( feeazu circuit la 1910. Hn igi $ ixj iJ'TlJBU:sl T ' LIT?-TLE 1 tesd'A.1 sWUiiiitfi Ml' i i wfr fr i UBk :,JkMM wm-m rtg?-?smm9j k. at ; rfr. MMam"'1"-1 -"kP& Nt '!! '1 Jt'' iaBBi' """ ff-jK&U- J"J 'I "11 I L l 'if Jt-S BVAstlllt"J iwtssay ,giK iimiiif, BwfeiiiajjLhh1" I ! n !m Mil ij IJstjr t ' , PROGRAM MAPPED OUT of the New Year, Pic Battles xour in jmiiRucipiiia. ..... , to Hoston, where no win encounter iuaiiy- mcuaDi man. a dickering man was lie. iivu .- o- - .L. T. .1. a. C. J- " E. Q. B. , . .Ii. H. B. ..R. H. B. F. B. the hour or the half, whereat he was . ....... ... WILL FIGHT POB JOHNSON CHICAGO, Pec, S2. Cbarle Weeghman, preeldent ot the Chicago Federal League Club, leiterday announced be had aubmttted to his counael the caae ot Walter Johnson, alar iifteher. who Saturday signed up with hla old team, the Washington Americans, alter Jiav. lng recently aacepted a contract with tbe Chliaso rtderala. Harry Hensel Retires The laneaiter Atbletlo Club, the oMaat box ing club In tbla country, has cloud ita doors, o-far as Manager Harry 11. lleniel la con. corned. Mr. Heniel la now an Inmata ot a hoepltal In Ijuieaatar with a lore foot, and be r.o longer carea to worry with toe boxing game. 'Whether any on will take up tho aport aa hla lucctoor remalaa to be seen. CHALMEBS NAMED DELEaATE DSTBOrr. llleh,, De. 22.-Huh CSialmere. prealdent ot the Obalaaar Motor Comuany. liaa been named by .iMaer Oaear B. Mara a one of (be Uetrolt deUgaUa to the eighth annual mettlcr of th ABMrlean Aaaoelatloa for Labor LegUilatlon, wCTet. Ii to be held In Phil adelpbla, Beeembt r 4S-29. rl iP'MX NSBSBIHMslMasaNMsMiaiHSBSsM I 1 WIL-IIB MABB EVENING- LEDGER-l?HIUABEi;PHIA TUESDAY, DECEMBER - - ' - '- ' i ii jJjPV & taBrKasssssssw. JsaLsiBm.. i i ITBsMBL. 1Pl ( 11 , wmtk VmmKmim&M MJ -m .IBIsSillR t .B iliLaiV isiiBl l I t. isiiiiHP'WLiLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH PRINCIPALS IN THE yIND-UP AT OLYMPIA A. A. LAST NIGHT ,,..'.. 'The fighters shown in the photograph. above were snapped. last night in the arena of the Olympia A.. A. just before the. opening gong sounded. The boxer on the left is "Knockout" Mars, of Cincinnati;. Referee "Pop" O'Brien is the central figure and "Johnny" Mayo is shown: in action on the right. Mars clearly outpointed Mayo. ...,.'. M'GRAW WANTS TO SNATCH HANS FROM FEDERALS Giant Leader Would Close Deal for Lobert Ban Johnson Says Yankee Leader Has Been Chosen. CHICAGO, Dec. .-Organized baseball worked overtlmo In Chicago yesterday. Forgetting for tho time tho well-known caso ot Waltor Johnson, tho American League magnates engaged In a star cham ber session to Iron out certain wrinkles In the future ownership of the New York Yankees, and whllo this was on John J. McOraw, manager of the New York Giants, was staglnc (mother thriller In the Auditorium, where he secretly met John Lobert, third baseman of the Phila delphia Nationals, and tentatively closed a deal which will send the veteran to tho Polo Grounds next season. The business accomplished by the American Leaguers was "big stuff," ac cording to President Ban Johnson, who preferred to maintain dlscretit bllenco when naked tho glad tidings, The work manship of ,tho Giant wizard was of an open nature and he admitted that he was after Lobert. Tho manager of tho Yankees has been named, however. In addition, the names of several players wanted by Messrs. Ituppert and Huston were submitted and. the list was approved by the New York men. K very body Is satisfied and tho; American League Is anticipating a bl season In New York In 1015 and futuro seasons. "Everybody Is satisfied," said Johnson last night,, "and I hope to make official announcement tdmprrow. The league has agreed to help Messrs. Huppert and Hus ton bolster up tho club, and I can safely say that the Yankees of 1915 will be the strongest club that has represented the American League In New York In many years a team that should bo a pennant contender fromthe start." JOURNEY WILL PLAY AGAIN Albert Journeay, laet yeJr'e captain of tbe football team at Pennsylvania, eatd .yeiterday that he waa coming back lo school next fail to take a poat-graduate courae. He ti a se nior in the Wharton School Ihla year and graduatea this coming June. He wlll.be a big help to i'enn next fall. He haa already played three yeara on tbe vanity and has one year left to play, provided he Intends taking a poit-graduate courae. Yale Five Beats Eordham NKW" YOHK, Dec. 23. Yale and Fordbam clashed laat night at the Twelfth Heglment Armory in one of the fasteat baaketball Barnes teen In New York thla season, the 11 five -winning by 13 to 23. Lenny and Brown Draw NBW YORK. Deo. 22. Harry Lennr. of Baltimore, earned a draw In a 10i round bout hire last night, nlth Knockout Brown. Ttie latter plied up a lead In the flrst eight round, but Lenny's whirlwind flnlah emiallxed mat ters. High School Club Smoker The Duteh Company, -the High' School Club of Philadelphia, will hold Ita annual Cbrtttmaa aotoker tomorrow night at Ita botne, XiH Arch street. VJimm 'J ' A MUSICAL COMEDY SING A .RJB jtgr t: AIR - NEWS "JOHNNY" PIAZZl MEETS ' "TY" COBB AT FAIRMOUNT Tonight's Matches Arranged by "Jack" Wynn Fast Affairs. Manager "Jack" TVynn's Bhow as ar ranged for tonight has a number of good bouts on tho program, and patrons, of' tho Fall-mount Athletic Cluh. are sure to see some exciting contests. This' is tho way the boys will box: Main bout, "Ty" Cobb, Southwark, vs. "Johnny". Plazzl, lTtli Ward; semifinal, "Jimmy" NauIty,.South wuik, vs. "Jimmy" McBrldc, 17th Ward; third bout, "Kddlo" Klog, Philadelphia, vs. "Young Jack" Hunlon, lloSo Hill Club; second bout, "Bobby" McCarthy, Ken sington, vs. "Mickey" Klloy, U. 8. S. Con necticut; first Bout, "Jimmy" Owens, South Philadelphia, vs. "Phil" Ryan, Falrfnount. Manager "Lew" Ita I ley, of tho Palace Ath Icllo Club of Korrletown, has sot together a "pippin" show tor hla patrona tonight. In tho main bout of 10 round, ho has signed up "Uennv" Kaufman. tht rtitrffil MtflA lad from thla city, and "Fighting" Bob, of Allentown. Both theie boys know iiolhlnc but tight. and those who nre lucky enough to see tho con tent arc auro to tree onn of the most exciting mills of the aeaeon. The program is ns fol lows: Main bout, 10 rounds. "Uvnny" Kauf man, Philadelphia, va. "Fighting Hob," Allen ton niseml.flnal. "Jack" Malone, 1'lilladelphla, a. Dominic Polearlne, Norrlstown: second bout, Arthur Hhort, Bridgeport, vs. "Young" l.owrey, Wlldwood; Hrat bout, "Andy" Mitchell, Camden, vs. Ojcar Wltte, Philadel phia, "Knockout" Mars, the Cincinnati boxer substituting for Georgo Chaney, of Uartlmore, found "Johnny" Mao, of thla city, an easy victim In the flnal bout at the Olympia A. A. last nlcht. Whllo Mayo weighed a couple ot pounds more than the visitor, he was out classed In height, reach and skill and these ptoed too great a handlap for him. Mars would put his left hand tn "Johnny's" fare and thump him .with' his right, or put hla rleht In Mayo'a face and thump him with hla left eo often tliat it waa a matter ot wonder tliat the local boy stood up under the punches. No more willing fighter ever stepped In a Philadelphia ring than Mayu, and for a!ll o( the IS minutes or the fighting ha forced tho fighting and cared not for all the blows Mara lat.ded. Mayo took all that camo his way and waded In for more, but try aa he would, he. could not land effectively .on the elusive Mare hard enough to hurt. Mars failed .to show hla much touted knockout punch, buv he hit tllnyo often, enough to hae put to sleep a leas sturdy boxer. It waa Mara' hunt from start to flnlah. The semifinal was an uninteresting' six round siesta between "J'reddy" Kelly and '-'Willie" Herman. The boy strolled through the etx rounda aejmlngly without trying and at tho end Kelly was on the right end by a narrow margin. "Al" Schumacher, of New York, but who Is a college student In Baltimore, beat "Eddie" MoAndreas, of Manayunk, by a very light margin In the third bout. Schumacher Sacked a terrino punch in either hand and Id McAndrews on the defensive, although tho Manayunk lad landed any number ot good punches. "Ty" Cobb waa substituted for Hilly Dono van in the second hout and had an easy win over "Johnny" Hyun. Of, Trenton. Cobh was tho aggressor at -all ttmea and outclassed Hyan In every department of the game. In ttw flrat aceslon "Qua" Lewis won .from "Uddle" Harvey, of Soutuwark. In a six round bout tn which there waa little sclinco displayed. KNOCKOUT" BIIOWN BEATEN NEW YORK, -Dee, tW.Harry Lenny, Bal. tfiuore lightweight. outpointed, Knockout lirown through" their ten-round bout last night. Lenny used a straight left-arm Jab and hail Drown tired before- the close -of- tbe-ninth. Harry Cla'tlo knocked out Uenny Phlllrpa. of Newark, In the fourth round of their scheduled ten-round bout at the Olympia A. C. Important A. A. V, Opinion '' NBW YORK, Dee. 22.-Ja an -Important opinion rendered yeitarday Justice- Dsrlaw S. Weeks, chairman of th legislative -committee of tho AmateUT. Athletic, Union, decided (hat athletes of any. college holding -membership In any association of the A. A. U, are eligible to represent a club during- tha period between Jime, 1 and October J.' Bedell Defeats Brown NEW TOHK, Deo. 22.-Joe Bedell defeated Marty Brown In' a' lOg-round bout at the Mili tary X CTJn Brooklyn last night.. - "V" ' "-g-TT JT, WHISTLE IT, TRY IT ON YOUR PIANO T ON HIS MAM ppg-y FR DM ALL MID-WINTER GOLF WILL DRAW MANY TO TOURNAIENTS Lakewood and Seavievv Will Stage Big Events in January First of Their Kind in the North. Golfers who 'have tho time at their dis posal will have unusual opportunities ot Indulging In their favorlto pastime dur ing tho month of January. Six tourna ments In -four different sections, of tho country nre scheduled for that month. In tho north there are the events at Lakewood', N. J and ut Absccon, N. J. The first will be held by tho Country Club of Lakewood on January 1 and 3 and tho other by tho Scavlew Golr Club January It to 14. In the far South tournaments will bo held at Palm Beach Jnnuary 19 to 23 and at Helleair, Fla., January 23 to 13. The annual New Year tournament at Pinchurst Is scheduled fpr January B to 9 and for thoso who prefer the central southern district there Is tho tournament at Hot Springs, Ark., on the 20th and 21st of the month. Visitors to California dur ing January will be well taken care of by tho Del Monto Country Club, Monte rey, Cal., where n tournament will bo held durlnc; the middle ot the month. Local Interest will naturally be centred In tho events at Lakewood and Seavlew, At both these places the tournaments are In tho nature of an experiment, as never previously has an event-been held In the North In midwinter. At Lakewood the Thanksgiving tournament was not an un qualified success, as only Just enough sol f era entered to make up two ls, whereas provision had been made for three. In the New- Year tournament four eights will qualify, but every golfer who enters will have two days' play, even If they do not qualify, for they will be eligible for the handicap event on the following day. Cornell Playa Harvard IT1IACA. N. Ym Dec. 22.-The Cornell foot tall schedule for 1013 has been announced by tbe athletic management. It calls for nine games, moat ot them with teams not on tbe schedule thla fall, ' ' 9 Tha new big game'ls that with Harvard, on October IS. but other Important changes call' for gamea with -William and 'Washington and Lee. Colgate, Pittsburgh, the Carlisle Indian Franklin and Marshall. lJrovrn, Holy Cross and Uralnu. of those who .werq on the schedule thla fait will not be. played nut year. i rr Riley dopd in Tank The final weekly swim of the year at I'enn iraa held laat night In the Weight man Hall tapk. The awlmmers wUI now feat until after the Christmas holidays, -when Coach Klstler will start bimonthly events. The races last night brought put a .likely lad In Itlley, who turrled off flrat boners in the 100-foot novice rase. HI time was is aso onds, which la exceedingly good for an Inex perienced man. 'Harvard Baseball Satea, OAJinnmOB, Mais.., Dec. 23.-The IMward baseball management baa Just completed Ita aihedule for 1018 Captain Ayrtm' team hav ing 2T games on IU Hat, and the aerlea for the year being one of the harijtst that ever, has been attempted by a Crimson nine. MXS HABl a 1 1 lnpilllliM.lllllllll p II JM' irfe1 M, 1013.' ' T FIELDS OF ANDY SEARS STIfcL r LEADS IN CAGING-BALL Joe Fogarty Is Sccond'in the Eastern League's Point List. 'Whllo Andy Senrs. ot Heading?; was not In th camo long last night against Tronton. he managed to ndd a few points- to his total number scored and maintain hla position at the top ot his ICastern Lcaguo rivals. Andy has now caged Its baskets from the. field and 11)0 from tho 10-foot line. - Jo . Foftsu-ty, De Nerl, Is second In point snared, with 27. Hough, of Trenton, is third with 201, CLUB STANDING." W. L. P.O. "W. IrfT.C. De Nerl 10 4 .714 Camden .... 7 7 .500 Heading .... O r .tw:i Trenton .... o 0 .400 Jasper 7 7 .500 Oreyatock .. 310 .231 TnnNTO.V. N. J.. Dec, 22. What gavo promts- of being one of the . best basketball i-uuicviB ot tne season ueveiopeu into ii. jaruo hero last night when Itefereo Million banished llaggerty and Captain Bears, of the Heading team, lrom the line-up tor using profane language. Throughout the remainder of the match neither team exerted. Itself, and Tren ton won by a. score ot 65 -to 27, INDIVIDUAL sconiNa nnconDS. Goals Total O.FIeld.Foul. A. pts. Kears. Heading- 14 28 ino 2U Pogarty, De Nerl 14 33 157 21 227 Hough. Tronton IS .'S 154 ..204 Kummer, Jasper 14 33 its 11 202 Adams, Cnmdrn ,.. 1.1 14 15S SO ISO wiison, ureystocK iz is Hi o lit urown, uamden ,. 14 Kane, Trenton 15 Dolln, Camden 14 Steele. Camden 14 Newman, Do Nerl,...,.. 14 Fitzgerald, Jasper v 11 Cashman, CirryBtock 13 Keenan, De Nerl 12 Morris. Reading 14 Octxlni-er, Trenton 14. .Dark. Do Nerl 1.1 Cross. Creyetock 13 O'Donnell, Heading .,,. 14 Tranckel, Trenton 15 HFKgerty, Heading 1.1 fluaarman. Gievstock 13 47 0 8 103 67 0 4 114 42 0 0 84 32 O 2a 04 31 O 13 B 27 0 A 34 24 O T 4! 23 0 4 4H 20 2 0 42 10 11 5 4.1 21 0 17 42 20 0 12 4U 18 O 12 3d 17 O IS 34 17 . O 5 34 13 5 0 31 15 O 3 30 14 O II 2S 13 0 0 2tt 8-4 4 20 .0 1 7 HI O 10 IS 0 0 JJ. IS O IS 0 IB 7 O ' 14 4 O 11 8 (ions o 1 o o I 4 2 0 0 4 10 3 2 10 2 2 ttivanaugh. Jnper .' 14 15 If Infal.l.i ft. VbpI 1.1 t. J tlt'ltr. TreiVton 14 Hrady, Jasper , 7 Kegcs. Heading 10 Sic Williams. Oreyatock., 13 Xckhardt. jasper II Ptruesand, Oreyetock ,, X Hlrkpatrlok, Jasper a Herrnn, Camden...,..-.,, 13 Hoi-KlQ. Heading ....... I) Macnrecor, Do Neri.... 3 Thompson. Camden Cooper, Trenton,,, 4 Frost. Trenton.-, ,, .1 Ploshan, Camden,.,.,,. 2 CLUB BCORINa HECORDS. 41oa!s- .Total n.Ftel.l.Knill. A nti Cafiden ,,. Trtnton , . De Karl,,... Reading . . ... 14 142 107 hi 431 ,.. 13 Lit IBS 52 427 ... U 127 137 74 411 ... 14 (Ml lit! 42 as., Greystock 13 81 101 43 32J .,i,r ..... i WI 3U 3U II'S MHiXROSB A. 0. MEET , The alith grand carnival of athletta events held by the Stlllroee Athletic Association com! posed pf employes of the John Wanamaker .toro.of New York, will take place at Madison Square Garden Thursday evening, January 14 .i,.2pJl.1,oneCP111 -J"c? between the'em--ployca of the New York and Philadelphia Employed at the Philadelphia store are a dlth. Llpnlncott. Lockwood, KiuCnSji HntZi. Foster, rtlllen, Haney. J. Gallagher. KUal ugher, Sthofleld. Hart,ey and 'Meeban. Apawamls Gets Tourney ivxr vi.ni -. su i a... It. bUtory tba Apawmla ciufr tilye win b tha kcm p( lh MetropoIlUn amateur golf ,.;?,"mn.',"e.0'.'h,,.1,,rol,mltn Golf Aaso clatlon met yesterday In the on! of the presi dent, Darwin p. Klng.ley. aA aettlei thevmat, '7r' Apa.,I5i. flr"t Wd tbe amateur cham plonshlp In wot. on which occasion Flndlay B. Houglaa becains the tlttehotder. In 1000 Walttr J. Travis captured the Junor! .' " "w "",r fiGxS,0, T.w Ste-sel ys. Tommy Iangdoa J'ackey lfommey js.'jluff Seldel Mwjfeejr JUysaiejr vs -Toinnir Huct Kddle O'Keefe Ta. HId(e Wallaco -j H?$K. 3'u '.KU'.Vtr Adm- BJ BaU He... 6fle, Anna. lies. 75c, )1 Srrrnr- MA; hAm , M in ii lu'Wi i V yiMWIfSStstWHAPaHM C' ';i Ls , '" j. ."""M.1 ' f ufA wmmmammmam JSkly uuuj J " i..Mji jTfir SPORTDOM HARVARD STUDENTS SHOW INCREASED INTEREST IN SPQRTS Record Number Participated This Year iri Athletics. 1324Men.EngagedinAll Branches A new record In the number of slu--dents participating In athletics was sot up at .Harvard this year, when 132 stu dents, according to the statistics given out at Cambridge, took part In sotno form of athlotlcs. The 1014 figures Bhow att Increase of 1S7 participants over last year's figures. In the freshman class, npproxlmately S per cent, of the entire enrolment went In for athletics. Track and lacrosse were tho only two ports -which showed a decline. Baseball' and fencing drew about the same num ber ,df; men "air they did a year ago, and all tho other- sports practiced at Cam bridge showed an amazing gain. Tho sport calling out' the greatest num ber of men was football, with Hi names enrolled. This tremendous Incrcaso over last year's mark of Z12 was due to the Interdomltory and Haugliton cup series. Ilqwlng Also has a large gain In num bers, figures In this sport showing' nh in crease of 68, Track had 178 mon out, hockey. 151,' and there were H7, men In tho tennis tournaments and lnterclastj matches. The detailed statistics follow: FOOTDAtJ University , 40 Second 83 Itaughton Cup , 47 f-resnman ana interaormitory , Interclass 12l CI 37 M 71 IS VI no S3 nOWING. University , . . . Freshman . . . . . Club Singles Wherries ...)... TRACK. University CTesnman TENNIS Unlvet-itty-champIonshlri-lntcrcUss teams 147 ,SOCCE.n, University , t Freshman , '..,...- 23 Interdormltory' ;.'......... ,. 42 BASEBALU . University '. .- 23 Freshman K9 HOCKEY. " University ;...; Til Frejhman 72 , GYMNASTICS. Class-(Irregular attendance)..... loo University team ...,..,..,.. 23 LACROSSE. ' Scrub-, series. ;, .- 3 . - -.. FENCING. University team- ,.... - Wrestling. University team, ..."..... v.. - la Total .....' '. 132 '-'WILD BILL" DONOVAN WfLL LEAD YANKEES This is Alleged Authoritative State- .- nient From- Chicago. CHICAaO, Dee. 22. "Wild Hill" Dono van, former hurling star of tho Detroit Tigers, has been named to manage the New York Yankees under tho new Itup-pert-IIuston management, It was,, stated positively today by a man close to Baa B. Johnson. The American League execu tive himself, however, refused to confirm the report and said that the Yankees' 1913 pilotVould not be picked definitely until the transfer ot the club went .through. The league bosses went into anotner executlye session today with Ituppert and Huston. While they were meeting It was reported that Manager McGraw, of the Giants,, was going about town trying to get in, touch with- Hans Lobert. third baseman of tho Phillies, who Is about to leap to tho Federals. Phil Ball, ot the St. , Lpuls Federals, was Lobert's guardian on the- trip here, and he asserted that ilc dra'w has not talked with Lobert, NORTHWEST BOYS' CLUB ELECT MEYER PRESIDENT Annual Banquet Will 33a BCeld on January 4. The annual election of the Northwest Hoys' Club waa held last evening, with the followlnc results: President. Herman Meyers vice presi dent, Samuel II. Jones, secretary, Kdwln V. McLaughlin; treasurer, John Allendorfi trus tees. Walter UruckHer, August Schmidt and William McKcnna. The report of the treasurer showed (he club to be In flourishing condition and the atbletlo committee reported the winning of three team prises In the past three weeks, a feat unpar alleled in the history of local athletics. Also In winning one ot these trophies the cross country team made a- perfect score, Thla la the first time this has been acrpmpllshed In this city, emits' an unusual and very meritorious accomplishment. Tbe .annual. banquet of the club will be held on Monday evenlnr, January 4, and the mid winter smoker will be held on Monday even ing, January 23th, 1 Great Revival of c'la" roller skating UNDKK l-KKFECT CONWTIPNS GIIANU OPENING OF tub PALACE RINK DE LUXW 39th and lUarket Sta. - (formerly Palace Hall 1 too ml XMAH ATKHNOON, IJKO. WTIt TWICE DAILY . Afterneona 2:39 Kvenlnsa 7i30 NEW SKATES NEW FI.OOK Hid MOUDAY SHOW BIO HOMDAY Nntinnill A f! Jack Metiulgan, Prop. IMtllUniU A. -j. JUn Calhartne Sti.- SIX DOTJTS-8IX BQUT8 SIX BOUTS Kegulas l'rleee First Hout J KM. Handsome Souvenirs Handsome ijoutfnirg. TONIOHT TONIaHT TONIGHT VAIH5IOU.NT A. C. FAIKMOUNT A. C. Yil9 AH-8lsur Heuti tne All-Htar lloVita. --TY COBH s, JOHNNY l'lAZZI Hegular Old Time, frlca M and 60. lrlAilKA. LA1U HIK ON HBB. KKTRV. I " t.MfMiJ &l ill-II ' .! jM mWw Ami Mrmlf Jm fe?'ir-i.- -:ja-7KLt:r-- ar.-?r- .- s;4.-rr-t(. I . J- .W"llitT ajH- tmummmmwmi mm WSSm raw with "mm -moiiTs, vs; M& mMim im mmmi mats h . . . - eii.. .; if it ttUtUtt yMst " . -. . . &. , . ,4 fi fj "" s. fi 4 r --' ".iSW-lii! "--irP 's if.." i , j,j j-.'.k, aJ iffikisfiiHPiSls - i&m mSHKmZmmm immmmm'mamBm 4TffykMnAarlEAti'e. I tjulr-!L' I WKB t JMLftk. GSXKf - . 'imm a SS" BL -ak f Jf .-., .. - i5,Stistajafc&ni- , a-i3$Btk ' slrfllllilrfWtask- ,-.i - -. - j-... -- . . . . . sr4-R.i-'v4i'aFJiiXt-2 ff a. rf liK.41! Sim t ""r-i tt-- --,- -, " "ui ut Yiift-rrisTBMMtfiMiwirniwiririT Twrn sks&'vv? . xss t z c k. e uu ta , ' rl . - i 'Xn7 s v i i rW -r Mlttrn . - su JLn. Sst. V, 1 3LsW JL ts&A'bsiaasaasj iSSjrsM'W JBKsmraki -K..T JK . es W "sT -. W u ""TiCTfffaffiffffiimmm tw b 'i irirTtTBTfffrrTT-ftTTr - --" 'Hi ism I III H" ' 'HI W HI i II ' 111 mm il.lBIIWH IMI1.WIWIMI.WIIMW il.sM MIPMi 11 M, IB. jfciM M -rWJHV . s W WifJE J Ji st. r rT i . a B V JL J t
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