4 EVENING LISBaBR-paiLADELPHlA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1014. i -JMiWMW" SOME IMPRESSIONS OF "THE CRITIC" JOHN ERLEIGH SCHOOLMASTER A -.GRIPPING STORY OF LOVE. MYSTERr ANO KIDNAPPING cmtks Q7?ie III WittsMlsUSlfc fasti j , fc fe P U ( By titAVUft MOIURIS ' Author of "John Drtdon, Solicitor." ciuiiacturs In tiiu aronr Tltll HA RCM0N11S3 Of vrlUBUnLBV (Anne), She hot tiecrt a uidow for seien ieart. The present ... - UAItQVBVS OF WDIBEflLKV, her Ion any, ntrtd it, tcho M about to so to a puollo tchool . . , ., ronw AttTiiVn memkt, hit ncte, i rft- cwlit0 Ifte Important molfer uftn IMdv vrtmocrlf. tie li the tiounger orofner pf the late peer and nelr-nrcsumpllte to the file lMdu Wmoerto fs most , anxious or Ovv to oo (Q 'nrplree, which o smaller nrnt vovnprf tchool nulfo clot to the lFhnWr' leuf home Slonktilier, The headmatter, Oftf r.nt.tttait, M, a great friend of hen Brtelgh hat practically made Ilarptrec. ;orrt rthAr Jfertel visits Brleigh and, In pile df hit prefudlct against llarnlree, t$ preathi Impressed teltn UrMoh't character, lie tells the headmaster that It It necetsaru after at he suspects that tchemri are afoot that Dy sno-ilil bo ten corrniiy iveti or MiJiirtPpliip Ihe 6oj. "II jeouM e icorln rs tonne jo pet ru ,.n,, our-. One olfetnpf has already een mart unsue- r "Tit S TUfl.lO U ! . " """'i'" -- eetttullv ot SI1 rancrae Station, The head footman al Jloiifcfltur I n detective Kho hat been ennaocj o toatei . Guy, Ifcouph Xxuly Wlmoerlew Is lanorant or wis nci. Krlelci promises- to look after Guy, "at If he were his ou,n ton " .4 lrar atcr, Ouy fins .been, at Itarptree, rrtelgh. on n 1 fsft (o .ady lflmoerley, con. fesset that he lovtt het. . . . Ha It frightened after he ha spoken. De rmis of the toelal difference belief en them: tmt Anne Interrupts film, and declare that he. too. loves him deeply. ... . .. . .trrdltifl at the school fie Is Informed that Ull VEKTMAX It nalllMtr lo see Mm. The post of chemtttru mailer at Wnrptree is tacaiit. and VfrllH"" hat come In answer to adicrtltementt, Krleigh haling found hit " testimonial's tullr sollsaclon. . . . It transpires that Ycrttpan had F.nou.11 Krlelgh tome to titart ago, and icilnessen the falter strike and Mil a man named Jloehord. Talbot, an Innocent man, tea arretted for lite crime, sent to prison, ana died there. . , . , . Vcrtttmn hat never Muen JJrleloh an.au. but the tchoolmanler feart Mm. Erlelph rnmiot. fioiorter. urge th ! hoiorter. urge that Vertloaii Is not be a matter at llarptrce, for he him- fit to be a masl lie promltet to think oter the matter of Vcrltgan't appointment, but he fcnoios tn his heart that he mutt accept the, man. UMI TltAVCKS, lirltlghlt slsler, -ulstts Ladu IHmberlev. i.ord Arthur alio meets her, Denham, the ootman-rfetectlts at Monk- ttlver, teltt Irtrd Arthur that he hat recognized Mrt. Trat-ert at a friend of Dick lleriet't, the man who It suspected 0 -qlfrMptlnp to kidnap young Wtmberlev. Lord Aithur iclres tor llarker, a prtoaie (telecllte he Is cmnlouing, to come to Hon- 1 silver lie can hardly believe that Mrt. . Traiert It concerned In the plott against - IVImbtrei. but the Vop streiiolhens sus- 1' plelon by taping that he remembers meetlno nannlnrt nttemnt irns made. Lord Arthur returns to toicn and con eultt Barker, n detective. Though the de teitda It convinced that Mrt Traiert It mixed up In Dick iftrltt't tchemet. Lord Arthur it not. CHAPTEIt VH-(Contlnucd) 4., Shall, 1 light up, my lord?" salO Bar- tr. "Yes. Any newn?" 1 "No, my lord. Of course, my hands are tlotl, lp a manner of speaking. I can't do much while I'm brushing; your clothes." "You can bo dismissed any time you like,- Darker." "Well, I think the day after tomorrow, my Iotd."' Lord Arthur left the window and aeat ed himself beforo the fire. Barker turned up the electric light anil drew the blinds , and cut tains. 'Havo jou told Mr. Erlclsh, my lord J" ho queried. "Tpd him what?" Jr'That his sister Is a friom! of Mr. Dick Merlet's, and that sho wna living under another natrui until nulte recently." , "No, Barker. I don't quite see woll, to Uelt.ijou the trutji, I'm afrnld of doing a'n tiling to worry his Blster-ln-Iaw un- 4 It T n ... r.i.1,.. ...Inln . . , , !!. V Gjr ' "41 !IM' I.CH4UI tllfc mho inrs.t St Travers Is un to mischief." 7 Barker shook his head , "I'm afrnld," he said, "very much ftfrald." "Yes, but wo must have proof, and 1 even then sou know that I wish tr nvnM -.telling Lady WImbcrley that her son has been In any dnmrer She would never liave another moment's happiness or peace of mind," "Still, my lord, I think you'll pardon . mef saying so that It would be best to be quite open wUll her ladyship. And don't sou think It would be bette." to persuade ber to take the young gentleman away from Ilarptree?" "Impossible, Barker, unless we have .something definite against Mrs. Travers Besides, we can look after him better If he's fit Harptree." "But think of the woman's opportuni ties, my lord-the sister of the headmaster able to stay In the house as long and as often as she likes. Then there's that man Vertlgan. Vm not at all satisfied that he'H pot an old frend of Mrs. Travers." sLord Arthur laughed. "You Jump at conclusions,' ho said. "You made In quiries and found out that; lie only came to see Mrs. Travers to nnd out her brother's address and that lie telegraphed to ErleJgh lu the morning." "Yes, my lord tliaVa truo enough still -.ono never finds out anything unless one has theories." h ''Tbero is a great deal too much theory about this business for my taste. The only facts we have at present are that ,' on attempt was maae tq Kianap my ? - Miephoyv three years ago, and that Mrs. ' - Travers hannened to bo at St. Pmtrai T Eltntlnn at thA llmff Wrnnt tliitt T 1.o.,a een of Mrs. Travers I should say that she Is not at all the sort ot person to tut m(tl un In anv rrlmfnnl Anlaraflna AV" Barker Hushed "Appearances are de ceptive, my lord," he said, "but still I'll ddmlfe " There was a knock at the door, anil Mr, Purvis, the landlord, entered He was stout, and tall and clean shaven-a retired butler who had saved a good deal of Mi .m.on?y. f -wen, rurvisr- am i.ora Arthur as ''the man came forward with aolemn face. "What's the trouble?" , "A lady to see you, ray lord," ''Well, you needn't look so worried . about It," laughed Lord Arthur. "Who . Is she?" 'Name of Mrs Trovers, my lord no card says she wants to see you on most Important business." "" - "Very well, Purvis, show her up" 1 1 The landlord turned, his face, express- t ing obJi)u disapproval. Ills tenant was not in yie naoit or receiving lady visitors , in Ids Rhambar "What does this mean. Barker?1' nurliA LLjjrd Arthur. tQpn't saV, my lord, a fresh move In Ltho game, X suppose." - 1 v- j.. .. 1 sassssssasssssssss ss as s 1 ssssa sssssssa s a. ssssss 1 sasssss 1 ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaiss j iWHiSt cT JttXjJ p jr52& mEU !2?h l - r 1 1 I --fc. r "-'"l" i..t,.W,-...Ainn... ...-i..,, .,,.,, ,M .,!,, I,,,!, m,,,, ,, . T .. . imrIT jS - -r.-nn-w.nl. "Well, you'd better clear out at once I'll send for ou If you'ro wahtcd." Barker withdrew, nnd a minute later Mrs. Travers was shown Into the room She woie a handsomo muff and stole ot white fox and 1 poked radiantly beautiful. "I hope jou don't mind hie calling to see jou," sho said na they shook hands. "I'm detlghtcd. What n wretched day, Isn't It? Come and sit by the fire." Mrs. Travers smiled, took off her furs and laid them on a table. Then sho seated herself on a chalf by the nre and held out her Hands to the blaze. "Of course, I ought not to hao come here," she said, after a few momenta ot silence. "Only business of the' most urgent Importance a matter thnt I could not jvlrtc about has broupht me herc.'V "I am very pleased to see you," he said mechanically. "Very pleased, Indeed." That was truo enough. He naa glad to see her. On a black and dull October day like this the mere sight of any thing so fair and radiant as Mrs. Travers was a pressure. "It's rather n. difficult matter to speak about, ' sho said nervously, "but but " Sho paused and twined her hantis to gether on her knees, and stared at the lire. Tier face wai grave and troubled. "Weill" ho said kindly. "You must loOkMJn me ns a friend one who wishes jou well all of you. Lord Arthur. If ou hae any Influence over your tilster-ln-law'-'jou have, haven't joU?" "Well, I dare say I haven little," he answered with a smile. "Then I Implore you to try to per suade her, Lord Arthur, This marriage tan never bring her happiness. It must not take place." Lord Arthur Merlet frowned nnd looked Intently at Mrs. Traver's face. The woman was gazing at tho flro nnd seemed very distressed. "I'm afraid," ho said nfler a pause, "thnt I cannot Interferes In tho matter." The tone of his volco made her look up nt him, and nn eager light camo Into her cjes. "You do dlsapprpvs of tho marriage?" she said quietly. "You have disapproved of It all along?" Ho smiled ''Well, Mrs. Travers." he said, "of course, tiore Is a certain dif ference In position jour brother, 41 most distinguished man, of course still well,. I should hardly have thought the objection would havo come from his family." "Oh, please don'L misunderstand me. Lord Arthur: It Is of your sister I am thinking well, not exactly, but of both of them. I am sure, quite sure, that they will not bo happy." Lord Arthur nodded. Ho suspected the truth and was ashamed of his suspicions This woman. In league with Dick Merlet to do some Injury to tho young Lord Wlmbcrlej', would shrink from her task If the two families wero united In mm-. rlagc. Sho thought sho could do her work more easily if the marriage did not take place. "J must confess," he said nfter a pause, "that you'vo rather taken my breath away. I thought you ceemed so pleased that day you caljed at Monksllver. What has happened since to make you change your'mlnd?" "Nothing. Lord Arthur nothing. From the very first I foresaw dlmcultles. But, 01 i-oursD, x una 10 preienu to De pleased. All along I've been against the marriage. You yourself see that It can never be a success. My brother Is wrapped up In his work. Lady WImberley doesn't un derstand how dull her life will be she has had such n, different sort of life. And then the boy? You don't know my brother how stern he Is, how unlikely to favor Lord WlmberUj: a mother's darling; the boy Is sure to lend to trouble." "H'm. yes," said Lord Arthur, stroking his mustache and looking at a portrait of Lady WImberley that stood on tho mantelpiece. "Still, I don't understand, Mrs. Travers, why you have suddenly come to me about all this." "I have come to jou." sho replied, be cause I I feel you'ro the sort of man that can be trusted to do what Is right, to uso his Influence for good." "You ara very kind." he muttered. Then he laughed. "Look here. Mrs. Travers," he said, "please be frank with me. There )s some definite reason why your brother should not marrj-, ray sis-ter-In-law, X disapprove of tho match myself and should be glad if you would tell me anything that would enable me to break off the engagement." She met his gaze without flinching. There was a look of reproach In her beautiful eyes. "Anything definite?" she said slowlj-, "Against mi brother?-' He flushed. "Well, I didn't mean that exactly," he stammered, -('But you see, one could not really break, oft the engage ment unless there was some definite rea son for doing so something that would prevent my lter-ln-la from marrying your brother." "There is tithing against him," said Mrs, Travera-'hotly, "He s one of the best and kindest and most honorable of men. But this marriage will mean un happiness for him and for Lady Wlm. berley. You can see' that and I can see It We mus.t do, our best to make It Im possible " Ho scrutinized her face with those clear, steady eyes of his. She was an enigma so far as he was concerned. He could not believe that she was acting a part, that she was any (bin; but what she ap peared to be a woman who was genuine ly anxious to save others from unhappl ness. He could not. at that moment, be teverany evil of her. "What do you suggest?" ha said after a pause. "Why have, you coma to me and told me yogr views pn the matter?" "I want you tQ use your Influence " "Oh, that Is all nonsense," he broke In. abruptly, "ui oourse. Lady WImberley would only baiangry with me HI told her I did not approve of the marriage. It would not prevent her from marrying your brother.'' "I thought," she faltered, "I had hoped jbeHKcW iff 1 1 Jf u "vavv .umt.l'ltl "Susl." win ,... .-jiilns ami Tom MeXnugMon mid nn excellent cast A musical comedy of Vlennete origin Morn tuneful than brilliant, but well acted and , pleasing Dro V "DIplomiiMr,- with VWIIInm Gillette, ninnclio Cites. Mario IXiro nnd ft strom cnit tjardou's famous old play "modernised" ' b Mr Glllotte. end 11 nood deal lengthened and diluted Good actinic compensates I I OIWIUST "Dcn-Hur." The. ramlllar spec tacle tf the persecuted Jew. from hew Wallace's nocl. The rharlot rnco remains Its 'big scene," Seo aboie. OAUItlCK-'-folssh and Terlmulter Mon tasriia Olass' populsr stories of tho clolUlua trade -nado over Into the season's most heartily amusing comedy. KEITH'S- Bessie Clayton, Sam t.lilp Mary Marble add n, dltcrslflcd bill and lieu 1 acove UTTI.B THEATJtE-"The Critic ' Shcrldsn s satire on tho rehearsal of a poetic drama See nboie. WAt.NUT-'The Trafrie " by nachel Marshall Another "nhlto slave play ot tho familiar pattern. Second and last week WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT Opera Oreru I "The MaKle l'luto,' Metropolitan eru House. 8 o'clock Ilannuet, Now hjigland Socloty, Ilelloue- Htrntforc; 0 o'clock Teed and Qraln Dealers, Bourse. "STJZI" AT THE ADELPHI Suzl," tho tuneful Viennese musical comedj- which came to the Adelphl last night with nn excellent cast,' Including Jose Collins. Tom McNaughtan and Con nie Rdlss, was reviewed In this place yes terday from its last performance In N'ew York Saturday evening " Then she suddenly covered her face with her hands and burst Into tears Lord Arthur was painfully embarrassed. He certainly had not expected anything of this sort. He was moved to pity, ni most men ure moved, at the sight of a beautiful woman In tears, Ho said noth ing. He merely looked uncomfortable. "I can't tell jou the truth," she sobbed "If I could only tell you tho truth jou would see how Impossible It Is that they should ever be happy." "Come, Mrs. Travers," he said gentlj-. "Can't you take me Into your confidence? I promise you that I will not betray it," She rose to her feet, and resting her arms qn the mantelpiece looked down at the fire. Her shoulders quivered, She seemed to be shaken by a storm of emotion. "If you know anything that my sister-In-law ought to know," he said sternly, "anything serious It Is jour duty to speak," 1 She did not answer him, but she turned and looked at him. Her face was very white; her blue ejes were dimmed with tears. It was Impossible, he thought, that she could be acting. She was In the grip of come terrible secret something she dared not tell for her brother's sake, "Why don't you go to Lady WImberley yourself?1' he suggested, "It Is a matter for Jier ears alone perhaps a matter you can talk over better with a woman." lie wished to be rid of her now, wished to put an end to the scene. He found It he could not tell why exceedingly painful. This woman was nothing to him, but he felt most unaccountably sorry for her. He was sure now that she. had nothing whatever to do with the plot against his nephew. She was possibly In the hands of that scoundrel, Dick Bertet. "Please go to Lady WImberley," he said gently. "I am sure It she knows that you wish t ave her from unhappl ness she Is kindness Itself you will find It easier to spoatc to her than to me." She clasped htr hands tightly together and looked at him for a tev seconds without speaking. Then she laughed harshly "I will go fiom here, at any rate," she said. "I I ought neyr to have co me lt was unwise on my part I did not see I should have to explain Of course I ought to have seen that." (CONTINUED TOMORROW,) (Coprrlsrt. IpU. by the Associated News caper. Limited. ) SNOODLES' DIARY SURE MIKE MKfc HW , SWNNCr I 4HWM W I f II I wrrjMHANM nssute PHOTOPLAYS SALLIE CRUTE Of the Edison Photoplay Company. Writing In Harper's Weckl of which ho Is tho editor, Norman HapgooU com ments thusly on "Morals and Movies": Morul questions nrn best handled by puollo opinion. They nro bungled by politicians. A vast now art, with di rect appeal to million.", must Involve moral Influences The moving picture Is the most amazing art-form of our time. In Impress upon natlonul life, the movies nrn comparable to the school nnd the newspaper. In 1KI9, Mayor McClellnn, of New York citj', suddenly shut tip nil the moving picture houses Ho took this course on no stated principle of what was allowable and what was not: simply on an Impression of harm be ing dono. Tho big manufacturers who send films all over the country acted promptly. They saw their business, national In Its scope, certain to be ruined If It were to get out of key with American moralltj, and thereby to bo constantly Interrupted by police power, after millions were Invested They went to Chatles Bprague Smith and Johtv Collier of the People's Insti tute, jb men prominent In popular edu cation, and asked them to decide, before films wete sent out, whether they were permissible. Hence arose the National Board of Ceojprshlp, It Is a stirring example of 'successful voluntary co-operation between vast business and the ethical sense of the public. It has grown In life with the growth of tho business. It has not been exacting. The business has pros pered and the public has been pro tected A threat to the continued success of such co-operation is offered hy the butting In of nnlltlclans. Ohio put Into practice lastSeptember a law by which tin eo paid emplojes undertook for that State the work done by about 143 representative citizens for the Na tional Board of Censorship, A repeal bill will be presented next month, Threo political uppolntces, examining MX) to 6C0 films a month, after a large and especially competent national board has pnssed the films, represent a wanton and absurd officialdom. How Utile the National Board, after five j ears of co-operation, now needs to Interfere with the manufacturers Js shown by the figures for October. "Eliminations" are nearly always comparatively slight ana changes In expensive. Number of subjects viewed BT1 SIS Number ot reels viewed Numbar of picture In which elimi piciu nations were roads , . Tt Number of Umlswttoca wade 1TV Number nt subjects condemned 3 Numbr or rl MWidm.Red , , 1U In other words, the big national manufacturers try to act on the prin ciples already worked out and clearly written down. They realize that they need, nevertheless, a certain supervi sion, All they dread Is the substitution : HE INVESTIGATES &5Sesaaaak " fc ssaaaak., .ssaaaaaaaaaaaaMA )s. J ll l T"lK,THSV. ft Bcmn).w M Riii Win of arbitrary political ignorance for well-informed, tolerant, careful and disinterested criticism Illustrating the tolerance of the Na tional Board as compared with the strict ness of police caprice by a few Individuals may be Instanced the suppression of tho Annette Kellormnn. pictures by the po lice In Chicago, the chopping to pieces of the "Merchant of Venice" In order not to allow Hhjlock'x bchavlout to cast nny posnlblo nspcrslons on tho Jews; the for bidding of nil scenes, however gay and farcical, that could be construed as ridi culing pollco at other constituted authori ties; stopping "Pagllaccl" nltogether, and the practical certainty that "Tho Hypo crites." hlghlj thought of by tho National Board, will be suppressed In Chicago bo cause the figure, of Truth Is nude, MAnatJEIllTB CLAltK IN "THC SIS Tnn. OF JOSE." Margucrlla Clark, who rctently made her first appearance In motion pictures In tho Famous Playors' production of "Wlld flowor," is now nt tho Patlflo const I studios of the Famous Plnj'ers, appearing In a film adaptation of Frances Hodgson Hurpett's pln "The Pretty Little Sister or jose," tno former ramous starring ve hicle of Maude Adams. A GREAT MYSTIC STORY SYNOPSIS y.udora.ls left an orphan at an early ace. Her fattier Is killed In a (old mine he lias discovered. Half an hour after lesrn Ins of tha death of her husband, Zudom's mother a tlsht-rope walker with a clrcu Is seised with verllro. falla and Is killed. Zudora and the fortune from tho mine. which later crows to be worth 120,000,000. aro left to the guardianship of Frank Keene. a circus man and the brother of Zudora'a mother. Xudorn, stvln-r promise nr great beau.y, readies the ace of 18. The uncle, who has set himself up as a Hindu mystlo and Is known as Hassam All, decides In his greed that Zudora must die before she comes Into possession of her great fortune, so that It may bo left to him. the next of kin. and ho preialla upon the ilrl to leave her money In Ida handa three years (oncer and to say nothing 10 any one about the fortune. Hassam All sees an obstacle to his scheme In tho person of John Storm, n jcni- lawyer, for whom 'uriora has taken fane), and he commands the girl to put the man out of her mind. Storm comes tn ask Hassam All for tho hand ot his nlrce. At tlrst the crystal gaier will not listen to the proposal, but Kudorn Insists that If she rancot marry Storm she will marry no one 'tl tvll aaM Hmim Alt ! v,n, take such a stand, I'll compromise Soha .ny next !0 cases and you can marry him; ana you can marry inm i.aso and you must rs- -an in a single nouiue him.' Kudnra, using the knowledge calned from association with her uncle, unravels two baRUnc cases, both at the risk ot hsr life storm receives a letter from his mother, who lives In the South, Informing him that her colored help was fleelnc from her estates because on a. hill back of her house, nlzht after ntaht, there appeared the herola form of n skeleton hanl with a black spot In the pil-n as If made by an enormous bullet. Storm (tots home to unravel the mistery and wrltea lo Zudora to coma 10 his aid Hasssm endeavors to dissuade her from solnc. CHAPTER IV-(Contlnjedt Zudora's love was like a shield. The barb bounded oft harmlessly. John Storm was n e'ean man, In thought and in life. She had not passed through this peculiar schooling of hers without being able to read between the lines. She was abso lutely certain that love could not blind her to any defects In John, All Hasaani All accomplished by his Innuendo was to enlarge that smoldering suspicion which was ever In her heart, A good many of us are near sighted mentally. It Is easier to Judge things in the distance than close at hand While the general world knew that Hassam All was a miser, Zudora, wus quite Ignorant of the fact. Had she definitely known of his Inordinate love of gold, her subse quent miseries might have been avoided to some extent Storm went South Immediately The home was simple and comfortable There were two or three bits of antique furni ture vvhlLh had been saved from the wreck, It was night when he arrived. The country railway station had, with Its usual nondescript crowd of Idlers, witnessed his arrival, and the news trav eled qulckl)-. He regretted that he had not come secretly and gone about his In vestigations unobserved, But the dam age was done, and proved conclusively that he was not cut out for a detective. He was greeted fondly by his parents; and they repeated with elaborations what A VITAL QUESTION KSOT'CHA ' I SOT'CHA ! Yf SAIP SANTY VvJUX A rAlfcT TALE , AN' WORE PAKP WHISKERS'. AN' VgtfZZfNT .-lu. CPAL ALU WRONG-tMw, 11 "'on "Puff's First Play," Or Sheridan a la Shaw Bernard Shaw would get a lot of sat Isfatllon out of the Llttlo Theatre's pro duction this week. Not only tho fun ot laughing nt Sheridan' "Critic" nnd re Jolcli'g In the continued dominion ot Etln over the land of comedj". Show might pretty Justly reflect that If thl first Irish "play within a play" Is stilt true to the atrical life 1M j ears nfter Its birth, the Induction an I epilogue ot "Fanny's First Piny ' mny go on for a century or two themselves. Here Is Sheridan at his Irish best. Nothing Is sacred, not even the play-wrlght-mttnagor of Drury Lane, who mado n name and fortune at 21. He Is poking fun ut himself and the risk of sending plays to a theatre run by a playwright, even as Shaw starts the critics tAlklng about himself In "Fnnnj" Calling thnt habit which characters have of supplying the exposition by long and Illuminating dialogues "disinterested curiosity." nway Sheridan goes rioting through nil tho pet conventions thnt made up drama a. cen tury ngo nnd that will probably mako up drama a centuty hence. tn spite of the considerable time since "Tho Critic" wns IobI acted profession ally In Phllndelphln, what a very famil iar piece It seems Wo know it all before, hand, because we know what Borrle called "tho dear theatre." Manager! ''paper" first nights today; In tho days of "Tho Critic" "they always filled tho houo with orders to support It." A Maudo Adnms In knickerbockers and wig, Sir Fretful Plaglarj', plnywrlght, "made It n lule ncvor to look Into a newspaper." In those daj's every enterprising author Introduced "lovo Interest" Into the his torical drnma "to supply a deficiency ot tho times" Ladles, rejoicing In "sort of poetical second sight," described for the audience romantic happenings "off stage" Just us they do today There wero even "upllfters" In those dajs, people who thought that "the theatre. In proper hands, might certainly bo made tho school of moralltj, but now, I am aorrj' to sa peoplo.scem to go there principally for their entertainment." And thoro were press ngents. Puff who turned author because of his talent for Ijlng was one. Ho knew the "puff di rectthe puff preliminary the puff col lateral tho puff collusive and puff ob llqua or the puff by Impllcatlpn." He even practiced that most pppu'nr of modern arts, running a play down ns Immoral in order to bring out the "S. It. O." sign. "Aj that is alwajs the way at the theatre. Give these fellows a good thing, and they never know when to have dono with It," Perhaps the company at the Little Thcatro laid on a trifle heavily and put In a scene or two that the books BY HAROLD MacGRATH hnd been recounted to htm tn tho letter. It was downright serious, no laughing matter. Tho help wero declaring that tho mystic hand was tha warning of the world's end. Not a tew of the poorer class of white folk were accepting the hoax as a serious affair. Some of tin. negroes were even going so fnr as to kneel down to the hand ((rum a safe dis tance) and Intone prayers, "Humph! ' muttered Storm. "I want a good look at this thing. And some one Is going to get a rattling good kicking be fore I go back to town. Why the dick ens should they pick out our hill for'thelr tom-foolerj'7" "Father saj-s it's because some one has a grudge against the family," said his mother. "riffle!" "An Imaginary grievance," she added, "Who could possibly have a grudge against you two, who have dono every thing to mako life decently worth while to the help?" "You never can toll,'' Bald old Mr. Storm, digging Into his pocket for his pipe. "What lime does It generally appear?" "O, any time between sundown and midnight." "All right. I'll take a shotgun and go hunting for Mr. Clhost this very night," Storm declared wrathfully. Hut he wasted his time; also the night following nothing came of his vigil. The third night he was called to the door In time to see tho hand flicker for a moment and then vanish. He rushed toward the hill, but found nothing. He began to grow very angrj He admitted, the little time he saw It, that It was grewsome enouih It was eight or ten feet In height, with a shadow in the palm, like an embedded bullet. Subconsd tusly he seemed to recognize something vaguely familiar about the shape of the hand Ha did not go into the village, but prowled around In the vicinity where the hand appeared most frequently, There was no evidence of phosphorescence, no footprints except, those made by the negroes some two or three hundred jards below the hill, John was puzzled and irritated at the same time. This Joke was being perpetrated by home one who lied brains. Meanwhile the crops lay ungathered and were beginning to rot in the flelds, Something must be done In a hurrj, -jlse he would be compelled to send to the city for emigrants, who would doubtless tako to their heels after the same manner as the negroes. 80 he tele phoned for Zudora. And Zudora came. (Continued Tomorrow) MIKADO AIDS SALVATION AKMY TOKIO. Dec. K. The Kmperor and Em. press have given J1M0 to the Salvation Army, according to a public announce ment This is the first time that im perial recognition has been given to the organization -In Japan. IhtNGr BUT ITS ifc 1 INJBeRGtoTGD v fe..- Mi w ri iitrn 1 1 , --r BH W SI nnanii immtm in j 1 npif.;"T"" "" " jii' jj .-- Sp don't record. But It trad all tdo good Jurt lo cavil over. Mr. Payne enjoyed himself hugely as tho unctuous author, and tedder! such really delightful touches us tile names of his own company In tho place of those whom Puf wns supposed to bo "boosting " They deserved It. even down to Ida Hamilton, as "Tllburlnn, stark mad, In white satin," reciting the following Joint product of Ophelia and Gcrtftlde Stein: The wind whlstlea-the moon risessee They ha ltllUil mr anidrMl tn til Meat An oyster may be crossed In love! Who av A whale's a bfrdT Hat Did you rail, my loT Then tho scenery which Dangle nnd Sneer applauded from their box while tho audience roared. Even a dcrmatt couldn't object to the tumlpy grand darno who ruled the waves Brltanlcally on tha -curtain. As for tho back drop, with Its painted cowa nnd stationary smoke, tho Drury Lnno artist must have had n. fore warning that tho scene painter for "Suzl was going to show Philadelphia real paint ed sailboats tho same night at tho Adelphl. All this talk nbout the foibles of Bhurl dan's day and our own, this roaring bur lesque of poetic tragedy that ends wltti tt parody of our own pageants Just ns mnefr ns of Inlgo Jones' mnsques the River Thames, with his two banks In green, "one crowned with alders, and tho other with a villa"; whnt o. vision It gtves you 01 tne long procession or the drama. Back stretches tho oldest wf tho arts.' past knickerbockers nnd powdered wigs, blank verse nnd mail Ophelias, confidants nnd heroes, llko Don Forolo "VVhlskernndog, hangers-on who puff and hangers-on who sneer, mock heroics nnd heroic mockeries, nnd the audiences thut worshiped It nil, one, two, 20 centuries ngd as they do now, A wonderful art, tho theatre's! It can wlthslnnd Sheridan's Jibes, overt its own stagnant reality, nnd still keep tli thrill that touchea n thousand hearts whenever that fourth wall rises. KEITH'S VATJDEVXXIiE Vaudeville de luxo would be a JSl.t title for tho show at Keith's this weok It has everything that's good, from Bessie Clayton down to Max Torli and his canine pupils. "The Queen of Tcrplschore," ns Mbs Clayton Is Justly called. Is a show in herself. With her sur rounding company of six players and dancers, sho provided a unlquo trat In tho way of orlglnalltj', too. by not ner mlttlng a dull moment In the course ot her artistic act. While sho and her tiglle partner wero making changei, tho au dience wns serenaded by a cabaret show, which Miss Clayton carries ns a side line. The dnnscuso was ably assisted by Lester Sheehan. Next In the way of real honors came the act of Sam Chip and Mary Marble In a picture book play, "A Dream of Holland," by Herbert Hall WlnaloW Comedy, dancing nnd drlglnalltj com bined to make this one of tho best acts seen nt Keith's this season. Johnny Dooley nnd Yvetto Rugcl, two Phllndelphtans, had what tnudevllUana term "a hard spot," 'but they more than held It, and their novel act, which com bined a llttlo of everything In the way of comedj nnd song, scored a solid lilt. Black-face Eddie Ross nnd Ills banjo also a brown derbj', sneaked on the stage qulctlj', and In a few moments was fast friends with all present. The audience liked him so much that they hated to let htm go. Others who scored solidly were Louis and Crete Brunelle nnd Harry Stephens In a miniature musical comedy; Jarrow, who borrowed money from tho audience, and made thorn believe blaclc was white, and tho Alpine Troupe. The, pictures this week are In keeping- with the show, . BEN HUH, BETTJBNS "Bcn-Hur,'" which began Its entertain ment In Philadelphia nt tho Torrest last night, has lost none of Us charm. Its thrills of gorgeous beauty in the 14 years it has enjoyed public favor. If anything. It Is even more beautiful than ever Tho romance ot Ben Hue is too well known to go into its history Every school girl or boy knows the romance of Ben-Hur, the son of the wealthj Prince of Jerusalem, who la Incarcerated as a. galley slave for the accidental killing of a Roman, his fight for supremacy und his success In the end. The costume and sccnlo embellishments of "Ben-Hur" oro more striking and beau tiful than ever, and the scenes of old Rome, Jerusalem, the Vale of Hlnnort and the Grove of Daphlne, as seen last night, are unexcelled Richard Buhler, In the title role, takes his part exceedingly well. Other mem bers of the company are John Milton, Walter M. Bherwln, Leslie Stowe, Ueorga Sudenham, Casstus M. Qulmby, Herbert De Guerre, Charles Canfleld, John Hagan. Cecil Sully. Virginia Howell Mary Con don, Alloe Haynea, Maud Ream Stover and Martha Boucher. l'HOlOl'LAVS CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE Home ot World's Ureatset Fhotpolayr Afts I to li, 10 Alflc. Eves T toll 10, IB, SSo POSITIVELY LAST WJJEK THE SPOILERS Twice Daily. Afternoons 2 SO, Evs. 8.39 Preceded by Keystone Comedy Pictures Beginning- Monday Afternoon Dec St TUB CHICAGO TltmUNKS MOTION PICTURES OF THE EUROPEAN WAR TAKBK UfTOEIl DIRBCTION Ot THB BBUHAN ClOVBRKMENr Coming $; The CHRISTIAN KMAHCU8 I.OKtV'8 T" NIOllKHUUCKE K Market and 40th Ma. v Matinees all Seats Oa except Hoxrs. Kientnn all Seats 10a except Boxes. 10 Ilia- Features! Chance of U)ll Men. aad Thurs Vaudeville and Photoplays famous Thonhouter Mini ZCtlOKA. SOMFRSFT TIIKATHB TODAY THKY O'llhAllTK THE UAME Of Ul'B On Life's lllsh geu OTHaUia. WALTON SSSa'SU Tod.y MAHTIN CHUZZLKtUT IIBTTY MO Bag. OTUEB. PABCUALL, 71st and Woodland Are. II Ills of Kentucky tlameken'er's Daughter, Broncho Billy. Keystone. Others, ii.ii n sin 11 1 i ii, mmmmMiimmtmmtmmsmmmittWmmmmmmm mm IH 7 rBETTER 7 ?T. 31 kEP Mf lA 11 n TH mmUi( mm (uTuRejM; Ml l - V saaaaaaaaaaaal ? ilH sH flKv .MMi H ,, mtjmrm mm f ji un yiiliii 1 1 1 s f- , . 3 ! ft j.'s"1 .- . jj .-- . i 1 iiiiiiiMisii T -i .a-Mfctr. 5aB3rts' IW r ST"1 w s.y . BWif- ! so aamamMstjjsttaasg- a, i..i -.Typr-i- TUftim "1 -fJ-ilrJTTf' f r !TfrTir-VBrJ-i f-JTtWFVrSrrmrmn"i tflfJIfBTi fT anii ffiff iTi war iiB1FrlsiiTTifi 1 11 niinn sriTlil'li slTiltissl li HI1 1 tTiTlssWlTi I HnsBTsWtinirfi . liMKM i il r 'iTKHfi Hi . , . m s - TTT' f WlfJ J' isli n sstjsf 1 .e- S bsIHIsBsH iBlisMiiri ririlillMln
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers