BE3W ? EVENING' LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA'. TUESDAY, flfeQEMBER 22, 191X 10 fOR THE WOMAN AND THE HOME, CLUB NEWS. FASHIONS AND CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS -sswj ir . . . - - . j --.- . -- - . - - - . . . .- - A ..... -- - ' ... . "" .lft'OOCraj8Kwfl 'Km w..rv-ii im s wrxy lv , Aa- ee, Jt Is true I nm a confirmed bachelor! Experienced, too, ploaso be It ..understood. Before arriving nt my pres eril blissful state I drifted rudderless on the troubled water ot many an "affaire 'xdjf cocur" a sea or flirtation, my friends .called It But, then, they didn't under "Blind me. Few people do undorstaml .',5e, somehow. Odd. Isn't It? t..s perfectly natural that Interest Vftiies In-different Quarters from different .li'featteea. ' 1 iVever have seemed able to keep Up a perpetual Interest In any one "altU Distressing, Isn't It? t remember that my first girl was .. beautiful blonde, with big bluo eyes, ,f'Who wrote mo stacks of sweet notes com menting in flattering terms Upon my per ional appearance. Of course, I have been . , very ctncelted over since, .As a matter of Ik .'..fact, It really pleased mo for quite a ' Jlwhlle,''Tiroba1jly a, whole month, but then , a Tellow can't live always on sugar, nor have I ever heard It recommended as a "heart tonic A superfluity of anything wearies the mero man oven money, I'm , told, though I can't speak with authority ''there, being chronically hard up. Any "iow, I didn't propose to tho beautiful blonde, because I lost Interest long be fore It came to that. Tho next girl was a brunette, not quite good-looking, but brainier. Perhaps U was tho reaction; at any rate, I had ,,very serious Intentions and had fully -,tntuIo up my mind that as soon as I was ilni position to support her I'd take my - chances and make my pica. But I I feared that If I saw too much of her , I'd tiro of her just as I had of tho other. Bo I did a little thinking and evolved scheme that was a wonder except fo ,tbe fact that It didn't work. '; I decided to cut her out for the time being, to keep right away from her pro tern. Ye gods! I really liked that girl 'and It was pretty hard, but I kept en couraging myself with the thought of the wonderful things that were coming to - me and managed to live through it. Of course, during this unhappy time of Br .' waiting. J. didn't cut out the other girls. , ana equally 01 course - j. soon nau nn , other girl. Tho Inevitable happened. I ' forgot the first in the interest of the second, although It was quite a time bo ,, foro $ would admit that to myself. i The longer a man remains a bachelor, - tho lesa grow his chances of becoming a benedict Believe me, I know! He becomes critical and has a strong ten dency to see the faults in every one xcept himself. , r Perhaps the next girl waa the' one ' to ('. whom 'I most nearly proposed. Except for her mother, I feel sure I would have laid my fortunes such as they were4 at this girl's feet It wasn't that I disliked the mother. Upon the contrary. " But I guess she thought I wasn't a good enough catch for her daughter! Any .how, other fellows began to approve of my choice, and there was & celebrity i'SiBons them. (How these doting mammas 5 do love celebrities!) , ' i t- At that time I was industriously worlt- J Ins my way up from the bottom. I was -cry fond of this girl, and fair competl- tlori would havo had no detrimental ef ; feet upon my ardor. But suddenly I be "gan to receive rather chilly receptions '.when I called. It didn't take long to discover the reason. Every break. In the conversation was filled by my hostesses with complimentary comments upon the celebrity, who. by the way, I considered !. something more than a fool. I felt sure that-the lady of my heart rather Inclined to nry view In this matter, yet we had no opportunity for talk alone together, jBln.ce her mother had become & regular, " though vnlnvjted, attendant at our meet - ingx. Hence I took to going home an hour or so earlier, Just to thaw out after tho freezing process. One peculiar thing about my affairs has ''always, been that If I didn't care for the jsIslss" of the male admirers of tho girl In whom X happened to be interested, that fact always lessened my admiration fpr Jier. This seems to have been a condition of which I was at first un aware, but, as It happened In several in stances, I eventually came to realize that f-H .ra on of my characteristics. "When I. became more experienced and realized " thttrihe girl had to be nlee to these fel- , jWOTt, t uld seo nt " why I should this way about It There are nun UaiBI it! each Ofia Of I1H ftlmn lnnrt..L !& fSf comprehension, yet from which unfortunately we cannot , divorce pur atlya. Otiagirl I rfer to abavo did not marry Hk other man for the simple reason ,that M bad to leave town In such a hurry tkt B4 eouldn't wait to take-a wife with Something about "his business, I . wtileh. would not bear scrutiny. 1't ay, I told you so," although. jwisSfjaatter of fast, I bad warned her In r ll as I eoutd. Yt her aellens had 'Jflnwwu In my onkB, and gradually tr faaadsUp waoed tilt it was just a tr sJMr,wa wjjfe vary atjrae Jt airl- Ky mm vmA Sfatriee, sad ioj a w&Ujj 1 tfceugatjljsjBy. aared very jr r. It wa ,'a Mm to dasaga . ' AS ,lS. j -FE J- mm Wis tMa utjt ' w lonnwmtfc rafwi wiw wwia 'i itm city. ftfaUjr htuky rrm t 9$r J, mf ar u I ft 1 hid - --- - --1 wstg to dMke a .. of tiaa Afl inefcicBt t.w Jnnffreucii wbjeli I Sgjjjt SVJt r &f&ur H JklU. IIMWMI is" ipw t a k saw. Wet, gs y twf a fc k- i f44 vat sj u$ fcrg& ttw ..vt ma ifpfpSsitlji jirf5sj, mum SB., a&irii is i s v fe 1 M ?' I had WMW ' Nb-fc. a Mead t:-m Have Almost Loved By a Confirmed Bachelor. railed up another girl friend, and sho and I went together. About two weeks later Beatrice and t were talking together about nn Incident that had happened near the time of tho broken engagement, when she said: "Oh, I kndw when that occurred. It was the day before I went to the theatre with Jim Smith. I went with him on Tuesday tho 6th." I started In surprise, for she had broken her engagement with me on that very evening, professing Illness. To verify tho argument she produced a theatre pro gram, not realising how she was giving herself away In so doing. This clinched my suspicions, and was the end of every thing for mo. I felt I could never trust her again, and I also argued that a girl who could so doccivo a man was not tho ort to marry. She appeared to caro for a good time more than she oared for me, so I daresay I stood little chance nnyhow. 4 Since then I have grown critical of women, and Just ns soon aa I feel at tracted to any one In particular, I notice some llttlo oddity of character which "cures" me at once. And so hero I am, a confirmed bachelor, and quite contented, loo, though few pco- plo may bellevo mo when I say so. A Pretty Kewpie Gift KewplesVare just the sauciest, daintiest of llttlo gifts. They fairly make one smile. If you want to give some one just a little remembrance not a real present, you know tho kcwpte gifts nro just tho thing. They ore cheap and cuto enough to bo trifling, yet they prove a distinct recognition. Buy two swectgrass thimble cases, two emery bags to fit Inside and a few yards of 'baby ribbon. Tie tho basket around kcwple's neck and arms with the ribbons and let loops hang down from the back of his neck. Then ndd the touch which makes him resemble a rouglah vendor of pretty blossoms. The baskets aro full of bristly, prickly pins. Christmas Candies and Other Dainties The well-made Christmas candy Is so expensive this year that most wise house keepers will take art afternoon off for the purpose of making their own candles. Every one prefers.the home-made candy anyhow, and the satisfaction of being able to make Its well Is a reward In itself. If you have the time, you can try some of these recipes. They will prove Invaluable when you are entertaining In formally; Chocolate Figs Separate, wash and wipe a pound of large figs. Melt enough chocolate to cover them liberally. Dip them In the melted chocolate carefully, one at a time, and put away to cool on oiled paper. Chocolate Dates Stone a pound of dates and stuff the Inside with crystallized ginger-root. Dip this In the remains of the chocolate used in making the chocolate covered figs. Chocolate Nuts Use English walnuts. peanuts, almonds or filberts. There should be chopped or broken Into me dium-sized pieces. Cover them with the chocolate and put on oiled paper to cool. Delicious Stuffed Dates Bemove stones from as many pounds of dates as neces sary. Aa the filling given will last Indef initely, It will pay you to save yourself lurcner irouuio ay maiung plenty at once. Bemember to cook the filling In an agate pan. Mix a cupful of granulated sugar, a quarter of a pint of cold water and half a teaspoonful of cream tartar and stir long enougn to dissolve the sugar. Then let Jt boll until It forms a ball when placed In cold water. Let the syrup cool In a bowl, and when the fingers make a sort dent la it etlr It to a stiff, white paste witn a wooden spoon. Place the bowl which contains the filling In warm water. If you have kept It long enough to become too hard. Pretty Girl Hints (show permanent wrinkles It you make irowniag a naoii. Don't bolt your food. Take your time over eating and masticate your food very carefully. If you wan to keep your health and your leosa. Poa't adopt a style of balrdresslng that doesa't suit you, however smart it may be. Doa't take Ufe muah taa or coffee. Both should be taken la moderation only. Don't eat starchy foods if you are la alined to be stout Remember that lemoa Juice awt all aetds have maarkabla.-thinning projrtl. Dea't wear lat ahoca oi aboea with Hta-hlgh bels If you wish to eulUvata a saoeful walk. Medig. Clotbet SUkM a kale fc tara 1a a dMt coat, Uwwm T draas, taa fcHaIag la aa Mlt vttuf t mtmtUna: CfpnAiWa- amaaut taa frajraa narslaa aroatw tba tr aaa piax a saudj vima of tfia mJtviit. nMWadl wh thte a, ualwl Put a baavy wtUbt m taa. s&I wbass tniHa iiy M U aaly aamhli to AaA tkm. twtl ty oarwuuy inssaaw tt K. jAUtir xym breaa tw tta tadr H tMoaaa a njinmttt mcom, and it wjk tt ttttrtid to tu- aiusk sa FmI -iviut njf fuMAi (JWft if tfJ vK& ruiHsg 0' 3 1 1 m'A 42& iltBfe Sgp"-!" 4fe -Sail Around the Clubs : The Civic Club TlMd tho second meellnar of the Committee on Legislation yester day at 2:0ft p. m. Mrs. Ol Cordon Mc gaVe a song recital, and Miss Mary Camp bell dyger was the accompanist The regular Monday afternoon, tea was hold ycrterday, uftcrnoon nt tho College Club, 1..00 Spruce street. The hostesses were lJr. Grace Andrews, of Bryn Mawr, Mrs. Ocorgo V. Moore, of Bryn Mawr, and tho Women's Medical College; Miss Oiaco Bartholomew and J!rs. DnVId K. Boyd, also of Bryn Mawr, and Mrs. Bober't. U. Pnrldhson, of Vassar t'ollege. Couch, lth, Dran Carncll, of Temple Uni versity, and Miss Clara Mlddlcton, are In charuo of theso affairs. Tomorrow afternoon nt 4 p. m, Santa Claus will -visit the Plastic Club nt Us Informal ten. Tho Current Events Class of the New Century Club, of Chester, meets today nt l6. Mrs. William K. Handle Is chair man of this meeting. December S) will .chlldrcn's day, and the play, "A Minia ture Wedding," will be presented. On Wednesday, January 6, the members of the Ethical Society will hear a. lecture on "Old Philadelphia In tho Arms of tho New," by Dr. Henry Leftman. On Febru ary 3 William II. Itau will give an 1'lus tinted lecture on "A Ttlp Through Egypt, Arabia and Palestine." Tho Good Government Club will hold Its next meeting In tho Now Century Drawing Booms on Tuesday afternoon, Fobrunry S3, and tho subject discussed will bo "The Dependence of Philadelphia on Harrlshurg." Conversations will continue at the homo of Dr. Mrs. Matthew Wood. 1307 South Broad street, on Tuesday evenings. Tho subjects Include: "Dues and tho Times," December 29; "Jnno Austen, Frances Tower Cobbs," January 12; "In the Lund of the Czar," January :C; "Addison and Stoele," February 9, and many others. On Tuesday evening, December !3, tho Philadelphia Music Club will give n most Interesting concert nt tho Academy of Music. Tho proceeds will go to the Bed Cross Division of the Emergency Aid Committee. Tho soloist of the evening will he Miss Florence Hlnklo, nnd the Qlco Club, of Wcsleyan University, will sing. Tho Junior Section of tho Saturday Club, of Wayne, will hold a dunce on Monday, December 28, at 8:80 o'clock. The patronesses will Include, Mrs. Itadcllffe, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. Mcrcure. The meeting of the" Committee on Good Times will bo held Jnnuary TX). and Mrs. Dlaurlre J. Bubb will preside. Mrs. Temple, president of tho State Federation, will be present, also Mrs. J. Watson Qod ilard, Mrs. Joseph It. Irving. Mrs. 11. O. Kurtz, Miss Mury Yarnall and Mrs. Lester wcttenberg, ns hostesses. The Women's Club, of Ardmore, will have Its next business meeting on Janu ary 8. The oxecutlvo board will hold Its next meeting on Janunry IS nt 2 o'clock. At 3 o'clock Mrs. Francis E. Oliver, former principal of the Holman School. will speak. The art department will hold a meeting on January 22, when "Becent Movements In Art, or Pictures for Every body," will bo discussed by Mrs. A. M. Snyder. The hostesses will Include Mrs. William A. Mctntyre, Mrs. B. W. Bex ford and Mrs. Charles M. Staurd. ' Don'ts for the Would-be Beautiful Don't read In a trolley car or train If you value tho beauty of your eyes. Don't forget that bright colors should not be worn by those who aro Inclined to be stout Don't wear tightly fitting tailored frocks if ypu aro thin and tall. Don't forget that vaseline Is Blmply splendid for thickening and darkening fhe eyebrows and eyelashes. Don't wear your hair too low over tho brows. Thin and scanty eyebrows aro largely caused through this. Don't rub tho eyes too roughly with the towel after washing. They aro liable to get Inflamed If you do. Don't cut tho eyelashes with the Idea of making them grow. Vou will do them lasting harm Instead. Don't lean your elbows on tho table. If you mako a habit of doing this the skin of the elbows will become scaly and hard. Don't forget that you must have a dally walk of at least two miles, three It pos sible. Don't forget that glycerine and cucum ber have a very softening effect upon tho skin and should be rubbed Into the skin regularly three nights a week. M-- wuwmmm m F p -"V ?- j aKmB jmsssrr.. lw , , liHSHraPiiilH . siiiiliiiiiiiH 1 I WHmSmBBSmSffv J itK-f ., JlEHI i i mmmmi ui .vmM 1 ssHflHaslH I $' iy- ' HHHO h twMJWBKB K'!iits -Mi ws&mlBKWati B ISHIsnl'ii 1 1 "',lHH8 I WEBBl II I - ' k f: hHBI i SfllHiV ' ' "5 '' aHHlS 3 SaSsHsssPsi9aSI AN ATTRACTIVE DANCE FROCK l'OR THE YOUNG GIRL : : MODES OF Dance frocks or party frocks for young girls of tho flapper age should look dainty and fresh, abovo all things, and they should havo an air of simplicity. Tho air of simplicity docs not actually depend on lack of detail or trimming, but these must be subservient to the general composition of the frock, and not Inter fere with tho outline or tho silhouette. Tho dance frock pictured is mnde of satin, lace and chiffon, yet the Impres sion conveyed Is not that of an elaborate frock, but of something quite youthful and charming. The Jumper bodice is qulto plain, ex cepting for a slight draping at the waist From under tho pointed decolletago an underbodlco of lace shows, bound with satin. Tho same effect, that Is, of two bodices, Is produced by the undcrsleevo of lace, satin bound, which Bhows from under the sleeve of tho Jumper. The lace appears again the last ruffle of the skirt, which Is really deep enough to be culled a flounce. Above this are four ruffles of chiffon, of the kind called Indestructible, all of which are satin bound. The sash Is unusual and a very at tractive feature of tho frock. Beside the plaited ends of silk falling at the side; thcro are two lengths, independent of these, which are knotted slightly above the Knees. DlCTOaAJHktCOKO tiO OMB 4t,Vlt it i j.UJSi rtTtfS H KSSMSk'- . - --JS?-;ESSfcs: V - J BSM srf i-F7??sF-4h rt -'- & m : WmSHm THE HOUR In length tho party frock of tho flapper equals the length of tho danco frock of her debutante sister, and possibly of her mamma. Sho may wear the soft silks, the laco and tho chiffon of her ciders and betters, but there tho lino should be drawn. For her the beaded flounclngs nro non existent, and although she might wear a dark dress of velvet In tho daytime, her party dress must never bo cither of vel vet or plush. Nor Is the satin slipper the best choice for tho girl at thls. particular stage. Slippers of white or colored kid seem very appropriate, nnd bronze slippers al ways appeal to those whoso tastes are conservative. In tho matter of stockings tho plain silk ones with clocks of the same or oven a contrasting color aro best. Open work stockings aro nor good form for the "Jeune fllle,". they savor too much of sophistication. And when It comes to a wrap In the evening a cape is nil that Is fitting and proper, and a pretty hood or n fur col lar will give a very simple one an air of distinction.' Scurfh were noycr more charming than they nro at present. Chiffon tinted In exquisite Bhadcs or flower bordered, andbeaded and spangled scarfs are oil delightful ns features of the evening toilette. THE KID'S CHRONICLE MA GAVE avewer party this aftlr noon. having prizes and stuff to eet and awl, and, had to" stay down In the hall and open the frunt doar wen the ladys rang the bell to get in. and the ferst wun that rang It was a lawng skinny wun. My goodnlss, are- you Mrs. Pottses llttel boy, sho sed. Yes mam, go rite up In the setting room, I sed. Give me a klsst she sed. And befpar I eood say wheatljlr I wood or not she quick leened down' and gave me a kiss, me not llkjng It verry mutch but not saying enythlng. Prltty Boon the bell rang agen, and it was a llttel lady with a veil awn her fase. Wy, yure Mrs, Pottses llttel boy, arent you, give me a kiss, she sed. And she took it without me giving It to her wile I was wundlrlng weathlr to dodge-or not, not bcelng as bad as the ferst wun awn akkount of her having a veil awn. And the next wun was a big fat lady, and I opened the doar and saw who it was and sed, Oo rite up in the setting room. I will aftir you give me a kiss, you darling llttel thing, she sed. And she reetehed down and kissed me wile I was wrlggellng, beelpg the werst wun yet and then she went up stares and I went to the bottlm. of the stare saying. Ma. hay, ma. And ma calm to the top of the stares, saying, Well, wata the mattlr, you muuent shout like that And l went half way up the staea and wfsptrej, I alnt going to kias evvry lady that rings, the bell. Koboddy asked you to, cad nitu Yea mam, they awl askad me and then did It. I sad, and ma sed, Well, last tell them yure not aloud to kiss peepll- Api Jest then the dear bell rang agen and. It was a lady with a U(tl gerl, beelng aUitUl gerl prltty near aa prltty as wat Mary Wtkls u, wleb la prltty prltty, awl rite, and the lady aad, Wat nloe Utwl bey, Kdww, give Mm a fcia. Wtch. the Intel gerl jst &iftSti lhf kwklag at saa, ad I stood tbau'WAl; at her wWWHji sayiug oyUUBg-jt a Jag mat Mug -' - Well. m awa, 84AW, daat tefcaJMM. N niaaa, I 4mA waat to, i tfc 1 gerl. Aad taa Mb at up straa. tho llttel sari waams br up. tyed dawa Aar oei.ea iht Jr, a.ul KtKret 16 atnar ladys iMm. axta mm at thi rtuuta to kteo ui itn4 uja didiit. id vni t(Bi uu did 1 seat f h al4 to Ww ertt ' I't ii'.Uu', i i.i Ui.o Will Uf-o b. ttriiig ii,r p.-a&VU- kv 54 si S m&i i -w . iir ""Qt34'J "T.v . 'St' i,Jifcr.. w M-JSg, USEFUL. CHRISTMAS GIFTS m M 1 Mir yP With the near approach of Christmas, wo aro all feeling anxious about those "last-moment" presents that wo have postponed buying. Only a day 'or two now remains till the great event nnd perhaps the money In our pocketbooka has run rather low, Tho girl who Is anxious to economize In her giving, and who yet desires to donate something both attractive and. Useful, will find a timely suggestion In tho homemade cushion. On entering the drawing room of a house wo cannot at first quite tell Just what It Is that makes the room attractive or tho reverse. HowoVer, If we give tho subject a little thought we will notice tliat tho finishing touches aro tho factors In the making or tho marring of tho "tout ensemble." The placing of a cushion hero and thcro goes ji. long way to rendor n room enzy and"' attraotlyo and always takes nway tho stiff and formal look which too many drawing rooms of tho present day can lay claim to. Evory housewlfa knows tho satisfying moment which follows a general clean ing when she goes round putting tho fin- Inshlng touches that mako, or mar a room. There .nro curtains to put up, vases to bo filled with flowers', Wta of embroidery to bring out, and last but not least the oJshlons aro thrown Into position. A room without cushions Is unthought of, when a woman reigns In tlio home. And to the making of cushions there goes qulto a lot of tlmo and thought. Moreover,, tho artistic girl Is always Keenly inter ested In and often busy over fresh covers or additional shapes. The Question of Filling Tho wise woman makes her cushions for' use, not morely for show. Cushions should spell comfort and look Inviting. Quite an Important Item In' their malting Is tho question of filling. We have plenty" of choice. There Is down, feather filling, flock, and cuttings. Even hay, shavings and sawdust have been employed, but suchfllllngs scaTccly spell comfort. When feathers are used as a filling It Is a good plan to put a. covering, of cotton-wool around tho first case before put ting on the cover. Tills prevents the feathers working through. Different Shapes Pillow-shaped cushions aro very com fortable, so also aro largo square ones. If you have any extra pillows not In use, why not give them a cover and use them In the drawing room? They can always return to tho beds It required, and at any Tate they are kept aired, Oval and round aro distinctive, but the most comfortable cushions are tho pillow shaped and square ones. A word ns to coverings! Velveteen, silk and satin covers are delightful and CHILDREN'S CORNER A Venturesome Showflake ONCE upon a time snowflakes lived way up north In the land of Ice nnd snow. The land was all covered with snow and the water with ice, the clouds were snowy looking and the wind had snow in its breath. Everywhere was snow snow nnd cold. "Do you know," said one little snow flake, "I suppose It's very dreadful of me, but I'm tired of snow, I'm tired of cold and I'm tired of being up here." "That's a funny way to feel," laughed the next little snowflake, "don't you know this Is where you bejang?" "Of course I know that," replied the first Ultle snowflake, "that's the very rea son I'm tired of It" "How astonishing," said the second snowflake, very politely and properly, for A.U through the night the xolnd bleu? south, carryma tno venturesome littla mowtake on hit back. she began to fear her friend might; be "queer." "What do, you mean to do about it all?" "Oh, I don't -know," replied: the first snowflake carelessly. "I. guess I'll ask old Mr. Wind what I can da 'for a change." 80 she watched carefully and pretty eoon she noticed Mr' Wind slipping slyly over the snow. "Hero! herel Mr. Wind, come here! I want to talk 'to you," she called. "Where are you going so quietly and alone?" Mr. Wind looked very,sheeplsh at being caught like that so he hung his head and came baek a pollttly as possible. "I was Just slipping away on a little trip-' ) explained, "and I didn't know anybody noticed." (Well. I did," said the snowflake. "and ? want to go along-Pnv so tlr?i of stay. r B, Bradford to M ' kA - uiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiii,ii,. 'j.. s; 3 " ' ' ' " ""HIIUUUmumuuuuul na 1 . I HP WaiO Ctteamut Street MmmmmnmxmMVnnaxmnmwMmrt "P5?sSft',&SiBB ZMiujy clean well, but for inexpensive coverings wo would hold a brief for linen and sateen. Both of these fabrics wear well. What Covers to Havo The covering has a lot to dd with tho comfort of a cushion. It should never bo harsh, and never bo elaborate that ona fears to use It Cushion covers of linen should be prepared (for garden choirs and for tho punt In tho summertime. A polo green linen Is a good color to choose. (Black cushions havo been, nnd still ore, very fashionable. They may bo of satin or sateen nnd look qulto nlco without any adornment A boldly worked monogram In gold makes an ortlstlo decoration If any is desired. When a room contains vivid colorings In the wallpaper, carpet of upholstery, then black cushions can bo used to mini mize tho high tones in tho color scheme and prevent an appcaranco of crudencss. They look especially nlco with somo of tho vivid chintzes In favor Just now. Tho perfect cushion possesses three qualities: It Is soft, capacious and serv iceable. The Christmas giver should keep these thrco qualities well In mind when devot ing her energies to tho fashioning of theso delightful and highly acceptable gifts. A hard and' bullet-Ilka cushion proves a verltablo Jacob's pillow to a tired man or woman, and too many of this kind aro to bo found on the chairs and couches of tho average home. If It Is. necessary to glvo nn expensive looking gift, buy two yards of rich velvot deep sapphire bluo looks beautiful and embroider this In tones of dull gold and pink. Tho combination looks exquisite, and soft silks should bo used for tills purpose, A bold design should bo fol lowed, and when tho cushion Is finished large heavy tassels of gold or deep blue should bo fastened to each of the four corners. White Handkerchiefs When handkerchiefs have become a bad color through careless washing, try soaking them for a night In ft solution of plpo clay and warm water. Wash and boll them next day In tho usual way. f- For Tender Feet A little powder starch sprinkled Into the socks or stockings when much walk ing has to bo dono Is an excellent pre ventive of sore feet. A packet of starch lasts qulto a long time, and if It Is used In this way two or three times a week there will bo-no com plaints about Bore or blistered feet. ing up here with all my twin brothers and sisters." "All right; I'll tako you if you'll hop on my .back there now, that's the way and hero" we go." All through the night the wind blew south, carrying the venturesome little snowflake on his back. ' The next day they reached a warmer country, where there were trees of plno and little brown and green shrubs. "Would you like 'to stop here?" asked the wind. "This Is a very pretty, coun try." "Yes, I see it Is." replied the snow flake, "but please, 'Mr. Wind. I'd llko bo much td see more of the world we're In." go old Mr. .Wind held ' the snowflake tight on his back and blew and blew toward the southland. About noon the sun came out from be hind some clouds and spied tho wind and the anowflojte. "Vat are you doing down here?" she cried;- "Don't you know you'll be melted?" "Oh, dear," walled the snowflake, "I feel myself melting now. Whatever Bhall I do?" "Here, quick," shouted tho wind, "and I'll toss you Into the cool blue sky," So with one hlg blow he tossed the lit tle snowflake up Into the safe blue sky overhead. And over the earth rode the snow flake, sailing on a snow-white cloud. Maybe some day It you look real hard you will see, her floating by. ConirtoM, 10H Clara Ingram Judton, TomorrowWhat the ahriatmas Fairies Ueard. Who'll help met Who'll help met Girlat Boyal Girla and boyel Come to my storehouse, 608 Chest nut street. Help me fill it to the briml Bring a doll or a drum or a little S'cent piece anything at allt If you don't help me J -never will be able to get down all the chimneys, JiKhgUMp met Who'll help met Wtll YOUt SANTA CLAUS. -1 ADAMS CHINA CLOSET With CtflVAI. (,anlA- I skillfully reproduced J. M. Wintrob Antiquities 918 & 926 Pine St. Manufacturer of Art Kumltur KiUUUhti 1S01 TiSpI can ; Prompt Autpraobjle JDeiiveries Christmas SJjpiies Clarke fo. t tmPOHimHs. ajjjlii& -r' Pii-ife J 4 )ri war.-
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